HomeMy WebLinkAbout1821 NYS Legislature Enfield.pdf �,,'r } FOIL yzoURTH SE.SS10h. f � LAWS : NEW -YORK. t , 1Nfl,1 i 6mia j } x LA1� b OF 1 d that the first t 90 ;+;a, town by the name of I'thico, an °. llie � ' } �^" each car and uo longer:, .Earl ruuiiled nevertheless. Thal 13 ob main. a separate�be held at se, in the village of lhaca: e.i' d w. i tickstruiyeation shall be luade to 1'LIB ha4augC of bOala, rafts lir arks, to town, Illmded a it orther enacted, to I over -'°w° Deem.. unioo r; Jhin�" frrs;hrts wills tlresiiue facthly as ut present. and seers of the poor f the towns of`Mysses, the and Ithaca,,- it `in"lli . r i rotha should it br Guu1iJ expedient lit ally' Future time luauglrove the no- meet together on tile'secoud. Tuesday of May ttestl at the house o rpoll', r !a E vigation of surd ricer, the s,ud kunturl 11rdger and Cri IJ'volittle•1, of Fwlnrund Hopkins, in the town Ulysses, and apportion the !° shall ernril such int'rroveulelits it) be rotate by 1ocl.s or othrrnise.i,-, moheyaod poor belonging to the saidtownsof Ulysses, previous to *, ) l ad proardr,r nlru; 11'luit,if th,I ,eeve.tino o6 said, dams within chit,;',: the d'tvratoo, a reesble to tlw,lust tax last, and that e I ia' lP each P j I tnud horeby, g'afttr shall maintain aud'sui support their own oor ; i I .! p' th t p 11witcd' bhall be Pound productive of inetntventeices said towns there u,ther to he public or to prryuus litwg tu, the v'irrmty thereof, rhe and that it alo,be the duty of tilt: comnnssronere of common schools *•' authority herebi granted to rhe said Stimuli (lodger and Uri non in the said town hereby divided, to meet with the'said supervi+ x ( oM.ror t'u o ttilher'a( thein,, earls be revoked by the court of common", surs,,bn ss,i'd second Tuesd'ly,of Alay next, unit rnuke inequitable {% littie, r t s at' tilt, count aClilouiic : ,4'ri / provided otsiu, T1,at the i.ard t ` apportionment or the 'ninnies arising either L -ono tine rents or sale, �aoiuel' (lad er aul I,'ri'Lluulitdc sball make olid' Leep lu rrpatr a + r h p beloneiug to, the said town hereby di• 1 ) d the Oc el' and sfhool lot 1..� F 0, ed. 'good attd softies nt luck rltruugh-each of trete said Juuts ,eros � red 1, ¢ f Maid river, for boats lu Lura lhruu "Ir, earl locks to be utbdc at eotlt _ 7 time end to such muuuer s shall be ordered and directed by the: t ' court of cuu,u100 lAras of the county al' Broome, and shall pelt lit CHAP. CVI,I l i buals to pals up :en,t do,to Ib,ougb bald lucks Gee oftusl, tU,t 1pvl fi is usage, lir cu,tutit ro the, c„wr.,ry uutpssths4unliii : 1'rori fritv,!- :.l rt1 ACT declaring n part ofthe Black fti!•cr a Pub Nigh- +� 1,...,,,r,. rays, Tlmt flu, ills shall L, and cul,tiouv iii forco donor tLt ttriu s wry, and jar other parpuscs. v;• • ` o: n.eutl Year, a'id lilt luiber. Passed March 1G, 1821. ♦ ' 1. BE it enarled by the People uf111c Start of New -York The part d. * rrprese» ted it, Scoate and Assembly, 'fhrte Such part of the eFar t 1'll.11'. CI.A. Black ltiver in the counties of Lewis and Jefferson, as is contain-- ed between the high falls in Turin Mall the toll bridge over said ,�yy) 1% ACT to dtc+ae file /•r,,., ,a f' 1'htsics, in the Cuunr,/ ry`r river at the village of Carthaf e. (so culled,) in the town of Wilri �t S�Di 1'mh]iAurs. be and it is hereby declared to be a public highway. s• i ' ^ 11, And be it,)itrther enacted, That if ally person shall dam up; ora tmio,��a• ?l . Passed blarch.16, 1S" 1 or obstruct the navigation of the waters aforesaid, between said , j;iR r n r nt„ ' , high falls and bridge,' by building or erecting tiny works, or by lir it enaetcvl by the / c4Plr of llk State N'etr-i'ork, - t cutting or and wood or timber in the Moose river, (the distance t°r, ,..ill.