HomeMy WebLinkAbout7-10-19 Regular MeetingTown of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting Enfield Community Building Wednesday, July 10, 2019 6:30 p.m. Present: Town Supervisor Beth McGee, Town Councilperson Virginia Bryant, Town Councilperson Mike Carpenter, Town Councilperson Mimi Mehaffey, Town Councilperson Becky Sims, Town Clerk Alice Linton. Supervisor McGee called the meeting to order at 6:38 p.m. Town Clerk Linton lead the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Announcements: None Additions and Removals from the Agenda: Councilperson Mehaffey asked for discussion to extend the moratorium on large scale wind and solar farms. Supervisor McGee removed the item Authorization for Electronic Transfer of Funds for Highway Bond, and noted there was a change from the original agenda in approval of minutes – July 1 was removed and June 17 added on the consent agenda. Privilege of the Floor: Robert Lynch of Enfield asked the Town Board to continue selling cemetery plots in Enfield cemeteries. He feels local residents should have the opportunity to be buried in our community. He would not be in favor of limiting plot sales to the next two years and limiting the sales to cremation plots only. He suggested if cemetery space is running short, maybe the Town should consider annexing additional land, not shutting cemeteries down. Anne Koreman of Trumansburg and a member of Finger Lakes PULSE, a local LGBTQ group, thanked the Town Board for passing a flag policy and flying the rainbow flag during the month of June. July 13, at the Trumansburg conservatory, there will be a fundraiser for a park in Jacksonville owned by a private community association and she invited Enfield residents to attend. Correspondence : Supervisor McGee read a letter from the Department of Commerce inviting Enfield to participate in the 2020 census regarding their New Construction Program. She asked Code Enforcement Officer Alan Teeter to provide information on the registration form that is relevant, and return the form to them. Correspondence was received from Roadside Ditch Networks regarding threats of stream flooding as stormwater flows into large bodies of water. They prepared a proposal where Cornell University grads survey ditches and associated streams. Each visit will last for 3 hours. The information will be used to inform highway staff and others on how to protect and reduce flooding. They would like to conduct a study in Enfield. The Town Board indicated they would grant approval for this. Monthly Reports: Environmental Management Council: Maureen Bolton reported the climate adaptation committee is talking about doing outreach to upstream communities so they are aware that water leaving their community goes down into Ithaca. The coal plant in Lansing will be changed to a data center, which is a win for the community. The Unique Natural Areas committee has finished reviews of properties they have and now will focus on county forest land. The Council will look at updating their Bylaws from 1996. County Legislator: Anne Koreman reported the county highway department is experimenting with different ways to manage water in ditches. The new data center in Lansing gave a presentation to the legislature. Anne has questioned the piles of ash and what will happen with them – how will they be cleaned up. The data center will withdraw water and put it back into the lake to use as cooling. She would like more information about this before the transfer happens. TCAT lowered fares to Enfield and Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, July 10, 2019 Trumansburg. The legislature is preparing a resolution to NYS pushing for solitary confinement to be the shortest amount of time possible in prisons. Highway Superintendent: No report. Planning Board: No report. Code Enforcement Officer: Alan Teeter gave a report for the last two months. Permits were issued for 2 new houses and 3 residential solar systems. The residents on Applegate Road that had a fire last winter are hoping to rebuild. The owners of the house on the corner in Enfield Center are looking into financing to get the house torn down. He provided an updated list of vacant properties for one year or more, and a list of local business who provide rubbish and trash removal services. Enfield Volunteer Fire Company: Alan Teeter,2nd Assistant Chief, reported for June there were17 calls of which 9 were EMS, 3 MVA, 2 service calls and 3 fires (1 Enfield and 2 mutual aid to Trumansburg). A blood drive will be held July 16 and the next officer’s meeting will be July 30. Town Clerk: Town Clerk Linton reported 49 dog licenses were issued in June. She and Deputy Town Clerk Sue Thompson are writing down office procedures and other pertinent information to help the transition for the new clerk