HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAC AGENDA Tuesday January 10. 2023TOWN OF DANBY CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL (CAC) NOTICE OF REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING TO BE HELD AT 7:00 P.M. ON TUESDAY January 10, 2023 In person at town hall or VIA video conference (Zoom). For more information please check the Calendar on the Town website < https://danby.ny.gov/event/ > or contact the Town Planner(607-592-0417 or planner@danby.ny.gov ) AGENDA CALL TO ORDER
(max. 3min. per speaker) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: December 13, 2022, minutes, available at https://danby.ny.gov/docs-category/cac/ REPORTS AND UPDATES 
 1. New CAC Member Search, Annual Report, and other CAC specific issues - Margaret Corbit 2. Status of changes on CAC web pages: Revisioning of Danby conservation easement message and how to strategize outreach; GIS map that is being worked on with David West - Margaret Corbit 3. Updates on Passed and Proposed Easements - Main coordinators for each easement. 4. Status of annual easement monitoring and placing easement signs - Jonathan Zisk, Katharine Hunter 5. Status of approval of Timber Harvesting law - Don Schaufler & Jonathan Zisk 6. Status of school tax abatement discussion and local implementation of varying easement time lines subcommittee - Joel Gagnon EXECUTIVE SESSION AS NEEDED ADJOURNMENT *All agenda items are for consideration and are not final until voted on by the CAC. **Privilege of the Floor is the time to address the CAC, and is a privilege – not a right – and while we realize that residents are sometimes passionate about an issue, we insist that the tone and content of your remarks be civil and respectful. If these guidelines are not adhered to, you will be asked to sit down and remain silent. Once the meeting moves past Privilege of the Floor, we are still interested in what you have to say, but please be aware that your comments or questions during this part of the meeting can be entertained only if time permits. Please wait to be recognized by the Chair before speaking. If you wish to comment or ask a question during the regular part of our meeting, we ask that your comments pertain to the subject at hand, and again we insist that they be civil and respectful.