• rrpresr»tett ie ,k rust aFId Assctuhly, That finial and after flu ; e g ns passut� of this act, all bilis part of he town of Ulysses, ill lilt cam, . of two miles above the high felts,) or is said Black river, between t l b ly,of 'Tompkins, IY`rng o'itlun Ilse buuudariest following, That is to' " ao�o8e din�lshall forfes and the itlfor rrach oftenretthe su1md, such rof ten doerson or llars, s• r }i stay, hegutntug at ilia itorhwttst corner of lot number, une, io•satd be recovered with costs of sunt, in any court having cognizance_ t' tmcn, thence stn,th tri the northwest coater of lot numbor thirty- -. ` thereof, 'by spy person who will prosecute for- the some to effect'1 F (, lour, thence east w the iwal,t•ast curirr of lot numbrr thirty_nine, - J thence• south.to ilia tturfyttest coruer, of lot number forty, thence ; the one moiety thereof to be paid to the commissioners of high- ; t ways of the town in which such,oflence shop happen, to be by them east to Csyuga lake, theuct slung said lske uurtherly to lhe's'outh xt laid out and expended in improving the roads, or erecting bridges j si easC turner of tilt town of Curvet. th- west, to til= lil'uce.of beer. in the said town, and the other moiety to be for the use of the per, trinoitlg, shall be and is lwreby areeiedjuto a separate tuyo, by eon who ,hall so prosecute for the came Provided, That notliing, r�.tsr lyc.r:,'aid' that the first town meeting be held at ,^ ill thii act shall o to prevent an person or persons from rafting , the oao,e of li "d the b„use of Jihu Alaltisuu,jin the, villa a of Jucksonstilla, its said lir g• t i any timber or lumberon said wa era. Prurided Ameeuer, That t town, nothing contained itl this act shall be•construed to affect or destroy •„ wJ, r w farther enacted, That so much 'of the remaitnngt the private or vested rights of any individual, io or about said wa-'+ 11. the to it ft ' u. the 1i�l1'o R - tars, or the lands adjacent. u„ r.n,d part oCU,e todv�uf Ulysses, lying k lhi ruin 66tuulanrs,,1 i )..n.ta. th,it is to say, brgiiiu,g at the uurtl'twi t.Iorncr of lot oumlxr + ' Ill. And Gt it further rnatled, Tbal ,from and after theldrstfiLtartrt°t { tbirty-four, thence south to Ibe uoith titin uf'1loga county,, Iheuc�t day of July, oras, it shalloot be lawful for any person to lead, Pioemirdar,, enst on said line, to tilt. southeast ruruei oC Lot number seventy1 or drive eny horse ar horses, or other cattle, faster than a, walk on - v'r a f tvtcu, thou+•» north lip the iprtheatt corurr of tut nuu,bcr thirty or over any hrid�e which now is, oe hereaGler shall ,be erected , a t gni , thence tctsl, to 11,1L, place Ill begiouk1g, shalt 1, .-did, ill litre ; ■crora,'the said'lilaek river, within fifty miles, of its mouth, under Y 1. vii by thc'uawt of 1:ufMid, ilii tbet : the peotthy,ofalit-dollar for each oll'tuce, to: hr. recovered by action - e b t n•eted Libi a separate U, ( 1 thr. htrt Invta'tuerum_ bt.hcld at the 6 ave of Jobn A l h,"atr„ fit- r1 �Illys^es shall he atul re+ - - - r 1 Unit, the. C ul'I' tlt� rematnrn, kart• of sutra u!' - ,. r - 1 ;.�ii�INw ......n....+.-.,,,«w.•..•a .. �,-. .. , .. �. .r`. ,. .:. +.TtJ�:lµ`A�.�K.�a�,:i'S, d'�'.ti,? Mr• s�.