HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-06-14-Town-Board-MinutesTown of Danby Town BoardRegular First Monthly Board MeetingMonday 14 June, 2021 at 7:00 PMvia Zoom Video Conferencinghttps://zoom.us/j/98085159868?pwd=cDJmU2xVeGw2KzN3T1d1dnJZRTFIQT09 Meeting MinutesRoll Call :Town Board Joel Gagnon, SupervisorLeslie ConnorsJim HolahanSarah SchnabelMatt Ulinski (late arrival)County Legislator Dan KleinTown Justices Garry HuddleTown Planner David WestTown Code Enforcement Officer Steve CortrightTown Bookkeeper Laura ShawleyRecording Secretary Janice R. Adelman, Town Clerk 1.Call to Order at 19:02 by Town Supervisor Gagnon2. Public Hearing Wimsatt Conservation Easement (250 Marsh Road)2.1. No Comments; hearing closed.3. Additions/Deletions to Agenda3.1. Consider scheduling public hearing for appeal to subdivision moratorium—Van deBogart3.2. Building use policy4.Privilege of the Floor4.1. Dan Klein reported that prior Town Supervisor Ken Horst died. It reminded him to askthe Town Board to take photos of the elected officials to display at Town Hall, not onlyfor historical purposes, but for continuity and the importance of local government. Healso noted that the current Town Board in its current iteration will only exist foranother 6 months.4.2. Supervisor Gagnon reported that former Danby Elementary School principal and one-term Danby Town Supervisor Don Burdick passed away on April 5, 2021.4.3. Ronda Roaring read the following emailFrom:Ronda RoaringSent:Monday, June 14, 2021 07:13 PMTo:lconnors@townofdanbyny.org, jholahan@townofdanbyny.org,sschnabel@townofdanbyny.org, mulinski@townofdanbyny.orgCc:planner@townofdanbyny.org, supervisor@townofdanbyny.org,“Ted Crane”, “Patricia Woodworth”, “Katherine Hunter”,code@townofdanbyny.org, townclerk@townofdanbyny.orgSubject:FW: the history of the quarry Town of Danby Town Board Meeting 14 June 2021 Page 2 of 17 All: Below is a history of the quarry I sent David soon after hebecame planner. The issue is much more complex than outlinedbelow with Steve Maybee of the TC Health Dept. meeting withSuozzo. Both agreed that the site was a toxic waste dump. At thetime, there were no laws outlawing target shooting in stateforests. After my complaint to the regional forester 2003, theDEC passed a regulation making it illegal to target shoot in allstate forests. I have been dealing with the DEC on the matter of the quarrysince the 1990s. You need to understand that the northwestcorner of Brad Rauch's property is just across the road from thequarry with Travor Rd. being nothing but a one-lane dirt loggingroad at that point. Rauch has basically bought land next to aknown toxic waste dump. If Rauch's land and water have notalready been contaminated by the decades of degradation of thelead in the soil, it will be at some time in the future. TheTown, in my opinion, would be crazy to issue Rauch a buildingpermit and would open itself to a future multi-million dollarlawsuit that could bankrupt the town. The only other alternativeI can envision is that the Town require Rauch to test the soiland the water on his property prior to being issued a buildingpermit to show that they are uncontaminated (at this point intime) and to then require him to sign a document holding theTown harmless for any future contamination. This document shouldbe attached to the deed and should apply to all future owners ofthe property. The Town must protect itself from being viewed asresponsible (in whole or in part) for contamination in which itplayed no part.Ronda Roaring From:Ronda Roaring <rondaroaring@hotmail.com>Sent:Thursday, January 21, 2021 10:08 AMTo:planner@townofdanbyny.orgCc:supervisor@townofdanbyny.orgSubject:the history of the quarry David: With Brad Rausch claiming that he's going to be building withinfeet of the quarry, I think it appropriate for me to go into thehistory of the quarry at this time. Town of Danby Town Board Meeting 14 June 2021 Page 3 of 17 In 1977 when I moved to South Danby Rd., there were very fewpeople who lived in South Danby. No one used the DSF and therewas a contingent of "Trumpers" in the Town who believed that thestate got a free ride (paid no taxes) on 7,000 acres of land itmanaged in Danby. There were no trails, but there were some oldlogging trails. I began walking the