in January. Sue Thompson reported on the 200-year anniversary celebration in 2021 – she went to the recent Enfield Community Council meeting and they agreed to take over planning of the celebration. She has provided information from the 175th celebration to them. Supervisor Report/ TCCOG: Supervisor McGee reported she Facilitated June 12th Town Board meeting Comprehensive Plan meeting to interview two graphic designers for formatting Finance Committee meeting Facilitated June 17th Town Board meeting Met with Fire Company for quarterly meeting Developed Fire Volunteer membership policy and attachments Attended TCCOG Attended County Shared Services meeting Facilitated July 1 Special Town Board meeting Met with Bookkeeper to go over half year transactions and budget Inspected cemeteries twice Arranged for Community Building bathroom repair Communicated with residents regarding cemetery, flag, farmer’s market, code enforcement, and highway concerns Continued work on Salt Barn proposals Aside from the items above, the Town Supervisor completes the following tasks throughout each month: review all bills and prepare vouchers for board review and payment, correspondence, payroll and abstract review, budget monitoring and modifications, deposits and transfers, documentation for all meetings, resolves legal issues, trainings, attendance at County level meetings, communication with employees and department heads regarding daily town operation and budget concerns, building maintenance and upgrades, purchases, resident complaints and concerns, employment and benefits administration, all actions dictated by the Town Board for the Supervisor, all other tasks that arise daily. At the last Tompkins County Council of Governments meeting the leadership asked what members wanted to talk about and they came up with a great list with lots of discussion. They will be meeting the second Thursday of each month at 9 am to discuss census issues. The Council plans to discuss civil service issues and start a committee to explore joint municipal energy procurement. 2 Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, July 10, 2019 At the county shared services meeting there was discussion of sharing Information Technology services to network properly, and having county people to contact and help with municipal compliance. There was discussion to assist with code enforcement issues – new manuals will be coming out next year and municipalities would have to pay for them. Facilities: Beth reported Norm Smith was able to unclog the downstairs toilet. Pat Baker has been cleaning twice per month and doing a great job. Norm Smith put an outside handle on the upstairs door of community building by the ramp. The court can now lock one door and have people come up the ramp to enter court. Consent Agenda: Supervisor McGee moved, with a second by Councilperson Bryant to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: Audit Claims: The Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to pay: General Fund Vouchers #168 to 189 dated July 10, 2019 in the amount of $10,945.05 and Highway Fund Vouchers #115 to 129 dated July 10, 2019 in the amount of $20,775.48. Approval of Minutes of June 10, 2019 Regular Meeting and June 17, 2019 Special Meeting Budget Amendment #2019-8 Move Extreme Weather Funds for Highway Use WHEREAS, approval for NY Extreme Weather funding was granted after the Town of Enfield 2019 budget was adopted, and; WHEREAS, the Highway Superintendent has requested use of these funds for road projects, therefore be it RESOLVED, the Enfield Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to decrease line DA3589.1 State Aid- Extreme Weather Recovery by $20,137.40 and increase line DA5112.4 Contractual Expense-Extreme Weather Recovery by $20,137.40. Budget Amendment # 2019-9 Move Funds to Cover Clean Up Days Dumpster Expense WHEREAS, dumpster fees for Enfield Clean Up Days exceeded the amount budgeted, and; WHEREAS, scrap income from items brought to clean up days was received, therefore be it RESOLVED, the Enfield Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to decrease line A2770 Miscellaneous Revenue by $294.50 and increase line A8160.4 Refuse and Garbage Contractual by $294.50. Standard Workday Resolution: Resolution #2019-37 Revised Standard Work Day and Reporting Resolution for Elected and Appointed Officials BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Enfield, Location Code 30576, hereby establishes the following standard work days for these titles and will report the officials to the New York State and Local Retirement System based on their record of activities: 2019 Title Standard Work Day Name Current Term Record of Activities Town Clerk 6 Alice Linton 1/1/18 - 12/31/19 18.8 Highway Superintendent 8 Barry Rollins 1/1/18 - 12/31/19 