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July 8, 2019
The Town Board of the Town of Harford met for a regular monthly meeting
at the Harford Town Hall on July 8, 2019 at 7:30 pm. Present at the meeting
were Michelle Morse; Supervisor, Dave Stoner; Todd Loope; Daryl Cross;
Karen Snover Clift Councilmen, Jennifer Fox; Town Clerk, Jack Holcomb
Highway Superintendent, Becky Bailey Town Bookkeeper; Sandy Price,
County Legislator and other town residents.
The minutes of the June 3, 2018 Regular Meeting were read for information
and corrections.
RES #41: BE IT RESOLVED to approve the minutes as read and corrected.
Daryl Cross made a motion to adopt Resolution #41. Todd loope seconded
the motion.
Dave Stoner – Aye
Michelle Morse – Aye
Todd Loope – Aye
Daryl Cross – Aye
Karen Snover Clift - Aye
Bills listed on General Abstract #7, Highway Abstract #7, and Harford Mills
Water District Abstract #7, were read by the Clerk and submitted to the Board
for review.
RES #42: BE IT RESOLVED that the bills be approved as submitted and for the
Supervisor to make the necessary payments.
Todd Loope made a motion to adopt Resolution #42. Karen Snover Clift
seconded the motion.
Dave Stoner – Aye
Michelle Morse – Aye
Todd loope – Aye
Daryl Cross – Aye
Karen Snover Clift – Aye
Sandy Price County Legislator, gave her report a copy is on file in the Town
Clerks Office.
Visitors Comments:
Bob Marsh has requested a letter from the Highway Superintendent
explaining why he was let go from the mowing job. Jack Holcomb will take
care of it.
Dawn Potter spoke to the Board about forming a Harford-Harford Mills
Community Association. A complete breakdown of the proposed program
including the proposed bylaws is on file at the Town Clerks office.
Michelle Morse reported on the following correspondence:
A check from the Town Clerk for $81.00 for June fees.
A check from the Tax Collector for $2,786.00 left over in the account after
tax collection.
A check from Karen Snover Clift for $200.00 for the butcher block.
A check from the State Comptroller for $30.00.
Michelle Morse submitted the Supervisor’s monthly report.
RES #43: BE IT RESOLVED that the Supervisor’s monthly report be approved
as presented and read.
Dave Stoner made a motion to adopt Resolution #43. Daryl Cross seconded
the motion.
Dave Stoner – Aye
Michelle Morse – Aye
Todd Loope – Aye
Daryl Cross – Aye
Karen Snover Clift - Aye
Jack Holcomb, Highway Superintendent gave his report. A copy is on file at
the Town Clerk’s Office.
Old Business:
The Town Supervisor opened the bids for the exterior painting of the Town
Hall. They are as follows.
1. Judy Hall - $6500.00
2. Marchuska brothers - $15,000.00
3. Joey Rivers Painting - $5,975.00
4. Jag Home Services - $13,150.73
5. Cook Painting – $23,132.00
After some discussion the Board has tabled the Town Hall painting to
research the cost and options of installing siding.
New Business:
The Town Board will hold a Budget Workshop on August 20th at 6:30 pm at
the Harford Town Hall.
RES #44: BE IT RESOLVED to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m.
Dave Stoner made a motion to adopt Resolution #44. Karen Snover Clift
seconded the motion.
Dave Stoner – Aye
Michelle Morse – Aye
Todd Loope – Aye
Daryl Cross – Aye
Karen Snover Clift - Aye
Respectfully submitted,
Jennifer Fox, Harford Town Clerk