HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-05-05 45 - TOWN OF DANBY TOWN BOARD MINUTES May 5 , 1966 The regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Danby was held at the Town Hall , Thursday , May 5 , 1966 at 8 : 00 P . M . Present : Supervisor James H . Cortright , Councilman Donald Barber , Justices Moses Peter and Henry Makarainen . Absent : Councilman Donald Makie Also present : Highway Superintendent Chaffee , Zoning Officer Hatfield and 40 - 50 town residents . ® The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Cortright . Minutes of the April meeting were approved as read . - - COMMUNICATIONS 1 . Designation of restricted highway 96B 2 . Observance of May as " Senior Citizens ' Month `. . 3 . Copy of annual audit of the books of the Greater Ithaca Regional Planning Board for the year ending 12 / 31/ 65 . 4 . From Danby Board of Fire Commissioners re : need for a ' . building to house fire equipment . 5 . From the Executive Committee of the Community Council opposing Town Board ' s action regarding Town Office Building . PRIVILEGE OF FLOOR Supervisor Cortright made the following statements regarding Privilege of the Floor : 1 . " Ithas been my practice as Supervisor , to extend the privilege of the floor to the public , present , at Town Board meetings . 2 . " Most recently this privilege has been abused , thereby , unneces - sarily prolonging the meetings and disrupting the normal trans - action of business . 3 ; "Section 63 of Town Law provides for the public at Town Board Meetings . I asked for an opinion from the Department of Audit and Control and on January 9 , 1963 received a reply which was read at the February 1963 meeting . " ( reread by Clerk ) - Justice Peter moved to adopt the following rules of the Board governing the Privilege of the Floor . Seconded by Councilman Barber . 4 ayes , 0 noes , carried . 1 . The Supervisor or Chairman , with the agreement of the majority of the Town Board members present , will extend the privilege of the floor on the following basis : A . That each person t1ishing to be heard , when recognized by the chair , if not known to the Clerk , will stand and give his or • her name and address . B . That he or she , as the case may be , will be allowed to speak , ONCE ONLY , for a period not to exceed five minutes . C . That he or she may make a statement or suggestion and if this be in the form of a question , it may not necessarily be answered but could be answered at a future time , after due consideration 411 . by the Town Board . D That no member of the Town Board or other elected or appointed officials shall enter into debate with any ' , ember of the public present and / or - speaking . E . oThat if and when it appears to the Supervisor or Chairman and / or the majority of the members of the Town Board present that the meeting is being unnecessarily prolonged or that the normal transactions of business are being disrupted or hampered , the privilege of the floor will be withdrawn and the Board will continue with the business at hand . F . That it be clearly understood by all present , that the privilege of the floor need not be extended for any reason and that Citizens of the Town lack the right to speak at Town Board Meetings except as provided by the rules of the Board . • G . That the Clerk will attempt to note the jist of the statements , comments , suggestions or questions , but may not necessarily be required to note each and every word of the aforementioned . if 46 Supervisor Cortright asked each person present whether he or she wanted to be heard . Following are some statements by residents of the Town : Mr . and Mrs . Donald Wright - poor condition of Jim Brown Road , West Danby . Mr . and Mrs . Roy Casterline - agreed with the Wrights . Hugh Barlow - would like to see a speed limit on Jim Brown Road . Fred Thayer - greetings from the Greater Ithaca Regional Planning Board whose mer::bers urge the implementation of the 701 Plan . G ordon Roberts - thanking Town Based and Community Council for sports program at the school and suggested a letter of thanks go to Joe Tatascore . G eorge Clarkson - speaking as a member of a citizens ' committee , said the tax load can not stank any more such as for a building just to be used for offices . He felt that plans of this committee had not been given rl consideration . These included hiring an architect to plan a combination building , of which the fire house would come first , and use of the present fire - ahouse as a temporary town office . As a volunteer. fireman , he felt that a new fire house was very , urgent . Also , that etery member of the public should be heard , even if the meeting lasts until midnight . N eil Nelson - -President of the Danby PTA , said that organization favored a combined meeting building , and one of its future uses might be as a place for a Danby pre = . school education