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1821 NYS Legislature Enfield American Journal
rd I,-.- I]., J—.4"t number as del"',kit, I"i" tilk"., in'd di4tri,uti.n, tic j,;-id ky tile ilti""Ie.1 "it Monday last. by a I-Uiiueiau.tod—�-I a,i ;,far rsaid, livasurt-r to The viarraut ofthe c0iol-U(iller for ,-h cnitv ; 10lich kh-l'i-mi'lati I shall It, Andbleawl entered if re'eard, in Elie office of mich clerk. SIO lic of Airic- furl.'-&rr(.,1nrWs Q/,r,,C. rue c it) v Oran Vill such clerk shall cause a certificate of sucit tit, citizens serve,! To p,.,,T f----r, ,ear or drilla, �Ils tile r t1le-jot,ceding to be a E ;I ,:,;ural born, or nn= election to be givea to each prison so fortild to original act'ofthe Irgi,lature of Ellis stale, oil file Ile or Ni%Y,rk. or of Pgattention was paid to e�aialtifaft*tD (a, the case nvty, be,) fie elected as a delegate, Within fifteen da-,s after ill thi's Office. , I - . - - - --.I c vrEs, Sec�rv. a Ee Aranger, -o suddenly: IL years, or upwards : That so It cleiertoination,aud shall also irairAmita copy J. V�-N- Y. ini � W u - - -1821.: , to D 31 I'such delerminza ion to tile office of the tary Albany, March 13, or TUF rr I2r,Jd within ibis state; '�cc ' - ' of this state, there tit be filed, and remain of re- en enrolled, itod have cord ; and the inspectors of die said election' or 1-,4N. ACT to divide the fn?tm'nfJJ7Ys-1N in the • TORFIGM�ViEvrkel, o CA 16, Dy t .�is stare, or in a legal The major part of them, shall give Alc lik, Court assel X he P-Ilterk a &.1 ps,i, either as all officer ty OfIlcilifirkins, y ; fire ot the little and place where such election for We are f.vo�&l oii ntialng I -been, or flow aia- by . . . . . . . &Irgates into be. held, as isdirected by law; to In err militia dut'v ; or be given of the tine place ofichoosina mem- -BE IT tKAVMD, 6 ry -P.01it'i,twastop�uedonl6owi� yplic people of t)tc stat, assessed to work on ben of 2risriffibiv; and.that the inspectors -end tl�f, itlero4r6rk. represented in Senate and yri, and have worked clerks t-ftlie" sever'ally 'take 'seftbly, - That . from and after tit,- passing of this klv'g • in Persian. :wli - 1,,trad it- Jill cominutation t1wrefor, -lilt directed to be Part of the Iowa Or ul)ssf-, in Elie Ws iritich IltrearmliflWi6ifi the m taken by i6spectors actia 11;31 1 flon, arn all actual and clerks ofelectitius. in anti by the act entitled , led county' I of Tompkins, lying within -the 'lativaida- - int, be Pays It will 6 it matter or the town or'warti, in-iii, he tate ",ait act fifir-Aer 0 1 WE Tits 'tilatlis to kav : beginning"-W Teti --recentfy Stat !kava not be- - gulatinj elections, 19 Which. at the leAt the Vill eitber offlo- said inspectors is herr auffloris- niii-th west iwner 4 lot n u IT;6-r ode in said plac� J61 rain vote, at this e 0.- 1 ed tl)pdlninj�ter; and that it shall - be the duty thence south to the northeast carrier Or 1,.t nutit- ruption oftruntil'111ILY inthai quarter ; but. it 1;6� , declared, that It' any , 1, I to take the oath or of the proper authority of the several tities4r' berthirty-fijur ; thence east to tit, northeast -nr, ch c.se, be my jreluf7ohiici 1psaim-re to- , L, , 9 a tbirty-nine; thibec. south tio he all he coutirunnee, of'pasicit." -0 until this state, to appoint inspectors of election under Her of lot nurnher take, the same, u it Shis a'c', in-the same wanneras It - ' - If ' It Praffrit number lort thence r such electiont be :they are requir the ricitt west corn Y* ed a Pac, e by a law for annual elections; lifulleast, twelve: �' east to Cayuga- Lake; thence along, said Jake la'PLct-. a Mrimition.. the'northerlyfn" of tile town of as rt days before the time up�ninted for holding itto th, southeast car _wa ,.led, ThatthesaM nice-nit rOam all part-- then �mr;* br-crathh, __iqlectioui authorised by this Coriiert thence west_to Life (dace of begiarni'l!!; tions Tin .tmhf,n+ihe- ratlike of the Qnaeats nome lolthe-lithr -4ftd er eltacte That if n- i: shall. be and - is hereby erected �ioi It w separate tile njanra-r prescribed'be tiffau-11 Tic Spector ofthesaid elections, either of iffem, sown by the name of Ulysses, slid that the fit at f Senators ; that the said or et a million connetted. with li,,4 shall wilfully omit or neglect to'make'returas of town trikeetiri field at the house of John Alat- 'ri -P by tire inspectors of life the said election, within the times ptafrcribed as rUirm, in the village at'Jackkkariville, Lit said town. name to the liturgy.., the mulls .irciion,,oid thereturns 1spvclo(rl, to the clerks Aforesaid, or shall wilfully make - �r cause to It ' to iffiortior enacifid, That'mo much 0. 'j. ity of R% 0 - ' ' thii town of Mysses I)r- The triiiii,ters hare dMired thiii, ifsktfiritlda,*�40 ,t, couut:es, lit the same made, any er-.orin suctuhturtmor Fither irthemi. the. remaining part Ile. 4a�, .. � 2, r- fog victim the following, boutidatics: that is to continue atilt if any clerk of aiTcounty shall wilfilly ce all proctiedihgs � iialest, the., neft; QUI ner, ai ille canvass - I I I I I ,L� i -Clixtiereal;IT getittioticer, that he should sulfiffift-A i,aritorl ale by law di, -tify falsely, the result of of sied -Plee- say begitmm� af1the northwest corner W lot tiofas, or shall wilfully make or cause tit bi� ntakd��, number -11thtyiJour; therce south in-die north the rertilicates of the a n. respecting a Pectinifitify bilawaniiital any error transcript taAW-madeby bvtn'-- line orTiogn cinfulty"; Iliencti tast oil said line to shall be , recorded by Y, which " wrok:tbarionly prikiii-itiam as afitrm-�J, or shall wilfull tle4kt or omit to the.§;oullionst t6r;jer of lot number severity-seven; al towns told counties, y le that transmit I Ile Said tianscrifilt-i'Withurthelffrici; fiflite- lhenee�nbrtb to-the nottheast coiner or ltt Ei t ,all be certified, and be 'qi,Lj� 'nine-- thonce west to the Ilia id,jach hisilpetor or clerk, lot bar thirip ce of be- Account. train ifie c.ou I timeat; tb6vgb'�6me IT 404 Iry of this 'late, at tbP sa to indictment and . ., - - ' l . . - -it layhuiaF be liable co 'fi' gitinin -se nviction or A 'Nns- ijithal be and is hereby erected into a ter,fkay ontbIR& ditir-cre aeli haidit. fie I I `rjrmir,- liti: -cerlifi - If ernrai no r. i IT �any jerturi-cifccim h , iliat- I P "' P. , , . -�;. i"I"are now by tax%, re- all(Canon such conviction,ilial be subject toe the Arst t0nit'n meeting. he held ut the house of inscribed and 'trarmriarl- -Elie rentahting part at armir.g.. ad,l the prince regent Timbres] hi. I 4r John 'ApOegaw:,and liceedirk. otte t6asand dollars 'to . ��� 'S se—if Ile 110. �afl Ric .5,. to PE."likinet asaferi ini�)riAonme.nti:),th6,c(,,un,ty,, - . 11 -d the town of Ulyraseti,--sluilf be and remain a curd, and the so -- I prr,,on, not "c" . 1 11 1 �'', 1 - . ; t�w, Jrt_ one year ; and-shall lie di3abliect-tfirlinid'an pirate town, by the name of Ithaca; and tblit If the 11PSE IbIt.' 11 - Y I, - I fat the b -ust Gr profit, undtTi 61futlicir -humeAn Atte t had been made et Dle:aO,taalteritfiatl I lilt, tqlae loarimr, nflil officie Or honor.'Ii - li- - , 'the first town meeting be held.ut the court itV-0f this StrItC All.] the said inspectois--stud 'in the village of Ithaca. ail. Dr-Trit,., who had acted as agent in Joly--iiii published,-as 11; ))re-. - clerks ofel,rtions, clerks rl- collatics "Adi Ell "Te . an- 4nd be e it further marled, That the sruper.- 1,,cE viierice r�r the Uit: EETIALtl� I i to the electi.ift of sen- e -nit .,t v:visers, shall be li;tble for a I overseers of the Poor of the towns of —0--a-a 1 lily TIP7� rid, and Ithaca shall Intel loge �tiidl, That if it shall it appearIIJ, that a recent court Tuesday a( May next tit the To lie made, as at, I -s ' 'it' apip;t tht, stativeir had been ;v Tie laid -Hopkins) in the,i�ovn of LT13 pWT in, I it .61 11.,ti or vilte, given hard fighting far Fivis vitylt. Xn cmirentioll, rtion the inon6y nad pour ItN art, htr,bV ANOTHEM BA NK I-c List tax Ii.st, and that ii of the Parr; that thvr, shalt JET, �reafter shal; maintain and so-yort A -bill :n incorporate another ban is ulrr this-act, ill rrliti J . i 'of if it s� ;and that it also bi- lilt- dutv t,t.cont. tire Assembly by a ma-ori( ilei ht t, I thought the N common -schools in the said Town -fairincirsaindrinechanicso(i i e, d.t a rn:�J I to meet with thpsai(l surkervisots, -had Already tattlered sufficiently firinnWi esnur, for Canras entinn. I - al -,live increase of banking Sqqfttf; "d, ti - it > 7 - IT."day or Alav next, & make a. inf, e-Moneys arising onartil, failure -a *pr :Trfionrient-,of A woulit require sfrang-;wa nve,itiw, hall be "I sentative fioT,-x-Urmingcomnly to e Eli of qa:e of the cuspvl ,fill give his YW a:" ( -- Wextension afthe evil. " As wi Z, , "P", ,f [h, S. to (fr a still t; -I --ing fi,r re, , .1V 11w sr-cr U I liarlg sa�d Town hereby rt�l ry -are ever ready in render credit where it,is -Aac, r rtivk: I.J ;tare no hesilationin saying,th.tAfir.-IIA- :,nd. sh:;Il fr, LY Ih G ER d-serves. -our thanks -for i, an honest dis- 1r&d' to the ,Y;,et - or chargeof bin duty fit opposing the pas:&POW chair res et & this lct- - M,-C - RITTENDEN VOTE" the preceding to he s true copy 0 rAvoit OF THE BILL!! We are it'A 11.Y1 by law reit t of file legislature ofthis state, on loss to conceive, how be will account to his con- -CA . NIPr stiluAils far an art in direc.t.oliVosition to- Twili Th:lt 'Tr ca�p AR C II'D FLL, re�eaterlly expreLsed nentimeats on tfiii swiet:G ',N an d a nati Dep. Sccreta I ry. re to say, tbat.-Ilhere are not tenfarhht= AVe velitif 'r a con v".6"a, if sit Tell 17', ers in Tompkins county, who vi-oull hiie VbO far the, stablishmentrifan -thrritainlE W:"4qr- MARRIED— A ate lonuirlit" a, 6 4-t— t1ruit 90 the MIT inst. bythe rev. Mr. Star- H hlC0qW9-- RANT purj�, of Coft'itt flailk ins s--st-, .and rrkak� - ector. TA le All -INA ae palu.tit we (711!T11102te cut I! A�-Mrilnr,; Adam in. ber, - as the DIED, In Covert, on t e ...... tile. , f k t h MIT inst IVILIr .6gliton, 13011: Dart, Immle. Ch"Priall". IMMM !ip Sr 5 e continge te pen-- er Elf fr. fil LL I I- - io;,an akmg�SC3OrfhV"&t*1-� v aMilon, paid by ]a IARI AVINANS, a soldier of the revolution' in 0RtTr9NQKN. Cuh-cr. DAm-WC';EJ-: lsty;mr or h-a age -igiv; F - bi. Tho' the 7 Efor, FI,.rrtb. ru� P'r3n,ub,r. And t the procee,l- Haqfi�ld._161, --P . f,J, TI toc im'sLLafr the StatILCOnVention-i-Sball be filed in the a ,:milt thea tr -err de- lt� a lee 0 tie secretary of state ; and tit, -1jus-I'li bli, u - It'd LY - F) %V I)L'�J'I, I -.termination and pr,q)6.itiTm,-q of the said conven- rrv. Mr. 11 UESTIS"frAt teller to rer mui • int:-redofirreord S �Wsrtwlf, 47- 7%oms�6. for votes s!,all he r it(ton, sbalCb shall-he tll�cfikaty� tile - sat , Ile office. wflr XUICK; U7211, J11% I-0IJK7L71 .uipwn VA. Alec- or, And that.. convieci in t�l� Sitflit"nS Illi.* [)()III aI)J)e,JJ.edL lf.wne Vin Vic-cit, Vreder., Verpleack. Wifkc r as I, I",_ sa)lnllt L 1 0 ,r .r Illiki art, narl Ill to their lifropnitd�1�4imaiidmmts� lo. I he-A, iiri; rjurna 1. Tif vt If i � If -1 .4 if d I lE. (I Willimii _ fill'ood,d" Y"tk-.". jlr� citj�ilt!rt$ entitled Batc-ick, -Wri 'A 11'el) ly� 'or ;III'l. ltitinc�: I,.- li:,vtviae taken by _ . . ., - _ - . ..", A 1 '6 8 r llk�w, UA.Is. Dtr AM, if I if ewrillel in the xProutl it, wite Wider tilw�-acf, �'tugpihcri, ak Prolitiolifirot, :L4 to thein shall . sihnfdki:li:d' FR LET'n, ii -Ltusnaa JPA rite tt►1.e•4 ani.': A ad that Ill, said convention, shall Piescr,ibiiiihe I , % . . �A he IN P) Uts I J! in little and mannier, of hold;n-, an a-le,tiati'll, ing, It, 11. Hart, Ife"Ptirliclot, R , ( d 0'at tit,! eb-cition fur so- Kvtogg, li-yorri, ar� -Wasam Me., lAtt. Vtnp.sr3%-Jn� njoid,- orearavas4ifin, and JWMJnga painphict or :1,., pages Pripe N. J: o'Issrs. J. P. natka I mana of he bank �,1-171 :It lillf!j ns Mason. fat-the rest' h. and ill the renalwoms necewca -'-ckrie, shilling. Por sale Itiv (hiia4mblishilt` 0,bo-, Pettit, luitloi R'sullumil. -It. mrr'lio,rivd, sha!l' for '11 - 'frikiny. *IL lispedit 'i oy's siore.; Lutilavvy) I.; Cafrill%i Speaker, ri . pp, k`JJ.b'*gla,TrJ0ijTWQ�,'-�I. haft takit filarip 4ak the tok4and 1) flat I d tit- 'anr vorl. ani ).�Pa)f hill -tu, 'gh 0 r 11t.Lnlefcoth .9,111"CLJorl ITT Iflas -I lilt fils"Jut. ksonstri Ile 11( Pok it, IT, 1 iny. and an I It! JWaL- �Kfiidilall 0, T scritiril -dvr:*fidcurveT a (1, Ill 11 "it ie,-, find by the post-ri rs, I? Elie orrlrvis io zit'. se- Ell: I'lay, arri�4 I Mstenla port trans nits" A thereto 1SU" pt y in is Prit,fte, Mut u acv -day -"Pi.* as- I IT A I 1,1171`� sire of ofriee=to an an vo til st:smbbnd _ r - - - - r'- duur•e_:nn] should there {nyauotb.-: r •tolutinn in Lie fir -rbey ll: -n ,u-ent to breakfiut (drpone tt - _ -T Y o - ` politic., lie I—I uu doubt the Secretary- would ai,d (astilxnuo) and rcturncrl to the boascabuot - bonnrs:ano emoldments of Irowe. Tn. - - --- -- still hol.1 bis office. fits JL then submitted his � 10 a clock ; it was then that La�andr•tle vas cut pints foundre{; hey who,"nremoeY .'_ fro IT11ACA: proposition; and -Mr. WilliInis. concurring I ujrinthe`-{iorribl�manner,.uhich you have al- aballiditti clai mm4aeaoit3115 iGC s :ullrinwhat hill beensa�inrelation tothe char-wadybeeninformed ofbvthe newspapers.— abmrtfdd;darmthegreatestalffteolthep_' — _ actor and gnalilicatiocs ofi+lr. Yates, the Sccre- ))eponcut says he did not participate ill tlwru •r- j AodshaB five carry "such obie ai►�'� ' --- — - tarv, secnndrd it. ments in tha ehmce of oor.oauonal FE L CO\1 G\ rfCil. d4-. of LaT•nudette •nor did he' asci: t aftrrward•t Nt Mr. Ilnpkins therefore witlidrew,h;s _ amend- iu car[tng him ; from the time that the hed lives? Shall we choose them for[thglt`" :oatL:lrefacr,l misrepresentation; menti and that propose(1 by lien. Gnat, abolish- \pas cut uff•he was a silent spectator,:(and :that f tivityand intngue,N3(oeat-pa ttiialia?d2 in the office, was adopted w'dhout n osition h compulsion) to one of the most horri,tc trans- ( honesty and:int2grsty as meq, ,tto; f tail'scribblers endeavor to pass t f Pp y I ) and faithfulnessasthetervaiusJ_b1r- e Thrsnlary of the Secretary was then increased :coons he ever saw-s', hesays! ! 1t is my dear eonvtetiod, frllp plc, and one of cvFiirtt no I:noes_ to q`1250 in consideration of bts extra-dukes. )Ie denies that they have 'any .atom .bees is dint the friends of the ` f ' we ought to.thoose the`BEST * gad says het; ignorant of the "affairs of La- g n7, distinguish tYrem amtdsi mire AW are- sppossed -to :he rll of a l LEGISLATIVE. -. I „ audetie acid- Castilanno ; does not know Inv Thc-first, or emitting clause o(j rTheLegislature adjonrned'on Tucsdriy'of Iasi I .tbiug`abouGthe numeroi,s keys, files, &c. found Gndp rty semhbaruia d dts`fgAv%' - week. Ttie were mtsinrotmed res <ztiti theI act ill the house, -•IIe came to I\orf dk from Bald- the very incl ;fes for which i P. g 1 and t . eipeases great. pr ! for a half-shire at-Ovid.. It passed lite Senate, mare, to obtain a passage on bated the national ', cb`anig and the laboungdassta� "± I always contended. when I but was rejected ni file Assembly- Tile bill ((ir ` Corvette La Tarne. get Ent astnalEplttanet for t6ear9ajfw !1177, \SC tlleatl Ll1U£2 Rill are' i the incorporation o. the tlllave of Itlraca', has i There is yer something': beliind'tlre •'C[rr:afn, are We-obliged.to pitysour members of k become a law. - wlirch thus luau is"afraid to' disclose. It was eisht dollar,a day, whish, at ihe�rrselrf` \i,e end prosperous measures-1 Redueiirr r .taleries. An act Las assrd' l intimated to him some days ago, that he might- - r _•: % P t is equal to traewy-.0ne l ushels gf,Jokeat I pursued for lite last fouryears reducing the sal5ries. of. the officers of govern- save lips life by' tutr.iug states evidence, and is 11 payingdeA66r'the vPhtst y" attd dhtl" menu w the followin lotto: inaku,y a full utsclosure of the mtirder,;as 'well opposed to tit-- whole system'• > -S'. arernthe habit o(seddIng menof'high lilt To Life Genefonr S 00 Curn ti(s rv' ^ cadent tr nsacti s m which he was -. ett f in lawyers .and the Beata o To the Govefunr $70(10 ; Chancdlor 5000 ; as any ante ,ur, filseuood and Caction. On C -- General' cuncerned, toreether•:with his -aecomplicea--lits p y ` S } g yid firs: enacting clause, ci.fhfy ; _SOO; Attorney General"S0o• Com l:r-t'2000• � reals was;.'r�lie wanted time for' tell ction, and-party,.w•hoaie'Phavef.nt !hemi loog�sneec. J + i r so to a the shhli have Ienbthenrd sesstaat( do ,ted for it, and irrcntgsix, all Drlttdy Cnritptrotler S00 Deputy cecti•tary. : at was possible he -would divutgragreal srereti obliged t6.1my high salaries..._, SOfi ='Jud e'n( Prothte 300-• Su renic .Court . ituportant to the Union !° Thio secret he has }Ir. IashoeAer at their head R Lae userore- v; and as we find teroftlle ' � �P.eporter 5l)0. ;='Phe oGce ofsuperintendeilC of not vet divulged, and he new says the sextet to ,dilates before'tu; and as we find thgm ing 'pained ever: other' emit common schoolt-As aotlshe[l, and its duties .im- which he alluded, was the W urder 'of- Lagau give them ciuranppnrt with JortiaraaY; j posed on the Set:reiarr of State . whose salar is ; dettd- the ob PCtl6eta Of [112 Cannell U( P' Y r` dorm, Ttave'lrad some acquaintance, and eouse entl fixedat 1200dollars L-. TEST ti'T Ff;C1.1t SOUTH A1j1,RiCA ' 4" Y' - .. r..t/tnsid bit flgwry� ig my Ca Lest biN, ilia r~pnbiieaas had f"he paver else,: :antxrs�l thereat leo s)s aHe-ter lndrblcJ-to- Fir. tittle pr. hors conreenirfgLim: Pe is known to for a just a; portionment of•de!- lure was,ficed at three di+llars per day; the pr c- cargo o!' ship Blooming Bose. arrived yt-e• us, as a repitbltcan farmer; mho makes fete "t �' :hey dib, in every stage ofthe 'Tel" four.dollars r r l .. tertL(}-f+otn Buenos Ayres, for .(lie follow- (�.ions,'- bat ls;V)tarwe,call '°c-Yhenohlest To the aetiaa canal commissioners t4�S00 - r : { of G�d,i7 nnviigfzsT atet:. Re leas represei � env iltfurmation mitahlr. princij>le was parting each ; anti adding to lheiroth?r duty t!iat ora P loin. !lardy etas to'sarl from 111onto \ t= 'I in' Cringrts3 for`two years past; and thud` lig• the buektail ah ,tank-by praisers of nil the lands, required : for the route .d.m: the latter end of J-annary for Ute V.._ did not make u long,'sper.•ches," reco(med vbo are row claimm to.bet?ie :. of the canals. ii iflo in tile' Superb ^L; accomlrnnied •Ito tole as Inst the extrnaion of slavery, a ' The price'fot Ito I ,ging tusarecrt advertise � of the riglel of at rtrg c a^d oft meats; 8 c. in the state' paper, ti:,s reduce[!. [o cite C t•cole fn !gate. -A Fronuh sVILdrat) for of i educing salaries. Iia has served p' had gone I I some time :b(fore;, 4iud faithfully; liasbecome aegtiainted tvtth ]eg cion ! Their object doubtless t twothirds ofthe present sato allowed by Ian. tiv? duties and suh`ects ofnatieual intereat,< - Lunn Ijartly Followed} to seg J :udv,dta;e'to tiirsou cern or! r q at Iiuttios ltr(t, - `'bins ageodprivatesaswellaspublirteprrtutl w[utt t. try --L`rlr.Ll tut C. i'o17CE, Es member of-the Sen were alinul, 'The siatr. of srua .and litavP7t[erg ofnathiu which to eu :acts of the state and deny. the vt ry unsettlt d; no Utnnn or eontord throng' £ .•- . ate-front Schnhnric, has lien apfointed- nn ad to diminish public confidence toward 9u.K est, a clue influence in the cmc- . ditiooal, Canal t;ommissiom-r by a conarrreet cite pl evinces, on tine cont rare, nmd J.JV.il- e Ilt-ttaro,t CAatr, is a man of good iafntoilt{ 'ieso!ilio[i of both houses of iFe leis7atare_ uus_v c �i5t in 1 X on�r e'. tt'sw to ltc .[rid anti to-tlte'relxeaerttafiar. c .esu a�--- -- ---- - rand trlkl tt:.Loi(1 vii, the i ttlrl caul ul` inudty,°1vr years were passed upas u farmr,t5nd ftiS at any opposition was made.- ! Atiatrnatti:ri'In-rvne: Esq. has been ttomm � the i7urposr 61' Fit'liting Sollin'ge"ne.f al go. .quant tante to active titercantile.-parsuits a \' writers be .candid enong!t Io a4ed, ata chti i:utiod of the Heads of: the. stale vernmeni, but - nimt i f t1w deputten had - in agriculthral people.. `IIe kno\is and �rfrnd, if that•-car., the admiaistratum in Otswo cotmty, as glia .of the i-if to go (in nevount of flie , ilerliortal ' ,labor, and has cxperienred bole oris au{ candidatim for.the-S6uate frost. the 'ldiddle: lit banger bury ttoillil be ex1rosed to from cultural and mercantilr-,intrrr-ssr.:ard coAtiEct s NA t thiseslmct, by tin( hard- s-Yell• lb[ t aprtee of i lie inultitude. !1 ho Gtoi e n- and feela,'tha_ to protect the fariiting lntereEtj t +s. But, the bill las pnsscrl,, i ul `,of Bunfies Ares NV'RS absent m t�tean, also to promote the ptasperity 11 esrry aTco vtcrt n hate been denied an--� T that7s who hilt] {roto very -.• -fault found with r oft4r ileo. et -if this •fundi - %rill - aretluitc rejuired, at the sucr-ess of their ItJrty , Irouhipsamcr7f pr F Y Y liars morose, and distantM his rnauners , ,'Bets „- , ticket in, the town meeting,-in this new town of ;ate. They had plundered some villag" 5 A uninvuenced -by lite bolt this tray. proceed'fryin the cares of 6t15tnesT,�ol; Itham. The decent men of that pirtl•, will) ravtshin„ and ea •ry�n} ufl the tiYontorr• i from an honorable rndcpendenuc nfinind, :vbieh make a jadicictts choice of ,` obsnrtsl tt tcnat �ierrns the .m:, urge ori that At I I •as was at Ln(t alis ; ht , sou�,rl Y _ ) ?s ti 5 scorns tnsolicit•popnlariry, and tvhich' tvill `a(" ora Captious rev may yc. Occasion trds ubtained, will never boast of the rel••nyr frith Ilse Govrrnor•aftrr bu ing com- \ra s revent him from beitpgtlte°tool of an and[--?' -e have ever.favotcd;the c-rl1 a(? resnl:. _ ..D etely (Icfeat['d by Chi Yortu,^,nt St•- h Cies. vi(I al ora art All one says ate is not a magi: In UL.ssrs, the rEpuliu6n ficki't for idwri-o:- t,,nire2.' Ei[: UaS li ogled vet} Itund.attrr= otinte art' aim t n his deyalin sttcete iq lir tig'a[gl suP,•i'r^-ge, is : rI'M Lcers succeeded, by a majority (for the super- � r+ y`'- , �' ly by T'raneia, (tile Governor of L'at iguav'-1 prira[e {nedylship,nnd faithfaland indefatigable' c.tiren otrrbt equally to enjoy; visor) of 110 over the back and in Drydete, ,xutl ny is.su 7 used he would continue. lD be by a majority of about-tl,irfv. In Ilrcfrii_ atfd - 1 P in•tek is .charge-of�erery nuhlf-to cure It cape ,if the council o, appointment - -reap[•! a rl. therefore;-fetlog;citizens, a duty•ta ours61vss_ Lnaatn ,very progrrly; it-was not trade a.p rr 1. uci legs lugs Ile2n pretty tcatmt,el to oneCouo eta for Richmond a am ninn,.trnd greatly to the Iran- tv question. Au Esfield,'two buckt;dIs were But the-ul}rctis too im- rrun for supervisor; and our fiiend Applegate sin' !-oly 'evolution o! Orinbrrr'Uat unlecsthtroppb i gcandidutes,� if tvas cast in theminnrita! This n s lir^rate- fill Gr ('t•om being sellled-further cies•rsn,and Daxt>a lVoggeocsy are more hat-Y n l:al!nTed, to b^_ cui-f, l4d �lr. ' eh_. r m agifation Several per. nest and eaWa¢le mgn con:ro\ ersics of tine day:.A,:d It is carrying part) spirit too far Burn ais .sunt i rn Lately arrested girl . ua These 1 ed gentlemen; arc 7aery�rac:- hreueht intrrourtowti eltctiors: Aad we shall roof .. .tan be phiced iu -the eaisling They belonj-to•a proft•ss/on,-which we are apt; Jarmpts that are m-,kin„ b9 ,to`"v[rw with. sWpiuoni as,hackreyed tuih�: carte it,(or--the dignified writers of theChrrnucle, stat[ ' nutys. .ir!.rralr., and artti,l and design- - - - -ways of intri,,nte, Protid and `aspirtngt and"fat v -tiate upon the causes and lite .eonzenuen- 11 t ( ,'til that Ramirez was mavfn„ Ire 'it in the spirit and colleen Ky the im ortant lib �cts anti cue rtin!ii r ti l !ening on clic crimes .and miffortubes of their •'' P 5 Y ioward. ,tienos Ayres ivitlt-n ionsidera- � fellmv mr•n. , llut, then,-tellow•citizens, therd,, :I tnc•et .fr"m : tirtuuus peop!c �uks, ortht•se pelfysquabbis. ble amts. drlermined Io; arrange the -go- �yY L,2-koneetlartryPra ;wlw,on properoccasion � - n n and repruot. I vernlu: nt, tgc. so-is to sort the other pcov- are- eat[tled' to ;our-confidence,:= It, egaitxa, Tor i of Vlyssrs. The (pilo: w •(re the t -t:es• l". 