forest and have probablycovered just about every inch either by hiking, skiing, orsnowshoeing. I know what the forest was like back then, and Iknow what we have lost and what we have gained. At the spot where (lower) Bald Hill Rd. meets Michigan Hollowthere is what the French call a "cul". (As in Cul du Galibier,if you're into the Tour de France.) From a geologicalperspective, a cul is the meeting of two mountain ranges. In theUS we call it a "pass," you pass from one mountain range toanother. At this spot, there in Danby is a huge pile of yellowsand. I thought someone had dumped it there. In the 1980s twothings happened, 1) the DEC put in one of its brochures thatthere was good deer hunting in a place called the Danby StateForest and 2) people started to find the DSF. Not only did theyhunt in huge numbers (hundreds of hunter on the first day ofdeer season), drunk and without licenses, but they dumped trasheverywhere. The locals also found it and dumped more trash. Up to that time, I had had some dealings with the DEC and knew alot of the players in both the Division of Law Enforcement andthe Division of Lands and Forests. I began to insist that theDEC police the area, especially during hunting season. I alsowent out and confronted those doing illegal things and tookphotos. It was a rough time. I have had my livingroom windowshot out, been threatened with gang rape, and had a shotgun putagainst my cheek and the trigger pulled. They don't play nice. Trash began to pile up at the quarry and at the sand pile. I wasmeeting often with Norm Jensen, the forest ranger at the time,to discuss the trash, when he told me that the sand is a naturalaccumulation due to the glaciers. I don't know of any otherinland sand accumulation of this kind in the Finger Lakes. Itisn't a drumlin as far as I can tell. (So we have somethingunique in Danby.) He was trying to deal with the trash and I wastaking down illegal deer stands. (I've probably taken down atleast 20.) The hunters began using the quarry as a target shooting range inthe mid- to late-1980s. They would bring in large pieces ofplywood, tack a target on it, lean the plywood up again the hilland fire away. Or they would shoot at bottles and cans. Then it Town of Danby Town Board Meeting 14 June 2021 Page 4 of 17 was TVs and other appliances. The stuff can really accumulatequickly when its being shot into little pieces. Much of the leadshot was (and still is) in the hillside, but there is quite abit in the floor of the quarry. I repeatedly asked Sue and Ricto insist that the DEC clean up the area and block entrance tothe site. But they steadfastly refuses to get involved. (Thatcould be a good thing and a bad thing if someone ever buildsnear the quarry.) Norm Jensen was overwhelmed by all the trashand finally got a fellow named Tom Suozzo to come down from thetoxic waste office in Kirkville. He and I and John Clancy walkedthe area, and they declared it a toxic waste site. (Danby's oneand only.) I asked SB and Ric to insist that the soil and leadbe removed. (Keep in mind that the DEC did require that theLansing Rod and Gun Club remove its contaminated soil, and theIthaca Gun site also had its soil removed.) But, again, theywouldn't get involved. So Suozzo and Clancy decided to bring ina bulldozer and bury everything. They then planted trees on topof the lead and trash, and walked away. The trees quickly died,as the soil (what there is of it) of the quarry is rather dry.The hunters came back and trashed the place all over again. By this time, Norm Jensen retired. Joan Oldroyd was hired asthe new forest ranger. I continued to complain about the trashand the target shooting. I could hear the guns going off andwould drive over and take photos of the people shooting. It's aviolation of a DEC regulation to target shoot anywhere in anystate forest. I sent the photos to Joan, but she didn't want tocite these people because she said the regulation wasn't postedat the cite. The DEC brought in the granite rocks and put up asign. The hunters shot up the sign and continued to trash thearea. Another sign when up. They shot it up and painted therocks. Joan asked me why so many hunters came to the DSF. The pressureto hunt in the DSF is far greater than any other forest in herterritory. I told her it was