HomeMy WebLinkAbout3-13-19 Regular Meeting (2)Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting Enfield Community Building Wednesday, March 13, 2019 6:30 p.m. Present: Town Supervisor Beth McGee, Town Councilperson Mike Carpenter, Town Councilperson Mimi Mehaffey, Town Councilperson Becky Sims, Town Highway Superintendent Buddy Rollins, Town Clerk Alice Linton. Town Councilperson Virginia Bryant excused. Supervisor McGee called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Town Clerk Linton lead the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Additions and Removals from the Agenda: Supervisor McGee asked if anyone had changes to the agenda. She asked to have the Environmental Management Council report moved to after correspondence. Privilege of the Floor: Barbara Sadovnic of Enfield asked if there could be building use clarification. Supervisor McGee responded that meetings of private groups can be held at the community building. Robert Lynch of Enfield asked if VanDorn Road, between Enfield Center and Bostwick Road would be paved in the near future. Highway Superintendent Rollins responded it is oil and stone now, but there is a lot of sand on it now from the winter. When weather permits, the road will be swept. It would cost about $150,000 to surface it beyond the oil and stone. Correspondence : Supervisor McGee received notification from the American Red Cross they are providing free smoke alarms to residents in need and providing fire preparedness education through their ongoing Home Fire Campaign. Environmental Management Council: Maureen Bolton reported the Council’s semi-annual meeting was held March 12. The Council is very concerned about climate change. Some sub-committees are addressing this. The proposed plastic bag ban is still holding waiting to see what New York State will do. The water committee is looking to see how recent weather changes affect areas with flooding. The Council will work this summer to get the word out about protection from future weather events. There is a need to reduce, since there is less recycling available currently. She suggested Enfield might advertise they are saving energy by switching to LED lights and installing a heat pump at Town Hall. Comprehensive Plan Conversation with Planner, Matt Johnston: Supervisor McGee stated the Town Board and Planning Board were given drafts of the Comprehensive Plan and asked to make comments. Councilperson Mehaffey suggested being consistent with language regarding community building space. Councilperson Sims questioned if updates to the community building, energy savings implemented, and the Dollar Store should be mentioned. Highway Superintendent Rollins asked to have the outline of government organization changed to have elected officials fall directly under Citizens of Enfield. He suggested adding the new highway facility under strengths and for weaknesses taking out the need for a Road Use Agreement, as that is only needed when a large project is planned and is specific to that project. The highway department does not do any maintenance on State or County roads, so that should be taken out. The Town has 88.20 lane miles (44.10 center line miles). It was suggested that under community engagement the Enfield Senior Citizens should be added. Supervisor McGee stated the draft Comprehensive Plan will be updated, formatted, and then a public hearing will be held. Prior to the public hearing, drafts will be distributed digitally and hard copies will be available at Town Hall. Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, March 13, 2019 Highway Superintendent Rollins mentioned that switching terms of elected officials from 2-year to 4- year terms has been mentioned in the past and was listed under goals. Supervisor McGee stated this item could be on the April agenda if the Town Board would like. Robert Lynch stated it was hard for the public to make comments since they hadn’t seen the draft Plan yet. Councilperson Sims responded that all meetings for preparation of the Plan had been open to the public and the community has been contributing to it for five years.. Supervisor McGee said she would forward Mr. Lynch a copy of the draft. Matt Johnston stated it was a pleasure to work with the Enfield Comp Plan committee over the last year. The Plan has come a long way and he feels it is a good document. Supervisor McGee stated the Plan will not be a law, but a community vision of how the Town would like to move forward. Councilperson Carpenter feels the Plan has legal implications in some areas. Councilperson Mehaffey stated the Plan should be helpful when applying for grants. Moving forward, Councilperson Mehaffey suggested the Comp Plan Committee interview and choose a person to format the Plan. Councilperson Sims moved, with a