HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 minutes commemorative committeeENFIELD COMMEMORATIVECOMMITTEE - ENFIELD TOWN HALL JANUARY 26, 1994 - 7:30 p.m. PRESENT: Gary Fisher, Jack Hubbell, Sue Thompson NO QUORUM Gary reported: he is still working on the Trivet design; there has been no reported change on the Wall Hanging committee The meeting schedule has been changed to the 4th Wednesday of each month, 7:30 p.m., Town Hall Alice Laue has received a copy of the Enfield Businesses. She will report on how much it is recommended to charge per advertisement for the cookbook. Events for the actual Birthday in March were discussed: -invite important people - town officials, county historian, political officers, school officials, state senator, President of the U.S. -commemorative invitations need to be designed and printed -guest book to be signed at the birthday celebration -official program - souvenir -reception - should be catered locally? Meeting adjourned. Recording Secretary, Sue Thompson ENFIELD COMMEMORATIVE COMMITTEE - ENFIELD TOWN HALL JANUARY 26, 1994 - 7:30 p.m. PRESENT: Gary Fisher, Jack Hubbell, Sue Thompson, Ellie Hobbie Gary went over a review of what the committee has discussed since December 1993: -Trivet is still being worked on. We need to find a copy that produces trivets. - Dewitt Historical Society can be contacted for source. Gary spent $30.00 on the computer design of the trivet. -Alice Laue has everything on cookbook information will contact other cookbook companies re: cost. -School Logo - a display will be set up at the school by Jack Hubbell to help give the children ideas on designing a logo March 24 - April 13. Sue reported contacting various authors for the Enfield Book - she will be contacting authors monthly to check on work progress. Meeting adjourned. Recording Secretary, Sue Thompson ENFIELD COMMEMORATIVE COMMITTEE ENFIELD TOWN HALL OCTOBER 26, 1994 PRESENT: Gary Fisher, Wilma Fisher, Hilda Amberge, Sue Thompson, Jack Hubbell, Ellie Hobbie, Alice Laue Sue T. reported that January 1995 will be the deadline for all chapters of the Enfield History Book. She will have copies of the book for the committee members to review, correct, add to whatever.... The next meeting for the Commemorative Committee was changed to November 30. The December 28th meeting is canceled unless Sue T. decides we need to work on the book then. Ellie H. reported that the Historical Society will have their Holiday Party on December 14 at the Trenchard's (sp). Jack H. announced he will not be accepting the Town Historian position in January of 1995. This will also mean he will no longer be a "sit in" member for the committee. Alice L. was asked to place the committee meeting notices in the Ithaca Journal starting January 1995. She agreed to do this. The committee also needs to report its formal members list in January of 1995 to the Town Board for approval. When the committee decides to spend their $4500 earmarked for the committees use in the celebration, a member must go to the Town Board for approval first. Jack H. reported receiving a call from Karen Dickson regarding Harve/Genienformation. Sue T. will contact her for information regarding the History book. It was reported that the Methodist Calendar has been posted with a listing of the Commemorative Committee meeting dates. Hilda A. reported talking to local craft people asking them to write up a story on their "craft talent". Trivets - Gary F. reported at the various costs for the trivet to be made with Eddy Advertising. The committee voted on and approved to have 48 trivets printed up for the celebration. Cookbooks - Alice L. reported receiving information from FundCraft Sample Co. This company would type up the recipes for the cookbook. She will be sending for complete details and report back at the November meeting. She also hopes to set up a publishing date and advertising schedule also in November. Wall Hanging - A motion was made and seconded to remove the Wall Hanging from the Committees project list. Approved unanimously. It was stated that if someone did find a willing person to do the Wall Hanging the committee would sponsor the project again. Logo - A vote was taken (1 abst. 3 favored) for the winner of the School Logo contest "Ellie's Favorite" was a picture of a hot air balloon and farm won - the artist was a 5th grader - Dana Moxley. There was no decision on exactly what will be done with the picture. Meeting was adjourned. Sue Thompson, Reporting Secretary Enfield Commemorative Committee Meeting Agenda October 26, 1994 Call Meeting to order ENFIELD COMMEMORATIVE COMMITTEE AUGUST 24, 1994 - ENFIELD TOWN HALL PRESENT: Barbara Kone (Caroline Town Historian), Susan and Dick White (Members, Caroline