because the DEC advertises it as agood place to hunt. The hunters continued to trash all the siteswhere they camp and they were camping all over. And I continuedto complain about the trash and the fact that the hunters didn'thave permits to camp. (Keep in mind that this is the shortversion of the story.) So, about three years ago, I photographed a guy target shootingat the quarry. Again, and despite the fact that there is a lawthat says that ignorance of the law is no excuse, Joan refusedto cite the guy because there was no sign. This time I through areal fit. Since then, the DEC has done the following: 1) Posted Town of Danby Town Board Meeting 14 June 2021 Page 5 of 17 a sign, yet again, at the quarry. 2) Instructed Joan todesignate by number where hunters may camp in the DSF. (Thereare currently at least 14 sites.) 3) Requires anyone who campsin the DSF to have a permit. 4) Designated a fellow named TimDay as the go-to trash person for trash in Region 7. He and Ihave been working on a number of sites throughout the region andstill have a lot of work to do. But we are making headway. Unfortunately, the roughly three decades of target shooting atthe quarry and the fact that the lead and trash has been buried(either on the surface of the quarry or in the hillside) meansthat the lead is now degrading and probably leaching into theaquifer. I have talked to both Jim Backner and Mike Hanlon, wholive on Peter Rd., about testing their water for lead. If youGoogle DEGRADATION OF LEAD PELLETS you will find all kinds ofrecent articles about this topic. This is no joke. The lead inthe quarry is a serious health hazard. Brad Rausch was stupid tohave bought that land and the Town of Danby would be dumber yetto allow him to build so close to a known toxic waste site.Having thought about this matter a lot since Rausch publiclyannounced his intention to build, I feel that there is a goodchance that, were he given a permit to build, the Town could beheld vicariously liable for lead contamination in his water.Keep in mind that SB an Ric never asked the DEC to remove thesoil and never got involved with stopping the repeated dumpingof lead at that site. In addition, I would point out that Joelwas on both the TB and PB during all of this. And mycommunications with SB and Ric are documented in emails that Istill have. We can't stop the lead contamination of the quarry, but we canstop Danby residents from target shooting on their property. itis going on all over the Town. I am hereby asking the Town of Danby to 1) put an end to thelead contamination of Danby soils and 2) to institute a no-buildzone around all boundaries of the DSF to protect this resourcethat is critical to the rural character of the Town.Ronda Roaring 4.4. Ted Crane supported Klein’s suggestion to take photos and volunteered to be thephotographer. Regarding tonight’s meeting, Crane asked how the TextMyGovproposal fits in with the messaging through County Swift system?—The answer to this question will be given during the discussion of this item.5.Correspondence —none6.Announcements—none Town of Danby Town Board Meeting 14 June 2021 Page 6 of 17 7.Reports & Presentations7.1. Town Planner7.1.1. First BZA meeting of the year held in May in which they granted/approved: a variance for small expansion of a residential solar array at 458 ComfortRoad.7.1.2. Planning Board also met and gave final approval on7.1.1.2. 250 Marsh Rd subdivision7.1.1.3. Site plan for 1725 Danby Rd (the small car sales lot)7.1.2. Planning Group continued weekly meetings rotating between the HamletWorking Group and the Conservation Working Group7.1.2.1. The groups have been working through drafts of new zone requirements,including what the zones are and debating and discussing the rules withinthose zones. West noted that the end of June is approaching and would like to knowhow best to bring draft proposals to the Board when there is disagreementwithin the members of the working groups and these groups are unlikely toreach consensus. Will discuss this more in the specific Zoning update meetingon Monday 6/ Grant season is starting with CFAs and other applications we might want toconsider.7.2. Supervisor Gagnon announced that both houses of the New York State Legislaturehave passed what they are calling the