- May 25, 1993 - 7:30 - 9:00 PM.
PRESENT: Gary Fisher, Wilma Fisher, Hilda Amberge, Ellie Hobbie, Jack Hubbell, Sue Thompson, Jean
Corrections made to minutes of April 1993.
Sue reported bids coming in from a few different publishers. The bids have all been close to the $3,000
quoted by the Heart of the Finger Lakes Publishing company. Wilma suggested contacting Free Press -
Odyssey Publishing. Sue will contact them.
Gary reported he is still working on the trivet picture.
It was suggested that the Birthday Subcommittees all need individual chairpersons.
Sue handed out copies of the Tioga county history celebration details. Everyone will read through the
papers and bring back their suggestions to the next meeting.
A calendar of events needs to be arranged. This is to avoid conflicting events and to help plan historical
birthday events with community events already held. A few of the events held are:
Harvest Festival Community Council
March Enfield Birthday
Elementary School Concert
Elementary School 5th Grade Graduation
Elementary School Fun Fair
Voluntary Fireman Car Show
Election Day Supper Grange
Craft Fair Community Council
It was decided to a draft letter to all organizations in the town asking for their planned events in 1996
and ask how these organizations could play up on the birthday celebration. This letter will be sent closer
to 1996.
Jack suggested the possibility of asking the Newhart Family about having an historic display in Wortman
Jack reported that he and John Smith are working on arranging with the local post offices for a birthday
cancellation stamp.
A suggestion was made that a History Fair sponsored by the 4th grades could be held in 1996.
Contact should be made with the Elementary School for the availability of use during 1996. The
Schaber corner property at Millers Corners was also suggested for use for events. Jack will contact
Alice Laue regarding school availability.
It was also suggested to contact the Dewitt Historical Society for events held in Ithaca for their
celebration in 1996.
Sue handed out copies of the 4 logos which had been designed for the committee.
work more on the logos at a later time.
Respectfully submitted, Sue Thompson
It was decided to