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Commission Events
Harvest Festival
Annual Meeting
Senior Luncheon
Private Not for Profit 501-C-3
Co-op Ext.
Teen Program
IYB Outings
Family Trips
Youth Employment
ECC Receives funds from:
Town of Enfield
Tompkins County
United Way
Fund Raising
Newsletter Summer Camp Sponsored
Published 6 week Camp Basketball
April, August CIT Program Volleyball
December Before and after care Dessi Jacobs
Senior Luncheon
Collaborates with:
Enfield Elementary School —youth basketball
21St Century Project — after school and summer activities
Grange — use of building
Seniors — contributed quilt for Harvest Festival raffle
Town Board — Funds and Community Building
Fire Department —Chicken Barbecue and Pond Use
United Way — Scholarships and Program funds
Tompkins County Youth Bureau
Enfield Community Council
2000 Officers & Staff
President Dave Albrecht
Vice President Rob Ainslie
Secretary VeraHowe Strait
Treasurer Carol Givin
School Rep Mary Cole
Harvest Festival Coordinator Ann 'Rider
Co -Chair Harvest Festival Rose Pelleigrino
Summer Camp Director Tonia Cate
Program Manager,
Teen Programing Shannon McSurely
Newsletter Editor Kim Albrecht
Enfield Community Council
Annual Task Calendar
Election of offices
Reports from all programs
Feedback from Community and Funders
United Way, Town Board, School, Firedept.
Distribute Annual Report
February Summer Camp Planning
Meet with Director or begin hiring process
Develop Time Line for summer camp
Begin work on United Way proposal
Contract with Town
March United Way Application
Continue Summer Camp and Teen Summer Programs
April Oral presentation of United Way proposal
Spring Newsletter Mailing
June Community Building Clean Up (Pre for summer camp)
Receive notification of UW allocation, adjust budgets as nee.
July Begin Planning for Harvest Festival
Begin Planning for Fall Teen programs
Develop Next Years Budget (Usually due Aug I to Town
August Town Budget Due check with Town Supervisor for date.
Luncheon for Seniors,
Summer Camp Dish to Pass
Fall Newsletter
September Continue Work for Harvest Festival
Town Budget process
October Harvest Festival
November Begin Year End
Should receive notification of Town Allocation
Final claim into County
December Confirm and Pass budget
Begin Annual Report
Nomination Officers
Review past years accomplishments
Set next years goals
Programs provided in 2000:
Newsletter The Council publishes three issues of the Enfield Community
Currents each year, in April, August and December. This newsletter
provides the Enfield Community with Town news, community updates and
activity schedules. The spring issue includes Enfield camp registration
forms. During 2000 the mailing list was updated and as a result the
newsletter now reaches 1177 homes and businesses in the Town of Enfield.
Kim Albrecht is the editor for the Enfield Currents.
Summer Camp — Summer Camp is a six week program held at the
Community Center and operates from 9:00 to 2:00. Before and after camp
care is available for working parents. Programs include nature, swimming,
sports, arts and crafts, and drama. There are also a variety of field trips
and special days offered. In 2000 the Enfield Day Camp collaborated with
the Computer /Garden camp held at the Enfield Elementary School. We
were excited to receive a grant from the Family Reading Partnership which
made it possible to provide children with their own books and expanded
the camp library. This program utilizes United Way funds to provide
scholarships and enrichment activities. Tonia Clate returned for her third
year as the Camp Director.
CIT Program This Counselor in Training program provides an opportunity
for younger teens to receive specific training and work with adult
counselors during the summer. A combination of workshops and hands-on
experience provides an excellent background for young people hoping to
become counselors. In 2000 the CIT Counselors were placed at the
Community Center and at the Elementary School. Each young person
completing the CIT program received a stipend.
Teen Program ECC continued to work with Cornell Cooperative Extension to
design and provide teen programs and family enrichment trips. This year
teens participated in a variety of activities including, but not limited to,
crafts, cooking, environmental projects, job skills and outings.
Communitv Trips included visits to; MOST Museum; Corning Glass
Museum, Macedon Corn Maze and the Hanger Theater. With an increased
allocation from United Way the Program Manager position expanded to 35
hours. With the additional hours and Shannon McSurely,as the Program
Manger, these programs thrived.
