HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 ecc
Summer Day Camp- To provide summer activities in a structured "environment for 80=120
children. Examples of activities- arts & crafts, swimming, theater, nature and sports during" .
summer vacation. This program is our most successful and attendance during 1996 session was "
up over 33% from 1995.
Afterschool Enrichment- The Enrichment Program 'provides a variety of educational, cultural
and recreational experiencep to the youth at Enfield School. Programs have included theater,
dance, karate, science, sports, arts etc. We expect to serve 60 children in two sessions, Fall 1996
and Spring 1997. '
Enfield Teen Program - A comprehensive teen program has been developed to provide youth
(6th -12th grade) with a range of recreational educational, social and employment based in
We are also maintaining summer employment as we are requesting funds for the Youth "
Conservation Corps. (Cemetery work?)_ A teen drop-in center is opened on Saturday nights at "
the Enfield Community Building. There are other programs also under consideration as funding
becomes available. We also give -first consideration to Enfield youths for Summer Camp
Enfield Currents Newsletter- See Budget Highlights.
Enfield Co
►11tnnnity Council 1997 Budget Highlights:
1. All budgets do not include municipal building costs because the Community Council
would like to turn over the responsibility of upkeep of the building back to the Town.
It seems with the number of buildings owned by the Town that it is the logical choice
for quality low cost building cleaning and upkeep.
2. "Contractual" is the purchase of service for the Ithaca Youth Bureau. As per the
recent document mailed to all Town Supervisors the costs for allowing rural residents
to continue to participate in IYB recreation programs will increase over the next. three
years. Over 250 residents took part in a variety of IYB programs during .1996 we
anticipate these numbers to increase over the next three years.
3. To get the Conservation Corp program to be held in the Town" of Enfield during
1997 at least six youth will need to be hired. The YCC will not operate with fewer t e
then six youth. If the Town pays for three youth to be hired that can be matched with -
Municipal Summer Jobs funds. The YCC will be free to the Town w'th the exception
of materials costs, that will be -the responsibility of the Town. $3,000 f Town Dollars
would need to be budgeted to get YCC.
4. If the Town wants the Community Council to increase the number of newsletter they
mail out a funding increase will be necessary. Please review the Newsletter actual
budget to obtain costs for increasing newsletter copy and mailing costs_
5. The Community Council can not absorb °a 12% funding cut in one year. The-
heincrease in the minimum wage will have a major impact on our budgets, to survive a
cut of 12% would mean large cuts in the numbers of youth we can serve. For this cut
to come at a time when the ECC programs are growing would be unfair to Enfield
6. The Administrative budget for the Community Council is only 5 % of our actual
budget, this is much lower then the average 15 % administrative budgets of most non-
profit agencies. This is due to large numbers of volunteer hours donated by very ,
committed volunteers. These volunteers are already working hard; to cut the budget by .
12 % would make it impossible for them to continue operate all the programs they
currently do.
7. Afterschool Program actual budgets are not included in this presentation because no
Town Funds are used for this program. These is United Way funds dedicated to this
program as per our United Funding requirements:
Enfield Community C Quncil
Budget 1 -
Enfield Community -Council: 1997 Budget
1997 Actual Request
Program 11996 Budget Y.T.D. 1997 Budget
Actual Appropriation $50;447
; -
$ 30,000 $
30,000. Revenue $13,323
Enrichment $ 6,900 $ 3,036 $
6,900 net Town $37;124.
Summer Rec. $ 24,903 $ 24,914 $
26,570 ` =
Teen Program $ 8,082 $. 4,086 $
00 $ _ 2,085 $
Administration $ 5,000 $ 2,572 ' $
Munic. Summer Jobs $ 3,000 $ 2,523 $
G.E.D. Program $ - $ - $
Municipal Build $ 5,905 $ 3,320: $
TOTAL $ 86,890 :; $
Contractual $ 2,50.0 { $ 2,5fl0', $
Grand TOTAL $ $9,390 $
1997 Revenue:
United Way $ 12,104 �' $
Fees $ 31,823
Fundraising $ 3,660
County Youth Service $ 8,147
DFY $ 2,176
Munic Sum Jobs $ 1,500 $
Town $ 28,077
JTPA Is 1,873
TOTAL 1 $ $9,360
$ _
_ 97,974
1. Provides funding for an adult GED program to be held at
the Comm Center
2. Increases funding for the Teen Program which has grown
this year and needs
additional staffing and program materials. - J
3. Increases funding for the Summer Rec. program. To increase staff due to
large numbers of youth, comply with minimum wage increases
in 97, and -
not exclude youth due to lack of ability to pay.
4. Increases print and mailing of newsleiter by 500 copies.
There were 1,200 ,
households in the 1990 census: Enfieldis,the largest growing community in',;
a .
Tompkins County. The Ithaca -Journal has a mailing list for Enfield of T',
se Dor to
5. Provides funding,for a Youth Con ry _afion p be located in 1Enfield . For [ „
$3,000 in funds the Town would receive oV6r-$1.2,,000 in service
Budget 3
Enfield Community Council: 1997. Budget
lw/municipal building give back funding
Budget 4
1996 Application for Youth Service/Recreation Funds
Enrichment Program $74 50
Summer Camp $4,2b4.: 50