HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication section 6 useProject Execution Plan
- INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................... 2
- PROJECT DESCRIPTION......................................................................................._...................._..
3 -
ORGANIZATION AND RESPONSIBILITIES....................................................................................
4 -
SUBCONTRACTORS .............................
5 -
PROJECT MEETINGS/PROJECT CONTROL............................................................................:......5
6 -
SUPPORT FACILITIES ......................
7 -
8 -
MOBILIZATION AND SITE PREPARATION ACTIVITIES.................................................................
9 -
SAFETY PROGRAM......................................................................................................................
- QUALITY CONTROL..................................................................................................................
- EROSION CONTROL MEASURES...............::,.........................................................................._
-SITE CLEARING AND GRUBBING.............................................................................................
- ROADS....................................................................................................................................
- FOUNDATIONS.......................................................................................................................
-TOWER ERECTION.................................................................................................................
This execution plan provides a detailed description of the approach that Delaney Group Inc_
(Delaney) will take to execute the Black Oak Wind Farm. Included within this document is an
order of operations, means and methods of construction, Delaney's management approach,
and other information applicable to the project. In addition to providing an execution
blueprint, this document will demonstrate to Enfield Wind Energy that Delaney has the
knowledge and experience necessary to efficiently and safely complete the project
according to requirements set forth by schedule, RFP documents, federal law, state law, and
local regulations.
Site Description and Project Scope
Project Name: Black Oak Wind Farm
Owner: Enfield Wind Energy --Black Oak Wind Farm
Project Location: Tompkins County, NY
The Black Oak Wind Farm will consist of a layout including twenty wind turbine generators
(WTG's). Each 80M tower is rated at 2.5 MW. Collectively, the WTG's will generate a rated
capacity of up to 50 MW of electric power. In addition to the construction of the turbines,
the project will involve a system of service road's, an electrical substation, an electrical
collection system consisting of buried 34.5 kV collection lines, and pad -mount transformers.
Delaney's scope of work will include implementation of .environmental controls, clearing
and grubbing, access road construction, foundation construction, crane pad construction,
WTG erection and reclamation.
• The service road will be constructed of 12" compacted crushed gravel -on geo-
textile fabric. The final road elevations will be adjusted in the field to minimize the
slopes, optimize earth work quantities and ensure safe crane walks and deliveries.
As -built drawings will be provided to Enfield following completion of the road
• The foundations will provide the support and footing necessary to carry the loads
generated by the turbines. The foundation bases will vary based -upon the soil
conditions at the proposed locations. They will be up to 8' deep and range from
55' feet to 62' feet in diameter. The pedestal will be approximately 4' deep x 16'
Enfield Energy
Black Oak Wind Farm
in diameter and will include anchor bolts to attach the tower base to the
• The turbine structure is comprised of a concrete foundation, tubular steel tower,
a wind turbine generator enclosed in a nacelle (WTG) and a Rotor (hub & 3
blades). The tower will be 80 meters in height, approx. 15' diameter at the base
and 10' diameter at the top. Inside the tower will be a ladder, platforms and
electrical cabling to transport the electricity from the generator to the lower
control unit located inside the tower at its base. (Owner to supply all tower and
turbine components.)
• Crane pads of approximately 80' x 55' will be constructed of 12" compacted
crushed gravel on geo-textile fabric.
The following list of personnel models the organizational structure of the -management
team that Delaney will bring -to the project. A graphical representation is included in Section
8 of the proposal. The responsibilities of each management positions are listed below:
Project Manager
Provide leadership and direction for project
Enforce Quality Control plans
Ensure project team communication
Monitor project schedule, performance, and budget
Negotiate contract changes
Work with superintendent on pay requisitions
Project Superintendent
Ensure safe working. conditions
Supervise on-site activities
Coordinate activities with owner
Assure compliance with plans and specifications
Oversee subcontractors
Oversee Project Engineer
Lead Weekly. Safety Meetings
Assist with Daily. Activity Plan
Monitor Schedule
Aid in contract changes
Approve project policies and procedures for construction work
Enfield Energy
Black Oak Wind Farm
• Stop work for safety concerns
Project Engineer
• Coordinate subcontractors and suppliers
• Track quantities, progress, and cost data
• Assist project manager and superintendent with pay requisition data
• Inspect and accept deliveries
• Update three week Took ahead schedule
Field Engineer(s)
• UFPO all entire and update utility log book J _posting sheet as work
progresses ..