Danby Bill; this gives the Town of Danby theauthority to pass a local law that would enact the abatement of property taxes inexchange for a commitment to a conservation easement. Gagnon noted that we arelooking forward to developing our local law in the coming months.7.3. At this point, the Town Board allowed Ray Van de Bogart to speak under the auspicesof Privilege of the Floor regarding the letter he submitted to the Board outlining hisrequest for a subdivision moratorium exemption. Van de Bogart offered to answer anyquestions while expressing his frustration and disappointment about the lack of timelyinformation and guidance he received on the steps needed to file the properpaperwork. He thanked the Board for the time at this meeting.7.4.Code Enforcement Officer, including information on Heisey Rd. house7.4.1. House at 2687 Danby Road (corner of Danby Rd & Heisey Rd)7.4.2. The house is currently abandoned and owned by M&T bank; Cortright had aconversation with an M&T representative on March 23 about the house—M&Tis looking to get rid of the property.7.4.3. M&T would like to know the Town’s wishes for the property; they presented 2options to Cortright: Demolish the house and transfer ownership of the land to the Town7.4.3.2. Transfer the property as is (including the abandoned house, two oldmotorboats, a carport, and one other shed) to the Town. Town of Danby Town Board Meeting 14 June 2021 Page 7 of 17 7.4.4. Cortright has been in touch with the house inspector who said that it was notpossible to view the inside of the house as the floors were not safe to walk on.Cortright viewed the property in person to take pictures and send to the Board.7.4.5. The bottom line is that the house likely cannot be saved. M&T Bank is willing toclear the land (remove the house) and gift the 1/3 acre land it sits on to theTown.7.4.6. M&T will attend the next Board meeting to present options.7.5.Town Clerk’s Report7.6. Dan Klein, County Legislator7.6.1. American Rescue Plan (ARP; the latest federal coronavirus stimulus package) hascounties set to receive $10 million this year and $10 million next year. The fundswill be distributed after an entity applies. Tompkins County just received theirfirst payout.7.6.2. A number of municipalities around New York State are taking the opportunity totalk with their residents for input on how the money should be spent. TompkinsCounty is undertaking such an endeavor with an open-ended survey using thecategories listed in the ARP. Though the County wants to hear what people say,it is not a guarantee that the County can fund everything suggested.7.6.3. The County Legislature overrode the tax cap at their last meeting. This is doneevery year preemptively. If they don’t end up spending over the tax cap, it isrescinded by the end of year.7.6.4. County Forest policy that Klein has worked on for a number of years was finallyvoted upon and passed 11–3. The county owns 550 acres of forested land,mostly in Newfield, as well as a section in Caroline. With the passed proposal,the County will not log any of the forest land.7.6.5. The county-wide broadband study funded last fall began collecting data in April.One thing that came to light since the Broadband Committee meetings started isthat the data collected from the study will be proprietary and not released tothe towns who supported the study or the public. This announcement to thecommittee prompted a negative reaction in which many people said that theinformation should be public. A special meeting was held where it wasdetermined that any town that feels like this is not what they signed up for, theycan ask for their money back. If this is something that the town desires, pleasedo it soon as the study is to be completed by August. Klein noted that by the endof this week there may be new information that could shift perceptions. Rightnow, the County is very optimistic that the study will reach its goals, but it ispossible that next month Klein will have a whole different story to share.8.Consent AgendaCouncilperson Schnabel noted that we should pull the General Fund warrant if there is aninvoice that will put the Town over-budget.8.1. Approval of Minutes Town of Danby Town Board Meeting 14 June 2021 Page 8 of 17 April 2021 - Zoning Update8.1.2.17 May 2021 - Zoning