1: Rdanca(e. It we>.ert strong reasons, for the.electton of amts"- c:'5cer elected in th5t town for tai a -tag ycar: law}cera, /pont a manuftetvrigg'glid xCitot� [ \FI\D C'.r'J ' t Sp 0 R 'i' t 1: 1. P '1' tit'. ! - _rtperersor—Nill ll coalsev:. --- �• { -' 1 [ 7• - , µ _ — i,nporlant rLretg3r 1vew .. -I he Frew-Yom tru,tdtnary alrn[s, u o nnf doultYed i ebrzty, ILCwaer, Supenuunr!aat 'ai Colleclnr-1laniel Thomason. mail arrived last evening juit as our pJtrec-wast fir-fid ntswrthoaT113"V7its:are atrgerais;tea anpuiniit,h an incnmpe Cononiasioners of Iltglarays=J-.lin Mack, prrparingtsr press; and we have uttly rocrtt } Iwusagatnsttheytghtr d fhe ;iepplr, I Fir__ Alien, and T'hoinas Bower. f Ca state, they contain .lnle and -..important for sltonid,be moderate-and- odsiStentas pnlitid'tMi v iris place, bns6i•r• .., con- - ConiaRissinrr-rs o C-omirae Schools—Josiah alga news, .'The-4nstrian .Irtny has crossed-:lite lioarst aad_farthfgi,t noaror`7t,+,.na '.tire f P Il , artirs. :lvvtland, Lrw:s llalsev Parv+s A. lc illiams- t Pn. •indis advancing against Nal;lrs. Thr kin i bless. 'Rochester and kYiiMcdck mea of ;thus Orr--srrrs of the Prior.-Satii-n-_1 Avers -'ofNaples issuesaprrtclamar,nnw his people, 4, - character"?- Of the formerIcan,unlyaay,itbat a..+[ the a _+ i:,: sml 1a:bat,iel 11. ,tla_ek. pec ive. the Austrians a, fnerah .1A general he is descrilb to me tis a ora�lp?n of rather} m clic m+,iiau'of t;en- Rot, a . - Tff ust-li --Public L91—Wilfiam- Atwater, - -insurrection is said to.'hnvr broke n,it. Feb:' 19, itis§ulutr and extmva - int r fr'od�fif-rljriw �, n.-.r i .d oCr,!(rd ! It'hen the _ : -lie irwll• P+artn. ami Simeon Pra,r• at :Madrid, to Spain- u The kin-7s guard mac- tlftgnontherp e600l, wtthaii�te- for - r the Ilouse :.nd it xa+ ro_ Jnaj,ertorsof-Conutirn •Srhov1 —I?:-airy D.- sacred—hir`petson threatrucd—in,lwrt' a const slavery add IIIsIr �tfe,` aU� r wit�fie`at� r :_ ' p --Dario, (:har!ra-`imit},,oail i).:orr f.rluprr- - -terrible catastrophe." Such isthc substance -of vantages of nn-expensive edagttttog,pntl�ealt6p :e the salary of I;ie Supnrialrnd-: - - --Zo ,tahles—Daniel Iliompsan, David-1 tall, 1 -the news... - > - t --.counectiooi hat never-_ ie ,bet•(Ind •e6�bie*£o e '- v - _ -Samr-J l Bu,l(•w, John-Dickerson, JgturrBrown, � r \ inediocrity,=id iris rekistmiliwA lt rn�'luttfed - an.1ert 11.ob--ILlla!scad �[Co7,unrtniialcd. .tit+-ra f r ...,h1 remora•, u;,_ _ _ - �'TCICUI$llltli tiOCiCttf - some pletltarlr Banti i" _ _-• ,¢.elf { >n es---este take Y of J s s TILE' 1 zecutive CJ p utrteoIF IRA fcirod--taaleit ref rdllr JtlUn :11 Y — t +�Lttii U-Sl,+• 1'tniiigtour r 3'mdigads r' Firc Huntsville ienitural Societ of the coon of Tam kja 1 fa"shtoa IW w, aad mak&A pretty-Im( h i•r.l C ,mrnl ' m,r,tina Ev - _ - . Y- tY P .. - �- ad of t!Irrr (Alabama) Refmhlican, of thea 23d nit. states, will hold an a 'ournati'meetin on Satrnda re (upon a - ton__rsa !r tF lliEcros - d� y ,r, ; J I:• ,ai L tin t il� ould be th:dth,-_ theft Conrt far A ni3mr Gcm:ityl ad- 21st of Aprd:tictat, at the Rote_f,-i I tile,vitldee of �tudird bdbmrc=hmd.r iC m3� beYlftiEdtlttd9t C.,un,`l of tppoiutmrnt, asIiOnted the day pn vtam, after a sreslon of sea l[haca,. at 1� o dock; ; l4i_ for the purpose of nnbt.a ethrh w el?attrs t�iRSaY ; .+'p c• «d tSe nlsrr- -f(i:t -as-cn/ri[_massykavmS-clip Jrriirrtrirl-yQrtof-.Yhe ,yking nrr:!noenwrtfor the ensuiuAyear--et _- - � --,_ - y busin-=wunfiu`s1u,& -It k sla6ed in the-l:epubli- yi:hich time, the seeds allotted for the use oflhis. r��`PromoLngllm fartnlag'tOd Lia Ifla� q.•s:.d Ib rrdorr t.resaGirv. r� r .. ,fi-:ir,vhrti.rhr emu! rnmmr^.rrrthe-Ee wvvr - e, t seer s all .he A.. r..- ,intatt'ktsq_4rd.miun6tttgtlte Coategrteltb-afi'�ta - ri'lo ser sun `aud fn -i,- -c.nn: lilt, ncr ut air in,pru�iuns sf rife pnsrding - - : T - +••: - •� w ••�-• o ug,., I'll cuun•, l -t r g,,,,d 1 , 1 �s betwew }•n-dericksbmgli, `r•a. ane. Alrxandriei flveiluldren-liirng,eold--her again= [ Iqn ry nun,• a ion her mur,l - 1 trent ouized her upr s uu Ltltr baud flu r Mell as possible, and advised her to discontinue 1). C. A knee lead been erected across lire road, tk, on Saturday, tine 26th ult the musk and -Infusion. - - - - - - - - - " r - tour euuatry, Sofjjiosr' and when the stave came up, the robbers made kt thedrtuit Courtat �ewarly' 1q = 23. 1 find, to my great satisfaction, pence re-_ I case oC!<ta Durham a ins d. established in nr patient's iniad from this time their a}:pcarance, and, attempted to seize the rY , t Jami Ca i Y 1 for a breach of pr of marrialy Canoe„ her4n,alth-progressively improved; her strength rein oflue horses ; but the driver wheeled them ' and a verdict of r teen tntaroroidlte'p freur your'('rirnd, ivus recruited daily i -and site has not nice ex- ..rapidly about, and drove away with out injury tiff: hibired the slightest indications ofrela se- s t :lg; • ])- Il. The,robbers attempted to fire, but their pistols ' Afatcli —A great ;-number ,elf- ,fah; err o iflooi to t?:e mother ':(J�?p �) o\ t%ould not go of? j its tf file faun of:.PaU4rsaa, 1L':J ajj f - fyy Med tin- the nth of hlSretfiist,-a`fiaki :boring 11 id, to witr6s the fa}kiihing., ITIIALGA Latest Vorelp, IntelUgmee• ance I00 tunes were placed one irlaird by the't}nren,in-_ D4ESL-�I, +dill- x,18°l. �/ i Au arrival at Baltimore, brings Luropea,. each Other.andat one extremd a 'oj i Trig!;0, tsrirten,dotrn '- -- - �_ / dates a few days later 'than were announced it - - y ed Ly bet Self ill h linin _ they were be put -as.gathered, sla}�� 1 our last; lith they furnish us with very little o! men were competitors -M to vludt "boa " HE 1.LECTION. iriterest. The crusade'of the Iloly'.Alliance cmnplishllte..tasUn-tbe altorteat-tinrey+.y Afoot, July 23, 1 Sn0• R'c have not been emahle l to procure information against Naples and the twb Sicilies, appears to oleo ofabou[ r0 }vara ofage, ave}=alloliixl aro Omi-rout• thin. -h- sutrkienifya,rfeetIFFOMdilrematpurteofthe distnct, - he progressing. The: Neapolitans front the-piinu'tes.bythe athtr,-nItaboots 1 •h ill ho her vont liar p, G,rut an „pinion that eau be relied on, as w on, rc- highcsrto thelowest appear to be animated by a old. The oldest performed it id59'ttittilte, rdam-111cr. I be good-su"tof file election; but we barn cuct llced the reponli rwbfe spirit olpatriotlsru: Boma, it issaid, has scconds, and the youngiest-1n 47 midates75 ❑ cit live her pirnt i been made the depot of provisions and military coeds; thereby winning by two miaata as they camz m, euJ tviR continue to Jo so until fire .our dau„hter �pralc stores for file Austrians; it is also mOotioued distance they must have tmversed.ao a ld.h s papergoestopress. U kno-11 tar hots to tread, _ w that a Neapolitan corps had entered Iiomet and ' the hat, was 5 miles, 3 quartets abd;20 yard n and tutk of that. OFFICIAL RETURN OF. VOTES TOIi were well received; The Austrian supplies may, i II. Hunts has been fined .$2110 o EagTj reit lite; rind lieople in TU11P1iIVS CULli\TY. probably fail into tlreirhands: 1 for manufacturing am; se fug-rdd' scot hegiu .l;ell little : rend i E''xtract o%a [eller from Pat is, tinted Pcb. 28. prude of- r. - l L`OYGRESS. SENATE. fit It is said. that an extraordinar .courier has " 1:1u htct11 rea(ti` :rye to `� — , '-� p �, 1 brought the news that the Neapolitan parliameut A }nung,mad iu R'est Durham aerdetyt-`.Q �i fit [ ear - � g < has resolved to make a declaration of war,• but ' : Itad obtaltied someprecions knowltdgknfta 1 am very „.• _ _ z a i " only against. Austria; tinting is said in it of al phi!osophy; hawing procured^ aboottvts lrtlrr, and cell vnu that L ,� - - glance, of Russia, or of",}srussia._ •It'appenis :r6 ofbirtlebafit,heput itinto atreir dar. ;filer•, 1 send -lou. m T . that the Cabinet of the Thuilleries disavows the 1aiDing about two ¢allods, carefullyseca y c u I ant Ithaca, 129 11541193 -189 59 . , 60 g9 S8 conduct of iyl. D. Clacas at I;aybach, and that lop so as if render it airtight He thea ' •ort, - Ltlyrct,.•, 1s: Ili 1'17 114 91 93 It - .7a" it ptntests against every. thing' which: has been - it over the fire., - In about 15 minutes, izstFe! uz'TE 7`. eines F. Enfeld," Ed ad 1d3 145" - 7% 7 85 G5 signed by that ambassador, in the name of. the : *of 949 ._anInescape,from the -nose of tbl,1 Queen of iltoni bryilen,_ 96 '116" Bat RUT ' 99 = 99 16s 163 French government. file; to wbich'he applietl`a Ilghfed pdpe�, t: Gntoa, .115 ,1n9 °td Niru 108 .to8 41Q 21`r ' The Neapolitan government addressed.a note hely took fir ard"c �tttirued-.buroii�li media a or Ci CASE OF HYDRO- Lansing R°5': 59 C56 " it 61 6i`" t38 ISS.. to the resident minister from LugNtld, requesting ! a clear light, iiial to that ktroaandlett him to explain the intention of Grea7. t Britain in out the=spaced hour LUCIA. s ll titor", 93 lit, tl1W$ Sl- 59",", 9 ,tat t31 the. event war between Napes and crttain �b for iortnnt-='lie �ticn!ar ro " r �W( v "s > Naples I Pb P p�Y ran a fllontrcnl Paper.. Tutnl, ` 439, 633 f4S2 `n98; t83. 467 89ti c9t powers; which allplicatioo Sir William A'Court Cutclr.uf seed's in allaying irrita6oe Wt it December, as Alad tine —. ,.; " • grumpily satisfied, by declaring that his save- windpipe, longs, &i!. and thereby reido u as riving sr.me dein.. to a -', ASSERIJ;I.Y, 8"c:- ` 1. reign was no parte whatever to the hostile. de= i causes ofastlima and -call mpti' is4h Ins Old, a9iich slit- hill in E o signs -of the Congress a! 'Laybaeh; but that' he est discovery that has been trade inipildlfin+ s. anti which had appealed :� =; a ;,r a•" i should maintain a strict neutralitr. It apprarsipytlit last:x't}oaThlp,GazetteLt ` E ; A.. i ars to isbon A l it of ed this morning, with pa- r thava few.doses of syrup will ieeciiiatt}rikiil he little animal brcxmr so �_• o u A Lisbon Aluil arriv milk which she oIlered him, .�. p ' :'i he foltotving is au'cx- the si'mpwms of asthma' and -arrest tn8ip the middle fingerofthe right ' , "w track-cansq,npc:on, evil in a few days it"will trig Ithiea," ]�4 332: t go till his mouth had been -191 305 4The Anderanta arrived on the I5th from Rfa- =tile patient to hcahh;-andthIi the wine U ly.eei 193 ,115 .6t S 3 spoon: From that rnoinent, deira with an account of a revolution hating ta- seeds, combined with an;alkall, as speedily.'q a draul;,endeavouredtobite F.nfrcid' RO:. ;'' 138' . y65;<.; ; 179 "t). ken placein that Island on the 28th tilt They gout and rhumatism Syextranrditrary is t •'r objects, fell intoculivul .,Dryden, .184: 577,•; , ;day ,'{, _.6 .have, sent three' depudes.,tu the Cortes -"I . ;the salutary effectspfthegerew-reareditxtatt} days after with symptoms. Groton, 'i13 410, x'"`s2l ,_,. - sty 8 ri st!e of George, and the ships of war"ih the 1'a disreses, that -the editorsdo;tot hesitate toA ie G. became alarmed; she Lan, ;" 1tr_ . ,. �:'1; ,,i 3?t .• $6$ '' j . Ctrs, fired a royal suluto on lite receipt nl this in- IhejiT. SpP,C1 Gcs. .Tile Ottilt'lifOrmatiant, ,elfwith washiuglbe hound o o tell}zeocr. 'The Cortes have already decreed popular, medical, dietetic, `atld',: Ltlosoph' Heetor,- 90 -3fi 3? 3ti1" i r, and ' applying a pouf- . ,y _ lite liberty of the press; a-mensur� pregnautlrith journal contain, particularlp=au expositioc Is a. The finger retnaired int- Total, $91 1398- R15p '391 19 ' very serious consequences,to the future interests Wary quackery, com positions otnostrurpy{ rn days, alter which it heal- of "this country.' •disgraceful practle" 0 rertaiq practitiomn, ; experienced in it from time....Bucktnil majorities in.1bis county oiet• the re � ` will beronre:highly intemflor,= pain, shooting, up the hard, publican candidates, are as folows: ." t^oa Tne tours At. Y t pp , ' r, p he samrs}de,iliat she utt i- 1 : • ilfesars. Black Searing,,'It a e ors b' an OI$c+at Re art ieade io In svbirh However she had C°n6rrtss—R"°chOsteri 3bS - ty Legislature of lltassach,isett, t}t3t le mets Woodcock nqt� Ilat'Itig OiISP•rYrd in Ihe.Jnurnal, a notice, ofpau irisin i,• i•rrat&16 that 8flate fiat i•rnvards the end of Janus- + -that a ole •ting would be held in the village .of l u?laad tvlmre o Prtsrii of late etirs• n0y indis axed, At ser- Assembly -Crittenden, 567 e pi h p y Ithaca, nm tlre9tb cost. to'take }oto consideration carne rovetbial.:I' E '. land the ihcreaita �u the 7th February, 1 en Senate --Seymour and hi Call, 404.1 '- - e p nfi r y, @+e propriety of tocaii!Ig to the village .ofltimcar _the mates"tras:rkretfifth, ,rc it e the bilious s •m tours b orlyd.dla•orrties orlllemLeroo Con tbe't American Universit °i-ahuirt to be esta- P� y P Y -? 1' J, f % igrenr y+ in hfasaar]iusct[s three fifths 1n l enfsisye s. Rtcnstotvn =W ooneockt, •blished under the -t' pairona„ a of file DIethodist a -mini er' stipported by life' state k c�mplainedofsore the oat, � imspkins.Counly, 249 Episcopal Church'' in the Western District of Th " b rspi astrnm, I Wed her, by 'Cayuga, 300 P t thniisand—estiniatr, t er ence ihreeliu_trdred i Nen•York, I was -induced to make particular elxtyfuur`thousandefollars ' I;e relieved. - - Tioga, - d00. engniry into the principle upon which rt is pro 6"after the bite, l`hrt tip- . Seneca, 600 posed to be, conducted, urid the `system of ednca• 'big symptoms announcrd, - Steuben, 150:. 1"tlowto be ado ted the result of which is so Ser From;hrte Englitik 'Pa our ,rich' red of the Blood that - �, I feet in twmrlance•with-withfeelings, per - a It -jtaadnn �aprr says, t' a young - Smit}ifield,last-ttcek; tthdertook to stand , nralmtatr'uf the ladse, int- glW 7r to a4hal I conceive most be the wish of every iii, nae 1 b fortes &leas 1'hea be: urian of oppression ; the It is -reported d.ihat siatai+a hat ;Oleded three friend'to the propagatinry ;of knotvledger that I g.,{tours and titre quitrte s, hebtrcatnea `d91 if as thruati stomach, and buchtailmetubers' ofAssetnblyy and five repub cheerfullyofferthissnrall tribute ofrospect lo,tbe that he -could ont-speak,+wd�ptth 8ifrealtp', it, the head, attended with litan mtmbtrs; Livingston and Monroe, each, motives and laudable exertions of those, who - ' ported himself; hotieve;,-To thetaato> rion, five days; alternate . one bucktail; tienesre. 3, do.; Saratoga, four have conceived the plan, and thus far proceetled till fir 1, he tierform tie taBk,aAd afi1 E eat ;universal 'shuilde rinb, -filo. ;'nit of which counties elected republican to its execution. tied to his chair, being' uifable ao .nreVa -real vivacity of the eyes- ' members of Assemblylast;year. The"American University,'' althouzhounder ; his le wa> fementedhe tecoaered"-' :un ofcountenance ; fvclinp . It is also repin•ted that Onnmdapa and b4adi- the visitorial control of the Methodist Cburd: g life throat; pain nod re- son, iast"ycar bucklail,have deded-seven repun- is not; to be -confined to the instruction of the A sturgeon, measuring aeatfeeTtfiiteinthe! ;he infusion I had prepared; lican` members. children of those ''only, who'are professedly with- length, has been seat by soole gentle_ men fit , ng, - freanont anti abundant Oise , s counry last elle hnrkiail ilea ate art in ors iin'.r • it w Mlle ones a al ! es to all de mouth' s a present fit the Qrreeif 1 f7 .;; + d t l t T i}• existence; I say, of lhnY three republican members of Assemb:v tits year- nominations. `Able professors will be provided -It As yen do notbelang-writ, arish,'? 1'g i is Irrt r„r no doubt respret- -� The republicatr-assembly, fail- con--+ s.iiamd in all the branches of useful and pulite literctuir, tgeutleru_a to a begging= sailor "with-ra' wood iarty, and I Oetrrmroed ! tickets have succeed in Ulster, and Sellfdan, by usually taught In American Colleges; ubose leg, "I-cauntat relieve fou» +t$iy°t IYpli t life bleediog,wnh a h,pe i majority of 400 -;«last year tilt bucktail majori- duty ;will be impartially to superintend the edu- 4he sailor, -with an air of heroism, 411 last`A "Count of the cmvulsive 1 ty was about 200 The republicans..no said to cation of their pupils, to discountenance viceind Aes;n:fightiag}or- all pattslies n - ihe arm of ibe-'prtlfirtt to have'succecded in DutehesY—Iasi year _bucktail encourage morality and -virtue, without regard ci- A.-Semdenum who-heurdof t6e.fa,pous fate re : I drew fifteen o; sixteen -me. r4s were elecird- This iso gain of u;ue tier tri Hge sex or denomination. /��� r Y t g Hgi at Toippaul'e111111 a t6f aoa+r+bti srjlte�i, 1 d as the arterial, aud dircc- more republimn members, to be added to tire To citizens at a di tanrc it offers the greatest tnitrrc was torrriedaul/tile _should id fntMo 1 t above. inducements for their countenance and libenil fife,lame of Cabinet Y¢ra matte!”, terror and fiie!it, i -- s ' support In this seminary they will- have v the - -- u• dan;, of this se. e, I _ - - - `- - -- means ofliberally educating theirclrildren with- -A few evenings since, fh6!t-.mdividenls in4 In Broom Cmrafy—Chauncey Hyde, a bac}:- ton'o of C laiicestetshti� "drank aiz Nott ,r.,rt t f htr situation, en= - .,out exposing either their :health, habits or mo- r , - fbe grentr•st di.,cre:ion,und- flit has beep elect of the Assembly eels lathe cont� ,ions inilurncO of that vitt and wine, l2 bpit Abritarter; "and 3G f4 n w } colltat uri)r. �e}' by a iqr n v 44, over J A._'(3Qj�er Esq. dtssipa}tun ever do he. found iu ,populous au i' der at oneaittitig� - e"4'hi a ani Buck ` majonty last -year was ahuuti 10(I 4,nakai ins ofatater plod to 1 1 u, rills, find a _firm n inlu- _- commtircnl cilirs. g p g tT urellaria Latero lura} in To fire inn bit rnis oft our Of Ing 7nr' Its ricin-= )}rctimnts ii earl@m tnErKiodatt eltedal revrnhe,t. - 3Vc would reafectfully inv+tr theattenlioa of _ - - - - fit ttholds out loo onto advantages s to _enter round " _ rn cone uence:i&thi Ina wh t triter, h,rt her slt,p has quo readers 1. air ads ert,sement in tliispap,r, no :lain t+ doubt offlicir chcerrol and warier suppoi t- if -(C 1 & vill'i s Gasc been,=laid under <Nt -. : ,..:..t., r.e •r_,...,,.. .. r......, ..,..envoy ter hr [,,I,t in rlv- (', , :,...,,�: .. r natir a nunfercus anfl inert. tying I pulatioK. ter. N '� OC i UB$itjp!v ls20 mry 4AIFIt`fCiN dd?i, N_1i;--VTT.I; GF;ti ' I`I`HACA, TOOKINS COUTTYi- t 'e -heart ; it - might- say against the editor oft Iournal she- ably to tree tete ear16 at this penod:• jte eri �P i1'fi,.ra Ea,binger of iso to every *lamp gh Y ' ' ts•'q ' cher true or false, he had. not a ward of i }trra,ne,gaile eLil(e and fret oentlq dab- Reraatarntgss 0"Wee , ry imbitter the days o[ thousands and frau of -� _ - - usands, both rich aid poor, and produce ir- tion; and rt was eertaesly safe.policy for those !. bed Ttra hoods, tnggther fromuumbness. } wholiveainglasshousea to entrench themselves ( Eles tiraecat+wo-sallerstand xas, OUIti , nediable regrets. y g alt„ht+K1'it?,a.wotxl;nnd•rrarUedIl!eearth 'RliowLaot.-Rasa t',i}+bd '+ sAfFerthe noble stud which so many of the behind her man's trait Trnihe hanebl su PlnawBinieaed- tst estimable among the Peers -have ride a- gtsted, vliether ii wap just table thus to super "AA-11,11ries;rottblezatnl,-wrtlfetrl in�urj.-- , eta Byingur+ l;r want of 'cede Mr. A T te'sore adl; for itthey went Dar i :ftrivanls-favi+ Al r, G. -SS utiled•from just this pestiferous bill, and the total PP e g _ PbtladelpfAn with his batlb in and' para ; ns.) �,akter„ A y evidence to justify its enactment, it coeurs ' via at that rate,therrGould benothin .Fjelongrog expected that i[ will, pass; but it it should to him bat the name, and their absent colleague ohute whialt•hUd received uo+injur�i u' Rbb-mak e pe must never Pose sight of the probability 1 would have goodaeasou trot to aelish such liber, ' _ Dal. 6 X! Ri'dr� . ce(uil JIdD Tischer 8r�raaT hen Pet it his iilajesty may starry a;nln—the issue of tied. To this the d --•t at—y: very:4re y ' . �_iHnfF.nlyC,eee. - 'B areae sr marriage wuald, +n all hkelihpod,. rause a ! - stretched out one lea and rejoined, that the n,rare A writer 1n the Kenluekf RrpgrterPro- y> �""' � v� b � Yams and Yr ' rntletnaniwho would take It.in compliment to .Poses taeuabhsfi a eduYrrtnttttalion Ire rAx-ixh. D 9&- ; -- g it!otrdl ,tested succession. That part Of-tbe patina fi as all they wanted; -he would manage the odd Aawt+b � ,ich will oo[ aping the bill of ! !'.Lween stet: E In.lies and the'moutb oCahe hies tobe a constitutional act may not readily .- father all they should verde .. 6e [hoagltt, with i; river Cola ebur- •lin Pro dtC� to ap,riy tot -3t b,tif to -the of.pririg of a marriao a which willMOWE—n, that asoiher made :oral! wan aafestr ` ,krgeserally be,d,oeh ed legitimate. and the nPPdrtnarty ;tdas too, oaprgd. t bedosvilth • o er n Y fe Ghat' sl aotttirattr ed btttr tn.,til orf my marriage br annu3(ed, it most be au His,hrn�t then_dtew up, a Cot )este; , art Arteriean tit- eompan, !, !}ltiiU" ivtll Isar «r',, ;S 5u defiance of elf law. The Queen thecae some nccasP tn�l hints from hes assouatdst" to the with leave to, forma post -of .tMt rg-., its, �L FOZ Jay te,who succeeded me, would only be nominal- - end of the a r: which..hainulr trcetged from u e.who ucc for no dad nal 19gh'i can be conveyed the cu.einnt school tnastre a'feyv eamma*, P rr cite tnotttfi of tlie.Golutnbiti.=field fo _-ed- ;. s �,gx } and. S e� rtniitlegal•ad;.and-is the opinion of ads,andiularo;at:6npnintsraiuT,afpd3><trrkne i9�ltafiadltatnuf.paats.had-Iratlrrtxstn Kra+,y;,�,t;,t r: $ 3 atnont-beineaddedb.thrciih lldr,aras'fiand tions, fratti,benab":tetlteitppernavignitle eat=majorup of the can stamp ed over t6 thebo5s, With orttet+ito bepnated to j yalrra of.--Ihe Ni{soatt" '-IP'ttstcrts b.biU of pains; amp penalties with Boy leg > . the name of Ar. A 1 te. r - • shop,>ai,lun fwn'yearsc, the vtoald 'stye' Y aracterttue. It will never.be repit ded as any PP Y S' eb is the -histo . of thrs.trans inion as selat- Ill: were than: xn act, o7 pure tyranny,:nad-as �u.. IY. ' 1.`Ifns•plan In oprratian, a'n+1"'wtlrilt! Etc;,tntr: genera} asi6h-00.ryy:or cit itwiilezcite tax hatred of the present ,ate ed :o us.byresp.ctable authority, `but as the rrwnlUf,init m ortmnrrrce. that would'bltrek, deiperieucethe es;rcratioa of posterity: name of oar-mfrmunt n not to".be even d at a t ityl ! f old and a[lver'ia the' a ter, ' r '-" ! f1nB tlrAln prcrnt� refer for cootie nauun _,, ;it re- t S[atCs.'r Austria has deteratmed totaltey,Qr.,esirr mea- ' Gad Ian a r uftnelrttrt este 1Phetheralo fur C�Sill ;;'i 6rj:a�li p,t1 gsit ast?Va Il.'. The Emperor' liar- re- -' lensesourfrrrnq fipplrgatr irom;tlx s Gael —3ahti (,olltn9i t]!e prii+e far 1 . eAt� l ye. �afl y .'rt l+u+ _agai I sed to rrceive,the Duke de Gallo as Iain -cater - imptitarion of:brtng the edrtor:of stir Ohmnrels, ' jisidtapre Elteftir'[, i3ntter,.�c: • seaft?[� fur �itwQ� tm'1Ya les. !s Noa'mi rieordo T : nests only to be taken m rection to tet spa trru I> pa{iliean o,[1ldtdut "Is etrc(ed Csovirrpor �1j8,PaYablo in �1t�1 ffam are 77,000 Austrians on their march -to- ; � ise, we leave ror the rtut>; ?u the „otters r tindery; re _ � � Gari i,ou`ts;"d! L1ne all A: -- udi Ital ,aced thsrtY more regiments are or=-: t: decide; -,fed shall, notharzard our veracity by t,retirnlatitieim'thv noxi Congress of the Slates,�Yt 6� rte.i+rd at-<Psr foi"Lorn Y s iThltu] 5t'atek 1111'+.1t'trad o@e of ' SljifLtt- li; `i3iits,rerrixed r d to be iii readiness a6trtn+ng,up�hnolis >Pgl ramrneat leaderhaf tier ...,the frtlerul oandtda,tea, acv! ,Ere Cetlerilests etist. dfseo ,t and at 00. Iinebrreni;Rii •Betgami intends writing a boort at2lenfdtatel Applegate p ` 3j has Rpplwd for license to. prhA the -fame. i potty, is not Also- trace m editor of the paper m are eaid.lb ha e S niv nt [f of two ;tlrirtls . ,esthnl[ d pa4lhe disoaa3tF Ttt ,'1edxYoi k :The Sicilians have 60,000 inenarmed, under q»esriaa. All that we feel.oUrseltef booed to —in the Z,1 gtslaitlre.. neorden of flee Junta of Palcrmn; \lrssima, i add, is, ll sclema protest aparyst this trans Ic on - _ ,,lasta and 'ri-ap•tni,are all the towns whic:t of hiscolltagttel,In611siatrempten�topala aeon On lhr. nl�ltfbf th+f l9tlt'Aet„est. rshork m ! G6 ire declared firNapies. Catallisetta has been vis and the trul,lic, flee rickety, short winded, of ori Lartbc uakti Svcs felt sit, liundur•r+• r • vl� 1/t tl 74E L U t+haia ti20•.: uutfui"noC ta`ctrg part with the .p+trioti, who-- -]+q [ d beaflop orale af.an safertor grn.da, Cor 1 j ff fire oa state r and'itroad spread strides'o# fiir un l a# nn ribs the, Spanesb 3lainr i'hr L ./l at within 40 miles ofllesslaa,whlchutusisut p R, 1• shock nal nterr' giver ly felt at fit. l:t pohl ilea auttsrriber on'the 7th4w itppltgtte's dtcteoa. Not that we .care a ntslt tar ripener, tD mde3 south of Otnon. ,The _too 'A Polish and Russian Prince at L'areatb, b xgvc SooCttathoeupera�rmlltbg� $dam nttrepreuuderufhc It it uU An� a vera( dw�llin� houses were - ag6t: a duel with p'utnls--the Russian girt, p li wtmded protection of "his lime, and.tvhich are perfectly slwul. donil and 'several Iters Wei e'; last C d ndedst appears well .n Ea�land. _ harmless bat 3t is tante of regret and a penernl 7 le e l:jIi opc+ttt•d in arvrral places,_ anti -lktr raw iseretl alit tfie`-baric 'tr ep - game. hills lucre, tht•owu :into lhtn Rswer" 'wl a ftee:agd�tilsite'rss ilte bell f7r -Leueri-bad been received at Augsburg, sta-• grievance, that Mr. Aijplegtte s Cane =r ;u that passed thro..tltdi ww"., aisd tuenr onttiGrs •lie,vtent'aSvav; a'ta bell iiisl jig that a ¢ret victory had been.gaine.i by the - t mien as an author, should Lie thus yrostit+iced d its toapsofAl7PachaovrrthearmgofthePorte, and"placedinjrnpardy. ,13eiscertaSnl p"1ol Cdithet'40GLbrt- l lttrrs'pspreKtlats,it vv,tlt a strap-nf;llI Isatneas Y + o.ersr anahrr tr !e commander of which was killed. - - in regard to his own reputattgn and the e; ecta- vas snot a eetresE burl ted with x Great 1r'au Tinel le Accounts from Berlin states,that20;000 Pros- • irons of the' pabIicef d, )w this transae J_ __ -�, p_75{tom tea r okuatttiz_u ✓ ! loaf . r . ---. �V. - safeguard of string. 