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2005 4 ecc
2005 Budget Breakdown Teen Program $33,050 see attached CCE statement of operations Newsletter: $2,952 cost per mailing 3 mailings per year. printing $ 434 editor fee $ 200 postage $ 150 bulk mailing fee $ 150 labels $ 50 Administrative : $ 10,112 book keeper $ 2,400 all insurance $ 6,352 CPA fee $ 500 NYS tax $ 60 dessi jacobs $ 200 BB uniforms $ 200 misc $ 400 Camp $ 34,852 payroll(inc.tax) $ 25,398 Paychex $ 351 CIT $ 3,250 Misc $ 5,853 $ 800 field trips $ 200 advertising $ 2,500 transportation $ 2,353 material/equipment Enfield Afterschool Scholarships $ 1,877 Budget total for 2005 $82,843 * Director and Officers Ins $ 1,015 Accident Ins. with Sports pkg $ 587 Workers' Comp. Ins. $ 1,357 General Liability Ins $ 3,049 NYState Disability $ 344 Total $ 6,352 �V'Jf Li\I I11+fL Li51 LI YIl MY 1 Ul,VVI LI Lt VVIJ JUII V Lt,.'VJ 1V 1V 1 sVG Coop. East. Assoc. of Tompkins County Statement of Operations 5 Months Ended May 31, 2005 Enfield Youth Program Current Y.T.D. Annual Underl(over) % Budget month Actual Bid Ela et Exrspnditures C.C.E. Revenues: T6-win-'6f- Erfield -County Funds - 3,975.25 15.913.00 I 11,934.75 25.00% United Way Teen _� 6,831'00 1 6,831.00 0.00% 1,407.95 45.72% Pro. m Participation Fees 10.00 0 $6.05. .001 (10.00} 0-OO�k >=nfield Youth Employment , 2,584 Enrichment PragPart. Feas____� 45,001 180.001 0.001 (180.00) 0.00% Donation Rotary 500-001 500.00 I 0.001 (500.00) 0.00% EnrichmentfFamilyTrlps -r 432.96 2,175.00 1,742.04 19.91% ECCI Town Funds 3,048.84 5,537.00 2,488.16 55-06% Total Revenues _23,713.90 I 4B. §A i Personnel Experimm; I Salaries & Wages 1,634.509,172.50 22.014.00 12,841.50 41.67% i'rogram Support Fee 1,014.25 1 _ 4,057.00 1. 3,042.75 1 25.00% rnnpla Ment insurance _ - 59.501 238.00 178.501 2-5'.00-0101 Woekers' Compensation 57.50 230.00 172.50 25.000 Liabli insurance --- 50.001 200.00 150.00 25.00% Personnel Subtotal t 1,834.50 i 10,353.75 28,739.00 16,385.22 38.72% Pr ram Expenses: +-. -Youth Employment �t _I 192.00 1,384.05 2,594.00 1 9.209.95 33.3ti9�o E yee Dev. _ 35.40 50.00 14.68 { 70.80% Family TO�s __ T--0.91 1,265.08 2,175.00 909.92 58-16% 1.78 8.77:1 25.00 1623 I 35,08% Postage _-- 1.85 l 11.80 60-001 38.401 23,20% Supplies -v -- 5-00 5.80 50.00 a.20 ; 11-00% Maetil►c�slRefreshments ----� 8.$6 _ 51.68 -, 250.00 198.32 20.67% Miieage-- ____ 78.83 150.00 71,17 _ 52.55% Van Usa�elRentals 31.83 1 114.951 400.00 _ 285.05 1 _28.74° Printing _ 2320 83.30 125,00 41.70 66.64% Pr pm Materials 195.31 365.96 382.00 98.04 93.80% Prc29Tm Presenters 60.00 60.00 0.00% Program Subtotal: 481.84 I 3,405.42 6,311.00 2,905.58 ' 53.96% Taal Expenditurfti 13-759.171 ;13,850.00 19„290.83 41 RatarY Money spent to date: $139.76 1 1 f