20 Town Councilperson 6 Rebecca Sims 1/1/17 - 12/31/19 5.83/quarter Justice Clerk 6 Tiffany Poole 1/1/19 - 12/31/19 8.89 Code Enforcement Officer 6 Alan Teeter 1/1/19 - 12/31/19 19.23 3 Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, July 10, 2019 Bookkeeper 6 Deborah Kelley 1/1/19 - 12/31/19 5.59 2018 Title Standard Work Day Name Current Term Record of Activities Town Clerk 6 Alice Linton 1/1/18 - 12/31/19 18.8 Highway Superintendent 8 Barry Rollins 1/1/18 - 12/31/19 20 Town Councilperson 6 Rebecca Sims 1/1/17 - 12/31/19 5.83/quarter Justice Clerk 6 Tiffany Poole 1/1/18 - 12/31/18 8.89 Code Enforcement Officer 6 Alan Teeter 1/1/18 - 12/31/18 19.23 Bookkeeper 6 Deborah Kelley 1/1/18 - 12/31/18 5.59 2017 Title Standard Work Day Name Current Term Record of Activities Town Clerk 6 Alice Linton 1/1/16 - 12/31/17 18.8 Highway Superintendent 8 Barry Rollins 1/1/16 - 12/31/17 20 Town Councilperson 6 Rebecca Sims 1/1/17 - 12/31/19 5.83/quarter Justice Clerk 6 Tiffany Poole 1/1/17 - 12/31/17 8.89 Code Enforcement Officer 6 Alan Teeter 1/1/17 - 12/31/17 19.23 Bookkeeper 6 Deborah Kelley 1/1/17 - 12/31/17 5.59 Vote on Consent Agenda: Councilperson Bryant aye, Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Mehaffey aye, Councilperson Sims aye, Supervisor McGee aye. Carried. Old Business: Clean Energy Communities Grant – RFP: Supervisor McGee provided 3 samples. Councilperson Carpenter felt the Better Buildings sample was not appropriate for Enfield’s project. Councilperson Sims feels language needs to be clear on whether rebates are included in the price. Best Value criteria can be used per Attorney Krogh, which could include warranties and installation experience, and quality of materials. Supervisor McGee feels we should have our own checklist. Councilperson Sims stated if the Board has specific evaluation criteria, it can be listed in the RFP. Councilperson Mehaffey mentioned this could be based on maximum wattage instead of lowest price since the town intends to use all funds available. Councilperson Sims suggested changing the scope of work from 24kW to a dollar value maximum amount and adding warranties to proposal requirements. Councilperson Carpenter feels if the Board leaves the RFP as best value, then they have to justify choices if they take the higher bid. Supervisor McGee questioned if the Board wants to mention the greatest size with emphasis on quality invertor. Supervisor McGee suggested making a resolution for using the Delaware money and putting together an RFP for the next meeting. Councilperson Carpenter stated the variable becomes the size of the system since the price is set. He will email Councilperson Sims criteria for the invertor. Councilperson Sims asked to talk about dates and deadlines. Based on the grant the Town was awarded, some dates may need to be changed. The RFP could say a site visit can be arranged on request. Supervisor McGee mentioned the need to reference the requirement to follow NYSERDA requirements. There will need to be an agreement to remove liability from the municipality for installation, and it should be stated prevailing wage is required. 4 Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, July 10, 2019 Councilperson Sims will make updates to a draft RFP for the July 17 or 24 meeting. Once approved by the Town Board, it will need to go to Attorney Krogh for his review. NYMIR Recommendations: Supervisor McGee would prefer to wait until the August regular meeting for this discussion, since some recommendations have to do with the highway department. Alarmtech Estimate: Supervisor McGee received an estimate for security cameras to be installed at the highway garage for 3 outside and 3 inside cameras. The estimates include all connectors, boxes, installation, and set-up on computer for $4,660.50. The monitoring would be in house and wired. An estimate was also received for town hall for 3 cameras – parking out front, facing town clerk from behind and facing where the safe is for $2,075.72. There was an estimate for 5 cameras at the Community Building, 3 upstairs and 2 downstairs for $3,670.99. Supervisor McGee stated there are building funds encumbered. She would like to look at other installers for more estimates. Councilperson Carpenter suggested maybe the number of cameras could be reduced, but he would like everyone to feel safe. Councilperson Mehaffey stated the Board would need to be sensitive as to whether a camera should be in the food pantry area. The highest priority would be in court and town hall. Wireless might be better than wired due to problems with wiring and connections. Councilperson Carpenter would like estimates for a wider variety of system sizes and quantities of cameras. Supervisor McGee feels it’s important for the highway to have at least 3 cameras - one for