HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990 minutes commemorative committeeEnfield Birthday Celebration Committee
Enfield est. March 16th 182111
Committe Members:
Sue Thompson Ellie Hobbie
487 Enfield Center Road 118 W. Enfield Center Road IHUN'l
Ithaca Ithaca
272-64ves 272-2424
255-7 ay
Nora Dodd Jack Hubbell
Next Meetina: February 13i 11496. 7:30 9,m Enfield -Office
General Considerations.
Length of Celebration, i.e., week? weekend? month long?
What time span? What do we want to touch on? (every fifth year? every notable
year?) Jack will do chronology.
What type of celebrations ideas include:
- museum - slides
- parade - lectures to school children
- party - time capsule
- publication - community picnic
- video - block dance
- recreation of events (weddings, hay dance, etc)
Contest for Celebration?
Cost Considerations
How many $$ do we get allotted?
What type of events to earn $$?
Insurance Costs?
Establishina "Subcommittees"
(the following list of committees and "description of their responsibilities was not
mentioned in our meeting; however it was listed in the 1991 Bicentennial Committee
letter that was brought to the meeting and used generally as an example)
Ways and Means: the money committee -- purpose is to make working budget and
raise funds. committee will send letters to towns and villages asking them to set aside
funds for the Centennial.
Promotions: to purchase and coordinate sale of promotional items, souveniers, as well
as coordinate give aways and volunteer badges, etc.; committee should be put into effect
ASAP at various events throughout the county to build up the committees and get the
community interested.
Publicity: This committee will send out the no -charge press releases in order to alert
the media.
Safety and Legality: This committee determines the needs for Law and fire
enforcement at planned events, and to handle any legal matters of the committee.
Yearly Events: This committee will deal with events that already take place
throughout the county. They will ask that these events have a Bicentennial flavor. A
float to use in all county parades held in 1991 is underway, as well as adding a
Bicentennial touch to the student art exhib- in "arch 1991. ex.:
April/May: Canoe race, CAndor
June: Chocolate f=estival, Tioga Center
June: Strawberry Festival, Owego
June: POW -WOW, Apalachin
July: Old Home Days, Halsey Valley
July: Tractor Pull, Spencer
Projects: This committee will work (as sub -committees) with schools, Sr. Citizens,
museums, etc., to do special projects throughout 1991, such as county -wide displays,
raffles, group gatherings for special interests, etc. Sub -committees already formed
- History Book:
- Postmark:
- Video: (for promotion of bicentennial; will be one tape for the purpose of
showing current activities)
- Video: (for sale item) a historical tape
- Beautification Projects: committee's job is to work with towns, villages,
and service groups to get some beautification projects going --tree
planting, flower planting, etc. This committee needs to make a list of who
is doing what, and when.
-Special Events: Committee will work on actual events that are not already
scheduled yearly, the following are already in progress:
Walking Tours: This committee should make sure that all towns and
villages are covered as much as possible, adn to coordinate
literature to go with the walks.
Quilt Show: This committee is in charge of planning the quilt show,
contest, and raffle, as well as the Bicentennial quilt for display.
Bicentennial Ball: Scheduled for 1991 at the Owego Treadway.
Postal Riders: This committee will coordinate the program and riders,
choosing a date and time. A needs assessment is to be turned in to the
Bicentennial Chair soon.
County Fair Booth: This committee needs to set up a Bicentennial
display at the County Fair using promotions, souveniers, pamphlets, give
aways, setc. for 1990 and 1991.
County Farm Barn: To achieve the goal of making the Barn an
agricultural museum.
Other Special Events could
Artisan Fair
Pre -sale of Book
Lasting Memorials
National Tourist Attention
History/Research Resourcgg
include the following possibilities:
School Activities, Fairs, etc.
Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, etc.
Intra -county sports, etc.
- churches
- interview long time residents
- Is there any literature? - pictures? - documents?
- Check with other centenial associations for assistance
Historical Sites Identified
Christian Hill School
Noble School District
Treman Park
Other resources for further information:
Revolutionary Solders on CT hill
Civil War?
Connecticutt Hill Cemetery
Old Stone House
Noble Station
- interviews with long time residents'
- have residents write up a'paragraph to share (possibly in time capsule?)
- organizations to write a brief history
- church documents?
- community center?
- get a history of businesses
Familiar/Long-Time Names Established in Communitv
- Aubles
- Hubbells
- Wortman
Possible Contacts
- Roger Laue
- Rogert Brown
- Hilda Amberge
- Arthur Nobles
- Sarah Nivensen
- Nora Dodd
- Hilda/Raymond Hubbell
Snecifics We Touched Uuon
peddling wagons - charlie wright
- Teeters
- Alan Chaffee
- Calvin Rothermich
- L. Rumsey
- F. Lombard
- Helen Shaeffer
- ? Rumsey