HomeMy WebLinkAboutecommerative 1994ENFIELD COMMEMORATIVE`COMM11-1'hh
PRESENT: Barbara Kone (Caroline Town Histgrian), Susan and Dick -White (Members,
Caroline Commemorative Committee), Alice Laue, Pat Doughtery, Ellie Hobbie, Hilda
Amberge, Wilma Fisher, Gary Fisher, Sue Thompson
Barbara Kone gave a presentation on the commemorative celebration for the town of Caroline -
200 years. Overall the presentation wasgreat and very over -whelming with the thought of all
the work done. After the presentation Sue T. handed out minutes of the July meeting, and an
update of the Enfield History Book. Meeting adjourned 9:45pm.
The Committee started 5 years ago in planning the celebration. The Town; Board
appointed Barbara Kone as official chairperson. The Committee decided they wanted to try to
have an event each month of the birthday year. The Committee will cease to exist After August ,
of 1995 - or will continue as long as they have items to sell. The money in their account will
possibly go to the town for historical purposes.
Each town social group was asked to send a -representative to the Committee for help,
Same (approx. 6) -came to the meetings.
The Committee was responsible for all finances so had it's own treasurer who handled
all finances. Town gave them $500 (92), $300 (93), $300 (94). Extra funding used was
obtained by holding fund raisers of clothing and booksales. Funds were kept separate. All
town money was spent by using a town voucher. A checking account at the same bank the
Town uses was opened- for the Committee. The Town tax ID number was used mi opening the
account. A financial statement was given each month until up to the final event where it was
given each time they met (often).
Town money was used for - the publishing of a historical calendar 1st year; 2nd and 3rd
years bicentennial signs were bought and placed through the town. Signs were made at Ithaca
The- Committee hada fund raiser (yearly) of historical calendars. Printing cost
$1.50/calendar they sold the calendar for $6.00 (town funds used lst year). First twb years they
put the calendar together themselves, the third year the printer put the calendar together.
A Logo Contest was held at the local Elementary School. Few participants. , the-l�go
chosen was used on t=shirts, sweat shirts, history and cookbook. Hats only had wording -on
The cookbook was typed and taken to Heart of the Finger Lakes Publishing.' There was
a lot of problems, no communication so they went to Marathon Publishing to publish the
cookbook. The cookbook sold for $10 each. Barbara suggested that cookbooks -lie sold -in'
History book - 155 pages printed by Marathon Publishing.
$5.00 to print the book and they sold for $20 each.
Cover was card stock folded and stapled in the middle.
Offset Press was used.
Negatives for pictures were used - $6/picture. If the 'negative was not available it cost
more for that picture to be used. Seventy-five pictures were in printed in the book.
Each page which had a picture on it, an extra copy for the printer with a copy of the
picture on the page was made.
Each picture/negative had its own envelope with a copy of the picture outside on the
envelope with its caption and page number.
Book manuscript was typed using "Word Perfect" computer word processor program.
A "hard copy" was laid out exactly how the Committee wanted the book to look.
Book was indexed
A disclaimer was used in the introduction of the book.
The wording "It is believed" was used when the author(s) did not have printed
documentation proof. They always went by printed documentation proof before "oral interview -
word of mouth".
Order form for the book -was sent out invitations to the Birthday Celebration.
Family genealogy was written for the first family in the town of Caroline, soon to be
published. A reunion was also held. The money for this event was received through a Grant
from the Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce. The grant emphasis attracting out-of-state
people into the county. Money was used for postage and printing for the reunions. Grant was
Drive By Tour In the Town of Caroline was written. This included four routes through
the town with a map of each tour. 40-50 pages sold $5 each.
July 16 Celebration everyone in all the town social organizations were involved (at least
most of them). The celebration cost $1400. Town Insurance (?) was added to because of the
Towns celebration?
The Finger Lakes Guide Book should be contacted as soon as possible with event dates.
A Parade Committee was set up to handle all parade details. The parade was held that
weekend - they had problems with - parking and blocking roads. New York State Department
of Transportation was contacted to give permission to shut down roads for the parade. Signs
were put up in advance warning people when the parade would be held. Traffic signs were
borrowed from the different local towns.
People were contacted six months in advance of the celebration. Four months the
Committee contacted groups again, three months they received a commitment of involvement
from the group, after that it was constant contact of phones calls and letters.
One person should deal with each event/section.
A need for contact with the newspapers is constant.
Games for children were set up - sawdust, rope tug of war, pony rides, costume contest.
Beard Contest
ID booth for children - pictures and fingerprinting - State Police
July 1 Caroline and Caroline Center, Family History Day, Rich Family Reunion,
Webb Family Reunion
August 26 Brooktondale Parade