HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-10-07 27 - TOWN OF DANBY TOWN BOARD MINUTES October 7 , 1965 The regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Danby , was held at the Town Hall at 8 P . M . , Thursday. , October 7 , 1965 . . Board members present : Supervisor Cortright ; Councilmen , Makie and Barber ; Justices , Makarainen and Peter . Also Zoning . Officer Hatfield , Highway Superintendent Chaffee , and Ralph • Wilbur , Gould Colman , Leonard Redeye , Joe Short , Joe Loomis , Paul Smith , Martha Makarainen , John Teti , Alfred Schoneman , George Clarkson , Bob Farrell and Noel Desch . Supervisor Cortright called the meeting to order . Minutes of the September meeting were read and approved as corrected . COMMUNICATIONS 1 . Conservation Department regarding financial aid under the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act . 2 . Resolution concerning proposed ammendments to the Tompkins County Sanitary Code , from Dryden Town Board . 3 . Commission on State - Local Fiscal Relations concerning special censuses for per capita state aid purposes - changes in the law . 4 . Copy of letter sent Mrs . Heath regarding Coddington Road Youth Center . 5 . Department of Audit and Control enclosing a reference guide for local officials . 6 . Resolution No . 212 - Correction of Assessment - Town of Danby . 7 . Copy of letter sent Standard Engineering Corporation with - copy of an " agreement Between Client and Engineer . " 8 . Ithaca Agency , Inc . re : Town of Danby Swimming Permit . 9 . Memo on price increase on voting machines . 10 . Letter to attend a meetingrto : discuss watershed developments in Tompkins County . 11 . State Board of Equalization and Assessment to Chairman of Assessors . . P RIVILEGE OF FLOOR N one REPORTS OF COMMITTEES H ighway - none Zoning - Makie reported progress on zoning ordinance and planning being done by Regional -Planning Board . Fire - Peter reported that West Danby wants to put an addition to their fire house . . . but no funds . Fire Commissioners are aware of this and Commissioners have to approve before any construction . Cemeteried - Work being done on Brown Road Cemetery in West Danby . Insurance - none Youth - hone OLD BUSINESS H ighway - Superintendent Chaffee reported Erwin Projects about three - fourth complete for this year . Zoning - Hatfield reported he has called Manley Thaler and he as yet has had no hearing with Judge and will send a letter to Supervisor . State Law on junk cars does not regulate Towns with Zoning Ordinance . House being built in Brown Road trailer park - - no building permit or sewage system . Mention made of Eino Makarainen wanting to operate a gravel pit which is in violation of zoning ordinance . D iscussion followed . Planning Board - Chairman absent . Appeals Board - Chairman absent , but sent word that Mrs . Delores ✓ oss would serve another term on Planning Board . Board of Assessors - Chairman absent . Town Hall Study - Supervisor reported that Professor Jacobs will come out on the weekend and evaluate Town Hall from T28 an architectural standpoint . Peter set date of Monday , October 18 , at 7 P . M . for Board to visit Lansing , Groton and Dryden Office Building . Jenning ' s Pond - Waiting State ' s action. Makie to find out from Ryan whether level of water can be lowered 2 or 3 feet . Coddington Road Youth - Bob Farrell was present to represent the Coddington Road Center . An addition has been built on Center with funds they had , but now in need of a furnace and funds for operation of center . The Town of Ithaca contributes $ 500 . 00 and the State matches this amount . Supervisor Cortright will discuss further with Town of Ithaca Supervisor Kerr . Noel Desch invited Danby membership - to Coddington Road Youth Oenter , unless we plan on a similar center . In Board discussion , Peter asked where do we draw the line and should not compete with our own Youth Program . Makarainen said to appropriate $ 125 . 00 . Makie said we are obliged to take care of youth . Barber said this may be setting a precedent but is all right . Peter moved to table . Seconded by Barber . 5 ayes , 0 noes , carried . West Danby Water District - Work has not started on preparation of report . If approved by Department of Audit and Control , Water Resources Commission will hold a public hearing . Troy Road Junkyard = Junkyard Law tabled until next meeting . Sanitary Land Fill - no progress . _ B ingo - no report . Appointment to Appeals Board - Makie moved to appoint Mrs ., Delores Voss a member of the Board of Zoning Appeals for a five - year term expiring June 30 , 1970 . Seconded by Peter . 5 ayes , 0 noes , carried . N elson Road - Troy Road intersection sign - Supervisor will contact County Highway Superintendent Howard Stevenson . School Bus Sign - Barber moved ghat the Town of Danby buy a Children ' s School Bus sign from Seneca Supply . Seconded by Makie . 5 ayes , 0 noes , carried . Ali NEW BUSINESS Resolution # 7 Transfer of Funds Barber moved to transfer $ 35 . 88 from Item I to Item IA P roject 29006 . Seconded by Peter . 5 ayes , 0 noes , carried . Peter moved to adopt a resolution concerning proposed ammendments to the Tompkins County Sanitary Code relative to Town of Danby . Seconded by Makie . 5 ayes , 0 noes , carried . Leonard Redeye invited Barber to meeting of Fire Company on Monday night , October 11 . Land & Water Cotr:munication Questionnaire - Supervisor will complete . Special Census - cost estimate fon next meeting . Peter moved to adopt Preliminary Budget and to hold a public hearing upon such preliminary budget November 4 , 1965 at 7 : 30 P . M . Seconded by Makie . 5 ayes , 0 noes , carried . ; !! L B arber moved to pay Highway Bills #92 through # 104 as listed on Warrant 10 totalling $ 787 . 37 . Seconded by Makie . 5 ayes , 0 noes , carried . Peter moved to pay General Fund Bills # 82 through #88 as listed on Warrant #10 totalling $ 811 . 46 . Seconded by Barber . 5 ayes , 0 noes , carried . Makie moved to accept the Supervisor ' s Report . Seconded by Makarainen . 4 ayes , 0 noes , carried . . Peter made the motion to adjourn at 11 : 30 P . M . Seconded by . Barber . Res ectfully submitted ,aft- Dorothy J . Roberts Clerk