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1997 (2) ecc
..... ......... CO LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY GENERAL LIABILITY. A' X OCCURRENCE ISO FOl .OV_ MPL 0 5 0 0 CG 00 01 11 88 P.gk;r K 0 ��� E f � Y �F F THER s 5s s•t.. The follpond,fotr?rI- e j� P,5 n�tfpflhe ab WhlU, ©CG�s10�,1,1 85 ©1���i I i $ CG 2 0411 $5 1 ✓ `3 - 1 87 �' '' The County ofTompki11oCOPhti rts" � � ��� ntsiand e(ea' a CG 20 09 �'I' $ A AUTOMOBIL:IA8I I1Y'. A EkANYAUTO ra - N -"' EACH OCCURRENCE 47 ck OWNED Ai]TOINVA '+ :..v aot HIRED AUTOS, ?•�..)," ¢� ti' -e .bi A%2: t X �� NON-OWNED Sit i l/ 1�,, ^ F $ 5 a+ EXCESS LIA$ILMl"", •.,<a $ .' d UMBRELLA POI21N . " ✓ _u", _ ' ' A. 9 .-.,:."' • .•.%l' d:, O'THERTHAN.UMBREELA :r', t/s CG 2138 11 85 A ..,; ;. CG 22 42 1185 CG 27 02 11 88; WORKERS" A COMPENSAf�GN'AID`:'u4 1,��$, F11IIACG %I Insureds under the following farms EMPLOYERSIIA711��'fiy_ B NS bISABILITY530 7/1/,9,6'', PROFESIONAL'I$1_rA 001 1/1/97 ORERRORS/OMIS•�idNS OWN ERS- CONTRACTORS ` I A MOC 050-0`01 1/1 /SIT PROTECTIVE LIABILITY 1 OTHER Insurance Camers Provl7ing labipifycoverayes adarow/edge that the above referenced contract constitutes an"-lnsu2d"Cor and its officers; employees, agents and elected ofia�sai included as Additional Insureds under each respective policy_; , if changed without s xfy (60) days advance nvfice to CoungtAdminislrafion �TRUCTIONS ON BACK A M. BEE CIPROCAL IFE . LIMIT$ (IN $1,000) -"' EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1 000 ,9,$ GENERAL AGGREGATE ,`I,' , $ 2 000 PRODUCTS-COMPIOP AGG_•; $ 10 , PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ 1 000 FIRE DAMAGE (ANY is FIRE) $ 5 MED_ EXPENSE (ANY 1 PERS $ .' CG 21 00 1185 CG 2138 11 85 A CG 22 42 1185 CG 27 02 11 88; %I Insureds under the following farms occur Aaareaate 1 ,000 Enfield Community Council Programs -1997 Afterschogl Program: This program provides care for elementary schoolchildren from the end of school till 5:30 PM This is a fee charging program that is self supported. There are scholarships available through a grant received by the United Way. Except for some small private day care providers operated out of people's: ' homes this is the --only afterschool program in Enfield. Without this program many young children would have to go home without the supervision. of an-aduktpresent, A parent committee oversees this program ff youth served: 40 ; "Currents" �C 019inpuity Neiysledera This newsletter is published three; time a year and is mailed to all residents of Enfield. It is also .available at local stores agd t ie. town hall. Any individual or groups is welcome to submit an article for the newsl .. ter The purpose of the newsletter to inform residents of things that are happening in anti around Enfield; 'Typical- newsletter include a listing of all community, council -events; news from the tonin and -highway department, a local history article fom-the town historian, news about the fire department, senior news, and lots, lots more, p , Enrichment -Program:. -This program is designed to help children.increase knowledge, gain new skills, and develop new interests. While some programs;m4y" occur afterschool, this is not an,afterschoolday care program. It -operates about six weeks in the fail and six weeks in the spring, there are also some special trips that are associated with this program. Examples of programs include; nature and .science, drama, arts & crafts, animal science, ice skating trips, and in other exciting programs. # served: 20 This is :not throe year end ,,if ano "al statement Adjustments: need to `be, ma=bio: ,to `f" rialk= a statement 1097' Enhold. Y' 'BUdg AS Of December 31", :1997. . Programs 9i bull et YTM 1:213°4 Rem nrng ,Rbm fi-In ' Enrichment $ 6,000 $ 6,009. ' . 0'% $' O Summer'Rec $ 26,000 $ 27;.109: -4%,$ (1;109) Teen $ 9;449 $ 8 461 o 10% $ ** 988 Newsletter $ 3;006.. $.. 2,697 10% $ 303 The io 1 for the teen program.Outing's Pxogram `Contractual' $ . 4,OD0.. $ �$ , 4:,00 3 '. • . 0% $ - needs, �to ,be paid, aprox $1,000 Admin. $ 5000 ` 5,370 -7% $ (370) Total $ 53,449 $ 53;646 0% $ (197) Revenue: I . United Way $ ; 8,827_ $ 9,235 ..-5% $ . (408) Fees $ 3,6.+45- $ 4,535 -24% $ (890) Fundraising & Other Grants $ 8;00 $ 4;654 0 .. .29'/0 , $.... X1,054) Town.. 35877 $ 34,400' o 4. /0. $ . 1,477 MJP Funds $, 1,500 ..$, 1,500,. 