HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 2021 February 16 bicentennial committeeEnfield Bicentennial Committee
March 16, 1821 – March 16, 2021
February 16, 2021
Zoom Meeting
Present: Ellie Hobbie,Ann Rider, Barb Sadovnic,Sue Thompson
Minutes from the January 2021 meeting were e-mailed to members of the Committee.
Ann Rider shared one of the Bicentennial Quilt squares. There are 7 people now helping with making the quilt. They meet on Saturday’s at 1:30 in the new Community Building. Ann Rider
reported that between herself, Alice Linton, and staff at Quilters Corners the fabric was picked out for the quilt. She had to go back and get more fabric as they ran out after cutting
out the fabric for the squares. Linda VanNedrynen of Quilters Corners donated the fabric. Vera Howe-Strait wrote a thank you note to Linda and Quilters Corners for their donation.
Sue Thompson located a copy of the Town of Ithaca proclamation for their Bicentennial, March 16, same as Enfield’s. She sent a copy to the committee. Ann Rider suggested that we use
part of the wording for Enfield’s proclamation. She will be asking Stephanie Redmond, Enfield Town Supervisor, to read Enfield’s proclamation for the March 16 ceremony.
Ann Rider will be contacting Eric Carter and his youth group to help with recording the Ceremony to place on Enfield Community Council (ECC) and Town of Enfield web page. This can also
be shared on various other social platforms. Ann Rider will also contact the 4th and 5th grade Enfield Elementary School teachers to see if they would like to do a part of the ceremony.
She will be using a map outlining the town matching the 1821 description.
There was discussion on other proclamations from legislative representatives. Ann Rider said she would contact Debbie Teeter to send out notices to representatives. Their answers could
be used in the March 16 ceremony if received in time, otherwise, they can be used later on in
an in-persons ceremony that will be planned for later in the year.
Barb Sadovnic reported she has placed the 1821 resident biographies on the ECC web page. (http://www.enfieldcommunitycouncil.org/slider/enfield-is-200/). The Committee is encouraged
to share this page on other social media.
A town announcement will be made on the ECC and Town web pages closer to March 16.
Ellie Hobbie reported she is still waiting for more information on the “logo” artists. She will contact them again. She will also look into the cost, etc. for using the logo’s on T-shirts.
Sue Thompson reported that Rhonda Linton and Helen Heatherington inquired about doing a commemorative plaque with a listing of the Town of Enfield Supervisors. There are approximately
66 names on the list starting at 1821. Some supervisors have repeated years.
Ann Rider reported talking to a member of the Ithaca Shakespeare Company regarding the group presenting a play on Enfield. She was thinking of them doing the presentation at the Woodward
Stone House in Enfield. Ellie Hobbie contacted the owners of the Stone House and they thought it might be possible to have small tours during the summer of the house.
Ann Rider reported that Leon Ginenthal, Der Rosenmeister, 7 Mile Drive, Ithaca, was interested in doing a talk in the Christian Cemetery on the wild roses that grow there. Sue Thompson
suggested that this could be part of the Historic Ithaca Walk and Talks in the Spring. Sue Thompson suggested they could share some of the residents buried in the cemetery like Judah
Baker. It was not suggested on who will follow up with Leon. The Town will have to be notified so the roses are not cut down. Sue Thompson will notified Historic Ithaca of the possible
A suggestion for a meeting in a two weeks (March2) to be held. Ann Rider will contact the committee for time and exact date.
Submitted by Sue Thompson