second by Councilperson Carpenter to proceed with hiring someone to format adjustments to the Comprehensive Plan for Town Board and public review, and authorize the Comprehensive Plan Committee to select said person to do that. Vote: Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Mehaffey aye, Councilperson Sims aye, Supervisor McGee aye. Councilperson Bryant excused. Carried. County Legislator Report: Anne Koreman reported the legislature passed a resolution opposing New York State reducing aid funding to municipalities, there is a new director of youth services, and there is a new law that will allow people to vote nine days before elections which will become effective starting in November. June 25 is primary day in New York State. Highway Superintendent Report: Highway Superintendent Rollins reported the crews have started patching roads and hauling in summer materials. Marshall Road had a pipe that collapsed. A New York Municipal Insurance representative did a walk through of the highway building and found no major problems. The NYS Department of Transportation will be obtaining the driver’s license numbers of municipal workers and if they get a ticket their employer will be notified. May 9 is the tentative date of the Enfield rabies clinic. Superintendent Rollins asked if the Town would like to schedule clean-up days this year. Supervisor McGee moved, with a second by Councilperson Mehaffey to authorize the highway superintendent to arrange for dumpsters for clean-up week in Enfield to be held Wednesday, May 8 through Friday, May 10 from 12-5 and Saturday, May 11 from 7-12. Vote: Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Mehaffey aye, Councilperson Sims aye, Supervisor McGee aye. Councilperson Bryant excused. Carried. Superintendent Rollins asked for permission to sell the 1992 Mack 10-wheeler dump truck, which has a rusted frame, to be sold as is “with bad frame”. Supervisor McGee moved, with a second by Councilperson Sims to authorize the highway superintendent to sell the Town of Enfield 1992 Mack 10-wheeler dump truck. Vote: Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Mehaffey aye, Councilperson Sims aye, Supervisor McGee aye. Councilperson Bryant excused. Carried. 2 Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, March 13, 2019 Planning Board Report: Dan Walker reported there were applications for two site plan reviews at the last meeting. The Planning Board accepted the applications and they will be turned over to the county for review. One parcel was on Mecklenburg Road and the other on the corner of Enfield Center and South VanDorn Road. Code Enforcement Officer's Report: Alan Teeter, Code Officer, reported in February there were 7 building permits issued including one for a replacement mobile home on Sheffield Road. Smoke alarms with 9-volt batteries will no longer be sold – smoke alarms will now have non-replaceable batteries. He mentioned Pine Creek Campground is now for sale and the green house next to the Community Building has been purchased. The house on Mecklenburg Road that received damage from a car accident is now being repaired. The Tompkins County Assessment Department has raised the assessment of many homes in Enfield this year. Enfield Volunteer Fire Company: Alan Teeter, 2nd Assistant Chief, reported there were 23 total calls for February which included 11 EMS, 7 service, 3 fires,1 MVA, and 1 dispatch error. A blood drive will be held March 19 and the next officer’s meeting is scheduled for April 2. Town Clerk's Report: Alice Linton, Town Clerk, reported $2,046,248.04 has been collected in town and county taxes to date. Service charges paid to the county were $6,062.32. Late fees and penalties will be kept by the Town. Supervisor's Report: Supervisor McGee reported she: Attended Association of Towns Annual Meeting and trainings- 3 days; Cleaned Community Building in prep for February 23 youth event- and again after; Facilitated Feb 23 event for youth; Worked with Attorney Krogh regarding property encroachment issues; Researched RFPs in preparation for the solar installation; Finalized language in the Clean Energy Communities Contract with NYSERDA; Met with insurance advisor for NYMIR regarding risk management; Met with Beth Harrington of TC Dept of Emergency Response regarding emergency management and hazard mitigation planning; Worked with the bookkeeper regarding Annual Update matters; Worked with Ellen Woods and JD Drader of the Tompkins Human Services Coalition to bring information services to the community space during food pantry hours; Attended the Planning Board meeting to answer/ask questions regarding the Comp Plan and other issues; Researched salt storage buildings; Attended FEMA flood plan mapping meeting with Councilperson Mehaffey. Aside from the items