the bay area, one for yard and one for entrance. Speed Limit Policy: Supervisor McGee stated she asked the Newfield town clerk if they had a policy since there is a road ½ in Newfield and ½ in Enfield. Newfield does have a practice in place, but wanted to know what Enfield requires so they can be sure to include us if necessary. David Orr, of Cornell Local Roads suggested if the Town develops a policy it should include safety studies, etc. This was to give residents a voice and a process to go through. Supervisor McGee will see if his recommendations can be incorporated into the draft that has been started. Moratorium Extension: Councilperson Mehaffey would like to ask Attorney Krogh to prepare a local law to extend the moratorium on renewable energy and ask that he also prepare the verbiage for the public hearing and for the resolution. She feels there was a reason for the moratorium to begin and the reason is the same for continuing it. She would like it rephrased so the Comprehensive Plan is no longer a part of it, as soon as the solar law is passed that gets dropped, and as soon as the wind law is passed the moratorium would end. The latest it would continue to would be December 31, 2019. She feels that if there was a risk to the community previously, it still exists and the moratorium should be continued. Supervisor McGee stated the 239 filing was completed and Attorney Krogh completed the SEQRA. He did not receive the 239 review back yet. She asked that Councilperson Mehaffey write a draft extension by making changes to the current extension and providing to the Board for their approval. If the Board passes the resolution, then Attorney Krogh can prepare a draft of the public hearing notice and language for the law. Supervisor McGee will put this on the agenda for the July 17 meeting. New Business: Fire Company Membership Approval Policy and Resolution: Supervisor McGee stated one of the things most pressing in the Town’s fire contract negotiations was a change to having the Town Board give final approval to members joining the fire company. If this policy isn’t followed, members may not qualify for death or disability benefits. Councilperson Mehaffey and Supervisor McGee met with the fire company 3 times and the recommended changes have been incorporated in proposed resolutions. There are new members to be approved for 2019, and anyone who joined prior to 2019 will have a blanket approval. Supervisor McGee suggested approving the past members this month, and next month Enfield Fire Company President Denny Hubbell will attend the meeting with new members to introduce them. 5 Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, July 10, 2019 Town of Enfield Volunteer Firefighter Membership Approval Policy #700.2 This policy is in accordance with Town Law §176-b and Not-For-Profit Corporation Law - NPC § 1402- Fire Corporations, which state that in towns outside of villages and fire districts, the consent of a majority of the members of the town board to the formation of a fire corporation shall constitute an appointment of the persons named in the certificate of incorporation as town firefighters. Thereafter, other eligible persons may be elected as members pursuant to the by-laws of the fire corporation, but the election of a member must be approved by the town board of each town which consented to the formation of the fire corporation.  Only active members of a Volunteer Fire Company are covered by the Volunteer Firefighter Benefit Law if injured or killed while performing services for the Fire Company. If such person has not yet been approved or been deemed approved by the Enfield Town Board, then such person is not yet an “active member” as contemplated by the law. Thus, a new member that is not yet approved by the Town Board could be without death or disability benefits if injured while in training, drilling, responding to emergencies, or performing any other services of an active member. To honor and approve new volunteer firefighters to serve with the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company, as well as to satisfy legal and insurance requirements, the Enfield Town Board is committed to the following procedure: Once elected by membership of the EVFC, the Fire Company must submit the name of the applicant to the Enfield Town Clerk either personally or by mail within five (5) days. The Town Board shall confirm that the following oversight has been completed for each volunteer seeking membership with the Fire Company: Physical examination Background check to include Sex Offender Registry, Arson, Criminal history, and others deemed routine or required by the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company and Enfield Town Board, to be agreed upon contractually. DMV driving record for any Volunteer