Update8.1.3.19 May 2021 - Board Meeting8.2. Warrants8.2.1.General Fund No 10 Vouchers 161–193 for $26,428.198.2.2.Highway Fund No 10 Vouchers 120–138 for $24,669.65 Resolution 95 of 2021 To Approve Consent Agenda Minus the General Fund Moved By:Schnabel Seconded By:Connors Vote:Councilperson Aye No Absent Connors X Holahan X Schnabel X Ulinski X Gagnon XResolution 95 approved8.3.General Fund No 10 Vouchers 161–193 for $26,428.198.3.1.Resolution 96 of 2021 To Transfer $100 from Line A9040.800 Workers Compto Line A1410.400 Town Clerk Contractual Moved By:Connors Seconded By:Schnabel Vote:Councilperson Aye No Absent Connors X Holahan X Schnabel X Ulinski X Gagnon XResolution 96 approved8.3.2. Question about the invoice to keep WLB Code software since Steve hasn’tbeen able to use it. Will the training be included in the software price? No,training and mileage is not included.Resolution 97 of 2021 To Approve General Fund No 10 Vouchers 161–193 for$26,428.19 Moved By:Schnabel Seconded By:Connors Town of Danby Town Board Meeting 14 June 2021 Page 9 of 17 Vote:Councilperson Aye No Absent Connors X Holahan X Schnabel X Ulinski X Gagnon XResolution 97 approved9.Old Business9.1. Authorize Supervisor to sign Wimsatt Conservation EasementResolution 98 of 2021 To Authorize Supervisor Gagnon to Sign the WimsattConservation Easement Moved By:Ulinski Seconded By:Holahan Vote:Councilperson Aye No Absent Connors X Holahan X Schnabel X Ulinski X Gagnon XResolution 98 approved9.1.1. Jeff Wimsatt thanked the Board for the efforts noting that his parents would bethrilled that the land is going into conservation easement. His sister couldn’t beat the meeting, but they are both glad that the land is going to be preserved.9.2. Update on Beardsley Road Stormwater Management District9.2.1. Planner West scheduled a meeting for Thursday 6/16 at 7PM via Zoom forindividuals within the proposed district boundary; West went door-to-doorwith invites to make sure everyone was aware of the meeting. In going door-to-door, West spoke with some people who were aware something washappening and also heard concerns such as why residents would have to payfor the service.9.2.2. The development on Beardsley Road necessitated setting up a tax to pay for theinfrastructure it requires. After Thursday’s meeting, the next step for the Townwill be to adopt the engineering report. Then, the Town will need to make aformal notice to people that the Town wants to set up a district. The residents do have the ability to contest paying for the district.There is a process whereby if a large enough percentage of the residents Town of Danby Town Board Meeting 14 June 2021 Page 10 of 17 vote against creating a district, the town would need to decide how to moveforward.9.2.3. The engineer’s report indicated that the initial year payment would be a littleover $400, thereafter payments would be half this amount. The first year includes the expense of the engineer’s report, setting upthe system, and some of the back maintenance. The amount proposed is what is left after exhausting the escrowaccount.9.2.4. Based on prior discussions, it made the most sense to give the same feeto each lot, regardless of size or location.9.3. Resuming in-person meetings and handling remote participation9.3.1. We have all equipment in hand for moving to a hybrid-meeting platform. Theexpectation is that the Governor’s COVID restrictions will be lifted by July whenthe latest extension suspending the open meetings law expires. This raises the question around public access to the building withoutappointments. The Town Court is poised to resume business as usual with the courtdoor remaining open during Court hours; this is currently contrary toTown Board policy with respect to building use.9.3.3. Councilperson Ulinksi noted that he is OK with going back to in-person Boardmeetings with the suggestion that the Town not only follow NY State guidelines,but also err on the conservative side by requiring masks during meetings. Ulinskialso wanted to hear from staff regarding how they feel about fully opening upand what that would look like in terms of hours and which protocols to keep inplace. He added a caveat that this is not quite a return to normal, rather it is anew set of rules for us to move forward. Approaching