HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 24, 2014 CP minutes.pdfTown of Enfield Comprehensive Plan Committee Minutes
June 24, 2014 - Enfield Community Building
PRESENT: Poney Carpenter, Lori Elrod, Judy Hyman, Marnie Kirchgessner, Rhoda Linton, Mary Jo
Lovelace, Beth McGee, Becky Sims, Nancy Spero, Dan Walker
ABSENT: Vera Howe-Strait
Beth McGee called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.
Discussion on what Comprehensive Plan (CP) section to start with:
Land Use section was suggested to start with. History and background in the CP are almost
done. Sue Thompson reported she has been working on changes and addition of details for the
history section. Recreation use and transportation sections were also suggested.
Land Use and Agriculture sections should be separated. It was suggested an overview o f
sections could be looked at. Suggested section changes:
Natural Resources Usage
Municipal Resources – what services are provided for community
o Facilities could be a subsection of Municipal Resources
Other Organizations
Land Use
o Water Use
Definitions for terms used in Comprehensive Plan
It was decided to work on the Land Use section of the CP.
How is the land used – agriculture, recreational use
Zoning map land use approximate for areas in the town
List of Land use on map in CP Plan – look at existing land use
Inventory what land uses are
Particular land use for an appropriate area
Recreation opportunities already available
o State Park, play ground is that meeting needs of community is it a town formed
building area
o People want community center will people support this
o Reserve area(s) for ball park
What are the needs for developing – electric, transportation, recreational
Development pressures what the town has, future development. There is no immediate
pressure of development in town. Wind Farm is a possibility.
Develop format for land use areas.
Town of Enfield Comprehensive Plan Committee Minutes
June 24, 2014 - Enfield Community Building
Land Use section will help to develop format for other sections.
o Description what it is about
o What it does not include
o References external showing sources
o Narrative portion produced by group
o Story by individuals – actual personal experience help explains where we have
been/are going.
o Narrative/stories – split out from section
Questions: what happened in past, what worked, agreement and disagreement current
situation, goals, how to reach goals, what town can do for goals, challenges/support,
encourage/discourage, significant opinions
Check list: Who, What, Where, When, Why.
Acknowledge differences of opinions, can be useful
Action oriented plan – objectives
Goals – what we want to happen
Objective to how use goals
Intersperse community comment
Key points - List of strengths, weakness, opportunities, threats
Comments sharing the experience in individual sections
Glossary would be good – gather terms along the way of writing. Someone should collect the
terms as the end of sections
Recap of past plan and success accomplished
What process will be identified for stories; will put a human face on issues. Gives people an
opportunity to speak in the town.
Comments in previous survey should be used cautiously. Who is not represented in survey
Review public meeting videos and the stories given.
Renter info seems low who is represented?
Comment – did not feel cross section of town residents in survey.
History of feeling disempowered how do you get them to feel empowered?
Try to ID some people who are not represented in survey.
What sort of personal input is needed?
Fracking information and opinions collected should be put in section.
Every section draft/outline/goals. Public meeting should be held for each section. Go to
individual places – grange, corner store. Direct outreach – include surveys to fill out.
The purpose of collecting stories is to have the community “buy in” to the CP and move the
community forward.
Assigned tasks agreed upon for the July 8, 7:00 PM meeting:
Develop a list of all land uses you think Enfield residents are engaged in or exist in our town.
If you feel inclined to do so, please elaborate to include land uses that may be trending outside
of our town that could be interesting to explore for our future, land uses that have not been
successful here for one reason or another, and land uses residents have rejected due to
incompatibility with our needs.
Town of Enfield Comprehensive Plan Committee Minutes
June 24, 2014 - Enfield Community Building
For each land use, develop a list of places or ways we can engage and meet residents where
they are.
For each land use, if possible, suggest residents you know who would be valuable to intervi ew
and/or asked to come and help with this section. (and other sections as they pertain to a
particular land use)
Develop a list of Strengths/Opportunities – Weaknesses/Threats for Enfield
Here is a link to the one I shared from Watkins Glen for ideas of how that’s structured:
an_Final%20Plan_1-31-13.pdf The SWOT is on page 113 of that doc.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Sue Thompson, Recording Secretary