Firefighter who will be operating a vehicle in service to the Fire Company. Letter of reference from other fire companies or departments if the volunteer is not a resident of the Town of Enfield. Record of completion of all requirements for membership as a volunteer with the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company. (This list will be provided to the Enfield Town Board for consideration) The Enfield Volunteer Fire Company Board of Directors will only present volunteers for membership that meet the highest of standards set forth in their By-Laws and Policies for approval by the Enfield Town Board. Only applicants who have been approved by a vote of the EVFC membership will be considered. The Enfield Town Board must approve or deny the applicant by resolution of the board. If no action is taken within 40 days after service of notification to the Enfield Town Clerk, membership is deemed approved. As it is the wish of the Enfield Town Board to honor new volunteer firefighters and acknowledge their service to their community, a Resolution will be prepared for its next Regular Meeting for final approval of new members and for such acknowledgement to take place. Out of respect for volunteers, approval process at Town Board meetings will be placed first on the agenda, prior to any reports. The Resolution is as follows: 6 Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, July 10, 2019 WHEREAS, pursuant to Not-for-Profit Corporation Law §1402, and Town Law §176, only active members of a Volunteer Fire Company are covered by the Volunteer Firefighter Benefit Law if injured or killed while performing services for the Fire Company, and; WHEREAS, members may only be considered active members if given final approval of the Enfield Town Board, and; WHEREAS, the Enfield Town Board wishes to honor and approve new volunteer firefighters to serve with the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company and to satisfy legal and insurance requirements for the benefit of our volunteers, and; WHEREAS (name of volunteer) of (address of volunteer) has completed all requirements for membership, and has been approved by vote of the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company membership for a position as an active member; WHEREAS, (name of volunteer) is (choose one): 1.A resident of the Town of Enfield; 2.A resident of a territory served by the Enfield Volunteer Fire company under contract for fire protection for cash consideration; 3.A resident in the vicinity of the town and/or territory served by the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company under contract for fire protection for cash consideration, and the percentage of active members in the fire company that reside outside of the town will not exceed forty-five (45%) by our grant of membership; or 4.In the Town of Enfield or in a territory served by the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company under contract for fire protection for cash consideration due to their usual occupation, and the percentage of active members in the fire company that reside outside the town or such territory will not exceed forty-five (45%) by our grant of membership; 5.Is a Junior Volunteer Member RESOLVED, the Enfield Town Board hereby approves/denies membership of (name of volunteer) into the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company, effective immediately. When a Member Moves: The law requires that membership must terminate when any volunteer member ceases to be a resident of such territory required for membership. However, the fire company may authorize the member’s continued membership so long as the moving member notifies the fire company within thirty (30) days of the cessation of residency that they plan to change residency to a territory which is not in such territory required for membership and that they will be able to render active service as a volunteer firefighter in the area protected by the fire company, pursuant to the contract with the Town of Enfield (other than a mutual aid contract). Active membership of the EVFC must vote on the continuation of membership prior to continued membership being granted, pursuant to the by-laws of the EVFC. If by-laws are silent on the issue, the resolution to approve must pass by three-fourths (3/4) of the members present and voting at a regular or special meeting of the members. Vote of the membership is not effective until the Town Board approves, by resolution, such continuation. If the Town should fail to act upon such continuation, by approving or disapproving, such membership will be deemed approved after forty (40) days after service of written notice by the fire company upon the Town Clerk, either personally or by mail. Resolution and Acknowledgement of new volunteer