HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-11-08 West Danby Water District AgendaWest Danby Water Meeting Minutes
November 8, 2023
Meeting called to order at 5:10 pm by Ben Coakley
Attending: Ben Coakley, Marge Seamon, Marie Monroe, Peter McDonald, Skip
Fairchild, Scott Wendt, Joel Gagnon
Peter McDonald if the Water Board Commissioner who is renewing his term.
Vouchers -
Post Office for the October mailing - $78.20
Water Test - $ 193.64
Water Test- $ 53.56
Water Test - $ 1625.00
Water Test - $ 100.00
Annual Membership - $ 236.00
Paint - $ 51.25
Chlorine and Cube credit - $332.00
Operator Report -
Scott -
At some point replacing hydrants
Having problems keeping chlorine levels high enough
Has to manually read meters at - Reed, Bruce Richards, Evelyn.
Old Business -
The MOU for the Danby Fire District concerning station usage/shared space - Wayne
Westmiller (Fire District Commissioner) and Sharon Gaden (Fire District Secretary)
brought the MOU to the meeting. Ben has it back to look over. Joel says the town
should look it over on behalf of the water district.
Water budget went through without changes.
New Business -
Ben suggested inviting the engineering firm to come to a meeting for educational
information on a magnesium pressure filter.
Meeting adjourned at 6:13 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Marie Monroe
Transcribed and emailed by Marrell Cortright