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1998 (3) ecc
,l. � .,��� � ��;�, �; aa ����� '�r�`«�ysY��i3ak �4�'",�"iki+'�A �JS' ''� ��q ` "� R`� 3 �`�'^i��='� � h �� �. .. ...,. ,... �`nx Presidents Report for w_ Time 1.0;54 All ATATEMENT .. AS OF jUN i 199E : # NAME { f *TEEN EXPENSEB-z 5411 TEEN -WAGES 00 5411 TEEN - FICA 26&S 4411 r - 2a 7 4414 TEEN -SUPPLIES & EXP %00 TOTAL T`EEN EXPENSES :11:91 *CHILDCARE EXPE ,95 , 5511 CAULDCAFRE-FUTABRITA WAS 221,62 .., 7514 CHILDCARE—SUPFLY : 1-11 MUNICIPAL FROG WAGES 30 ! MUNICIPAL PROG-SERVICES TEEN -COMPUTER I EQUIP TnTAL MUNICIPAL EXPENSE *GENERAL EXPENSEy PROG DI 00 :', FOOGIAM -FUTA/SUTA Own BnOKKEEPING FP A ; - _ :15.71 :.., - EXPENSESER 4415 FUND ROISINS EXPENSES ADVERTISING c, MISICELL.ArIEDUS EXPENSES' 41 0'-C, ' -.." l..i:±:1... ]�-. ...1°.r :... i._. ii_...�L_. ter_.. .._._.. - ..• - - -CITY 13 e TOTAL GENERAL. E 1. -' •S -.iY.'i -3 :-:'-ii.-.— 5 - TOTALEXPENSES - � - AET GAIN/LOSS"„ Enfield Community Council: 1995 1 I Exeeittive Committee M1`fcatftersltf�. Community Prngrattr . T rttttnre Colt mu kation .......................... �. •, .... Schaal relations transportation Personnel Community center development arg. Structllre hlaiuntiu: ttrentber6bily ♦ Obtain better use of Lieulentary school ♦ consider'Adult Programming ♦ Creme better support system - � seek menibers fromdifferentgroups - - ♦ Have input on building renovations : - EIt D for staff llonrescbooled-Parents -. - - ♦ Better storage (closet) -tor atterscbool pros Boces/l Ci Classes ♦ Organize staff training :. Elementary school. - - -- ♦-Make teen area better place - - _ Adult Education Classes. - _ ♦ Evaluate: Grange? remove dttmpsters - Programs of Interest to Seniors Job Descriptions PTA ♦Explore possibilities`at`playgroundfor CC Increase feenProgramming Salary Structure. Report to Town Board - _ -- - - ♦ Work with Town Board to clarify. roles -of: - Tutoring Programs ♦ Develop Program based budgets ♦ Assure News letter is sent -' -- - - How building is cleaned - _. --- .' Homework Club - - ♦ Review Organization ECC . .. . explore T number issues. ,. - -- -- WIfo, is responsible and how to report - ♦ Bia Draw Community Events - . _•- - what are: officers jobs : > ♦ Get work blit about programs Who pays for what Summer Concert Series how to support staff determine.best ways Dances how to maintain. ♦ Develop plan to get cooperation of ♦ Where to have summer camp _ ♦ What programs do homeschoolers want a committee structure `school administration , school renovation summer, 1995, , •Explore Available Trans options Work with Financeon communication to, . , ► Harvest Festival funders ♦ Interns Committee Chairs: F I-essielMezniheKshi ; . ',' Karen/COimnnnrt. ' y , , . ; ` Freddi/Pro `rare 1Iarniefiiarice Aie>a/Ferso nnel Enfield Community Council: 1996 Budget Program Total United Way Town DFY County Fees Donation Fund Raising Total Afterschool $30,000 $3,277 _$_2.6_,723 $30,000 Enrichment $6,900 $5,016 $1,510 _ $74 $0 $300 $6,900 Preschool $0 $ Summer Rec. $25,000 $2,065' $1.1,235 $2,1.76 $2,088 $5,100 $200 $2,136 $25,000 Teen Program $8,651 $1,500 $3,718_ $3,433 $8 651 Municipal Bldg. $5,105 - $r2 5�3 - -- $2.552 $5,1.05 Rec. PartrYership $2,600 $2,500 u� $2,500 Newsletter $3,000 $246 $2,754 $3,000 Administration: FundRaisingRaising $1,200, $1,200 $1,200 Bookkeeper $1,800 $1,800 $1,800 ECC 1996 Revenues Fundraising (4.25%) Donations (0.58%) Fees 36.94%j United Way (14.05%) ----Tow (32.2of ,0 (:4©D F� 2 �3 /� Enfield Communitycouncil Budget Programs-- 1995 B d et u g 19 95 YTD 1996 Budget % Change November 95 to 96 Afterschool : $ 29,197 $ 19,927 $ 30,000 3% Enrichment ; $ 7,500 $ 5,84_5 $ 6,900 -8%1 - Preschool $ 3,276 $ 2,793 $ - -100%1 Summer Rec. . $. 