+ Draft applicable RFI's and submittals
• Material procurement
• Daily cost tracking
• POD record-keeping
• Compilation of QA\QC based on project components (WTG, Road Sect.,
Site Safety Officer
• Act as on-site representative of Delaney safety program
• Develop site specific safety plan
• Ensure implementation of safety measures
• Work with site supervisors and project superintendent to address safety
• Recognize dangers
• Stop work for safety concerns
Site Supervisors
• oversee daily work
• Work with Superintendent to plan work activities and scheduling
• Ensure safe work conditions
• Lead Daily Activity Plan talks
• Stop work for safetyconcerns
QCJEnvironmental Officer
• Oversee the implementation of the QA/QC Plan
Enfield Energy
Black Oak Wind Farm
• Assure ongoing project quality control conformance
• Report quality problems to Project Superintendent and Project Manager
• Ensure execution of SWPPP
• Document environmental issues
Delaney will choose to utilize specialty,subcontractors to perform select aspects of the
work. Subcontractors are selected upon analysis of their work history, safety practices,
quality, experience, values, and price. Delaney will also provide the management and field
staff necessary to ensure the project is completed on schedule and within the project
AP- ..
Meetings will be established to ensure the, project team maintains outstanding
communication. These meetings will help maintain awareness of construction procedures,
activities, schedule, quality issues, safety issues, and design changes. The major meetings
_ scheduled throughout the project include the Pre -Construction Meeting, Monthly
Managers Meeting, Weekly Safety Meeting, Plan of the Day Meeting, and Daily Activity
Plan Meetings. The goals of these meetings are described below. In addition to these
meetings, Delaney will provide a three week look ahead every week to Enfield.
Pre -Construction Meeting
Upon notice -to -proceed, a Pre -Construction meeting will be scheduled to discuss the
scope and budget proposal of the project. The Pre -Construction Meeting will be held at
the site and is scheduled to take place at least one week before the start of on-site
construction activity. Representatives from Enfield, Delaney and the major
subcontractors must attend. The agenda for the Pre -Construction meeting is as follows:
• Make a site visit to discuss work areas and plans
• Review Owner's RFP and the Delaney Black Oak Wind Farm proposal, exclusions,
assumptions, and construction plan intentions
• Discuss the risk and any outstanding obstacles
• Discuss Enfield's intended construction methods and procedures
• Review the project schedule
• Review construction, safety, and quality plans
• Review testing procedures
• Establish protocols for construction deficiencies, corrective action, and retesting
• Review lines of authority and communication
• Review the responsibilities of each party
46 Review procedures for documentation, reporting, and distribution
• Review procedures for submittals and RFls
Monthly Managers Meeting
The Monthly Managers Meeting will be planned exclusively for the owner. The goal of
the meeting is to review and discuss the current status of each work scope. The
meeting will cover safety, environmental issues,- quality, work scope reviews,
schedules, indicators, corrective action plans, and future activities.
Weekly Safety Meeting
Delaney believes Weekly Safety Toolbox. Meetings are the most important meetings
held on-site. The goal :of the: safety meeting is to make sure everyone on-site
understands the -importance of safety and understands the jobsite safety policies. It is
mandatory that everyone working on-site attend the Weekly Safety Toolbox Meeting.
The meetings will begin every -Monday at 7:00 am. Then a specialty topic pertaining to
site activities will be discussed.
Everyone at the meeting is encouraged to suggest ideas, express concerns, and thank
those who have looked out for others. Specific comments from the construction crews
will be addressed and taken very seriously. New safety bulletins -and activities coming
up on the project will also be brought up during the meeting. - -
The site safety coordinator and the project superintendent for Delaney will conduct the
meeting. They will be available to help with any safety issues and ideas that come up
during the project.
Plan of the Day (POD) Meeting
Delaney will participate in a daily planning meeting every morning with the owner,
environmental and key subcontractors. Each party will discuss their activities planned
for the day, assuring that contractors will not interfere with Ieach other. The daily plan
meeting's main goals are to promote communication and update the schedule. Delaney
will update the required local officials of project work locations and provide -them with
any necessary information.
