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1999 1a ecc
1999 Enfield To ulE•e;IN ,�� � t 'AN Youth Program Contractual ' $ 3,000NX $ ,� Joint Youth Project $ 28,917 $ 2;1, i' t TOTAL$ 31,917 $ 31,917 ..- z Revenue Actuat Rev. Coun You#h Funds-' $ 3,000 $ 2,50(} State Aid/Youth Program J $ 2,150 $ 2,378 TOTAL $ 5,150 $ 4,878 Actual Town Tax _ $ 26,767 $ 27,039 ($272 net difference) 2000 Request: Appropriation 32, Estimated Revenue $ 4,8 tate, $2500 County); Actual Town Tax $ 27, 1 over 99 tax 80© rkr 6'S' , VSs m ss mar zJr d � .ufi,%�a x ' e County Approved $500 more for Enfield Appropriation $325945 , Revenue $ 5, 378 - �a Tax,;. $27 567 .,,RI s 1999 Enfield Town Budget Figures: W;N; i Appropriation Actual 99 Youth Program Contractual $ 3,000 $ 3,000 Joint Youth Project $ 28,917 $ 2_8,917 TOTAL - $ 31,917 $ 31,917 Revenue Actual Rev. �`, County YouthFunds $ 3,000 $ 2,500_"y� /Youth Program 2 150 $ 2 378, State Aid 0 _ $ TOTAL $ 59150, $ 4,878 Actual Town Tax $ 26,767 $ 27,039 ($272 net difference) 2000 Request; Appropriation J$ 32,445 Estimated Revenue $, 4;878 1($2378 State, $2500 County) Actual Town Tax $ 27,567 R% over 99 tax) 800 f 3 Em El .. ' L s ..-:. -17 kj if fa : y 3`d -1, L '`L_ ._--+...thy _.; ;.. : {_-� - sem•• . P - - - -_ i.. i E PENS" 5.. ...... ,}.14.14 2 - 5_ - ?'i _ `-:. :ei F(i:'^i.:-df? >:d ''.�_ 'z C'�. _ _ a tet, _ -- r EXPE v -^:!— . { {•'t.: i ,., 5—' -• •:+.i j{:' T"�i'�7 T: C fi •F , — #�i=:- � 7_?t•i F. #:3 ;: F ! sv..t� ...., { -Sy; .,,y f,. • - L syY_ i T -. .:. , ENFIELD FOR Fi , - --11 �9�1;"ROQ x QWLY REPORT - - .._- TAY, - - r'v: v ' t.}'! W :Hra••_•+tz•:v '• BELUZZI CHRISTOPHER .e••y <yrmi 0 P60100 1-3ARBARA 'NIC-OLE f ' : c.i l:�. ?...- '-_t .F. :-,•Fis=L :L•\!_.- a i•?,: i^}`fiF �'.�_. _ '_�:: _ .. .. { _ - FERRY. jOYCE B9. 00 x:� 587;4W 70 :I •f 0 S29;151 .. . ,.. - KRuPA. GINGER 6010' 0 330.00 KATHLEEN 119.62 7. IN -01" 0 563.50 697.91 498.40 127. 50 EMILY ROSE . :19 e 546.0W F MONTH '- 2;234.S7 Z _ -^JF . .. _ .. 6 •; .s w < - -- A TA .. - e