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September 9, 2019
The Town Board of the Town of Harford met for a regular monthly meeting
at the Harford Town Hall on September 9, 2019 at 7:30 pm. Present at the
meeting were Michelle Morse; Supervisor, Dave Stoner; Todd Loope; Daryl
Cross; Karen Snover Clift Councilmen, Jennifer Fox; Town Clerk, Jack
Holcomb Highway Superintendent, Becky Bailey Town Bookkeeper; and
other town residents.
The minutes of the August 5, 2019 Regular Meeting were read for information
and corrections.
RES #49: BE IT RESOLVED to approve the minutes as read and corrected.
Daryl Cross made a motion to adopt Resolution #49. Dave Stoner seconded
the motion.
Dave Stoner – Aye
Michelle Morse – Aye
Todd Loope – Aye
Daryl Cross – Aye
Karen Snover Clift - Aye
Bills listed on General Abstract #9, Highway Abstract #9, and Harford Mills
Water District Abstract #9, were read by the Clerk and submitted to the Board
for review.
RES #50: BE IT RESOLVED that the bills be approved as submitted and for the
Supervisor to make the necessary payments.
Todd Loope made a motion to adopt Resolution #50. Karen Snover Clift
seconded the motion.
Dave Stoner – Aye
Michelle Morse – Aye
Todd Loope – Aye
Daryl Cross – Abstained
Karen Snover Clift – Aye
Sandy Price; County Legislator was not able to attend the meeting, a copy of
her report is on file at the Town Clerk’s office.
Visitors Comments:
Gary Allen spoke to the board about his safety concerns involving the
condition of the Harford Mills Cemetery at this time. The Board explained the
situation with the gentleman doing the work and that work would continue in
the spring. Gary explained that he has many connections with the Harford
Mills and he would be willing to take on the role of Cemetery Caretaker.
RES #51: BE IT RESOLVED to approve Gary Allen as the Harford Mills
Cemetery Caregiver. At a later date the Board will get together with Mr. Allen
and work out this positions details.
Daryl Cross made a motion to adopt Resolution #51. Dave Stoner seconded
the motion.
Dave Stoner – Aye
Michelle Morse – Aye
Todd Loope – Aye
Daryl Cross – Aye
Karen Snover Clift – Aye
Joel Cook Harford Mills Water District; spoke to the Board about purchasing
two new water meters and shutting off two curb boxes. Joel will need someone
to dig for him to find the boxes. Jack Holcomb will assist him.
RES #52: BE IT RESOLVED that the Board approves the purchase of two new
water meters for the Harford Mills Water District.
Todd Loope made a motion to adopt Resolution #52. Karen Snover Clift
seconded the motion.
Dave Stoner – Aye
Michelle Morse – Aye
Todd Loope – Aye
Daryl Cross – Aye
Karen Snover Clift – Aye
Dawn Potter spoke to the Board about the Harford-Harford Mills Community
Associations successful chicken barbeque. The next fund raisers will be a
chicken and bisque dinner on September 21 st 4:00-7:00pm at the Harford
Town Hall.
Michelle Morse reported on the following correspondence:
A check from the Town Clerk for $36.00 for August fees.
Michelle Morse submitted the Supervisor’s monthly report.
RES #53: BE IT RESOLVED that the Supervisor’s monthly report be approved
as presented and read.
Dave Stoner made a motion to adopt Resolution #53. Todd Loope seconded
the motion.
Dave Stoner – Aye
Michelle Morse – Aye
Todd Loope – Aye
Daryl Cross – Aye
Karen Snover Clift – Aye
Jack Holcomb, Highway Superintendent gave his report. A copy is on file at
the Town Clerk’s Office.
Old Business:
The Town Clerk spoke to the Board on behave of Jeff Fowlston. He will needs
a week to replace the front porch on the Town Hall. However with the events
scheduled he is not able to get started. It was agree by the Board that the
Town Hall would not be used for events after September 21 stfor
approximately a week. The Town Clerk will contact the Judge so she is aware.
Keeping in mind that we can use the side door. The clerk will contact the
contractor for a start date. And keep everyone informed.
During the same week the butcher block will be removed and replaced with a
stainless steel top.
New Business:
The Town Board will hold a Special Meeting at the Harford Town Hall on
September 23 at 6:30pm to discuss the appointment of the Town Assessor.
Followed by a Budget Workshop.
The following resolutions were all approved by the board.
RES #54: BE IT RESOLVED to add a $5000.00 Reserve for Personal Services
budget line for 2020. This money would be used to pay off time accrued
(comp, sick, vacation time.)
Todd Loope made a motion to adopt Resolution #54. Daryl Cross
seconded the motion.
Dave Stoner – Aye
Michelle Morse – Aye
Todd Loope – Aye
Daryl Cross – Aye
Karen Snover Clift - Aye
RES #55: BE IT RESOLVED to allow Becky Bailey to purchase QuickBooks
online in order for the Town Clerk, Highway Superintendent and Board to
track their budgets.
Daryl Cross made a motion to adopt Resolution #55. Todd Loope
seconded the motion.
Dave Stoner – Aye
Michelle Morse – Aye
Todd Loope – Aye
Daryl Cross – Aye
Karen Snover Clift - Aye
RES #56: BE IT RESOLVED to change the Town Hall rental agreement as
follows. All non-profit organizations will be charged $25.00 for use of the
Town Hall.
Dave Stoner made a motion to adopt Resolution #56. Todd Loope
seconded the motion.
Dave Stoner – Aye
Michelle Morse – Aye
Todd Loope – Aye
Daryl Cross – Aye
Karen Snover Clift - Aye
RES #57: BE IT RESOLVED to approve Joe Korowayck as a new Planning
Board member.
Todd Loope made a motion to adopt Resolution #57. Karen Snover Clift
seconded the motion.
Dave Stoner – Aye
Michelle Morse – Aye
Todd Loope – Aye
Daryl Cross – Aye
Karen Snover Clift - Aye
RES #58: BE IT RESOLVED to accept the Town of Harford Purchasing Policy
as corrected.
Dave Stoner made a motion to adopt Resolution #58. Daryl Cross
seconded the motion.
Dave Stoner – Aye
Michelle Morse – Aye
Todd Loope – Aye
Daryl Cross – Aye
Karen Snover Clift - Aye
RES #59: BE IT RESOLVED to accept the Town of Harford Code of Ethic
policy as corrected.
Daryl Cross made a motion to adopt Resolution #59. Dave Stoner
seconded the motion.
Dave Stoner – Aye
Michelle Morse – Aye
Todd Loope – Aye
Daryl Cross – Aye
Karen Snover Clift - Aye
RES #60: BE IT RESOLVED to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 p.m.
Daryl Cross made a motion to adopt Resolution #60. Todd Loope
seconded the motion.
Dave Stoner – Aye
Michelle Morse – Aye
Todd Loope – Aye
Daryl Cross – Aye
Karen Snover Clift – Aye
Respectfully submitted,
Jennifer Fox, Harford Town Clerk