Daily Activity Plan Meeting
Daily Activity Plan meetings are held with site supervisors and the labor force each
morning. These meetings are used to overview the specific tasks to be completed for
the day and the safety concerns that are associated with these tasks. The labor staff is
provided with knowledge of common incidences and the steps required for avoiding
Enfield Energy
Black Oak Wind farm
them. Each employee is encouraged to voice their input of what potential safety issues
may arise. Sign in and sign out is required stating site was left in safe condition and
every employee is healthy when they leave the job.
Delaney will construct a 5 acre storage yard which includes an office trailer complex. This
area will be stripped, graded, and prepared with 8" of compact crushed gravel over geo-
textile fabric. Delaney will also provide the following:
*Project office trailerls
*Provide owner trailers
*Provide turbine manufacturer trailers
-Provide electricity
-Portable toilets
-Parking area
Upon project completion Delaney will remove the stone from the yard, de -compact and
seed the area.
Delaney understands that landowner relationships are of the utmost importance in the
wind industry. Developing good relationships during construction will benefit Enfield
throughout the life of the project. Delaney will partner with Enfield to discuss the following
with landowners to promote positive relationships:
• Access permission
• Access road establishment
• Easements
• Scope of work
• Construction plan
• Special requirements
• Crop management
• Fencing and gates
• Clearing and grubbing
• Laydown areas
Any private agreements (for example; secondary parking) with landowners will be made in
writing and signed by both Delaney and the landowner with a copy given to Enfield.
• Obtain applicable. permits
• Perform utility locations
• Meet with utility representatives
• Establish power and.phone forfield office
• Establish laydown yard
• Mob in field office
• Determine access locations to site
• Meet with local county and town highway superintendents
• Establish postal service
• Coordinate with local emergency services
• Determine nearest hospital.
• Begin survey
• Begin erosion control measures
• Material acquisition and procurement
• Traffic Control signage
• Mob in equipment
• Organize labor pool
• Pre -Construction meeting
Delaney's written Health and --Safety Program covers all aspects of Delaney's work
including confined space, crane safety, hazard communication, accident prevention, and a
host of more than 40 other policies and procedures for specific work to be performed on
our project sites. We attempt to cover, within our safety program, all aspects of Delaney
work, as well as subcontracted work, in order to inform all superintendents of what they
are to expect from subcontractor safety performance. Also included within our safety
program is the job specific emergency response information, guidance on OSHA
inspections, disciplinary policy information, our Drug Free Workplace Program, and our
Environmental Management Program.
All new employees are given a booklet containing all of the Company's policies and
procedures, which includes Delaney's requirements for safety performance and safety
responsibility. The Health and Safety Director meets with each new employee and a safety
orientation along with proper personal protection equipment is given. All employees are
then sent into the field to receive additional on-the-job training from their job site
superintendent. The on -the -job -training covers job specific training, emergency response
Enfield Energy
Block Oak Wind Farm
information, jobsite layout, and what the superintendent's safety expectations are for the
employee in regards to -the employee's assigned tasks. All new employees are enrolled
into our ongoing safety training programsfromweekly safety tool talks to annual safety
training events. Wen a new project manager, superintendent or foreman is hired, in
addition to the standard employee safety orientation procedures, they also receive a
more lengthy and thorough orientation from the Health and Safety Director. Regardless of
previous OSHA training -each newly hired project manager, superintendent and foremen
are enrolled into the 10 Hour OSHA Construction Safety and Health Course, as well as the
American Red Cross First Aid and CPR training. New foremen and superintendents are
given a stockpile of safety supplies for their work crews, accident investigation material,
safety supply order procedures, a -host of 'applicable safety tool talks to cover with their
work crews, Hazard Communication training and MSDS sheets, and an overview of
Delaney's health and safety policies.
Each superintendent has been instructed to cover a new tool safety talk on their jobsite
every Monday morning, as to start everyone's work week with safety. In addition to the
weekly safety tool talks, each superintendent completes, with their work crew, a
documented Daily Activity Plan which covers job tasks, the hazards associated with the
day's work, and safety procedures necessary to abate the day's hazards. The Health and
Safety Director conducts bi-weekly jobsite visits inspecting Delaney and Delaney
subcontractor safety performance. During these visits, the Health and Safety Director
conducts additional safety training as needed, including confined space training,
additional fall protection training, excavation training, etc. If a near miss occurs on a
jobsite, additional safety training will be conducted on site and the lesson learned will be
shared throughout the company in the form of a weekly safety tool talk. Following near
misses with medium or high- foss potential or an incident, work is stopped to review the
near miss or incident with the entire workforce in order to avoid repeat occurrence.