19re other t;ow is red arta aa, troops were orT _ envy of his tom tion, and wttit3raw the sancGtrn and : It+ppearsfrom Madrid accounts up to the _1dt itis name front those who}.throe ,y, fforrid ifarder. 1l is rI P.ttnfu 'duty nrmtUy;whttr, end_firr bar!$ tiltr,e b, iAtgast; that a :bird diplomatic note from the ” talents, -or Other unworthy motives ,seem deter- 10 state teat Iles Jane 13tiiens, carte of Ilse top•.: Che='Kt+ifer a Uri(;ltt=olrlit EmprrorofP.assia,had been communicated to minedtrifle?ndebimtdalevel tvdirthenselvrs. Mr. Andrew Burns, was murdered on ever; _ NoartiraialtnarLottanyor°tits teSpanishgoventmenttchic andverpsdivac- ] orhowwilTtltep'npleoftfiiastate-know,tvhra `4ednesdty.cvenin^ last a1. Ui•i residence .-.._Wharr"-will {ako apaaidettitlo;� hi: seven letter+ to thein sbafl appear in print, " t , .:informalion'wherc flit Y ttt�]AWe that th43e are not also the spu�ioaspioductimt of :sinus one -and., peel! mites from this trace T that flu r,rieddlesnme trio, who', thtuitiempt- by a `iiia vnee Indian caNrd billet George. hr generonaly rewarded by thsetl ingtowrite down �Ir_Appegale'sLavor4rmeas= ...Pursuit. has been living t-no.i'o.°othetotes! dlr, ,9pple;,ate awl his Collea,'nteg: Il la iewere not a I:Ule dciighted in glancing upon - urec,and renderthe-apli nsed.authnr ridiculous' er,hul lie is not vet 1111.+ H +sattri Ilrr; - JLSSE"BEM • is Chronicle, to discover sor a inne'ad- ly'e sincerely co umisenx bar. Ap,tlegate's pre- Ortn---- 1£, iR20 nit7s+r$f t r•Mued to us over the signature of or amiable icament ; and, our rezdm, tvhnsr. 'ar+n�ta8ties� yzx, ,zi ra 's-,aih7... ^7e' -" m+ist alae to o matter of sucu pupae irnp7rr- e ►iY pirltrc of w_ -writ of 6(=rs,taeta35a! } once; alit eicas+ ns far been so particu- rd ant al` Nee court o,`rsiymnferrr ,,'61'e.-tuA treat.-comethir:g in his best sty' A:tt:tucAN Jotexer. OFFtcg, in oral fertile atyof 4D f4ltj�7[it ioilhe :veal pam cc hart trace hail dead with lir epos the subject _Ithaca, OctoGer 27� l S20 - fte ieCurnze, and the mere anticipation restored - _ _ --lire pwo11R apd�sltaltrlR. laeatl' _,t pto usual health and" spirits. tVhat was mQ f - - SHoer Mire__ -The 7,anesville, Ohio, paper, `„' Our patrons: are • respectfully informed,- nn•ats of_.16ra6an} o '; Wilrue and dl.�tppointmerrt then, instead pr, i��!" !, jitt'n our old friend. in "proper persdge- on, to find states,thatthepersons engagcE is doecrde 1 to the meets circumstances,ing for sli- that, of our b.rs'tuess. Contemplated o ddrePtatrtdta1tea,sGle j--andlh[te td 10 $$aTra r'shirtatyJ(red ,etch straro l" ver ore; near that pace. P that the should have a set&I"elit'of ALL oar ? -gi ut tau' town oC3lamtabr;; depth of one hundred and tracnty-sexes fretybe- + hhad been for same time wirisprrcrl in the P above the level of the ore accounts without delay. Duringthethreepean s q at tyre ltou+teaf lett tloa ry-circles ,(.t}ris village, that john apple-_ n> _'may a few feet-whi ' luwvtl 4s ou lire 2$[Te dad of 7 CfA1 nice o llrryc•taif (arnrr, iv,Is the real - - They are very-sand+t•ne of fieling is abundance the, lnmctuali� of hmnrt�rofltoure castomeis. has- , t• tt? + f t.:is invaluable s ific fur the complaint of hard 9 Y nest M t o elarLs'1s - �►ltflu Kt ' P evahled as to rontinur tmsineys, yet the.tndul lltor r,f the Ckrnit de - -This -we ha 1, i nh-n"- _ - - ;-Hilt. 1S3A 'tadhr�.,invarir,hlr !mer, alxaJ•Scnniendinq: limes• Bence we have generally shown, Inas been great - - er th.rn car could well a[fnrd, and occasioned us (� `t lie gale of iheitbore (ttoperf�. Fat he was a roan nf tan mud, s+•nsr.aad drrrnrp - - d - - lal Lrvuhnn alficv, lint th••letteraddressed to us :\� rstensivr fvtnry iq the nh ult.destro of labotfr i n.1 spirt (' Chi!licpthr, 0i io, was on the 28th alts destroyedo absolute, unecossary to effect neat ttlemeny and titan to trtketplai at ow purse 1"`81ft _ 44 Ion, briny to-t.,r exact _- - -- i l one the Ilatpe4.` Loss estimated at we hope every individual indebted to us, will. ; in the dayahove lien lmtted: llat�eli ilicirbave d,stinaursirrd.tile a h,orml srp•erbs- of by fire, and one of workmen is supposed t Y , _ _- fat pap, -r, has complrteiv'drivr n-: ar from Our leave leertr make a speedy paymeltf, or italfltlee 11Le M6911t : i,ef n, and confirmed for zentnl snsprunns. t r,OLHhlellnrs. 6p. nate. All who Can call at the office, will- _NICOLL tiAL4LY, & �rith'mk. however, that it is in onrpo:vrr t rs oblige us'b dine iso, as it will ire touch less gy Dl: ryyjWNLEY; Deptld i this circucrs:anre to der satufattion of alL vThuT; ��' hP of the 1 92 andly4 centsy troableaome and expensive for Individually - l. Applegate did ict•3:dfv adder<% an article to ac g to call than for us to make Several hundred visits+ �) Y virtue a7•ars 4f 6etY"at7i � o Our Applegate •.int, lir-hi -O�c•a uririnal dyl^ - d,win, _th, months of :A -•Gast ami S-.tpttmbrr-- nd 1683to attend on them.- -Those tvhti cannot -do tins ji� suctl out o� Ihe- oollfl bff ll t'a'r _ -hibles_ tx an^uaec `and hum i t, a t+. the "Urrnnicle During the same p u 'amounting in aralue to however, ill be waio.d on as soon as-pracuca- par ra held !n and for thtR Eoltlt? a! t blr svitil their bins and we `earnestly request, ,`6rna+ against tate patt�trartd a� far pub!irat+ n. Thi+ artrdc r oub'1rz '. tr tamrqu were ass all the .cumin ar:l+leg incfiction �2 6J�r+d 80 trots. __ t they will prepare to pad at the treat call, and letseusenfs hich aur authoriss.,ju•IIVcr•lrl;rated : but- as•thr• time and e: ense of calling again wdldit me fear, t by certaim=p%ratiral miwecicnts, it most _ise del ver' itnolt •e �1 atrnumIr miaish the amount` materially to usirithout be- ; nefitting there in the least fad we hope til our �11u Dsren, to -one hnt'erlf ', jj 1lti,lost to its anJ rn the K+rid f.,r_c•v r. iso - r. parries, tq olYsr r 6 1 sores of land otr lot Oo TB: tef,i• .s tiinn.mn err r+otribty infinnr ?, had -.:Ir- tpplc-"- ,oC i•alrhyhuws e<hibilyd to va+•jo ?s parts .patrons, are -sufficiently alive. --to the dictates of_: -,1 L'lyssess:vyhioltl�shalj .at tfid>I�ot�l - __ . -. - ro,< .irill reevn in s _ , _.---_r.. - _ •:ni ,E,e are ff,00u 1• ,[ i on ih�ir m..rc i to- - Jake- clue, we lravr for lilt curiutii in -three matlert null Louis .l1'Latte trod-1:2`4._tioUDej` I Italy, and ,nany .note regiments are or t. decide ; and %hall not hiszard our veracity by pre te.atali7c,rin. ilia nexrt�(ianyrEsv of the : Slateiy rill Ire I to be inread- .. - a>urming�opon this siugletirtumslen cP, lh..t 57r iigilec( $taints:..111f.-�laq,t.a!-Dae oI �I.-+a• ergsmi iutrnds atriting a book at �ieufckntcl Applegate, who is, tile- prominent: leader of tit• lite, frderel ealtdidaICs;.z<tfll the talEraltats t1+ltsePYYt ttas a,tpliefl for license ta-prl,:t lite -same. pinky, it not ld" ntincipal editor of the paperan are said, to hal i a triajnrt(y oC tt7o thtrtk`= he Sicilians have 60,000-men.armed. under r gnrsti:,a. All that we feel ourulces beund to -iu the. J,rgislatflre. - rders of the Junta- of Palermn; llrwim, i add, is, a selemn protest against this transaction ista aad.Trap�,arc all the towns w%iita i of his coileagues,ithusat eting toil n upon On like tt}aflf of ihA'19t1t An„net a�hDtl: T declared for \ia es Cawutsetta inks been • . us. and the- ice -Slit• _ricket ,short winded, g W - • -P' + ko f a " atYle or:an iaf •or genius for n �art'igrinke eves -i[eI{ an Iiondtt►j?• _ t far out taliir rt with tree vlots woo t p,, e P an within 4(J milts of ilesstna,which mustsur- cite Jong, statpir and broad -spread strides of hie- an:l A" Ono:I,oD (fk bp5nt+r6 Malde' P i #yam ' .l p�legate's diction. Not thSt' we AC;im'a rush shook nos mare suet rlyi�tit iii S`[ Pa Polish and Russian Prince at Eareath, have alw,t the-,-personal-abuse and aturepreseotadells drat ;it s0 miles s,iiith of Urtica- The cita%A�ti e-4 d. -a duel with pistols -the Russian gvt so copiously di+charged against us and" the (h-uruh and,vverid di wolini;-hobses moria + 1 ided_ protection of his name; and which arc perfectly sliouk,llopa. and several Ilvrs-wise last• �/,y Sf + trvest appears well .a Eugland. - - _ harmless_; bur it is carate er rcgrdx and a getteral 'l_le_eartti_oPcflcd in srvsnk_,JXl esti _AOd- ._.t _ iueislrut leen eeeived at-Aupsboiy,`Ila- -grievance, that 4ir. Applegate s,fame and cepa- some billy were-throw,n tataMie _ River that a grit victory had been gtine,t by the 1 union as an author, should be thu; prostitutedt that pasxtvJ-tLro that. tertvrt, and turned its any r 4hC is of At) Pacha over the army ofthe Porte, l and placed in jeopardy. He it certaialy_bouud, ,onrse.auolher way. -It teas espretv&lhal wait 111411 ;ommander of whka tea.+ killed. - in regard to his own reputation and the ecpecti farther -south it was more severe.' - buAliWari/�►��,-- ccmnis from Berlin states,that-'0,000 Prus- baits _af the i:ubhc,_to_dlsavo,r_-this, transac- - _ ._-_�-_._P-ortl6led frDSG-= - - lraaps were onirred ai march t'w Ii.ly Levo, and iritlidraw the saoctinn ani safeguard of -,�•�� - . ' - shrine `� .ppearsfran tfadridactounrs up tothe ^_3tii bis name from those who, throe tit eayv of his : I otha Tforrld:tfarder.:=if is oor'painrat'duty ixttrily,whue� d6 pmt, tha[a:bird.diplomatic note from the talents, orotiser onworth-v motives error deter- t0 atate'thxt :Its -Jane IIDrn3'atlis -of Thi*^ice rror ofl:assia, had been communicated to or - mined Io de?rldebim to a !red wit�iahe tiselv?s �Iwr S apish govetnmeul whicli was very satisfac- For how will the p.ople of this state know, whes 41 i•. Andrew-, 13a^nsr. pas' tniirderr,T o,l ovty �o strtiiiaia� hi. oven lettere- toshrm shalt appear in Print,Wednesday fveningliist aI his•rtsidlMM Wboicvrrwillyali that these are not also the spurionsproductiou of Bisons one coif a hall atitrs front ,lhisplaee; infg1tton where ,Q le aye and his Coller��ltes. . d:esamdmd+11irsomeilk a•hnarethusattempt- by a Kkawnre iadtaaeailcd I.itti6Qror;,e, JxErperoart� fe+i$ PP int to write down lif. Lpii�te's favorite"meas= irur;utt`bas.benn tn3 ir-.tfter,tlte r1141•der- lltitt„+ E. lot no rya e were not a little delighted in lancing upon cr,but lie ureyand render thewp¢ased authnt ridicul3us.' is uatrrt taltert:=. K%ssdttei Xrr. �Clioeicle, to discover snmethi a ad- }t'Psincerely ro•nmisente Sir. 4pplegate's pre- fletnLtr Ir% t13 ked to n aver the signature of our. amiable ,licament :_and oto i�e-tders,.whose ikvmpat,nes 1-tt 1:prkfai10.,.. r. 1e-ez ma�tTiPtretoamatterat seen t - Ya nrlueet.si`.5 e ludl trrat sumething in his besr style.•- enc will `etenP-us far having been so -pa1C°• - est 9gf nC t2tE�dtfFi itis weef{past we had been batt dead with Ise- upo3 the stlbjea AxsateAx lovas nt dairtcl4, to n(iil%rltiQabatte at!m nzn, and this mete anticipation restored _ —_-- --_--_ 72kstcna Oct s 1820 "-1—ttrt 4+,lredrl a9d" eT)d i uSoaTTiesit r�aiid spints '-1Yireisras our" s s Our patrons' are-respectfoil toforlved tneaf D1 ibtaisaigl rise -and dimppoiatmtuy then; intrad- of Sriner tLfwe The Zaaesvdlet Omo, paper, sY s Jag our old friend. in proper peixan; to End states,that the. persons enr nerd is ,rigging for sl! flint eircumstaneesi and contemp}ated arrange- t all his pet dotta2 pR i ver ore, near that ace. hada proceeded '.to the ments 'of our business. rend••r t�dir!pentible and Aide idled f bs g tr.sUHaty ed tetlhStr6ra r p' f• 1 -we--should have a settlemeh[:bf�ittL our i 1c2. iu the to'ain bt had been for some time whispered in the �epimtl fa few falcate the l el oI and ff, tthe.' accOUats without delay. Dnrrtrgttethrte years !j nt the; itouse try curies df.this village, thatJohn ifpple K- Y i , °'iSt lu�rvit,e,;on 1116 z ttgttire, of B+rrJc Lail Gornrr,c is rite rent `�i' y are very san�ri:ria of finding in abutldanee w lleh,the iourtrel-has Bern labfrslled altb i, t this invaluable s tGgfar the complaint ufhdrd, the. punctuality of fanny of one- custofliera ilia nest, a! t a'eineks? ir of the Chra,ricle. . This we ha i,"wits•. Y tinttt P ei t led usto rootrvue bttsinrss,'yet the ,tnd0b i'2#t h, 2ti30, hell an ittnan n $ o m cll sej s tressed t ui 1n e:teair9e faridry in she neighborhood to le we bays generai!y"ahowo, rias heed grepfi l eu co. be cake a flan n(tan mu li sense. and rlrcm o f } ..ii we could well afford, and occasioned iia t V- 't1la sate D u arrntq; being in t!,e enact style- ant spirit CIIi:Iicothr, Onie, was on the 28th alt destroyed - . boor under many disadrantages. [t is now furd,er -pas trhavedstin�vt,hM! the n1i nrrtl. itba of b fire, p• rY ffect a s4t!emevt, allit then to take- iei; y. and one of the workmen is Cupp, d to 1 abs Y, d olately ae c paper,- has rnmplrtely drin•n- a+ from mu have pPn?hed in the flame. Loll aumated at we hope eve i iyi itel indebted to n, will. is the tluralttsre_ make a apcedy papmeM,: or balance his ac,Ofit - Ler 19th, 11320 lion, and eon6raied the V"Cral snspicinas. ] 3,IX70 dvIla rs• by irate. AV who nn call at the-o6zce; w!il thin$; however, that it is in ops power tneXs obli Pus b' .doilig so' as it will be much eke ' t thea cireutn:ani d to lite-. sansfaEiion of all. 'Yfir fteasnrer of the AmeridanCiiblt,Soeiely tronblesume;atid ei �osive for them indifedaallj+ �y tNY r Applegate rtid:actually address-aaartielr to noxilowlft g"',tilt receipt Of �`3492,and 14 CenU too ll thin :for us to mekeseYeral hundred virtue: root rnmsppo•;rnt, in bit nim original .trl� .I dnrint the tiriinths of A+gas and S_ptember:-- to attend sur thei6:` I hose lviioiinnot do Jt9' sued'eut of lanr,nee; and brow, i•t it [u the Ciirnnicir Iyafing the slme period,;1,%4,' bibles, and 1688 however -wig-be be waic-d on w tenon as prBC`rc2� Nets. held-Jis afi� - z for pub!irati m. This crude douhtlrss, tr taineiits were Jeno^d-amottating in' value to. blr with t7icit 6!Iis, ,soil we `eiurnesstly reglttstt J;in+, xg llnst tits t hinrd all tier rcumen need r]Pgusre of et lents 1 must Zeit dclirit- to tba than they trill prepare 'to pa* at':tlx first ea711 - and teneutettt5'tiC and 80 cents• nurh: tr' st`ore- as (he time nail expense of caUir� ugara will iCt- ' taken all the i Jett vl've fear, -author certain p;r lir3I rated but s ` niltgr '.as.the the amount ufatemllytotrswifho,rtbe ati'Owen tD_pa :4 pat . in the least, and we hope all Dail' a Jost to us and t,Ythc tv..l,i turrver. \a4 r, alrlot; to tlbxerre elle teat an' koros of iniad tree- h a, car fear, by certain p otic me- v , $*O wi Fire crtioibJ informs -4 had 31r.,tpple- or ta.d. shows, e•chib ted 7n va tone a° cientl alive the dicwtes of j� ;RtheoM-%-,than a eabin•-t enurci! wasim- of, lite. Lilosed-Sfatr _ This will serve to justice to giveeaareadyand cheerful eaatpiiavc! Ulysses Iona arcsafft ysses -syft"C I t eratelt coow•nrd,topas%uI qutlenieritsofhis ( (Iran tlat. Tato aetiv!ty, LLe dnratant agrit*moo le ��st• At all events; the tit ' Ilal;r oElifit 41 "i n. The debate- on tor- aubjecr, it in, ! cullur it a^erKics of oar counlrP men ail aecotiots moat all be adjvatrd, tlmt-that speadi= �Wambe�. neiff's feplarded a Philadelphia latryer to report:• . errales .3 caste for the oepflPatioa or 0ttr {y in order to asce,tain what Cine- tial. n- ed August Ill,, tlpntirw at Tree for a full hoar and a-buit fall ri Adam t,cforr' lie irft the bowers of age is, -and what arrangements ar Pceuary To ice' 'j le tea tit, hosvrvert it was d+ternincd.that �lr rarlidise t A riou:ture�; -since the anlhar• p(r�e for eatabWiiment neck a safe and perm• : Curthet podpunt8 PDiyZate'a. manuscript pas too decrnt,-in its lit t to ;t.g,tlne tis "o r yarn !' eCee� hent fupndatioa 3dACK Ec $EARIl�(s =; r nest, then to otic+ r+i{a tiro($ Illrnwn in the 1VSY OfCOm!D 'i_ inial shape, for the enlumns of the Chronicle, + • nhaG i tura lhel ititaicarkl i� s 7�d it (x t�uyy� :inrel:. tis e'ii!itf`hont''ba�`fl'„"-1Ti'ff � - abiS ill � llat Detotr1*41 er,�f f5heing of late sharpener f,r'�amendtrlents soil snore pn a1 tr lopictiev havo been ' 'rid o i�; $)`PIIGti! Oed - pen and prepared fnr the- onset: And p lit N.: To MtndPrstsnd tl7err was quite a hest.'e ixtwecn 6-r.iu•d, ntnl ore now funning, in dille.rent .9Cais stgred-ntrt door north of J'. .Baa• iiaPilnr Ii. and ha- spirited hlr. Al. F. mho palls n I Ilse IJnitrd:3lutes,Cnrthe purpose jsmin's'$ta11 irtue ofa latdhtiv6tile honor orvicingthefirstttwehes;. .ofii„ricil!!Ural improieunent, Ilowmutill. ssal dtlk d -t at --v, -rho is n very Iittl man, tool e Until is a eornpettsinn of this kind �,v/ Q�I EARS court or'i - cal hfpd in � �b�etween the legs of the earahutanta, a,nong.the wtrzens.of file dim-renistnteg t eV1JJ �� yy���� _-- Ehsitrl W1rffzrO"r4 the, -whole -maintacripL. to hmtsPlf '.. (}tars'}tin4P: Parte btslTis.nnd .st trona!fret• blttf'sbrl Lt1[a-141 ttsloa oeuvre, as the result hu prnrrd was in".�lbal oniq nerve.. to 'embitter hnlnan Ile toltit pole 56+1 lsitvno` Jrdicione; for whoeanaccase IIIY,n11dA03hnLr itis World tI t we Ihha}t- ll In the brit ar�aer, Pra:'i:inn with a !letter grape, than - x enna(erp•,u'tio lite- infernal regions. 4� 1. -anti asGF>tEdP _ps • - �►hioh asl"1. sht-���7e�. political character and associates are 73u1t- Glttonicle, P any wateh-tnaker7n tnitlteftia<7tfs�t'i! ;ttOtPrbial for consi:fenry9_ -''But it is an old •., - this ricimty All Iiatel iii tltt'J"vr"iti ro necessary repairs e:- ' August, 7(h, SB4(t at1.isip iP.v+us propensity of the d -t at•- sral The Liriitnon --� c learn icon a J;ert;e- lrto be tuaning inaometh;n- about tire-. it tat o a< < scored' -1m tilt moat s ? :'l It11 Dale "to pat his friend cnp!nia G- unman t,c eosin 1'rrn ifnilatlrlPlua, that fir- Guillo s reasonable ,terms ---v fdr[ltor-p0sttwtiEd To thiser.narllerrll-very vr!vnit a+,'entirefwirnvau,hall(.:irrithliir nith.fidelity and dis- then to take -plan : rid Pnqui•Pd what he redo r by the et- 110100" on Saiur,hiy :dtrrnuun last,al L patch.. in 1611 day' ihdvir :w when frai made r».enrda brake- and o'cl i. L, rind at u o'r.!oet the same day _ _-�_, t .;r.- 1 Jilin --in Ills slate of •Seca- ifflltind+ pr°docrtnlrnia taymtat robins 1.9111-w or, Was11'7tz,i, f t rnlhdr - }tri the. Phil..dripitia. In consequence Or 9011111 Wit be frrilt: o'as un` -. - liked t %v4ic the PRrarhnte is Llstered to tate `bsilt„ which -rendrr- W $"g their "- - •. ' FIMr the 1... Bee- .-�J.tiiedeety ,. v m,auL-.P ,iw�n.,i.—j wrre`rwrhi•rrd, and ,n+trance a di+pi•seri yirldint;�i[wtis Ise ..n __ --- .jt rirvi 1i -(wren Sit -and •10 mites north o Has on enwarda poroih,ir_ frir the inference is Phil..dripitia. In consequence Or 9011111 innable ( -who had -_ ._ ntirnanagratenf in.Ihe start„the ntlrds_ y. -. - )vered breath; seranded the lie -A the - %v4ic the PRrarhnte is Llstered to tate `bsilt„ which -rendrr- _Ch1n See. &M . .:` consider hLlxrhnli:al; `ran.l brsidtr, n hepalnr entangled, it unsacd for ll r.'(}nillo_ la dela Ch titin - . -10 magic -effect of -the` latt watj- ell self,attK he ain9 dins Obliged 10 follow (ile e point It f 1 k to make, among nub s two of es rt pYinru-' t2- d, enur- ortItis balloon to wltatbver gitlfr2gr drove it, until the a~ nsaaper!, a pnptddr-sols- fi>ure; and: if they_aere a• the avinds -\7 r- G. Yva.ult one .'hour. and aoaortlin,�. was 16,000 feet train a aborts _lllutca own harks stwasanbrdvs-be- iunior printer af•tlir_C`hrm.i- in his calculation ; Ille carili. 1Vhcn 9! thetliigbcst he `en- -awl a writ -chosen asmirtmento(fisii N ), SILT, SILF�Rf � STEBL , _ V&R SPOONS ,of evefy dd'- and tt4lddo' bar ■,�= SII.YF.R -at. f Octobtr 25;1880. Fvt�.167�Sv S lei•ed a loudi andor sono ono cask Pnierfer-d- As to -what ie `_ -- - Y_ TIIF• _\ItIERICAN JOi RNA—L—VILA AGE Ole ITU iCA, TOI�IPKTNB -COUN'TY,Na to be instructed to provide I and rapes. The division upon the . question stood NO:I ICE. .All rye delegates are (ria re amendments. The election of dear- 68 to 55. pr, on the first Tuesday of Feb- ! For the cr$rmafive- Messrs. Akin, Bab o►a 1VI}EREAS a meetioj; ofthe'ttiG of : r;.; ttf take place a lit" to be contmed on the two fol- 1 cock, Bartov, `terry, Bevier, Blakeley, Borlaud the south -went section of the- town of Ulysses, is Nll.Rft31 nest, and da7a—tire Cotrveation to -meet to ;June - Brown, Burt, B. Conklin, I. Conklin, Cr olius, was holden on 'Satuiday the gth rnat._at the ' Siam, a>F_ATTORN�� tfrr ,The proceedings ofthe _convention to be for their approbation. Crittendcnr Davis, Darning, Du .Buis, Dwinnell, L'arll, Eldred, Eldridge, Ellsworth, Fraseg Gil= house of John App le `te arsuaot to u61ie ne. Ca r P F wale of itfx� ge , �ne§o rysck to the pel7ple I was ordered to be printed. Irspie, Gregory,Guion;Gurnee, Harris, S. Hart, tice, for the purpose of adopting svitable-trlrZ • = iall,Cancernteic a t1 etlll ly71 J. C. Spencer called up the resolutions Mager, IIallock, Hatfield, Heaney, Hicks, Hun- + sures to be pursaed reletive to the contemplated trusted to thea', Ijr, ed by him on Thursday, respecting the ! I+, Jackson, lCeysrs;Iiing,Kissam,Lake, Law- rence, Lott,31asoh, hl Intyre 111 Alichael, Alillu, division ofsaidtown: iuoii Ofslavery in the nets states, and re- .ane f slaveentaliva in_Co LaXeSr to' re- 1 ]Allinson, Nelson, J, Osbtvn, J.W.Osbern,Patter- t Notice is: tberefore hereby given, that• -said ItLaca, Nos I, ]< ilince of the cotuittution of riLs snn,Patchin,Per Lee;lPettit,'Romaine, E. Root, ; meeting favored a'-divtsiod-thereof into three N B Tlt4 wnlLit "' " aciepletnce 'Considerable debate utok place, aresnlatiotis.were -Rose IL.Stnit!,Suyder, Stebbins,-.9wartwouy «r• Totllpann; Tracy, Tripp, Ulshoelfer, Van . towns, and appointed.as drleeates;.Waltet Paine, Iievolntionary Sold postponed till Bioinlai to previous notice intro Fleck;Veedcr• Verplanck; -1 Iliatnson, Wood- f George [3azter, and Humphrey Dennvl and to army, tn`adjttst{ng iuyJ Ur:Roat, persiiant a bill, derinriag that slayers cauuui es;,t i ward -68. 1 the Bai- strutted them to give notice in the Chronicleaod .with the gapetttmtnt o}t ,and laws oftthia slate—or- ! 'Ire Bong`aton Bryan;Por ne-dtive. ;8u! �ACxntlee aChiprvan, Journal, to the other sections of saKtown, of 169 ytyecun-titutlon ty1 to be printed. akar'then roctteded to announce the p .Cur-nwelh Crandall, Culver, Douglas, -Dow, . their proceedtpj;a, sail rrgtlest said other secEionil haring, L i, sPe .. petal rian,mgcomtnittars, which we have nut .; Falling,-. Fish Ford-Gansevoort Grass T:IIa�R:PJ4art;Rawles, Hogan; Volley, Hop- I `toappoirat a lilte'liuwber of de egates� each to ,w to publish at present. G: frcm kiss Hotchkiss House iiuntin odKello Kirt- ± a r t , ggt meet them at Edmond Hopkins, on the 16th of... oaf �`be hIETIT012 iviltage, will be tied! _ it - Irw: l l -Tris bill was announced the the find settleenentofdie accounts of : II�Richardsefto "pfeaaer 89Iy'Polltentas I)ecvmber nett' for the purpose of locatio); theift . Aid God nn Sunda = �,lt,for p. Tompkins,. with the people' of this Ile ers; i i ads r g r Root; 31. Smith, $lacnm, J. C. Spencer, lines and agreeing on other necessary arrange- cemher nW -'bivine S �y t►6ich was re td twice, refrrrrd to Messrs. - be i Al -tel 3i. $pence`; C 1 hotnpson, '1'huritham, Van l- merits relative thereto. Dated Nov. 23d, 1520 at t eaclodc, , itt! hssy a £.sell:and hirIinown, soil oldertd to --stvmrfYaiiHorr, i�xndeipael rntnsy Irl; York y }} � SRI°W�{{RAO t a pubtirColl ection+vi!f be IP jae -� �Yi11an1s,Yt'illes, rr: �. �Yli`G . astees to discitarre,tjre� e01y;—A resolution was pas3ed, callin5 nn general to report to the housewhetb- - •Tris trill was I ten Tell, a 1.third time and passel. i Tit J. C- S act er preseoied she petition vC 1 �, U R 315 the ..ltuLlie, t t at, .6hc teas � f a building t { r 1praey `say legal proceeding bad been instnated the late governor, and by what auth6tiry, :+ . E,.