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April 30, 2014 - Enfield Community Building
PRESENT: Poney Carpenter, Lori Elrod, Vera Howe-Strait, Judy Hyman, Marnie Kirchgessner,
Rhoda Linton, Mary Jo Lovelace, Beth McGee, Nancy Spero, Dan Walker
GUEST: George Frantz, Cornell University
ABSENT: Becky Sims
Beth McGee called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Beth McGee introduced George Frantz from the Department of City and Regional Planning,
Cornell University. Beth McGee informed George Frantz regarding the committee reviewing Enfield
maps and how the committee would like to proceed with the Comprehensive Plan (CP).
George Frantz asked if the students had sent their CP to the Planning Board after their
presentation in May 2012. Dan Walker said he was unaware of any report being sent. George
Frantz said he would forward a copy to Beth McGee.
George Frantz told about a CP that his group rewrote for the Town of Milo, New York. The CP
had started out as 128 pages and they rewrote it to be only 28 pages long. George Frantz discussed:
How much background - basic demographics was needed
Go back 20-30 years with population
Housing stock – mention of Better Homes of Tompkins County
Family sizes are decreasing but more housing is needed, some generational living
W here do residents work
Race and income can be mentioned but can’t do anything about
Land use and infrastructure is a major area
Historical statistical data – go back 20 years. 1960 Census has basic population information.
Historical narrative of the town
What is the vision for the community? Set goals and objectives. Goals should be what the
community wants in the future.
Land use – what is the land used for and what will it be used for in the future. There is a land
use cover map of Tompkins County. Satellite access is now used to update maps.
Goals – Goal is something measurable you can actually do.
Objective – plan to meet the goal.
Add strategies or actions.
Disaster Resilience – update flood map
Hazard Mitigation is part of FEMA
Protect Enfield water – Aquifer Study
Education – flood resistance to homes
Town – culverts size to address flooding issues
Encourage people to maintain property
Encourage agriculture land usage and protection of agriculture land , farm development
Grants – CP shows town is planning for the future
Committee members wanted to know how to address the assertiveness language in the CP.
Change wording to should not and shall investigate and identify and explore. It was suggested to
Town of Enfield Comprehensive Plan Committee Minutes
April 30, 2014 - Enfield Community Building
research language use through the Association of Towns – New York State, New York State Planning
There was discussion on fracking and land use. It was noted there is a ban on fracking in the
town. Protection of roads from heavy truck usage should be addressed. Tompkins County is
currently working on protection legislation. There are 3 issues regarding gas drilling impact on town:
road protection, Methane Mitigation – well contamination, additional activity – stores hotels, and new
businesses. He also spoke about "unsavory" activity that accompanies gas drilling such as crime,
transients living in RVs, plus chemical storage locations and truck depots. It was noted that Enfield
has a Site Plan Review Law which addresses some of the “additional activity” issues.
There was discussion on farmland protection; it was thought the best way to protect farmland
is economic viability. Marginal farm land goes back to forest and is not viable.
Historical data and a sketch of the town should be in CP. This reference can be used for
applying for grants.
Non-municipal acts can be added to CP for example activities of the community council.
Beth McGee asked George Frantz to explain the different programs which the committee might
be able to be involved in.
Planning Field Workshop – students come to the community to work on CP, they produce a
rough draft and turn it over to community. Funding is from the municipalities to support the
Design Connect Program – student run program. Charge $400 to cover cost of the program.
A team of 3-8 students consult with the community project. Suggestion s: the team might
develop an idea for a community project for Enfield, to use to apply for grants to pay for the
project; writing of one or two sections of the Enfield CP. One of the projects they had been
involved in was Freeville, bus station and park.
Graduate Student independent project – thesis project. There would be some cost to the
There was discussion regarding releasing of the draft of the CP to the public. It was decided
the com
mittee needs to work on the draft CP before it is released to the public for opinion.
Meeting Dates: 7pm Enfield Community Building – May 21, June 18, and June 25.
Judy Hyman suggested maybe some sections should be chosen for more research to be done for the
updating of the CP. George Frantz will e-mail Beth McGee a copy of the Milo CP.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Sue Thompson, Recording Secretary