HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 18, 2014 CP minutes.pdfTown of Enfield Comprehensive Plan Committee Minutes
June 18, 2014 - Enfield Community Building
PRESENT: Poney Carpenter, Lori Elrod, Judy Hyman, Marnie Kirchgessner, Rhoda Linton, Mary Jo
Lovelace, Beth McGee, Becky Sims, Nancy Spero, Dan Walker
ABSENT: Vera Howe-Strait
Beth McGee called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
Minutes for May 21 changes – Vera Howe-Strait was not in attendance at the meeting as recorded in
the minutes. Title should be May 21 not April 30.
Mary Jo Lovelace asked where Randy Brown was from. Beth McGee answered he is a
representative from the Newfield Planning Board.
Discussion on the different Comprehensive Plans (CP)
Members should send Poney Carpenter all notes. He will keep track of comments at the
meeting tonight and combine comments and notes sent. He will send them out to the members of the
Just a few of the comments and discussion:
Difference in population between Newfield and Enfield. Overwhelmed by report from
Big division in what people want in most communities.
Rural character meaning is different for people.
Language “put off” in Newfield CP.
What do we have in CP that is positive?
Community feels energized to enhance what is here already.
Utilize what we have here in Enfield.
What do small businesses in Enfield think – what do they need.
Newfield citizen input good.
Stories of economic development interview citizens how they got where they are in
Stories should be in all sections of CP.
Stories could be broken out into one section.
Agriculture – small farms vs larger farms – farming as a 3 or 4th job.
Milo report was totally technical – needs a narrative joint sense of the town with stories.
What new comers would like to hear and see in CP.
Listed sections of draft CP plan
Purpose of the document – Newfield introduction is good
Comparative data Newfield to other towns in T.C. demographics were good.
Land use comparison
CP should be a straight read through
What comprises can be made so people will use document.
CP could be in a welcoming packet for the town.
Define the target audiences – Town Board, Reviewers for grants
Town of Enfield Comprehensive Plan Committee Minutes
June 18, 2014 - Enfield Community Building
Like real action plans in Newfield CP – creative way what do we have, want, what we
can do.
Enfield CP missing action plans need more specifics
Likes maps, graphs, etc.
List of historic places
No details of police, hospital, fire company, emergency service sections information in
Enfield CP
Public health data/goals/clinics/blood drives
Climate change
Agriculture more details, crops, animals, techniques, soil types
Agriculture land owned vs leases
Industrial use – scrap/Teeters, Flourmill, Johnny’s, Babcocks, Genex
Conservation easement
Community facilities – children/youth/senior citizens
Subpopulations not addressed
Right to Farm law NYS explore possibilities for town reference to law.
Look at maps in reference section for each section inventory
Watkins Glen CP chart of strengths, opportunities, weaknesses was good. Gives
positive feel – sense of pride.
5 year action plan and 20 year vision
Community comment should be added throughout CP
Municipal service section, graphs etc.
Add town laws that protect the community
History of Agriculture in section more positive – appreciation of agriculture
Newfield implementation guide good
Economic Development resource list Newfield CP good.
June 24 meeting – Randy Board, Newfield Planning Board member.
July 8 meeting – What section to do first. How to put it together and the research to be done. It was
suggested that if there were disagreements on sections that sections could be written by people and
submitted for the committee to read.
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Sue Thompson, Recording Secretary