-Hosford,,printers of4hecity orAlbany, is relatlon to:tht xtate.prinung; _aid proposing corrnnenpe:l(hetile T d t�Ol ltigl` ii021 �G-gtibit : Rtu trap at* respectfully 1Var. R.' COL ;bst T jy, [T1te attorney general reported-thatiegal' : to du rite rinnn -Gibe state arid u`]1 lite le 1 p g a 6'e- ,nnkin 6usfriese, m tt pl p;." ; r u ter rr tot' the - ARC$E[t GR; F. 5 iFR_RiIyT. �' rtpfcediags had been commenced; on thcrequest r0sin>,, _ ndvedisin fur otic third !tss than the tricesnow �Lj,:lttw,;arid a !tuuYc ivr5t at' DtvtRftt`s'lAverh; wlirre It!iacz,Nov.15;1520` n s (6ecoiaptroller, for reairnrs state) and ;artef6tise usually given"en alreases inwI it: authorised pard by-the,.state.- 1 'Readaiul "itiitted;:to 't{iq cottimittet' of the -, 'he (�flid all enters id,her line. p( topassar to suefortlebts due :.the •people "of,' whbfe'`when'on th2'blll:' fiorri therJenait -foi the t,..., ' }Vo , a will bllltal'rn iuud all t;iniEs of protluee, paynir tit School 2eacherx M1 Spencer tatted up his retolutions, respect-, appomint6it bf a prtfiter to the alhte Thtsiblll ralltn a':conveattonyf occupied, the _Nov.0, 4810. Hili -3t0 -- Ill Va [)tali ict No: T, fl;. i ng the Constitution of Missouri, SSM rhe following substitute teas eRzrtsdby.�M1ir._ -house on %S a dtSesday 8iid P!tursda}, slid passed l� �i i✓ 7•t01'La" �� � A ntvi Apr hit's q i Cation, will; fe • - tie: Oo [t'ednesday the;tionorablet tie Senate,una- therlorrrni+; ( rtts+eps —, ??;Whereas'r the legislators t f t{u3 s[atc at•tha :nimoysly passed the,: fdllowlag resnluuon'; to /� �lt INMV �r��+��a i?ETEft L <OtihCO Y11 ,essioq;.dld instruct their. stnators, and re-' ,ri-Mich itis escelleut -lite Gavernor, on Thursday, y 111E sub.crilier hat taken the store 1 tely oecnpted MOSES .T.Yj E$, , . lxsttheir representatives `in t -ogress to up-' rclatned the subjoiued'answei.' 1' by b1r.'Tabor liredt�y, in the vrltnge of Laid JACOB KING, y pit the admlasion as a state into -Ibe linion;an y $Late ti .l'r,+o-1 ark, in Senate �Ob 15th 1 �20. f , , teal! , g, re'l,ehas }uarreceyrelelarr;s 1„wci Ile, Ls°tm where nauhy.!�or.14•,1E50 =- atiwry not comprised wit%in the ori incl boort-: g ibs United States, v, .)or •tnaking the. e - ; • li'eao7ned, That his 3 the `(ion serine : : be, regnestid to !ay tiefore the Seu7fr dh rite m- ' y rtlnent of Goats which o re-' at the lat(oa,ti °ria to llrw 1 ork.for"(rash; at the la °p end list a lire dllbe- l TITa 0e- NE\-Yoaz, i stili - - . . - !mes-f . y.. -- fa6lbitlon ofsiaver ,therein. an iridis CnsDb{e.' that may that ' Y ( the s lel aa oil most'kin fit aria it4re ta`e t rat lay,A ofptndtCce."Ttie"I'ollosr� ri •, far cath; a ° -- --_�_---- _Atberelav ' IIBLiC a<I : - wl•etreas IBM e*1s-, mtfutP too gneral _ f of his speech wluy.lr alludes to the e ec tides too ° or - to boodt aro tm�n"lir $ ill art sir; -rity ,;traiaad gtrba" the authority cnaW iced vthAnd, currectaess or- tbe: iintmpress the .. 1, -f-rmation its officers, rr ga and ; S ernment, eil i" GD(ID o the am L �e rats so commnmcated to our senatars aud_}R . .: ', - , . a)rrsentnUves.. Therefore - disciplined rnrps u1 our eletttons.?r Ordered, That,the eler6 dellvet•a copy of said nth' soil C.assim!•res urmposr all calors SO +a CI °g P rtreher 1ft21)nanttnu+u! eat out tba elactnt _ -lf-the-Honorable-lht�t`enitl--goo-- Cede{' — f ..— : reso w` oul- '[Tis eacelrn-E thesl -Vero- _..sort pni'ia from -6+.t 6 lnnarc -Rti i,terxt•8omlwaatr—•-Pbl lain, Wiped, and twille,t, from icy to 5.; C$nt tri, P 1job -of -this mate. have been bropgti ._. Costa irtherein) that this [egutature"does approve of . Ile; order' Jbii;!I F BACON Clerk. . - , Crx rs nndaa urtmeot: C'>irlisle Gin tams;-7� its- P , 5 ; 1 aura and eccepaat.af the e _ brurg parte of what u } .: fil•,ptinciidiii pi contained in the Re!so!utiuns of the ]lint -in : ;And further if tits rovnton8 can- r - °� 'Cd. TIi E S1vNA l'E.' - = GE\•rLit3iF.I=+]:~'ally hpprecmting,the pi foot- ':de s, from 1r o 3e-_; striped and -p w,l GI -¢has a ear a heal , ' pieces Cambric Matting, from 5!c 6d, to Sa 's fine Litjerrand- er `! ° �t aril a riiice Kdv!'esebeate l ta.iha '. ,- -r flitted hi any pCopcsed tonsUlaU;n of ,a -urw - . 1c su, lcuudliur the Senate to prevent all unwar- -' iMulmut and 'Leto"; -great variety Cortnn Shirtinra, white. rad, yetiow and bme.F)an- Lot numberfrftyseren: in ihe'Ca`*—xA � IM tteanty-fear tK'-3la` *deny to any CIllzena Of-111C�raistin>;�tate3, - - • • A n V Stat and immunities of the 6tita!s of ' rrynewstate ,t?iat such .proposed $rs°itltntlan - a - ran tahle intrus:0ns.m der, political affairs of doe state, i have received their application for info` - - - - this subject tt6 great `I net-, very Iran Vesting• from Ota fo- ; a varirly o! scarlet : C"Jilu're Sleovia; r 4-L, 5 4, 6 4, 7_1, t(-4- C.nvn bbawls; farcy neck Hitkla; Wk. Bnrceteaa,_ u and number t -Hratns soil situated u tbeio7ra.�t,;3 at aountyo of-UlyO;s; lot nam too°'hip atOlytaea; lotrsemdef -,_ tesla not be accepted tx cov6rmed}-lite same' ntatlon oil -. flag. Madrs? Aod a grea[venete or Cotton, Troia It. towmhtp oft iy-fiv 56 a, ilhe opinion of this legislature being void !ry acommunicatio shall; to due time, make teem a communication, a alach, l'trtist, trill be` satisfactory in its nature t.. 46.; Ta¢by Velvets; Dimities'. "white, ;feta apd b!k Crape; a complete sssurtmrnt of Flnreate; In- ei stag _aaJ lot nvmbv dgtitp b di " number ,, ilitoastitu4on of the United States.17 :. ,- -. - - Spencer said he could our ttblect to lhu -and salular - In it; tendency. y S DE WITT CLINTON' di:r Sy:kt Bird Se ulna. very cheap; white and bik &'I Tull Lare, Cotton Lace+; a v.r,ety Vrldetandl'luA Hi6tor ---hr---the n°°nty,.-ol' _ ,rdveat=faar,_ia the town t1f= y I}if. Aveshaeat, if the gentlemen- from New -York Albany; Nov. 16th, 1820. Tr,mmiags; Lxdica' Silk is iLeatbearGtoreal&6 Iatb8J0*f ofTrurtmr-. tide � tb*a btp ofFoloa and ioeld cousentaoadd the fallo�ingaords;which EARWARE. iorhesormty'oCCoaetl�id sZcept.Yeeli' - ttiecontainedin-theorigina!rrsolutimn—[`rand guitar senators be instructed, and our repre- The old Council has convened, anti madea jaw @p poilttinfJIts_T�te disinterested bucktail A targe-atrartmeotof lioivrs and forks from it fid _tolos pea set- %rnl t t r crtiLsenetc_ feria. 6t1� r°ail aboveme°touedlout,aaxrae t tBe ongtael7etten peprryttttim{1a a alitivesin t ongres`s he re ur:3ed T6tlsi their f~ tt6t. e:ertimis to prevent tile -acceptance of - ectants must wait with aaii lattice till February P 1 y neat; they:may be enabled [n decide drat to 1 ; Raisore end Raisnr Cases, ioatemmg all ttm $ - apparataa fur shaving; Plated Candie cttandR dtr �tagthe G Tbetemelarb Y}� „a Cieetme°t:olta ' _ f AsuchConstRution.''] - these agreed to, and the _when knott meta h sisal uestion wIietherantici a- or_ en o { intTraServer•,-fell sizes.vouIl w C-opprrTea- Mettle.: Iron and W-oden G-f12e brills; rtrgant `Tee recadm tete wit the Icst Oxa>i�`te pfr�go� ,- p amendments were (� uuon was adopted—1 IT_to I• Ales;. Da- ascesion aliurds the most real Lion - j enjoy- .merit. - plated Rrittoor. rants and Stirrups; Ladies ; leer e "knob Lake ; bench Vises, -Saw-mil: and = By Ori oftbe Cold abrt.�`k'� _ ...� kDaming, E. Boot and Swartwout, in tile- - . -_ _ , _ , fiend-rsw £ilea Carpenter's .R tze elegant-.:brafs - AIiCHtEALD -- - otst�Sm ClytrY•of,ibd� t- vc! - ` , ' , ' _ bebiB for the settlement of -DIT- Tnm likens .. _Zry,e feria has subsided in Savanvah.. - - --- -- " . - - at [hat e-!1 Sicily has ,Cortoin Pint D• or Iiandlt:t 1`ad Locks;- 1'pnof Cards ; brats and block tin Sacks; -:.Green and rebus cpectnalea; Locks:- TO -le ho. Hum- - ' _ �gAU14? Irav bels. mada„ilfi • itbgapts wall main boAseht up.---- Art. interesting te6atetak place wlncii r narc vat errors .-to A;Brttxsels•artide states, svbmrtted to the Constitutiana? Government" "" ., '1511 -It- me Sk .e linipperr; th-e webers 7uksy Awt 131 le ,latex and Peaerle Bntti. tmm f i-4 to S -__ ----- atzttefs stmt atones aeaared-6 - _ -dirt- mwf6tse-botanist atp_iba 3itlt , "I -- - }t5tuh. Air. Spencer Quotid asuhsti[ute� Which9jy;-8�" _--- sod a half: 6creiv,7rom t -R incl'to2xncbet; ePgh i><f9 e=aated by ]sate Upiskarat , ten sad eooely ofTompktar, to Aaoa jarides 4hat the late iientur r L;hhcb 13 •,ompkills t;ouwty I ells on titre ]'race Cheyne, kit. 1 : - -de sae- - taws Of Dry n cassis tifT -acid pc ,,,. "� aitlmstnthele al suit n•lin�:'.'te•.t,u�tan r r ,. '� allowieg Sac. prose the loss of _ T - i tRLIiUI: TURL k Z��Z • - �iR©fi fa����. - - Mullins— m 1--" mortgage ra- be yes vb'tred pntyca 1s re(ore a ti k _.Ikact premiums, quthem, and other los^_, SnStalned by tum ;and c.•mptroller- The Annual Fair and Cattle Shorn for the - Tompkins, will beheld at t he Hotel in RI -e rand r rn edge FI t , I'wi6en d• E R „ C. C. do. do,>and eta- blue p iett•a do do.; _ all", • poser t- etfa mortgage crnulaed, and a the statute �teadr masa sa8a tad (atif a jury find in his favor, the the belancc, [utrtin-r with all c:•>ls and ex- county of the village of Ithaca; on theYaxt Tuesday to iVo- T quart, sad int blue printed Interim" °art; pint a I hair pint blue printed Rawls; Blue Tell 6etls, m plans sell tnertl rr6ad, ieid` driy a°eest. -aie.rtrrs, bedo� partafbt ntsmbaeVissat• es of Air. 'I'oinpkins :n the suit, from the :venelrer next. r6lid., • rI'etl, i4 t Rdgir, Cees• iiil RIAti i UQi aflll to o(1lrotoa sail ebtM�n%�q p[% `1tAe treasury. - - . -.--. -., � )1 r. SPenerr- went into a full and eomprelien- Tilemembersof the Cnciiov. and all persons friendly to the same, well meet at the hotel in Se cera, Kash Bui,ia, cord Cup. andlianun: te6d, par ,t; quart d pint Dr xorera pent and bell said mortgage or -the veyfatryas dariesZdli mom :fully a psi .wNl„iris P defence of the substitute . offered by.him; in Said village, at ten o'clock, A- M. of'kat day. int Tumblers 4'e, i P - -- } GR(10EIt�I;S• - vendeeoo-the-17tbdyuf'QavnaMre -1-1' in tie ""anon” at the baste-of -iecomse of which he stated. that a prosecution - - AUA.N- IMALS`olfrred for premiums must - Innkeeper, is the Villageeu Ntbellti; - been commenced. •,airl-at the-vice_-rresident, -- is eci!vered to Luther Gere, or. -Corn fort Butler, i p, Croix S: Jamaica R -m, Cognise Brandy ;.Aelianrl Gf-,�- jpe� ,H S4d,, ig?A„ .„ imdthe question Wright soon be decided by a hyclarn 15 M wbo-:wi11 provide peus to re- 1 Gm; Lump Sugar; Aysou and ltyaon6kio.Teat; Pepper—Spier-Ginger; fit. -: - _ - _ yVihLiAM$ANeFD$D -. C. W. Y1•rin,Att ' a!>` ;inthe ordinary way—thatby htnvirtucb - Tam Linswaselevated in'rankandslanon, P cervi thesame ABfIrL:'clrsafDomea&c tlfaRrfaetnrr� must ' Alan, IK()�f inn STEEL; 4, tt, f0 aril -i4 pew- n cut NAILS is; Ground Nicaragua, _Alum; p The bof-m-, tai _ 1 1}iflmach the more antirepublican :mil d to- liquilt sting his _ire tie ivered at the caurtroom is -the court house,_ by dclock, A. M. where the committee CopQTa, &c-- — _ — of lleetrmber mitt.. me pia �9 �t�� v tom' ��' s•� a1us was the precedent of. dam' be to a eleven appointed to award the will receive I JOSF.PT3 I3II$R, Jun in a tray that world not allaweed mteruon eitizan. ' Ile atlinittril the services -( premiums - - a the same... . 17: V 2 r T,ndtmn;.1,';.v Pet-r_:veer, c.11 f -tL c a r- a t.' o u r �l ur ''': =' ' -- . �• " S^u' ,have iieeo tftud adrprtseditaa be a carpenter— act.n L} the scroll:—?Lertera,spveal yoa,ftl a. - would2pprme or disappro.e—had completely . - t ments of the ttmn.of�tiysttyy to the profies- Qu— Aa.A,-as I call you. betrayed themselves and the interests oClbeneo , -i �. last elecuou, sears Artadtxtl•ttxd stv at Milan— In a copie; that itIfequireda"simultaneou'sunison" of carrier of the Chronicle of the sixth in- bly votes. But suelrtsttiidttihtntet4ia ' t 1laoni—iia stant,a appeared notice to the republicans of Such"homologous"meetings to procure everyone rasexrt:avtYotr'- or of language 3 pre ep � ._� = of tlne.`committee a comfortable office and res= . `tl a—\laganori, a this town. tomentatAir. Hopkins' onthe tretythj ' vital tmportantteo tore Mis hitheito degraded state to its rightful majcstY at (.o- "far-the purpose of cbusi vng delegates for the b w Dc- em;obtam;d Wrcttghop[ 1faTi@ -lo Vassalia.— ensuing year.". Rather- a short "notice, to be own the and that their luminous delegation, be the trsr of the great pYohittrB �trggte�s �' +cwitneases is -directedincountyconvention toechil the refore std [bat of the sure; but svl5cient for those who live in the vil- scene well ate;drsm_.. piillxlf said preamble and resolutions. To the passage' ting to diaprore lnae of Ithaca, and read the Chronicle. From _ tzmen of tthe tempersntd;?�i� it parts of the these cirrnmsWrtces; however, it was_evidertt,' ofihescresolutions,scm.eoftbe.gentlemen pre= urramrrii[,ttwtthsvhtelldleVA, t h following is.:, .that tltenotice was inirndedinot for iepublieans.sent objected:l'AlthonglltSrpcouldheartily aphed:�eppleoFtli(to /alien s acenunt ate the admiatietr probatimtof the. general go- generally, o . �4. �` generally, but for that d.ss orpoLttaans ycleped hope .great sraaaa t tiongi lit vertimetit, yet they could not bpprdve tndiscri- at Jilt tables bucktaile, or for a particular division of the that su26 htgft-tnmdal hti "kottafri Q party. On the day elf meeting, a desire o ornately, the condntt afar its officers, any more ninth'nrf h• t eontmnetatakrtbt wilb the ,rin- (, „ . thantould Mr. Van Buten when he denounced' cal cotieertts telitsvta shem[.irear 3 tram of noblemen, induced us to ride up td ' ! [ leather when some of'them as 40 rascally scoundrel : ° With r In the dioftx dfoffiEer± d!i$ the' cite dined with Mr. Hopkins _Item we found the quintescracc y respeeties-thg-atfarr-betweew•-iter-ga4rrno[y-and - t r o loans and wht%yatlwrs rgumi dinrd at c g -, Y - to be ua'ost and anti t vtlitiea asia Will, and twenty orthirivrepublicansfriendly to eyy, will Ilk" isu, is and 13r• reg. , republican, to censure goo, Clinton, until the ev a slt dt nr leadrn'g atnngs JJ' olid of the mreting;'constsfin of-iT�iiiit- toit buck- - Senate the conceived it ) min•+3 wetrusrs > _ iSir. Clintons adminTstrehan whom cunoaity.or P w tilt the great-I t idence he had promised the Senate at their next far themselves• t. Ar-d reg to* tr••r. ; after this res- ff the ambigunas style afthe notice, had ca led" to-' ing. 11 was a 1 (`r session, should Come' before the public it: was ' scene of the a' itica1 arr1,1. cher. it kh the choice of dele tet, of cruse f with brilliants, i. the Clintonian republicans did not trouble th em- . expressing an exparte opinion,. and forestalling soon IS` compelled to htfrthe attni f s n 'Jlilau, above• and prejudicing the public mind upou the suit $ . selves, and th► following - ticket was, annomited new characters, rlipy may cnnsele lie afterwards as unanimously elated, vizi Ject:.. And as to the convention bill, the objec under tppofttt he many dtwmeeb Y r Bergami. I tions of the Council were temperate, reason- them wtthhavto oatb8 eeeat� " f r iession of Ber• John sfpplegate, g hfoacsZoveII eb[e..and. tongtituGorfal; And calmly sag- ed't'icchtfre`pNitrrnerehetr' y October 29:. _ Lrdhe, .Gere, gested to the legislature principles upon which .err rutlrened,. they.mightfonndabfll,recogntzmgthertghis�oC EO\'GIIFceIO'tAT 11 .9 1 D-4-VID-jy_OQDCOCf{, been nnJrr d srnrtF:to to tr,ulr tronar+r PTi �inatius of Two : ___ thepeopleyand .which would insurea"convention ker,,&nil at same kngtlt.•,m +trlitite,.3lrl ` Xclivoi at al i0o Nafhanie[H. Mack, Ietand 8,?irat admisakat with- under their imm-diate authority, and produce Linn, and ar.Smi Lb. Of-S.6 iafivor trr35Y nun, and each R pert Riche a nolo carbo- amendm<nts to the constitution under their rem Dl r, Lotirdesin frror and Mr; Fergeanes' P Eliakem Deas. u v cull pradiab oo the Sth '1 be:, on the Lake perafe and discrimivaun� sanction. The resp 1C,ay, It;i trot( a,adtrdned d Count Vas- A wag observed on the occasion, that del- lotion which referred to them was therefore n m. n + ho lar( i ir- ttdNgailrt ttre t int racial ob- egatioo camtd `a_ rood Arad and tail' though It - RIII Vtr1P ab'n M!(A6OeptiNj TLGCllllf(IIVtWC. $ ( '- misrepresentation of their langunge and mttivrs,, there it an durfi((Leuatpttatron vett Lb re retreat desrrip- 1 was rather pot bellied. This comparison, hew and ought not to be adopted-by a mectiog of in '""'a ill"has eof:_reprerwtatieea" ' f +e appeared for torr, was indreornva : 7t would be betterlikrn- i t.Ev t-ea have pa sea ,tiij lnrard'" • resources and - l lelltgent freemen. With respect to the degra w the fiat and FwuE a pertlEFitae stn ed t, a constellation of planets, revolving round * ex,•enre of the aru'v and the e2p(q teen of in me- ! dation of the state, they could not conceive p PY btary Ara limy nl {Feat PaiaE•—�ISte ys tninistets, } abrilliant luminary, as their cnmmon centre_. (+carrot, gr—illy is r -- - wherein it was degraded, except by the majority • y eau auna:uduated ars in training and we merely notice their scientfe names, that,. 1 »me.ter• who are doh salt eencneprit' in the recent session of the legislature, and by t n•prrred ameadmrgl a( the a e+tltmwe it •t against [lie -- ` thepeople of Tompkins county may - know tin- - - - t letEo" at P,c `ens awl Vice-Preddnaf -se gigantic r C- 1 --- - - those mad-cap partiz:.us, who were endeavour- ch.:rev by drstna t4ronFhcat.iSre iinitbr[ ' der what planetary influence they are placed for of creatures iugtoexcitethepassions and prejudices o(tLe l derrEnUunbediwrKicwi"tudsnsorleredti simony would the en-wing year. 1 people; open subjects which demand -their cool 81Ob'ed fora third read of by a roteuf f( I cause at Ella i After the delegateswereannounced, aitdreacl ail-unbiased consideration. These objections for an alibi. J Treasury Itr?ort.' EVP commeL silence", ensued,_ and we- expected to hear - a - or smuhlers, r were met by the chairman the cotnouttee with licatioti of[he avn2T" trrawtjrrepori�'w inns to su r f speech from our friend Applegite, on the subject _ his usual point and eloquence. 'Ilie officers of be concluded next((xek, because it U4 !'t Y merit which soald be plaeed'an reritrd,A', rt Ic3ies, or. else ! of his recent plan o(- forming Bucbfail Contex theeneral ovrrnment were with him from a $ r r those who wish an opporatmty of a s ' "ase into court. into seperate tate _ ,.Silence, however, was -- d vice-press cut down to angst-master, a all, .tt r the presentsttuatign of the'canons It r fact were not !broken 1y a softly; quivering voice, from what honorable men;" and the governor ought not to our financial eoneerni 'orld, that t!,e organ we could not distinguish, `accompanied by crown could' - presume on an insiuuatio1 ae iast them, without l'l,"idential. Electiatt The '£1' a chattering ofttethandaknocking e(knees= t resentm his evidence yorthTci[h: U onubich Presid-ntond Vier- resideu of this th'-, l;acelii,, P g p P t, and the De ` It morert, that.a committee of five be appointed at Alba otf"the Sth Inst. priocipie, rt is hoped the honorable attorney wi}1„ . . '[Heir card e -y names hale to report resolutions expresaingthe troop of the pevedi Was unanimously for llipdtoe a' T� F. never a m hrina'an act!on, of n ake or receive. = iib fatsehotftl. g p &a ins. 4 meeting with respect to the convention .bill.= t adrelaration, but what be will be prepared to The electors of Virginia, Penns 1 , i t hough' f town • t This motion being carried, the committee were i Rbode:Isfand and Connecticut have-also t supported by i - i an to, artd come to trial lingo, ins/anter, ;1s r , r ,se which must l nomivatrd,somewhat in the following order. j. to he objections otthe Council oflleci ion the an unanimous vote far Alonroeand Tam • t, there have ` D. Woodcock, Eaq. I nominate the 5-ecreta- J ' In Aiaswchus ns• Jarnes ftiuhr«, Cot: ! bore..gentleman went round, and over, and under,.'- dent; '15 votei; lion. Richard" Stoc •nee •end testi• ry(hlasterFinch.) , \ew,Jerse 'tot Nice-Pres r S Ito on any cause, and all about, but.was ta:eful no in touch upon yr •> r RoG Kenned,�, Eaq. Second the motion. - iel D ompkiu3, ? most doubt. hem.' From the barrennn?sa of the subject, after' In 4larylan'd, for Mr- ]Mayor, ac P _ hake this stale (Carried.) I _ I ,for 113r—T i3 ins as Z ice- A . he had so dosrly cropped llte Inurels; or same 3 votes vital moment,. R coarcts,"Eaq. I nominate, 'squire y y wnot supported en a ed f0 and I vote for Robert G Ilan cr: amination l Woodcock �,,J`, - q• i brher ca f r' 8 a associates, t gas not suppnricd r _ P . `,�{ ,-- • - - ` ----- - (Car an o hit s , d iGrralStrttmrrnta_—The editordtlre r r t eet'taint', ! Luther G e F.r Setood the motion Car- y a !" Island rkmerieari in nptictnr .r to n9 } A dleortr3ltrs;rue, shroudl�etthedupoOnabehd' of our statelgislature,observe-•t Those rtedr Robert Kennedy, i nominateeoLJohop a a t etng,at n des ancr the s e ns ofthe, r are un i t re to the 80111 �:. bestde..•him, int, countenance beaming do- as exliiblted in i\ety York, ran discover in undrrstand, son, garner p'J but loohedtsistfully au�uspiciousiy reasun for the (inti Uv' opposition tvHtdr Lad i LufArr Gere, P.eq- Secntld th -_!ion. •"C:tr- around frim, as he tiinught a!' the merciless rr- tiriurc trrbr ntadc to l,ov. Clintmt. fIN *am. Ole \rapolitan 1 rim.) # , couveyodinthereerntproceedmgsoftlte On t Le '.Off+, - f riev,r, and was silent . •foot litllle Spcyucr .seems altogether unwarrantable, and we bel1 fart of Salantn, I LuJher.Gc-rc, Eaq. I notrinate Doctor. Wil _p • held hisosnttnn iii one corner, -" like-a cat in.a will ultufu nately recoil on the nous pertlaatatt�, and on the I{ liamr. 'strange garret:" It was, his Prat atrpeamtire whom it,was offered, nt violation of- the j tan [lrrt argon ( f{ober't-7ienreedy, Esq. 'Second. Ute mutton. ; ' '.. ; lts6d touttelih, arlee+islalfaii l( „ - 7'x•1` •din n I:rl(rn or d' ata bucktail meeting since hs conaerannf�, and ltrlirv. d fiat 1 he Vied with ""till nt and' open-mouthed won6r j, r.» U,r bear lurk CrdarnGiad DtG2- ?. t I Here an anti-bucktail gentlemen, thinking that u on the3cene bt�orr him as thea h he would BQCKTAIL ME••hTll\ti:. d to ltAtC' Co- E g ,e Palermitans,. 1 inti C.r's.gcnerosity hid gone farrncugh,uomina exclaim_ , in the language of his grent {rrutotypc, last: evening-.tine bocktatl partyas>srm -;,rnus.i.lane'. i ted L-Gere, just asLnthesY:ereyeriedouy"3no , e. Ih r(orccsatTammm�yilali,todenotmcet E 1`oah, What part of the United States are vc cvlhrr betty-GorernerChnton and Clixfltts� which rvtne minatehlr.Spentrr!" l/tttthrfinttnutionlxine'; lap, -~` tier Speneer,.fot darter$ to drfrat thnr ver `le..rn, that -, insisted upon, Air: Gere was dcdared to theyfth ' _ Reasoning, however was' just as !f1cetual as catliny.a state conventmn to form t rev ed iatat lerenv6 4ihiwt.=As. w� expected, he mcvh iraX< t 6 she tdaira t.f '! loan of the committee. After retiring (or a few% 77 might be expected, on surh an occasion. The r i ' thin arid otmitsuoga Y. In-pi us-k. 1nOlettta, he committee brought in th'irreIs sun t"ew low; the audience dry and- clamorous;of Tammany Hill pa0tttuuts andk thce'� •nElis•tretlit -ei which must with wonderful fit- i eventheJob-likepatienecof I:r!rrrtanry-.nos_ 1 nrntlherevatnfeTrvstti•;-!n t wYb-icu" F RICAN JOU11 NAT.-'1'TT.LAGF, OF ITHACA, T 'IMPKINS C1)UNI'Y`� 5. ltF, s .i•`. � ;o, Isfo` � v�r r - t ': letters from tinrnnti, -the .lustnan at my-.- Z. t [ 1 z;. ` Ci(ilY,tir,iv tiakfRraytt9 ttp�ira ', -tzar t oose'"sted lli r a.90 .-, ' ;, r y}pnrJaap-aasupjn - . iq'Italy, had received Prom Fietirta ordeta dead c` iec{t'iiigit t X04rdsetiesof -e e Telegrapd. In naCle[•--aeYerttl re menta OfAUat visa which had at-rived in Italy, in - - 'aquire:W k.`Vy whom as chairman m die- t atld ane f l� —Rer�' Cabled>kQl(- We have thus atkrppted ashort lea wirgman, - lbs taviay and fortressesof-Lombardr and :-�mmittee, tt was subalulpd It �pns}sted praceedmgsy whsd W,II ¢rohabTj Self's ;)1'crL1y he " Aluil" of `'endee. 'file cavalry was hkawise to go was, string of.very-moderale mLereases, declaring the 'in this week-s'-- Chi` into rantonemonts: It however. still rights and grievances of the people, and sundry reported P leitrd by tiro in re orte& that an AiisU•iap ram would---' p [ P : vetgiieeoaoasitgdlultdns; In substance, lgelartug I ametided, and -correctedw y r les ii liorers, I 30, front the be formed on lite banks of lite Po.