it from this perspectivewill allow us to address the current status of the pandemic spread and to goback to something more restrictive more quickly if we needed to.9.3.4. Councilperson Schnabel asked to read through the Town’s Rules of Order to seeif anything needs to be addressed for moving between fully remote to fully in-person and hybrid modes of operation. This was added to next week’s agenda.9.3.5. Councilperson Ulinski asked how we get these action items accomplished,insofar as implementing and enforcing a new set of rules and procedures to takeus out of the lockdown with provisions to return to lockdown if needed? The staff need to be comfortable with the rules9.3.5.2. The rules need to address users of the building, whether they are boardmembers, planning board members, or library volunteers and patrons. The rules need to be agreed upon and available for others to review toknow what is expected of them when they enter the building. Town of Danby Town Board Meeting 14 June 2021 Page 11 of 17 Code Enforcement Officer Steve Cortright will review and update thecurrent process of going into lockdown to develop a new SOP. Ulinsksi offered that a monthly check-in at Board meetings will helpkeep things moving forward and to re-assess and overrule existing rulesas needed.9.3.6. Supervisor Gagnon noted that there are two main issues to confront: (1) How dowe handle meetings? (2) How to handle building access, particularly in light ofthe Court resuming regular unrestricted business? Town Justice Huddle noted that they currently only require people towear masks to enter. Lawyers and defendants have been coming intocourt for the past few weeks. All Town and Village courts have anupcoming State meeting which will provide insight on the mask rules andother restriction changes.Resolution 99 of 2021 To Amend Current Building Use Rules Enabling the Town Court toOperate as Indicated by the Office of Court Administration with the Exception ThatMasks are Required To Enter the The Town Court at Town Hall as well as for AnyoneWho Goes Beyond the Court Perimeter Moved By:Ulinski Seconded By:Gagnon Vote:Councilperson Aye No Absent Connors X Holahan X Schnabel X Ulinski X Gagnon XResolution 99 approved 10.New Business10.1. SEQR Review of Environmental Facilities Corporation (EFC) Hamlet Septic Grant &Authorization of Supervisor to Sign related contracts Resolution 100 of 2021 To Complete SEQR Type II Review Moved By:Ulinski Seconded By:Gagnon STATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW ACTTYPE II RESOLUTION REGARDINGTOWN OF DANBY HAMLET CENTER SEWER DEVELOPMENT STUDYEPG #105522 Town of Danby Town Board Meeting 14 June 2021 Page 12 of 17 WHEREAS,the Town of Danby (hereinafter the “Town”) proposes to conduct aProject Titled Danby Hamlet Center Sewer Development Study under New York StateEnvironmental Facilities Corporation Engineering Planning Grant #105522; and WHEREAS,in accordance with the State Environmental Quality Review Act(“SEQRA”), the Town is required to assess impacts to the environment in compliance withSEQRA regulations included in 6 NYCRR Part 617 (Title 6 of the New York Code of Rules andRegulations); and WHEREAS,the Town is the appropriate agency to be the lead agency to undertakethe project review under SEQRA; and WHEREAS,6 NYCRR §617.5 under SEQRA provides that certain actions identified insubdivision (c) of that section are Type II actions and not subject to environmental reviewunder SEQRA and that such activities an action in accordance with 6 NYCRR Section617.5(c)(24) which constitutes the information collection including basic data collection andresearch, water quality and pollution studies, engineering studies, which constitutes and istherefore not subject to review under 6 NYCRR Part 617; and WHEREAS, the proposed improvements consist solely of conducting a Project TitledDanby Hamlet Center Sewer Development Study under New York State EnvironmentalFacilities Corporation Engineering Planning Grant #105522. NOW, THEREFORE, BASED ON SUCH REVIEW AND CONSIDERATION, BE ITRESOLVEDby the Town of Danby Board that: 1. The Town of Danby Board is the lead agency for the SEQRA review of theproposed project. 2. The proposed project is a Type II action which is not subject to review underSEQRA, and it will not result in a significant adverse impact on theenvironment. 