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Tompkins County
Ithaca, New York
Ithaca, New York
State of New York )
County of Tompkins ) ss:
Tompkins County Legislature )
In pursuance of the authority conferred by Section 211 of the County Law, I do
hereby certify that the copy of the Proceedings of the Tompkins County Legislature
of the County of Tompkins, New York, for the year 2017, contained in this volume
is true and correct.
Clerk of the Legislature
Dated 1-17-17
Budget, Capital, and Personnel - Dennis (Chair), Sigler (Vice Chair), McBean-Clairbome, Morey, Klein
Borrowing and Debt Service
Contingent Funds
Fund Balances
Unallocated Revenues
Budget process
Fiscal Policies
Finance Department
Capital Programs
TC3 (Finances)
Human Resources Department (incl. performance evaluation and staff training)
Workforce Diversity and Inclusion
Chamber of Commerce
Tourism Program/Convention and Visitors Bureau
Strategic Tourism Planning Board
Ithaca Downtown Partnership
Community Celebrations & Arts
Facilities and Infrastructure - McKenna (Chair), Morey (Vice Chair), Sigler, Klein, Stein
Bridges and Highways
Department of Recycling and Materials Management
Public Works Administration
Weights and Measures
Government Operations — Klein (Chair), Chock (Vice Chair), Kiefer, John, Burbank
Tompkins County Legislature
Administration Department
Organizational Development
Risk management/contract performance
Public Information
Information Technology Services Department
Program Evaluation
Law — County Attorney
County Clerk
Board of Elections
Tompkins County Council of Governments
County Historian
History Center
Rules and Procedures of the Legislature
Charter and Code
Code of Ethics and Ethics Advisory Board
MEGA (Municipal Electric and Gas Alliance)
Broadband Subcommittee (McKenna (Chair), Sigler, Klein)
Health and Human Services - Kelles (Chair), McBean-Clairborne (Vice Chair), Burbank, Chock, Stein
Department of Social Services
Mental Health Department/Agencies
Public Health Department/Agencies
Office of Human Rights
Health Planning Council
Human Services Coalition
Relevant Human Services Coalition agencies
Office for the Aging
Youth Services
Tompkins Community Action
Animal Health and Control
Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality
Robertson (Chair), Kiefer (Vice Chair), Sigler, McKenna, Chock
Planning and Sustainability Department
Soil and Water Conservation District
Flood Control/Water Quality
Environmental Management Council
Water Resources Council
Agriculture and Farmland Protection Board
Land management
Workforce Development
Tompkins County Area Development (ED Collaborative)
Industrial Development Agency
TC3 (Workforce programs)
Cooperative Extension
Climate change
Public Safety — John (Chair), Stein (Vice Chair), Dennis, Kelles, Robertson
Public Safety Building
District Attorney
Defense of Indigents/Assigned Counsel
Probation and Community Justice
Department of Emergency Response
OAR (Opportunities, Alternatives, and Resources)
Alternatives -to -Incarceration Programs
Reentry transition programs
Juvenile Justice
Jail Study Committee — John (Chair), Kelles (Vice Chair), Dennis, McKenna, Robertson
Old Library Committee Lane (Chair), McBean-Clairborne (Vice Chair), Kiefer, Sigler, Robertson
Transportation Committee — Lane (Chair), McKenna (Vice Chair), Morey, Dennis, Stein
Tompkins County Legislature
Regular Meeting Minutes — Approved 1-17-17
Tuesday, January 3, 2017 5:30 PM
Legislature Chambers
Call to Order
Mrs. Covert, Clerk of the Legislature, called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll Call of Members
Attendee Name
Will Burbank
Carol Chock
James Dennis
Status Arrived
Rich John
Anna Kelles
Dooley Kiefer
Daniel Klein
Michael Lane
Lesl n McBean-Clairborne
Late 5:56 PM
Martha Robertson
David McKenna
Glenn Morey
Michael Sigler
Peter Stein
First Order of Business
Election of Temporary Chair
Mrs. Covert said the first order of business is the election of a Temporary Chair of the Legislature
and opened the floor for nominations.
It was MOVED by Ms. Kelles, seconded by Mr. John, to nominate Ms. Robertson as Temporary
Chair of the Legislature.
It was MOVED by Mr. Burbank, seconded b y Ms. Kiefer, and unanimously adopted b y voice
vote by members present, to close nominations. NOMINATIONS CLOSED.
A voice vote resulted as follows to ele ct Ms. Robertson as Tem porary Chair of the Legislature:
Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Legislator McBean-Clairborne). MOTION CARRIED.
Ms. Robertson took the seat as Temporary Chair.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Election of Chair of the Le . isles
Ms. Robertson said the next order of business was the el ection of the 2017 Chair of the
Legislature and opened the floor for nominations.
It was MOVED by Ms. Kiefer, seconded by Mr. Morey, to nominate Michael Lane as the 2017
Chair of the Legislature.
It was MOVED b y Mr. Dennis, seconded b y John, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by
members present, to close nominations. NOMINATIONS CLOSED.
A vote by show of hands to reelect Michael Lane as the 2017 Chair of the Legislature resulted as
follows: Ayes -13, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Legislator McBean-Clairborne). MOTION CARRIED.
Mr. Lane was declared Ch air of the Legislature for 2017 and thanked everyone for their su pport
in re-electing him as Chair for 2017. He referred to the Legislature as "team" and said all Legislators are
equals to have their constituents' best interests at heart. He thanked Ms. Kiefer for her comments in her
nomination and to Mr. Morey for seconding the nomination. He spoke highly of each of them and said he
holds a lot of respect for each Legislator.
Election of Vice Chair of the Legislature
Mr. Lane opened the floor for nominations for Vice Chair of the Legislature.
It was MOVED by Ms. Kelles, seconded by Mr. Morey, to nominate Dan Klein as Vice Ch air of
the Legislature for 2017.
It was MOVED b y Mr. D ennis, seconded by Ms. Robertson, and unanimously adopted by voice
vote by members present, to close nominations. NOMINATIONS CLOSED.
A vote by show of hands to elect Mr. Klein as Vice Chair of the Legislature for 2017 resulted as
follows: Ayes - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Legislator McBean-Clairbome). MOTION CARRIED.
Mr. Klein was declared Vice Chair of the Legislature for 2017.
Proclamation - The Year of the Woman in Tompkins County
Mr. Lane presented a proclam ation declaring 2017 to be the Year of the Wo man in To mpkins
County and asked that the wo men of Tom pkins County government step forward for this recognition.
Ms. Robertson said Ms. Kammen, County Historian, brought the idea forward of declaring 2017 to be the
Year of the Woman and also noted 20 17 is the 1 00th anniversary of wom en getting the rig ht to v ote in
New York State. Ms. Robertson spoke of how New York State was pivotal in women getting the right to
vote across the country. She read the proclamation and presented it to Carol Kammen.
Mrs. McBean-Clairborne arrived this time.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Poet Laureate
Following a poetry reading of Solstice by Jack Hopper, Mr. Lane presented Mr. Hopper with a
certificate of appreciation for being Tompkins County's Poet Laureate for the last two years.
Privilege of the Floor by the Public
Alicia Kenaly, Ithaca, ex pressed appreciation fo r the work that went into the procla mation
presented earlier this ev ening. She noted th at Planned Parenthood is also celebrati ng its 100 th
anniversary. She expressed concern that new fe deral leadersh ip will defend this orga nization and
believes it would cause a national public health disaster.
Deborah Dawson, Village of Lansing, thanked the members of the Charter Review Committee for
taking the time and attention given to reco mmend changes to the Count y Charter. She spoke of the
Legislature's main responsibility in s afeguarding the budget. She believes the moral d ecisions the
Legislature is going to have to make in the co ming year will be much harder and asked the Legislature to
keep social needs in mind.
Report from a Municipal Official(s)
George McGonigal, Common Council member, reported the PILOT program will be voted on by
Common Council at their meeting tomorrow evening. He said if Legislators had any comments he would
to take them back to Council.
Mr. Klein said at the Govern ment Operations Committee will b e hearing from the Assessment
Director at its meeting tomorrow.
Ms. Chock said she learn ed this PILOT will stim ulate $19 m illion with th e investment in the
downtown housing stock.
In response to some questions by Legislators, Mr. Mareane said this PILOT is legally available
and will apply to residential properties owned by the Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Services (INHS).
Ms. Chock suggested further information from INNS staff could be provided to the Legislature.
Mr. Burbank thanked Mr. McGonigal for bringi ng this to the Legislature's attention and fo r he
and Mr. Nuygen attending meetings and providing the Legislature with updates on City activities.
Resolutions Added to and Withdrawn from the Agenda
There were no resolutions added to or withdrawn from the agenda.
Appointments Approved Under the Consent Agenda
Advisory Board Appointment(s) (ID # 6762)
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
MOVER: David McKenna, Member
SECONDER: Peter Stein, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
Planning Advisory Board - terms expire December 31, 2019
Robert Steuteville - Built Environment Design representative
David Kay - Local Planning representative
Rod Howe - Cultural Historic Preservation representative
Environmental Management Council
Susan Riley - At -large representative; term expires December 31, 2018
Resolutions Approved Under the Consent Agenda
MOVER: David McKenna, Member
SECONDER: Peter Stein, Member
AYES: Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Kiefer, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne,
Robertson, McKenna, Morey, Sigler, Stein
Resolution No. 2017-1: Authorizing Grant Acceptance, Budget Adjustment, and Disbursement to
Opportunities, Alternatives, and Resources ( OAR) of 2016-2017 Division of
Criminal Justice Se rvices (DCJS) 13-A Monies for the Criminal Justice
Advisory/Alternatives to Incarceration (CJA/ATI) Board (ID #6776)
WHEREAS, the Tom pkins Count y Criminal Jus tice Advisory /Alternatives to Incarceration
(CJA/ATI) Board, throu gh its Annual Service Plan with the Division of Criminal Justice Services
(DCJS), is eligible to app ly for grant monies, under Executive Law 13-A, currentl y in th e amount of
$19,242 (annually, based on population) for the period July 1, 2016, to June 30, 2017, and
WHEREAS, Opportuniti es, Alternati ves, and Resources (OAR) sub mitted a proposal to the
CJA/ATI Bo and for a R AP Sheet C orrection progra m, designed to ensure accura cy of offenders'
conviction records, which may lead to better chance of employment, and
WHEREAS, the CJA/ATI Board voted to accept and subm it the RAP Sheet Correction progra m
proposal from OAR to DCJS, and
WHEREAS, DCJS has awarded the CJA/ATI Board a one-year grant of $19,242 for OAR's RAP
Sheet Correction program, and
WHEREAS, the CJA/ATI Board must approve vouchers for said monies on a quarterly basis,
and, in this case, Tompkins County is acting as the Fiscal Agent f or this grant approved and obtained by
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
the CJA/ATI, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety Comm ittee, That Tom pkins Count y
accepts this grant and the Count y Administrator o r hi s designee is h ereby directed and authorized to
execute a contract with OAR for the purpose of securing and conve ying these State funds in support of
OAR's RAP Sheet Correction program,
RESOLVED, further, That the Director of Finance is hereby directed and authorized to make the
following adjustments to the 2016 budget, pay any outstanding approved 2016 vouchers from OAR for
this project, and encumber the remaining funds in anticipation of vouchers that will be submitted against
these grant funds in 2017:
Appropriation: 6315 .54400 Program Expense $19, 242
Revenue: 6315.43389 Other Public Safety $19,242
Resolution No. 2017-2: Establishing 2017 Meeting Dates (ID #6650)
RESOLVED, on recommendation of t he Govern ment Operations Committee, That the 2017
regular meetings of the Tompkins County Legislature are as follows:
January 17,
2017 at 5:30 p.m.
February 7,
2017 at 5:30 p.m. (NYSAC Conf. January 30 -February 1)
February 21,
2017 at 5:30 p.m.
March 7,
2017 at 5:30 p.m.
March 21,
2017 at 5:30 p.m.
April 4,
2017 at 5:30 p.m.
April 18,
2017 at 5:30 p.m.
May 2,
2017 at 5:30 p.m.
May 16,
2017 at 5:30 p.m.
June 6,
2017 at 5:30 p.m.
June 20,
2017 at 5:30 p.m.
July 5,
2017 at 5:30 p.m. (July 4 - Holiday)
July 18,
2017 at 5:30 p.m.
August 1,
2017 at 5:30 p.m.
August 15,
2017 at 5:30 p.m.
September 5,
2017 at 5:30 p.m.
September 19,
2017 at 5:30 p.m. (NYSAC Conf. Sept. 13-15)
October 3,
2017 at 5:30 p.m.
October 17,
2017 at 5:30 p.m.
November 8,
2017 at 5:30 p.m. (November 7 - Election Day)
November 21,
2017 at 5:30 p.m.
December 5,
2017 at 5:30 p.m.
December 19,
2017 at 5:30 p.m.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Resolution No. 2017-3: Delegation of Authority to Authorize Certain Tax Refunds and Credits of
$2,500 and Under (ID #6648)
WHEREAS, Section 554 of the Real Property Tax Law authorizes a tax -levying body to delegate
the correction of tax rolls due to a clerical error, an error in essential fact, or an unlawful entry (as defined
in Section 550 of the Real Property Tax Law), and
WHEREAS, Section 556 of the Real Property Tax Law authorizes a tax -levying body to delegate
the payment of tax refunds due to a clerical error, an error in essential fact, or an unlawful entry, and
WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the Governm ent Operations Committee that such delegation
would increase efficiency in processin g said refunds a nd therefore be benefi cial to the tax payer, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Govern ment Operations Committee, That the Count y
Director of Assessment shall transm it correc tions and/or refu nd recommendations to the Count y
RESOLVED, further, That the Count y Administrator is hereby authorized to allow pay ments of
bills where a recommended refund or credit is $2,500 or less, without prior audit by the tax -levying body,
in compliance with Paragraph 9 (a), (c) of Section 554, and Paragraph 8 (a), (c), (d), and Paragraphs 9 and
10 of Section 556 of the Real Property Tax Law,
RESOLVED, further, That any refund or credit over $2,500 must be approved by the Tompkins
County Legislature pursuant to Paragraphs 8 (a), 9, and 10 of Section 566 of th e Real Property Tax Law,
except for refunds am ounting to over $2,500 as a r esult of Real Propert y Tax Law Article 7 litigation
ordered by the New York State Supreme Court,
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator shall transmit on or before the 15th day of
each month a report to the Tom pkins County Legislature of all the corrections and refunds pr ocessed in
the previous month,
RESOLVED, further, That this resolution shall only be in effect during the calendar year 2017.
Resolution No. 2017- 4: Budget Adjustment - Housing Summit Funding for Follow -Up Activities
(ID #6766)
WHEREAS, pursuant to Administrative Manual Policy 0 5-02, budget adjustments exceeding
$5,000 require Legislative approval, and
WHEREAS, Tom pkins Count y accepted $42,500 in donated and grant funds t o s upport
Tompkins County Housing Summit activities through Resolutions 2016-154, 2016-191, and 2016-215, of
which $9,339.91 remain unexpended, and
WHEREAS, additional activities will be needed in 2017 to follow up on recommendations and
initiatives coming out of the Housing Summit, now therefore be it
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Planning, Develop ment, and Environm ental Qu ality
Committee, That the Dir ector of Finance is hereby aut horized and directed to m ake the following
adjustment to the 2017 budget:
A8027.54400 Program Expenses $9,339.91
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or his designee be authorized to execute any
contracts related to this project.
Resolution No. 2017- 5: Budget Rea ppropriation of 2016 Grant Funding to the 2017 Budget For
HeatSmart II (ID #6757)
WHEREAS, the County accepted a grant in the am ount of $85,000 from the P ark Foundation in
2016, on be half of Solar Tom pkins, t o provi de funding f or a second round of HeatS mart Tompkins
(Resolution 2016-190), and
WHEREAS, receipt of the funding came late in the y ear and did not leave enough tim e for Solar
Tompkins to seek and select a Program Manager for the project, and
WHEREAS, bud get reappropriations for fund ing carried forw and from one y ear to another
require legislative approval, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Planning, Develop ment, and Environm ental Qu ality
Committee, That the Dir ector of Finance is hereby aut horized and directed to m ake the following
adjustments to the 2017 budget:
A8027.42070 Contributions from Private Agencies
A8027.54400 Program Expenses $85,
$85, 000
Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality Committee
Resolution No. 2017-6: Establishing the Tompkins County Energy Task Force (ID #6761)
It was MOVED by Ms. Kiefer, seconded by Ms. Kelles, and unanimously adopted by voice vote,
to approve the following amendment to the last Resolved:
Separate the statement "Local Organization Involved in Energy, Sustainability, Economic, and/or
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Social Justice Issues (2)" into four separate statements in the list of membership as follows:
"Local Organization Involved in Energy Issues
Local Organization Involved in Sustainability Issues
Local Organization Involved in Economic Issues
Local Organization Involved in Social Justice Issues".
MOVER: Martha Robertson, Member
SECONDER: David McKenna, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairbome, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, Tompkins County has been actively working on energy and climate change is sues
since 2001 when it installed solar panels on the pub lic library and began to track its greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions and develop action plans to reduce emissions, and
WHEREAS, the 2015 T ompkins County Comprehensive Plan set a principle that "To mpkins
County should be a place where the energy s ystem meets community needs without contributing
additional greenhouse gases to the atmosphere," and
WHEREAS, the 2016 T ompkins Count y Ener gy Roadm ap called for setting i nterim GHG
emissions goals for 2020, 2025, 2030 and appropriate intervals ther eafter, and tracking progress on
achieving them, as well as evaluating progress in achieving the vision of the Roadmap, and
WHEREAS, the 2016 Tompkins County Energy and Economic Development Task Force Report
called for implementing the recommendations and evaluating progress regularly, and
WHEREAS, in order to achieve these goals and evaluate progress, it is vital to obtain advice from
experts in the fields of energ y, renewables, clim ate science, econom is development, transportation,
business operation, and other sectors, who are up- to -date on local opportuni ties and concerns around
energy, climate, and energy-related economic development issues, and
WHEREAS, there are many energy and climate -related programs and initiatives being led by the
County and other groups in the community that may benefit from input and guidance from such a board,
WHEREAS, the Energy Task Force wi 11 be task ed with provid ing inp ut and guidance to the
County Planning Department and the Legislature on the topics of energy , climate change, and energ y -
related economic developmen t, and will be available to provide advice to other co mmunity groups on
those topics, as requested, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of t he Planning, Development and Envir onmental Qu ality
Committee, That a To mpkins Count y Energy Ta sk Fo rce be established with a three -y ear term of
operation and consist of 15-20 members who will be appointed by the Legislature,
RESOLVED, further, That the membership shall include representatives from different segments
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
of the community, such as:
Tompkins County Area Development
Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce
Large-sized Business
Small -sized Business
Renewable Energy/Energy Efficiency Consultant or Contractor
Climate Change Expert
Tompkins County Council of Governments
City of Ithaca
Tompkins County
Real Estate Development: Developer, Architect, or Engineer
Local Organization Involved in Energy Issues
Local Organization Involved in Sustainability Issues
Local Organization Involved in Economic Issues
Local Organization Involved in Social Justice Issues
Energy Generation/Utility
Higher Education
Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee
Resolution No. 2017- 7: Delegation of Authority to Authorize Certain Ta x and Solid Waste Fee
Refunds Under $500 (ID #6649)
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, Section 556 of the Real Property Tax Law authorizes a tax -levying body to delegate
the pa yment of tax refunds due to a clerical erro r or an unlawful entr y ( an unlawful entry is a ny
information on the tax roll that violates the Real Property Tax Law), and
WHEREAS, Solid Waste Fee refunds are authorized under Resolution No. 181 of 1996, and
WHEREAS, it is t he opinion of the Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee, that the
delegation to the County Administrator would be more efficient in processing said refunds and therefore
beneficial to the taxpayer, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Capital, and Pe rsonnel Committee, That the
County Director of Assessment shall transmit refund recommendations to the County Administrator,
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
RESOLVED, further, That the Count y Administrator is hereby authorized to make payments of
any refunds of less than $500 as if the To mpkins County Legislature had performed this audit in
compliance with Paragraph 1-7 of Section 566 of the Real Property Tax Law,
RESOLVED, further, That any refu nd of $50 0 or more must b e approved b y the Tompkins
County Legislature pursuant to Paragraph 8(b) of Section 556 of the Real Property Tax Law,
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator shall transmit on or before the 15th day of
each month a report to the Tom pkins County Legi slature of all the refunds processed in the previous
RESOLVED, further, That this resolution shall only be in effect during the calendar year 2017.
Government Operations Committee
Ms. Robertson asked Mr. Mareane to send Legislators his updated County Administrator's goals
and accomplishments; Mr. Mareane agreed to do so.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
December 20, 2016
MOVER: Anna Kelles, Member
SECONDER: Martha Robertson, Member
AYES: Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne,
Robertson, McKenna, Morey, Sigler, Stein
NAYS: Dooley Kiefer
Adi ournment
The meeting adjourned at 7:29 p.m.
Tompkins County Legislature
Regular Meeting Minutes — Approved 2-7-17
Tuesday, January 17, 2017 5:30 PM
Legislature Chambers
Call to Order
Mr. Lane, Chair, called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll Call of Members
Attendee Name
Will Burbank
Carol Chock
James Dennis
Rich John
Anna Kelles
Status Departed
Dooley Kiefer
Daniel Klein
Michael Lane
Lesl n McBean-Clairborne
Martha Robertson
David McKenna
Glenn Morey
Michael Sigler
Peter Stein
Present 8:15 PM
Poet Laureate
John Spence, Community Arts Partnership Executive Director, introduced Zee Zahava, the 2017
Poet Laureate of To mpkins County. Following co nfirmation of the appoint ment, Ms. Zahava thanked
those who no minated her and spoke of her many aspirations and plans for the co ming year and read a
poem she had written entitled "Coming to Ithaca". Those who are interested in reading more of her work
can visit her blog page at www.zeezahava.blogspot.com.
Privilege of the Floor by the Public
Deborah Dawson, Village of Lansing resident, spoke concerning the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
She said unequal access t o health care is inhumane and is inexcusable in this century. B y repealing the
ACA, the first place it would be felt would be in Medicaid care and Medicaid rei mbursement and the
County would lose over $1 in illion in its mandated Medicaid expenditures. She asked the Legislature to
adopt a resolution in support of the ACA and against its repeal.
Report from a Municipal Official(s)
Ducson Nuygen, Cit y of Ithaca Co mmon Council , said he has been assigned to the Cit y
Administration Committee this year. The Mayor's State of the City address will talk about infrastructure,
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
changes in zoning, sidewalks, the dru g policy and drug treatment plan. The re has also been discussion
and a resolution will be coming forward relative to national politics and hostility to immigrants. The City
will be taking action stating it will not enforce federal ru les. It will be discussed at an upcoming meeting
and taking r elated actions. The May or's statem ent is available on the City's website. The Ithaca
Neighborhood Housing Services PIL OT program was pa ssed an d there was also discussi on at the last
meeting about dogs being permitted in Stewart Park.
Ms. Robertson asked that the Count y be kept involved and kept i nformed on the Ithaca Dr ug
Ms. Chock requested a copy of the resolution the City will consider that relates to immigrants and
the City not enforcing federal rules.
Charter Review Committee
Resolution No. 20 17-8: Adoption of Local Law No. 1 of 2 017 - Revising the Tom pkins County
Charter (ID #6586)
Mr. John stated for the record that he believes if the County ended up in a situation where the two
boards needed to select a new director that they should proceed as a committee of the whole to select that
director so there would be no conflict.
This resolution was adopted by a roll call vote.
MOVER: Dooley Kiefer, Member
SECONDER: Daniel Klein, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson
NAYS: Carol Chock, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held before the Tompkins County Legislature to hear all
persons interested in proposed Local Law No. 1 of 2017, and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature has determined that adoption of Local Law No. 1
of 2017 is in the public interest, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Charter Review Committee, That proposed Local La w
No. 1 of 2017 - Revising the Tompkins County Charter is hereby adopted,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board shall publish in the official newspaper of the
County a notice of adoption containing a synopsis of said local law and shall within twenty days file one
certified copy in the Office of the County Clerk, and one copy with the Secretary of State.
Chair's Report and Chair's Appointments
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Mr. Lane read the following statement and announced appointments:
"2017-a year of reflection, a y ear of hope, and a year of action. It is the Bicentennial of the
creation of Tompkins County. It will be a y ear to look back at our heritage and our historic diversity. It
commenced with the indigenous peoples who lived here, and was augmented by wave after wave of those
who were brought here, or who immigrated here from continents, countries and regions around the world.
They built our towns, villages, city, and all of their infrastructure. They devised the educational, aesthetic
and social services that ma ke us all very proud. They farmed, labored, and m anufactured. They taught,
researched, wrote, enterprised and invented in ways that grew and continue to grow our economy.
"In a year of transition and facing unknown challenges, we have hope and we are strong. It is the
last year of this Legislature's four- year term and there will be an election in November. Next year there
will be a new beginning, as happens each four y ears. This L egislature will pass on to t he next one a
county that is a little better than it was when we received it. That is our responsibility and our progress.
"We are a diverse county , full of forw ard-looking, intelligent and passionate people. We have
recently been through a national election. Many of us in Tom pkins Cou my are disappointed, and
understandably apprehensive about what it means for our nation and our County. We do know, however,
that the bitterly divisive rhetoric at the national level does not reflect who we are in Tompkins County and
does not reflect the values that we work hard to promote. Take a look at the places in Tompkins County;
take a look at the collage of faces of o ur people. We are rural and urban. We are every race. We ar e
every religi on and no rel igion. We are y oung and of d. We are straight, lesbian, ga y, bi-sexual,
transgender, queer and questioning. We are fully functioning individuals challenged by and overcoming
physical and mental disabilities, and addictions. We are new people from everywhere in the world. And
when new arrivals come to Tompkins County and contribute to our society, we welcome them. We don't
build walls to keep people out; we open our hearts and let them in. We are a safe place and we are a part
of that hope that has always been our America. We know that everyone deserves a chance.
"We know there is work to be done. The Federal Government will again chan ge the health care
system. The likelihood that people in Tompkins County will be harmed by unknown partisan changes is
very real. We do not know how those changes will affect the Medicaid costs t hat our County must pay.
With sales tax collections plateauing, there is little d oubt we will be forced to raise more money than we
want to from the real property tax.
"At the State level, the first real chance for Ne w York to transfer the cost of m andates from the
real property tax to the income tax was unceremoniously vetoed by Governor Cuomo in December. That
blocked the State's assumption of the cost of indigent defense over a seven year period. With new law s
increasing the number of people who will qualify for indigent representation, the expense to Tompkins
County can o my go up. T he cost to co unties for Me dicaid is already hu ge, and, unbelievably, last year
there was an effort at the State level to re move the existing Medicaid cost ca p and increas e charges to
counties even more. New York State hypocritically blames local municipalities for the high cost of real
property taxes, and i mposes tax c aps that are unrea listic. Sale s tax receipts are anemic and may be a
symptom of a change in the way consumers spend. But, this is Tompkins County -the very best county -
and we will face the unknown with resolve. We will not be quiet and the Legislature, as it has done in the
past will not be shy about letting its advice and opi mons be known to federal and state offic ials. Where
reasonable and rational action is warranted we will take it.
"With all of that, the Count y's Budge t, Cap ital and Personnel Co mmittee must do im portant
work. We have a budget process that is second to none. We start early in the year and all Legislators are
deeply involved in it from start to finish. Recent reports from Albany alert us that there will be even more
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
critical budget issues mandated on us and to which we must respond. I have asked Legislator James
Dennis to continue as Chair of this important committee. He will be joined by Legislators Michael Sigler
as Vice Chair, and members, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Glenn Morey and Dan Klein.
"I have asked Legislator Lesly n McBean-Cla irborne to Chair the Workforce Diversity and
Inclusion Committee this y ear and Anna Kelles to be the Vice Chair. That Committee al so includes
serving members of community and staff. 2016 was a busy year for that Committee and 2017 will be as
well. We need to continue the follow-up on the climate survey of our employees. We need to encourage
even more diversity among applicants for Civil Servi ce and other jobs. We need to provid a training to
continue to make our workplaces open and welcomi ng. The Committee will review and bring to the
Legislature reports from Departments on how they are doing implementing County policies to improve
"The Planning, Development, and E nvironmental Quality Committee will change. Last year the
Committee h ad seven members. This y ear it will re turn to a five -m ember form at. Because it i s a
workhorse committee with a heavy workload, the members will be di scussing whether it needs to be
meeting more often than monthly, which it has don e in the past. Legislators Martha Robertson as Chair
and Dooley Kiefer as Vice Chair will again lead the Committee. They will be joined by Legislators Carol
Chock, Michael Sigler, and David McKenna as t he other members. I mportant issues are on the
Committee's plate. An im portant Housing Summ it was sponsored by the Count y and held last
November. How we increase affordable housing for people who choose to live in Tompkins County will
need to be further examined. The report of the Energy and Economic Development task force needs to be
implemented. The new thr ee-year Energy Task Force will give us advice on renewable energy strategies
to move the County to lower carbon emissions. Th is will help us co mply with our Comprehensive Plan
and Energy Roadmap to fight clim ate change. T he Committee will need t o look at all of that while
continuing oversight of the norm al work of the County Planning Department and related entities such as
Tompkins County Area Develop ment, Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit, and the Soil and Water
Conservation District.
"Our Facilities and Infrastructure Co mmittee oversees a vari ety of important departments that
deliver neces sary services to the people of our co mmunity. Highway and bridge projects, building
maintenance and renovations, and the n eed to purchase and maintain costly equipment are all part of its
work. Our enterprise program s in Solid Waste and at the Airport report to it, and loom ing important
projects there require ongoing attention. This year I have asked Legislator David McKenna to continue
as Chair of the Co mmittee. Additionally, Legislator Glenn Morey will serve as Vice Chair, and
Legislators Michael Sigler, Peter Stein, and Dan Klein will complete the group.
"Coming off a very b usy an d som etimes controversial 2016, our Govern ment Operations
Committee will continue under the leadership of Dan Klein as Chair. Carol Chock will be the
Committee's Vice Chair, with Legisl ators Dooley Kiefer, Richard John and Will Bur bank as the
remaining members. Th at Co mmittee oversees several core count y departments, inclu ding Count y
Administration, Assessment, Board of Elections and Public Information to name a few. Its
Broadband Subcommittee will continue under Chai r David McKenna. We are still looking to assist
residents in obtaining needed broadband service in unserved parts of our County such as Caroline, Danby
and Newfield.
"Legislator Anna Kelles will chair the Health and Human Services Committee this y ear. That
Committee has charge of those depart ments which m atter so m uch to the m ost vulnerable of our
population, employ the majority of our employees, and administer the greatest part of the county budget.
Legislator Leslyn McBean-Clairborne will be Vice Chai r, with Legislators Peter Stein, Carol Chock, and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Will Burbank also serving.
"The Public Safety Committee will have im portant work t his year. The Sheriff's Department
reports to it, as does the Probation Department, the District Attorney, the Assigned Counsel program, the
Department of Emergency Response, and the Crim inal Justic e/Alternatives to Incarcer ation Board.
Among other things, the committee will oversee count y efforts to provide services for released jail
prisoners re-entering our community, with the goal of helping to reduce recidivism. A study of police
service consolidation will also be pursued. Legislat or Richard John will chair the comm ittee this year.
Legislator Peter Stein will be the Vice Chair, and the other members will be Legislators Anna Kelles,
James Dennis and Martha Robertson.
"In 2016, a special Jail Study Committee was created in response to the threatened revocation b y
the New York State Commission of Correction of space variances for housing prisoners at the jail. A jail
population study is underway . That Committee will also be advising us on programing and bui lding
design needs. Legislator Richard John chairs that Committee, with Legislator Anna Kelles as Vice Chair.
Legislators Jam es Dennis, David McKenna, and Martha Robertson are the other members on the
"Because of extended delay s in the City of Ithaca' s revie w process es r equiring m ultiple
submissions by the County's preferred developer fo r the Old Library site, the special Old Library
Committee's work is not complete and will continue this year. As last year, it will continue to meet on an
as -needed basis towards t he finalizatio n of the sal e of the pro perty. I will continue to Chair that
committee with Legislator Lesly n McBean-Clairbo me as Vice Chair, and L egislators Do oley Kiefer,
Michael Sigler, and Martha Robertson also serving.
"Last y ear, the special Transportation Committee began a serious review of transporta tion
problems in our Count y. State highway s, our Airport, mass transit, an d the development of the
recreational trail sy stem were examined, to name a few of the issues that were dis cussed. Much
continues to be happening at the Federal and State leve 1 with respect to transportation and f uture project
funding. The Committee will continue and I will be chairing it with Legislator David McKenna as Vice
Chair, and Legislators James Dennis, Glenn Morey, and Peter Stein as members.
"The Tompkins County Industrial Development Agency provides tax incentives to spur economic
activity in t he Count y. It is ad ministered by the Tompkins Count y Area Develop ment Agency and
governed by its own Board. Four Legi slators sit on th at Board. Legislator James Dennis will remain as
Chair, with Legislators Will Burbank, Martha Robertson and Richard John continuing. I am
recommending that Architect Grace Chiang be reappointed to the Board. I understand too that Tompkins
County Chamber of Commerce President & CEO Jennifer Tavares will be re- appointed to her seat on the
Board by the Agency.
"Whatever work we Tompkins County Legislators do, pales by comparison to the exemplary job
that our wonderful employees do for the people of our County. We owe a co nstant debt of gratitude for
the hard work they perform every day, and every night. From Social Services to Solid waste; from Mental
Health to Public Health and Youth Services; fro m emergency services to highways, Airport and bridges;
from building maintenance to our Library and Co mmunity College; from Weights and Measures t o
County Administration, and all the othe rs. They have our thanks. Without them, our County would be
only a name on a wall.
"As Tompkins County proceeds into its third centur y we must all work together. This y ear, as
every year, we will work hard, we will debate, and we will do business. We are the people s' team. And
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
if on occasion we should get something wrong, I promise that it will never be because we did not do our
very best to get it right."
Resolutions Added to and Withdrawn from the Agenda
There were no resolutions withdrawn from or added to the agenda.
Appointments Approved Under the Consent Agenda
MOVER: Glenn Morey, Member
SECONDER: Anna Kelles, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
Library Board of Trustees - terms expire December 31, 2018
Ingrid Jensen
Nina Miller
Water Resources Council - terms expire December 31, 2019
Michelle Henry - At -large representative
Jon Negley - Soil and Water Conservation District representative
Cynthia Brock - Recreation representative
Chris Bordlemay - Water Purveyor representative
Lynn Leopold - Municipal representative
Resolutions Approved Under the Consent Agenda
MOVER: Glenn Morey, Member
SECONDER: Anna Kelles, Member
AYES: Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Kiefer, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne,
Robertson, McKenna, Morey, Sigler, Stein
Resolution No. 2017- 9: To Amend Resolution No. 2016-6 of January 5, 2016 - Determ ination and
Certification of Count y Clerk's Allowance - Annual E xpenses for
Administering Mortgage Tax (ID #6784)
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 262 of the Tax Law, recording officers and treasurers ar
entitled to receive all thei r necessary expenses for purposes of ad ministering mortgage taxes in their
offices on approval and allowance by the New York State Tax Commission, and
WHEREAS, the State Tax Commission , by resolution duly adopted July 1, 1946, did determine
that such mortgage tax ex penses be ap proved at the am ount certified to the St ate Tax Commission by
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
County Boar d of Representatives [Tompkins Cou my Legislature] provided it is a reasonable and
necessary allowance for such expenses, and
WHEREAS, the Count y Clerk has co nducted a co st analy sis and has reco mmended th at the
allowance for mortgage tax expenses be increased from $265,300 per annum to $277,478 per annum, and
WHEREAS, in addition, the Finance Director has conducted a cost analy sis and has
recommended that the allowance for the treasurer's expense for administering the mortgage tax be set at
$15,000 per annum (unchanged), now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Government Ope rations Co mmittee, That the su in of
$277,478 per annum be, and the sam a hereby is, determined as a reasonable and necessary allowance of
the Tompkins County Clerk, the recording officer of the Count y of Tompkins, for the hire of clerks and
assistants an d other expenses to as sist in the ad ministration of the mortgage recording tax law in her
office, and that the sum of $15,000 per annum be, and the same hereby is, determined as a reasonable and
necessary allowance of the To mpkins Count y Fi nance Director, to assist in the ad ministration of the
mortgage tax funds, and that said sum of $292,478 is hereby certified to the State Tax Commission as the
reasonable and necessary allowance for such expenses,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Legislature is hereby directed to send a certified copy
of this resolution, with her original signature thereon, to the State Tax Commission,
RESOLVED, further, That this resolution shall take effect immediately.
Resolution No. 2017-10: Acceptance of Snowmobile Grant 2016-2017 (ID #6788)
WHEREAS, Tom pkins Count y through its Plan ning Department has agreed to be the pass
through agen cy f or f unds awarded by the New York State Office of Parks, Recreati on & Historic
Preservation (OPRHP) for the purpose of funding trail maintenance by local snowmobile clubs, and
WHEREAS, the funds will be used by local snowmobile clubs to maintain 102 miles of existing
trails in Tompkins County, and
WHEREAS, grant funds have been awarded in the amount of $27,150.00, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Planning, Develop ment, and Environm ental Qu ality
Committee, That the County hereby accepts funds in the amount of $27,150.00 from the New York State
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or his designee be authorized to execute any
contracts related to this project.
Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Resolution No. 2017-11: Request for Authorization to Extend the Additional One Percent Sales Tax
Rate in Tompkins County (ID #6797)
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: Dooley Kiefer, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, this Legislature in 1991, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009,
2011, 2013, and 2015 requested and received authorization from the State of New York to enact an
additional one percent local sales tax in To mpkins County in additio n to th e th ree p ercent
authorization that all New York State Counties possess by law, and
WHEREAS, the current authorization received in 2015 expires November 30, 2017, and
WHEREAS, this Legislature has been requested by the offices of Assemblyperson Lifton and
Senator O'Mara to forward any request for an extension of this authority when legislation can be
timely prepared and submitted at the beginning of a session of the State legislature, and
WHEREAS, the expiration of the additional one percent local sales tax would necessitate, (1)
approximately $11 m illion in redu ctions in Coun ty expenditu res, creating a major impact on the
availability of services, or a 23 percent in crease in County property tax rates, or so me combination
thereof, as well as (2) substan tial sal es tax revenue losses requiring sp ending reductions or tax
increases for the City, towns, and villages of Tompkins County, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee, That this
Legislature r equests th at As semblyperson Li fton, Sen ator S eward, S enator Helming and Senato r
O'Mara sponsor and support legislation extending the authority of the Tompkins County Legislature
to extend the additional one percent local sales tax in Tompkins County beyond November 30, 2017,
based on the same terms and conditions included in previous legislation, to provide local property -tax
Planning, Development, and Environmental Ouality Committee
Resolution No. 2017-12: Affirming Ithaca -Tompkins County Transportation Council (ITCTC)
Recommendation to Inc rease the ITCTC Staff Director' s Salary (ID
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
MOVER: Martha Robertson, Member
SECONDER: Carol Chock, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, Tompkins Count y entered into a Me morandum of Understanding with t he Ithaca -
Tompkins County Transportation Council (ITCTC) on September 30, 1992, agreeing that ".....staff will be
hosted by Tompkins County as an administrative rather than a reporting arrangement...... staff is selected by
the Council [with] staffing plan, staff qualifications, and salary schedule established by the Council", and
WHEREAS, Board Resolution No. 99 of 1993 "Clarification of Employment Status - Position of Ithaca -
Tompkins County Transportation Council Planning Director" stated the following:
"...the position of Ithaca -Tom pkins County Transportation Council Planning Director shall be entitled to the
terns and conditions of e mployment established by t his [ County] Board for in anagement employ ees unless
otherwise recommended by the Council and established by this [County] Board of Representatives", and
WHEREAS, on March 14, 2000, the Director's sal ary was modified b y ITCTC resolution 200 0-01
above the in anagement salary range with the stipulation that the Host Agency, Tompkins County, execute the
necessary administrative procedures to implement this modification, and
WHEREAS, on February 5, 2002, the Tom pkins County Board of Representatives passed Resolution
No. 6 Affirm ing Ithaca -Tom pkins County Transportation Council (ITCTC) reco mmendation to establish the
ITCTC Planning Director's salary above the salary range, and
WHEREAS, on December 20, 2016, the ITCTC passed Resolution 2016-08 to adjust the salary of
the Staff Director, effective January 1, 2017, by 2.25%, and
WHEREAS, in keeping wit h the County's requirement that salaries established abov e the salary range
be authorized exclusively by resolution, and to estab lish or affirm recommendations made by ITC TC that are
contrary to the terms and conditions of employment for management staff, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning, Development, and E nvironmental Qu ality
Committee, That the Tom pkins County Board affirm the 2.25% incr ease of the sal ary for the Ithaca -To mpkins
County Transportation Council Planning Director to a total of $87,611.78, effective January 1, 2017, as approved
by the Ithaca -Tompkins County Transportation Council.
Government Operations Committee
Resolution No. 2017-2: Establishing 2017 Meeting Dates (ID #6650)
It was MOVED by Mr. Klein, seconded b y Ms. Kiefer, and unanimously adopted by voice vote,
to reconsider Resolution No. 2 of 2017.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
It was MOVED b y Mr. Klein, seconded b y Ms. Kiefer, to amend Resoluti on No. 2 of 2017 to
change the July 5th meeting to July 6th and the November 8th to November 9th. Mr. Klein explained these
dates will avoid the conflict with Co mmon Council's meetings as they are broadcast on the Government
Access Channel as well and would have precedent.
It was MOVED by Mr. Sigler, seconded by Mr. Morey, to amend the amendment to change the
July 6th meeting to July 11th.
It was MOVED by Mr. Dennis, seconded by Mr. Burbank, to C all the Question. A voice vote
resulted as follows: Ayes - 12, Noes - 2 (Legislators Chock and McBean-Clairborne). THE QUESTION
A voice vote on the amendment to the amendment resulted as follows: A yes - 4 (Legisl ators
Dennis, McKenna, Morey, and Sigler); Noes - 10. MOTION FAILED.
MOVER: Daniel Klein, Member
SECONDER: Dooley Kiefer, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Peter Stein
NAYS: Michael Sigler
RESOLVED, on recommendation of t he Govern ment Operations Committee, That the 2017
regular meetings of the Tompkins County Legislature are as follows:
January 17,
2017 at 5:30 p.m.
February 7,
2017 at 5:30 p.m. (NYSAC Conf. January 30 -February 1)
February 21,
2017 at 5:30 p.m.
March 7,
2017 at 5:30 p.m.
March 21,
2017 at 5:30 p.m.
April 4,
2017 at 5:30 p.m.
April 18,
2017 at 5:30 p.m.
May 2,
2017 at 5:30 p.m.
May 16,
2017 at 5:30 p.m.
June 6,
2017 at 5:30 p.m.
June 20,
2017 at 5:30 p.m.
July 6,
2017 at 5:30 p.m. (July 4 - Holiday)
July 18,
2017 at 5:30 p.m.
August 1,
2017 at 5:30 p.m.
August 15,
2017 at 5:30 p.m.
September 5,
2017 at 5:30 p.m.
September 19,
2017 at 5:30 p.m. (NYSAC Conf. Sept. 13-15)
October 3,
2017 at 5:30 p.m.
October 17,
2017 at 5:30 p.m.
November 9,
2017 at 5:30 p.m. (November 7 - Election Day)
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Tuesday, November 21, 2017 at 5:30 p.m.
Tuesday, December 5, 2017 at 5:30 p.m.
Tuesday, December 19, 2017 at 5:30 p.m.
Resolution No. 2017- 13: Amendment to Rule IV- Order of Business (5) Privilege of the Floor -
Rules of the Tompkins County Legislature and Functions of Committees
(ID #6798)
It was MOVED by Ms. Chock, second ed by Mr. St ein, to a mend the resolution and replace the
paragraph in Rule IV - Order of Business (5) Privilege of the Floor to read:
"Legislators are encouraged to limit Legislators' Privilege of the Floor to t hree minutes, in order
to match the amount of time accorded to members of the public who address the Legislature in the Publi c
Privilege of the Floor of the Legislative meetings."
It was MOVED b y Ms. Kelles, seconded b y Mr. Stein, to am end the am endment and add the
following statement: "W hile Legislators are speak ing the clock will be running so the y would see the
length of time they are speaking."
A voice vote resulted as follows on the a mendment to the am endment: Ay es - 8 (Legisl ators
Burbank, Ch ock, John, K elles, Lane, McKenna, Robert son, and Stein); Noes - 6 (Legislators Dennis,
Kiefer, Klein, McBe an-Clairbome, Morey, and Sigler). AME NDMENT T O THE AMENDMENT
A voice vote resulted as follows on the amendment as amended: Ayes - 10 (Legislators Burbank,
Chock, John, Kelles, Klein, Lane, McBean -Clair borne, McKenna, Robertson, and Stein); Noes - 4
(Legislators Dennis, Kiefer, Morey, and Sigler). AMENDMENT AS AMENDED CARRIED.
This resolution was defeated by a roll call vote.
MOVER: Daniel Klein, Member
SECONDER: James Dennis, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Leslyn McBean-
Clairbome, Martha Robertson, Peter Stein
NAYS: James Dennis, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, David McKenna,
Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Government Operations Committee, That the following
change to the Rules of the Legislature be adopted:
Amend Rule IV - Order of Business (5) Privilege of the Floor, to add the following provision:
Legislators are encouraged to limit Legislators' Privilege of the Floor to three minutes, in order to
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
match the amount of tim e accorded to mem bers of t he public who address the Legislature i n the Public
Privilege of the Floor of t he Legislative meetings. While Legislators are speaking the clock will be
running so they would see the length of time they are speaking.
Planning, Development, and Environmental Ouality Committee
Conflict of Interest Disclosure for a Department of Social Services Employee Seeking to Participate
in the Tompkins County Homeownership Program (ID #6800)
Ms. Robertson reported for the record the followi ng as required: "Conflict of Interest Excep tion
for a Departm ent of Social Services Em ployee S eeking to Participate i n the Tom pkins Count y
Homeownership Program".
Action Requested
No action is requested, this is a public disclosure regarding a conflict of interest exception sought t o
enable a County employee to participate in the Tompkins County Homeownership Program.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
January 3, 2017
MOVER: Rich John, Member
SECONDER: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Member
AYES: Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne,
Robertson, McKenna, Morey, Sigler, Stein
NAYS: Dooley Kiefer
Mr. Lane, Chair, declared recess at 8:10 p.m.
Mr. Stein was excused at 8:15 p.m.
The meeting reconvened at 8:20 p.m.
Executive Session
It was MOVED by Mrs. McBean-Clairborne, seconded by Mr. Morey, and unanimously adopted
by voice vote by members present, to hold an executive session at 8:20 p.m. to discuss a personnel matter
about a particular employee.
The meeting returned to open session at 10:09 p.m.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Adi ournment
The meeting adjourned at 10:09 p.m.
Tompkins County Legislature
Regular Meeting Minutes — Approved 3-7-17
Tuesday, February 7, 2017 5:30 PM
Legislature Chambers
Call to Order
Mr. Lane, Chair, called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of the Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll Call of Members
Attendee Name
Will Burbank
Carol Chock
James Dennis
Status Arrived
Rich John
Anna Kelles
Dooley Kiefer
Daniel Klein
Michael Lane
Lesl n McBean-Clairborne
Late 5:59 PM
Martha Robertson
David McKenna
Glenn Morey
Michael Sigler
Peter Stein
Privilege of the Floor by the Public
Barbara Harrison, Town of Ithaca resident, said she is a me tuber of the Finger Lakes for New
York Health, a Chapter of Single -Pa yer New York. She submitted a statement and said they support the
resolution entitled Resolution to Oppos e a Repeal o f the Affordable Care Act Without an Acceptabl e
Commensurate Healthcare Alternative. They also propose that the acceptable alternative be supportive of
a national single -payer health-care system in the guise of Representative John C onyer's bill HR676. She
highlighted what some of the impacts would be if the Affordable Care Act was repealed.
Carolyn Kenyon, Town of Lansing resident, thanked Legislators for the time and energy devoted
to public service. She ap preciates the action taken by the Legislature on previous legislation to supp ort
the establishment of a universal single -pay er healthcare system guaranteeing healthcare for every one. In
addition, she spoke in support of the resolution entitled Resolution to Oppose a Repeal of the Affordable
Care Act Without an Acceptable Commensurate Healthcare Altern ative as many lives depend on it. It
needs to be defended until there is an e quitable replacement. She spoke of the New York State Health
Act as passed by the Assembly and now needs the support of the Senate. She encouraged the Legislature
to also support the Act and to speak with othe r State and County Legislators. She said these are
extraordinary times that require extraordinary actions.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Ann Sullivan, City of Ithaca, spoke in support of the resolution entitled Resolution to Oppose a
Repeal of the Affordable Care Act Wit hout an A cceptable Commensurate Heal thcare Altern ative. She
addressed the i mpacts a repeal of the ACA would have on loc al residents and taxpayers. Planned
Parenthood and Cay uga Medical Center will lose funding and t here will be 8,000 people in Tompkins
County that will lose health care coverage. Taxpayers will see an increase if funding for Medicare is lost
due to the repeal of the ACA. She said this is an American issue not a Republican or Democrat issue.
Leslie Danks Burke, Town of Ithaca, spoke in support of the resolu tion entitled Resolution to
Oppose a Repeal of the Affordable Care Act Without an Acceptable Commensurate Healthcar e
Alternative. She addressed this from the property tax perspective and said New York State handle s
Medicaid funding different from any other state in t he nation. Medicaid is a federal prog ram with half
paid by the federal government and the other half paid by the states that opt in. Every other state pays its
half at the state level. New York State shuttles half of its half to the count y level and costs Tom pkins
County taxpayers 33% of their tax bill. If New York State were to change this program to be the same as
other states, property taxes in Tompkins County would decrease by 33%. The repeal of ACA would cost
New York State $9 billi on. However, there is inte rest by som e in New York State government with
moving to a block grant s ystem for Me dicaid. If that sy stem goes into place it would seriously further
stress county budgets and this would not be affordab le to Tom pkins County citizens. She encouraged
Tompkins County to stand up to the New York State government and Federal government.
Marya Finle y, Town of Newfield, spoke in sup port of the re solution entit led Resolution to
Oppose a Repeal of the Affordable Care Act Without an Acceptable Commensurate Healthcar e
Alternative. She spoke of her own experience as a single parent and expressed concern to those this could
impact if the ACA was repealed.
Sally Heron, Town of It haca and the Health Center Manager for Planned Parenthood of the
Southern Finger Lakes, sp oke in support of the resolution entitled Resolution to Oppose a Repeal of the
Affordable Care Act Without an Accep table Commensurate Healthcare Alternative. She spoke of what
the impoacts would be nationally if the ACA was repealed. She spoke of the patients that are now being
seen because they have he alth care and it does not have to be a c hoice and they can take better car e of
themselves a nd their families. She commented on the services that are available through Planned
Parenthood that patients are able to access now there the ACA.
Joan Spielholz, City of Ithaca and Board Mem ber of the Natio nal Alliance on Mental Health
Illness Finger Lakes Chapter, explained on behalf of the Board why ACA has been important to the
organization and loved ones. Many pe ople develop severe and persistent mental illness in their late teens
or early twenties, ACA all ows children until the age of 26 to remain on their parent's insurance. This i s
important to the mental health organizations. Parity in health care is probably the most important aspect
of the ACA. It required health plans to have the same deductibles, cost-sharing, and coverage limits for
mental health services as offered for medical and surgical services. It provides safeguards for people with
insurance that keeps them from being dropped from their plan or turned down for renewal j ust because
they are ill. The Board stresses the need to have mental health treat ments covered by insurance in the
same way that other treatments are.
Anita Watkins, Town of Ithaca, expressed concern of the fall out if the ACA is repealed. She
spoke of her experience of 28 y ears with the health care system in Canada and said she was covered by
the single -payer system. She hoped to see that kind of coverage in the United States. In addition, she
spoke in support of the resolution enti tled Resolution to Oppos e a Repeal of th e Affordable Care Act
Without an Acceptable Commensurate Healthcar e Altern ative. She referenced the HR Bill 676 tha t
currently exists in Congress, but is uncertain it will be passed. A Bill does exist in New Yor k State that
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
has been passed by the Assembly and hopes it will be passed by the Senate. That Bill would cover health
care for all New Yorkers.
Theresa Alt. City of Ithaca, spoke in support of the resolution e ntitled Resolution t o Oppose a
Repeal of the Affordable Care Act Without an Acceptable Commensurate Healthcar e Alternative.
However, she believes a single -payer system would be better for every one. It cuts costs of delivering
health care and would save money.
Mrs. McBean-Clairborne arrived at this time.
Laura Lewis, City of Ithaca, spoke in support of the resolution entitled Resolution t o Oppose a
Repeal of the Affordable Care Act Wit hout an A cceptable Commensurate Heal thcare Altern ative. She
reference an op-ed column in the Itha ca Journal wr itten by Deborah Dawson that spelled out the costs
both human and financial of repealing the ACA. The repeal of ACA concerns her and spoke of personal
Carl Feuer, Ithaca, spoke in support of the resolution entitled Resolution to Oppose a Repeal of
the Affordable Care Act Without an Acceptabl e Commensur ate Healthcare Alternative and said
Congressman Reed needs to hear that Tompkins C ounty wants him to oppose repealing the ACA. In
addition, he urged that following a pproval of t he resolution this evening that it be sent to all
municipalities within the 23rd District. He hopes other municipalities would pass a similar resolution. He
spoke to why t his issue is im portant to him and that even Medicare recipi ents like himself will be
negatively impacted by repeal of ACA.
Pam Mackesey, City of Ithaca, strongly urged the Legislature to support the resolution entitled
Resolution to Oppose a Repeal of th e Affordable Care Act Without an Acceptable Commensurate
Healthcare Alternative. She spoke of how this Legislature historically makes the right decisions when it
comes to is sues like this a s it cares about its citizens and asked the Legislature to join the fight to push
back on issues.
Rebecca Elgie, City of Ithaca, spoke in support of the resolution entitled Resolution t o Oppose a
Repeal of the Affordable Care Act Wit hout an A cceptable Commensurate Heal thcare Altern ative. She
commented on her Supp ort of the sin gle-payer system that she has previously spoken about at meetings.
In addition she spoke of her experiences as a Medicare recipient and said sh e is fortunate to have this
program available to her.
Ellen Walsh, Town of Danby , spoke in support of the resolution entitled Resolution t o Oppose a
Repeal of the Affordable Care Act Wit hout an A cceptable Commensurate Heal thcare Altern ative. She
too spoke of her personal experiences and family members and believes her sister is alive because of the
ACA. Ms. Walsh also spoke about a proposed sanctuary resolution the Legislature will be considering at
a future meeting and urged its passage. She commented on an Amnesty Report released today that stated
13,000 people have been killed in a Sy rian prison by their own govennn ent; these are the same people
that are being turned away at our borders right now, but need our help.
Walaa Horan, Town of Lansing, said she has lived in Tompkins County for 12 years, the longest
she has lived in any one place as she had traveled all over with her family. She spoke about the sanctuary
issue and said she works with Ithaca Welcomes Refugees. The City of Ithaca recently passed a resolution
to be a sanctuary city which allows people to com e here who need assistance. She spoke of some of the
personal experiences with the people who have recei ved assistance through this program and what it
means to them. She said it is im portant that people feel safe when they are traveling. These people are
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
not hurting our country; refugees are already here and are a part of our lives and families.
Baschki Robertson, Lansing, sp oke in support of the resolution e ntitled Resolution to Oppose a
Repeal of the Affordable Care Act Wit hout an A cceptable Commensurate Heal thcare Altern ative. She
said she represents health care workers and bargains contracts at hospitals and nursing homes for workers.
She understands clearly how those organizations make money. 60% to 80 % of the income for most
hospitals in our region strictly comes from Medicai d and Medicare. She spoke of what the im pact on
hospitals and nursing h omes would be if the ACA is repealed. Cayuga Medical Center would lose $3.4
million per year and Corning Hospital would lose $19 m illion over ten y ears. Both these hospitals could
potentially close. If Medicaid block gr ants and Medicare vouchers are added, the institutions would be
destroyed. S he spoke of Congressm an Reed's position for supporting a repeal of ACA and said if that
happens 76,854 of his constituents would lose health care coverage. The other issue she spoke about was
the opioid treatment in thi s area and that many of those patients are covered u nder ACA and that is t he
only way those people would get treatment.
Constance Sterling-Engman, Town of Ithaca, spoke in support of t he r esolution ent itled
Resolution to Oppose a Repeal of th e Affordable Care Act Without an Acceptable Commensurate
Healthcare Alternative. She be lieves the best c ase s cenario is to expand Medicare and have a
comprehensive single -payer Medicare program. She al so spoke of her own d aughter's experience with
obtaining health care coverage and found something that worked well for her while a college student.
Medicaid is not the answer.
Stephanie Schauder, Ithaca, spoke in support of the resolution entitled Resolution t o Oppose a
Repeal of the Affordable Care Act Without an Accep table Commensurate Healthcare Alternative. She
understands the ACA has a lot of issues and it is in n eed of improvements but she is very concerned what
will happen if it is repealed without a reasonable replacement.
Fran Hel mstadter, Ithaca, spoke in support of the resolution entitled Resolution to Oppos e a
Repeal of the Affordable Care Act Without an Ac ceptable Commensurate Healthcare Alternative. In
addition, she said she strongly supports New York Health as a single -payer system that will contain costs
and equalize costs across the State.
Health and Human Services Committee
Resolution No. 2017-14: Resolution to Oppose a Repeal of the Affordable Care Act Without an
Acceptable Commensurate Healthcare Alternative (ID #6824)
Ms. Chock also thanked th ose who came out to speak on this issue and encouraged the me mbers
of the public continue to come to meetings and address the Legislature. She also asked that copies of the
resolution be sent to the municipalities in the 23rd Congressional District. It was noted that this would be
discussed further and handled administratively.
This resolution was adopted by a roll call vote.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
MOVER: Anna Kelles, Member
SECONDER: Carol Chock, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, Tompkins County stands firm ly committed to affordable and inclusive access to
excellent health care for all of the County's residents, and
WHEREAS, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has both provided expanded access to and improved
health care for many of Tompkins County's residents, and
WHEREAS, Governor Cuomo estimates that rep eal of the ACA would put the health insur ance
and health care of almost 8,000 of Tompkins County's residents at risk, and
WHEREAS, many features of the ACA -such as prohibiti ng life time benefit caps, prohibi ting
gender discrimination, provision of care regardless of pre-existing conditions, and provision of benefits to
children up to age 26 on their parents' policies -benefit all Americans, including those whose insurance is
not purchased on the exchanges, and
WHEREAS, Governor Cuomo estimates that repeal of the ACA would cut F ederal
reimbursement for Tompkins County's Medicaid expenditures by over one million dollars, and
WHEREAS, repeal of the ACA would significantly increase the property tax burdens of
Tompkins County residents, and
WHEREAS, repeal of the ACA would prevent Me dicaid recipients from accessing health care
from Planned Parenthood, leaving thousands of wo men and m en without access to basic pri mart' care,
WHEREAS, repeal of the ACA would take away preventive services fro m Medicare recipients
and reinstate the prescription drug "doughnut hole", therefore costing seniors thousands more each year,
WHEREAS, according to the nonparti san Congressional Budget Office, the ACA has hel ped
reduce the country's deficit and extended the future solvency of Medicare, and repeal of the ACA would
reverse those positive fiscal trends, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Health and Human S ervices Committee, That the
Tompkins Count y Legisl ature calls on its repres entatives in Washington, Congressman Tom Reed,
Senator Charles Schu mer, and Senato r Kirsten Gillibrand, to vot a against any repeal of the Affordable
Care Act unless and until it is replaced by another nationwide alternative with protections for the public
commensurate with the goals of the ACA, or a single -payer health insurance program that is adopted only
following an extensive public review and comment period,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Legislature send copies of this resolution to
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Congressman Tom Reed, Senator Charles Schumer, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Majorit y and Minority
Leaders of the Senate and House of Representatives, United States Se cretary of Health and Huma n
Services, President Donald Trump, and New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo.
Report from a Municipal Officials
George McGonigal, Common Council Member, reported Common Council approved a resolution
amending its Code and naming the City of Ithaca a Sanctuary City and a resolution opposing repeal of the
Affordable Care Act. Both resolutions were passed unanimously.
Introduction by County Administrator
Mr. Mareane recognized Mr. Estes, Deput y Human Resources Commissioner, who introdu ced
Michelle Rio s -Dominguez. Michelle Rios -Dominguez has accepted the position of Manager of Talent
Acquisition and Engagement in the Human Resources Department.
Ms. Rios -Dominguez thanked the Legislature and sai d it is an honor to be here and said she has
been a member of the co mmunity for some ti me. Sh e had worked in the office of Hu man Resources at
Ithaca College for 14 years.
Special Topical Presentation and/or Legislative Discussion
Annual CountCompliance Pro reg sport to the Legislature (ID#6809)
Paula Younger, Deputy Count y Administrator, provided the Legi slature with the Annual Y ear -
End County Compliance Program Report.
Mr. Lane declared recess at 7:53 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:00 p.m.
Announcement from the Planning and Sustainability Department
Ms. Robertson said the presentation by Ed Marx, Planning and Sustainability Commissioner, and
Katie Borgella, Deputy Commissioner, is a follow- up to the announcem ent made yesterday about t he
West Dry den Road Pipeline and the new initiative unde r review by the Public Service Commission.
NYSEG has agreed to consider an alternative appro ach to the West Dry den Road Pipeline and a draft
analysis was presented to Public Service Commission for review.
Ms. Borgella thanked the Legislature for its leadership in creating this the Energy and Economic
Development Task Force. There wer e 16 community members serving on it from diverse backgrounds.
The task force presented 8 reco mmendations in i is final report dated June 2016. She spoke of th e
Business Ene rgy Navigator reco mmendation that the Legislature partially funded this year. The y are
working on securing the remaining funds needed. Another area is building the needed an infrastructure to
support transiting to electric vehicles (EV). They are working on a great opportunity to install charging
stations and become an `BV Deployment Community" in 2017 through a NYSERDA program.
A major recommendation was to work with the Public Service Commission and NYSEG to assess
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
alternatives to the West Dryden Road pipeline. Th e group specified that it was looking for alternatives
that are:
Economically viable
Can be implemented with existing technology, and
Can meet the energy needs of the high tech industries along Warren Rd
The second p art of the recommendation was to ask to be a m odel for PSC and NYSEG to find
creative ways to reduce use of natural gas, including:
• Weatherization
• Conservation
• Conversion to electric heat pumps
This lead to a request to the Chairwo man of th e PSC, Audrey Zibelman, and by July 19, 2 016,
Ms. Zibelman and other staff members came to Ithaca to talk about this particular reco mmendation. Ms.
Borgella believes they were intrigued by creation of this task force with business and climate activists
working together to come up with creative solutions. At the July meeting, they expressed interest in the
"Non -Pipes Alternative" approach but needed m ore discussion with PSC staff and N YSEG. In
November, another meeting was held that included NYSEG's top leadership to discuss NYSEG's current
thinking about the West Dryden Road Pipeline project and Non -Pipes Alternatives. A follow-up meeting
was held in late November with onl y the engineer s from the NYSEG team and task force. At tha t
meeting, there was re al interest on a possible s mall compressor station on the distribution line that could
be a great so lution. A conference c all was then hel d on January 5 th with PS C, NYSEG, and task force
representatives at which i t was learned that NYSEG was actively pursuing the co mpressor station and
demand reduction ideas to address:
1) Reliability needs of current gas customers in Lansing
2) Demands of prospective customers who've already requested gas
3) Expected new demand from growth in the area
This resulted in NYSEG writing a letter to Chairw oman Zibelman, and cop ying county officials,
outlining NYSEG's plans to address those three needs.
Mr. Marx co ntinued with an explanati on of the details in the le tter. NYSEG stated they had
investigated the compressor station option and that they were meeting with the PSC, which happened on
February 2"d. The compressor station feasibility study had been completed and NYSEG officials wanted
to share it with the PSC for their review. A timeline for this option was outlined in the letter. This option
is im portant because it addresses the current reliabilit y concern that existing customers could lose
natural gas service on the coldest days due to inadequate pressure in the existing distribution lines. The
compressor station is believed to address that prob lem. If approved, NYSEG is prepar ed to move
Also the lette r addresses natural gas service for people who have been requesting service fro m
NYSEG since the m oratorium has been in place. To address that, an RFP would be iss ued for non -
pipeline alternatives to solicit solutions from third party providers to reduce demand for natural gas in the
area in order to "free -up" supply for industrial uses. Responses to the RFP would be due in May. This is
an aggressive atte mpt to address this issue, and it is very responsive of NYSEG and PSC to take a
community's request into consideration and take this kind of action.
Mr. Marx said if the two i tems outlined in the letter from NYSEG can go for ward, it will be a
large step forward in moving in a ne w direction. In addition, he learned toda y, that the Governor
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
announced a $15 in illion incentive program through NY SERDA for renewable heating and cooling
technology. This is the exact issue that is being addressed.
Mr. Marx credits NYSEG for taking t his on as it is very unconventional and w ould be breaking
new ground. He further commented that NYSEG is challenging the community in what it can do at the
local level to encourage efficiency in building construction.
Mr. Marx concluded that i f the compressor station idea is not approved b y the PSC, the pip eline
will need to be constructed since the reliability issue for existing customers will still need to be addressed.
Chair's Report and Chair's Appointments
Mr. Lane made the following appointments:
Tompkins County Area Development Board of Directors
Martha Robertson
Chamber of Commerce
Michael Lane
Jim Dennis, Alternate
Extension Service
Dave McKenna
Will Burbank
Local Advisory Board on Assessment Review
Caroline/Danby - Dan Klein
Newfield/Enfield - Dave McKenna
Groton - Glenn Morey
Dryden - Mike Lane, Martha Robertson
Town of Ithaca - Will Burbank, Dooley Kiefer, Peter Stein
Lansing - Mike Sigler, Dooley Kiefer
Ulysses - James Dennis
City of Ithaca - Carol Chock, Anna Kelles, Richard John, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne,
Workforce Diversity and Inclusion Committee
Leslyn McBean-Clairborne - Chair
Ithaca Metropolitan Planning Organization (ITCTC Policy Committee)
Dooley Kiefer
Michael Lane, Alternate representative
Municipal Electric and Gas Alliance
Michael Stamm
Special Negotiating Committees
Jim Dennis
Peter Stein
Dan Klein
Amy Guererri
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Joe Mareane
Corrections Union Contract Negotiating Team
James Dennis
Peter Stein
Joe Mareane
Amy Guererri
Kenneth Lansing
Brian Robison
Report from the County Administrator
Ms. Robertson asked that the Child Care Tax Credit be included in the list of discussion topics for
the State officials. Mr. Mareane agreed to add that topic to the list.
Report from the County Attorney
Resolutions Added to and Withdrawn from the Agenda
There were no resolutions added to or withdrawn from the agenda.
Appointments Approved Under the Consent Agenda
Advisory Board Appointments (ID # 6826)
MOVER: Glenn Morey, Member
SECONDER: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
Agriculture and Farmland Protection Board - terms expire December 31, 2020
John P. Fleming - Farmer representative
Norman L. Davidson - Farmer representative
Soil and Water Conservation District
Daniel Carey - Farm Bureau representative; term expires December 31, 2019
Water Resources Council
George Fowler - At -large representative; term expires December 31, 2019
Library Board of Trustees
Kenneth A. McClane - term expires December 31, 2019
Ethics Advisory Board
Dooley Kiefer - term expires December 31, 2020
Resolutions Approved Under the Consent Agenda
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
MOVER: Glenn Morey, Member
SECONDER: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Member
AYES: Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Kiefer, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne,
Robertson, McKenna, Morey, Sigler, Stein
Resolution No. 2017- 15: Authorization to Accept New York State Division of Crim inal Justice
(NYSDCJS) Crime Prevention Grant Funding - Sheriffs Office (ID
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Sheriffs Office was awarded grant funding of $10 ,000 from
the New York State Division of Criminal Justice in 2016, and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Sheriffs O ffice requests authorization to accept the grant
funding for t he specific purpose of p urchasing an el ectric sp eed sign and f or other cri me -prevention
services, such as D.A.R.E . (Drug Abuse Resi stance Education) supplies, Neighborhood Wa tch Program
supplies, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety Committee, That the Director of Fina nce
be and hereby is authorized and directed to make the following budget adjustment for 2017:
Revenue: A3113.4 3389 Other Public Safety Revenue $10,000
Appropriation: A3113.5 4319 Program Supplies $10,000
Resolution No. 2017-16: Authorization to Accept an Award of a Grant from the New York Stat E
Division of Criminal Justice Services - Probation and Community Justice
Department (ID #6813)
WHEREAS, the Probation Director and the STOP -DWI Coordinator have been notified of a grant
award in the amount of $10,604 (based upon the averag e number of pre-sentence/sentencing orders for
installation of Ignition Interlock Devices in Tompkins County during the past two years, and representing
a reimbursement rate of approximately $63 per court order) from the New York State (NYS) Division of
Criminal Justice Services to help defray the costs of implementing Leandra's Law and the monitoring of
Ignition Interlock Devices, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of t he Public Safety Committee, That the grant in the am ount
of $10,604 from the NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services to help defray the costs of im plementing
Leandra's Law and the monitoring of Ignition Interlock Devi ces be accep ted and that the Count y
Administrator or his designee be and hereby is authorized to execute all contracts related to this award,
RESOLVED, further, That the Director of Finance is directed to make the following adjustments
to his books for 2017:
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
n: A3142.54400
Other Public Safety Aid
Other Public Safety Aid
Program Expense
Program Expense
$5,3 02
$5,3 02
Resolution No. 2017-1 7: Authorization to Acce pt Police Pro tective Equipment Program (PPEP)
Grant fro m the Ne w Yo rk State Div ision of Criminal Justic a Service s
(DCJS) - Sheriffs Office (ID #6806)
WHEREAS, the Sheriff's Office has been awarded funding through the New York State Division
of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) Office of Program Development and Funding in the am ount of
$36,893 (PP 16-1312-D00) for the contr act period of Ja nuary 1, 2017, to December 31, 2017, to equi p
local police agencies with protective equipment, and
WHEREAS, these funds will be used to and will provide the gr eatest 1 evel of protection and
effectiveness in our efforts to co mbat active -shooter incidents, terrorist attacks, and other criminal events
through the purchase of ballistic vests and DCJS-approved patrol rifles, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety Committee, That Tompkins County accept
these grant funds for the purpose of procuring the aforementioned protective equipment,
RESOLVED, further, That the Finan ce Director be and hereb y is authorized to make the
following budget adjustments for 2017:
REVENUE: 3113.44389 (Other Public Safety Revenue) $36,893
APPROPRIATION: 3113 .52220 (Departmental Equipment) $36,893
Resolution No. 2017-18: Adoption of List of Designated Officers and Employees Req uired to File
an Annual Financial Disclosure Form (ID #6786)
WHEREAS, State L aw requires em ployees "who hold polic y -making positions, as annually
determined by" the County to fill out financial disclosure forms, and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Local Law No. 2 of 199 7 and Adm inistrative Manual Policy 01-29,
Standards of Conduct, "key employees" shall be de termined by separate r esolution of the Tom pkins
County Legislature, and
WHEREAS, the list of "key employees" required to file the annual Financia 1 disclosure form has
been updated, now therefore be it
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Government Operations Committee, That the following
list of designated officers and em ployees required to fill out the annual financial disclosure for m be
Title Department/
Contracts Coordinator
County Administrator
Deputy County Administrator
Airport Manager
Assistant Airport Manager
Director of Assessment
Assistant Director of Assessment
Valuation Specialists (2)
Real Property Appraiser (2)
Senior Valuation Specialist (1)
Assistant Real Property Appraiser (1)
Supervising Attorney
Assigned Counsel
Program Coordinator
Assigned Counsel
Elections Commissioner (2)
Board of Elections
Deputy Elections Commissioner (2)
Board of Elections
Director, Office for the Aging
Office for the Aging
NY Connects Coordinator
Office for the Aging
County Attorney
County Attorney
Deputy County Attorney
County Attorney
County Clerk
County Clerk
Deputy County Clerk
County Clerk
District Attorney
District Attorney
Deputy District Attorney
District Attorney
Director, Emergency Response
Emergency Response
Communications Center Manager
Emergency Response
Assistant Director (3)
Emergency Response
Director of Facilities
Assistant Director of Facilities
Director of Finance
Deputy Director of Finance
Treasury Manager
Public Health Director
Public Health Administrator
Highway Director
Assistant Highway Director
Director of Human Rights
Human Rights
Director, Information Technology Services
Information Technology Services
Deputy Director, Information Technology Serv. Information Technology Services
Clerk of the Legislature
Chief Deputy Clerk of the Legislature
Legislators (14)
Commissioner of Mental Health
Mental Health
Deputy Commissioner of Mental Health
Mental Health
Commissioner of Personnel
Deputy Commissioner of Personnel
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Commissioner of Planning
Deputy Commissioner of Planning
Probation Director lI
Deputy Director of Probation
Sheriff Sheriff
Undersheriff Sheriff
Captain of Corrections
Captain of Road Patrol
Commissioner of Social Services
Deputy Social Services Commissioner
Director of Services
Director of Administrative Services
Program Development Specialist
Solid Waste Manager
Assistant Solid Waste Manager
Director of Weights and Measures
Employment and Training Director
Workforce Development Director
Youth Services Director
Administrative Assistant
Probation and Community Justice
Probation and Community Justice
Social Services
Social Services
Social Services
Social Services
Social Services
Solid Waste
Solid Waste
Weights and Measures
Workforce Development
Workforce Development
Youth Services
Youth Services
RESOLVED, further, That should additional successors need to fill a position that they be as ked
to fill out an Annual Financial Disclosure form at that time.
Resolution No. 201 7-19: Approval of Appoin tment to the Tom pkins County Council o
Governments (TCCOG) (ID #6825)
WHEREAS, the To mpkins Count y Council of G overnments is an also ciation of local
governments organized to provide a forum of discussion, study, and negotiation leading to agreements for
more efficient, improved, and/or less costly delivery of government services, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Govern ment Operations Co mmittee, That Michael E.
Lane be appointed as a member and Glenn Morey be appointed as the alternate member to the Tompkins
County Council of Governments (TCCOG).
Resolution No. 2017-20: Appointments to Industrial Development Agency (1D #6802)
WHEREAS, Section 856 of the General Municipa 1 Law authorized that the Tom pkins County
Legislature designate the members of the Tompkins County Industrial Development Agency (TCIDA) by
resolution, and
WHEREAS, members of the TCIDA who are also members of the Tompkins County Legislature
shall be app ointed ann ually b y the C hair of the County Leg islature subject to the ap proval of th e
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Legislature, and
WHEREAS, non -legislator board members shall be appointed for a term of two years by the same
process, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Planning, Develop ment, and Environm ental Qu ality
Committee, That the following in embers be appointed to the Industrial Development Agency to serve at
the pleasure of the Legislature, effective immediately:
Rich John - Member, Tompkins County Legislature
James Dennis - Member, Tompkins County Legislature
Will Burbank - Member, Tompkins County Legislature
Martha Robertson - Member, Tompkins County Legislature
Jennifer Tavares - TCAD representative
Grace Chiang - Member, At -Large (term expires 12/31/18)
Svante Myrick - Member, At -Large (term expires 12/31/17)
RESOLVED, further, That Ja mes Den nis serve as the Chair of the In dustrial Development
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Legislat ure is authorized and directed to file with the
Secretary of State a Certificate of Appointment.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
January 17, 2017
MOVER: Daniel Klein, Member
SECONDER: James Dennis, Member
AYES: Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne,
Robertson, McKenna, Morey, Sigler, Stein
NAYS: Dooley Kiefer
Executive Session
It was MOVED b y Ms. K elles, seconded b y Ms. Robertson, and unanimously adopted by voice
vote, to hold an executive session at 9:44 p.m. to discuss a personnel matter about a particular employee
and a possible real property purchase. The meeting returned to open session at 10:17 p.m.
Adi ournment
The meeting adjourned at 10:17 p.m.
Tompkins County Legislature
Regular Meeting Minutes — Approved 3-7-17
Tuesday, February 21, 2017 5:30 PM
Legislature Chambers
Call to Order
Mr. Lane, Chair, called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll Call of Members
Attendee Name
Will Burbank
Carol Chock
James Dennis
Rich John
Anna Kelles
Daniel Klein
Michael Lane
Leslyn McBean-Clairborne
Martha Robertson
David McKenna
Glenn Morey
Michael Sigler
Peter Stein
Executive Session
It was MOVED by Ms. Kelles, seconded by Mr. Morey, and unanimously adopted by voice vote
by members present, to hold an execu tive ses Sion at 5:33 p.m. for the purpose to confer ence with th e
County Attorney to seek legal advice. The meeting returned to open session at 5:59 p.m.
Mrs. McBean-Clairborne was excused at 5:59 p.m. and returned later in the meeting.
Privilege of the Floor by the Public
Bruce Babcock, Town of Ulysses resident, provided some history following an accident he had in
1979 followed by the loss of custody of his childre n. He spoke of his negative experiences with the
Ithaca Police Department and the lack of help from the Town he is a resident in. All of this has 1 ed to
several cases and incidences over the years and as a result of those he expressed his concern with County
department's lack of following the ADA (American's with Disability Act) rules and filing documents in a
form he is able to read but the Legislature is willing to help people who are from another country.
Sara Schaffzi n, City of Ithaca resident, spoke in support of t he resolution entitled Resolution to
Maintain a Safe, Inclusive Governme nt and Ensure the Protection, Order, Conduct, Safety , Health, and
Tompkins County Legislature
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Well -Being of All Persons in T ompkins County. It is important to clarify the r oles of local governments
including law enforcement. Their responsibilit y i s to protect and serve to cal citizens. She does n of
believe there is evidence to support t he idea that illegal immigrants are co mmitting a dis proportionate
amount of crime in this countr y. She spoke of the effects of the North Amer ican Free Trade Agreement
and its effects on the US; possibly the immigration sy stem should accommodate those immigrants who
are doing many of the jobs Americans don't want to do.
Ella Diaz, It haca resident, spoke in support of the resolution entitled Resolution to Maint ain a
Safe, Inclusive Govern ment and Ensure the Protecti on, Order, Conduct, Safety, Health, and Well -Being
of All Persons in Tom pkins County. S he spoke of the econo mic impact in central New York and the
immigrants doing the labors US workers do not want for informal wages.
Susan Multer, Town of Ithaca resident, spoke in support of the resolution entit led Resolution to
Maintain a Safe, Inclusive Governme nt and Ensure the Protection, Order, Conduct, Safety , Health, and
Well -Being of All Persons in Tompkins County. She spoke of the experiences of her family who came to
this countr y for freedom as immigrants or refugees . Com ing to Am erica they become ex traordinary
residents and later citizens because they have the desire, commitment, and courage to start over. The y
contribute to our society by learning our language, ge tting a job, pay ing taxes, etc., and most important
value freedom. The resolution allow s Tompkins County to accept i mmigrants and refugees and to
welcome the in, help the in, and protect the in. If they seek services fro in local law e nforcement or
municipal offices they won't be asked about their immigrant status.
Deborah Diehl, Town of Ithaca resident, spoke in support of the resolution entitled Resolution to
Maintain a Safe, Inclusive Governme nt and Ensure the Protection, Order, Conduct, Safety , Health, and
Well -Being of All Persons in Tom pkins County. It is heartbreaking when families are torn apart when
Immigration and Custom s Enforcement (ICE) agents are going a fter people because they do not have
legal standing. They are not just going after cri minals. She commented that we are all i mmigrants unless
you are a direct descendant of Native Americans. Welcoming immigrants into our countr y to p ursue a
better life is one of our core values. She believ es there is agree ment t hat every one wants thei r
communities to be safe and right now she feels immigrants are more likely to be victi ms of crime. It is
important to have a culture where everyone feels safe and welcome.
Cynthia Brock, City of Ithaca resident, spoke in support of the resolution entitled Resolution to
Maintain a Safe, Inclusive Governme nt and Ensure the Protection, Order, Conduct, Safety , Health, and
Well -Being of All Persons in Tom pkins County. She understands the Legislature's positi on and that
there are three things to keep in mind: principals, laws, and budgets. She spoke of the similar resolution
she brought to Common Council under the principal that all individuals within our municipality deserve
the services and protections allowed and given t o them under the law. Regardless of where so meone
lives, Tompkins County intends to be an inclusive community regardless of religion, sex, gender identity,
age, domestic victim status, and immigration status. She spoke of the process to become a US citizen and
said it is a 1 ong process. This resoluti on would send a clear message that all indi viduals will get t he
protections and services of Tompkins County.
Anne Koreman, Town of Ulysses resident, spoke in support of the resolution entitled Resolution
to Maintain a Safe, Inclusive Government and Ensure the Protection, Order, Conduct, Safety, Health, and
Well -Being of All Persons in Tompkins County. She read a statement she adapted from a speech written
by Martin Nemuehler a Minister during the Nazi regime who spent seven years in conservation camps.
Charles Geisler, Dry den resident, submitted a statement and said he supports the resolution
entitled Resolution to Maintain a Safe, Inclusive Gove rnment and Ensure the Protection, Order, Conduct,
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Safety, Health, and Well -Being of All Persons in Tompkins County for the following three reasons:
- It is carefully conceived to protect a vulnerable population in Tompkins County.
- It codifies and establishes best practices regarding the role of local governor ent in New York
State in ensuring public safety for all and establishes that unauthorized immigrants among us
are not prey; they are humans with inalienable rights.
- It mirrors the prerogatives of our strong h ome rule state, that is, self -g overnment a s
established in Article IX of our Constitution and, by law, liberally construed.
Kevin Kelly, Ithaca resident, said he is the President of the OAR (Opportunities, Alternatives, and
Resources) Board and supports the resolution to appropriate $100,000 to purchase the property to expand
services and include housing for indivi duals released from incarceration at the Tompkins County Jail.
OAR has been providing s ervices for 4 0 years and asked the Legislature to support the resolution. The
Endeavor House project will house 4-5 clients. He spoke of his experiences as a Criminal Defense
Attorney and the i mpressive servic es OAR provides. Housing is one of the main problems for OA R
clients and said re-entry begins with housing. He introduced Cornell Law School stude nts present and
said they will be helping with this.
Ellen Walsh, Town of Danb y resident, spoke in support of the resolution entit led Resolution to
Maintain a Safe, Inclusive Governme nt and Ensure the Protection, Order, Conduct, Safety , Health, and
Well -Being of All Persons in Tompkins County. She spoke of a Frequently Asked Questions guide about
the legality of Sanctuary Resolutions. She said we are protect ed by making this resolution by the 10 "'
Amendment of the Constitution. She reported on Congr essman Reed's Town Hall meetings he held and
it became clear that Affordable Care Act (ACA) is going to be repealed. She believes that will drastically
increase the tax burden and she does not believe C ounty funds should be used to enf orce Feder al
regulations because that money will be needed to s ubsidize people and pr ograms in this Count y. She
further commented on the econom is impact this will ha ve on t he community. This is an agriculture
community and employs immigrants that do the work that many others do not want to do.
Walaa Horan, Town of Lansing resident, spoke in support of the resolution entitled Resolution to
Maintain a Safe, Inclusive Governme nt and Ensure the Protection, Order, Conduct, Safety , Health, and
Well -Being of All Persons in Tom pkins County. She said she is a naturalized citizen and spoke of her
negative experience with law enforcement a few years ago and now has concerns and fears for calling the
police. She believes a resolution like this protects people like her and those who have concerns and need
law enforcement. She spoke of the recent raids around t he countr y and the i mpact it has had on the
Kate Shanks, Village of Lansing resident, spoke in support of the resolution entitled Resolution to
Maintain a Safe, Inclusive Governme nt and Ensure the Protection, Order, Conduct, Safety , Health, and
Well -Being of All Persons in Tompkins County. She believes it is the right thing and compassionate. The
evidence shows that policies like this make co mmunities safer f or all residents. The key part of this
resolution is the provision that County employees and Law Enforcement will not ask about immigration
status in cas es where it i s not relevant. In commun ities where this is a best practice, t hey are safer
because people are able to report crimes , act as witnesses, provide information during investigations, and
seek help without fear or being detained. She e xpressed her appreciation to those who wor ked on the
resolution and put in the effort.
Randy Brown, Town of Newfield resident, said he has lived in Tompkins County for most of his
life and expressed his opinion that County Legi slators are d istracted fro in their job. Like in any
Americans, he is not happ y with Feder al or State ac tions of poli ticians. He does not believe it is the
County's bus iness to be considering t he resolution entitled Resolution t o Maintain a Safe, Inclusive
Tompkins County Legislature
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Government and Ensure the Protection, Order, Conduct, Safety, Health, and Well -Being of All Persons in
Tompkins County. The Legislature's role is to serve the people of this County and should be focused on
local communities. Poverty and inequities exist here in every municipality.
Kathleen Bergin, Town of Ithaca resident, former professor of Constitutional Law, an d a
volunteer for Catholic Charities Refugee Resettleme nt Program Attorney , spoke in support of the
resolution entitled Resolution to Maintain a Safe, Inclusive Government and Ensure the Protection, Order,
Conduct, Safety, Health, and Well -Bei ng of All Persons in Tom pkins County. She said the resolution is
about affirm ing existing policy. T ompkins Count y officers do n of have the jurisdict ion to enforce
Immigration Law. She rem inded the Legislature th at i mmigration is a Fed eral matter controlled by
Articles I and 11 of the Constitution. She further expl ained the policies and laws that must be adhered to
by local officers and that the resolution is important for preserving local resources.
Youngmin Yi, City of Ithaca resident, spoke in support of the resolution entit led Authorizing a
$100,000 Supplemental One -Ti me Appropriation to Opportunities, Alternatives, and Resources, Inc., to
Expand Its Range of Services to Inc lude Housing fo r Individuals Rel eased from Incarceration at th e
Tompkins Count y Jail. She believes it is a huge investment to individ uals being released fro m
incarceration and to the community . S he also spoke in support of the resolution entitled Resolution to
Maintain a Safe, Inclusive Governme nt and Ensure the Protection, Order, Conduct, Safety , Health, and
Well -Being of All Persons in Tom pkins County. She believes th e resolution will protect and enhance
local government and law enforcement in the community.
Barbara Pease, Town of Ithaca resident, spoke in support of the resolution entit led Resolution to
Maintain a Safe, Inclusive Governme nt and Ensure the Protection, Order, Conduct, Safety , Health, and
Well -Being of All Perso ns in To mpkins County. She spoke of having immigrants in her fam ily and
discussed the effects it would have if a person in her family were involved in a raid.
David Rhodes, City of It haca resident and a fo rmer Case Manag er and Interpreter for a Health
Clinic organization that served immigrants, spoke in support of the resolution entitled Resolution to
Maintain a Safe, Inclusive Governme nt and Ensure the Protection, Order, Conduct, Safety , Health, and
Well -Being of All Persons in Tompkins County. He said this is a human rights issue and spoke of people
who are too afraid to call 911 when they are in a life or deat h situation because they are f earful of
possibly being deported.
Enrique Gonzales-Conty, City of Ithaca resident, spoke in S panish and recited his comments in
English. He is a Professor at Ithaca College and teaches Spanish and spoke in support of the resolution
entitled Resolution to Maintain a Safe, Inclusive Gove rnment and Ensure the Protection, Order, Conduct,
Safety, Health, and Well -Being of All Persons in Tompkins County. He said the Federal governm ent
Executive Order goes against what he teaches in his classroom.
Shari Korthuis, Ithaca resident, spoke in support of the resolution entitled Resolution to Maintain
a Safe, Inclusive Government and Ensure the Protection, Order, Conduct, Safety, Health, and Well -Being
of All Persons in Tompkins County. This is important to her and spoke of an experience her son and his
wife had recently when t hey were pul led over. Ev eryone needs to be protec ted as we are all human
Doa Abdel-Ghany, Town of Ithaca resident, spoke in support of the resolution entitled Resolution
to Maintain a Safe, Inclusive Government and Ensure the Protection, Order, Conduct, Safety, Health, and
Well -Being of All Persons in To mpkins County. She said she has ha d conversations with her son and
tried to encourage hi m to co me and speak this even ing. He was not interested but m ade the following
Tompkins County Legislature
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statement: "This is y our generation's problem, you still haven't figured out how to live with others that
are not like you and the next generation is being influenced by your failure to overcome this problem".
Michael Kop linka-Loehr, Town of Ithaca resident , spoke in support of the resolution entit led
Authorizing a $100,000 Supplem ental One -Time Appropriation to Opport unities, Alternatives, and
Resources, I nc., to Expa nd Its Range of Services to Include Housing for Individuals Released from
Incarceration at the Tom pkins County Jail. He sai d 20 years ago there was a request fo r funding for
transitional housing fr om the jail and at that time it was not granted. The Legislature now has the
opportunity to make that happen. He also spoke in support of the resolution entitled R esolution to
Maintain a Safe, Inclusive Governme nt and Ensure the Protection, Order, Conduct, Safety , Health, and
Well -Being of All Persons in Tompkins County. He believes that, although policies are already in place,
reaffirming health and public safety policies for all community members is important so that there is no
question about the County's commitment to these preexisting legal policies.
Nancy Spero, Town of Enf ield resident, spoke in support of the resolution entit led Resolution to
Maintain a Safe, Inclusive Governme nt and Ensure the Protection, Order, Conduct, Safety , Health, and
Well -Being of All Persons in To mpkins County. She said there are many people in Enfield that support
this action and believe it is a humanitarian and neighborly thing to do.
Peter Ladley, Town of Ithaca r esident, spoke in support of the resolution entit led Resolution to
Maintain a Safe, Inclusive Governme nt and Ensure the Protection, Order, Conduct, Safety , Health, and
Well -Being of All Persons in Tom pkins County. He reiterated the point made about the United Nations
declaration on Human Rights and that it prov ides an entirely different framework than having t o be
hijacked at the local and regional level to militarize our economics and society. He concluded by citing
poetry by Wendell Barry.
Health and Human Services Committee
Resolution No. 2017-21: Resolution to Maintain a Safe, Inclusive Government and Ensure the
Protection, Order, Conduct, Safety, Health, and Well -Bei ng of All
Persons in Tompkins County (ID #6859)
Mrs. McBean-Clairborne returned to the meeting at 7:03 p.m.
Ms. Chock offered the following statement that was accepted as friendly to be added to the t hird
Resolved, paragraph ii: "there is pro bable cause to believe that the individual has or is engaged in
, an activity of terrorism, which is an activity forbidden by law and intended to intimidate
or coerce a population, influence government policy, or affect government conduct through violence."
Mr. John offered the following paragraph that was accepted as friendly to be added to the f ourth
"iv. disclosing inform ation about an individua 1 when the Count y Department, officer, personnel,
or agent is acting pursuant to a court ordered investigation on an individual who has been convicted of a
misdemeanor or felony."
It was MOVED by Mr. Stein, seconded by Mr. Klein, to amend the resolution to remove the fifth
Whereas and replace it with "WHE REAS, the consequences of being present in the U.S. without
authorization are determined by immigration policy rather than by other criminal statutes, and"
Tompkins County Legislature
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Following discussion, it was MOVED by Mr. Dennis, seconded b y Mr. Stein, to Call the
Question. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 9; Noes - 4 (Legislators Burbank, Chock, Kiefer, and
Robertson); Excused - 1 (Legislator Sigler). THE QUESTION WAS CALLED.
A voice vote resulted as follows on the motion to amend: Ayes - 1 (Legislator Stein), Noes - 12,
Excused - 1 (Legislator Sigler). MOTION FAILED.
This resolution was adopted by a roll call vote.