—There still contirtnes to. be an raeessive-vigilaoea - that-thc meeting have tLc , `J glicst�ntiltticn.e„ for anv diLrrence Mere u t 7,ry un on the 29th exercise l oa the ilustrian- irttvrt%ers to= in (.+t t� die officers of [he ge ;cent €cveln:mcn[,f0 ( - Pluln, !iteralfy trvr and aararn frim mern and:'personr(� ' tiari �, \l(Yv, (apt. wards Italy, with regard to all travellers that it was as bad its bi h treason fur a Yeruur sailed it viae i ruerr m Id that country. and all lial- C �• K - ' 1 Clinton to msinuafe a wortiagamst aoypf tU miI' (silt which rFce 4es the "or.„ c - of Pains and been re- tan+ dnsrrous of going to 'forrtgn states. but that the modest and. disinterested Roger, c assiea embelli5lim6nts I �oeo i •. !. 1. 5, iniad ,Iry crural of I P Intelligence. the understand. has been gi raerireJ In lawn, that the S enisft liortes P �.... mem- Skinner U S district and a senator an men} g f d - tary. It will now reenarq fol-frac, y dddurrd as hiliY I - have given up the Floridadto the United her ofihecoaacilof npporntment,.mgeiher with - whebot the cottigtittee auedta fa ahetfleT the resolutio7L4 }epode$ aqd; ;. 3 runceiYe- rrirr at an $talcs. The Emperor of Rusaia bas ordered, a backtad Berate, ;night insult the governt.r of thet0,8eaae,r'ar -nonsense errs are filled C l _ a fresh levy-or 96,000 mea. • Destinatien this !tate wnh tmpumty ; that when the senate .Pressed Far be it from as to refledttpon ;e (partici 1 i - unknown, call on him for information, the governor ought _ for tite7esainuon3 Ihott htaiiiF w) wltlCh 'At: it which The Sovereigns of-Europe were to meet - - to-hare his documents prepared instanter, espe I pet a mputo•stralIolntsimo8t.aogl e,Ied id thea;• ; at Vienna on the YXIh of nntohrr. __ ctalls at an .eats-session, viwben it •it doubtful.. - a eery;goodmodeof geft»g'xtd of -. •j :,per between .µ t-whether �µ a.-� �y•ty �s��•r iif�i �•i�5i 41• elj04tb S►i. the are to remani L ether three days;" �. y lutions, astrellasagetteroatcJmix, .r, of rourse that thegovernirandcouncil ofrertsion;inrejac- { gentlemen tylia brought Ai m f ular chain of { be �au- ITHACA • tin tae.bitlfor a hastycall of a convention to alter g antiou3 trrbutattoas in tiTverliea 7 annot 'WET) J the constitution,withotitpreviousautttorityofthe ! from tha $xdh�ts ht Til r al. ublishes the �'ESD.-1I, DECEMBER m0, l8ee. - ` 1 people, without allowing-them a Just represents- Irtandatc It ma'Se �a(r`the e gttestiont j. p Ito had been - 'nl t'ieal 'I+'aree. i .. ... tion ermitting them to discriminate as .to y o� , into which forte/ dry and huav trreo� c in Beit°ni• ' .low. good Peter grim«, call forth yaor such aatciea. of tl.e amended constitution as they � e beets tliUl adlpnsed; e$n be Cts ar-admiral Cdrllentr r+ actors h the scroll:—itarure,sprea,i yourselves. Y - wouldn rove or. disc rove••-had completely' PP PP. f•• mt•nta of the town ofjiyssea,-.wjt o the rotes- p Quina Aaswcr u I ran you. y 1 betrayed themselves and the Interests of the pew, `1 lasf election, seven hundred died pg ;k Y at bl ilan--I In a comer of the Chronicle of the aisth in. rn ple, that It required •t tr simultaneous unison” of ] bly votes; But such n tbelaatmrr to x : 1lanoi—Ru- stool, appeared a notice to the republicans of such'homologous"meehnpsta procure every• one t[ c, { . revel. curs or 71 4tbP on 3 r: - nl languages S —�iaggiort, a S this town. tomeatatblr.Iiopksns'onthe tieelfth, of the committee a. comfortable uffict., and res• , r vital [mpta•taaeetothrulrpt%f Vit" is jrsty al Co- rt for the purpose of chooaing delegates far the tore this hitherto degraded state to - its rightful '; ' to be obfamed.thrcughoatthretaur u Vassalla: n enuing year. Rather' a short notice, to be owners; and that their luminous delegation, be r the use ofthe great politt, jirgg'rra=' witnesses is d tbut of the Isure; but sui icirat forthnse ivho live in the vil• ' j directed in count convention to echo the afore- Y ' said and resolutions. To the passage' - - - - - scene We bare described will: affuld. }e° s ng to disprove lige of Ithaca, aad read the Chronicle. From preamble I 'pre citnen of sthe tetnperaueer zdeti , •: , purls of the these circumstances, however, it was I °f These resolutions, some of tht:gentleniea unarrimily with wftieh, t wilt 1i to following is .evident that the novice was intnrded, not for republicans y Belli objected. Althougll„tiiarV coved heartily ap- pb;hed. •-Tile•people of this to . liar's account i i• generally, but for that class of paraicians vclrprd probate the administratiml of the general go- t have .great .reason. to dmikrtini 3 the tables burktails, or fir a particular dirisioa of the erameot, yet they could not approve indiscri- 1 • that such high=minded and lionoralr _ at in the ori h- A party. On the day cf meeting a desire to -' t =mately, the conduct ofall its nfficers, ally more r could Mr. Van Buren, when he denounced' �•.0 cbntinne.to take the managemwt 4l' x N II h the Iris- l rmber when gr n learn of noblemen, induced us to ride up to } I thar to ,, some ofthem as rascally scoundrel . With cal cotreern3 relievin thetlt-fmm' ; g — iiedined with Mr. llopkins' ; herr tie found the grtiniestrnce � 1, respect-lo-the governor-and ry to the choice dfoff[Etrtsafla tb I.. thritoiarrYns an�whtleaIlgtrs vim. cum; dined at ilitita passing of the'ritrrtiog; eomistiug of abnut for ty buck- d tails, andtwMty or thirty trpubliwos friendly to 1 Senate, they .conceived itto'Ile unjust and anti- P s fl°h i miu••1 'wettustthe rvillhaveao syr y' i arid Bel a•Clinton's ith the great- l 'tile. adminisbatien,whom curiosityor ! 1 re censure gni. C1irKon, until the ev- , t, idence he had promised the Senate at their neat. . ".slip their IL•adin Vi s rt aad tl7 P g g tr far themsrlveS. Aid to the i tlteambigunus style efthe notice had ca led tri as at I tier thio re- ng. It was a j , , gether. t. ith the rhoite of delegates, of enure, ! session, should come before tit? public it was .• sceoa of the t' lifictil= 4ree” if ItO f - r y i1 h brilliants. ` the CIintonian republicans did not trouble tit ern- 1 . expressing an t7parle opinion, and forestalling and prejudicing the public, mind utun the cub- wort be compelled toAiftthe stfnes !' -y,, -console-` )titan, show• selves, at,d tit►fillnwiag ticket was announced t as tonveidion hill, the ohjec- uety characters the ma , y - Ile afterwards f -Jett. And Jo the under the many-.disappajntmt ass Ilergami. I as uaanimnwlyrlected, vii tions of the Council were temperate, reason--- sheat, with on the plcaeat ession of Ber- J,)hn ifpplrgate, chic and cortstitutiooal; and calmly sag- ie Ping edrtwehAtepaitivoerrall hloreaLoreII, ested to the legislature principles upon which Lt�fiey _thetr Ocf0l,4r 2nr-d, _ Luther Gera, - might found a Lill, recognizing the ngiiti.af CO\GRI'ccItt'1 Rt fbeltlls-•on t 9`' nasion of Iwo DAVID WOODCOCK ' • p tile people,and which would insure convention i ren rind x en.a ,o both hoar P i l,r,,and atronetengW ,nreitate.]tTr;ftir relive; station fgathanieI R. Mack, j under their linin-diate authority, and produce Ruud ag+i ut eduais o6-Rith the aobmin " tion, unit Ar. Swith•of.S.C.lnravort lit and each Robert Richey, - t ; amendm,n.s to the consdtutu n under their tem- Air L.—tie, m t v; and D1a eme+rite " unimpearha_ on the lake Eliakrm Deas dri- 1 erase•anddistrhe P imivaimgsanction.' Thr resp- 9th. Tha I 11 (ill ptcdin�wrtftaaasssuwi6►d ; 1 Count Vas. A wag observed on the occasion. that the ' lutinn which referred to them was therefi e a n cr , i fa t par rotM . ■art thti t it general ole egation carried avoid head and foil, thnuefi it. ^„-r^t^rrn•r!atk�a , ,h.•ir 1-•..1 r cr - II lr t opt g rbrc n utvuua - � •i rut deserip- was ratlur pot bellied. This enmpariaun, how and ought not to be adopted by a mrciiu • ofin- i t „4 h a-<ot rgrerult uc - __ r t,-r I v n, d nn ng t ria ratere appeared fur and fuer, was indero—z : it would be bet erliken- t trlligriit freeincn. Willi respect to the rlrbra- r a Ih gni } t r.L a tertiuJarrtat 1 'S . rcauurcrs -rn put ill mo- ed I, a constellation of planets, rrvolring round i 't caner; ee datwn of the state, th,•r could not ' zi ” nr II e , r and the eIftemlit btnry A barmy at W-t Pmat--•Iha ` s, minislet s, } a brilliant-luminary, as their common centre: wherein it wds degraded, except by file finjority (icnersl, agfrasbty fv C410Clllnat111allw) As in training ;and wemerelynotice their arirnli%re name.that t 1 in the recent session of lite legis ature, nnrl by I un■.leer ,rbo ere etsa mail ct•ntraeroi3=,� t :r,,,vd ai is dmrnt of lire r�naitnl,00, R _ against the The It opir of Tompkins county may know un-- - thnv mad-cap partizt.ns, Who were endeavour- 1 i else• r t-rc idrnt- ■int viee•Preridmii ' .r gigantic rf- of creaturrs der what planetary influence they are placed for , in tar xcite the passions and re udirrI of the g P P t 1 1 L} ti end [hmughcut sue IIntlad. r nt nt . n•e dr-car 4—a• end ua. ncdered to - - - _ - - - - nnonv would the enwin year. S- y . i peopir, npcu sttbjcctsisilidrdemand their cool V, - •d o, a thipt rced:eF by irotemf ICS - cause at lite . t After the delrgates were announced, a dreatl _ and unbiased-,ronsideration, Theoh- se rtinns - ... Jr' _ Trraaur1 Report. - Wix mmmeh for an ul.¢i. _ silence" eissued, and we expected to -hear a - rrrtrmct by lite cliairnian of tl,c romhiittre with licatio,fofthe anvil I7rasttryreporr;R•h _ or muglri s, ols to supply 1 speech from our-friend A 1 sir on tile tub pe pP eg ' u J flu mn:d point and rhainence. The uffuers of - he concluded next tveek• because It isl meat which sould be placed an te[ord,et ` Baia: or cirri - i a(his }event Planar forming lircrktail coverer P- >; - the genital; nc.•tnmrnt, wen• with him, from. a - - thine vchn vcisk an appnr•unity a( - - . - into court._ !. into a arperate state. - -_Silence, boucver, was - -vice-president ,town In a post roaster; °'all, ALL the present situation of Ihe-varidus - b ,la Iii ., ,-, :]:, ur.:c:-, til (a•- ,.,'- _ ... - - ' • - - ._ -. _ _ _. it, I''-•, lid 111 111 Ili. l t IC f fill.I],v„-_, n+ th, In't ,1.r,l Pres„d_ - - - - , •t ill fal•1 rt lhiiiv Ib!LC ,ltlti pr,.pl,•, he 1t rrpnu.I n.ts of s«hnntth,•f..Hera! qn sonl ofa irtt,vll"M to :~{? _� 4'1+ 1 ,s�nnditrtnsas ataty0. C' 1hem,-a•-,.I u• Ill.--':rt.I surf.. t]•• inditidnal )7II!:C,•Inrtnrr:.hi, h••refrG, rzisrinC r -lilt Mate. Rrn,trGil•rcunnty,lhcll:h Irnon?rwcamb, ] 1 l+ , amordrnrnu whicn,n,>, he rnar]r Iy loch cm lnrcu.thcsub.!:rihrrx. undct_[ht:.tirm't!f' \,1 kin ,r n( ro"frp, 1 sq C;iairi :::n, :•.Iutunn S.ntt't, lis,]- Secreta- r.,.ritioo, in be likenis -S h oat d I„ ilirm f r, 1 Lnn,ber.l.00f and Teani (; 51I KIt I N r inn. t err it rd in payment. S ry . their adr.]ni n r r n jrctiun t u- s t n u t frmn , {}-H 1!u• evil of a c ln.r:uG x, ad } t +1 7 r t t t t',Iod of is tto ,lav dissnit•r;d by •mrt•taTronient. ' -bill refused ResnivrC, —1 ;]at, Citi'ccusnfa frrp trpnhric 111 x1in . re• indrbtedIo the Grin for wort: The hi he-t -i[ev at nft•Ia:K�, anJ-fr-•,it party t, t:;.rl,,a. _ .. li we are not only juati:ied, but aqui'{d,'tn b.rtc•q rin •v prrv,r r+s to th,• I t Sept 17<y rr-n notified �-cell kinds of Ilattln- nd Pltlt SCR•btly, tit's tro•:eldtng, ofnitf public. ren•- ' til t it is lie t visa,"y lin Ir crounts ali-, Ild Iii -3 i- - D t I p 7nF. 101IIti-;TIG:{;- 1 I7 e al3ts, n'hu n <ve-h,:ve entruStrNf tridt piny''; an I. q I tilted b,durc• the lvt if Fe!) ni tt lit r torr, 4 i-i� 7c - Mnz. Glad: `•Srrirrn� It appears I- — as Iaithl'ul srnhrek, to,Rhce the watch-word of 5 , PI III...n tin in+,•nd tri p ly :ills flit necessny'nl j itiinert: Jrbu trJ 8t , _ ro:nmi:teil i w- or ttty) ul,,,un•e s, r romnrunic:l- � t alarmwheneyer our-rig;usand prir.ih,ge: are at• '' rt i ndnr� in drib uoRr w t4 e, -woo dv'nut; = _ tempted to be prost,alyd by lite ngf* atnr! mr!nl_ ii„ti +hr nontinati ins by for Cocktail couvruU„ tt• trill on th'lt day find fit,, 3cc€mat bl the It nd, lettce of factious demagogues fit per+te:ante Iir. Is st week. Instead ofJultn iloirker, fir jwlgr, , of snnu: utter r per•rnt for cr,llr'tion. rP r•rr • of a •olitira! nth. it xhuui.l l:av;. he'll : Saiultel .Ct-11,11dert .3 and ,t I, ,!errands a aituG the _firm •kill •hR rr:- '� Rcruainrn en tine Poai ]:1-aciln;red as net t ] u Y k p I:Esulve$; Thar wo have vierrr.l rvitit dint nt- lila ea,l.ul'Jrs.r `.:!nut, n]tu is a tulrr;tblt' d rout 5r.itrd t , J` G 7)ycl:man Av1tu is.authoriser] to j IriYtJ! it /ti:ltinn, arid with at, flint "as•tam; solirtinslr•,t-kindrY,-air:an.Et-shvuldl:ave-bcenJU�,.i"l \ -- - r I '. sclN'• all accriuntg - � ] f• which t!trir'r:iportatl nt ,•u•rce:, t=ne orn,•n;tin:rc � 5•UT-1r J G; D1CK11A N 1 t , -T \r to.�-' \ !- •amu( ill's- ns het u� the lieminatinn L,r to ,tmen;l our <tAtr rumGnni,ul, ohir4, at drfG•r- JMI" P. 11.1."MiCK ” t i rr v :anuwarr•i, n+)s 'tell; that it . ri-min„edJanuary. , ent limps, have !)ofni su.,mi!te.I I—., ;!le execu111-. } ,! • Pho;nrx AMTS-r#til J inuary_1,8 1. 179 f 11 r. lis,:I , -C.vi .J1: le the trnsidrr,ltun of file U-�islnntr,•, -Ind i { h; n: of it J'ar nnrr.,i fr(rnt- - 0° \lid a Icd is. f• n +a . I r , Jt— eonu•tptence act.? ispn l hr filar tin lv IV!rv,'r replied he, _ A 1115 0 1 ;� 1' �',I:(`, . ❑ , r. G: n ,,.e, 131 �r3+1 IGsnive•! 'fl:n[ tvr a ttrd::i❑ vu ,i.naa that r` Yli; rt nr:rG, .111A:1 jrrclnss !rr IS. �f J..wax ti.v tau, t Rcinaiitrno in the �2rose-O re at ,Ludlutrrille, some par:, oft4e cnn,iitatino are rL•f•ct;te, .,n : 1 1V. Y. aau. Y I821. C ” that a cu,tventioll Ong:it to ]It' Calknl to reel , } T,i Co:tgr -ss, ]idle :in irirss of importance orfa,Y[a ltas' r L rnr,,!.• lir �t%M'l bt•-•a Irtr„a't d s v,: fh .lase rn, P•din"s Pub- t 1' n LLrrr (,Let + r4I aa;1 amt•ud tilt oxine. (' s P Jacob Allr•-i. Sanlntl rnr d,, j 1 than ! u taxa_. Jol#n 1'rault•e$, 'Chat inn r^^aft::n. i..:.,.: in? :,: 1,•,:,r,l. 1)cc a .Lidswer••. intent:uaa itllo butt B : Williatin k Liydly, - jjj - lois<does the vital iotrrr5s of ire comutn:•at _,>1 t l:ulsrs; fur all:,;vnm lire purchasertt of prrhlic land titter.' Gig'#ntv, Sair[, t l Lindly, r n T f r• f •q.. Y their" 12 arca li + a right to rt }int u•sh a fart oftheir urc!t,:ses, Lc. party cns;:ipr inns na^.:t to r;r tiso:rr,rd,.ctrl 1 I • i. Gharlea Uvardsleei Ali,wrt«.{wally, tbP �pnrral p and of the whu1lstair alone coil- In the I Imisr..Nr. S:niFty Pram fife ntitihtry corn= I til+ iII:ICr, D ,yi f lftn ' miner• re ,urt•:rl a lid] h:r dill''+-duction -wd n:•tv , bila• T:,per Tii7i su.ted. 1 l pbr m I unison, Dan i isk, • _ Cn.,rles Fill., Pirsrdv^•1, That, i❑ tiltop kinin til title mrrt- rnlcu,:zatiu11 r.f tlir arnrc rrAurmj .t1ic']lace Stmutl L'lker, Caleb LJrtu,jun. ttuLrrt P r r-rn,' S r a 5, t1R• it^l-tat re pnssrssrs on pn,rrr a, r:ell cso,bli,hnirntL, sill thos:uut ilun cnnt,nissmnrd i John 1/usb, AI 111 I3rr.JatninC+.islriia.'.y cur,vent!un fn anh•nd ti r' CnnatltiltlnR, ina<,n/,-}1 +,P11c. rs and pi'i'mtes, with a Clue prop:'rtion of Ii. illianr Belknap, - P•iChar-ll.!+s Iiofl'In, as no power is enf:nsied to 6:-at 1:y lit'• ca,n+i- tirhi and Company uflir ers, Rrt. Ji,hu L'asattn, 2 h3rrrimsn c: Jenkins, ITit:ia,n lI,•,rrJl,- f,••ptl,'I lutinn itself, t loch, rn t!r.• Cn,:f r: ry, exprrsely. 1ir1(ir-h _•ave notice• t],at, r;n + it,sd IN Rekt, in Calvin lin r, Gu?ean Morehouse, At.... 11.ot, 1. StEttev,] declarra, r'Iltat -0 :ui;liurif. s:I,dl. r,n «uj per- cache should lie able to r,l,tailt till fluor Willi ,m r;wwstet, { ris,.n hfaik, •iovp , Ind. r t It,. !R: sh,_uht submit a rpt x sitil,n for I7L�R'llCt1r1 a J lrn ilu+eh n�,, Ab ����777 '(runt reltaterre. Ix• cvrrris••d atw•r t u• •x•oph• lir I' I F Joel Baroh.. Abijah ,ldillrr,- Esq. ' - - 'TiurrlSp 'Illi. y:• members of this slot'•, b,u st1 !t ::- suer;1 br dcr:v_ P uper commlltr r to unttnr r uau mr rsprdienry C Janus Alarsrn, J r l cif' ed from, or ;ramp f hv, t1n•m: r 1 „fl;ro!,][,ilii:Le;pnl,p,cttr]J,thcimport:uion of Somers Curtis, RichardDlinturny. • �7_hn3,dm•en. lS Ti:tfiT . j Uistillrrl ,int' anti Malt Lir ai rs and sundry C,.ngrr tL 11 _ #ns, lleuiy Allllei; h. Er'tiyill C ltesu]vrd 'l Isd an •C:rmpt to r.': r,«!r to tltp `I people. I:tr ea]l;tvr of a convcn6w, is a flwgrant inanw:r tined articles, which collie Most in cum- h:•nurri Chapmnn,-, zP Alrsli+ S contempt n(filetr nnalipnnW,• rights, and an it;..h_ pet:Um, :pith RomtSlic fabric. Jblrti D. Christie, UlivC lLF _ f, Arai 11r. Loandcssuunnrted she folio s.n tesolu- -hnn.led usurpation r( rn:ver, in -lost 1rci,L+to;s g Catlmrrnc (wtrad, Sarah 1 al?irF,. 'a$n supported it, which merit our vcvcwst r,•-� 17°b � � •Susoil Cbneet; - Levi Iraipripr. , pml:eilsiort- brae .ed, That l#te con .l,ttrc 1f II'a}'s 3rd Ga{ t Pelee Conrad' ' :: r IIEtI E;\S,defiult h,be iieselred, 'that, alai! nn-c-i,'i:•rivr:] from, 1 'xnsbeiustrucud toenvrtrre intrr lift rxp••dr` ) tills t lull;,; , I.11 asltirirs,• V paymantofaarWl iB lite proplri from tvhnm tit' r•ra,tiuttton itself ' rni.v of providing thaltlu•.bnus of an frinks m' ill!:Im S Clark, ih•tst [.ulijnsnn, enird to he paid by--g,mr+lYar' enisnated, flee sen5r n}' Ili^tprn.,_'r' mod,; [n be I whirl, notes below the autntiot „(; dulhirs are, Abf I ilia f;nnvirg ''Alnalwit �i:ode. _ - . -John Metzgetr,,.if the town di;ii ascertaine,I, nnd-t; ;&Autanrity arq:mr•L het:Ir rn• may be is-u:M, scall be taken in payment of 1•.i+l1raiin C nse. S [y.nfTtttitpkilis, hcann nate itis �; Vle;isfiture shoald pres:imc to direr.! me ca!1 i r aur- ar dcL•;sto file.`or nlibeut bf file tutted L•', f Joitn Smtfh--- " June, ei.,16 •n hundred and hi or a Cunrentimt. Jtatrs. Petry Eddy. 1' linked 'be flee samtr plat of .' Resolved, T.`taYne ''grey the eburs' p•rrsv_ Which after same debate, was aarecti to-5r7 �' Dm ip1 Thorp,• tractor parcel elf, land, 41ugntidln .rd Iry,n majority ofthe mr Aem of file h^=ista'- to 40•'4 A61tIStIIS i•'ield., ?hiss Tnbnbull• of Longing, eo inty of Tom _ tore, at thl•ir lati• s,•lsio i, in n zenip:hn. to idea- Pee. _9—IuSettate, Air Y an Dyke gave nn_ G 1 kanwR its part oflet S, ii Qt Ufy this Ccat q•+rstic•n tv;th t;le. }bend politic 1 tier, that, oil Tuesday r•ext he should ask icate' %V!iliam Gurin, Williatn Vandoren. final noir-11us orPsztd;aittl} ` a'hic!i r,.0 m,h,ppily d;•vi le '..w! a"irate rite a, intraduce a biitsto establish a unif'+rnr system S•Tlllllel Gr, .n; 1t Incas: + mg at a staks eEandn comr;rtt:)#tri by introducing a bM 6ir• Ging the ufbankruptry. Gibbs: Esti. omm�•I S.II'ick, lige rtt"sxid Ir•ti and.running_s xtV jj tali of.a, cunvemian, tvi:bnut. first taking the In the llouse—nA committee was appointed to !i Saptuel Week-t and sis,liuks; east from the south 1" t¢nse lit fife people, whether such convention enquirr iiltt, the expediency of prnvu}ugt by law, 'I as Hanot; George 13 va r•r,.� said lot, and rpna7na titegce'.e :Luu!d be lir (1, and directnt•- li!:ewise.. file .elrc_ at the , 'sent srs tun, for the apnartiun,new of. 1 •I'non•as Ilarnilton, = Y-” ' pprehrs and dit link, , theuee -iIi tion n( r!i•Ergates to sgrh convention, to f:rk,• this ,cprpsentat;vrsm Cungressamong ti>expvernl . - 1l+iorlr'S, young.. -died and topiltV-six perches 3A& j States ac ording to file 1"nurtli cuttim ration ill' 1 n178-3w LFIN TS TOW R, P. Al.. ' 1• thence ttirst sixty-three petydia �Iscr white lilt operatimts uC a council e( cep- >' •nInvIh_ would 'Keit' ;arty spirit to iia ' t t IN- ]xu;•!,• ut the ituited S:a:cs. Mense�sdild7 one.hunlred atilt fire lr" t I' u�t- 313 't rd,tiltl. t, til l[•xr ni -t the torn:r l fry Est #ck of %rritatinn, aur! wi+iie the inrleutr.;rcy t The orders Rf t1r: day' alert tlien'. ra.lcfl over ; �,� •e3 and, twelve lipks, to the jtlAet •.'. ' f lnr nu 1 cru to •i xa' •xiu- by .x ce .•,,in in- of the ;(,ason, would d'bar rally of Elie yeoman- bot ninny membrn bring aLarnt anti ito iii yin- --ware,lt Mortgage helot ,k fntr IM, hir•tettt •!xy of k Cbntai t]ng fifty +er`e3 tff III t1;, �Ur . of fit' country who rvnide in . imitate srtd+•_ sit., «lalmrrrin/� to ra(lvrp Lrisrness, lfie house 1larch, in the year eixht x o . hnarlrerL'hr.,l tw.oty, tract, piece, lir parer. of lab {{yy ad-oarned t , 1 dhtta . f-lr •ncur]n-; Ute i I aerit ofiltelo [loam red am, I fiat �enrs. (rnr', tit' ear rcise nftll. it rights of _( a�a 1 J f ' Yr y (satJ lot nn :rS, in tilt silt) tot of } l nine dollars ttifl!!t�[ lis+. r•. r l .�......v , J d:.les 1%l . -. � _ —liL141,' iirvel; Thal-w,-car[', I r-it-rlft.tr iri�lirst �_ _ hl,r+t end'ciao n.:nnto J lea t,Juo,ond •rt dee Fame 1 - b,' ', [slat rY'P. t' 6r:rfiou til .rnn^try !Ic re- . _�t a riteelitiff of a rLittber of Cie inlf:tbitaofs n('' I,Iar:e, all ihxt certuiu rircr. lir�Yaro-„ u( I.:ud ,.iR:tnr., , CQrI1Pr of Daniel 1TaMn S 1't(Idyi.ri ' in the sa tr- pinporti,nt as [heir tela- the w+si;uh! cos[ pati of ilii f„ti as of illy s- fy u,� xnd brine a hart ef: toC�ltusd,rr xrlFr, u, the' south sixty liuee ads, or In tltenor otion is to earli othrr, asd therefnrr, sesanrl jI'ctl,t, cuilvened.1 reeable to revi- Inrvn at fh•ct,•r etore•eid,',[�tided'hs, L.Un,w� na tifadatn llu:vrf's labii on s it('1P1 1,y1t i wu. I' Cx1t`rr • ,in II,r w -i 1 v :,.,_S],ixf:hyttirsci.itt Ill,-toe rata ayentltatr.1 rP..4tied arrltn; to thr rensu< Almy tat:- I Ivssz son Jaturdty die Gill of Jan- iul; .Gr Mit tin<•rr rr , tL;•i ( sof, hod rn •tie rn T Ly � io(.U(1?anrPl G'aCORs 1'+Rd CIIen[• x ant in of the ilnil'ril tilaic".:Rol tin• pm'nis• herralII•t mrmioued p Lnir PA a ?lxf lilt C itu+nr t 1 c 1 .a i+ r, fifty r li t tw• rty- '.. z - Yllirh li!;r,.Irrlly 1tr• published, ns oUlrraviac sr; n. t: asr.,llyd'to lhp (!lair, and GTLdt.th G,urroilr,(lenJ-hr:ilt:Lot.e,ttre d'mr.enutie,,f-B:tcon'sxouth-lineto4biisplaceof'& .briny n(nnr mn:.t worthy citizens a•n•:ld be dr- S•1 F.VF.ASOY, rhoSett Sr'rl'14ary: yT, n'h:•el e n duly t .tiro! k•si ned f vol ''tai u]rig fifty acres of,land Ili v"'erim i,rl Lu'llu' 4Ir-G'ILCr tt,tti ruga Ao•e tlwr.PfOre'nt ttce is tP�ftSf �,i;.•rf of o+(r,• of mile dean:st ri,ltfs of frevinvo, i ,] he :: •,a•tin� bein called to ort! •r;,it tvns re_ - - n - drx, Lrrn .h+wfe in t6 tx'rnr t t ire •,,,nnrp Crr;,a:.=.rn'a•inn m those asrnurl •s tvhrre 3 ;tis vtttlm nfs:jtoper.[nntarried:ia`S•. r.� - solvrrl, th:d a-ton in-ittee ill' l.wr hr 7t pnnrtrd to uRen ,-I U hr s ca, rd by til - , t-}I rt til -' oei l gild- ue d-1CItrinrd :fair nu!rt•iduat ri fits and ,ri- ,r r �('•re i,c eL n d, r 1 c t•i u r ..r +verin pitmillatice of the elatntel ii`ti 6 T draft rr ulauu s ckinesstsa of,thr a u r of thrt y r r ti!ecaS, c • Inrd in ,1, l u,' ri Cr tar rant n rt _xis,yl r 'and provided'- the_ afince dliat`ciiib �, - - - In"I'+ Won t:ic' std Ject of t!lr ht'isior n( It, It,, %I It ' F 1l,•anivrrl, {I gat we d:sa•: ,'nye u( [hat era- m; ry x;ll V.• s d aT puLh '.';tile, R R lilt l m-tiremurs will, be stdd nt pnblic I v id, h ;,ye h• ro inti: as that Charl,, < LIl , l17,.-j br y 1 `fifth day of-January eighir•en-hdn`rif+t 1til. ti lx of LEL , pmt f 1 mil.-,-_nn el.a !at• u, ti'r �n'„nnsr-I} LI•,f. rr :IrCit err ,o n-, iil.,i ']. tt.,..l•.• P_ A- 11'illiaots. a+:dI 1 r 1V' it til d ,lit 1 y xt ,cdrl n- to t- 1 c ate ry _ - I :,• -1 I rt:.' I . r, , ]If I„ +, p ,.t .,: • • • �\ hu u. I r a:. I ^ r t.,. umutnu,% (7 1 v oar. at -10 a clork-io dor fnrrtioon Crtll•RR,1f s rf,il,llni:r,-- tfr ,I the am :,dm ct, h, ilii �,nt�timti,nt.,•!ti'it L'II' r, t TAM t I , 17 tlf3\U, 1 of Irl Joy. Lutkeeprr In Live >,dhige will ulr,nen a�r1.•ty ,nnnd•,n<. rrn,rlwd and rel•, rt >:J - 1 ^i;iri <n be ma+h' h^ .I run. rnt.,b,- i'I.rentw-!, nx 1 loll ss, v' ttr<,r d r.t; kn 1 - Pill' In the'howri•u(-Labs! 1 rr1theIullunnlyJr•sulntuns, which uerc - ova:t Ill tirtm o1 au:.rtt•eittnp, f Lail ems. 27 1620. .111jcr1ll:jjt] tt plat' lite tb11r st ruuli•h•::rr in 1!n� irrlviligrrrc , t } cum x (tory rtf t!t 'u•dc in d,:ci•lr, aR ror!t 41. TOnKEP Atl 1. ( pe,,plc, , /(rxuh rl, 'I tint v r think it nrccss ry Ihtt inti' to ti ilc rtlaht t i hf ;Cud (tilt of .\ben- _ �blt, i.4r.d soil nd,i,rnr. and io acce],t ur -r �'+•f - l K d Aif`Ik *11114-y - - • •.._Tkp h•', , ilii�c' ,� ', i It-1�1".r Uf1f11.,111, r,lelll ��.. oi111111 11 11. lfl I(l l�j,t ft[lll'l` �r:\[•rl�f'(pflf, til /. 7 `-�Y dt'yn,:,ydankfit. _ paArtitothefr<trinvnf rttrat n k- til-� -t I,.ut I Ir•ti r 1 I I,.It- - the 1 n til iltctnt'...it tits IlUlrl.in Illy - - -~ 1„.