Every winter, Delaney holds companywide "Stand Down for Safety" awareness training
sessions and during these stand downs all active jobsites are shut down. All Delaney field
employees are 10 OSHA Construction Safety and Health trained. Delaney has not found it
necessary to make attendance to the safety stand down "mandatory" because despite the
non -mandatory status we obtain 100% attendance.
Project managers are held accountable for their project superintendent's actions as well
as their subcontractor's actions on the jobsite. Superintendents are held accountable for
the actions of their work crews as well as the actions of their subcontractors on site. Our
Corporation's disciplinary policy is enforced by the Health and Safety Director and project
As for incentive programs, Delaney has halted operations on a project site in order to hold
a lunch or dinner event for all site personnel to show the Corporation's appreciation for
that site crew's efforts with safety and production. Delaney has also supplied "safety"
successful jobsite crews -with Delaney T-shirts, hats, sweatshirts, winter coats, etc. -
81ackOak Wind Farm THE DELANEY GROUP, INC.
Illegal drug and alcohol usejeopardizes our commitment, to safety and to address -this
issue we have developed a formalized drug testing program. A -pre-employment drug and
alcohol test is mandatory while further testing can result from -reasonable cause, post-
accident, random, return to duty and follow up drug and alcoholtesting.
Complete records of all accidents, incidents, and injuries are maintained at our main office
facility. They are reviewed to identify specific injury trends, to identify specific
superintendent/foremen injury association trends and to improve existing safety
procedures to lower all employees' risks.
Prior to contracting with a subcontractor all subcontractors are required to submit -their
OHSA 300 logs for their last three years. The Health and Safety Director reviews these logs
and if the subcontractor has a poor safety record Delaney does not contract work,to that
subcontractor. The Health and Safety Director will contact subcontractors to clarify any
injuries in question and discusses with the subcontractor Delaney's safety expectations.
A comprehensive Health and Safety Program, extensive employee safety training, drug
testing, incentive programs and disciplinary measures are what comprise our efforts to
eliminate accidents and injuries. On all project sites Delaney will provide foremen,
superintendents and project managers certified in both American Red Cross First Aid and
Adult CPR, so that if in the event of an incident, immediate -proper care is given. This
training along with specific owner requirements allows Delaney to minimize all accidents
and injuries.
v hVL
Statement of Intent
The Quality Assurance/Quality: Control Plan which will be utilized during construction is
designed to ensure- that the product , delivered to the owner meets or exceeds all
standards and specifications.
QC Plan Overview
This plan serves as an outline of the measures Delaney will take to deliver a satisfactory
product up to all specifications. This plan in no way will be utilized as a replacement to
other contract documents, it is simply meant to provide a tool to be used alongside them.
Adherence to proper plans specifications will be reviewed by both our QC Manager and a
third party testing agency. These two will work in conjunction to ensure that all work is to
the quality that Delaney requires. The primary function of the QC Manager is to oversee -
all functions of our work that are being preformed. In addition to this they will ensure
that all documentation to verify theseprocedures is recorded. This includes but is not
limited to sub -grade reports, steel placement, concrete placement and test breaks,
foundation backfill density tests, and grout breaks.
Delaney establishes quality workmanship both from the top down and the bottom up and
realizes that training all individuals on a project is necessary to complete a quality
product. Delaney has provided this training for their supervisors and craftspeople and
ensures that it is passed on to all subcontractors. This system along with multiple checks
and balances built into our construction program allows us to continuously deliver a
quality project.
Erosion control measures will be implemented' and maintained throughout the entire
project as necessary to protect any and all drainage channels, wetlands, river, and lakes
adjacent to or connected by waterways in the project area.
Work Overview
Erosion control measures will be implemented and maintained to:
• Minimize the erosion of soils into drainage areas and adjacent land_
• Prevent storm water infiltration from entering work areas.
• Prevent the storm water run-off from exiting work areas.
The erosion control measures identified for the project will include, but are not limited to,
silt fence, broad based dips, earth berms, culverts, and temporary seed and mulch. Alf
erosion control measures will be based on the project's final Storm Water- Pollution
Prevention Plan (SWPPP) developed by Enfield. Specific erosion control measures will be
installed in accordance with NYS DEC best management practices.