Harvest Festival - The Harvest Festival is an annual fundraising event. This
year the event expanded to three tents: which held a food concession,
children's games and musical entertainment. Festival activities included a
Chicken Barbecue, Quilt Raffle, Silent Auction, Ping Pong Ball drop, and
local vendors. All proceeds go to youth programming. Chair person was
Ann Rider, Co-chair was Rose Pellegrino.
After school Program — This program is now an independent program
operated at the Enfield Elementary School by the YMCA of Tompkins
County. The after school program receives scholarship funds from United
Way. The site coordinator for this program is Vera Howe -Strait
Recreation Partnershiu - The Town of Enfield is a member of the
Recreation Partnership. This is a partnership between the outlying
municipalities and City of Ithaca. Enfield pays a fee for this membership,
which enables youth living in the town to participate in the recreation
programs offered at the Ithaca Youth Bureau.
Collaborations and Snonsorshins
During 2000 the ECC collaborated with the Elementary School, 21s'
Century program, and local groups to maintain and expand opportunities
for youth and families in Enfield.
Non -Discrimination Policy
The Enfield Community Council has committed itself to the community with
inclusiveness and equal opportunity for all community members interested
in the council and the activities it sponsors. In support of the Enfield
Community Council values and commitment, we include all persons of the
community without regard to race, creed, color, gender, nation origin, age
sexual orientation, martial status or ability.
Summary of 2000 Programs
Enfield Community Council
Programs are offered in a variety of ways; including one time meetings to a series
which may cover several weeks. Youth may participate in more than one program.
Program Totals Male Female
Summer Camp
104 50 54
Teen Program
561 284 277
Counselor in Training
13 5 8
Recycle Ithaca's Bicycles
Field Trips
Fly fishing
Monday Makers
Nature Studies, Ecology
Community trips
174 88 86
Corning Glass Museum
Corn Maze
Hanger Theater
Museum of Science and Techno
A total of 186 persons participated one or more times in the activities listed above.
Newsletter 3 per year 1177
Basket Ball 15
Volley Ball 30
Window Stars.
Saturday Skating
MOST Community Trip
Museum of Science and Technology
Group Swim at IHS
Nature walk and nature
craft idea brain storming
Farm Sanctuary -
Watkins Glen
Enfield Youth Programs 2000
activities and needs addressed
-made geometrical stars from patterns and
created their own
- learned marketable papercraft skills
-pride and confidence building
=ice skating at Cass Park
-community building/social skills
-confidence building
-community trip to Syracuse
-science enrichment Amax experience
-strengthening community
-swimming/pool games
-learning swimming skills
-social recreation skills/high school exposure
-collected interesting seeds, pods, cones and
other natural material
-identified plants-
-nature awareness/responsibility
sparking creativity
-Saturday van trip to tour local facility for
abused & abandoned farm animals
-Animal education
-broadening perspectives/interpretations
-group dynamics/social skills
Ages MIF Total
11-15 2/3 5
9-13 8/4 12
all ages
11-14 5/3 8
activities & needs addressed
-crafted animals and scenes using natural
Creating Nature
materials previously collected
-craft skill building
Creatures & Grafts
-interpreting art, nurturing creativity
instills self confidence and pride
PRI trip
-learned fossils and geology, natural history..