19,237 ( $ 22,953 1 $ 25,000 30%°1 Teen Program - $ 8,561 j $ 8,588 $ 8,651 1% Municipal Bldg. $ 5,720 t $ 4,771 ` $ 5,105 � -11%1 Req.- Partnership - $ 2 500 ; $ 2,500 $ 2,500 0%1 Other -Programs, $ 7MA_$__ - $ - -100%1 Newsletter c $ 2,800 i $ 1,485 $ 3,0001 7%1 Bookkeeper $- 1,800 $ 1,500 $ 1,800 0%1 Admin`Costs $- : 1,000 $ 2,078 $ 2,000 100%1 Fundraising.. _ $. , -1200,11 1,365 $ 1,200 0%1 TOTAL .. $ 83,541 1 $ 73,805: $- 86-156 3%1 .: Page nfiefd -Comm . lenity Council Pro gram Budget Program: #-Youth to be "served: 1,19 6Budget Y.T.D. 1996 Budget Personnel (,Director �pro g Specialists �GIVITA$1Norkers , Fringe fivrAtz P RSON'K8L :. I Program i i Supplies k, Snacks k [ { Transportation € [ Other Other ; # IOthar TOTAL.PROGkAM < i Contract No. Town Enfield 99 AGREEMENT AGREEMENT, made as of the first day of January, 1999, by and between= the COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, a municipal corporation of the State of New York with main offices in the Tompkins County Courthouse at 125 E. Court -Street, Ithaca, New York, hereinafter referred to as "the County" and TOWN OF ENFIELD, a municipal corporation of the State of New York with offices at 168 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca; New York, hereinafter referred to as "the Town". WITNESSETH: E DATED: 1a51�� ploty 4Tomki APPENDIX A: COUNTY OF TOMPE INS HOLD HARMLESS & INDEMNIFICATION NO CONSTRUCTION (1991 EDITION) The Agency hereinafter referred to as Contractor, shall indemnify, hold harmless- and defend Tompkins County and its officers, -#employees, agents and elected officials from -and- against any and all claims and actions brought against Tompkins County and its officers, employees, agents and elected officials for injury or death to any person or persons or damage to property arising out of the performance of this . contract by the Contractor, its employees, subcontractors or agents with the exception of all actions and claims arising out of the negligence of Tompkins County. The Contractor shall maintain the following minimum Iimits of insurance or. as required by law, whichever is greater. A. Workers' Compensation and New York Disability - StatutoryCoverage Employer's Liability - Unlimited- B. nlimitedB. Commercial General Liability including, contractual, independent contractors, products/completed operations - Occurrence Form required. Each Occurrence $1,000,000 General Aggregate $2,000,000 Products/Completed Operations Aggregate $2,000,000 Personal and Advertising Injury $100.,000 Fire Damage Legal $ 50,000 Medical Expense $ 5,000 General Aggregate shall apply separately to the project prescribed in the contract. Tompkins County and its officers, employees agents and elected officials are_ to "be'iiiclud"ed as Additional Insured. C. Business Auto Coverage Liability for Owned, $11000,000 CSL or Hired and Non-Owned Autos $ 500,000 Per-Person BI $1,000;000 Per Accident BI $, 2505000 PI) Split Limits,, Tompkins County and its officers, employees, agents and elected officials "are ,fo be included 'as. additional insureds. All insurance shall be written with insurance. carriers licensed by -the, State -of New -'York Insurance Department and have a $est's rating' of A XI or better: Proof of insurance .shall be provided on the Tompkins County Certificate of Insurance "" (copy -'attached), including :tile : Contract Number. The accord Certificate of 'Insurance or insurance company certificate :may be used for proof-of Workers' Compensation and Disability. All Certificates :shall contain a, sixty (60) day notice of cancellation, non-renewal or material change .to Tompkins County'-, All Certificates must be signed by a licensed agent or. authorized representative -of the insurance.. company. Broker signature _is_not acceptable. Certificates of Insurance shall ' be submitted at the time of the bid/proposal agreement.. 3 ENFIELD COhIMUNITY COUNCIL CONTRACT, 1998 Made as of this !Z caay of Dry., , by and between -the Town of Enfield, a municipal corporation -under the laws of the State of New York p rp (hereinafter called the- "Town") he "Town") and the Enfield Community Council, a not-for-profit corporation under the laws , of the State of New York (hereinafter called the "ECC",) WHEREAS, the Town desires to have certain community recreational se'rvi , s,' `,:'_' provided to the residents -of the Town and WHEREAS, the 1CC desires to provide such services to the Town and its ==" residents, Rkilt io_ `.',<. NO therefore, it is"agreed'that the Town contracts with the ECC to provt6. such Services n e. y o tlz following terms and conditions: -. ,. •. .. •. '. .... `=:aim' N,' l . The HCC agreo to provide to the residents of the Tgvm, of Exifielcl. u Ii;""o t i 3 h and community reereatiotial classes, activities, programs and other services r consultation•with the:Town determines are desirable and needed(hereinaftel contract services') 2. The ECC agrees=to provide td the Town, as justificationor.the:t�iid for funding said contract:s�rviees a:pr0 used ro am of contraet services`ff Jk ',k r -,'i, 3 �._.•_<; 1. ,.:: contract period, a breakdown of eXpected costs, information on.,persoris.to beeoif-- g-,`-'--`60 �3 y and such other informatioA Oso th,6 Town may -reasonably request x� ` - agr s to pay e ECC two thous d dollars and np'1/1 3. The Town ee the air 0'.''z„`,{-` <=;Lu' ($2,000.00) "dollars a „le:b -xhe fifteenth o eve` month ex e t thein ii °sx p 3'ab Y. f c o i s and rY p j".'".li;b Y. l $ is ki 4 9 1998, fora total of twee, - =two thousand dollars and no 1/100ths $z °O0000),dtYu y - ri . .. l - Thirteen thousand, ei t &1ndr d , 3 gli - eand-seventy seven and no 1/IOOths ( �i��ar�,. shall ;r be - aid. b the I5th ofAtx 1.9 for t 98 o a total of five t%oiasand ei : #:hittfc P. Y t�S' , s .. and seventy seven and:no:1/10Uths (35,8 X7.00) dollars for actual expndituros byE < _m,.,., e e in' 1u overhe d ex e'' for said: contract s rvic ^ , o, ding < a p payro xpe , aiiAiWal, uses 11;e iiss�.. ,. associated wiili #keraisiort;oftie Contract services ,Nothin shall bo eoiei to. ��, #4 . Y. prohibit"the ECS "from aceep#ingdonations, grants,ri�atc g fiands, oriridzieyfom�i� sources to defray:the costs: of providing services: w -, In order:to re' _4 payments as heretofore described the ECC- I p it��lde t© .>a : -completed. fthelawnSu euisor:a: roperl and si ed vouched a _� y�o� g� t prior, #o the �chediilod moeting of the Town Boards 3 . y H 3' t `, .X'"laFg.y.'::r'.<.', —4 � "9ti4.� - '"?,fib •, i; u.. ,air sr 4. ort ori` a The ECC„agrees to provide to the Town a writtene p qued V iasis the activities it is and has been engaged in, the numbers of participants, the costs of activities, and any other inforination"wl reports shall be provided -to the Town_ nft}ia niiartar he Town may reasonably request. Said by the 15th of the month following the close . premium ror the huu, as pi contractor status -of the EU ECC independent of the ins verages specifically listed herein. 