Erosion control measures will be implemented prior to any site or road construction.
These measures will follow construction drawings provided to Delaney. Erosion control
measures will be installed in a manner as to not disturb existing conditions.
Prohibited Practices
Prohibited construction practices associated with soil erosion and storm water pollution
prevention include, but are not limited to:
Enfield Energy
Slack Oak Wind Farm
• Dumping of spoil material into any stream, watershed area, .wetland, surface
water, or unspecified location.
• Indiscriminate, arbitrary, or capricious operation of equipment in any stream,
watershed area, wetland, surface water, or unspecified -location
• Pumping of silt -laden water from trenches or other excavation into any stream,
watershed area, wetland, surface water, or unspecified location
• Disposal of trees, brush, and other debris in any stream, watershed, wetland,
surface water, or unspecified location
• Permanent or unspecified alteration of the natural ,flow line of any stream or
• Open burning of construction project debris, unless authorized by the local city
or county fire authority
• Dust emissions caused by construction work
To clear the right-of-way in such a manner that it shall be free from interruptions from
trees, brush, and crops so the right of way is reasonably accessible for various line
construction activities. All vegetation which impacts construction efforts will be
removed in accordance with the environmental and technical specifications.
Description of Work
Vegetation including trees, brush, .stumps, and roots planned to be removed will be
processed through a chipper, and piled on site. Trees larger than six inches in diameter
will be stock piled for land owners' use.
Scheduling and Coordination of Activities
Installation of erosion control and 'storm water pollution prevention measures will
commence as soon as safely possible following the start of site clearing. After clearing
is complete an updated site survey will be completed and road layout will begin. After
layout, access road construction will begin.
Environmental Controls
Grubbing and grading activities will be confined to areas required for site construction.
Dust emissions will be controlled as by wetting the area with a water truck or a calcium
chloride and water mixture.
Trees, shrubs, and other vegetation that do not directly impact construction operations
will be preserved in place and/or protected from potential damage.
Clearing and grubbing activities will be conducted in such a manner that acknowledges
any prohibited construction practices previously outlined, and in a manner that _
prevents damage to any permanent structures or existing structures on the site. In the
event that damage inadvertently occurs, it will be subsequently repaired.
The roadwork consists of final grade and alignment adjustments, surveying, road layout,
new turbine access road construction, access road maintenance, crane pad
construction, turbine area preparation, dust control, and maintenance.
The road grades and alignments will be adjusted to minimize earth work and maintain
safety for crane walks and deliveries. They will be engineered to the required
compaction, width, depth, slope, and minimum radius. The road requirements are set
forth by easements, right of ways, existing conditions,- natural conditions, crane
dimensions, WTG component weight and sizes, and hauling truck turning, and traction
Delaney will provide the following surveying scope:
• Locate center line of access roads and offsets
• Locate turbine locations and offsets
• Flag clearing limits
• Check grades
• Lay down area(s)
• Verify utility easements
• Produce as -built project drawings
Access Road Construction
Construction of the roads will proceed in the same sequence as planned for erection.
Delaney will construct 16 foot. wide access roads with a 16 foot wide compacted
shoulder on one side for crane walks (may construct 8' shoulder on two sides in some
areas). Stripping of the surficial topsoil will take place and then areas with grade
adjustments will be cut and:filled to meet the final design requirements. The subgrade
will be static rolled prior to fabric installation. Next, the Mirafi Geolan HP570 fabric will
be placed upon the subgrade. Then the sub -grade will be built in conjunction with the
placement of permanent.:erosion control measures such as culverts, ditches; and. silt
basins. Road ways will be constructed with 12" of crushed 2" minus stone on top of
geotextile fabric. Following tower erection the site access roads will be capped with 2"
of additional crushed stone. Additional stone may be required depending on the actual
geotechnical conditions across the site.
The large entrances at the proposed access roads, required for component deliveries
from the public roads will be reclaimed following component deliveries. The
compacted shoulder areas will de -compacted and seeded during the restoration
Roads will be proof rolled to the crane's specifications prior to crane walks and
monitored by QA/ QC personnel:- As -built drawings will be provided upon completion
of road construction.