firefighters by the Enfield Town Board shall include the following: A brief public introduction at an Enfield Town Board meeting A Certificate of Appreciation for their dedication to those who need assistance throughout the boundaries of the Town of Enfield Fire Protection District 7 Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, July 10, 2019 Announcement of approval of membership of the volunteer and introduction (a paragraph or more about them) to the community posted on the town website and in the Town Hall A thank you letter by the Enfield Town Board for their commitment to service Sample letter: Supervisor, Town of Enfield 168 Enfield Main Road Ithaca, NY 14850 Date Name of Volunteer Address of Volunteer Dear: (volunteer) The Enfield Volunteer Fire Company has the important responsibility to respond to fires and other emergencies that occur within our community. The Fire Company is made of volunteers who generously provide their time and skills to maintain this important service. The commitment of volunteers to this task is important in many ways. Neighbors caring for neighbors provide compassion and excellent care in moments of crisis in our lives. Volunteers, who value the relationships gained in service to the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company, allow EVFC to provide cost-effective emergency care throughout the Enfield Fire Protection District, as well as the greater Tompkins County community in cooperation with other mutual aid organizations. On behalf of the Enfield Town Board and Enfield Community, I wish to acknowledge the contributions that you are making to the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company and your community. Your commitment to helping us meet our emergency response needs in Enfield is greatly appreciated. In gratitude, Supervisor Name, Supervisor On behalf of the Enfield Town Board Sample language for certificate: Certificate of Appreciation awarded to (name of volunteer) In special recognition and highest praise for alertness, personal courage, and ever efficient guardianship of life and property. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and the official seal of the Town of Enfield, this _____ day of _______." ___________________________________________________________ Signature of Town Supervisor Enfield Town Clerk Signatures of Town Board members: Supervisor McGee moved, with a second by Councilperson Bryant, to adopt Resolution #2019-38. Resolution #2019-38 Adoption of Policy #700.2 Volunteer Firefighter Membership Approval WHEREAS, pursuant to Not-for-Profit Corporation Law §1402, and Town Law §176-b, only active members of a Volunteer Fire Company are covered by the Volunteer Firefighter Benefit Law if injured or killed while performing services for the Fire Company, and; WHEREAS, members may only be considered active members if given final approval of the Enfield Town Board, or through inaction of the board within 40 days of notification of new members to the Enfield Town Clerk by the Fire Company, and; WHEREAS, the Enfield Town Board wishes to honor and approve new volunteer firefighters to serve with the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company and to satisfy legal and insurance requirements for the benefit of our volunteers, and; WHEREAS, the volunteers listed on the 2019 roster of Enfield Volunteer Fire Company membership (recorded with the Enfield Town Clerk) have been approved by vote of the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company 8 Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, July 10, 2019 membership for positions as active members with the process set forth in the Town of Enfield Volunteer Firefighter Membership Approval Policy #700.2, therefore be it RESOLVED, the Enfield Town Board adopts the Town of Enfield Volunteer Firefighter Membership Approval Policy #700.2, effective immediately. Vote: Councilperson Bryant aye, Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Mehaffey aye, Councilperson Sims aye, Supervisor McGee aye. Carried. Supervisor McGee moved, with a second by Councilperson Mehaffey to adopt Resolution #2019-39. Resolution #2019-39 Approving Enfield Volunteer Fire Company Membership Prior to 2019 WHEREAS, pursuant to Not-for-Profit Corporation Law §1402, and Town Law §176-b, only active members of a Volunteer Fire Company are covered by the Volunteer Firefighter Benefit Law if injured or killed while performing services for the Fire Company, and; WHEREAS, members may only be considered active members if given final approval of the Enfield Town Board, and; WHEREAS, the Enfield Town Board wishes to honor and approve new volunteer firefighters to serve with the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company and to satisfy legal and insurance requirements for the