Commemorative Committee), Alice Laue, Pat Doughtery, Ellie Hobbie, Hilda Amberge, Wilma Fisher, Gary Fisher, Sue Thompson Barbara Kone gave a presentation on the commemorative celebration for the town of Caroline - 200 years. Overall the presentation was great and very over -whelming with the thought of all the work done. After the presentation Sue T. handed out minutes of the July meeting and an update of the Enfield History Book. Meeting adjourned 9:45pm. HIGHLIGHTS OF BARBARA KONE PRESENTATION: The Committee started" 5 years ago in planning the celebration. The Town Board appointed Barbara Kone as official chairperson. The Committee decided they wanted to try to have an event each month of the birthday year. The Committee will cease to exist after August of 1995 - or will continue as long as they have items to sell. The money in their account will possibly go to the town for historical purposes. Each town social group was asked to send a representative to the Committee for help. Same (approx. 6) came to the meetings. The Committee was responsible for all finances so had it's own treasurer who handled all finances. Town gave them $500J92), $300 (93), $300 (94). Extra funding used was obtained by holding fund raisers of clothing and book sales. Funds were kept separate. All town money was spent by using a town voucher. A checking account at the same bank the Town uses was opened for the Committee. The Town tax ID number was used in opening the account. A financial statement was given each month until up to the final event where it was given each time they met (often). Town money was used for - the publishing of a historical calendar 1st year; 2nd and 3rd years bicentenniaVigns were bought and placed through the townv Signs were made at Ithaca Plastics. Roar] Mw n h i �1W dAlS . The Committee had a fund raiser (yearly) of historical calendars. Printing cost $1.50/calendar they sold the calendar for $6.00 (town funds used lst year). First two years they put the calendar together themselves, the third year the printer put the calendar together. A Logo Contest was held at the local. Elementary School. Few participants. The logo chosen was used on t -shirts, sweat shirts, history and cookbook. Hats only had wording on them. The cookbook was typed and taken to. Heart of the Finger Lakes Publishing. There was a lot of problems, no communication, so they went to Marathon Publishing to publish the cookbook. The cookbook sold for $10 each. Barbara suggested that cookbooks be sold in, advance. History book - 155 pages printed by Marathon Publishing. $5.00 to print the book and they soldfor $20 each. 1 Cover was card stock folded and stapled in the middle. Offset Press was used. Negatives for pictures were used - $6/picture. If the negative was not available it cost more for that picture to be used. Seventy-five pictures were in printed in the book. Each page which had a picture on it, an extra copy for the printer with a copy of the picture on the page was made. Each picture/negative had its own envelope with a copy of the picture outside on the envelope with its caption and page number. Book manuscript was typed using "Nord Perfect" computer word processor program. A "hard copy" was laid out exactly 1ow the Committee wanted the book to look. Book was indexed A disclaimer was used in the introduction of the book. The wording "it is believed" was' used when the author(s) did not have printed documentation proof. They always went by printed documentation proof before "oral interview - word of mouth". Order form for the book was sent out with invitations to the Birthday Celebration. Family genealogy was written for the first family in the town of Caroline, soon to be published. A reunion was also held. The money for this event was received through a Grant from the Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce. The grant emphasis attracting out -of --state people into the county. Money was used for postage and printing for the reunions. Grant was $2,000. Drive By Tour In the Town of Caroline was written. This included four routes through the town with a map of each tour. 40-50 pages sold $5 each, July 16 Celebration everyone in all the town social organizations were involved (at least most of them). The celebration cost $1400, Town Insurance (?) was added to because of the Towns celebration? The Finger Lakes Guide Book should be contacted as soon as possible with event dates. A Parade Committee was set up to handle all parade details. The parade was held that weekend - they had problems with - parking and blocking roads. New York State Department of Transportation was contacted to give permission to shut down roads for the parade. Signs were put up in advance warning people