Crane Pads
The final crane pad locations and positions will be determined by. When the locations
have been selected, the .area will be ;graded to produce level pads. The area will be
static rolled with a smooth drum roller and then built up as the typical road section
with 12" of crushed .stone. The crane pads will be constructed to provide a 55' by 80'
work area. In addition to the gravel pad there will be enough room cleared (approx
135' radius) in the surrounding area to assemble the hub and rotors and erect the
Following erection a 10' stone ring will be placed around the WTG pedestal. The stone
ring will be incorporated into the crane pad which will remain in place. The WTG
assembly area will be de -compacted and seeded.
Public Roads
A third party engineering firm will provide a public road, survey identifying the
conditions of the existing public roads before any construction activities take place.
This report will include a. video -gaped portion showing present conditions as well as a
report describing the existing conditions.
Public road improvements will be completed according the design documents
provided. Select portions of this work will be done prior to access road construction
and will continue during access road construction. Much of the public road work will
take place following WTG erection in that area of the project.
Following construction the public roads will be reviewed to identify damages caused
from the construction of the project. Enfield will direct Delaney on the required repairs
and these repairs will be incorporated as soon as feasible.
Road maintenance will be provided on as needed basis as heavy hauling equipment can
disturb the roads. Dust control will be provided as needed to minimize environmental
and community concerns throughout the project.
The foundation work will consist `of excavation, installing a work slab, rebar installation,
bolt cage installation, forming, pouring, finishing and curing. After the foundation has
set up, electrical grounding and backfilling will be completed. The construction
sequence for foundations will follow the erection sequence plan (Appendix A).
The following is a summation of steps taken during the base and pedestal construction:
• Excavate foundation
• Pour seal slab
• Place bottom mat rebar
• Set anchor bolt cage
�-- • Place base top mat rebar
• Form base
• Pour structural concrete in base
• Strip formwork from base
• Install pedestal conduit
• Place rebar in pedestal
• Form pedestal
• Pour structural concrete in pedestal
• Strip formwork from pedestal
• Install grounding grid
• Backfill
Foundation Excavation
The foundation depth and width will .be monitored throughout- the excavation by
Delaney Foreman and QA/ QC personal to prevent over excavation. Excavation spoils
will be placed near the foundations and incorporated into the turbine sites upon
Pouring Seal Slabs
Seal slabs will be poured to allow suitable level working space. The seal slabs will be
approximately 2 inches thick and 1 feot wider than the actual base dimensions on all
Placement of Reinforcing Steel
A Tele -handler will,be used to '.place the rebar in the excavated foundation. Quality
control will insure placement requirements and clearances are adhered to.
Bolt Cage Assembly
Anchor bolts will be delivered with mill certificates to verify each bolt has met industry
standards. These anchor bolts will be installed into a template ring and embedment ring
to form a bolt cage. The bolt cage will be supported from below with steel shims. Then,
the template ring will be leveled using an auto level.
Electrical Installation
The electrical conduits will be installed prior to pedestal rebar placement_ The
foundation electrical system will be installed according to the electrical design and
specifications. This portion of the work will be performed by the Collection System Sub -
Structural Concrete Placement
Delaney will submit all mix designs to Enfield's designated design engineer for approval
prior to placement of any,structural concrete. The engineer will make sure mix designs
meet ACI standards and that the aggregates meet quality standards.
The first step is to set the base forms after the rebar has been placed. Once the forms
are set the base pour can begin: The top of the base will need to be screed finished.
After the base has been poured and begun to set, the forms can be stripped and the
pedestal forms can be set. Once these forms are set and all conduits have been placed
by the collection system contractor, the pedestal pour can begin. The top of the
pedestal will be trowel and broom finished. During pours for the base and pedestal,
concrete will be poured and vibrated in such a manner that ,there will be no voids and
the only cold joint will be present between the base and the pedestal. All concrete
placement will be done according to ACI standards.
Quality control will inspect the concrete pour process and take one set of test cylinder
per 100 cubic yards of the concrete. These samples will be used to generate breaks at 3,
7, 14 and 28 days as well as retaining hold cylinders. These samples will,be laboratory
tested to verify that the base or pedestal is reaching its required strengths. To
commence backfill 2000 psi must be reached and to load the tower to its maximum
capability 5000 psi must be reached. Temperature, air, and slump tests will be
performed for each set of cylinders cast.
