HomeMy WebLinkAboutDraft-Agriculture-SectionAgriculture and Land Use (Art)
This introduction will list basic information about Enfield's agricultural activities and trends,once the
data is available.
Goals and Strategies
Goal:Preserve Enfield's rural character,open space and agricultural lands.
1.Identify Enfield's most viable agricultural lands and take steps to protect them from
development,to reserve them for agricultural use and to preserve the rural landscape.
2.Allow limited cluster and road-frontage development as appropriate to conserve valuable
farmland for continued agricultural use while allowing farmers and landowners to develop
smaller lots.
Goal:Support Enfield's farm businesses.
1.Foster dialogue among local farmers and other community members to identify specific needs,
obstacles and opportunities associated with local farm businesses.
2.Stage events to make agriculture visible to the general public and to underscore the value of
supporting local,active farms.
3.Explore the feasibility of establishing an Enfield Farmer's Market.
4.Encourage the development of value-added,secondary agriculture-related businesses to help
farm owners generate additional income,while protecting the Town's rural character.
5.Exercise flexibility with respect to sign age,accessory dwelling units,greenhouses,roadside
stands and other infrastructure important to farming operations and farm-related income
Goal:Encourage agricultural and woodlot-management practices that protect the quality of land,air,
water and wildlife resources.
Town of Enfield Soil Maps,available from the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NCRS),and
Town of Enfield Ag District maps.
Agricultural Profile,inventorying existing agricultural activity in the Town.Some of the questions to be
What is the number of acres in agricultural use in Enfield?
How many of these acres are owned uy FlIfield n.'sidents?
How many ot the,..acres are leased by Enfield residents or people from outside Enfield?
How """'Y r~rrrr~cxbl in Enfield,broilen down by type of farm?
Agriculture and Land Use (Ann via Art)
Not sure what would ga here.
Goals and Strategies
Goal:Preserve Enfield's rural character,open space and agricultural lands by encouraging all forms of
agricultural practices.
1.Encourage the implementation of best management practices for all forms of agriculture,
whether large or small,conventional or organic.
2.Encourage those engaged in farming to utilize information available from universities,
Cooperative Extension and private consultants.
Goal:Support Enfield's farm businesses.
1.Foster dialogue among local farmers and other community members to identify specific needs,
obstacles and opportunities associated with local farm businesses.
2.Stage events to make agriculture visible to the general public and to underscore the value of
supporting local,active farms.
3.Encourage the development of value-added,secondary agriculture-related businesses to help
farm owners generate additional income,while protecting the Town's rural character.
Goal:Encourage agricultural and woodlot-management practices that protect the quality of land,air,
water and wildlife resources.
Town of Enfield Ag District Maps.