HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992 minutes commemorative committeePat Dougherty
330 Sheffield Road
Ithaca, NY 14850
(607) 272-7095
Enfield Commemorative Committee
May 19,1992
Jack Hubbell, Pat Dougherty, Helen and John Smith, Nina Linton, Sue
Sue distributed a booklet called "Your right to know" which outlined
the Freedom of Information Law.
Helen Smith has received lots of recipes for the 1996 cookbook from
Enfield people. Nina announced it at Senior Citizens and asked people to
give recipies to Helen or Nina. Helen says the company will take
handwritten, smudgy, whatever recipies and organize, catagorize, and put
them in final book form. She would like ads --even if they're not paid ads --for
historical reasons. Sue would like to coordinate ads with 1996 Enfield History
Nothing back from Ithaca School Superintendent Lorthridge yet. Jack
would like to wait a while before approaching him again. Nothing from
Denny Newhart yet about the possibility of a one/two-room school reunion.
Jack will contact him. Discussion ensured on the number of schools in
Enfield and Jack thought there were up to 14. These should be in the history
book with mention made of some of the more prominant and/or local
Lots of discussion about using pictures of local buildings (including the
pencil sketch of the Enfield Hotel) and having them made into postcards.
Neil Poppensiek has contacted Sue and asked her if she would be
willing to write the 20 pages that will represent Enfield in an upcoming
Tompkins County book on history.
[It appears that Rollison is the correct spelling for that school.]
Nina showed us the quilt. Looks great! She and ten other people have
worked on it. She'll get their names to the secretary so they will be on record.
Helen also showed us a picture of quilters standing in front of the Enfield
Valley Grange No. 295 in 1980. Nina was able to identify most of them.
Sue reviewed the progress of the Enfield history book. She thinks the
size should be 6 1/2 x 9 1/4 and have 16 chapters with approximately 20 pages
to a chapter. She thinks 10 or 12 point type would be easy to read. She is in
the process of "costing." Helen suggested a shiny cover because of a recent
expreience with a boolet with plain white bond that smudged badly when
handled. Our committee will edit. Pictures will be included.
May 12th meeting on sorting and organizing was attended by Sue
Thompson, Jack Hubbell and Jean Scofield. Material needs segregating. Jean
Owens would like to find a core group of qualified local volunteers to put the
material in order. Jean Scofield says it's very necessary to implement a
Records Management System but she does not have the time to do it.
Can we apply for an initial grant to have the stuff sorted
(inventoried)? Jack and Sue debated that one --we have to check with Jean
Scofield. Because we have never applied before, we stand a good chance of
getting a grant. Pat asked who would write the proposal --no response.
Application has to be in by February. Next step is up to the Town Board --they
are the "action agent."
There will be an antique car show August 1st and 2nd sponsored by the
Fire Department. (Wade Whittaker was the organizer last year.) Sue wants to
see an history display --Jack did one last year. Helen Smith suggested Stan
Rumsey bring his steam engine. He also has documenting pictures of
products made from that steam engine. Helen or Jack will ask Stan. (Pat will
be in Ottawa that weekend.)
Roger Brown gave Jack his baseball history. Only has one picture at
this point.
Sue will talk with Cindy Estes -Smith about a logo --still undecided
about that and we need to have something to show the public.
Helen coming along very well with her history on churches. She will
put an "inquiry" in the next newsletter. Helen was very happy to relate an
event that happened May 16th. Diane Bassett Nelson of Interlaken
called to find out the location of a relative's grave--Auble. Helen was able to
lead her directly to it. All parties happy.
Pat Dougherty
330 Sheffield Road
Ithaca, NY 14850
(607) 272-7095
Enfield Commemorative Committee
June 16, 1992
7:30 - 9:00
Present: Sue Thompson (Chairman), Jack Hubbell (Town Historian), Pat
Dougherty (Secretary), Nina Linton (Quilt Orchestrater)
Fire Central wants house numbers for all Enfield homes. (Topic
was not discussed at this meeting.)
Sue had an estimate from Lakes Publishing Co. for about $2,000
to do the Enfield history book. 500 were recommended for the first printing. Will
be sold for $10 or less. (Trumansburg's book costs $5.00.) Sue will get a more
detailed cost breakdown. Helen suggested that we get two estimates for doing
the books. Jack gave Sue the cost of a previously printed book.