Natural History Lecture
-viewed recently dug mastodon bones
-educational enrichment
-listening and social skills
Friday night
Projected the movie Groundhog's Day @the
Enfield Youth Cinema
community building w/popcorn and cocoa
-providing alternate local activities
-promoting community
-building social skills
Pop up Card Craft
-craft Skill building
-interpreting art, nurturing creativity
instills self confidence and pride
Made juice from different fruits and vegetables
Juice Making
-courage-trying new things -talked about
nutrition and vitamins found in fresh produce
learned the nesting habits of different species
Nest Box Building
predator'discussion, built bird houses
-learned about bird populations/ monitoring
-self confidence in construction skills -pride
Sledding @Rice Hill
/Taughannock Falls
Nature at Night
Cooking with Tahini
Craft outlet/market
Bridge Across Cultures
Day/Stewart Park
Middle school orientation
AAF 7nr'•v
-sledding, lunch, fun -spending the day in a
11-14 3/4 7
beautiful, local natural area
-social, listening skills
-couch alternative during break
-fun and exercise
--trip to 4-H acres to learn about nocturnal
11-17 5/7 12
animals and stars, fire building
-astronomy education
-realizing the importance responsibility
respect to environment
-silence appreciation
-baked cookies substituting tahini for butter
-nutritioneducation, learned about calcium,
11-13 2/4 6
and cholesterol -tried a new food -cooperation
-meeting to. discuss how crafters/service
providers market their wares/talents. What
11-13 3/4 7
would be good for a kid's craft co-op. How to
keep track of hours, etc.
- fostering creative/alternate ideas for
(supplementing) rural income
-a collaborative effort to unite Enfield /BJME
5th grade was bussed to Dewitt MS. for ice
10-14 7/10 17
breakers, multi -cultural presenters , dancers
physical orientation by 6 -8th graders
-easing a huge transition to 6' grade
Introduction to Fly Fishing
La Cocina Latina
Bird House Posting
Plant Propagation
Friday Night Movie
Earth Day "kick-off'
at Ithaca College
4 n. v-
-learned to tie flies, explored the craft offly 11-14
tying, learned practiced casting slideshow.
-skill building, confidence and pride in
abilities, craft/career, ecological awareness
-made corn tortillas, salata, and refried beans 11-14
with a local caterer. Talked about catering.
skill building, confidence and pride in abilities,
career exposure, cultural awareness, nutrition
- measured distances, determined proper 11-14
direction, droveposts, screwed nest boxes that
we made to the posts for monitoring
skill building, nature awareness, pride in work
-talked about different propagation methods 11-14
.took herb cuttings and planted basil seeds.
Discussed different plant careers.
-skill building, confidence and pride in
abilities, career exposure, botany:
-watched Yellow Submarine at the Community 11-14
Building with popcorn and cocoa
-social skills, community activity, Fri. night
option close to home, fun.
-saw environmental performances -theatrical 11-14
and musical -looked at exhibits -checked out
Ithaca College played games
cultural exposure, environmental awareness
Collaborative Syracuse Zoo Trip -went to the zoo with Danby kids 11-14
(w/ Danby Youth Program) -social skills, group dynamics, cooperation,
animal education, fan
Earth Day at Stewart Park
Fun with Food
Tompkin's Prime Time Youth
Leadership Conference
Wild Edible Plant hike/
nest monitoring
Community Trip to
Corning' Glass Museum
-watched and participated in performances
and. crafts, checked out eco -exhibits
-cultural awareness, social skills, creativity
-3 part workshop focussing on breads,
nutrition, germ -free environment -made yeast
bread products, chipatis, sourdough
-skill building, confidence, nutrition;
cooperation, followingdirections
Drug and alcohol awareness ,peer pressure,
team building activities
-Self esteem, community awareness,
access to resources, information services,
social /community skills
Identified common wild edible plants, checked
nest boxes for residents. 11-14
Environmental awareness, survival skills,
nutrition. Utilizing learned skills.
Families participated in hands on activities,
displays. Got to watch glass blowing demo. all ages
Enrichment opportunity. Strengthening
/bonding community.
4/2 6
5/2 7
Mechanical Maintenance
Assisted in hands on oil change, lubrication of
a car. Discussed regular car maintenance and
career possibilities. - 11-14 3 /4 7
Skill building, career exploration, cooperation.
Ithaca Youth Rocks the Arts
Watched many local youth performing groups,
including musicians, dancers, and actors at the
11-14 3 /4 7
Ithaca Commons.
Youth Empowerment. Horizon expansion.
Croup cooperation. Cultural exposure.
Recycle Ithaca's Bicycles
Shop Orientation
Got a tour of the bike shopl and learned how
RIB's is run by a volunteers accruing hours
11-14 4/2 6
towards earning a bike. Saw open shop in
Exposure to non -monetary
accounting/exchange, and a self sustaining
operation. Group dynamics, listening skills,
Wood Crafting and
American Chestnut Ecology
Made coat racks, bat houses, using old
fashioned hand tools and visually evaluated the
11-14 6/5 11
forest around a sprouting Am. chestnut stump.