MOVER: Anna Kelles, Member
SECONDER: Carol Chock, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, Peter Stein
NAYS: David McKenna, Glenn Morey
EXCUSED: Michael Sigler
WHEREAS, Tom pkins Count y commits to m aintaining a safe, inclusive, and welcom ing
community recognizing the inherent equality and human dignity of ALL people, and
WHEREAS, racism, xen ophobia, Islam ophobia, anti -Sem itism, hom ophobia, gender identit y,
sex, victims of domestic violence, familial status, and religious persecution of any kind threatens public
safety and the peaceful foundations of a civilized society, and
WHEREAS, the establish ment of a "registry ," or t he detention or deportation of m illions of
people currently living in this country, for reasons sole ly related to their citizenship, imm igration status,
race, ethnicity, national origin, or religion, runs contrary to core American values, and
WHEREAS, the inhumane application of immigration laws that separate loved ones from each
other and their communities, especially children from parents and caretakers, undermines the integrity of
families and is contrary to the best interest of children, and
WHEREAS, the mere fact of being pre sent in th e United States without authorization, by itself,
does not constitute a crime, and
WHEREAS, several groups of immigrants, including permanent residents, visa holders, refugees,
and people who are undocumented, who come to this country with varied skill sets and support from their
home country, are all integral to the current structur e and prosperity of our local, state, and national
economy, from the food system to academia and business, and
WHEREAS, immigrants, refugees, and racial, ethni c, and religious m inorities make ongoing
contributions to the economic, cultural, and spiritual pr osperity of our community at the local, state, and
national level, includin g those who have sacrificed in defense of the United States a s members of the
armed forces, and
WHEREAS, Articles I an d II of the U.S. Cons titution expressly grant the federal govern ment
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exclusive power to establish and enforce immigration laws, and
WHEREAS, the Tenth Amend ment to the U.S. Co nstitution prohibits the federal govern ment
from commandeering state or local officials to enfor ce immigration law, and 1 ikewise prohibits state or
local officials fro in acting unilaterally on imm igration matters where the federal govern ment has
preempted the field, and
WHEREAS, under the Home Rule powers grante d by the New York State Constitution, as
implemented by the Municipal Ho me Rule Law, T ompkins Cou my has authorit y to adop t local laws
relating to the "government, protection, order, conduct, safety, health, and well-being of persons" that are
not inconsistent with the State Constitution or a general state law, and
WHEREAS, on Januar y 19, 2 017, the Civil Rights Bureau of th e New York State Attorn ey
General's office issu ed a "legal roadmap" outlining the extent to which state and local jurisdictions are
permitted under law to decline to participate in federal immigration investigation and enforcement, and
WHEREAS, Tompkins Count y sup ports existing efforts being made by Count y Departments,
officers, personnel and agents, including law enfo rcement officers, to en sure public safety through
relationships built on trust and good-wi 11, especially with individuals who are vulnerable to exploitation
and abuse due to their citizenship, immigration status, race, ethnicity, national origin, gender identity, sex,
victims of domestic violence, familial status, or religion, and
WHEREAS, Tompkins County supports criminal investigations and associated actions tha t are
authorized by law, and not solely related to an individual's citizenship, immigration status, race, ethnicity,
national origin, gender identity, sex, victims of domestic violence, familial status, or religion, and
WHEREAS, Tom pkins Count y Dep artments, officer s, person nel, and agents, have a legal,
practical, an d in oral i mperative when carry ing out official dut ies to uphol d the U.S. Constitution,
including the principles of federalism and separation of powers, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Health and Human S ervices Committee, That the
Tompkins Count y Legisl ature affirms its support fo r the current practices of our Sh eriff and our
departments, in particular those outlined in this resolution, as they pertain to the County's aim to maintain
a safe, inclusive go vernment and t he protection, order, conduct, safety, health, and well-being of all
persons in Tompkins County, and urges continued adherence to constitutional, federal, and state laws,
RESOLVED, further, That Count y Departm ents, officers, personnel, and agents should not
engage in certain activities solely for the purpose of enforcing federal immigration law, including:
A. executing a stop, questio ning, in terrogating, investigating, or arresting an individual
based solely on any of the following:
a. Actual or suspected immigration or citizenship status; or
b. A "civil immigration warrant," ad ministrative warrant, or an immigration detainer in
the individual's name, including t hose identified in the National Crime Information
Center (NCIC) database;
B. performing the functions of a federal immi gration officer or otherwise engaging in t he
enforcement of federal immigration law--wheth er pursuant to Section 1357( g) of Title 8
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of the United States Code or under any other law, regulation, or policy,
RESOLVED, further, That County officers or agents should honor detainer requests from federal
agents only in the following limited, specified circumstances:
A. when a "civil imm igration detainer" from fe deral agents to detain or transfer an
individual for i mmigration enforcement or investigation purposes for up to 48 hours is
accompanied by a judicial warrant,
a. except that a person may be detained for up to 4 8 hours on a "civil immigration
detainer," in the absence of a judicial warrant if there is probable cause to believe that
the individual has illegally re-entered th e country after a previous rem oval or return
as defined by 8 U.S.C. § 1326, and
i. the individual has been convicted at an y time of (i) a "violent or serious" crime
as defined under section 14-154 (a) (6) of the Adm inistrative Code of the City
of New York or (ii) a fede ral crime or crime under the law of another state that
would constitute a predicate felon y conviction, as defined under the New York
Penal Law, for any of the preceding felonies; or
ii. there is prob able cause to believe that the individu al has or is engaged in an
activity of to rrorism, whi ch is an activity forbidden by law an d intended to
intimidate or coerce a p opulation, in fluence government policy, or affect
government conduct through violence,
RESOLVED, further, That County Departments, officers, personnel, and agents shall not inq uire
about or collect from individuals, including but not limited to a crime victim, a witness, or a person who
calls or approaches the police seeking assistanc e, in formation c onceming citizenship or immigration
status unless necess ary to perform official duties and shall prohibit the use or disclosure of such
information in any manner that violates, local, state, or federal law,
RESOLVED, further, That County Departments, officers, personnel, and agent s may respond to
federal requests for information upon presentation of a judicial warrant, but that absent a judicial warrant,
will not disclose certain non-public, sensitive information about an individual, such that:
A. County Departm ents, officers, personnel, and agents may respond affirm atively to a
request by a federal agent for non- public information about an in dividual-including but
not limited to non-public inform ation about an individual's release, home address, or
work address - ONLY IF the request is accompanied by a judicial warrant,
a. EXCEPT THAT nothing in this resolution prohibits any local entity or official from:
sending to or receiving from any local, state, or federal agency - as per 8 U.S.C.
§ 1373- ( 1) information regarding an individual's countr y of citizenship if
known or (2) a statement of the individual's immigration status if known; or
ii. disclosing in formation about an in dividual's crim inal arrests or convictions,
where disclosure of such information about the individual is otherwise permitted
by state law or required pursuant to subpoena or court order; or
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iii. disclosing information about an individu al's juvenile arrests or delinquenc y or
youthful offender adjudications, where disclosure of such information about the
individual is otherwise permitted by state law or required pursuant to subpoena
or court order,
iv. disclosing information about an individual when the County Department,
officers, personnel, or agent is acting p ursuant to a court ordered investigation
on an individual who has been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony,
RESOLVED, further, That County Departments, officers, personnel, and agents shall not provide
federal agents with access to an individual in their custody or the use of agency facilities or resources to
question or i nterview such indivi dual if the federa 1 agent' s sole purpose is enforce ment of federa 1
immigration law,
RESOLVED, further, That County Departments, officers, personnel, and agents shall protect th e
due process rights of persons about w horn federal immigration enforcement requests have been made,
including providing those persons with appropriate notice, and:
A. ensuring that bail and/or release from custody upon posting of bail shall not be delayed
solely because of (1) an individual' s citizen ship or i mmigration status, (2) a civil
immigration warrant, or (3) a federal agency request, for the purposes of i mmigration
enforcement, requests notification about, transf er o f, detention of, or an interview or
interrogation of that individual;
B. upon receipt of a federal detainer, transfer , notification, interview, or interrogation
request, providing a cop y of that request to the individual named therein and inform ing
the individual whether the request will be honored before communicating a response to
the requesting agency;
C. subjecting individuals in custody to the same booking, processing, release, an d transfer
procedures, policies, and practices, regardl ess of actual or s uspected citizenship or
immigration status,
RESOLVED, further, That it shall continue to be the practice that local agency resources should
not be used to create a federal registry based on c itizenship, immigration status, race, ethnicity, national
origin, gender identity, sex, victims of domestic violence, familial status, or religion,
RESOLVED, further, That no C ounty Department, officer, personnel, or agen t shall use Count y
monies, facilities, property, equipment, or personnel to investigate, enforce, or assist in the i nvestigation
or enforcement of any federal program requiring registration of indivi duals on the basis o f citizenship,
immigration status, race, ethnicity, national origin, gender identity, sex, victims of do mestic violence,
familial status, or religion,
RESOLVED, further, That County Departments, officers, personnel, and agents shall lim it the
collection of immigration -related information a nd ensure non-discri minatory access to benefits and
services, such that
A. No inquiry or request for proof shall be made regarding an indi vidual's citizenship or
immigration status when services or b enefits are provided, except where the receipt of
such services or benefits are contingent upon one's citizenship or immigration status, or
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where inquiries are otherwise lawfully required by federal, state, or local laws; and
B. Tompkins Count y has established and sha 11 maintain a formal Language Assistance
Policy for individuals with Limited English Proficiency and provide interpretation or
translation services consistent with that policy, consistent with its obligations under Title
VI of the Ci vil Rights A ct of 19 64, and Department of Health and Hum an Services
RESOLVED, further, That regarding their receipt of, and response to, federal requests for the sole
purpose of monitoring compliance with all applicable laws, County Departments, officers, personnel, and
agents should collect and report aggregate data containing no personal identifiers,
RESOLVED, further, T hat Count y Departm ents, o fficers, perso nnel, and ag ents shall record,
solely to create the semi-annual reports described b elow, the following for each i mmigration detainer,
notification, transfer, interview, or interrogation request received from federal agents:
A. Date and time that the subject individua 1 was taken into local law enforce ment custody,
the location where the individual was held, and the arrest charges;
B. Date and time the request was received;
C. The requesting agency;
D. Immigration or criminal history indicated on the request form, if any;
E. Whether the request was accompanied with any documentation regarding immigration
status or proceedings, e.g., a judicial warrant;
F. Whether a copy of the request was pro vided to the individual and, if yes, the date and
time of notification;
G. The response to the request, including a decision not to fulfill the request;
H. If applicable, the date and time that fede ral agents took custo dy of, or was otherwise
given access to, the individual; and the date and time of the individual' s release fro in
I. Whether the individual consented to the request;
J. Whether the individual requested to confer with counsel regarding the request,
RESOLVED, further, That Count y Departments, officers, personnel, and agents shall provide
annual reports to the County Legislature and County Clerk regarding the information collected according
to the previous resolved, in an aggr egated form, that is stripped of a 11 personal identifiers in order tha t
compliance with all applicable law may be monitored,
RESOLVED, further, That all County Departments, officers, personnel, and agents, including but
not lim ited t o law enforcement, education, health and safety departm ents, and privat e individuals
delegated authority to carry out County functions, are directed to incorporate policies into their standard
training and operational procedures outlining these protections and directing compliance with them,
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RESOLVED, further, That given that inaliena ble rights should be universally honored and
preserved and not restricted by geographic boundaries, Tompkins County urges our State legislature and
Governor Andrew Cuomo to enact a measure ensu ring the lawful and non-discriminatory treatment of
anyone present in the State of New York, regardless of immigration status,
RESOLVED, further, That the County in tends that the provisions of this Resolution are
severable, and that the invalidity of any part does not affect the validity of any remaining part,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Legislature send copies of this resolution t o Senators
Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand; to Congressman Tom Reed; State Senators Tom O'Mara, James
Seward, and Pamela Helming; State Assemblymember Barbara Lifton; and Governor Andrew Cuomo.
Mr. Lane declared recess at 8:01 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:12 p.m.
Mrs. McBean-Clairborne was excused at 8:06 p.m.
Report from a Municipal Officialls
Ducson Nguyen, Common Council member, thanked the Legislature for passing the Resolut ion
entitled Resolution to Maintain a Safe, Inclusive Gove rnment and Ensure the Protection, Order, Conduct,
Safety, health, and Well -Being of A 11 Persons in Tompkins County. He commented th at he spoke to
Congressman Tom Reed and asked him to hold a Town Hall meeting in Ithaca and said he is planning to
do that this Spring. The City recently joined th e Amicus Brief with Attorney General S chneiderman
suing the Trump Administration with regard to the travel ban. Maguire recently explained their future
plans with th e City's Plan ning and Eco nomic Development Committee. There was discus sion that the
Southwest Park area would be a more feasible place for a car lot. The City also discussed dogs in Stewart
Park. On Februar y 27th there is a public inform ation meeting with the dev elopers who are looking t o
build apartments on Inlet Island.
Public Safety Committee
Resolution No. 2017-22: Authoriz ing a $100, 000 Supple mental One -Time Appropriation to
Opportunities, Alternatives, and Resources, Inc., to Expand Its Range
of Services to Include Housing for Individuals Relea sed fro m
Incarceration at the Tompkins County Jail (ID #6865)
In response to Ms. Chock's q uestion about the in volvement of INNS (Ithaca Neighborhoo d
Housing Services), Ms. Dietrich stated there is no assistance from INNS for this project.
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
MOVER: Rich John, Member
SECONDER: Will Burbank, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn
Morey, Peter Stein
EXCUSED: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Michael Sigler
WHEREAS, Tompkins County is dedicated to reducing its jail population by assisting individuals
to constructively re-enter the community following incarceration, and
WHEREAS, the near -abs ence of transit ional re-ent ry housing presents a sign ificant barrie r to
such constructive re-entry, and
WHEREAS, Tompkins County has a longstanding and beneficial relationship with Opportunities,
Alternatives, and Resources of To mpkins Count y, Inc. (OAR) , a not-for-profit organiz ation whose
mission is to advocate for, and assist, people who are or have been incarcerated in the Tompkins County
Jail, and
WHEREAS, OAR is a pillar of the County's alte matives-to-incarceration and re-entry system,
and receives the County's support for a range of services including bail support, re-entry counseling, and
most recently, the Upstate College Initiative, and
WHEREAS, OAR is now seeking to augment its services by providing housing opportunitie s to
4-5 clients in a residential structure it intends to acquire and renovate, and
WHEREAS, OAR has created a subsidiary housing organization, OAR Housing LLC, to protect
the core mission of OAR from liability associated with this and any future residential projects, and
WHEREAS, OAR has requested a one-time, $100, 000, increase in its 2017 Count y appropriation
to provide it the capacity to expand its range of services to include transitional housi ng for individuals
released from incarceration at the Tompkins County Jail, and
WHEREAS, OAR has indicated i is willingness a nd intent to offset t his supplemental
appropriation through adjustments in future budgeted appropriations from the County, and
WHEREAS, particularly in light of increasing State pressure to reduce its Jail populati on, it is in
the County's interest to support the creation of such transitional housing, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of t he Public Safe ty and the Budget, Capital, and Personnel
Committees, That the Director of Fina nce be and here by is directed to m ake the following budgetar y
FROM: 1990 .54400 Contingent Fund $100 1000
TO: 6315 .54400 OAR Core Svcs $100 1000
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Resolutions Added to and Withdrawn from the Agenda
There were no resolutions added to or withdrawn from the agenda.
Appointments Approved Under the Consent Agenda
Advisory Board Appointments (ID # 6827)
MOVER: David McKenna, Member
SECONDER: Martha Robertson, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn
Morey, Peter Stein
EXCUSED: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Michael Sigler
Advisory Board on Indigentpresentation - terms expire December 31, 2019
Diane Bruns
Christopher Colosi
Criminal Justice Advisory/Alternatives-to-Incarceration Board
Jason Leifer - Defense Attorney representative; term expires December 31, 2019
Traffic Safety Committee
Peter Stein, Public Safety Committee member; term expires December 31, 2019
Martha Robertson, Public Safety Committee member; term expires December 31, 2019
Anna Kelles, Public Safety Committee member; term expires December 31, 2017
Air Service Board
Gerald Hector - Cornell University representative; term expires December 31, 2018
Hillview Road Landfill Citizens Advisory Committee
Dooley Kiefer, County Legislator; term expires December 31, 2017
Office for the Aging Advisory Committee
Allen Minsky - term expires December 31, 2019
Substance Abuse Subcommittee
Kathleen Marco Blair - Community Member representative; term expires December 31, 2020
Strategic Tourism PlanningBoard oard - terms expire December 31, 2019
Barbara S. Romano - Cornell University representative
Ian Golden - Recreation representative
David Blake - At -large representative
Kenneth Jupiter — At -large representative
Anne Gossen - Arts/Culture representative
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Michael Mellor - At -large representative
Julie Swigart - Lodging representative
Resolutions Approved Under the Consent Agenda
MOVER: David McKenna, Member
SECONDER: Martha Robertson, Member
AYES: Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Kiefer, Klein, Lane, Robertson, McKenna,
Morey, Stein
EXCUSED: McBean-Clairborne, Sigler
Resolution No. 2017-23: Acceptance of Funds fr om the Park Foundation - Youth Services (I D
WHEREAS, pursuant to Administrative Manual Policy 0 5-02, budget adjustments exceeding
$5,000 require Legislative approval, and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Youth Services Department applied for and received a Park
Foundation Grant in the amount of $10,000, and
WHEREAS, the grant is to support the Youth Employment Research Project to look deeper into
the ways youth are provided youth employment services within Tompkins County, and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Youth Services Department will spearhead the research and
data developments on who are the youth currently being served through subsidized employment and who
are the y outh not being served that are in need of this service in conjunction with the Workforce
Development Board, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health a nd Hum an Service Co mmittee, That the
Director of Finance be and hereby is directed to make the following 2017 budget adjustment as follows:
T.C. Youth Services Department
Revenue Acct Title Amount
7020.42070 Contributions from Private Agencies $10,000
Anuronriation Acct Title Amount
7020.51000655 Program Management Specialist $6,5 55
7020.58800 Fringes (43.41%) $2,8 45
7020.54400 Program Expenses $ 600
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Resolution No. 2017-24: Authoriz ation to Increase Funding from the Workforce Development
Board Agreement - Budget Adjustment - Youth Services (ID #6850)
WHEREAS, pursuant to Administrative Manual Policy 0 5-02, b udget adjustments exceeding
$5,000 require Legislative approval, and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Youth Services Department has entered into a contract with
the Workforce Development Board (WDB) for services related to youth employment, and
WHEREAS, the WDB wishes to increase said contract as per OTR#79 appr oved in the 2017
budget as on-going target funds in the amount of $14,688, and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Youth Services Department, Program Management Specialist,
will provide increased program monitoring and youth employment services for WDB, and
WHEREAS, the WDB also wishes to provide additi onal training for the progr am staff member
through attendance at the 2017 New York Association of Training and Employment Professionals Youth
Academy Conference in Saratoga Springs, and
WHEREAS, the WDB wil 1 increase the current cont ract further by $1,20 0 to co ver the costs of
conference registration, lodging, travel, and meals, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health a nd Hum an Service Co mmittee, That the
Director of Finance be and hereby is directed to make the 2017 budget adjustment as follows:
Youth Services Department
Revenue Acct. Title Amt
7020.42797 Other Local Govt Cont $15,888
Appropriation Acct. Title Amt
7020.51000655 Program Management Specialist $9,832
7020.58800 Fringes (43.41%) $4,2 68
7020.54400 Program Expense $488
7020.54412 Travel/training $1,200
7020.54414 Local Mileage $100
Resolution No. 2017- 25: Award of Bid - CFR/ ARFF (Crash, Fire, Rescue/Airport Rescue Fire
Fighting) Building Roof Repair- Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport (ID
WHEREAS, the Finance Department has dul y a dvertised for bids to repair the CFR/ARFF
(Crash, Fire, Rescu e/Airport Rescue F ire Fighting) Building Roof for the Ithaca To mpkins Regional
Airport, and
WHEREAS, eight (8) bids were duly received for the project, and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
WHEREAS, after consultation with the New York State Department of Transport ation
(NYSDOT) it was determined that Tower Roofing Company, Inc., of Endwell, New York, was the lowest
responsible bidder, and will be awarded the bid for the CFR/ARFF Building Roof repair for a total cost of
$62,500.00, and
WHEREAS, the budget for said project is as follows:
NYSDOT (AIR99 Grant) (80%) $50,000.00
Airport Funds (5640 Account) (20%) $12,500.00
Total $62, 500.00
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure Co mmittee, That the
CFR/ARFF Building Roo f repair proje ct be awarded to Tower Roofing Company, Inc., as the lowest
responsible bidder with a bid of $62,500.00,
RESOLVED, further, That the local share is derived from the Airport Budget (account 5640) and
that the Finance Directo r be and he reby is author ized to advance pay ments for this project until
reimbursement is received from the NYSDOT.
Resolution No. 2017-26: Approval of 2017 Succession of M embers of the County Legislature to
Serve in the Absence of the Chair and Vice Chair (ID #6823)
WHEREAS, Section 2.06 of the County Charte r, specifies the succes cion of me mbers of the
Legislature be designated annually by resolution to serve in the absence of the Chair and Vice Chair, and
WHEREAS, the Gover nment Oper ations Co mmittee r ecommends the chairs of standing
committees be designated taking into consideration availability and Legislative experience, now therefore
be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Government Operations Committee, That the following
order of succession of County Legislators for the year 2017 or until successors are appointed be approved
to serve in the absence of the Chair and Vice Chair:
Dooley Kiefer
Martha Robertson
James Dennis
Resolution No. 2017-27: Appointment of Climate Smart Communities Coordinator f or Tompkins
County (ID #6834)
WHEREAS, the Tom pkins Count y L egislature through Resolution No. 2009-65 pledge d to
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
participate in the New York State Depart ment of Environmental Conser vation's "Climate S mart
Communities" Initiative in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to a changing climate, and
WHEREAS, a Climate Smart Communities Certification Program has been developed to provide
local governments with a framework to guide climat e action and enable high -perform ing communities to
achieve recognition for their leadership, and
WHEREAS, the Tom pkins Count y Department of Planning and Sustainabilit y, under the
leadership of the Commissioner of Planning and Sustainability , is pursuing Climate Smart Communities
certification on behalf of the County, and
WHEREAS, achieving Climate Smart Communities certification would help to make the County
eligible for funding through the New York Stat e Energy R esearch and Develop ment Authorit y's
(NYSERDA) Clean Energy Comm unities program, would make other state funding applications m ore
attractive, and would provide recognition for the County's climate action leadership, and
WHEREAS, to become a Certified Cl imate S mart Community, one of the actions To mpkins
County must take is to appoint a Climate Smart Communities Coordinator, and
WHEREAS, the duties and work program of the Department of Planning and Sustainability align
with the goals of the Climate Smart Communities program, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Planning, Develop ment, and Environm ental Qu ality
Committee, That Tompkins County hereby appoints the Tompkins County Commissioner of Planning and
Sustainability, or t he Commissioner's designee, as Tom pkins Count y's Cli mate Smart Co mmunities
Coordinator for the New York St ate Depart ment of Environmental Conservation' s Cli mate S mart
Communities Initiative.
Resolution No. 2017-2 8: Negative Declaration fo r Authorizing Disbursement of the Community
Housing Development Fund Award for Second Wind Cottages
Expansion (ID #6832)
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature through Resolution No. 154 of 2015, author ized
funding for the Community Housing Development Fund Program, and
WHEREAS, the Communit y Housing Develo pment Fund assists the developm ent costs
associated with residential and m ixed-use real estate development projects primarily benefiting low- and
moderate -income households, and re quires that newly constructed or rehabilitated homes supported by
the program are not onl y m ade available to low- to m oderate-income hou Beholds, but also rem ain
affordable to future generations of renters and buyers, and
WHEREAS, Resolution No. 37 of 201 7 would authorize the disbursem ent of Count y funds in
support of the Second Wind Cottages Expansion project at 1435 Elmira Road in the Town of Newfield,
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Health Department as lead agency for SEQR review o f this
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
project, previousl y kn own as the Guidi Cottage Develop ment, com pleted a Full Environm ental
Assessment Form for this project at 1435 Elmira Road in the Town of Newfield in June 2013, and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Health Department determined this proje ct to be a Type I
Action with a Negative Declaration, and
WHEREAS, Tompkins Count y co ncurs with th e SEQR Negative Determination of the Guidi
Cottage Development, since renamed the Second Wind Cottages, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Planning, Develop ment, and Environm ental Qu ality
Committee, That the authorization of t he Community Housing Development Fund disbursement and th e
subsequent construction of the project listed above adequately protects and preserves the environment and
will not have any potentially significant adverse effects on the environment.
SEQR ACTION: Full Environmental Assessment Form on File with the Legislature Clerk
Resolution No. 2017-29: 2017 Strategic Tourism Implementation Program Budget Adjustment (ID
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature acc epted the 20 20 Strategic Tourism Plan on
September 18, 2012, and
WHEREAS, in 2016 the Tompkins County Strategic Tourism Planning Board (STPB) adopted an
Agriculinary Tourism Implementation Plan and a Heritage Tourism Implementation Plan, and is also
scheduled to adopt an Out door Recreation Tourism Implementation Plan in 2017, each of which further
identifies priority actions for implementing the 2020 Strategic Tourism Plan, and
WHEREAS, the STPB has also endorsed the Tom pkins County Beautification, Signage, a nd
Public Art Strategic Plan, the County Priority Trails Strategy, the Cayuga Lake Blueway Trail Plan, and
the Tompkins County Wayfinding and Interpretive Signage Plan, and
WHEREAS, Tompkins County has established a de dicated funding source for implementing its
2020 Strategic Tourism Plan and re lated tourism implementation plans, known as the Strategic Tourism
Implementation fund, and
WHEREAS, $265,000 was allocated but unspent from the modified 2016 bu dget for Strategic
Tourism Implementation, and
WHEREAS, letters of interest for Strategic Tour ism Implementation funding will continue to be
accepted on a rolling basis in 2017, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Ca pital, and Pe rsonnel Committee, That the
Strategic Tourism Implementation program budget for 2017 is in creased by $265,000 bringing the total
modified 2017 budget for this program from $100,000 to $365,000,
RESOLVED, further, That the Director of Financ e be and hereb y is authori zed to make the
following budget adjustment for 2017:
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Revenue: 6475.54492 Strategic Tourism Implementation
Appropriatio n: 6475.41113 Room Tax $265
Resolution No. 2017-30: Award of First Round of 2017 Strategic Tourism Implementation Funding
(ID #6774)
WHEREAS, the Tom pkins Count y Le gislature acc epted the 20 20 Strategic Tourism Plan on
September 18, 2012, and
WHEREAS, in 2016 the Tompkins County Strategic Tourism Planning Board (STPB) adopted an
Agriculinary Tourism Implementation Plan and a H eritage Tourism Implementation Plan, each of whic h
further identifies priority actions for implementing the 2020 Strategic Tourism Plan, and
WHEREAS, Tompkins County has established a de dicated funding source for implementing the
2020 Strategic Tourism Plan, known as the Strategic Tourism Implementation fund, and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Heritage Center project and Convention and Visitors Bureau
(CVB) Agriculinary Tour ism Im plementation proje ct are eligible for fundin g as Strategic Tourism
Implementation projects, and
WHEREAS, the STPB established a categor y in the Strategic Tourism Implementation program
for projects that have been identified by the STPB and the County's Tourism Program as priorities that
are best suited for implementation internally by program staff, and
WHEREAS, staff leadersh ip for the Tourism Program is provid ed by t he Tom pkins Count y
Planning Department, and
WHEREAS, the STPB has developed a scope of work for the Tourism Program Communications
project, and
WHEREAS, the STPB has voted to reco mmend funding in f ull for each of the three projects
under consideration for funding, and
WHEREAS, Strategic Tourism Implementation funding exists within the hotel room occupancy
tax -funded Tourism Program budget for 2017, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Capital, and Pe rsonnel Committee, That the
following projects are awarded 2017 Strategic Tourism Implementation funding:
Applicant / Project Award
Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce / Ithaca Tompkins County $30,000
Convention and Visitors Bureau CVB Agriculinary Tourism Implementation
The History Center in Tompkins County Tompkins County Heritage Center $35,500
RESOLVED, further, That the Tompkins County Planning Department is authorized to spend up
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
to $3,500 out of the Strategic Tourism Implementation Program budget, account 6475.54492 to contract
with a qualified design firm to assist with Tourism Program communications activities,
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or his designee be and hereby is authorized
to sign any agreements pertaining to the aforementioned projects.
TYPE H - 20 and Type 11-3 (CVB Agriculinary Tourism Implementation)
TYPE II - 21 (Tompkins County Heritage Center)
TYPE II - 20 (Tourism Program Communications Project)
Health and Human Services Committee
Resolution No. 2017-31: Budget Adjustment - Youth Services (ID #6852)
MOVER: Anna Kelles, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Peter
NAYS: Dooley Kiefer
EXCUSED: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Michael Sigler
WHEREAS, pursuant to Administrative Manual Policy 0 5-02, budget adjustments exceeding
$5,000 require Legislative approval, and
WHEREAS, in 2015, the Youth Services Department i mplemented the use of Results- Based
Accountability, a performances management system, with all youth services contracted agencies as well
as the department allowing the department to hold accountable their internal and external performance for
the customers they serve, and
WHEREAS, this performance accountability process has helped the Youth Services Department
to identify the role they play in communit y -wide impact by identifying specific strategies that provide
successful and unsuccessful outcomes to those served through contract agencies and our organization, and
WHEREAS, the County Administrator has prioritized the full implem entation of a perform ance-
management system over the next t hree years that will be used by all County departments as a means to
objectively assess goal attainment and other aspects of performance in a manner that does not unduly add
to the ad ministrative burden of Count y departments and that is clear, understa ndable, and consistent
across departments, and
WHEREAS, the County Administrator wishes to enter into a contract with the Tompkins County
Youth Services Department, to create Request for Proposals (RFP) for a service provider t o help develop
performance -management measur ements through a de dicated a 0.5 FTE within the Youth Services
Department which was approved through the 2017 Budget Process as Over Target Request #13, and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
WHEREAS, the Program M anagement Specialis t will m anage and support the 1 ong-term
operation of applying county -wide performance measures within all twenty seven departme nts, and has
anticipated a roll out that will start with ten departments in y ear one, ten additional departments in y ear
two, and the final seven departments in year three, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health a nd Hum an Service Co mmittee, That the
Director of Finance be and hereby is directed to make the following 2017 budget adjustment as follows:
T.C. Youth Services Department
Revenue Acct Title Amount
7020.42797 Other Local Govt Contributions $32,905
Appropriation Acct Title Amount
7020.51000655 Program Management Specialist $22,945
7020.58800 Fringes (43.41%) $ 9,960
Special Topical Presentation and/or Legislative Discussion
Presentation - State of the College by President Haynes, Tompkins Cortland Community College
RESULT: DEFERRED Next: 3/7/2017 5:30 PM
Public Safety Committee
Ms. Kiefer asked if the Committee would be revisiting the cost of telephone calls being made at
the Jail; Mr. Rich said that topic can be added as a discussion topic at a future meeting.
Resolution No. 2017-32: Urging New York State to Fund Probation Departments and Other
Impacted County Departments and Agencies the Full Costs Associated
with Raising the Age of Criminal Responsibility to 18 Years of Age (ID
MOVER: Rich John, Member
SECONDER: Peter Stein, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn
Morey, Peter Stein
EXCUSED: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Michael Sigler
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
WHEREAS, Governor Cu omo signed Executive Orde r 131 on April 9, 2014, to establish the
Commission on Youth, Public Safety, and Justice instructing the Commission to develop a concrete plan
to raise the age of criminal responsibility in New York State and make specific recommendations on how
the juvenile and cri minal justice sy stems c an be tter serve y outh, im prove outco mes, and protect
communities, and
WHEREAS, the Commission completed its report on December 31, 2014, recommending raising
the age of crim inal responsibility from age 16 to ag a 18 over a two -y ear period to be com pleted in a
phased -in approach, and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature fully supports the Commission's recommendation
and believes that youth wi 11 be better served by raising the age of crim inal responsibility to age 18 and
that the Diversion services provided by Probation will provide positive benefit, and
WHEREAS, Division of Criminal Justice Statistics reveal the number of arrests among 16 and 17
year olds statewide in calendar year 2015 was 27,281 and that under the proposed change these youth will
now be shifted from the criminal courts to local Probation Departments for Intake and Diversion services,
WHEREAS, the Governor 's propos al reco mmends that the violation -level offenses of
Harassment 2nd and Disorderly Conduct shall also be diverted to Probation Departments for Intake an d
Diversion services, thus adding a previously unseen population to the workload of Probation staff, and
WHEREAS, Probation Departments will not be ab le to absorb the influx of youth requiri ng
Intake and Diversion services at current staffing levels and will require additional staff to perfor m these
duties, and
WHEREAS, these added burdens to count y Probation Depart ments come as t he State share of
probation costs has fallen from 46.5% in 1990 to less than 12% in 2014, and
WHEREAS, other county departments and agencies maybe similarly affected by the increase in
the age of cri minal responsibility i n areas that ra nge from juvenile detention to comm unity support
services, and do not have alternative sources of inco me to support the cost of additional responsibilities
and services, and
WHEREAS, counties cannot absorb the financial co st associated with raising t he age and need
100% State funding for the additional staff and services required by the Governor's proposal, and
WHEREAS, the Governor's funding proposal stipulates that only counties who do not exceed the
2% tax cap and can demonstrate to the Division of Budget th at funding re lated services is a fiscal
hardship may apply for a waiver of the local share requirement of any expense otherwise incurred, and
WHEREAS, this funding proposal would cause many county departments or agencies that may
be affected by the change in the age of criminal responsibility with supporting the cost of such additional
burdens associated with this new State mandate, and
WHEREAS, the State Legislature has often declared that new un funded mandates shall not be
imposed on local governments and the current proposal represents a significant new unfun ded mandate,
now therefore be it
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Public Safe ty Committee, That the T ompkins County
Legislature calls on the State Legislatur e to support the Commission's plan to raise the age of crim inal
responsibility to eighteen,
RESOLVED, further, Tha t the State Legislature enact legislation that fully, permanently, and
unambiguously o bligates the State to pay for 1 00% of all n ew costs incurred by cou my Pro bation
Departments and other county depa rtments and agencies affected by rai sing the age of crim inal
RESOLVED, further, Tha t copies of t his resolution be delivere d to the Governor; the Se nate
Majority and Minority Le aders and the Asse mbly Majority and Minorit y Leaders; Senators Hel ming,
Seward, and O'Mara; Assemblywoman Lifton; and the New York State Association of Counties.
Health and Human Services Committee
Mr. Lane asked if there was any more information on the manure spill involving Salmon Creek
and Cayuga Lake. Ms. Kelles said she did n of have any more inform ation, b ut wou Id keep the
Legislature informed and forward any additional information she receives.
Facilities and Infrastructure Committee
Resolution No. 2017-33: Authorizing Acceptance of a Revised Statewide Opportunities for Airport
Revitalization (SOARs) Grant fro m the New Yo rk State Department of
Transportation (NYSDOT) to Assist with Marketing and Prom otion of
the Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport (ITH) (ID #6862)
MOVER: Glenn Morey, Member
SECONDER: Peter Stein, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn
Morey, Peter Stein
EXCUSED: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Michael Sigler
WHEREAS, the New York State Depart ment of Transportation (NYSDOT) has offered a grant
under the State SOARS ( Statewide Opportunities for Airport Revitalizatio n) program t o assist with
marketing and promotion, and
WHEREAS, said NYSDOT grant may be used to offset the costs of marketing and of associate d
consultant services,
WHEREAS, the original grant in the amount of $349,670 was accepted by Resolution No. 2016-
108 on June 7, 2016, but the grant amount has been reduced to $250,000, due to some State -level lack of
clarity as to legislative and executive jurisdictional au thority, therefore, we are now seeking approval for
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
the reduced amount, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure Co mmittee, That the
NYSDOT grant of $250,000 is hereby accepted and that the County Administrator be and hereby i s
authorized to execute the required documents.
Resolution No. 2017-34: Authorization to Execute Supplemental Agreement with New York State
Department of Transportation (NYS DOT) - Cod dington Road Highway
Safety Improvements at Burns Road and East King Road Interse ctions,
PIN 3753.24 - Right -of -Way Acquisition Funding (ID #6855)
MOVER: Glenn Morey, Member
SECONDER: David McKenna, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn
Morey, Peter Stein
EXCUSED: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Michael Sigler
WHEREAS, Resolution No. 11 adop ted on Jan uary 18, 20 05, appr oved reconstruction of
Coddington Road (County Road 119) in the Town of Ithaca between the Ci ty of Ithaca and Town of
Danby lines and authorized execution of an agree ment with the New Y ork State Depart ment of
Transportation (NYSDOT) regarding ad ministration and funding of Scoping, Design (Phases I -VI), and
Right -of -Way (ROW) Incidentals, and
WHEREAS, Resolution No. 141 ado pted on Jul y 5, 2016, and R esolution No. 151 adopted on
August 2, 2016, while limiting the scope of said r econstruction to improvements at Coddington Road's
intersections with Burns Road (Count y Road 1 16) and East King Road (Count y Road 179), P.I.N.
3753.24, (the Project), authorized execution of agreements with NYSDOT again regarding administration
and funding of Scoping, Design, and ROW Incidentals, and
WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins desires to advance the Project by making a commitment of
100% of the non-federal share of the costs of ROW Acquisition, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure Co mmittee, That the
Tompkins County Legislature hereby approves the above -subject Project and authorizes the County of
Tompkins to pay in the first instance one hundred (100%) percent of the federal and no n -federal share of
the costs of Scoping, Design, ROW In cidentals, and ROW Acquisition wor k for t he subj ect Project or
portions thereof,
RESOLVED, further, That the sums made available by the above-cited resolutions within account
HZ5103.59239.53.08, Coddingt on Capital Project A ccount, totaling $99 5,000.00, are hereby in ade
available to cover the cost of participation in Sc oping, Design, ROW Incidentals, and ROW Acquisitio n
work for the Project,
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
RESOLVED, further, That in the event the non-federal share of the costs of the Project exc eed
the amount appropriated above, the Co unty Legislature shall convene as soon as possible to appropriate
said excess amount immediately upon the notification thereof by the NYSDOT,
RESOLVED, further, That the Tompkins County Administrator or his designee be and hereby is
authorized to execute all necessary Agreements, certifications, or reimbursement requests for Federal Aid
and/or Marchiselli Aid on behalf of the Count y of Tompkins with the NYSDOT in connection with the
advancement or appr oval of t he Pr oject and pro viding for t he administration of the Pro ject and the
municipality's first -instance funding of Project cost s and permanent funding the local share of federal-
aid- and State -aid -eligible Project costs and all Project costs within appropriations therefor that are not so
RESOLVED, further, That a certified copy of this resolution be filed with the New York State
Commissioner of Transportation by attaching it to any necessary Agreement in connection with th e
RESOLVED, further, That this resolution shall take effect immediately.
SEQR ACTION: Unlisted, Negative Declaration issued (No further action required)
Resolution No. 2017- 35: Award of Bid - Operat ion of Household Haz ardous Waste Management
Facility - D epartment o f Recycling and Materials Manage ment (ID
MOVER: Glenn Morey, Member
SECONDER: David McKenna, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn
Morey, Peter Stein
EXCUSED: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Michael Sigler
WHEREAS, the Department of Finance - Division of Purchasing has duly advertised for a multi-
year Request for Proposal (RFP) for operation oft he Tompkins County Household Hazardous Waste
Management Facility for the Tompkins County Department of Recycling and Materials Management, and
WHEREAS, two (2) proposals for the facility operations services were recei ved and publ icly
opened on November 22, 2016, and
WHEREAS, the bid from Clean Harbors Environmental Services which is the present contractor
came in at $9,000 under estimate, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure Co mmittee, That the
contract for Household Hazardous Waste Facility operations for Tompkins County be awarded to Clean
Harbors Environmental Services Inc., 42 Longwater Drive Norwell, Massachusetts, 02061-9149 for a five
(5) -year term with a one two-year extension option, and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
RESOLVED, further, That the funds are available in the Department of Recy cling and Material
Management's budget, account 8169.54442,
RESOLVED, further, That the Count y Contract Ad ministrator be authorized to execute this
Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality Committee
Resolution No. 2017-36: Authorizing a Contract with the Tompkins County Soil and Water District
to Provide Interi m Fin ancial Assistance to Su pport Grant -Funded
Conservation Efforts throughout the County (ID #6822)
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: Martha Robertson, Member
SECONDER: Dooley Kiefer, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn
Morey, Peter Stein
EXCUSED: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Michael Sigler
WHEREAS, the mission of the Tompkins County Soil and Water Conservation District (District)
is to provide assistance to citizens an d units of local govern ment in making sound decisions on the
management of soil, water, and related natural resources based on their needs, and
WHEREAS, the District will further assist in the implementation of decisions by seeking and
coordinating technical and financial assistance from federal, stat e, and local govern ments, and private
sources, and
WHEREAS, the District applies for fu nds, throughout each y ear, on beha if of landowners and
municipalities to various entities, such as New York State Department of Environm ental Conservation
(NYSDEC), New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets (NYSDAM), U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service (USFWS), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and other organizations to conduct Soil
and Water Conservation work, and
WHEREAS, the District is projecting over $2,700,000 in expense disbursements in 2017 through
these grant and programmatic funding sources, and
WHEREAS, these $2,700, 000 of projected exp enses are n of p aid fo r by the To mpkins Co unty
appropriation to t he District in the 2017 Tompkins County Budget which cover a portion of operational
expenses for the District, and
WHEREAS, the funding entities to whom the District applies for funding, typically require a "full
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
reimbursement" process for project activities, meaning that costs must first be paid b y the District, and
then be reimbursed by the funding entity, and
WHEREAS, the District d oes not hav e enough funding on hand to cover up -front project costs,
but must continue the coordination and implementation of critical conservation project activities, and
WHEREAS, the District has requested t he assistance of Tompkins County to provide funding to
support the cost of Hydrilla Project activities in the past two consecutive years (2015 and 2016), with such
funding fully returned to the County as NYSDEC reimbursements for that work is received, and
WHEREAS, a similar assistan ce request is being sought for a broader array of conservation
activities funded by "reimbursement" grants in 2017, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality
Committee, That he To mpkins County Legislature hereby authorizes the Count y Administrator to enter
into a contract with the T ompkins County Soil and Water Conservation Distri ct that will provide up t o
$200,000 to the District for conservation project activities in 2017 and obligate the District to repa y the
County as reimbursements for conservation project activities are received,
RESOLVED, further, That the Director of Finance is hereby authorized and directed to advance to
the District an amount not to exceed two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000), said advance to be made
from the General Fund of the County,
RESOLVED, further, Th at the advance will be repaid to the County when the District is
reimbursed by NYSDEC; the a dvance will be record ed in the General Fund accounting records as a
Contract Agencies Receivable - Soil & Water, account number A14418730.
Resolution No. 2017-37: Authoriz ation to Disburse County Funds to t he Commun ity Housing
Development Fund (ID #6833)
Ms. Chock requested per mission to a bstain as her husband is the Executive Director of Ithaca
Neighborhood Housing Services. Permission was granted.
Martha Robertson, Member
Dooley Kiefer, Member
Will Burbank, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Peter
Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Michael Sigler
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Le gislature thro ugh Resoluti on No. 154 o f 2015 auth orized
funding for the Community Housing Development Fund, and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
WHEREAS, the Community Housing Development Fund (CHDF) assists with the development
costs associated with residential and mixed-use real estate development projects primarily benefiting low -
and moderate -income households, and r equires that newly constructed or re habilitated homes supported
by the progr am are not o my made av ailable to to w- to moderate -income households, b ut also remain
affordable to future generations of renters and buyers, and
WHEREAS, the Notice of Funding Availability was made available to inte rested parties with a
deadline of November 14, 2016, for Round 13, and
WHEREAS, two applications were received and reviewed by th e CHDF Ap plication Review
Committee, which in ade formal funding recommendations for funding to the CHDF Program Oversight
Committee, and
WHEREAS, the Program Oversight Committee ac cepted and recommended that the following
two proposals receive funding as indicated in the table below, and
Applicant Proje
Number of
Dollar Amount
Second Wind
Town of
4 rental units
Tompkins County and
Cottages, Inc.
($18,750 TC &
Cornell University
$37,500 CU)
City of
98 rental units
Tompkins County, City
Ithaca (Col)
($50,000 TC;
of Ithaca, and Cornell
$50,000 Col;
$200,000 CU)
WHEREAS, the INHS Scattered -Site Preservation project does not require SEQR review, and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature through Resolution No. 28 of 2017 concurs with
Tompkins County Health Department's SEQR Negative Declaration determination for the Guidi Cottage
Development that was subsequently renamed the "Second Wind Cottages", now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Planning, Develop ment, and Environm ental Qu ality
Committee, That Tompkins County authorizes the e xpenditure of $18,750 of its funds to support the
Second Wind Cottages Expansion pr oject and $5 0,000 of its fun ds to sup port the INHS Scattered -Site
Preservation project as recommended by the CHDF Program Oversight Committee,
RESOLVED, further, That the Director of Finance is authorized to make the following budget
Revenue CD8695.4 2411 Program Income $68,750
Appropriation CD8695.5 4400 Program Expense $68,750
RESOLVED, further, That the County Ad ministrator or his designee is authorized to execute
agreements in order to effect this grant program consistent with this resolution.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
SEQR ACTION: Types II -2 (INNS Scattered Site Preservation; I-5 (Second Wind Cottages Expansion,
Full Environmental Assessment Form on File with the Legislature Clerk)
Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee
Resolution No. 2017-38: Authorization to Participate in Various Contracts Let by Any Government
Entity of the United States of America (ID #6793)
Ms. Chock also express ed si milar c oncems and following a brief discussion, Ms. Chock
MOVED, seconded b y Ms. Kiefer, to am end the resolu tion and add at th e end of the first Resolved:
"accept that if County Legislature approval is usually sought regarding additional aspects of the contract
it will still come to the Legislature."
A voice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 1 (Legislator Chock), Noes 11, Excused - 2 (Legislators
McBean-Clairborne and Sigler). MOTION FAILED.
James Dennis, Member
Glenn Morey, Member
Will Burbank, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Peter
NAYS: Carol
Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Michael Sigler
WHEREAS, New York State General Municipal Law § 103 has been amended to allow cou nties
to utilize a contract let by the United States of Ameri ca or any agency thereof, any state, or any other
county or political subdivision or district therein for materials, equipment, supplies, or contract for
services, and
WHEREAS, the Finance Department may determine throughout the 2017 fiscal year that it would
be in the County's best interest to participate in another governmen t agency's contract, now therefore be
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Capital, and Personnel Co mmittee, That
Tompkins County is hereby authorized to exercise the option to participate in any bid of the United States
Government or its agencies, any state, or any other county or political subdivision or district for materials,
equipment, supplies, or contract services as authorized by General Municipal Law § 103,
RESOLVED, further, That the County Adm inistrator, or his designee, b e and hereby is
authorized to execute required contract documents.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
February 7, 2017
It was MOVED by Mr. Klein, seconded by Ms. Robertson, to approve the minutes of February 7,
Ms. Robertson requested the section pertaining to the Annou ncement from the Plannin g and
Sustainability Department concerning NYSEG and the Public Service Commission and the West Dry den
Road Pipeline in Lansing be review ed by staff and offer any neces sary co mments. The Legislature
agreed and Ms. Robertson MOVED, seconded by Ms. Kiefer, to postpone the minutes to the next meeting
to receive st aff input as described ab ove. A voice vote resul ted as follows: Ay es - 11, Noes - 1
(Legislator Lane), Excused - 2 (Legisla tors McBean-Clairborne and Sigler). M OTION TO POSTPONE
The meeting adjourned at 10:01 p.m.
Tompkins County Legislature
Regular Meeting Minutes — Approved 4-4-17
Tuesday, March 7, 2017 5:30 PM
Legislature Chambers
Call to Order
Mr. Lane, Chair, called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll Call of Members
Attendee Name
Will Burbank
Carol Chock
James Dennis
Status Arrived Departed
Late 7:55 PM
Rich John
Present 8:37 PM
Anna Kelles
Dooley Kiefer
Daniel Klein
Michael Lane
Lesl n McBean-Clairborne
Martha Robertson
David McKenna
Glenn Morey
Michael Sigler
Peter Stein
Privilege of the Floor by the Public
Bruce Babcock, Town of Uly sses resident, spoke in regard to his experiences with Real Property
Tax Law 1182 and how it relates to the ADA (Ameri can's with Disability Act). He stated he is blind and
is concerned that the County is not communicating his property tax obligations to him in a format that h e
can understand. This has caused lat a fees to be incurred and he has refused t o pay them. He stated he
would like to request a public hearing in accordance with Real Pr operty Tax Law 1182 and a waiver of
the fees.
Following Privilege of the Floor b y Municipal Officials Mr. Babcock requested to speak again
and was permitted to do so. He stated he has gone through the appeals process for his property and won
his case in regard to school taxes.
Privilege of the Floor by Municipal Officials
Mark Witmer, Supervisor, Town of Caroline, reported the Town of Caroline received a gran t for
broadband buildout. The Town Board recently passed a resolution entitled "Recognition of Leadership by
Local Governments in Shared Services Initiatives and the Loss of State Aid over the Past Three Decades"
and noted a sim ilar resolution m ay be considered b y the Legislature this evening. Mr. Witmer rec ently
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
attended the Association of Towns meeting and this i ssue was a "hot topic". Also, the Town of Caroline
is considering along with three other towns, a propo sal to extend the South H ill Recreation Way Trail.
The Towns, with the assi stance of the Planning and Sustainability Department, have reached out t o
property owners adjacent to the trail to resolve issues they have with this project.
Mr. Burbank inquired ab out the trail system and noted there have been problems that have
occurred with this project and similar projects. He asked if ther e was anything the County could do to
assist the Town of Caroline. Mr. Witmer said efforts are being made by all parties involved to mitigate
the concerns of property owners. A community event is being planned in order to facilitate information to
the public and obtain feedback. At this point, the project will ultimately require a buy -in by all four
towns involved and they are working with the County and NYSEG regarding the license agreements.
Ms. Chock congratulated Mr. Wit mer on the Town receiving the broadband buildout grant. She
further spoke of the trail s ystem and the concerns being voiced by the pr operty owners involved. She
offered to invite people who currently live near or adjacent to complete d trails who had sim ilar concerns
during the projects that affect their property. This may assist in providing first-hand experience with the
trail sy stem. Mr. Witmer welco med Ms. Chock' s o ffering an d further spo ke of the histor y of trail
systems in the Town of Ca roline and stated the reservation and concerns in advance of the project do not
compare to the enjoyment of the trail once it was completed.
Mr. McGonigal, Council Member, City of Ithaca, stated Common Council passed an ordinance to
allow dogs i n Stewart Park. The dogs must be on a leash and are not allowed in t he bird sanctuary or
within 100 feet of the swan pond. Exc eptions have been made for Seeing Eye Dogs, Service Dogs, and
working Police Canines. Mr. McGonigal also stated the Ithaca Police Department has reported in the last
two weeks there have been eight drug overdoses due to a possible bad batch of heroin and has resulted in
one death. He said they would increase awareness and spoke of the many options available to addicts to
obtain help with their addiction problems.
Mr. McGonigal also reported the Maguire Fam ily of Dealerships is currently 1 ooking at the
possible purchase of property in the southwest area of the City.
Privilege of the Floor by Legislators
Ms. Robertson referred to Ms. Kiefer's comment s concerning the Town of Dryden brid ge and
asked if the cost would be less if the County were to handle it. Mr. Mareane stated the Town applied for a
grant and the Count y will offer support and assistan ce through that process. At the req uest of Ms.
Robertson he will look into this further when the Highway Director returns later this week.
Mr. Lane declared recess at 7:34 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:45 p.m.
Report by the County Administrator
Mr. Dennis arrived at this time 7:55 p.m.
Mr. Mareane asked Legislators to let him know of anyone who should be invi ted to focus group
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Resolutions Added to and Withdrawn from the Agenda
It was MOVED b y Ms. Kiefer, seconded b y Ms. Kelles, to add to t he agenda the resol ution
entitled Recognition of Leadership by Local Governments in Shared -Services Initiatives an d the Loss of
State Aid over the Past Three Decades. Ms. Kiefer said the Government Operations Committee reviewed
a similar resolution that was adopted by the Town of Caroline but did not take action on a resolution.
A voice vote on the motion to add the resolution to the agenda r esulted as follows: Ay es - 10
(Legislators Burbank, Chock, John, K elles. Kief er, Klein, McBean-Clairbor ne, McKenna, Morey, an d
Stein); Noes - 4 (Legislators Dennis, Lane, Robertson, and Sigler). MOTION CARRIED.
Appointments Approved Under the Consent Agenda
Advisory Board Appointments (ID # 6874)
MOVER: Martha Robertson, Member
SECONDER: Dooley Kiefer, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairbome, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
Environmental Management Council
James Knighton, At -large (#8 seat); term expires December 31, 2018
Vladimir Micic, Town of Ithaca representative; term expires December 31, 2018
Soil and Water Conservation District
James Dennis, Legislator; term expires December 31, 2017
Dave McKenna, Legislator; term expires December 31, 2017
Water Resources Council
Dooley Kiefer, Legislator; term expires December 31, 2017
Fish and Wildlife Management Board
Mike Sigler, Legislator; term expires December 31, 2018
Energy Task Force - three-year term
Sharon Anderson
Martha Armstrong
Clifford Babson
Dan Cogan
Fernando de Aragon
Jerry Dietz
Brian Eden
Todd Fox
Nick Goldsmith
Curt Gooch
Jerry Goodenough
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Robert Howarth
Sarah Kelsen
Tim Mount
Megan Pulver
Brice Smith
Jennifer Tavares
Irene Weiser
Gordon Woodcock
Sarah Zemanick
Martha Robertson (Liaison)
Resolutions Approved Under the Consent Agenda
Resolution No. 2017-39: Authorization to Accept a Grant from the New York State Department of
State Municipal Restructuring Fund to Undertake a Shared -Services
Fast -Track Project - County Clerk (ID #6887)
MOVER: Martha Robertson, Member
SECONDER: Dooley Kiefer, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Clerk submitted a Project Charter to New York State to a pply
for grant f unding through the New York State Departm ent of State Municipal Restructuring F and to
undertake a Shared -Services Fast -Track Project, and
WHEREAS, the County Clerk's Office has been notified of an init ial grant award in the am ount
of $30,512 with a maximum award of $603,039, and
WHEREAS, this Municipal Restructuring Fund Shared -Services Grant represents a project for
the Tompkins County Clerk's Office to partner with two towns in Cortland Co unty (Harford and Virgil)
and Cortland Count y to expand their use of the To mpkins Cou my Electronic Docu ment Management
System (Laserfiche), and
WHEREAS, funds withi n this grant will be fo r additional La serfiche software licensin g to
accommodate the additional users, the scanning of Co rtland County, Town of Harford, and Town of
Virgil records, (using Cha llenge Industries as the vendor), t he upgrade and e xpansion of the County's
data storage capacity , redundancy, disaster recovery, and a dire ct point-to-point dark -fiber connection
between the Tompkins County and Cortland County data centers, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Government Operations Committee, That the Count y
Administrator or his designee be and hereby is authorized to execute all contracts related to this award,
RESOLVED, further, that the Director of Finance be and hereby is authorized and directed to make
the following budget adjustment for 2017:
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
A 1410.54442
REVENUE: A1410.43089
Professional Services $309,500
Computer Software $108,516
Computer Equipment $175,523
Deputy County Clerk $ 9,500
Other State Aid $603,039
Resolution No. 2017-40: Appointment to Temporary Hearing Panels - Assessment (ID #6820)
MOVER: Martha Robertson, Member
SECONDER: Dooley Kiefer, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairbome, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, the Department of Assessment and the Tompkins County Legislature both agree that
the fairest and most equitable way to value property for assessment purposes is on an annual basis at full
market value, and
WHEREAS, Real Property Tax Law 523-a perm its the Tompkins County Legislature to ap point
up to six Te mporary Board of Assess ment Review members to serve on Administrative Review Pane Is,
WHEREAS, Real Property Tax Law 523-a perm its the co mpensation of Tem porary Board of
Assessment Review Members, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Government Operations Committee, That six Temporary
Board of Assessment Review Members, namely Linda Santos, Robert Walpole, Josh Lower, Micha el
Cannon, Judy Malys, and James Lane, be appointed to serve on Administrative Review Panels,
RESOLVED, further, That Temporary Board of Assessment Review members be compensated at
a maximum annual compensation of $250.
Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality Committee
Conflict -of -Interest Disclosure for Relative of an Ithaca -Tompkins County Transportation Council
Employee Seeking to Participate in the Tompkins County Homeownership Program m (ID#6871)
Ms. Robertson made the f ollowing announcement concerning a Conflict -of -Interest Discl osure
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
for a Relative of an Ithaca -Tom pkins County Transportation Council Employee Seeking to Participate in
the Tompkins County Homeownership Program: "The proposed action is to approve the submission of a
written request to the New York State Office of Community Renewal for a conflict-of-interest exception
to be made in order for the adult child of a Tompkins County employee to purchase a home through the
Tompkins County Homeownership Program."
Workforce Diversity and Inclusion Committee
Mr. John was excused at this time.
Individual Member -Filed Resolutions
Resolution No. 2017-41: Recognition of Leaders hip by Local Governme nts in Shared -Services
Initiatives and the Los s of State A id over the Past Thr ee Decade s
The original version offered by Ms. Kiefer read as follows:
"WHEREAS, Andrew Cuom o, Governor of t he State of New York, has raile d
against the existence of "m ore than 10,000 government entities" that im pose taxes and
fees across New York State, and repeatedly cites this as proving the need for loca 1
governments to cut their budgets and share services, and
"WHEREAS, the Governor provi des no data whatsoever to support hi s
contention that exces sive and useless 1 ocal spending is a major contribution to local
property taxes, and
"WHEREAS, about two-thirds of the 10,00 0 figure are not governments at all,
but are mere taxing districts for neighborhood lights, fire protection, and sewer and water
services, so me required by state law to fairly parcel out the cost of services to those
actually receiving them rather than to all tax payers, and
"WHEREAS, for several y ears now the State of New York has maintained a
property tax cap in an effort to incentivize local governments to share ser vices, and
revises its rules to reward or punish local juri sdictions that meet or fail to meet each
year's different requirements, and
"WHEREAS, to fund count y government services, counties do not have t he
ability to use an income tax but must instead rely on the more regressive property tax and
the sales tax, and
"WHEREAS, this y ear, in a new eff ort to reduce property taxes, Govern or
Cuomo has proposed yet another local government efficiency program that would require
the county and its local governments to devise a shared -services plan to be placed on the
ballot in November, and
"WHEREAS, unfunded mandates fro in the State of New York comprise a 1 arge
component of local budgets that local municipalities have no ability to reduce, and
"WHEREAS, the local cost of supporting State -mandated h uman-services
programs rep resent the largest part of any tax bill, in Tompkins Count y in 2016 { ?}
amounting to 44% of the property taxes levied by Tompkins County, and
"WHEREAS, New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli in his 2016 Report
on Local Governments noted that Sales tax revenue growth outside of New York City has
been slowing for the la st few y ears. In additi on, State re venue -sharing aid f or
municipalities has remained flat and the St ate's tax cap and tax freeze initiat ives have
continued to put pressure on governments to contain growth in property tax levies, and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
"WHEREAS, Tompkins County, New York, has been a leader in cost reduction
and shared -services initiat ives through programs such as the Greater Tompkins County
Municipal Health Insurance Consortium , the Joint Youth Commission, the Recreation
Partnership, m ulti-municipality digitiz ation of reco rds through the To mpkins County
Clerk's Office, fully consolidated public safety communications, a consolidated transit
system, a two -county community college, and County -wide Assessment, and
"WHEREAS, a recent analysis by a team of Cornell University graduate students
found that these consolidations and shared services already in place in Tompkins County
are saving local property taxpayers $3.8 million annually, now therefore be it
"RESOLVED, That the To mpkins C ounty Legi slature, stro ngly conde mns
Governor Andrew Cuomo's characterization that high property taxes in the Stat e of New
York are indicative of a failure on the part of local government,
"RESOLVED, further, That we call on the New Y ork State Legislature to enact
meaningful mandate relief that will result in meaningful and sustained property tax relief,
and to fully restore state aid to municipalities as required by law,
"RESOLVED, further, That while the County affirms the importance of, and will
continue to be a leader in , developing shared services and engaging in cost -reduction
measures, we condem n the Governor' s propo sed initiative as a further infring ement on
local government and home rule,
"RESOLVED, further, That the Cler k of the Legislature send copies of this
resolution to Governor Andrew Cuomo, State Senators Tom O'Mara, James Seward, and
Pamela Helming; State Assemblymember Barbara Lifton; the Supervisors of the Town of
Danby, Town of Dry den, Town of Enfield, To wn of Groton, Town of Ithaca, Town of
Lansing, Town of Newfi eld, and Town of Uly sses; the May ors of the City of Ithaca,
Village of Cay uga Heights, Village of Dryden, Vill age of Freeville, Village o f Groton,
Village of Lansing, and Village of Tru mansburg; and the New York State Association of
Counties and all 57 counties outside of New York City."
It was MOVED by Mr. D ennis, seconded b y Mr. M orey, to Refer the resolution to the Bu dget,
Capital, and Personnel Committee.
It was MOVED b y Ms. Chock, seconded b y Mr. Stein, to amend the m otion to refer to the
Government Operations Committee. Mr. Wood said th e Legislature cannot am end a motion to refer to
committee and ruled that this motion was not in order.
Mr. Wood retracted his ru ling and said it would be in order to amend the motion to refer to a
It was MOVED b y Ms. Chock, seconded b y Mr. Stein, to amend the m otion to refer to the
Government Operations Committee.
A voice vote on the a mendment to the a mendment to refer the resolution to the Government
Operations Committee resulted as follows: Ay es - 10; Noes - 3 (Legislators K lein, Lane, and McBean -
Clairborne); Excused - 1 (Legislator John). AMENDMENT TO THE AMENDMENT CARRIED.
A voice vote on the amendment as amended to refer the resolution to the Government Operations
Committee resulted as foll ows: Ay es - 6 (Legislato rs Dennis, Lane, McKenna, Morey , Robertson, and
Sigler); Noes - 7 (Legisla tors Burbank, Chock, Ke Iles, Kiefer, Klein, McBe an-Clairborne, and Stein);
Excused - 1 (Legislator John). AMENDMENT AS AMENDED FAILED.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
MOVER: Dooley Kiefer, Member
SECONDER: Anna Kelles, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, Anna Kelles, Daniel Klein, Peter Stein
NAYS: James Dennis, Dooley Kiefer, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne,
Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Rich John
WHEREAS, Andrew Cuomo, Governor of the State of New Yor k, has characterized New York
State as havi ng "more than 10,000 government entities" that impose taxes an d fees across New York
State, and repeatedly cites this as proving the need for local governments to cut their budg ets and share
services, and
WHEREAS, the data do not the Governor' s contention that excessive and useless local spe riding
is a major contribution to local property taxes, and
WHEREAS, about two-thirds of the 10,000 figure are not governments at all, but are mere taxing
districts for neighborhood lights, fire protection, and sewer and water services, some required by state law
to fairly parcel out the cost of services to those actually receiving them rather than to all tax payers, and
WHEREAS, for several years now the State of New York has maintained a property tax cap in an
effort to incentivize local governor ents to share cervi ces, and revi ses its rules t o reward or punish local
jurisdictions that meet or fail to meet each year's different requirements, and
WHEREAS, to fund county governor ent services, counties do not have the ability to use an
income tax but must instead rely on the more regressive property tax and the sales tax, and
WHEREAS, this year, in a new effort to reduce property taxes, Governor Cuom o has proposed
yet another local government efficiency program that would require the county and its local governments
to devise a shared -services plan to be placed on the ballot in November, and
WHEREAS, unfunded mandates fro in the State of New York com prise a large co mponent of
local budgets that local municipalities have no ability to reduce, and
WHEREAS, the local cost of supporting State- mandated human -services programs represent the
largest part o f the County tax bill in 2017 am ounting to 44% of the propert y taxes levied b y Tompkins
County, and
WHEREAS, New York State Co mptroller Thom as DiNapoli in his 20 16 Report on L ocal
Governments noted that Sales tax revenue growth outside of New York City has been slowing for the last
few years. In addition, State revenue-sharing aid fo r municipalities has remained flat and the State' s tax
cap and tax freeze initiatives have continued to put pressure on governments to contain growth in property
tax levies, and
WHEREAS, Tompkins Count y, New York, has b een a leader in cost reduction and char ed -
services initiatives through program s such as the Greater Tompkins County Municipal Health Insurance
Consortium, the Joint Youth Comm ission, the Recreation Partnership, multi -municipality digitization of
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
records through the Tompkins County Clerk's Office, fully consolidated public safety communications, a
consolidated transit system, a two -county community college, and County -wide Assessment, and
WHEREAS, a recent analysis by a team of Cornell University graduate students found that these
consolidations and shared services alr eady i n place in Tom pkins Count y are saving local property
taxpayers $3.8 million annually, and
WHEREAS, the Tom pkins Count y Legislature, strongl y disagrees with Governor Andrew
Cuomo's characterization that high property taxes in the State of N ew York are indicative of a failure on
the part of local government, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That we call on the New York State Legislature to enact meaningful mandate relief
that will result in m eaningful and s ustained property tax rel ief, and to f ully restore state aid t o
municipalities as required by law,
RESOLVED, further, That while the County affirms the importance of, and will continue to be a
leader in, d eveloping sh ared services and en gaging i n cost -r eduction m easures, we condem n th e
Governor's proposed initiative as a further infringement on local government and home rule,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Legislature send copies of this resolution to Governor
Andrew Cuom o, State Senators Tom O' Mara, Ja mes S eward, and Pa mela H elming; State
Assemblymember B arbara Lifton; the Supervisors of the Town of Danby , Town of Dry den, Town of
Enfield, Town of Groton, Town of Ithaca, Town of Lansing, Town of Newfield, and Tow n of Ulysses;
the Mayors of the City of Ithaca, Village of Ca yuga Heights, Village of Dr yden, Village of Freeville,
Village of Groton, Village of Lansing, and Village of Trumansburg; and the New York State Association
of Counties and all 57 counties outside of New York City.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
February 7, 2017
MOVER: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson
SECONDER: Anna Kelles, Member
AYES: Burbank, Chock, John, Kelles, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne, Robertson,
McKenna, Morey, Sigler
NAYS: James Dennis, Dooley Kiefer, Peter Stein
February 21, 2017
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Martha Robertson, Member
Dooley Kiefer, Member
Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne,
Robertson, McKenna, Morey, Stein
Dooley Kiefer, Michael Sigler
Adi ournment
The meeting adjourned at 9:21 p.m.
Tompkins County Legislature
Regular Meeting Minutes — Approved 4-4-17
Tuesday, March 21, 2017 5:30 PM
Legislature Chambers
Call to Order
Mr. Lane, Chair, called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll Call of Members
Attendee Name
Will Burbank
Carol Chock
James Dennis
Rich John
Anna Kelles
Daniel Klein
Michael Lane
Martha Robertson
David McKenna
Glenn Morey
Michael Sigler
Peter Stein
Presentation by the Bicentennial Commission
Carol Kammen, Count y Historian, announced the Bicentennial starts in April and displa yed
pictures of the new signs that will be put up in the various municipalities this summer. Ice cream social s
will take place as the signs are erected that detail how towns c ame into the Count y. T he signs are
currently at the Highway Department.
Mr. John asked if the signs could be placed on display ; Mr. Smith said they are very heavy but a
couple could be placed on display. Ms. Robertson s uggested including a picture of each of the signs on
the County website along with a sign of where they will be located.
Ms. Kammen said the second project of the Commission is the Town brochures that have been
created by each of the historians in the towns. Sh e provided Legislators with a packet of the brochures
including the towns of Covert and Hector that were previously in the County.
Lastly, she spoke of the t hird project t he Commission is engaged in and said they are m apping
Tompkins County. She distributed copies of maps for Legislators to write on and provi de to the Clerk of
the Legislature.
Privilege of the Floor by the Public
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Michael Koplinka-Loehr, Town of Lansing resi dent, spoke in support of the resolution on the
agenda entitled Resolution in Support of New York State Proposal to Increase Food Waste Recycling and
Edible Leftover Food Re covery. He distributed inf ormation about the Friend ship Donations Network,
Inc., and said it is a valuable organization for those in need.
Report from a Municipal Official(s)
Ducson Nguyen, City of Ithaca Common Council member, spoke about the tem porary stop that
was approved for the Maguire Dealership prop osal on the waterfront. He also spoke of a new project
being proposed that includes eight townhouses and a second public session is being held March 30th. Due
to the snowstorm last week, many of the City's meetings were canceled.
Resolutions Added to and Withdrawn from the Agenda
There were no resolutions added to or withdrawn from the agenda.
Appointments Approved Under the Consent Agenda
Advisory Board Appointments (ID # 6899)
MOVER: Anna Kelles, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairbome, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Peter Stein
Environmental Management Council
Ron Szymanski - Village of Freeville representative; term expires December 31, 2018
STOP -DWI Advisory Board
Sonja Seamon - Restaurant/Tavern/Hotel representative; term expires December 31, 2019
Resolutions Approved Under the Consent Agenda
MOVER: Anna Kelles, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Kiefer, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne,
Robertson, McKenna, Morey, Sigler
Resolution No. 2017-42: Authorization to Accept Grant from New York State Office of Indigent
Legal Services to I mplement an A
Software Solution (ID #6924)
ssigned Con nsel Case -M anagement
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
WHEREAS, the current case -management software used by Assigned Counsel was developed by
Information Technology Services (ITS) in the late 1990's, and after a review of updating this application
to im prove c ase -management processe s, co mmunications, data, reporting, financial requir ements, and
meet additional current needs, it was decided to investigate other alternatives, and
WHEREAS, To mpkins Count y received various preli minary proposals for the project and
determined the best and most cost- effective approach would be to develop an approach and solutio n
similar to one i mplemented by Oneida Count y ba sed on the L aserfiche Rio platform that Tom pkins
County has previousl y i mplemented and supports as an Enterprise Docu ment Management Sy stem
(EDMS), and
WHEREAS, the New York State Office of Indigent Legal Services previously funded a solution
for Oneida County, and the Laserfiche Rio platform configuration can be shared with Tom pkins County
as the basis to meet the needs of Tompkins County Assigned Counsel, and
WHEREAS, Assigned Counsel has been notified of an initial grant award for the project from
New York State Office of Indigent Legal Services in the amount of $35,000, and
WHEREAS, Tompkins County issued a Request fo r Proposals (RFP) on Jan uary 3 0, 2017, in
accordance with established Tom pkins Count y and New York State purchasing procedures, for an
Assigned Counsel case management solution, along with a request for professional services and software
costs associated with the Laserfiche Rio platform to further expand an d support the use of the EDMS to
meet the needs of other County departments and local government agencies, and
WHEREAS, two (2) proposals were received, reviewed, and evaluated based on criteria
documented in Section 5 of the project RFP, and
WHEREAS, Assigned Counsel and ITS have recommended that a contract resulting from the
RFP process be awarded to General Code of Rochester, New York, for a multi-year contract with an
initial term of three years, with two one-year renewal options, now therefor be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Publi c Safety Committee, That the Count y
Administrator, or his designee, be and hereby is authorized to execute all final contract(s) resulting from
this RFP process,
RESOLVED, further, That the Department of A ssigned Counsel is authorized to expend fin rids
defined in this resolution for professional services, software licensing and maintenance associated with
this project implementation,
RESOLVED, further, That the Director of Finance be and hereb y is authorize d and directed to
make the following budget adjustment for 2017:
APPROPRIATION: A1170.54442 Professional Services $35,000
REVENUE: Al 170.4 3089 Other State Aid $35, 000
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Resolution No. 2017-43: Budget Adjustment - Sheriffs Office - K-9 Program (ID #6892)
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Sheriffs Office needs to transfer funds to cover a purchase for
the Tompkins County K-9 Program, and
WHEREAS, revenue has been received in a sep arate account for Sheriff K-9 (T20550000) and
will be put into the Tom pkins County Sheriffs Office budget to reimburse the costs of purchasing a dog
for the K-9 program, and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Administrative Manual Policy 0 5-02, budget adjustments exceeding
$5,000 require Legislative approval, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety Committee, That the Director of Fina nce
be and hereby is authoriz ed and direct ed to m ake the following budget adjust ment for the 2017 fiscal
Revenue: 3113.42705 Gifts & Donations $ 7,350.00
Appropriation: 3113.52220 Departmental Equipment $ 7,350.00
Resolution No. 2017-44: Budget Adjustment - Youth Services (ID #6876)
WHEREAS, pursuant to Administrative Manual Policy 0 5-02, budget adjustments exceeding
$5,000 require Legislative approval, and
WHEREAS, for fiscal year 2016, t he Tom pkins Count y Youth Services Depart ment had
requested $33,000 in funding from th e City of Ith aca to support the expansion of the work of the
Community Coalition for Healthy Youth (CCHY) within the Ithaca City School District (ICSD), and
WHEREAS, the funds would pay for a .5 FTE Pr ogram Management Specialist position to help
coordinate the work of the CCHY and prepare the City and ICSD to compete for future federal Drug Free
Communities funding in 2017, and
WHEREAS, the City was not able to commit to this agreement due to budget limitations, and
WHEREAS, the Youth Services Department did not receive this funding from the City nor was
the Program Management Specialist position increased by .5 FTE, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health a nd Hum an Service Co mmittee, That the
Director of Finance be directed to make the following reductions to the 2016 budget as follows:
Revenue Acct Title Amount
7020.42797 Other Local Govt Contributions ($33,000)
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Appropriation Acct Title Amount
7020.51000655 Program Management Specialist ($21,415)
7020.58800 Fringes ($11,5 85)
Resolution No. 2017-45: Authorizing the Department of Social Services to Accept and Pass through
Safe Harbor Grant to Youth Services Department (ID #6927)
WHEREAS the New York State Office of Child ren and Fam ily Services has awarded the
Department of Social Ser vices a $50,000 Safe Harbor grant to further To mpkins County's efforts to
address the problem of Sexually Exploited Children and Youth for use during the current calendar y ear,
WHEREAS the purpose of this grant is to assist community efforts to satisfy the requirements of
the Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act, and
WHEREAS those efforts in recent years, whic h have included awarene ss, education, and
outreach campaigns; partnership -building with several community agencies; and commencement of work
on a shared assessment tool have been organized and led locally by the Youth Services Department, and
WHEREAS the Youth Services Depart ment is best positioned to continue that work (including
completion and distribution of the shared assessme nt tool, raising awareness among youth, conducting a
county -wide needs assessment, clarifying roles among the partner agencies, and training human services
providers who work with children and youths), now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Health and Human S ervices Committee, That the
Department of Social Services is authorized both to accept this Safe Harbor grant and to enter into a n
agreement with the Department of Youth Services to pass through both the fund ing and the leadership
role in this multi -agency effort,
RESOLVED, further, That the Director of Financ e be and hereb y is authori zed to make the
following adjustments to the 2017 Budget:
Social Services
Appropriation: 6010.54400
Revenue: 6010.43389
Youth Services
Program Expense $50, 000
NYS: Other Public Safety $50,000
Appropriation: 7020 .51000655 Program Management Specialist $ 6,555
7020.58800 Fringes (43.41%) $ 2,845
7020.54442 Prof. Service Fees $40,600
Revenue: 7020.42797 Other Local Govt. Contribution $50,000
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Resolution No. 2017-46: Resolution in Support of New York State Proposal to Increase Food Waste
Recycling and Edible Leftover Food Recovery (ID #6922)
WHEREAS, keeping food waste out of landfills and instead using it for com post or energy
recovery is a beneficial outcome environmentally and economically, and
WHEREAS, the Tom pkins County Recycling and Materials Management Department already
implements programs to reduce and recycle food waste and is gearing up to recover even more, and
WHEREAS, edible leftover food is also best to keep out of landfills and instead use to feed
people, and
WHEREAS, Tompkins County is fort unate to have the not -for -profit organization Friendship
Donations Network that re-routes nearly half a million pounds of food each y ear, distributing it to people
in need instead of being wasted, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure Committee, That the County
Legislature supports the proposal by G overnor Cuomo to require large-scale generators of food waste to
donate and recycle excess food in alignment with the Bill Emerson Good Sama ritan Food Donation Act
of 1996,
RESOLVED, further, That copies of this resolution be sent to Governor Cuomo, New York State
Assembleywoman Lifton, and New York State Senators Seward, O'Mara, and Helming.
Resolution No. 2017- 47: Authorizing 2017-2 Federal Transit Adm inistration Section 5307 Grant
Application for To mpkins Consol idated Area Transit (TCAT) and
Tompkins County (ID #6890)
WHEREAS, the Secretary of the Unite d States D epartment of T ransportation is authorize d to
make grants for mass tran sportation pr ojects pursuant to Section 5307 of Chapter 53, Title 49, of the
United States Code, and
WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins is the Direct Recipient designated by the Governor of New
York State for the Feder al Transit Adm inistration (FTA) Section 5 307 Urb an Formula program, with
responsibilities to propose FTA -funded projects to the Ithaca -Tompkins County Transportation Council
(I-TCTC) (after coordinating with public transportation providers) and to select projects from the I-TCTC
Transportation Improvement Program for inclusion in FTA grants, and
WHEREAS, the FTA fund sources for the 2017-2 Section 5307 Grant are as follows:
2017 Surface Transportation Program Flex Funds 1 $102,000
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
WHEREAS, the County and Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit, Inc. (TCA T, Inc.), agreed to
the projects selected for inclusion i n the 20 17-2 grant from I-TCTC's 2017-2021 T ransportation
Improvement Program, as amended, and
WHEREAS, the County will receive and use said FTA funds as follows:
Federal State TCAT Other Total
TCAT Transit Stop
$ 56,000
$ 7,000
$ 7,000
$ 70,000
Amenities Upgrade
& Multimodal
Integration Program
County Way2Go
$ 46,000
$ 5,800
$ 5,800
$ 57,600
Regional Mobility
$ 102,000
$ 12,800
$ 7,000
$ 5,800
1 $ 127,600
, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Planning, Develop ment, and Environm ental Qu ality
Committee, That the Tom pkins County Legislature au thorizes the County Administrator or his designee
to execute and file appl ications on b ehalf of the Count y of Tompkins with the Fede ral Transit
Administration for the 2 017-2 Section 5307 Grant with a total budget of $127,600, including Federal,
New York State, TCAT, Inc., and other local sources,.
to sign:
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or his designee be and hereby is authorized
1. Any and all agreements between Tompkins County and the Federal Transit Administration
for the Project.
2. Any and all agreements between To mpkins County and the State of New York for the
3. Any and all agreemen is between Tom pkins Co unty, TCAT, Inc., and an y third -par ty
subcontractors necessary to complete the project, if applicable.
Resolution No. 2017- 48: Authorizing 2017-1 Federal Transit Adm inistration Section 5307 Grant
Application for To mpkins Consol idated Area Transit (TCAT) and
Tompkins County (ID #6889)
WHEREAS, the Secretary of the Unite d States D epartment of T ransportation is authorize d to
make grants for mass tran sportation pr ejects pursuant to Section 5307 of Chapter 53, Title 49, of the
United States Code, and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins is the Direct Recipient designated by the Governor of New
York State for the Feder al Transit Adm inistration (FTA) Section 5 307 Urb an Form ula program, with
responsibilities to propose FTA -funded projects to the Ithaca -Tompkins County Transportation Council
(I-TCTC) (after coordinating with public transportation providers) and to select projects from the I-TCTC
Transportation Improvement Program for inclusion in FTA grants, and
WHEREAS, the FTA fund sources for the 2017-1 Section 5307 Grant are as follows:
2016 Sec 5307 Urban Formula Funding (balance)
$ 424,694
2017 Sec 5307 Urban Formula Funding (partial)
Total Federal Transit Funds
WHEREAS, the County and Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit, Inc. (TCA T, Inc.), agreed to
the projects selected for inclusion in the 2017- 1 grant from I-TCTC's 2017-2 021 Tr ansportation
Improvement Program, as amended, and
WHEREAS, the County will receive and use said FTA funds as follows:
Federal State TCAT Other Total
TCAT Preventive
$ 197,767
$ 24,721
$ 24,721
$ 247,209
TCAT Operating
$ 829,000
$ 8,266,601
TCAT Info Tech
$ 192,879
$ 24,110
$ 24,110
$ 241,099
TCAT Facility
$ 24,318
$ 3,040
$ 3,040
$ 30,398
TCAT 40ft
$ 191,143
$ 23,893
$ 23,893
$ 238,929
Replacement Transit
Bus (1)
County SCMP
$ 16,354
$ 2,044
$ 2,044
$ 20,443
Management -1
Total $1,4
1 $3,074,668
1 $ 2,044
1 $9,044,677
, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Planning, Develop ment, and Environm ental Qu ality
Committee, That the Tom pkins County Legislature au thorizes the County Administrator or his designee
to execute and file appl ications on b ehalf of the Count y of Tompkins with the Fede ral Transit
Administration for the 2017-1 Section 5 307 Grant with a total bud get of $9,044,677, including Federal,
New York State, TCAT, Inc., and other local sources,
to sign:
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or his designee be and hereby is authorized
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
1. Any and all agreements between Tompkins County and the Federal Transit Administration
for the Project.
2. Any and all agreements between To mpkins County and the State of New York for the
3. Any and all agreemen is between Tom pkins Co unty, TCAT, Inc., and an y third -par ty
subcontractors necessary to complete the project, if applicable.
Resolution No. 2017-49: 2017 Budget Adjustment for Agreement between Workforce Development
Board and Youth Services (ID #6867)
WHEREAS, pursuant to Administrative Manual Policy 0 5-02, budget adjustments exceeding
$5,000 require Legislative Approval, and
WHEREAS, an Over -Target Request (OTR #79) fo r an increase of $14,688 in Target spending
authority for the Workforce Develop ment Board (WDB) to expand its contract with the Youth Services
Department for youth emplo yment wo rk was approved and included as part of the 2017 To mpkins
County Budg et adopted by the T ompkins Count y L egislature on Novem ber 15, 2 016 (Resolutio n No.
2016-236), and
WHEREAS, OTR #79 ina dvertently omitted the necessary, corresponding $14,688 increases to
both the WDB's Interfund Revenue account and to th e expenditure account for Contribut ions to the
Community Development fund, through which the WDB receives appropriations from the General Fund,
WHEREAS, the correction of these omissions in the 2017 Budget is neutral in its net effect, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Planning, Develop ment, and Environm ental Qu ality
Committee, That the Finance director be and hereby is directed to make the following budget adjustment:
Revenue: 6290 .42801 Interfund Revenues $14, 688
Expenditure: 9502 .54400 Program Expense $14, 688
RESOLVED, further, That the spending target for Contribution to the Community Development
Fund for purposes of the 2018 annual budget be increased by $14,688 to reflect the additional general
fund support for the expenses associated with this inter -departmental contract, provided, however, that the
additional target appropriation be rescinded in the event the contract is terminated.
Resolution No. 2017-5 0: Adjustm ents to the 2017 Budget — Municipal Sales Tax Distribution
Agreement (ID #6908)
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
WHEREAS, Resolution N o. 8 7, ado pted March 16, 1993, gave a uthorization for the Cou my to
enter into an agreement with the City of Ithaca for the distribution of sales tax proceeds, and
WHEREAS, under a March 26, 199 8, agreement, the County pays for selected services provided
by the Cit y in an am ount that increases or decreases yearly based on actual sal es tax collections in the
City of Ithaca during the prior budget year, and
WHEREAS, actual collections within the City of Ithaca increased by 1.0% in 2016 over 2015, a
better result than was anticipated, and
WHEREAS, budget adjustments are therefore neces nary to recognize the incr ease in sales tax
compared to what was projected in the 2017 Budget, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Capital, and Pe rsonnel Committee, That the
Director of Finance be and hereby i s authori zed and directed to m ake the following 2017 budget
Public Safety Committee
Resolution No. 2017-51: Appropriation from Contingent Fund - Replacement Pay - Sheriffs Offs ce
(ID #6894)
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: Rich John, Member
SECONDER: Anna Kelles, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Peter Stein
(based on
County/City Program A6901.41111
County/City Program 6901.54666
Public Safety Committee
Resolution No. 2017-51: Appropriation from Contingent Fund - Replacement Pay - Sheriffs Offs ce
(ID #6894)
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: Rich John, Member
SECONDER: Anna Kelles, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Peter Stein
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
WHEREAS, the Sheriff s Office had four (4) em ployees out on disability leave longer than two
months, and
WHEREAS, the Fiscal Po licy of Tom pkins County allows replacement pay to the Department
from the Contingent Fund for the period beyond the initial two months, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of t he Public Safe ty and the Budget, Capital, and Personnel
Committees, That the Director of Finance be and is hereby authorized and directed to make the following
budget appropriation for 2016:
FROM: A1990.54400
TO: A3113.51000419
A3113.58800 Fringes
A3150.58800 Fringes
Health and Human Services Committee
Contingent Fund $ 87,476.82
Deputy Sheriff $ 14,435.20
Criminal Investigator $ 19,458.88
Corrections Officers $ 26,140.80
$15, 492.98
$11, 948.96
Ms. Roberts on asked Ms. Kelle s to circulate information on the final Jim Crowe reading
scheduled for April 17th
Facilities and Infrastructure Committee
Resolution No. 2017- 52: Budget Adjustment to Transfer from the Highway Fund Balance and
Amend the Capital Program— PIN 3 756.10 — Pin a Tree Road (CR 174)
Intersection Improvements at Ellis Hollow Road and East Hill Plaz a
Entrance, Town of Ithaca (ID #6919)
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: David McKenna, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairbome, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Peter Stein
WHEREAS, Resolution No. 18 5 of 2014 authorized an agree ment with the State of New York
whereby Federal sources will furnish approxim ately 90% of the funding ne cessary for design and
construction of Highway Safety Improvements at two intersections on Pine Tree Ro ad - Ellis Hollow
Road and the East Hill Plaza Entrance - in the Town of Ithaca, P.I.N. 3756. 10, (the Project), and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
WHEREAS, the Highway Division (D Fund) has an adequate unassigned fund balance to cover
the revised project cost, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure and the Budget, Capital, and
Personnel Committees, That the 2016- 2020 Capital Pr ogram be am ended to add the P ine Tree Road
Intersection Improvement Project and reflect a total project cost of $287, 000.00 and to reflect a funding
contribution of $28,700.00 from Tompkins County,
RESOLVED, further, T hat the Director of Fi nance be and hereby is authorized to allocat e
$287,000 in fiscal y ear 2 016 from the Road (High way) Fund Balance, as n eeded, to Pine Tree Road
Intersection Improvement Project Capital Account (HZ5112.59239.51.12):
Incr. Revenue Account: HZ5112.45035.51.12 - Interfund (D) $287,000
Incr. Expense Account: HZ5112.59239.51.12 - East Hill Safety Project $287,000
Incr. Expense Account: D5110.54802 - Contribution to Construction $287,000
Resolution No. 2017-53: Budget Adjustment to Transfer fro m the Highway Fund Balance and
Amend the Capital Program, I ncreasing t he Proje ct Cost -
Reconstruction of the F orest Home Drive Bridg a (BIN 3047450) Over
Fall Creek (PIN 3950.41), Town of Ithaca (ID #6856)
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: David McKenna, Member
SECONDER: Anna Kelles, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Peter Stein
WHEREAS, the Highway Division estim ates higher than bud geted expenditures for the Forest
Home Drive Bridge Reconstruction project, and
WHEREAS, the Highway Division (D Fund) has ad equate unassigned fund balance to cover the
shortage, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure and the Budget, Capital, and
Personnel Committees, That the 2016-2020 Capital P rogram be amended to reflect a total project cost for
the Forest Ho me Drive Bridge Reconstruction Project to $ 2,277,237.63 and to reflect a fundin g
contribution of 394,015.65 from Tompkins County,
RESOLVED, further, T hat the Director of Fi nance be and hereby is authorized to allocat
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
$363,928.02 from the Road (High way) Fu nd Balance, as needed, to Forest Ho me Drive Bridge
Reconstruction Project Capital Account (HZ5103.59239.53.20) for 2016:
Incr. Revenue Account: HZ5103.45035.53.20 - Interfund (D) $363,928.02
Incr. Expense Account: HZ5103.59239.53.20 - Forest Home Bridge $363,928.02
Incr. Expense Account: D5111.54802 - Contribution to Construction $363,928.02
SEQR ACTION: UNLISTED (EAF on file with Clerk of the Legislature, No further action required)
Resolution No. 2017-54: Re -appropriation from th a Contingent Fund for a Study of S tewart Park
Governance Models (ID #6866)
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: David McKenna, Member
SECONDER: Carol Chock, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey
NAYS: Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Peter Stein
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature appropriated $17,000 from the Contingent Fund
in 2016 (Resolution No. 2016-2 35, of November 15, 2016) to support the "add -alternate" p ortion of the
City of Ithaca Parks and Recreation Master Plan study that will undertake an analysis of Stewart Park to
analyze its current managem ent and governance st ructure and reco mmend alternatives ranging fr om
modifications to the existing structure to a new govern ance structure and/or ownership of the Park by the
County, and
WHEREAS, the appropriated funds were neither in voiced b y th e City nor expended b y the
County in 2016, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure and the Budget, Capital, and
Personnel Committees, That the Finance Director be and hereby is directed to make the following budget
adjustment to the 2017 Budget:
FROM: 1990 .54400 Contingent Fund $17, 000.00
TO: 1230.54445 Intermunicipal Agreements $17,000.00
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality Committee
Resolution No. 2017-55: Appropriation from the Contingent Fund for Water and Sewer
Infrastructure Study in the Town of Dryden (ID #6884)
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: Martha Robertson, Member
SECONDER: Dooley Kiefer, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Peter Stein
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Housing Needs Assessment indicates the need to produce far
more new ho using units to meet current and projected needs than recent building trends are producing,
WHEREAS, Tompkins County is in t he process of updating its Housing Strategy, recognizing
that the Housing Strategy is a starting point for addressing this critical community need and needs to
evolve and be refined over time to better address the community's housing challenges, and
WHEREAS, infrastructure is a critical component in determining the feasibility of developing
additional housing within the County, and
WHEREAS, the Town of Dryden has indicated a willingness to split the cost s of a wat er and
sewer infrastructure study that would cost $3,500 and would help determine the potential for new housing
development, and
WHEREAS, the County Legislature, in approving the 2017 budget for the Planning Department,
placed funds in t he amount of $30,000 in the Con tingent Fund for the purpose of supporting targete d
Planning Department projects to implement the Housing Strategy, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality and
the Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committees, co ntingent upon approval fr om the Town of Dry den for
its share, That the Director of Finance be and hereby is authorized and directed to make th e following
budget adjustments:
FROM: A1990.54400 Contingent Fund ($1,75 0)
TO: A8027.54400 Program Expenditures $1,750
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or his designee be and hereby is authorized
to execute any agreements related to this project.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee
Resolution No. 2017-56: Award of 2 017 Arts and Culture Organizational Development Grants (ID
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Peter Stein
WHEREAS, the Co mmunity Arts Partnership (CAP) and the Tom pkins County Legi slature
recognize that the local arts and cultural community is a valuable and unique asset, and that a need exists
to harness the power of the arts to grow tourism, and that strategic management and stabilization of these
assets will better serve visitors through well-planned marketing efforts, and
WHEREAS, the County contracts with CAP to de velop and implement a plan for financial and
operational development and capacity building of arts and cultural entities, and
WHEREAS, the arts and cultural comm unity coul d better positi on itself in t he marketplace to
attract more visitors to and enhance visitors' stay in Tompkins County, thus generating more dollars into
the local economy, and
WHEREAS since 2007, the Strategic Tourism Planning Board has reco mmended allo wing
tourism grant programs to have the previous year's allocated but unspent funding reallocated to the next
year's budget, and
WHEREAS, at the end of 2016 a balance of $5,173 was considered allocated but unspent within
the Arts and Culture Organizational Development Grant Program, and
WHEREAS, pending a recommended bud get adjustment, funding exists within the Room
Occupancy Tax -funded Tom pkins Count y Tourism Program budget for the Arts and Culture
Organizational Development Program, and
WHEREAS, CAP has requested and reviewed annual report s for reco mmendation to th e
Tompkins County Legislature through the Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee with the advice of
the Strategic Tourism Planning Board, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Ca pital, and Pe rsonnel Committee, That the
following Arts and Culture Organizational Development Grants be awarded in 2017:
2011 2012
$21,800 $22,236
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Nature Center
History Center
PRI (Museum
of the Earth &
Nature Center
1 $16,000
1 $16,646
1 $17,000
State Theatre
1 $17,000
1 $23,307
1 $23,773
1 $27,000
1 $27,000
1 $25,000
Grant Totals
1 $159,695
1 $170,756
1 $188,773
1 $188,000
1 $192,000
1 $197,000
RESOLVED, further, That CAP is paid an amount up to $10,2 00 for administrative evaluation
and oversight services,
RESOLVED, further, That an agreement with Rent -a -CFO, LLC, of Ithaca, Ne w Y ork, is
authorized in an am ount not to exceed $4,000 to conduct financial and fiscal progress reviews of grant
recipient organizations to determine their current operational status and their abi lity to fulfill the goals of
the Arts and Culture Organizational Development Program of the Tompkins County Tourism Program,
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or his designee be and hereby is authorized
to sign any agreements with the recipients and CAP pertaining to this program,
RESOLVED, further, T hat the Arts and Cultu re Organizational Development Grant Progr am
budget for 2 017 is increased by $5,173 bringing the total modified 2017 bud get for this p rogram from
$213,150 to $218,323:
6475.54619 Arts and Cultural Organizational Development $5,173
6475 .41113 Room Tax $5,1 73
Explanation: *In 2013, for the first time, PRI applied jointly under a Mergers/Shared Services category.
The recommended award to PRI of $30,000 in 2016 is a joint award to support both the Cayuga Nature
Center and the Museum of the Earth.
Jail Study Committee
Ms. Kiefer s aid she re ad a very interesting article concerning the approach to AA (Alcoholics
Anonymous) and the fact that it is unclear if it works. If the Committee talks about this issue, she would
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
like to attend and be part of the discussion.
Old Library Committee
Ms. Chock asked that the original RFP (Requ est for Proposals) be distributed to the full
Legislature prior to that meeting.
Mr. Lane declared recess at 7:40 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:50 p.m.
Executive Session
It was MOVED by Mr. Dennis, seconded by Mrs. McBean-Clairbome, and unanimously adopted
by voice vote by members present, to hold an executive session at 7:50 p.m. to discuss labor negotiations
and litigation. The meeting returned to open session at 9:06 p.m.
Adi ournment
The meeting adjourned at 9:06 p.m.
Tompkins County Legislature
Regular Meeting Minutes — Approved 4-18-17
Tuesday, April 4, 2017 5:30 PM
Legislature Chambers
Call to Order
Mr. Lane, Chair, called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll Call of Members
Attendee Name
Will Burbank
Carol Chock
James Dennis
Status Arrived Departed
Rich John
Anna Kelles
Dooley Kiefer
Daniel Klein
Michael Lane
Leslyn McBean-Clairbome
Martha Robertson
David McKenna
Glenn Morey
Michael Sigler
Peter Stein
Late 5:37 PM 7:33 PM
Poet Laureate
In recognition of the County's 200th Anniversary, Zee Zahava, Tompkins County Poet Laureate,
read a poem that celebrates random moments of happiness entitled "Flashes from My Ithaca Life".
Mr. Lane also recognized that Ms. Zahava has pr ovided the Legislature with a cop y of her book
of poems.
Mr. Stein arrived at this time.
Privilege of the Floor by the Public
There were no members of the public who wished to speak.
Report from a Municipal Official(s)
Mr. McGonigal, Common Council Member, reported that in response to concerns that have been
raised, Co mmon Council will be taking a vote to combine a num her of advisory committees into four
larger umbrella groups and each will have a basic group of issues to deal with and as issues arise they can
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
be added. They will have a wider range of issues to deal with and will have more influence. The number
of commissioners on each is yet to be determined; subgroups will be created as needed. They hope it will
create a more direct path b etween advisory groups, Common Council and t he Mayor. New applications
for interested members wi 11 be presented to the Mayor who will make a r ecommendation to Comm on
Council on who should serve.
He highlight ed the areas of responsi bilities that will be included in t he four groups. The
Committees will be full y -staffed by the City and because they are umbrella groups there will be subsets
studying various issues. He believes there will be a special public hearing on this but a date has not yet
been scheduled.
Health and Human Services Committee
Resolution No. 2017-57: Authorizing a Public Hearing on Pro posed Local Law No. b o f 2017 — A
Local Law Raising the Legal Age to 21 for Tobacco Sale and Purchase
(ID #6763)
Ms. Chock expressed concern about the title since approved by the Health and Human Services
Committee, specifically the addition of "and purchase". Ms. Kelles said that is both sides of a
transaction. Possession and use are not a part of t he law. Mr. Wood, Count y Attorne y spoke of his
recommendation to change the title and said it was his intent to describe what the local law does.
Mr. Wood further commented that the County has never enforced a penalty against the purchaser,
only the seller.
The suggestion to remove "and Purchase" from the title was accepted as friendly.
Ms. Kiefer offered several minor edi torial a dditions and corrections that were accepted as
friendly. In addition she offered the following paragraph to be included in Section 5 of the law that was
also accepted as friendly:
"Violations of this local law shall be separat e from and, where applicable, in addition to a
violation of the Adolescent Tobacco Use Prevention Act (ATUPA)."
Mr. John said although h e understands not pursui ng action against those who are 18-21, he
doesn't thi nk it should be set up as th ere being no consequence for an underage person to try to b uy
tobacco products. He would like to revisit the change to the title and add back in "and purchase".
It was MOVED by Mr. John, seconded by Ms. Kiefer, to reconsider the title and insert the words
"and purchase".
A voice vote on the amendment to reco nsider the title change and insert "and purchase" r esulted
as follows: Ayes - 8 (Legislators Dennis, John, Kiefer, Klein, McKenna, Morey, Sigler, and Stein); Noes
- 6 (Legislators Burbank, Chock, Kelles, Lane, McBean-Clairborne, and Rob ertson). AMENDMENT
It was MOVED by Ms. Chock, seconded by Mrs. McBean-Clairborne, to amend the law as follows:
Section 1: Findings
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
It is the inten t of Tompkins County to implement effective measures through this Local Law to reduce
youth access to tobacco, products containing tobacco, e -cigarettes and similar aerosol devices, smeking
Section 2: Definitions.
Strike the definitions for Shisha and Smoking Paraphernalia.
TOBACCO PRODUCT means any p roduct in ade, or derived from , or containing toba cco or which
contains nicotine marketed or sold f or hum an c onsumption, whether consu mption oc curs through
inhalation, or oral or dermal absorption. Tobacco product does not include drugs, devices, or combination
products authorized for sale by the St ate or U.S. Food and Dr ug Adm inistration, as those terms are
defined in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
Section 3: Minimum Sales Age Restriction
No person shall sell any Tobacco, Product Containing Tobacco, or Electronic Nicotine Delivery System,
Shisha, or- Smoking Par-aphefaah to persons under the Legal Age.
Section 4: Signage
Any person selling tobac co products, liquid nicotine, sh-or electronic cigarettes sh all post in a
conspicuous place a sign upon which there shall be imprinted the following statement, "SALE OF
LAW." Such sign shall be printed on a white card in red letters at least one-half inch in height.
A voice vote resulted as follows on the a mendment: Ay es - 3 ( Legislators C hock, Klein, and
McBean-Clairborne); Noes - 11. AMENDMENT FAILED.
It was MOVED by Ms. Chock to amend the law to amend the definition of Shisha to rep lace
"...or other 1 eaf or herbs, or an y combination ther eof," with "...alone or i n combination with other
MOVER: Anna Kelles, Member
SECONDER: James Dennis, Member
AYES: James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael
Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn
NAYS: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, Tompkins County has a substantial interest in reducing the number of individuals of
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
all ages who use cigarettes and of her tobacco products, and a particular interest in protecting adolescents
from tobacco dependence and the illnesses and pr emature deat h associat ed with tobacco use, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Tompkins County Board of Health and the Health and
Human Services Committee, That a public hearing be held before the Tompkins County Legislature in
Legislative Chambers of the Governor Daniel D. Tompkins Building, 121 East Court Street, Ithaca, New
York, on Tuesday, April 18, 2017, at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof concerning proposed Local Law
No. b of 2017 - A Local Law Raising the Legal Age to 21 for Tobacco Sale and Purchase. At such ti me
and place all persons interested in the subject matter will be heard concerning the same,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board i s hereby authorized and directed to place
proper notice of such public hearing in the official newspaper of the County.
Mr. Lane declared recess at 7:33 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:43 p.m.
Mr. Stein was excused at this time.
Report from the County Administrator
Mr. Mareane said he wo uld like to p ut forward and reco mmend the reappointm ent of Frank
Kruppa, Public Health Director. By State Law this is a six-year term and it is due to exp ire this month.
He informed the Legislature of this via e- mail and asked if there was any interest in having an executive
session to discuss this appointment prior to approving it. Ms. Kiefer commented that she had not seen the
e-mail; Mr s. Covert mad e available t he e- mail and this appoi ntment and an executive session wer e
deferred to the end of the meeting.
Resolutions Added to and Withdrawn from the Agenda
There were no resolutions added to or withdrawn from the agenda.
Resolutions Approved Under the Consent Agenda
MOVER: Carol Chock, Member
SECONDER: Martha Robertson, Member
AYES: Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Kiefer, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne,
Robertson, McKenna, Morey, Sigler
Resolution No. 2017-58: Budget Adjustment for the 2017 Senior Community Service Employment
Program (Title V) (ID #6923)
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
WHEREAS, pursuant to Administrative Manual Policy 05-02, Section 4.02, budget adjustments
exceeding $5,000 are subject to approval by County Legislature, and
WHEREAS, the Office for the Aging has r eceived a final Notific ation of Grant Award from the
New York State Office for the Aging for the Senior Community Service Employment Program hereafter
referred to as Title V, which was an increase of $9,206 in funding, and
WHEREAS, the increase shall be used to fund one additional enrollee within the Title V
program, and
WHEREAS, the increase shall also be used to co mpensate the NY Connects Coordinator for that
individual's time in managing the Title V Program, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Health and Human S ervices Committee, That the
Director of Finance be and hereby is authorized to make the following adjustments for 2017:
Revenue Account Title Amt Approp Acct Title Amt
6775-44772 Federal Revenue $9,206
6775-51000546 Salary
6775-51000060 Title V
6775-5800000 Fringe
Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee
Resolution No. 2017-59: Endorsing State Legislation S37 84 and A4329 - Extending Existing Sales
and Use Tax Authority of the County of Tompkins (ID #6930)
This resolution was adopted by a roll call vote.
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: David McKenna, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairbome, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Peter Stein
WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins has had the authority to enact an additional one percent of
sales and use taxation since December 1, 1992, and has enacted such tax, and
WHEREAS, this authority has been ex ercised since that date an d expires No vember 30, 2 017,
WHEREAS, this Legislature by Resolut ion No. 11 of 2017 requested the members of the New
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
York State S enate and Assembly who represent To mpkins County to sponsor and support legislation
extending t his authorit y beyond No vember 30, 20 17, and the y have done so and have introd uced
S3784/A4329 "AN ACT to amend the tax law, in relation to extending the authorization of the County of
Tompkins to impose an additional one percent of sales and compensating use taxes" that extends this
authority to November 30, 2019, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Budget, Ca pital, and Personnel Committee, That this
Legislature endorses and requests State approval of legislation known as 53784 and A4329, and urges its
elected representatives in the Senate and the Assembly to support this legislation.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
March 7, 2017
MOVER: Anna Kelles, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne,
Robertson, McKenna, Morey
NAYS: Dooley Kiefer, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Peter Stein
March 21, 2017
MOVER: Rich John, Member
SECONDER: James Dennis, Member
AYES: Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne,
Robertson, McKenna, Morey
NAYS: Dooley Kiefer, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Peter Stein
Confirmation of Re-AaPpointment for Public Health Director
It was MOVED b y Ms. Kelles, seconded by Mr. Dennis, to co nfirm the reappointment of Frank
Kruppa as the Public Health Director for a six-year term.
It was MOVED by Ms. Chock, seconded by Ms. Kiefer, to hold an executive session at 8:49 p.m.
to discuss a personnel matter about a particular emplo yee. A voice vote resulted as follows: Ay es - 6
(Legislators Chock, Kiefer, Klein, Lan e, Robertson, and Sigler); Noes - 7 (Legislators Burbank, Dennis,
John, Kelles, McBean-Clairborne, McKenna, and Morey); Exc used - 1 (Legislator Stein). MOTION
Ms. Kiefer s aid she has now had a chance to r ead Mr. Mareane' s e-mail and sai d she does have
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
At this time, it was MOVED by Mrs. McB ean-Clairborne, seconded by Mr. Burba nk, t o
reconsider the motion to hold an executive session at 8:56 p.m . to discuss a personnel matter about a
particular employee. A vo ice vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 10, Noes - 3 (Legislators Chock, Dennis,
and Kelles), Excused - 1 (Legislator Stein). MOTION TO RECONSIDER CARRIED.
A voice vote resulted as follows on the motion to go into executive session: Ayes - 11, Noes - 2
(Legislators Dennis and Kelles), Excused - 1 (Legislator Stein). MOTION CARRIED.
On motion, the meeting returned to open session at 9:14 p.m.
A voice vote on the motion to reappoint Frank Kruppa as the Public Health Director for a six-year
term re sulted as follows: Ay es - 13, Noes - 0, Excused - 1 (Legislator Stein). APPOINTMENT
Adi ournment
The meeting adjourned at 9:16 p.m.
Tompkins County Legislature
Regular Meeting Minutes — Approved 5-2-17
Tuesday, April 18, 2017 5:30 PM
Legislature Chambers
Public Hearing
Public Hearing - A Local Law Raising the Legal Age to 21 for Tobacco Sale and Purchase
Mr. Lane, Chair, called the public hearing to order at 5:30 p.m. concerning proposed Local Law -
A Local Law Raising the Legal Age to 21 for Tobacco Sale and Purchase and asked if anyone wished to
Fay Gougakis, City of Ithaca, spoke in support of raising the age of persons able to purchase
tobacco for many reasons including public health. She also recommended that there be educational
outreach to young people on this and many other things as well. She believes the stores on the Ithaca
Commons that sell paraphernalia sends the wrong message to the youth.
Deborah Mendzef, resident of Cayuga County and Coordinator of CNY Regional Center for
Tobacco Health Systems at St. Joseph's Hospital Health Center, spoke in support of raising the age of
persons able to purchase tobacco products to 21. She works with providers in Tompkins County that
provide tobacco cessation services and spoke of the dangers associated with smoking. The proposed local
law is one way to protect our youth and future generations.
Samantha Hillson, City of Ithaca resident and employee of the Tompkins County Health
Department, spoke in support of raising the age of persons able to purchase tobacco products to 21. She
spoke of the public health risks associated with smoking.
Anne Koreman, Town of Ulysses resident, spoke in support of raising the age of persons able to
purchase tobacco products to 21. Ms. Koreman said she lost her mother who was a smoker due to
pulmonary disease. She, like other family members, was a smoker until age 22 and spent three years
trying before she was able to successfully quit.
Joseph Prusch, Ithaca resident, spoke in opposition of raising the age of persons able to purchase
tobacco products to 21. He said the average age of starting smoking is 13 and suggested targeting that
population. He said he would like the Legislature to create regulations that protect working single
parents. He respects the positive reasoning for the proposal but thinks youth will just travel to other
counties to purchase tobacco products and would like more attention spent on focusing on other social
problems that exist such as creating jobs, living wage, controlling expensive rents, etc.
Elizabeth Bergman, Town of Ithaca resident, agreed with the previous speaker that the most
addictive age is 13. She asked that further research be done and said she would like to know what the
status is for stopping smoking in public housing. She said she is concerned that there could be negative
consequences such as bootlegging. She said it is the lower -education and lower-income population where
smoking is most prevalent. She doesn't think this proposed local law will fix the issue and would like
further research done.
Dwight Mengel, City of Ithaca resident, acknowledged all of the health concerns relating to
smoking. He spoke of rights 18 -year olds have such as joining the military, signing contracts,
and asked what does coming of age -hood really mean and said it is the ability to exercise choice whether
it is a good or bad choice.
Michael Frennier, President of New York State Vapor Association, spoke in opposition to raising
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
the age of persons able to purchase tobacco products to 21 and noted the law relates only to purchase, not
to consumption. He said at 18 a person is believed to be an adult, they can join the military, be charged
with a crime, but this law states they are not able to make a decision about purchasing tobacco. When
kids find out they are not allowed to purchase tobacco products they will be more likely to purchase them.
Charles McAvoy, Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania and owner of Headdies Pipe Shop on the
Commons, spoke in opposition of raising the age of persons able to purchase tobacco products to 21. He
said when someone turns 18 they should be able to make a decision to smoke or not to smoke and
suggested efforts be spent teaching people the dangers of smoking so they can make informed decisions
on their own. He said they will only travel to other counties to purchase products. He spoke of the
investment he has made in his business on the Commons and said other aspects of the law, such as
vaping, would negatively impact his business.
Dr. Klepack, Tompkins County Medical Director and practicing local family physician, spoke in
support of raising the age of persons able to purchase tobacco products to 21. The New York State
Academy of Family Physicians, representing 6,000 family physicians across the State, has weighed in on
this issue and said they strongly support raising the age to 21 and submitted the Memorandum of Support
Holden Free, Trumansburg resident, spoke in opposition to raising the age of persons able to
purchase tobacco products to 21. He said he is from the South where smoking is common and easily
accessible. He said he has gotten himself off of tobacco by using vaping products.
Ellen Walsh, Town of Danby resident, said she does not have a position on the local law but
believes the Legislature needs to address the fact that 13 year olds are using tobacco products. She thinks
there should be a law that prohibits tobacco near children. She appreciates the efforts of the Legislature
to address the issue and suggested addressing why they have access to products when they shouldn't.
No one else wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 6:09 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll Call of Members
Attendee Name
Will Burbank
Carol Chock
James Dennis
Rich John
Anna Kelles
I Title
1 status Arrived Departed
Dooley Kiefer
Daniel Klein
Michael Lane
Leslyn McBean-Clairborne
Late 6:15 PM
Martha Robertson
David McKenna
Glenn Morey
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Michael Sigler Member Present
Peter Stein Member Present 4 17:46 PM
Presentation of Proclamations, Petitions, Communications, and Notices
Mr. Lane read a proclamation declaring April 2017 to be Fair Housing Month in Tompkins
County and presented it to Norma Jayne and Dan DiSanto of the Ithaca Board of Realtors.
Mr. Lane read from a plaque presented to Tompkins County by Cornell University at the recent
Town Gown meeting in recognition of the County's 200th Anniversary.
Mrs. McBean-Clairborne arrived at this time.
Resolutions Added to and Withdrawn from the Agenda
Mr. Lane granted Ms. Kelles permission to withdraw from the agenda the resolution entitled
Adoption of Local Law No. b of 2017 - A Local Law Raising the Legal Age to 21 for Tobacco Sale and
Purchase (ID #6764).
There were no resolutions added to the agenda.
Privilege of the Floor by the Public
Michael Koplinka-Loehr, Town of Lansing resident, spoke in support of the resolution on the
agenda entitled Award of Spring 2017 Community Celebrations Grants and said the Community Iftar
event is similar to Mardi Gras. He urged support to show that Tompkins County is a welcoming
Lily Gershon, Freeville resident, spoke concerning the Jail expansion study. Many people
disagree with expanding services inside the Jail as it would appear that it is criminalizing mental health
and addiction issues. She believes clinical services should be accessible in the community and in a way
that doesn't make a person feel like a criminal. She also questioned the status of the report by the
Municipal Courts Task Force.
Rich Stunbar, Town of Ithaca resident and local attorney, called attention to the study that was
commissioned by the TCCOG and expressed concern that it is "lost to CGR". It was a report by the
Municipal Courts Task Force and was the subject of considerable research and effort by a group of long
time knowledgeable individuals with a broad range of knowledge and experience. This report does not
appear on the CGR website; it addresses consolidations, efficiencies, and makes several recommendations
for the local criminal justice system.
Brenden McQuade, Ithaca resident, expressed concern about the un -sentenced population at the
Tompkins County Jail. 74% of those detained are unsentenced (awaiting trial), they are low-risk
defendants who are too poor to make bail. He said the County is considering adding 45 beds to the Jail
and addressing this population is a viable way to address overcrowding without a costly Jail expansion.
Shari Korthuis, Ithaca resident, spoke of the expense of the Jail study and believes people are in
Jail because there is a huge social problem that includes a lack of affordable housing in the area. She said
CGR has not been transparent and the public needs to be informed.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Phoebe Brown, County resident, said people are present at this meeting because they feel they are
not being listened to. She is a recovering addict who would not have gotten what she got if there wasn't a
detox center at Cayuga Medical Center. It hurts to know that CGR pulled in so many people to speak
with and they did not acknowledge them. Services need to be in the community and accessible not only
when someone is incarcerated but at any time an individual needs the services.
Barbara Regenspan, Ithaca resident, believed CGR was going to lead a community process
through the website. While the CGR study did zero to educate the community the community was
educating itself by reading the Michelle Alexander text. The mass incarceration system is a system for
punishing the brown people and the poor people. She expressed her dissatisfaction from the pain in a
sophisticated community like this by such a miserably handled study such as having an interactive
website. She does not believe they fulfilled the basic tenant of their contract. She said the Legislature
should call a moratorium on the process until what was promised is done. Formerly incarcerated people
need to be the key people who are heard from.
Ellen Walsh, Town of Danby resident, encouraged Legislators to listen to the people in the
community; there are a lot of people who are not criminals but who are in need of services and not
additional obstacles. She spoke in support of the resolution on the agenda entitled Award of Spring 2017
Community Celebrations Grants that includes the Community Iftar event that is a community -building
Walaa Horan, Town of Lansing resident, spoke about the Jail study and said she has worked with
individuals who have had mental health and addiction issues including Veterans who fight for the
country. Instead of supporting them they are incarcerated, have PTSD, depression, addiction, etc. She
asked that there be education and support before there is a problem. In addition, she spoke in support of
the resolution on the agenda entitled Award of Spring 2017 Community Celebrations Grants and said as a
planner of the Community Iftar it is not a religious event but an event to be part of the community and to
encourage unity.
Anne Koreman, Town of Ulysses resident, announced there will be a Climate March in Ithaca on
April 29th. Also the Finger Lakes Pulse, a LGBTQ group, is planning an event and she will keep the
Legislature updated on that.
Doa Abdel-Ghany, Town of Ithaca resident, said she is one of the organizers for the proposed
Community Iftar, also known as `Share our Table'. She said the community has come out of closed
spaces over the last year and a half. The dinner is free, it does not require anyone to be any religion, race,
or sexual orientation; this is an opportunity to share a meal, listen to each other, and break down borders.
Deborah Dawson, Village of Cayuga Heights resident, spoke in support of the resolution on the
agenda entitled Award of Spring 2017 Community Celebrations Grants and said the Community Iftar is a
community -building event.
Report from a Municipal Official(s)
Deborah Cipolla-Dennis, Dryden Town Board member, reported on upcoming events to be held
in the Town of Dryden including a public hearing concerning two proposed solar farms; an informational
meeting concerning the Dominion Project, a natural gas station off the Ellis Creek Road; and a public
meeting on smart meters,
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Ducson Nuygen, Common Council member, provided an update on Common Council activities
including the waterfront planning projects, improvements to University Avenue, redesign work on Martin
Luther King, Jr., Street near the Inlet, and committee restructuring.
He also announced as a member of TCAT (Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit) has a need for
various positions.
Budget. Cauital. and Personnel Committee
Resolution No. 2017-60: Award of Spring 2017 Community Celebrations Grants (ID #6968)
Mrs. McBean-Clairbome said she is employed by GIAC (Greater Ithaca Activities Center), which
will receive funding through one of the awards and requested permission to abstain from voting.
Permission was granted.
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: Daniel Klein, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
ABSTAIN: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne
WHEREAS, Tompkins County has a grant program for community celebrations using funds
drawn entirely from Room Occupancy Tax, and
WHEREAS, Tompkins County has requested and reviewed grant applications for
recommendation to the Tompkins County Legislature through the appropriate Committee with the advice
of the Strategic Tourism Planning Board, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee, That the
following Community Celebrations grants are approved:
Celebration Name
Group Name
2017 Treasures of
Town of Groton
Town of
Groton's Past
2017 - Town of
Town of Lansing
Town of
Celebration Ag Day
2017 Celebrating
The History Center in
Town of
Our Rural Heritage
Tompkins County
2017 Dryden Lake
Dryden Lake Festival
Town of
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Greater Ithaca
2017 GIAC Festival
City of Ithaca
Activities Center,
2017 Groton Free
Groton GS Troop 41432,
Village of
Community Night
C/O Village of Groton
2017 International
Ithaca Children's Garden
City of Ithaca
Mud Day
2017 Latin@
Latino Civic Association
City of Ithaca
Heritage Month
of Tompkins County
2017 Latino
No Mas Lagrimas
City of Ithaca
We are the Village!
Village at Ithaca
City of Ithaca
Newfield Old
2017 Newfield Old Home
Town of
Home Days
2017 Playdate in
Child Development
City of Ithaca
the Park
2017 Reuse Trail
Cooperative Extension
City of Ithaca
Association of Tompkins
Historic Ithaca, Inc.
Bicentennial Walk and
City of Ithaca
Triphammer Arts
2017; Watermusic and
City of Ithaca
Dancing on the Water
`Share Our Table'
ICOS (Islamic
City of Ithaca
Dinner 2017
Community Outreach
Double Dutch
Double Dutch
City of Ithaca
Tournament of
Tournament of
Enfield Harvest
Enfield Community
Town of
Council, Inc.
First Peoples
Multicultural Resource
City of Ithaca
Juneteenth 2017
Southside Community
City of Ithaca
Center Inc.
Kwanzaa 2017
Southside Community
City of Ithaca
Center Inc.
Streets Alive!
Ithaca Carshare/ Bike
City of Ithaca
Ithaca 2017
Walk Tompkins
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
WinterFest 2017
Trumansburg Chamber of
Village of
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or designee be and hereby is authorized to
sign any documents related to the aforementioned projects.
Mr. Lane declared recess at 7:46 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:58 p.m.
Chair's Report and Chair's Appointments
Mr. Lane made the following appointments:
Workforce Development Board
Brian K. Forrest - Business representative; term expires June 30, 2017
Joe Sammons - Organization serving Individuals with Disabilities representative; term expires June 30,
Appointments Approved Under the Consent Agenda
Advisory Board Appointment(s) (ID # 6912)
MOVER: Rich John, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Peter Stein
Library Board of Trustees
Leslie Daniels - term expires December 31, 2019
Youth Services Board
Barbara Bauer Sadovnic - Town of Enfield representative; term expires December 31, 2019
Pete Angie - Town of Ulysses representative; term expires December 31, 2018
Gabriel Carrillo - At -large representative; term expires December 31, 2019
Planning Advisory Board
Leslie Schill - Education representative; term expires December 31, 2017
Environmental Management Council
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Brian Eden - Village of Cayuga Heights representative; term expires December 31, 2018
Resolutions Approved Under the Consent Agenda
Rich John, Member
Glenn Morey, Member
Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Kiefer, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne,
Robertson, McKenna, Morey, Sigler
Resolution No. 2017-61: Making a Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance in Relation
to Resolution No. 71 of 2017 - Authorizing an Agreement with the Town of
Ulysses for the Transfer of a Taughannock Boulevard Parcel that Buffers
the Black Diamond Trail (ID #6949)
WHEREAS, in Resolution No. 71 of 2017, the Tompkins County Legislature would authorize the
County Administrator or his designee to execute contracts necessary for the County to transfer the sale of
the Taughannock Boulevard Parcel to the Town of Ulysses, and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature has reviewed and accepted as adequate an
Environmental Assessment Form with respect to that action, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Government Operations Committee, That Resolution
No. 71 of 2017 is an unlisted action,
RESOLVED, further, That the Tompkins County Legislature hereby makes a negative
declaration of environmental significance in regard to Resolution No. 71 of 2017.
(Short EAF on file in the office of the Clerk of the Legislature)
Resolution No. 2017-62: Authorizing 2017 Federal Transit Administration Section 5311 Grant
Application for Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit (TCAT) and
Tompkins County (ID #6986)
WHEREAS, the Secretary of the United States Department of Transportation is authorized to
make grants for mass transportation projects pursuant to Section 5311 of Chapter 53, Title 49, of the
United States Code, and
WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Transportation (NYS DOT) as the designated
recipient of the FTA Section 5311 Rural Formula Transit Program solicited for applications for the years
2017-2018, and
WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins is an eligible applicant for the Section 5311, and
coordinated with Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit, Inc., and Cornell Cooperative Extension of
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Tompkins County to identify and select operating assistance, capital and mobility management projects,
WHEREAS, the draft program of projects were published for public comment ending April 15,
2017, and
WHEREAS, the County desires to apply for Section 5311 and NYS DOT funds for the following
5311 Projects Federal State TCAT CCETC Local Total
TCAT Rural
$ 1,440,000
$ 180,000
$ 180,000
$ -
$ -
Replacement Buses
(qty 4)
TCAT Facility Rehab
$ 78,991
$ 9,874
$ 9,874
$ -
$ -
$ 98,739
TCAT Rural Bus Stops
$ 248,000
$ 31,000
$ 31,000
$ -
$ -
$ 310,000
& Shelters
TCAT Operating
$ 514,000
$ 548,220
$ -
$ -
Assistance: (2017-18)
County Mobility
$ 432,836
$ 54,105
$ -
$ 54,105
$ -
$ 541,045
Management: Way2Go
- County (2017-18)
County Mobility
$ 155,674
$ 19,459
$ -
$ 19,459
$ -
$ 196,593
Management: Way2Go
- Regional (2017-18)
County Operating
$ 11,000
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ 11,000
$ 22,000
Assistance: Finger
Lakes Rideshare (2017-
Total 5311
$ 2,880,501
$ 1,842,657
$ 73,564
$ 11,000
, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality
Committee, That the Tompkins County Legislature authorizes the County Administrator or his designee
to execute and file applications on behalf of the County of Tompkins with the New York State
Department of Transportation for the 2017-2018 FTA Section 5311 Grant with a total budget of
$8,693,465 including Federal, New York State, TCAT, and Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins
County, and other local sources,
to sign:
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or his designee be and hereby is authorized
1. Any and all agreements between Tompkins County and the Federal Transit Administration
for the Project.
2. Any and all agreements between Tompkins County and the State of New York for the
Proj ect.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
3. Any and all agreements between Tompkins County, TCAT, and Cornell Cooperative
Extension of Tompkins County, and any third -party subcontractors necessary to
complete the project, if applicable.
Resolution No. 2017-63: Scheduling a Public Hearing for the Grant Administration of the New
York State Community Development Block Grant Award for the
Tompkins County Homeownership Program XI (ID #6955)
WHEREAS, the New York State Office of Community Renewal's Community Development
Block Grant (CDBG) Program is an important source of funding to address community development
objectives in the County, and
WHEREAS, the New York State Office of Community Renewal CDBG Program, which awarded
the County a grant to continue the Tompkins County Homeownership Program, requires that a public
hearing be held during the grant administration of an award, and
WHEREAS, the public hearing would provide an opportunity for public comment and input on
the effectiveness of the grant administration of the Tompkins County Homeownership Program XI, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality
Committee, That the public hearing on the grant administration of the Tompkins County Homeownership
Program XI, funded by the New York State CDBG Program, be held at the County Legislature meeting
scheduled for May 2, 2017, at 5:30 p.m. in Legislature Chambers of the Governor Daniel D. Tompkins
Building, 121 East Court Street, Ithaca, New York,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is authorized to place proper
notice of this public hearing in the official newspaper of the County.
Resolution No. 2017-64: Amendment of the 2017 Tompkins County Budget to Reflect
Appropriation of 2017-18 Budgets for the Ithaca -Tompkins County
Transportation Council and Authorization to Implement the
Amendment (ID #6925)
WHEREAS, Tompkins County serves as the Host Agency for the Ithaca -Tompkins County
Transportation Council, the Metropolitan Planning Organization for the Ithaca -Tompkins County area,
WHEREAS, the County has a contract with the New York State Department of Transportation to
provide funding for the Ithaca -Tompkins County Transportation Council through grants provided by the
Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration, and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
WHEREAS, the Ithaca -Tompkins County Transportation Council has grant authorizations for its
2017-2018 fiscal year, beginning April 1, 2017, and ending March 31, 2018, in the amounts of $276,792
from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and $40,553 from the Federal Transit Administration
(FTA), and
WHEREAS, the Policy Committee of the Ithaca -Tompkins County Transportation Council has
adopted resolution 2017-01, APPROVAL OF THE 2017-2018 ITHACA-TOMPKINS COUNTY
TRANSPORTATION COUNCIL OPERATING BUDGET, which requests that the Host Agency (Tompkins
County) take the appropriate actions to fully implement said operating budget, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality
Committee, That the budgets for the Ithaca -Tompkins County Transportation Council, as presented in
"ATTACHMENT A" to this resolution, be amended in the 2017 Tompkins County budget and that the
County Finance Director be authorized to expend such funds for the period from April 1, 2017, through
March 31, 2018.
2017-2018 ITCTC Operating Budget
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Resolution No. 2017-65: Authorization to Accept Contributions in Support of the Finger Lakes
Rideshare Projects — Ithaca -Tompkins County Transportation Council
(ID #6933)
WHEREAS, the Ithaca -Tompkins County Transportation Council (ITCTC) has been coordinating
the implementation of an automated-rideshare project known as "Finger Lakes Rideshare", and
WHEREAS, the other current partners in the project, identified as the "Finger Lakes Rideshare
Coalition", are Tompkins County, Cornell University, Ithaca College, Wells College, TST-BOCES,
Tompkins Cortland Community College, Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit, Cornell Cooperative
Extension of Tompkins County, and the Ithaca -Tompkins County Transportation Council (ITCTC), all of
whom have committed funding and/or staff resources towards this project, and
WHEREAS, Tompkins County has entered into an agreement with Zimride (EAN Services, Inc.),
of St. Louis, Missouri, dated April 29, 2016, to provide an online ridesharing platform and other services
to implement the Finger Lakes Ridesharing project at a cost of $18,000 per year, and
WHEREAS, Finger Lakes Coalition members will contribute $18,000 to support project costs,
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality
Committee, That the County Administrator or his designee be and hereby is authorized to execute all
contracts related to this award,
RESOLVED, further, That the Director of Finance be and hereby is directed to make the
following adjustments:
REVENUE: A5650.42070 Contributions from Private Agencies $ 300
A5650.42705 Gifts & Donations (Colleges' Contributions) $13,600
A5650.42797 Other Local Governments Contributions $ 4,100
APPROPRIATIONS: A5650.54425 Service Contracts
Resolution No. 2017-66: Authorization to Accept Grant Funds for Technical Support for the
Health Home Care Management Program - Mental Health Department
(ID #6935)
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
WHEREAS, Circare of Syracuse, New York, a Behavioral Care Management Program, and
Health Homes of Upstate New York (HHUNY) Services of Syracuse, New York, provide administrative
oversight to the Health Home Care Management program in Tompkins County, and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Mental Health Department Care Management Team has been
providing Health Home services to individuals in Tompkins County, and
WHEREAS, there are strict requirements regarding the technical aspects of providing Health
Home services, such as documentation within a specific electronic client record, requirements regarding
client signatures, retention and encrypted transfer of documentation and the need for the Care
Management team to do the majority of their work in the field, and
WHEREAS, it is vital that the department provide compact, mobile, efficient systems in order for
clinicians to gain access to client medical records and complete their documentation in an accurate and
timely manner, and
WHEREAS, the department has applied for and has been given approval for an $18,000 grant
from Circare and HHUNY for technical support through the purchase of tablet laptop computers and
upgrades to current field telephones, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Human Services Committee, That the Mental
Health Department is authorized to accept said funds,
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or his designee be and hereby is authorized
to execute any and all agreements necessary to complete the requirements of the grant,
RESOLVED, further, That the Finance Director be and hereby is authorized to make the
following budget adjustment on his books for the Care Management Program for 2017:
REVENUE: 4330.43489 Other State Grants $ 18,000
APPROPRIATION: 4330.52206 Computer Equipment $ 15,000
4330.54472 Telephone $ 3,000
Resolution No. 2017-67: Authorization to Accept Grant for Mobile Crisis Technical Support -
Mental Health Department (ID #6936)
WHEREAS, as established in Resolution 2016-266, adopted December 21, 2016, the Tompkins
County Mental Health Department (Department) has developed a Mobile Crisis Team (Team) in order to
serve individuals and families who are experiencing urgent concerns related to mental health and/or
substance abuse issues, and
WHEREAS, as indicated in the Resolution, the Care Compass Network will provide startup funds
for the first two years of participation in this Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP)
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Program -supported project, and
WHEREAS, it is vital that the department provide compact, mobile, efficient systems in order for
clinicians to gain access to client medical records and complete their documentation in an accurate and
timely manner, and
WHEREAS, the department has received approval for $12,000 in startup funds for technical
support through the Care Compass Network for the purchase of tablet laptop computers and upgrades to
current field telephones, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Human Services Committee, That the Mental
Health Department is authorized to accept said funds,
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or his designee be and hereby is authorized
to execute any and all agreements necessary to complete the requirements of the grant,
RESOLVED, further, That the Finance Director be and hereby is authorized to make the
following budget adjustment on his books for the Care Management Program for 2017:
REVENUE: 4311.43489 Other State Grants $ 12,000
APPROPRIATION: 4311.52206 Computer Equipment $ 8,000
4311.54472 Telephone $ 4,000
Facilities and Infrastructure Committee
Resolution No. 2017-68: Budget Adjustment to Transfer from the Highway Fund Balance and
Amend the Capital Program — Station Road (CR 188) Streams
Restoration Project, Town of Danby (ID #6918)
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
David McKenna, Member
Daniel Klein, Member
Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
Peter Stein
WHEREAS, a Project to provide aquatic habitat restoration, including replacement of culverts
and flood mitigation work in the vicinity of Station Road in the Town of Danby (the Project) is eligible
for New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) funding under the New York
State Water Quality Improvement Program, which calls for the apportionment of the costs of said Project
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
to be borne at the ratio of 50% State funds and 50% non -State funds, and
WHEREAS, Tompkins County and the State of New York have entered into a contract for
establishment and operation of the Project, and
WHEREAS, the Highway Division (D Fund) has an adequate unassigned fund balance to cover
the entire Project cost as first -instance funding, with the expectation of 50% reimbursement from
NYSDEC, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure and the Budget, Capital, and
Personnel Committees, That the 2016-20 Capital Program be amended to add the Station Road Streams
Restoration Project and reflect a total project cost of $492,154.00 and to reflect a funding contribution of
$246,077.00 from Tompkins County,
RESOLVED, further, That the Director of Finance be and hereby is authorized to allocate
$492,154 in fiscal year 2017 from the Road (Highway) Fund Balance, as needed, to Station Road Streams
Restoration Project Capital Account (HZ5318.59239.53.18):
Incr. Revenue Account: HZ5318.45035.53.18 - Interfund (D) $492,154
Incr. Expense Account: HZ5318.59239.53.18 - Station Road Streams Restoration Project $492,154
Incr. Expense Account: D5110.54802 - Contribution to Construction $492,154
Government Operations Committee
Resolution No. 2017-69: Making a Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance in Relation
to Resolution No. 70 of 2017 - Authorizing an Agreement with the
Village of Freeville for the Transfer of a Brooklyn Road Parcel (ID
MOVER: Daniel Klein, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Peter Stein
WHEREAS, in Resolution No. 70 of 2017, the Tompkins County Legislature would authorize the
County Administrator or his designee to execute contracts necessary for the County to transfer the sale of
a 0.98 -acre Brooklyn Road flood -plain parcel to the Village of Freeville, and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature has reviewed and accepted as adequate an
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Environmental Assessment Form with respect to that action, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Government Operations Committee, That Resolution
No. 70 of 2017 is an unlisted action,
RESOLVED, further, That the Tompkins County Legislature hereby makes a negative
declaration of environmental significance in regard to Resolution No. 70 of 2017.
(Short EAF on file in the office of the Clerk of the Legislature)
Resolution No. 2017-70: Authorizing an Agreement with the Village of Freeville for the Transfer of
Brooklyn Road Parcel that Buffers Fall Creek (ID #6953)
MOVER: Daniel Klein, Member
SECONDER: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Peter Stein
WHEREAS, in 2016 the Government Operations Committee voted to withhold Village of
Freeville Tax Parcel #1.-2-1.2 from the 2016 foreclosure auction in order to study options for the parcel's
protection, and
WHEREAS, the parcel is a vacant, 0.98 -acre parcel located on the northern bank of Fall Creek
located within the Fall Creek Natural Features Focus Area, and
WHEREAS, the parcel is located adjacent to a 45 -acre nature preserve owned by the Village
subject to an easement held by the Finger Lakes Land Trust, and
WHEREAS, the Village of Freeville has expressed interest in acquiring the parcel to serve as a
buffer to Fall Creek and its floodplain, and
WHEREAS, as of March 28, 2017, a total of $1,268 of the parcel's delinquent taxes are owed,
WHEREAS, the transfer of the parcel to village ownership serves a public purpose, and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature has reviewed and accepted as adequate the
Environmental Assessment Form for the property transfer categorized as an Unlisted action, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Government Operations Committee, That the County
Administrator or his designee be and hereby is authorized to execute an agreement with the Village of
Freeville, to purchase tax parcel #1.-2-1.2, a 0.98 -acre parcel in the Village of Freeville, for $634,
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or his designee is also authorized to execute
other agreements necessary for the County to implement this transfer to the Village of Freeville.
(Short EAF on file in the office of the Clerk of the Legislature)
Resolution No. 2017-71: Authorizing an Agreement with the Town of Ulysses for the Transfer of
Taughannock Boulevard Parcel that Buffers the Black Diamond Trail
(ID #6950)
MOVER: Daniel Klein, Member
SECONDER: Carol Chock, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Peter Stein
WHEREAS, in 2012 the Government Operations Committee voted to withhold Town of Ulysses
Tax Parcel #27.-4-6 from the 2012 foreclosure auction in order to study options for the parcel's
protection, and
WHEREAS, the parcel is a vacant, 4.2 -acre parcel located to the west of Taughannock
Boulevard, bordering a section of the Black Diamond Trail, is located within the Lakeshore Natural
Features Focus Area, and is located in the Maplewood Glen and Lake Slopes Unique Natural Area (UNA-
062), and
WHEREAS, the parcel is bordered to the west by New York State Park's Black Diamond Trail,
WHEREAS, the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation (OPRHP)
declined an option to acquire the parcel, and
WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses has expressed interest in acquiring the parcel to serve as a
buffer to the Black Diamond Trail and protect the UNA, and
WHEREAS, as of March 29, 2017, a total of $10,853 of the parcel's delinquent taxes and 2016
foreclosure fees are owed, and
WHEREAS, the transfer of the parcel to village ownership serves a public purpose, and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature has reviewed and accepted as adequate the
Environmental Assessment Form for the property transfer categorized as an Unlisted action, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Government Operations Committee, That the County
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Administrator or his designee be and hereby is authorized to execute an agreement with the Town of
Ulysses, to purchase tax parcel #27.4-6, a 4.2 -acre parcel in the Town of Ulysses, for $5,427, to be
spread out over a two-year period,
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or his designee is also authorized to execute
other agreements necessary for the County to implement this transfer to the Town of Ulysses.
(Short EAF on file in the office of the Clerk of the Legislature)
Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee
Resolution No. 2017-72: Award of Spring 2017 New Tourism Initiative Grants (ID #6971)
Mr. Sigler requested and was granted permission to abstain from voting because he would be
seeking a portion of these marketing funds.
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Peter Stein
WHEREAS, Tompkins County has a grant program for New Tourism Initiatives using funds
drawn entirely from Room Occupancy Tax, and
WHEREAS, Tompkins County has requested and reviewed grant applications for
recommendation to the Tompkins County Legislature through the appropriate Committee with the advice
of the Strategic Tourism Planning Board, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee, That the
following New Tourism Initiative grants are approved:
Project Title
Ithaca Underground
2017-2018: Big Day In, Naked Noise,
November Music
Center for
Market Research to Launch
Transformative Action /
Educational -Tourism on Cayuga Lake
Cayuga Lake Floating
Coltivare Culinary
2017 The Finger Lakes Farmer's Market
and Culinary Experience
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Ithaca Children's Garden
2017 Visual Tour Guide Project
Wizarding Weekend
2017 Wizarding Weekend
Community Arts Partnership of
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or designee be and hereby is authorized to
sign any documents related to the aforementioned projects.
Resolution No. 2017-73: Award of Spring 2017 Tourism Project Grants (ID #6972)
Mr. Sigler requested and was granted permission to abstain from voting because he would be
seeking a portion of these marketing funds.
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: Carol Chock, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Peter Stein
WHEREAS, Tompkins County has a grant program for Tourism Projects using funds drawn
entirely from Room Occupancy Tax, and
WHEREAS, Tompkins County has requested and reviewed grant applications for
recommendation to the Tompkins County Legislature through the appropriate Committee with the advice
of the Strategic Tourism Planning Board, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee, That the
following Tourism Project Grants are approved:
Applicant Organization
Project Title
Community Arts Partnership of
2017 Spring Writes Literary
Tompkins County
Ithaca Asian American
2017 Finger Lakes International
Dragon Boat Festival
Downtown Ithaca Alliance
2017 Ice Festival
Ithaca Festival
2017 Ithaca Festival
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Ithaca Shakespeare Company
2017 Summer Shakespeare
2017 Science Playground
Wharton Studio Museum
Ithaca Fantastik 2017
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or designee be and hereby is authorized to
sign any documents related to the aforementioned projects.
Resolution No. 2017-74: Award of Spring 2017 Tourism Marketing and Advertising Grants (ID
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Peter Stein
WHEREAS, Tompkins County has a grant program for Tourism Marketing and Advertising
using funds drawn entirely from Room Occupancy Tax, and
WHEREAS, Tompkins County has requested and reviewed grant applications for
recommendation to the Tompkins County Legislature through the appropriate Committee with the advice
of the Strategic Tourism Planning Board, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee, That the
following Tourism Marketing and Advertising grants are approved:
Project Title
Ithaca Underground
2017-2018: Big Day In, Naked Noise,
November Music Series, One Fest
Center for the Arts at
2017 Come for the Gorges, Stay for a
Downtown Ithaca
Bite of Ithaca 2017
Kitchen Theatre
Cable TV advertising for the 2017-2018
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Primitive Pursuits -
2017 Regional Marketing for Overnight
Cornell Cooperative
Extension of
Tompkins County
Trumansburg Area Chamber of Commerce
Chamber of
(TACC) Marketing and Advertising 2017
Community Arts
2017 Spring Writes Literary Festival
Partnership of
Tompkins County
Ithaca Asian
2017 Finger Lakes International Dragon
American Association
Boat Festival
Downtown Ithaca
2017 Ice Festival
Ithaca Festival
2017 Ithaca Festival
Ithaca Shakespeare
2017 Summer Shakespeare Festival
Company Inc.
2017 Mapping the Planets
Research Institution
Wharton Studio
Ithaca Fantastik 2017
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or designee be and hereby is authorized to
sign any documents related to the aforementioned projects.
Resolution No. 2017-75: Appropriation from Contingent Fund - Memorial Celebrations for
Veterans' Memorial Flags (ID #6945)
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Peter Stein
WHEREAS, it has been the custom for Tompkins County to recognize and honor its deceased
Veterans of the United States Armed Forces by purchasing and providing Memorial U.S. Flags for
placement at their graves in cemeteries throughout the County, and
WHEREAS, the County has partnered with local VFW Post 961 for distribution and placement of
these Memorial Flags via a network of veterans' groups and cemetery representatives, and
WHEREAS, the estimated need and requested number of Memorial Flags from this network has
increased over last year, from 6,892 to 8,000, and
WHEREAS, the unit price for the standard 12" x 18" Memorial U.S. Flag from our preferred
vendor, New York State Preferred Source Program for People Who Are Blind, has increased by $0.01 per
flag, from $0.71 to $0.72, and
WHEREAS, the resulting $5,760 cost of the Memorial Flag order for 2017 exceeds the $4,894
amount budgeted for it by $866, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee, That the
Finance Director be and hereby is authorized and directed to make the following appropriation to the
2017 Budget:
FROM: 1990.54400 Contingent Fund $866
TO: 7550.54400 Memorial Celebrations, Program Expense $866
RESOLVED, further, That the spending Target for Memorial Celebrations for purposes of the
2018 Budget be increased by $1,000 over the 2016 level to cover the increasing cost of the County's
ongoing annual purchase of veterans' memorial flags.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
April 4, 2017
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Rich John, Member
Daniel Klein, Member
Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne,
Robertson, McKenna, Morey, Sigler
Dooley Kiefer
Peter Stein
The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
Tompkins County Legislature
Regular Meeting Minutes — Approved 5-16-17
Tuesday, May 2, 2017 5:30 PM
Legislature Chambers
Public Hearing
Tompkins County's current Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) project: Tompkins
County Homeownership Program XI (CDBG # 1144HO337-15, $691,500)
Mr. Lane, Chair, opened the public h earing at 5:3 0 p.m. concerning t he Tompkins County's
current Co mmunity Developm ent Blo ck Grant (C DBG) project: Tom pkins Count y Ho meownership
Program XI (CDBG # 1144HO337-15, $691,500) and asked if anyone wished to speak.
Ms. McDonald of the Planning and Sustaina bility Departm ent said the Tom pkins Count y
Homeownership Program is supported through CDBG fundin g, and this hearing is in eant to pro vide an
update on the program' s progress as well as an opportunit y to receive co mments regarding its
administration. Since the start of the program in 1993, over 380 lower- to middle-income first-time
homebuyers have purchased hom es through the program. The current CDBG award is intended to assist
19 homebuyers. A total of 13 homebuyers have closed on homes, 3 clients are expected to close shortly,
and another 16 clients are currently shopping for homes in this current funding round.
No one else wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:33 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of the Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll Call of Members
Attendee Name
I Title
A Status Arrived
Will Burbank
Carol Chock
Late 5:49 PM
James Dennis
Rich John
Anna Kelles
Dooley Kiefer
Daniel Klein
Vice Chair
Michael Lane
Lesl n McBean-Clairborne
Martha Robertson
David McKenna
Glenn Morey
Michael Sigler
Peter Stein
Presentation of Proclamations, Petitions, Communications, and Notices
Mr. Lane presented a pr oclamation declaring May 12, 2017, a s Doro thy Cotton and Dorothy
Cotton Jubilee Singers Day in T ompkins County to Dr. Whitehead. At this tim e, the Dorothy Cotton
Jubilee Singers performed for the Legislature.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Ms. Chock arrived at this time.
Mr. Lane presented a certificate recognizing Legisl ator Carol Chock for ten y ears of service to
Tompkins County.
Privilege of the Floor by the Public
Theresa Alt, City of Ithaca, spoke in opposition to Jail expansion and said it is an expensive way
to address Jai 1 overpopulation. She believes it also fa ils to address the real iss ue of providing adequate
mental health services and drug rehabilitation in th e community which would lower crime and eliminate
the need to bring people into the justic e system. In addition, reducing the use of bail can reduce the Jail
population. She summarized her comments and said she thinks people with problems should be cared fo r
before they become offenders.
Elizabeth Bergman, Town of Ithaca, thanked the Legislature for taking extra time to consider the
proposed local law on Tobacco 21. S he asked that a look also be taken at th e effects of public housing
smoking and youth sm oking an d the impacts of addic tion and withdrawal issues. She encouraged
continued discussions on these issues. She also aske d if individuals age 18 will be able t o access t he
proposed injection site by the City of Ithaca.
Douglas Bentley, Cortland County, encouraged the Legislature to pass the Tobacco 21 Law. He
spoke of his health issues from smoking and how accessible cigarettes were at one time. He said Cortland
County passed a similar law and believes Tompkins County should do the same.
Jennifer Ha milton, Homer, said she is Public Health Educator with Tobacco Free Zo ne of
Tompkins, Cortland, and Chenango Counties and gave a list of flavorings for e -cigarettes. They are the
most common form of tobacco among youth and are the new circle of addiction. She said in her work she
has talked to people who have struggled with addiction and regret starting to smoke. The Legislature has
a leadership role and can keep people from starting smoking.
Ted Schiele, Groton, said Tobacco 21 is one of the many tools available to reduce access to youth
smoking and nicotine addiction. The more tools w e have to use for prevention the m ore successful we
will be. This Law has and will reduce t obacco use; it is not the only tool but is one more way to reduce
tobacco use and addiction. It will save lives and it will save money.
Chris Owens, Onondaga County, said he is an employee at St. Joseph's Hospital in Syracuse and
he believes t he approval of the Tobacco 21 Law w ill reduce tobacco use in youth and is an evidence -
based strategy.
Lily Gershon, Village of Freeville, addressed a quer tion that was raised about services in the Jai 1
and whether it has to be an either/or situation. The group, Decarcerate Tompkins, is not against services
in the Jail but don't think mental health or detox services belong there. They want to know if services can
be provided without adding any additional cells. She spoke of the lack of inform ation available to th e
public so they can do research on the facility and what services they think can be put in the Jail.
Jesse Goldberg, City of Ithaca, agreed with the previous speaker and said they don't want to see
new jail cells built but are not against adding services in the Jail. He spoke of the last Jail Study meeting
and the statement made that incarcerated people need services particularly in the Jail because these people
have reached a low point in their lives and this is a teachable moment for the m. He disagrees with the
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
statement and said people who are alr eady incarcerated need all of the servic es they say they need and
every effort needs to be made to make sure there are fewer people incarcerated by making sure there ar e
no new cells to incarcerate them in.
Shari Korthuis, Ithaca, spoke about the recent SWAT raids and sai d those individuals will likely
end up in the Jail. Until the justice system is fixed she doesn't think expansion should be looked at. She
read a letter by the Corrections Officers and said the services referenced in the letter can be p rovided in
the community.
Tim Marchell, Town of Ithaca, spoke of the proposed increase in the ag e for purchasing tobacco
and compared the legal drinking age and what the in crease in age has had on the health and safety on the
public and youth and said it has been great. He supports the proposed Tobacco 21 Law and said the
potential benefits to children, youth, and the community is worth supporting the law.
Bill Sherman , Schenectady Count y and representat ive of Amer ican Cancer Society, said he
supports evidence -based policy and solutions to reduce cancer. He spoke of his personal experience with
having parents who were sm okers. This policy will help thousands of people not become addicted. B y
raising the age it will cut off the social com ponent of kids having access to other kids who ca n purchase
tobacco. He asked the Legislature to take a leaders hip role in New Yo rk by making sure there is much
less access to tobacco.
Elan Shapiro, Town of Ithaca, s aid he attended the final session of the new Jim Crowe reading;
many people are learning about the in ass incarceration system. He wants to see Tompkins County as a
leader in changing this. Even changing the bail system can make a difference.
Erin Griffeth, City of Ithac a, spoke of the Jail and sai d there was discussion about having access
to services i n the commu nity; Jail rem oves people fro in the c ommunity. There are a to t of teachabl e
moments other than when someone is arrested. He believes providing access to services needs to be
addressed as the y are not easily accessible. She doesn't support providing services in the jail and
expanding to create more cells.
Report from a Municipal Official(s)
There were no Municipal Officials present.
Health and Human Services Committee
Resolution No. 2017-76: Adoption of Local Law No. 2 of 2017 — A Local Law Raising the Legal Age
to 21 for Tobacco Sale and Purchase (ID #6764)
It was MOVED by Ms. Chock, seconded b y Mr s. McBean-Clairborne, to amend the law and
remove "or any combination thereof' from the definition of "Shisha" in Section 2.
A voice vote on the am endment resulted as follows : Ay es - 1 ( Legislator Chock), Noes - 13.
This resolution was adopted by a roll call vote.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
MOVER: Anna Kelles, Member
SECONDER: David McKenna, Member
AYES: James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Michael Lane, Leslyn
McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey
NAYS: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, Daniel Klein, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held before the Tompkins County Legislature to hear all
persons interested in proposed Local Law No. 2 of 2017, and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature has determined that adoption of Local Law No. 2
of 2017 is in the public interest, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Tompkins County Board of Health and the Health and
Human Services Committee, That proposed Local L aw No. 2 of 2017 - A Local Law Rai sing the Legal
Age to 21 for Tobacco Sale and Purchase is hereby adopted,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Boar d shall publish in the official newspaper of the
County a notice of adoption containing a synopsis of said local law and shall within twenty days file one
certified copy in the Office of the County Clerk, and one copy with the Secretary of State.
Mr. Lane declared recess at 7:28 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:40 p.m.
Resolutions Added to and Withdrawn from the Agenda
It was MOVED by Mr. Klein, seconded by Mr. Morey, and unanimously adopted by voice vote,
to add to the agenda the resolution entitled Authorizing the County Administrator to Establish a Shared
Services Pan el and to Undertake the Tasks Assigne d to Count y Chief Executive Officers by State's
Shared Services Legislation.
There were no resolutions withdrawn from the agenda.
Government Operations Committee
Resolution No. 201 7-77: Authoriz ing the County Administrator to Establish a Shared-Servic es
Panel and to Undertake the Tasks Assigned to County Chief Executive
Officers by the State's Shared Services Legislation (ID #7024)
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
MOVER: Daniel Klein, Vice Chair
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, David
McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
AWAY: Martha Robertson
WHEREAS, Part BBB of Chapter 59 of the Laws of 2017 ( "Law"), commonly referred to as the
"Countywide Shared -Services Initiative", requires counti es to assu me the lead role in the developmen t
and submission of a Shared Service Plan ("Plan") to the State, and
WHEREAS, the Law assigns responsibility for the development of the Shared Service Plan to the
Chief Executive Officer of each county, and
WHEREAS, the Law defines the Chief Executive Officer of the county as the County Executive,
County Administrator, Count y Manager or, in the absence of one of these positions, the Chair of the
County Board, and
WHEREAS, in Tompkins County the County Administrator is not an elected official, but rather is
appointed by, and reports directly to, the Tompkins County Legislature, and
WHEREAS, the Law assi gns tasks to the Chief Ex ecutive Officer that ex ceed those ordinarily
delegated to an appointed official and include organizing a Shared Services Panel consisting of all mayors
and supervisors of municipalities within the Count y, soliciting input of all collective bargaining units of
Panel members, presenting a tentative Plan to the Co unty Legislature for its review, conduc ting at least
three public hearings, securing final approval of the Plan by the Panel, certifying savings associated with
the Plan, submitting the Plan to the State, and issuing the Plan to the public, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That for the purposes of undertaking the Shared Services Initiative, this Legislature
grants the County Administrator the authority to undertake the tasks that are de legated to him/her by Part
BBB of Chapter 59 of the Laws of 2017.
Public Safety Committee
Resolution No. 2017-78: Appropriation from Contingent Fund - Replacement Pay - Sheriffs Offi ce
(ID #6943)
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
MOVER: Rich John, Member
SECONDER: Martha Robertson, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, the Sheriff s Office had four (4) em ployees out on disability leave longer than two
months, and
WHEREAS, the Fiscal Po licy of Tom pkins County allows replacement pay to the Department
from the Contingent Fund for the period beyond the initial two months, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of t he Public Safe ty and the Budget, Capital, and Personnel
Committees, That the Director of Finance be and is hereby authorized and directed to make the following
budget appropriation for 2017:
FROM: A1990.54400 Contingent Fund
TO: A3113.5 1000419 Deputy Sheriff $
A3150.5 1000406 Correction Officer
A3113.5 8800 Fringes $
A3150.5 8800 Fringes $
Minutes of Previous Meeting
April 18, 2017
$ 56,406.00
$ 26,224.00
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: Michael Sigler, Member
AYES: Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne,
Robertson, McKenna, Morey, Sigler, Stein
NAYS: Dooley Kiefer
Adi ournment
The meeting adjourned at 9:29 p.m.
Tompkins County Legislature
Regular Meeting Minutes — Approved 6-6-17
Tuesday, May 16, 2017 5:30 PM
Legislature Chambers
Call to Order
Mr. Lane, Chair, called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll Call of Members
Attendee Name
Will Burbank
Status Arrived
Present 7:30 PM
Carol Chock
James Dennis
Rich John
Late 5:49 PM
Anna Kelles
Dooley Kiefer
Daniel Klein
Vice Chair
Michael Lane
Lesl n McBean-Clairborne
Martha Robertson
David McKenna
Glenn Morey
Michael Sigler
Peter Stein
I Present 8:30 PM
Presentation of Proclamations, Petitions, Communications, and Notices
Mr. Lane read and presented the following proclamations:
Mike Hall, Interim Airport Manager, declaring May 2017 to be General Aviation Month in
Tompkins County; and
Lee Dillon, Executive Director of To mpkins Community Action, declaring May 2017 to be
Community Action Month in Tompkins County.
Ms. Robertson read and recognized Charlie Trau tmann for his contributio ns to the co mmunity
and 26 years of service as Executive Director of the Sciencenter.
Privilege of the Floor by the Public
Denise Gomber, Dry den resident and Executive Director of the Downtown Ithaca Children' s
Center, said t he agency is a current ap plicant of the Human Services Coalition offering to beco me an
Early Childhood Care Center for six week olds to 1 2 year old children. They have worked very hard on
development approaches and other efforts to ensure they have talented staff to serve children. A diverse
environment has been created that fosters the emotional, social, and intellectual development of children.
She believes the Center offers a quality program.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Mr. John arrived at this time.
Lucia Sacco, Dry den resident and Ex ecutive Director of Lifelong, said Lifelong is a vib rant
center for adults and is celebrating its 55 r" birthday. She spent 21 years working in long-te rm care and
when she came to Lif elong she was happy to see how engaged the clients were and bei ng active an d
engaged in many different programs. She reviewed some of the services the agency provides and thanked
the Legislature for its support.
Theresa Alt, City of Ithaca resident, spoke in opposition to the resolution on t he agenda entitled
Resolution in Support of Providin g Affordable Hous ing, Urging New York State to Amend the Real
Property Tax Law to Allow Tom pkins County the Option to Provide a Partial Exem ption to Multi -Unit
Residential Properties Converted to Owner -Occupied Residences and said she does not beli eve it will
achieve what the Legislature is looking for and could do the opposite.
Stephanie Heslop, Ithaca resident, sa id she recen tly attended IDA meetings and believes
developers receiving tax abatements should be paying their employees a living wage. Giving millions of
dollars to business who are paying minimum wages is unacceptable.
Mike Koplin ka-Loehr, To wn of Lansi ng resident, recognized three retiring individuals i n the
community he described a s "quiet giants": Carl Haynes, President of Tompkins Cortland Co mmunity
College, Cha rlie Traut mann as Execu tive Director of the Sciencenter, and Ed Marx, Planning and
Sustainability Co mmissioner. He also spoke in support of t he resolution on the agenda entitled
Establishment of Guidelines and Fiscal Targets for All County Budgeting Units for the Preparation of the
2018 Budget.
Jeff Shepard son, Town of Ne wfield r esident and Executive Di rector of C DRC (Co mmunity
Dispute Resolution Center), said he has been here since 1986 serving the community in a number of ways
and offering people to engage in di fferent way s. He spoke of the Agency 's work and the nu mber of
volunteers who contribute their time. He asked the Legislature for continued support.
Shari Korthui s, Ithaca resi dent, spoke about tax abatements and said she believes a moratorium
should be placed on them. She opposes giving tax breaks to corporations and said it is not benefiting the
County; there needs to be quality jobs and affordable housing.
Report from a Municipal Official(s)
Ducson Nguy en, Common Council member, reported at the last Common Council m eeting a
resolution opposing the Concealed Car ry Reciprocity Act of 2017 was pass ed. He said comment s can
continue to be received concerning the Waterfront project; the plan is available on the web and he
encouraged people to look at it. The Planning Co mmittee approved a resolution requiri ng landlords to
display their certificate of compliance at the entrance of dwellings.
Mr. Lane declared recess at 7:30 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:41 p.m.
Mr. Burbank was excused at this time.
Resolutions Added to and Withdrawn from the AEenda
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Mr. Lane g ave Ms. M cBean-Clairborne pe rmission to withdraw the resolution entitled
Acceptance of Anonymous Donation and Budget Adjust ment - Department of Social Services fro m the
There were no resolutions added to the agenda.
Appointments Approved Under the Consent Agenda
Advisory Board Appointment(s) (ID # 7018)
MOVER: Glenn Morey, Member
SECONDER: Dooley Kiefer, Member
AYES: Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael
Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
EXCUSED: Will Burbank
AWAY: Anna Kelles
Workforce Diversity and Inclusion Committee
Marcia Lynch - At -large representative; term expires December 31, 2018
Planning Advisory Board
Susan Mann - Energy representative; term expires December 31, 2019
Air Services Board
Ken Hodges - At -large representative; term expires December 31, 2019
Library Board of Trustees
Jason Moore; term expires December 31, 2019
Resolutions Approved Under the Consent Agenda
Glenn Morey, Member
Dooley Kiefer, Member
Chock, Dennis, John, Kiefer, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne, Robertson,
McKenna, Morey, Sigler, Stein
EXCUSED: Burbank
AWAY: Kelles
Resolution No. 2017- 79: Authori zation to Disburse County Funds to OAR's ( Opportunities,
Alternatives, and Resources) Endeavor House (ID #7012)
WHEREAS, the Tom pkins Count y L egislature through Resolut ion No. 20 15-154 author ized
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
funding for the Community Housing Development Fund, and
WHEREAS, the Community Housing Development Fund (CHDF) assists with the development
costs associated with residential and mixed-use real estate development projects primarily benefiting low -
and moderate -income households, and r equires that newly constructed or re habilitated homes supported
by the progr am are not o my made av ailable to to w- to moderate -income households, b ut also remain
affordable to future generations of renters and buyers, and
WHEREAS, the Notice of Funding Availability was made available to inte rested parties with a
deadline of March 20, 2017, for Round 14, and
WHEREAS, one application was received and reviewed by t he CHDF Application Review
Committee, which m ade formal funding recommendations for funding to the CHDF Program Oversight
Committee, and
WHEREAS, the Program Oversight Committee ac cepted and recommended that the following
proposal receive funding as indicated in the table:
Applicant Project
Number of Affordable
Dollar Amount
OAR Endea vor
City of
2 (the 4 SRO beds are
Tompkins County
counted as 2 rental units by
the program)
WHEREAS, Tompkins County, with the approval of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD), uses Program Income Funds for its contributions to the Co mmunity Housing
Development Fund, and
WHEREAS, the disbursement of any County funds shall not take place until a subco mmittee of
Program Oversight Committee members representing Tompkins County, the City of Ithac a, and Cornell
University meet to review and approve:
(1) a revised full construction budget bas ed on item ized cost estimates fro m licensed
contractors detailing all aspects of the project;
(2) updated source of funds docum entation demonstrating funds adequate for all project
costs; and
(3) a revised operating budget that accurately reflects cash flow,
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Planning, Develop ment, and Environm ental Qu ality
Committee, That Tompkins County authorizes the expenditure of $60,000 of its Program Income funds to
support OAR's Endeavor House project as recommended by the CHDF Program Oversight Committee,
RESOLVED, further, That the Director of Financ e be and hereb y is authori zed to make the
following budget adjustment:
Revenue: CD8695.4 2411 Program Income $60,000
Appropriation: CD8695.5 4400 Program Expense $60,000
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or his designee be and hereby is authorized
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
to execute agreements in order to implement this grant program, consistent with this resolution.
Resolution No. 2017-80: Scheduling a Public Hearing for Addition to Ag ricultural District No. 2
(West Side of Cayuga Lake) (ID #7004)
WHEREAS, Resolution No. 25 of 2004 designated an annual o ne-month rev iew period when
landowner p roposals for inclusion o f viable agricu ltural lands within existing certified agricultural
districts will be accepted for review and action by the Tompkins County Legislature, and
WHEREAS, Resolution No. 201 of 2007 revised the schedule of the annual review period so that
it begins February 1, and
WHEREAS, Tompkins County has two (2) New York State certified agriculture districts, District
1 is on the east side of Cayuga Lake and District 2 is on the west side of Cayuga Lake, and
WHEREAS, one landowner has requested addition of a parcel totaling 1.73 a cres to To mpkins
County Agricultural District 2 and no landowners have requested addition of parcels to Tompkins County
Agricultural District 1, and
WHEREAS, the County Legislature is required to hold a public hearing and act on such proposals
within 120 days under New York State Agriculture District Law, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Planning, Develop ment, and Environm ental Qu ality
Committee, That the public hearing on additions to the Agriculture Districts of Tompkins County be held
at the County Legislature meeting scheduled for June 6, 2017, at 5:30 p.m.,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Count y Legislature is authorized to place proper
notice, including tax parcel number and street address, of this public hearing in the official newspaper of
the County as outlined below:
Tax Parcel: 502200 17.-1-15.34
Street Address: Brown Road, Danby
Resolution No. 20 17-81: Authoriz ation for Public Hearing - Tompkins Cortland Community
College Operating Budget — 2017-2018 (ID #7038)
WHEREAS, Tompkins Cortland Comm unity College is a joint enterprise of Tompkins County
and Cortland County whose budgets must be acted on by each county, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of t he Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee, That a
public hearin g be held on June 20, 20 17, at 5:30 o'clock in the evening the reof in the Legislature' s
Chambers of the Governor Daniel D. Tom pkins Building, 121 East Court Street, Ithaca, New York,
concerning the 2017-2018 operating budget request for Tompkins Cortland Community College. At such
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
time and place all persons interested in the subject matter will be heard concerning the same,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Legisl ature be and hereby is directed to place such
notice of public hearing in the official newspaper of Tompkins County.
Resolution No. 2017-82: Award of 2017 Tourism Capital Grants (ID #7002)
WHEREAS, the To mpkins Count y T ourism Progr am includes Tourism Capital Grants and
Tompkins County Area Develop ment (TOAD) administ ers the Tourism Capital Grants process, which
includes designing t he application, reviewing and analyzing t he feasibility and econom is im pact of
tourism capital projects, and providing oversight for tourism capital projects, and
WHEREAS, funding exists within the Room Occupancy Tax -funded Tompkins County Tourism
Program budget for Tourism Capital Grants, and
WHEREAS, TCAD reviewed the follo wing projects with the Str ategic Tourism Planning Board
(STPB), and the STPB anticipates that t he following projects will encourage the development of tourism
products and attractions in order to improve co mmunity asset s, to increase tourism bu siness in the
County, and to increase the income from the Room Occupancy Tax, and the following grant awards have
been recommended by the STPB, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Capital, and Pe rsonnel Committee, That the
following Tourism Capital Grants be awarded in 2017:
Applicant Award
Center for the Arts (Hangar) - Dickens
Center for Transformative Action (Floating
Classroom) - Study
Community School of Music and Arts - 3rd
Floor Phase 2
Finger Lakes Land Trust - Trail
Friends of Stewart Park - Pavilion
Ithaca Youth Bureau - Rink
PRI - Smith Woods
Sciencenter - Get Fit!
The History Center - Heritage Center
RESOLVED, further, That TCAD is paid an amount up to $12,839 for administrative evaluation
and oversight services in 2017,
RESOLVED, further, That the Count y Administrator or his desi gnee is autho rized to sign any
agreements with the award recipients and TCAD pertaining to this program,
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
RESOLVED, further, That the Tourism Capita 1 Grant Program budget for 2017 is increased by
$47,337 bringing the total 2017 budget for this program from $210,105 to $257,442:
6475.54625 Tourism Capital Grant Program $47,337
6475 .41113 Room Tax $47, 337
Center for the Arts (Hangar) - Dickens - Type II -20
Center for Transformative Action (Floating Classroom) - Study - Type II -20
Community School of Music and Arts - 3rd Floor Phase 2 - Type II -1
Finger Lakes Land Trust - Trail - Type II -1
Friends of Stewart Park - Pavilion - Type II -1
Ithaca Youth Bureau - Rink - Type II -2
PRI - Smith Woods - Type II -10
Sciencenter - Get Fit! - Type II -20
The History Center - Heritage Center - Type II -1
Resolution No. 2017-8 3: Authorization to Execute a Contract with Barton and Loguidice, D.P.C.,
for Bridge Replacement Design S ervices — Dodge Road over Cascadilla
Creek - BIN 3209890 (Town of Dryden) (ID #7036)
WHEREAS, reconstruction design f or the bridge carrying Dodge Road over Cascadilla Creek
(BIN 3209890) in the Town of Dryden, is included in the County Capital Budget, and
WHEREAS, with County Highway Department input, the New York State County Highway
Superintendent's Association developed a list of fi fteen consulting firms for work in Tompkins County
for highway and bridge construction projects in 2016 through 2019, and
WHEREAS, the Facilities and Infrastructure Committee, with input from the County Department
of Finance, has previously authorized consultant selection from such consultant lists for locally funded
bridge replacement design services, and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Highway Director has reco mmended Barton and Log uidice,
D.P.C. (B&L), which is on said consultant list, as best qualified to provide design services for this project,
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure Committee, That the County
Administrator or his desi gnee be and hereby is an thorized to execute a c ontract with Barton and
Loguidice, D.P.C., of 44 3 Electronics Parkway , Liverpool, New York, for design and construction
support services in connection with the Project for a contract amount of $77,300.00.
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or his designee be and hereby is authorized
to implement this contract and execute supplemental agreements with total values not to exceed 10% of
the aforementioned contract amount on behalf of the County, funds to be provided from the Dodge Road
Bridge Capital Account (HZ 5324.59239).
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Resolution No. 2017-84: Award of Bid — Bridge Painting — Salmon Creek Road Bridge (BI N
3210100) Over Salmon Creek in the Town of Lansing (ID #7030)
WHEREAS, the Department of Finance - Division of Purchasing has duly advertised for bids for
the painting of the bridge carrying Salmon Creek Road over the Salmon Creek (BIN 3210100), and
WHEREAS, five (5) bids were received and publicly read on May 8, 2017, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure Committee, That the bid be
awarded to Niagara Coatings Services, Inc., of Niagara Falls, New York, lowest responsible bidder, in the
amount of $ 169,728.00,
RESOLVED further, That funds remaining in the 2016 Road Maintenance Program Capital
Account, HZ 511 8.59239.51.18, are av ailable to fan d this work and when depleted that the balance of
funds requir ed is available in the 2017 Road Maintenance Program Capital Account, HZ
RESOLVED further, That the Highway Department be and hereb y is au thorized to im plement
this bid and t o execute ch ange orders to the cont ract up to 1 0% of the aforementioned bid am ount on
behalf of the Count y, funds to be pro vided from the Road Maintenance Program Capital Account HZ
Government Operations Committee
Resolution No. 2017- 85: Authoriz ation to Execu to a Contract with Clear Im pact, LLC, fo r
Performance Measurement Software a nd Related Consulting Services
(ID #6947)
MOVER: Daniel Klein, Vice Chair
SECONDER: Carol Chock, Member
AYES: Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, David
McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
EXCUSED: Will Burbank
WHEREAS, to improve its management of pub lic resources and t he quality delivery of essential
programs, Tompkins County desires to establish a countywide performance measurement system, and
WHEREAS, such a sy stem should enable depa rtments to measure their success in attai ning
intended progra m outcomes and to make and asse ss progra mmatic cha nges ai med at i mproving
performance, and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
WHEREAS, a performance measurement system is expected to become an important addition to
the process of decision-making at every level of the County organization, and
WHEREAS, for many years performance measurement has been left to individual departments to
initiate and conduct, and
WHEREAS, a single countywide performance measurement system could be more useful than ad
hoc or department -specific systems, and
WHEREAS, as a part of the 2017 Count y Budget, this Legislature authorized multi-year funding
to support a t hree-year project to try out such a pe rformance measurement system and to implement that
system in all County departments, and
WHEREAS, the County issued a Request for Pr oposals (RFP) for a performance measurement
system on February 10, 2017, in accordance with established Tompkins County and New York State
purchasing procedures, and received four proposals by the March l Ot" due date for responses, and
WHEREAS, the proposals were evaluated by a team of County department heads and staff based
on the criteria established by the RFP, and
WHEREAS, the review team, including the County Administrator whose department will manage
and maintain the performance measurement system, has recommended that a contract resulting from the
RFP process be awarded Clear I mpact, LLC of R ockville, Mary land, for a web -based system that is
maintained and updated by the vendor rather than the County, and
WHEREAS, the Government Operations Co mmittee recommends the County undertake a three-
year trial of Clear Im pact's "Results -Based Accountabilit y" sy stem, during which the Count y
Administrator will report to the Government Operati ons Committee each June on the progress of the trial
and the specific measurements thus far developed, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Govern ment Operations Committee, That the Count y
Administrator or his designee be and hereby is authorized to enter into a contract with Clear Impact, LLC
of Rockville, Mary land for software and related consulting services to im plement its R esults-Based
Accountability performance measurement system for a three-year contract amount not to exceed $53,600,
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator shall provide a progress report regarding the
performance measurement initiative to the Governme nt Operati ons Committ ee each June during t he
three-year trial period.
Resolution No. 2017-86: Resolution in Support of Providing Owner -Occupied Housing, Urging
New York State to A mend the Re al Proper ty Tax Law to Allow
Tompkins County the Option to Provide a Parti al Exemption to Multi -
Unit Residential Properties Convert ed to Owne r -Occupied Residences
(ID #7003)
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Ms. Chock said she would like to know the County Attorney's opinion on when a Point of Order
takes precedence, what wo uld be the next steps if th e State pa sses this, and is there a legal requirement
that if so meone votes for this here that they woul d have to vote the same way after hearing from th e
Mr. Wood said at the time the Point of Order was requested the Chair of the Legislature was still
calling on people to speak. He reminded the Legislat ure that ch allenging the Chair can be made. In
response to the second question, he said there is no re quirement that any law b e adopted when it co mes
back from the State. In the past the Legislature has asked State legi slators to do whatever is necessary
and when passed by the State Legislature and the Governor it would come back to the County Legislature.
He believes it would be somewhat unusual to ask them to pass something and then not adopt it locally but
It was MOVED by Mr. Dennis, seconded by Ms. Kelles, and unanimously adopted by voice vote
by members present, to Call the Question. THE QUESTION WAS CALLED.
The following is the vote result for the resolution.
Daniel Klein, Vice Chair
Martha Robertson, Member
Carol Chock, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Leslyn
McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson
James Dennis, Michael Lane, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler,
Peter Stein
WHEREAS, there is a dem onstrable a nd critical shortage of o wner-occupied ho using w ithin
Tompkins County, and
WHEREAS, this Legislature has attem pted to address that shortage through a num ber of
measures, including participation with the City of Ithaca and Cornell University in the development of the
Community Housing Fund, and
WHEREAS, the New York State Legislature has authorized many cities to offer an exemption for
multi -family housing t hat was converted to single -family houses under Real Propert y Tax Law Section
421-`X', and
WHEREAS, planned development within Tompkins County will add a significant num ber of
bedrooms over the next year that will result in a higher vacancy rate within the County, and
WHEREAS, the higher vacancy rate would allow for older subdivided and poorl y maintained
housing to return to an owner -occupied single-family residence with one or two units, and
WHEREAS, it is in the i nterest of Tom pkins C ounty to allow f or this transition to happen to
encourage owner -occupied homes, now therefore be it
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Government Operations Committee, That the Tompkins
County Legi slature urges the New York State Le gislature to amend the Real Property Tax Law b y
creating a new section of law that would allow T ompkins Co unty, by loc al law, to grant a partial
exemption equal to any increase in assessment due to the conversion of a multi -unit rental property to an
owner -occupied one- or two -unit residence by fore going any increas a in as sessment in year one and
thereafter increasing the assessment rate by 12.5% per year,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Legislature send copies of the resolution to Governor
Andrew Cuom o, Sen ators James Seward, Pam ela Helming, and Tom O'Mara, and Assem blywoman
Barbara Lifton, and NYSAC (New York State Association of Counties).
Resolution No. 2017-87: Authorizing a Public Hearing on Pro posed Local Law No. c of 2017 — A
Local Law Enacting the New York State Real Property Tax Law Section
485-g, Infrastructure Exemption (ID #6997)
Mr. Stein was excused at this time.
Daniel Klein, Vice Chair
Dooley Kiefer, Member
James Dennis, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane,
Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey,
Michael Sigler
Carol Chock, Rich John
Will Burbank, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature wi shes to encourage more housing uni is within
the County, and
WHEREAS, one of the many impediments to building for -sale housing is the holding costs of the
land after expending money on upgrading the infrastructure, and
WHEREAS, the New Yor k State Legislature has au thorized an ex emption that would provide a
three-year abatement on the increas a in value due to the improvements made to the pu blic infrastructure
(utilities, sidewalks, and roads) so long as the developer retains ownership of the newly subdivided lots,
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of t he Government Operations Committees, That a public
hearing be held before th e Tompkins County Legislature in the Legislative Chambers of the Governor
Daniel D Tompkins Buildings, 121 E Court St, Ithaca, New York on June 6, 2017, at 5:31 o'clock in the
evening thereof concerning proposed Local Law No . c of 2017 - A Local Law Enacting the New York
State Real Pr operty Tax L aw Section 485-g, I nfrastructure Exemption. At such time and place all
persons interested in the subject matter will be heard concerning the same,
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Legislature is hereby authorized and directed to place
proper notice of such public hearing in the official newspaper of the County.
Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee
Resolution No. 2017-8 8: Establishing the Platinum Plan/Sim ply Blue Plan Offered through the
Greater Tompkins Municipal Health Insuranc a Consortium as an
Option Available to Reti rees Eligible for Health Coverage Provided by
Tompkins County and Establishing a Premium -Cost Sharing formula
for the Retiree Platinum Plan (ID #7001)
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, David
McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Will Burbank, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, Tompkins County currently offers Co unty-supported health i nsurance benefits to
individuals who retire from the County and are eligible for pension benefits through the New York State
Retirement System, and
WHEREAS, the health be nefit plans offered to retirees are the sa me as those offered to a ctive
County employees, and
WHEREAS, most retirees currently support fifty percent (5 0%) of the premium cost for
individual coverage and sixty-five percent (65%) of the additional premium cost for family coverage, and
WHEREAS, in 2015, the County added the Platinum Plan/Simply Blue Plan ( "Platinum Plan"),
offered through the Greater Tompkins Municipal Health Insurance Consortium, to the health benefit plans
available to active County employees, and
WHEREAS, the Platinum Plan is now the sole h ealth insurance option av ailable to nearly al l
County employees hired after 2016, and is an optional plan available to other active employees, and
WHEREAS, the Greater Tom pkins Municipal Health Insurance Consortium makes periodic
adjustments t o the Platinum PI an it offers in orde r to in aintain an Actuarial Value as defined by t he
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) that is equal to an overall plan benefit for the average
participant of 90% for the Platinum Plan, meaning that co -pays and deductibles may vary from year-to-
year in order to preserve a 90-10 split of approved medical care costs between the insurance plan and
covered member, and
WHEREAS, the Count y n ow wishes to add t he PI atinum Plan, or equi valent plans that may
succeed it, to the options available to County retirees, thereby allowing retire es an additional choice of
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
health coverage plans, and
WHEREAS, the County further wishes to pass the cost savings associated with the Platinum Plan
to the retirees who select that plan, al lowing retirees a lower p remium cost without a commen surate
increase in health benefit costs borne by County taxpayers, and
WHEREAS, to achieve that desire for the retiree to realize the full cost sav ings of the Plati num
Plan option, each year the County's contribution to the retiree's Platinum Plan premium will be set equal
to the lesser of the County' s contribution to the "Classic Blue" or equivalent successor plans or 100% of
the Platinum Plan premium cost, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Budget, Ca pital, and Personnel Committee, That this
Legislature directs the Commis sioner of Hum an Resources to make the Platinum Plan option, or its
equivalent successor plan, available to retirees, both existing and those who will enter retirement in the
future, provided that opting into the Platinum Plan is a one-time election,
RESOLVED, further, That the County's contribution to the premium cost of the Retiree Platinum
Plan shall be set and shall remain equal to lesser of the County's contribution to the premium cost of the
Retiree Classic Blue Plan, or its equivalent successo r plan, or 100% of the pre mium cost o f the Retiree
Platinum Pla n and that the retiree' s share of the premium cos t therefore be equal to the differenc e
between the total Platinum Plan premium and the County's contribution to the premium.
Resolution No. 2017-89: Establishment of Guidelines and Fiscal Targets for All County Budgeting
Units for the Preparation of the 2018 Budget (ID #7010)
Ms. Chock does not believe the fiscal gui deline is high enough and will not support the
A voice vote on t he resolution resulte d as follows: A yes 11, Noes - 1 (Legislator Chock),
Excused - 2 (Legislators Burbank and Stein). RESOLUTION ADOPTED.
Mrs. McB ean-Clairborne said she wanted to change her vote and MOVED to reconsider the
resolution, seconded by Ms. Kiefer. Following a brief discussion, Mrs. McBean-Clairborne withdrew her
Ms. Kiefer MOVED to reconsider the resolution, seconded by Mrs. McBean-Clairborne. A voice
vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 11, N oes - 1 (Legislator Morey), Excused - 2 (Legislators Burbank and
The following is the final vote on the resolution by roll call.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: David McKenna, Member
AYES: James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
NAYS: Carol Chock, Dooley Kiefer, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne
EXCUSED: Will Burbank, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Fiscal Policy specifies that a fiscal target is the maximum
amount of general revenue spending aut hority that a department head or program director may request
without initiating an Over -Target Requ est, and chan ges in fiscal targets should be co mmunicated in a
timely manner to department heads and program directors in order for them to prepare and subm it their
2018 budget requests to the County Administrator by Friday, July 21, 2017, and
WHEREAS, the To mpkins Count y Legislature wishes to establish targets in order for
departments and agencies to submit their 2018 budget requests, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Ca pital, and Personnel Committee, That f iscal
targets for all budgeting units for preparation of the 2018 budget are hereby established as follows:
For grants t o specific not -for-profit agencies, fiscal targets shall be equal t o the am ount
approved in the 2017 adopted budget, less any one-time or re -appropriated funding, then
increased by 2.0%.
The fiscal tar gets for all Count y departments shall b e equal to the am ount provided by the
2017 adopted budget for discretionary programs and mandated responsibilities, as adjusted by
the deletion of any one-time or reallocated funds ap plied to such costs in the 2017 adopted
budget, and by changes such as negotiated wage growth and changes in fringe benefits rates
that are established and allocated to the departments by the County Administrator.
Resolution No. 2017-90: Establishment of 2018 County Financial Goal (ID #7009)
It was MOVED by Ms. K iefer to change the wo rd "Goal" to "Tax -Levy Gui deline" in the title.
Ms. Chock does not believe this financial goa
County wants to do.
This resolution was adopted by a roll call vote.
1 is high enough to acco mplish the things the
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: Martha Robertson, Member
AYES: James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn
McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey,
Michael Sigler
NAYS: Carol Chock, Dooley Kiefer
EXCUSED: Will Burbank, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, the Count y Ad ministrator has requested the Leg islature to establish a tax -levy
guideline to use in working with departments and preparing his recommended budget for 2018, and
WHEREAS, it is currently esti mated that th e 20 18 pro perty tax cap im posed on all local
governments and school districts by New York State would be approximately 2.4% for Tom pkins
County, which is equivalent to approximately $1.15 million over the 2017 property tax levy, and
WHEREAS, as of April 25, 2017, the County Administrator estimates that a 2.4% increase in the
County's property tax levy, including a 0.5% increase dedicated to capital improvements identified in the
County's Capital Program, will support a maintenance -of -effort budget for all County departments as well
as addressing other critical needs and priorities, and
WHEREAS, it is recogniz ed that the County's fiscal policy allows departments and agencie s to
request funding in excess of their 2018 spending targets via an "Over -Target Request," thereby allowing
the Legislature to consider exceeding the County Administrator's Recommended Budget in the event that
compelling reasons to expand or maintain a program or service are presented, and
WHEREAS, it is estimated that, if the 2.4% property tax -levy increase is met, then the additional
cost on a $178,000 2016 assessed median -value Tompkins County home will be approximately $24.62
per year, and
WHEREAS, it is acknowl edged that certain economic and fiscal conditions remain volatile and
may improve or deteriorate prior to t he introduction of the formal 2018 Recommended Budget in the fall
and that the tax cap esti mate may change as more precise information becomes available, now therefore
be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Ca pital, and Pe rsonnel Committee, That the
Legislature directs the Co unty Administrator to establish departmental and agency spending targets and
develop a 2 018 operating and capital budget that can be supported with a property tax levy that is 2.4%
above the 2017 level.
Government Operations Committee
Resolution No. 2017-91: Appropriation from Contingent - Terminal Pay - Assessment Department
(ID #6996)
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: Daniel Klein, Vice Chair
SECONDER: Carol Chock, Member
AYES: Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, David
McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Will Burbank, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, the Department of Assessm ent had re quested ter minal-pay reimburse ment to the
Department from the Contingent Fund on December 20,2016, and
WHEREAS, upon balancing the 2 016 budget, it w as discovered the funds req uested were not
enough to cover the terminal pay, and
WHEREAS, based on the Fiscal Policy of Tompkins County the Department of Assessment is
requesting the additional terminal -pay reimbursement to the Department from the Contingent Fund, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Government Operations and the Bud get, Capital, and
Personnel Committee, That the Fina nce Director be and hereby is directed to m ake the following
appropriation on the 2016 books:
From: A1990.54400 Contingent Fund $11,076.37
To: A1355.51000796 Senior Valuation Specialist $ 7,601.66
A1355.58800 Fringes $ 3,474.71
Public Safety Committee
Resolution No. 2017-92: Appropriation from Contingent Fund — Replacement Pay — Department o f
Emergency Response (ID #6963)
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: Rich John, Member
SECONDER: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Member
AYES: Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, David
McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Will Burbank, Peter Stein
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
WHEREAS, the Department of E mergency Response had an employee out on disability for
greater than two months, and
WHEREAS, Tompkins County Fiscal Policy provides limited reimbursements to departments for
costs incurred for disabilities of employees, and
WHEREAS, when a disabilit y occurs within a 24-hour per day title that requires minimum
staffing, such as in the 9 11 Center at the Depart ment of E mergency Response, the abs ence must be
backfilled by another em ployee within that title, ty pically through use of overti me assignment and pa y,
WHEREAS, the Department of Emergency R esponse was subject in 20 16 to 800 hours in
disability leave by Emergency Services Dispatchers, and
WHEREAS, the Department expended both disability pay for the absences and overtime pay for
the backfill in vacancies, thus creating a budgetary shortfall within the pay roll for E mergency Services
Dispatchers, and
WHEREAS, the Department may appl y for con tingency fun ding to cove r a portion of the
resulting costs, and those costs for Emergency Services Dispatchers amount to $28,746, and
WHEREAS, the Department covered the additi onal departmental disability costs and overti me
backfill costs exceeding $45,000 through its management of other budgeted Sala ry and fringe lines, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of t he Public Safe ty and the Budget, Capital, and Personnel
Committees, That the Finance Director be and hereby is authorized to make the following adjustment to
his books for 2016:
FROM: A1990.54400
TO: A3410.51400
A3410.5 8800
Contingent Fund $ 28,746
Disability Pay $ 19,728
Fringes $ 9,018
Resolution No. 2017- 93: Budget Adjustment to Transfer fro m the Capital Program for
Reimbursement of Related-Operati ons Costs — Department of
Emergency Response (ID #6962)
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: Rich John, Member
SECONDER: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Member
AYES: Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, David
McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Will Burbank, Peter Stein
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
WHEREAS, on August 2 0, 2013, b y Resolution No. 128, the Tompkins Count y Legisl ature
accepted a New York State Statewide I nteroperable Communications Grant in the amount of $2,854,312
for purposes of extending and regionalizing interoperable radio communications capabilities, and
WHEREAS, to isolate and properl y account for all grant expen ditures, including construction
costs, Capital Project 34.14 was then established and assigned for fiscal management purposes, and
WHEREAS, authorized and reim bursable pr ogram expenditures included salary and fringe
benefit costs for staff assigned and dedicated to th e development, design, and im plementation of the
project, and
WHEREAS, these staff costs were charged and properly accounted for within t he department's
operating budget appropriation lines and will be recaptured from the pending reim bursement, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of t he Public Sa fety and the Budget, Capital, and Personnel
Committees, That the Finance Director be and hereby is authorized to transf er necessary funds from the
capital project to effectu ate reimbursement of th e identified and subm itted personnel costs, including
salary and fringe benefits,
RESOLVED, further, That the following 2016 budget lines be amended and adjusted for these
Incr. Revenue Account: HI3414.43306.34.14 State Aid Homeland Security $ 206,110
Incr. Expense Account: HI3414.59239.34.14 Interoperable Communications $206,110
I:1 ►i0at�191WMIUMIXX
Incr. Revenue Account: A3410.42801 Interfund Revenues $206,110
Incr. Expense Account: A3410.51000 Regular Pay $ 133,147
A3410.5 8800 Fringes $ 72,963
Resolution No. 2017-94: Budget Adjustment to Transfer from the General Fund Balance and
Amend the Capital Program, Inc reasing the Project Cost — 9 11 Phone
System (ID #6961)
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
MOVER: Rich John, Member
SECONDER: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Member
AYES: Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, David
McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Will Burbank, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, in 2014, the Department of Em ergency Response w as awarded a New York S tate
Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) Consolidation, Improvements, and Enhancements Grant (grant) to
fund replacement of the 911 telephone system and supporting infrastructure and software, and
WHEREAS, the multi-year project costs were id entified and established at $598,093 with the
adoption of the 2015 Capital Program, and the grant provided for $500,000 toward reimbursement of the
County's project -related expenditures, and
WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 145 of 2014 the grant was accepted, and the Finance Director was
authorized to establish Capital Project 34.16, thr ough which the state -funded project share has been
managed, and
WHEREAS, to complete the telephone system improvements and integration of communications
systems, the county -approved local share of $98,093 must be moved to the capital project account, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of t he Public Sa fety and the Budget, Capital, and Personnel
Committees, That the 2016-2020 Capit al Program be am ended to reflect the adopted and intended total
project costs of $598,093 and to reflect a funding contribution of $98,093 from Tompkins County,
RESOLVED, further, T hat the Director of Fi nance be and hereby is authorized to allocat e
$98,093 from the Interfund Account to the 911 Ph one System Capital Account and amend the following
budget lines in 2016:
Increase Revenue Account: H13416.45031.34.16 - Interfund (A) $ 98,093.00
Increase Expense Account: HI3416.59239.34.16 - 911 Phone System $ 98,093.00
A FUND- General Fund
Increase Expense Account: A9576.54802 - Contribution to Construction $ 98,093.00
SEQR ACTION: UNLISTED (Capital Program on file with Cl erk of the Legi slature, No further action
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Facilities and Infrastructure Committee
Resolution No. 2017-95: Budget Adjustment due to increased Consolidated Highway Improvement
Program (CHIPS) fundi ng, Extreme Winter Recovery, and PAVE NY
Apportionments — Highway Department (ID #7032)
MOVER: David McKenna, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, David
McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Will Burbank, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, New York S tate has incr eased the Consolidated Highway Improvement Program
(CHIPS) Extreme Winter Recovery and PAVE NY funding for Tompkins County by 292,272.70 over the
2016 reimbursement, and
WHEREAS, Tompkins County Highway Department wishes the additional funds be allocated to
the Highway materials budget account t o enable additional road repair and/or re construction projects in
2017, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure Co mmittee, That the
Director of Finance be and hereby is authorized and directed to make the following budget adjustments:
Revenue: D5110.43501
Appropriatio n: D5110.54312
CHIPS Revenue (2017 increase) $292,272.70
Highway Materials $292,272.70
Explanation: The Highway Department's CHIPS funding has been increased for 2017.
Resolution No. 2017-9 6: Authorization to Execute a Contract with Fisher Associates, P.E., L.S.,
L.A., D.P.C., for Design Services - Ludlowville Road (CR 159) Bridge
Replacement Project (PIN 3756.18), Town of Lansing (ID #7031)
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
MOVER: David McKenna, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, David
McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Will Burbank, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, the State of New York has include d in the Sta to Transportation Im provement
Program (the STIP) a project whereby Federal sources will furnish 80% and State sources will furnish
15% of funding necessary for the reconstruction of Ludlowville Road Bridge (BIN 3314350) located on
Ludlowville Road (CR 159) in the Town of Lansing, and
WHEREAS, the project has been ev aluated by the Ithaca -To mpkins Cou my Transportation
Council to assure consistency with t he community goals and objectives estab lished in its Long -Range
Plan, and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Highway Department employed a consultant selection process
in compliance with federa 1 and state re quirements called the "Locally Driven Selection Arrangem ent"
(LDSA), and
WHEREAS, Highway Departm ent staff interviewed the five (5) most qualified consultants
selected through said LDSA process, and
WHEREAS, the County Highway Director has recommended Fisher Associates as best qualified
to provide design and right-of-way support services fo r the project and New York State Depart ment of
Transportation (NYSDOT) has approved this selection, and
WHEREAS, the Ludlowville Road bridge project is to be paid with 80% Federal, 15% State, and
5% local monies with the Count y responsible for first -instance fundin g and thereafter appl ying fo r
reimbursement, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure Committee, That the County
Administrator or his desig nee be and h ereby is authorized to execute a contract with Fisher Associat es,
P.E., L.S., L.A., D.P.C., of 135 Calkins Road, Suite A, Rochester, New York, for design and right-of-way
services in connection with the referenced project for an amount not to exceed $169,000,
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or his designee be and here is authorized to
execute supplemental agreements on behalf of the County with cumulative value not to exceed 10% of the
aforementioned contract am ount, funds to be provided from the Ludlowvil le Bridge Capital Project
Account (account HZ5326.59239.53.26).
Minutes of Previous Meeting
May 2, 2017
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Rich John, Member
Michael Sigler, Member
Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne, Robertson,
McKenna, Morey, Sigler
NAYS: Dooley
Will Burbank, Peter Stein
Adi ournment
The meeting adjourned at 9:47 p.m.
Tompkins County Legislature
Regular Meeting Minutes — Approved 6-20-17
Tuesday, June 6, 2017 5:30 PM
Legislature Chambers
Public Hearings
Addition to Agricultural District No. 2 (West Side of Cayuga Lake)
Mr. Lane, Chair, called the public hearing to order at 5:30 p. m. concerning the addi tion t o
Agricultural District No. 2 (West Side of Cay uga Lake) and asked if anyone wished to speak. No one
wished to speak and the hearing was closed at 5:31 p.m.
Proposed Local Law No. c of 2017 - A Local Law Enacting the New York State Real
Property Tax Law Section 485-g, Infrastructure Exemption
Mr. Lane, Chair, called the public hearing to order at 5:31 p.m. concerning proposed Local Law
No. 3 of 2017 - A L ocal Law Enacting the New York State Real Property Tax Law Section 48 5-g,
Infrastructure Exemption and asked if anyone wished to speak.
Ms. Kiefer arrived at this time.
Jennifer Tavares, Lansing resident, spok e in support of proposed Local Law No. 3 of 2017. She
spoke of the shortage of housing in Tompkins County. She said although it is a single measure, it might
provide the incentive needed and resul t in homes being built that are ideal for developm ent and increase
housing in Tompkins County.
Theresa Alt, City of Ithaca resident, spoke in opposition of proposed Local Law No. 3 of 2017
and that tax abatements a re a burden instrument. She believes it would su bsidize many market -rate
housing and high -development housing un its but few affordable ones. In addition, she believes it will
subsidize sprawl. She suggested the County collect taxes, decide what is needed, what the market doesn't
provide, and use taxes to subsidize i t. Govern ments can suppl y infrastructure if hous ing built is
No one else wished to speak and the hearing was closed at 5:36 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Mr. Stein arrived at this time.
Roll Call of Members
Attendee Name
Will Burbank
Carol Chock
James Dennis
tatus Arrived Departed
Rich John
Anna Kelles
Dooley Kiefer
Late 5:32 PM
Daniel Klein
Vice Chair
Michael Lane
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Lesl n McBean-Clairborne
Martha Robertson
David McKenna
Glenn Morey
Michael Sigler
Peter Stein
Late 5:37 PM 8:31 PM
Presentation of Proclamations, Petitions, Communications, and Notices
Mrs. McBean-Clairborne read and presented th e proclamation de claring June 2017 as LGBTQ+
Pride Month to the Finger Lakes PULSE organization. Indivi dual copies of the proclamation wer e
presented to me mbers of the LGBTQ+ co mmunity. Anne Koreman, on behalf of the LGBTQ+
community, presented the County with the Pride Fla g that will be flown by the County during the month
of June.
Privilege of the Floor by the Public
Deborah Dietrich, Executive Director of OAR ( Opportunities, Alternatives, and Resources),
provided an update on OAR activities. The will be hol ding an education program in collaboration with
Probation to prepare people for entry into a college pr ogram. M s. Dietrich sa id the first working party
was held for the Endeavor House and a grant for $60,000 from the Community Housing Fund has been
received. With this funding and other in oney received they should have what they need and be ready to
open the house in October.
Joanne Florino, City of Ithaca, thanked the Legislature for decades of support for the History
Center. She said the Legislature has an opportunity to truly impact the heritage of Tompkins County and
the nonprofit community and urged support of the resolution on the agenda authorizing the acquisition of
the Tompkins Trust Building as the future home for the History Center.
James Randall Johnson, West Elmira resident and History Center Board member, explained the
circumstances that resulted in his move to Tompkins County. He spoke of the highlights of the area and
urged support of the resolution on the agenda authoriz ing the acquisition of the Tompkins Trust Building
as the future hom e for the History Center He said the resolution has no negative potential im pacts. The
goal is to pr ovide a dynamic educatio n and resear ch center that is of value to Tom pkins County and
everyone else.
Reed Steberg er, City of It haca resident, s poke in support of the resolution entitled Supporting
United States Participation in Fightin g the Global Th reat of Climate Change through t he Paris Accord
Along with Continued L ocal Government Action. A petition signed by over 100 people was sub mitted
and the following text was read:
"We, the undersigned, support Tompkins County's continued action to address the climate crisis,
Tompkins County's exist ing comm itment to re duce greenhouse gas em issions 80% b y 205 0, an d a
County level pledge to join municipalities, governors, colleges and universities, nonprofits and businesses
in upholding the Paris Climate Accords ("We Are Still In" open letter: <http://wearestillin.com>).
"We believe that access to clean air, water, food and a healthy climate are human rights. In order
to take climate change seriously, we must recognize that indigenous communities, communities of color,
poor communities, young people and elders are affected first and worst by the climate crisis.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
"Federal pro gress on climate change has alw ays been driven by locally led, grassroots social
movements working from the frontlines of the cl imate crisis. Following t he Trump Administration's
withdrawal from the Paris Accords, we urge Tompkins County to reaffirm its commitment to local action
on the path towards climate justice."
Shawna Black, Town of It haca resident, urged the Legislature to support the resolution entitled
Supporting United States Participation in Fighting the Global Threat of Climate Change through the Paris
Accord Along with Continued Local Government Action.
Julie Johnson, City of Ithaca resident, spoke on be half of the Historic Ithaca's Board and staff in
support of the resolution authorizi ng the acquisition of the To mpkins Trust Building as the future home
for the History Center. She highlighted many benefits when history, culture, and arts organizations co -
locate together.
Peggy Cole man, Vice President of Tourism and Comm unity Relations for the Chamber of
Commerce, spoke in support of the resolution authorizing the acquisition of the Tompkins Trust Building
as the future home for the History Center. It i s creating another place for visi tors to visit a nd creates a
great gateway for visitors to learn and experience Tompkins County.
Anne Gossen, Town of Lansing, spoke in support of the resolution authorizing the acquisition of
the Tompkins Trust Building as the future home for the History Center.
Deborah Dawson, Village of Lansing resident , spoke in support of the resolution entitled
Supporting United States Participation in Fighting the Global Threat of Climate Change through the Paris
Accord Alon g with Continued Local Government Action. All agreements under the agreement are
voluntary so there was no reason to withdraw. She said the climate is in peril and urged the Legislature to
join many other local governments across the United States in continuing with its commitment to climate
Peter Bardag lio, Trum ansburg resident , spoke in s upport of t he resolution authorizing the
acquisition of the Tompkins Trust Building as the future home for the History Center. He believes it is a
great opportunity to let people know who we ar e and to find the synergy among these organizations that
wouldn't be there otherwise. He also sp oke in support of the resolution entitled Supporting United States
Participation in Fighti ng t he Global Threat of C limate Change throug h the Paris Accord Along wit h
Continued L ocal Government Action. He stated a 11 agreements under t he agreement are volu ntary so
there was no reason to withdraw from the agreement and said it i s important to say who we ar e, define
who we are, and then to let everyone know.
Randy Marcus, Village of the Cayuga Heights, spoke in support of the purchase of the Tompkins
Trust Building to house th e History Center. He said this kind o f opportunity doesn't happen often and
should be taken advantage of and asked the Legislature to support the resolution.
Anne Koreman, Town of Ulysses resident, announced at the next Legislature meeting the Finger
Lakes Pulse group will be presenting Legislator McBean -Clairborne with the Ally of the Year award.
She urged support of the resolution entitled Supporting United States Participation in Fighting the Global
Threat of Climate Change through the Paris Accord Along with Continued L ocal Government Action.
She said the Paris climate accords are a step in the right direction and would like a stop put into any new
natural gas infrastructure. In addition, s he would like a 100% reduction in greenhouse gas a missions by
Fred Schoeps, Town of Ithaca reside nt and a m ember of the Board of Directors of the
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Sustainability Center, said the Center is currently being provided space by the County on Albany Street.
He would like to be able to have conversations as th ey need a place in downtown Ithaca. He said the
Heritage Center when looked at fro m the perspective of past, pre sent, and future provides an opportunity
to have visibility of itself.
Bob Riter, Executive Director of the Cancer Resource Center, spoke of the services that the
organization offers and how they try to leverage loc al resources. He reported that over 4,000 rides by
have been provided by Cornell to New York City for individuals for appointments and treatments. They
can't cure cancer, but they can make life better for people.
Vonnie Dawson, Groton resident, spoke of Federal Law Article 440, Section IV, and her concerns
that children are being taken by Child Protective Services (CPS) in order to receive federal grant money.
She alleged Depart ment of Social Services is ly ing in court and falsify ing documents and said fa mily
courts have different standards than criminal courts. She asked that the Legislature form a committee to
look into this or create a position for her to do an investigation. She will be following up with the
Department of Justice.
Sandra Duegau, Town of Ithaca resident, stated she is a grandparent of the child referenced above
who was taken by CPS. Her grandchild has lived with her for over two years and she also has custody of
her grandson. She would like her granddaughter to be returned to her.
Michelle Dawson, Town of Newfield, spoke of a Tom pkins County Child Protective Services
case and disagreement in the decision to separate children by removing one child from the g randparent's
custody. She stated the se decisions were ba sed on the parents' wishes, which were expressed while
taking drugs. She express ed the sa me concern as Ms. Dawson and also asked th at the allegations be
looked into.
Gary Ferguson, Ithaca resident, spoke in support of the purchase o f the Tompkins Trust Building
to house the History Center. He said it is a very novel, creative, and appropriate thing that would result in
the highest and best use for that particular site.
Michael Koplinka-Loehr, Town of La nsing resident, spoke in support of t he purchase of the
Tompkins Trust Building to house the History Center, the resolution entitled Supporti ng United States
Participation in Fighti ng t he Global Threat of C limate Change throug h the Paris Accord Along wit h
Continued Local Government Action, and the resoluti on to adopt the local law to enact a infrastructure
Fabina Colon, Executive Director of the Mu lticultural Reso urce Center, said it is small
organization that makes a large impact in the community. She provided an overview of the many services
the agency provides and noted the Center is celebrating its 30 -year anniversary.
Facilities and Infrastructure Committee
Resolution No. 201 7-97: Making a Negative Determ ination of Environ mental Significance in
Relation to Resolution No. 98 of 2017, Approving the Acquisition an d
Improvement of Property Com monly Known as the Tompki ns Trust
Company Building Located at 106-112 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New
York (ID #7037)
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
MOVER: David McKenna, Member
SECONDER: Carol Chock, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, Resolution No. 98 of 2017 would approve the purchase and i mprovement of
property 1 ocated at 10 6-112 North Ti oga Street, commonly kn own as the Tompkins Trust Com pany
Building, for use by the History Center and other complementary not-for-profit agencies, and
WHEREAS, while the project consists of the rehabilitation of an existing structure and comports
with a SEQR Type II -2 classification, a Short Form Environmental Assessment Form was completed to
ensure a thorough and diligent review of potential environmental impacts, and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature has reviewed and accepted as adequate a Short
Environmental Assessment Form, which finds no significant impacts associated with the Action, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure and the Budget, Capital, and
Personnel Committees, That Resolution No.98 of 2017 is an Unlisted action,
RESOLVED, further, That the To mpkins Count y Legislatur e hereby determ ines that the
acquisition of property at 106-112 North Tioga Stree t for use b y the History Center and oth er agencies
will not have a significant negative i mpact on the environment, requiri ng no f urther environmental
RESOLVED, further, That the To mpkins C ounty Legislatur e hereby issues a "Negative
Declaration of Environmental Significance" in accordance with SEQRA for Resolution No. 98 of 2017.
(Short Environmental Assessment Form and Negative Declaration on file with the Clerk of the
Resolution No. 2017- 98: Authorize Acquisition and Improvement of the Tompkins Trust Building
at 106-112 North Tioga Street on the Ithaca Commons to Serve as the
Home for th a History Ce nter and Ot her Complementary Organizations
and Amend 2017-2021 Capital Improvement Program to Incorporate the
Tompkins Trust Build ing Acquisiti on and Improvement Project (ID
This resolution was adopted by a roll call vote.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
MOVER: David McKenna, Member
SECONDER: Anna Kelles, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, Tom pkins County is a long and s teadfast sup porter of T he History Center
("Center"), which serves as the comm unity's m useum of local histor y and the reposito ry of historic
materials and artifacts, and
WHEREAS, the County's co mmitment to the Histor y Center is reflected in a long-standing
County annual appropriation to support the Center's costs of occupancy, and
WHEREAS, the History Center's 25 -year lease of space in The Gateway Building will expire at
the end of 2018, and the Center needs to relocate as a means to contain its cost of occupancy and increase
its visibility, impact, and accessibility to the public, and
WHEREAS, as the traditional underwriter of the Center's occupancy costs, and b eneficiary of its
ability to educate residents and attract tourists, the County has a direct fiscal and programmatic interest in
identifying a suitable location for the Center, and
WHEREAS, as a part of its consideration of new locations, the History Center put forward and
has continue d to develop a plan to locate sever al complementary not-for-profit organiz ations into a
common location, which it has called a "Heritage Edu cation Center", where r esidents and visitors can
learn about and explore our unique community, and
WHEREAS, several local agencies have expressed strong interest in such a co -location plan,
including the Historic It haca Library , the Convert tion and V isitor's Bureau' s Visitor Center, the
Community Arts Partnership, the Wharton Studio Museum, the Dorothy Cotton Institute, the Discovery
Trail, the Sustainability Center, and the Ithaca Aviation Heritage Foundation, and
WHEREAS, because of t he size, char acter, and to cation of the Tompkins Trust Building (the
`Building")1 ocated at 106-112 North Tioga Street, a nd in 1 ight of the fact t hat the Building will be
vacated in 2 018 when the Trust Co mpany relocat es to a new downtown facility , the Building was
identified as a preferred location by the History Center and other heritage education center participants,
WHEREAS, Tompkins Trust has expressed a willingness to sell the building to the County at a
cost of $2,000,000, subject to final approval by its Board of Directors, and has worked in good faith with
the History Center and the County to allow both to undertake necessary due diligence, and
WHEREAS, by Resolutio n 2016- 232, this Legislature authorized the County Administrator to
explore the acquisition an d re -use of the Building and, as a part of that exploration, to a ndertake an
engineering assessment of the Building' s structur al and m echanical sy stems and any code -related
improvements that may be required to accommodate re -use of the Building, and
WHEREAS, the engineering asses sment of the Buil ding identified approximately $900,000 in
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
improvements needed to make the Building code -compliant and ready for tenant renovations, and
WHEREAS, to help offset these cost s, the County has received a $450,000 pledge from the
leaders of th e History Center/Heritage Education Center's capital fundraisin g campaign and has also
received assurances fro m t he Strategic Tourism Plan ning Board that the prof e ct qualifies, and will be
considered for, a $100,000 capital grant that would, together, reduce the County's net cost to acquire and
improve the building to $2,350,000, and
WHEREAS, it is un derstood that all costs of interior renovations, tenant im provements, and
exhibits shall be borne b y the tenants of the buildin g, and that future structural r epairs and maintenance
shall be the responsibility of the County, and
WHEREAS, to support the costs of interior renovations, improvements, and exhibits, the History
Center and o ther prospective tenants o f the Buildi ng are collabo rating to raise capital funds throu gh a
local fundraising cam paign and are also working with the Downtown Ithaca Alliance to prepare an
application for a $2.5 million grant from New York State, and
WHEREAS, the projected cost to operate and ma intain the building, and t o generate a two
percent return on the Count y's investment in the building, can be fully recovered through co mpetitive
rents charged to the occupants of the Building, and
WHEREAS, it is the County's intent to apply unanticipated 2016-2017 revenues from the Tioga
Downs and del Lago Casinos to finance the acquisition and improvement of the Building, including $1.9
million in licensing fees already received plus add itional unbudgeted casino re venue expected in 2017,
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure and the Budget, Capital, and
Personnel Committees, Th at the County's 2017-2021 Ca pital Improvement Program be, an d hereby is,
amended to include the A cquisition and Improvement of the Tompkins Trust Building at a total cost of
$2,900,000, with an expected net local cost of $2,350,000 after receipt of grants and contributions,
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and hereby is authorized to negotiate the
acquisition o f the To mpkins Trust Co mpany Building at 106-1 12 North Tio ga Street at a cost not to
exceed $2,000,000 plus a ny associated closing cost s, and on such other terms and conditions as the
County Administrator may approve in his reasonabl e discretion and upon cons ultation with the County
RESOLVED, further, That the Director of Finance be and hereb y is authorize d and directed to
make the following budget adjustments:
A Fund -General Fund
Decrease Fund Balance A30909000 - General Fund Unassigned Fund Balance $2,900,000
Increase Expense Account A9576.54802 - Contribution to Construction $2,900,000
HB Fund -Building Improvements Fund
Increase Revenue Account HB 1617.45031.16.17 - Interfund (A) $2,900,000
Increase Expense Account HB 1617.59239.16.17 - Heritage Education Center $2,900,000
(Short Environmental Assessment Form on filed with the Clerk of the Legislature)
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Report from a Municipal Official(s)
No municipal official was in attendance at this time.
Resolutions Added to and Withdrawn from the Agenda
It was MOVED b y Ms. Robertson, seconded by Ms. Kelles, and unanim ously adopted by voice
vote by in embers present, to add t o the agenda the resolution entitled Supporti ng United States
Participation in Fighti ng t he Global Threat of C limate Change throug h the Paris Accord Along wit h
Continued Local Government Action.
It was MOVED by Ms. Robertson, seconded b y Ms. Kelles, to add to t he agenda the resolutio n
entitle Supporting S.6533/ A.8287, A Revision of Crite ria for the New York State Urban Development
Corporation Transition F and f or Communities Experi encing I mpacts Due to Closure or Dim inished
Production of Electric Generating Facilities.
A voice vote resulted as follows to add the r esolution to the agenda: A yes - 13, Noes - 1
(Legislator Kiefer). MOTION CARRIED.
Mr. Lane declared recess at 7:43 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:53 p.m.
Individual Member -Filed Resolutions
Resolution No. 2017- 99: Supporting United States Participation in Fighti ng the Global Threat o f
Climate Change through the Paris A ccord along with Continued Local
Government Action (ID #7094)
MOVER: Martha Robertson, Member
SECONDER: Anna Kelles, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, Tompkins County desires to protect and enhance qualit y of life for all those who
live, work, learn, and play in our community, as well as for our children and grandchildren, and
WHEREAS, there is scientific consensus on the reality of climate change and the recognition that
human activity, especially the com bustion of fossil fuels that create greenhouse gases, is an im portant
driver of climate change, and
WHEREAS, cli mate change has been so widely recognized by governm ent, business, and
academic leaders as a worldwide threat with the potential to harm our economy, safety, public health, and
quality of lif e, that 195 c ountries, incl uding the United States, vowed to address cli mate change in
agreements reached in Paris in December 2015 (the "Paris Agreement"), and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
WHEREAS, we are already feeling the effects of climate change through increased temperatures,
more extreme weather su ch as the 2015 floo d event in Newfield that caused between $500, 000 to
$800,000 in estimated damage and the 2016 count y -wide drought, and other disruptions that affect our
residents, economy, and way of life, and
WHEREAS, climate chan ge affect s all residents and businesses, but communities that alr eady
face socioeconomic and health inequities are bein g most severely impacted, including youth, elders,
people of color, and low-income communities, and such communities therefore require an investment in
resilience that is proportionate to these more severe risks, and
WHEREAS, actions that reduce cli mate polluti on a Iso have potential to i mprove air quality,
public health, energy security, social equity , our to cal natural e nvironment, and quality of life for our
residents, an d can attract jobs and econom is de velopment opportunities and increase our long-term
economic competitiveness and wealth, and
WHEREAS, Tompkins County has demonstrated a le gacy of leadership against the threat of
climate change, adopting its 2020 Energy Strategy with the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by
at least 80% by 2050, outlining steps the County has committed to taking to achieve that goal, and having
already taken many important actions toward the goal, and
WHEREAS, we are joined in taking action on climate change by a global coalition of local, state,
and national governments and community and private sector leaders - including more than eighty-six (86)
mayors representing more than 40 million Americans - who recognize the im portance and potential of
these a ctions to protect and enhance the well-bein g of current and future ge nerations, a nd who have
signed a joint "Open letter to the international community and parties to the Paris Agreement from
U.S. state, local, and business leaders" (at <http://wearestillin.com/>), and
WHEREAS, President Donald Trump's announcement seeking to withdraw the United States of
America from the Paris Agreement undermines this critical global effort to confront one of the greatest
challenges facing our community and communities all across the one planet we all share, and
WHEREAS, the reality of climate change has not been affected by the President's announcement;
and the absence of federal leadership only increases the importance of local leadership in avoiding the
most dangerous and costly effects of climate change, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That Tom pkins Count y re -affirms its co mmitment to taki ng action to re duce
climate pollution in alignment with our adopted goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissio ns by at least
80% by 2050, and continues to support the principles of the Paris Agreement and the participation of the
United States of America as a party to the Paris Agreement,
RESOLVED, further, Th at Tom pkins Count y wil 1 contin ue t o stand with local and s tate
governments and other public and pri vate sector p artners throughout the world to adva nce action in
accordance with the goals outlined in the Paris Agreement, and hereby agrees to sign the " Open letter to
the international community and parties to the Paris Agreement from U.S. state, local, and business
leaders" at <hitp://wearestillin.com/>.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Resolution No. 2017-100: Supporting S.6533/A.8287, A Revision of Criteria for the New York State
Urban Development Corporation Transition Fund for Communiti es
Experiencing Impact s Due to Closure or Di minished Pr oduction of
Electric Generating Facilities (ID #7091)
Mr. Stein was excused at this time.
Following further discussion, it was MOVED by Ms. Chock, seconded b y Ms. Kiefer, to amend
the last Whereas to add "...State Budget, to address situations where a reduct ion of incom a results in
closing of fo ssil fuel plants....". A voice vote resulted as follows on the amendment: Ay es - 2
(Legislators Chock and Kiefer); Noes - 11; Excused - 1 (Legislator Stein). MOTION FAILED.
It was MO VED by Mr. Morey, seconded by Ms. Kelles, to C all the Quest ion. A voic e vote
resulted as follows: Ayes - 10; Noes - 3 (Legislators Chock, Kiefer, and Klein); Excused - 1 (Legislator
Ms. Chock stated for the record that she will support this for the purpose of unity in the Count y
but has concerns.
MOVER: Martha Robertson, Member
SECONDER: Anna Kelles, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, David
McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
NAYS: Dooley Kiefer
EXCUSED: Peter Stein
WHEREAS, New York State has made a co mmitment to cutti ng its carbon fo otprint and has a
comprehensive roadmap to build a clean, resilient, and affordable -energy system coordinating every State
agency and authority that touches energy to advance the Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) agenda, and
WHEREAS, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo launched New York's signature energy policy, REV,
to form an integrated energy network with the goals of a 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from
1990 levels, 50% of energy generation from renewable energy sources, and a 600 trillion BTU increase in
statewide energy efficiency, and
WHEREAS, these goals will necessitate the aban donment of coal for energy , leading t o the
closing or repurposing of coal-fired power plants, and
WHEREAS, the closing of these coal-fired power plants, w hich are lar ge e mployers an d
taxpayers in the school districts, towns, and counties they are to cated in, will cause hardship for these
local jurisdictions through greatly reduced taxes or PILOT payments for local government entities,
including school districts, and
WHEREAS, to offset these losses the State has set aside money for local govern ment entities,
meaning a count y, cit y, t own, village, school distr ict, or special district, to receive fro m the Urban
Development Corporation due to the cessation of operations, and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
WHEREAS, the local i mpacts can be nearly as severe where an electric gen erating facility is
operating marginally, but has not completely closed, and requiring complete closure before assistance is
available leaves these communities at significant risk, and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature believes that the criteria to receive these f unds
should be updated to also allow communities to be eligible where an operational facility demonstrates that
its actual ele ctricity production in the prior year was less than 15% of its total generating c apacity, and
that such diminished electricity production has caused a reduction in the real propert y tax collections or
PILOT of at least 20% owed by such electric generating facility, and
WHEREAS, Senator Pam Helming (District 54) has introduced Senate Bill Number S.6533 and
Assemblywoman Barbara Lifton (District 125) has introduced Assembly Bill Number A.8287, to modify
the criteria so that communities are eligible where an electric generating facility is operating marginally,
but has not completely closed, and
WHEREAS, moneys in this fund were increased fro m $30,000,000 to $45,000,000 in the 2017-
2018 State budget, so that no new appropriation is required to implement S.6533/A.8287, now therefore
be it
RESOLVED, That the Tompkins County Legislature fully supports Senate Bill Nu mber S.6533
and its companion Assembly Bill A.8287, amending subpart H of part C of chapter 20 of the laws of 2015
appropriating money for certain municipal corporations and school districts, in relation to funding to local
government entities from the Urban Development Corporation,
RESOLVED, further, That the Legislature urges passage of S.6533/A.8287 in the 2017 session so
that affected communities will be able to receive assistance as soon as possible,
RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be sent to Governor Andrew Cuomo, Senator Pam
Helming, Assem blywoman Barbara Lifton, Senate Leader John Flanagan, Senator Andrea Stewart -
Cousins, Senator Jeffr ey Klein, As sembly Speake r Carl Heastie, As sembly Me mbers A my Paulin an d
William Magnarelli, Senators Joseph Griffo and Kath y Marchione, and the New York State Association
of Counties.
Government Operations Committee
Resolution No. 2017-101: Adoption of Local La w No. 3 of 2017 - A Local Law Enacting the New
York State Real Property Tax La w Section 485-g, Infrastructure
Exemption (ID #6998)
The resolution was adopted by a roll call vote.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
MOVER: Daniel Klein, Vice Chair
SECONDER: Martha Robertson, Member
AYES: Anna Kelles, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
NAYS: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Dooley Kiefer
EXCUSED: Peter Stein
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature wi shes to encourage more housing uni is within
the County, and
WHEREAS, one of the m any impediments to bui lding housing is the hold ing costs of the land
after expending money on upgrading the infrastructure, and
WHEREAS, the New Yor k State Legislature has au thorized an ex emption that would provide a
three-year abatement on the increas e in value due to the improvements made to the pu blic infrastructure
(utilities and road) so long as the developer retains ownership of the newly subdivided lots, now therefore
be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of t he Governme nt Operations Committee, That proposed
Local Law No. 3 of 2017 - A Local Law Enacting the New York State Real Propert y Tax Law Section
485-g, Infrastructure Exemption, be and hereby is adopted,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Legislature shall publish in the official newspaper of
the County a notice of adoption containi ng a synopsis of said local law and shall within twen ty days file
one certified copy in the Office of the County Clerk, and one copy with the Secretary of State.
Resolution No. 2017-102: Appropriation from Contingent Fund to Authorize Public WiFi Internet
Service and Contract (ID #7011)
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: Daniel Klein, Vice Chair
SECONDER: Carol Chock, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Peter Stein
WHEREAS, general public access to WiFi networks and the Internet is an increasingly common
expectation of people, and
WHEREAS, the general public is welcomed and encouraged to participate in Tompkins County
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
government, and
WHEREAS, participating in Tompkins County government often involves attending meetings in
Tompkins County buildings and accessing services and data via the Internet, and
WHEREAS, while the Co unty has recently made important investments in major information
technology systems, which require use of the Internet to access publicl y available information, data, and
services, and
WHEREAS, the Department of Information Technology Services (ITS) has undertaken a review
of way s the County can achieve great er efficiency, responsiveness, inter -con nectedness, and security
through changes in its office automation, public services, and the implementation WiFi network, and
WHEREAS, this review has determ ined that the functionalit y of the Count y's current WiFi
network does not provide an adequate s olution to best meet the public Internet access preferences while
maintaining Tompkins County IT security mandates, and
WHEREAS, the initial on-going net costs of the vendor-supplie d sy stem are expected to be
approximately $10,254 annually, with likely offsetting of ITS costs over time as the ITS Department may
no longer need to respond to public WiFi network connectivity requirements, and
WHEREAS, it is expected that access to these improved technological tools will also contribute
to higher levels of public access to County data and services, and
WHEREAS, funds were not b udgeted to pr ovide f or the pro posed solution in the 2 017 ITS
operating budget and $5,200 is required to implement this service for the balance of 2017, and
WHEREAS, the target budget for ITS in 2018 shall be increased by $10,254, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Government Operations and the Bud get, Capital, and
Personnel Committees, That Tompkins County will provide public WiFi Internet access in the Legislature
Chambers, the Old Jail Co nference Room, the Rice Conference Room at the Public Health Department,
and in the first floor waiting room of the Mental Health Building,
RESOLVED, further, T hat the request for c ontingency fun ding be granted to su pport the
transition and installation of the public WiFi network system,
RESOLVED, further, That the Finan ce Director be and hereb y is authorized to make the
following adjustments to his books:
FROM: A1990.54440 Contingent Fund $ 5,200
TO: A1680.54425 Service Contracts $ 5,200
RESOLVED, further, That the target budget for ITS in 2018 shall be increased by $10,254.
Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Resolution No. 2017-103: Authoriz ing a One -Ti me Supplemental Appropriation of $83,200 from
Contingent Fund to Assist Tompkin s Cortland Community College to
Implement a Service Management Modernization Plan (ID #7067)
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairbome, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Peter Stein
WHEREAS, Tom pkins Cortland Co mmunity Co llege ("Colle ge") has proposed a Service
Management Modernization Plan ("Pla n") that will automate and streamline several administrative and
finance functions, enabling the College to generate recurring future savings, and
WHEREAS, the College has requested one-time funding of $130,000 to implement the Plan, and
WHEREAS, if apportioned to Tompkins County and Cortland County in the same manner as the
apportionment of the Sponsor Share of t he College's operating budget, which i s based on each count y's
respective share of student enrollment, Tompkins County's contribution to the cost of the Plan would be
$83,200, or 64% of the total cost, and
WHEREAS, this Legislature is committed to the success of the College and the students it serves,
and recognizes the long-term benefits produced by the implementation of the Plan, and
WHEREAS, a contributio n b y T ompkins Count y to supp ort th e im plementation of the Plan
would be an extraordinary, one-time discretionary grant of funds to the College and would not beco me a
factor in future maintenance -of -effort calculations nor require a proportionate match of funds by Cortland
County, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Budget, Ca pital, and Personnel Committee, That this
Legislature wishes to provide a discretionary one-time supplemental appropriation to the Col lege for the
sole and restricted purpos e of im plementing its Se rvice Managem ent Modernization Plan during the
College's 2017-18 fiscal year,
RESOLVED, further, That the Director of Fina nce be and hereby is directed to make the
following adjustment to his budget:
From: A1990.54400 Contingent Fund $83, 200
To: A2495.54400 Tompkins Cortland Community College -Program Expense $83,200
SEQR Action: Type II -20
Resolution No. 2017-104: Approval of the Appr opriation of Surplus Funds - Tompkins Cortland
Community College (ID #7074)
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Peter Stein
WHEREAS, the operating budget for Tompkins Cortland Community College for the fiscal year
September 1, 2016, through August 31, 2017, was adopted via resolution 2016-117, and
WHEREAS , projected enrollment for 2016-2017 is less than budgeted causing tuition revenues to
be lower than planned, and
WHEREAS, the College has available surplus totaling $1,369,461 as of May 31, 2017, and
WHEREAS, it has been estimated that the College will need $100,000 in surplus funds to replace
lost revenue, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee, That surplus
funds in the amount of $100,000 be appropriated to replace lost revenue,
RESOLVED, further That certified copies of th is resolution be sent to the Cortland Count y
Legislature and the Board of Trustees of Tompkins Cortland Community College, for their approval.
Appointments Approved Under the Consent Agenda
Advisory Board Appointment(s) (ID # 7070)
MOVER: Dooley Kiefer, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Peter Stein
Water Resources Council
Michelle Henry - Environmental Management Council representative; term expires December 31, 2017
Resolutions Approved Under the Consent Agenda
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
MOVER: Dooley Kiefer, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Kiefer, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne,
Robertson, McKenna, Morey, Sigler
Resolution No. 2017-105: Budget Reappropriatio n of 2016 Grant Funding to the 2017 Budget For
Ludlowville Streambank Stabilization Project (ID #7071)
WHEREAS, the County accepted a grant in the amount of $149,025 from the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (F EMA) in 2016 to provide funding f or the Ludlowville Stream Stabilization
Project (Res. No. 2016-139), and
WHEREAS, FEMA did not provide the County a fully executed contract until April 2017, and
WHEREAS, budget re-appropriatio ns for fundin g carried forward fro m o ne y ear to another
require legislative approval, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Planning, Develop ment, and Environm ental Qu ality
Committee, That the Director of Finance be and hereby is directed to m ake the following adjustments to
the 2017 budget:
A8027. 44959 Federal Aid
A8027.54442 Professional Services $120,000
A8027.54319 Program Supplies
$149 ,025
$ 29,025
SEQR AC TION: UNLISTED (Negative Determi nation of Environm ental Significance Resolution
adopted July 5, 2016 (Resolution 2016-123))
Resolution No. 2017-106: Adding Parcel to Agricultural District 2 (West Side of Cayuga Lake) (ID
WHEREAS, February h as been designated as an annual one -m onth review period when
landowner p roposals for inclusion o f viable agricu ltural lands within existing certified agricultural
districts will be accepted for review and action by the Tompkins County Legislature, and
WHEREAS, one land owner has requested an a ddition of o ne parcel totaling 1 .73 acres t o
Tompkins County Agricultural District 2, and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
WHEREAS, this request h as been reviewed and recommended for approval by the Agricultural
and Farmland Protection Board, and
WHEREAS, the County Legislature held the requi red public hearing on this proposal on June 6,
2017, and
WHEREAS, the County Legislature is required to act on such proposals under New York State
Agriculture District Law, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of t he Planni ng, Development and Envir onmental Qu ality
Committee, That approval is granted f or the requested addition of Parcel 17.-1-15.34, a 1.73 acre parcel
on Brown Road in Danby, to the Agriculture Districts of Tompkins County.
Chair's Report and Chair's Appointments
Mr. Lane made the following appointments:
Workforce Development Board - terms begin July 1, 2017 thru June 30, 2020
Brian K Forrest - Business representative
Paul Levesque II - Business representative
Kevin Kersey - Business representative
Jennifer Tavares - Business representative
Arnie Hendrix - 20 Percent Requirement - Youth Serving Organization representative
Bryan Allen - 20 Percent Requirement - Youth Serving Organization representative
Jeffrey A. Matteson - Mandated Partner -Adult Education/Literacy representative
Minutes of Previous Meeting
May 16, 2017
MOVER: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Member
SECONDER: Martha Robertson, Member
AYES: Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne,
Robertson, McKenna, Morey, Sigler
NAYS: Dooley Kiefer
EXCUSED: Peter Stein
The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
Tompkins County Legislature
Regular Meeting Minutes — Approved 7-6-17
Tuesday, June 20, 2017 5:30 PM
Legislature Chambers
Public Hearing
2017-2018 Operating Budget Request for Tompkins Cortland Community College
Mr. Lane, Chair, called the public hearing to orde r at 5:30 p. in. concerning the 2017- 2018
Operating Budget request for Tompkins Cortland Community College (TC3) and asked if anyone wished
to speak.
Dr. Carl Haynes, TC3 President, provided a brief overview of highlights contained in the budget,
noting the proposed budget is 1.79% less than last year's budget.
Robert Ly rich, Town of Enfield resident a nd recent graduate of th e TC3 Alumnus graduate
program, spoke in support of the proposed TC3 Operating Budget. He said TC3 is a good school and has
a good facult y an d adm inistration and he appreciates what the College has done to show what higher
education can be at the community college level. Although he expressed disappointment that Cortland
County coul dn't appr ove a 1 % incre ase and believes they shou Id pay th eir fair share, he supports the
proposal for Tompkins County to rescue the College.
No one else wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:41 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll Call of Members
Attendee Name
Status Departed
Will Burbank
Carol Chock
James Dennis
Rich John
Anna Kelles
Dooley Kiefer
Daniel Klein
Vice Chair
Michael Lane
Leslyn McBean-Clairborne
Present 6:04 PM
Martha Robertson
David McKenna
Glenn Morey
Michael Sigler
Peter Stein
Present 8:15 PM
Ally of the Year Award by Finger Lakes PULSE
Members of the Finger Lakes PULSE organization presented the first Ally of the Year Award to
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Legislator Lesly n McBean-Clairbome. The organiza tion recognized her with a video highl ighting her
statements at Legislature meetings demonstrating how she has shown interest in opinions, thoughts, and
perspectives of the LGBTQ+ co mmunity and has given them a voice. She has used her power in Ithaca
and Tompkins County to make it safer.
Mrs. McBean-Clairbome expressed her appreciation to the members of the Finger Lakes P ULSE
for the recog nition and award and recognized her daughter, Indira, who is g raduating from elementary
school this evening.
At this time, Ms. Chock asked that the Legisl ature remember Kendra Adams who was recently
killed. She s aid transgender people of color are bei ng killed at a m uch higher percentage than any other
individuals. She asked that instead of observing a moment of silence that a 11 present sa y her name,
Kendra Adams.
Workforce Diversity and Inclusion Committee
Mrs. McBean-Clairborne was excused at this time.
Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee
Resolution No. 2017-1 07: Adoption of the 2017- 2018 Operating Budget - Tom pkins Cortland
Community College (ID #7072)
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
EXCUSED: Lesly n McBean-Clairborne
WHEREAS, a proposed operating bud get for To mpkins Cortland Community College fo r the
fiscal year September 1, 2017, thro ugh August 31, 2018, has been presen ted to the Legi slature of th e
County of Tompkins pursuant to County Law and Section 6306 of the Education Law, and
WHEREAS, the Legislature has conducted a public hearing on said proposed b udget on the 20th
of June 2017, and heard all persons wishing to speak on this topic, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Budget, Ca pital, and Personnel Co mmittee, That said
proposed 20 17-2018 ope rating budget in the am ount of $40, 857,954 of which the total sponsoring
community contribution is in the amount of $4,650,364, be and the same hereby is approved,
RESOLVED, further, That the To mpkins County Legislature includes in the 2018 Tompkins
County Budget an amount to be determined pursuant to the approved plan for said College in effect as of
September 1, 2017 , and t hat the am ount when de termined be raised by to xation in t he Count y of
Tompkins in the fiscal year 2018,
RESOLVED, further, Th at this resolution sh all become effective upon t he adoptio n of a
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
concurrent resolution by the Cortland County Legislature.
Resolution No. 2017-108: Authoriz ing a One -Ti me Supplemental Appropriation of $46,504 from
Contingent Fund to Tompkins Cortla nd Community College to Assi st
with the Implementation of a Service Manageme nt Modernization Plan
(ID #7104)
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: David McKenna, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
EXCUSED: Lesly n McBean-Clairborne
WHEREAS, Tom pkins Cortland Co mmunity Co llege ("Colle ge") has proposed a Service
Management Modernization Plan ("Pla n") that will automate and streamline several administrative and
finance functions, enabling the College to generate recurring future savings, and
WHEREAS, the College has requested one-time funding of $130,000 to implement the Plan, and
WHEREAS, by Resolution 2017-103, this Legislature authorized the appropriation of $83,200 to
support the County's traditional enrollment -based share of the cost of the Plan, and
WHEREAS, at its meeting of June 5, 2 017, the Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee also
recommended approv ing a 1% increase in Tom pkins Count y's "Sponsor S hare" contribution t o the
College's 2017-18 Operating Budget, and
WHEREAS, Cortland County subsequently advised the College that it will not provide additional
Sponsor Share operating support to the College nor support the Service Modernization Plan on a one-time
basis, and
WHEREAS, Tom pkins Count y wishes to fulf ill its intent t o pr ovide financi al support to the
College commensurate with a 1%, or $29,763, increase in its Sponsor Share contribution to the College's
operating budget, and further wishes to augm ent its support by $16,741, thereby providing the College
with revenue growth of $46,504, which is equivalent to a 1% increase in Sponsor Share contributions
from both partner counties, and
WHEREAS, it is recognized that under New York State's rules governi ng community colleges,
Tompkins Count y and C ortland Cou my m ust approve identical percentage increases in their Sponsor
Share contributions, and
WHEREAS, as a result of this rule, To mpkins County wishes it's $46,504 contribution to be an
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
extraordinary, one-tim e discretionary g rant of f unds to t he Colle ge made for the purp ose of enablin g
implementation of t he Service Modernization Plan and that would no t b ecome a factor in fut ure
maintenance -of -effort calculations nor require a pr oportionate match of funds by Cortland C ounty, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Budget, Ca pital, and Personnel Committee, That this
Legislature wishes this discretionary one-time supplemental appropriation t o the College be applied for
the sole and restricted pur pose of i mplementing its Service Management Modernization Plan during t he
College's 2017-18 fiscal year,
RESOLVED, further, That the Director of Fina nce be and hereby is directed to make the
following appropriation to his budget:
From: A1990.54400 Contingent Fund $46, 504
To: A2495.54400 Tompkins Cortland Community College -Program Expense $46,504
Resolution No. 2017- 109: Budget Adjustment and Appropriation for 2017 Sponsor Support to
Tompkins Cortland Community College (TC3) (ID #7080)
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: Anna Kelles, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
EXCUSED: Lesly n McBean-Clairborne
WHEREAS, Tompkins Cortland Community College (TC3) receives annual financial support for
its operating budget from its two spons or counties, Tompkins County and Cortland County, with each
county's share of the total determined by a ratio reflecting enrollment from the two counties, and
WHEREAS, for TC3's 2016-2017 fiscal year that ratio changed, and Tompkins County's share
grew from 63% to 64%, reflecting an increase in Tompkins County Concurrent Enrollment Students, and
WHEREAS, this shift i n t he sponsor -s hare ra do in creases the am ount of To mpkins County's
share from $2,929,730, as adopted for 2017, to $2,976,233, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Ca pital, and Pe rsonnel Committee, That the
Director of Finance be and hereby is directed to make the following adjustments to the 2017 Budget:
FROM: 1990.54400 Contingent Fund $46, 503
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
TO: 2495 .54400 TC3 $46, 503
RESOLVED, further, That the Fiscal Target calculation for the County's 2018 sponsor support to
TC3 shall include this $46,503 increase.
Privilege of the Floor by the Public
Eunice Tabor, Town of Lansing residen t and S ecretary of T ompkins County Food Distribution
Network, spoke of the im portance of food pantries and said grants are critical to provide ne eded meals;
many safety nets for the people they serve are in jeopardy. She hopes Tompkins County will continue the
same level of support in the 2018.
Norbert McCloskey, Ithaca resident, spoke on be half of the It haca Health Alli ance and said the
agency was formed in 19 97 and is celebrating its 20 to anniversary this summer of helpi ng to provide
people with access to healthcare. He spoke of the number of people that come in for assistance and said
the numbers are increasing due to the uncertainty at the federal level. He th anked the Count y for its
support and said it is critical to what the Alliance does.
Rich Bennett, Director of the Ithaca Res cue Mission, and said at this ti me of y ear, typically th e
numbers go down. Howe ver, that has not happened due to the number of individuals who they are not
able to serve. He provide d an overview of services the Rescue Mission provides to individuals who are
struggling with homelessness. He appreciates the support the County has provided in the past and ask ed
that the Legislature continue to support the Rescu a Mission and keep in m ind the uncertainty at the
federal level.
Vonnie Dawson, Groton resident, spoke of cases she has pending in the court sy stem and her
belief that the Depart ment of Social Services is ille gally taking children from homes in order to receive
federal grant money. She asked that outside people be considered when filling the Department of Social
Services Commissioner's position.
Crystal Palmer, Town of Newfield resident, spoke of her personal experiences and complaints she
has against the Department of Social Services and its Child Protective Services and Foster Care units.
Shari Korthuis, Ithaca, cir culated information concerning the Industrial Devel opment Agency's
purpose and mission. She spoke of t wo projects she opposes. The Cit y Centre and Harold Square
projects are massive apartment complexes from out of town developers and no affordable housing or jobs
will be created.
Michael Kop linka-Loehr, Town of Lansing reside nt, spoke in sup port of the Resolution enti tled
Authorizing Disbursement of the Community Housing Development Fund Award to Amici House.
Report from a Municipal Official(s)
Ducson Nuygen, Common Council member, reported the Health Department has shut down the
water fountain on the Commons due t o the fountain's process for recirculation of water and its potenti al
risks. A r esolution was r ecently passed opposing Presi dent Trump's budget by the City of Ithaca. He
spoke about Common Council conside ring the req uirement that landlords dis play their certificate o f
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
compliance at the entrance of dwellings. The Waterfront Plan has been circulated and will be considered
at the next Planning and Development Committee meeting.
In response to Ms. Kiefer, Mr. Nuy gen provide d an update on the dredging project and said
tomorrow the City will consider the latest revision of restructuring advisory boards.
Chair's Report and Chair's Appointments
Mr. Lane appointed Legi slator Dooley Kiefer as Chair of the E thics Advisory Board; term to
expire December 31, 2017.
Mr. Lane declared recess at 7:45 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:55 p.m.
Resolutions Added to and Withdrawn from the Agenda
There were no resolutions withdrawn from or added to the agenda.
Appointment(s) Approved Under the Consent Agenda
Advisory Board Appointment(s) (ID # 7082)
MOVER: Anna Kelles, Member
SECONDER: Martha Robertson, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
EXCUSED: Lesly n McBean-Clairborne
Strategic Tourism Planning Boar
Brett Bossard - Arts/Culture representative; term expires December 31, 2019
Douglas J. Levine - Arts/Culture representative; term expires December 31, 2018
Resolutions Approved Under the Consent Agenda
MOVER: Anna Kelles, Member
SECONDER: Martha Robertson, Member
AYES: Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Kiefer, Klein, Lane, Robertson, McKenna,
Morey, Sigler, Stein
EXCUSED: McBean-Clairborne
Resolution No. 2017-110: Award of Bid - Bridg a Replacement - Gam a Farm Road (BIN 320988 0)
over Cascadilla Creek, in the Towns of Dryden and Ithaca (ID #7095)
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
WHEREAS, the Department of Finance - Division of Purchasing has duly advertised for bids for
replacement of the bridge carrying Game Farm Road, County Road 173, over the Cascadilla Creek (BIN
3209880), and
WHEREAS, five (5) bids were received and publicly read on June 6, 2017, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure Committee, That the bid be
awarded to Economy Paving Company, Inc., of Cortland, NY, lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of
$ 977,090.77,
RESOLVED further, That the funds are available in the Game Farm Road Bridge Replacement
Capital Account, HZ 5315.59239.53.15,
RESOLVED further, That the Highway Depart ment is hereby authorized to implem ent this bid
and to execute change orders to the contract up to 10% of the aforementioned bid amount on behalf of the
County, fu nds to be provided from the Game Farm Road Bridge Replacement Capital Account, HZ
5315.59239. 53.15.
Resolution No. 2017-111: Authorization to Execute an Agreement with Cornell University - Bridge
Replacement - Game Farm Road (BIN 3209880) over Cascadilla Creek
in the Towns of Dryden and Ithaca (ID #7096)
WHEREAS, Game Farm Road (County Road 173) and the bridge carry ing it over Cascadilla
Creek (BIN 3209880), in the Towns of Dryden and Ithaca are maintained by the County, and
WHEREAS, in response to deterioration of th e br idge the Count y has developed plans and
specifications to replace the bridge and to im prove the vertical alignment of Ga me Farm Road on the
bridge's approaches, and
WHEREAS, Cornell University, through its Transportation Community Initiative, has expressed
willingness to share in the cost of these bridge and roadway improvements, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure Committee, That the County
Administrator be and hereby is auth orized to exec ute an Agreement with Cornell University to f and
$250,000 toward the Game Farm Road Bridge Replacement Project.
Resolution No. 2017-112: Audit of Final Payment - Nelcorp Electrical Contracting Corporation -
Tompkins County Recycling and S olid Waste Center Upgrade Contract
#111 Electrical Construction (ID #7088)
WHEREAS, Nelcorp Electrical Contracting Cor poration of End well, New York, has satisfied
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
their contract by submitting all closeout documents for the Tompkins County Recycling and Solid Waste
Center Upgrade, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure Co mmittee, That the
following final claim be and hereby is audited by the Legislature:
Vendor Payment Request Account No. Amount
Nelcorp Electrical Contracting Corp. 1 (Final) HH8101.59239 $32,132.26
RESOLVED, further, That the Finance Director be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay
said claim from Account No. HH8101.59239.
Resolution No. 2017-113: Budget A djustment to Transfer Funds from Recycling and Materials
Management Equipment Reserve to Departmental Equipment for HVAC Units (ID #7087)
WHEREAS, the Department of Recy cling and Materials Managem ent received bids for the
purchase and installation of new HVAC units at the Recycling and Materials Manage ment office, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure Co mmittee, That the
Director of Finance be and hereb y is directed to make the following 20 17 budget adj ustment on his
FROM: CL30906000 Recycling and Materials Management Equipment Reserve $35,623
TO: 8160.52220 Departmental Equipment $35,623
Resolution No. 2017-114: Authorization to Increase Hour s - Environmental Heal th - Health
Department (ID #7098)
WHEREAS, the Environmental Health Divisi on has 2.0 FTE Sr. Public Health Sanitarian
positions, funded in our target budget at 35 hours per week, and
WHEREAS, the Division has received additional funding in the Drinking Water Enhancement
Grant to help address new water -related requirements and issues, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Human Services and the Budget, Capital and
Personnel Committees, That two positions of Sr. Public Health Sanitarian, labor grade 16, position ID 452
and 439, (16/607), competitive class, be increased from 35 hours to 37.5 hours per week, effective July 2,
RESOLVED, further, That the Finan ce Director be and hereb y is authorized to make the
following budget adjustment on his books for the Drinking Water Enhancement Grant:
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
REVENUE: 4090.43489
Other State Grants
APPROPRIATI 4090.51000049
Project Assistant
Sr. Public Health Sanitarian
Departmental Equipment
Office Furnishings
Office Supplies
Resolution No. 2017-1 15: Budget Adjustm ent and Contracting Authority - Department of Socia 1
Services (ID #7093)
WHEREAS the Depart ment of Social Servi ces (DSS) has r eceived a c heck for $83,766,
representing repay ments of loans tha t had been subsidized through a now -discontinued program
benefiting the Department's clients, and
WHEREAS the Social Services Commissioner wishes to use the funds as follows:
$62,000 - Training and certification of Social Services' mental health service providers to
practice evidence -based Child Parent Psychotherapy
$6,000 - Safe Care 'train -the -trainer' training for our sole home visitation provider's staff
$2,266 - Consultation services from Community Dispute Resolution Center
$5,000 - "Seeking Safety" training for DSS staff
$5,000 - "Peer Recovery Advocate" training for DSS staff
$3,500 - "Solution -Focused Trauma -informed Care" training for DSS staff
, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Health and Human S ervices Committee, That the
Department of Social Services is authorized both to accept this donation and to enter into agreements as
necessary to effect the above,
RESOLVED, further, That the Director of Financ e be and hereb y is authori zed to make the
following adjustments to the 2017 budget:
Appropriation: 6010.54412 Travel/Training $13,500
6010.54442 Professional Services $70,266
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Revenue: 6010.42770 Miscellaneous Revenue $83,766
Resolution No. 2017-116: Budget Adjustment for Balancing Incentive Program Caregiver Support
Program for 2017 - County Office for the Aging (ID #7061)
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Office for the Aging (COFA) is the recipient of one-time
funds through the Balancing Incentives Program (BIP) Caregiver Support program, in order to provide
services to caregivers of clients who are Medicaid eligible, and
WHEREAS, COFA wishes to claim eligible salary and fringe expenses under t he BIP Caregiver
Support Program that were not originally delineated in the County budget, and
WHEREAS, the New York State Offi ce for the Ag ing is allowing expenditur es related to this
program to be claimed for an extended period of time, through September 30, 2017, and
WHEREAS, because of this extension, COFA can claim $9,956.66 in expenditures beyond those
reflected in the 2017 County budget, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Health and Human S ervices Committee, That the
Director of Finance be and hereby is directed to make the following 2017 budget adjustments:
Revenue Account Title Am t A pprop Acct Title Amt.
A6789.44772 Federal Revenue $9,956.66 A6789-51000215 Salary $ 496.39
A6789-51000517 Salary 338.28
A6789-51000559 Salary 345.56
A6789-51001583 Salary 161.75
A6789-54400 Program Exp. 8,001.00
A6789-58800 Fringes 613.68
Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee
Resolution No. 2017-117: Authorizing a Public Hearing on Proposed Local Law No. d of 2017 - A
Local Law Overriding Tax Levy Limit for 2018 (ID #7057)
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: Dooley Kiefer, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
EXCUSED: Lesly n McBean-Clairborne
WHEREAS, according to New York State's new Property Tax Cap legisl ation, if a count y
government decides to adopt a count y budget with a property tax levy that e xceeds the level set by the
State, the county government must pass a local law to override that cap, and
WHEREAS, information from New Yo rk State that enables calculation of the County's 2018
property tax cap is not available until late summer, and
WHEREAS, in the event the County's annual to x 1 evy exceeds the allowable tax -levy limit
voluntarily or due to clerical or technical errors, Ne w York State has the authority to penalize our County
unless we have already formally given ourselves permission to exceed the tax cap, and
WHEREAS, adopting said local law is not predictive of the fi nal tax levy but will provide the
Tompkins County Legislature flexibility to exceed th e Property Tax Cap if it is deemed necessary , now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of t he Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee, That a
public hearin g be held be fore the To mpkins County Legislature in the Legislative Cham bers of the
Governor Daniel D. Tompkins Building, 121 East Court Street, Ithaca, New York, on July 6, 2017, at
5:30 p.m. thereof concerning pr oposed Local Law No. d of 2017 - A Local Law Overriding Tax Lev y
Limit for Fiscal Year 2018. At such time and place all persons interested in the subject matter will b e
heard concerning the same,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Legislature is hereby authorized and directed to place
proper notice of such public hearing in the official newspaper of the County.
Jail Study Committee
Mr. Klein requested a copy of the Coll ege Initiative Upstate Program report; Mr. Rich agreed to
provide it.
Health and Human Services Committee
Resolution No. 2017-118: Appropriation from Contingent Fund and Authorization to Increase
Foodnet Meals on Wheels Subcontract (ID #7045)
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Following the vote, Mr. Stein was excused.
MOVER: Anna Kelles, Member
SECONDER: Dooley Kiefer, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
EXCUSED: Lesly n McBean-Clairborne
WHEREAS, the Tom pkins County Office for the A ging recognizes the i mportance of Foodnet
Meals on Wheels in the provision of both home -delivered and congregate meals to adults sixty (60) and
over, and
WHEREAS, Foodnet strives to maintain certification as a living -wage employer, and
WHEREAS, upon un derstanding t hat New York St ate Direct Care Worker fundin g woul d be
ongoing in 2017, the Tompkins County Office for the Aging redu ced its original 2017 budget over -target
request by $12,500 to enable Foodnet to maintain its staff at the living wage, and
WHEREAS, the re moval of the Ne w York State Direct Care Worker Progra m fro m the Ne w
York State Office for the Aging 2017 budget has adversely affected Foodnet Meals on Wheels, and
WHEREAS, this unforeseen decrease in New York State funding causes an operating deficit of
$19,500 for Foodnet in 2017, affecting its ability to maintain its staff at the living wage, and
WHEREAS, Foodnet intends to address its operating deficit through a combination of decreasing
expenditures and raising revenues, and
WHEREAS the Tompkins County Office for the Aging requests $12,500 in Contingency Funding
in 2017 and as an ongoing increase in target funding to assist Foodnet in closing its structural deficit, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health an d Human Services and the Budget, Capital,
and Personnel Committees, That the request for contingency funding be granted,
RESOLVED, further, That the Finan ce Director be and hereb y is authorized to make the
following adjustments:
FROM: A1990.5 4440 Contingent Fund
TO: A6776.5 4491 Subcontract
RESOLVED, further, T hat the target budget for Office for the Aging t o assist Foodnet shall be
increased by $12,500.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Facilities and Infrastructure Committee
Resolution No. 20 17-119: Authorization to Ent er into an Agreement t o Procure Electricity (I D
It was MOVED by Ms. Chock, seconded by Ms. Ke Iles, to amend the resolution and delete the
following Resolved: "RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator may extend this agreement for
a period not to exceed two years if such an extension results in a cost savings to the County and continues
to include the purchase of Renewable Energy Certificates,".
A voice vote resulted as follows: Ay es - 8 (Legislators Burbank, Chock, Dennis, Kelles, Kiefer,
Klein, Robertson, and Sig ler); Noes - 4 (Legislators John, Lane, McKenna, and Morey); Excused - 2
(Legislators McBean-Clairborne and Stein). MOTION TO AMEND CARRIED.
It was MOVED by Ms. Chock, seconded b y Ms. Kiefer, to amend the resolution and ad d "the
methane" to the last Whereas following "...attributed to carbon".
A voice vote resulted as follows: Ay es - 6 (Legisla tors Burbank, Chock, Kelles, Kief er, Klein,
and Robertson); Noes - 6 (Legislators Dennis, John, Lane, McKenna, Morey, and Sigler); Excused - 2
(Legislators McBean-Clairborne and Stein). MOTION TO AMEND FAILED.
MOVER: David McKenna, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey,
Michael Sigler
NAYS: Dooley Kiefer
EXCUSED: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, in 1998, Tompkins County, in partnership with Tioga County, created the Municipal
Electric and Gas Allian ce (MEGA), and now, a long with m ore than 30 New York State county
governments, has collecti vely shoppe d through a pub lic-bid process for electricity and natural gas
supplies, securing savings in energy costs for the operation of County -owned facilities, and
WHEREAS, by resolutio n of o ne or more c ounty governm ents, MEGA periodically bi ds the
electricity and natural gas supplies so that partic ipating municipalities, businesses, and residents can
obtain the lowest cost, and
WHEREAS, based on its most recent procurement, conducted by resolution of Genesee County,
MEGA has recommended Constellation (form erly known as Integrys Energy Services) of Buffalo, New
York, as the low bid supplier of electricity, and
WHEREAS, through Section 408-a of the County Law, one or m ore such con my governments
have made the terms of such procurement available to all municipal units in New York State, and
WHEREAS, as a consequence of MEGA' s most recent ele ctricity procurement, Nationwide
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Renewable Energy Credits are avail able through MEGA' s supplier, Constellation, at favorable pricing,
WHEREAS, Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) ar e a tradable co mmodity that is created w hen
harnessing energy from the wind, sun, water, plants, and other renewable sources, and
WHEREAS, Resolution No. 241 of Novem ber 20, 2012, authorized the purchase of electri city
from Integrys Energy Services for a period ending on December 31, 2014, and
WHEREAS, Resolution No. 184 of Se ptember 16, 2014, authori zed the purchase of electr icity
from Integrys Energy Services for a period ending on September 30, 2016, and
WHEREAS, Resolution No. 165 of August 18, 2015, authorized the purchase of electricity from
Constellation Energy for a period ending on September 30, 2018, and
WHEREAS, Tom pkins Count y wishes to purchase RECs to suppl y County structures with
electricity so that 100% of the County's consumption can be attributed to carbon -free energy production,
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure Committee, That the County
Administrator or his desig nee be and h ereby is auth orized to sig n an agreem ent and related docum ents
with Constellation Energy, including RECs to offset 100% of the County's electricity use for the period of
September 4, 2018, through September 30, 2020,
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or his designee be and hereby is authorized
to sign an agree ment for the sa me p eriod for the purpose of receiving Gr een-e c ertification on the
electricity procurement.
Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality Committee
Ms. Chock requested a Microsoft Word copy of the Housing Strategy.
Resolution No. 2017- 120: Authorization to Continue the Ho meownership Program and Housing
Rehabilitation Program Through the Use of Program Income Funds and
to Contract with Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Services (ID #7073)
Ms. Chock was given permission to ab stain from voting as her husband is the Executive Director
of Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Services.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
MOVER: Martha Robertson, Member
SECONDER: Anna Kelles, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey,
Michael Sigler
ABSTAIN: Carol Chock
EXCUSED: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, the County has Program Income f unds available from Community Development
Block Grant (CDBG) awards from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and
New York State for homeownership assistance loans, repayment of which began in September 1995, and
WHEREAS, under HUD and New Yo rk State rules, these progr am inco me funds in ust be re -
spent for like purposes as the original grants, including assisting low- to moderate -income households to
purchase homes or rehabilitate their owner -occupied homes, and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature through Resoluti on Nos. 201 6-2 and 201 6-187
authorized $700,000 in Program Income funds for the continuation of the Homeownership Program, and
WHEREAS, the $700,000 Program Income contract with Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Services
for the continuation of the Homeownership Program has not yet been executed, and
WHEREAS, many ad ditional low- t o in oderate-income homeowners in t he Count y need
significant housing rehabilitation, and
WHEREAS, the Division of Housing and Comm unity Renewal Community Development Block
Grant (CDBG) awards to fund rehabilitation assistance for these homeowners have been exhausted, and
WHEREAS, Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Services has obtained additional re sources to assist
low- to moderate -income households to purchase homes within Tompkins County, and
WHEREAS, Ithaca Neig hborhood H ousing Servi ces has successfully administered bot h the
Homeownership Program and the CDBG-funded Hea lthy Homes Rehabilitation Program, now therefore
be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Planning, Develop ment, and Environm ental Qu ality
Committee, That the County hereby authorizes the granting of Small Cities and New York State CDB G
Program Income funds to I thaca Neighborhood Housing Services i n the amount of $400,000 to continue
the Homeownership Program during any gap in the availability of CDBG funds for the program over the
next two years,
RESOLVED, further, That the Count y hereby authorizes the granting of Sm all Cities and New
York State CDBG Program Inco me funds to Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Services in the amount of
$300,000 to continue the Housing Rehabilitation Program during any gap in t he availability of CDBG
funds for the program over the next two years,
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or his designee be and hereby is authorized
to enter into contracts with Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Services to continue its role in the
Homeownership Program and Housing Rehabilitation Program using Program Income funds,
RESOLVED, further, That the Director of Financ e be and hereb y is authori zed to make the
following budget adjustment:
Revenue CD8695.42411 Program Income $700,000
Appropriation CD8695.5 4400 Program Expense $700,000
Resolution No. 2017-121: Negative Declaration fo r Authorizing Disbursem ent of the Community
Housing Development Fund Award to Amici House (ID #7063)
Ms. Chock was given permission to ab stain from voting as her husband is the Executive Director
of Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Services.
MOVER: Martha Robertson, Member
SECONDER: Anna Kelles, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey,
Michael Sigler
ABSTAIN: Carol Chock
EXCUSED: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Le gislature thro ugh Resoluti on No. 154 o f 2015 auth orized
funding for the Community Housing Development Fund Program, and
WHEREAS, the Communit y Housing Develo pment Fund assists the developm ent costs
associated with residential and in ixed-use real estate development projects primarily benefiting low- and
moderate -income households, and re quires that newly constructed or rehabilitated homes supported by
the program are not onl y in ade available to low- to in oderate-income hou Beholds, but also rem ain
affordable to future generations of renters and buyers, and
WHEREAS, Resolution No. 122 of 20 17 would authorize the disbursem ent of County funds in
support of the Amici House project at 661-701 Spencer Road in the City of Ithaca, and
WHEREAS, Tompkins County has received and reviewed the City of Ithaca Full Envir onmental
Assessment Form (Parts 1, 2, and 3) documents for the project listed as the Amici House a nd Childcare
Center, and
WHEREAS, as L ead A gency, the City of Ithaca Planning and Developm ent Bo and has
determined t he A mici House and Childcare Cente r pr oject to be a Ty pe I Action with a Negative
Declaration, and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
WHEREAS, as the City of Ithaca Planning and Development Board granted final site plan
approval for the Amici House and Childcare Center project on January 24, 2017, and
WHEREAS, Tompkins County concurs with the City of Ithaca Planning and Development Board
SEQR Negative Determination of the Amici House and Childcare Center project, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Planning, Develop ment, and Environm ental Qu ality
Committee, That the authorization of t he Community Housing Development Fund disbursement and th e
subsequent construction of the project listed above adequately protects and preserves the environment and
will not have any potentially significant adverse effects on the environment.
SEQR ACTION: Full Environmental Assessment Form on File with the Legislature Clerk
Resolution No. 20 17-1.22: Authoriz ing Disbursem ent of the Com munity Housing Development
Fund Award to Amici House (ID #7064)
Ms. Chock was given permission to ab stain from voting as her husband is the Executive Director
of Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Services.
MOVER: Martha Robertson, Member
SECONDER: Anna Kelles, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey,
Michael Sigler
ABSTAIN: Carol Chock
EXCUSED: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Le gislature thro ugh Resoluti on No. 154 o f 2015 auth orized
funding for the Community Housing Development Fund, and
WHEREAS, the Community Housing Development Fund (CHDF) assists with the development
costs associated with residential and mixed-use real estate development projects primarily benefiting low -
and moderate -income households, and r equires that newly constructed or re habilitated homes supported
by the progr am are not o my made av ailable to to w- to moderate -income households, b ut also remain
affordable to future generations of renters and buyers, and
WHEREAS, the Notice of Funding Availability was made available to interested parties with a
deadline of May 23, 2016, for Round 11, and
WHEREAS, one application was received and reviewed by t he CHDF Application Review
Committee, which m ade formal funding recommendations for funding to the CHDF Program Oversight
Committee, and
WHEREAS, the Program Oversight Committee a ccepted and recommended t hat the proposal
receive funding as indicated in the table below, and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Applicant Project
Number of
Dollar Amount
Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Klein, Lane, Robertson, McKenna,
Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Peter Stein
City of Ithaca
23 rental
($125,000 TC &
County and
$100,000 Col)
City of Ithaca
WHEREAS, the City of Ithaca Planning and De velopment Boar d's SEQR r eview process has
been completed for the Amici House project with a Negative Determination, and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature through Resolution No. —of 2 017 concurs with
the City of Ithaca Planning and Deve lopment Board's SEQR Negative De claration determination for
Amici House, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Planning, Develop ment, and Environm ental Qu ality
Committee, That Tom pkins County authorizes the expenditure of $125,000 of its funds t o support t he
Amici House project as recommended by the CHDF Program Oversight Committee,
RESOLVED, further, That the Director of Financ e be and hereb y is authori zed to make the
following budget adjustment:
Revenue CD8695.42411 Program Income $125,000
Appropriation CD8695.54400 Program Expense $125,000
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or his designee be and hereby is authorized
to execute agreements in order to effect this grant program consistent with this resolution.
SEQR ACTION: Full Environmental Assessment Form on File with the Legislature Clerk
Minutes of Previous Meeting
June 6, 2017
Rich John, Member
Glenn Morey, Member
Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Klein, Lane, Robertson, McKenna,
Morey, Sigler
NAYS: Dooley
Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Peter Stein
Adi ournment
The meeting adjourned at 9:02 p.m.
Tompkins County Legislature
Regular Meeting Minutes — Approved 7-18-17
Thursday, July 6, 2017 5:30 PM
Legislature Chambers
Public Hearing
Proposed Local Law No. d of 2017 - A Local Law Overriding Tax Levy Limit for 2018
Mr. Lane, Chair, called a public hearing to or der at 5:30 p.m . concerning pr oposed Local Law
No. 4 of 2017 - A Local Law Overriding Tax Lev y Limit for 2018 and asked if anyone wished to speak.
No one wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:32 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll Call of Members
Attendee Name
Will Burbank
0 itle
Carol Chock
James Dennis
Rich John
Anna Kelles
Dooley Kiefer
Daniel Klein
Vice Chair
Michael Lane
Leslyn McBean-Clairborne
Martha Robertson
David McKenna
Glenn Morey
Michael Sigler
Peter Stein
Announcements of Executive Sessions, Reordering of Business, and Special Orders of the Day
Mr. Lane announced an executive session would be held later in the meeting concerning a
personnel matter.
Privilege of the Floor by the Public
Sue Chaffee, Director of Immigrant S ervices Progr am at Cathol is Charities and recipient of
County funds, provided highlights of the services offered through the program. Because of the County's
support they have been ab le to have the infrastructure and staff in place to pro vide immigration services
in areas including housing, transportation, language barriers, and the refugee resettlement program.
Deborah Dawson, Village of Lansing resident, said several members of the LGBTQ+ community
asked her to ask the Legislature to revisit its policy on requiring the public to provide a name in order to
speak to the Legislature at its meetings. Comments were made yesterday to the Govern ment Operations
Committee and comments made by members of the Committee were in support of the current forms an d
Tompkins County Legislature
Thursday, July 6, 2017
not supportive of amending it. She believes it is going to take more than a sig n to make th e Legislative
Chambers a safe zone, and this is one area that can help.
Susan Multer, Town of Ithaca resident, spoke ag ainst the Legisl ature's requirement to hav e a
person prov ide their name in order to speak at meetings to the Legislature. She said she attended the
Government Operations Committee and referred to the discussion that took place. A simple solution was
offered, but no Legislator agreed to br ing it forwar d for conside ration. She hopes this topic will b e
discussed again at the next Committee meeting.
Amanda, Tompkins County resident, spoke about open government and voiced opposition to the
requirement to provide an individual's name in order to speak to the Legislature.
Charles Geisler, Dry den resident, spoke in opposition to t he requirem ent to provide an
individual's name in order to speak at meetings to the Legislature. He believes the requirement of having
to provide a na me and ad dress can deter people, par ticularly those at risk fro in attending a meeting to
speak. He asked that na mes and municipalities be made optiona 1 as done i n other places in Tom pkins
County. He also suggested having a box that asks if the individual is representing themselves or another
cause. He hopes the sign -in form will get reviewed again.
Report from a Municipal Officials
There were no municipal officials in attendance.
Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality Committee
Resolution No. 2017-123: Endorsing the Tompkins County Housing Strategy (ID #7126)
MOVER: Dooley Kiefer, Member
SECONDER: Anna Kelles, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, David
EXCUSED: Martha Robertson, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, an inadequate supply and variety of housing options are long-standing challenges in
Tompkins County that significantly impact the physical, psychological, social, and econom is health and
stability of many individuals and families, and
WHEREAS, the first Tompkins County Housing Strategy endorsed by the County Legislature in
June 2007 established housing goals through 2014 and led to the development of the Community Housing
Development Fund, and
WHEREAS, the Tom pkins Count y Com prehensive Plan states the principle that the co unty
"should be a place where housing is affordable, safe, energy efficient, and appealing," and
WHEREAS, Tompkins County will not be able to meet its goals that range fro in greenhouse gas
Tompkins County Legislature
Thursday, July 6, 2017
emissions reduction and sustainability to econom is prosperity and safe and efficient transportation
systems without an adequate supply and variety of housing, and
WHEREAS, Tompkins County has conducted extensive public outreach to share information and
gather input on housing issues and potential approaches to address community housing needs, and
WHEREAS, Tompkins County completed the Ho using Needs Assessment in Novem ber 2016,
WHEREAS, Tompkins Count y an d it s partners in the co mmunity develop ed and hosted the
Tompkins Count y Ho using Summ it in Novem ber and December 2016, w hich provi ded insights an d
community input regarding barriers to meeting our local housing needs and ideas to over come those
barriers, and
WHEREAS, Tom pkins Count y f urther explored the Count y's role in h ousing thr ough its
Legislature and Department Heads retreat in March 2017, and
WHEREAS, Tompkins County has pr epared a ne w Housing Strategy incorporating input and
information gathered thr ough recent housing effort s to establish targets and approaches to address
community housing needs over the next ten years, and
WHEREAS, there are no f inancial implications associated with endorsing t his Strategy although
implementation of the Strategy is anticipated to have financial implications that would be reviewed by the
Legislature prior to implementation, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Planning, Develop ment, and Environm ental Qu ality
Committee, That the Tom pkins County Legislatur e endorses the Tom pkins County Housing Strategy ,
dated June 2017.
Resolutions Approved Under the Consent Agenda
MOVER: Carol Chock, Member
SECONDER: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Member
AYES: Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Kiefer, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne,
EXCUSED: Robertson, Morey, Sigler, Stein
Resolution No. 2017-124: Authorization to Execute Quit claim Deeds — Sale of Foreclosure
Properties at Public Auction (ID #7117)
WHEREAS, in accordance with the procedures outlined in Policy 01-07 - Land Transactions, the
Government Operations Committee approved o n May 3, 20 17, the list below of Tax Parcels to be
acquired through tax foreclosure, and then sold at public auction to recover unpaid taxes, and
Tompkins County Legislature
Thursday, July 6, 2017
WHEREAS, by tax foreclosure proceedings, the County acquired certain parce is in the County ,
WHEREAS, said properties were sold, contingent upon Legislature approval, at public auction on
June 19, 2017, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Government Operations Committee, That upon payment
in full of the bid price, plus current taxes and filing fees, that the County Administrator be and hereby is
authorized to execute quitclaim deeds for all parcels sold at the public auction:
Town of Dryden - 601 Bone Plain Road - 30.4-15.2
Town of Dryden - 805 Midline Road - 59.4-29.7
Village of Groton - 211 Barrows Street - 108.-2-18.1
Town of Caroline - Slaterville Road - 8.4-4.2
Town of Caroline - Slaterville Road - 8.4-68
Village of Dryden - Ellis Drive - 8.1-1-1.4
Town of Lansing - Portland Point Road - 36.4-2
Town of Newfield - Elmira Road - 11.4-20.2
Resolutions Added to and Withdrawn from the Agenda
It was M OVED by Mr. Klein, seconded by Ms. Kelles, to ad d to the agenda the resolution
entitled Naming of Tompkins Trust Building as the Tompkins Center for History and Culture.
A voice vote resulted as follows to a dd the reso lution to the agenda: Ay es - 10, Noes - 0,
Excused - 4 (Legislators Morey, Robertson, Sigler, and Stein). MOTION CARRIED.
There were no resolutions withdrawn from the agenda.
Government Operations Committee
Resolution No. 2017-125: Naming of Tompkins Trust Building as the Tompkins Center for History
and Culture (ID #7159)
It was M OVED by Mr. Dennis, seconded by Ms. Kelle s, to C all the Quest ion. A voice vote
resulted as fo llows: Ay es - 7 (Legislators Burbank, Dennis, John, Kelles, Klein, Lane, and McKenna);
Noes - 3 (Legislators Chock, Kiefer, and McBean-Clairborne); Excused - 4 (Legislators Morey,
Robertson, Sigler, and Stein). MOTION FAILED.
It was MOVED by Ms. Chock, seconded by Mrs. McBean-Clairborne, to postpone the resolution
to the next meeting. A voice vote resulted as follows : Ayes - 3 (Legislators Ch ock, Lane, and McBean -
Clairbome); Noes - 7 (Legislators Burbank, Dennis, John, Kelles, Kiefer, Klein, and McKenna); Excused
- 4 (Legislators Morey, Robertson, Sigler, and Stein). MOTION TO POSTPONE FAILED.
Mrs. McBean-Clairborne asked that the suggested name be put out to the public to ask for i nput;
Mr. Howe said he would be willing to do that through list serves and other non-profit agencies.
Tompkins County Legislature
Thursday, July 6, 2017
This resolution was defeated by a roll call vote.
Daniel Klein, Vice Chair
Rich John, Member
Will Burbank, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, David McKenna
Carol Chock, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne
Martha Robertson, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, on June 6, 2017, the Legislature approved an amendment to the County's 2017-2021
Capital Im provement Program to include the Acqui sition and Improvement of the Tompkins Trust
Building, and
WHEREAS, the Project Advisory Committee, comprised of all partners that will be located in the
building, believes it is i mportant to give the building a name to describe what t he building is about and
has presented its recommendation for a building name, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Government Operations Committee, That the Tompkins
County Legi slature hereb y nam es the recently pur chased To mpkins Trust Building, 110 North Tioga
Street, to be the "Tompkins Center for History and Culture".
Mr. Lane declared recess at 7:29 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:43 p.m.
Individual Member -Filed Resolutions
Resolution No. 2017-126: Adoption of Local Law No. 4 of 2017 — A Lo cal Law Overriding Ta x
Levy Limit for 2018 (ID #7058)
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: Dooley Kiefer, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, David
EXCUSED: Martha Robertson, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, according to New York State's new Property Tax Cap legisl ation, if a count y
government decides to adopt a count y budget with a property tax levy that e xceeds the level set by the
State, the county government must pass a local law to override that cap, and
Tompkins County Legislature
Thursday, July 6, 2017
WHEREAS, adopting said local law is not predictive of the fi nal tax levy but will provide the
Tompkins County Legislature flexibility to exceed the Property Tax Cap if it is deemed necessary, and to
ensure that any State recalculation of t he applicable limit will not make the Count y inadvertently out of
compliance, and
WHEREAS, a public hearing was held before the Tompkins County Legislature on July 6, 2017,
to hear all persons interested in proposed Local Law No. 4 of 2017, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That Local Law No. 4 of 2 017 - A Local Law Overriding Tax Levy Limit for 2018
is hereby adopted pursua nt to subdivision 5 of General Municipal Law Sect ion 3-c, which expressly
authorizes the County Legislature to override the tax levy limit by the adoption of a local law approved by
vote of sixty percent (60%) of the County Legislature,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Legislature shall publish in the official newspaper of
the County a notice of adoption containi ng a synopsis of said local law and shall within twen ty days file
one certified copy in the Office of the County Clerk, and one copy with the Secretary of State.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
June 20, 2017
MOVER: Anna Kelles, Member
SECONDER: Daniel Klein, Vice Chair
AYES: Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne,
NAYS: Dooley Kiefer
EXCUSED: Martha Robertson, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
Executive Session
It was MOVED by Ms. Kelles, seconded by Ms. Chock, and unanimously adopted by voice vote
by members present, to discuss a personnel matter concerning a particular person. An executive sessio n
was held at 8:14 p.m. and returned to open session at 8:38 p.m.
The meeting adjourned at 8:38 p.m.
Tompkins County Legislature
Regular Meeting Minutes — Approved 8-1-17
Tuesday, July 18, 2017 5:30 PM
Legislature Chambers
Call to Order
Mr. Lane, Chair, called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll Call of Members
Attendee Name
Will Burbank
Carol Chock
James Dennis
Rich John
Anna Kelles
Dooley Kiefer
Daniel Klein
Vice Chair
Michael Lane
Lesl n McBean-Clairborne
Martha Robertson
David McKenna
Glenn Morey
Michael Sigler
Peter Stein
Presentation of Proclamations, Petitions, Communications, and Notices
Mr. Lane introduced Orinthia Montague, Ph.D., the new Tompkins Cortland Community College
President. Dr. Montague thanked the Legislature for the support and welcoming she has received in the
community since her arrival. She also thanked Dr. Haynes for his support during the transition and said
she looks forward to working to ensure the students' success.
Privilege of the Floor by the Public
Karen Yearwood, Executive Director of Village at Ithaca, said the agency was formed in 2002.
She spoke of the services the Village at Ithaca provides to the community to attract families to ensure they
are successful in school districts throughout the County. She thanked the Legislature for its continued
Heather Campbell, Executive Director of the Advocacy Center, thanked the County for its
support and announced the Center is celebrating its 40th Anniversary. The Center's advocates provide
active and comprehensive services to victims of domestic violence and assault across the County.
Christine Carreiro, Director of Services for Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Services and Better
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Housing of Tompkins County, thanked the Legislature for its continued supported. She provided an
overview of the services the program has been providing since it began in 2001 and said the goal is to
keep Tompkins County residents safe, in their homes, and where they want to be.
Vonnie Dawson, Groton resident, said she has provided the Clerk with a copy of a letter to be
distributed to Legislators. She provided an update on actions that have taken place related to a CPS case
involving a family member since she last attended a Legislature meeting and again asked that a committee
be established to investigate this.
Cal Snow, Caroline resident, thanked the Legislature for its work and encouraged the County to
support a contribution to fund a conservation easement on Lounsbery Road.
Mark Witmer, Town of Caroline Supervisor, provided a letter from the Caroline Town Board
endorsing the project for a conservation easement on the Lounsbery Road. There are many benefits and
emphasized the main theme of the Town's Comprehensive Plan is to maintain and strengthen the rural
nature of the town.
Report from a Municipal Official(s)
Mr. Witmer, Caroline Town Supervisor, reported the Town is excited about the easement
proposal on the Legislature's agenda being considered this evening. He has been working with the
County Administrator on the expedited shared -services program. He also said there has been a lot of
discussion regarding the proposal for a trail extension.
Mr. Lane commented that the Bicentennial Commission would like to schedule a date for a
dedication ceremony in the Town of Caroline.
Planning, Development and Environmental Ouality Committee
Resolution No. 20 17-127: Makin g a Negative Determination of Environm ental Significance in
Relation to Resolution No. 128 of 2017: Appropriating Funds From the
Capital Reserve Fund for Natural, Scenic, and Recreational Resource
Protection for the Emer ald Necklace/Charles S pencer Pr eserve: Ot t
Tract Protection Project (ID #7130)
MOVER: Dooley Kiefer, Member
SECONDER: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, David McKenna, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
EXCUSED: Carol Chock, Martha Robertson
WHEREAS, in Resolution No. 128 of 2017 the County allocates funding from the Capital
Reserve Fund for Natural, Scenic, and Recreational Resource Protection to the Finger Lakes Land Trust
for the purpose of supporting the acquisition and easement on 157 acres of the Emerald Necklace/Charles
Spencer Preserve: Ott Tract Protection Project (Town of Newfield tax parcel 33.-1-7.2), and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature has reviewed and accepted as adequate the
Environmental Assessment Forms with respect to these actions, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality
Committee, That Resolution No. 128 of 2017 is an unlisted action,
RESOLVED, further, That the Legislature hereby makes a negative determination of
environmental significance in regard to Resolution No. 128 of 2017.
SEQR ACTION: Short EAF on file with the Clerk of the Legislature
Resolution No. 2017-128: Appropriating Funds from the Capital Reserve Fund for Natural, Scenic,
and Recreational Resource Protection for the Emerald Necklace/Charles
Spencer Preserve: Ott Tract Protection Project (ID #7127)
MOVER: Dooley Kiefer, Member
SECONDER: Rich John, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, David McKenna, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
EXCUSED: Carol Chock, Martha Robertson
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature established the Capital Reserve Fund for Natural,
Scenic, and Recreational Resource Protection by Resolution No. 217 of 2005, and
WHEREAS, the current balance in the Capital Reserve Fund is $75,023.06, and
WHEREAS, the purpose of the Capital Reserve Fund is to support participation by Tompkins
County in partnerships with other levels of government and private organizations to:
protect and preserve the natural, scenic, and recreational resources found in the Agricultural
Resource Focus Areas (ARFA) and Natural Features Focus Areas (NFFA) identified in the
Comprehensive Plan;
preserve and develop recreational trail corridors that cross municipal borders; and
develop outdoor recreation facilities, within the focus areas, that are intended to serve all
county residents, and
WHEREAS, the Program Guidelines for use of the Capital Reserve Fund call for proposed
projects to substantially further at least one of the following objectives:
Protect a stream buffer at least 330 feet in width,
Provide public access to the Cayuga Lake shore,
Protect land that is adjacent to permanently protected open space,
Preserve land on an existing or potential intermunicipal trail corridor,
Protect a high concentration of Prime Soils or Soils of Statewide Significance,
Protect a Distinctive or Noteworthy view as identified in the Tompkins County Scenic
Resources Inventory,
Is located in a NFFA or ARFA as identified in the Tompkins County Comprehensive Plan or
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
serves as a potential link to connect resources within these areas,
Protects corridor or habitat that can provide for connectivity between protected areas, and
WHEREAS, the Finger Lakes Land Trust has requested financial support from the Capital
Reserve Fund for the purpose of preserving the 157 -acre Jackson Hollow Road property (Town of
Newfield Tax Parcel 33.-1-7.2) to connect and provide habitat linking important NFFAs as well as
adjacent public open space resources, and
WHEREAS, the Jackson Hollow Road property:
Protects a stream buffer of over 330 feet in width;
Protects habitat that provides connectivity between NFFAs protected areas, and
Connects to existing protected lands.
WHEREAS, support from the Capital Reserve Fund is an important but modest component of the
total funding needed to complete the survey for the acquisition of the parcel, and
WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Planning and Sustainability and the Planning Advisory Board
have recommended that the County Legislature authorize $25,000 in funding from the Capital Reserve
Fund to support the Emerald Necklace/Charles Spencer Preserve: Ott Tract Protection Project, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality
Committee, That a total of $25,000 in funding from the Capital Reserve Fund for Natural, Scenic, and
Recreational Resource Protection be appropriated for the purpose of supporting the Finger Lakes Land
Trust's Emerald Necklace/Charles Spencer Preserve: Ott Tract Protection Project,
RESOLVED, further, That the Director of Finance be authorized and directed to make an
adjustment to the Planning and Sustainability Department budget (A8027.54400 - $25,00) from the
Capital Reserve Fund for Natural, Scenic, and Recreational Resource Protection,
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or his designee be authorized to execute any
contracts or agreements related to this project.
SEQR ACTION: Unlisted (Short EAF on file with the Clerk of the Legislature)
Resolution No. 20 17-129: Makin g a Negative Determination of Environm ental Significance in
Relation to Resolution No. 130 of 2017: Appropriating Funds from the
Tompkins County Natural Infrastructure Capital Project for the
Lounsbery Tract- Six Mile Creek Source Water Protection Project
(ID #7131)
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Dooley Kiefer, Member
Anna Kelles, Member
Will Burbank, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, David McKenna, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler
Carol Chock, Martha Robertson
Peter Stein
WHEREAS, in Resolution No. 130 of 2017 the County allocates funding from the Tompkins
County Natural Infrastructure Capital Project funds for the purpose of supporting the acquisition and
easement on the 125 -acre Six Mile Creek Source Water Protection Project (Town of Caroline tax parcel
9.-1-39.2), and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature has reviewed and accepted as adequate the
Environmental Assessment Forms with respect to these actions, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality
Committee, That Resolution No. 130 of 2017 is an unlisted action,
RESOLVED, further, That the Legislature hereby makes a negative determination of
environmental significance in regard to Resolution No. 130 of 2017.
SEQR ACTION: Short EAF on file with the Clerk of the Legislature
Resolution No. 2017-130: Appropriating Funds fir om Tompkins County Natural Infrastructur e
Capital Project for the Lounsbery Tract - Six Mile Creek Water
Protection Project (ID #7128)
Dooley Kiefer, Member
Daniel Klein, Vice Chair
Will Burbank, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, David McKenna, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler
Carol Chock, Martha Robertson
Peter Stein
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature established the Natural Infrastructure Capital
Project in 2017, and
WHEREAS, the current balance in the Natural Infrastructure Capital Project fund is $200,000,
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
WHEREAS, the Natural Infrastructure Capital Project is focused on protection, by acquisition,
easement, restoration, and/or stabilization, of:
Upper watershed forests and wetlands;
Stream corridors and floodplains;
Aquifer recharge areas, and
WHEREAS, the objectives of the Natural Infrastructure Capital Project are to:
Protect and enhance those natural systems that can help to mitigate the impacts of
intensive rainfall events that are expected to continue to increase as a result of climate
Help decrease sediment loads in streams and Cayuga Lake;
Protect overall water quality in streams, surficial aquifers, and Cayuga Lake, and
WHEREAS, the Natural Infrastructure Capital project goal is to reduce risks of flooding and
protect public and private water supplies, and
WHEREAS, the Project Selection Criteria and Process, accepted by the Planning, Development,
and Environmental Quality Committee in February 2017, outlined the following evaluation criteria:
The cost effectiveness of project in achieving the Natural Infrastructure Capital Project
The ability for the project to leverage additional funding;
The project's location within one of the Tompkins County Conservation Plan's Priority
Protection areas or is of sufficient size to make a major contribution to protection of
natural infrastructure, and
WHEREAS, the project is to provide funding from the Natural Infrastructure Capital Project fund
to support the Six Mile Creek Source Water Protection Project - Lounsbery Tract, and
WHEREAS, the Six Mile Creek Source Water Protection Project - Lounsbery Tract,
Protects and enhances 3,900 feet of Six Mile Creek stream corridor;
Improves overall water quality and reduces flow rates to Six Mile Creek and the City of
Ithaca's water source;
Proposes leveraging funding from both the City of Ithaca's Six Mile Creek Watershed
Protection Fund as well as the New York State Water Quality Improvement Project
(WQIP) Source Water Protection funding;
Is of sufficient size to make a major contribution to protection of natural infrastructure;
WHEREAS, support from the Natural Infrastructure Project fund is an important but modest
component of the total funding needed to implement the Six Mile Creek Source Water Projection Project
and acquire a perpetual easement held by the Finger Lakes Land Trust on the Lounsbery Tract, and
WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Planning and Sustainability and the Planning Advisory Board
have recommended that the County Legislature authorize $15,000 in funding from the Natural
Infrastructure Capital Project to support the Six Mile Creek Source Water Protection Project - Lounsbery
Tract, contingent on the awarding of City of Ithaca and WQIP Source Water Protection Funding, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality
Committee, That a total of $15,000 in funding from the Natural Infrastructure Capital Project be
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
appropriated for the purpose of supporting the Six Mile Creek Source Water Protection Project -
Lounsbery Tract project,
RESOLVED, further, That the Director of Finance be authorized and directed to make an
adjustment to the Planning Department budget from the Natural Infrastructure Capital Project fund,
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or his designee be authorized to execute any
contracts or agreements related to this project.
SEQR ACTION: Unlisted (Short EAF on file with the Clerk of the Legislature)
Resolution No. 20 17-131: Makin g a Negative Determination of Environm ental Significance in
Relation to Resolution No. 132 of 2017: Appropriating Funds from the
Tompkins County Natural Infrastructure Capital Project For The
Etna Swamp - Brotherton Farm Protection Project (ID #7133)
Dooley Kiefer, Member
Anna Kelles, Member
Will Burbank, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, David McKenna, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler
Carol Chock, Martha Robertson
Peter Stein
WHEREAS, in Resolution No. 132 of 2017 the County allocates funding from the Tompkins
County Natural Infrastructure Capital Project funds for the purpose of supporting the easement on the
324 -acre Etna Swamp - Brotherton Farm Project (Town of Dryden tax parcel 46.-1-4.22), and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature has reviewed and accepted as adequate the
Environmental Assessment Forms with respect to these actions, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality
Committee, That Resolution No. 132 of 2017 is an unlisted action,
RESOLVED, further, That the Legislature hereby makes a negative determination of
environmental significance in regard to Resolution No. 132 of 2017.
SEQR ACTION: Short EAF on file with the Clerk of the Legislature
Resolution No. 2017-132: Appropriating Funds fr om Tompkins County Natural Infrastructur e
Capital Proj ect for the Etna Swamp — Brotherton Farm Protection
Project (ID #7129)
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
MOVER: Dooley Kiefer, Member
SECONDER: Anna Kelles, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, David McKenna, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
EXCUSED: Carol Chock, Martha Robertson
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature established the Natural Infrastructure Capital
Project in 2017, and
WHEREAS, as of June 29, 2017, the balance in the Natural Infrastructure Capital Project fund is
$200,000, and
WHEREAS, the Natural Infrastructure Capital Project is focused on protection, by acquisition,
easement, restoration, and/or stabilization, o£
Upper watershed forests and wetlands;
Stream corridors and floodplains;
Aquifer recharge areas, and
WHEREAS, the objectives of the Natural Infrastructure Capital Project is to:
Protect and enhance those natural systems that can help to mitigate the impacts of
intensive rainfall events that are expected to continue to increase as a result of climate
Help decrease sediment loads in streams and Cayuga Lake;
Protect overall water quality in streams, surficial aquifers, and Cayuga Lake, and
WHEREAS, the Natural Infrastructure Capital project goal is to reduce risks of flooding and
protect public and private water supplies, and
WHEREAS, the Project Selection Criteria and Process, accepted by the Planning, Development,
and Environmental Quality Committee in February 2017, outlined the following evaluation criteria:
The cost effectiveness of project in achieving the Natural Infrastructure Capital Project
The ability for the project to leverage additional funding;
The project is of sufficient size to make a major contribution to protection of natural
infrastructure, and
WHEREAS, the project is to provide funding from the Natural Infrastructure Capital Project fund
to support the Etna Swamp - Brotherton Farm Protection Project, and
WHEREAS, the Etna Swamp - Brotherton Farm Protection Project,
Enhances the Unique Natural Area Etna Swamp (UNA-82) wetland area that feeds Fall
Helps to decrease the sediment loads to Fall Creek;
Leverages funding from the Finger Lakes Land Trust to develop and implement the
permanent conservation easement;
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Is of sufficient size to make a major contribution of natural infrastructure by formally
protecting hydrologically sensitive areas in the Fall Creek corridor; and
WHEREAS, support from the Natural Infrastructure Project fund is an important but not sole
component of the total funding needed to implement the Etna Swamp - Brotherton Farm Protection
Project, and
WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Planning and Sustainability and the Planning Advisory Board
have recommended that the County Legislature authorize $20,000 in funding from the Natural
Infrastructure Capital Project to support the Etna Swamp - Brotherton Farm Protection Project, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality
Committee, That a total of $20,000 in funding from the Natural Infrastructure Capital Project be
appropriated for the purpose of supporting the Etna Swamp - Brotherton Farm Protection Project,
RESOLVED, further, That the Director of Finance be authorized and directed to make an
adjustment to the Planning Department budget from the Natural Infrastructure Capital Project fund for
this project,
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or his designee be authorized to execute any
contracts or agreements related to this project.
SEQR ACTION: Unlisted (Short EAF on file with the Clerk of the Legislature)
Health and Human Services Committee
Resolution No. 2017- 133: Appropriation of $50,000 from Contingent Fund to Support the
Ithaca/Tompkins Continuum of Care's Transiti onal Housin g Plan
(ID #7103)
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: Anna Kelles, Member
SECONDER: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, David McKenna, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
EXCUSED: Carol Chock, Martha Robertson
WHEREAS, the shortage of affordable housing has been identified as one of Tompkins County's
most critical challenges, and
WHEREAS, as one of many initiatives undertaken by this Legislature to understand and help
mitigate the affordable housing crisis, a "multi-year over -target" request was approved as a part of the
2017 County Budget process that provided $50,000 per year for three years to support the development
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
and implementation of a plan (the "Plan") by the Human Services Coalition, as lead agency for the
Ithaca/Tompkins Continuum of Care, for transitional housing serving the homeless or those re-entering
the community from incarceration and/or recovery, and
WHEREAS, $50,000 was allocated to the 2017 Contingent Fund awaiting the development of
such a Plan by the Ithaca/Tompkins Continuum of Care, and
WHEREAS, the Human Services Coalition, as lead agency for the Ithaca/Tompkins Continuum
of Care, has undertaken an inclusive process of soliciting proposals from area non-profit agencies and has
recommended funding three projects with 2017 funding, namely:
$27,000 to Catholic Charities, in partnership with the Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Services
(INHS), for a "bridging the gap" rental subsidy intended to assist individuals meet the
tenancy criteria for a rental unit through INHS,
$5,000 to the Advocacy Center to establish an Emergency Housing Fund for victims of
domestic violence with the intent of preventing homelessness through this one-time financial
$18,000 to Opportunities, Alternatives, and Resources (OAR) to support renovations to its
"Endeavor House" project, a four-bedroom house that will provide transitional housing for
those returning to the community from the Tompkins County Jail, and
WHEREAS, this Legislature concurs that the proposed use of funds is consistent with the intent
established during the 2017 Budget process, will contribute toward the mitigation of the County's housing
crises, and should be released to support the Plan, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Human Services and the Budget, Capital,
and Personnel Committees, That funds in the amount of $50,000 for the housing initiative be allocated to
the Human Services Coalition, as lead agency for the Ithaca/Tompkins Continuum of Care, for the
purpose of supporting the three projects stated herein,
RESOLVED, further, That the Director of Finance be and hereby is authorized and directed to
make the following budget appropriation in fiscal year 2017:
FROM A1990.54400 Contingent Fund $50,000
TO: A6305.54400 Human Services Coalition -Program Expense $50,000
Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee
Resolution No. 2017-134: Approval of Use of 2017 Arts and Culture Organizational Development
(ACOD) Professional Development Funds (ID #7135)
It was MOVED by Mr. Klein, seconded by Ms. Kiefer, to amend the resolution to add the
following Resolved: "Resolved, further, That 2017 funding for any ACOD organizations which have
received funding cuts be restored to their 2015 levels with funding to come from the STPB reserve fund
for a total of $26,500."
A voice vote resulted as follows on the amendment: Ayes - 5 (Legislators Burbank, Kelles,
Kiefer, Klein, and Stein); Noes - 7 (Legislators Dennis, John, Lane, McBean-Clairborne, McKenna,
Morey, and Sigler); Excused - 2 (Legislators Chock and Robertson). MOTION TO AMEND FAILED.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Following the vote, Mrs. McBean-Clairborne stated for the record that it is her expectation that
the funding will be increased in 2018.
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, David McKenna, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
EXCUSED: Carol Chock, Martha Robertson
WHEREAS, the Community Arts Partnership (CAP) and the Tompkins County Legislature
recognize that the local arts and cultural community is a valuable and unique asset, and that a need exists
to harness the power of the arts to grow tourism, and that strategic management and stabilization of these
assets will better serve visitors through well-planned marketing efforts, and
WHEREAS, the County contracts with CAP to develop and implement a plan for financial and
operational development and capacity building of arts and cultural entities, and
WHEREAS, the arts and cultural community could better position itself in the marketplace to
attract more visitors to and enhance visitors' stay in Tompkins County, thus generating more dollars into
the local economy, and
WHEREAS, the CAP in consultation with local arts organizations and tourism organizations has
identified a need for a professional development workshop in 2017 presented by "Americans for the Arts"
focused on building our collective capacity to market our arts assets in Tompkins County, and
WHEREAS, funding exists within the Room Occupancy Tax funded Tompkins County Tourism
Program budget for professional development within the Arts and Culture Organizational Development
Program, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee, That the
Community Arts Partnership be granted $2,000 in support of this workshop,
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or his designee be and hereby is authorized
to sign any agreements with CAP or the workshop vendor pertaining to this program.
Resolutions Added to and Withdrawn from the Agenda
There were no resolutions added to or withdrawn from the agenda.
Motion to Reconsider
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Resolution No. 2017-125: Naming of Tompkins Trust Building as the Tompkins Center for History
and Culture (ID #7159)
MOVER: Peter Stein, Member
SECONDER: Anna Kelles, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
NAYS: Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne
EXCUSED: Carol Chock, Martha Robertson
WHEREAS, on June 6, 2017, the Legislature approved an amendment to the County's 2017-2021
Capital Improvement Program to include the Acquisition and Improvement of the Tompkins Trust
Building, and
WHEREAS, the Project Advisory Committee, comprised of all partners that will be located in the
building, believes it is important to give the building a name to describe what the building is about and
has presented its recommendation for a building name, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Government Operations Committee, That the Tompkins
County Legislature hereby names the recently purchased Tompkins Trust Building, 110 North Tioga
Street, to be the "Tompkins Center for History and Culture".
Mr. Lane declared recess at 7:26 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:36 p.m.
Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee
Resolution No. 2017-135: Acceptan ce of Audite d Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended
December 31, 2016 (ID #7139)
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, David McKenna, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
EXCUSED: Carol Chock, Martha Robertson
WHEREAS, Tompkins County entered into a contract for auditing services with Insero & Co.
CPAs, LLP, for the purpose of conducting an external audit of the County's financial records for fiscal
year 2016, and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
WHEREAS, the audit firm of Insero & Co. CPAs, LLP, has completed its audit of the financial
statements of Tompkins County for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2016, and has presented the
Financial Report to both the Audit Committee (a subset of the Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee)
and to the Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee, and
WHEREAS, the audit firm has opined that the 2016 financial statements contained in the
Financial Report present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position and the results of operations
of Tompkins County as of, and for, the year presented in the Financial Report, and
WHEREAS, the Audit Committee has reviewed the Financial Report, discussed the Financial
Report in depth with the audit firm, and has made a recommendation to the Budget, Capital, and
Personnel Committee to accept the 2016 Financial Report, and
WHEREAS, the Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee has heard the audit firm's summary
presentation of the 2016 Financial Report and has received the Audit Committee's report and
recommendation of acceptance, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee, That the
audited Tompkins County Financial Report for the period ended December 31, 2016, is hereby accepted.
Appointment(s) Approved Under the Consent Agenda
Advisory Board Appointment(s) (ID # 7124)
MOVER: Rich John, Member
SECONDER: Peter Stein, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, David McKenna, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
EXCUSED: Carol Chock, Martha Robertson
Greater Tompkins County Municipal Health Insurance Consortium Board of Directors
Alternate - Stephen Estes; no set term
Resolutions Approved Under the Consent Agenda
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
MOVER: Rich John, Member
SECONDER: Peter Stein, Member
AYES: Burbank, Dennis, John, Kelles, Kiefer, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne, McKenna,
Morey, Sigler, Stein
EXCUSED: Chock, Robertson
Resolution No. 2017-136: Authoriz ation to Exec ute a Three- Year Contract — Administration and
Provision of Transportation for Early Intervention and Preschool
Special Education Children Residin g in Tompkins County — Health
Department (ID #7156)
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Finance Department, in cooperation with the Tompkins
County Health Department, has duly advertised for proposals for administration and provision of
transportation services to children ages 0-5 who are enrolled in Preschool Special Education and Early
Intervention programs as authorized by Tompkins County and who reside in Tompkins County, and
WHEREAS, one proposal was received by the June 5, 2017, deadline, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Human Services Committee, That the
contract be awarded to Birnie Bus Service, Inc., of Syracuse, New York,
RESOLVED, further, That the contract be awarded for a period of three (3) years commencing
September 1, 2017, and terminating August 31, 2020, with the option to renew for an additional five -one
year periods,
RESOLVED, further, That the Health Department is authorized to implement this proposal on
behalf of the County, funds are provided for in Account A2960.54305 and A4054.54305.
Resolution No. 2017-137: Acceptance of Incentive Award for Elect ronic Medical Records Project
for the Tompkins County Mental Health Department (ID #7161)
WHEREAS, Tompkins County Mental Health (TCMH) is required by the New York State Office
of the Medicaid Inspector General (OMIG) and the Federal Office of the Inspector General (OIG) to
comply with certain documentation and billing standards related to the provision of service to the
residents of Tompkins County, and
WHEREAS, the Mental Health Department provides over 30,000 units of mental health services
per year and seeks to enhance their provision and quality of service to the residents of Tompkins County
through an electronic medical records system that is capable of daily maintenance of medical
documentation such as, treatment plans, progress notes, medication management, and emergency
services, and
WHEREAS, the Care Compass Network (CCN), a not-for-profit community organization, was
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
created to champion Medicaid beneficiaries by providing higher quality care in efforts to achieve
Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) goals of improving access to care while reducing
patient Emergency Department visits, re -admissions, and preventable admissions, and
WHEREAS, CCN is promoting and providing financial incentives to assist in the funding for
implementation and adoption of electronic medical records systems, greater systems interoperability and
electronic data exchange, via existing Regional Health Information Organizations (RHIOs). These
financial incentive payments will be made by CCN to TCMH upon achieving Incentive Program
Milestones, and
WHEREAS, the Mental Health Department has applied for an incentive award from CCN in the
amount of $250,000, and
WHEREAS, the Incentive Program Milestones are as follows: Network Infrastructure ($40,000);
End User Hardware ($40,000); RHIO Integration/Interfaces ($30,000); Implementation Fees and
Software License Fees ($140,000); there is an additional one-time payment of $20,000 as a "Go Live
Status Bonus", now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Human Services Committee, That the
Tompkins County Legislature hereby authorizes the acceptance of these funds from CCN for the EMR
project at the Mental Health Department.
Resolution No. 2017-138: Authorization to Accept a Climate Smart Communities Grant from New
York State Depart ment of Environmental Conservation for
Construction of a Food Scraps Tipping Area at the Recycling and Solid
Waste Center (ID #7147)
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Department of Recycling and Materials Management has
been notified of a Climate Smart Communities grant from the New York State Department of
Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) in the amount of $355,000 to construct a tipping area for
delivery of pre -separated commercial food scraps, and
WHEREAS, this project furthers the Department's goal of reducing solid waste by 75%, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure Committee, That the
Tompkins County Legislature accepts the NYSDEC grant award in the amount of $355,000,
RESOLVED, further, That the Director of Finance be and hereby is authorized and directed to
make the following budget adjustment for 2017:
Appropriation: HH8101.59239 Project #81.65 RSWC/FACIL SITE UPGRADE $355,000
Revenue: HH8101.43997 Project #81.65 HOME/COMM SVCS CAP GTS $355,000
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or his designee be and hereby is authorized
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
to execute all contracts related to this award.
Resolution No. 2017-139: Audit of Final Paym ent - Bouley Associates, Inc. — Tom pkins County
Public Library 21st Century Renovations Phase 1 Project (ID #7153)
WHEREAS, Bouley Associates, Inc., General Contractor, of Auburn, New York, has completed
their contract to our satisfaction with all closeout documents submitted and satisfactory for the Tompkins
County Public Library 21st Century Renovations Phase 1 Project, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure Committee, That the
following final claim against the County of Tompkins, be and hereby is audited by the Legislature:
Vendor Payment Request Account No. Amount
Bouley Associates, Inc. 4 (Final) HL7480.59239.74.81 $14,937.55
RESOLVED, further, That the Finance Director be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay
said claim from Account No. HL7480.59239.74.81.
Facilities and Infrastructure Committee
Resolution No. 2017-140: 2017 Budget -Neutral Adjustment for Contribution to D -Fund (ID #7099)
MOVER: David McKenna, Member
SECONDER: Dooley Kiefer, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, David McKenna, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
EXCUSED: Carol Chock, Martha Robertson
WHEREAS, pursuant to Administrative Manual Policy 05-02, budget adjustments exceeding
$5,000 require Legislative approval, and
WHEREAS, an Over -Target Request (OTR No. 30) for an increase of $125,000 in Target
spending authority for the Highway Division to apply savings from Town snow plowing to the purchase
of highway materials was approved and included as part of the 2017 Tompkins County Budget adopted
by the Tompkins County Legislature on November 15, 2016 (Resolution No. 2016-236), and
WHEREAS, OTR No. 30 inadvertently omitted the necessary, corresponding $125,000 increases
to both the Highway Division's Interfund Revenue account and to the expenditure account for
Contributions to the D -Fund, through which the Highway Division receives appropriations from the
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
General Fund, and
WHEREAS, the correction of these omissions in the 2017 Budget is budget neutral in its net
effect, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure and the Budget, Capital, and
Personnel Committees, That the Finance Director be and hereby is directed to make the following budget
Revenue: 5110.42801 Interfund Revenues
Expenditure: 9522.54400 Program Expense
RESOLVED, further, That the spending target for the Interfund Contribution to the D -Fund and
the corresponding Highway Division Interfund Revenue account for purposes of the 2018 annual budget
be increased by $125,000 to match the ongoing increase in target spending authority for highway
materials granted to the Highway Division in the 2017 Budget.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
July 6, 2017
Daniel Klein, Vice Chair
Rich John, Member
Burbank, Dennis, John, Kelles, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne, McKenna,
Morey, Sigler, Stein
Dooley Kiefer
Carol Chock, Martha Robertson
Adi ournment
The meeting adjourned at 8:59 p.m.
Tompkins County Legislature
Regular Meeting Minutes — Approved 8-15-17
Tuesday, August 1, 2017 5:30 PM
Legislature Chambers
Call to Order
Mr. Lane, Chair, called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll Call of Members
Attendee Name
Will Burbank
Carol Chock
James Dennis
I Title
Status _ Arrived
Rich John
Anna Kelles
Dooley Kiefer
Daniel Klein
Vice Chair
Michael Lane
Lesl n McBean-Clairborne
Martha Robertson
David McKenna
Glenn Morey
Michael Sigler _
Peter Stein
Late 5:36 PM
Announcements of Executive Sessions, Reordering of Business, and Special Orders of the Day
Mr. Lane announced an executive session would be held later in the meeting concerning a
personnel issue about a particular person.
Privilege of the Floor from the Public
David Sm ith, Executive Director of the Tom pkins Learning Partners (formerly Lite racy
Volunteer Partners), said it is prim arily a volunteer agency that has existed sin ce 1983. Mr. Smith said
the Agency i s appreciative of the Co unty's past support and said with chan ges at the federal level there
has been a greater need for services.
Mr. Sigler arrived at this time.
Brian Zapf, representative of Alternatives Federal Credit Union, spoke of tax preparation services
that the Credit Union's volunteer -based program provides to residents in the community. Last year $4.38
million was brought in in tax refunds to the County; more than $2.5 million was new money that could be
spent in the community. He thanked the County for its support that helps them serve a lot of people in the
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
Vonnie Dawson, Groton re sident, referenced a lett er she sent to Legislators an d asked if it had
been received. Mr. Lane said the lett er was received and that she would be receiving a r esponse. Ms.
Dawson spoke of the health impacts she suffers as a result of working in the County's Biggs A building
several years ago and her r equest of the County for assistance. She also spoke of her family's case with
the County's Child Protective Services and her continued concern.
Fay Gougakis, City of Ithaca resident, thanked Mr. Lane for allowing her an additional minute to
speak. She spoke of her concerns with an increase in crime in Ithaca and that the Co mmons needs to be
safer. She also said she has been banned from entering Greenstar and asked for legal support.
Report from a Municipal Official(s)
Mr. McGonigal, Common Council member, said tomorrow the City will be considering proposals
for the waterfront zone district that will have major consequences for how the City's West -end develops.
A special committee has been studying this since last fall.
Privilege of the Floor by Legislators
Mr. Dennis asked for clari fication of how Ms. Dawson received a response. Mr. Lane sai d a
letter was sent to her by United States mail.
Mr. Burbank announced the 200th Anniversary of what is believed to be the first ever bicy cle that
was invented in Germany. He said bicyclists and pedestrians are always at a disadvantage in society and
that there is a lot that can be done to make it safer. He announced the AIDS Ride for Life is scheduled for
September 9th and he will be riding for the third time and encouraged others to support the event.
Mr. John agreed with Mr. Burbank about the Aids Ride for Life b eing a very worthwhile cause.
He reported on a fundraiser he attended that recognized the Village at Ithaca for its work and said it was a
very moving and very nice recognition. Mr. John said at the end of January 2017 the federal government
instituted a national travel ban; however, he recognized that it has been six months and questioned why, if
it was so urgent, why hasn't there been any news.
Ms. Kelle s expressed ap preciation for every one who attended the Gras sroots Festival and
reminded people that event provides a significant amount of proceeds f or fundraising for local
organizations and also supports a sign ificant am ount of staff th roughout t he y ear. She spoke of the
Cayuga Lak e widespread identified t oxic algae b loom and encouraged pe ople to avoi d Ion g -term
exposure to the Lake. It is particularly toxic to pets and kills wildlife as well. She announced on August
12th the Wo men Swimmin' event is b eing held and that is a huge fundraiser for Hospicare. All of that
money goes directly to care and not administrative costs.
Mrs. McBean-Clairborne spoke of the importance of common courtesy and the comments by Ms.
Gougakis under Privilege of the Floor. She also spo ke of concerns related to motorcycles and the need
for everyone to share th e road safely. S he encour aged Legi slators to attend another naturalization
ceremony that will occur tomorrow and welcome the 21 candidates that will be sworn in as citizens of the
United States.
Ms. Chock believes the sense of empathy and humanity across the country is at an all-time low
and encouraged any thing people can d o to change that. She al so encouraged people to give to their
favorite organization. In addition, she asked to rece ive regular reports on the algae in the Lake and b e
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
kept up-to-date. Mr. Mareane said the Health Depa rtment has regular up dates posted on th e County's
Mr. Sigler commended Frank Kruppa, Public Health Director, for being o n top of the issue and
providing information.
Ms. Robertson spoke of recently visiting her grandchildren in Oregon and said it is a very
bicycle -friendly community.
Mr. Dennis s aid the Lake appearance is similar to ha ving an oil slick. He also said New York
State is advising people not to swim in the Lak e and additional inform ation is available on th e
Department of Environmental Conservation's website.
Mr. Lane said TC3 has the Global Connection pr ogram in which students from other countr ies
come for two summers and are immersed in English and business courses. Over 100 students attend from
other countries and after two y ears receive a degree from TC3 and their hom e college. This week the
Global Connection co mmencement will take place; however, one of the y oung people in the program
along with the driver of the taxi was recently killed. His nam e was Roberto Lopez and he was greatly
loved by his friends. A number of the students in t he taxi were injured. Last week Mr. Lane attended a
memorial service for Roberto and at this tim e Mr. Lane asked for a m oment of silence in Roberto's
Chair's Report and Chair's Annointments
Mr. Lane said last Friday night the annual 4-H Fair was held at 4-H Ac res. He encouraged
anyone who has never had the o pportunity to atte nd the Fair t o do so i n t he future. H e said he also
attended Newfield Old Home Days last weekend. He also reported the Town of Covert, which for a short
time was a part of Tom pkins County, invited him to celebrate its 200 th Anniversary in Inte rlaken. He
attended the event over the weekend and presented t hem with a proclamation. In addition, he announced
the Blood Drive is being held August 3rd.
Mr. Lane announced the following composition to labor negoti ation groups and the Count y
Administrator Search Committee:
White Collar Negotiating_Team
James Dennis
Peter Stein
Glenn Morey
Joe Mareane
Amy Guererri
Paula Younger
Frank Kruppa
Amie Hendrix
Blue Collar Negotiating Team
James Dennis
Dan Klein
Joe Mareane
Amy Guererri
Paula Younger
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
Jeff Smith
County Administrator Search Committee
James Dennis (Chair)
Dan Klein
Michael Lane
Leslyn McBean-Clairborne
Glenn Morey
Martha Robertson
James Brown
Pat Buechel
Lisa Holmes
Doug Perine
Kathy Schlather
Michael Stamm
Gary Stewart
Mr. Lane made the following appointment:
Workforce Development Board
Dr. Orinthia Montague - Mandated Partner, Higher Education - term expires June 30, 2018
Resort from the Countv Administrator
Mr. Mareane reported County Administration is engaged in the budget process and m eeting with
departments to discuss depart mental requests and ov er 90 Over- Target Requests have been subm itted.
The Social Services Co mmissioner Search is in th e interview phase and the Planning and Sustainability
Commissioner position is still posted. In reference to the Law Enforcement Shared Services Study, there
will be public presentations of the options that are emerging from that study in late August.
Report from the County Attorney
Mr. Wood announced that after 30 years, Susan Cook, has retired. She will be working part-time
at least through the end of the year.
Report from the Finance Director
Mr. Snyder was not present.
Resolutions Added to and Withdrawn from the Agenda
There were no resolutions added to or withdrawn from the agenda.
Appointments Approved Under the Consent Agenda
Advisory Board Appointment(s) (ID # 7164)
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
MOVER: Glenn Morey, Member
SECONDER: Martha Robertson, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
STOP -DWI Advisory Board
Kristin Bennett - At -large representative; term expires December 31, 2019
Emergency Communications Review and Oversight Committee
Peter Tyler - City of Ithaca Police representative; term expires December 31, 2017
Resolutions Approved Under the Consent Agenda
MOVER: Glenn Morey, Member
SECONDER: Martha Robertson, Member
AYES: Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Kiefer, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne,
Robertson, McKenna, Morey, Sigler, Stein
Resolution No. 2017-141: Approval of Amended Bylaws — STOP -DWI Advisory Board (ID #7168)
WHEREAS, the STOP -DWI Advisor y Board was established by Resolution No. 317 of 1982,
WHEREAS, the Advisory Board's existing bylaws were last amended in 1992, and
WHEREAS, the Advisory Board has revised its bylaws to reflect current procedures, and
WHEREAS, the proposed by laws are also a ligned with the ST OP -DWI Program section of
County's current Charter and also with policies relating to advisory board appointments, now therefore be
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public S afety Comm ittee, That the by laws of the
Tompkins County STOP -DWI Program be and hereby are approved,
RESOLVED, further, That a copy of the revised bylaws shall be kept on file with the Clerk of the
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
Resolution No. 2017-142: Authoriz ing a Public He aring on Proposed Local Law No. 5 of 2017- A
Local Law Repealing and Replac ing Local Law No. 9 of 2002 an d
Imposing Wireless Communications Surcharges (ID #7151)
WHEREAS, the 2017-18 New York State Budget authorizes counties to colle ct a public safety
surcharge of $.30 on the sale of all prepaid wireless communications devices in its jurisdiction, and
WHEREAS, by Resolutio n No. 2 46 o f 200 2, the County estab lished a sim ilar surcharge o n
postpaid wireless communications devices through Local Law No. 9 of 2002, as then authorized under
Article 6 of the County Law, and
WHEREAS, authority t o i mpose the surcharge and er Article 6 of the Count y Law has b een
repealed effective December 1, 2017, and continuance of the current surcharge and expansion for prepaid
devices will require the locality to repeal Local La w No. 9 of 2002 and im pose the new and continued
surcharges effective December 1, 2017, under the author ity of Tax Law Section 186-g, now therefore be
RESOLVED, on recommendation of t he Public Sa fety and the Budget, Capital, and Personnel
Committees, That a publ is hearing be held before the To mpkins Count y Legislature in Legislative
Chambers of the Governor Daniel D. Tompkins Building, 121 East Court Street, Ithaca, New York on
Tuesday, August 15, 2017, at 5:30 o'clock in the ev ening thereof concerning proposed Local Law No.
of 20 17- A Local Law Repealing and Replacing Local Law No. 9 of 2 002 and Imposing Wireless
Communications Surcharges. At such ti me and place a 11 persons interested in the subject matter will be
heard concerning the same.
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Board i s hereby authorized and directed to place
proper notice of such public hearing in the official newspaper of the County.
Resolution No. 2017-143: Budget Adjustment for Revenue Increase for the Alzheimer's Association
Respite Grant (ID #7172)
WHEREAS, pursuant to Administrative Manual Policy Procedure Number 05-02, Section 4.02B,
budget adjus tments for increases in revenues over $5,0 00 are subject to approval b y the Count y
Legislature, and
WHEREAS, the Office for the Aging hereafter referred to as COFA manages a grant from th e
Alzheimer's Association of Central New York, and
WHEREAS, the purpose of this grant is the provision of respite care to caregivers of individuals
with dementia, and
WHEREAS, the Alzheimer's Association has decided to incr ease the grant in the am ount o f
$8,280, and
WHEREAS, said increase will be utilized towa rds increasing the am ount of hours of respite
available to caregivers, now therefore be it
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Health and Human S ervices Committee, That the
Director of Finance be and hereby is directed to make the following adjustments to his books:
Revenue Account Title Amt Approp Acct Title
A6781-42070 Contributi on $8,280 A6781-5 4491 Subcontracts
From a Private
Old Library Committee
Mr. Lane, Chair, said the Co mmittee will be meeting on Augus t 16th at 3:30 p.m. He said the
Committee will receive an update fro in Travis Hy de on the project as approved by the Ci ty and will
consider resolutions to move the sale of the Old Library forward.
In response t o Ms. Chock, Mr. Lane said a summary of the proposal will be made available in
advance of the meeting.
Public Safety Committee
Mr. John, Chair, said the Committee met July 20th and heard sev eral reports, including fro in the
Healthy Youth on their survey of teenage drug and alcohol use, the Assigned Counsel Program , and a
Sheriff's report. T he Committee also had report an d resolution from the STOP -DWI Advisory Board to
approve their bylaws. He reported the Committee will be considering a name change for the Emergency
Communications Review and Oversight Committee; they have looked very thoroughly at their operations
and how they want to stru cture communications systems with emergency agencies and it is a very good
Ms. Kiefer said she finds the practice related to asset forfeiture troubling at the national level; Mr.
John said the Committee can look at this on the local level.
The next Committee meeting will be August 17th
Health and Human Services Committee
Ms. Kelle s, Chair, said t he Co mmittee has not met since the last Legislature meeting. The
Committee will next in eet on August 21 st. She said she connected with the Y outh Services Department
and the Committee will have a similar presentation to what the Public Safety Committee heard at the next
meeting concerning the Healthy Youth survey.
Facilities and Infrastructure Committee
Mr. McKenna, Chair, said the Committ ee has not met since the 1 ast Legislature meeting. The
Committee will next meet on August 8th.
Transportation Committee
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
Mr. Lane, Chair, said th e Co mmittee met on July 24 th and discussed ride -hailing services
including hearing from re presentatives on both sides of the iss ue. Represe ntatives fro m Ly ft m ade a
presentation to the Commi ttee. Ly ft has negotiated a contract with the Airport to provide ride -hailing
services; however a contract with Uber has not been negotiated at this tim e. He called attention to
information presented through NYSAC press releases having to do with which counties could opt out of
the service and clarified that any county could opt out and not just those with over 100,000 in population.
He said Mr. Stein brought a resolution to opt out and establish a committee to review this issue; however,
that did not pass the Committee.
Government Operations Committee
Mr. Klein, Chair, said the Co mmittee has not me t since the la st Legislatur e meeting. The
Committee will next meet on August 2nd and will discuss the Privilege of the Floor sign -in f orms and will
consider a resolution to endorse the Shared Services Plan as presented by the County Administrator. Mr.
Klein said he would like t o bring the outcome of the Committee's discussion on the sign -in form s to the
full Legislature.
Mr. Dennis commented th at he had distributed the rules established by Common Council and
hopes the Committee will consider similar rules and to bring any proposals to the full Legislature.
Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality Committee
Ms. Robertson, Chair, said the Co mmittee has not met since the last Legislature meeting. The
Committee will next meet on August 3rd. She said members have received a copy of the Way2Go True
Cost Housing presentation; this will be discussed at the meeting this week.
Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee
Mr. Dennis, Chair, said t he Committee has not m et since the last Legislature meeting. The
Committee will next meet on August 14th. The County Administrator will be presenting his recommended
budget to the Legislature at its first meeting in September.
He announced the Trumansburg Philomathic Library received $3,000 through the help of Senator
O'Mara for a Fine -Free program.
Jail Study Committee
Mr. John, Chair, said the Committee met July 20th and the consultants, CGR, presented its report.
There were a lot of good comments by both the public and Committee members. A communication to the
Commission of Corrections has gone out and the County is awaiting a response. The next meeting will be
August 17th. The Co mmittee will be discussing projected co sts and feasibili ty to im plement different
recommendations of the report. There will also be discussions about the creation of a Criminal Justice
Coordinator position and time will be spent on setting priorities. He hopes to get som a preliminary
comment from the Sheriff and the Jail Ad ministrators on the facility improvement needs. It is an aging
facility that needs maintenance and improvements for safety and functionality.
Mr. John said the discussion is conti nuing in the community and that this is a conversation that
will go on and is good f or the co mmunity. He spoke of a meeting that was held in Enfield about
incarceration that he and Mr. Dennis attended and said there were a lot of different viewpoints expressed.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
Ms. Robertson referred to the report and said local magistrates are elected an d the Legislature
does not have authority over their decisions. Th ere a num ber of justices seat s up for election and she
encouraged people to be informed about issues such as how to improve the bail system.
Mr. John agr eed that Cour is are an essential el ement to m aking an overall pla n successful. He
would like to have more input to the Committee by the magistrates and hear about what is important to
them and what they think is feasible.
Workforce Diversity and Inclusion Committee
Mrs. McB ean-Clairborne, Chair, said the Committee met July 26th and discussed making the
Minimum W age a Living wage in Tom pkins Count y and putting together a group of people who are
concerned about this issue fro m all ends of the spec trum to take a look at it and see what it would mean
for Tompkins County. She said the Committee has been talking about the County's off -boarding process
for when employ ees leav e and in part icular the exit interview. Ms. Rios- Dominguez of the Hu man
Resources Department provided the Committee wit h a presentat ion on exit interviews an d what that
process might look like. The Committee also di scussed the ADA (Am ericans with Disabilities Act)
Transition pl an, the Public Participati on Toolk it, and the Climate Survey . The Co mmittee will b e
recommending a resolution to the full Legislature recognizing Indigenous Peoples' Day.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
July 18, 2017
MOVER: Anna Kelles, Member
SECONDER: Rich John, Member
AYES: Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne,
Robertson, McKenna, Morey, Sigler, Stein
NAYS: Dooley Kiefer
Unfinished Business
Mr. Lane announced sign dedications for historic markers will be on August 12 th in the Town of
Danby at 10 a.m. and at noon in the Town of Newfield in celebration of the County's 200th Anniversary.
Mr. Lane declared recess at 7:19 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:30 p.m.
Executive Session
It was MOVED by Ms. Kiefer, seconded by Mr. Dennis, and unanimously adopted by voice vote,
to hold an e xecutive session at 7:30 p.m . to discuss a personnel issue about a particular p erson. The
meeting returned to open session at 9:03 p.m.
Adi ournment
The meeting adjourned at 9:03 p.m.
Tompkins County Legislature
Regular Meeting Minutes — Approved 9-5-17
Tuesday, August 15, 2017 5:30 PM
Legislature Chambers
Public Hearing
Local Law No. e of 2017 — A Local Law Repealing and Replacing Local Law No. 9 of 2002 and
Imposing Wireless Communications Surcharges
Mr. Lane opened the public hearing at 5:30 p.m. concerning proposed Local Law No. 5 of 2017 —
A Local Law Repealing and Replacing Local Law No. 9 of 2002 and Imposing Wireless Communications
Surcharges and asked if anyone wished to speak.
Fay Gougakis, City of Ithaca, addressed concerns she has with the use of cellular phones and the
affects they may cause. She is not supportive of pe ople using cellular devices as their primary phone and
would like New York State to make landline ph ones more affordable so people do not need to rely on
cellular devices.
No one else wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:34 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll Call of Members
Attendee Name
I Title
Status Arrived Departed
Will Burbank
Carol Chock
James Dennis
Rich John
Anna Kelles
Dooley Kiefer
Daniel Klein
Vice Chair
Michael Lane
Leslyn McBean-Clairborne
Late 6:09 PM
Martha Robertson
David McKenna
Glenn Morey
Michael Sigler
Peter Stein
Late 5:38 PM 9:16 PM
Privilege of the Floor by the Public
Susan Multer, Town of It haca resident, spoke in support of t he resolution entitled Adopti on of
Revised Sign -in Form for Public Speaking at Legislative Meetings. She referenced the recent incidents in
Charlottesville, Virginia, and stated a person can be identified and located if they provide the information
requested on the sign -in form. She urged Legislators to pass the resolution and send a message to other
counties that Tompkins County cares and tries to provide everyone with equality, justice, and protection.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Mr. Stein arrived at this time.
Patrick Braga, City of It haca resident, spoke in support of the re solution entitled Resolution to
Recognize Indigenous Peo ples' Day as a Holiday i n Tompkins County. His openin g statem ent was
spoken in t he language of Cay uga, the indigenous language of Ithaca. He spoke of the histor y of
Haudenosaunee and Iroquois cultures in this area and encourages others to gain knowledge regarding the
indigenous cultures of Ithaca, this region, and the world beyond.
Deborah Dawson, Village of Lansing resident , spoke in support of the resolution entitled
Adoption of Revised Sign -in Form for Public Speaking at Legislative Meetings. She is concerned that the
information being requested on the sign -in form is not needed by the Legislature and would like the
Legislature to accommodate those few people who are in fear of losing their job or suffer harassment or
retaliation in someway by providing their names on the form. Tompkins County has pledged to create
safe spaces and she would like to see the County do it.
Anne Koreman, Town of Ulysses resident, spoke in support of the resolution entitled Resolution
to Recognize Indigenous Peoples' Day as a Holiday in Tompkins County. She referenced and read a
portion of the First Amendment of the United Stat es Constitution and a portion of the mission of the
Tompkins County Legislature and Tompkins County Governm ent. She stat ed people ha ve expressed
what they need to feel safe in this community and is hopeful t his will pass because it i s needed i n
Tompkins County.
Carolina Osorio Gil, City of Ithaca resident and Director of the CULTURA Ithaca Progra m,
spoke in support of the resolution entitled Resolution to Recognize Indigenous Peoples' Day as a Holiday
in Tompkins County. She believes this recognition should take place with Columbus Day, the colonized
and the colonizers, and to recognize the history. Sh e also stated she was in support of the resolution
entitled Adoption of Revised Sign -in Form for Public Speaking at Legislative Meetings. She requested
the vulnerability of some citizens be considered when voting on the sign -in forms.
Fay Gougakis, City of Ithaca resident, spoke in opposition to the resolution entitled Adoption of
Revised Sign -in Form for Public Speaking at Legisl ative Meetings. She believes it i s i mportant for
people to put their names on the sign -in forms when they are asking to speak at the meetings. In addition,
she spoke in support of the resolution entitled Re solution to Recognize Indi genous Peoples' Day as a
Holiday in Tompkins County.
Report from a Municipal Official(s)
Ducson Nguy en, Alderperson, Cit y of Ithaca, stated Comm on Council passed the water front
zoning proposal and the Workforce Diversity Advisory Committee presented its Community Investment
Incentive Tax Abatement Program (Cl ITAP) Diversity Requirements Tool Kit that instituted reportin g
and training requirements and hiring practices. Th e City of Ithaca is considering a m oratorium o n
development in the South Hill area. T he City of It haca is also considering a City Ordinance regarding
Indigenous Peoples' Day that will amend City Code to remove reference to Columbus Day and replace it
with Indigenous Peoples' Day.
In response to Ms. Kiefer' s inquiry about expi red contracts with cable television providers, Mr.
Nguyen stated the City of Ithaca is working on drafting a new fra nchise agreement. Pegas ys funding is
threatened quite often and the number of subscribers is consistently dropping, as it is elsewhere too, and
the franchise fee that goes to Pegasy s declines annually. The studio has just be en refurbished with hi gh
definition equipment and there is a push for peo ple to use it. There has also be en discussions with Chris
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Mueller at Spectru in and a de mand that the Pegasy s channels be changed to hi gh definition an d b e
included in its application.
Privilege of the Floor by Legislators
Mrs. McBean-Clairborne arrived at this time.
Resolutions Added to and Withdrawn from the Agenda
It was MOVED b y Ms. Robertson, seconded by Ms. Kiefer, and unanim ously adopted by voice
vote, to add the resolution entitled Support of the Deve lopment of the Cayuga Solar Project in the Town
of Lansing to the agenda.
Appointments Approved Under the Consent Agenda
Advisory Board Appointment (ID # 7184)
MOVER: Carol Chock, Member
SECONDER: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
Public Information Advisory Board
Patricia Poist - At -large representative; term expires December 31, 2018
Library Board of Trustees
Nina Scholtz - At -large representative; term expires December 31, 2019
Resolutions Approved Under the Consent Agenda
MOVER: Carol Chock, Member
SECONDER: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Member
AYES: Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Kiefer, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne,
Robertson, McKenna, Morey, Sigler, Stein
Resolution No. 2017-144: Award of Bid - Collectio n of Recyclable Materials - Departm ent of
Recycling and Materials Management (ID #7204)
WHEREAS, the Department of Finance - Division of Purchasing has duly advertised for a multi-
year Request for Bids for the collection of recyclable material for the Tom pkins County Department of
Recycling and Materials Management, and
WHEREAS, one (1) bid for the collection of r ecyclable material was r eceived and publicly
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
opened on June 30, 2017, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure Co mmittee, That the
contract for Collection of Recy clable Material for Tompkins Count y be awarded to Casella Waste
Systems of N.Y., Inc., of Newfi eld, New York, bei ng the lowest responsible bidder with a base bid of
$1,490,000 annually for a ten (10) year term,
RESOLVED, further, That the funds are available in the Department of Recycling and Material
Management's budget, account 8164.54442,
RESOLVED, further. That the County Contract Administrator b e and hereby is authorized to
execute this contract.
Resolution No. 2017-1 45: Award o f Contract - Pavement Maintenance and Painting - Ithaca
Tompkins Regional Airport (ID #7201)
WHEREAS, the Finance Department advertised for Bids for a three-year contract, with an option
to renew for two additional years, to provide Airfield Pavement Maintenance and Painting Services at the
Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport, and
WHEREAS, one bid was received from Hi -Lite Airfield Services, LLC, located in Watert own,
New York, and
WHEREAS, Hi -Lite Airfield Services, LLC, will pe rform an Ai rfield assessment each y ear to
determine the areas that need to be repainted, and
WHEREAS, the Airport does not anticipate spending more than $40,000 annually for the services
provided by Hi -Lite Airfield Services, LLC, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure Co mmittee, That the
contract be awarded to Hi -Lite Airfield Services, LLC, of Water town, New York, and that the County
Administrator be authorized to sign a three -y ear contract commencing on August 16, 2017, and expiring
on August 15, 2020, with the option to sign an additional two-year contract, expiring August 15, 2022.
Resolution No. 201 7-146: Authorization to Ent er into a Five -Year Lea se Agre ement with Iris h,
LLC, for the Tompkins County Office of Human Rights (ID #7191)
WHEREAS, for the past twenty years, the Tom pkins Cou my Hum an Rights Offic e and
Commission has occupied approximately 1,600 square feet of leased space at 120 West State Street in the
City of Ithaca, and
WHEREAS, the most recent five-year lease agreement for that space expires on August 31, 2017,
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
WHEREAS, the Department of Administration has negotiated a five-year extension of that lease
that includes a one -y ear early term ination clause, a 2% annual rent escal ator, and the installation of a
handicapped accessible entrance door by the building owner, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure Committee, That the County
Administrator, or his designee, be and hereby is authorized to finalize negotiations and sign a leas e
agreement with the landl ord, Irish LL C, of Trum ansburg, NY, for the perio d of September 1, 2 017,
through August 31, 2022.
Resolution No. 20 17-147: Authorization to Acce pt a Grant from the Ne w York State Archives -
County Clerk (ID #7157)
WHEREAS, the County Clerk's Office has been not ified of a shared -services grant award from
the State Archives in the amount of $36,873, and
WHEREAS, this State Archives share d -services grant represents a project for the Tom pkins
County Clerk's Office to partner with the City of Ithaca and all of the towns and villages located i n
Tompkins County (Village of Cayuga Heights, Village and Town of Groton, Village and Town Lansing,
Village and Town Dry den, Village of Freeville, Villa ge of Trumansburg, Town of Uly sses, Town of
Caroline, Town of Danby, Town of Newfield, Town of Ithaca, Town of Enfield, and Cit y of Ithaca) and
their use of the Countywide Electronic Document Management System (Laserfiche), and
WHEREAS, funds withi n this grant will be fo r additional La serfiche software licensin g to
accommodate the additional users, and the scanning of city, town, and village large -format maps, (using
Challenge Industries as the vendor), now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Govern ment Operations Committee, That the Count y
Administrator or his designee is authorized to execute all contracts related to this award,
RESOLVED, further, That the Director of Finance be and hereb y is a uthorized an d directed to
make the following budget adjustments:
APPROPRIATION: A1410.54442 Professional Services $14,998
APPROPRIATION: A1410.52230 Software $21, 875
REVENUE: A1410.4 3089 Other State Aid $36, 873
Resolution No. 2017- 148: Authorizing Federal Transit Administration 2017 Sectio n 5339 Grant
Application for Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit, Inc. (TCAT,
Inc.) (ID #7216)
WHEREAS, the Secretary of the Unite d States D epartment of T ransportation is authorize d to
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
make grants for mass tran sportation projects pursuant to Section 5339 of Chapter 53, Title 49, of the
United States Code, and
WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins is the Direct Recipient designated by the Governor of New
York State for the Federal Transit Ad ministration (FTA) Section 5339 B us and Bus Facilities program ,
with responsibilities to propose FTA -funded projects to the It haca-Tompkins Count y T ransportation
Council (I-TCTC) (after coordinating with public transportation providers) and to select projects from the
I-TCTC Transportation Improvement Program for inclusion in FTA grants, and
WHEREAS, the FTA fund sources for the 2017 Section 5339 Grant are as follows:
2014 Sec 5339 Bus & Bus Facilities Funding
2015 Sec 5339 Bus & Bus Facilities Funding (Partial)
Total Federal Transit Funds
WHEREAS, the County and Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit, Inc., (TCAT, Inc.) agreed to
the project s elected for inclusion i n the grant from I-TCTC's 2017- 2021 Transportation Improvement
Program, as amended, and
WHEREAS, the County will receive and use said FTA funds as follows:
TCAT 40ft Replacement
Diesel Transit Bus (1)
$ 360,000
$ 45,000
$ 45,000
$ 450,000
, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Planning, Develop ment, and Environm ental Qu ality
Committee, That the Tom pkins County Legislature au thorizes the Count y Adm inistrator or designee t o
execute and file applic ations on b ehalf of th e Count y of Tom pkins with the Fe deral Transit
Administration for the 2017 Section 5339 Grant with a total budget of $450, 000 including Federal, New
York State, and TCAT sources.
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or designee is authorized to sign:
1. Any an d all agreements between Tompkins Count y an d the Federal Transit
Administration for the Project.
2. Any and all agreements between To mpkins County and the State of New York for t he
3. Any and all agreements between To mpkins County, TCAT, Inc., and any thir d -party
subcontractors necessary to complete the project, if applicable.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Resolution No. 2017-149: Authorization of New York State Department of Transportation Master
Mass Transportation Capital Proj ect Agreement — Tompkins County
and Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit, Inc. (K007262) (ID #7215)
WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSD OT) has awarded a Mass
Transportation Capital Pr oject Agreement (K0072 62) to auth orize pay ments to T ompkins Count y for
mass transportation capital aid over a five-year period from 2017 to 2021, and
WHEREAS, the State Mass Transportation Capital Project Agreement provides reimbursements
of 10% for capital projects eligible for Federal Tr ansit Administration (FTA) grant fundi ng and up t o
100% for New York State funded capital projects, and
WHEREAS, NYSDOT awarded $1,2 65,675 t o To mpkins County in a corn bind pa yment t o
reimburse the State's share of eleven pr ojects in three grants (FTA grant NY -2016- 010 and New York
State grants ATC -I5 -TOM and ATC -I6 -TOM) to Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit, Inc., and the
County, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Planning, Develop ment, and Environm ental Qu ality
Committee, That the Tom pkins County Legislature au thorizes the County Administrator or designee to
execute the Mass Transp ortation Capi tal Project Agreement (K007262) and s ubsequent supplemental
agreements awarded by NYSDOT,
RESOLVED, further, That a certified copy of this resolution be filed with the New York State
Commissioner of Transportation by attaching it to any necessary Agreement.
Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality Committee
Resolution No. 2017-150: Budget Adjustment and Appropriation of Unspent Funds from 2016 and
Prior Year s to Various Accounts of Depart ments that R eport to the
Planning, D evelopment, and Environmental Quality Committee (ID
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: Martha Robertson, Member
SECONDER: Dooley Kiefer, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, Section 4.06 of Tompkins County Fiscal Policy on "Re -appropriation (Carryover or
Rollover)" authorizes County Department Heads to "r equest re -appropriation of unspent funds from the
previous year, provided that they are certified by the Director of Finance to be available and provided that
this re -appropriation is authorized by the established appropriation procedures of the Legislature," and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
WHEREAS, various departments have been certified by the Director of Finance to have available
unspent appropriations and excess revenues from 2016 totaling $698,168, which, combined with balances
from prior years, results in an availab le rollove r b alance of $1, 135,477 on the County's books as o f
December 31, 2016, and
WHEREAS, pursuant to County Fiscal Policy, su rplus funds have been req uested for use by
departments that report to the Plannin g, Development, and Environm ental Quality Committee in the
amount of $59,250 in the current year budget, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality and
the Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committees, That the following transactions are approved:
FROM: General Fund Balance
Dept. Use of Funds
Planning & Sustainability
Office Space Improvements, furnishings
Office Space Improvements, for Facilities for building
Computer Replacement (2)
$59, 250.00
Account Rollover
8020.52214 $37,500.00
8020.54470 $18, 750.00
8020.52206 $3,000.00
Resolution No. 2017-151: Appropriation from Contingent Fund — Terminal Pay — Employment
and Training Director — Office of Employme nt and Training (ID
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: Martha Robertson, Member
SECONDER: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairbome, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, the Workforce Development One Stop Career Center had one (1) Em ployment and
Training Director leave employment June 30, 2017, and
WHEREAS, the Fiscal Policy of Tom pkins County allows for t erminal-pay reimbursement to
Departments from the Contingent Fund, and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
WHEREAS, the County's Fiscal Policy (05-02) ch aracterizes the Airport, the Recy cling and
Materials M anagement Department, the Ithaca- Tompkins Count y Trans portation Council, and the
Workforce Development Board as enterprise units a nd therefo re not eligib le for reim bursement o f
terminal pay, and
WHEREAS, unlike other enterprise units, the Work force Development Board and the Office of
Employment and Trainin g do rel y o n Count y reve nue to sustain their operations and do not have an
alternative source of funding to support terminal pay, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality and
the Budget, Capital and Personne 1 Committees, That Section 5.03-A-4 of the County Policy 05-02,
prohibiting the use of County contingency funds to support terminal pay for Workforce Development be
RESOLVED, further, That the Director of Finance be and hereb y is authorize d and directed to
make the following budget appropriation for 2017:
FROM: A1990.54440
TO: 6292.51000189
Contingent Fund $18,115.05
Employment & Training Director $12,631.65
Fringes $ 5,483.40
Resolution No. 2017-152: In Support of the Develo pment of the Cayuga Solar Project in the Town
of Lansing (ID #7236)
It was M OVED by Ms. Chock to amend the f ourth Whereas and change "site control" to
"authority to place solar panels on this site". MOTION FAILED DUE TO LACK OF A SECOND.
MOVER: Martha Robertson, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, David
McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
NAYS: Dooley Kiefer
WHEREAS, the 2015 Tompkins County Comprehensive Plan includes the policies to "Re duce
greenhouse gas emissions to reach a minimum 80 percent reduction from 2008 levels by 2050 and reduce
reliance on fossil fuels across all sectors" and "Increase the us e of local and r egional renewable energy
sources and technologies", and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Energy Roadmap docum ents that solar energy has the
potential to provide a significant portion of electricity demand within Tompkins County while decreasing
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
greenhouse gas emissions, and
WHEREAS, Cay uga Op erating Co mpany has cr eated Cay uga Solar which is proposin g the
installation of 18 Megawatts of solar panels, the largest in Upstate New York to date, and
WHEREAS, the Cayuga Solar project will generate power for the equivalent of 3100 homes and
can co me online m ore quickly than other project because the C ayuga Solar has site control and an
interconnect agreement with NYSEG and the project is supported b y Assemblywoman Barbara Lifton
and Lansing Town Supervisor Ed Lavigne, and
WHEREAS, Cayuga Solar constitutes a $25 million investment in clean, renewable energy on its
434 -acre Lansing site using land that otherwise would go unused, and
WHEREAS, the Cayuga Solar project will create approximately 150 union construction jobs and
increase tax revenue to taxing authorities in Lansing and Tompkins County, and
WHEREAS, it is imperative to continue to aggressively make the transition to renewable energy
in Tompkins County, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality and
the Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committees, That the Tom pkins Count y Legislature supports t he
development of the Cayuga Solar Project in a timely fashion.
Public Safety Committee
Resolution No. 201 7-153: Adoption of Local L aw No. 5 of 2017 — A Local Law Repealing and
Replacing Local Law No. 9 of 2002 and Im posing Wireless
Communications Surcharges (ID #7152)
This resolution was adopted by a roll call vote.
MOVER: Rich John, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, Local Law No. 9 of 2002 established a surcharge in an amount not to exceed $.30
per month on postpaid wireless communications devices in the County, the funds from which are used to
maintain and improve emergency communications services in the County, and
WHEREAS, the recently enacted 2017-2018 New York State Budget authori zes the County to
extend such surcharge to sales of prepai d wireless communications devices that today constitute a lar ge
percentage of the wireless communications market, and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
WHEREAS, current authority for the wireless surcharge under Article 6 of County Law has been
repealed effective December 1, 20 17, and the County must impose a new surcharge under authority of
Tax Law Section 18 6-g if it desires to continue the postpaid surcharge without interruption and require
the same surcharge of prepaid wireless devices, and
WHEREAS, the funds from these surcharges will offset a portion of the County's costs to provide
and maintain proper equipment, systems and services for the handling of wireless 9-1-1 and emergency
calls, which constitute over 70 percent of the 911 Center's call volumes, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safe ty and the B udget, Capital and Person nel
Committees, That Local Law No. 5 of 2017 - A Local Law Repealing and Replacing Local Law No. 9 of
2002 and Imposing Wireless Communications Surcharges is hereby adopted,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Legislature shall publish in the official newspaper of
the County a notice of ad option containing a synopsis of said Local Law, and shall withi n five (5) days
file certifi ed copies of t he enact ment with the Se cretary of State, the St ate Co mptroller, the Stat e
Commissioner of Taxation and Finance, and in the Office of the County Clerk.
Resolution No. 2017-154: Authoriz ing an Appr opriation of $20,500 from the Contingent Fund to
Implement a Mass Notification System in Tompkins County (ID #7148)
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: Rich John, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, Tompkins County and local governments within it have occasi onal, but crit ical,
needs to notify the public about issues of timely importance, and
WHEREAS, the County and other local governments within the County now lack a single means
to efficiently and accurate ly address those notificati on needs in a way that e nsures all members of the
public who need to be, or would like t o be, are info rued of important go vernmental matters that may
affect them, and
WHEREAS, mass notification s ystems now exist that can prov ide immediate and consistent
communication to the general public for matters of general concern or interest, and to specific individuals
who have asked to be notified of specific matters or events, and
WHEREAS, such m ass -notification systems enable messages to be sent to the public via p hone,
text message, email, fax, and social media, and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
WHEREAS, recognizing the benefit of such mass notification systems, To mpkins County has
participated with the City of Ithaca in evaluating four such systems and both parties have concluded that
the Swift911 sy stem, a product of the SwiftReach Company of Mahwah, New Jersey , is the superior
system, and
WHEREAS, there are sig nificant economic and operational benefits that result from Tompkins
County assuming responsibilit y for t he acquisition and hosting of the sy stem as a shared service,
particularly the ability of a countywide system to enable every municipal jurisdiction within the County to
implement, without cost, its own unique applications that are appropriate to the community, and
WHEREAS, the Swift911 sy stem will be managed by the Em ergency Communications (911)
Center within the County's Department of Emergency Response (DOER), and
WHEREAS, there will be an annual licensing fee of $20,000 for the Swift911 system that will be
borne by the County and that should therefore be added to the D OER target budget and a o ne-time $500
installation fee, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of t he Public Safe ty and the Budget, Capital, and Personnel
Committees, That the County Administrator is authorized to negotiate and enter into a three-year contract
with SwiftReach for the Swift911 system,
RESOLVED, further, That the target budget for th e Department of Emergency Response shall be
increased by $20,000 to allow the mass -notification system to be sustained in the future,
RESOLVED, further, That the Director of Fina nce be and hereby is directed to make the
following budget appropriation:
FROM A1990.5 4400 Contingent Fund $20, 500
TO: A3411.54425 Emergency Communications -Service Contracts $20,500
Facilities and Infrastructure Committee
Resolution No. 2017-155: Authorization to Execute Additional Funding Agreement with New York
State Departm ent of Transportation (NYSDOT) — CR 109, Hanshaw
Road Reconstruction, PIN 3753.2 5, Towns of Ithaca and Dryden (ID
MOVER: David McKenna, Member
SECONDER: Martha Robertson, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairbome, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
WHEREAS, a Project for the reconstruction of Hanshaw Road i n the Town of Ithaca bet ween
Pleasant Grove Road and Sapsucker Woods Road, P.I.N. 3753.25, (the Project), is eligible for funding
under Title 23 U.S. Code, as amended, that calls for the apportionment of the costs of such program to be
borne at the ratio of 80% federal funds and 20% non-federal funds, and
WHEREAS, Resolutions No. 9 adopted on January 18, 2005, and No. 153 adopted September 17,
2013, approved the Project and authorized execution of agreements with the New York State Department
of Transportation (NYSDOT) regarding administration and funding, and
WHEREAS, this Hanshaw Road Reconstruction Project was completed in 2015, and
WHEREAS, project litigation, challenges to acqui sition of right-of-way, funding unavailability,
design changes, and other factors caused cost overruns in design and right-of-way phases which could not
be off -set by savings in the construction phase, and
WHEREAS, the NYSDOT requires that the County, for locally administered projects, appropriate
one hundred (100%) percent of the project costs and then file for reimbursement of eligible costs, and
WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins desires to advance the abov e project by now incorporating
the amount of the cost overruns making a commitment of 100% of the non-federal sh are of the costs o f
Design, Right -of -Way Incidentals and Acquisition, and Construction phases, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure Co mmittee, That the
Tompkins County Legislature hereby approves the above -subject project and authorizes the County of
Tompkins to pay in the first instance one hundred (100%) percent of the federal and no n -federal share of
the cost of Design, Right -of -Way Incidentals a nd Acquisition, and Construc tion phases work for the
Project or portions thereof,
RESOLVED, further, That in the event the full federal and non-federal share costs of the project
exceeds the amount appropriated above, the County Legislature shall convene as soon as possible to
appropriate said excess amount immediately upon the notification from the NYSDOT thereof,
RESOLVED, further, That the Tompkins County Highway Director be and is h ereby authorized
to execute all necessary Agreements, certifications, and reimbursement requests for Federal Aid on behalf
of the Count y of T ompkins with the NYSDOT in c onnection with the advancem ent or approval of the
Project, the ad ministration of the Pro ject, the municipality's first -instance funding of P roject costs,
permanent funding of the local share o f federal -aid and state -aid -eligible Project costs, and all Project
costs within appropriations therefor that are not so eligible,
RESOLVED, further, That a certified copy of this resolution be filed with the New York State
Commissioner of Transportation by attaching it to any necessary Agreement in connection with th e
RESOLVED, further, That this resolution shall take effect immediately.
SEQR ACTION: Unlisted, Negative Declaration issued (No further action required)
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Resolution No. 2017-156: Rescinding Resolution 2017-97 and Making a Negative Determination of
Environmental Significance in Relation to Resolution No. 15 7 of 2017,
Approving t he Acquisiti on and Improvement of Property Commonly
Known As the Tom pkins Trust Company Buildi ng Located at 106-112
North Tioga (ID #7206)
MOVER: David McKenna, Member
SECONDER: Anna Kelles, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, Resolution No. 157 of 2017 woul d approve the purchase and im provement of
property 1 ocated at 10 6-112 North Ti oga Street, commonly kn own as the Tompkins Trust Com pany
Building, for use by the History Center and other complementary not-for-profit agencies, and
WHEREAS, while the project consists of the rehabilitation of an existing structure and comports
with a SEQR Ty pe II -2 classificatio n, since the project is in an historic district, a long form
Environmental Assessment Form was required and has now been com pleted to ensure a thorough and
diligent review of potential environmental impacts, and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature h as reviewed and accepted as adequate a Long
Environmental Assessment Form, which finds no significant impacts associated with the Action, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure and the Budget, Capital, and
Personnel Committees, That Resolution No. 2017-97 be rescinded,
RESOLVED, further, That Resolution No. 157 of 2017 is a Type I Action,
RESOLVED, further, That the To mpkins Count y Legislatur e hereby determ ines that the
acquisition of property at 106-112 North Tioga Stree t for use b y the History Center and oth er agencies
will not have a significant negative i mpact on the environment, requiri ng no f urther environmental
RESOLVED, further, That the To mpkins C ounty Legislatur e hereby issues a "Negative
Declaration of Environmental Significance" in accordance with SEQRA for Resolution No. 157 of 2017.
(Long Environmental Assessment Form on filed with the Clerk of the Legislature)
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Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Resolution No. 2017-1 57: Rescinding Resoluti on 2017- 98 and Authoriz ing Acquisition and
Improvement of the Tompkins Trust Building at 106-112 North Tioga
Street on the Ithaca Commons to S erve as the Home for th a History
Center and Other Co mplementary Organiz ations and Am end 2017-
2021 Capita 1 Im provement Program to Incorporate the Tom pkins
Trust Building Acquisition and Improvement Project (ID #7208)
MOVER: David McKenna, Member
SECONDER: Anna Kelles, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairbome, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, Tompkins County is a long and steadfast supporter of the History Center ("Center"),
which serves as the community's museum of loc al history and the repository of historic materi als and
artifacts, and
WHEREAS, the County's co mmitment to the Histor y Center is reflected in a long-standing
County annual appropriation to support the Center's costs of occupancy, and
WHEREAS, the History Center's 25 -year lease of space in The Gateway Building will expire at
the end of 2018, and the Center needs to relocate as a means to contain its cost of occupancy and increase
its visibility, impact, and accessibility to the public, and
WHEREAS, as the traditional underwriter of the Center's occupancy costs, and beneficiary of its
ability to educate residents and attract tourists, the County has a direct fiscal and programmatic interest in
identifying a suitable location for the Center, and
WHEREAS, as a part of its consideration of new locations, the History Center put forward and
has continue d to develop a plan to locate sever al complementary not-for-profit organiz ations into a
common location, which it calls the "Tompkins Center for Hist ory and Culture", wher e residents and
visitors can learn about and explore our unique community, and
WHEREAS, several local agencies have expressed strong interest in such a co -location plan,
including the Historic It haca Library , the Conven tion and V isitor's Bureau' s Visitor Center, the
Community Arts Partnership, the Wharton Studio Museum, the Dorothy Cotton Institute, the Discovery
Trail, the Sustainability Center, and the Ithaca Aviation Heritage Foundation, and
WHEREAS, because of t he size, char acter, and to cation of the Tompkins Trust Building (the
`Building")1 ocated at 106-112 North Tioga Street, a nd in 1 ight of the fact t hat the Building will be
vacated in 2 018 when the Trust Co mpany relocat es to a new downtown facility , the Building was
identified as a preferred location by the History Center and other participants in the Tompkins Center for
History and Culture, and
WHEREAS, Tompkins Trust has expressed a willingness to sell the building to the County at a
cost of $2,000,000, subject to final approval by its Board of Directors, and has worked in good faith with
the History Center and the County to allow both to undertake necessary due diligence, and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
WHEREAS, by Resolutio n 2016- 232, this Legislature authorized the County Administrator to
explore the acquisition an d re -use of the Building and, as a part of that exploration, to u ndertake an
engineering assessment of the Building' s structur al and in echanical sy stems and any code -related
improvements that may be required to accommodate re -use of the Building, and
WHEREAS, the engineering asses sment of the Buil ding identified approximately $900,000 in
improvements needed to make the Building code -compliant and ready for tenant renovations, and
WHEREAS, to help offset these cost s, the County has received a $450,000 pledge from the
leaders of the History Center/Tompkins Center for History and Culture's capital fundraising campaign
and has also received assurances from the Strategic Tourism Planning Board that the project qualifies, and
will be considered for, a $100,000 capital grant that would, t ogether, reduce the Count y's net cost to
acquire and improve the building to $2,350,000, and
WHEREAS, it is un derstood that all costs of interior renovations, tenant im provements, and
exhibits shall be borne b y the tenants of the buildin g, and that future structural r epairs and maintenance
shall be the responsibility of the County, and
WHEREAS, to support the costs of interior renovations, improvements, and exhibits, the History
Center and o ther prospective tenants o f the Buildi ng are collabo rating to raise capital funds throu gh a
local fundraising cam paign and are also working with the Downtown Ithaca Alliance to prepare an
application for a $2.5 million grant from New York State, and
WHEREAS, the projected cost to operate and ma intain the building, and t o generate a two
percent return on the Count y's investment in the building, can be fully recovered through co mpetitive
rents charged to the occupants of the Building, and
WHEREAS, subsequent to approval of Resoluti on 2017-9 8, a determ ination was made that the
environmental review of this transacti on should i nclude the com pletion of a Long E nvironmental
Assessment Form, which has now been completed and accepted by this Legislature, and
WHEREAS, it is the Coun ty's intent to apply unanticipated 2016-2017 revenues from the Tioga
Downs and del Lago Casinos to finance the acquisition and improvement of the Building, including $1.9
million in licensing fees already received plus add itional unbudgeted casino re venue expected in 2017,
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure and the Budget, Capital, and
Personnel Committees, That Resolution 2017-98 be rescinded,
RESOLVED, further, That the County's 20 17-2021 Capital Im provement Program be, and
hereby is, amended to include the Acquisition and Improvement of the Tompkins Trust Building at a total
cost of $2,900,000, with an expected net local cost of $2,350,000 after receipt of grants and contributions,
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and hereby is authorized to negotiate the
acquisition o f the To mpkins Trust Co mpany Building at 106-1 12 North Tio ga Street at a cost not to
exceed $2,000,000 plus a ny associated closing cost s, and on such other terms and conditions as the
County Administrator may approve in his reasonabl e discretion and upon cons ultation with the County
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Tuesday, August 15, 2017
RESOLVED, further, That the Director of Finance be and hereb y is authorize d and directed to
make the following budget adjustments:
A Fund -General Fund
Decrease Fund Balance A30909000 - General Fund Unassigned Fund Balance $2,900,000
Increase Expense Account A9576.54802 - Contribution to Construction $2,900,000
HB Fund -Building Improvements Fund
Increase Revenue Account HB 1617.45031.16.17 - Interfund (A) $2,900,000
Increase Expense Account HB 1617.5 923 9.16.17 - Heritage Education Center $2,900,000
(Long Environmental Assessment Form on filed with the Clerk of the Legislature)
Resolution No. 2017-158: Budget Adjustment and Appropriation of Unspent Funds from 2016 and
Prior Years to Various Accounts of the Departments that Report to the
Facilities and Infrastructure Committee (ID #7202)
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: David McKenna, Member
SECONDER: Dooley Kiefer, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, Section 4.06 of Tompkins County Fiscal Policy on "Re -appropriation (Carryover or
Rollover)" authorizes County Department Heads to "r equest re -appropriation of unspent funds from the
previous year, provided that they are certified by the Director of Finance to be available and provided that
this re -appropriation is authorized by the established appropriation procedures of the Legislature," and
WHEREAS, various departments have been certified by the Director of Finance to have available
unspent appropriations and excess revenues from 2016 totaling $698,168, which, combined with balances
from prior years, results in an availab le rollove r b alance of $1, 135,477 on the County's books as o f
December 31, 2016, and
WHEREAS, pursuant to County Fiscal Policy, su rplus funds have been req uested for use by
departments that report to the Facilities and Infrast ructure Committee in the am ount of $9,748 in the
current year budget, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure and the Budget, Capital, and
Personnel Committees, That the following transactions are approved:
FROM: General Fund Balance
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Dept. Use of Funds
Facilities Division
Snow removal equipment
Weights and Measures
To be used to purchase a vehicle
Government Operations Committee
Account Rollover
1620.52220 $2,748.00
3630.52231 $7,0 00.00
Resolution No. 2017-1 59: Endorsing the Shared -Services Plan Presented by the County
Administrator and Recommending its Adoption by the Tompkins
County Shared -Services Panel (ID #7187)
Suggestions were made to add all t he municipalities that will be joining the Tompkins County
Municipal Health Insurance Consortium. Mr. Mare ane will confirm those municipalities joining in 2018
and will incorporate them into the final report if appropriate.
MOVER: Rich John, Member
SECONDER: Anna Kelles, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, as a part o f the 2017-2 018 New Yo rk State Bu dget, the "Count ywide S hared
Services Property Tax Savings Law" was enact ed that required counties to form a Shared Services Panel
("Panel") comprised of the mayors and supervisor s of municipalities within the Count y, charged with
developing and adopting a Shared Services Plan ("Plan") by September 15, 2017, and
WHEREAS, by Resolution 2017-77, this Legislature designated the County Administrator as the
County's Chief Executive Officer as defined in the Sh ared Services L aw and authorized him to for m a
Shared Services Panel and serve as its Chair, and
WHEREAS, the Panel met five ti mes, conducte d two public hearings, and has presented it
recommendations to the Legislature in a Report dated July 19, 2017, and
WHEREAS, the Shared -Services proposed in the Panel's Report include:
The creation of a Tompkins County Council of Governments Training Academy, coordinated
by TC3.biz, to serve as a vehicle to provide affordable, high-quality training to all local
governments in the County;
The creation of a Service Modernization Plan by the County Clerk intended to enable al 1
local govern ments in the Count y to automate a n umber of routine paper -i ntensive tasks
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
currently done by hand;
The creation and management of a Purchasing Pool to facilitate the lowest -cost acquisition of
contemporary financial software by all interested local governments within the County;
The acquisition and oper ation of a Count ywide Mass Notification Sy stem, funded and
managed by the County and available to all local governments within the County;
The creation and management of a Purchasing P ool to facilitate the conversion of m unicipal
streetlights to high -efficiency environmentally friendly LED fixtures; and
The expansion of the Greater Tom pkins County Municipal Health Insurance Consortium to
include two additional mem bers, including the Town of Newfield, resulting in a $34, 875
savings to the Town, and sustaining substantial recurring savings to all of its members; and
WHEREAS, the Panel's report also anticipates th e Panel undertaking additional exploration of
several other potential shared -service initiatives that may result in future savings, and
WHEREAS, this Legislature has reviewed th e Panel's Report and s upports its findings, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation o f the Governme nt Operations Committee, That this
Legislature endorses the Shared Services Plan of Ju ly 19, 2017 submitted by the Shared Services Panel,
and recommends formal adoption of the Plan by the Shared Services Panel on or before the Septe tuber
15th deadline established by New York State.
Mr. Lane declared recess at 7:38 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:49 p.m.
Government Operations Committee (Continued)
Resolution No. 201 7-160: Adoption of Revised Sign -in For m for Public Speaking at Legislative
Meetings (ID #7227)
Ms. Robertson stated she would like to know if a person is a To mpkins County resident or not
and MOVED to am end the sign -in form to include a requirement that a speak er provide th eir County of
Residence, seconded by Ms. Chock.
A voice vote on the amendment resul ted as follows : Ay es - 13, Noes - 1 (Legislator Stein).
It was MOVED by Mr. Dennis, seconded by Mr. Burbank, to amend the proposed sign -in form to
exclude the word "optional" following the last name.
A voice vote on the amendment resulted as follows : Ayes - 2 (Legislators Burbank and Dennis)
and Noes - 12. MOTION FAILED.
It was MOVED by Ms. Kiefer, seconded by Mr. Dennis, to amend the fourth rule and replace "I
agree not to speak about Count y personnel matters. Personnel matters include co mments about the job
performance of named County employees, other than el ected officials" with "I agree not to speak about
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
identifiable individual County employees other than elected officials".
It was MOVED by Ms. Chock to refer the amendment to Committee.
Following counsel with Mr. Wood, Mr. Lane ruled the amendment could not be referred back to
Ms. Kiefer withdrew her motion to amend. Di scussion continued on the original resolution.
MOVER: Daniel Klein, Vice Chair
SECONDER: Anna Kelles, Member
AYES: Carol Chock, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael
Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler
NAYS: Will Burbank, James Dennis, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, to maintain order and decorum it has be en the practice of the Legislature to request
members of t he public who wish to speak at Legisl ature and committee meetings to complete a sign -in
form agreeing to the rules for speaking under Privilege of the Floor or during public comment, and
WHEREAS, due to recent concerns expressed by members of the publ ic, t he Legislature has
made amendments to the sign -in form to address those concerns, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Govern ment Operations Committee, That the revi sed
sign -in form is hereby adopted as follows:
(Please complete this form and submit to Clerk of the Legislature
if you wish to speak at this meeting.)
Please Note: Three -Minute Time Limit
Rules for Speaking under Privilege of the Floor
I agree to a three-minute time limit;
I agree not to raise my voice;
I agree not to use lewd, obscene, profane, slanderous or libelous language or speak or act in a
manner that would tend to incite a breach of the peace;
I agree not to speak about County personnel matters. Personnel matters include comments about
the job performance of named County employees, other than elected officials;
After three minutes I agree to leave the microphone and yield the floor. Transferring time to
another person is not permitted;
I agree that if I cause a disruption and am asked to leave, I will leave the Chambers.
First Name (please print): Last Name (optional):
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Municipality of Residence (optional):
County of Residence:
Representing (organization, etc.): Topic:
Written materials may be submitted to the Clerk of the Legislature.
Personnel matters should be directed to the relevant Department and/or Supervisor or in the case
of a Department Head to the County Administrator except for the County Administrator, County
Attorney, Finance Director, and Clerk of the Legislature, which should be directed to the Chair of
the Legislature.
Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee
Resolution No. 2017-161: Extension of Addi tional One -Percent Sales Tax for Three Y ears -
Increasing Taxes on Sales and Uses of Tangible Personal Property and
of Certain Services, and on Occupancy of Hotel Rooms and
Amusement Charges Pu rsuant to A rticle 29 of the Tax La w of the
State of Ne w York in Order to Extend the Effective Date through
November 30, 2020 (ID #7189)
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: David McKenna, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
Be it enacted by the Tompkins County Legislature of the County of Tompkins, as follows:
SECTION I. The first sentence of secti on two of Resolution No. 256A as enacted in nine teen
hundred sixty-six, as amended, is amended to read as follows:
SECTION 2. Imposition of sales tax.
On and after March first, nineteen hundred and sixty-seven, there is
hereby imposed and there shall be paid a tax of three percent upon,
and for the period commencing December 1, 1992, and ending November
30, 2020, there is hereby imposed and there shall be paid an
additional tax of one percent upon:
SECTION 2. Subdi vision (f) of section three of Resolution No. 256A as enacted in nineteen
hundred sixty-six, as amended, is amended to read as follows:
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
(f) With respect to the additional tax of one percent i mposed for the period commencing
December 1, 1992, and ending November 30, 2020, the provisions of subdivisions (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e)
of this section apply, except that for the purposes of this subdivision, all references in said subdivisions
(a), (b), (c) and (d) to an effective date shall be read as referring to Decem her 1, 1992, all references in
said subdivision (a) to the date four months prior to the effective date shall be read as referring to August
1, 1992, and the reference in subdivision (b) to the date immediately preceding the effective date shall be
read as referring to November 30, 1992. Nothing herein shall be deemed to exempt from tax at the rate in
effect prior to December 1, 1992, any transaction which may not be subject to the additional tax imposed
effective on that date.
SECTION 3. Section four of Resolutio n No. 256A as enacted in nineteen hundred sixt y -six, as
amended, is amended to read as follows:
SECTION 4. Imposition of compensating use tax.
(a) Except to the extent that property or services have already been or will be subject to the s ales
tax under this enactment, there is hereby imposed on every person a use tax for the use within this taxing
jurisdiction on and after Decem ber 1, 1992, except as otherwise exempted under this enactment, (A) o f
any tangib le personal property purcha sed at retail, (B) of an y tangible personal pro perty (other than
computer software used by the author or other creator) manufactured, processed or assembled by the user,
(i) if items of the same kind of tangible personal property are offered for sale by him in the regular course
of business or (ii) if items are used as such or incorporated into a structure, building or real property, by a
contractor, subcontractor or repairman in erecting s tructures or buildi ngs, or building on, or of herwise
adding to, altering, improving, maintaining, servicing or repairing real property, property or 1 and, as the
terms real property, property or land are defined in the real property tax law, if items of the same kind are
not offered for sale as such by such contractor, subcont ractor or repairman or other user in the regular
course of business, (C) of any of the services described in paragraphs (1), (7) and (8) of subdivision (c) of
section two, (D) of any tangible personal property, however acquired, where not acquired for purposes of
resale, upon which any of the services described under paragraphs (2), (3) and (7 ) of subdivision (c) of
section two have been performed, (E) of any telephone answering service described in subdi vision (b) of
section two and (F) of any co mputer software written or otherwise created by the user if the user offers
software of a sim ilar kind for sale as such or as a co mponent part of other property in the regular course
of business.
(b) For purposes of clause (A) of sub division (a) of this se ction, for the pe riod commen cing
December 1, 1992, and ending November 30, 2020, the tax shall be at the rate of four percent, and on and
after December 1, 2020 , the tax shall be at the rate of three percent, of the consideration given or
contracted to be given fo r such prope rty, or for t he use of such propert y, i ncluding an y charges for
shipping or delivery as described in paragraph three of subdivision (b) of secti on one, but excluding a ny
credit for tangible personal property accepted in part payment and intended for resale.
(c) For purposes of subcla use (i) of cla use (B) of su bdivision (a) of this section, for the period
commencing December 1, 1992, and ending November 30, 2020, the tax shall be at a rate of four percent,
and on and after December 1, 2020, the tax shall be at the rate of three percent, of the price at which items
of the sam e kind of tangible personal propert y are o ffered for sale by the user, and the mere storage,
keeping, retention or withdrawal fro m storage of tangible personal property by the person wh o
manufactured, processed or assembled such property shall not be deemed a taxable use by him.
(d) For purpo ses of subclause (ii) of clause (B) of subdivision (a) of this section, for the period
commencing December 1, 1992, and ending November 30, 2020, the tax shall beat th e rate of four
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
percent, and on and afte r December 1, 20 20, t he tax shall be at the rate of three percent, of the
consideration given or contracted to be given for the tangible personal property manufactured, processed
or assembled into the tangible personal property the use of which is subject to tax, including any charges
for shipping or delivery as described in paragraph three of subdivision (b) of section one.
(e) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section, for purposes of clause (B) of
subdivision (a) of this section, there shall be no tax on any portion of such price which r epresents the
value added by the user to tangible personal property which he fabricates and installs to the specifications
of an addition or capital improvement to real prop erty, property or land, as the term s real propert y,
property or land are defined in the real property tax law, over and above the prevailing norm al purchase
price prior to such fabrication of such tangibl e personal property which a manufacturer, producer or
assembler would charge an unrelated contractor w ho sim ilarly fabricated an d installed such tangible
personal property to the specifications of an add ition or capital im provement to such real propert y,
property or land.
(f) For purposes of cl auses (C), (D) and (E) of s ubdivision (a) of this section, for the period
commencing December 1, 1992, and ending November 30, 2020, the tax shall beat th e rate of four
percent, and on and afte r December 1, 20 20, t he tax shall be at the rate of three percent, of the
consideration given or contracted to be given for the service, including the consideration for any tangible
personal property transferred in conju nction with the performance of the service and also including a ny
charges for shipping and delivery of the property so transferred and of the tangible personal property upon
which the service was perf ormed as such charges ar e described in paragraph three of subdivision (b) of
section one.
(g) For purposes of clause (F) of subdivision (a ) of this section, for the period commen cing
December 1, 1992, and ending November 30, 2020, the tax shall be at the rate of four percent, and on and
after December 1, 2020 , the tax shall be at the rate of three percent, of the consideration given or
contracted to be given for the tangi ble personal property which constitutes the blank m edium, such as
disks or tape s, used in conjunction with the softwa re, or for the use of such property, and the mere
storage, keeping, retention or withdrawal fro m storage of computer software described in such clause (F)
by its author or other creator shall not be deemed a taxable use by such person.
SECTION 4. Paragraph (B) of subdivision (1) of section 11 of Resolution No. 256A as enacted in
nineteen hundred sixty-six, as amended, is amended to read as follows:
(B) With respect to the additional to x of one pe rcent im posed for the pe riod commencing
December 1, 1992 , and ending Nove tuber 30, 20 20, in respect to the use of propert y used b y the
purchaser in this County prior to December 1, 1992.
SECTION 5. This enactment shall take effect December 1, 2017.
Resolution No. 2017-1 62: Resolution to Recogn ize Indigenous Peoples' Day as a
Tompkins County (ID #7225)
It was MOVED by Mr. Dennis, seconded by Mrs. McBean-Clairborne.
Holiday in
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
It was MOV ED by Mrs. McBean-Clairborne, seconded by Ms. Kelles, to make the following
amendments to the resolution:
WHEREAS, the members of the Tompkins County Legislature recognize that the Indigenous Peoples
of the lands t hat would later beco me known as the Americas have eeeupied owned these lands since time
immemorial, and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature recognizes the fact that we currentl y stand on land
that was includes the homes and villages of the Cayuga Nation and the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, and
WHEREAS, Indigenous Peoples' Day was first propo sed in 197 7 by a delegation of Native Nations
to the United Nations -sponsored International Confer ence on Discrimination Against Indigenous Populations
in the Americas and called for revocation of the Doctrine of Discovery, and
It was MOVED by Mr. Dennis, seconded b y Mr. Sigler, to refer the r esolution back to the
Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee for further consideration.
Ms. Kelles asked Mr. Wood if the word "owned" w ould have any legal ramifications if it is used
in this resolution to acknowledge the Indigenous People on this day whether it. Mr. Wood responded that
the Legislature has no power in determining land ownership.
A voice vote on the MOTION to refer the resolu tion back to Committee resulted as follows:
Ayes - 10 (Legislators Burbank, Dennis, John, Kiefer, Klein, Lane, McKenna, Morey, Sigler, and Stein)
and Noes - 4 (Legislators Chock, Kelles, McBean -Clairborne, and Robertson). MOTION TO REFER
WHEREAS, the members of the Tompkins County Legislature recognize that the Indigenous Peoples
of the lands that would later beco me known as th e Ameri cas have occupied these lands since ti me
immemorial, and
WHEREAS, the County recognizes the fact that we currently stand on land tha t was the homes and
villages of the Cayuga Nation and the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, and
WHEREAS, the County values the many contributions made to our comm unity through Indigenous
People's knowledge, labor, technology, science, philosophy, arts, and the deep cultural contributio n that has
helped shape the character of Tompkins County, and
WHEREAS, the Count y h as committed through its diversity p olicy and other non-discrim ination
policies to oppose the systematic racism towards all marginalized peoples including the Indigenous People in
our region, and
WHEREAS, the Count y has for y ears committed to protect, respect, and fulf ill the full range of
inherent human rights for all as set forth in the Univ ersal Declaration of Hum an Rights and numerous other
international human rights treaties, and
WHEREAS, Indigenous Peoples' Day was first propo sed in 197 7 by a delegation of Native Nations
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
to the United Nations -sponsored International Confer ence on Discrimination Against Indigenous Populations
in the Americas, and
WHEREAS, the County proposes to honor our Natio n's and more specifically, Tompkins County's
Indigenous roots, history, and contributions, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Budget, Ca pital, and Personnel Co mmittee, That the
Tompkins County Legislature recognizes the second Monda y in October, as "Indigenous Peoples' Day" and
shall encourage the celebration of this day in a manner that promotes respect, understanding, and friendship;
combats pre judice and bias; works to eli minate discri mination ste mining from c olonization; and
acknowledges our history,
RESOLVED, further, That all Tompkins County documents and references to "Holiday s," shall
include Indigenous Peoples' Day.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
August 1, 2017
MOVER: Daniel Klein, Vice Chair
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne,
Robertson, McKenna, Morey, Sigler, Stein
NAYS: Dooley Kiefer
Executive Session
It was MOVED b y Ms. Kiefer, seconded b y Mr. McKenna, and unanim ously adopted by voice
vote, to hold an executive session at 9:16 p.m. to discuss a personnel issue about a particular person. The
meeting returned to open session at 9:56 p.m.
Mr. Stein was excused prior to holding executive session.
Adi ournment
The meeting adjourned at 9:56 p.m.
Tompkins County Legislature
Regular Meeting Minutes — Approved 9-19-17
Tuesday, September 5, 2017 5:30 PM
Legislature Chambers
Call to Order
Mr. Lane, Chair, called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll Call of Members
Attendee Name
IM Status
Will Burbank
Carol Chock
James Dennis
Rich John
Anna Kelles
Daniel Klein
Vice Chair
Michael Lane
Lesl n McBean-Clairborne
Martha Robertson
David McKenna
Glenn Morey
Michael Sigler
Peter Stein
Presentation of Proclamations, Petitions, Communications, and Notices
Mr. Lane read and presented the proc lamation honoring the celebration of the 100`'' Year of the
Groton Public Library to Legislator Glenn Morey.
Legislator Kelles read and presented the proclamation declaring September 2017 as The
Watershed Declaration Month to Scott MacLeod, the Sophie Fund Co -Donor Advisor.
Privilege of the Floor by the Public
Mr. Lane int roduced Frank Proto , former Legisl ator and Chair of t he Tompkins Co nsolidated
Area Transportation (TCAT) Board of Directors. Mr. Proto introduced Scot Vanderpool who assumed
the position of General Manager of TC AT. Mr. Vanderpool provided an overview of his experience and
plans for TCAT and concluded his comments stating transparency, communication, and customer service
are very important to him.
Robert Lynch, Town of Enfield resident, spoke in opposition of the resoluti ons on the a genda
relating to the sale of the Old Library site and building. He said the buildin g is too good t o lose and the
building has too many years of life left for public use.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Michael Koplinka-Loehr, Town of Lansing resident, spoke in support of the pr oposed Tompkins
County budget being recommended by the County Administrator. There are two areas of investment he is
glad to see included: one i s the recommendations to reduce the Jail population by the consultants, CGR,
and the second is in the Tompkins County Housing Strategy. These areas are critical in the County.
Report from a Municipal Official(s)
George McGonigal, Cit y Alderman, said Co mmon Council will meet to morrow and will be
discussing the Indigenous Peoples' resolution. They will also be discussing c hanges being proposed
for the West State Street area that will include i mprovements for bicy clists and pedestrians. In
response to Ms. Kelles, he said there is a m ovement to change the zoning in the South Hill area and
that this issue will be discussed at the next Planning Committee meeting.
Chair's Report and Chair's Appointments
Mr. Lane announced there would be a special Legislature meeting held on September 11th at 5:30
p.m. to consider resolutions for grant acceptance for the Airport.
Resolutions Added to and Withdrawn from the Agenda
There were no resolutions added to or withdrawn from the agenda.
Appointments Approved Under the Consent Agenda
Advisory Board Appointment (ID # 7186)
MOVER: Glenn Morey, Member
SECONDER: Will Burbank, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairbome, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
Office for the Aging Advisory Committee
Wilma Lawrence - At -large representative; term expires December 31, 2019
Resolutions Approved Under the Consent Agenda
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
MOVER: Glenn Morey, Member
SECONDER: Will Burbank, Member
AYES: Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Kiefer, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairbome,
Robertson, McKenna, Morey, Sigler, Stein
Resolution No. 2017-163: Budget Adjustment Related to Acceptance of 2017 New York State Office
of Children and Family Services Funding - Youth Services (ID #7205)
WHEREAS, pursuant to Administrative Manual Policy 0 5-02, budget adjustments exceeding
$5,000 require Legislative approval, and
WHEREAS, the New York State Office of Fam ily and Children Services has notified the County
of our final 2017 state -aid figures, and
WHEREAS, the Count y's state aid is re-allo cated to m unicipalities, programs, and our
department, and
WHEREAS, the department has amended existing contracts and accounts, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health a nd Hum an Service Co mmittee, That the
Director of Finance be directed to make the following 2017 budget adjustment as follows:
Revenue Acct Title Amount
7022.43820 Programs for Youth, State Aid $28,006
Appropriation Acct Title Amount
7026.54400 Program Expense $28, 006
Mr. Lane declared recess at 7:30 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:41 p.m.
Health and Human Services Committee
Resolution No. 2017-1 64: Revenue Adjustm ent for Balancing Incentives Program New York
Connects Expansion and Enhancement and Budget Transfers
Necessary to Fund O ne (1) Full -time Information Aide within
Tompkins County Office for the Aging (ID #7217)
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
MOVER: Anna Kelles, Member
SECONDER: Dooley Kiefer, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, pursuant to Adm inistrative Manua 1 Policy 05- 02, Section 4. 02 B, All b udget
adjustments over $5,000 must be reviewed and upon the recommendation of the Director of Finance must
be approved by the program committee of the budgeting unit and by the Legislature, and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Administrative Manual Po licy 0 5-02, S ection 4.01 A, Transfers from
program accounts to personnel lines may require further explanation and are made at the discretion of the
Director of Finance and notification to the Count y Adm inistrator, as well as optional approval o r
disapproval by the appropriate program committee, and
WHEREAS, the County Office for the Aging, hereafter known as COFA, has received a 2017
Notification of Grant Awards that results in a $38, 574 decrease i n funding in the Balancing Incentives
Program New York Connects Expansion and Enhancement, and
WHEREAS, COFA has deemed it necessary to cu t one position on its staff and to decrease
Program Expense funding in order to accommodate the decrease, and
WHEREAS, COFA has within its means funding to sustain one full-time Information Aide, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Health and Human S ervices Committee, That the
Director of Finance is hereby directed to make the following adjustments:
Office for the Aging Budget Adjustments
Revenue Account Title Amt Annron Acct Title Amt
A6797-43803 State Revenue $-38,574 A6797-51000081 Salary $40,099.62
A6797-52230 Comp. Softw. -353.70
A6797-54400 Prog. Exp. -24,798.68
A6797-58800 Fringes -3,322.00
Office for the Aging Budget Transfers
From: Expenditure Account Amount To: Expenditure Account
A6797-51000081 Salary $1,901.68 A6797-51000214 Salary $4,702
A6797-54412 Travel/Training 2,800.32
A6777-54400 Program Expense $7,241 A6777-5 1000214 Salary $5,049
A6777-58800 Fringes 2,192
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Resolution No. 2017-165: Authorizing the Continuation of S alary for Po sition Above the Salar y
Range - Medical Director, Tompkins County Mental Health (ID #7222)
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: Anna Kelles, Member
SECONDER: Carol Chock, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, in 2007 the Legislature determined that the system utilized by Tompkins County to
assign salaries to positions based on job description was unable to match the market -rate salary of the
specialized professional position of Medical Director of the Mental Health Department, and
WHEREAS, a salary was, accordingly, set by Resolution No. 38 of 2007, and
WHEREAS, the Legislature desired to revisit that salary upon a vacancy in the position, and
WHEREAS, circumstances with regard to the assignment of salaries based on the job description
have not changed in relationship to market -rate salary for this position, and
WHEREAS, the Medical Director at the Mental Health Clinic holding the position for the last 20
years resigned as of the 21St of July, 2017, and
WHEREAS, the Mental Health Depa rtment has a fully qualified Medical Doctor certified in
Psychiatry on staff who is able to take on the duties and responsibilities for Medical Director and has been
appointed by the Commissioner of Mental Health, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Human Services and the Budget, Personnel,
and Capital Committees, That the salary be appr oved in the amount of $102.81 per hour ($213,845
annually) for the Medical Director of Tompkins County Mental Health Services, effective immediately.
RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed to fund this.
Resolution No. 2017-166: Budget Adjustment and Appropriation of Unspent Funds from 2016 and
Prior Years to Various Accounts of the Departments that Report to the
Health and Human Services Committee (ID #7221)
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: Anna Kelles, Member
SECONDER: Martha Robertson, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairbome, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, Section 4.06 of Tompkins County Fiscal Policy on "Re -appropriation (Carryover or
Rollover)" authorizes County Department Heads to "r equest re -appropriation of unspent funds from the
previous year, provided that they are certified by the Director of Finance to be available and provided that
this re -appropriation is authorized by the established appropriation procedures of the Legislature," and
WHEREAS, various departments have been certified by the Director of Finance to have available
unspent appropriations and excess revenues from 2016 totaling $698,168, which, combined with balances
from prior years, results in an availab le rollove r b alance of $1, 135,477 on the County's books as o f
December 31, 2016, and
WHEREAS, pursuant to County Fiscal Policy, surplus funds of $159,635 have been requested by
departments that report to the Health and Huma n S ervices Committee, of which $156,635 have been
recommended for use in the current year budget by the County Administrator, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health an d Human Services and the Budget, Capital,
and Personnel Committees, That the following transactions are approved:
FROM: General Fund Balance
Dent. Use of Funds
Health Department
Electronic Health Record for Early Intervention
Contribution to Construction
Constr. Expense
Contribution fr General Fund
Office of Human Rights
Enforcement Effort: Law Books/Legal Database
Outreach Effort: Office of Human Rights Tabling Banner
Technology Package: Desktop upgrades, notebooks (2), &
multimedia projector/screen
Equipment: Office Furniture
Account Rollover
4047.54802 $150 00.00
HM FUND - $150,000.00
HM4006.45031.40.06 $150 ,000.00
8040.54332 $0.00*
8040.54333 $100.00
8040.52206 $4,6 00.00
8040.54412 $1,500.00
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Software: Adobe Acrobat Pro DC
Membership: NYSBA Affiliation
*See County Administrator's recommendation on attached
Office of Human Rights Rollover Request (PDF)
Old Library Committee
8040.52230 $250.00
8040.54416 $185.00
Resolution No. 2017- 167: Determining that the Former Tompkins County Public Library ("Old
Library") Property, Located at 310- 314 North Cayuga Street in the
City of Ithaca, Is No Longer Needed for Public Use (ID #7231)
It was MOVED by Ms. Kiefer, seconded by Mr. Burbank, to amend the resolution as follows: 2nd
Whereas change "the Old Library property..." to "the Old Library building..."; 3 rd Whereas change "the
Old Library parcel..." to "the Old Library building..."; and last Whereas add "at this time". A voice vote
resulted as follows: Ayes - 4 (Legislators Chock, Kiefer, Klein, a nd Lane); Noes - 10. AMENDMENT
This resolution was adopted by a roll call vote.
Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Member
James Dennis, Member
Will Burbank, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Daniel Klein, Michael
Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairbome, Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
Carol Chock, Dooley Kiefer
WHEREAS, the County is the owner of certain real property in the City of Ithaca located at 3 10-
3 14 North Cayuga Street and designated as Tax Parcel No. 61.-1-4, said parcel consisting of a building
commonly known as the "Old Library" situated on a site of approximately 37,750 square feet, and
WHEREAS, the Old Library property is now vacant after serving as the ho me of the Tompkins
County Public Library until its relocation to anew facility on Green Street in 2000, and subsequently
serving as the ho me of th e County's Community Justice Center, which has now been relocated to new
space within the County's Human Services Building, and
WHEREAS, the Old Library parcel is no longer used or needed for any County purpose, and
WHEREAS, there is no other County purpose for this parcel, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Old Library Committee, That it is hereby determined
that the Old Library parcel as described above is no longer needed for public use.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Resolution No. 2017- 168: Concurring in Negativ a Determination of En vironmental Significance
with Respect to Authorizing the Sale of County Property for the DeWitt
House Project (ID #7230)
MOVER: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Member
SECONDER: James Dennis, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey,
Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
NAYS: Carol Chock, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne
WHEREAS, Resolution No. 169 of 2017 authorizes the sale of the Old Library property at 310-
314 N. Cayuga Street to allow construction of the DeWitt House project, and
WHEREAS, Tompkins County concurred with the designation of the City of Ithaca Planning and
Development Board as the Lead Agency for purposes of review o f the DeWitt House project under the
New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA), and
WHEREAS, Tom pkins County has received, re viewed, and accepted the City of It haca
Environmental Quality Review (CEQR) docum ents, including a Full Envir onmental Assessment Form
(FEAF), for the project listed as DeWitt House (Mixed Use Residential 310-314 N. Cayuga Street), and
WHEREAS, the City of Ithaca Planning and De velopment Board has determined the DeWitt
House (Mixed Use Residential 310-31 4 N. Cay uga) project to be a Ty pe I Action with a Negative
Declaration of Environmental Significance under SEQRA, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Old Library Committee, That Tompkins County concurs
with the CEQR Negative Determination of Environmental Significance with respect to the DeWitt House
(310-314 North Cayuga Street) project and finds that the project will not have a significant environmental
(FEAF on file with Clerk of the Legislature)
Resolution No. 2017-169: Authorizing the Sale of the Tom pkins County Old Library Property at
310-314 Nor th Cayuga Street to Dewitt House Associates, LLC (ID
This resolution was adopted by a roll call vote.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
MOVER: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Member
SECONDER: Martha Robertson, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Daniel Klein, Michael
Lane, Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter
NAYS: Carol Chock, Dooley Kiefer, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne
WHEREAS, Tompkins County owns property commonly known as the "Old Library" located at
310-314 North Cayuga Street, Real Property Tax Parcel 61.4-4, in the City of Ithaca, and
WHEREAS, the property consists of approximately 0.88 acres with a 38,630 square foot building
that was originally built to serve as the Tompkins County Public Library, and
WHEREAS, subsequent to the Library moving to its current location on Green Street in 2000, the
Old Library building has been primarily used for records storage and as the site of the Community Justice
Center, and
WHEREAS, the Old Library is now vacant as the result of the digitization of County records and
the relocation of the Co mmunity Just ice Center to new space added to the County's Hu man Services
Building, and
WHEREAS, studies of Count y space needs have c onsidered re -use of this site but found no
economically feasible use for County purposes, and
WHEREAS, the property is strategically located in the City of Ithaca and has the potential to
contribute to the community and to the tax base if redeveloped, and
WHEREAS, by Resolution 2013-199, this Legislature authorized the issuance of a Request for
Expression of Interest (RF EI) to seek potential devel opers who would purchase or leas e the property for
the purpose of redevelopment, and
WHEREAS, by Resolution 2014-221, this Legislature authorized the release of a Request for
Proposals (RFP) to three respondents to the RFEI, re quiring the presentation of additional project details
and commitments that would inform the Legislature's ultimate selection of a preferred developer for t he
Old Library site, and
WHEREAS, by Resolution 2015-158, following seven meetings by the Old L ibrary Committee
during which responses to the RFP were reviewed a nd debated, and as the firs t step in a re view process
that included completion of a coordinated State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) with the City of
Ithaca, this Legislature designated Travis Hyde Pr operties of Ithaca, Ne w Yo rk (in collaboration with
HOLT Architects) as the preferred developer for the Old Library Property, and
WHEREAS, the Travis -Hy de ("Dewitt House" ) proposal received a Certificate of
Appropriateness from the Ithaca Landmarks Preservation Commission on February 14, 2017, and
WHEREAS, the City of Ithaca declared the Dewitt House project to be a Type I Action under the
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
City of Ithaca Environmental Quality Review Ordinance ("CEQRO") § 176-4 (1) (h)[ 41, (k) and (n) and
the State Environm ental Quality Review Act ("SEQRA") § 617.4 9 (b) (9), for which the City of Ithaca
Planning Board issued a Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance on May 23, 2017, and
WHEREAS, the City of Ithaca Planning Board gave preliminary and final site plan approval for
the Dewitt House project on June 27, 2017, and
WHEREAS, this Legislature's Old Li brary Committee has reviewed the plan for the Dewitt
House and found that the core elements of the project are in keeping with the preliminary Travis -Hyde
proposal earlier considered by this Legislature and w ill include a four-story structure of approxim ately
86,700 (gross) square feet comprised of approximately fifty-eight apartment units, thirty-two underground
parking spaces, 1,160 square feet of co mmercial space, and 2,000 squa re feet of co mmunity space that
will be managed and utilized by Lifelong, and
WHEREAS, the development will be undertaken by Dewitt Hou se Associates, LLC, a limited
liability corporation created by the Travis-Hyde/HOLT Architects team, and
WHEREAS, a sale price o f $925,000 was established in the Request for Proposals based on the
appraised value of the parcel which was reviewed b y the County's Director of Assessment and found to
be fair and reasonable based on current market values, and
WHEREAS, the process followed in the disposition of this parcel is compliant with Chapter 19-1
of the County Code governing the sale or lease of County Property, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Old Library Committee, That the County Administrator
be and hereby is auth orized to ex ecute any and all documents to com plete th e sale of the Old Library
property, City of Ithaca tax parcel 61.-1-4, to the Dewitt House Associates, LLC of Ithaca, New York, for
the sum of $925,000, with the County retaining a reversionary interest in the property,
RESOLVED, further, That the Directo r of Financ e be and here by is authorized to record the
proceeds of $925,000 in the Capital Reserves Fund Account No. HQ 1698.42660 Sale of Real Property.
SEQR ACTION: TYPE I (Negative Declaration)
Government Operations Committee
Resolution No. 2017-170: Appropriation from Contingent Fund - Terminal Pay - County Attorney's
Office (ID #7185)
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: Daniel Klein, Vice Chair
SECONDER: Carol Chock, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairbome, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
WHEREAS, a staff member of the County Attorney's Office has retired as of May 31, 2017, and
WHEREAS, the Fiscal Policy of Tompkins County allows for terminal -pay reimbursement to the
Department from the Contingent Fund, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Government Operations and the Bud get, Capital, and
Personnel Committees, That the Director of Finance be and hereby is authorized and directed to make the
following budget adjustment for 2017:
FROM: A1990.54400 Contingent Fund $30, 843.18
TO: A1420.51000312 Paralegal to County Attorney $30,843.18
Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee
Resolution No. 2017- 171: Ratification of Barg aining Agreem ent Betwee n Corrections Officers
Local 2062 and the County of Tompkins (ID #7264)
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: David McKenna, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairbome, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, the collective bargaining a greement between To mpkins County and the T ompkins
County Corrections Officers Unit Local 2062, expired on December 31, 2014, and
WHEREAS, negotiations for a successor agreement have been ongoing, and
WHEREAS, on August 20, 2017, t he Corrections Officers Unit Local 2062 held a vote and
ratified an agreement covering the years 2015, 2016 and 2017, which encompass the following changes:
2.25% for each of t he three y ears covered retroact ive to Januar y 1, 2015, for em ployees as specified
below, and a one-time lump sum shall be added to the base -line salary in the year 2017 for those at Step 6
and above, as well as other m inor language changes as discussed by the negotiating teams, now therefore
be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee, That the rate
of pay for each Corrections bargaining unit member will be increased by 2.25% for each year 2015, 2016,
and 2017, and that the 2017 base -line salary is raised as follows (non- accumulative):
+$500 for Step 7 (New step 6) 5-8 yrs
+$750 for Step 8 (New step 7) 8-10 yrs
+$750 for Step 9 (New step 8) 10-15 yrs
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
+$1,000 for Step 10 (New step 9) 15-20 yrs
+$1,000 for Step 11 (New step 10) 20+ yrs
+$1,000 for Sergeants for Steps 1 and 2
Retroactivity only applies to em ployees on pa yroll at the time of ratification by both the Union and the
Legislature and applies to any former employee who has retired directly with a pension from the N YS
Retirement System.
RESOLVED, further, That the bargaining agreement between Tom pkins Count y an d the
Tompkins Count y Corrections Officers Unit Local 206 2, f or t he period of J anuary 1, 20 15, t hrough
December 31, 201 7, is hereby ratified and the Director of Finan ce is hereby authorized to make such
appropriations from the Contingent Fund to the Sheriff's salary and fringe benefits lines as are necessary
in order to implement this agreement.
Advisory Board Appointment(s) (ID # 7223)
Ms. Robertson stated for t he record that her opposition to the appointm ent is because of Ms.
Buck's residency and is not related to her qualifications or service.
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, David
McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
NAYS: Martha Robertson
Tompkins Cortland Communi , College Board of Trustees
Roxann Buck - Tompkins County representative; term expires June 30, 2024
Jail Study Committee
Resolution No. 2017-172: Accepting the "Assessment of the Future of the Tompkins County Jail"
Report and Commending the Center of Governmental Research for its
Thorough and Thoughtful Work (ID #7245)
It was MOVED by Ms. Kiefer, seconded by Ms. Chock, to amend the title and Resolved from
"Commending the Center of Govern mental Research for its Thoro ugh a nd Th oughtful Work" to
"Thanking the Center of Governmenta 1 Research for its Work". Following a brief discussion, a voice
vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 6 (Legislators Ch ock, Dennis, Kiefer, Lane , McBean-Clairbome, an d
Sigler); Noes - 8 (Legisla tors Burbank, John, Kelles, Klein, McKenna, Morey, Robertson, and Stein).
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
MOVER: Rich John, Member
SECONDER: David McKenna, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Daniel Klein, Michael
Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
NAYS: Carol Chock, Dooley Kiefer
WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 234 of 2016, and in response to the possible revocation of an 18 -
bed variance at the To mpkins Count y Jail b y the New York State Department of Corrections, this
Legislature commissioned a "Cri minal Justice/Jail Population T rends Assessment" by the Rochester -
based Center for Governmental Research ("CGR") to analyze the current and projected population of the
County's Jail, incorporating the several current, pe riding, and potential activities intended t o reduce the
jail population, and
WHEREAS, the CGR stud y i nvolved a co mbination of qualitative information obtaine d in
interview and focus group discussions, and extensive quantitative analyses of em pirical data obtained
from the jail, Probation, other agencies and various ATI and community-based programs, and
WHEREAS, during t he course of the stud y, CG R conducted in terviews with in ore than 125
individuals broadl y representative of and knowledgeable about the local co mmunity and t he Jail and
criminal justice sy stem and also met with the Jail Study Co mmittee, the Crim inal Justice
Advisory/Alternatives-to-Incarceration Board, two groups of persons with direct experience as defendants
in the local cri minal justice sy stem and as inm ates in the local jail, and participated in a Jail Study
Committee -sponsored town meeting at which about 20 speakers offered various perspectives on our study
and the future of the County Jail, and
WHEREAS, num erous quantitative analy ses wer e undertaken, most pro minently including
detailed independent analy ses of data provided by the County Jail and by the Department of Probation
and Community Justice, as well as data obtained and analyzed from various Count y and community-
based agenci es and fro m New York State Offi ces including the Division of Cri minal Just ice Servic es,
Commission of Correction, Office of Court Adm inistration, and Office of Alcoholism an d Substance
Abuse Services, and
WHEREAS, based on the findings derived from this qualitative and quantitative analy sis, CGR
provided approximately 25 recommendations that, if implemented, provide an opportunity to appreciably
reduce the population of the Tompkins County Jail, and
WHEREAS, this Legislature finds that CGR fully met its charge and has pro vided many well -
substantiated recommendations, and
WHEREAS, it is the commit ment of this Legisl ature to pursue policies and programs suc h as
those reco mmended by CGR in order to reduce Ja it populati on as the alternative to expandin g the
capacity of the Jail, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Jail Study Committee, That this Legislature accepts the
July 2017 Re port by the C enter for Govern mental Re search titled "An Assessment of the Future of the
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Tompkins County Jail" and commends its authors for their thorough and thoughtful work.
Resolution No. 2017-173: Amending Resolution 2016-2 34 to Increase the Crim inal Justice/Jail
Population Trend Contract with the Center for Govern mental
Research by $15,000 (ID #7233)
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: Rich John, Member
SECONDER: Anna Kelles, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Michael
Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
NAYS: Dooley Kiefer, Daniel Klein
WHEREAS, by Resolution 2016-155, this Legislature authorized $85, 000 in f unding from the
Contingent fund to study the County's Jail population and population trends and to subsequently develop
design options to accommodate that population trend, and
WHEREAS, by Resolutio n 2016- 234, this Legislature authorized the County Administrator to
execute an Agree ment with the non-profit Center for Governmental Research (CGR) t o Undertake a
Criminal Justice/Jail Population Trend Analysis, and
WHEREAS, that Agree ment anticip ated the nee d to conduct thirt y inter views, including a
combination of individual interviews and group discussions, and
WHEREAS, durin g the course of th e stud y, CGR was strongl y encourag ed to signif. cantly
expand the number of interviews conducted in orde r to increase th e inclusiveness of the process and the
breadth of perspective brought into the analysis, and
WHEREAS, CGR ultimately conducted more than sixty in-person meetings involving more than
seventy-five individuals, as well as more than ten teleconference meetings and two meetings with groups
of between fifteen and eighteen former inmates and family members with experience in the local jail, and
WHEREAS, CGR also encountered problem s wi th the County's jail data base and other
automated systems that further added to the tim e necessary to undertake the analytical studies, and that
also resulted in improvements to the Count y's ability to monitor the Jail population in the future, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of t he Jail Study and t he Budget, Capital, and Personnel
Committee, That the Count y Administrator be and here by is aut horized to amend the Ag reement with
CGR to reflect the increased scope of work undertaken by CGR, and to increase the fee by $15,000 to e
total fee of $78,000.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
RESOLVED, further, That the Finance Director be and hereby is authorized and directed to make
the following budget adjustments for 2017 to support the cost of undertaking such studies:
FROM: 1990.54400 Contingent Fund
$15, 000.00
TO: A1230.54442 County Administration -Professional Services $15,000.00
Public Safety Committee
Resolution No. 2017-174: Budget Adjustment and Appropriation of Unspent Funds fro m 2016 and
Prior Years to Various Accounts of the Departments that Report to the
Public Safety Committee (ID #7219)
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: Rich John, Member
SECONDER: Martha Robertson, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, Section 4.06 of Tompkins County Fiscal Policy on "Re -appropriation (Carryover or
Rollover)" authorizes County Department Heads to "r equest re -appropriation of unspent funds from the
previous year, provided that they are certified by the Director of Finance to be available and provided that
this re -appropriation is authorized by the established appropriation procedures of the Legislature," and
WHEREAS, various departments have been certified by the Director of Finance to have available
unspent appropriations and excess revenues from 2016 totaling $698,168, which, combined with balances
from prior years, results in an availab le rollove r b alance of $1, 135,477 on the County's books as o f
December 31, 2016, and
WHEREAS, pursuant to County Fiscal Policy, surpl us funds have been r equested for use i n the
current year budget by departments that report to th e Public Safety Committee in the amount of $40,769
and $78,571 are being released to the unassigned General Fund Balance, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of t he Public Safe ty and the Budget, Capital, and Personnel
Committees, That the following transactions are approved:
FROM: General Fund Balance
TO: Requested
Dept. Use of Funds Account Rollover
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
District Attorney
Replacement of office furniture in office of District Attorney 1165.52214 $5,0 00.00
waiting area and in conference room
Replacement of computer equipment as it reaches the end of its 1165.52206 $5,0 00.00
useful life
Sheriffs Office
Computer Equipment 3110.52206 $3,622.00
Computer Equipment 3113.52206 $8,360.00
Computer Equipment 3150.52206 $3,037.00
Probation and Community Justice
Computer Equipment: Seven Desktop PCs, five Monitors, one
3142.52206 $6,0 00.00
Laptop and three Printers (all replacement equipment)
Office Equipment: One Projector (replacement equipment)
3142.52210 $1,500.00
Office Furnishing: Three Task Chairs (replacement) and one
3142.52214 $800 .00
Utility Tub Cart (to facilitate the wanding process of Probation
clients visiting HSB)
Books: Evidence -based Interactive Journaling Curriculum
3142.54332 $1,4 50.00
designed for Youth along with Facilitator Guides
Professional Services: Electronic Monitoring (due to a spike in
3141.54442 $6,0 00.00
utilization not anticipated earlier)
Release unspent funds from 2016 appropriation for Re -Entry $78, 571.00
Programming to the unassigned General Fund Balance
Resolution No. 2017-175: 2017 Re -appropriation from Co ntingent Fund — Funding of Body
Camera Servic a Cont ract and Equipmen t
Maintenance/Replacement (ID #7176)
Ms. Kiefer commented th at the General Order continues to be incom plete; Mr. John said he
would follow-up with the Sheriff to get updated information.
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: Rich John, Member
SECONDER: Martha Robertson, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairbome, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, Resolution No. 2016- 5 adopted January 5, 2 016, appropriated f unding from th f
Contingent Fund for the purchase, maintenance, and ongoing support of body -worn cameras for use by
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
the Tompkins County Sheriff's department, including a $23,000 increase in the Sheriffs Department's
target budget for the ongoing costs of the program, and
WHEREAS, this additional funding for ongoing costs was inadvertently omitted from the 2017
target budget of the Sheriff s Office, and
WHEREAS, this Legislature continues to concur that these ongoing annual costs borne by the
County will be justified by the benefits produced by the utilization of body cameras by the members of
the Sheriff s Office, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of t he Public Safe ty and the Budget, Capital, and Personnel
Committees, That funds for the Sher iffs Office in th e amount of $23,000 shall be appropriated fro m the
County's Contingent Fund to cover the $19,000 an nual service contract for the body camera system and
to provide $4,000 for maintenance and replacement of system hardware,
RESOLVED, further, That the Director of Finance be and hereb y is authorize d and directed to
make the following budget adjustment in fiscal year 2017:
Contingent Fund
Departmental Equipment
Service Contracts $19,
RESOLVED, further, Tha t the target budget fo r the Sheriff s Office shall be increased by
$23,000 t o cover the futu re annual on going costs of supportin g the body camera system, beginni ng in
fiscal year 2018.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
August 15, 2017
MOVER: Daniel Klein, Vice Chair
SECONDER: Martha Robertson, Member
AYES: Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne,
Robertson, McKenna, Morey, Sigler, Stein
NAYS: Dooley Kiefer
Executive Session
It was MOVED b y Ms. K elles, seconded b y Ms. Robertson, and unanimously adopted by voice
vote, to hold an executive session at 10: 01 p.m. to di scuss a perso nnel matter about a particular person.
The meeting returned to open session at 10:15 p.m.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Adi ournment
The meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m.
Tompkins County Legislature
Special Meeting Minutes — Approved 10-3-17
Monday, September 11, 2017 5:30 PM
Legislature Chambers
Call to Order
Mr. Lane, Chair, called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll Call of Members
Attendee Name
Will Burbank
Carol Chock
James Dennis
_ Arrived
Rich John
5:34 PM
Anna Kelles
Dooley Kiefer
5:33 PM
Daniel Klein
Vice Chair
Michael Lane
Leslyn McBean-Clairborne
Martha Robertson
5:34 PM
David McKenna
Glenn Morey
Michael Sigler
Peter Stein
Facilities and Infrastructure Committee
Resolution No. 2017-1 76: Authorizing Acceptance of a Federal Aviation Adm inistration (FAA)
Grant to Rehabilitate General Aviation (GA) Apron, Install P erimeter
Fencing, and Install Apron Lighting - Ithaca Tompkins Regional
Airport (ID #7287)
MOVER: David McKenna, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, James Dennis, Rich John, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael
Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Carol Chock, Anna Kelles, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, the Count y has received a grant o ffer from the Federal Aviation Adm inistration
(FAA) in the am ount of $1,550,274 t o help finan ce the Rehabilitation of the General Aviation (GA)
Apron, Insta llation of Perim eter Fencing, an d Ins tallation of Apron Flo od Lighti ng at the Ithaca
Tompkins Regional Airport, and
Tompkins County Legislature
Monday, September 11, 2017
WHEREAS, the budget for this project will be $1,722,527 and the financing is as follows:
FAA Share (90.0%) Account No. HT 5601.44592 $1,550,274
NYS Department of Transportation Share (5.0%) Account No. HT 5601.43592 $ 86,126
Airport Operational Budget Account No. HT 5601.45031 $ 86,127
(PFC's instead of Operational Funds once application has been finalized)
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities a nd Infrastructure Committee, That the grant
offer fro in t he FAA in the am ount of $1,550,274 be and hereby is accepted and that the Count y
Administrator, of his designee, is authorized to execute the required documents.
Resolution No. 2017-1 77: Authorizing Acceptance of a Federal Aviation Adm inistration (FAA)
Grant to Purchase a Passenger Boarding Bridge - Ithaca T ompkins
Regional Airport (ID #7289)
MOVER: David McKenna, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, James Dennis, Rich John, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael
Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Carol Chock, Anna Kelles, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, the Count y has received a grant o ffer from the Federal Aviation Adm inistration
(FAA) in the am ount of $870,763 t o help finance the Installation of a Passen ger Boarding Bridge at th e
Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport, and
WHEREAS, the budget for this project will be $967,515 and the financing is as follows:
FAA Share (90.0%) Account No. HT 5601.44592 $ 870,763
NYS Department of Transportation Share (5.0%) Account No. HT 5601.43592 $ 48,375
Airport Operational Budget Account No. HT 5601.45031 $ 48,376
(PFC's instead of Operational Funds once application has been finalized)
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities a nd Infrastructure Committee, That the grant
offer fro in t he FAA in the am ount of $870,763 be and hereby is accepted and that the Count y
Administrator, or his designee, is authorized to execute the required documents.
Tompkins County Legislature
Monday, September 11, 2017
Resolution No. 2017-178: Award of Bid - Passenger Boarding Bridge — Ithaca Tompkins Regiona 1
Airport (ID #7290)
MOVER: David McKenna, Member
SECONDER: James Dennis, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne
AYES: Will Burbank, James Dennis, Rich John, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael
Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Carol Chock, Anna Kelles, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, the Finance Depart ment has duly advertised for bids to purchase a Pas senger
Boarding Bridge for the Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport, and
WHEREAS, four (4) bids were duly received for the General Contractor for the Passe nger
Boarding Bridge and three (3) bids were duly received for the Electrical Contractor as follows:
RJ Ortlieb Construction, Inc. $687,000
Murnane Building Contractors $709,000
Bouley Associates $777 9000
Welliver McGuire $810,700
Patricia Electric $130 ,365
Matco Electric $132 5000
Huen Electric $143 ,350
, and
WHEREAS, after consultation with t he Fede ral Aviation Administration (FAA), RJ Ortlieb
Construction, Inc., of Baldwinsv ille, NY, and Patricia Electri c of Sy racuse, NY, are the lowest
responsible bidders, and will be aw arded the bid for the Passeng er Boarding Bridget for a total cost of
$817,365, and
WHEREAS, the budget for said Passenger Boarding Bridge is as follows:
FAA (90%) $735 ,629
New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) (5%) $ 40,868
Passenger Facility Charges (PFC's) (5%) $ 40,868
(Pending finalization and approval of PFC Application)
Total $817 ,365
, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure Co mmittee, That the
Passenger Boarding Bridge bid be awarded to RJ Ortlie b Construction, Inc., and Patricia Electric, as the
lowest responsible bidders with a combined bid of $817,365,
Tompkins County Legislature
Monday, September 11, 2017
RESOLVED, further, That the local share is derived from PFC's pe nding finalization and
approval of the PFC application and that the Finance Director be and hereby is authorized to advance
payments for this piece of equipm ent until reimbursement is received from the FAA and NYSDOT. The
total Grant Award fro m the FAA is $8 70,764 with a total project cost of $967,515 the additional funds
covering the costs of the engineering contracts and administrative costs.
Resolution No. 2017- 179: Award of Bid - Reha bilitate General Aviation (GA) Apron, Install
Perimeter Fencing, and Install Apro n Lighting — Ithaca Tompkin s
Regional Airport (ID #7291)
MOVER: David McKenna, Member
SECONDER: James Dennis, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, James Dennis, Rich John, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael
Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Carol Chock, Anna Kelles, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, the Finance Depart ment has duly a dvertised for bids to Rehabilitate General
Aviation (GA) Apron, Install Peri meter Fencing, and Install Ap ron Lighting for the Itha ca To mpkins
Regional Airport, and
WHEREAS, three (3) bids were duly received for this project:
Boland's Excavating
Sealand Contractors
Suit-Kote Corporation
, and
WHEREAS, after consultation with the Fe deral Aviation Administration (FAA), Boland' s
Excavating is the lowest responsible bidder, and w ill be awarded the bid for the Rehabilitation of the GA
Apron, Installation of t he Perimeter Fencing, and Installation of t he Apron Li ghting for a total cost of
$1,554,027, and
WHEREAS, the budget for said project is as follows:
FAA (90%) $1,3 98,625.00
New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) (5%) $ 77,701.25
Passenger Facility Charges (PFC's) (5%) $ 77,701.25
(Pending finalization and approval of PFC Application)
Total $1,5 54,027.50
, now therefore be it
Tompkins County Legislature
Monday, September 11, 2017
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure Co mmittee, That the
Rehabilitate GA Apron, Install Perimeter Fencing, and Install Apron Lighting bid be awarded to Boland's
Excavating of Conklin, NY, with a bid of $1,554,027.50,
RESOLVED, further, That the local share is derived from PFC's pe nding finalization and
approval of the PFC application and that the Finance Director be and hereby is authorized to advance
payments for this project until reim bursement is received from the FAA and NYSDOT. The total Gran t
Award from the FAA is $1,550, 274 with a total project cost of $1,722, 527 the additional funds covering
the costs of the Engineering Contracts, Independent Fee Estimate, and Administrative Costs.
Adi ournment
On motion the meeting adjourned at 5:36 p.m.
Tompkins County Legislature
Regular Meeting Minutes —Approved 10-17-17
Tuesday, September 19, 2017 5:30 PM
Legislature Chambers
Call to Order
Mr. Lane, Chair, called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll Call of Members
Attendee Name
Will Burbank
Carol Chock
James Dennis
Rich John
Status Arrived Departed
Present _
Late 6:16 PM
Anna Kelles
Dooley Kiefer
Daniel Klein
Vice Chair
Michael Lane
Leslyn McBean-Clairborne
Martha Robertson
David McKenna
Glenn Morey
Michael Sigler
Peter Stein
Present 6:57 PM
Announcements of Executive Sessions, Reordering of Business, and Special Orders of the Day
Mr. Lane announced an executive session would be held later in the meeting concerning a
personnel matter with respect to a particular person.
Privilege of the Floor by the Public
Susan Multer, Town of Ithaca resident and Interfaith Climate A ction Network representat ive,
invited the L egislature and the public to a m eeting on September 27 th at the First Unitarian Society
Church to hear from an arctic explorer from Minnesota, Will Ste ger, who will be speaking about Polar
Thawing and How it Affects Us.
Report from a Municipal Official(s)
Ducson Nguyen, Common Council member, reported Common Council approved the Indigenous
Peoples' Day ordinance and to amend City Code to remove any reference to Columbus Day. In addition
to other day-to-day business, design guidelines for Collegetown and downtown will be discu ssed by the
Planning Board and the Planning Committee of the Council.
Mr. Burbank asked for a st atus report on the pla nned reconfiguration of the West Martin Luther
King Street/West State Street to ac commodate bik e lanes. Mr. Nguy en said that process is moving
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
forward and the Board of Public Works has approve d a propos al. There have been multiple public
meetings on this issue.
In response to Ms. Kelles, Mr. Nguy en said the Planning and Development Committee approved
site plans for development in the City including the Reuse Center for a housing project, Lakeview project
on Route 13, and replacement for the Nines building in Collegetown.
In response to Ms. Robertson, Mr. Nguy en said at the Planning and Development Co mmittee
meeting a proposal to add 350 units of housing and additi onal parki ng spa ces over the Green Street
garage was discussed and the Committee has requested a Request for Proposals be done.
Chair's Report and Chair's Appointments
Mr. Lane recognized Legi slator Peter Stein for his service to the Legislature; he has resigned
effective September 22, 2017 as the District No. 11 representative. He has taught the Legislature a
different way to think including h ow to apply a scientific method to some of the problems we have such
as the green shoulders on Ellis Hollow Road and he has told many wonderful stories. Mr. Stein is a
teacher and an educator and Mr. Lane, on behalf of the Legisl ature, wished Mr. Stein t he best and
presented him with a card and a plant.
Mr. Lane had no appointment(s).
Resolutions Added to and Withdrawn from the Agenda
It was MOVED by Ms. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Morey, and unanimously adopted by voice
vote by members present, to add to the agenda the resolution entitled Supporting New York State Electric
and Gas (NYSEG) Petition (Case 17-G-0432) to Address Reliability Issues for Current Gas Customers in
Lansing Area, and Calling on the Public Service to Conduct an Expeditious Review.
Appointments Approved Under the Consent Agenda
Advisory Board Appointment (ID # 7282)
MOVER: Anna Kelles, Member
SECONDER: Will Burbank, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, David
McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
EXCUSED: Carol Chock
Library Board of Trustees
James Loehr - term expires December 31, 2017
Communitv Mental Health Services Board - terms expire December 31. 2018
Susan Crowell
Harmony Ayers -Friedlander
David Shapiro
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Resolutions Approved Under the Consent Agenda
MOVER: Anna Kelles, Member
SECONDER: Will Burbank, Member
AYES: Burbank, Dennis, John, Kelles, Kiefer, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne,
Robertson, McKenna, Morey, Sigler, Stein
Resolution No. 2017-180: Adoption of 2017 Equalization Rates (ID #7248)
WHEREAS, pursuant to Article III, S ection 4. 05, Subdivision (d) of the T ompkins Count y
Charter and Code, t he Director of Assessment has subm itted and recommended the adoption of
equalization rates for all towns in Tompkins County and the City of Ithaca for the assessment rolls filed in
2017, and for the apportionment of County taxes levied in 2018, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Government Operations Committee, That the following
equalization rates be and hereby are adopted:
Town of
Town of
Town of
Town of
100 192,
Town of
Town of
100 1,47
Town of
Town of
Town of
City of Ithaca
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Resolution No. 2017-181: Adoption of 2017 Assessment Roll Footings (ID #7247)
WHEREAS, Tom pkins Count y desires to mainta in an official record of the 20 17 Final
Assessment Roll, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Govern ment Operations Committee, That the reg ular
and supplemental report of the totals (footings) of assessment rolls be accepted and the figures therein be
used as a basis for the taxation in the several tax districts of the County for the year 2018 based upon the
July 1, 2017, County of Tompkins Final Assessment Roll.
Resolution No. 2017-182: Authorization to Accept Grant fro m the Health Foundation of Western
and Central New York - Office for the Aging (ID #7295)
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Office for the Aging seeks to offer effective programming to
meet the needs of older adults, and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Off ice for the Aging applied for a com petitive "Aging by
Design" grant to address identified needs and reduce triggers of decline among older adults, and
WHEREAS, the Health Foundation of Western and Central New York awarded a $25,000 Aging
by Design grant to the Tompkins County Office for the Aging, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Health and Human S ervices Committee, That the
County hereby accepts this grant of $25,000,
RESOLVED, further, That the Finan ce Director be and hereb y is authorized to make the
following adjustments:
REVENUE A6773-42070
Contributions from Private Agencies
APPROPRIATION A6773-51000215
Director. Office for the Aging
$ 511
NY Connects Coordinator
$ 2,125
Aging Services Specialist
$ 2,125
Automotive Fuel
$ 75
Program Expense
$ 500
Subcontracts $
Fringe Benefits $
RESOLVED, further, That the remainder, $8,09 6, will be included in the Office for the Aging's
2018 budget.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Facilities and Infrastructure Committee
Ms. Kiefer asked that the Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality Committee discuss
the report received from C ornell pertaining to the plum es at the Ai rport. Ms. Robertson said she would
follow-up with Mr. McKenna about this topic.
Government Operations Committee
Ms. Chock arrived at this time.
Resolution No. 2017-183: Standardization of Professional Services and Software (ID #7280)
MOVER: Daniel Klein, Vice Chair
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairbome, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, the Director of Assessment and the Director of Information Technolo gy Services
have recommended that the Tompkins County Digital Sketch Program software and professional services
be standardized to ensure full corn patibility with the recent New York State Department of Taxation and
Finance efforts and contract related to the Real Property Services (RPS) software upgrade project, and
WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance has recently completed an
extensive Request for Proposal process, and finalized a contract for the implementation of a centrali zed,
software platform hosted by New York State to re place the existing s ystem (RPS) currently hosted by
local municipalities, and
WHEREAS, New York State has cont racted with Tyler Technologies, Inc., for the statew ide,
RPS upgrade project with a scheduled project start date in the Fall of 2017, and
WHEREAS, Tompkins County has been selected as one of twelve New York State localities to
participate as a pilot municipality in the project, and
WHEREAS, the scope of work defined by the New York State contract for the RPS softwa re
upgrade proj ect does not include the configuration or migration of Tom pkins Count y Digital Sketch
Program and related data, and
WHEREAS, Tyler Technologies, Inc., has the capability, based on preli minary proposals, to
complete the Tom pkins County Digi tal Sketch Progr am in a manner that is integrated with the
implementation of the New York State RPS software upgrade project, and
WHEREAS, Tompkins County previously approved funding for the Tom pkins County Digital
Sketch Program and related data as submitted by the Department of Assessment in the amount $95,000 as
a 2017, One -Time, Over -Target Request, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Government Operations Committee, That for reasons of
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
economy and efficiency, the Department of Assessme nt standardize professional services and program
software functionality and the integration of data, as provided by Tyler Technologies, Inc., for enhanced
features and professional services beyond the scope of work defined per contract with the New York State
Department of Taxation and Finance.
Resolution No. 2017-184: Budget Adjustment and Appropriation of Unspent Funds from 2016 and
Prior Years to Various Accounts of the Departments that Report to the
Government Operations Committee (ID #7220)
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: Daniel Klein, Vice Chair
SECONDER: David McKenna, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairbome, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, Section 4.06 of Tompkins County Fiscal Policy on "Re -appropriation (Carryover or
Rollover)" authorizes County Department Heads to "r equest re -appropriation of unspent funds from the
previous year, provided that they are certified by the Director of Finance to be available and provided that
this re -appropriation is authorized by the established appropriation procedures of the Legislature," and
WHEREAS, various departments have been certified by the Director of Finance to have available
unspent appropriations and excess revenues from 2016 totaling $698,168, which, combined with balances
from prior years, results in an availab le rollove r b alance of $1, 135,477 on the County's books as o f
December 31, 2016, and
WHEREAS, pursuant to County Fiscal Policy, surpl us funds have been r equested for use i n the
current -year budget by departments that report to the Government Operations Committee in the amount of
$44,082, and $217 is being released to the unassigned General Fund Balance, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Govern ment Operations and the Bud get, Capital, and
Personnel Committees, That the following transactions are approved:
FROM: General Fund Balance
Dept. Use of Funds
Purchase of folder/inserter for our mass mailings (additional
printer for tax bills if money allows for it).
1355.52206 $7,0
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Board of Elections
Cover anticipated shortage in personnel account left when one
employee resigned and was paid out for fringe time
Extra hours that will need to be paid to part-time employees for
summer training sessions
Replacement server, computers, and scanner that were required
for use with our updated voter management software
Costs associated with several training sessions needed for new
voting machine technicians hired recently
Purchase of 5 new ergonomic standing desks, 2 desks for
people using tables, and new storage cabinets for tech room
County Attorney
Two iMacs to replace outdated current machines.
Information Technology Services
Release unspent funds from 2016 appropriation to the
unassigned General Fund Balance
1450.51000793 $2,5 00.00
1450.51000075 $2,5 00.00
1450.52206 $10, 000.00
1450.54412 $5,0 00.00
1450.52214 $14, 000.00
1420.52206 $3,038.00
$217 .00
Resolution No. 2017- 185: Resolution to Urge the United States Congress to Preserve th e
Protections of Registere d Individuals in the Defer red Acti on for
Childhood Arrivals (D ACA) P rogram by Passing the Bipartisan -
Supported Dream Act of 2017 (ID #7293)
MOVER: Daniel Klein, Vice Chair
SECONDER: Anna Kelles, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, Tompkins County values it s ethnic, racial, linguistic, and socio-econom is diversity
where our diversity is a source of our municipality's strength, and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature is committed to ensuring that all County residents
can live and pursue their livelihoods in peace and pr osperity and is committed to supporting legislation
that ensures inalienable rights for all residents throughout the United States, and
WHEREAS, nearly 800,000 young people who came to the United States a s children voluntarily
came forward, passed background checks, and receive d permission to live and work in Americ a through
the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program established by executive order by President
Obama in 2012, and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
WHEREAS, through the DACA program, immigrant youth have made significant contributions
to the strength and resiliency of our country through advancing their education, starting small businesses,
serving in t he military, buy ing hom es and cars, and more fully establishing them selves as integral
members of our working economy and society, and
WHEREAS, a majority of Am ericans (appr oximately 78% ) believe that DACA-pro tected
individuals should be allo wed to remain in t he United States and over 5 0% support a path to eventual
citizenship, and
WHEREAS, education, business, technology , a nd religious leaders across the countr y urge
President Trump and Congress to saf eguard DACA-protected individuals and cite significant social and
economic consequences of a full repeal without an alternative protection, and
WHEREAS, on September 5, 2017, President Trump ordered an end to the DACA program that
shields young undocumented immigrants from deportation rescinding protections and rights that enabled
them to be productive members of our economy, culture, and society, and
WHEREAS, on July 20, 2017, Senators Lindsey Graham (R -SC), Dick Durbin (D -IL), Jeff Flake
(R -AZ), and Chuck Schumer (D -NY) introduced the Dream Act of 2017 which would establish a road to
lawful permanent resident (LPR) status or U.S. citizenship for registered DACA individuals, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Government Operations Committee, That the Tompkins
County Legislature stands by immigrant youth, including those protected by DACA, and calls upon the
United States Congress to prevent the revocation of the legal status from those protected under the five-
year old DACA program by passing the bipartisan Dream Act of 2017, thereby strengthening the fabric of
our economy and country,
RESOLVED, further, T hat the Clerk of t he Le gislature send copies of this resolution to
Congressman Tom Reed; State Senators Tom O'Mara, James Seward, and Pamela Helming; to Senators
Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand; State Assem blymember Barbara Lift on; and Governor Andrew
Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality Committee
Resolution No. 2017- 186: Authoriz ing Applicatio n for New York State Public Tra nsportation
Modernization & Enhancement Grant for TCAT, Inc., in SFY 2017-
2018 (ID #7271)
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
MOVER: Martha Robertson, Member
SECONDER: David McKenna, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, the Governor of t he State of New York awarded $1,436, 655 i n Public
Transportation Modernization & Enhancement Program funding for capital projects in Tompkins County,
WHEREAS, Tom pkins Count y wishes to appl y for the State grant o n be half of Tom pkins
Consolidated Area Transit, Inc., to modernize and enhance the public transportation system, and
WHEREAS, the $1,436,655 in New York Stat e funding will r eimburse 100% of the costs of
proposed projects as follows:
State Funds
Transit Facility Rehabilitation
Bus Associated Capital Maintenance Items
Maintenance Lift Replacements (3 lifts)
Bus WiFi System
TCAT Web / App Design
Bus Passenger Shelter Upgrades
Bus Traffic Signal Prioritization System
Total $1,4
, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Planning, Develop ment, and Environm ental Qu ality
Committee, That the Tom pkins County Legislature authorizes the application for $1,436,655 in Publi c
Transportation Modemizat ion & Enhan cement Progr am funding t o the New York State Departm ent of
Transportation for the above listed projects on behalf of TCAT, Inc.,
RESOLVED, further, That the Tom pkins Count y Legislature authorizes the Count y
Administrator or designee to sign any and all agreements between Tompkins County and the State of New
York for the Project.
Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee
Resolution No. 2017-187: Scheduling a Public Hear ing on the 2018 Tompkins County Budget and
the 2018-2022 Tompkins County Capital Program (ID #7234)
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
At the request of Mr. Dennis, the Legislature agreed to change the date of the public hearing from
November 9th to October 30th
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, the tentative 2018 Tompkins County Budget and the 2018-2022 Tompkins County
Capital Program are scheduled to be adopted on October 17, 2017, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of t he Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee, That a
public hearing be held before the Tompkins County Legislature in Legislative Chambers, located at 121
East Court Street, Ithaca, New York, on Monday, October 30, 2017, at 7:00 o'clock in the evening thereof
concerning the review of the tentative 2018 Tompkins County Budget and t he 2018 - 20 22 Tompkins
County Capital Program. At such time and place all persons interested in the subject matter will be heard
concerning the same,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Legislature is hereby authorized and directed to place
proper notice of such public hearing in the official newspaper of the County.
Health and Human Services Committee
Resolution No. 2017-188: Appropriation From Contingent Fund - Terminal Pa y - Health
Department (ID #7260)
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: Anna Kelles, Member
SECONDER: Rich John, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, the Health Department had a resignati on of two Public Health Sanitarians effective
May 27, 2017, and August 12, 2017, and
WHEREAS, the Health Department had a retirement of a P ublic Health Engineer of fective
August 12, 2017, and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
WHEREAS, one employee converted unused fringe time to health insurance premium, and
WHEREAS, the Fiscal Policy of Tompkins County allows for terminal -pay reimbursement to the
Department from the Contingent Fund, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health an d Human Services and the Budget, Capital,
and Personnel Co mmittees, That the Director of Finan ce is hereb y authorized and directed to make the
following budget appropriations:
FROM: A1990.54400
TO: A4090.51000595
Individual Member -Filed Resolutions
Contingent Fund $ 18,949
Public Health Sanitarian $ 12,603
Public Health Engineer $ 1,195
Fringes $ 5,151
Resolution No. 2017-189: Supporting New York St ate Electric and Gas (NYSEG) Petition (Case
17-G-0432) to Address Reliability Issues for Current Gas Customers in
Lansing Area, and Calling on the Public Service Commi ssion to
Conduct an Expeditious Review (ID #7310)
It was MOVED by Ms. Kiefer to delete the fourth Whereas. MOTION FAILED DUE TO LACK
MOVER: Martha Robertson, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairbome, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Peter Stein
WHEREAS, on July 19, 2017, New York State Electric and Gas (NYSEG) filed a petition (Case
17-G-0432) with the State of New York Public S ervice Commission (PSC), requesting perm ission to
construct a proposed Compressor Project to address the safety, pressure, and reliability issues related to
natural gas service for existing customers in the Lansing area of Tompkins County, and
WHEREAS, the project proposes four skid -m ounted co mpressor package units - "pr essure
boosters" - placed strategically within the existing gas distribution system, to elevate system pressures in
the Lansing area during times of peak gas demand, and
WHEREAS, the project is in the publi c interest, as the pressure boosters wil 1 improve system
reliability; be tter allow for the safe and continued un interrupted supply of ga s service to the existing
customers in the Lansing area; and help to return th a pressures in the gas distribution system to optimal
operating pressures, and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
WHEREAS, additional advantages of the project include the following:
Pressure boosters provide a tim ely and cost -e ffective way to address safety and reliabili ty
concerns in Lansing;
The pressure boosters put NYSEG r atepayer investments in smart meters to good use since
the area benefitting from the compressors is within the footprint of NYSE G's Energy Smart
Community initiative, in which 12,000 smart electric meters and 8,000 smart gas meters are
being installed;
The project is innovative and scalable. NYSEG may consider similar a pplications in other
areas where conventional methods for meeting system reliability may be addressed by an
alternative economical solution; and
WHEREAS, one of NYSEG's main goals is to have the pressure boosters in place for most of the
2018/2019 heating season, and the company's planned schedule could be implemented by then if the PSC
grants timely approval, and
WHEREAS, the PSC has invited interested parti es to submit comments regarding the petition on
or before September 25, 2017, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the T ompkins County Legisl ature supports N YSEG's petition i n Case 17-G-
0432 and urges expeditious review a nd approval of t his petition by the PSC to help ensure safe, reliable
natural gas service in Lansing for the 2018/2019 heating season,
RESOLVED, further, That Tom pkins County will assist NYSEG, as r equested, in planning for
the pressure boosters and in facilitating communication between NYSEG and the public,
RESOLVED, further, That copies of this reso lution be sent to P SC Commissioners and t o the
docket through the Honorable Kathl een H. Burgess, Secretary , New Yo rk State Pu blic Service
Commission; Carl Tay lor, President/C EO of NYS EG; Peter Olmsted, Assistant Secretary for Energy ,
Executive Cham her; Governor Andre w Cuom o; Se nators Pam Helming, Jam es Seward, and T om
O'Mara; and Assemblywoman Barbara Lifton.
Minutes of Previous Meetiny_
September 5, 2017
MOVER: Rich John, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne,
Robertson, McKenna, Morey, Sigler, Stein
NAYS: Dooley Kiefer
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Mr. Lane declared recess at 6:57 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:50 p.m.
Mr. Stein was excused at this time.
Executive Session
It was MOVED by Mr. Morey, seconded by Ms. Kelles, and unanimously adopted by voice vote,
to hold an executive sessi on at 7:50 p.m . to discuss a personnel matter about a particular person. The
meeting returned to open session at 8:59 p.m.
Adi ournment
The meeting adjourned at 8:59 p.m.
Tompkins County Legislature
Regular Meeting Minutes -Approved 10-17-17
Tuesday, October 3, 2017 5:30 PM
Legislature Chambers
Call to Order
Mr. Lane, Chair, called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll Call of Members
Attendee Name
AM IL Status
Will Burbank
Carol Chock
James Dennis
Rich John
Anna Kelles
Dooley Kiefer
Daniel Klein
Vice Chair
Michael Lane
Lesl n McBean-Clairborne
Martha Robertson
David McKenna
Glenn Morey
Michael Sigler
District No. 11
Presentation of Proclamations, Petitions, Communications, and Notices
Mr. Lane read and present ed the proclamation declaring October 14, 2017, as Lifelong Day to
Tom Butler, Board President of Lifelong.
Mr. Lane read and presented the proclamation declaring October 15-22, 2017, as Youth Services
and Caring Adults Recognition Week in Tom pkins Count y to David Sanders of the Youth Services
Privilege of the Floor by the Public
No member of the public wished to speak.
Report from a Municipal Official(s)
George McGonigal, Comm on Council member, reported the City will begi n its budget pr ocess
tomorrow; the City will al so vote on whether to transf er the Green Street parking garage to the Ithaca
Urban Renewal Agency (IURA) and potentiall y s elling it to a group t hat wants to develop it into
something other than a parking garage.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
In response to Ms. Robertson, Mr. McGoniga 1 said the City 's budget would be available
tomorrow for review. Ms. Robertson said she would be interested in the Ma yor's budget with regard to
the funding to address the drug problem.
Mr. Burbank thanked Mr. McGonigal and Cynthia Brock for connecting with residents to explain
the plans for the new lane designs in the West Hill area of the Cit y. Mr. McGonigal explained the next
steps and that the engineers are studying the plan including a second traffic light and reserving the center
lane for left turns and trying to make that lane deeper so that more cars can be in that turning lane. These
are the onl y two things that are still under consider ation. T he Board of Public Works will make its
recommendation at the end of this month and Common Council will make a final decision in November.
Privilege of the Floor by Legislators
At Mr. Lane's direction a moment of silence was observed to recognize the victim s and all those
who have been impacted by the tragic events in Las Vegas.
Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee
Resolution No. 2017-190: Confirming the Appointment of the Tompkins County Commissioner of
Social Services (ID #7334)
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairbome, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
WHEREAS, the position of Commissioner of Soci al Services was vacated by longstanding
Commissioner Patricia Carey in July 2017, and
WHEREAS, by Charter, the County Administrator is charged with appointing an individual to the
position, subject to confirmation by the County Legislature and appropriate state agency, and
WHEREAS, to aid in the selection process, the County Administrator empaneled and chaired a
search committee consisting of two County Legislators, the Deputy County Administrator, three County
department heads, the president of the CSEA White Collar unit, and three community representatives that
engaged in a six-month national recruitment and search, and
WHEREAS, upon the advice and counsel of the search committee, the Count y Administrator has
appointed Ms. Kit Kephart to the position of Commissi oner of Social Services, a position that carries a
term of five years as required by Charter and New York State, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Ca pital, and Pe rsonnel Committee, That the
Tompkins Count y Leg islature hereby confirms the a ppointment of Kit Kephart to a five -y ear term as
Commissioner of Social Services effective upon State confirmation of her appointment.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Resolutions Added to and Withdrawn from the Agenda
It was MOVED by Ms. Chock, seconded by Ms. Kelles, and unanimously adopted by voice vote,
to add to the agenda the resolution entitled Resolution in Support of Ne w York State Aid to Puerto Rico
and Urging Our Federal Government to Pro vide Immediate Additional S upport for Puerto Rico and t he
United States Virgin Islands.
There were no resolutions withdrawn from the agenda.
Appointments Approved Under the Consent Agenda
Advisory Board Appointment(s) (ID # 7327)
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: David McKenna, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
Youth Services Board
Lisa Campbell, Town of Lansing representative; term expires December 31, 2019
Resolutions Approved Under the Consent Agenda
James Dennis, Member
David McKenna, Member
Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Kiefer, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne,
Robertson, McKenna, Morey, Sigler
Resolution No. 2017-191: Rescindin g Bylaws of Tompkins County Fire, Disaster, and Emergency
Medical Ser vices (EMS) Advisory Board and Delegating Duties to
Emergency Response Oversight Committee (EROC) Fire and EMS Sub -
Committee (ID #7301)
WHEREAS, Article Five of the County Law of New York State authorizes the creation of a
County Fire Advisory Board through Section 225-a, and of a County Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
Advisory Board through Section 223-b, and
WHEREAS, Section C-23.02 of the Tompkins County Charter establishes a County Fire, Disaster
& Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Advisory Bo and for purposes delineat ed in Count y Law, most
notably and primarily for the development of mutual aid plans and responder training programs, and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
WHEREAS, the framework of the Advisory Board dates to 1949, and the Bylaws of the Advisory
Board were last updated in 1992, and
WHEREAS, the Fire, Disaster and EMS Advisory Board has not been appointed, nor been active
for over a decade, and
WHEREAS, the Emergency Communications Review and Oversight Comm ittee (ECRO C), as
predecessor body to the newly renamed and rec onstituted Emergency Response Oversight Committee
(EROC), has in recent years substantially performed the duties of and has the same membership as a Fire
Advisory Board and an EMS Advisory Board while more fully endeavoring to assure the interoperability
of the first responder community that includes both fire and emergency medical services, and
WHEREAS, merger of these advisory boards an d committees will prom ote a higher level of
coordination, co mmunication, cooperat ion, and ac tivity am ong the many response agencies and local
governments charged with provision of public safety first response, and
WHEREAS, the voting members of Fire and EMS Sub -Committee of EROC, as appointed by the
Tompkins County Legislature, comprise a representative and requisite number of members to effectuate
the purposes of a Fire Advisory Board and EMS Advisory Board and will conform to the requirements of
both the NYS County Law and the County Charter, and
WHEREAS, the voti ng in embers of the Fire and E MS Sub -Committee of EROC shall at a
minimum in clude the Director of the Department of Em ergency Response (serving as County Fire,
Disaster and EMS Coordinator), the Ithaca Fire C hief or designee, two (2) volunteer firefighters or
designees, one representative of the comm unity -based a mbulance service s or designe e, and one
representative of the commercial ambulance services or designee, and broadly represent the fire and EMS
community, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Public Safe ty Committee, That the T ompkins County
Legislature rescinds the by laws of t he Tompkins County Fire, Disaster and EMS Advisory Board, as
adopted by Resolution No. 178 of 1992,
RESOLVED, further, That the Fire and EMS Committee of the EROC is herewith designated as
the Tompkins County Fire Advisory Board and EMS Advisory Board and the Fire, EMS and Disaster
Advisory Board, in accordance with the provisions of New Yor k State County Law and the Tom pkins
County Charter and Code, and all such duties of the advisory board are hereby delegated to those votin g
members of EROC,
RESOLVED, further, T hat the Fire and EMS S ub-Committee of EROC, acting as the newly
constituted Fire, EMS an d Disaster Advisory Board sh all sub mit to the Cou my Legislature by laws to
effectuate the purposes of New York County Law, as these pertain to fire and EMS advisory boards, and
may expand mem bership as may be deem ed appropr iate by the Legislature' s future adoption and
amendment of the bylaws.
Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee
Mr. Dennis, Chair, said the Expanded Budget Co mmittee (EBC) has finished hearing
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
departmental budget presentations with the ex ception of the Capital Program . October 10 th EBC will
begin its vot ing in eetings and will consider amendments. He asked that any Legislat or wishing to
propose an amendment to provide Mr. McGuire with information in advance.
Ms. Kiefer said due to the Co mmission of Correction onl y renewing the Jail variances th rough
December 31 st, she would like to see consideration given to expediting som a of the proposed Budget
recommendations. Mr. Dennis commented it would take a long time to see res ults from new programs.
Mr. Mareane said the County could stay on the schedule but once the budget is approved there are a lot of
administrative things that can be ready to begin January 1 and if signaled by the Legislature, some work
could begin immediately.
Ms. Kell es said there are some programs that would have an i mmediate effect such as electronic
monitoring and p ositions could be pos ted as begin ning on Janu ary 1 so app licants are aware. Mr.
Mareane agreed a process could be started i mmediately to begin w ork on (illi ng positions and in ove on
one-time funding requests. This all could be done based on the action of the tentative budget.
Public Safety Committee
Resolution No. 2017- 192: Appropriation from Contingent Fund - Replacement Pa y - Sheriff s
Office (ID #7244)
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: Rich John, Member
SECONDER: Martha Robertson, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
WHEREAS, the Sheriffs Office had five (5) employees out on disability leave or 207C as of July
2017 for greater than two months, and
WHEREAS, the Fiscal Po licy of Tom pkins County allows replacement pay to the Department
from the Contingent Fund for the period beyond the initial two months, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of t he Public Safe ty and the Budget, Capital, and Personnel
Committees, That the Director of Finance be and hereby is authorized and directed to make the following
budget appropriations for 2017:
FROM: A1990.54400
TO: A3113.51000419
A3113.58800 Fringes
A3150.58800 Fringes
Contingent Fund
Deputy Sheriff
Corrections Officer
Corrections Sgt.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Resolution No. 2017-1 93: Adoption of Inter- Municipal Emergency Co mmunications Agreement
and Bylaws — Emergency Response Oversight C ommittee (E ROC) (ID
MOVER: Rich John, Member
SECONDER: Anna Kelles, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairbome, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
WHEREAS, the local governments of Tompkins County and our emergency response community
have since 1950 worked collaboratively to develop and implement a variety o f shared co mmunications
systems and technologies that provide our responders with necessary, reliable, and resilient tools to assist
in the performance of public safety protection, and
WHEREAS, the County has long provided for the diverse, inclusive involvement and input of the
many response disciplines, municipalities, and County departments in developing and administering these
shared assets and functions under t he auspices of advi sory boards, inter -municipal committees, and use r
groups, and
WHEREAS, the County recognizes the hard work, dedication, and outstanding results contributed
to these initiatives and operations through t he efforts of the Fire, Disaster, and E mergency Medical
Services (EMS) Advisory Board (first organized in 1950), the E911 Task Force (established in 1990), the
911 Operations Committee (1998), the expanded Emergency Communications Review and Oversight
Committee (2002), the La w Enforcement Technology Shared Ser vices (LETSS) Group ( 2008), the Fire
and EMS Technology Committee (FEMT ech, 2014), and the respective fi re, EMS, and law enforcement
associations, and
WHEREAS, these efforts resulted in the i mplementation of E nhanced 911 (1997), wireless 911
(2000), consolidated dispatch operations (2001-2004), an Emergency Communications Center (2004), the
Public Safety Co mmunications System (land mobile radio, 2008), shared Traffic and Crim inal Software
(TraCS, 200 9), ex pansive Computer Aided Dispatch and Records Manage ment Sy stems (CAD/RMS,
2010), and m ultiple shared data reposito ries enhanced through the deployment of mobile data term inals
(MDTs, 2010-2016), all of which have produced integrated, state-of-the-art networks, applications, and
operations, and
WHEREAS, the establishment of the National Incident Management System (NIMS), as adopted
by the Tompkins Count y Legislature in August 2006 and by all local governments thereafter, has
institutionalized and continually reinforced the principles of unified command, incident management, and
interoperable communications systems and strategies, and
WHEREAS, the sophist ication and continued i ntegration of both legacy and developing
communications systems, technologies, and protocols will require even more collaboration, coordination,
and participatory governance, and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
WHEREAS, the functions of these many boards, committees, and groups have consequently, y et
unofficially, converged to leverage the respective assets and infrastructure for use by an increasing pool
of responder agencies, and
WHEREAS, evolving N ext Generation 91 1 tec hnologies, ad vancing data applications and
unfolding public safety broadband networks will further require our public safety agencies to s ynthesize
operations and more closely cooperate in the development of operating procedures and protocols, and
WHEREAS, moving forward, the various advisory b odies and users groups have agreed that a
reconstituted ECROC, that incorporates, within this broad governance structure, the continue d efforts of
the various users groups, including LETSS, FEMTech , and the Law Enforcement and Fire and EM S
Committees, will best serve the coll ective needs of the local governm ents and responders for fut ure
shared initiatives and operations, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Public Safety Committee, That the E mergency
Communications Review and Oversight Committee (ECROC) is hereby reconstituted and renamed as the
Emergency Response and Oversight Committee (EROC) and that the EROC Bylaws and Inter -municipal
Tompkins County Emergency Response Oversight Committee Agreement be adopted and filed with the
Clerk of the Legislature,
RESOLVED, further, That those curren tly appointed members of ECROC whose me mberships
remain identified for continued membership on the EROC shall transfer to the new body and that newly
designated members will be appointed in conf ormance with the Policies and Procedures of Tom pkins
County Government, Policy 01-26,
RESOLVED, further, T hat Resolution No. 112 of 200 9, "Ado ption of In ter -municipal Law
Enforcement Technology Shared Service (LETSS) Group Agreement and Bylaws - Law Enforcement
Technology Shared Service (LETSS)," is hereby rescinded and all functions her eafter transferred to th e
EROC and its identified committee structures.
Individual Member -Filed Resolutions
Resolution No. 2017-194: Resolution in Support of New York State Aid to Puerto Rico and Urging
Our Federal Government to Provide Immediate Additional Support for
Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin Islands (ID #7357)
MOVER: Carol Chock, Member
SECONDER: Anna Kelles, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairbome, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
WHEREAS, Puerto Rico and the United States Virg in Islands are Territories of the United Sta tes
and people born in the territories have been citizens of the United States since 1917, and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
WHEREAS, damage from Hurricanes Maria and Irma caused extremely widespread damage and
devastation in which many residents lack adequate drinking water, food, healthcare, or passable roads to
deliver supplies even weeks after the storms*, and
WHEREAS, the magnitude of the disaster in Puerto Rico is such that the functional areas of the
island are not large enough to support the large geographic area in which services have been destroy ed
and, in addition, provision of aid in the coming months will continue to be impacted by shipping laws that
restrict deliveries, and
WHEREAS, humanitarian assistance to citizens of the United States should be made available
regardless of economic circumstance, and
WHEREAS, as in other natural disasters, the To mpkins County Sheriff's office has offered its
assistance through the New York State Sheriff's Association, and
WHEREAS Governor Cu omo has lau nched the E mpire State Relief and Recovery Effort for
Puerto Rico, bringing toge ther civic, business and industry partners to provide needed servi ces, goods,
and funds to help the people of Puerto Rico recover and rebuild, and
WHEREAS, federal relief efforts have not been adequate to ensure the continued health, welfare,
or safety of this portion of the United States, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the Tom pkins County Legislature applauds Governor Cuom o for instituting
the Empire State Relief and Recovery Effort, and be it further
RESOLVED, That the T ompkins County Legislatur a urges the provision of a dditional federal
humanitarian and recovery supp ort to Puerto Rico and the Unite d States Virgin Islands in proportion to
the need,
RESOLVED, further, That the Legislature urg es that federal regulations regarding ship ped
deliveries be suspended for the duration of the hu manitarian crisis as they were recently for deliveries to
Texas and Florida,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Legislature send copies of this resolution to President
Donald Trump; Senators Charles Sch umer and Kirsten Gillibrand; to Congr essman To m Reed; State
Senators Tom O'Mara, James Seward, and Pamela Helming; State Assemblymember Barbara Lifton; and
Governor Andrew Cuomo.
* NOTE: As of 10/2/2017, over half the population of Puerto Rico lack clean drinking water, only one of
its 69 hospitals is full y functional, 80% of the cr ops were destro yed, 91% o f cellular communications
sites and 1,3 60 of the 1,600 cell ph one towers were toppled, 8 5% of telepho ne and intern et cables wer e
destroyed and only 5% of the island's electricity is in service. While the U.S. Virgin Islands have potable
water, food and services, many homes remain without roofs or temporary roof coverings. Plastic has been
delivered but deployment to homes remains inadequate.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
September 11, 2017
MOVER: Martha Robertson, Member
SECONDER: Rich John, Member
AYES: Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Kiefer, Klein, Lane, McBean-
Clairborne, Robertson, McKenna, Morey, Sigler
Mr. Lane declared recess at 6:45 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:28 p.m.
Executive Session
It was MOVED by Ms. Kelles, seconded by Ms. Kiefer, and unanimously adopted by voice vote,
to hold an executive session at 7:28 p.m. to discuss a personnel matter with respect to a particular person.
The meeting returned to open session at 8:57 p.m.
The meeting adjourned at 8:57 p.m.
Tompkins County Legislature
Regular Meeting Minutes — Approved 11-9-17
Tuesday, October 17, 2017 5:30 PM
Legislature Chambers
Call to Order
Mr. Lane, Chair, called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll Call of Members
Attendee Name
Will Burbank
Carol Chock
James Dennis
Status Arrived
Present _
Rich John
Anna Kelles
Late 6:04 PM
Dooley Kiefer
Late 5:33 PM
Daniel Klein
Vice Chair
Michael Lane
Lesl n McBean-Clairborne
Martha Robertson
David McKenna
Glenn Morey
Michael Sigler
District No. 11 ---+Excused
Presentation of Proclamations, Petitions, Communications, and Notices
Mr. Lane read the following statement:
"Karen Baer is on leave from the Director of Human Rights position. As th is is a personnel
matter, the Count y will not be co mmenting on the ci rcumstances surrounding it. However, there are a
couple of inaccuracies being reported that should be corrected. First, Ms. Baer was not escorted from th e
Office of Human Rights by a Tompkins County Sheriff. There certainly was no cause for such action.
Second, this is not the result of an opinion piece she sub mitted to The Ithaca Voice on Septem her 26,
2017. We find it regrettable that rum ors like this have been circulated concerning Ms. Baer without an y
Ms. Kiefer arrived at this time.
Privilege of the Floor by the Public
Xavier Rusk, City of Ithaca, said he was speaking as a private citizen. He sa id staff of the Office
of Hum an Ri ghts are firmly dedicated to hum an righ is prom otion and protection and will continue t o
provide the highest level o f professional services to the community. They look forward to a successful
annual human rights competition and will be reaching out to the community and volunteers. The Office
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
staff will continue to engage the community in dialogue regarding local human rights issues and policies.
Ray Schlather, Ithaca, emphasized that the Office of Human rights is enormously helpful and an
important tool in this community . Recent events wer e used t o dis mantle the Offic e, it would be a
mistake. In t his era of increasing intolerance, as sets and forces an d tools m ust be used. The Offic e of
Human Rights is the tool t hat roots o ut bias and sy stemic inequities. He aske d the Legislature to look
beyond what ever happened and rem ain steadfast to the work of the office and what it does in the
Michael Koplinka-Loehr, Lansing, said he appreciat es the budget process and the priorities that
are included that are int ended to decrease jail p opulation and increase al ternatives-to-incarceration
Report from a Municipal Official(s)
No municipal official was present.
Chair's Report and Chair's Appointments
Mr. Lane made the following appointments:
Public Safety Committee
Dave McKenna
County Administrator Search Committee
Jennifer Tavares to replace Kathy Schlather
Michael Lane as Co -Chair
Chair's Appointment(s) (ID # 7361)
Workforce Development Board
Marcus Williamee - Labor organization representative; term expires June 30, 2020
Report from the Finance Director
Ms. Kelles arrived at this time.
Resolutions Added to and Withdrawn from the Agenda
There were no resolutions added to or withdrawn from the agenda.
Appointments Approved Under the Consent Agenda
Advisory Board Appointment(s) (ID # 7326)
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
MOVER: Anna Kelles, Member
SECONDER: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
Water Resources Council
Emelia Delmarta Allee Jumbo - At -large representative; term expires December 31, 2019
Substance Abuse Subcommittee (This appointment was adopted by the Legislature separately due to an
abstention vote)
Kevin McKenna - Community Mental Health Services Board member representative; term expires
December 31, 2018
Mental Health Subcommittee
Leslie Anne Connors - Community member representative; term expires December 31, 2020
Resolutions Approved Under the Consent Agenda
MOVER: Anna Kelles, Member
SECONDER: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Member
AYES: Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Kiefer, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne,
Robertson, McKenna, Morey, Sigler
Resolution No. 2017-195: Appointment of Election Commissioner for 2018-2019 (ID #7321)
WHEREAS, Election Commissioner Elizabeth W. Cr ee's term is due to expire Dece mber 31,
2017, and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Republican Comm ittee, at its Septem ber 21, 2017, meeting
recommended Elizabeth W. Cree for reappointment to a two-year term, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the To mpkins County Re publican Committee and the
Government Operations Committee, That Elizabeth W. Cree be and hereby is appointed Republican Party
Elections Commissioner for the two -y ear term commencing January 1, 2 018, and ending December 31 ,
Resolution No. 2017-196: Approval of Budget Transfer to Fund the 2017 Search for County
Administrator (ID #7311)
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
WHEREAS, the Department of County Administration has incurred over $7, 000 in unanticipated
expenses for advertising and other co sts related to the search for the ne w County Administrator and will
incur additional such costs of unknown amounts, and
WHEREAS, the Department of County Administration has requested to transfer available savings
in personnel lines to anoth er budget li ne within the same unit in order to co ver the costs of the Coun ty
Administrator search, and
WHEREAS, the Department of County Administration agrees that any unspent or unencumbered
funds at the end of the 2017 fiscal y ear resulting fro in this budget transfer will not be eligible for any
2018 rollover requests and will be returned to the General Fund, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Govern ment Operations Committee, That the Finance
Director be and hereby is authorized to make the following transfers in the 2017 Budget:
FROM: Amount
1230.51000360 ADMIN SPECIALIST $2,200
1230.58800 FRINGE $6,071
TO: Amount
1230.54402 LEGAL ADVERTISING $18,381
Resolution No. 2017-197: Budget Adjustment s for Revenue Increas es for Both National Family
Caregivers Act and the Medicare Improvements for Patients and
Providers Act (ID #7348)
WHEREAS, pursuant to Administrative Manual Po licy 0 5-02, S ection 4.02 B, all adjustments
over $5 ,000 must be reviewed by the Director of Finance an d in ust be approved b y the program
committee of the budgeting unit and the Legislature, and
WHEREAS, the Office for the Aging h ereafter known as "COFA" must adjust Federal revenues
in two accounts to reflect 2017 increases, and
WHEREAS, COFA is carry ing over $6,0 69 i n unclaimed 2016 Federal revenues from th e
National Family Caregivers Act program hereafter referred to as Title III -E (Account 6781), and
WHEREAS, COFA has received final Notification of Grant Award for Title II I -E that resulted in
an increase of $12 in funding in Federal revenue, and
WHEREAS, COFA plans to expend the total of the two amounts listed, $6,081, to fund caregiver
respite services, and
WHEREAS, COFA has b een awarded $11,327 in Federal funding (Federal CFDA No. 93.071;
Account 6793) for the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act, and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
WHEREAS, this funding is a continuance of a grant that began four (4) years prior, and
WHEREAS, COFA will u se these funds to coordina to efforts wit h Lifelong t o reach, counsel,
and/or provide application assistanc e to individuals potentially eligible for the Low -Inco me Subsidy
and/or Medicare Savings Programs, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Health and Human S ervices Committee, That the
Director of Finance be and hereby is directed to make the following adjustments:
Revenue Account Title Amt Approp Acct Title
A6781-44772 Federal Revenue $6,081 A6781-5 4491 Subcontracts $6,081
A6793-44772 Federal Revenue $11,327 A6793-5 1000559 Salary $2,713
A6793-54400 Fringes 1,194
A6793-54491 Subcontracts 7,420
Resolution No. 2017- 198: Authorization to Accept Substance Abuse and Mental Hea lth Services
Administration (SAMHSA) Funds and Execute Associated Contract -
Social Services Department (ID #7365)
WHEREAS the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) of the
Federal Department of Health and Hu man Services has awarded Tompkins County Family Treatment
Court a 5 -year grant worth $500,000 annually, and
WHEREAS the approved grant budget included $45,000 for the Department of Social Services to
purchase from Liberty Resources, Sy racuse, New York, the services of a Social Worker to work with
Family Treatment Court client families, and
WHEREAS the grant year corresponds to the Fede ral Fiscal Year, which runs f rom October 1 st
through September 30th, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Health and Human S ervices Committee, That the
Department of Social Services is authorized both to accept its share of the SAMHSA grant and to execute
100% -funded agreement with Liberty Resources to provide psy cho-social assessments of Fam ily
Treatment Court participants,
RESOLVED, further, That the Director of Fina nce be and hereby is directed to make the
following adjustments to the 2017 Budget (a second reso lution to adjust Social Services' 2018 budget to
follow early next year):
Appropriation: 6010.54400 Program Expense $11,250
Revenue: 6010.42770 Other Misc. Revenues $11,250
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Resolution No. 2017-199: Budget Transfers Acro ss Budgeting Units Environm ental Health (4090),
Medical Ex aminer (4014), and Planning and Coordinatio n, Children
with Special Care Needs (4047) — Health Department (ID #7364)
WHEREAS, pursuant to Administrative Manual Po licy 05-02, S ection 4.01, I tem B, Transfers
Between Budgeting Units or Programs, require program committee and Legislative approval, and
WHEREAS, the Environmental Health budgetin g unit had additional n eeds due to staff
resignations and retirements, and
WHEREAS, the Environmental Health bu dgeting unit had a supervisor y change related to the
Healthy Neighbor hoods Grant where .20 FTE of a Sr. Public Health Sanitarian is now funded by
Environmental Health, and
WHEREAS, the Environmental Health budgeting un it increased hours for two Sr. Public Health
Sanitarian's, and
WHEREAS, resignations of the Deputy Medical Ex aminers allowed the department to con tract
for Deputy Medical Examiner services, and
WHEREAS, funds are av ailable in Planning an d Coordination o f Children With Special Care
Needs budgeting unit due to vacancies earlier in the year, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Health and Human S ervices Committee, That the
Director of Finance be and hereby is directed to make the following budget transfers on his books:
Health Department
FROM Title Amt TO Title(s)
4047.51000580 Comm. Hlth. Nurse $4,575 4090.51000049 Project Assistant
4047.51000580 Comm. Hlth. Nurse $9,500 4090.51000607 Sr. Public Hlth. Sanitarian
4047.58800 Fringe $6,110 4090.58800 Fringe
4014.51000166 Deputy Med. Exam. $9,747 4014.54442 Professional Svc. Fees
4014.51600 Longevit y $70 4014.54442 Professional Svc. Fees
4014.58800 Fringe $2,718 4014.54442 Professional Svc. Fees
4014.58800 Fringe $550 4014.54412 Travel & Training
4014.58800 Fringe $220 4014.54416 Membership Dues
Resolution No. 2017-200: Authorizing Acceptance of a New York State Department of
Transportation (NYSDOT) Grant to Rehabilitate Gen eral Aviation
(GA) Apron, Install Perimeter Fencing, and Install Apron Lighting -
Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport (ID #7351)
WHEREAS, the Count y h as received a grant offe r from the New York St ate Departmen t of
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Transportation (NYSDOT) in the am ount of $86, 127 to help finance the Rehabilitation of the General
Aviation (GA) Apron, Installation of Perimeter Fencing, and Installation of Apron Flood Lighting at the
Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport, and
WHEREAS, the budget for this project will be $1,722,527 and the financing is as follows:
FAA Share (90.0%) Account No. HT 5601.44592 $1,550,274
NYS Department of Transportation Share (5.0%) Account No. HT 5601.43592 $ 86,127
Airport Operational Budget Account No. HT 5601.45031 $ 86,126
(PFC's instead of Operational Funds once application has been finalized)
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities a nd Infrastructure Committee, That the grant
offer fro m the NYSDOT in the am ount of $86, 127 be and hereby is accepted and that the County
Administrator, or his designee, is authorized to execute the required documents.
Resolution No. 2017-201: Authorizing Acceptance of a New York State Department of
Transportation (NYSDOT) Grant to Purchase a Passenger Boarding
Bridge - Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport (ID #7349)
WHEREAS, the Count y has received a grant offer fro m New York State Depart ment of
Transportation (NYSDOT) in the am ount of $ 48,376 to help fi nance the Installation of a Passenger
Boarding Bridge at the Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport, and
WHEREAS, the budget for this project will be $967,515 and the financing is as follows:
FAA Share (90.0%) Account No. HT 5601.44592 $ 870,763
NYS Department of Transportation Share (5.0%) Account No. HT 5601.43592 $ 48,376
Airport Operational Budget Account No. HT 5601.45031 $ 48,376
(PFC's instead of Operational Funds once application has been finalized)
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities a nd Infrastructure Committee, That the grant
offer from NYSDOT in the am ount of $48,376 be and her eby is accep ted and that the Count y
Administrator, or his designee, is authorized to execute the required documents.
Government Operations Committee
Resolution No. 2017- 202: Authorization to Impl ement the Acceptance of Credit and Debit Card s
(ID #7335)
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Daniel Klein, Vice Chair
Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Member
Will Burbank, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Daniel Klein, Michael
Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler
Carol Chock, Dooley Kiefer
WHEREAS the Finance Department has researched the benefits and costs of i mplementing the
acceptance of credit and debit cards for payments in the Treasury Division, and
WHEREAS the Government Operations Committee has deliberated upon the merits of accepting
credit and debit cards for payments in the Treasury Division of the Finance Department, and
WHEREAS a variety of customers of the Treasury Division of the Finance Department would be
able to make payments by credit card or debit card fo r the following fees, taxes, and charges, including,
but not limited to:
Real estate taxes
Retiree health insurance premiums
Occupancy taxes
Tax searches and copies, and
WHEREAS payments by credit and debit cards woul d be voluntary and no taxpayer or customer
would be required or forced to pay by credit or debit card, and
WHEREAS Systems East, Inc., the current provider of the Finance Department's Tax Collection
software, off ers a module called "Xpress -pay " that would allow the Treasury Division of the Finance
Department to accept credit and debit card payments from its customers, at no cost to the County, with the
cost borne by the customer, and
WHEREAS it has been determ ined it would be in the best interest of To mpkins County to enter
into an arrangement with Systems East, Inc., 6 Locust Avenue, Cortland, NY 13045, to provide Tompkins
County with Xpress -pay as a means to accept cr edit and debit card payments in person and by computer
or mobile devise, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Government Operations Committee, That:
1. Tompkins County Finance Department is hereby authorized to enter into an arrangement with
the Systems East, Inc., to provide Tompkins County Finance Department with the ability to
accept online payments, which is the ability to accept payments via credit or debit card. There
will be no cost for Tompkins County; any transaction fees will be paid by the customer.
2. The County Administrator, or his designee, be and hereby is authorized to execute any and all
contractual agreements with Systems East, Inc., to effectuate the i mplementation of online
payments, which is the ability to accept payments via credit or debit card.
RESOLVED, further, That information will be provided to taxpayers regarding service charges
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
and fees associated with payment by credit card.
Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality Committee
Resolution No. 2017- 203: Amendment to Resolution No. 20 17-149 - Authoriz ation of New York
State Departm ent of Transportation Master Mass Transportation
Capital Project Agreement — Tompkins Co unty and T CAT, Inc.
(K007262) (ID #7331)
MOVER: Martha Robertson, Member
SECONDER: Anna Kelles, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSD OT) has awarded a Mass
Transportation Capital Pr oject Agreement (K0072 62) to auth orize pay ments to T ompkins Count y for
mass transportation capital aid over a five-year period from 2017 to 2021, and
WHEREAS, the State Mass Transportation Capital Project Agreement provides reimbursements
of 10% for capital projects eligible for Federal Tr ansit Administration (FTA) grant fundi ng and up t o
100% for New York State funded capital projects, and
WHEREAS, NYSDOT awarded $837 ,520 to T ompkins County i n a co mbined pay ment to
reimburse th e State's share of nine pr ojects in two public transi t grants (FTA grant NY -2016- 010 an d
State grant ATC -I6 -TOM) to Tom pkins Consolidated Area Transit, Inc., and the County, now therefore
be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Planning, Develop ment, and Environm ental Qu ality
Committee, That Resolution 2017-149 Authorization of New York State Depart ment of Transportation
Master Mass Transportation Capital Project Agreement - Tompkins County and Tompkins Consolidated
Area Transit, Inc., (K007262) be amended to reflect the revised award of $837,520,
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator, or his designee, be and herby is authorized
to execute the Mass Transportation Cap ital Project Agreement (K007262) and subsequent supplemental
agreements awarded by NYSDOT,
RESOLVED, further, That a certified copy of this resolution be filed with the New York State
Commissioner of Transportation by attaching it to any necessary Agreement.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Resolution No. 2017-2 04: Resolution of the Tompkins Co unty Legislature, as the Elected
Legislative Body of Tompkins County, New York, in Accordance with
Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as Amended (the
"Code"), Approving the Issuanc a by the Tompkins County
Development Corporation of up to $26,500,000 Aggregate Principal
Amount Tax -Exempt Revenue Bonds (Ithaca College Project), Series
2017 (ID #7325)
This resolution was adopted by a roll call vote.
MOVER: Martha Robertson, Member
SECONDER: James Dennis, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature (the "Legislature"), as the elected legislative body
of Tompkins County, New York (the "County"), has been advised by the Tompkins County Development
Corporation (the "Issuer") that, in order to assist in the financing of a cert ain Project (as defined below)
for the benefit of Ithaca C ollege (the "College"), a not-for-profit corporation and organization described
in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), the Issuer proposes
to issue, contingent upon the adoption of this Resolution, its Tax -Exempt Revenue Bonds (Ithaca College
Project), Series 2017 in one or more series, in an aggregate principal am ount not to exceed $26,500,000
(the "Bonds"), and
WHEREAS, the project (the "Project") shall consist principally of. financing all or a portion of
the cost of a certain project (the "Project") consisting of-
(A) the advance refunding of the outstanding principal amount of th a Issuer's $25,90 5,000
original principal amount Tax -Exempt Revenue Bonds (Ithaca Co llege Project), Series 2011
(the "Series 2011 Bonds"), the proceeds of which we re used to finance a cert ain project (the
"2011 Project") consisting of: (1) the acquisition of a parcel (or parcels) of 1 and located at
1031 Danby Road, Ithaca, New York, and containing in the aggr egate approximately 30.5
acres (the "Land") and t he existing improvements situated thereon consisting principally of
21 apartm ent build ings co ntaining in t he aggregate approxim ately 28 6,000 s quare feet of
space and 150 residential units, parking areas containing in t he aggregate a capacity for
approximately 659 vehicles and other related improvements (the "Existing Apartments"), and
a community building containing in the aggregate approximately 7,800 square feet of space
(the "Co mmunity Buildi ng" and, tog ether with t he Existing Apart ments, the "Existing
Improvements"); (2) (i) t he renovation, rehabilitation, and general upgrading of the Existing
Improvements and (ii) the construction on the Land of up to 5 new apartment buildings and
an addition to be added on to the co mmunity building con taining in t he aggregate
approximately 133,000 square feet of space and 78 residential units, parking areas containing
in the aggre gate a capa city for approxim ately 8 5 additional vehicles and other related
improvements (collectively, the "Improvements"); (3) the acquisit ion and installation in and
around the Existing Im provements an d the Im provements of certain items of machinery,
equipment, and other tang ible personal property (the "Equipment" and, collectively with th e
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Land, the Existing Improvements and the Improvements, hereinafter the "Facil ity"); and (4)
paying certain costs and expenses incidental to the issuance of the Bonds (the costs associated
with item s (1) throu gh ( 4) above bei ng here inafter collectively referred to as the "2011
Project Costs"); and
(B) funding of a debt service reserve fund, if any and certain costs incidental to the issuance of
the Bonds (the costs associated with items (A) and (B) being hereinafter collectively referred to
as the "Project Costs"), and
WHEREAS, the Issuer proposes to assis t in the fi nancing of the Project by issuing the Bonds to
(i) pay all or a substantial portion of the cost of financing the Project and (ii) pay reserves and cost s
incidental to the issuance of the Bonds, and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 147(f) of the Code, interest on the Bonds will not be excluded
from gross income for Federal income tax purposes unless the issuance of the Bonds is approved by the
Legislature after a public hearing to co nsider both the issuance o f the Bonds and the nature and location
of the facilities financed therewith has been conducted following reasonable public notice, and
WHEREAS, October 4, 2017, at the South Hill Business Campus, 950 Danby Road, Ithaca, New
York 14850, the Issuer h eld such a public heart ng upon proper notice in compliance with Section 147(f)
of the Code, and
WHEREAS, to aid the Legislature in its deliber ations, the Iss uer has made available to the
members of t he Legislature prior to this meeting (a) the College's application to the Issuer for financial
assistance; (b) the notice of public hearing published by the Issuer in The Ithaca Journal on September
20, 2017, along with the affidavit of pu blication of such newspaper; and (c) th a minutes of such public
hearing held on October 4, 2017, and
WHEREAS, on the reco mmendation of the Tom pkins Count y Planning, Development, and
Environmental Quality Committee, the Legislature, as the "applicable elected representative" of
Tompkins County, New York, within the meaning of Section 147(f)(2)(E) of the Code, approved the
issuance of the Bonds on October 5, 2017, and
WHEREAS, the Legislature, after due consideration of the foregoing, as the "applicable elected
representative" of Tompkins County, New York, within the meaning of Section 147(f)(2)(E) of the Code,
desires to approve the issuance of the Bo nds, provided the principal, premium, if any, and interest on the
Bonds shall be special obligations of t he Issuer and shall never be a debt of the State of New York (the
"State") or any political subdivision thereof, including without limitation the County, and neither the State
nor any political subdivision thereof, including without limitation the County, shall be liable thereon, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Planning, Develop ment, and Environm ental Qu ality
Committee, and by the County Legislature of Tompkins County, That:
Section 1. For the purpose of satisfying the approval requirement of Section 147(f) of the
Code, on the prior recommendation of the Tompkins County Planning, Development, and Environmental
Quality Committee, the Legislature hereby gi ves its approval of the issuance by the Issuer of the Bonds
and related acts to be taken by the Issuer as part of the Project, provided that the Bonds, and the premium
(if any) and interest thereo n, shall be sp ecial obligations of the Issuer and shall never be a debt of the
State or any political subdivision thereof, including without limitation the County, and neither the State
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
nor any political subdivision thereof, including without limitation the Co unty, shall be lia ble thereon.
This approval is given pursuant to Section 147(f) of the Code f or the sole purpose of qualify ing the
interest payable on the Bonds for exclusion from gr oss income for federal income tax purposes pursuant
to the provisions of Sections 103 and 141-150 of the Code.
Section 2. This Resolution shall be deemed to be made for the benefit of the holders of th e
Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately.
Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee
Resolution No. 2017-205: Adoption of Amendments to the 2018 Tentative Tompkins County Budget
and 2018-2022 Capital Program (ID #7303)
Following a brief discussion, it was M OVED by M s. Robertson, seconded b y Mrs. McBean-
Clairborne, to add the following Whereas: "WHEREAS, the tax cap for Tompkins County as calculated
by New York State would be 3.5% for 2018,".
A vote on t he amendment resulted a s follows: Ayes - 5 (Legislators Ke Iles, Kiefer, Klein,
McBean-Clairborne, and R obertson); Noes - 8 (Legislators Burbank, Ch ock, Dennis, John, Lane,
McKenna, Morey, and Sigler); Vacancy - 1 (District No. 11). AMENDMENT FAILED.
Vote on amendment ayes
This resolution was adopted by a roll call vote.
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
WHEREAS, amendments to the 2018 tentative budget and 2 018-2022 capital program were
recommended and filed by the Expanded Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee on October 16, 2017,
WHEREAS, a public hearing is scheduled for October 30, 20 17, 7:00 p.m ., at the Legislative
Chambers, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Expanded Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee,
That the 2018 Tentative Budget and 2018-2022 Capital Program submitted by the County Administrator
is hereby amended in accordan ce with the reco mmendations of th e Expanded Budget, Capital, and
Personnel Committee, the action taken by this Legislature on this date, and the Rules of the County
Legislature and Article 7 of County L aw, for a tota 1 tax levy am ount of $49,143,124, resulting in an
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
approximate tax -levy increase of 2.32 percent and a county -wide average tax -rate of $6.57 per thousand, a
decrease of -0.76 percent,
RESOLVED, further, That this action a Iso results in an increase of $11.14 on a median -price d
home assessed at $178,000,
RESOLVED, further, That this am ended tentative budget will be presented at the October 30,
2017, Public Hearing on the budget.
Health and Human Services Committee
Resolution No. 2017-206: Authorization to Execute Three Ten -Year Contracts with Foodnet Meals
on Wheels to Provide Nutrition Services to County Residents 60 Years of
Age and Older - Office for the Aging (ID #7370)
It was M OVED by Ms. Kiefer to ad d the following third Whereas: "WH EREAS, the actual
annual budgeted amounts are contingent on availability of Federal, State, and County funds,". MOTION
MOVER: Anna Kelles, Member
SECONDER: Carol Chock, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
WHEREAS, the Office for the Agin g wishes to renew its cont racts with Foodnet Meals on
Wheels, Ithaca, New York, and
WHEREAS, the ability of Foodnet Meals on Wheels to plan to meet future demands would be
enhanced by three ten -y ear contract s to provide ho me -delivered in eals, congregate meal s, nutrition
education, and nutrition counseling, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Health
Legislature approve contracts for:
(Wellness in Nutrition &
Community Services for the Elderly -NYS funding)
Title III -C-1 & January
Title III -C-2
(Older Americans Act -Federal funding)
and Human S ervices Committee, That the
m of Contract
April 1, 2018 -March 31, 2028
1, 2018 -December 31, 2027
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
NSIP October 1, 2018 -September 30, 2028
(Nutrition Services Incentive Program -Federal funding)
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or his designee be and hereby is authorized
to sign these agreements and any amendments related to the agreements,
RESOLVED, further, That these contracts are con tingent on ava ilability of Federal, State, and
County funding.
Advisory Board Appointment(s) (ID # 7376)
Mr. McKenna was granted perm ission to ab stain from voting on this ap pointment as the
individual is his son.
MOVER: Anna Kelles, Member
SECONDER: Will Burbank, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
ABSTAIN: David McKenna
Substance Abuse Subcommittee
Kevin McKenna - Community Mental Health Services Board member representative; term expires
December 31, 2018
Facilities and Infrastructure Committee
Resolution No. 2017-207: Authoriz ing Supplemental Agreement No. 4 with C&S Companies for
Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) Application - A dministrative Services
at the Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport (ID #7354)
MOVER: David McKenna, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
WHEREAS, authorization is required to designa to and pay for ad ministrative servic es of the
Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) at the Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport, and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
WHEREAS, a Supplemental Consultant Agreemen t No. 4 with C&S Companies of Sy racuse,
New York, for the Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) Application - Administrative Services is estimated to
cost $28,000.00, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Inf rastructure Co mmittee, That
Supplemental Consultant Agreement No. 4 with C& S Companies for Passen ger Facility Charge (PFC)
Application - Ad ministrative Services in the am ount of $28,00 0.00 be approv ed and financing of the
contract is as follows:
Passenger Facility Charges (PFC's) $
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and hereby is authorized to execute the
required documents,
RESOLVED, further, That the Finance Director be authorized to make pay ments fro in th e
appropriate accounts.
Resolution No. 2017-208: Authorizing Supplemental Agreement No. 1 with C&S Companies for
Passenger Boarding Bridge - Gate 3 - Design & Bidding Services at the
Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport (ID #7353)
MOVER: David McKenna, Member
SECONDER: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
WHEREAS, authorization is required to enable C&S Co mpanies of Sy racuse, Ne w Yor k, to
provide the Design & Bidding Services for the Passenger Boarding Bridge - Gate 3, and
WHEREAS, a Supplemental Consultant Agre ement No. 1 with C&S Companies for the
Passenger Boarding Bridge - Gate 3 - Design & Bidding Services is esti mated to cost $50,450.00, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Inf rastructure Co mmittee, That
Supplemental Consultant Agreement No. 1 with C&S Companies for Passenger Boarding Bridge - Gate 3
- Design & Bidding Services in the am ount of $50,450.00 be approved and financing of the contract is as
Federal Aviation Administration $ 45,405.00
New York State Department of Transportation $ 2,522.50
Local Share/Passenger Facility Charges (PFC's) $ 2,522.50
(Pending finalization of the PFC application)
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and hereby is authorized to execute the
required documents,
RESOLVED, further, That the Finance Director be authorized to make pay ments fro in th e
appropriate accounts.
Resolution No. 2017- 209: A Bond Resolution Authori zing the Issuance of Up to $325,000 Serial
Bonds and Notes of the County of Tompkins, New York, to Pay a
Portion of the Cost of Reconstructing and Resurfacing a Portion of Ellis
Hollow Road (ID #7259)
This resolution was adopted by a roll call vote.
MOVER: David McKenna, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins, New York (the "County") is a local agency pursuant to the
New York State Environ mental Quality Review Act ("SEQRA"), ECL Section 8-0 101, et seq., a nd
implementing regulations, 6 NYCRR Part 617 (the "Regulations"), and
WHEREAS, the Count y is considering undertakin g a capital im prevenient project consisting o f
reconstructing and resurfacing a portion of Ellis Ho llow Road between Dodge Road and Game Far in
Road, including stabilization, drainage and shoulder reconstruction, but not involving the addition of new
travel lanes (the "Project"), and
WHEREAS, the County has reviewed the classifications of actions containe d in the Regulations,
WHEREAS, it is now desired to authorize th e undertaking a nd financing of the Project, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure Committee and the Budget,
Capital, and Personnel Committee, That the Count y Legislature of the Count y of Tompkins, New York,
(by favorable vote of not less than two thirds of said County Legislature) determines as follows:
Section 1. That th e Proj ect con stitutes a Ty pe II Action pursuant to Part 6 17.5(c)(4) of the
Regulations and as such is not subject to review under SEQRA.
Section 2. That undertaking a capital im provement project consisting of reconstructing an d
resurfacing a portion of Ellis Hollow Road betwee n Dodge Road and Game Farm Ro ad, including
stabilization, drainage and shoulder reconstruction, and all other necessary costs incidental to such work,
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
including related construction, demolition, renovations, site improvements, original furnishings, fixtures,
and equipment required for such purposes, architec tural and engineering fees, is hereby authorized at a
maximum estimated cost of $32 5,000. There are hereby author ized to be issued up to $ 325,000 serial
bonds of the County to finance the Project pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law.
Section 3. That the maximum estimated cost of the aforesaid class of objects or purposes is
$325,000 and that the plan for the financing thereof is by the issuance of up to $325,000 serial bonds, or
such lesser amount as may be necessary, hereby authorized to be issued pursuant to this bond resolution
and the levy and collection of taxes on all the taxable real property in the County to pay the principal of said
bonds and th a interest th ereon as th a same shall become due and payable, and by the application of state
and/or federal assistance available or to any revenues available for such purpose from any other source.
Section 4. That the period of probable u sefulness of the aforesaid clas s of objects or
purposes is 15 years under subdivision 20(c) of paragraph a. of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law.
It is hereby further determined that the maxim um maturity of the serial bonds herein authorized wil 1
exceed five years.
Section 5. That, subject to the provisi ons of the Lo cal Finance Law, the power to authorize
the issuance of and to sell bond anticip ation notes in anticipation of the issuan ce and sale of the serial
bonds herein authorized, including renewals of such notes, is hereby delegated to the County Director of
Finance, the chief fiscal officer. Such notes shall be of such terms, form, and contents, and shall be sold in
such manner, as may be prescribed by said County Director of Finance, consistent with the provisions of
the Local Finance Law.
Section 6. That the faith and credit of said Coun ty of Tompkins, New Yo rk, are hereby
irrevocably pledged for the pay ment of the prin cipal of and interest on such bonds as the same
respectively become due and pa yable. An annual appr opriation shall be in ade in each year sufficient to
pay t he princ ipal of and i nterest on such bonds be coming due and pa yable i n such year. There shall
annually be levied on all the taxabl e real property of said County a tax sufficient to pay the principal of
and interest on such bonds as the same become due and payable.
Section 7. That such bonds shall be in fully registered form and shall be signed in the name
of the County of Tom pkins, New York, by the in anual or facsimile signature of the County Director of
Finance and a facsimile of its corporate seal shall be imprinted or impressed thereon and may be attested
by the manual or facsimile signature of the County Clerk.
Section 8. That the p owers and dutie s of a dvertising such bonds for sale, conductin g the
sale, and awarding the bonds, are hereby delegated to the County Director of Finance, who shall advertise
such bonds for sale, conduct the sale, and award the bonds in such manner as he or she shall deem best for
the interests of the County; provided, however, that in the exercise of these d elegated powers, he or she
shall co mply fully with t he provisions of the Loca 1 Finance Law and any o rder or rule of the State
Comptroller applicable to the sale of municipal bonds. The receipt of the County Director of Finance shall
be a full acquittance to the purchaser of such bonds, who shall not be obliged to see to the application of
the purchase money. The County Director of Financ e is hereby further authorized to execute and deliver
all additional certificates, instruments, and documents and to do al l other acts as may be necessary, or in
the opinion of the County Director of Finance, desirable or proper to effectuate the purposes of this Bond
Section 9. That all other matters, except as provided herein relating to such bonds including
determining whether to issue such bon ds having substantially level or declini ng annual debt service and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
all matters related thereto, prescribing whether manual or facsimile signatures shall appear on said bonds,
prescribing the method for the recording of ownership of said bonds, appointing the fiscal agent or agents
for said bonds, providing for the printing and delivery of said bonds (and if said bonds are to be executed
in the name of the County by the facsimile signature of the County Director of Finance, providing for the
manual countersignature of a fiscal agent or of a designated official of the Count y), the date,
denominations, maturities, and interest payment dates, place or places of payment, and also including the
consolidation with other i ssues, shall be determ ined b y the Co unty Director of Finance. It is hereby
determined that it is to th e financial advantage of the County not to impose and collect from registered
owners of such serial b onds any charges for mailing, shipping, and insuri ng bonds transferred or
exchanged by the fiscal agent, and, accordingly, pursuant to paragraph c of Section 70.00 of the Loc al
Finance Law, no such charges shall b e so collecte d by the fiscal agent. Such bonds shall contain
substantially the recital of validit y clause provided for in section 52.00 of the Local Finance Law an d
shall otherwise be in such form and contain such recitals in addition to those required by section 52.00 of
the Local Finance Law, as the County Director of Finance shall determine.
Section 10. That the tem porary use of available funds of th e Count y, n of immediatel y
required for the purpose or purposes for which the s ame were borrowed, raise d, or otherwise creat ed, is
hereby auth orized pursuant to Section 165. 10 of the Local Finance Law, for the capital purposes
described in this resolution. The r easonably expected source of funds to be used to initiall y pay for the
expenditures authorized b y this resolution shall be from the County's General Fund. It is i ntended that
the County shall then reimburse expenditures from the General Fund with the proceeds of the bonds and
bond anticipation notes authorized by this resolution and that the interest pay able on the bon ds and any
bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation of such bonds shall be excludable fro m gross income for
federal income tax purposes. This resolution is intended to constitute the declaration of the Count y's
"official intent" within the meaning of Treasury Regulation Section 1.150-2 to reimburse the expenditures
authorized by this resolution with the proceeds of the bonds a nd bond anti cipation notes authorized
herein. Other than as specified in this resolution, no m onies ar e reasonably expected to be, reserved,
allocated on a long-term basis, or otherwise set aside with respect to the permanent funding of the objects
or purposes described herein.
only i£
Section 11. That the validit y of such bonds and b and anticipation notes may be contested
1) Such obligations are authorized for an object or purp ose for which said Count y
is not authorized to expend money, or
2) The provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of publication
of this resol ution are not substantially complied with, and an a ction, suit, or
proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the
date of such publication, or
3) Such obligat ions are authorized in violation of the prov isions of th e
Section 12. That this resolution, which takes effect immediately, shall be published in full in
The Ithaca J ournal, the o fficial newspaper of said County, together with a notice of the Clerk of th e
County Legislature in substantially the form provided in Section 8 1. 00 of the Local Finance Law.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Resolution No. 2017- 210: A Bond Resolution Authori zing the Issuance of Up to $200,000 Serial
Bonds and Notes of the County of Tompkins, New York, to Pay a
Portion of t he Cost of Reconstructing the Sout h Danby Road Bridge
Located within the County (ID #7258)
This resolution was adopted by a roll call vote.
MOVER: David McKenna, Member
SECONDER: Daniel Klein, Vice Chair
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairbome, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins, New York (the "County") is a local agency pursuant to the
New York State Environ mental Quality Review Act ("SEQRA"), ECL Section 8-0 101, et seq., a nd
implementing regulations, 6 NYCRR Part 617 (the "Regulations"), and
WHEREAS, the County is considering undertaking a capital improvement project consisting of the
reconstruction of the South Danb y Road Bridge over Sulph ur Springs Creek in the Count y (the
"Project"), and
WHEREAS, the County has reviewed the classificat ions of actions contai ned in the Regulations,
WHEREAS, it is now desired to authorize the undertaking and financing of the Project, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure Committee and the Budget,
Capital, and Personnel Committee, That the Count y Legislature of the Count y of Tompkins, New York,
(by favorable vote of not less than two thirds of said County Legislature) determines as follows:
Section 1. That the Project con stitutes a Ty pe II Action pursuant to Part 617.5(c)(2) o f the
Regulations and as such is not subject to review under SEQRA.
Section 2. That undertaking a capital im provement project cons isting of the reconstruction
of the South Danby Road Bridge over Sulphur Springs Creek in the County, including all necessary costs
incidental to such work, including r elated constr uction, dem olition, renovations, site im provements,
original furnishings, fixtures, and equipment required for such purposes, architectural and engineering
fees, is hereby authorized at a maximum estimated cost of $200,000. T here are hereby authorized to be
issued up to $200,000 serial bonds of the Count y to finance the Project pursuant to the provisions of the
Local Finance Law.
Section 3. That the maximum estimated cost of the aforesaid class of objects or purposes is
$200,000 and that the plan for the financing thereof is by the issuance of up to $200,000 serial bonds, or
such lesser amount as may be necessary, hereby authorized to be issued pursuant to this bond resolution
and the levy and collection of taxes on all the taxable real property in the County to pay the principal of said
bonds and th a interest th ereon as th a same shall become due and payable, and by the application of state
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
and/or federal assistance available or to any revenues available for such purpose from any other source.
Section 4. That the period of probable u sefulness of the aforesaid clas s of objects or
purposes is 20 years under subdivision 10 of paragraph a. of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law. It is
hereby further determined that the in aximum maturity of the serial bonds herein authorized will exceed
five years.
Section 5. That, subject to the provisi ons of the Lo cal Finance Law, the power to authorize
the issuance of and to sell bond anticip ation notes in anticipation of the issuan ce and sale of the serial
bonds herein authorized, including renewals of such notes, is hereby delegated to the County Director of
Finance, the chief fiscal officer. Such notes shall be of such terms, form, and contents, and shall be sold in
such manner, as may be prescribed by said County Director of Finance, consistent with the provisions of
the Local Finance Law.
Section 6. That the faith and credit of said Coun ty of Tompkins, New Yo rk, are hereby
irrevocably pledged for the pay ment of the prin cipal of and interest on such bonds as the same
respectively become due and pa yable. An annual appr opriation shall be m ade in each year sufficient to
pay t he princ ipal of and i nterest on such bonds be coming due and pa yable i n such year. There shall
annually be levied on all the taxabl e real property of said County a tax sufficient to pay the principal of
and interest on such bonds as the same become due and payable.
Section 7. That such bonds shall be in fully registered form and shall be signed in the name
of the County of Tom pkins, New York, by the m anual or facsimile signature of the County Director of
Finance and a facsimile of its corporate seal shall be imprinted or impressed thereon and may be attested
by the manual or facsimile signature of the County Clerk.
Section 8. That the p owers and dutie s of a dvertising such bonds for sale, conductin g the
sale, and awarding the bonds, are hereby delegated to the County Director of Finance, who shall advertise
such bonds for sale, conduct the sale, and award the bonds in such manner as he or she shall deem best for
the interests of the County; provided, however, that in the exercise of these d elegated powers, he or she
shall co mply fully with t he provisions of the Loca 1 Finance Law and any o rder or rule of the State
Comptroller applicable to the sale of municipal bonds. The receipt of the County Director of Finance shall
be a full acquittance to the purchaser of such bonds, who shall not be obliged to see to the application of
the purchase money. The County Director of Financ e is hereby further authorized to execute and deliver
all additional certificates, instruments, and documents and to do al l other acts as may be necessary, or in
the opinion of the County Director of Finance, desirable or proper to effectuate the purposes of this Bond
Section 9. That all other matters, except as provided herein relating to such bonds including
determining whether to issue such bon ds having substantially level or declini ng annual debt service and
all matters related thereto, prescribing whether manual or facsimile signatures shall appear on said bonds,
prescribing the method for the recording of ownership of said bonds, appointing the fiscal agent or agents
for said bonds, providing for the printing and delivery of said bonds (and if said bonds are to be executed
in the name of the County by the facsimile signature of the County Director of Finance, providing for the
manual countersignature of a fiscal agent or of a designated official of the Count y), the date,
denominations, maturities, and interest payment dates, place or places of payment, and also including the
consolidation with other i ssues, shall be determ ined b y the Co unty Director of Finance. It is hereby
determined that it is to th e financial advantage of the County not to impose and collect from registered
owners of such serial b onds any charges for mailing, shipping, and insuri ng bonds transferred or
exchanged by the fiscal agent, and, accordingly, pursuant to paragraph c of Section 70.00 of the Loc al
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Finance Law, no such charges shall b e so collecte d by the fiscal agent. Such bonds shall contain
substantially the recital of validit y clause provided for in section 52.00 of the Local Finance Law an d
shall otherwise be in such form and contain such recitals in addition to those required by section 52.00 of
the Local Finance Law, as the County Director of Finance shall determine.
Section 10. That the tem porary use of available funds of th e Count y, n of immediatel y
required for the purpose or purposes for which the s ame were borrowed, raise d, or otherwise creat ed, is
hereby auth orized pursuant to Section 165. 10 of the Local Finance Law, for the capital purposes
described in this resolution. The r easonably expected source of funds to be used to initiall y pay for the
expenditures authorized b y this resolution shall be from the County's General Fund. It is i ntended that
the County shall then reimburse expenditures from the General Fund with the proceeds of the bonds and
bond anticipation notes authorized by this resolution and that the interest pay able on the bon ds and any
bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation of such bonds shall be excludable fro m gross income for
federal income tax purposes. This resolution is intended to constitute the declaration of the Count y's
"official intent" within the meaning of Treasury Regulation Section 1.150-2 to reimburse the expenditures
authorized by this resolution with the proceeds of the bonds a nd bond anti cipation notes authorized
herein. Other than as specified in this resolution, no m onies ar e reasonably expected to be, reserved,
allocated on a long-term basis, or otherwise set aside with respect to the permanent funding of the objects
or purposes described herein.
only if:
Section 11. That the validit y of such bonds and b and anticipation notes may be contested
1) Such obligations are authorized for an object or purp ose for which said Count y
is not authorized to expend money, or
2) The provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of publication
of this resol ution are not substantially complied with, and an a ction, suit, or
proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the
date of such publication, or
3) Such obligat ions are authorized in violation of the prov isions of th e
Section 12. That this resolution, which takes effect immediately, shall be published in full in
The Ithaca Journal, the o fficial newsp aper of said Count y, together with a n otice of the Clerk of the
County Legislature in substantially the form provided in Section 8 1. 00 of the Local Finance Law.
Resolution No. 2017-211: A Bond Resolution Auth orizing the Issuance of Up to $1,000,000 Serial
Bonds and Notes of th a County of Tompkins, New York, to Pay a
Portion of t he Cost of Road and Highway Syst em Reconstruction and
Improvements at Various Locations Throughout the County (ID #7257)
This resolution was adopted by a roll call vote.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
MOVER: David McKenna, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins, New York (the "County") is a local agency pursuant to the
New York State Environ mental Quality Review Act ("SEQRA"), ECL Section 8-0 101, et seq., a nd
implementing regulations, 6 NYCRR Part 617 (the "Regulations"), and
WHEREAS, the County i s considering undertakin g a capital improvem ent project consisting o
repaving certain existing roads in Count y, all not involving t he addition of new travel lanes (the
"Project"), and
WHEREAS, the County has reviewed the classificat ions of actions contai ned in the Regulations,
WHEREAS, it is now desired to authorize the undertaking and financing of the Project, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure Committee and the Budget,
Capital, and Personnel Committee, That the Count y Legislature of the Count y of Tompkins, New York,
(by favorable vote of not less than two thirds of said County Legislature) determines as follows:
Section 1. That the Project con stitutes a Ty pe II Action pursuant to Part 617.5(c)(4) o f the
Regulations and as such is not subject to review under SEQRA.
Section 2. That undertaking a capital im provement project consisting of repaving certain
existing roads in County , including drainage and s boulder reconstruction and all o ther neces sary costs
incidental to such work, including r elated constr uction, dem olition, renovations, site im provements,
original furnishings, fixtures, and equipment required for such purposes, architectural and engineering
fees, is hereby authorized at a maximum estimated cost of $1,000,000. There are hereby authorized to be
issued up to $1,000,000 serial bonds of the County to finance the Project pursuant to the provisions of the
Local Finance Law.
Section 3. That the maximum estimated cost of the aforesaid class of objects or purposes is
$1,000,000 and that the plan for the financing thereof is by the issuance of up to $1,000,000 serial bonds,
or such lesser am ount as may be necessary , hereby authorized to be issued pursuant to this bond
resolution and the levy an d collection of taxes on all the tax able real property in th e County to pay the
principal of said bond s and the in terest thereon as the sa me shall beco me du e and p ayable, and by the
application of state and/or federal assistance available or to any revenues available for such purpose from
any other source.
Section 4. That the period of probable a sefulness of the aforesaid clas s of objects or
purposes is 15 years under subdivision 20(c) of paragraph a. of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law.
It is hereby further determined that the maxim um maturity of the serial bonds herein authorized wil 1
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
exceed five years.
Section 5. That, subject to the provisi ons of the Lo cal Finance Law, the power to authorize
the issuance of and to sell bond anticip ation notes in anticipation of the issuan ce and sale of the serial
bonds herein authorized, including renewals of such notes, is hereby delegated to the County Director of
Finance, the chief fiscal officer. Such notes shall be of such terms, form, and contents, and shall be sold in
such manner, as may be prescribed by said County Director of Finance, consistent with the provisions of
the Local Finance Law.
Section 6. That the faith and credit of said Coun ty of Tompkins, New Yo rk, are hereby
irrevocably pledged for the pay ment of the prin cipal of and interest on such bonds as the same
respectively become due and pa yable. An annual appr opriation shall be in ade in each year sufficient to
pay t he princ ipal of and i nterest on such bonds be coming due and pa yable i n such year. There shall
annually be levied on all the taxabl e real property of said County a tax sufficient to pay the principal of
and interest on such bonds as the same become due and payable.
Section 7. That such bonds shall be in fully registered form and shall be signed in the name
of the County of Tom pkins, New York, by the in anual or facsimile signature of the County Director of
Finance and a facsimile of its corporate seal shall be imprinted or impressed thereon and may be attested
by the manual or facsimile signature of the County Clerk.
Section 8. That the p owers and dutie s of a dvertising such bonds for sale, conductin g the
sale, and awarding the bonds, are hereby delegated to the County Director of Finance, who shall advertise
such bonds for sale, conduct the sale, and award the bonds in such manner as he or she shall deem best for
the interests of the County; provided, however, that in the exercise of these d elegated powers, he or she
shall co mply fully with t he provisions of the Loca 1 Finance Law and any o rder or rule of the State
Comptroller applicable to the sale of municipal bonds. The receipt of the County Director of Finance shall
be a full acquittance to the purchaser of such bonds, who shall not be obliged to see to the application of
the purchase money. The County Director of Financ e is hereby further authorized to execute and deliver
all additional certificates, instruments, and documents and to do al l other acts as may be necessary, or in
the opinion of the County Director of Finance, desirable or proper to effectuate the purposes of this Bond
Section 9. That all other matters, except as provided herein relating to such bonds including
determining whether to issue such bon ds having substantially level or declini ng annual debt service and
all matters related thereto, prescribing whether manual or facsimile signatures shall appear on said bonds,
prescribing the method for the recording of ownership of said bonds, appointing the fiscal agent or agents
for said bonds, providing for the printing and delivery of said bonds (and if said bonds are to be executed
in the name of the County by the facsimile signature of the County Director of Finance, providing for the
manual countersignature of a fiscal agent or of a designated official of the Count y), the date,
denominations, maturities, and interest payment dates, place or places of payment, and also including the
consolidation with other i ssues, shall be determined by the County Director of Finance. It is hereby
determined that it is to th e financial ad vantage of the County not to impose and collect from registered
owners of such serial b onds any charges for mailing, shipping, and insuri ng bonds transferred or
exchanged by the fiscal agent, and, accordingly, pursuant to paragraph c of Section 70.00 of the Loc al
Finance Law, no such charges shall b e so collecte d by the fiscal agent. Such bonds shall contain
substantially the recital of validit y clause provided for in section 52.00 of the Local Finance Law an d
shall otherwise be in such form and contain such recitals in addition to those required by section 52.00 of
the Local Finance Law, as the County Director of Finance shall determine.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Section 10. That the tem porary use of available funds of th e Count y, n of immediatel y
required for the purpose or purposes for which the s ame were borrowed, raise d, or otherwise creat ed, is
hereby auth orized pursuant to Section 165. 10 of the Local Finance Law, for the capital purposes
described in this resolution. The r easonably expected source of funds to be used to initiall y pay for the
expenditures authorized b y this resolution shall be from the County's General Fund. It is i ntended that
the County shall then reimburse expenditures from th e General Fund with the proceeds of the bonds and
bond anticipation notes authorized by this resolution and that the interest pay able on the bon ds and any
bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation of such bonds shall be excludable fro m gross income for
federal income tax purposes. This resolution is intended to constitute the declaration of the Count y's
"official intent" within the meaning of Treasury Regulation Section 1.150-2 to reimburse the expenditures
authorized by this resolution with the proceeds of the bonds a nd bond anti cipation notes authorized
herein. Other than as specified in this resolution, no m onies ar e reasonably expected to be, reserved,
allocated on a long-term basis, or otherwise set aside with respect to the permanent funding of the objects
or purposes described herein.
only if:
Section 11. That the validit y of such bonds and b and anticipation notes may be contested
1) Such obligations are authorized for an object or purp ose for which said Count y
is not authorized to expend money, or
2) The provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of publication
of this resol ution are not substantially complied with, and an a ction, suit, or
proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the
date of such publication, or
3) Such obligat ions are authorized in violation of the prov isions of th e
Section 12. That this resolution, which takes effect immediately, shall be published in full in
The Ithaca J ournal, the o fficial newspaper of said County, together with a notice of the Clerk of th e
County Legislature in substantially the form provided in Section 8 1. 00 of the Local Finance Law.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
September 19, 2017
MOVER: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Member
SECONDER: Martha Robertson, Member
AYES: Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne,
Robertson, McKenna, Morey, Sigler
NAYS: Dooley Kiefer
October 3, 2017
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
MOVER: Martha Robertson, Member
SECONDER: Michael Sigler, Member
AYES: Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne,
Robertson, McKenna, Morey, Sigler
NAYS: Dooley Kiefer
Mr. Lane declared recess at 7:19 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:30 p.m.
Executive Session
It was MOVED b y Mr. McKenna, seconded b y Ms. Kelles, and unanim ously adopted by voice
vote, to hold an executive session at 7:30 p.m. to discuss labor negotiation s and a personnel m atter
regarding a particular person. The meeting returned to open session at 8:39 p.m.
Adi ournment
The meeting adjourned at 8:39 p.m.
Tompkins County Legislature
Regular Meeting Minutes — Approved 11-9-17
Monday, October 30, 2017 7:00 PM
Legislature Chambers
Attendee Name
4 Status
Will Burbank
Carol Chock
James Dennis
Rich John
Anna Kelles
Daniel Klein
Vice Chair
Michael Lane
Martha Robertson
David McKenna
Glenn Morey
Michael Sigler
I Present
Public Hearing - Review of the tentative 2018 Tompkins County Budget and the 2018-2022
Tompkins County Capital Program
Mr. Lane, Chair, called the public hearing to order at 7:00 p.m. concerning the tentative 2018
Tompkins County Budget and the 201 8-2022 Tompkins County Capital Program and asked if an yone
wished to speak.
Prior to the first speaker, Mr. Dennis, Chair of the Expanded Budget, Capital and Personnel
Committee, read the following statement:
"For those who are here to discuss the Count y's commitment to the Office of Hu man Rights, I'd
like to provide some clarity and assurance.
"First, the recommended budget for the Office of Human Rights Budget is exactly the same, to
the penny, as was requested by the Office.
"In fact, the Budget fun ds all of the so -called Over -Target Requests, which means requests to
spend in excess of the baseline budget issued by the County Administrator in May.
"Simply put, the Department got what it asked for.
"The Office will be fully funded ... and fully staffed. There are four positions provided for in this
budget -including the Director.
"This means that Tompkins County will continue to be the most generous County in New York
State with respect to funding a Human Rights Office.
"We will remain one of only 13 of the 57 coun ties outside New York City to fund a Human
Rights Office. Seventy-five percent of the counties do not have an Office at all.
Tompkins County Legislature
Monday, October 30, 2017
"And of those who do, we spend nearly twice as much on a per capita basis than any other county
in the State.
"Between 2014 and 2016, our average annual spending was $2.77 per capita. The next highest -
spending County, Nassau, spent just $1.58 per capita. We spent nearly twice as in uch per capita as the
next highest spending County. Only two other counties in the entire State spent over $1.00 per capita.
"And according to data com piled by our own Office of Hu man Rights, there are just 28 people
employed by Human Rights Offices in all the counties out side of New York City. Four of them work for
us. So one out of ever y seven County human rights employees in New York State works f or Tompkins
"The bottom line is that whether measured by budget or staffi ng levels, w e stand head and
shoulders above any other County in New York State in terms of our comm itment to our Hu man Rights
"As budgets are the way governm ents demonstrate th eir priorities, I think it's clear that the
County continues to value the Office and Mission of Human Rights."
Gibrian Hagood, Ithaca, spoke of his personal experience with a housing discrimination issue that
he was assisted with by staff in the Office of Human Rights. He also stated he believes it is important for
a person of color to lead the County's Office of Human Rights.
Amanda Kirchgessner, Tompkins County resident, said spending money on the Office of Human
Rights does not in can the Count y cares about hum an right s and there are many needs that exist in the
County. She asked that the Office of Human Rights be allowed to do its work.
Karen Baer, Town of Itha ca, spoke of her ancestry and hope for sustained grassroots support for
human rights promotion and protection and a government that is responsive to the voice of the people.
Liz Brundige, Town of Caroline resident who has worked with the Office of Hu man Rights on
various issues, spoke in support of the Office of Human Rights under the leadership of Karen Baer and its
current staff.
Taili Mugam bee, To mpkins Count y resident, s poke on be half of the Ultim ate Re-entry
Organization and in support for funding in the 2018 budget for alternatives to -incarceration initiatives.
Ruth Yarrow, Ithaca, spoke in su pport of the Offic e of Hum an Rights under the leadership of
Karen Baer and said it is one of the most important functions of the Count y at this tim a particularly
because of the disparity in incomes and finding housing.
Dick Franke, Town of Ithaca, spoke in support of social justice and refer enced a document
entitled Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing produced by Karen Baer the Office of Human Rights.
Elan Shapiro, Ithaca, spoke of concerns he h as heard fro in st aff and others who work with th e
Office of Human Rights that are not consistent with what he has heard from the County and said he would
like more transparency and clarifications.
Fran Spadafora Manzella, Town of It haca, s poke of her work since 1990 with the Office of
Human Rights and expressed support for the work done by the Office under Karen Baer since she became
Tompkins County Legislature
Monday, October 30, 2017
the Director in 2013.
Kate Cordona, Ithaca, r ead a stat ement by the Ithaca SURJ Coor dinating Team, supporting the
Office of Human Rights.
Jeffrey Bergfalk, The People's School, spoke in support for the Office of Human Rights.
Jamila Walida Sim on, Groton resident and said she is the Chair of t he Hu man Rights
Commission and spoke in opposition t o the actions to ken by the County concerning the Director of
Human Rights.
No one else wished to speak and Mr. Lane closed the public hearing at 7:46 p.m.
Tompkins County Legislature
Regular Meeting Minutes — Approved 11-21-17
Thursday, November 9, 2017 5:30 PM
Legislature Chambers
Call to Order
Mr. Lane, Chair, called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flat
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll Call of Members
Attendee Name
Will Burbank
Carol Chock
James Dennis
Status Departed
Rich John
Anna Kelles
Dooley Kiefer
Daniel Klein
Vice Chair
Michael Lane
Leslyn McBean-Clairborne
Martha Robertson
David McKenna
Glenn Morey
Michael Sigler
Present 8:47 PM
Shawna Black
Presentation of Proclamations, Petitions, Communications, and Notices
Mr. Lane recognized and welcomed Shawna Black, District No. 11 Legislator, who is completing
the ter in of former Legisl ator Stein who recently re tired. Ms. Black was also elected in this week' s
General Election for the 2018-2021 term.
Mr. Lane pre sented a proclam ation call ing citizens t o recognize t he valor and sacrifice of our
veterans and join in honoring and thanking all veterans and military service members through the
observance of Veterans Day on Nov ember 11, 2017, to Amy Guererri, Co mmissioner of Hu man
Mr. Lane presented a procla mation declaring the Mo nth of November to be Home He alth Care
Aide Appreciation Month in Tompkins County to Anna Kelles, Chair of the Health and Human Services
Mr. Lane presented a procla mation declaring the Month of Novem ber to be Hospice and
Palliative Care Month in Tompkins County to Dale Johnson, Executive Director of Hospicare.
Tompkins County Legislature
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Privilege of the Floor by the Public
Kathleen Yen, Village of the Lansing, thanked Legislators for their tireless work year-round on
the Count y Budget, part icularly Joe Mareane, County Ad ministrator, and the Ex panded Bud get
Committee. She said it is a very comprehensive budget model.
Report from a Municipal Official(s)
George McGonigal, Com mon Council mem ber, said Comm on Council passed the 2018 budget
for the City. The approved Budget exceeded the Mayor's budget and went above the tax cap levy by a
little over 3.5% and the tax rate went u p slightly under 1%. It represents a $2 1 increase for an average
In response to Ms. Kelles, Mr. McGonigal s poke about t he Referend um to restructure
committees. The 11 advisory comm ittees will be disbanded and four broader co mmissions will be
organized and each one will have nine members o f wh ich seven will have to be City residents. The
Mayor will r ecommend members through an applic ation process and f orward to Comm on Council f or
Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee
Resolution No. 2017-212: Adoption of 20 18 Tompkins County Budget and 2018-2022 Tompkins
County Capital Program (ID #7401) (See Exhibit A for full Budget)
It was MOVED by Ms. Kiefer, seconded by Mr. McKenna, to amend the tentative budget and add
$35,667 to increase the half-time position in the Weights and Measures Department to a 35 -hour per week
A voice vote on the a mendment resulted as follows : Ay es - 6 (Legislators Burbank, C hock,
Kelles, Kiefer, McKenna, and McBean-Clairborne); No es - 8 (Legislators Black, Dennis, John, Klein,
Lane, Morey, Robertson, and Sigler). AMENDMENT FAILED.
This resolution was adopted by a roll call vote.
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairbome, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Shawna Black
WHEREAS, the Reco mmended Budge t for t he year 2018 an d th e proposed 2 018-2022 Capital
Program have been presented to the Legislatur e b y the Budget Officer on September 5, 2017, and a
Tentative Budget for the year 2018 and the proposed 2018-2022 Capital Pro gram were adopted by the
Legislature for publ is review on October 17, 20 17, and a public hearing was held on Octo ber 30, 2 017,
and all persons desiring to be heard concerning same have been heard, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Expanded Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee,
Tompkins County Legislature
Thursday, November 9, 2017
That pursuant to Section 5.07 of the C ounty Charter, the said pr oposed budget as amended is adopted,
subject to the correction of manifest errors by the Clerk of the Legislature and the Budget Officer, as the
budget of Tompkins County for the year 2018,
RESOLVED, further, That pursuant to Sections 5.03, 5.04, and 5.05 of the County Charter, the
several amounts specified in such budget opposite each item of expenditure set forth in the column
adopted are appropriated for the objects and purposes specified, effective January 1, 2018,
RESOLVED, further, That the su m of $49,143,124 required to meet the local share of expenses
and costs of county government in Tompkins County for the fiscal year 2018 as set forth in the budget be
assessed against, levied upon, and collected from the taxable property of the nine towns and the city liable
RESOLVED, further, That this change will result in an approximate tax -levy increase of 2.32%,
falling below the Tom pkins County adjusted tax c ap of 3.53% as calculat ed according t o New York
State's formula, an approximate tax rate of $6.58 per $1,000 of assessed value, which am ounts to a rate
decrease of approximately 0.60%, and an increase of 2.87% in local spending,
RESOLVED, further, That this tax change will result in an increase of approximately $11.42 on a
median -priced home assessed in 2017 at $178,000,
RESOLVED, further, That pursuant to Secti on 5.07 of the County Charter, the said proposed
Capital Program as amended is adopted, subject to the correction of manifest errors by the Clerk of the
Legislature and Budget Officer, as the Capital Program of Tompkins County for the years 2018-2022.
Government Operations Committee
Resolution No. 2017- 213: Authoriz ing Litigatio n Against Drug Manufacturers for Dam ages
Resulting from Abuse of Opioid Pharmaceuticals (ID #7388)
Ms. Kiefer s aid there are legal reasons t o prescribe opioids; these pharmaceutic al companies are
marketing use in patients who do not neces sary need the m. S he said she would like to change the
wording in the last Resolved and MOVED to amend the resolution, seconded by Ms. Kelles, as follows:
"RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Government Operations Committee, That the County
Attorney is hereby authorized to commence civil litigation agains t opioid manufacturers and others who
have harmed the County through ove r -prescription and miss prescription of opioids by--pFem-
abuse of opioids -
and to retain counsel to represent the County in such litigation."
A voice vote resulted as follows on th a amendment: Ay es - 3 ( Legislators John, Kelles, and
Kiefer); Noes - 11. AMENDMENT FAILED.
Ms. Kiefer stated for the r ecord that she supports th e County joining the lawsuit, but she doesn't
support the wording in the Resolved.
Tompkins County Legislature
Thursday, November 9, 2017
MOVER: Daniel Klein, Vice Chair
SECONDER: Anna Kelles, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, David
McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
NAYS: Dooley Kiefer, Shawna Black
WHEREAS, opioid manufacturers had prior knowledge of the risks of opioids abuse have misled
doctors and patients about the addic tive nature of opioids, have misrepresented the dangers of opio ids,
and have marketed opioids in a manner that promoted addiction, and
WHEREAS, opioid m anufacturers, distributors, an d prom oters have been responsible for an
opioid epidemic that has harmed the citizens of Tompkins County and financially damaged the County
and its taxpayers, and
WHEREAS, it is appropri ate that the Count y sh ould recover damages fro m those parties tha t
have contributed and con tinue to cont ribute to Co unty costs in the form of increas ed social servic es,
policing, treatment, incarceration, and other expenditures, and
WHEREAS, numerous New York Counties ar e pursuing legal action against opioi d
manufacturers and others that have promoted the abuse of opioids, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Govern ment Operations Committee, That the Count y
Attorney is hereby authorized to commence civil litigation agains t opioid manufacturers and others who
have harmed the County by promoting the abuse of op ioids and to retain counsel to represent the County
in such litigation.
Mr. Lane declared recess at 7:53 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:05 p.m.
Report from the Finance Director
Mr. Snyder distributed a summary of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (H.R. 1) and highlighted how
certain provisions of the bi 11 will affect counties. The two principle changes include (1) Termination of
Tax -Exempt Private Activ ity Bonds; and (2) Repeal of Tax -Exempt Advance Refunding B onds. At th e
request of Chair Lane he has drafted a letter containi ng elements listed on the report. He noted that these
two provisions don't take away the County's ability to issue tax-exempt bonds.
Ms. Robertson said it is very important that it is clear to the public that we are taking this position
and would also like there to be a press release as this will affect local governments and people all over.
There was no objection to having a letter sent under the Chair's signature.
Tompkins County Legislature
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Resolutions Added to and Withdrawn from the Agenda
There were no resolutions added to or withdrawn from the agenda.
Appointment(s) Approved Under the Consent Agenda
Advisory Board Appointment(s) (ID # 7412)
MOVER: Anna Kelles, Member
SECONDER: Michael Sigler, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairbome, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Shawna Black
Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit Board of Directors
Frank P. Proto - County Representative; term expires December 31, 2020
Resolutions Approved Under the Consent Agenda
MOVER: Anna Kelles, Member
SECONDER: Michael Sigler, Member
AYES: Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Kiefer, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne,
Robertson, McKenna, Morey, Sigler, Black
Resolution No. 2017- 214: Budget Adjustm ents - Various Com munity Development Block Grants
(CDBG) Activities Through the Use of Grant Funds and Program
Income Funds Generated from Previous CDBG Grants (ID #7393)
WHEREAS, pursuant to Administrative Manual Policy 0 5-02, budget adjustments exceeding
$5,000 require Legislative approval, and
WHEREAS, the To mpkins Count y Department of Planning and Sustainabilit y has received
funding from several multi-year Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) grants in 2014, 2015,
2016, and 2017, and
WHEREAS, the To mpkins Count y Department of Planning and Sustainabilit y has Program
Income Funds that are generated fro m the repay ment of loans from previous CDBG-funded Tom pkins
County Homeownership Program loans, and
WHEREAS, Tompkins County, with the approval of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD), uses Program Income Funds for its contributions to the Co mmunity Housing
Development Fund, and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature has previously approved the Homeownership, and
Tompkins County Legislature
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Community Housing Development Fund activities, and
WHEREAS, as a result of the in ulti-year grants, Program In come revenu e, and dela ys in
Community Housing Development Fund projects, seve ral adjustments to the 2017 budget are needed to
move the funds into the appropriate fiscal year for these activities, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Planning, Develop ment, and Environm ental Qu ality
Committee, That the Director of Finance is hereby authorized and directed to make the foll owing budget
adjustments for 2017:
Revenue Title Amount I Appropriation Title Amount
State CDBG 8688.44959 Federal Aid $229,870.48 8688.54400 Program $229,870.48
Grants Expense
State CDBG 8684.42411 Program $73,395.00 8684.54400 Program $180,000.00
Program Income Income Expense
Resolution No. 20 17-215: Authorization to Accept New York State Divi sion of Cri minal Justice
(NYSDCJS) Crime Prevention Grant Funding - Sheriffs Office (ID
WHEREAS, the Sheriff's Office has been awarded funding through the New York State Division
of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) Office of Program Development and Funding in the am ount of
$7,500 for the contract period of October 1, 2017, t o September 30, 2018, to assist in 1 aw enforcement
and crime prevention services in Tompkins County, and
WHEREAS, these funds will be used to replace Road Patrol digital camer as to enhance the
department's response to the community, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Public Safety Committee, That Tompkins County accept
these grant funds for the purpose of procuring the aforementioned departmental equipment,
RESOLVED, further, That the Finan ce Director be and hereb y is authorized to make the
following budget adjustments for 2017:
REVENUE: 3113.44389 Other Public Safety Revenue $7,500
APPROPRIATION: 3113 .52220 Departmental Equipment $7,500
Government Operations Committee
Resolution No. 2017- 216: Authorization to Enter in to an Arrangem ent with JP Morgan Chase to
Provide Tompkins Con my with Cr edit by way of a Commercial Card
Account (ID #7391)
Tompkins County Legislature
Thursday, November 9, 2017
MOVER: Daniel Klein, Vice Chair
SECONDER: Rich John, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Martha Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey,
Michael Sigler, Shawna Black
NAYS: Anna Kelles, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne
WHEREAS the Finance Department has researched the benefits and costs of implementing a
Procurement Card (P -Card) program, and
WHEREAS the Finance Department, under t he di rection o f the Government Operations
Committee, issued a Request for Proposals, and
WHEREAS five (5) responses were re ceived and w ere reviewed by a comm ittee comprised of
members fro m the Fina nce Depa rtment, Accounti ng and Pur chasing Divisions, the Inform ation
Technology Services Department, and County Administration, and
WHEREAS upon conclusion of the demonstrations requested from three (3) of the respond ing
vendors, the Committee determined that the program offered by JP Morgan Chase would be the m ost
beneficial to the County, and
WHEREAS Tompkins Count y has th e power and authority to borrow m oney and o therwise
obtain credit and to grant security on its assets, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Government Operations Committee, That:
Tompkins Count y is hereb y author ized to enter in to an arrangem ent with JP Morgan
Chase to provide Tom pkins County with credit by way of a Commercial Card account.
Under that arrangement select employees, determined eligible by their department head
and the Finance Office of Tom pkins County, may be issued with Commercial Cards on
the MasterCard commercial account of Tom pkins County with the Bank, and Tompkins
County shall be responsible for the pay ment of all amounts in full, includi ng fees an d
interest charged to such account, substantially on the terms and conditions set forth in the
draft Commercial Card Agreement; and
2. The County Administrator, or his designee, is hereby authorized to sign for and on behalf
of Tompkins County a Commercial Card Agreement with the Bank substantially on the
terms and conditions of the draft Commercial Card Agreement, with such changes or
modifications as the person(s) so signing may in their/his sole discreti on dee m
appropriate, and to sign such other do cuments and do such other things as they /he in
their/his sole discretion deem appropriate or advisable in connection with or to give effect
to such Corporate MasterCard Account Agreement and the pr ogram contemplated
Tompkins County Legislature
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Resolution No. 2017-217: Resolution in Supp ort of New York State L egislature Bills S26 and
A4072 of 2017, known as the "Tax Returns Uniformly Made Public Act" (ID #7372)
Following the motion, the following changes submitted by Ms. Kiefer were accepted as friendly:
"WHEREAS, until the 2016 election, every president at least since Jimmy Carter has released at
levet one or more years of tax returns before taking office, and
"WHEREAS, New York State Legislature Bills S26 and A4072 requires that at least 50 days
before the general election a candidate for Pre sident or Vice President publicly release his/her five
most recent Federal income tax returns, and
"WHEREAS, S26 and A7042 inclu de the drastic remedy for failure t o comply of not
allowing the candidates name to appear on the official ballot for the general election, now therefore
be it".
It was MOVED by Mr. Sigler, seconded by Mr. Morey, to replace the resolution with the
"WHEREAS, tax returns give the A merican peopl e an im portant insight i nto a candidate's
financial standing and shine a light on potential conflicts of interest, and
"WHEREAS, A merican presidents, congresswomen and men, state governors, sta to
comptrollers, state attorney generals, state senators and assemblywomen and men should be held to
a high standard of transparency, and
"WHEREAS, until the 2016 election, every president since Jimmy Carter has released at least one
year of tax returns before taking office, now therefore be it
"RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Go vemment Operations Committee, Th at the
Tompkins County Legislature expresses its support f or New York State Legislature Bills S26 and A4072
of 2017, k nown as the "tax returns un iformly made public act", and that it should go f urther and
include candidates for NYS Governor, NYS Assembly and Senate, NYS Comptroller a nd Attorney
General, and NYS Congresswomen and men,
"RESOLVED, further, That copies of this resolution be sent to New York State Assemblywoman
Lifton, New York State Senators O' Mara, Seward, and Helm ing, Governor Cuomo, New York Stat e
Assembly Speaker He astie, New York State Ass embly Minority Leader Kolb, New York State Senate
Majority Leader Flanagan, New York State Senate D emocratic Conference Leader Stewart -Cousins, and
New York State Senate Independent Democratic Conference Leader Klein."
Mr. Klein questioned whether the rules to be on the ballot are the sa me f or these people.
Following a brief discussi on it was accepted as fri endly in the m otion by Mr. Sigler to split the first
Resolved into two paragraphs and to include only State-wide offices.
A voice vote resulted as follows on the resolution as offered by Mr. Sigler: Ayes - 13, Noes - 1
The following suggestions by Ms. Chock were accepted as friendly:
Tompkins County Legislature
Thursday, November 9, 2017
"WHEREAS, until the 2016 election, every president at least since the 1970s jifnffly Gal4e has
released at one year of tax returns before taking office, now therefore be it"
"WHEREAS, New York State Legislature Bills S26 and A4072 requires that at least 50 days
before the general election a candidate for Pre sident or Vice President publicly release his/her five
most recent Federal income tax returns, and
"WHEREAS, S26 and A7042 include the remedy for failure to comply of not allowing the
candidates name to appear on the official ballot for the general election, now therefore be it".
Following the vote on the resolution, Mr. Sigler was excused.
MOVER: Dooley Kiefer, Member
SECONDER: Daniel Klein, Vice Chair
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairbome, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler, Shawna Black
WHEREAS, tax returns give the A merican peopl e an im portant insight into a candidate's
financial standing and shine a light on potential conflicts of interest, and
WHEREAS, American presidents, congresswo men and men, state governors, state co mptrollers,
and state attorney generals should be held to a high standard of transparency, and
WHEREAS, until the 2016 election, every president at least since the 1970s has released one year
of tax returns before taking office, and
WHEREAS, New York State Legislat ure Bills S26 and A4072 requires that at least 50 day s
before the general election a candidate for President or Vice President publicly release his/her five most
recent Federal income tax returns, and
WHEREAS, S26 and A7 042 i nclude the rem edy f or failure to com ply of not allowin g the
candidates name to appear on the official ballot for the general election, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Government Operations Committee, That the Tompkins
County Legislature expresses it s support for New Yo rk State Legislature Bills S26 and A4072 of 2017,
known as the "tax returns uniformly made public act",
RESOLVED, further, That it should go further and include candidates for New York State
Governor, New York State Comptroller and Attorney General, and New York State Congresswomen and
RESOLVED, further, That copies of thi s resolution be sent to New York State Asse mblywoman
Lifton, New York State Senators O' Mara, Seward, and Helm ing, Governor Cuomo, New York Stat e
Assembly Speaker He astie, New York State Ass embly Minority Leader Kolb, New York State Senate
Majority Leader Flanagan, New York State Senate D emocratic Conference Leader Stewart -Cousins, and
New York State Senate Independent Democratic Conference Leader Klein.
Tompkins County Legislature
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality Committee
Resolution No. 2017- 218: Award of Two -Year Forestry S ervices Cont ract For Co unty-Owned
Forest Lands in the Town of Newfield (ID #7394)
Following further discussion, the following suggestion by Ms. Chock was accepted as friendly:
"RESOLVED, further, T hat the contr act will take into account management of old growth
according to the County's 2007 Plan."
MOVER: Martha Robertson, Member
SECONDER: David McKenna, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairbome, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Shawna Black
EXCUSED: Michael Sigler
WHEREAS, the To mpkins Count y Department of Finance duly advertised a Request for
Qualifications for forestry services in the Town of Newfield, and
WHEREAS, three responses wer e received and Forecon Forestry and Natural Res ources
Consultants (Forecon) was selected as t he preferred firm to assist the County in assessing County forest
land and managing a timber harvest, and
WHEREAS, Forecon recommends ti mber harvests be bid over two seasons so as to allow for
highest potential rate of return and compliance with the harvest recommendations in the Count y Forest
Management Plan, and
WHEREAS, a two-year contract with Forecon would be required to allow for a timber harvest that
could span two seasons, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Plannin g, Development, and Envi ronmental Qualit y
Committee, That a contract be authori zed for two years with F orecon Forestry and Natural Resources
Consulting of Cortland, New York, for a total of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000),
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or his designee be authorized to execute any
contracts or agreements related to this project,
RESOLVED, further, That the contract will to ke into account management of old growth
according to the County's 2007 Plan.
Tompkins County Legislature
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Resolution No. 2017- 219: Affirming Ithaca -T ompkins County Transportation Council (ITCTC)
Recommendation to Inc rease the ITCTC Staff Director's S alary (ID
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: Martha Robertson, Member
SECONDER: Dooley Kiefer, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairbome, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Shawna Black
EXCUSED: Michael Sigler
WHEREAS, Tompkins Count y entered into a Me morandum of Understanding with t he Ithaca -
Tompkins County Transportation Council (ITCTC) on September 30, 1992, agreeing that ".....staff will be
hosted by Tompkins County as an administrative rather than a reporting arrangement...... staff is selected by
the Council [with] staffing plan, staff qualifications and salary schedule established by the Council", and
WHEREAS, Board Resolution No. 99 of 1993 "Clarification of Employment Status - Position of Ithaca -
Tompkins County Transportation Council Planning Director" stated the following:
"...the position of I thaca-Tompkins County Transportation Council Planning Director shall be entitled to t he
terms and conditions of e mployment established by t his [ County] Board for in anagement employ ees unless
otherwise recommended by the Council and established by this [County] Board of Representatives", and
WHEREAS, on March 14, 2000, the Director's sal ary was modified b y ITCTC resolution 200 0-01
above the in anagement salary range with the stipulation that the Host Agency, Tompkins County, execute the
necessary administrative procedures to implement this modification, and
WHEREAS, on February 5, 2002, the Tom pkins County Board of Representatives passed Resolution
No. 6 Affirm ing Ithaca -Tom pkins County Transportation Council (ITCTC) reco mmendation to establish the
ITCTC Planning Director's salary above the salary range, and
WHEREAS, on October 24, 2017, the ITCTC passed Resolution 2017-06 to adjust the salary of the
Staff Director, effective January 1, 2018, by 2.25%, and
WHEREAS, in keeping with the County's requirement that salaries established abov e the salary range
be authorized exclusively by resolution, and to estab lish or affirm recommendations made by ITC TC that are
contrary to the terms and conditions of employment for management staff, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning, Development, and E nvironmental Qu ality
Committee, That the Tom pkins County Board affirm the 2.25% increase of the sal ary for the Ithaca -To mpkins
County Transportation Council Planning Director to a total of $89,583, effective January 1, 2018, as approved by
the Ithaca -Tompkins County Transportation Council.
Tompkins County Legislature
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Resolution No. 2017-2 20: Resolution of the Tompkins Co unty Legislature, as the Elected
Legislative Body of Tompkins County, New York, in Accordance with
Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as Amended (the
"Code"), Approving the Issuanc a by the Tompkins County
Development Corporation of up to $13,500,000 Aggregate Principal
Amount Tax -Exempt Revenue Bo nds (Ithacare Center Service
Company, Inc. [dba Longview]), Series 2017 (ID #7390)
This resolution was adopted by a roll call vote.
MOVER: Martha Robertson, Member
SECONDER: Anna Kelles, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Shawna Black
EXCUSED: Michael Sigler
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature (the "Legislature"), as the elected legislative body
of Tompkins County, New York (the "County"), has been advised by the Tompkins County Development
Corporation (the "Issuer") that, in order to assist in the financing of a cert ain Project (as defined below)
for the benefit of Ithacare Center Service Co mpany, Inc. (the "Co mpany), a not-for-profit corporation
and organization described in Section 5 01(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the
"Code"), the Issuer proposes to issue, contingent up on the adoption of this R esolution, its Tax -Exempt
Revenue Bonds (Ithacare Center Service Company, Inc. Project), Series 2017 in one or more series, in an
aggregate principal amount not to exceed $13,500,000 (the 'Bonds"), and
cost of:
WHEREAS, the project (the "Project") shall consist principally of financing all or a portion of the
(1) the refinancing of the outstanding principal amount $14,600,000 Tompkins County
Industrial Development Agency (the "IDA") Variable Rate Demand Civic Facility Revenue
Bonds (Ithacare Center Service Company, Inc. Project), Series 2008 (the "Series 2008
Bonds"), the proceeds of which were used to provide funds to the Company to undertake a
certain project (the "Project"), consisting of. (A) the refunding of the IDA's $11,350,000
original principal amount Civic Facility Revenue Bonds (FHA Insured Mortgage-Ithacare
Center Service Company, Inc. Project), Series 1997 (the "1997 Bonds"), the proceeds of
which were used to finance (i) the acquisition, construction, and equipping on approximately
28 acres of land located at 1 Bella Vista Drive (also known as 980 Danby Road), in the Town
of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York (the "Land") of an approximately 129,700 square -
foot licensed adult home and HUD -approved assisted -living facility (the "Existing
Improvements") and (ii) the acquisition and installation in and around the Existing
Improvements of certain items of machinery, equipment, furniture, and other tangible
personal property (the "Existing Equipment"); (B) the acquisition, construction, and
equipping on the Land of an approximately 24,700 square -foot expansion to the Existing
Improvements to house an additional thirty-two (32) residential care beds and related
improvements (the "Improvements"); (C) the acquisition and installation in and around the
Existing Improvements and Improvements of certain items of machinery, equipment,
Tompkins County Legislature
Thursday, November 9, 2017
furniture, and other tangible personal property (the "Equipment"; and, collectively with the
Land, the Existing Improvements and the Improvements, the "Facility"); (D) the funding of a
debt service reserve fund to secure the 2008 Bonds; (E) the payment of certain costs and
expenses incidental to the issuance of the 2008 Bonds (the costs associated with items (A)
through (E) above being hereinafter collectively referred to as the "2008 Project Costs"); and
(F) the lease (with an obligation to purchase) or sale of the facilities financed with the 2008
Bonds to the Company; and
(2) the funding of a debt service reserve fund, if any and certain costs incidental to the issuance
of the Bonds (the costs associated with items (A) and (B) being hereinafter collectively referred
to as the "Project Costs"), and
WHEREAS, the Issuer proposes to assis t in the fi nancing of the Project by issuing the Bonds to
(i) pay all or a substantial portion of the cost of financing the Project, and (ii) pay reserves and costs
incidental to the issuance of the Bonds, and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 147(f) of the Code, interest on the Bonds will not be excluded
from gross income for Federal income tax purposes unless the issuance of the Bonds is approved by the
Legislature after a public hearing to co nsider both the issuance o f the Bonds and the nature and location
of the facilities financed therewith has been conducted following reasonable public notice, and
WHEREAS, Wednesday, November 1, 2017, at the South Hill Business Campus, 950 Danby
Road, Ithaca, New York 14850, the Issuer held such a public hearing upon pr oper notice in compliance
with Section 147(f) of the Code, and
WHEREAS, to aid the Legislature in its deliber ations, the Iss uer has made available to the
members of the Legislature prior to this meeting (a) the Company's application to the Issuer for financial
assistance; (b) the notice of public h earing published by the Issuer in The Ithaca Journal on October 17,
2017, alon g with the affi davit of publication of su ch newspaper; and (c) t he m inutes of such p ublic
hearing held on November 1, 2017, and
WHEREAS, on November 2, 2017 , the To mpkins Count y Planning, Develop ment and
Environmental Quality Co mmittee reco mmended that the L egislature, as the "appli cable el ected
representative" of Tompkins County, New York, within the meaning of Section 147(f)(2)(E) of the Code,
approve the issuance of the Bonds, and
WHEREAS, the Legislature, after due consideration of the foregoing, as the "applicable elected
representative" of Tompkins County, New York, within the meaning of Section 147(f)(2)(E) of the Code,
desires to approve the issuance of the Bo nds, provided the principal, premium, if any, and interest on the
Bonds shall be special obligations of t he Issuer and shall never be a debt of the State of New York (the
"State") or any political subdivision thereof, including without limitation the County, and neither the State
nor any political subdivision thereof, including without limitation the County, shall be liable thereon, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Planning, Develop ment, and Environm ental Qu ality
Committee, and by the County Legislature of Tompkins County, That:
Section 1. For the purpose of satisfying the approval requirement of Section 147(f) of the
Code, on the prior recommendation of the Tompkins County Planning, Development and Environmental
Quality Committee, the Legislature hereby gi ves its approval of the issuance by the Issuer of the Bonds
Tompkins County Legislature
Thursday, November 9, 2017
and related acts to be taken by the Issuer as part of the Project, provided that the Bonds, and the premium
(if any) and interest thereo n, shall be sp ecial obligations of the Issuer and shall never be a debt of the
State or any political subdivision thereof, including without limitation the County, and neither the State
nor any political subdivision thereof, including without limitation the Co unty, shall be lia ble thereon.
This approval is given pursuant to Section 147(f) of the Code f or the sole purpose of qualify ing the
interest payable on the Bonds for exclusion from gr oss income for federal income tax purposes pursuant
to the provisions of Sections 103 and 141-150 of the Code.
Section 2. This Resolution shall be deemed to be made for the benefit of the holders of th e
Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
October 17, 2017
MOVER: Rich John, Member
SECONDER: Leslyn McBean-Clairbome, Member
AYES: Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairbome,
Robertson, McKenna, Morey, Black
NAYS: Dooley Kiefer
EXCUSED: Michael Sigler
October 30, 2017
MOVER: Anna Kelles, Member
SECONDER: David McKenna, Member
AYES: Burbank, Chock, John, Kelles, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairbome, Robertson,
McKenna, Morey, Black
NAYS: James Dennis, Dooley Kiefer
EXCUSED: Michael Sigler
Executive Session
It was MOVED by Mrs. McBean-Clairborne , seconded b y M r. McKenna, and unanim ously
adopted by voice vote by members present, to hol d an executive session at 9:23 p.m . to di scuss labor
negotiations, a personnel matter about a particular person, and real estate negotiations. The meeting
returned to open session at 10:18 p.m.
The Legislature unanimously agreed to appoint Paula Younger as Interim Count y Administrator
effective November 13, 2017, until a new County Administrator is appointed.
Tompkins County Legislature
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Adi ournment
The meeting adjourned at 10:18 p.m.
Tompkins County Legislature
Regular Meeting Minutes — Approved 12-5-17
Tuesday, November 21, 2017 5:30 PM
Legislature Chambers
Call to Order
Mr. Lane, Chair, called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll Call of Members
Attendee Name
Shawna Black
Will Burbank
Carol Chock
James Dennis
I Status Arrived
Rich John
Anna Kelles
Dooley Kiefer
Daniel Klein
Vice Chair
Michael Lane
Lesl n McBean-Clairborne
Late 5:36 PM
Martha Robertson
David McKenna
Glenn Morey
Michael Sigler
Late 5:51 PM
Presentation of Proclamations, Petitions, Communications, and Notices
Mr. Lane presented a pr oclamation declaring November 2017 to be Runaway and Homeless
Youth Awareness Month i n Tompkins County to Amie Hendrix, Director of Tom pkins County Youth
Mrs. McBean-Clairborne arrived at this time.
Ms. Hendrix recognized the followin g in dividuals for t heir work in the c ommunity: Larry
Farbman, M ona S miley of the Leami ng Web, and Ma rissa Matsudaira and Mike Ellis of Fam ily and
Children's Services.
Following the Tompkins County Legislature and staff joining in to read the proclamation below,
it was MOVED by Ms. Robertson, and u nanimously seconded and adopted by voice vote by m embers
present, to honor County Administrator, Joe Mareane, with the following recognition:
Recognizing and Thanking Joe Mareane for His Years of Public Service to the
Residents of Tompkins County
WHEREAS, the members of the T ompkins County Legislature with an abundance of gratitude
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
wish to recognize and thank Joe Mareane for his years of dedicated and tireless service to the residents
and employees of Tompkins County, upon his retirement from a 37 -year career in local government, and
WHEREAS, Joe is a prod uct of the Midwest, having earned his Bachelor's degree from Indiana
University. However, he beca me a N ew Yorker when he earned his Master's in Pu blic Administration
from the Maxwell School at Sy racuse University in 1979, which is why we are wearing orange/S yracuse
gear tonight, and
WHEREAS, from the beginning of his career in 1979 thro ugh 1993, Joe served the City of
Syracuse, as Assessment Commissio ner, Director of Manage ment and Budget, an d Director of
Development, and
WHEREAS, Joe briefly left public service for the dark side, to work with the Pyramid Companies
in developing the Palisa des Cente r, and as a Vice Pr esident of the G reater Sy racuse Cha mber of
Commerce. He came to his senses in 1996 and retur ned to 1 ocal government, serving 12 years as Chief
Fiscal Officer for Onondaga County, and
WHEREAS, Joe became Tompkins County Administrator in October 2008 , just as the Great
Recession was beginning, clearly an excellent moment to assu me fiscal responsibilit y for a count y of
110,000 souls, a $165 million budget, and a 75 0 -person workforce engaged in pro grams that range from
aging services to youth programs, and literally everything in between, and
WHEREAS, steering Tompkins County through the fiscal cri sis of the Great Recession was Joe's
overriding project for the following years, a project he performed with consummate wisdom, empathy,
skill, and humor, so that we were able to maintain critical county services for our residents and shield our
workforce from the layoffs that many local governments endured, and
WHEREAS, in addition t o the overarching res ponsibility of creating and in anaging the count y
budget for nine years, and getting us to pass it, Joe's many accomplishments included the following, in no
particular order:
• Developing and organizing proposals from the County and our partner municipalities, for funding
through the Recovery and Reinvestment Act, in the long -ago days when we dared to dream of
receiving federal money for anything;
• Restructuring our internal budget docu ments and public information on the bu dget, and creating an
Inventory and Impact Assessment of all County programs;
• Managing state reimbursement cuts, mandate increases, and soaring pension costs, while magically
getting our Bond rating upgraded to AAI, with the negative outlook removed;
• Creating and gui ding the Indigen t Defense Task Force and i mplementing its recommendations,
establishing Tompkins County as a state-wide leader in the field;
• As a result, getting named to and serving on New York State's Indigent Legal Services Board;
• Organizing a review of the current structure of town and village courts through the Municipal Courts
Task Force;
• Recognizing the importance of Don Barber's work, they together built the Greater Tompkins County
Municipal Health Insurance Consortium fro in the ground up, spreading its reach into Cortland and
Cayuga Counties;
• Leading TCCOG (To mpkins Count y Council of Governments) to becom e a robust and effective
organization for intermunicipal policy development and collaboration inclu ding the creation of the
TCCOG training academy;
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
• Initiating "Smart Work" projects that used technology and employee ingenuity to create greater value
for taxpayers;
• Managing the co mplex set of steps to optim ize th e County's facilities: an alyzing the Center of
Government proposal, and moving th e Health De partment to Brown Rd., COFA to th e Hu man
Services Annex, the Legis lature to the Governor Daniel D. Tompkins Building, the Da y Reporting
Program to the Human Services Building, and County Records to the Seneca Army Depot;
• Selling the CHHA ( Certified Home Health Agency), selling the B iggs Building, and selling the Old
Library (almost!);
• Buying the Tompkins Trust Building (almost!);
• Spearheading the in ajor upgrade of t he Emergency Operations Center, with major new technolo gy
systems, professionalized training, and enhanced staffing, leading to full accreditation. Showing up at
the Emergency Center during snowstorms, hurricanes, and sieges in Danby;
• Leading an innovative stud y of the Civil Service sy stem, in cluding a proposal to N YS for
modifications to enhance the diversity of the County workforce;
• Installing solar thermal sy stems at two County facilities and solar panels on seven County buildings,
and refurbishing a hydro plant for the County's electricity;
• Dealing with hydrilla, OMIG audits, and collective bargaining;
• Lobbying in Albany, making presentations to NYSAC, and consulting with Cortland County on their
budget process;
• Creating sustainable fundi ng in odels for TCAT (mortgage recording tax) , TCAD (Cou my and
Tourism funding), and the Library (good old property taxes);
• Restructuring departmental leadership in Mental Health, together with Public Health;
• Creating the County's Shared Services Panel and the resulting Shared Services Plan;
• Implementing the count ywide Swift911 Mass -Notification Alert Sy stem, a s the first step in tha t
Shared Services Plan;
• Participating in the Bicentennial Commission, even though he would not wear a Governor Tompkins
hat in the Ithaca Festival parade;
• Instituting the Cup of Joe gatheri ngs and getting initially -reluctant County employees to thoroughly
enjoy them;
• Writing personal notes to staff when they lost a loved one, toasting our employees at the annual 25 -
year award dinner, and getting dunked at the annual picnic;
• Working harder than any five of the rest of us;
• And more.
NOW THEREFORE WE, the members of the To mpkins County Legislature, on behalf of the
residents of Tompkins County and the employees of the Tompkins County government, do hereby extend
our deepest appreciation to Joe Mareane for his unparalleled and unstinting public service throughout his
career, and send him our very warmest wishes for a healthy and happy retirement. We regret, however,
that we cannot quite bring ourselves to proclaim today Syracuse Orange Day, even though the basketball
team slammed Oakland yesterday (Yeah, we googled it.).
Mr. Sigler arrived this time.
Several Department Heads and members of the publ is expressed their gratitude and appreciation
to Joe Mareane for his service as the County Administer and wished him well.
Privilege of the Floor by the Public
There was no member of the public present who wished to speak.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Report from a Municipal Official(s)
Irene Weiser, Town of C aroline Council, refe rred to action the Legislature took recentl y to
support NYSEG's (New York State Electric and Gas) petition to the Public Service Commission (PSC) to
construct a proposed Compressor project and announced this past week the P SC voted to approve that
petition. This is a significant event for Tompkins County and New York State. She spoke briefly of the
history of when this pr eject first st arted several y ears ago. It wasn' t just this community that said we
can't keep building gas but the State s aid that too. This is a remarkable thing that was set into motion by
the willingness and courage to have a vision by so many in Tompkins County.
Ms. Chock recognized Ms. Weiser an d Legislat or Robertson and the work of the Econo mic
Development Task Force. It is very fortunate that the Task Force had this in front of the State at exa ctly
the right time with the right information and to make sure that the technical information came together.
Ms. Weiser also said this was be cause of an amazingly broad community effort and so many
pieces of information that was put into place.
Ducson Nguy en, Comm on Council mem ber, provided updates on the activities of the City
including the discussion of a memorandum of understanding with Cornell for the construction of gate to
"Ezra's Tunnel" at Ithaca Falls Park, proposed waterfront working group's recommendations, parking
system including fees and fines, sharing of proceeds of selling TCAT, new Commission structure, and the
Mass Notification System.
In response to Mr. Dennis, Mr. Nguy en said the Ci ty is still inte rested and will talk about the
Community Investment Incentive Tax Abatement Program (CIITAP) next month.
Resolutions Added to and Withdrawn from the Agenda
There were no resolutions added to or withdrawn from the agenda.
Consent Agenda
MOVER: Rich John, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Kiefer, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne, Robertson,
Morey, Sigler
EXCUSED: Black, Burbank, McKenna
Advisory Board Appointment (ID # 7438)
Workforce Diversity and Inclusion Committee
Xavier Rusk - County staff representative; term expires December 31, 2019
Christina Dravis - County staff representative- term expire December 31, 2020
Todd VanOrman - County staff representative- term expire December 31, 2020
Leslyn McBean-Clairborne - Legislator- term expire December 31, 2020
Resolution No. 2017-221: Establishing Unit Charge for 2018 Solid Waste Annual Fee (ID #7411)
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
WHEREAS, the unit charge for the 2018 Solid Waste Annual Fee has been recommended by the
Facilities and Infrastructure Committee, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the Unit Charge for the 2018 Solid Waste Annual Fee be established at $55.00
per billing unit, which is the same as the 2017 Solid Waste Annual Fee.
Single-family residences 210, 240,241,242,250,280
Mobile Homes 270, 271,416
Churches Z32
Unit Charge: One billing unit per Church or living unit
Two-family residences All 220's
and other residences with two
living units
Unit Charges: Two billing units, except if verified as owner occupied and used as a single
unit, the charge is one billing unit.
Multi -unit residences
3 or more units 230's
Apartments A01 - A07
Room ing houses: 418
2.5 beds = 1 billing unit
Unit Charges: One billing unit per living unit
Colleges & Schools: All tax-exempt parcels owned by the colleges
Unit Charges: BOCES $27,832
Cornell University $170,448
Ithaca College $34,654
Tom pkins Cortland Community College $4,032
Total Colleges: $236,966
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Recreation and Warehouse (except row storage)
Unit Charges: $0.0204/sq.ft.
Wholly Exempt Homes for the Aged 633
Wholly Exempt Other HealthCare Facilities 642
Unit Charges: $0.0204/sq.ft.
All K's, ZO1-Z11,
Z19 -Z26, F01 -
F04, FO6, FO7, FO8,
F10, F11
All other All property classes and `used as' codes not listed elsewhere in a specific category
Unit Charges: $0.0408/sq.ft.
Seasonal Residences 260
Property must be classified as a seasonal residence by the Tompkins County Assessment Dept.
Unit Charge: One-half (1/2) billing units per living unit.
No fee assessed:
Row storage F05
Small Churches (under 20 weekly attendance)
Non-contribu tive area Z98
Local government - all tax-exempt parcels owned by the city, towns,
villages, and County within Tompkins County.
Resolution No. 201 7-222: Audit of Final Payment — Nelson & Streeter Construction Co. Inc., -
Tompkins County 2016 Parking Lot Paving Project (ID #7428)
WHEREAS, Nelson & Streeter Construction Co. In c., General Contractor, o f Pine Cit y, New
York, has com pleted its contract to our satisfa ction with all closeout docu ments sub mitted and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
satisfactory for the Tompkins County 2016 Parking Lot Paving Project, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure Co mmittee, That the
following final claim against the County of Tompkins, be and hereby is audited by the Legislature:
Vendor Payment Request Account No. Amount
Nelson & Streeter Construction Co. 4 (Final) HB 1608.59239.16.08 $26,016.96
RESOLVED, further, That the Finance Director be and hereby is authorized and directed to pay
said claim from Account No. HB 1608.59239.16.08.
Resolution No. 2017-223: Authori zation of Funding for a Partnershi p with Unit ed Way of
Tompkins County to Provide Online Grant Management S ervices to
the Tompkins County Tourism Program (ID #7403)
WHEREAS, Tompkins County has several touris m grant progra ms using fun ds drawn entirely
from room occupancy tax, and
WHEREAS, Tompkins County desires to optimize its capacity for evaluation of its tourism grant
programs while also streamlining tourism grant management functions, and
WHEREAS, the Strategic Tourism Planning Board and Department of Planning and
Sustainability have reviewed a scope of services for online grant management services fro m the United
Way of To mpkins Count y for recommendation to t he To mpkins Count y Legislat ure throu gh the
appropriate Legislative Committee, and
WHEREAS, funding exist s within tour ism grant program budgets to supp ort this partnership,
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee, That $2,000
be authorized in 2017 t o contract with the Unite d Way of T ompkins County to prov ide onli ne grant
management services, with these funds t o be drawn from participating room -tax -funded grant programs,
RESOLVED, further, That the Count y Administrator or designee be and hereby is authorized to
sign any documents related to the aforementioned projects.
Resolution No. 2017-224: Designation of Tourism Promotion Agency for State (ID #7387)
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Planning and Su stainability Department in its adm inistrative
function f or tourism matters is qualified to recomme nd the appropriate agency for official Tourism
Promotion Agency (TPA) designation, and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
WHEREAS, the Strategic Tourism PI anning Boar d has review ed the matter with appropriate
agency representatives, and
WHEREAS, Tompkins County has hi storically be en a gateway to the Fin ger Lakes region of
New York State and experiences significant economic benefit from tourism as a result, and
WHEREAS, to obtain certain New York State funding, counties must designate a TPA, and
WHEREAS, Tompkins County has a contract with the Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce
for the period of January 1, 2016, through December 31, 2018, to provide destination marketing services
for Tompkins County through the Ithaca Tompkins County Convention and V isitors Bureau (ITCCVB),
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Ca pital, and Pe rsonnel Committee, That the
Tompkins Count y Chamber of Co mmerce and it s It haca/Tompkins Count y Convention and Visitor' s
Bureau (ITCCVB) be granted the offic ial TPA deli gnation for Tompkins County for State Fiscal Year
RESOLVED, further, That the Presiden t & CE O or the Vice President, Touris m & Community
Relations of the Tom pkins Count y Chamber of Commerce report to t he appropria to Legislativ e
Committee if change occurs in state tourism funding requirements.
Resolution No. 2017-225: Implementation of the 2018 Budget - Departmental Fees (ID #7407)
WHEREAS, various departments are authorized to charge assorted fees for various services, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of t he Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee, That all
changes and increase s in fees and cha nges in in ethods of charging fees spec ifically identified in the
departmental budget requests and in eluded in th e 2018 bud get adopted by the Tom pkins Count y
Legislature, are hereby authorized and approved.
Resolution No. 2017- 226: Implementation of 2018 Tompkins County Budget - Memberships ( ID
WHEREAS, it is in the b est interest o f the County to have County personnel be members of a
variety of organizations, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Capital, and Personnel Co mmittee, That
memberships in all m unicipal and professional organizations specifically listed in 2018 budget requests
and included in the 2018 budget adopted by the Tompkins County Legislature, are hereby authorized and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Resolution No. 2017-227: Changes in Positions - Various Departments (ID #7417)
WHEREAS, the adopted 2018 Tompkins County Budget provides for new positions or f or the
increase or reduction in the standard work week of existing positions and/or an increase or decrease in the
approved hours of existing incumbents, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Capital, and Pe rsonnel Committee, That the
following ne w positions are created and the hours of the positions mentioned below are changed as
follows effective January 1, 2018:
County Administration
1.0 FTE, 40 -hour per week Criminal Justice Coordinator, Management Grade 86, Job Code 4199
Department of Planning and Sustainability
1.0 FTE, 40 -hour per week Senior Planner - Energy Specialist, White Collar Grade 14, Job
Code 1697
Department of Social Services
1.0 FTE, 35 -hour per week Casework Assistant, White Collar Grade 11, Job Code 1750
District Attorney's Office
1.0 FTE, 40 -hour per week Assistant District Attorney for Local Criminal Court,
Management Grade 85, Job Code 4176
Sheriffs Office
5.0 FTE, 40 -hour per week Deputy Sheriff positions to be filled on a part-time basis in
accordance with the collective bargaining agreement, which can be 50% time for a full year
or 100% time for one-half of a year or some equivalent not to exceed 50% total expenditure,
Road Patrol Unit Grade 44, Job Code 2419
4.0 FTE, 40 -hour per week Corrections Officer positions to be filled on a part-time basis in
accordance with the collective bargaining agreement which can be 50% time for a full year or
100% time for one-half of a year or some equivalent not to exceed 50% total expenditure,
Corrections Unit Grade 34, Job Code 8406
Workforce Development Board
0.5 FTE, 20 -hours per week Administrative Coordinator, White Collar Grade 13, Job Code
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Department of Planning and Sustainability
1.0 FTE, Principal Account Clerk Typist, White Collar Grade 11, Job Code 1673, Position
ID #662 - decrease the standard work week and the approved hours of the position and
incumbent from 40 to 35 hours per week
Department of Social Services
1.0 FTE, Senior Social Welfare Examiner, White Collar Grade 13, Job Code 1558, Position
ID #1364 - Decrease the standard workweek and approved hours of this unencumbered
position from 40 to 35 per week
Department of Social Services
0.5 FTE, 17.5 -hour per week "Financial Investigator", White Collar Grade 11, Job Code
1536, Position ID #1003 (unencumbered)
0.5 FTE, 17.5 -hour per week "Social Welfare Examiner", White Collar Grade 11, Job Code
1538, Position ID #1028 (unencumbered)
0.5 FTE, 17.5 -hour per week "Social Welfare Examiner", White Collar Grade 11, Job Code
1538, Position ID #1079 (unencumbered)
Resolution No. 2017-228: Authoriz ing a Public Hear ing on Local Law No. 6 of 2017 - Repeal o 1
Local Law No. 4 of 2017 - A Local Law Overriding Tax Levy Limit for
2018 (ID #7402)
WHEREAS, according to New York State' s Propert y Tax Cap legislati on, if a count y
government decides to adopt a count y budget with a property tax levy that e xceeds the level set by the
State, the county government must pass a local law to override that cap, and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature adopted such a Local Law on July 6, 2017, and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature has n of adopted a budget exceeding the property
tax cap and therefore needs to repeal Local Law No. 4 of 2017, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of t he Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee, That a
public hearin g be held be fore the To mpkins County Legislature in the Legislative Cham bers of the
Governor Daniel D. Tompkins Building, 121 East Court Street, Ithaca, New York, on December 5, 2017,
at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof concerning proposed Local Law No. 6 of 2017 - Repeal of Local
Law No. 4 o f 2017 - A Local Law Ov erriding Tax Levy Limit for 2018. At such ti me and place all
persons interested in the subject matter will be heard concerning the same,
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Legislature is hereby authorized and directed to place
proper notice of such public hearing in the official newspaper of the County.
Resolution No. 201 7-229: Resolution Opposing the Elimin ation of the Federal Income Tax
Deduction for State and Local Taxes (ID #7449)
WHEREAS, Congress is giving serious considerat ion to elim inating the federal inco me tax
deduction for State and local taxes, and
WHEREAS, this deduction, which has been in place for more than 100 years, is heavily utilized
by residents of our community and our State, and
WHEREAS, New York State residents already pay more into the federal treasury than the federal
government returns to New York State, and
WHEREAS, the State an d local tax deduction is a fundam ental principle of federalism and
without it ou r residents would be faced with doubl e taxation as they would be forced to pay federal
income taxes on the taxes they pay to State and local governments, and
WHEREAS, this federal cost shift onto local govern ments wo uld place extre me pres sure on
municipal budgets, including diminished revenue fo r essential local government investments, includin g
public safety and public infrastructure, and
WHEREAS, increased federal taxati on and redu ced municipal services will harm o ur local
housing market, decrease home values, and erode our local tax base, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Ca pital, and Pe rsonnel Committee, That the
Tompkins Count y Legislature expresses its strong opp osition t o any tax re form proposal that woul d
eliminate the State and Local Tax (S ALT) Deduction and urges U. S. Congressional Representative T om
Reed and Senators Kirsten Gillibrand and Charles Sc humer to join us i n publicly opposing any such
RESOLVED, further, That copies of this resolution be sent to President Donald. J. Trump, United
States Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, United States Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer,
United States Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, United St ates House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ry an,
United States House of Representatives Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Representative Tom Reed, and the
New York State Association of Counties (NYSAC).
Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee
Resolution No. 2017-230: Award of Fall 2017 Community Celebrations Grants (ID #7404)
Mr. Sigler was granted perm ission to abstain from voting on the resolution as he will be a grant
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: Anna Kelles, Member
AYES: Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, Glenn
ABSTAIN: Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Shawna Black, Will Burbank, David McKenna
WHEREAS, Tompkins County has a grant program for Co mmunity Celebrations using funds
drawn entirely from Room Occupancy Tax, and
WHEREAS, Tom pkins Count y h as requested and revi ewed grant application s for
recommendation to the Tompkins County Legislature through the appropriate Committee with the advice
of the Strategic Tourism Planning Board, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Capital, and Pe rsonnel Committee, That the
following Community Celebrations grants are approved:
Group Name
Celebration Title
Event Date(s)
2018 Festival of Fire
City of
02/03/2018 $1,7
& Ice
Dryden Town
2018 Homestead
Town of
Heritage Fair
Newfield Music
2018 Newfield Music
Town of
Series at Mill
Dorothy Cotton
The Quilt Speaks:
City of
05/11/2018 $2,0
Jubilee Singers
Signs & Symbols
from the
Groton Cabin Fever
03/03/2018 $1,0
Recreation: The
Village of
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or designee be and hereby is authorized to
sign any documents related to the aforementioned projects.
Resolution No. 2017-231: Award of Fall 2017 Tourism Project Grants (ID #7415)
Mr. Sigler was granted perm ission to abstain from voting on the resolution as he will be a grant
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, Glenn
ABSTAIN: Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Shawna Black, Will Burbank, David McKenna
WHEREAS, Tompkins County has a grant progra m for Tourism Projects u sing funds d rawn
entirely from Room Occupancy Tax, and
WHEREAS, Tom pkins Count y h as requested and revi ewed grant application s for
recommendation to the Tompkins County Legislature through the appropriate Committee with the advice
of the Strategic Tourism Planning Board, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Capital, and Pe rsonnel Committee, That the
following Tourism Project Grant is approved:
Applicant Organization
Project Title
Paleontological Research
2018 Skulls
Ithaca Shakespeare Company
SHREW at the Hangar Theatre
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or designee be and hereby is authorized to
sign any documents related to the aforementioned projects.
Resolution No. 2017-232: Award of Fall 2017 New Tourism Initiative Grants (ID #7416)
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Mr. Sigler was granted perm ission to abstain from voting on the resolution as he will be a grant
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, Glenn
ABSTAIN: Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Shawna Black, Will Burbank, David McKenna
WHEREAS, Tompkins County has a grant program for New Tourism Initiatives using funds
drawn entirely from Room Occupancy Tax, and
WHEREAS, Tom pkins Count y h as requested and revi ewed grant application s for
recommendation to the Tompkins County Legislature through the appropriate Committee with the advice
of the Strategic Tourism Planning Board, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Capital, and Pe rsonnel Committee, That the
following New Tourism Initiative grants are approved:
Group Name
Project Title
2018 Savor the Finger
02/17/2018 -
Association of
Tompkins County
Ithaca Children's
2018 Discovery Docks
Ithaca Tompkins
2018 China Welcome
Regional Airport
The Cherry Arts,
2018 Production
TOTAL $46,
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or designee be and hereby is authorized to
sign any documents related to the aforementioned projects.
Resolution No. 2017-233: Award of Fall 2017 Strategic Tourism Implementation Funding (ID
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: Anna Kelles, Member
AYES: Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Shawna Black, Will Burbank, David McKenna
WHEREAS, the Tompkins Count y Le gislature ace epted the 20 20 Strategic Tourism Plan on
September 18`x', 2012, and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Strategic Tourism Planning Board (STPB) has adopted both a
Heritage Tourism Implementation Plan and a Beau tification, Public Art and Signage Str ategic Plan,
which further identify priority actions for implementing the 2020 Strategic Tourism Plan, and
WHEREAS, Tompkins County has established a dedicated funding source for implementing the
2020 Strategic Tourism Plan, known as the "Strategic Tourism Implementation fund", and
WHEREAS, the Tom pkins Center for Histor y an d Culture pr oject and Tom pkins Count y
Placemaking Toolkit project are eligible for funding as Strategic Tourism Implementation projects, and
WHEREAS, the STPB has voted to reco mmend funding i n full for the To mpkins Center for
History and Culture proposal including $28,000 i n 2017 for project management support by Jean
McPheeters Consulting LLC, of Caroline, New York, and a project website by Iron Design of Ithaca, and
$100,000 in 2018 towards a $900,000 County capital project to improve the Tompkins Trust Building for
occupancy, and
WHEREAS, a separate resolution aut horizing a budget adjustment in the amount of $100,000
from the Strategic Tourism Implemen tation pro gram to the Count y's Capit al Project bu dget for t he
Tompkins Center for History and Culture will be brought forward in early 2018, and
WHEREAS, Strategic Tourism Implementation funding exists within the hotel room occupancy
tax -funded Tourism Program budget for 2017, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Capital, and Pe rsonnel Committee, That the
following grant is awarded 2017 Strategic Tourism Implementation funding:
Applicant / Project Award
The History Center in Tompkins County Tompkins Center for History and $28,000
RESOLVED, further, T hat the Tom pkins Count y Planning and Sustainabilit y Departm ent is
authorized to spend up to $500 out of the Strategic Tourism Implementation Program budget, account
6475.54492 t o contract with Cornell Design Conn ect to develo p the To mpkins Count y Placemaking
RESOLVED, further, That the Count y Administrator or his desi gnee is autho rized to sign any
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
agreements pertaining to the aforementioned projects.
Resolution No. 2017-234: Creation of a Public Administration Management Fellowship Program
and Associated Positions (ID #7418)
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: Anna Kelles, Member
AYES: Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Daniel Klein, Michael
Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, Glenn Morey, Michael
NAYS: Dooley Kiefer
EXCUSED: Shawna Black, Will Burbank, David McKenna
WHEREAS, the County sought assistance fro in the Cornell Insti tute for Public Aff airs (CIPA)
Public Service Exchange to resear ch the potential and practicality of a count y -sponsored management
fellowship program for recent Masters -level graduates, and
WHEREAS, local governments like To mpkins County are faced with mass retir ements,
competition for talent, and the need to develop opportunities to improve recruitment, hiring, and retention
capability of the next generation of public sector leaders, and that fellowship programs are recognized as
an emerging best practice to help address these challenges, and
WHEREAS, a county -sponsored fellowship program would enhance the organization's ability to
attract diverse talent with the fresh perspectives and skill sets necessary to keep Tompkins County on the
cutting edge of local government in New York State, and
WHEREAS, the CIPA team proposed a three- year pilot program to give the County an
opportunity to test the performance and potential benefits of a county -sponsored fellowship program, and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature supports the pilot concept for the reasons stated
above, and has approved funding for t he first y ear of a three-year, multi-year over -target request t o
support the 2018 operating costs of the program, and
WHEREAS, the pilot program proposes start up with two 40 -hour per week Management Fellows
positions, assigned to the Depart ment of County Administration staffing rost er, that will be filled with
staggered appointments and that will continue for no longer than eighteen months per appointment, and
WHEREAS, Section 64, Subsection 3 of the New York State Civil Service law indicates that the
Commissioner of Hu man Resources may authorize temporary appointments without exam ination when
the person a ppointed will render prof essional sery ices on a ful 1 -time or regular part-time basis in a
temporary position established to conduct a speci al study or proj e ct for a perio d not exceedi ng eighteen
months and where it has been determined that it will not be practical to hold an examination of any kind,
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
WHEREAS, the Commissioner has determ ined that in dividual P ublic Ad ministration
Management Fellows will render professional s ervices consisting of special studies or projects on a
temporary basis for a period not exceeding eighteen months, and that it is not practical to hol d
examinations of any kind, and
WHEREAS, incumbents will be paid an hourly rate of $21.64, which equates to $45,011 per year
for a 40 -hour per week position, an d will have a ccess to such fringe benefits as are available to
management staff, including health insurance and New York State Retirement, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budge t, Capital and Personnel Committee, That,
effective immediately, two positions of Public Ad ministration Management Fellow, Grade 78/Job Code
4221 are hereby created at 40 -hours pe r week at an annual salary of $45,011 per y ear with access to all
fringe benefits normally available to Management staff,
RESOLVED, further, That sufficient in onies to fund these pos itions for 2018 exist in the
following accounts:
County Administration 1230 51000/Regular Pay
County Administration 1230 58800/Fringes
Resolution No. 2017- 235: Award of Fall 2017 Tourism Ma rketing and Advertising Grants (ID
Mr. Sigler was granted perm ission to abstain from voting on the resolution as he will be a grant
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: Anna Kelles, Member
AYES: Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, Glenn
ABSTAIN: Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Shawna Black, Will Burbank, David McKenna
WHEREAS, Tompkins Count y has a grant pro gram for Tourism Marketing and Adverti sing
using funds drawn entirely from Room Occupancy Tax, and
WHEREAS, Tom pkins Count y h as requested and revi ewed grant application s for
recommendation to the Tompkins County Legislature through the appropriate Committee with the advice
of the Strategic Tourism Planning Board, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Capital, and Pe rsonnel Committee, That the
following Tourism Marketing and Advertising grants are approved:
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Project Title
Ithaca Tompkins
2018 China Welcome
Regional Airport
The Cherry Arts, Inc.
2018 Production Enhancement
Ithaca Shakespeare
SHREW at the Hangar Theatre
Company Inc.
2018 Skulls
Research Institution
Kitchen Theatre
2017 KTC Marketing
Ulysses Community
Trumansburg Walking Tour Brochure
Cayuga Wine Trail,
2018 CeleBrunch
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or designee shall be authorized to sign any
documents related to the aforementioned projects.
Resolution No. 2017-236: Budget Appropriation and Adjustments for 2015-2017 Retroactive Wage
Increase — Corrections Officers Unit, Local 2062 (ID #7427)
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Shawna Black, Will Burbank, David McKenna
WHEREAS, a three-year bargaining agreement, ratified by the Tompkins County Legislature in
Resolution No. 2017-171 on September 5, 2017, provides retroactive wage increases to employees of the
Corrections Division of the Sheriff s Office in the Corrections Officers Unit, Local 2062, set at 2.25% for
each of 2015, 2016, 2017, and a one-time lump -sum addition to base pay for those corrections employees
at or above Step 6, now therefore be it
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Ca pital, and Pe rsonnel Committee, That the
Director of Finance be an d hereby is authorized and directed to make the fo llowing appropriation and
adjustments during the 2017 fiscal year:
3150 51000403
3150 5100 0406
3150 5100
3150 5120
3150 5120
3150 5170
3150 5880
F.11 TO U6191I
Note: In the "Account" column above, numbers beginning with "510" identify regular pay. Those
beginning with "512" identify overtime, and the one beginning "517" identifies premium pay.
Facilities and Infrastructure Committee
Resolution No. 2017-237: Parking Rate Increas a/Contract Extension - Ithaca Tompkins Regional
Airport (ID #7424)
MOVER: Glenn Morey, Member
SECONDER: James Dennis, Member
AYES: Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Shawna Black, Will Burbank, David McKenna
WHEREAS, the current parking lot equipment has surpassed its life expectancy, and
WHEREAS, the current contractor, Allpro Parkin g, LLC of Buffalo, New York, has agreed to
advance the funding for the improvements and amortize the cost over a five-year period, and
WHEREAS, the current five-year agreement expires June 30, 2021, and
WHEREAS, the Airport is requesting an extension of the current contract by one y ear and nine
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
months to March 31, 2023, in order to amortize the debt associated over a full five-year period, and
WHEREAS, Allpro Parking, LLC, has proposed an increase to the current par king rates in order
to help offset the loss of revenue to the airport, which has been factored into the 2018 budget, and
WHEREAS, after a survey of nearby and similar airports, Allpro Parking, LLC, has proposed the
new rates, and
WHEREAS, below is a side-by-side of the current rates versus the new rates:
0 - 30 Minutes
31 to 60 Minutes
1 to 2 Hours
2 to 3 Hours
3 to 4 Hours
4 to 5 Hours
5 to 24 Hours
Weekly $40.
, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure, and the Budget, Capital,
and Personnel Co mmittees, That the rate increases be approved as outlined above, and that the Count y
Administrator, or his designee, be and hereby is authorized to sign any necessary agreements for the
contract extension with Allpro Parking, LLC.
Resolution No. 2017-238: Budget Adjustm ent to Transfer Unanticipated Revenue from Permits,
Sale of Scrap, and Insurance R ecovery Revenues, Etc. - Highway
Department (ID #7421)
MOVER: Glenn Morey, Member
SECONDER: Rich John, Member
AYES: Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Shawna Black, Will Burbank, David McKenna
WHEREAS, the Highway Department received revenues from permits, sale of scrap, insurance
recoveries, etc., above the anticipated 2017 budgeted amounts, now therefore be it
WHEREAS, transferring the unbudgeted revenues to the Highway Materials budget account will
enable additional road repair work to be performed, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure, and the Budget, Capital,
and Personnel Co mmittees, That the rate increases be approved as outlined above, and that the Count y
Administrator, or his designee, be and hereby is authorized to sign any necessary agreements for the
contract extension with Allpro Parking, LLC.
Resolution No. 2017-238: Budget Adjustm ent to Transfer Unanticipated Revenue from Permits,
Sale of Scrap, and Insurance R ecovery Revenues, Etc. - Highway
Department (ID #7421)
MOVER: Glenn Morey, Member
SECONDER: Rich John, Member
AYES: Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Shawna Black, Will Burbank, David McKenna
WHEREAS, the Highway Department received revenues from permits, sale of scrap, insurance
recoveries, etc., above the anticipated 2017 budgeted amounts, now therefore be it
WHEREAS, transferring the unbudgeted revenues to the Highway Materials budget account will
enable additional road repair work to be performed, now therefore be it
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure Co mmittee, That the
Director of Finance be and hereby is authorized and directed to make the following budget adjustment for
FROM: D5110.42401
TO: D5110.54312
Interest & Earnings
Permits $
Sale of Scrap
Refund of Prior Years Exp.
Other Local Govt Contribu.
Removal -Facilities)
Interfund H (Hanshaw Road)
$ 1,225.89
$ 6,111.97
$ 3,352.26
$ 1,166.50
Insurance Recoveries
Other Local Govt Contribu.
Valley Road-TCSWCD)
Highway Materials $ 98,200.21
Explanation: The Highway Department received higher than anticipated revenues from permits, the sale
of scrap, and insurance recoveries (reimbursements for damages to guiderail, etc. caused by motor vehicle
accidents), etc., in 2017, and the Highway Department is seeking approval for the money to be transferred
to the Highway materials budget.
Resolution No. 2017-239: Authoriz ation to Exec ute an Agreement with Tetra Tech Architects &
Engineers f or Architec tural and Engineering Design Services -
Tompkins Center for Hi story and C ulture Code and Buildin g Systems
Improvements Project (ID #7429)
MOVER: Glenn Morey, Member
SECONDER: Rich John, Member
AYES: Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Shawna Black, Will Burbank, David McKenna
WHEREAS, Resolution No. 15 7 of 2 017 appro ved the acquisition and im provement of the
Tompkins Trust Building at 106-112 North Tioga Street on the Ithaca Commons to serve as the home for
the Tompkins Center for History and Cu lture and amended the 2017-2021 Capital Improvement Program
to incorporate the Tompkins Trust Building acquisition and improvement project, and
WHEREAS, by Resolution 2016- 232, the Legislature authorized the County Administrator to
undertake an engineering assessment of the Building's structural and mechanical systems and any code -
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
related improvements that may be required to accommodate re -use of the Building, and
WHEREAS, the engineering asses sment of the Buil ding identified approximately $900,000 in
improvements needed to make the Building code -compliant and ready for tenant renovations, and
WHEREAS, the Faciliti es Department solicited proposals for architectural and engine ering
design services for the needed code and building systems improvements, and
WHEREAS, two (2) proposals were received from Tetra Tech Architects & Engineers, 10 Brown
Road, Ithaca, New York, and Labella Associates, D.P. C., 105 N. Tioga Street, Suite 200, Ithaca, Ne w
York, on October 27, 2017, and
WHEREAS, the Facilities Depart ment has evaluate d and revie wed the proposals taking into
consideration the most beneficial combination of qualifications, services, and cost, and recommends Tetra
Tech Architects & Engineers a s the be st qualified c onsultant to provide architectural and engineering
design services for the project, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure Committee, That the County
Administrator or his designee be and hereby is aut horized to execute an Agreement with Tetra T ech
Architects & Engineers of 10 Brown Road, Ithaca, Ne w York, for Architectural and Engineering Design
Services in connection wi th the Tom pkins Center for History and Culture Code and Building Sy stems
Improvements Project for an amount not to exceed $115,000 (this amount is included in the $900,000
RESOLVED, further, Tha t the Facilities Departme nt be authori zed to execute supplemental
agreements on behalf o f the Count y with cumulative value not to exc eed ten percent of the
aforementioned contract amount, funds being available in Capital Account No. HB 1617.59239 16.17.
Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality Committee
Resolution No. 2017- 240: Making a Negative Dete rmination of Environm ental Significance in
Relation to Resolution No. 241 of 2017: Appropriating Funds from the
Capital Reserve Fund for Natural, Scenic, and Recreational Resource
Protection for the West Hill Wildway - Babcock Acquisi tion (ID
MOVER: Martha Robertson, Member
SECONDER: Dooley Kiefer, Member
AYES: Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Shawna Black, Will Burbank, David McKenna
WHEREAS, in Resolutio n No. 24 1 o f 2017 the County alloc ates funding from the Capital
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Reserve Fund for Natural, Scenic, and Recreational Resource Protection to the Finger Lakes Land Trust
for the purpose of supporting the acquisition and ea cement on 70 -acre W est Hill Wildway - Babcock
Acquisition (Town of Ithaca tax parcel 31.-1-14.2), and
WHEREAS, the Tom pkins Count y L egislature has reviewed and accepted as adequate the
Environmental Assessment Forms with respect to these actions, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality and
the Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committees, That Resolution No. 241 of 2017 is an unlisted action,
RESOLVED, further, That the Legislature here by m akes a negative deter mination of
environmental significance in regard to Resolution No. 241 of 2017.
Resolution No. 2017-241: Appropriating Funds from the Capital Reserve Fund for Natural, Scenic,
and Recreat ional Resource Protecti on for the West Hill Wildway -
Babcock Acquisition (ID #7342)
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: Martha Robertson, Member
SECONDER: Carol Chock, Member
AYES: Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Shawna Black, Will Burbank, David McKenna
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature established the Capital Reserve F and for Natural,
Scenic, and Recreational Resource Protection by Resolution No. 217 of 2005, and
WHEREAS, the current balance in the Capital Reserve Fund is $50,023.06, and
WHEREAS, the purpose of the Capital Reserve Fu nd is to support participation by Tom pkins
County in partnerships with other levels of government and private organizations to:
protect and preserve the natural, scenic, and recreational resources found in the Agricultural
Resource Focus Areas an d Natural Features Fo cus Areas identified in the Com prehensive
preserve and develop recreational trail corridors that cross municipal borders; and
develop outdoor recreation facilities, within th e focus areas, that are intended to serve all
county residents, and
WHEREAS, the Program Guidelines identif y Proje ct Priority C riteria for use of the Capital
Reserve Fund that requir es proposed projects to s ubstantially f urther at least one of the following
Substantially protects land within the 330 -foot buffer of a perennial stream.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Provides public access to Cayuga Lake.
Protects land that is adjacent to permanently protected open space, including both natural
and agricultural lands.
Protects land on an existing or potential intermunicipal trail corridor.
Protects a high concentration of Prime Soils or Soils of Statewide Significance.
Protects a Distinctive or Noteworthy view as identified in the Tompkins County Scenic
Resources Inventory.
Protects corridor or habitat that can provide for connectivity between protected areas, and
WHEREAS, the Finger Lakes Land Trust has re quested financial support from the Capital
Reserve Fund for t he purpose of preserving t he 70 -acre property on C ulver Road (Town of Ithaca Tax
Parcel #31.-1-14.2) to connect Coy Glen to Town of Ithaca conservation land, and
WHEREAS, the project meets all of th e project eligibility requirements of th e Capital Reserve
Fund and fulfills the fund's project priority criteria in that it "protects land that is adjacent to permanently
protected open space, including both natural and agricultural lands", and
WHEREAS, support from the Capital Reserve Fund is an important but modest component of the
total funding needed to complete the survey for the acquisition of the parcel, and
WHEREAS, the Interim Commissioner of Planning and Sustainability and the Planning Advisory
Board have reco mmended that the Count y Legislature authorize $15,0 00 in funding from the Capital
Reserve Fund to support the West Hill Wildway-Babcock Acquisition, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality and
the Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committees, Th at a total of fifteen thousand dollars ($15, 000) in
funding from the Capital Reserve Fund for Natural , Scenic, and Recreational Resource Protection be
appropriated for the purpose of support ing the Finge r Lakes Land Trust's West Hill Wildway -Babcock
RESOLVED, further, That the Director of Finance be and hereb y is authorize d and directed to
make an adjustment to the Planning and Sustainability Department budget (A8027.54400 - $15,000) from
the Capital Reserve Fund for Natural, Scenic, and Recreational Resource Protection,
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or his designee be and hereby is authorized
to execute any contracts or agreements related to this project.
Resolution No. 20 17-242: Makin g a Negative Determination of Environm ental Significance in
Relation to Resolution No. 243 of 2017: Appropriating Funds from the
Capital Reserve Fund for Natural, Scenic, and Recreational Resource
Protection for the Black Diamond Trail - Reynolds Buffer Project (ID
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
MOVER: Martha Robertson, Member
SECONDER: Carol Chock, Member
AYES: Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Shawna Black, Will Burbank, David McKenna
WHEREAS, in Resolutio n No. 24 3 o f 2017 the County alloc ates funding from the Capital
Reserve Fund for Natural, Scenic, and Recreational Resource Protection to the Finger Lakes Land Trust
for the purpose of supporting the acquisition of 12 -acre Black Diamond Trail - Rey nolds Buffer Project
(Portion of Town of Ulysses tax parcel 32.-2-3.22), and
WHEREAS, the Tom pkins Count y L egislature has reviewed and accepted as adequate the
Environmental Assessment Forms with respect to these actions, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality and
the Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committees, That Resolution No. 243 of 2017 is an unlisted action,
RESOLVED, further, That the Legislature here by m akes a negative deter mination of
environmental significance in regard to Resolution No. 243 of 2017.
Resolution No. 2017-243: Appropriating Funds from the Capital Reserve Fund for Natural, Scenic,
and Recreational Resource Protec tion for the Black Diamond Trail -
Reynolds Buffer Project (ID #7338)
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: Martha Robertson, Member
SECONDER: Dooley Kiefer, Member
AYES: Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Shawna Black, Will Burbank, David McKenna
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature established the Capital Reserve F and for Natural,
Scenic, and Recreational Resource Protection by Resolution No. 217 of 2005, and
WHEREAS, the current balance in the Capital Reserve Fund is $50,023.06, and
WHEREAS, the purpose of the Capital Reserve Fu nd is to support participation by Tom pkins
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
County in partnerships with other levels of government and private organizations to:
protect and preserve the natural, scenic, and recreational resources found in the Agricultural
Resource Focus Areas an d Natural Features Fo cus Areas identified in the Com prehensive
preserve and develop recreational trail corridors that cross municipal borders; and
develop outdoor recreation facilities, within th e focus areas, that are intended to serve all
county residents, and
WHEREAS, the Program Guidelines identif y Proje ct Priority C riteria for use of the Capital
Reserve Fund that requir es proposed projects to s ubstantially f urther at least one of the following
Substantially protects land within the 330-foot buffer of a perennial stream.
Provides public access to Cayuga Lake.
Protects land that is adjacent to permanently protected open space, including both natural
and agricultural lands.
Protects land on an existing or potential intermunicipal trail corridor.
Protects a high concentration of Prime Soils or Soils of Statewide Significance.
Protects a Distinctive or Noteworthy view as identified in the Tompkins County Scenic
Resources Inventory.
Protects corridor or habitat that can provide for connectivity between protected areas, and
WHEREAS, the Finger Lakes Land Trust has re quested financial support from the Capital
Reserve Fund for the pur pose of preserving the 12 -acre property on Route 89 adjacent to the Black
Diamond Trail (Portion of Town of Ulysses Tax Parcel #32.-2-3.22) to buffer trail corridor within t he
Lakeshore Natural Features Focus Areas (NFFAs), and
WHEREAS, the project meets all of th e project eligibility requirements of th e Capital Reserve
Fund and fulfills the fund's project priority criteria in that it
"Protects land on an existing or potential intermuncipal trail corridor", and
WHEREAS, support from the Capital Reserve Fund is an important but modest component of the
total funding needed to complete the survey for the acquisition of the parcel, and
WHEREAS, the Interim Commissioner of Planning and Sustainability and the Planning Advisory
Board have recommended that the Count y Legisl ature authorize $5,000 in funding fro in the Capital
Reserve Fund to support the Black Diamond Buffer Protection Project, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality and
the Budget, Capital and Personnel Committees, Th at a total of five thousand dollars ($5,000) in funding
from the Capital Reserve Fund for Natural, Scenic, and Recreational Resource Protection be appropriated
for the purpose of supporting the Finger Lakes Land Trust's Black Diamond Trail Protection Project,
RESOLVED, further, Tha t the Director of Fina nce be authoriz ed and directed to in ake a n
adjustment to the Planni ng and Susta inability Departm ent budget (A8027.54400 - $5,000) from the
Capital Reserve Fund for Natural, Scenic, and Recreational Resource Protection,
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or his designee be and hereby is authorized
to execute any contracts or agreements related to this project.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Resolution No. 2017-244: Appropriation From Contingent Fund - Terminal -Pay Reimbursement -
Department of Planning and Sustainability (ID #7383)
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: Martha Robertson, Member
SECONDER: Carol Chock, Member
AYES: Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, Glenn
Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Shawna Black, Will Burbank, David McKenna
WHEREAS, the Commissioner of P lanning and Sustainability resigned effective August 27,
2017, and
WHEREAS, the Fiscal Policy of Tompkins County allows for terminal -pay reimbursement to the
Department from the Contingent Fund, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality and
the Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committees, That the Director of Finance be and hereby is authorized
and directed to make the following budget appropriations:
FROM: A1990.54400
TO: A8020.51000243
Minutes of Previous Meeting
November 9, 2017
Contingent Fund $42,108
Commissioner of Planning and Sustainability $29,362
Fringes $12, 746
It was MOVED by Mr. Klein, seconded by Mr. John, and unanimously adopted by voice vote by
members pre sent, to a mend the minutes to add th e following state ment aft er the motion to hold an
executive session: The Legislature unanim ously ag reed to appoint Paula Younger as Interim County
Administrator effective November 13, 2017, until a new County Administrator is appointed.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Kelles, Member
Glenn Morey, Member
Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne, Robertson,
Morey, Sigler
NAYS: Dooley
Shawna Black, Will Burbank, David McKenna
Unfinished Business
Mr. Lane said since after the last Legislat ure meeting the Count y lost a good friend and
businessman, Dick Flavill e. A moment of silence was observed in his memory and Mr. Lane extended
condolences to Legislator Kiefer.
Mr. Lane declared recess at 7:37 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:50 p.m.
Executive Session
It was MOVED by Ms. Kelles, seconded by Mr. Dennis, and unanimously adopted by voice vote
by members present, to hold an executive session at 7:50 p.m. to discuss a personnel in atter about a
particular person. The meeting returned to open session at 8:40 p.m.
Adi ournment
The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Tompkins County Legislature
Regular Meeting Minutes — Approved 12-19-17
Tuesday, December 5, 2017 5:30 PM
Legislature Chambers
Public Hearing
Public Hearing on Local Law No. 6 of 2017 - Repeal of Local Law. No. 4 of 2017 - A Local Law
Overriding Tax Levy Limit for 2018
Mr. Lane, Chair, called the public hearing to order at 5:30 p.m. concerning proposed Local Law
No. 6 of 2017 - Repeal of Local Law No. 4 of 2017 - A Local Law Overriding Tax Levy Limit for 2018
and asked if anyone wished to speak.