above, the Town Supervisor completes the following tasks throughout each month: review all bills and prepare vouchers for board review and payment, correspondence, payroll and abstract review, budget monitoring and modifications, deposits and transfers, documentation for all meetings, resolves legal issues, trainings, attendance at County level meetings, communication with employees and department heads regarding daily town operation and budget concerns, building maintenance and upgrades, purchases, resident complaints and concerns, employment and benefits administration, all actions dictated by the Town Board for the Supervisor, all other tasks that arise daily. Committee Reports: Renewable Energy: A draft of the solar law should be ready for the Town Board by May 1. Enfield Senior Citizens: President, Pat Baker, thanked the Town Board for budgeting funds for the Senior Citizens. She provided a listing of events that have been planned so far this year. They include Tioga Downs Casino, Jamestown Comedy Museums, Corning Glass and Seneca Harbor Lunch Cruise, Pigeon Forge, TN and a fall train ride. Finance Committee: Supervisor McGee reported the committee is looking for guidance from the Town Board on tasks. Councilperson Mehaffey asked that they look into recommendations for unallocated fund balance amounts. This would likely include funds to pay January bills and funds for emergencies. 3 Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, March 13, 2019 A policy should be developed and when an audit is conducted it will be apparent if the Town is adhering to their policy. Supervisor McGee would like to see a community income survey conducted. If the Town meets certain criteria, they can get better funding for grants. Councilperson Mehaffey would like the committee to look into finding an acceptable vehicle for the Town to put fund balances into for better interest. A finance meeting is scheduled for March 19. Enfield Community Council: Cortney Bailey, president, distributed their 2018 Annual Report. The next newsletter should be out about April 1. They have adopted new by-laws and will provide meeting dates for the Town website. They would like to show a PowerPoint presentation of the teen program at the April Town Board meeting. Health Insurance Consortium: Ann Rider reported the membership now totals 39 municipalities. She encouraged members to sign up for telemedicine, which is a program that allows members to talk with doctors. There is a new wellness education program, Blue4U, which helps members on their personal wellness journey. Cayuga Lake Watershed: Councilperson Sims reported the group is working on a survey of municipalities to find out what water related projects have been planned or implemented. There was discussion regarding updating watershed regulations. Tompkins County Council of Governments: Supervisor McGee reported to Council passed a resolution asking New York State not to take funding away from municipalities. It’s important to develop relationships with state and federal officials. Consent Agenda: Supervisor McGee moved, with a second by Councilperson Carpenter to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: Audit Claims: The Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to pay: General Fund Vouchers #69 to 92 dated March 13, 2019 in the amount of $16,545.96, Highway Fund Vouchers #41 to 63 dated March 13, 2019 in the amount of $30,906.05, and Fire Department Fund Voucher #93 dated March 13, 2019 in the amount of $260,093.00. Approval of Minutes of February 13, 2019 Regular Meeting Resolution #2019-29 Highway Building Bond Payment WHEREAS the Town of Enfield borrowed funds to build a Highway Department facility and now needs to pay back the bond, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED, the bookkeeper is authorized, prior to April 15, 2019, to wire payments of $14,671.88 for interest and $75,000.00 for principle to the Depository Trust Company, which holds the Highway Building bond. Resolution #2019-30 Authorization to Renew Burial Coordinator Contract for 2019 WHEREAS, the Town of Enfield utilizes the services of Matt Lincoln for burial coordination in town owned cemeteries, therefore be it RESOLVED, the Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to renew and sign a contract for these services for 2019. Vote on Consent Agenda: Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Mehaffey aye, Councilperson Sims aye, Supervisor McGee aye. Councilperson Bryant excused. Carried. Old Business: 4 Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, March 13, 2019 Clean Energy Communities Grant: Supervisor McGee reported she received the final contract today to be signed. She suggested the Board start looking at sample RFPs in preparation of putting one together for