benefit of our volunteers, and; WHEREAS, the volunteers listed on the 2019 roster of Enfield Volunteer Fire Company membership (recorded with the Enfield Town Clerk) have been approved by vote of the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company membership for positions as active members; WHEREAS, these volunteers are one or more of the following: 1.Residents of the Town of Enfield; 2.Residents of a territory served by the Enfield Volunteer Fire company under contract for fire protection for cash consideration; 3.Residents in the vicinity of the town and/or territory served by the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company under contract for fire protection for cash consideration, and the percentage of active members in the fire company that reside outside of the town will not exceed forty-five (45%) by our grant of membership; or 4.Residents in the Town of Enfield or in a territory served by the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company under contract for fire protection for cash consideration due to their usual occupation, and the percentage of active members in the fire company that resident outside the village or such territory will not exceed forty-five (45%) by our grant of membership; 5.Junior Volunteer Members NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Enfield Town Board hereby approves membership of the 2019 roster of Enfield Volunteer Fire Company members into the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company, effective immediately. Vote: Councilperson Bryant aye, Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Mehaffey aye, Councilperson Sims aye, Supervisor McGee aye. Carried. Councilperson Mehaffey asked what the procedure would be for the next meeting when volunteers are introduced. Supervisor McGee responded the resolution would be read and they will be given a letter and certificate. Cemetery Recommendations: Sue Thompson reported the Cemetery Committee met and is recommending Presbyterian Cemetery by closed for plot sales and burials. Budd Cemetery on Gray Road has 6 plots sold for the future, but will be checking to make sure there is space available, while not looking for additional 9 Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, July 10, 2019 burial places there. The recommendation for Rolfe Cemetery is that Barbara Parker be given a free plot and then it will be determined how many more spaces are available to be sold at full price to the Parker family in the front area. Only cremation plots would be available. For Christian Cemetery, which has approximately 62 plots left, it was recommended that 12 be set aside to cover any problems that might arise in the future, and the Town should sell the remaining 50 plots for $300. When the 50 are sold, the Town would no longer sell plots. The committee is appointed each year at the organizational meeting. Supervisor McGee would like to see more people on the committee, especially younger members. Councilperson Mehaffey feels the Town has a requirement to keep cemeteries up to a certain standard. Sue Thompson has contacted Historic Ithaca to see if they could provide a workshop to train interested parties in how to fix stones, and possibly have youth help with the project. Supervisor McGee would like to have the committee meet monthly to be sure there is proper care of the cemeteries. Councilperson Mehaffey feels there are more people in town who would like their taxes kept down than those who want cemeteries mowed more frequently. Supervisor McGee stated the more people on the committee, the more contacts can be made with community organizations to help with maintenance. She would like to wait until after Matt Lincoln, Sue Thompson and Alice Linton meet before making recommendations. Councilperson Carpenter would like to act on all 4 cemeteries at the same time. Supervisor McGee suggested considering findings and solidifying membership at the August meeting and voting on them at that time. Councilperson Mehaffey would also like to consider a recommendation for the town clerk, burial coordinator, maintainer and historian to be ex officio members of the committee. Privilege of the Floor: Joe Dawson of Enfield stated he would like to recommend language be added to the Rules of Conduct for meetings: Speakers shall observe the commonly accepted rules of courtesy, decorum, dignity and good taste – he would like to have the words polite and respectful added. If someone cannot follow these rules of conduct, there should be an appropriate response. Supervisor McGee responded any changes to the Rules of Conduct would need to be in the form of a resolution. Announcements: None Adjournment: Supervisor McGee moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Alice M. Linton, RMC Enfield Town Clerk 10