0°/a Total $ 53,449) $ 54,3141 -29/6-$ (875,)' Contract No. TEnfieldCYS.97 Account No. 7026.4640 AGREEMENT AGREEMENT, made as of the first day of January,-- 1997, by and between the COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, a municipal corporation of the State of New York with main offices in the Tompkins County Courthouse at 125 E. Court Street, Ithaca; New- York, hereinafter referred to as "the County" and TOWN OF ENFIELD, a municipal _ corporation of the State of New York with offices at 168 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca, New York, hereinafter referred to as "the Town". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the parties hereto wish to enter into an agreement to participate in the Tompkins County Youth Services Program, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises, covenants, and agreements contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. The term of this agreement shall be from January 1 through December 31, 1997. 8. No youth shall be denied access to any county -supported program because of race, creed, color, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or ability to pay - 9. The Town certifies to the County that the programs and services to be provided and described herein- are accessible for the handicapped in accordance with- the provisions of Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 10. The Town agrees that it will comply with federal," state,- county and other applicable laws regarding work under municipal contracts; matters of employment; length of hours, Workers' Compensation and human rights which pertain -to this - agreement and the services to be provided. 11. If any claim, action, injury, death or damage to property or persons arise as a" result from performance of the locally approved youth program covered -by this. contract, the Town shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend Tompkins County and its " officers, employees, agents and elected officials, with, the exception of all actions and claims arising out of the negligence of Tompkins County. 12. The Town certifies that it will not enter into any ,sub -contracts with any third ,party " for the performance of any work or service to be performed by this municipality under- " this agreement without the express written consent of the County. IN v�3TiLESa �-il�::RM ,' L11C pa [des llefeto have exec t�� agreement,as Vf the;" day and year first above written. t DATED: ��v %�f G�'7i� P � Co . Tom Uns %Nc t gree that a parent Committee be established to zupervi ;e operjtioar --of the Enfield After School fr,_taram under the sprnsorshil-) of the Enfield Community Council. The parent corrim ttee will] he mla de rip of at least, three p2rents of chOdmn enrolled in the program and a liaison appointed try the Enfield Community Gouincil Execrative Commillee The parent con-Imittee will have responsibility for, overseeing day to day operations, of the program; helping to etitablish nes^r activities and Support the staff in their continuing ei$art to provide quality childcare; developing a budget; establishing fees; overseeing expenditures; the arocureanent of funding from other sources .as need d; staff supervision; deterrrlining salaries and benefits; hiring and tiring of staff; erniftyee performance ev4;ivations; staff training; maintenance of appropriate chiidlstaff ,atios; program"supervision (includlog plannin3 and impl ementation, of diverse and, enlight !ng act vities) ongoing programevalultion; rfl� rftairtari ail o g sing relationship with the Enfield Community COUncil, school principal, the Oarent liaison, thy:; Tompkins r;,t .g rp p Y Coy city Day Care Couw il- aria' 'the Day Care Co.rni `s Directors' Forum_ Ait.fees collected will :ire turned over to the Enfield Community Council T easore biweely. It will be solely up td the. prent comrrlittom haW funds will be dispursed. The Enfield Connunity Council will have responsibility for financial : bookkeeping and oversight; paying ernplryees; dispersing funds as deeded {not to exceed the arnount of funding collected -from fees, scholarship -5` anf ether sources of funding j; awardi;ng schotarships to needy families' appointing a liaison toElie-p�tent x cormnitlee and mairnlaining an ongoing relationship with the parent comn ittee. The parent corr,mitlee may request,additional funding, if necessary, at any regular monthly meeting. af, the Enfield Community Council_ $iEF two parties, will review this agreement semi-annually and amend it as deemed necessary; this agre,ernent is effective immediately upon signing by Moth parties. Signed By- Weld yEn iefd Community Council Enfield After School Program Executive CommitteeP t rnrrf`'tee Signature. Date "Signature alp Signature D to Signaure Date Jfc)zlatUre Dt�4 etlntur� ate - - _ ,. itlr�ature bate Sign.,ttre DatE, �, ,,; I