Trumansburg is celebrating it's 200th year --Jack wondered if they
were doing a book for the oocasion. Pat suggested doing a "Steve Cobb" type
cover page for each chapter of our book. It was mentioned that the cost of that
could be quite high. Selling the books at local stores was brought up.
Jack discussed the proposed reunion of one/two-room school
alumni. Denny Newhart has not gotten anything to him yet. Denny says he will
e having shoulder surgery and will have plenty of time to work on this. He
would like some help if anyone is willing. (Sharon Brown told Pat that she and
Patty Chase Hubbell had compiled a list of the people they knew. Sharon had
planned to attend this meeting but something else came up. May be at the July
An acquaintance of Jack's who works at the school district will
J� check on the status of the letter Jack wrote to Bev Martin about the schools.
Alice Laue has offered her assistance with this project wherever necessary.
Sue will talk with next year's fourth-grade teachers and ask them. to formulate
Enfield's school history --possibly as a project.
Sue would like to see the Enfield fourth graders (she has a child
entering the fourth grade next year) interview local residents as well as collect
data. Nina Linton suggested interviewing Frank Spadaro--a former (and the
first) principal at Enfield.
Stan Rumsey has a little work to-do on his spm engine and will --
be happy to show it off at the car show August 1 st. Wade Whittaker has been
approached and approves wholeheartedly. There will be no charge for Stan or
the Enfield Commemorative Committee booths. Wade would like to know how
much room will be needed.
Roger Laue says the Flea Market is still on. Individuals will pay for
their space. Prices unknown.
It was suggested that the committee speak with Jean Owens
(Enfield Town Supervisor) regarding our "handling of money." Kevin Crawford,
Counsel for Association of Towns, says we can't handle funds. Sue will do a
proposal and present it to the Board at their July meeting and request an
answer in writing. We have $2,500 in an account at present that the Board has
appropriated for the 1996 celebration. It would be nice if we could raise money,
put it into an account, and spend it when and where necessary.
Several different groups have asked if there is money available for
their projects. Discussion of a mailing permit ensued. At present, the
Community Council is the only group with a bulk -mail permit.
Helen Smith say Florence Skilling has a picture of Enfield
sixth graders. Nobles School District is the same as the red school house on
Connecticut Hill.
Sue says the next newsletter will be out by August 1 st.--in time for
the car show. She needs information by July 24th. We should have anything
we want included in the newsletter to her by our July meeting.
Ellie Hobbie says she is getting ready to mail out the Historical
membership cards. Sue is to attend a meeting soon on the "20 pages about
Enfield" to be included in the Tompkins County History book coming out in the
not -to
ydistant future.
71 r � q
Pat Dougherty
330 Sheffield Road
Ithaca, NY 14850
(607) 272-7095
Enfield Commemorative Committee
August _18, 1992
7:30 9:00
Present: Sue Thompson (Chairman), Helen Smith (Cook Booker), Pat
Dougherty (Secretary), Nina Linton (Quilt Orchestrater), Jack
Hubbell, (Town Historian), Sharon Brown (Alumni), Wilma
Fisher, LoivCur 7 Wil.11is, Heldl 1erge (welcomed
Jack gave Helen a brochure regarding an Historical Society Fall
Conference in Saratoga Springs September 24-26. Topic: Cemeteries. Helen
Jean Owen's request for "organizing Town files" was discussed.
Several saw the write up about this in the Ithaca Journal Sue is going to a
workshop in Erin, NY on this type of training but doesn't think it's being put on
by the same group Jean and others met with earlier this year.
Expenditures and Revenue form needs filling out. Jack says Town
has $2,500 in a fund presently for the "1996" celebration. Jack and Sue both
mentioned expenditures previously spent and Nina suggested that we advise
the Town Board of these expenditures. Sue has all the figures and will pull
them together and present them to Jean Owen's at the same time she makes a
request for $500 to be added to the "1996" account in the Town's 1993 budget
Jack Hubbell will be in the Town Hall October 23 and 24 during
the Harvest Festival with an exhibit representing Enfield 'historical` factions.
Sue will have a sign-up sheet at the Harvest Festival that will ask
people if they went to any of the old Enfield schools. Hopefully, by that time,
Sharon Brown will have a partial list of names that can be added to or amended
as appropriate.