program . Leon Oltz - feels it unfair for supervisor or board to set up rules for privilege of the floor and in the future should elect men or women who will work for the majority of the citizens . G erald Dawson - recreation at Danby Pond is good but would like to ascertain agreement with the State , such as will it revert back to the State and they charge admission? Wendell Bryce - feels privilege , of the floor is important . Roland Tamblyn - asked if only once to speak ? Mrs . Joan Stewart - has never seen the supervisor but now is j drawing .: own conclusions . o Mrs . Nan Webber - same Herbert Muzzy - as a member of the Danby Planning Board wonders why a person is allowed to speak just once . Frank Muzzy - it would be a disservice to the Town Clerk to work in an office building , now full time at half pay . D on Smith - asked on Civil Defense Emergencies , who to notify . Cortright answered , the Supervisor . Raymond Boda - rather see a fire house than an office building . Ralph Sager . - why has state scoremarked pine trees south side of Gunderman Road clear to bridge ? Supervisor will see that he is answered . As a volunteer fireman , he told the Town Board they have no voice in fire house construction which is a function of the Fire Commissioners . If the Town Board thinks or is w illing to override two organizations , they ' re all w et : Joe Loomis - as an elected fire commissioner , hopes that both, boards can meet together . Leonard Redeye - supports letter from Community Council and Fire Commissioners . . 111 II 0 Mr . and Mrs . Weitzel - came to hear all the views . P aul Smith - this meeting shows that the comment on a great deal of apathy in the Town is untrue . i Richard DeSa - surprised over statements on limit of debate . , ( continued next page ) 17 i® Town Board Minutes - May 5 , 1966 Sheet # 2 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Highway - none Zoning - none Fire - Barber reported Fire Company having a carnival in May . • Cemeteries - none Insurance - reply from Bill Scott of Ithaca Agency regarding clean- up campaign = provided at no additional cost , reported by Peter . Youth - Barber reported dance to be held in the evening of clean - up day . ,4LD BUSINESS H ighway - Superintendent Chaffee reported brush cut on Erwin Projects . and motor rebuilt in R one dump truck . Zoning - Hatfield reported 2 new - house permits and 1 garagerpermit issued in April . Attorney Thaler can get a late June or early July date with the Supreme Court justice . P lanning Board - Chairman Fred Thayer read minutes of the April meeting of the Danby Planning Board . He urged that the two elected boards of this municpality work together to the utmost . Appeals Board = none B oard of Assessors - Chairman absent Town Hall Study - Supervisor reported no report from Professor Jacobs as yet . J ennings Pond - Mr . Bryce reported earlier that the floats are taken care of . State will put in new fireplaces . Question as to who polices grounds . Supervisor reported fence not yet installed , and water has risen in several places over the dike . Troy Road Junkyard - Zoning officer reported under Zoning . West Danby Water District - Supervisor reported still progressing , with test well 82 feet deep last report . Town Office Building - Justice Peter made the motion that the Town Board prepare a statement giving reasons for their consideration of a Town Office Building at this time and to be presented at a Special Meeting for the Public V 4 ayes , 0 noes , carried . Sanitary Land Fill = no report . b c.onored 67 fla Kara. inen Town Retirement Program - no report . NEW BUSINESS Danby Clean- up Day - May 21 . Chaffee gave permission to use town trucks . No drivers as yet . Barber moved to pay drivers from the General Fund at their regular rate of pay . Seconded by Makarainen . 4 ayes , 0 noes , carried . Resigning Roads - Makarainen moved to resign all roads in Danby . Seconded by Peter . 4 ayes , 0 noes , carried . Supervisor Cortright reminded all Town Board members to read the proposed revision of the zoning ordinance by next executive session • so as to set up a meeting with the Planning Board . Executive Meeting - scheduled for May 26 , 8 : 00 P . M , Danby Town Hall . Peter asked Zoning Officer if Dobson Enterprise is in violation of the zoning ordinance . Hatfield said Dobson has made formal appeal to the Appeals Board . Peter moved to pay Highway Bills #50 through #55 totalling $ 646 . 19 as listed on Warrant # 5 . Seconded by Makarainen . 4 ayes , 0 noes , carried Makarainen moved to pay General Fund Bills #30 through #36 totalling $ 207 . 00 as listed on Warrant # 5 . Seconded by Barber . 4 ayes , 0 noes , carried . Teter moved to accept the Supervisor ' s Report . Seconded by Barber . 3 :. yes , 0 noes , carried . Peter moved to adjourn at 9 : 25 P . M . Unanimously greed . ((� � CC Respectfully submitted , ��` ����T lerk