2: Approval Minutes a. 3. Fres_ Report a 4. United Way Meeting 5. County Youth Bureau Report Summer Camp Newsletter 5 Harvest Festival, r, i{J1dBusiness ; �f t ri ew Business, L 1. Executive Sessto�{, 5, 12. Adjourn 1 itx 7:00-7:05 PM ri 7:05-7:15 PM 7:15-7:25 PM X7:25-7:35 PM -7:45 1998 Enfield Enrichment Program Budget "Winter Family Fun Day" PIP Printing: $ 49.86 Cass Park: $ ,30 Enrichment Program Fliers 54.00 Fliers (reprint) i P ) $ 54.00 necessitated b chane in a school-schedule ( y g ) - Creative Arts: $251.34 supplies ($41.34) 6 hr.(2-planning) 0$35 Drama: $160 4 hr. @ $40*not presenting on 4/24* - Puppets: $135 *teaching 4/24 for drama and creative arts Kung Fu: $240 6 hr. @ $40 Magic: $265 6-hr. @ $40 plus $25 for materials New Games: $120 3 hr. @ $40 *2nd session cancelled* Make movie: $240 6 hr. @ $40 Snacks: $58.34-- 58.34Science Science Center: $126.50- 46 children @ $2.75 with 9 free-adults Fliers: _$21.6 0 Fall Creek: $505 - 89 children+ 11 adults @ $5 (small popcorn & soda) Fliers: $ 21.60 Buses: $225 3 buses @ $75 per bus (science center, fall .creek) Total: $2551.24 - F N fi _ MASTER LIST A TRIP TO THE SCIENCE CENTER - WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 1998 NAME_ S -absent NAMES absent VOLUNTEERS absent: . Amber Achilles X Nate Rogers (meet at SC) _ Lori Achilles X Victor Albrecht X GarySiegard Dacey Tunison' X Rian Allen X - Tracy Siegard Kimberly NNx = - April Bradford _ Christopher Smith Yuonne Preschma .: Amanda Betts (Amber-Stilwell Rick Rogers (meet at SC) Ashley Betts(Marty Sullivan, (meet at SC) Body Otis (meet at SG) X Courtney Burke X (Adnana Tagliavento X Tammy Smith Katherine Burke X I Tim Tagliavento Joe-Sullivan (meet of SC) Samantha Bush XAndrewTroy ` Denise Huff _ Zachary Bush X JAJ Venable AliceLinton iv9airi Ca; done I - e�tt+er Venab>° Suzanne Buruham Elena Casey John Venable Deryck Downey Derek Voorheis Steven Downey Casee Westbrook Total Children: 66 Jennifer Ecker Chris Molivatis Tota[Absent: 20 Matt Ecker - _- Kalegh Drew 46 Whitney Elrod _ Nick Masser Total-boys: 36 DJ Fergus Ann Owens Total girls: 30 Clare Finn Ricky Predmore Cassidy Fisk Beth Owens Brogan Goodrich X_ Clinton Pitcher (James Hall Barb Fenton Patrick Head Christina Howell jKailey Hull X Lauren Hull X Dustin Jankowski X Michael Jankowski X Josh Drew _ Kevin Drew Adam Kulp Jessica Laue X Sarah Laue X Amy Linton Taneal Lott X ITret Lucas X _ INathen Mansfield (meet at SC) Joshua Mekeel Ryan Morse = ITammie Olsefski X jAlexamder Preschma - David Radoja X Peter Radoja - X - Patrick Reynolds = Dear Ken, First we would like to take this opportunity to once again invite you to be an active member of the Community Council. This will allow you to voice your opinions during meetings where they can be considered when decision are being made_ It would also give you the chance to understand the complex issues we take into consideration for every decision we make. Our meetings are held regularly on the second Monday -of each month, 7:00 PM, at the community center. The Community Council takes great pride in the work we do and the services we provide to Enfield youth and families. Many volunteers work long hard hours in . addition to our dedicated paid employees to provide these services. We would- appreciate ouldappreciate your help or any other Enfield resident you can recruit to help us with our efforts. Thank you for your request we hope you find "this information helpful. Sincerely