HomeMy WebLinkAboutecommerative 1993 (1)1
July 27, 1993 - 7:30 p.m.
PRESENT: Gary Fisher, Wilma Fisher, Hilda Amberge, Jack Hubbell, Sue
Thompson, John Smith, Kathy Galt, Pat Dougherty.
1. Postmark - John Smith and Jack Hubbell will continue to check on details for
postmark during the birthday year. The committee would like the town to have
their own zipcode temporarily instead of having to use Newfield's or Trumanburg's
2. Membership - There is a problem with quorum, members not showing up to
meetings. Pat D. is willing to step down so someone else can be a member. Pat
D. is not available to attend all meetings due to other commitments.
3. Schools - BlanchStout visited with Jack Hubbell regarding the one-two
room school house reunion. The Grange will sponsor this reunion and hold a dish -
to -pass dinner for all the students of the one-two room schools that were in
Enfield. Wilma F. reported that Donald Fisher would like to be on a subcommittee
regarding the schools. She will try to contact Blanche regarding this matter.
Sharon Brown also needs to be contacted regarding this reunion and school
research. Pat D. will contact Blanche, Donald and Sharon about getting together
with their school research.
A suggestion was made to place signs at the locations of the one-two room
schools houses. This would enable people to see where the schools were in the
4. Minutes - copies of the May minutes were handed out to review because of
no quorum at the last meeting.. A motion was made and seconded to approve the
May minutes. The motion passed.
5. Book chapters - Sue T. reported making a lot of phone calls requesting help
in writing the history book. The results of the phone calls were negative.
A suggestion was made to send the history newsletter to writers of the
history book.
A writing guideline is needed for writing history book chapters. Sue T. will
present one at the next meeting.
Sue reported that the Wortman family agreed to write a history of their
family for the history book. Jack H. questioned what families would be placed in
the book. It was suggested that the families who chose to write their history and
give it to the committee and the amount of room in the book would be the
deciding, factors for this question.
6. Trivet - Gary F. reported no luck in reproducing the trivet picture via
computer. He will try to redraw the picture or we can find another artist to redraw
the picture. -J-ark 1-1. �vi1l c�ntaet meth r artier.
7. Helen Smith sent a note reporting that 454 recipes have been collected for
the 1996 recipe book. She would like more plus sponsors for the publishing of the
book. Interested sponsors will have their names forwarded to Helen. The
company producing the recipe book will do all the proof reading, indexing, etc.
Helen may need help in sorting out the recipes.
A list of contacts (businesses) needs to be made so that people are not
duplicating contacts made.
8. Project List - a list of projects and chairpeople for the project was developed.
There are still project chairpeople to be found.
History Book
Ice Cream Social
Letter - writing to organizations in
fall asking for help and list of
March 16, 1996 Memorial Birthday
Memorial Rock
Memorial Day Service
Sue Thompson
set date and general structure - Fire
Picnic - community
Quilt Alice Linton (Sue T. will call and check)
Recipe Book Helen Smith
School Use - Elementary - Contact and coordinating school use
School Reunion - one-two reunion Blanche Stout
eta Jack Hubbell and John
mp .�.-c- Smith
Tour - Riding/Car of Enfield
Trivet Gary Fisher
Wall Hanging Doris Rothermich?
8. Wall Hanging - Wilma F. will contact Mary Lehman and Linton family
regarding finishing the wall hanging for the birthday celebration.
9. History book - a form needs to be developed for those interested in
purchasing the history book.
Respectfully submitted,
Sue Thompson