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January 7, 2019
The Town Board of the Town of Harford met for a regular monthly meeting
at the Harford Town Hall on January 7, 2019 at 7:30 pm. Present at the
meeting were Michelle Morse; Supervisor, Daryl Cross, Dave Stoner; Karen
Snover Clift Councilmen, Jennifer Fox; Town Clerk, Jack Holcomb; Highway
Supervisor, Sandy Price; County Legislator, and other town residents.
Councilmen Todd Loope was not in attendance.
The minutes of the December 3, 2018 Regular Meeting were read for
information and corrections.
RES #1: BE IT RESOLVED to approve the minutes as read and corrected.
Dave Stoner made a motion to adopt Resolution #1. Daryl Cross seconded
the motion.
Daryl Cross – Aye
Dave Stoner – Aye
Michelle Morse – Aye
Karen Snover Clift – Aye
The minutes of the December 20, 2018 Budget Meeting were read for
information and corrections.
RES #2: BE IT RESOLVED to approve the minutes as read and corrected.
Dave Stoner made a motion to adopt Resolution #2. Daryl Cross seconded the
Daryl Cross – Aye
Dave Stoner – Aye
Michelle Morse – Aye
Karen Snover Clift - Aye
Bills listed on General Abstract #1, Highway Abstract #1, and Harford Mills
Water District Abstract #1, were read by the Clerk and submitted to the Board
for review.
RES #3: BE IT RESOLVED that the bills be approved as submitted and for the
Supervisor to make the necessary payments.
Karen Snover Clift made a motion to adopt Resolution #3. Daryl Cross
seconded the motion.
Daryl Cross – Aye
Dave Stoner – Aye
Michelle Morse – Aye
Karen Snover Clift - Aye
Sandy Price County Legislator gave her report a copy is on file in the Town
Clerks Office.
Visitor’s comments:
Dave Canfield talked to the Board about the successful Town Christmas Event
that was held at the Town Hall. There were approximately 30 youths and 15
adults who attended the event. Many local residents turn out to help and fun
was had by all.
Mike Burgdorf spoke to the Board about his concerns with the condition of
Daisy Hollow Rd. Too much sand is being used, the ditches are full and not
being maintained and the speed limit is too high for the road condition.
He has witnessed 4 accidents in 3 weeks and something needs to be done.
Michelle Morse advised him the best way to get started is to send his videos
and a letter to the State
Daryl Cross will talk to Jack about cleaning up and moving some of the sand
and Sandy Price will speak to the County Highway Superintendent
maintaining the ditches better.
Jerry Smith asked the Board about the progress of updating the Zoning Plan.
Michelle explained that it is still being worked on and it takes time.
Jack Holcomb Highway Superintendent was not in attendance. A copy of his
report is on file at the Clerk’s office.
Michelle Morse reported on the quote for replacing the lights at the Highway
Department which was approximately $5,400.00.
The Town board would like Jack to get 1 more quote for this job and a quote
for the ceiling at the Highway Garage which will need to be done before the
lights are replaced.
Old Business:
Karen Snover Clift needs more time to research a proper offer for the butcher
Jennifer Fox reported on the quotes for the tree removal at the Harford Mills
Cemetery. The calls have been made and she is waiting for the quotes.
The Board is concerned about the tree at the house next to the Harford
Cemetery falling into the cemetery. The Town clerk will look into this.
Michelle Morse will call Larry Fitts and get an update on the reval.
Michelle Morse reported on the following correspond ence:
A check from the Town Clerk for $176.00 for December fees.
A check from Chips $72,442.17.