Skill building, competence/confidence,
creativity, environmental awareness
Earn -a -Bike I Class
Attended 6 -2 hr. after school classes to learn
11-14 10/2 12
bike repair maintenance, safety.
Skill building, instills competence/confidence
in mechanical ability, career exploration,
practical skills for a bike owner, volunteering.
Primitive Pursuits Overnight Learned shelter building, foraged and did 11-14
primitive cooking using wild edibles- made
friction fires, atlads,baskets, fish poles, coal
bowls and spoons. Multiple towns attended.
Practical ,sustainable life skills ,innovative
creativity, environmental awareness,
cooperation, group dynamics..
Outings Program Outdoor Education(hiking, canoeing, snow 11-15
shoeing, sledding, skating, climbing) after
school, once a week and 2 overnight camping
trips during the school year.
Group dynamics, life skills, athletic skills,
pride, confidence, teamwork, exercise.
Counselor -In Training Program
Pine Hill Paintball Course
Through an interview process, CTT were hired
to assist Sr. Counselors at our community 13-15
summer camp with groups of 10, younger
campers. CIT also-
articipated in trainings to
help prepare them for working with kids. and
community service projects.
Career training, interview experience, job
experience, learning responsibility,
accountability, listening skills.
CIT played games at safety oriented paintball 13-15
course .Listening skills, safety education,
group dynamics, team building, cooperation.
CIT participated in team challenge games and 13-15
activities. Listening skills, safety education,
group dynamics, team building, cooperation.
N�/ r:
8/2 10
5/7 12
Monday Makers
- wood crafting w/ hand tools
Monday Maker/Bakers
(Fall 2000)
Enfield Eco-Foresty Workshops
Community Trip to Macedon
Corn Maze -(World's Largest
Living Sundial)
Community Trip to Hangar
3 time after school program -using hand tools,
students crafted tool boxes, woodpecker 11-15
houses, and 4 legged stools.
Construction skill building, confidence
in crafting. Familiarity with tools- competence.
Pride in useful ,marketable product.
Weekly after school program at the Community
Bldg. Where kids learn how to make or bake
simple, inexpensive crafts/baked goods with 11-15
market potential
Group dynamics, creative confidence,
competence, considering rural income options
Newly formed club met '`Saturdays throughout
the fall -learning sustainable forestry practices
(participated in draft horse logging, soils, tree 11-18
1. D., forest evaluation, protecting and
replanting, icehouse construction) co -
managing several forest sites.
Group dynamics. Learned planning(diorama)
soil science, forestry, writing, engineering,
construction, conservation by design, ethics,
'environmental law, environmental stewardship,
worth of wood, community service and more
Community members tried to find their way out
a local famous 4 -acre corn maze., all ages
Community bonding, team challenge,
experiencing a successful rural business all ages
Watched `A Spear in the Sun' production.
Cultural opportunity, community bonding.
13/20 33
Wednesday Weavers
Earth Arts
Community Harvest.Festival
(prep and actual Festival)
Hunter's Safety Course
Durand's Forge
A group of 5th grade students after school` �'
learned to make dream catchers and basics of 10-11
Listening skills, creativity, skill building
confidence, pride.
Two part class -saw slides of clay products and
artists, handled ancient pottery pieces .
harvested & cleaned local clay, made pots. 11_17
Learned about the history of pottery, art
appreciation, creative skills, marketable craft.
Students helped clean up, set up, cooked, ,ran
craft and food stands for the annual community 11-17
fund raiser that funds our youth program.
Community service, mentoring to younger
kids, volunteering, cooperation, following
directions, working for a cause.
Students attended 4 part huntier's safety
Hunyter's Safety 11-16
Students learned the art of metal working
Actually crafted a nail and hook 11-18
Creativity, pride in work, learned a dying trade.
Total Duplicated count
Total Unduplicated count _
M F, To 1
4/6 10
10/13 23
10/7 17
3/1 4