Foundation Backfill
Excavations due to foundation construction shall be backfilled in lifts according to the
specifications of the foundation design. All backfill material will be free of frozen earth;
snow, ice, refuse timber, vegetation or other foreign matter. Excavated material in
excess of the backfill quantity shall be leveled off and shaped so as to meet engineers
grading requirements for drainage and to present a neat appearance.
Grouting of Tower Bases
The following is a summation of steps taken during the grouting of the tower base:
• Tower pedestal is prepped by roughing and chipping at the contact area to _
improve grout to concrete bonding
• Set base on foundation using shim pads
• Nuts placed on anchor bolts
• Tower is leveled with shims
• Pedestal is pre-soaked for 24 hours prior to grouting to prevent dehydration
of grout
• Grout ring is formed
• Grout is placed under the tower
• Successful grout break test is received
• Anchor nuts are tensioned with the use of an impact wrench
Scheduling and Coordination of Activities
Foundation construction will not begin until the foundation design has been approved.
Likewise, structural concrete-poar`ing will not begin until the mix design has been
approved. Foundation activities.will be performed concurrently with other construction
Delaney will unload and properly store all turbine equipment delivered by the turbine
supplier to each turbine location. Each delivery will be jointly inspected by Delaney and
the turbine supplier. Deliveries will be unloaded up to six days per week, Monday
through Saturday.
Enfield Energy
Black Oak Wind Farm
We are prepared to unload up to 2.0 component delivery trucks per day. An increased
pace of component deliveries from the current plan of 6 WTGs per week to an average
of 8 WTGs per week (up to 10 WTGs) would be advantageous to the project schedule.
The equipment and labor to unload components at this faster pace is included in the
current plan.
The erection sequence and direction of gravel will follow Delaney's erection plan
provided in Section 2.2, Appendix A.' n several areas the crane will walk along the path
of the collection system, This area will be restored and seeded following completion of
work. There are 17 WTG groupings,planned for erection. This will result in 16 crane
breakdowns during execution of the project and the final breakdown for demobilization.
Many of these breakdowns are planned based on the presence of open channel
drainage systems that are avoided 'n order to protect the wetland environment.
Additionally, two breakdowns are, planned in lieu of crossing the existing high voltage
overhead transmission that runs from the southwest to northeast of the project.
Turbine equipment will be installed and erected in accordance with the turbine
supplier's installation procedures for the GE SLE 1.5 MW turbine to achieve Mechanical
Completion. All flange connections will be torqued to given specifications. A 10% flange
bolt torque to be checked by internal QA/QC personnel at time of installation. The
turbine nacelle will be mounted on each tower. The attachment of three turbine blades
to each turbine nacelle including the torque of blades will be performed per installation
manual. The installation of permanent safety cables inside of the towers.
Delaney will wash tower sections, nacelle, and rotor assembly prior to installation.
Washing will be done with high pressure hot water and all rinse water will be contained
within the project limits and controlled in accordance with the SWPPP to prevent impact
on agricultural or wetland areas. Our scope does not include hand washing and use of
special solvents or other measures in order to remove road grime.
Tower Wiring
All tower wiring will be performed by Delaney and our subcontractor, in accordance
with the turbine supplier's Installation Manual. Power cables will be spliced and
terminated from the generator to the turbine controller. We will drop and terminate the
fiber optic cable from nacelle to controller. The turbine supplier will provide turbine
wiring materials as identified in their, Installation Manual. We will inspect conditions
inside each wind turbine prior to entry for wiring. We will inspect the nacelle, platforms,
down tower wiring and base for cleanliness, manufacturer installed equipment and
material and damage. The contractor will inspect the tower wiring inside of each tower
it wires. Inspections will be done.per the'tower manufacturer's specifications. We will
Enfield Energy
Black Oak Wind Farm
send a letter with the tower manufacturer's completed quality documentation sheets
attached signifying the tower is ready for a punchlist walkdown. This will turn control of
the tower back to the owner/owner representative. Upon completion of the punchlist
walkdown a tower punchlist will be generated. After completion of the punchlist items,
they will be initialed and signed off. We will then send a letter to the owner/owner
representative with the signed off punchlist attached, signifying the tower is electrically
Delaney and/or electrical subcontractor will furnish, install, and test a complete
electrical grounding system at each tower and padmount transformer. The grounding
grid will consist of un -insulated copper cables and copper clad ground rods. Inspections
will be done to ensure all ground rods have been installed, to ensure all connections
have been adequately made and to ensure that all conduits have been installed plumb
and square. These inspections will compare the design specifications for a given work
function to what has actually been installed. In addition to visually verifying installation,
each of these will be documented with photographs. The electrical subcontractor shall
utilize an approved ground resistance and soil resistivity meter for tower ground grid
evaluation. The electrical subcontractor shall perform the Fall of Potential, 3 point
measurement for determining the tower ground grid resistance. Resistance readings
shall be taken at 72%, 62% and 52% of 5 times the diameter of the tower ground grid. if
the readings are not stable at these locations the test probes are relocated to the same
percentages of 6 times the tower ground grid diameter. Results shall meet turbine
manufacturer specifications (2 Ohms). If not, remedies will be discussed with turbine
manufacturer and Enfield prior to implementation and retesting.