3. The Town of Danby Town Supervisor is hereby authorized to sign and file, orhave filed, on behalf of the Town of Danby all documents necessary tocomply with SEQRA. 4. This resolution is effective immediately. Vote:Councilperson Aye No Absent Connors X Holahan X Town of Danby Town Board Meeting 14 June 2021 Page 13 of 17 Schnabel X Ulinski X Gagnon XResolution 100 approved Resolution 101 of 2021 To Authorize Supervisor Gagnon to Sign Related Contracts withEFC and Hunt Engineering to Complete the Project Moved By:Schnabel Seconded By:Holahan Discussion:—Councilperson Holahan asked if there are any other possible plans as far as nextsteps where the Town would put up money to cover their part of it and some of thepotential grant money could cover other parts.Planner West answered affirmatively. The fact that we already won this planninggrant to an initial study puts the town in a very good position to get futuregrants if we identify a project that would be useful for the town we are eligiblefor State money towards doing an actual design for something to eventuallybuild.—Councilperson Schnabel asked if a timeline for a study existed.If the grant is longer than this year, the County funds we have must be used thisyear. The EFC grant is more than a year. AUTHORIZATION FOR REPRESENTATIVE TO EXECUTE GRANT AGREEMENTTOWN OF DANBY HAMLET CENTER SEWER DEVELOPMENT STUDYEPG #105522 WHEREAS,the Town of Danby (hereinafter the “Town”) desires to accept the DanbyHamlet Center Sewer Development Study (“Project”), New York State Department ofEnvironmental Conservation (DEC), in conjunction with the New York State EnvironmentalFacilities Corporation (EFC) Engineering Planning Grant #105522; and WHEREAS,the Town proposes to conduct a Project under NYS DEC/EFC EngineeringPlanning Grant #105522; and WHEREAS,the Town intends to work with Hunt Engineering, Architects, LandSurveyors & Landscape Architect D.P.C., Contact Timothy Steed, 100 Hunt Center,Horseheads, NY 14845; and WHEREAS,the primary purpose of this grant will be for study of Danby HamletCenter Sewer Development Study to include evaluation of efficient way to provide safe andreliable sewerage systems to protect the community and waterways through thedevelopment of a Preliminary Engineering Report, with the Town of Danby employees Town of Danby Town Board Meeting 14 June 2021 Page 14 of 17 providing in-kind services to aide in offsetting the local match required for the PlanningGrant. NOW, THEREFORE, BASED ON SUCH REVIEW AND CONSIDERATION, BE ITRESOLVEDby the Town of Danby Board that the Town Supervisor, Joel Gagnon, isauthorized to execute the Grant Agreement with the NYS Environmental FacilitiesCorporation and any and all other contracts, documents and instruments necessary to bringabout the Project and to fulfill the Town of Danby obligations under the EngineeringPlanning Grant Agreement. Vote:Councilperson Aye No Absent Connors X Holahan X Schnabel X Ulinski X Gagnon XResolution 101 approved 10.2.Resolution 102 of 2021 To Appoint Town Planner as Authorized Representative forEnvironmental Facilities Corporation (EFC) Hamlet Septic Grant Moved By:Connors Seconded By:Schnabel Vote:Councilperson Aye No Absent Connors X Holahan X Schnabel X Ulinski X Gagnon XResolution 102 approved 10.3.Resolution 103 of 2021 To Authorize and Appropriate Local Match Funding for theDanby Hamlet Center Sewer Development Study Moved By:Gagnon Seconded By:Connors Town of Danby Town Board Meeting 14 June 2021 Page 15 of 17 AUTHORIZATION AND APPROPRIATION OF LOCAL MATCHTOWN OF DANBY DANBY HAMLET CENTER SEWER DEVELOPMENT STUDYEPG #105522 WHEREAS,the Town of Danby (hereinafter the “Town”) proposes to conduct anDanby Hamlet Center Sewer Development Study (“Project”) under New York StateEnvironmental Facilities Corporation Engineering Planning Grant #105522; and WHEREAS,the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation EngineeringPlanning Grant requires a local match equal to 20 percent of the requested grant amount incash and/or in-kind services; and NOW, THEREFORE, BASED ON SUCH REVIEW AND CONSIDERATION, BE ITRESOLVEDby the Town of Danby Board that the Town of Danby authorizes andappropriates a minimum of 20 percent local match as required