HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 2019 Minutes STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF CORTLAND TOWN OF HARFORD April 1, 2019 The Town Board of the Town of Harford met for a regular monthly meeting at the Harford Town Hall on April 1, 2019 at 7:30 pm. Present at the meeting were Michelle Morse; Supervisor, Dave Stoner; Karen Snover Clift; Daryl Cross; Todd Loope Councilmen, Jennifer Fox; Town Clerk, Becky Bailey Town Bookkeeper; and other town residents. The minutes of the March 4, 2018 Regular Meeting were read for information and corrections. RES #20: BE IT RESOLVED to approve the minutes as read and corrected. Dave Stoner made a motion to adopt Resolution #20. Karen Snover Clift seconded the motion. Todd Loope – Aye Dave Stoner – Aye Michelle Morse – Aye Karen Snover Clift – Aye Daryl Cross – abstained Bills listed on General Abstract #4, Highway Abstract #4, and Harford Mills Water District Abstract #4, were read by the Clerk and submitted to the Board for review. RES #21: BE IT RESOLVED that the bills be approved as submitted and for the Supervisor to make the necessary payments. Daryl Cross made a motion to adopt Resolution #21. Dave Stoner seconded the motion. Todd Loope – Aye Dave Stoner – Aye Michelle Morse – Aye Karen Snover Clift – Aye Daryl Cross - Aye Sandy Price County Legislator, was not able to attend the meeting copy of her report is on file in the Town Clerks Office. Visitors Comments: Nicollette Scott spoke to the Board about her neighbors at 770 Rte. 221. They have several cars that are not register, garbage piled up next to the house, they are doing donuts in the road and they are using her yard as a turnaround even after she asked them not to. She has spoken to the Sherriff’s Department and they advised her to speak to the Town Board. Kevin McMahon, Harford Code Enforcement Officer, had advised the Town Supervisor to have Nicollette speak to the Sherriff’s Department. The Town Supervisor believes it is a dangerous situation and she will contact the Town Lawyer and the Sherriff’s Department herself. The Board advised Nicollette to continue keeping records and calling the Sherriff’s Department. Old Business: Mr. ? property owner at 000 Rte. 200 asked the Town Board if they would be interested in buying their property. He would need to reengineer the land in order to do what he would like with it so he would rather sell it. Daryl Cross explained that the Town has no use for the land and he should contact the DEC and ask about the regulations and maybe they would want to purchase it. Michelle Morse reported on the following correspondence: A check from the Town Clerk for $111.00 for March fees. Michelle Morse submitted the Supervisor’s monthly report. RES #22: BE IT RESOLVED that the Supervisor’s monthly report be approved as presented and read. Todd Loope made a motion to adopt Resolution #22. Karen Snover Clift seconded the motion. Dave Stoner – Aye Michelle Morse – Aye Karen Snover Clift – Aye Todd Loope- Aye Daryl Cross - Aye Jack Holcomb Highway Superintendent gave his report. A copy of his report is on file at the Clerk’s office. Town clean up weekend will be on May 18th and 19th from 8:00am – 3:30pm. New Business: Michelle Morse Town Supervisor opened the Cemetery bids . The first bid was from someone whose name was not clear and the envelope was not clearly marked MOWING BID. The second bid for $4,200.00 was from Lief Birdsall. He will mow from May 1st – Sept 30th 2019. RES #23: BE IT RESOLVED that the Board approves the bid of $4,200.00 from Leif Birdsall for the 2019 mowing season. Daryl Cross made a motion to adopt Resolution #23. Todd Loope seconded the motion. Todd Loope – Aye Dave Stoner – Aye Michelle Morse – Aye Karen Snover Clift – Aye Daryl Cross - Aye Mr. Torrey submitted a tow bill from Ron’s towing $685.80 for the towing of his son’s car from Daisy Hollow Rd. The information on the Police report did not correspond with the information on the towing bill. Mr. Torrey was not present at the meeting to answer questions. I copy of the towing bill and Police report is on file at the Clerk’s office. The Town Board unanimously agreed that the Town is not responsible for the payment of the towing bill. The Board talked about the Harford webpage. They like is so far and the Clerk will continue to work with Alanna Congdon to finish it. Michelle Morse talked about the Preparedness Fair. The Clerk will put an ad in the paper and more information on the sign. Meeting on Monday April 8 th at 6:30. RES #24: BE IT RESOLVED to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 p.m. Dave Stoner made a motion to adopt Resolution #24. Todd Loope seconded the motion. Dave Stoner – Aye Michelle Morse – Aye Karen Snover Clift – Aye Todd Loope – Aye Daryl Cross - Aye Respectfully submitted, Jennifer Fox, Harford Town Clerk