Enfield. Councilperson Sims agreed to prepare a draft RFP and send it to Town Board members for review. A site will need to be determined for the solar panels. Salt Storage Grant: Supervisor McGee reported she and Highway Superintendent Rollins are looking at samples and estimates. Once a building design has been determined, the Board can start working on a budget and work plan. Encroachment Concerns: Due to the late hour, this topic was moved up on the agenda. Supervisor McGee reported that the house next to the Community Building is being sold, but there are encroachment concerns. Part of the parking lots, both front and back, at the Community Building are on the house property according to a new survey map prepared. An Encroachment Agreement between The Town of Enfield and the Estate of Orson R. Ledger was prepared by Town Attorney Krogh which allows the Town to continue use of the encroached upon property, in its present form, and maintain the parking lot, for the sum of $1. Supervisor McGee moved, with a second by Councilperson Sims, to adopt Resolution #2019-31. Resolution #2019-31 Resolution #2019-31 Encroachment Agreement with the Estate of Orson R. Ledger WHEREAS the Town of Enfield has been found to encroach on neighboring property to the Enfield Community Building at 182 Enfield Main Rd. Ithaca, NY, and WHEREAS the Ledger Estate is owner of the neighboring property encroached upon, and WHEREAS the Ledger Estate has offered an agreement entitled ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT for compensation of $1.00 in exchange for continued use of access and maintenance of the property in question, therefore be it RESOLVED the Enfield Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to sign the Encroachment Agreement and prepare a payment in the amount of $1.00 to the Estate of Orson R. Ledger of 20199 Ellis Hollow Road, Ithaca, NY 14850. Vote: Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Mehaffey aye, Councilperson Sims aye, Supervisor McGee aye. Councilperson Bryant excused. Carried. Capital Planning: Councilperson Sims is working on obtaining inventories and putting the information together. Training for Town Board Members: Supervisor McGee is not recommending this, as it is unenforceable. Councilperson Mehaffey suggested putting together a list of training opportunities for new Board members and give links to pertinent information. Councilperson Sims suggested doing as some other towns do and have working meetings where training topics could be covered at quarterly meetings. Noise Ordinance: Councilperson Mehaffey suggested the Planning Board might put together a document with recommendations. This would need to be thoughtful and could be a lot of work, so she suggested putting the item on hold for now. The item was tabled for now. Association of Towns Annual Meeting Update: This will be put on the April agenda. New Business: Code Enforcement Information Gathering: This will be put on the April agenda. 5 Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, March 13, 2019 Town Sign: This will be put on the April agenda. Political Use of Town Premises Policy: Supervisor McGee suggested putting together a policy for political activity on Town property. She would be willing to draft a policy sanctioning non-partisan opportunities to meet with the community, which should be fair to all that are petitioning. The current policy is vague. Councilperson Sims is not comfortable with obtaining petition signatures on Town property. Councilperson Mehaffey suggested using the Grange for a Meet the Candidates opportunity and that she believes use of town spaces for political activity is using tax dollars for campaigning and does not support it. Councilperson Carpenter doesn’t feel there is a simple answer. The topic was tabled for now. Speed Reduction Policy: This will be put on the April agenda. Privilege of the Floor: Robert Lynch of Enfield remarked on the use of Town facilities for public activities. He feels the spirit is to make the facilities inclusive for political activity as long as no favoritism is shown. The Town should encourage and embrace politics. Anne Koreman, county legislator, feels there are a lot of gray areas in the matter of using Town facilities for public activities. She doesn’t feel good about petitioning during the Food Pantry. Building policy is up to the Town Board to make, but should include fair access. Announcements: Councilperson Sims reminded everyone there is a link on the Town website for filling out a Community Health survey through the Tompkins County Health Department. This will help update information about the community Adjournment: Supervisor McGee adjourned the meeting at 10:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Alice M. Linton, RMC Enfield Town Clerk 6