HomeMy WebLinkAboutComp Plan 5.4.17 Final Minutes (1)
DRAFT Minutes
Comprehensive Plan Committee
Members Present: Becky Sims, Beth McGee, Dan Walker
Others Present: Jude Lemke, Mimi Mehaffey, Joe Dawson, John
Minutes: Becky Sims
Beth McGee reviewed what had happened at the previous meeting on April 20: Using the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis on page 5 of the Draft plan, the
goals and actions of each section were reviewed for consistency and compatibility. The previous meeting we looked at Opportunities and Threats, and today we would be looking at Strengths
and Opportunities. The goal of this exercise is to identify if any of the SWOT are not adequately addressed in the goals and actions, and to identify if additional SWOT should be added
to reflect the goals and actions.
Beth McGee stated that Laurie Shaver was working on developing some graphs and tables to better visualize some of the information presented in the plan.
Members and non-members paired up to review different sections of the plan according to the exercise described above, then returned to the group to report suggested changes.
History section – (Dan, Mimi, John)
Add to strengths:
We have an active Town Historian;
We have good records management
Add to opportunities:
Upgrade historical records and systems as things change and age
Historical support for farm land preservation
Municipal services section (Dan, Mimi, John)
Goal 6 Action 3 would be more appropriate under Goal 7, Action 4
Agriculture section (Becky, Jude)
Page 18 of the Plan addresses Agriculture Concerns, and there should be a goal/action related to this that defines what kind of agriculture is desirable and undesirable, and how to attract
the desirable types
Add to Goal 4 Action 2 – soil restoration
Specific support for the Grange is listed under the History section
One of the sections (history, environment and natural resources, or agriculture) should mention the environmental history of the land
Desire to support family farms’ ability to be economically viable-Develop strategies for retaining small, family farm operations (co-ops, education, etc.)
Land Use section (Becky, Jude)
Add Action 6 to Goal 4 to allow update for site plan review law and subdivision regulations
Add Town Center “development” to Goal 1 Action 3- define, preserve, and develop Town Center.
Goal 6, Action 5- Maintain Gas Ban
Environment and Natural Resources (Beth, Joe)
Add to strengths: metal recycling center
Goal 1 update to “Planning and Responsible Development”
Goal 2 update to include engaging youth in environmental education and employment
Goal 2 update to include awareness of household hazardous waste handling and recycling
In addition to promoting renewable energy and reduction of fossil fuel should also be promotion of home energy efficiency and energy conservation
Additional recommendations for Economy and Community Section and Historic Preservation Section from April 20th Meeting:
Economy and Community Section:
Goal: Increase the membership with a wide range of citizens and programs of the Enfield Community Council
Action 1: Share with the community the objectives and workings of the Enfield Community Council.Council. The Community Council should attempt to engage with a wide range of people
to create a large diversity of perspectives and insights which can help the Community Council to achieve more. Engaging community members in making decisions is also likely to make them
more pro-active about their community’s needs.
Action 2: Engage membership of one member from each of the Enfield Community groups (others?):
Enfield Volunteer Fire Company
Food Bank
PTA – School
Teen (middle school to high school)
Young Adult
Senior Citizens
Action 3: Provide, encourage and participate in programs for all age residents in the community.
Action 4: Encourage Enfield Community Council meetings to be held at the Enfield Community Building, to allow for more residents to attend meetings.
Action 5: Encourage two “full” community group meetings to share and discuss planned community events from each organization.
Action 6: Encourage participation in Economy and Community section of the Comprehensive Plan.
Historic Preservation Section
Goal 1: Support NYS Law 57.07 Local Town Historian appointments - Enfield Town Historian and Deputy Town Historian
Action 1: Appoint yearly the Enfield Town Historian and Deputy Town Historian
Goal 4: Identify and encourage preservation of significant historical and cultural
lands, sites, and structures that contribute to community identity and character.
Add Action: Refer to Housing Goals and Actions.
Next meeting: Thursday, May 18, 2017, 7:00 PM-8:30