<nit,,r C6 d Err rO11SIlll•rtl„ q,iteral L•a-fill,-same hour of the da and lair Iu , • rt-ret t l n,n - list ,f t; <- t it lgr of ulcera. on file llt's{ "Sar+trday-_of 2 y-_ p �-_I1 ,.'tut tit' r, j,•ct•=d (rill as arr,turratiral and • and tiwt bur t d Rtr t, r n ltr,rr three f - I "ry 5tli:- 1R.-I:. - \TiCh'F1TIit1 r•': r••pnhbr.m. u, d• p+i<'in;; tl.: p••n;,l,• ni their ' , J,nnla.>4v a -XI, »t 1 n_elock, I . Al. of said l : Lc Tooxtn, A[Py, r`'• >•tln, t,4t1-, cur tr 'nn11'.1,-_ - - - ;t- nC r",gilt u( ra!1R+� •u, , rrmvrnfunt, azul in t _ _ t]p el N ov It. I S70.-- ` , Int..• R t rd \ 1 If -, Irnrn IL 1 [ rr,t !Int•, 'ti ]iris 11E,(ti�l, IIhLS1�4�-51,' �- .� v Vi.ineal-xa-txecullon tfhtf�.p� `,i litificanr truing, a targe ...rt n of nor polio -- -� Inn o I 1 1 + ,end i lid f tl - t - . t rtrt ill -111 - Rnrn of - ell-the rer.nnnl rn tl of �' I ( The above Sale iqc lmet coned_ tit' fe S .p 7 ir• - -1 r!, am - �l ,d �ri,tb mi3 vunlh• —.- - �oRMtMr+irh Lim If(,lrt end YtUe Rrvr)I rd, That, in ;hr o inion of Bila n,,:eF Iter 15th dny or `rebr - ut It, itt_t118; a P s nulla by tin•Ir:,v- y turaoflllpsc, rathe.tetdrp�t�!E Uc•-rr+tnrtir,n nu [Lr rh•rfiv,- h-,nch„r_ - ,tun piner and linin of flay.- I)uted.lin=-- •-it-o ,oak: N' of tuid=asy. 4tLi+_1+ q r+tl i nv rlrr ''''silt f r ,l []rr r e c�n i.<! rl.+f IlerGa h4 be tlbailQu•J, lull ::rat talu..h:, ,urUou - - - , _ -_4 a na 15=.Ife[ed3►n tach. 18�rt:-%'a - _ I „-t•:-:u-e.::t t v,riiory of tl,rae: miler hY Iour, uury-Gth� 1321. -N: Ill\l:5T.1� -A-MEi: PN? .itii'ANyT, TfLLAG (IF gi'l'l-k�' .`T(i 7PT TNFIti r0T1 7—,: e `Y." �'��iR�',m i-S21m �E OF REASON. - of our 1'ripulat�'�-now deprived of a voice fit which-may be attached to il:t nortli divisions of i i i the election of �► •roof and sen sloes, 6i- dei nit- Misses �� - r � `J I I � � � = ♦ t ' en to create a belief, that - a i ted to an equal parucil,rtibu, with their tallow- 7 Resolved That sited; he a meetiit_r of the In-; r ,+ denounce the ouvernor and _ eitizrns,ufdus distinguishing attribute of free hall it of sold bilin+; hrlyl at thrGuu r-bl i lIL o r 1l hit in UIS cs, un. S iiurdt ' the 13:h in- - ire trenenity- attendeJ, and torn. , } Resolved, That in the opinion of this mer i ` slant, It r the pit pvs/r of t l it. the seose•uf the FTF-fik - ii. .its of the eo ,le. i7rt�s is . . _ p . 1 o brxly of [nen ought to be cntrtraieel with pat pie rn +• nrd tiyilie u I tltvistn ts. Iate 6i7n ofiw_ ,lever the ileli`eerate sent'- the exrlusice right to increase and fix the rete of2 ,ol: eel, Tjr i the pro'eedinzs fthis met-t- { robgrxljreaite-a.r.. i»fit upon the subjects a,irurdi the own eumpenzTation, as see flare ton often j in be sigrig}1ty Title Ctnirmaii til cr+tzn his fnennsnnd [tie pi I zi ti- rca tri t e .n,:rttun to each of ih- 1', r, d 1 • ,t r t', dent he trf I.-It lite evils of protracted s• s,i.nl_gl one h t n 1'' I been ascertained, nor woulJ _ ... - L laturr, caused to a ;reit de,lre by til este+ tlu t bots_ - _ lila k In aseeruin them. Tile gim per d;--n( nay al the a,cmbra ( Th, r e _Lienal • p%eai 1 ( rets arc r toil to .eslire>s the pnbirc Ke,ulc•-d, 1 hot es the n+morels cL tae I!-cI t nnrs.',d irl. at e •t'( r •r enLirj .0 I!lr cit alar n E [l�li�� ��' n y lure, b - [heir firm -.nil dwodied ,t t + I to firs t ul --� snlres- . - _ vnnciations against tileCon—- _ }at fire •Timl forncriv oem fed .bv Ack(r s anti a ronvr,ttiatt And ag.tnt,t the anti re u!)i cells t'•r- } _ FI-1"U ,I' \T n i(i,j+tJl. C' - T S of the stair, err tnvari;'* i tails of the rep-cteJ bill, as n-= II ov their' Zc Il 7 T'it_neaT. CTL• t 61`O, Secr} [-+ b to hl�rti F i Is�L ii iillIL�I `i(', m d of ex rcrmt� fur office, I arid faitLfit(ness in depending UIY hr111f11,1e, of d .uli e`bf f cY unrre rY (res nil 7ritrrtir� p the_tmertcmRevolution 6 the-i6trorlurtiil DP—:I`)mnrintl last, of ti- ;t t Ia+}ia1toi mi- ",•rtmrntof- (,L�:TLC3 r adherents, trhn are endra-- S elm Iin(r ilTnres, in the trifles, of -Client Ali If-' -.S,- 1MWESr,-youl'IPCOIL- ` of m,olntinns agamst th t lrnis,ion t 1 llusnun ;:soli of zr-.11, mreccirnmend ( into the iininn. a; atir,fihe .(licit ,t elates whit - h p_ VTs: S%LLy fie,aunete,- wife 'If _tile r v...- i) EIVS - - - ---- - _ (( - Mr Den;m rt +tdnr tth Alith flit G i�6-- ter" - 7 Coanc:l of _App ointment.— her present anti-republic n constitutinr:, and in _ 1 I ( y1 xncerr(ins_ u forth to the i-ce,ietn•o thr•attaek nprn our state tre4surt by e fyel Church m phi rill a t aged 30}rare/ f J 1 nor. rims public defanitrr, ,nerit Ilia thanks and.�- ,iudin,ry and puffing rra)+n- c.,-ttidrnce of z TIiL-- FURL NI: l made of :e lir t mater I=� arid fly none Fut rx inner[ p inters, in an rmpos- ] 11•-,nlved; That the inflexible -firmness, and + • An adjourned mertb: v r.r t to 1'or_e t 1 '_: p•'nrnced and .quern 1 workrnr t fie then I I r_• mhliean-intrnrity of his exc,•Ilencc DE %VITT be held in the upper inn p di 1i- 11 ,it JY r flquer, hi:.:, 1f -`lit t refit he ahl� • wrl [o s3nw that there are f - CLINTON; in r,coutmendinv the ct=Iliu� a sla'c Fndayeyrnm (Iv: h lr .t 6 r ,topes -_--tin to lantisji the - ul,:ir with ^tits not 3t only existii,I+, but express- coovrution in the only Ir_illulate tu1v, by the the f lh+w (n ] I n. :I;,r n, r in li-a niv or gn dity In anv mann aituteti ie: that there are those eche, authority of the= itrorle; in ht; z at rite p:nu,nt- ll acrid th ry n% our r) •• 1_ e,. t in city or corflay,-.rad he-ho CV - t .. ic.^ tier-mi -m.1 im rovrm• nt, ul th ,t.1r:;. u: ; - a-t - 1;1 in 1 - - - tar ;dna t' he rc- nee ,r ccc n:Iituted authorities to f - p 1,mredhy t , r. r rt rf f--,: a a, 1 ah.t, al!, in his tvntrhlulness ant s,.icitud+' iu' (ru-rs v" " fur ince- h., i, dru_rntui+'a io5r i(f,rrea3v pay) d their duties, and who cziyn- ;ardiu� nate snyerei •oh inciol ti- fro,n car Phr-f mmlt r rnrmIi+ rc o the � x t -v r - t� ' n e liberal 5n.ere ulpa[rwr.•ge of a be te� £- -sire z state contentalir"Upon rup: 1 .rtraaeous influence;' entitt - hint to our anested'to he 1 unrt:eil it, their :+ t I ee• d i vum.c principles. \\re have_before renewed ani most implied conftdene AA--r who r ul 1 !I c roher, r v u)r n as het`,) Oil :.fulvr �CLtaL 1Fe_-Cumicd of I.c i,i -ct a itetimir a n 1 m,r mr nt to the iu,fiultro,l t of several public meetings, 1 entitle( to our gratitude for flt aun the aristo- r :i c m l;aa suppip,at itis are iesprclfully luvn•. ! r - m-wl _ e onlvroottito'e trtetaf r fri- crttic.ibill passe•I-bv amtj, ds of,the l:;i,la- \ Il �ILl1v, der;eta }'. - { dill . 'tl�•�i (x�, titre; and Fiji- the cunGd nee which they repose j :ens of' the seatimeuts_ et- Januatygtlr, 1' i 1 it LY-0�SC'LLE t which rlarr--n§ ucll iii th,• z• oil s-ase and su+md discernment - f the - r _ t 1 a rt tire 'art r, , the public can hr qultplieti people, by prnp�smg, in the first t uLt us , :a �' S ; { 1 f S d t a ; § i • i _ : 1 .cans as at any-outer establisGNert ink ti::^ Write rr nlr scans of snhwit tite err r l ut-scion .da co-1v161)[1 to c- 1 �- them, a-d a th-q':,,t resort. the inilisi Intl. , llE col artnel !rip 1 •trtf ti abet -te. -. :tl t - Ih•c.lS,h— unmt�e,vcnnin, a no•ndurents whica marc lie made by such ran- .� tu'rcr the suhshrihers, to der cue tnrn'of - \ !- I +r nt ` nun •-t-- Prrxiure, Clear $toQ _ ,unsan S,nWi, -I'sq. -Secreta- - v-ention, to be likewise. submitted Ili them fur x. ; . - i- r,, -, s Ina•+- r t. a (-dna "%[ming in Owego, trill ire j' their adoption or rrjrc[ion; t m, cam us front l N K 1+1 z s L" C o. r ce r a, 1 a_ went- Specie nazi bdti notes t (hc rail of a c nsttunun adapu•d t r rte ;:rod of Is tins t v dtssoi era 4t nutnai consent. 1 nor refused ! 11I rho- rt nt4btrdtn the frm for nriti - hr ht! s til+ ct s s re ti- .nbhc- tet :res illi tri iaSSoe"stn fat i n[ psr[J, and fr •:n party vt t a1 t:.c P P 'idrd, but t l ut d in w itca, - dm:e precis+ it,' I t Sept ia+ t n notified 1 alt ut of it tim- .ind Shipping For. .to'-veJP % it nir publl eR' nE \OJIIV>,Tt,r.--a - 'that it i, iwi ct r tittle I rr lntfs I I.t n h e intrusted with potrrr�an !, q r ted b. lm r h t st n1 1 + , nr t h r tare, c5 td f j 1 ! C 1a .4`.� to 'ce the tv utp v t rd of 1 ri lT1ic1.' rS Srnrrn 7t appear f-Cnt I tit who in ui to ri t elf r t r nc e vtyof + ' r„-nmr..Yd nP.r or two rnn.al.e,, i cumurunrd- a- - Tf rtra, J x nJ u1/r, 1S_I. - n1r ir.ri{;it s-and privilroei ate ll- _ ` a[ n Ian:; to this notir c 'tl wl;u. -da net, ---- - ❑ated b} the rad^ and for 1 i u h no:untatn,us by for Puck vi con nvrru::,t: will on thi t day F.nd t'I i t •mats in the hinds ; d f'• (1 [ fe.. '117 :nxooro,oes to ;terrretuare Litz 1.-t we,k. Instead of John howl rt for judge, of some other or onfor c Ilrrtimi. - - ptxiu,ut,l h•r.r hr•rit Crzzurl Crdr s(ro Ind \Ii1dr;n ,n Is-+ air,atut:firm ttt11-sir ptr_ �-Pen"ailling LirPost-i) PC at T%t`ftlt'7Ctit f :•rcy of a political uartt_, # i - - n•,E••a:t o1 Jev `glut, who is -it t h c. f,lv d: r n• ! t ? Jantt Irl .T - wr halo vt 1rl with t it[ - - _ s + d Cil-J ( D}'cl:mgit tubo t nt{.}a,- ., .,o - _ - 1 ken•) of am:ui_ f ,huuld i•;tie!recnJU\.\ I11 V I t — i t.rtt iq. x 1 sohn [1 - S,IyU,i, r/ r., r r - all :icrow.tg. _. - 1 e.w•. Ja rrve � the nropnsl t t J. C. DFC KM l v. ( 1 !--ml wa o1 hea to the nomin-t6nn f.,r - rmstimu n tyltr. i .it crit r JU 1\ C. I3 ! �`r'ICn i '1 tr, r d,,-s :ntltnu-ired arts• rve t !oat it r,miu Y r - Pho-nix +tell 901 ,I to +ar,v, l � 11. - I r R - _- i ,uhau t I I tr cxrc-:ti J >- - - t n u: u:.+ ,Ser, r'ircadi Lmni - And _tt h U; dt :[ '' - --_ - -- -- -- t - I . it, - - - J-:•.-, b 1 L 3 „n oft (-:.,lane+ - and - : n+ rc•a a h st.marr a fVin ' re plied he _ � I,11•ly 0 �• 1.1'ryt .1 �T 14 1, 1! ' i-e,- llr ren Ft [ upno by d r lin:I V. , 1 - we en cis t.r na .:.read Frt.•t e• the: e netdcz :tat.: a jacLzss-!” _ Il. - ) r { - t" - C.,rlru. - - - ti Fcmrze.t,P., ar der Prs1 C Etre n( Lerc.lureti/lry C Ren t C >elwn, lay;iln.tna a.2 d.6cf .r,.rr; t --- - N. Y. Jun-., 1 Fn f'rr- ,eve little ho 1 less of ialporlatice has A - - I to lie c,.11c.( to reit. rh r ;,c• - - _b. rn Cr.to,artrd ,acre,•-th Ilst pro ediIT" pu`i- Jacob Alit-i. Samuel Love 'll, i -T r il._n C•n,t•is,n-- - Jnhn T- Powe". in a r t. :. •1 ire 1•.h 1. lire-- 2', AIs wr-r• rctrcr.ue+:i into Itutit h ll illi.tm _I Li Ic, i• ]L fn aIlo:vi+ig the putcnsers of urhlic I:uvi Y+ ' ,= Y.a6sn tin fol ; .- 'IMrr:.s c t lite cmmnua:: + I - Oliver r+erlmv, 2,, Sa nr'I I i 1 y. - 1'..r.i.• hES: ;,,n; -Yirni 1 �6cu4=ac. IS ntr•!d [n_ in: rli,can!r-1, .Ill-! a .-lila to rt imytnsh a pact in"iii:a it pu+ch ses, Sc. Charles Leard,leri . ,^�wht,Ff siatr alone cos,_ Iu t ie [louse, Alt- Srin tri i tin t ill i,tv oats` - Lois Brdi.r, D:.ci•r Lncv, ' S t - -- - miuv •, rcporv!d a mll h r tar n•dur tion load 11,11 Fphra�m-i ronson,: Dim I.i.ck, - f- t 1, .:e.- Fit - -- J+•ietr_Srunh ttf tens mr=et- M.-:u,ization i.f the nritn-re!iucin the fleece Samael [hiker, Calrb Ljon� jnn, { -RaWrt Pr:r_• rk:n - J fees h ec•+fie17-- - rsMilfi,hnirnttt,st> llt s,uul non a innls,ionrd - ' - {- fr y-ai.lSSencwd`- - `- i s no }int cr t dl a Jun hush; Al I :n C-nodwin, 1 h- ennsuiuti"ii t-, t•:+1, t,P.ic rs and privates, with a lige proportion of --WiMan, S;Anna .,, J. - - f - rtchard r iVot„an, r tial.[ and cam ,erne ufliu•rs, - - 1 - -ro I vat -- u,rr _I 1 - - -- - -Ree_ John Bascom, 2. >h rrim^tn C Jen{.ius,rtl, _ T ah Te hs enc, .rile• t ..:rt -rap t-+;;}• fir liicie �•avr notice ti- -it, i•n i- dn•rr•xt in Cilviu-Ilurr Gun r Aldrenousr, ---� :1 - t t. 2. - - sidue.Y Tierce, -. r.•. i illi t r. 1 c:: -i l e si :J I 'p ableto ala t -tft Clot)- 11 ill n, Gr. w-s;er, (u.,.n AI tel , , J l F Ra-1- - _ AUph 10c.-Iv- P.M."h..I-:,,!_- 1 Irl, t .: ,.ru`n t+nl I -•,.,. Iv, t?i+-i 1 _..e:a C mer ��:nL<. 1,l toe:,+ ,Lt t,.•wrr t - - `_,h tCl r, .Ten_ - • Ui,hllvd --pwfs .nal t\ ;lit Lu uon, :edit ,Tunics' ' . u a'a•,n;,l t•+ n to the 1 I C r r l I1 �Insi 11,nr} 1 I rr_ i-. - 7: - ( •,\T e,- •+I a convent ant, �t [ 1 •rant rrunrte-Lord .n,id<n_ with da come mutt in eau,- S mut l ,rain,, vii lr d,nncstic klhi u'( �t- n;,lwn ill r �hts, iu 7 a i n:_1t- P Inl:n 1). Chri<iI C, Q1ivV� l , r )_j + site. Lntrndrs submitted the fdlaw'n r••so-i,- ' , S-ir:dl I + n r,: x ) _ r n r In ,war ti- ri,l.rn;,- S Cath trine (unrad - - - i # nlr ti- Al. PIiiLLiF'S P- At , "IICh It t t stir ,rpt II' •,';n' _ - �r T f r finer. Irl; n, •„rel, 'I has lice c mnm tt •c ni 1Caic t 1 - + - - C t i i+ r Conrad,: - i >�t�,, 11 hi \� 1•hnh has lice r made. in the: 'as 11', n r a •I••ritel tion, "`,I” !'e .nitro ted to rr r to mi-•. tit, rt;, a- Ll l.0 �., 1 ;i 1. - - v p r - i r 1 n! a earl cin su.n of ilpmr tj C +inns t I inn;t:rrruon at,elf - riles of pravidin;{ that the notes of un b;mks .v - -- illi.+n, S Clark, I.clsv Iwluson, �- cur's to he p.:id by;I rn ctyagc, exe'_ute' by',- eofa!t t pe -lit neelr-tit hr wa,rhuutcsbdow tltranlnun[uf.rdnflairs-are, Ahr hr1.l-f;unvjo, - Alit:dt„7n-t:ude.- - - - Jahn 11rtz_-ayuf(fie town ofLansittil and Court- - ,.d and r r LV arquili•a. bef. - nt•-tna} lie-:ssu--d, r.:dl hr-btlieu nr iayroent of _, 3•i--. _ 1 1:1 hr illi ("`a•r, -S - !-t} n( i'umpkinc,•heari•r� date the tenth= day of -- ria prestl:nc to forret the call daLr -lar debt. to tile- torermneut of. tit U'uitrd Ii �' Jnitn Smith; I Ju ie: ei�6tr+•n (iundred and eibhteenr to =Ali&& - -. - States pec!,' Leidy. t' i lial:ird, u( (he same placer _of all that cettam neer _mT the rnptr a ie,ml- It blah after some"deflate, eves adrerd to r9 I' Daniel Thorp, ince rinrcelof iand, lyiugatnd beinginthe;atm :the iu nFi rs r t tit]r isle- 1 to 40•' 11 lisuss 1 ield: llusrs'I t najbuli, J of laomag, cm; ty of Tompkins aforesIjff Dec. _g—In Senate, liry tray Dyke veer nn 1 (f t knmvn as liar[ olio[ sin. 5R, fYshe ton' ' -- ..,.. 5--. tea.,- a4..,,•,=_S sa - - rgiven through the medium of tide bal- 1:N.tho Liset•r..i:,.,ad- taratr tap u int. in the American Journal all uni is g to render harpy the evening of thea taod'rtta to tin" 1 Whatever-mi-zlit formerly Lave been - - , -Y_ aiadtxirig.. In *014 H ERMON CAMP, Chairman. lives --O! , may such families be united In- etc ,,,t It ctor, Wink -part ut Is ovinia.. tweet] =gtr Clinton's opinion upon this -subject, the CHARLES Hmienaatr,"Secretary. nity'. towasbip, and .Lata axial pieee orpereet of the Council, which were from tlic "� known aaS-44Emgui,bed tnri$nq —'� �g%t� ���- iherv,nf, made as tut n in th Ewa aft public �etitl- D [coxxcnrc,ran.] ;ancellor Kent, must have been Conv- O Tho' kings and ueana is trrin 64card live, `subdwisa, f.dews file to the o6ee " µ At a numerous and respectable mectiog of the R 1 5 -chi. at»tri pnS wG.ch we I tet aamhee�is And although he might have factored P And matrimmig can no pteaeuree give; and d-rcrlbeil as fpltetvxt 1W in " inhabitants of the [Owns of Ulysses and free- Thrice happy they, eevuid of kingly seattis the Oath tall. of" l t,fa�ty-four - lion, not authorised by the people, in for, on the 13th of January instant, 1821, at Yet blest with virtue; con etence and bratttr I P four 1 k, -luny the .nwlh a tr+.rner: vould not justify him in -a similar im- the house of Peter White, in Ulysses, pursuant Rho wear the crowns that pear.. and love be.totid,• �, h.Ah forty f:ur choini •nd fiftyliater - t ' to public notice lien in the Chronicle and Aad mnrriage make '• a pit-d4a. below!' north line -of said lot, thence •west ln" when the danger is,seen utd pointed p given } piney -fourlicke to x t tlnbov.totttk_ Journal, by the inhabitants of Hector, and 1 JIARRILD, tine of said let and -front twee.brig: e present period. , - some individuals of Ulysses, for the purpose of 7n Ulysses, en Sunday evening the 17th ult.=- forty-four-cbuns uioetylourlmtu td , " mittee of the Legisleare, lias probably - ascertaining .whether. the people of L71(ysses by,the Rev, Mr. York, Mr._41iner' Craadal; to ginning ronta.aiag-ova b4"" and e !ported u on the sub ect and what would bt willing to alter their plon, of the Mi_ts ElizaBelkxe.' On the 24th, by H. D. and olusti-eight hotidredtb►-wo ;" -My P P subject, contemplated division of said toast, and tilike BartoEsq, Air.. Ezekiel B. WheelO, to Miss People oftLe.tate n( New Yae3r.: I7 be finally taken, may shortly appear. with the inhabitants of Bettor in a etition-to p¢tt Till rr -jolt of Ul ase,. ver -And wberear deferth bu ttaiea J P y y . y - meat of the principal god lauva shoeBer and his friends have abandon- _ the legislature for the passage of a law,, au- In Covert; Seneca county, on the, 20th ulti to and b -v the laid martgagsy+N; design of milking the call of- n Con- thoriziug the erection of a new town, to be by the Rev. hit: Suchare, Air. SamuelHap,C•irts, l' hereby given,thetthe raidmor*sW g g comprized of part of cacti of the afaremention to Miss Susan Triphagr.it On -the 21st ult. by "'POW to •ate at Politic aaGivin subservient to party views -if they ed towns,end to bezix by seven miles square• the Rev, hlr. Lewis, Lir. Benjamin It Xdasgs, - ety of Ahcaoy.:ua iia 19tb dry of ]et act DlosEs LoveL in the Chair, and CHARLES to Miss Sail Kennedy -all all of CovprL o'clock -in rho tareaaop'a! that da]: g to have a Convention authorised by , y +/ d 17i6Yt, y\ te,-in which the people shall be justly J g q 'J� j � AtdAl P P j y INK, Secy wry- Io Dryden, on the 28th alt. by John online, 6mt79 TAO'6..T, OAELS�, The object of rhe mL havin +been set forth Esq. Mr, Ponti to Widoto Flowardr '+yi► ted, and the proceedings of which strati by Ehhu Batker, esq. ofHector, chairman of At -the same time; by the same, Mr. '•C", to. ��i idir► if tted for the sanction of the people, as the meettng_wBich gave the notice for this pher P. Genung, to Mis-3Ffarifta Horaard=all meeting: The whilst of the town of Hector, of Dryden. HL+` suttseribdta t+t11 pal L4 ended by Ere Council of Revision, eve- y originating in a compliance with the reg6ire- At Groton, by Elder Benjamin Andrews, Mr. FI..9.X SEEP, POT-.$rY',D,jt dr% in the wayof-the--measure g-ill._be P y + i - - on. eti$biiBS, BLE $ .W 1Xa weds 3 �� : Such a course would command pub- being Even and read at their last au_nuaI meats of the statute m otnt of a notice not _ Robert 1Florton to bin. Mer Mort P town given bem uesitoned it was at once - 0XIE f ` fence,andensurewiseandhappyresuits. g g9 ° g$t �th�0t3: �ebat111� SOClt:ty, - granted, that Hector, not haven ven the . I receive the approbation of all rational proper notice,-waxincompent to act oaibelr ej Will meet in the Academy on Friday !n. order for stall-Peedtn�. atever might be their individual o in- ownproposition,' the cons. uentl declined `eveaip next reeigely at 6.o'clock • when the general assoF[mcni:aj . P 3' 9 y g , p , r, f� iceroin ro used amendments: while actinea:ryFurther inconnection wiEhUlysses, follow] ogquesuonwill dediscussed • (d $-.p P . -,_ _ .. _ ._ _._ _ relative- to the -division -contemplated --by the a 1#�ouTditbe a3tiisdbTe for tT�eg;Blature of -c opt of any parry; to approach the Con- notices which gave rise to this meeting;.there- this state "to levy a tax cm oldBacdelors t, for .CASH ; -They twill-sive The as a party, even under the pretext of fele, on motion seconded,, rice f6r-Wheat R l Oats S dieaolred. That a committee of five from the The gentlemen and ladies Qfi this village and ; y ' . +'= salutaryamendments, would justly en- ' its vieinity ale respectfully invited to attend.' F3utter..aSu . an exchange fbr Gontis ' town of Ulysses, -be appointed to draught resolu- eventually subject them, to the ndigaa- tions expressive of the sense of the citizens pre- -N. B. $uch members of the old Forum as , also, for sale, se-ven 0O galls POS watchful and iotel ligent people. sent of said town, relative to the propositions of Were not present atthe organization of this inti- _ hL. t 1LES, from fife S6111140 F v the inhabitants of the town of Hector, as set forth tuti6ii are requested to come forward and sign warrantefl to tie.af she first` secretary of the American Bible Society, in their notice calling this meeting, and by Esq, the new constitution. be sold on a hUrl l saf&At fur ledges the receipt of 3295 dollars, for Barker, touching the new plan of division of said By order pearl ashes: th of December. During -which month -towns, supposed to be for the mutual benefit o[ Jan. 17• A. P. SEAP.ING, Sec'ry-- � _ALL- 111L-9 pain% ip' .cd from the :Depository 1440- Bibles, the towns- Notice. - States, wily be received at - par forJ{i'O1i� -Testa ments—value $1445 11. Whereupon it was anti othet_Uneum-ent $i8a es e6 f* Resolved, T!tat Samuel Rolfe, John Apple- the discount in New-Tork._ Lle Act,-'lir. T. H. Carroll, of Annap- gate, Charles Ink, Judah Baker, and Moses Lo- TI -T, Tile inhabitants of this School ,rylaud the son ofanancient and wealthy vel, be said committee. District, are respeellulltrequested tomeet THO-MON 15PO1 T rossessed by inheritance several cainable The committee having retired for a -short time, -on Saturday next at 2 o'clock: in the ai- Ithaca, tact- i7 1820.5 8 0. estimated at eight or ten thousand dol- returned with the following preamble and reso- ternoon, in lite AeadLmy, ortbasiness ofiro- t ` I on coming of age, bis- first act vias to lotions; .which were unanimously adopted by the portanue ,ate them all. citizens of Ulvsses r Ily order of the Trustees, _ _IiQ t� a♦11yLf ZYO� ` 1Vhi•reas, in pursuance of public notices; from r 1+ f s n r , 17771 T. vEY'C PaestnE�ct.-Tile Editor of various parts-ofthe town of Ulysses, posted up ��I���$ AT THE arcs[ otr THE asttca mond Enquirer, in reply to one of AIn at the usual place of holding the allotted town 'e ❑ Dollars (1 i editorial articles on the subject Of the meeting in said town, and which vete- publicly l rS �� '� `� rtl. +) ItE subscribers respectfully mfli 3W esidential election, snakes the following rears at the last annual meeting .thereof agreea- SCAPED Trom the Jail in the county of I inhabitants of Ithaca, a� tts;tfi bly to the requirements of the statute relative to Tompkins, on the 12th rust. l� crusty, that they havecommenced h slhave ate no more oTher idea that gt'n fire i is will l the division of towns .ia the state of New -York at the Shop, tel oceapied by NaiiidFfTs: 3rrd�vhertn�i atrce th> reof otileir blit- -' * ._ _� t . - tt ate, n t �a�cr` — , i<sntTSfl�mjD�iIl l of four years, than that Mr. Dwight him- notices were in due tinregiven in the Chronicle 1 •Binding, with neatness and des( the man... We do solemnly believe and Journal, requesting the three several sec- who had -been toweicted of Petit Larceny, !ay ho are pleased to fraor+c3 .- e is fat a Virgin who enicitains the tions of Ulysses to appoint each three delegates the court-ofcommon pleas in and for said county, P their"custom frotc a diel , -4 aie'3 t We have not Beard a single man to meet on the 15dtday of December last, at the and sentenced' to be imprisoned iit-the common . 1 -ted to sena their orders 6y;mtuli r= ie such a thing -but atI our conversation house of Edmond Hopkins, is said tow ,fol the jail of the said county for the:rerm ofsut.mnnthg. . tl ways, and they may be. aaiued n cuu fined to Cra?oford, to Clinton, to purpose of locating tilelioes of:the contemplated Said•I.arnpkins is about 22 years,ofage, fi4c t beieg•carefully-and punettYally and King." new towns, which delegates were regularly ap- feet tell -inches high, d irk hair and black eyes. I 7:UTHEIi •110.11 .v , pointed is all the three several sections, thereof, Had on a blue coat, light ciilored eottni vest, JERRE LYt4N6 dar-There arrived in this town an and all tile said 15th day ofDecember last, '.met and grey colored sattinet pantaloons, winch, haq- I i Ithaca, N. Y. Den 11Ut, y last, on their way tri New -York, &--or- at Elie said FIapkirts'T and did thea and -there Ing been some time worn, were very • dirty -.•-, d _� m loads or flops, put up in bales greatly agree on all the lines of each and every- or the N hoever will return said Lainpklns. to the sub- ing bags of -Cotton.. The whole -was said contemplated new towns, except a single•lot, scriberi at Ithaca, in said county, shall receive m and f lantation, in. Madison -county - - to wit -Lot No. 40. ---which was afterwards sells- -the above reward.. - NE WG0 e er, a .