by the Engineering PlanningGrant Program for the Planning Grant #105522, Danby Hamlet Center Sewer DevelopmentStudy project. The maximum local share appropriated subject to any changes agreed to bythe Town Supervisor, Joel Gagnon, shall not exceed $6,000. The total estimated maximumproject cost is $36,000. The Town Supervisor, Joel Gagnon, may increase this local matchthrough the use of in-kind services without further approval from the Town of Danby Board. Vote:Councilperson Aye No Absent Connors X Holahan X Schnabel X Ulinski X Gagnon XResolution 103 approved 10.4. Town Hall Digital Upgrades10.4.1. Ulinsksi commented that these are things we didn’t talk about in the existingbudget, and hopes that COVID money may be able to cover some of theproposed expenses for things that are needed. Beyond that, Ulinski urgedcreating a Capital Plan that incorporates many things in the town and how tomove forward with that. The current digital proposals are low-cost things, butthings like roads and community centers and the like could not be donewithout bonding. This is a really important issue for the town to be thinkingabout it. As Dan Klein mentioned, it might be useful to have a town residentsurvey of needs. Thus if we can’t use American Rescue Plan funds for thesethings, we should still have a way to pay for them. Town of Danby Town Board Meeting 14 June 2021 Page 16 of 17 10.4.2. OnlyOffice subscription was purchased. Clerk Adelman will begin adding users,configuring emails, and providing support materials. Councilperson Ulinski suggested asking all vendors how theyguarantee that our data is protected, that vulnerabilities are beingaccounted for, and confirming that they will carry the risk if cyberattackshappen to compromise our data.10.4.3. Phone System Upgrade Town-wide10.4.3.1. We are working to test out the Zoom phone platform. A demo will beset up shortly. This appears to be the easiest transformation from ourcurrent phone system and is part of the Zoom meeting platform that wealready use. Note that our free Zoom account will cease to exist at theend of July. Some things to determine are handling emergency calls and thenecessity for land lines in certain situations.10.4.4.TextMyGov Information Proposal10.4.4.1. This vendor provides an interactive text-based system for people whomight not have internet access, or just don’t do things on the internet. The company creates a local phone number, the town can haveunlimited users to access messages that come through the system,unlimited departments, unlimited support, and 50k text messages peryear (unused messages roll over to the next year). The annual subscription is $2800; first year implementation fee is$1000. Concerns from the Board included whether such a software with itsprice tag was warranted for Danby residents, particularly if the textingresponses simply sent the user to the website. No action was taken.10.4.5. Code and Clerk Computer Upgrade10.4.5.1. With upgraded technology comes the necessity to upgrade both theCode and Clerk’s office computers. For instance, CEO Cortright shouldhave a smart tablet that he can take to inspections in the field and to usefor Zoom meetings (rather than using his phone to Zoom). The Clerkneeds something to take minutes on in the board room once in-personmeetings start back up. A Surface Pro X retails for $1800; a Surface Go 2 for $73010.4.5.3. A government-priced Mac laptop runs between $2,200 and $2,74010.4.5.4. Main feedback from the Board was to get a better understanding ofwhat we need right now going forward. Because these are things thatweren’t actually budgeted for, it makes it somewhat difficult though notout of the question. Bookkeeper Shawley will look to see where they may be room to takemoney and put it toward equipment. Town of Danby Town Board Meeting 14 June 2021 Page 17 of 17 Bottom line is to make sure that Town Hall employees have the toolsneeded to do their jobs.11.Discussion of Next Meeting Agenda11.1. update on highway audit11.2. budget discussion/financial report11.3. M&T Bank11.4. Rules of procedure for building re-opening.11.5. Schedule hearing for Ray VandeBogart11.6. Update on CleanHeating/Cooling campaign12. Adjourn at 21:28. _________________________________________Submitted by Janice R. AdelmanTown Clerk