when the parade would be held. Traffic signs were borrowed from the different local towns. People were contacted six months in advance of the celebration. Four months the Committee contacted groups again, three months they received a commitment of involvement from the group, after that it was constant contact of phones calls and letters. One person should deal with each event/section. A need for contact with the newspapers is constant. Games for children were set up - sawdust, rope tug of war, pony rides, costume contest. Beard Contest ID booth for children - pictures and fingerprinting State Police 1995 CAROLINE TOWN EVENTS: July 1 Caroline and Caroline Center, Family History Day, Rich Family Reunion, Webb Family Reunion August 26 Brooktondale Parade 2 ENFIELD COMMEMORATIVE COMMITTEE July 27, , 1994 - Enfield Town Hall Present: Gary Fisher, Ellie Hobbie, Hilda Amberge, Sue Thompson, Alice Laue There was not a lot to report on the writing of the history book. Bill Basset handed in his chapter on the geology of Enfield, he will be adding more. Sue will have more to report in August. Gary reported that there were no changes in the trivet arrangements. Logo pictures the committee received from the school will be reviewed by all members of the committee. A packet of the logos is being passed around for members to note which logos they like. The committee will eventually decide on one picture they all like. Gary explained a little about the postal cancellation for the commemorative day. John Smith is still working on the postal cancellation? Jack Hubbell left with Alice L. a History of the Town of Caroline book for the committee to look at for ideas for our history book. Recorded by Sue Thompson ENFIELD COMMEMORATIVE COMMITTEE April 27, 1994 - Enfield Town Hall NOTE: No quorum. There was small discussion on chapters for Enfield History Book. Sue T. handed out Women's Auxiliary Chapter. Sue reported she is working on one-two room school house chapter - no one else seems to be ambitious enough to do the actually writing. The chapter has been arranged explaining the general overall'` running of the schools then in the second part stories from students who went to the schools. Gary F. contacted Eddy Advertising regarding the trivet. He is waiting to hear from them. Linda VanNederynen has the commemorative quilt. She will store it for the comrYi ENFIELD COMMEMORATIVE COM1Vit'rih - MARCH 23, 1994 ENFIELD TOWN HALL ATTENDING: Jack Hubbell, Ellie Robbie, Alice Laue, Wilma Fisher, Gary Fisher, and Sue Thompson. Corrections to January and February minutes Second set of minutes dated 1/26 should read 2/23. The word -copy should be company. Motion to approve the minutes was made. Motion was seconded and unanimously approved. Sue T. reported she is still calling authors to remind them to hand in chapters for the history book. Authors will be asked to submit an outline or rough draft by June and a "completely" written chapter by September 1, 1994. The following people are official reviewers of the chapters for the history book: Jack Hubbell, Ellie Hobbie, Alice Laue, Wilma Fisher, Gary Fisher, and Sue Thompson. Reviewers were given copies of two chapters to review and return to Sue T. soon - Enfield Fire Company History and the Enfield Post Office History. It was estimated reviewers will review written chapters at least three times each. There was discussion on if the committee should hire an "editor" to review the final history book copy making corrections for content and grammar. No decision was made. A reminder was made that when we have recollections of people regarding the Town of Enfield we need to mark them "Recollections". Jack H. suggested we make mention of our "past" members - Nora, Helen, and Nina in the history book. Gary F. reported that he is still working on the Trivet. Alice L. reported she has contacted several different cookbook companies and they will be sending information regarding publishing of a cookbook, this will include suggested charges for individual advertisers. Jack H. left an "historical" display at Enfield School to be placed in the Glass Cabinet. This will be used for the Logo Contest which Chris Finnigan, School Art Teacher, and SueThompson are organizing at the Enfield School. Jack H. gave Sue T. copies of different logos to give to Chris F. for examples to show the children. NOTE: Sue T. sent the logos and various Enfield pictures to Chris F. via. C. Thompson. Chris called and said all is well. Wilma F. reported there has been no progress on the wall hanging. Jack H. reported that Linda VanNederynen will check with John Smith regarding the Commemorative Quilt. Linda volunteered to store the quilt. There was discussion on the actual 1996 Birthday Events: