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by,: Supervisor . MSERT I. WILLIAMSON COUNTY ATTORNEY COURT MOUS$ ITHACA. N. Y. State of New York INDIVIDUAL PROGRAM APPLICATION PROJECT CODE PROGRAM NO. Div ISION FOR YOUTH AND BUDGET Form DFY-2043 (Rev. 1/83) I I 1 i (P/ease Type or Print) 151Q1O1 bI$ 451 j� 1�Oi Ci For RENEWAL-Use same PRO RAM NO. as previous year. Municipality: f 6 cU n c f E:nf eIA County: �� �n i' ❑ N NEW PROGRAM (fR RENEWAL Program Title: '/o U a`i`ti 01,1 Total Program Budget: $ 5�5r� �U 1100%) (Maximum 40 Characters) Sponsoring Agency: (.I � � ( DFY Funds Requested: $ l� 12 � % of Total) Mawm((``um 40t 1,ack r 1 ) , 1 A redress: P_Yl -C 1 � 1C1 ! ' 1C{ 1 Yi GY " 1 r 1CaC L� l\i 1 i" CS if Street (Maximum 15 'haracters) City State Zip Code Federal Employer I.D. No.: Executive Director: -Roo c e r I TU 6b''_ ! hone d -� " tib N1aZe (Signature) ( .C.) / Program Director: ` (k (-0 ` 1P) a V rl e-v"P� Phone: (0 7 L 7 7 ^ 8 Name(( ii (A.C.) Fiscal Officer: m A� 4 U 6 h P I I Phone: Ta ; FUNDING 1 YDDP Regular (Check one of the following) R Recreation ❑ S Youth Service O B Youth Bureau CATEGORY _.•._._._----------------._...._ (Check one) ❑ 2 Special Delinquency ❑ 3 Special ❑ 4 Youth ❑ 5 Runaway O''6 Detention 117 Otherr Prevention Legislative Initiatives Incorporated Status: Is sponsoring agency incorporated? ❑ 1 YES. Date: ❑ 2 NO Bonding: Is sponsoring agency bonded? 1 YES, Date: i-I-��" /a -3i-�� p 2 NO Liability Insurance: Is sponsoring agency insured?] 1 YES, Date: 2-IS' >z -3i 2 NO - PROGRAM SITES -- List Maximum of FOUR most significant sites. Use Dist. No. of Site Street Address. TYPE (Office, Gym, Pool, etc.) ADDRESS (Street, City, Zip Code) Congress Assembly NYS Senate Local Maximum 10 characters Dist.No. Dist:No. Dist. No. Plan'g.Dist. Fr, re [�� �c �nn ( c t__, T4 0.co - iJ 1 y-g� Ll Ia b' 0 _ 1 ' �Ll �1r�rnP,nl� _POI1Gl Main Rd, T`{'{ Oco_ )C)li_ PROGRAM SUMMARY--For computerized listing/service directory publication. Describe program BRIEFLY including program goals, needs to be addressed, type of youth to be served, and methodof service. MAXIMUM 300 CHARACTERS (approximately 40 words)-- do not use attachments. NOTE: More detailed instructions are available--ask your Youth Bureau for the 'DFY-2043 Narrative Workbook 0vrl "I eCY_Co i ay-) Gio c,� C0 YY-% P a- d S W i`rq I r)S+r-U C+, 0V t13. + 5C,Y'0 (tcG1 U 0.X--VS 0.v1CL CYa-f-I-s r0Y"c"_ 1'Yiu5IC_ i `TY, � I L, -f 2 S P ,� r t S0. n c e L n vin c v,5 c- v-, ci 0 �4 - �G� p,-n,r 11--S a 15 aJc,- 1abl-cam. PERIOD OF ACTUAL From: To: DAYS & HOURS PROGRAM Q—S p Svmmer � PROGRAM OPERATION. i d+ 610 I I I +�I (r I 16 IU 13 11 I�l�o � OF SERVICE: r Mo- Day Yr. Mo. Day Yr. (Abbreviate-- (Maximum 15 characters) maximum of PROGRAM PROFILE -- Round off decimals to whole percents. 30 characters) (Maximum 15 characters) ❑ NO DIRECT SERVICES TOTAL NUMBER OF SEX OF PRO- YOUTH TO BE SERVED PROGRAM ;- TO YOUTH TO BE R � - VIDED BY PROGRAM. BY THIS PROGRAM: 01 PARTICIPANTS: Male % Female %: ETHNICITY White: _L_.t_% Black: I % Hispanic: % Amer. Indian: - '/° Asian: -:1-1% Other: %' AGE: 0-4: % 5 - 9: .% 10 - 14: % 15 - 19:% 20 +: 96 SUBMIT 5 COPIES OF THIS FORM. State of New York INDIVIDUAL PROGRAM APPLICATION PROJECT CODE PROGRAM NO. DIVISION FOR YOUTH AND BUDGET Form DFY-2043 (Rev. 1/83) I l 1 (Please Type or Print) �OI�IG Fg4si ILs I Q i Of 61-Ce For RENEWAL -Use same PROGRAM NO. as previous year. Municipality: sown Of 61-�• �. e14 County: torn I rv-S ❑ N NEW 'PROGRAM 04 R- RENEWAL Program Title: r UT N S��Ut C� s Total Program Budget: $ / 0 (100%) (Maximum 40 Characters) Sponsoring Agency: I 0 L" 0 0 F LA) P) L -D DFY Funds Requested: $ '`7 (�% of Total) (Maximum 40 Characters) G Address: l� 3 �✓1 �j P I (� �i CL ' Q j • T-°i''�1 o-co,%� � � T o S Street (Maximum 15 Characters) City State Zip Code Federal Employer I.D. No.: _ coo /► Executive Director: P) 61, f- l_ L Phone: � 7 a 73— (o/ / l Name (Signatu`re A.C.) Program Director. &..rvl Phone:.02 Name (A.C.) l Fiscal Officer: 06G� v l3RGLL_ Phone: �ei) a-73-& 59 s Name (A.C.) FUNDING 1 YDDP Regular (Check one of the following) ❑ R Recreation S Youth Service ❑ B Youth Bureau" CATEGORY•---•--------------------------•--•--------------- (Check one) 112 Special Delinquency ❑ 3 Special ❑ 4 Youth ❑ 5 Runaway ❑ 6 Detention 117 Other: Prevention Legislative Initiatives Incorporated Status: Is sponsoring agency incorporated? ❑ 1 YES. Date: ❑ 2 NO Bonding: Is sponsoring agency bonded? K1 YES, Date: if l %8f-,la�3ll�6 ❑ 2 NO Liability Insurance: Is sponsoring agency insured? 1 YES, Date: t 6 86 ❑ 2 NO PROGRAM SITES -- List Maximum of FOUR most significant sites. Use D st. No. of Site Street Address. TYPE (Office, Gym, Pool, etc.) ADDRESS (Street, City, Zip Code) Congress Assembly NYS Senate Local Maximum 10 characters Dist.No. Dist.No. Dist. No. Plan'g.Dist ���7Zr ScHoQ�-a S - f1�ac�, /J% �857J /S EA)F(C-Lb Fkc-timz_c_ OE&IFir-L D M4IA� W,TAoSo PROGRAM SUMMARY --For computerized listing/service directory publication. Describe program BRIEFLY including program goals, needs to be addressed, type of youth to be served, and method of service. MAXIMUM 300 CHARACTERS (approximately 40 words) -- do not use attachments. NOTE: More detailed instructions are available --ask your Youth Bureau for the 'DFY-2043 Narrative Workbook'. CroarlI7Led s-kr'll devQl(opmco-�- Cvl-,,,ra1 ae!/U;fL/ts �Or rural '�oV�%j e �� wee kl -/-/I ro v j h o v-1 �A e School year, u/ r k, re c I /r 61 h U en �-S a t, n v rz,ll ���� �o GrC�«Cc � �>� `� C��tl.8 lG'�mP�r2• © ` a �j�h l errQ-fl 5ef-VIC'e t/0r, t/0+4-6 fiJ / inclvol,n� �adysl irz4 l `la.rd UMrk, v- hoilsp- }%a-r7incJ, PERIOD OF ACTUAL From: To: DAYS& -HOURS Up To hok PROGRAM OPERATION: loll 10114161 V ligw 41 1,I Z OF SERVICE: Mo. Day Yr. Mo. Day Yr. (Abbreviate-- (Maximum 15 char ac ` ters) maximum of 1�7I rOAC 0�0 Ars/ISL PROGRAM PROFILE -• Round off decimals to whole percents. 30 characters) eximum 15 characters ❑ NO DIRECT SERVICES TOTAL NUMBER OF SEX OF TO YOUTH TO BE PRO- YOUTH TO BE SERVED p PROGRAM / VIDED BY PROGRAM. BY THIS PROGRAM: % 0� PARTICIPANTS: Male �g %Female (c�a % ETHNICITY : White: 10Black: _ 3 % Hispanic: % Amer. Indian: % Asian: �% Other: % AGE: 0 - 4: _L -lo 5 - 9: 7J 21, 10 14: aL% 15 - 19: % 20 +: % SUBMIT 5 COPIES OF THIS FORM. State"of New York DIVISION FOR YOUTH Form DFY-2907 (Front) (Rev. 7182 ) PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT - Please Type or Print Q FOR PROGRAM YEAR: 19 PROGRAM IDENTIFICATION DATA MUNICIPALITY: ToWn 4 &-(If Irl COUNTY: ew,, PROJECT CODE PROGRAM NO. YoL)r<P > PROGRAM TITLE: ECA-in,J_ "o l o , { l- �-�^H SPONSORING AGENCY: r owtj 0 F � Nr(ELD .-..--�. i 1- 1-:.- .� :�._ ..1 • r r CONTACT PERSON:�Ar20 rP? f Nam — 6�7)�7?-353 � � � � � � �.- 1.-. � �` Tama%orr�jri0.11W _ ► Telephone (A.C. and Number) .� -."� STATISTICAL REPORT DEMOGRAPHIC SUMMARY OF YOUTH SERVED — Complete for youth under 21 only. 1. Please indicate the total number of youth receiving at least one direct service J CJ + /-7/ - � during the reporting period: Estimate Formal Count Total Of the above total number of youth receiving direct services how many fall into the following subcategories? (Please note that subcategory totals should equal ' totals given in Item 1): _ 2- Sex: Formal Estimate Count 3_ Formal Totals Ethnicity: Estimate Count Totals 4, Age Formal Estimate, _ Ctwnt;., 'Totals . A. Female 30 A. -Asian A. 0.4 B. Male B Black B. 5-9 O TOTALS: C. Hisp• C. 10-14 D. Native f I D. 1519 American E. White iia --- E, 20 TOTALS: 5_0 17-t �V71 :. F. Other - Specify TOTALS: t J ` SERVICE ACTIVITY OF YOUTH SERVED—Complete ( �Cr0 / !_ for youth under 21 only. FAMILY AND COMMUNITY MEMBERS SERVED—Complete for clients 21 and over only. 5. For each program area listed below please estimate or provide a formal count of the number of youth re- 6. If your program provides direct 7. If -your program has_a service component ceiving services in that area during the reporting period. services to clients 21 years of age that is not targeted to specific youth or., (Please note that a youth may be included in more or older, please indicate: groups of youth, please identify below than one program area but should be counted only once in any single program area.) NUMBER Formal Formal SERVICE Formal OF: Estimate Count Totals PROGRAM AREA: Estimate Count Totals- _- COMPONENTS; Estimate Count Totals ' Recreation (02) t a `4 Family t Community .SflZLn Oroanizina Education (03) CT 2 t J 7 cJ Employment (04) rl / 7 Family Members :. Advocacy Family Support (05) Volunteer Community Health (06) Members Other— NARRA'T'IVE REPORT: ENFIELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL YOUTH RECRE-ATION1986 9. Our summer program featured activities such as arts, crafts, music, drama, sports, nature walks, library time, games, entertainment, and a preschool program. " In addition to the diversified activities, the children worked together on the"produc tion of the "Wizard o$ Oz". All the children, including the preschool, helped with all aspects of the program, including props, scenery, lighting, -acid development of acts. In the afternoon, the children were offered the opportunity to -participate in Red Cross instructional swim. Most of our swimmers advanced to the next higher level. Our summer program was also able to hire approximately 15 teenagers in' various positions. 10. With approximately f/5, 2-5 year olds enrolled in our preschool program, our original staff of one senior counselor, twojuni.or counselors, and three volun- teers found supervising the children and leading activities.`difficult." We found it necessary to hire an additional senior counselor and ask for.daily parent volunteers to help in the preschool group. With the additional help and an extra -classroom to spread out activities, the overcrowding problems were alleviated: We would like to continue with the expanded program, again next year -with a additional staff so we will be able to accomodate increased, enrollrneA . Our swim program had the opposite problem this year., Due to a change- in swim sites and starting a week later than anticipated, our enrollment -was lower than in the past year. However, we feel enrollment will be up again if we can use the same swim site and of we don't?have an y ., delays in getting the perfnit to use the pond. 11. The Enfield School has been tremendously co-operative with -the- EEC" iii letting us use the school for our summer camp. For the past couple years, they have also allowed us to open the library for public, use. They are very belpiul' .' in lPttincy u4 ijRP va.riniSC Anllinrnf-iif n.d-eiArl to r„ -h f -hr. r,r'nnr�m rrrif ir•tari*1".r State of New York DIVISION FOR YOUTH PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT _ Fon i DFY-2907 (Front) (Rev. 7/82) Please Type or Print _ / 00 FOR PROGRAM YEAR: 19 PROGRAM IDENTIFICATION DATA MUNICIPALITY: Tocurl o k� G-,It�td COUNTY: To syr pk 11,1 PROJECT CODE l PROGRAM NO. `� O U`--T q SEP_ U C &S { PROGRAM TITLE: I' SPONSORING AGENCY: I O w (1 O-� f_ PERSON: CONTACT _T�4Y(J erL�Y{1 TiZ Telephone (A.C. and Number) STATISTICAL REPORT DEMOGRAPHIC SUMMARY OF YOUTH SERVED —Complete for youth under 21 only. 1. Please indicate the total number of youth receiving at least one direct service 7 + during the reporting period: Estimate Formal Count Total Of the above total number of youth receiving direct services how many fall into the following subcategories? (Please note that "subcategory totals should equal totals given in Item 1): 2 Formal 3. Formal ' 4, Formal Sex: Estimate Count Totals Ethnicity: Estimate Count Totals Age Estimate Count Totals A. Female -F /%� �j A. Asian '7 A. 0.4 B. Male ! %_ q /D (B_-Black ( (J % B. 5-9 .5-. ; 15- V o TOTALS:II 1 7b J U5- I C Hisp. I C. 1014 I D. Native ID. 15-19 0 r) s� American CI;. OIpC. E. White 13 160 /13 E. 20 F. TOTALS: f / / 70 IF5 Other _ Specify TOTALS: .1 I 16o 118 SERVICE ACTIVITY OF YOUTH SERVED-Complete vv --- 0 for youth under 21 only. 5, For each program area listed below please estimate or FAMILY AND COMMUNITY MEMBERS SERVED-Complete for clients 21 and over only. provide a formal count of the number of youth re- 6. If your program provides direct 7. If your program hasa service component ceiving services in that area during the reporting period. services to clients 21 years of age that is not targeted to specific youth or (Please note that a youth may be included in more or older, please indicate: groups of youth,"please identify below: than one program area but should be counted only once in any single program area.) NUMBER Formal Formal SERVICE Formal _ PROGRAM AREA: Estimate Totals ota Count Totals OF: Estimate Count T_" COMPONENTS- Estimate Count Totals Recreation (02) Family Community Education (03) /!1 fJ ,r��+iz'no' Family Employment (04) e Members Advocacy Family Support (05) Community11 $� I Volunteer Health (06) Members Other Mental Health (07) TOTALS: spwity Basic Needs (08) TOTALS: Legal Services (09) Juvenile Justice (10) Other (11) _$gecifv TOTALS: NARRATIVE REPORT INSTRUCTIONS: Please give a narrative response to the following items in the spaces provided. If appropriate responses are already available in another form, copies may be substituted for the requested narrative and attached to this form. Use additional sheets to complete the response, ;if necessary. 9. Describe the major program accomplishments of the program year, including progress toward objectives identified in the contract. 10. Describe any obstacles or problems which occurred in the past year, or which may have recently surfaced, hindering progress toward program objectives. Include discussion of steps taken or planned to overcome those obstacles. 11. Describe any linkages initiated or continued during the past year, giving some sense of the value of these linkages. 12. Describe the kinds of technical assistance that would be beneficial to the program, i.e., program development, staff training, board training, etc. 13. COMMENTS — Please describe any problem you had in completing this form - ,12 PREPARED BY: Name Title?"'f Date, REVIEWED BY: ; Name Title Date NARRATIVE REPORT: ENFIELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL YOUTH SERVICES 1986 9. Our youth service s programs seem to grow more each year. This year we were able to expand our dance and gymnastics programs. We now have three Cornell students, one of which is a CIVITAS student. Due to a very large enrollment last year in the 3-6 year old "group of gym- nastics, we are now offering gymnacstcs for this age group on two days :to alleviate an overcrowding problem. This seems to work well, .as it gives the children more individual attention, acs well as making it:better for most parents, who now have a choice of days. Our dance program includes dance movement for, ages 4-6, jazz'snd.ballet ; for 7 and up, and modern dance for teens. Afterschool Enrichment Program is. very popular with third through "fifth ,- . graders. In conjunction with our program, the Enfield PTO has spons:ered a rollerskating and iceskating-program'on Mondays. Our -:program continues on Tuesday and Thursday with a variety of educational- activities which include ; arts and crafts, computer literacy, .library time, eduaatio&games," dance' gyms . nastics, coached seasonal sports, and cooking. Our teenro, ram" has been a teemend p g ous success. After -an. initial." g -et toi ether meeting, where the teens met to make tacos g g, it was decided "to continue the program on a trial .basis depending on the amount of interest:- With "approX- . . imately 10-15 teensmeeting each week, the program continued through the.;surhme- and is now a popular program for the teens. So far., they have had.3 fundraisers, gone camping and to the movies, and have done various socA and corm tLri activities. The Enfield Preschool has grown in popularity also. We are now -full -and have a waiting list for this year and next. ' In addition to our two piano teachers, we now guita.r:teacher vrith six have a students enrolled. 10. One of our major problems this year was our afterschool enrichn ent"program, g With one afterschool leader, one fulltime" helper and -one bein understaffed. Wi , part-time helper, the staff have found !it hard to offer a- variety of activities that make the pvgra . successful. With theincreased enrollment"it is -hard to'give-, the type of services we would like. We would like to,expandour, staff to, -provide more professional activities to the,children.... We do have volunteers,- but they are not consistant enough to make any permament expandsinns. Our budget also creates a problem for our teen program. Because of, the consistancy of interest and the great need for thisprogram. , we .would like lo' continue it year round. 11. Our afterschool programs would not be able to continue if, ;We did -not have; . the support from the Enfield School. We are also working jvith'thwPT0 in helping to provide more for the chnldren. We are also grateful to" the: Enfield Firemen for the use of their station,freeof charge for our preschool.- The ' Town of Enfibid, Senior Citizen's, and Grange have all supported us. We-a-iee., also fortunate to have the continued support of adult, and youth., volunteer,$ 12. The Enfield Community Council is always looking for ways to improve our programs. Any assistance i in any way would be beneficial to our programs., , SIT -4,19.1 (6M6) New Yorl� State and Local Sales and Use, Tax The veritlor must cdiect 94 tax on •' a sale of .taxable ;, New York State Department of . Exempt Organization Certification . f ces unOfBf- vices unless the TAXATION purchaser gives and FINANCE - = him a y '. prow com exemp- THIS FORM Y' t(on document 1n91) NOT BE USED TO after tvery of dst " MAKETAX EXEMPT; • "; .=,...c '- i aye property eaa; : . .....,;, .. PURCHASES OF MOTOR FUEL (Enter number"hom Form --=,'119) _ w -AL sib ie of hout pt; QT_ 119.1 -New YorkState and Now York State Department of Xemp t rganc TAXATION and .FINANCE THIS FORM MAY -. HOT BE USED TO - MAKE TAX EXEMPT " PURCHASES OF MOTOR FUEL. VENDOR Nwre ' AAsltirQ address City, village or post office I stets Code , TiiiS CERTIFICATION IS A( HAS ENTERED ALL ! certify that the organization named above holds a val #F ��� ,d is exe _ a an (Enter number"hom Form --=,'119) _ w -AL sib ie of hout pt; CONTRACT Made as of this first day of January, 1993, by and -between the Town of Enfield, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of New York (hereinafter called the "Town") and the Enfield Community-Council,'a not-for-profit corporation under the laws of the State of New York (hereinafter called the "ECC"'), Whereas, the Town desires to have certain community recreational servic-es provided to the_ residents of the Town and Whereas, the ECC des iresto provide such services to the Town..: and its residents,. Now, therefore, it' .is agreed that the Town contract vrith,:the ECC to provide such services on the foll;M no terms' and conditions; 1_ The ECC agrees to provide to:the residents of the Town,of Enfield such youth;and---,coinmunity recreational classes, activiti-es, programs and othee'services as Jt, ;in consultation with the Town'- determines own;determines are desi-rea-ble and needed.(horeinafter cabled_ "contract services"). 2. The ECG agrees to give the .Town, together=.with:its annual budget request for funding, these contract services.,_:a proposed program of contract services planned for the upcomi.ng,y,ear, breakdown of expected costs, information on persons :to. "be benefitted and such other information,as the Town -may reasonably request. The ECC shall consult with the Town Board as to 'the proposed program. 3: The Town agrees to reimburse the ECC, but only,to,.the pp p aactually"a-va:ilabie for extent suchpurrposes, for dfunds actval,ly expendednb.Y _ECC for"these contract services, including :overhead .expenses, payroll,expenses, and other - costs.associated with. the provision of the contract services.. Noth1hg.,shahl be construed to'prohibit the ECC from accepting donations', -grants; matching fends, or -monies from other ,sources to defray the costs of providing services. 4. The ECC agrees to -give the. Town at least semi-a-nnually, a - report of the activities it is -and has been engaged in, the numbers of participants, the-co'sts of activities and any other information which the Town may reasonably request.. The ECC agrees that the Town may examine its books of account and related financial information_. 5. The Town agrees, to the extent.it may do: so' -and for so long. as it may do so, to include -the ECC as an additional named insured under its policy of general 'Liability insurance. The ECC shall be responsible to secure any other insurance required by law, such as workmen's compensation -insurance or unemployment insurance, but the expense of the same shall -be reimbursable expenses -under and subject to paragraph 3 -above. b. It is acknowledged that the ECC is an -independent contractor organized to serve and benefit the Town of Enfield and its residents. The inclusion of the ECC as an additional named insured as-provided- above s-providedabove shall not be deemed to alter the independent contractor status CONTRACT Made as of this first day of January, 199}, by and between the Town of Enfield, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of New York thereinafter called the "Town") and the Enfield Community Council, a not-for-profit corporation under the laws of the State'of New York (hereinafter called the "ECC"), Whereas, the Town desires to have certain community recreational services provided to the residents of the Town and Whereas, the ECC desires to provide such services to the Town and its residents, Now, "therefore, itis agreed that the Town contract with the ECC to provide such services on the following terms and conditions: 1. The ECC agrees to provide to the residents of the Town of Enfield such youth and community recreational classes, activities, programs and other services as -i-t-,--in consultation with the Town; determines are desireable and needed (hereinafter called "contract services"). 2. The ECG agrees to give the Town, together with its annual budget request for funding -these contract services, a proposed program of contract services planned for the upcoming year, breakdown of expected costs-, information on persons to be benefitted and such other information as the Town may reasonably request. The ECC shal-1 consult with the Town Board as to the proposed program. 3. The Town agrees to reimburse the ECC, but only to the extent of funds budgeted or appropriated and actually available- for such purposes, for .funds actually expended by ECC for these contract services, including overhead expenses,payroll expenses, and other costs associated with the provision of the contract services. Nothing shall be construed to prohibit the ECC from accepting donations,--grants,-- matching onations,--grants,matching funds, -or monies from other sources to defray the -costs --o f. providing services. 4. The ECC agrees togive the Town at least semi -annually, -a - report of the activities it is and has been engaged in, the numb-ers-of participants, the -costs of activities and any other information which the Town may reasonably request. The ECC agrees that -the Town may examine its books of account and related financial ---information. 5. The Town agrees, to the extent it may do so -and for -so -long as it may do so, to include -the ECC as an additional named insured under its policy of general liability insurance. The ECC shall be responsible -to secure any other insurance required by law; --such as workmen' -s compensation insurance -or unemployment insurance-, but the expense of the same -shall be reimbursable expenses under and subject to paragraph 3 above. 6. It is acknowledged that the ECC is an independent contractor organized to serve and benefit the Town of Enfield and its residents. The inclusion -of the ECC as an additional named insured as provided above shall not be deemed to alter the independent contractor status