FAA tights
Delaney will install and wire FAA :light. on all designated turbines. Delaney will install all
FAA light per the specifications.
Technical Assistance
The turbine supplier will provide a technical representative(s) to assist Delaney with
turbine erection.
Turbine Commissioning
The turbine supplier will be responsible for all turbine commissioning activities, inclusive
of generator align ment,.,after Mechanical Completion is achieved by Delaney.
Blade Repair
Black Oak Wind Farm THE DELANEY GROUP, INC. -
Delaney will inspect the turbine blades upon unloading from trucks. At time of
unloading, inspections will determine responsibility for repairs, shoulddamage be
identified. After Delaney accepts blades, Delaney will be responsible for repairing blade
damage occurring thereafter. -
Touch -up Paint
Delaney will _provide labor and equipment to perform touch up painting, as required,
using the touch-up paint for tower and other painted surfaces. Touch-up painting will
be at Delaney's expense if damage is caused by Delaney, a;nd will be at Enfield's expense
if damages were caused during shipping.
Directional Sores
Directional bores if required, will be inspected at each bore location. Inspections will be
done to ensure bore location, length, depth, conduit size and associated one -call
reference number. In addition to visually verifying installation, GPS coordinates will be
taken for future verifications.
Cable Installation
Power cable installation,will be irispected every 1000 feet. Inspections will be done to
ensure specified power and ground cables are being installed. Inspections will also
ensure the cable is free of defects, that the cable is installed with proper configuration
and to specified depth, that the- .fiber optic cable and warning tape is installed to
specified depth and that backfill soil compaction meets specification. In addition to
visually verifying installation, GPS coordinates will be taken for future verifications and
third party compaction tests will be. ,supplied.
Drain Tile Repair
Any drain tile damaged by Delaney and/or our subcontractors will be properly repaired.
The drain tile repair will be inspected at each drain tale repair location. Inspections will
be done to ensure drain tiles are repaired adequately in conjunction with the power
cable installation. In addition to checking the drain the repairs, some power cable
installation checks will also be reviewed. GPS coordinates and photographs will also be
taken for future verifications.
Splicing and Grounding
Splices and grounds will be inspected at each location. Inspections will be done to
ensure the splice is adequately grounded and that the splice has been properly sealed.
GPS coordinates and photographs will also be taken for future verifications.
Additionally, the cable depth -and size will also be verified.
Sectionalizing Cabinet/Junction Box
Sectionalizing cabinet/junction boxes will be inspected at each sectionalizing
cabinet/junction box location Inspections will be done to ensure the appropriate cables
have been terminated in the appropriate locations. Inspections will also ensure
connections have been properly made, that boxes are level and have proper drainage,
that the terminations point are clean and that the box grounding has been installed per
specification. In addition to visually verifying installation, GPS coordinates and
photographs will -be taken for future verifications.
Pad Mount Transformers
Delaney will construct concrete wedge style transformer pads that will bear on the
foundation base_ The pad will be inspected at each turbine location prior to transformer
vault installation_ Inspections will be done to ensure each pad is -level, free of dirt and
debris and free of surface cracks and stress points. These inspections will compare the
design specifications for a given work function to what has actually been installed. In
addition to visually verifying installation, each of these will be documented with
photographs. The transformer will be set and conductors from the WTG and the 34.5 kV
collection systems will be connected.`
Delaney will schedule a project closeout meeting upon substantial completion. Punch
list items will be discussed at the meeting. Completion certificates will be signed.
Successes and areas for improvement will be discussed and lessons learned will be
incorporated into procedures and best management practices in order to make the next
project even more successful -