Jack brought up the topic of a LOGO. Nina has a relative who
does that type of thing and she will talk with her again --Cindy. Helen spoke of
Martha Chicona who has a trivet nearly designed with a small map of Enfield
and the old mill in the background. We need a logo for our letterhead as well.
Both "logo" ideas will be discussed when possible ideas have materialized,
An update of "who's doing what" for the "1996" book:
-Annabelle Tunison--Women's Auxiliary
-Dana Poyer--Babcock's involvement in Enfield
-Mr. Achilles --history of Hiilendale golf course
-Eunice Beardsly--Al's Bakery
-Helen "talking" with Willow Wood & CALF Audio owners
-Pat doing Scouts history over her Christmas vacation
-Frank Spadaro--Nina talked with him about Enfield School
-Florence Skilling-- Nina talked with her about Enfield School
No writers yet for things like Mother Mallard's Portable
Masterpiece Company. David Bordon wrote "Winter in Enfield. Charles
Wriqht's peddler's wagon which went out from Newhart's store. Clarence
Fitchpatrick's blacksmith shop. Sharon Brown was --asked to gape tier dad -
talking about the Enfield Hotel --where they now live.
Jack hasn't talked with Denny Newhart recently about the one -
room school house alumni get together. 'Sharon Brown is compiling a list of
alumni by going through old "roll books." She will go to the Town Hall on a
Tuesday night when Jack is there to help her look through the data. (Lois
Curry's mother was an Enfield teacher--Lynnette Wright Curry.)
Note: Pat attended a Planning Board meeting in July that coincided with
this meeting and was unavailable to take July minutes.
Sue Thompson
487 Enfield Center Road
Ithaca, NY 14850
(607) 272-6412
Enfield Commemorative Committee
October 20, 1992
Jack Hubbell, Helen Smith, Hilda Amberge, Wilma Fisher, Gary Fisher,
Ellie Hobbie, Sue Thompson
There was discussion on changing the meeting date. It was decided and voted
on to change the Commemorative Committee Meeting date to the 4th Tuesday of
each month - 7:30 p.m., Enfield Town Hall. Jack will send this meeting date
to the Ithaca Journal for the date book.
Sue wrote an article "The Surrounding of the Baptist Church" The Committee
was asked to read over and check for details - corrections. A few corrections
were made. Sue left a copy for Jean Owens, Enfield Town Supervisor. The
Baptist .Church had requested information regarding the buildings surrounding
the church. The church membership is applying for a grant to repair the bell
steeple on the church. Sue will make corrections and hand out new copies of
the article at a later time.
A new committee member will be needed to replace Nina Linton's member
position. Wilma Fisher's name was suggested. Wilma was not sure and would
have to think about it.
The committee will ask Helen Smith to check on the quality and wall hanging
that Nina Linton and her group were working on.
There was discussion on a memorial project that the committee could do for
Nina Linton. A memorial page for both Nina and Nora Dodd (past committee
member) could be done in the Enfield History book.
Jack suggested we have a picture of the quilt and wall hanging in the book.
The rest of the meeting was discussion on history in Enfield.
Sue Thompson
487 Enfield Center Road
Ithaca, NY 14850
(607) 272-.6412
Enfield Commemorative Committee
November 24, 1992
Jack Hubbell, Helen Smith, Hilda Amberge, Wilma Fisher, Gary
Fisher, Ellie Hobbie, Sue Thompson
Helen Smith reported the Nina Linton's family has the quilt and
wall hanging for the Commemorative Celebration. Arrangements have
been made to finish them.
A Memorial Service is being held for Nina Linton on Sunday - 2 pm -
Luncheon Dish To Pass.
There was discussion on the financing of the Enfield Book.
Subscriptions to buying the book was suggested. Need more details
on this. Is there a need for advance fund raising for the Enfield
There was concern on having a contingency plan, Enfield Town is
contributing money what is it going to be used for?
The market for where the Enfield book would be sold was discussed.
Suggestions were: Logo's Book Store, Corner Book Store, Dewitt
Historical Society, Community Events.
The committee discussed and voted that there would be no December
meeting. The next meeting would be January.
There was more discussion on Enfield History.