%It. Sanford, is said to have appro- factorily disposed of; =incl whereas,, in.pursu- SAM -ML L, SHE'LDON, Jailor,. lU0 acres of land Co the cultivation of ante of their proceedings, petitions were made Ithaca, 12th Jan, 1821. u17¢w2 (j �'lj�� table article ofcommerce. -The llop re- out and _ put in circulation in said town, and a T e m(vi O al �' iyht rich soil, and could doubtless be ad. map thereof made out to accompany them to the Memoirs -of d aCiKij' ) f ,k{7E Jttst reePyved IrQiti New lori�+i8a ously cultivated in many parts -of Dutch- legislature; and all the papers relative to the said new .affer for -sale, at their old siaIIds i contemplated division being nearly in a state of few copies off I i a .77femofr8 '('ttrmanliurg a flew acrd general assortment t' rdinar cru of Ho s itissaid rvill bring readiness to start for Albany; and wi+ereas the Gefieral l4fiiDf2Lli!'Jj1•G`K , ,GOODS, swell adapted to tit season; ivatoryloodollars pthe acre -and it is tie- tO this meeting,, f enough, • , p aalo ill will i1; Seat- ng Book 'sisti of, ' -- fowns of Ulysses and Hector, are in die opinion `.,es not require more tabour or attention. -g, lar a enou n to admit" and do be-exchomigea for . �Y jot•: RY 'GOODS ado Wnt -Pau hl:.-pj:c _'_'cr= 3•tmi?, of nivision, mdependent ofeaeh Other, to g.tl; 1'. inn 12.18 1, �it��r _ better advantage than to be connected; there- ii �vV!vLlti i'�t', , NOTICE.� fore, List of Letters, � �iAhI3WAItF>;, '- 71 Resolved, That the citizens of Ulysses, pre- Remaining in the Post -Office at TrumimaLrtus, ELIJAFI LATO v, sent at this meeting, am unanimously of opinion, Jan. let, 1321: CROCKERY, that any connection tvith.thc town of Hector, re- . p Elizabeth Jerome, I BOOKS,-ST1I TIOrTAS� A private. in the 6th U. S. Infantry, up- lative to a division ofsaid towns, would be in- q James Austin David felTre + „e in the year I517, to obtain pen- convenient and disadvantageous -to eous,to them and i ' y• lRoN, tSl RELI . i�im. A certificate "was accordingly o}r g Jesse Andrewsi 0i would alfvrdnoadvantage toRector. B Dunnda Alingu5� NAiLS, rAINTS,_, and has been in nr; poseYsion Gar more ];esolocd, That we are opposed. to, and R•itl Lemuel Beckwith, Mary Mirwin,- SOLE {{ um. .., ysxra� I have wale diligent enquiry aniredly gppose nv such connection, .SOf.+ i C� [1PPet' LE -j End have written in every dtrectiou where Charles L Battell, ._ Francis htanderville. - s r . ind h e he could n found, but ionhitw ere Resolved, 'I at we prosecute the division of Pavid Bowl, N SN UFF1.rob1 OD� C�ims yC� �C• o I ren unable iii bear of him. I have thought our owp town, in pursuance to arrangements al- Frederick Beckwith. Hannah Nichols.- $ ready established in said town. All of ofwhich have selected Ivatb gltaat •o give this public notice that his certift- ]icaolved That these roceedin be -signed C O' tares both in o,igoaliCyy_and price,; irad peusivn Eva be delivered to hire on ' - p- - k" Horace Cooper, or Daniel Osborn.- -_ - will be so - EADY PAY;aseheap lis. can p by the chairman and secretary, and published in , belierc sed at any atone in the 4ouutt'y. •i without any charge, and that unless lie the papers- in which the notice of this meeting Ebijah C Lee P Adadlh ase, Robert Pride. ' S'rumttnsbur Nov.14 182(1. n170 �m within three months, I shall return the was given. MOSES LOVEL, Chair a, � Adam Case, R Br � -- ' ... .,.,i,n lVxr nenartment. _ CHARLES INK, Sec'ry #„ratan Crawfords John Rightinfre�- - rt- s>- iotan'� �� i. ..moi I - byr�/nraarse of t I t t,,, - in Val ..clL• ,. I -,s t,r $ c•rr +h,-r.rf _f 1 k 1 , ,SI r of .{,v 1 .-\ r r!r ;' !)r r'. - - �fl '. :d by {he i III-- truner, - I ( of one tr, .I turn, •)r n1 _ 1. r u.•!1 c,u-•- a rt•trr:, - ur,r . eeitli l r. )1 #Y till- ,r r d n • t;, ,, icor r ofall - -Ax E P - _ } - -. !r N- -Y, r - ]r rn•uin , It, - {,r •'rte„ In each p. r•nn so I, .,rojl Io r loud ,ct (,fill-- 1 nleu:�( of this sl,a(, on file #, - iz _ _J as pal 6eerer.t.-M.d et•ery I 1[a la. c:r �,. ,"' t # ,I vi.-1t,;i.,. ., ,{• J^'�atr, tv,t,trr fifu-en ('.I,-. ,,II, -r `Gr�g"a�m3 ( .par ill ffi'� f Ec . �.nttcn<, wit, d tothemraaitiont an tl mnOa�'. or opt :Ir,•n that 31,.11 ,+.-f rt tul,lal,U n, •,ud s:tal} •,1<n 1T:1,.,:utia i n t - I' .r - J V. N- , i ES, r ; \. } � -e .Iran . ••t .,aldenl xr.eL•nl amidst the EQttpr; - y lvddH..,II1'I!t,s }t',Ir ul<urle tet -illation to11-Coiti(rofthe�err,la, _ JJ I�il,ii1},STareitl,,, •S -Ii. Tit M1SU" nn.# It.r 1r• III I'+r, 5t. 1 tiler, be fli,-,1, Tool flolT rn of -re curd and tits /XT to f4t, Lnrrn L'risar t ie - Pon EIG-I rw,- .- 1 or to a Jr�.al ; nu1]Cc{ors of tile said election, or ,iCT ifiru e r'T u: _ pa,•, ,'itit••c as au nJlh rr tic marl,), p lrl nJ tirm, shall give the lik(Tof- til,, 61- herr r r' - I'y it a (i,htene-. of a gaoletnen Crom TtanT 't Cnirrtlii of. %i,rn1,nrns, l,.r.;.f 1 ,'.beet:. i::, r' _ dig r herr•. . r :wu ,•,.i- b; and •d ter a Incl] rirGinn for Y .. i i• -e C.vore.t µilb.Ae. Evening Port "or th•F 1 ,nt lir n,ih!in t t_ t; nr r!r r, n:•'; ittn b, hrlr4 a+ is d;rrcir,l d,r 1a u', to - - - . . -. to ,. c]nta talar, Lundntr-Aetea re -the- 5th ol.Tatsdtt'.' p n„ca,Ps [o noel, on L 'itnt of the time aid place of chno'rn_ roCm- I)' s of hsr:nhh Ill; It I SAcri n 1,rr 1,1je jrrnyre r, ac !.I!r j _rY ['lir ,z,er,t rvaropetied an the S'J3-dao 6y the,' rite and have u -,it. r l ; Int. ti(at the inspectors and of \err Y(,r4% r, r, ttrrrfrrl t ( 1 r r?( a.z / :fx- t -delivered tFvn•Grr, II lrr:,s. i :In: said rircti. 1, shall irvera Iv take �-rc arraLto, That from and hfn•r tin },inti n,- of this ] king in {.niton, who s apeeeh front ase. run»]iutation tt r r 1 n:111, 1:i-ctelf to br la:' ell fi t1C InS'krClnr. I ihs,•ne- Ot,hB L•eetililWit which threat- lbevmd t1cl illi That ort AI til i t5' 1 t, } ;,r•-', (tt ttl.' J tl 1 } -- I.'I.,l 1 IteJ tY :l Rl all BClu.d tai• tt ,cell In 1 J l rl,'rt 1 - •Clines. in Anil by fill• act Cat 'le'l ] � -- -. . . county of f (In )l,in 1%n) it Ihll. tine boloida• 'll.. he M)t:" •• l't .•'ill tie • molter Ofd. r SS m � # n? n»ru or , iter 1)f1"_L'I.1[In\� rldt'ann,, •: tvlxiCh n.fEh If 5'<df tt tlr tit., i Ill dt _ , I ..I iniu., ,q the . t is rhe oc-i-renoes which have. reeenlfy talttiiii ' r, :. .• ,-:, r•-. ( r.i ,n<p,-rU,r; , h r by ktn h rb tlnrt rt+, t "'Tru"rr,F I t r., n.! r I m n t t t )u n. 14- in ttLalv.- 1 u l lretiolually leadto ally let I.-" 1"If1 t;, th.,t ,t .,.r.'.. .'" ... -.-hut it tell 1, -ill ` I„ t.t::r fileeI:11,.or at I Gi :ilr }, (.] rr T .Inrov of ill,,, -rid a tits ,n shit. api•nint in; t(r I!,iTi\ 1 or 111 IIC 1�1 [ d Illiri h•.I,{ , or- .,eh Cai• b, any ;real object -0 secure to my Paopin,. LI !:r the s;nur, hr lied{ 4tJui , [o pact, rs nr cicCtiou uu,t,•r nc[ of Int uumhrr tillers-IZn:r , ih nicv. south to 1 - I Hari, rIr[tiou, t:uti! ire a, •tt•, it) thes.l.^.,e inanneras 4rev are rr err - the c•,utiruanceLof peace.'] The, speech b •in �Vi' the northwest earrierof Jn[ nurr)Lrr firrty • thence r -.e. - _ ', Ir n].+[;n•t• cd h�• a kiw wr auut:al rleclions at I2:Ist ttvrlt'e ) i ec f «,n_c.Ec nems.. - east tu' Ca ll"a La1.e t'otl,C:-. ,:•u'Ir s::_'d lake r' t' 4 y r,•tt 'f6([tur�ai I erre- - t l:n'a h. -:bra tit, suer .rpprtinh•d er fioldiu� the t � nw [fivrh to t1;,• sr uthrast rnr] r of (fie tarso cf Th'. hmve of container tray mandate tvlth pel iy I), rt]nnvrtrtJ, end lflr ; cicetrov :n:;}wrisr,l by this Hct. __ _ .- �vr•rl s tic •net• tva 1t to lm,'_ }.1 Ir of lxr' near r '; n( ne from eJl�,ert• of the exatr •�rasioll the real : ihr nim)m r Ixrscrihrtl ` ,fctrl 4•' it flift"I"r enactetf, That if an • in- i - 5 sJhafi l,r aril 11 lkt•Yl ht ret CR rl I ]fn fl S' )11 •I:r - _-- --- 1 l r t•:•x al the 2neen'+ came, to tlie�titurgy. Kati W, I :rHd:!n\; that t•Ir all It 1 t rr!or nCthe said e}rttlnns, or either of thele, ' , town by tie nater r f L Ivssi•s Tied sitar the first ' ul"that ]tars „ f I!,, Y I t iuf.)iIv nu,a or ne-#CCs to make returns of connect.) with- resturint. her mxjatrR town iueefinga be livIi Ill [It(. iroua t ofJolot taut- j (rrunn.! the ud rirrlion, rvithrn the tinles' prescribed as r.Aanr It.- ria tits Lison, it) ill. vine,,] oflark'1un.]ll •, in said to rr.. r'gy. the ministry triumph.) bye Qw` nil the rnu s to 1fu elects alnrr�tir{, or shall wilfully intake or cause. t,• be rily .,t : f, t ` Jlnd br a f r-th'r rnncl,d, That tt .,, much ,: i � s}]rCnn;, r,nmErs,ct tF. s+me rn%de,anyerrorit)sucihr.turus or either"ofillem, , .t tberemainhig poltof t!)C loan of i lvs,rs lv- 'h^'t'ini-tetah.tadeclared 1heir4ntenl1onstodat3 ,ut .LI urr, ._.: dn• enn-asg - allyl 1f ally clerk of :ulrcnuilta shall tvilfafly ter- .. incl withal tier following. bound;n'ics: Ilea is to rnotimic a:i pra:eeEings nsa(rtt the Qaei9:-''I'O ••'r'.Itr ere a]e by la•v I!:• III fail !v, the crests of rith r n(tLc sa etre- _ " s;l i br•,ioulno at lite northn•r;t cora-r of tet { { f reagb gsre node., that be rbocild atl6ltltta"jtN►; Ihr ferti6eatt•; of the ! seer, or shat{ lr,f#ulfv aln,te or c-tuse to be made, any error Ili an transcript 14) be rnade by firm P nulnbrr thirt '-four • thence so a h to *ILc. nertlfrcat•reting a "prea.iary altorants'to j,er; , li.ie of Tician cin,nty';. ]hence lint J � , - fl - l y lie rrcnu.tc 6 �IJ as e:nr:'s:)yJ, nr ;hall 5vdinJly F)r,a,.rt ur emit to , oast ,it S:,sd in .. r tier. southeast ct]rurr or Jr4 • ikcly, a}lirh "tcea Ilie only proposition ntl lhe- 1•,ane :rod cwnnirs, , . numbs sevronyg(.vr„ , - L 1 i:1�! hC cert 11 C, f, kit) 1,K• Ir i'!c:+tit tin;,:,id if;Inst'fFn{;,tYilll l,l iheti[nCi a'nTe_ " thence north' io the noliheast corner of it t norn' I tcct that mini,±rr1 mea ni to h•ing (Ur4afd. ,it seri; date, At fit,, stilt, Suer r.:�prrtor or clerk.-.) ufiendirlR, shall I, ber thirty-nine i thence tvt•st o ih ,lace of be -lccoun.• from the eoutiineat, though tom. davit lr3p � # { g ;v tl t'I n;t"r;' ,ti •'M fi: fl• 131-J.aJr,' tJ II„sll[m tit tinct CUnvFCllwl {Ur - rets- atoning, shall be and is livrehv er .1,•d into ase i ter, my nn[) ing of the .corned lira). at Lao ••trate' L,r,.tr1' nn,i !rt• Ito• Ie_ Itl•,nr:1:11,.', :r1 :1 ^. •: rnllrt nl r -n l:l )rtrl`t AfFCEhfltnil� - I J tnlvil --��T, P• by the'narnc of l.,niie}d,-anr}t+r>tt- vi'tf,�-(err ;•e,e,,,,c.:,- ere. ri'ef pea:,auu�:µ an,l tra:].•:ut• ;.n % ,n],m sn`•il rrn+virtinn,sh;dI lie subject to 3t the first t(tn'n iulel-lin„ hr he..ld tit IIt(- l ,m. of I w'Er tu,ceibFd .leen•, :a af•,rC;:li 1. +'h?} ,r l{, :nl:% :I:e• 1,•',” tin f ];, _ unr t1:]no5; 1 t ]n•• rnr: rte,-••.,. )r. and i.ul.at"''. nt to' - I;rt'I inRrnrl:t I:r the Crtlnly tl'1-on. not UXCV'tf- • 1 armir;, at) the rine. regent drelarad his ilstcaliOQ: ] - . p <:Y Jo.Fn .tj)l,te,•ate: ailtl a1]•!1)e rrnnitunrt Fart o+ 1 rl {n pl.,ce hi: etclf el the hen) of the army, ai the Rt file town of uivsses,-shrill 'f,(• alien rl:'(I I)IIII a St'- i y the snuir Un:", lir• Inc_ rnr• l'•-lir ; alit;. S:ta4! iJr dtiahlyd to Ilnl/I any parate, tntt'(1, l)V S11C il'alll P..: of l[11:.I C:r'.' ;(t),f {f;:r: l ,If the llf:t-h-vt. { .a Il�r cgnl•• .. err, ;;nd ..i:•C •a' u-, irr.;l or pen+ill meter tile. Author- t rite first town nn•tlin;; I,r held a[ tFkc t:Uai'b ii(.3DC :1:'1 n:terq t hail been mad. et ALi:an, mnrtaaai l 1' I. .• t.un;i,hrd. a, ,: Jtrr_ .r r,:.r.-; :.. I :I,•l Ill.. tell 'actors and-' ill till; vill;we tel Ifitaca. y clef. f r:nrn , v1 u had acted n, agent in Italy, lo' t - .•, C,r (..•ctr lr) c! .,r;]- ,•ler^; n} ,''r, tun, S, C.r'f�; n' ren ❑lir`., and cin- .. efnrl Lr F1 frlrllttT c)l trT lr'(i hal She SUt Cr• l !ret evidchce for the DAtish mini -try eoaimi •. n=n s. ':: r } o• jlan.e int any_,pilrT mai 1u•J vi PFS ;,_*11 rt ti -rays of 11r n )r J ttt' ] m of l. _ i }•',t ii it s','Ifi'In- ] (•,.r rll,,l cui:.l1,1 it, rr!atiwl t,) tin' sillrl cierkloo;, tn•,n, _i l 11;ses, Enfield, and II}Inti! s tall !it ti 4 C k " Fn,m 1m.'7a, it appeared, (Slit a recent Antrtlr6l�t5,' Ire I "i:.n r (.• to the pelialtiet proscribed ,ll 1 Flier on tin- seconrl Taeafav of 13 lv next, .It tLe pP _ ;•r r:r.l:,• :,s df,Ir.- ,.r crit,•; ;'i: r)I -ala `: n'('; u: rrati m,, tL•'n, �,n,a.lr Ins.'s m an'J b; the'] ac± for rf;;l,latilur _ ,,. .� .. t'"n�,_' all; t;lC sank r:a::ca shall he Paid lief . house. of' i,ilmlflld I'lltt)kt11S, Iii int t<)gva „f l:ly; i p':,t)tU,n'aral'ry( tier NetWGt her) h.ln atltY,eri(n4 allti�=` _ srs, and apportion (lir. Rtu.nry and poor brlou,�ilcn { Irar;l Lg!avl;. CRr a» -x nA ra. • t. ::rr b<-r•'''v r,•- „•-ir „r viers : It the sAi•r l•lectioll"lir either of to 1hes3id ton'nof`Vlvi'•r•.; lwevinosw lite ,."is Le [Ili In, pr i-firint-d un,M:r this err to the Sone ;lurr(!+,1]If' in if I ISS lax ii,t,And siert e,ri] nt slier A-OT1'IEIL BANK f'I.Af �!.-r tine in r. Iatirin t„ W -e n):u]nvr, its iilry ate new rI-,- still towns therraitor".5h1 dl maintain .e•:+: si•', ,ort ' rl %';ll Cn it:for T t aantl/rrb,7nl( baa { pit .: r ] lin'.SH.!1 art. ii ,t st):Ill r, I-) t., Ir :-ill rhv lau•, fnr sin.ilar sr•rvi, c; at f 'rn.r nr> i their owl peer_ nett that italsu b,.fhI• duty n1 rent,_ r the A,,selilbly bya majority ofeinht vet". �,Uld))ii' ` Ganef, t.L.t a m.:jor.t,' of or nirnd)t•rs ofassrin,.lt. - nas.iorn_•rs of cr,nuitm, schnui, in tu• said toY'_h !lls,t:_:tI Ilie 3Ifr1 meehanira ei ihic vt'ilrr •i '..r C''ur t,:dile it t'a,;'ir,•- rn tercel, 'Pilaf t±]r. dClr� rtes - _ Iu•rrbv ,lividcd,to urret lvttli tllr.caid su,]„n titers, ! TSad 3!readv sof red su1Lr-iendy'frntpte drstrtlG i' r'rrlrr n. that rn)cns;rr< 1 �ie.,,,' n, mr.•t in convention, at- lit?' _ j on s-ri,F second 1 ursda c of eclat nest, l: nrlltr :u, tit -t• inrTeaer of bnnkinn a=q+ittf(; nqd (List i[.;i!:. shad. err- ,'.r•nt;t.:, ,,:Aller• ^-,illi,) ri:Y ul ;}1b:1lly. on the last 'Cit e]- r _ - u-nuld rrr5erre slron+rfj srfrsr nA to -dare a re(xts'J rrinitablr apportiolirlelit of if oro rb'vs :1 ri SlitJ` '1 :.....Iter 1111-'1• mav, 1: cillwr from tilt Tell /]] .;: t. t• ret Fl:r' t., t',•1 :,lit1 t sf'15t:ttic,• from a-fsmling county to Sive 1114 i'OtC- ' br tL� •. t,!u.`: fIr qa'r. a,ijnurn to any ntltrr pL'. rc•- ... ], r:n;. I,ot bane.^iu, t•.r lite S:, i,' to)<n 1: c'r.-b: ;i,r a still !"nater rxtenslou of li!e evil. '' As Cv$.x �• rcr t ;y of a:•.t ?.: ••:, :, n,l tilers n:trnda❑1• -ted t+11',Cri`+, sll;;ll it, ever re id r it ... 'r'J. '- y in re ider credit witere it is ., tie J, - ,:..• r.,,pdr:•el: r,itiPs :l:i�'} 111: b•i I]..:;11•,•.e'rA tier #Ike cumi,•:nretlon I•nr tlu•ir Ir: v_ ,i•.' .�imve'no hesitation is saving, that Mr. � �' , f ! 1hr-.II red to :it+' i ;aid anrndunr as ti:r members ni the h' isle-Siatr r� lc]c<3 nr;: ? j 6' .1, rl-•servPS nor thanks -f(tr nn ftonhst di3= ,u. rrvi- „ rin• are al!o;-,,d ! y ta:v ; the nmonut of which ]- Sive^:arc's f ? her r of hi. derv, in nppnsin� tar paaxaQe t)f:< J�ce. :heir rr=,.'•y- +11.1}! hr rrrlilit•rl in^ til] prrsidrn[ of lig• r_•ntvrrt- r ,L ,Ufy the in It trnC rope kris <rr. lir. GRII"I'EVi)li1 trl)'i'EI)'Irkr u • r ,fain i for • ill,*' nun, an J .Ittdf be paid by tlu• trr,a,Tr,•r of this 1)r(rpd;ri i,f , a•] nri^linin at nf#l]r II is I've OftJl+s St tit, r,:, .. t' t }"<71t OF 'i'!IE ltlhi.' 1 I've ore ata ,-]r .•, r•" re) !. st.,ul on til,• t r " 1 cellos ,,, It„• corn:-trnlh•r ; 811]1 it fl}• in L}I�Ie nt7Ire.' 1 s to Coace)tre, h:•tt• ire will account to his eon- • , •f, 'i'..I• ;,t r., r- ;'l,• 9'1:1'1111, illy Arty nl I,- I Cfrrl,s n# Ilse Rennie anlJ _ �,r f\I��.FI?�' (.',i ,11 i'ii 1. [, („ s!sIiv,iIs Ii,r +lit art in tfirect opposition to lr,li, .- ;n . ,'h,.,•.1,,.,I.,r a,;,.,nttiv. to ;:er-ml the kii,f c„nvinn+ion, on the - c,• ri';x;iL4JIv e_: ,rriserl sentimratt' on thissnaf] w.t D(•p- rretari-- 'J J :.,-.I i• ,,, n .i..l}I eor'- lit, r„o', .Inl} the•}' -old ell•-st.nrftary -of 111, arch l r li R't te:tture t' sav' that (.here are not ten farmArl is tai; ,t.tP SIT;,!! J ern:•.:i lite ]'aid erinrrution with - - - j its m 'Pore p1 iItsrounly, *ho u•nnLl have voteh ' - - - -- �. ': ,�b1 r, "'o •n r']rr.l- - J rf);,.,;u•nin11-ir,,cs•,••,n,i11.rist8csaid co,4- ..- .. ylrthr•st:,blisl:arnlnfan,thrrbankintbl3state_.. rl-rr._.,rt' : annilrr seer -:a_ C_ _ iia' n,tAn: Tic :Lc ids cnGTI” ` <)it: !n•ldavlit, I'fit l.lvt. b t n trv.tfr.. air- + ) ` r.,•; of the rmly •in• „] ,i+lllam} ma lortivide sta- e dr:•a,Ft. Air Iirrt.tat Ill:�s�us to.tltss ;1>ts T1F i Piss-.,r.uf the biil luincorlwrate[lre 1W:itjltf(�- .,. ..: Ir.- ;1,,: ti„ n„ry dot r.l ' ':. • i, .'ern;; file ununno <,f u•hi,f Nad. A :iii f flertor - .-•' ]+'.-t ern i ;h'I'.l ler• I, 3 u IT:,-- Erfira(,: oC the. pr,•Si,lrrri Ihr•rnf, is ha 1 r-?le<.r.. Arlan:], Aon F.rber, 711a1I((dy 1)lf.t), to f overt cit t { 16 FI I� j rn.•r of r :I,. n];; ,,t u]nrr a, the ri titia,-rit ex -ren- 1 tr to ul t Ft . nUin, 13u#I, f?n r`t, t ei,dr, f t q•rnan, Ctlrndett . s, , nl tfu•::-+`t,lv rr^ a:n,r l,ai,l by law_ t' 1:111 1L`1� 3'.� a ,icer. Rl d,�q'at,,,trtlx r, r,i li a at, t ti! I i M;V OF\. Cuts Drmmi g ?GI C •1•' .bol br is fart i, r rein, ted. Th,t til.- (rrnel•C+I- the T ist )( r of WS :Iqv. _ t F•!•'r - F r41h, Gita-• • t. [ -,rlefl Cite+-- ; ., U t rr• ut:' . .” s ,, � ••< - lit.., ul + s.u•1 cern rutiurn, s;,all b,• (th'il it, The - '` � n( :!I ul t-,:, s• +•' , a1g1 tl l f e rr 1' !r f ,Ifi'td e v Rd - j; 7 1 rt fl t f rl, t- i{a ir' Ir, r - f -- -,.- _-. ._ .__ t {F it tl -c k) <. Fli'k!an•1•?l In re. 41 X We; I- �'l' ]i h11 (,�,} Its 17.1 C I I I ”. 1 1 l ',• 1 ], I- f arnh.n Yr+lh. m , is f Faq 1(reA .' 1\1'', d i,. t )�.,. tt .t -rt 'Jc y.nt it t ' n -r -,rd, , iia, ,;,.,- An,! 11:.:1 :1`'h -ill ,rt I +tit )t I _ . r ,`i} I ;. ,• 1 ,^, f:<„r::,•q• Vin Af•ty„r t k -.,.v1 Vaa . {`'•`• illy { said r.r . rt.,it 'R, L I Ile, .oriel tl„' II 11 : t',.) r t' i 1'.rdrr, i".; ptanck. 1Fil! a J!:-."(�s.?y •Id ,un,,, ,.1,, kit wh•u ] ;ir•.r I .,. at.r.gtlnt„r i, thls;td]„ I!- to. lin. :I uIH'rIa J ,. Ili, a 1 , .I,,Ilir,l Ct , . n t -+ 6, 1` •rk-}u .) ,r"I..rr.: •,., +rF ;', r r i:)7• ;:, nt ]"lid„ I - _ NA Y -:11 .91abc-cIr11-1". Panr:n. Ferry ., : 'd tilt, n 1. -- lir[, I^y„Ihr]. nr , •li,;i]:rt 4 t 9 '�'�y s v- a A 1..11 • i .a l/ l7 �. I V r. � I I t „ I .t. L C..- 41 n. Crv•hi B ..-. D ct + = I', ,;r.IJi>. t -In e:: },rthrni.- , 1• r,, Y. fl.)h .Jt. nirl#I0.0 Ian,=PAto#K, tali, srtfkr- .. .. . , ... _ r - -'r 11 ;v.' , . ,>r t'I ', T•+(• 'l i i r}t f �. I,• �> !t i .( •••-: Gua.... Gur+.ae�liAll hlLJta 1 --rk Hai L... tv It I'- INIT. 11.Eur c, flicks, H u uirb It J•r�- ., .• r _ .. - -t n .i,. hen::. h_a, m 1.•kq Ln(i, ' I]rr N-rrd•mb J 0-1r••Iv J.Y• - ` J .,, + - l C • I:; • d,r n - F r ] - - ) ) u -- -],+t ] rut I • ht (tell_ 'ou1,5f, r Cl - - i 1,.• - - ' Kea. , t - Jr..�, all 1 r . 911 r i,wll, ttttllr `. (, unl, } �,.ca,c , f1 -c), Inpp, VI-h-•FBe•,-L9r�tampe-Sts •,,. r :,.} r u rnr+, and p rite- m , n •. rill. t.n� m tial -1 t ti, dl_ut r,•yu rt to hh,• -id ,fr-tn,n, to ] r ,\ l.Tt`s `l I an,anvb hl •h ; Ile L_ Ilan l 1 l t)r_ I 14 1 LhfrJratn Pnrl an t'rinC4E-1Pe'1ra1"t ri vo f s -1 I 1 r r11,- , •Id . i , t ilii f,Ill r 1 i1 n un ; 7:h i s,,nsvi!Ir ; aI r ul tan_ Iiilt.11I of silo xItr. F3tr 1 hurt i Innen 1 ,flu-,, by li (. lost-riders. a . ' r t s, errlr Jl , is tt • Play, t strived .vrsterd:t-y out fort au - _ - Jult_,,J eJci ,.,., , , r t 1 rn:•r (, _Lut a .c•r t np -. ... __ .. . , . •, i , t t ., - _ -:, 1 I it ca ,:_=to non>(• fl } suamb �n srr=- _ • ' - ll II 1 [ La JIPd' r 1 i , niis tit; ur power In - - .::J t J .•J ul I rcturn,d in til 1 f. undni t.ir�• aedra arc m^zt `acitvc ya inn r i nn'-d tr , :r, r ,t - - di) l rt zs tlwn that-La;1R d „; - - C:1' tri# ril the common Taus - --like the 1CsdE` till'}i: 1 „a•:n: .r:••: - r int rc rrrr •yJ ill { alto til l- 111.9 nn( which prnr 11 Avr -at-. 1, I:: _ ill ioh:+t !,:Ili been •., r ° ll n lalit a ills ty , u r1d r rr 1 0l b i tit tt •u > ,a )rf -- •i :r1 btu claim the greatrsf sh ire n(ihe p•_'' t.' ."Ir. a• air-;, tl:c Andlydl we carry sues 'objec's and tl1� -" d),,l lir J t '.at I li,l.not } t },. t r ° r t Into the choice -of oorrnational tepiefE{; u!1 \', ,rrnlslr,i it. l: •. 1 i :, u,+ tt.,rrnr (Iul he ass t i r+'. rt?+ I iv s we cioose them.for theirtti} �Ir. U.,pliis1, then•f:re c'ifildrei+ his u :J 11 1 in rarvini kill: ; frorn file time that l.,- F . rl nn•:i, all. ilmt propos•• 1 i - ('.Pit, [rot Iburr.a was rut ufi by v.-as a silent' s�erta:,n', (anri that "'vii , and intrigue, as local partizans? or r .t L lir G+r+,• nm-r•J`rs"•: L'11•nn; t - aP srtihblets err5`avur m l,ct, In-, the office, was ad:)pwd uii!issi )ppmiz-11— by ci n,atls,nnj to iinr of the most hurn!ie trots- b+, i,3:y and integrity as men, :and their. I'!•e < '-,ry of Ifie"W -retary was i!)list slurs e r' and faithfulness as the servants of the�teop r, mu: unc ,f,lilir•l no r:or:r - ,:rte n lie eversaty sir .fleas.. -, to ' 1.'u Ili cor4:dvrnt:ua ufhss , J;frn-jutlie denies that t4ry ha}r v1v rnr 1'i: es, IL is m}' clrareonv7Uioti, Pelb/r UZe ;lir, i.% 111,11 dr (• 5'Jc,,ali „I t'r' i sill; says lir 't r u(ir:uit nX the rr afl.r.r_ of L:r- we ought to choose the BE:S2`_A'Is�Jrtf.-.. r_ ± 3.CC:3 L:1'.r 11' E. wdivc ped Ca;til nun dtxs not gusty any disttn rash them amidst file ctall o pill' ,ire, opposed 20 :hr .` c: n• - and • rssion which is endeavored Tec Lr_ri.,I.lturc arlir'nrrrrl'on rl ur,rrrv'of last : Ilnug ebauGthe nurnrl'ons keys, files; &c. fJnn:l i c ;rot• 5hr, rr rna� Gni ri ruse of Our county is embarrassed. Itareveaae.id"'"'• nvrw. i'. r, wall olisinforme:; fesorctiu iL•r act iii the house. -ole came to Norfdk from Brilti- and its rx ills%rs great. The f er t rhe rcry prinntdrt dire ,.hick a. uture, in obtain ❑ assa,,e an board the nartunnl 1 a r :-i ts' a IJ.rli_;nln• at Uvi'# ft pa„rd the . stat ( rratuc, and the ir,btrrit.g classes co ha er aIlv:ivs cc,nvnr; ',Viten 1wi :t ;n rrjccted in the -is%••Infik, Thr. bill fo- ; Corvette La I'arnc.. y pet but a small pittance for theirlabor: ''... viii ilii or wrntints orflit%i:llsu of itb.r ::, l.as There ort s yet omcthin- bchiud Ilrr arra, t.c alias t:,utt :.11a •• r are the obliged to a our members of taus' ...rush• a late wio h this luau is afraid to thisc!osr. ' It nuns a{h( dnffars n rla par our the resent rllr:]$ni,', - - Jr}lYtn It •t( t0 3 J u s i.t.. utys a �o, drat ile tu,,;iri y> p ,:•r• •r' i'r h'rd»r-rrrr .: l,irlrrir�. _i tr ut dia; p.rt is eyuaa to trnenty-one bushels of lie, rnrsurd li,r the 'a.;: Blur c,-:lrs rrdnein� tier salirrit-; of t!1c aP.ecers uC ::airs. } safe has 'life by tvreiir_ states rvidenrc, and is "'paying dear•for the whistle;” and, While, nllpu:'•'.{ to til•• r,'.n.lc ry ,u•r•t invot, to the fel:nwin� ratan- - ma; r i� a titl3 t:i%clnsure of tilt: murder, n+ ur if art in the habit r+f sending mets of high uotritsi 'I', t'se Gnveinor;j.f000 Chaac^sur _;U�0 � J tsanv anteced,iit transacti on' in which Ile airs < tV-1111- in lawyers and the trema arises t LJhsriload ant'. fr:::+::, fila e. (' runcerned, together with Ili% accent shires—his p'' g v S b i.rvec+:r (senrt:,l, f U(JU ; Corson,;:ret :�cu,•r:d f I part,, a-ho are r,,rrdof making hang snr:echeiz=t �, lir>: en-�:�u ; r _: , - naG,'•, :dal : 1ltnrur; Ge :;010; Cam* +rs_4,r 2000 re4;Iv as<, r` he want(^[} Gine (or rrCectionr and i 1' - } err to^-, ice shi,61 have Ien thettr•d sessions aid j}r Tray Car, .1ruller Sa,l • DeIvlt ;rcr.tar: it ti.+s possible he would livaEge agreat secret, Cor it, 211:1 L:•;."?.p-s;.r, rr%i 1 f 1 t , ' •nbligged to pay hio 4 aalaries. jq,'.^e of !':ab::r• ;;i)fl; Supreme Cofirt l rarpnrtrrulln Lie Uninrt!' This secret he his E Lit us, then,caaminetbrdtatacterofther Y ll:;,orrer 5(:t'). "'Ile m.?ire of sud,rrintendena of i not vet divul(;ed, and he nr,w rays the serreW to 1 didatrs before ui; and as the fed them'wmibYj- h1� ,sir:' tl evvr': oilier ciuf c inniuu ,c;inuh is gohshed, an.! his duties im- • +vlliell !le alluded 'w2s she n� order of Lagau= ._erre nry os SL:II••, %-',ruse salary is _ > mov„hem oursupport.m With qua nta ce, ast n1a p ilei. t . r ,sit! an the ' J'1r• oh;r -h.nns of the, crt:ual ,., D ' ` - ' } deft` . I have had sante acquaintance and ma' - :,ri„rr•,.ntiy•5[^.tda[ f _(Ifdrh,llar•r� : l t ti C h1',(11f ;iiL'1'FI t3Ii:Ld.C,A. ' '-'- ut illy ;1te r• i'ahika2.; ire+l t I ransidcrable, .nquiryttrQng_mTc3adids V!!- •' v rf 1#: wnnbers , dn• r-(cr! is^Jas_ r 1i ( ire• EtIdl+fI1J to M11t N ern. snprr- 1� ” 1 burs (roarcrning him. a is known to sirf t* .,, Z. r,t a/•i•n:ti.`trnrll r,( dr'.- t, a, ,i•,r,i it *:rrrr- dol:ars per dw• : tlieIt:c- ' ear..0 v..,.11i) iiloutrin. tlnsr. ;t t':•ivt•tl }( "' 1 us, as a rertt:bfican farmrr,ttsfio mak' % (etv prFr ;:rt ill:' rt r ,>t I^e til t{:e d :nr:nbr•;; :r.rit fit,,- rl,,ilar_+' . j ierdat E, Ila -tics ti)-res fo: torr 1'odEtity- tt : (r solani, List, is what we call LP the noblest wort canal com ni"i"ll, s }_`; rff in;; tt1'tri•nl;uipn orrC•xJ,>' An IroyFSTataa: Ile has represented titd6`v• iuiiicriair, t: as 1„•:tin:_ v.wh :.nil acdi,iq to t:h•ir r,titr: duty r.Jtat (:f a ! . p- 1 ton il.trds• was #n S:IiJ from \lontq � t � in CrrnrPss Car t�•o yeas past; and though - h'. tit: b,l:i,'.cl ; l:.:I:.r.,:-Lit' •+ras •r: of oll the lanais, r.e_,:tr:d for ilio ruliic t it oa. 111(. 1;tUt•s• rnrl u1 J;tnnat•v fat• 1111. 1 . } c!id rant mai. r. `r load sprerbPs,” rvcordrxl •.I I vttn are 1:otv c'..a:oi:;_ to be t_,_ - � o i{ ( in tau Superb r arc•u ntttniod f s i %•otr;±^amst the ezNnsina ofxlaren/, andinTa - -file ,•n•-,• i„r p , d.hor• ire:utrrrl a41 ertisc- :or td rrdacin� salarks. lie has served t•.r, right tj srJ(rr._r a:.d a: mit:t'. n'-C. in die s;rJtr r r:•r_ ua_ rcelured to - 1111•-L.'nu.e•. {t i •ate: ,\ F'.1at.h srri,.tl un t - t h!;r:r ud frit Jai:b:ir`s t"o thirJs nftirr: irtsrrt enol all well 1Jc lair_ } iinr+ Cont, rfuut 11 snnlc little Lcfnith re, nal T siflite dwiesaad sib subject,, eclsme grmtional interest uainted w Srs� _ d Cont. L...t (; !o t ved [o ht•r w I tt filo-} a,: u,nti�t• to fir' siw:;ie n or _ 1 .tcttrtabnti t., hr staff nf'ii•trt:os 1-t ,.s tv rV i.t:u'Js ill. rt>c!(l Private, as well a; pot+hfnp(tt9Unn '.� I' : r ,•[ (' ''r •,T::, h:,r1. m^^Jb'•r uflJtc Sir �1 - snit i ndvP hr'drd ofuntbiug which is calculat- e S! 0! r.:::(l ti+:nv alar , -,• Ir:I:Jt �rf1,,1t lI ill, h : h,•rn a !,° "I Tie ;Ili- 1 a-cl•v iinnvidrd; Ito 'union' lir ufmculd .lrno r - - PI'•'' S to tr n h nuhl:c confidence toward lig • - . it n ll I - 'L tsar lnfl•:••rc, in ±; r c.,!t_ t:::Jnna: (..ut.rl t.arncussrnnr r, ba ,t rvscrr: . ur. provinces, uu•r or rho t r 111 tt tl ir•!r ,I Iii tto (',:'r s; titan of pond mlturiranoII ,1 P , A ' 1. utuv tin 1 (, n L ; u s n ht-h 'd _and expr-n-Herd rn pnl'ie-tnr(inessr—# .1-”! at JUt:: 11::llyt; •r al :#:L- #t"ri dill Ft'_ 1 7 - if i�ouluva, til 1 F:tr.. riid tif.I rnuaet, dot veer, t.cry ltassrd ap,m a farm; And his -so r, ane nl`tru;;:,nr -t, -_ :'.0:J.' --- .},.r .- : •.. n',i-i-,r:::r_=-:.� 1. ,� :t.'r - list- "tt 1' •+„+r ol• 1++rniiu,- shun, ,;rriv al -irn- n rine ( 1 3 n r},Jrnt tin it irtke mercantile pursuits atnong� r, r. -- n.: - :; : , , _ - - -e t nn ut t t i tic+, a ,hall ,t a yrs nmrtir, hat n o;t , 1 :lac dr pu •..f uJ ;uJ rr n--hr t._ r ph:. -Ile knots * valitemf_-. u t t t n l x- _=n c- i n : m x of ret rclu t d to cru un ie,:u tt t of IIt rvr 1 tl t ial tand has xI 'nrrrrrtl how n,,srlly our-agar d-1 - diol r t tt.:y v'nild I) r Jas u 1 ,- Iso n t c•tlt ral and nr rc,nrtile interests are connected _ fa. t - -i_.a fro,,. t_! .l. L _ ilr - - - - s lilt ( l}titerurlhe mol[ tt l ht. Eiove•s t f aa1 do lit;hatto prntert the farmingintrrristg 11fill,t, 1' also t promote file prosperity ore;ery other sl- jj ur r IianaC 1}trsW is Llt,cnt I❑-[ticein r,r r -- t'r. 1 - ..t :]�_!' =s'ri -,-'; 1 r1'li(li'.--itClli'Llrtil r'�a- l.rt-.1'::1rS:S.t--r ItL-t 7 i-idtl•.ILln1:1-C1aSi-O.-LAm a •'.J..'!`j'� T-=-.rb-trMd4�tlNl iJ_Ir-d3':.::`: t ti 1-rt rf9 t`I - tat It found with err. Camp, that he-oltetr a -, .: i Jrpr'i.'•(f, .ii ihe tri[-rt,S Uf 11 Ftr -I:.r - trJ:rnr. t"l(IJ n,td lrJ',:n :ery fl'u,Illi,soine lp merost and distantht his mauncrs. hills ti•� rE: it, tall town meet,n„ iu tiers t r ,tut.-r t t 1 tit I rnC: h d lrlund(t t (. sotnr ;ills: - _: rl..rd this rr . v )rocet d fain the cares of business -or - 'llir• rbravt min of til;+i r)sr t-un jj ,tills+ 111., ;uw t 7 tvtt (l?-tIIL virn,an' -tram ao Rlnnrr ulr. indrpettdrner. r f mind,.:idttth 1.1a�r a } r.'lcn -.1 : , : 'r.,l Iry stir.,: •arra tit.!, r, .y r uY.nu Ihrt i 1111.,,.,.+ }i t, at I'a-1 tgu:,v rhe sots rI-.<cnrnc-:n sc,li t•pnsularin•, and which will al °;. tJl.' \ r +`a, ub'.tiaetl, •.ill ll,",r il...15: Af .ht j 1"t'i trti(• \lllh the'. Curer noir' a!(r' I. rr y' vc - from ays prevent item front being, tilelro( of an mdt s llril lv d(r:Ut d I,v the Ynrtnrint'>n h Ea r -J t'c• r: t'cr tav+rr...i t ::I nI : .r. t t- r. 1. -idonl lir a l;'t {t No note;ays 1,e �is not a than r Ill Cep', =rt. tivi trimblican tiers i k r-r. r lis.nttr z_ Ili t a. U+.91(11 vee ban:h:aJtr- n ^''t,J:.•,;P.ic'", Ji.':., (,-....,. rat Lir a train . " .nf rote^r:•y; d ,Jn 2. t in Isis -(hallo}'s shtce-re in rJty . f)r itt -mwr- ;}' y} runt `•. (Ilio Gurc ,;J: r f ' n .gt to :r;^r. of i tU,at'•r t J private Criendship,:md faithful And i rdMatigal.fe "v lie 1);rrk('i:l; .ill 1 u DrIplen, I and U to su huunrd lie would ec•..t l.ttrC to i,c ` in lite ilt:.thar�e -of-rsery public fluty. It r , : a n,.'jorily td;i'rnm thirty. ,:t Iiir(rir-curl -- --'� tit::+pr c ill. 1. ` therefore, fellaly-citizens, a sidty-to our_.elcusand velli' Ire-r'•r';, Ir ttns;:r (r :e a jmr ,: •x:, L•-rd •,t!.: f„ tilt: ;ran_ 11 1- tic, l}'rrc hiss kern prefty tratxi,:^i 1 tri mfr countrv.-hil-vote for Richmond a9d mp, t•: r''i,•1611n- In Eft""eld, tarn i;vrkndls iinr a . h: a r • .' , :; 11:11 in:- nil] fi,r s::prrvlsor; :,is,! oar tit, rel ♦,6pl,grte � 's;... Y revolu i rn rid Ortnbrr. drat f rr*• • u `dul� ]'a 1 : ( '1 its the opposing a 'rtes, Lei t'" B. Ilo- .t'ascast i:1'Ir•: »iirairit •.' -Sis ;t^•s sr•rrt;tr- 1111 front hrrn}•;�ettled-fnrll:et• I (:AcsTFr; and D�t•t-o(.ro�t.,are more h4 4 nrsr and ca able min'- elt. in a^,:ta inn Sever:A per- P - t Thesc 'last •named entlemen arc Iarr. ars. , of :.c t:::; ? :!::.: {t i; lair, in^_ p::ct1 s;,ira!rn ::r_ ud;rn ?-is s•rrt> .• ':ata .lntrJv arr•eslrtr.. xlrrl 'uo i r g 'e - it=- i s, -,. (i: They hP.ona to-a profmi itui, whiclt we nee apt rte >uwtt riCCFinI;%. _fit;(! :i-t• sl � (i3 -' •:fir Lir Jl;:(7C.d ti) lilt; r:_isttltg I. - :n;ri; :hat ar„ lir:+n in_, h^ i""' J tri ,few witfr' susptiion, as hatkr,e}•ed ill the l:' Ix" tL ins Ili”. ,:r'�,1:Fi:d irriters of ::>(: Cllrowel•.'y '. 'Si :t(I' t ''3.1 t�4, - " 'I•rdr•,-:mJ;:r;Gi} viae d:•_i^n- ..., ion}'s.nf3ntrigu<y pntud and aspiring, and fat-.. _;,,.,: •;ic^rel• n ,',n Lh1r c:ua,•:.:md tiv: rsinsrn;,r•r,- .h ]t •,t;, :.,_iJl rhat't.'.amireL ,vas •rttovin;; i teninw an the crimes' and misfortunes of thci't r it in !:w apiiit :,11th rnn;r'.^.- , t1w iall-rul"t Gd);r,:ic and ti:C :::i^1;rV t1'- ) 1. lillrnnK 't }'1'CY ,Ylfit a eUn'�tdrr'.1- I !r frail tcilow- men. But, then, fellow-citizens, theme f:'• a :: ,i1'n,:::: I+,. ?e;:r _'lu,drhl"s' Iilc sins, tlrl r.rminr•il In arrange the •„o- ”atlr be i(nn 1 teyr a who oft proper oraisions y - rf: a r , ro: ,.. ,. • r,•ilrr;.,�; - 1:%rnlat,•nt, .C. su`as to tail Illi of!ws- prni'- all- entitled to 'sur ronndenee. It re.ggires, of f. •:sirs, sin. t _ .,�'- I•.-;3ti:•.,rtrfc. hos-f.,-r. ssitntrg reamns, for the election of fiat. ".rrrr: ch:rt(d its tdsit torn fi,rIA, I:LeLie%vCUr: t -- I laq'}•••rs, isionr a manufacturing and agiiedhursl a;e.' T' () .S "1' 1: 1 [ 'l`. district.----TJtry_slrnntdltesnert�atonNr�)l' Pv- ::ufn-n:rani—\Irvrll Il:dsrf• _ _.,.__ -._.. _ .. ._— --- _ _ ---- -r= -'- R - :t, ;ti's:'tv-`--'Clie�eu•� �}ri; traurduraty talents, ul of uudoubted intra Sty I I1 att'Lr;C, Srr;,cri:Jurr'a:a 'o; :'ua••rr„r—d miiel Thgsnwrt ,.. ` .11wid arrived last evt in+_ as sur p+per was for talents without iM('�fity, are Flattsetouc'rvea- ;•p:,,:r,i.ca?mr::r or iligiirrays—Toiln, ;•isc'.t, doep:gin;; ti',r press; nodwe have oJ' v roc•*ill puns against [he-fights of the people. Ther 1'r• ,, .u: t '('h:,,:J r1; l:n:rrr- ishill; they rtl:,:n late itnpnri:rJJ:: )r- Jimild be motif•nte rind ennsiste-nf As ;mpndJtleians r,nJ's,�;i :r.:rte-;- - i"o: ;'n. ''•:a:vi, l„wi. r, 1':Ire i.< -1. 1''r,:mil rs a,dvaltc$i� :1^.1i n•a. `:.Jj=},^s. The kim_ 33(';;. linchesler and Woodcock m:u of airs r; f- , . \arir::ora 1_.:,.J.:. '-Jnr nhiI'vop e; l, rlaracn-ir Of file. 1,31-mer I can only say, 1116trecaP the ;I, .- I .l c:rnrrA lie iv idelirriled to me qct a voung man of :rather �c I:n „L.::-m 'I! (,+al. It u-,'. a - •I'rr; ,'rrF r.j 1'nb.'i I_+d--il`ill JB.t. _, 8atrr. ilt""rectiarl l id to 11.1 -lruke a lt, 1•`, •lt: 31), di,culutr and cxtmvilgant h(ibits; biaaght op 111 Fthrntil,. 11,.:,�t.I:hrvt,an.ltiitneenJn,r. • at.iJ,lidtilJ,in 1J1;riil (tu; hiri9-stunrtllnds• df!`'yittltllf;rp6Fl!Nott?l7lhailYl)ePrttililettion9f(tt'. t,::y,rr tor.' u. ('mu»,illi .l'r,innf..•—f�rarrr i). ,1r '1 -Liv li. r ithrc: i 1 ni 1, rt, a im„i �daver) slid high life; and wile; with tare nd-- n1(l,.;Ir: ` i:r:ur•r•r a:rilbt.cata,ttnpf,c.'J' woe. is til, ,.ri{.[dere +'f r:nue;rsof nnPzpenstrCeducation _and wealthy -. .. r.: t : r i rr7.•1.�. , . —}Fru„ : i !.. tits, IJ.r, i?.:lit till: tr tv<. . 'counf•ctiuoi, Isar nevt•r 6frn tatr1.I. to vo.br}'olid - s ,'ri�ult�l�i� ilio d' s '' , .. �#r'• r�+uv-.':',- a•r..l .-n�:c 1L J.,.,. -EI c. JJ rr._r '� �U C�1 E-,rnr ea=.9111 u:,bees---can take a sass of Z IU.' t eccutivr (,dmrnJ:tr , of tf,r 1, _-ill,-or a „cmc nL whist with eYrirnd--mat;c a L; ::,•itis fiv 1 rni mn:rr r Proni-or.; r—Tho Thin- e icnitu al ncJ ty ul the county of 'Iempkmv� #�stuutrr r-LTr boot's-nima.e x pre[ty (tong- sp[ccTi of the 13d alt •Uus• ' IV 1. hold an t ,urn,,d nleetin;; en Saturday elle upon u rat. If it written and_ i. t•I,;alto l'J',rn,l (:unit tr,r Ii d - - "sutd3etl Ile .may be KCJI-ealculat :r t:,:a J: �•„dJ err -[.,t ut 1pn1 a t[ t tiro Iloteh, in the, vild.rye of I t finis:. ,r, i'.urnr,'. L# ,- - 1 r .:ou-, a:u•r'a s r + r,i a -' tth rc r at I Clock Al. tit, the purpu,c of (d-to {ru;n hitirselt fokamrd_ in, a—party-but i- '- ),art of the m.,l.Jn - rias t n•ct .for dn' rnsuiu•• vrdr---at dnobt-whrthrr Lir ctrrn a pin .far reduelrig sale. : buys, ,+ , idarsIsrxi It r 4 -r--d in if,;- i.rpsiblt- ,,Incl, tone'; tri red,. vllnit al ror tit, nsr ofthl+ errs—lrromuting the (nrmiutgyt)d'•ma"ufaeGirirg i r. ,,r r r'•r-sal rr_�- , I , > .t,. _. ._,rf tui k - i 11. . - - In to F t 1 I.•t:.) -- = --, -az t . -- I 1 r. 1 it I it IE.JiS 115 old lien hzm iftxpray_ ' • e)Ilr r,ll ,.t Tir 'n,td t. -I 1" s'}- 1-1.1:'- 1}i i . h, rialinac 1_).!. i 1 - ±fl I11 �rriSS it! "mil,t,r., of liaTildl/tlE bth alt, ` I n' sill, 'd Ill fill[ it aur cuu;)u't. J+,}gul 1 1 and is inn tt e , e c ),a:e 1 , ,',c rubbers mutt - --" At ,1 r ( ecu t C ort at'l�ewark, N J. j _3 1 II.1J, to :ae ,era: sullsfarunn, mace re 1' esl:lld,srn-d d1<lr a a ln: cr tFl t itet�+ptetl to s ze, t? E - c se o[ lfary Durham, against James Comptoty fll n1V pati -i's mind - tram 11,i, orle 1 u j !Fer3x-,:hit In�_n•„it�lc iin lrnvrd - 1wr strength 1 i J i511 Ff }ilelt lr:n n tit !a:,rsr i b1!{ The - - i r,a breac!, of pron}kle o1 mafriape, came- 1 f:'ooi lour Fr;vnf1, ,.t -c 'driver 1 ;:.tt rcrJicioi ja�y�-Weninfaw)roftheprlwwmnaaa�«< - . - of r- rill Icd end sit, Alas IIUt S:%ICY l'Y--A- I"i ripiudv ab.nli, and drove away i!fl out ln)ory: t:.,. 11 t,'4 I'N-UIICE• hibilud lite shghtrt ilndications ofrel.11ist% D. Il. Tile robbers allenlpted t±l fire, bot their pizlvls F great number of tahiT,t f jf ��+�`�'I� 1 F a o Afuui to l::e rnvi/cr { 11f' ` r �( r:uu!d not o o? pts ri lite tr,u n of Patterson,. N J Med :•It lite 2811, of INtareh-last, is a lin ;Firs. in the 'r uren.lu- 11C t 3'bL( ern iniclli�cncc.. a 1 ;;rind livid to wintes5 the ftillowin ace : IOU swots were Ilac :d one f garde rratrl. 1 r ),t'haL.d}, �l_1F a, i.,°i. l iia azfital at Laliinlorc Long., 1 ur,pea each (Aber. au.i at one eX[rPrnily a hat, to i v i - cd ilr licl-'elf in a jdafn{ -- j jiPl jil,j.r �lei�. `- rTaitrt a 1 •u• says later'thiln were annouureri i.' nor last; hill they furnish as with Very little U, ThIf holy Alliance 'toes• were to be {rut as gall d, sing -le., t islet n•erlecompetitors at to which O•ewld; i the ^_ ' S''0 l:'r. t,nc riot i,f•rn enb,dtd m pu„rare inftmaadt,n nitcrcst crusade r! ilia l and the Ely!) Sicidies, appears it, r,unplish lask.in the sbortest timet ' :e.0 i1looi, J11y f against -N;p s rrnnl Iuan of ebout yeTrliof age, w<yti1 allow . s• �'�•� r 5r r t!y c- r-rn i.on, ddf,• nL rf+ of lite ui,t,irt, d,t,:�U '1- - t•' lie, lwQg es,ill,. The Nei p"litalm the I t tnmuhs by the other, trpro was shoat 20 Y� r - hr Ili -r wol Lar t, t,.m.fn •, ,, a tl•�l r.0 .,r rel;,d un -ns 1., ELe r-hi•-zhitst to ill,- lm,,,t appear to b, aminated by x Od: 'l•Lv oldest perform,,] it in' 59'nFiautee 15. ... n ui, r- e;r _'.tit, ..:, : ;: ,,-t;;,,,, l•• "tic a id, hal :ru:,l!s. and tilt• cuunrest in 47 mia+ltes 15 u. j lfrl- t U :a Il! a}t ;tie illi, nr ja "_,1 e.,, ..I„ lvdltar3' <t,i}ds; tilrr••hy x,,nuu:g by two minutes: 'j7je I::at -tvr ptrr,r I, r cal: x> tLry c,iaiu, alit witie„nouae [u Jo w uxt,t tf e { 3(ures for the Au_trians; it is also inention, distanectbry mwt havetraver+.ied to and front our (lin.:;! i' r i"M'll lar Itno to "cat,, pnper got, to }ires•. - situs a \ •a xxditmll r )r 1 list entered llolue, and i 1 s ti tilt hat; was 5 miles, 3 quarters and 10yaMe? : tt: wvl la!l, til- Ihnt i OFFICIAL PETUI'N OF VOTES FOP. tvrrc swell. received f'he:Austriva supiplirs luny 11. IJuist, has been fined £200 ia.J✓ogjjpd, i ,all !hc �t•i,tl t•t•a!rc in � 'I'l�1}1'h1\a C,JC\'I'1•. probably fill] into, lheir hands• for inanufacturin • and sellin radieRl r t 6 S Vii- f 11[! a rl::ll , T. 'l:Ytrail 1i'a letter fro. I a, ij, thric 1 fl,. orf. _ made of rye- - ,1 1' Cn Sa1{BsS. St1ICAM .lfrtii!. 3 n;l \'f•1•\' I -_- -- --�� a + Itis Sal r11 i1t b11 rltf.ilOrrllllilr�'EaUI tEf Ila4 Urmlghttintn 11 Vous man iii \t'est Durham stsci(kq�p Q ,.f4ilfcV treat was tut - - _ _ aim w.,dlait!ic,1\cipilitaup.lrhan,elft has resolved to make a tail ration of tsar, Fiat had ul:taiuedsntnrprecious knoslydgeofritar 1 xm %ilii r only mains: Austria; noting is sail] in it of 'al phi!„sophv: having procured aboat�pp�. - 1.twr, i:nd till ton that - : _ - = im Fra nt' Ilus,l i ur if l,ru sta. - It ajipears Ice-,ofb;rchbafi:^he 1ltttiuroatlewleHl f P to6. I.,I rd+}(•7', I st-wl 'OU ! = >- I ] 1- that file Cahirtet. of tl7 , 'I` Iv Ilh ries r.±.savo i the Iu illin• abulic two Callnns, Caf-full Seenr��.(�; .. 1: Y ---y YR 1{bACa• 1'.9 ilii t93 tS9 in j,�, r? :l l:l uS .czmduci (if 1l. D. Irlec'l's at i.;iy!J1c'h, and Chat lop io as tot render It air ii -fit. lie thea pla6 ;r, •!, i L.,: is: Irl t Ill 91 9d i' 74 It !,int sr "1 tins( et'vri- (I[Ffl `;' n-iliell Alas been � it aver tllefire. In about I'r mititrtes,asttragi 1 :'1'I: �!` �T•nni. ,-� . 1"n±.et,!, U it 1,3 .a i 7 us 1l Cl,!1Cd lie If7 t. ambassador 111 tilt: na!11c of ell,' of • :s be -no to esca a -from lire nose of the i _ p - Queen nr:llani. art,! n, ft s 17 _., t'E7 n9 99 tE 16., .I reach r It n1mel t. _ t}e,.to which: he a i lliml a lighted a rt iaa. 11 n• p l> n :,i — trr•:tan, 115 Aril m;; 7`h(1 ululran n rlrlressl l n ,vile Illriliatel • foul, fare and continued -burnt J ag firth. n1 It+J Atilt 1_ f; 0.15E OF I;TDP.U- i °__, r.oyrrnml to the resident nllnlsler from 1 of ijicd, rtrilleMinz a clear fight, equal to that [turn two randks,fir i Lxu-rug E9 C:.9 7S Gt 61. 1$9 t58 .. -.. him to r•x dein the intention nl (rrat 1 Irl lin, nl sheat hes,acr,ECan Lour... 1 . s IUC1A- I Vh.ctor, _3 79 e._9 '_'{> 59 59 19, ,gI tale Fvei i f a tear between \ ; rs and c 1 ism 1lhpnrt7 n1. Ii.r paciirnlar .property of thea •nom n :;fonlrrrd Pnprr. -- — -- — — — — — 7t7 Ci }d3t ii -1 dei 487 C9J 1:71 ,o,;.ri. , u ,; -b t llimtioo Sir 11 illFanl A^Court 1 ]1 allayin. C olcivaan -aeees it, alla +ine irritatii of site December. as \laFlame ' -.--� .. pr„m11 }% _.lai;h,ci',., Ly der! oiii? tlpt his sore : _ tvintipipe, !lulls, &f. and alirrebv teleovtag"t n - as Inn i ole ..`ria to a _ SSLINiLL?, .:c. r ;-1 ti s tilt parts wl atcver to thr ho u!: til- canst-s aahnnt and consumption,.lethe_ rGtg 5 ell., l Eat h sl.1 ! if, _ = sr -.ns e f ell Cann, r n a• Lu U Ich ;: but that Ile l est dE-overy _th.d has been madeiu tIIE(itlttae^ .•; - :fr.c! uhl,h h i -_ snontdnl lntlill it strict rn•u -Il.ty 1-I nmriiir Pit- Ituppi aradli--the la.crllonddyGazetleaf $eelj] -.r -nip - ., Ida',. i"Inwil 1), r.,1111sn _ _ A hr ll _Call arrived!'.thii L with that a w doses of s} will effre[ually teolUiC•fflr' - -_ \lhl[h c}„• t' e'1! hurl pec, I, rill' 15tIi Feb. 'i !.0 0o..vin � is -ill ex - - file symprOms :of asthma, and taerpt e[ - _ Illlr!+i•r f',:�,'1 - l 1. 11- ... •'J y •r = trim :— - - - , cnllsliaipt-en, and in a'. few da{s 1t will - ra, t_rl t^+, iii s: 1 �,-, : ;! In,u o+dh it -,:�,- t _ - 111,. And—int. n,riveol rn tilt 15th n ZIa- it,, pant -et to hraldl: and that the nme�;tje' - .- 1.-1-- K 1!'; 115 _i{ i•„nn 1 n,m t!;at Inns:. -rt - _ =^" � .t1 -iw u,t! a eco Int of. a i t i lu tin:; h ru � til- st Eds, coni L;ned-with an -alkali; as speedily COfR _ endrav,,-ed to b t n•,,.111 i'q - ! i : iGs i'n u - k, -;i place n1 tlsa isl:+nd on the -nth lilt. 1'hr`-- i . (_nut alai-rhumatisril_ -So es}ranrdinary hffi beenir r objects, tcd2 inra c„nrul_ 1),},len, IES _; i ;:r L ,Sin},• 5'nt thn'e dclnitieg to the Cortes: 'I-{-- thr• saLtr.trp-effects uftheyerew.remediesilethoie r - - ,I�:cs lilt r t. i;'t st'nlptnm� C,,.,t•:c, 11 : 1'3 �-`I .5t7 ., cati.r l f t >or�p,, ail ! [lie ship. of %tar it the -1-; ! di-ase•s, that -tilt ellnim do not hesitate to- /:. bcca:ue ad le. nrri : she _ Liu-S -,. Airs el rm'I -:hitt iin t;n' r,rrt Tr r t this i,•.- � � i -them spe.-ifes. .Y Ile oiker information-- thi - - •, 1:'twt 1 )� l:i::_!.:etcouf•d r - i.tclor, 7u fir, 1<l.i�r: c 'I`S,r l artrs h Ile h cad% 1 cr ”. , ,popular nrFlical, dirtetir, and phdosoptiical - - 5-_' Silt 1 and p ,)l �'; a p„•.i- — .tut lihrlty nl lire Ili s:: a nlrt.,un' i)rr n art it t.. t- - _ I k;r:Tal eoarnhis,-particularly an exposition of li• -:- -- ll fillf,t.r r ± . n ! u, -I Tr,ta!, sI 19^:; els' t9 f r% st,r uui ci.nsellueucc4 {a the fctcre interee:t let it_ quackery, coal positions of trontrumsrrfnd u da::, •Iliw w +tilt ural- ---- _ —T of -ruts coun.rr:pnrrices ofcertairt practitioners, z. -f - - j„rienced in it tum rime P,l:cktail majorities in this county over the re- ` , -` will bic-urt:e.hithly interesting. ! ,..in.shoolir."up hr{•:n.11, publican ct,didates,are asfollows: _.. .For 'ins .lours illi. It a! pears by -an Official Report -made to the - 'it• ssmr•sddr, Chet . jle anti- Cung toss -"loch est^_s, �fl; t 3lrssrs tarp: 1- Scaring; '" } 1 e. ufntnre of Massachusetts, that -•the rntrtiielr - _ Lirh ha%vr- r sit, list s 11 'itlflCpC.: t'1 Ravin!,ul.utrd ill lit T,urnal l tntirn j !,,,,rprrixll it greater in that State:thansa+ uxrth rhe•eutl•1fJalaa- 71 - /Jssen!LU-Critfrl}t.rn, sham f1E til]' it uld bl• heli.! In the• %illi e of 'Ithaca, r,r_lland, uberepnnperi.moflate ytnrstlafba ''- ir.cii,pn�rt[. ?ly sir- i J ;li7 Senate-5mnour and 'A'CaIi, 1U-1 nn ill,, 9!11 )n e- t71a„t into rnniitlrl Itiun '• c:lae proverbial. :Ili England, the iucreau,d n the 7th I'cllnrry, 1 en- the praptiety oflr,ratl'i+r in llvc Village oflUn ica., . Cllreor,'suscrr•s was Nrree- the in.tdrrt - rhe bilious syilt,ltulos by i Rellorted nfUloritics for lfmuberz of Lrf)yress. the '( Aniericali , Univ (rant;' abutit Ili b!• estn-- in ) �ar/inset(• threeffl ks,in trerrti 1%tci!srot u. i•tron+:ur,t. bushed uri ih. pi,trona„e of file Al thodisl tier- iulmher supported by the state-is,stoat' rnrrlj:',_dnrdof:orethtlint, Tomp;cinsCount•:; J=) L1113cofalChuriil in the.%Vestern District of � thowsnnd---estiu,atniex encet/rree.hundredrtiiill p i atitrnm, I Wird her, by C;ivw,a, 3n0 New --York, I was induccad to uleke particular . i.tl oj( ur t ;oirsund dotlars, ` n'lietad I aCNJ cur}uiv}' into the principle t3#aan which it is pro 1`ha•2'x, '!,..cafri•r Ili,- Lit,, tilr ap 1 �rl:rra, fi)p + Ilnseil in be cnndnCiri{, ,and enc s stein of rth/ca - q f'r^e.3 safe F.nvlieh Papers k SVnlIttfins :!J'ttullared �itubtn { 1 r ; 4. stun 1n UE e>?n}%ted Il}r rrtnh o+ which, i> so per- A Loriil.ul taper says,''l a young mar. -W` tar. b: )rn; that trolly it ecemtiunce %visit n v na'11 frediv s, slid ymithf rid lest tvEek, nn Jertcxsk tostedd l boost' n .i snit u( the Ladv:, riot- 900 'e.9 to Tihat 1 runceive Plast lie the wish of evvry nn nisi lel, for 1 Fleas. .{Viten lie hadatood` ret ohpre,s'on ; tilt It is repnried that Olflario has elected three friend to the propagatinn of knowlecd, e, that 1' 3 ,Nnurs wid three'uartersi Ile became saiweepy •..e tl,n•nt, sinal: ch, :nal hurla,aPnit'I•:f,ers of Assembly, ani two repub- che.crfulfy offeriltlssrnall tribute ufrv•spert it, the t .that )ierovlrl not a4eak,ru:dlvtt)r diffie:nlifsvp-` . {Sir. Lead, nn,-,Acd with ' 1:ran niendl• r,: Livm•,;ston and Monroe, racily nlotit•es and lanilable exeiiions of ;%ince, uhu � plrrh•d lrilllse-It i huwr' er, teftlretestouishs+eaeol' ''w-, five o,ry5; :d!erl:alt nlfl• t� tirki:,il; t,r l}rs•I• i r;n_; :araln':, f6ur � .'bal-e''..11ctive{l the 1,211, tlild iflus fir �:rrtco de, ! d I .. -..• ,' It Trest•1rt, Er+• IYr(rrtu l7rc•zttSk,aitdwai 1 1 S�.Y ••;:t universal Pubtd,Trlllt;�; Illi. ; :Ali of w!lich rotlnt±ei elected republican. p to its rse6ition. 1 ' i ted Il, hi! 4rll:,lr, beim,••' aFiable to -IOOVe aftm: ,a r„at Vivacity (,I till' eves, niel hers of .Av erolIly Jail yl'a (. The, It American Univer-Miv y il[th"ti-1l under � rC his ie- bits fomented he recovered:” - - .y ,;i (i(Mtl of raalifF 1, r'nnl it !i alio rrpr•fied tial Oriondat'a and lletli- the visitirrlal C.outrol of Elle :Alf tllodist Alun c!:, �'� tile. lhruat ', hail: and r,•- sill: 1-1l! wntr Uucktail, have electedsevell re Fab- 1 is not to be. colifined to tin; i5l5tructioll Iif IIIc { d Ytnrgeon, turasufing SIX feetthree inchesjn;+` - Ilr' Flllusi( I bad prt•p:lrlvl; lit.%!) tric-1 'ors. " f113ltlrell nftllOS!'.,)lily 1.,hU are llrt•t('35E•tlly w1I11- I,•ngth, has born sept by so/m)e. geittleinenat1:YP*- 1111` fret urns :ttto :Ibundalt I ly_,,,• els Cnl 1 _i _ f �1Ii�Y.,..11:Lli3[illtr,Ii.Ltil,--11.'.s.t.crleel31iItLj?a,.� r • ! l,' h ine! n ill dn- _it-Sv.iTl >>_ f. ik.,S-11 t1 �.1-i-. inotith, t4 'e.1 1,14 `II present to Abe ytllef.'n. •Y':-•'` - .^�' ,'riiterrr•,J s.v,of (hese three n•publieulmrmhers of :l ssrnlb.v din ri-Re. ❑nmiltar.... ,':'•!+•t+r+af",,,r, 'nl l;r\s _ tau To not beiune to ntv navish,"seld a%`•.- „sII'rt lo,-noiloub• r'•stwi-t '1 :n• 1,-;m!dir tit :.-.stn ills, scot c<nlelre..u,rt! re..: i! 11.E t..:,.. s u1 l.:,c,.. ., not;, , :. .;ilii - ..^ -•'^.a u •,!adv, and I dc{rmno,..1 fir• vti u,nc sun-r.rti ill f;ls{rr, atid:4a7lna 1. Aly ;t .ui:+a;1t' wif.ita In ,slid>,:, , +. .:- • (. , ::+: I,._•, •. I caull'it relieve +,fu ;, I, jirj;l replied: .. { tile- blverinp, %vi111 ., l:n e . majr,riiv of gt)fi-last year Nrc barivali ulajuri. dnty will lie inipnrtindly to ,uj)tiiwvnd rhe rd r.- ahs saialy uit6 an air of heroism, ri I lost -my' rreilat IIf lila Cni:l'{ll)Il'Y tv leas al)nnt `�IJ(l 'I hF 1'e•IFUhIlCai15 art. sat,l�t0 'r:l(talr Of 111+•f Y' pilprlV I ! dfSC<Tll fitlYinitC(' ACF. Fend .le;;�l11 t16'`iltit)g,of ill parishes." nrin Ifthe pltfwtit to i hose succecr}ed in Dutehesi—Lol rr:irr 1)ucltiall ,: elwourap morality and cirttle, without r,as ( ei- ,A rlitlennn whn-heerd of-tfie;fatuotrs frseile. a I drew` hltr-vn t+: it xtt'r'll nit 'm llwr'i ne•rr el,•rt,d. '1 ills is :I (`;tin of rl•,l, tiler to 1 ,'x. e'r drn 1 ilva 11( 11. t nplinu, observed that dosing, •a-hrefl ' a., slit urt• riuL a,id d;tvr- fn.,re Ir•lutla .:n racinbcrs, tit Le adt}td to tire To -f nt uv: t.> ri I r ' SII f re, tit..! rCnWf,t' - should id fnturit t 1'IrC was terrned Nul/n by' � - +. 19 1 ,ort 11'iuu Irnd hu,•n`t ilrlian t tfCabin N-4417. y. inn frit r •lits f l u prat It 1 t u 14 t vfl t lave tilt - { _ 't !:t eivmno:e since thrl•P mdividnals tit 1 r v c li , lx ib,"Ir 1r11:?rca t% ill,- 1 - .t it i n of <-} a stershinf, drank - six -botttj;174 l 1.t, u- - 1 1 ,ft•rl rel-, iLt_-i± J -T a lnr �. - - t •-re. t t u, curl �-�• - - I 1,V :, I,t IJ+,lJ,ly nt'rr f i-. t�i,lh r 1-S,I. ! , \'-• f l e If Il el {II I I,l;ri or tilt,- , ( l - ra e tad t wiwitae ul!1nrllct of !kilt e'ire sail - - - if I11,• 1 ,0 -s -of nt-ter, anti s�- S ofel- - - , - P , - r, .,t' - - - ,,,,191. it,'i- Atilt ktad�m:�Urity last- rh Sip:lli n t 'rl 1 �r f(I}I,IiI ill „f )(. •llalel Alit aa_il def :l( otic a11I1NP,�-.Nftrf \villl�rt Fy 9nppCd, t)lddi-.F - vrar rtes all Ullr to 1, . i':'I , „11 .t ,U:,10 InfJt- • - It/ - 1 '- it rT:nvl ll tnit (efenk--Ft iL94 Of it:ftef - r�n(f l.getherl{1-_- b'- Y. C i - r, in Y t%'r ,oil!Il re�Icri fi131y m,,io• the of -['I, Ili 1 I i {,i, I % 1e. 1+ zo ifi lirin- - Arcnunrs fronxllaar! m mention an extetwve' c - ` rest rile ,l. -� avrn:ion I - Ila, -St bol li r tt to 1 II) :al a , w -utt er--iitunrlaiwn5 _ _ Ail consequence•-ul`ihe:givinway_aT . 1:, [ter, h u tier -'er'p Im ou, r,:ndrrs I,t:ll, ads -rt,-. rnr:et In Ia, F:.,,:rr,na tan% ddoubt of N,eu Icrrlirl :IPJ lila rn t r,q,uri_- -rt riv�c: 1S villages lFavrbrxn -laid-uotlrr we= . • .. - - -._ _.-..-. , 1... r.,.t.: .,. ,:.. . . ,. ; - ... ,. iFr Ara: +, nG ,i, r „ : .r , u.r , info-• p„trlrl reties: tr,r