A check for the 2nd half Mortgage Tax for $3,375.00
New Business:
2019 Appointments
The Town of Harford designates:
Official Newspaper – The Cortland Standard
Official Depository for the Town – The First National Bank of Dryden
Official Radio Station – WKRT or 99.9FM
Deputy Supervisor – Dave Stoner
Bookkeeper/Budget Officer –Becky Bailey
Registrar and Records Management Officer –Jennifer Fox
Deputy Town Clerk and Deputy Registrar – Ben Fox
Dog Control Officer – Lindsay Andersen
Harford Mills Water District Superintendent – Joel Cook
Town Attorney – Ron Walsh
Town Hall Caretaker – David Canfield
Deputy Highway Superintendent – Gary Brown
Code Enforcement Officer – Kevin McMahon
Court Clerk –Deborah Gallagher
Cemetery Mowing/Maintenance – will be up for bid
Town Supervisor - $5,000.00
Councilperson - $1,200.00
Town Clerk/Tax Collector - $7,500.00
Town Justice - $6,000.00
Court Clerk - $1,800.00
Highway Superintendent - $46,000.00
Mark Crispell - $19.00 per hr. plus single person insurance coverage – town pays 98%
of the premium
Gary Brown - $20.50 per hour plus single person insurance coverage – town pays
98% of the premium
Gary Tennant - $17.50 per hr.
Dog Control Officer - $5,760.00
Harford Mills Water District Superintendent - $2,600.00
Town Hall Caretaker - $2,200.00
Town Historian - $1,600.00
Planning Board
Chairman - $150.00
Members - $75.00
Zoning Board of Appeals
Chairman - $100.00
Members - $50.00
FURTHER RESOLVED: To pay part-time highway employees up to $12.75 for
employees who do not carry a Class B license and up to $15.50 for part time highway
employees with a Class B license (decision for pay is at the discretion of the Harford
Town Board and Highway Superintendent).
FURTHER RESOLVED to authorize the Highway Superintendent to spend $1,500.00
for small tools and implements
FURTHER RESOLVED to allow a total of $1,200.00 clothing allowance equally
distributed between the full time Highway Department employees
FURTHER RESOLVED to allow mileage reimbursements of $0.54 per mile
FURTHER RESOLVED to provide a petty cash fund of $50.00 for the Town Clerk/Tax
FURTHER RESOLVED to hold regular Town Board meetings on the first Monday of
each month except when it is a holiday, then the meeting will be on the following
Monday. All Town Board meetings will be held at the Harford Town Hall at 7:30 pm
unless a conflict arises, then the Town Board meeting will be held at the Highway
FURTHER RESOLVED to authorize the Supervisor to pay utility bills that offer early
discounts when necessary.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk provides copies of the minutes to the
Town Board members within ten days of each meeting. The minutes will also be
posted at the Harford Post Office and the Community Bulletin Board.
FURTHER RESOLVED that all vouchers, bills and monthly reports are to be submitted
to the Clerk by 1:00 pm on the Thursday preceding the Board meeting labeled with
proper budget codes.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk charges: $25.00 for all returned checks
$0.25 per copy
$1.00 per page for faxes
The 2019 Appointments will be approved with corrections at the next meeting.
The Tax Collector has asked for an extension of time for Tax collection.
RES #4: BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board approves an extension of time
for Tax Collection.
Daryl Cross made a motion to adopt Resolution #4. Karen Snover Clift
seconded the motion.
Daryl Cross – Aye
Dave Stoner – Aye
Michelle Morse – Aye
Karen Snover Clift – Aye
Michelle Morse submitted the Supervisor’s monthly report.
RES #5: BE IT RESOLVED that the Supervisor’s monthly report be approved
as presented and read.
Dave Stoner made a motion to adopt Resolution #5. Karen Snover Clift
seconded the motion.
Daryl Cross – Aye
Dave Stoner – Aye
Michelle Morse – Aye
Karen Snover Clift – Aye
RES #6: BE IT RESOLVED to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 p.m.
Dave Stoner made a motion to adopt Resolution #6. Daryl Cross seconded
the motion.
Daryl Cross – Aye
Dave Stoner – Aye
Michelle Morse – Aye
Karen Snover Clift – Aye
Respectfully submitted,
Jennifer Fox, Harford Town Clerk