Mr. Dennis, Chair of the Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee said the Legislature, earlier
in the year, gave approval to exceed the Tax Cap but did not. There is a requirement to hold a public
hearing and repeal that Law if the Tax Cap is not exceeded.
No member of the public wished to speak and the public hearing was closed at 5:32 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll Call of Members
Attendee Name
Shawna Black
Will Burbank
Carol Chock
James Dennis
Rich John
Anna Kelles
Dooley Kiefer
Daniel Klein
Vice Chair
Michael Lane
Leslyn McBean-Clairborne
Martha Robertson
David McKenna
Glenn Morey
Michael Sigler
Privilege of the Floor by the Public
Fay Gougakis, City of Ithaca, presented Legislator Kiefer with a bouquet of flowers in sy mpathy
for the loss o f her long-time partner, Richard Flaville, and in ap preciation for all the work she has done
throughout the years for the community.
Ms. Gougakis said she is a long-tim e bicyclist and spoke of the dangers that exist because of cell
phone usage. She spoke of discrimination she encountered and said there is a significant lack of signag e
on bicycle racks. She also said there has been no tr ansparency or inclusion of tenants in the process and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
discussion concerning the Green Street parking garage.
Report from a Municipal Official(s)
Mr. McGonigal, Co mmon Council member, expressed condolences on beh alf of Co mmon
Council and Mayor Myrick to Legislator Kiefer on th e loss of Richard Flaville and extended best wishes
and the utmost admiration to those Legislators who are retiring. He reported Co mmon Council will meet
tomorrow to consider closing Ezra's tunnel as it provides dangerous access to Fall Creek and will discuss
changes that are coming to West State Street.
In response to Ms. Chock's question a bout the i ssue of pocket parks, Mr. McGonigal said there
has been so me misunderstanding. The reco mmendations for deactivating smaller parks came fro m the
consultant hired to create an overall plan for the City parks. He said pocket parks are not something the
City is discussing at this time.
In response to Ms. Robertson's question concerning the recent meeting held relating to the LEAD
program, Mr. McGonigal said the program in Albany shows very encouraging signs of success. The City
has not taken concrete steps y et but he is hopeful it will. He also believes the safe injection site idea is
worthy of discussion but is not legal at this time in New York State. He would have to look into whether
a request is going to be made to the State to operate a pilot.
Chair's Report and Chair's Appointments
Mr. Lane made the following appointments:
Glenn Morey - TC3 Negotiating Committee for the new Adjunct Faculty Unit
Shawna Black - Transportation Committee
Facilities and Infrastructure Committee
Health and Human Services Committee
Report from the County Administrator
Appointment of Commissioner of Planning and Sustainability
Ms. Younge r said following a comprehensive search process she is reco mmending the
appointment of Kathryn Borgella to the position of Commissioner of Planni ng and Susta inability for
Legislature confirmation. Ms. Younger spoke of Ms . Borgella's experience and believes she will lead
and support the outstanding staff of the Planning and Sustainability Department.
It was MOVED by Ms. Robertson, and unanim ously seconded and adopted b y vo ice vo to by
members present, to confirm the appointment of Ka thryn Borgell a to the position of Commissioner of
Planning and Sustainability.
Ms. Borgella thanked the Legislature and said she appreciates the opportunity to lead and support
the outstanding Department staff. She looks forward to exploring ways to partner with municipalities and
others in the County to keep it strong and thriving and as a great place to raise families.
Resolutions Added to and Withdrawn from the Agenda
Ms. Robertson was granted permission to withdraw from the agenda the resolution entitle d
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Authorizing the County Administrator to Enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the City
of Ithaca Regarding Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit (TCAT).
It was MOVED by Ms. Kiefer, seconded by Mr. Burbank, to add to the agenda the resolution
entitled In Support of Equality of Internet Access (Net Neutrality) and Regulation of the Internet as a
Public Utility under Title II of the Fe deral Communications Act. A voice vote resulted as follows:
Ayes - 12; Noes - 1 (Legislator Sigler); Excused - 1 (Legislator Kelles). MOTION CARRIED.
It was MOVED by Mr. Dennis, seconded by Mr. Morey, and unanimously adopted by voice
vote by in embers present, to add to the agenda the resolution entitled Authorization to Execute
Contract - Benetech Inc. - Department of Human Resources.
Appointments Approved Under the Consent Agenda
Advisory Board Appointment (ID # 7437)
Environmental Management Council
John Dennis - Village of Lansing representative; term expires December 31, 2018
Criminal Justice Advisory/Alternatives-to-Incarceration Board - terms expire December 31, 2020
Louise Miller - Representative from Agency providing crime victim services
David M. Sanders - Youth Services representative
Susan Robinson - At -large representative
STOP -DWI Advisory Board - terms expire December 31, 2020
Patricia Buechel - Probation representative
Stacy Cangelosi Mike - Alcoholism Council representative
Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee
Resolution No. 2017-245: Adoption of Local Law No. 6 of 2017 - Repeal of Local Law No. 4 of 2017
— A Local Law Overriding Tax Levy Limit for 2018 (ID #7399)
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Member
AYES: Shawna Black, Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Anna Kelles
WHEREAS, according to New York State' s Propert y Tax Cap legislati on, if a count y
government decides to adopt a count y budget with a property tax levy that e xceeds the level set by the
State's cap calculation formula, the county government must pass a local law to override that cap, and
WHEREAS, on July 6, 2017, the Tompkins County Legislature adopted such a Local Law, and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature has n of adopted a budget exceeding the property
tax levy cap as set by the State's cap calculation formula and therefore needs t o repeal Local Law No. 4
of 2017, and
WHEREAS, a public hearing was held before th e Tompkins County Legislature on December 5,
2017, to hear all persons interested in proposed Local Law No. 6 of 2017, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Ca pital, and Personnel Committee, That Local
Law No. 6 of 2017 — Repeal of Local Law No. 4 of 2017 - A Local Law Overriding Tax Levy Limit for
2018 is hereby adopted,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Legislature shall publish in the official newspaper of
the County a notice of adoption containi ng a synopsis of said local law and shall within twen ty days file
one certified copy in the Office of the County Clerk, and one copy with the Secretary of State.
Resolution No. 2017- 246: Authorization to Cont ract with Insero & Co. for the Provision of
Financial Auditing Services (ID #7460)
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Shawna Black, Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairbome, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Anna Kelles
WHEREAS, by Resoluti on 2016- 18 Tompkins C ounty entered int o a contract for auditing
services with Insero & Co. CPAs (Certified Public Accountants) for the purpose of conducting external
audits of the County's financial records for fiscal years 2015 and 2016, and
WHEREAS, the Finance Department has been directed by the Audit Committee to seek Req nest
for Proposals (RFPs) for external auditing services for the fiscal years ending December 31, 2017, 2018,
and 2019, and
WHEREAS, the Financ e Dep artment did issue an RFP for external au diting services in
September 2017, and
WHEREAS, the County received five RFP responses from qualified financial auditing firm s that
ranged from $68,000 per year to $156,000 per year, and
WHEREAS, the responses to the RFPs were evaluated by the members of the Audit Committee, a
subset of the Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee, and the results were presented to the Budget,
Capital, and Personnel Committee, and
WHEREAS, the results showed that by both price and qualifications, the County should retain the
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
firm of Insero & Co. CPAs of Ithaca, New York, to conduct the financial audits for the County's financial
records for fiscal years 2017, 2018, and 2019, and that Insero & Co. CPAs has a significant understanding
of the Co unty's financial reporting systems, and th at Insero & Co. CPAs wou Id enhance th e County's
efforts to implement new accounting standards, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Capital, and Pe rsonnel Committee, That the
Director of Finance be and hereby is authorized to accept the proposal for auditing services with Insero &
Co. CPAs an d is also authorized to execute a contract with Inse ro & Co. CP As to perform financial
auditing services at a cost $68,000 per y ear for the fiscal years ending December 31, 2017, 2018, and
2019, with an option to extend the same contract for two additional fiscal years.
Resolution No. 2017-2 47: Authorization to Execute Contract - Benetech Inc. - Department o f
Human Resources (ID #7464)
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Shawna Black, Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairbome, Martha
Robertson, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Anna Kelles
WHEREAS, the Department of Human Resources ("Department") administers a comprehensive
employee benefit program that allow s employees to benefit from Section 125 of the Internal Revenue
Code, whereby employees pay certain qualified expenses for select benefit plans on a pre-tax basis, and
WHEREAS, Flexible Spending Accou nt (FSA) plans, and Health Reim bursement Accounts
(HRA'sNEBA), are among the benefi t programs offered, and have b een implemented over tim a as a
result of the collective bargaining process, and
WHEREAS, the Department also complies with various labor laws and regulations pertaining to
benefit administration, including the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA), which
is a federal law that provides continuation of he alth insurance coverage to em ployees and eligible
dependents who have to st health insurance cover age due to separ ation from em ployment or of her
qualifying factors, and for which such premium is fully paid by the employee, and
WHEREAS, the Department has outsourced th e adm inistration of these three (3) benefit
programs for well over a decade, and in deter mining the need to change vendors for i mproved service
and compliance, the Department issued a Request for Proposals (RFP), and received four (4) proposals
from qualified vendors, among which an RFP Committee deemed it in the best interest of the Count y to
award the contract to Benetech, Inc., of North Greenbush, New York, and
WHEREAS, in addition t o the programs mentioned above, both the Departments of Human
Resources and Finance administer a ti me -consuming process for billing County, Library, and Tompkins
Cortland Community College retirees for health insurance, and have determined that adding this process
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
as a service to be managed by the same third -party administrator that will manage the above programs, is
a cost-effective solution with the potential for long-term savings and efficiencies, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Ca pital, and Pe rsonnel Committee, That the
County Administrator or his/her designee be and h ereby is auth orized to sig n contract(s) and related
documents with Benetech, Inc., for a period of two years, beginning January 1, 2018, with the option to
renew the contract for three additional one-year terms.
Individual Member -Filed Resolutions
Resolution No. 2017-248: In Supp ort of Equ ality of Int ernet Access (Net Neutrality) and
Regulation of the Internet as a Pu blic Utility under Titl a II of th e
Federal Communications Act (ID #7484)
MOVER: Dooley Kiefer, Member
SECONDER: Carol Chock, Member
AYES: Shawna Black, Will Burbank, Carol Chock, Rich John, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Martha Robertson, David
McKenna, Glenn Morey
NAYS: James Dennis, Michael Sigler
EXCUSED: Anna Kelles
WHEREAS, use of the internet for communication, business, school, and entertainment purposes
is ubiquitous, and access t o the internet has become a necessity for Americ ans every where - nowhere
more so than in Tompkins County, New York, and
WHEREAS, in the 1960s and 1970s t he Unite d States govern ment funded t he resear ch and
technology to create the Internet, and
WHEREAS, in 2015 the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) put in place regula tions
that ensure equal access to the inte met, a concept known as "net neutra lity". The net neutrality principle
means that internet service providers (ISPs) such as Verizon, Time Warner Cable, AT&T, Comcast, and
Charter cannot discriminate among different kinds of web traffic or different websites or applications b y,
for example, making some websites load faster, or charging more money to access certain sites, and
WHEREAS, in 2015 the FCC also classified br oadband internet access as a pu blic utility under
Title II of the Federal Co mmunications Act, clarify ing that it, like telephone service or a public water
supply provides a basic public service. Prior to 2 015, it was regulated under Title I as sim ply a n
"information service", and
WHEREAS in Novem ber 2017, Ajit Pai, the new Chair of the FCC and a form er corp orate
lawyer for Verizon (a co mpany he now regulates) , announced that on December 14 the FCC will vote to
place the Internet under Title I, thereby doing away with net neutrality, and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
WHEREAS, the Tom pkins Count y Legislature has a dut y to p rovide for th e welfare of its
residents, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the Tompkins County Legislature, on behalf of all of its residents, hereby goes
on record in strong support of net neutrality and in opposition to FCC Chair Pai's desire to deregulate the
Internet by placing it under Title I of the Federal Communications Act.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
November 21. 2017
MOVER: Rich John, Member
SECONDER: Martha Robertson, Member
AYES: Black, Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne,
Robertson, McKenna, Morey, Sigler
NAYS: Dooley Kiefer
EXCUSED: Anna Kelles
Mr. Lane declared recess at 7:05 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:15 p.m.
Executive Session
It was MOVED b y Mr. D ennis, seconded b y Mr. Jo hn, and unanimously adopted by voice vote
by members present, to hold an executive session at 7:15 p.m. to discuss litigation and a personnel matter
with respect to a particular person. The meeting returned to open session at 8:53 p.m.
The following motion was taken during executive session:
It was MOVED by Mr. Dennis, seconded by Mr. Morey, and unanimously adopted by voice vote
by m embers present, to re -appoint Joe Mareane as County Administrator (benefits eligible) effective
December 1, 2017.
The meeting adjourned at 8:53 p.m.
Tompkins County Legislature
Regular Meeting Minutes — Approved 1-2-18
Tuesday, December 19, 2017 5:30 PM
Legislature Chambers
Call to Order
Mr. Lane, Chair, called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll Call of Members
Attendee Name
Will Burbank
Carol Chock
James Dennis
Rich John
Anna Kelles
Daniel Klein
Vice Chair
Michael Lane
David McKenna
Glenn Morey
Shawna Black
Michael Sigler
Martha Robertson
Resolutions Added to the Agenda
It was MOVED by Mr. Dennis, seconded by Ms. Kiefer, and unanimously adopted by voice vote,
to add to the agenda the following resolutions entitled:
Appointment of the Tompkins County Administrator
Authorizing the Salary for Positio n A bove t he Salary Range - T ompkins Co unty
Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee
Resolution No. 2017-249: Appointment of the Tompkins County Administrator (ID #7522)
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: Dooley Kiefer, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, David
McKenna, Glenn Morey, Shawna Black, Michael Sigler, Martha Robertson
WHEREAS, b y Charter, the positio n of Cou my Administrator is appointe d b y, is dir ectly
responsible to, and serves at the pleasure of, the Tompkins County Legislature, and
WHEREAS, a search co mmittee consisting of si x County Legislators, two County department
heads, the president of the CSEA White Collar unit, and four community representatives assisted with a
national search and selection process, and
WHEREAS, the full Legi slature, upon the advice and counsel of this search co mmittee, after
conducting their own interview process, and after taking into consideration input from Department Heads
and Adm inistration Departm ent sta ff (who also had an opport unity to m eet the finalists), gave due
consideration to all finalist candi dates, and have hereby recommended appointing Jason Molino to t he
position of County Administrator, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the appointm ent of Jason Molino to the position of Tompkins Count y
Administrator is hereby confirmed by the Legislature, with a start date to be effective January 29, 2018.
Resolution No. 2017-250: Authorizing the Salary for Position Above the Salary Range - Tompkins
County Administrator (ID #7523)
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: Dooley Kiefer, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, David
McKenna, Glenn Morey, Shawna Black, Michael Sigler, Martha Robertson
WHEREAS, the "Point -Factor Rating System" that is applied to all job descriptions, and utilized
by Tompkins County to assign labor grades and corresponding salaries to all titles, is unable to adequately
reflect the market -rate salaries of certain highly specialized professional positions, and
WHEREAS, the Legislature has determ ined that the salary for the position of Count y
Administrator shall be higher than the current salary range of this title, and
WHEREAS, salaries above the salary range are subject to Legislature approval, and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
WHEREAS, a new Count y Adm inistrator, Jason Molino, has be en appointed and will begin
employment on January 29, 2018, with an annual salary greater than the salary range assigned to this title,
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the Tom pkins County Legislature hereby approves the annual salary for the
position of County Administrator in the amount of $130,000 for 2018, prorated from January 29, 2018,
RESOLVED, further That, for the duration of his em ployment, the Count y Ad ministrator is
eligible to receive the same fringe benefits and th a same annual salary adjustments as provided t o other
management staff without requiring a separate annual resolution of the legislature,
RESOLVED, further, That the Legislature will revisit the salary upon a vacancy in the position.
RESOLVED, further, That no new monies are needed to fund this.
Privilege of the Floor by the Public
Peter Meskill, Trum ansburg resident and form er member of the Board of Re presentatives and
former Sheriff, thanked Jim Dennis for his hard work and service to the residents of his district. Mr.
Meskill also thanked Mr. Dennis for standing up for small people and for his leadership of econom is
development in Tompkins County.
Fay Gougakis, City of Ithaca r esident, thanked Mr. Lane for allowing her extra ti me at the last
meeting to speak. She extended good wishes to all retiring Legislators and thanked them for their work
and said there is much work to d o on issues incl uding creating sustainable and responsible econom is
development, acknowledgement to Native Americans, bicycle safety, etc.
David Weinstein, Dry den resident, spoke con cerning the Freese Road Bridge and noted it was
built in 1887 and is unique. He said it has been classified as eligible for the national historic database and
consequently any process to replace it must go thr ough another process to s ee what the m ost optimal
solution is for both engine ers and the community that also meets historic preservation requirements. To
date, he said this has not happened and there has been no plan presented to preserve the historic elements
of the br idge. He urged the County n of to go forw and until opti ons have bee n put forward, inclu ding
public participation, and a definitive plan for conducting appropriate reviews are complete.
Laurie Sny der, Town of Dryden resident, s poke concerning th e proposed replacement o f the
Freese Road Bridge. She obtained 56 s ignatures of 100% of the residents who live on Fre ese Road and
who object to the replacement of the bridge with a two-lane bridge. She read the state ment as it was
printed on the petition and submitted to the Town Board of Dryden.
Irene Weiser, Caroline resident, reported the New York State Electric and Gas (NYSAG) posted a
Request for Proposals (RFP) for alternative proposals to the pipeline in the Lansing area. There are
several County properties in the area and she suggest ed the County look into converting those to natural
gas and said it would be a benefit to all residents. She also thanked retiring Legislators and spoke of their
love for t he community, depth of listening, and particularly noted the contri butions Dooley Kiefer and
Carol Chock have made to the environment.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Report from a Municipal Official(s)
Ducson Nguy en, Comm on Council mem ber, provided an up dated on the actions of the C ity's
Planning and Develop ment Co mmittee and said t here have been discussio ns concerning downtown
development. He also sp oke of the actions take n by Common Council including the closure of Ezra's
tunnel and discussions about odd/even parking and noted that information about parking is now available
through the Swift911 in ass notification system. In add ition, he reported that the City seeking interested
members to serve on the four Commissions recently created that will begin work in 2018. He provided an
update on t he Chainworks developm ent Environmental Impact Statement that is being revi ewed by the
City's Planning Board and in particular, a zoning proposal. He thanked retiring Legislators and extended
wishes for happy holidays.
Chair's Report and Chair's Appointments
Mr. Lane reported at the e nd of the year there may be some speci al committee meetings that will
be necessary before new committees are named. He suggested that incoming Legislators take the place of
the Legislator they are replacing and fill in until those committees are established.
Mr. Lane announced Ms. Younger, Interim County Ad ministrator, will be leaving in January;
County Attorney Jonathan Wood will be filling the po sition of Interim County Administrator during the
transition. Mr. Lane thanked Department Heads fo r stepping up during the time of transition in Coun ty
Administration. In particular, he thanked the staff of County Administration.
Mr. Lane announced the Poet Laureate, Zee Zaha va, will serve a second term for 2018 and will
be invited to the Organizational meeting for a reading.
Resolutions Added to and Withdrawn from the Agenda
Mr. Lane gave Mr. McKenna pe rmission to withdr aw fro m the agenda the resolution enti tled
Authorization to Execute an Agreement with the Town of Dryden, Adjust the Budget to Transfer from the
Highway Fund Balance, and Amend the Capital Progr am - Free se Road Bridge over Fall Creek (BIN
3209800) and South George Road Brid ge over Virgil Creek (BIN 32098 30), Reconstruction and Future
Mr. Lane also gave Ms. Kelles permission to withdraw from the agenda the appointment of Betty
Balcome to the Office for the Aging Advisory Committee.
Government Operations Committee
Resolution No. 2017-251: Resolution to A uthorize Execution of the Memorandum of
Understanding with the Participants in the Tompkins C enter for
History and Culture (ID #7508)
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
MOVER: Daniel Klein, Vice Chair
SECONDER: Rich John, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, David
McKenna, Glenn Morey, Shawna Black, Michael Sigler, Martha Robertson
WHEREAS, Tompkins County ("County") has committed funds for the purpose of the purchase
of the Tom pkins Trust Com pany building located at 110 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York, on the
Ithaca Co mmons, and is engaged in negotiation of the purchas e agreement with the Tom pkins Trus t
Company, and
WHEREAS, the Count y has entered into exte nsive discussions with several co mmunity
organizations regarding the formation of a coalition of not-for-profit groups with the common purpose of
documenting, supporting, and celebrating o ur common history and culture t o be h oused in a comm on
location in the County envisioned as the Tompkins Center for History and Culture, and
WHEREAS, it is the inten t of the parti es to use the To mpkins Trust Co mpany building as the
home of the Tompkins Center for History and Culture, and
WHEREAS, the History Center in Tompkins County, Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce,
Inc., Wharton Studio Museum, the Center for Transf ormative Action d/b/a the Dorothy Cotton Institute,
the Center for Transformative Action d/b/a the Sustainabil ity Center, Ithaca Aviation Heritage
Foundation, Community Arts Partnership, Historic Ithaca, and th e Discovery Trail, have al l expressed a
desire to participate, and
WHEREAS, all of the parties wish to define th eir respective rights and responsibilities, and t heir
commitment to participation in the To mpkins Center for History and Culture through a Memorandum of
Understanding that describes the r ental and governance commitments for the participants, now therefore
be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Govern ment Operations Committee, That the Count y
Administrator shall be authorized to ex ecute the Memorandum of Understanding and t o obtain executed
counterparts from all participants.
Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality Committee
Resolution No. 2017-252: Negative Declaration for Community Housing Development Fund Award
to West End Heights (ID #7463)
Ms. Chock was granted permission to abstai n fro m voting as her husband is the Executiv e
Director of Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Services (INHS) and INHS is the consultant for the project.
Mr. Sigler was also granted permission to abstain from voting as West End Heights is a tenant of
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
MOVER: Martha Robertson, Member
SECONDER: Anna Kelles, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, David McKenna, Glenn
Morey, Shawna Black, Martha Robertson
ABSTAIN: Carol Chock, Michael Sigler
WHEREAS, the Tom pkins Count y L egislature through Resolution No. 015-154, authorized
funding for the Community Housing Development Fund Program, and
WHEREAS, the Communit y Housing Develo pment Fund assists the developm ent costs
associated with residential and in ixed-use real estate development projects primarily benefiting low- and
moderate -income households, and re quires that newly constructed or rehabilitated homes supported by
the program are not onl y in ade available to low- to in oderate-income hou Beholds, but also rem ain
affordable to future generations of renters and buyers, and
WHEREAS, Resolution No. 253 of 20 17 would authorize the disbursem ent of County funds in
support of the West End Heights project at 709-713 West Court Street and 326-328 North Meadow Street
in the City of Ithaca, and
WHEREAS, Tompkins County has received and reviewed the City of Ithaca Full Envir onmental
Assessment Form (Parts 1, 2, and 3) docum ents for the proje ct listed as the 709 W. Court Street
Apartments (Supportive and Affordable Housing), and
WHEREAS, as L ead A gency, the City of Ithaca Planning and Developm ent Bo and has
determined the 709 W. Court Street Apartm ents (Supportive and Affordable Housing) pr oject to be a
Type I Action with a Negative Declaration, and
WHEREAS, the City of Ithaca Planning and Development Board granted final site plan approval
for the 709 W. Court Street Apartments (Sup portive and Affor dable Housing) project on August 22,
2017, and
WHEREAS, Tompkins County concurs with the City of Ithaca Planning and Development Board
SEQR Negative Determination of the 709 W. Cou rt Street Ap artments (Supportive and Affordable
Housing) project, and
WHEREAS, the project' s developer, Lakeview Health Services, Inc., has na med the 709 W.
Court Street Apartments (Supportive and Affordable Housing) project West End Heights prior to its
application to the Community Housing Development Fund, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Planning, Develop ment, and Environm ental Qu ality
Committee, That the authorization of t he Community Housing Development Fund disbursement and th e
subsequent construction of the project listed above adequately protects and preserves the environment and
will not have any potentially significant adverse effects on the environment.
SEQR ACTION: Full Environmental Assessment Form on File with the Legislature Clerk
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Resolution No. 2017-253: Authori zation to Di sburse County Funds to the Community Housing
Development Fund for West End Heights (ID #7465)
Ms. Chock was granted permission to abstai n fro in voting as her husband is the Executiv e
Director of Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Services (INHS) and INHS is the consultant for the project.
Mr. Sigler was also granted permission to abstain from voting as West End Heights is a tenant of
Martha Robertson, Member
Dooley Kiefer, Member
Will Burbank, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley Kiefer, Daniel
Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, David McKenna, Glenn
Morey, Shawna Black, Martha Robertson
Carol Chock, Michael Sigler
WHEREAS, the Tom pkins Count y L egislature through Resolut ion No. 20 15-154 author ized
funding for the Community Housing Development Fund, and
WHEREAS, the Community Housing Development Fund (CHDF) assists with the development
costs associated with residential and mixed-use real estate development projects primarily benefiting low -
and moderate -income households, and r equires that newly constructed or re habilitated homes supported
by the progr am are not o my made av ailable to to w- to moderate -income households, b ut also remain
affordable to future generations of renters and buyers, and
WHEREAS, the Notice of Funding Availability was made available to interested parties with a
deadline of October 23, 2017, for Round 16, and
WHEREAS, one application was received and reviewed by t he CHDF Application Review
Committee, which in ade formal funding recommendations for funding to the CHDF Program Oversight
Committee, and
WHEREAS, the Program Oversight Committee a ccepted and recommended t hat the proposal
receive funding as indicated in the table, and
Applicant Project
Number of
Dollar Amount
Affordable Units
City of Ithaca
60 rental units
$250,000 ($100,000
Tompkins County
County & $150,000
and City of Ithaca
Services, Inc.
WHEREAS, the City of Ithaca SEQR review pr ocess has been completed for the West End
Heights project, form erly known as the 709 W. Court Street Apartments (Supportive and Affordable
Housing), with a Negative Determination, and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature through Resolution No. 252 of 2017 concurs with
the City of Ithaca's SEQR Negative Declaration determination for West End Heights, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Planning, Develop ment, and Environm ental Qu ality
Committee, That Tom pkins County authorizes the expenditure of $100,000 of its funds t o support t he
West End Heights project as recommended by the CHDF Program Oversight Committee, and
RESOLVED, further, That the Director of Financ e be and hereb y is authori zed to make the
following 2018 budget adjustment:
Revenue CD8695.42411 Program Income $100,000
Appropriation CD8695.54400 Program Expense $100,000
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or his designee be and hereby is authorized
to execute agreements in order to effect this grant program consistent with this resolution.
SEQR ACTION: Full Environmental Assessment Form on File with the Legislature Clerk
Resolution No. 2017-254: Appropriation from th a Contingent Fund for Rental Housing Vacancy
and Rent Survey (ID #7462)
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: Martha Robertson, Member
SECONDER: Anna Kelles, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, David
McKenna, Glenn Morey, Shawna Black, Michael Sigler, Martha Robertson
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Housing Strategy calls for the Tompkins County Department
of Planning and Sustainability to undertake an annual rent and vacancy survey of rental units in Tompkins
County, and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Department of Planning and Sustainability intends to use
consultant services to assi st in developing a repli cable surve y methodology a nd then to c onduct t he
survey, and
WHEREAS, the Count y Legislature, in appr oving the 2017 budget for t he Department of
Planning and Sustainability, placed fu nds in the am ount of $3 0,000 in the Contingent Fund for the
purpose of s upporting targeted Department of Planning and Sustainability projects to implem ent the
Housing Strategy, and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature through Resolution No. 2017-55 authorized the
use of $1,750 of these fu nds to split the costs of a water and sewer infrastructure study in the Town o f
Dryden to determine the potential for new housing development, leaving $28,250 in the Contingent Fund
for the purpose of supporting targeted projects to implement the Housing Strategy, now therefore be it
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality and
the Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committees, That the Director of Finance be and hereby is authorized
and directed to make the following budget adjustment for 2018:
FROM: A1990.54400 - Contingent Fund $28,250
TO: A8027.54442 - Professional Services $28,250
RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or designee be and hereby is authorized to
execute any contracts related to this project.
Appointments Approved Under the Consent Agenda
MOVER: Carol Chock, Member
SECONDER: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Member
AYES: Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Kiefer, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne,
McKenna, Morey, Black, Sigler, Robertson
Advisory Board Appointment (ID # 7436)
Ethics Advisory Board
Dennis T. Regan - term expires December 31, 2021
Dooley Kiefer - term expires December 31, 2020
Environmental Management Council - terms expire December 31, 2019
Steve Bissen - Town of Dryden representative
Stephen Nicholson - Town of Caroline representative
Michelle Henry - Town of Newfield representative
Pegi Ficken - Town of Groton representative
Planning Advisory Board
Terms expire December 31, 2020:
Leslie Schill - Education representative
Andrew Zepp - Land Preservation representative
Martha Armstrong - Economic Development representative
Fernando de Aragon - Transportation representative
Joseph Bowes - Housing representative
Term expires December 31, 2019:
Marcus B. Riehl - Natural Environment representative
Water Resources Council - terms expire December 31, 2020
Elizabeth Cameron - Environmental Health representative
Fay Benson - Agriculture representative
Ed Gottlieb - At -large representative
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Directors
Aaron Ristow - At -large representative; term expires December 31, 2020
Workforce Diversity and Inclusion Committee
Kit Kephart - County staff; term expires December 31, 2019
Robert Brown - Community member; term expires December 31, 2020
Air Service Board - terms expire December 31, 2020
Larry Baum - At -large representative
Michael Gary Hilf - At -large representative
Hillview Road Landfill Citizens Advisory Committee
Joel Gagnon - Neighborhood representative; term expires December 31, 2021
Office for the Aging Advisory Committee
Rebecca Sherwood - term expires December 31, 2018
Personal Emergency Response Service Advisory Board - terms expire December 31, 2019
Nancy McKeon - Agency representing Disabled or Elderly representative
Beth Harrington - Agency representing Disabled or Elderly representative
Community Mental Health Services Board - terms expire December 31, 2021
Khaki Wunderlich
Mary Hutchens
Kevin McKenna
Stu Bergman
Auguste Duplan
Maria Morog (term expires December 31, 2019)
Mental Health Subcommittee - terms expire December 31, 2021
Jean Poland - Consumer representative
Mary Hutchens - Community Mental Health Services Board representative
Tracy Decker - Community Member representative
Substance Abuse Subcommittee - term expires December 31, 2021
Thomas Lipa - Community Member representative
Stu Bergman - Community Mental Health Services Board Member representative
Development Disabilities Subcommittee - term expires December 31, 2021
Shiela McEnery - Community Mental Health Services Board representative
Board of Health
Christina Moylan - At -large representative; term expires December 31, 2022
Resolutions Approved Under the Consent Agenda
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
MOVER: Carol Chock, Member
SECONDER: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Member
AYES: Burbank, Chock, Dennis, John, Kelles, Kiefer, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne,
McKenna, Morey, Black, Sigler, Robertson
Resolution No. 2017-255: Award of Contract - Purchase and Implementation of an Electronic Case
Management Software System for the Early Intervention Program -
Health Department (ID #7501)
WHEREAS, the Public Health Depart ment's Children with Special Care Needs Division
completed a thorough review of records and pro cesses rel ated to the Early Intervention Program , an d
determined that the manual, paper-based system is not capable of meeting current and future public health
service needs, and
WHEREAS, the Children with Special Care Need s Division, in coordination with To mpkins
County Information Technology Services (ITS), i ssued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for an electronic -
case management software system, and
WHEREAS, the project team interviewed and heard presentations from various vendors, and
WHEREAS, based on the RFP and i nterview pro cess results, and the additional review of
requirements by ITS, the department has selected iCentral located in Garden Ci ty, New York, that in eets
the program documentation needs, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Health and Human S ervices Committee, That the
Department is granted authority to enter into all contract(s) resulting from this RFP process, other County
ongoing professional support contracts, and utilization of the New York State Office of General Service
background contract,
RESOLVED, further, That the Tom pkins Count y Public Health Department is authorized to
expend funds defined in this resolution for professi onal services, software lic ensing and maintenance,
hardware pr ocurement, and additional Count y sal ary and fringes asso ciated with this project
RESOLVED further, That the project be paid for by using funds from account HM Fund - Health
Fund HM4006.59239.40.06 (Capital Account - Public Health),
RESOLVED, further, That the 2019 Tompkins County Public Health Department fiscal target be
increased by $18,800 to cover ongoing licensing fees.
Resolution No. 2017-256: Budget Transfer A cross Budgeting Units Medical Exam iner (4014) and
Planning and Coordination, Children With Special Care Need s (4047) —
Health Department (ID #7500)
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
WHEREAS, pursuant to Administrative Manual Po licy 05-02, Section 4.0 1, Item B, Transfers
Between Budgeting Units or Programs, require program committee and Legislative approval, and
WHEREAS, resignations of the Deputy Medical Ex aminers allowed the department to contract
for Deputy Medical Examiner services, and
WHEREAS, funds are av ailable in Planning an d Coordination o f Children With Special Care
Needs budgeting unit due to vacancies earlier in the year, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Health and Human S ervices Committee, That the
Director of Finance be and hereby is directed to make the following budget transfer on his books:
Health Department
FROM Title Amt TO Title(s)
4047.51000580 Comm. Hlth. Nurse $1,570 4014.54442 Professional Svc. Fees
4047.58800 Fringe $ 681 4014.54442 Professional Svc. Fees
Resolution No. 2017-257: Approval of inter -M unicipal Recreation Partnership Agreement ( ID
WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins is currently a member of the Inter -m unicipal Recreation
Partnership by agreement dated May 15, 2012, with an original five -y ear term expiring Dece mber 31,
2017, and
WHEREAS, the Recreatio n Partnership has been an excellent and cost-efficien t model of inter-
municipal collaboration and shared services that enabl es municipalities to jointly plan, financ e, and share
a diverse set of high-quality recreation programs, and
WHEREAS, the Inter -m unicipal Recreation Part nership agreem ent b y its ow n terms may be
renewed for an additional five y ears by appropriate resolutions by each of the municipal partners on or
before December 31, 2022, and
WHEREAS, any municipality may withdraw fro m the Inter -municipal Recreation Partnership
agreement upon a full calendar year's notice, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Health and Human S ervices Committee, That the
County of T ompkins agr ees to exten d the Inter -m unicipal Recreation Partnership Agreement for an
additional five years, expiring December 31, 2022,
RESOLVED, further, That a copy of thi s resolution be sent to the Recreation Partnership Board
care of Tompkins County Youth Services Department at 320 W. State/MLK Jr., Street, Ithaca, NY 14850.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Resolution No. 2017-2 58: To Amend Resolution No. 2017-9 of January 17, 2017 - Determ ination
and Certification of County Clerk's Allowance - Annual Ex penses fo r
Administering Mortgage Tax (ID #7461)
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 262 of the Tax Law, recording officers and treasurers ar e
entitled to receive all thei r necessary expenses for purposes of ad ministering mortgage taxes in their
offices on approval and allowance by the New York State Tax Commission, and
WHEREAS, the State Tax Commission , by resolution duly adopted July 1, 1946, did determine
that such mortgage tax ex penses be ap proved at the am ount certified to the St ate Tax Commission by
County Boar d of Representatives [Tompkins Cou my Legislature] provided it is a reasonable and
necessary allowance for such expenses, and
WHEREAS, the Count y Clerk has co nducted a co st analy sis and has reco mmended th at the
allowance for mortgage tax expenses be increased from $277,478 per annum to $287,161 per annum, and
WHEREAS, in addition, the Finance Director has conducted a cost analy sis and has
recommended that the allowance for the treasurer' s expense for ad ministering the in ortgage tax be
increased from $15,000 per annum to $20,000 per annum, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Government Ope rations Co mmittee, That the su in of
$287,161 per annum be, and the sam e hereby is, determined as a reasonable and necessary allowance of
the Tompkins County Clerk, the recording officer of the Count y of Tompkins, for the hire of clerks and
assistants an d other expenses to as sist in the ad ministration of the mortgage recording tax law in her
office, and that the sum of $20,000 per annum be, and the same hereby is, determined as a reasonable and
necessary allowance of the To mpkins Count y Fi nance Director, to assist in the ad ministration of the
mortgage tax funds, and that said sum of $307,161 is hereby certified to the State Tax Commission as the
reasonable and necessary allowance for such expenses,
RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Legislature is hereby directed to send a certified copy
of this resolution, with her original signature thereon, to the State Tax Commission,
RESOLVED, further, That this resolution shall take effect immediately.
Resolution No. 2017-259: Designation of Newspaper (ID #7452)
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature must annually designate an official newspaper,
WHEREAS, there is only one daily newspaper in Tompkins County, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Govern ment Operations Committee, That the official
newspaper for the Count y of Tom pkins for the publi cation of all local laws, notices and other matters
required by law to be published pursuant to Section 214 of County Law and Chapter 58 of the Tompkins
County Code be designated from January 1, 2018, to December 31, 2018, as follows:
The Ithaca Journal, Ithaca, New York
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Resolution No. 2017-260: Correction of Errors (ID #7451)
WHEREAS, it is important that official minutes and reports be accurately written, now therefore
be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Government Operations Co mmittee, That the Clerk of
the Legislature be and hereby is authorized to correct any manifest errors in the 2018 minutes and notes of
the Legislature or in reports of any committees.
Resolution No. 2017-261: Date of 2018 Organizational Meeting (ID #7446)
WHEREAS, the Rules of the Legislature require th e organizational meeting be held on or before
January 8 of each year, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Govern ment Operations Committee, That in accordance
with Section 151 of County Law, the organizational meeting of the Tompkins County Legislature shall be
held in the Legislative Cha mbers of the Governor Daniel D. Tompkins Building, Ithaca, New York on
Tuesday, January 2, 2018, at 5:30 o'clock in the evening thereof.
Resolution No. 2017-262: Adoption of Apportionment of Taxes for 2018 (ID #7441)
WHEREAS, the report of equalization rates and totals (footings) of assess ment rolls has been
prepared and approved by the Assessment Director, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Govern ment Operations Committee, That the report of
the Director of Assessment be accepted and adopte d, and the valuation of real property and franchise be
based on the 2017 final a ssessed values for the purposes of general tax levied against the several t ax
districts of the County and that the values determined therein be set forth as the basis for such general and
highway tax levies for the year 2018,
RESOLVED, further, That the several amounts therein listed for State tax an d County tax for
general County purposes for 2017 be apportioned am ong, assessed against, levied upon, a nd collected
from taxable property of the several towns and City liable therefore.
Resolution No. 2017-263: Returned School Taxes (ID #7440)
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
WHEREAS, Article 13 of the Real Property Tax Law authorizes school district t ax collectors to
submit by November 15th a listing of unpaid taxes to the County Treasurer for enforcement, and
WHEREAS, the County guarantees the school districts payment of the unpaid taxes by April 1 of
the year following the return, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Govern ment Operations Committee, That the Director
of Assessment of the Count y be and hereby is authorized and directed to add to the respective 2018 tax
rolls the am ounts of the uncollected school taxes that remain unpaid and that have not heretofore been
relevied on town tax rolls and that have been returned by the collectors of the various districts, exclusive
of the Ithaca City School District, to the County Finance Director, and that said returned school taxes be
reassessed and relevied on town tax rolls as they are returned, and that said school taxes returned in 2017
be reassessed and relevied upon the lot s and parcels so returned with 12.0 % annual interest in addition
Resolution No. 2017-264: Returned Village Taxes (ID #7439)
WHEREAS, Article 14 of the Real Property Tax Law authorizes village tax collectors to return to
the County Treasurer a listing of unpaid taxes for enforcement, and
WHEREAS, the Villag es of Cayuga Heights, Dry den, Freeville, Gro ton, Lansing, and
Trumansburg have accordingly submitted their unpaid taxes to the County for enforcement, now therefore
be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Govern ment Operations Committee, That the Director
of Assessment of the Count y be and hereby is authorized and directed to add to the respective 2018 tax
rolls the am ounts of the uncollected village taxes that remain unpaid and that have not been heretofore
relevied on town tax rolls and that have been returned by the village tax collectors of the various villages
to the County Finance Director, and that said return ed village taxes be reassessed and relev ied on town
tax rolls as they are returned, and that said returned village taxes be reassessed and relevied upon the lots
and parcels so returned with 12.0% annual interest in addition thereto.
Resolution No. 2017-265: A Resolution to Increase State Support f or Cornell Cooperative
Extension County Associations in the State of New York (ID #7479)
WHEREAS, Cornell Co operative Ex tension is a form al collaboration a mong the National
Institute of Food and Agri culture at the USDA (Uni ted States Departm ent of Agriculture), New York
State, county governments, and the citi zens of the St ate, that is intended to provide unbiased, research -
based knowledge, information, tools, and education from Cornell, New York's Land Grant University, to
the needs of New Yorkers and their communities for over 100 years, and
WHEREAS, local Extension educators are key community partners in helping to implement State
initiatives including m aximizing benefits fro m agriculture and local food systems, strengthening the
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
economy, promoting healthier eating habits and access to good nutrition, fighting poverty particularly in
rural areas, protecting w ater quality and stewardi ng of New York' s natural resources, building
opportunity through STEM (sci ence, technology, engineering and mathemat ics)-based youth education
and leadership skills in 4-H Youth Development, promoting renewable energy options while protecting
farmland resources, and partnering where appropriate in Taste NY initiatives to pro mote tourism and
local food and farm businesses, and
WHEREAS, support from Federal, State, and county sources is essential to the continued success
of locally -governed county cooperative extension associations, and
WHEREAS, State appropriations for county cooperative extension associations to in atch county
government appropriations as authorized by Section 224 (8) of the County Law have remained unchanged
for at least seventeen years (17) while county appropriations have increased, and
WHEREAS, State funding is needed to ensure that the Cornell Cooperative Extension system can
equitably work for all Ne w York residents through increased resources to support rural, suburban, and
urban community development needs, now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of the Planning, Develop ment, and Environm ental Qu ality
Committee, That the Tompkins County Legislature supports increasing the State appropriation for Cornell
Cooperative Extension associations to at least $8 million statewide with such funds to be distributed
directly to the associations through Cornell University as agent for the State as provided by law.
Resolution No. 2017-2 66: Authorization to Pa rticipate in Various Contracts Let by Any
Government Entity of the United States of America (ID #7480)
WHEREAS, New York State General Municipal Law § 103 has been amended to allow cou nties
to utilize a contract let by the United States of Ameri ca or any agency thereof, any state, or any other
county or political subdivision or district therein for materials, equipment, supplies, or contract for
services, and
WHEREAS, the Finance Department may determine throughout the 2018 fiscal year that it would
be in the County's best interest to participate in another governmen t agency's contract, now therefore be
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Capital, and Personnel Co mmittee, That
Tompkins County is hereby authorized to exercise the option to participate in any bid of the United States
Government or its agencies, any state, or any other county or political subdivision or district for materials,
equipment, supplies, or contract services as authorized by General Municipal Law § 103,
RESOLVED, further, That the County Adm inistrator, or his designee, b e and hereby is
authorized to execute required contract documents.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Resolution No. 2017-267: Payment of Multi -Year Tourism Capital Grant - 2017 (ID #7475)
WHEREAS, the To mpkins Count y T ourism Progr am includes Tourism Capital Grants and
Tompkins County Area Develop ment (TCAD) administ ers the Tourism Capital Grants process, which
includes designing the application process, reviewing and analyzing the feasibility and economic impact
of tourism projects, and providing oversight for tourism projects, and
WHEREAS, funding exists within the Tompkins County Tourism Program budget for Tour ism
Capital Grants, and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Tourism Program and Tourism Capital Grants are funded
entirely by Hotel Room Occupancy Tax, and
WHEREAS, TCAD reviewed the following project with the Strategic Tourism Planning Board
(STPB), and the STPB anticipates that t he following project will encourage the developm ent of tourism
products and attractions in order to im prove community assets, to increase the tourism business in the
County, and to increase the income from the Roo m Occupancy Tax, and the f ollowing grant award has
been reviewed and recommended by the STPB, and
WHEREAS, the Tom pkins Count y L egislature has reviewed the following project and has
approved it for multi-year fundi ng contingent on availabilit y of funds and contingent upon
implementation of the recipient's project as described in the contract, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of t he Budget, Capital and Personnel Committee, That the
Interim County Administrator or her designee is authorized to sign all documents related to this project:
Multi -Year Grant to be paid out of 2017 Tourism Capital Grant Budget
Sciencenter: Sustainability Gallery and
Resolution No. 2017-268: Authorizing 2018 Payments for Tompkins Cortland Community College
Operating Budget (ID #7453)
WHEREAS, this Legislature has by Re solution No. 2017-107 of June 20, 2 017, approved the
2017-2018 o perating bu dget for the Tompkins Co rtland Comm unity Colle ge and appr opriated the
necessary funds to pa y Tompkins County's proportionate share of the operating budget of said college,
WHEREAS, to accommodate Tompkins Cortland Community College's fiscal year and cash-flow
needs, it is important that Tompkins County's share be paid during the first half of the calendar year, now
therefore be it
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Capital, and Pe rsonnel Committee, That the
County Administrator be and hereby is authorized and directed, pursuant to the prov isions of the
Education Law of the State of New York and within the authorization provided by this Legislature, to pay
Tompkins Cortland Community College an amount up to but not to exceed Tompkins County's budgeted
share of the operating costs of said college for the fiscal y ear 2017-2018 in t he first accounts -pa yable
processing cycle following the dates below and in the following amounts:
January 1, 2018
March 1, 2018
May 1, 2018
July 1, 2018
Resolution No. 2017-269: Authorization to Disburse Funds - County Administration (ID #7448)
WHEREAS, it is necessar y t o specify annuall y the manner of disbursem ent of appropri ated
funds, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Capital, and Pe rsonnel Committee, That the
County Administrator be and hereb y is authorized a nd directed to disburse all appropriated f unds up t o
the am ount of the appro priation incl uded in t he 2018 budget, provided that whenever a contract is
required funds will be disbursed in accordance with the terms of said agreement.
Resolution No. 2017- 270: Delegating to the Finance Director of the County of To mpkins, Ne w
York, the Power To Authorize the Issuance of and to Sell $10,000,000
Revenue Anticipation Notes of Said County in Anticipation of Receipt
of State Ai d During the Fiscal Year of Said County Commencing
January 1, 2018 (ID #7447)
WHEREAS, it is prudent to allow for the possi ble issuance of rev enue anticipation notes should
there be a cash-flow problem resulting from delays in State Aid during 2018, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of t he Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee, by the
Legislature of the County of Tompkins, New York as follows:
Section 1. The power to authorize the issuance of and to sell $10,000,000 revenue anticipation
notes of the County of Tompkins, New York, including renewals thereof, in anticipation of the receipt of
State Aid due said Count y during the fiscal year of said County commencing January 1, 2018, is hereby
delegated to the Finance Director, the chief fiscal o fficer of said County. Such notes shall be of such
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
terms, for m, and contents, and shall be sold in such manner as may be determ ined by the Finance
Director, consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law.
Section 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
Resolution No. 2017- 271: Authorization to Sig n Drafts (Checks) - County Adm inistrator (ID
WHEREAS, it is necessary , annuall y, to auth orize a To mpkins Count y official to sign all
Tompkins County drafts (checks), now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee, That during
2018 the County Administrator be and hereby is authorized to sign all drafts of the County of Tompkins
and to delegate this authority to the Finance Director,
RESOLVED, further, That County Officials acting in their official capacity as custodians or other
representatives of clients have authority to sign checks in furtherance of their fiduciary responsibilities.
Resolution No. 2017-2 72: Authorization for Fina nce Director to Make Year -End Transfers,
Appropriations, and Budget Adjustments as Required (ID #7444)
WHEREAS, it is necessary , annuall y, to ba lance Tom pkins Count y's financial books, now
therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee, That during
2018 the County Finance Director be and hereby is authorized and directed to make y ear -end transfers,
appropriations, and budget adjustments required to clear credit balances from the books at year's end,
RESOLVED, further, That any such additional entries made by the County Finance Director shall
be reported back to the Tompkins County Legislature.
Resolution No. 2017-273: Town and City Budgets and Printing of Tax Rates (ID #7443)
WHEREAS, annually To mpkins County m ust keep a record of the adopted City and Town
budgets and must, in acco rdance with the laws of New York Stat e, levy and collect property taxes pe r
those adopted budgets, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on reco mmendation of t he Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee, That, in
accordance with the laws of the State of New York and with budget s adopted by the several town boards
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
of the Count y of Tompkins now on fi le with the Cl erk of the Legislature, there be levied upo n an d
collected from the taxable propert y of the several t owns of the Count y and t he City of Ithaca the su ms
contained in those budgets,
RESOLVED, further, That said summaries of the budgets of the several towns of the County and
the City of Ithaca be printed in the 2017 Proceedings of the Tompkins County Legislature,
RESOLVED, further, That after the tax rates are ascertained for the various towns and the City of
Ithaca, the Clerk shall print such rates in the 2017 Proceedings of the Legislature following the budgets of
the several towns and City.
Resolution No. 2017-274: Approving Complete d Tax Rolls and Directing the Exe cuting and
Delivery of Warrants (ID #7442)
WHEREAS, it is necessary annually to provide for property tax collection in Tompkins County to
meet expenses and the cos t of municipal governments in Tompkins County, and to direct that upon the
tax rolls of the several towns and City, the several taxes will be extended, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee, That the tax
rolls be approved as co mpleted and that there shall be extended and carried out upo n the roll the amount
to be levied against each parcel of real property shown thereon,
RESOLVED, further, That there be annexed to ea ch of said rolls a tax warrant prepared by the
Director of Assessment as provided for in Section 4.00(b) of the Tompkins County Charter, that such
warrants shall be the respective am ounts theretofore authorized to be levied upon each of sa id rolls, that
the several warrants be signed by the Chair and the Clerk of the Legislature under seal of the Legislature
and by the D irector of As sessment, an d that said ro lls with said warrants a nnexed are to be forthwith
delivered to the respective collectors of the nine towns and City districts of the County.
Public Safety Committee
Resolution No. 2017- 275: Appropriation from Co ntingent Fund - Additional Cost of Hiring a
Senior Probation Officer in 2017 - Departm ent of Probation and
Community Justice (ID #7379)
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
MOVER: Rich John, Member
SECONDER: Dooley Kiefer, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, David
McKenna, Glenn Morey, Shawna Black, Michael Sigler, Martha Robertson
WHEREAS, in the Department of Prob ation and Community Justice, the proposal to add one
Senior Probation Officer position in the 2018 Budget has been approved (subject to adoption of the 2018
County Budget in November, 2017) by the Expande d Budget Committee at its meeting on October 16,
2017, and
WHEREAS, in view of the urgent ne ed to incr ease participation in the Pretrial Rele ase with
Electronic Monitoring and Ithaca Community Treatment Court programs in order to reduce the jail inmate
population, the department has been advised by County Administration to fill the position in 2017 itself as
soon as the 2018 Budget is adopted,
RESOLVED, on recommendation of t he Public Sa fety and the Budget, Capital, and Personnel
Committees, That the Director of Finance be and hereby is authorized and directed to make the following
budget adjustment for 2017:
FROM: A1990.54400 Contingent Fund $11, 882
TO: A3141.51000597 Senior Probation Officer $ 8,285
A3141.58800 Fringes $ 3,597
Health and Human Services Committee
Ms. Kelles, Chair, reported the Committee met y esterday and had a lengthy discussion after
watching a d ocumentary made locally to highlight the process, outcomes, and effectiveness of needle
exchange programs. On this sa me subject, a report was submitted by Dr. Klepack that is available on
supervised injection sites. The purpose of the discussion was to p rovide information and to get a better
understanding, not take action.
Mr. Burbank encouraged others to view the doc umentary mentioned by Ms. Kelles; it was very
well done. Ms. Robertson said she would find it help ful to have all Legislators present ed with the
baseline information on the subject. Ms. Kelles said she will provide Legislators with the report by Dr.
Klepack and a PowerPoint presentation.
Mr. Lane declared recess at 7:39 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:51 p.m.
Government Operations Committee
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Resolution No. 2017-276: Budget Appropriation and Adjustment to Fund Special Advisor to Office
of Human Rights (ID #7496)
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: Daniel Klein, Vice Chair
SECONDER: Rich John, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, David
McKenna, Glenn Morey, Shawna Black, Michael Sigler, Martha Robertson
WHEREAS, pursuant to Administrative Manual Policy 0 5-02, budget adjustments exceeding
$5,000 require Legislative approval, and
WHEREAS, Tompkins County has entered into an agreement with Dr. Ken neth I. Clarke, Sr.,
effective from November 6, 2017, through February 6, 2018, in which Dr. Clarke has been retained under
contract as a consultant to serve as Special Advisor to the Tompkins County Office of Human Rights, and
WHEREAS, this agreement constitut es an une xpected expense for which funds were not
previously appropriated, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Government Operations and the Bud get, Capital, and
Personnel Committees, That the Director of Finance be and hereby is authorized and directed to make the
following appropriation and adjustments to the 2017 Budget:
FROM: 1990.54400 Contingent Fund $16, 800
TO: 1230.54442 Professional Services $16,800
Resolution No. 2017-277: Accept $ 300,000 St ate and Municipal Facilities Program Grant from
New York State for 21st Century Library Renovations Pro ject (ID
MOVER: Daniel Klein, Vice Chair
SECONDER: Carol Chock, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, David
McKenna, Glenn Morey, Shawna Black, Michael Sigler, Martha Robertson
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
WHEREAS, by Resolution 2016-4, this Legislature authorized an amendment to the 2016- 2020
Capital Program to enable the Renovation of the Tom pkins County Public Library Building at a cost of
$1,400,000, including $1,100,000 to be reimbursed by the Tompkins County Library Foundation, and
WHEREAS, consistent with the aut hority grante d by the Legisla ture, the Cou my has pr ovided
initial funding for the proj ect, with support for the cost of all proj ect elements other than the re -carpeting
of the Library to come from funds raised by the Tompkins County Public Library Foundation, and
WHEREAS, as a part of its fundraising to suppo rt the cost o f building i mprovements, the
Tompkins County Public Library requested, and r eceived, $300,000 in funding through the State an d
Municipal (SAM) Facilities Program, and
WHEREAS, the SAM progra m is administered by the Dormitory Authority of the State of New
York (DASNY), and
WHEREAS, DASNY req uires the State and Muni cipal Faciliti es grantee to be a municipal
government, and
WHEREAS, Tompkins County is a municipal government and, in its role as the building owner,
sponsor, and initial financer of the project is positioned to serve as the grantee, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of t he Govern ment Operations and the Budget, Capital an d
Personnel Committees, That the Count y is authorized to accept the State and Municipal Facilities grant
award of $300,000,
RESOLVED, further, That the Director of Finance be and hereby is directed to adjust his bo oks
as follows:
Increase Revenue Account: HL7480.43897.74.81 - State Aid -Cult & Rec Cap Projects $300,000
Increase Appropriation Account: HL7480.59239.74.81 - Library Renovations Project $300,000
Resolution No. 2017-278: Appropriation From Contingent Fund - Terminal -Pay Reimbursement -
Department of County Administration (ID #7466)
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: Daniel Klein, Vice Chair
SECONDER: Anna Kelles, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairbome, David
McKenna, Glenn Morey, Shawna Black, Michael Sigler, Martha Robertson
WHEREAS, the County Administrator retired effective November 29, 2017, and
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
WHEREAS, the Fiscal Policy of Tompkins County allows for terminal -pay reimbursement to the
impacted Department from the Contingent Fund, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Government Operations and the Bud get, Capital, and
Personnel Committees, That the Director of Finance be and hereby is authorized and directed to make the
following transfer(s) in the 2017 Budget:
FROM: A1990.54400
TO: A1230.51000253
Contingent Fund $ 38,711
County Administrator $ 26,993
Fringes $ 11,718
Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee
Resolution No. 20 17-279: Budget Appropriation and Adjustm ents for 2015- 2017 Retro Pay —
Corrections Officers Unit, Local 2062 (ID #7481)
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, David
McKenna, Glenn Morey, Shawna Black, Michael Sigler, Martha Robertson
WHEREAS, a three-year bargaining agreement, ratified by the Tompkins County Legislature in
Resolution No. 2017-171 on September 5, 2017, provides retroactive wage increases to employees of the
Corrections Division of the Sheriff s Office in the Corrections Officers Unit, Local 2062, set at 2.25% for
each of 2015, 2016, 2017, and a one-time lump -sum addition to base pay for those corrections employees
at or above Step 6, and
WHEREAS, Resolution No. 2017-236, adopted on November 21, 2017, appropriated funding to
cover the current year cost of the increased wages and estimated retroactive pay for part of 2017, and
WHEREAS, the retroactive payments for 2015, 2016, and 2017 have been made and the amounts
of those payments are now known, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Capital, and Pe rsonnel Committee, That the
Director of Finance be an d hereby is authorized and directed to make the fo llowing appropriation and
adjustments during to the 2017 budget:
FROM: General Fund Balance
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
3150 51000403
3150 5100 0406
3150 5100 0411
3150 51000421
3150 5170 0
3150 5880 0
Note: In the "Account" column above, numbers beginning with "510" identify regular pay. Those
beginning with "512" identify overtime, and the one beginning "517" identifies premium pay.
Resolution No. 2017-280: Appropriation from Contingent Fund — Terminal -Pay Reimbursement —
Department of Human Resources (ID #7470)
This resolution was adopted by a short roll call vote.
MOVER: James Dennis, Member
SECONDER: David McKenna, Member
AYES: Will Burbank, Carol Chock, James Dennis, Rich John, Anna Kelles, Dooley
Kiefer, Daniel Klein, Michael Lane, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, David
McKenna, Glenn Morey, Shawna Black, Michael Sigler, Martha Robertson
WHEREAS, the Employee Benefits Manager resigned effective August 4, 2017, and the Manager
of Talent Acquisition and Engagement resigned eff ective November 13, 20 17, in the D epartment of
Human Resources, and
WHEREAS, the Fiscal Policy of Tompkins County allows for terminal -pay reimbursement from
the Contingent Fund to the Department, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Capital, and Pe rsonnel Committee, That the
Director of Finance be and hereby is authorized and directed to make the following budget appropriation
for 2017:
FROM: A1990.54400 Contingent Fund $25,462
TO: A1430.51000291 Mgr. of Talent Acquisition &Engagement $ 4,527
A1430.51000183 Employee Benefits Manager $12,369
A1430.48800 Fringes $ 8,566
Tompkins County Legislature
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Jail Study Committee
Mr. Lane asked if the County was going to be asking for new jail variances; Mr. John said he will
check with the Sheriff to see that this happens.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
December 5, 2017
Martha Robertson, Member
Will Burbank, Member
Burbank, Chock, John, Kelles, Klein, Lane, McBean-Clairborne, McKenna,
Morey, Black, Sigler, Robertson
James Dennis, Dooley Kiefer
Executive Session
It was MOVED by Ms. Kelles, seconded by Mrs. McBean-Clairborne, and unanimously adopted
by voice vote, to hold an executive session at 8: 30 p.m. to discuss a personnel matter about a particular
person. The meeting returned to open session at 9:12 p.m.
Adi ournment
The meeting adjourned at 9:12 p.m.
Local Law No. 1 of 201 7 — A Local Law Revising th e Tompkins County Charter (Adopted January 17,
Local Law No. 2 of 2017 — A Local Law Raising the Legal Age to 21 for Tobacco Sale and Purchase
(Adopted May 2, 2017)
Local Law No. 3 of 2017 — A Local Law Enacting t he New York State Real P roperty Tax Law Section
485-g, Infrastructure Exemption (Adopted June 6, 2017)
Local Law No. 4 of 2017 - A Local Law Overriding Tax Levy Limit for 2018 (Adopted July 6, 2017)
Local Law No. 5 of 2017 - A Local Law Repealing and Replacing Local Law No. 9 of 2002 and
Imposing Wireless Communications Surcharges (Adopted August 15, 2017)
Local Law No. 6 of 2017 - Repeal of Local Law No. 4 of 2017 — A Local Law Overriding Tax Levy
Limit for 2018 (Adopted December 5, 2017)
New York State Department of State
Division of Corporations, State Records and Uniform Commercial Code
One Commerce Plaza, 99 Washington Avenue
Local Law Filing Albany, 12231-0001
www. dos. state. ny. us/corps
(Use this form to file a local law with the Secretary of State.)
Text of law should be given as amended. Do not include matter being eliminated and do not use
italics or underlining to indicate new matter.
❑x County ❑City ❑Town ❑Village
(Select one:)
of Tompkins
Local Law No. 1
A local law Revising the Tompkins County Charter
(Insert Title)
Be it enacted by the
❑County [_]City
(Select one.)
of the year 2017
Tompkins County Legislature
(Name of Legislative Body)
❑Town ❑Village
of the
as follows:
(If additional space is needed, attach pages the same size as this sheet, and number each.)
DOS -0239 -f -I (Rev. 06/12) Page 2 of 4
Local Law No.1 of the Year 2017
Section 1. This local law provides for the adoption of amendments to the charter.
Section 2. The Tompkins County Charter shall now read as follows:
Chapter C. CHARTER
[HISTORY: Original Charter and Co de adopted by Local Law No. 1 of 196 8 (Local Law No. 2 for
purposes of filing with State) and be came effective January 1, 1970. At least every ten years, the
Charter is reviewed. Adopted by the Board of Repre sentatives (now County Le gislature) of
Tompkins County 4-1-2003 by L.L. No. 1-2003. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Article 1. Government of Tompkins County
§ C-1.00. Title and purposes.
This Charter, and all subsequent amendments hereto, shall constitute the form of government for the
County of Tompkins and shall be known and cited as the "Tompkins County Charter." The genesis of the
County Charter is in the State Constitution. Article 2, § 1(h), provides that counties are em powered to
adopt "alternative form s of count y g overnment." The Municipal Ho me Ru le Law im plements that
provision of the constitution. Section 33 of the Muni cipal Home Rule Law provides that a count y can
adopt a charter that shall "set forth the structure of the County Government and the manner in which it is
to function."
Among the purposes of this Charter are to secure to the people of the County of Tompkins maximum self-
government through the exercise of home rule power s granted under the Constitution and laws of the
State of New York, to ac hieve through the exerci se of such ho me rule powers the establishment and
operation of an efficient and responsible Count y g overnment, and to separate County leg islative and
executive functions.
§ C-1.01. Continued status and powers.
The County of Tompkins shall continue to be a municipal corporation and shall have all the powers and
perform all the duties no w or hereafter conferred or imposed upon it b y this Charter or applicable law,
together with all rights, privileges, functions, and powers necessarily implied or incidental thereto.
§ C-1.02. Effect of Charter and the Code on state law.
The Charter provides a form and structure of County government in accordance with the provisions of the
Municipal Home Rule La w of the State of New Yo rk, and all sp ecial laws relating to T ompkins County
and all general laws of the State of New York shall continue in full force and effect to the extent that such
laws have not been repealed, am ended, modified, or superseded in their application to Tompkins County
by enactment and adoption of the Charter. Within the limitations prescribed in said Municipal Home Rule
Law, wherever and whenever any state law, general, special, or local in effect, conflicts with the Charter
and the Code or is inconsistent therewith, such conflict or inconsistency is to be superseded by the Charter
and the Code insofar as the County of Tompkins and its government are affected.
This Charter may not supersede an act by the New York State Legislature which:
(a) Relates to the imposition, judicial review, or distribution of taxes or benefit assessments;
(b) Relates to the education system or to a school district;
(c) Requires that functions of government be performed by or financed by units of local government,
except where such functions by the State are transferred to other units of local government;
(d) Relates to a function of the state which is financed by the State;
(e) Relates to the commencement or prosecution of actions or proceedings against the County;
(f) Relates to a public authority;
(g) Is a provisio n of law cont ained in t he Municipal Home Rule Law, Civil Service Law, E minent
Domain Procedure Law, Environmental Conservation Law, Election Law, Executive Law, Judiciary Law,
Labor Law, Local Finance Law, Multiple Dwelling La w, Multiple Residence Law, Public Authorities
Law, Public Housing Law, Public Service Law, Railroad Law, Retirement and Social Security Law, State
Finance Law, Volunteer Firefighter's Benefit Law, Volunteer Ambulance Worker's Benefit Law, or
Workers' Compensation Law.
§ C-1.03. Effect on local laws and resolutions.
All laws, legalizing acts, and resolutions of the Co unty presently in force shall re main operative except
where inconsistent with this Charter.
§ C-1.04. Definitions.
Whenever used in this Charter, local laws, legalizi ng acts, or resolutions, unless otherwise expressly
stated or required by subject matter or context:
(a) "Act" or "act" shall mean a local law, resolution, or legalizing act heretofore or hereafter adopted
by the Tompkins County Legislature;
(b) "Acting" shall mean a pers on designated to carry out duties of the office during the period when
there is no incumbent or when incumbent is not able to carry out the duties;
(c) "Board," except as otherwise provided herein, shall mean a bod y of person s appointed i n the
manner herein provided f or the purpo se of studying and advising on in afters of continuing Coun ty
(d) "Capital project" shall mean any of the following when first acquired or constructed:
(1) Any physical public betterment, improvement, or replacement or any appraisal, report, study,
plan, and specification relative thereto; or
(2) Land or rights in land; or
(3) Any machinery, apparatus, or equipment for any physical public betterment or improvement;
(4) Furnishings in connection with any physical public betterment or improvement; or
(5) Any combination of the above;
(e) "Charter" shall mean this Charter ad opted b y an d for the C ounty of T ompkins and all
amendments thereto;
(f) "Code" shall mean the County local laws as codified;
(g) "Commission" shall mean a bod y of persons appointed in t he manner herein pro vided for the
purpose of investigating, study ing, or reporting o n matters of Count y interest, except as otherwise
provided in this Charter;
(h) "Committee" shall mean a body of pe rsons appointed in the m anner herein provided for the
purpose of investigating, study ing, or reporting o n matters of Count y interest, except as otherwise
provided in this Charter;
(i) "County" shall mean the County of Tompkins;
0) "County Administrator" shall mean the Count y Adm inistrator of Tompkins County, as ful ly
provided in Article 3 of this Charter;
(k) "Department" shall mean each of those administrative units of the County government set forth in
Articles 4 through 29 of this Charter;
(1) "Deputy" shall mean a Count y officer authorized b y his or her principal to exercise deleg ated
discretionary powers and duties;
(m) "Division" shall mean a unit within a department or office of an appointed or elected officer;
(n) "Emergency medical services (EMS)" shall mean those emergency medical services provided
outside of a hospital or medical clinic, including initial on -scene medical treatment and transport;
(o) "Encumbrance" shall mean a written statement of incurred liabil ity signed by the head of an
administrative unit of Co unty government, or the ad ministrative unit's authorized agent, setting forth the
nature and a mount of liabilit y, or an estim ate thereof if the exact am ount is unknown, and the
appropriation against which it is chargeable in the manner provided by § 362 of the County Law;
(p) "Enterprise Activity" is one that covers its expenditures by generating income through fees,
program inco me, grants, a nd/or additional sources of revenue; with exceptions to be de cided by the
Legislature to meet occasional challenges or opportunities;
(q) "Legalizing act" shall mean a legislative act , not s ubject to ref erendum, wh ich legalizes and
validates any act taken in connection with a lawful municipal object or purpose by the governing board or
other local body, officer or agency of a municipality wholly within the County, in the m anner and under
the conditions prescribed in the County Law, as amended, or other applicable law;
(r) "Local law" shall mean a law adopted pursuant to this Charter within t he power granted by the
Constitution of the State of New York, an act of the St ate Legislature or a provision of this Charter, but
shall not include legalizing acts or resolutions;
(s) "Officer" shall mean a person in t he County government who has authority to exercise so me
portion of the sovereign power either in making, executing, or administering the laws;
(t) "Qualified elector" shall mean a person qualified to cast a ballot in a County election;
(u) "Quorum" shall mean a majority of the total number of a duly constituted body as if there were no
vacancies and no persons disqualified from voting;
(v) "Referendum" shall mean a referral t o the voters for decision . A mandatory or perm issive
referendum is defined in New York State County Law and New York State Municipal Home Rule Law;
(w) "Reserve for bonded debt" shall mean a fund authorized or required by law to be established and
maintained for the purpose of amortizing the bonded indebtedness of the County;
(x) "Resolution" shall mean a legislative act other than a local law or legalizing act adopted pursuant
to this Charter, but not subject to referendum.
§ C-1.05. County Seal.
The Tompkins County Seal shall consist of an American bald eagle, whose body faces forward with head
turned to the eagle's left, with wings widespread and claws outstretched. In the eagle's right claw is a
bunch of arrows and in its left an olive branch. Rising above the eagle's head and between it s wing tips
are three arcs of stars numbering five, s even and eight respectively, for a total of 20 stars representing the
number of states in 1817, the year of the founding of Tompkins County. Framing the above eagle, arrows,
olive branch and stars is one narrowly spaced s maller concentric circle, and one widely spaced larger
concentric circle. In the arc portion between the small circle and the larger circle are 13 stars representing
the 13 original colonies. I n the arc port ion above the eagle, between these same circles are the words, in
upper case lettering, TOMPKINS COUNTY. These words extend from right of the eagle's right wing tip
to the left of the eagle's left wing tip.
Article 2. The Tompkins County Legislature
§ C-2.00. The Tompkins County Legislature.
The Tompkins County L egislature sh all be the elective governing b ody of the Count y. The elected
County Legislators shall, when lawfully convened, constitute the legislative, appropriating, governi ng,
and policy -determining body of Tompkins County.
§ C-2.01. Mission statement of the Tompkins County Legislature.
The mission of the Tom pkins County Legislature is to collectively meet the needs of our residents and
communities and to realize the Legislators' articulated vision. C ounty go vernment may perform those
functions not provided as well by individuals, the private sector, other levels of governm ent, or the not-
for-profit sector. Count y activities wil 1 be designed to protect and enhance the lives of the Count y's
diverse residents and communities in ways that are compassionate, ethical, and creative within the limits
of what residents financially support.
To this end we will:
* Allocate fiscal resources consistent with our vision, goals, policies, and community needs.
* Foster open and ho nest co mmunication am ong governm ents and Count y residents and
employees. Count y govern ment will initiate dialogue on the co mmunity needs, the
appropriate role of County government, and level of satisfaction with the County's direction,
initiatives, and services.
* Create and implement policies that:
- Enhance the economic opportunity and well-being of all County residents.
- Safeguard the health, safety, and rights of our residents and employees.
- Protect the natural environm ent for future g enerations and m aintain the buil t
- Prevent the need for more costly future services.
* Encourage and support programs that:
- Achieve the County's goals.
- Deliver needed services.
- Serve vulnerable populations.
- Strengthen families and communities.
- Enhance quality of life.
* Operate a well-run organization by:
- Using a wel 1 -trained, diverse work force of e mployees, qualified contractors, and
- Providing adequate personnel, financial, facility, and informational support to approved
- Producing a balanced budget that supp orts the County's vision, mission, and goals and
maintains appropriate reserves for future uncertainties.
- Carrying out the mandates of state and federal governments.
- Acting as a resource and partner for other local governments.
- Responding flexibly and responsibly to emerging needs and changing mandates.
§ C-2.02. County Legislators; term of office; qualifications.
County Legislators shall b e elected at general elec tions in odd -numbered years commencing with 1969,
for a term of four years dating from January 1 st of the year next following their election.
County Legislators, at the time of their nomination and election and throughout their term of office, shall
be and rem ain electors of the County of Tompkins qualified to vote in general elections in t he districts
they represent.
The Board o f Elections o f the Count y of Tom pkins shall be th e judge of such qualifications of t he
members of the Legislature, and for t hat purpose shall have the power to s ubpoena wit nesses, take
testimony and require the production of records. Decisions made by the Board of Elections in the exercise
of powers granted by this section shall be subject to review by the courts.
§ C-2.03. Composition of the Tompkins County Legislature.
The Tompkins County Legislature shall be composed of not less than 11 and not in ore than 19 members
elected from single -member districts.
§ C-2.04. Vacancies on the Tompkins County Legislature.
When a vacancy occurs on the Tom pkins Count y Legislature it shall be filled at a speci al electi on
according to the following schedule:
* If a vacancy on the Tompkins County Legislature shall occur on or before August 15 of any
year, such office shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term at a special election in
the district of said office.
* In the event that such vacancy shall occu r after August 15 but be fore September 20 of any
year, such vacancy shall be filled at the next general election.
* If a vacancy occurs September 20 or later in a year that is not the last year of the expiration of
the Legislator's term of office, such office shall be filled for t he remainder of the unexpire d
term at a special election in the district of said office.
* In the event that a vacancy occurs September 20 or later in a y ear that is the last year of the
Legislator's elected term , the winner of the general election for said office shall fill the
vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired term.
Special elections are to be called by the County Legislature as soon as practicable and, in any
event, to be held not later than 85 da ys from the da to of such va cancy. Notice of a special
election called hereunder shall be in the manner provided for in the Election Law for notice of
a general election. To the maximum extent feasible, the provisions of the Election Law
governing the conduct of a special election shall a pply. It shall be the dut y of the Board of
Elections to prepare ballots, voting machines, and other matters so that such election in ay be
properly held and conduct ed. No twithstanding any 1 aw to the contrary , the e xpenses of a
special election conducted pursuant to this section shall be borne by the County.
§ C-2.05. To mpkins County Legislature; organization; Chair and Vice Chair of the Tom pkins
County Legislature; election.
The Tompkins County Legislature, at an organizational meeting on or before January 8 each y ear, shall
elect from its membership a Chair and Vice Chair. The Chair and Vice Chair shall serve for a term of one
year or until a successor is elected.
In the event of a vacancy, the Tompkins County Legislature shall fill the office of Chair i n the manner
provided by its rules. If the To mpkins County Legislature fails to select a Chair within 30 d ays after that
office shall b ecome vacant for any reason, the Clerk of the To mpkins County Legislature shall notify in
writing the County Clerk, who shall, as soon as prac ticable, appoint a member of the Tompkins County
Legislature to serve as Chair until t he Legislature itself shall elect a Chair. Such appointm ent shall be i n
writing and filed with the Clerk of the Legislature and in the office of the County Clerk. The Clerk of the
Legislature, upon receipt of such appointor ent, shall notif y each member of the Tom pkins Count y
Legislature of the County Clerk's action by written notice of appointment duly mailed to the address of
each member of the Legislature, as given to the Clerk of the Legislature.
§ C-2.06. Tompkins County Legislature; powers and duties.
The To mpkins Count y Legislature shall be the legislative, appropriatin g, governing , and polic y -
determining body of the County and shall supervise the implementation of its policies through the County
Administrator. The Legis lature shall operate ac cording to pro cedures contained in the Rules of th e
Tompkins County Legislature, which it shall develo p and in ay from tim a to time amend. Except as may
otherwise be provided in this Charter, it shall have and exercise all the legislative powers and duties now
or hereafter conferred or imposed by state law or this Charter upon a Board of Supervisors or a legislative
body of a C ounty, and a 11 powers and duties necessarily im plied or incide ntal thereto. Among such
powers and duties, but not by way of limitation, it shall:
(a) Make appropriations; levy taxes, incur indebtedness and adopt the County budget;
(b) Adopt and periodically revise a fiscal policy;
(c) Enact, a mend, or repeal local laws, lega lizing acts or reso lutions; and provide for the
administrative implementation thereof;
(d) Adopt by resolution any necessary rules and regulations for its own conduct and procedure;
(e) Annually designate by resolution the succession of members of the Legislature to serve in the
absence of the Chair and Vice Chair;
(f) Legalize and validate by legalizing act any act had or taken in connection with a lawful municipal
purpose by a governing board or other body, officer, or agency of a local municipality wholly within the
County in the manner provided in the County Law, which generally deals with minor good -faith errors or
emergency situations;
(g) By local law amending this Charter, create, alter, combine, or abolish units of County government
not headed by elective officers;
(h) Establish or abolish positions of employment and the titles and labor grades the reof. No County
employee may be appointed unless to fill a position of employment authorized by the Tompkins County
(i) Evaluate periodically the performance of the County Administrator, Director of Finance, Co unty
Attorney, Clerk of the Legislature, and any such other community servant who serves at the pleasure of
the Legislature;
0) Appoint or confirm, as the case may be, such officers and employees as provided by this Charter;
(k) Fix by resolution the compensation and hours of work of all officers and employees paid from
County funds, except that the com pensation of any official whose salary is gov erned by state law for the
term of office shall not be increased or decreased during the term of office except as permitted by state
(1) Authorize contracts for goods and services on behalf of the County;
(m) Fix by resolution the compensation to be paid from County funds to individuals rendering service
to or on behalf of the County, but who are not officers or employees of the County;
(n) Establish by resolution the method for the correc tion of manifest clerical or other errors or
omissions in assessment rolls or returns thereof as authorized by law;
(o) Fix the amounts of bonds of officers and employees paid from County funds;
(p) Conduct studies and investigations in f urtherance of its legislative functions, and in co miction
therewith obtain professional and technical advice; appoint lay committees, commissions, and boards and
approve the by laws thereof, subpoena witnesses; an d require the production of books, papers, and other
evidence necessary or material to such studies or investigations; and administer oaths;
(q) Determine and fix, on or before the first da y of December in each year, equalization rates, after
receiving recommendations supplied by the Director of Assessment;
(r) Designate one or more depositories located with in the County or as designated by the Tompkins
County Legislature for the deposit of moneys received by the County, which shall meet the requirements
for such depositories provided in the County Law and in the County's Investment Policy;
(s) Grant by resolution to all officers and em ployees of the County pursuant to contract designation
or otherwise vacation, sick leaves, compensatory time, leaves of absenc e, and of her benefits as deemed
appropriate, and adopt rules and regulations in relation thereto.
§ C-2.07. Confirmation of appointments.
When appointment of County employees or members of boards requires confir mation by the Tompkins
County Legi slature, confirm ation shall be by affirmative vote of a majority of the whole num ber of
members of the Tompkins County Legislature, taken at a regular or special meeting.
§ C-2.08. Chair of the Tompkins County Legislature; powers and duties.
The Chair of the Tompkins County Legislature, in addition to the powers and duties conferred or imposed
upon a chairman of a county legislative body by applicable law, shall:
(a) Appoint to serve during the term of office of the Chair of the Legislature, the chairs and members
of all committees of the Tompkins County Legislature;
(b) Authorize any member of the Tompkins County Legislature to attend any convention, conference,
school, or other function for the betterment of County government, within the appropriations therefor. All
necessary and actual expense in connection therewith shall be paid from County funds;
(c) Appoint as needed a Special Negotiating Committ ee, of not less than three members, to conduct
collective negotiations wi th recognized em ployee organizations. Such appoi ntments shall b e subject to
approval of t he Tompkins County Legislature, exce pt that the mem bership of such Co mmittee shall
include a member of the Tompkins County Legislature, the County Commissioner of Human Resources,
and the County Administrator, or a designee of the County Administrator.
§ C-2.09. Vice Chair of the Tompkins County Legislature; powers and duties.
In the absence of the Chair, the duties of the Vice Chair shall include all duties and functions of the Chair,
excluding the appointment of the members of the standing committees. The Vice Chair shall serve either
at the direction of the Ch air or the dir ection of the Tompkins County Legislature, which direction shall
always supersede the Chair.
The Vice Chair shall rece ive no additional rem uneration unless he shall act as Chair in excess of 30
consecutive days after assuming the duties of Chair. Thereafter, the Vice Chair shall receive the salary of
the Chair of the Legislature, it being understood that the Chair's salary will be reduced to that of a County
Legislator until the Chair resumes the duties of Chair.
§ C-2.10. Reapportionment of the Tompkins County Legislature.
(a) Upon pu blication of the result of the fede ral decennial census for Tom pkins Count y, the
Tompkins County Legislature shall:
1. Appoint an Independent Redistricting Co mmission, which shall consist o f nine (9)
2. Adopt a deta iled charge to the Comm ission that sets forth the principal constitutional,
statutory, and polic y considerations for the Co mmission's deliberations, along with a deadline for the
submission of the Commission's report.
3. Make available to the Commission the important perspectives of the County Attorney and
the Board of Elections.
4. Provide the Co mmission with adequate professional, ad ministrative, and budgetary
support to carry out its responsibilities.
5. Encourage the use of public hearings, web sites, an d media releases to underscore th e
importance of transparency in Commission proceedings.
(b) The Commission:
1. The Chair of the Commission shall be appointed by the Tompkins County Legislature
and Vice Chair elected by the Commission.
2. The County Administrator shall designate appropriate staff to assist the Co mmission in
its work.
3. No currently serving elected municipal official, officer of any political party, or officer of
any political committee, shall be appointed as members of the Commission.
4. The members of the Commission shall be Count y residents, registered voters, and shall
be knowledgeable about Tom pkins County, its municipalities, and about government and electoral
5. Members of the Commission must be willing to work cooperatively and in a non-partisan
manner to prepare a reapportionment plan that is fair and unbiased.
6. Members of the Co mmission will develop the reapportionm ent plan in the manner
described in, and consistent with, the Charge given by the County Legislature.
(c) Upon receipt of such plan, the Count y Legislature may return it to the Co mmission for f urther
consideration of particular issues or accept it as the final plan.
(d) Upon receipt of the final plan, the County Legislature shall adopt a plan of reapportionm ent that
shall be the basis for nomination and election of the Tompkins County Legislature until the publication of
the next decennial census.
§ C-2.11. Standards of reapportionment.
The Tompkins County Legislature shall, in approving a plan of reapportionment, be guided by the goal of
equality of representation consistent with the policies of the State Legislature as interpreted by the courts
of appropriate jurisdiction.
Factors to consider are:
Minimization of the population variance among districts;
Compactness of districts;
Practicable consistency with existing municipal boundaries and neighborhoods within Tompkins
County; and
Balance and reasonableness of representation for th e diversity of citizens residing in all parts o f
the County.
§ C-2.12. Tompkins County Legislature; committees.
The Chair of the Tompkins County Legislature shall, within 30 days after election of chair, appoint from
among the membership of the Tompkins County Legislature, the chairs, vice chairs, and members of the
standing committees of the Legislature. The committees shall be no fewer than five nor more than eight in
number, deal ing with the main are as o f legislative policy, including but not limited to administration,
finance, bud get, personn el, planning , econom is d evelopment, public works , environm ental qualit y,
human services, health services, public safety and c orrection, education, cons umer protection, clim ate
adaptation, and facilities. Such committees shall meet regularly to consider policy and make legislative
recommendations to the Tom pkins Count y Legisl ature within their respectiv e categories of County
government functions. Special committees may be appointed as deemed necessary. All committees may
from tim e to time, subject to approval by t he Tompkins Count y Legisl ature, direct the Count y
Administrator or other County staff to assemble information to aid them in developing policy.
§ C-2.13. Tompkins County Legislature; advisory boards.
The Tom pkins Count y L egislature sh all endeavor to ensure that its appoint ments to adv isory b oards
include persons with relevant skills and also to reflect insofar as possible the culturally diverse population
of Tompkins County.
§ C-2.14. Clerk of the Tompkins County Legislature; appointment; term; powers and duties.
The Tom pkins Count y L egislature shall appoint a Cl erk of th e Legislature who shall be directly
responsible to, and serve at the pleasure of, said Legislature. The Clerk shall be responsible for the day-to-
day administration of the o ffice of the Count y Legislature, and perform such other and related duties as
may be conferred or imposed by the Tompkins County Legislature. The Clerk shall appoint such Deputy
Clerk(s), assi stants, and em ployees of the office as shall be authorized by the Tom pkins Count y
Legislature. The appoint ment of Dep uty Clerk(s) shall be subject to confirmation b y th e To mpkins
County Legislature.
§ C-2.15. Local laws; procedure for adoption, amendment, and repeal.
The Legislature may adopt, am end, and repeal loc al laws by not less than a majority vote of the total
number of its members pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Home Rule Law. Each local law shall
embrace only one subject and may relate to property, affairs or governm ent of the Count y, or any other
subject of Count y concern. In the exercise of su ch power, and within the limitations provided b y the
Municipal Home Rule Law, the County may change, supersede, or amend any act of the State Legislature.
§ C-2.16. Resolutions; procedure for adoption, amendment, and repeal.
The Tompkins County Legislature may adopt, amend, and repeal resolutions by not less than a majority
vote of the total nu tuber of its members, in the manner provided by the Rules of the To mpkins County
Legislature. Each resolution shall em brace only one subject and m ay relate to property or any other
subject of County concern not required by this Charter or other applicable laws to be provi ded by local
law. Resolutions shall not be subject to referenda.
§ C-2.17. Legalizing acts; procedure for adoption, amendment, and repeal.
The Tom pkins Count y L egislature may adopt, amend, and repeal legalizing acts by not less than a
majority vote of the total number of its mem bers, in the manner provided for in the County Law. Each
legalizing act shall embrace only one subject.
§ C-2.18. Petty cash funds; establishment.
The Tompkins County Legislature may by resolution establish a petty cash fund, in such am ount as it
may determine, for any officer, division, or department of County government. Expenditure from a petty
cash fund may be made only for payment of bills or claims in advance of audit by County procedures as
established by the Tompkins County Legislature. Such expenditures fro m petty cash funds shall be
subject to limitations as defined in appli cable law. The County Finance Director shall reimburse to such
petty cash fund, from the appropriate budgetary item or items, the amount so audited and approved. The
County Finance Director at any time may require the official responsible for the use of the petty cash fund
to account for the moneys in such fund.
§ C-2.19. Seal of the Tompkins County Legislature.
The Seal of t he County of Tompkins shall be the S eal of the To mpkins County Legislature. Such Seal
shall be used for all authorized and required purposes.
§ C-2.20. Failure of County -appointed officials to attend meetings.
When any member of a board, commis sion, comm ittee, ag ency, or aut hority, hol ding office b y
appointment of the Co unty Legislature or t he Chair of the County Legislature, fails to attend three
consecutive regular meetings of such board, commi scion, committee, agency, or authority , unless such
absence is for good cause and is excused by the chairman or other presiding officer thereof, or, in the case
of such chairman or other presiding officer, by the Chair of the Legislature, the office may be deemed
vacant by action of t he appointing authority for t he purposes of t he nomination and appoi ntment of a
Article 3. Department of County Administration
§ C-3.00. D epartment of County Adm inistration; Deputy Admini strators an d Dire ctors;
appointment; duties.
There shall b e a Department of County Administration under the direction of the County Administrator.
Within such Department there may be such Deputy Administrators and Direct ors as authorized by the
Tompkins Count y Legisl ature, who shall be appo inted b y the Count y Ad ministrator. Said Deputy
Administrators and Direct ors shall be directly responsible to, and serve at t he pleasure o f, the Count y
Administrator, except as provided by contract or Ci vil Service Law. Said Deput y Administrators and
Directors may be respons ible for o ne or in ore divisi ons or in ajor functions within the D epartment of
County Administration. The Deputy County Administrators shall possess the powers to act for and on
behalf of the County Administrator.
The Count y Adm inistrator shall have the power to appoi nt such assistan is and em ployees of the
Department as may be necessary to perform the duties of the offic e of County Administrator and as shal l
be authorized by the Tom pkins County Legislatur e. Such assistants and employ ees shall be directly
responsible to the County Administrator.
The Department of Count y Administration shall be r esponsible for furnishin g the basic elements of
centralized staff support for all County departments. The major functional categories of this Departmen t
are hereinafter referred to as divisions.
§ C-3.01. Chief Executive Officer.
The County Administrator shall be th e County's chief executive officer and ad ministrative head, and
except as may otherwise be provided in this Charter, shall have all the executive powers and perform all
the duties now or hereafter conferred or imposed by law upon a county chief executive officer or head of
the administrative branch of county government, to gether with all the powers and duties necessarily
implied or incidental thereto.
§ C-3.02. County Administrator; appointment; qualifications; term.
The County Administrator shall be app ointed by, be directly responsible to, and serve at the pleasure o f
the Tom pkins Count y Legislature. The Count y Adm inistrator shall have education or training an d
experience in administration acceptable to the Tompkins County Legislature.
§ C-3.03. County Administrator; powers and duties.
Pursuant to the responsibility for the administration of all County affairs, the County Administrator shall,
in addition to any other powers and duties provided by this Charter:
(a) Supervise the implementation of policies as determined by the Tompkins County Legislature;
(b) Appoint, subject to consultation with and c onfirmation by the Tompkins County Legislature and
Civil Service Law, the heads of all Count y departments and administrative units not ad ministered by an
elected offici al, except as otherwise provided by the Charter; rem ove, after consultation with the
Tompkins County Legislature and subject to Civil Se rvice Law, the heads of all County departments and
administrative units not administered by an elected official, except as otherwise provided by this Charter;
(c) Exercise supervision and control of all depart ments, offices, and agencies headed by appointed
officials, and unify the management of their affairs, subject to applicable provisions of this Charter;
(d) Oversee the activities of all other County departments, offices, and agencies as authorized by the
Tompkins County Legislature;
(e) Submit to the Tompkins County Legislature at least annually the order of succession of deputies
within County offices;
(f) Be responsible for the preparation and submission to the Tom pkins County Legislature of the
annual budget and capital program and execute the same as the Tompkins County Legislature may direct
by resolutio n and appro priation. For th is purpose, the Count y Adm inistrator shall have th e power to
obtain estimates of revenue and expenditures from all department heads;
(g) Provide for the ad ministration of supporting services and facil ities required in co mmon by
various units of County government;
(h) Provide for the transfer of all materials, supplies, and equipm ent for t he Count y except as
otherwise provided in this Charter;
(i) Supervise the implementation of contracts for services on behalf of the Count y, following their
authorization by the Tompkins County Legislature and execution by the Chair of the Tompkins County
Legislature or other parties designated by the Tompkins County Legislature;
0) Authorize any officer or employee of any unit of County government, except m embers of the
Tompkins County Legislature, to attend an y convention, conference, school, or other function for th e
betterment of County government, within the appropriations therefor. All necessary and actual expenses
in connection therewith shall be paid from County funds;
(k) Provide adeq uate insurance and surety bond coverage and/or adm inister adequate insurance
reserves to protect the County from all reasonable risks of loss or damage;
(1) Maintain with the approval of the Tompkins County Legislature an Administrative Policy Manual
defining operating policies and procedures for the administration of Tompkins County;
(m) Serve as the Freedom of Information Officer for the County;
(n) Have all the powers necessary and incidental to the performance and exercise of any of the duties
and functions lawfully delegated to the Office of County Administrator;
(o) Execute and enforce all resolutions and orders of the Tompkins County Legislature and all other
laws for the Tompkins County Legislature or other County officers subject to its control, and perform all
other duties and functions herein prescribed or lawful ly delegated to the office by the Tom pkins County
(p) Supervise the im plementation of contr acts and memoranda of understanding with o ther
governmental entities, including other counties and municipalities.
§ C-3.04. Administrative heads.
The County Administrator may appoint one person to h ead one or in ore administrative units, within the
Department of County Administration, subject to an y and all requirements as to qualifications, or the
County Administrator may so serve. If the head of any administrative unit within the D epartment of
County Administration is absent fro in the Count y o r unable to exercise the powers and duties of th e
office, the County Administrator shall exercise such powers and duties during th e period of such absence
or disability or may designate a person to exercise such powers and duties.
§ C-3.05. Custody of documents.
The County Administrator shall have custody of all insurance policies, surety bonds, deeds to Count y
property, and such other instruments as the Tompkins County Legislature may direct. Except as otherwise
provided by law, the County Administrator shall file, record, and maintain as p ublic records all original
instruments pertaining to real estate and duplicates of all other documents executed, issued or received for
the County by any officer or unit thereo f, provided, however, that upon t he sale of any real estate of th e
County, the documents relating thereto may be transferred to the purchaser.
Article 4. Department of Assessment
§ C-4.00. Department of Assessment; Director of Assessment; appointment; qualifications; power s
and duties.
There shall b e a D epartment of Asse ssment head ed by a Direc for of Asse ssment, who s hall meet the
standards as prescribed by the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance and t he local Civil
Service Office and approved by the Tompkins County Legislature, and whom the County Administrator
shall appoint, subject to confirmation by the Tompkins County Legislature.
The Director of Assessm ent shall have the power to appoint such deputies, assistants including at least
one assistant deputy and employees of the Department of Assessment as may be necessary to perform the
duties of the office of Director of Assessment, and as shall be authorized b y t he Tompkins Count y
Legislature. All deputies, assist ants, and employees of the Dep artment of A ssessment shall be directl y
responsible to the Director of Assessment.
The Director of Assessment shall be th e sole assessor for the sin gle assessing unit of Tompkins Coun ty
and shall:
(a) Assess, in the manner provided by applicable local and state law, and subject to review as herein
provided, all property situated in the County and liable to taxation for state, County, town, village, school,
and/or special district purposes, and in connection therewith have all of the powers and per form all the
duties of city, village, and town assessors within the County, and the assessment function of said city ,
villages, and towns is herewith transferred to the County government;
(b) Perform all the duties of County government relating to the extension of taxes and the issuance of
tax warrants and tax bills;
(c) Maintain tax records of title to real property within the County;
(d) Present to the To mpkins County Legislature for approval, prior to November 1 of each y ear, the
State -proposed Count y to x equalization rates cons istent with standards prescribed by the State
Legislature, and any other information that the Tompkins County Legislature shall request in connection
(e) Establish suitable procedures and facilities fo r the coordination of all mapping and tax roll
activities within the County;
(f) Except as may otherwise be provided in this Ch arter, perform such other and related duties as
may be required by the Tompkins County Legislature;
(g) In the absence of the Dire ctor of Asses sment, the Assistant Dire ctor of Asses sment shall ac t as
the sole Assessor for the single assessing unit of Tompkins County and carry out all the above duties;
(h) Upon request of the Director of Assessment a nd upon appr oval by the C ounty Legislature the
Department of Ass essment may contract to provide asses sment services for other municipalities
outside of Tompkins County.
§ C-4.01. County Board of Assessment Review; composition; terms of office; qualifications; duties;
procedure for review of assessments. Local Advis ory Boards of Asse ssment Review; composition;
(a) County Board of Assessment Review. There shall be a Count y Board of Assessment Review
consisting of at least three but no more than five members appointed by the Tompkins County Legislature
for five-year terms, provided, however, that not more than one term of office shall expire in any one year.
The members of the County Board of Assessment Review are appointed on the basis of knowledge of real
property values in the County . Neither the Director of Assessment nor any me mber of the staff of the
Department of Assessment shall be appointed to the Board of Assess ment Review. A majority of such
Board shall consist of mem bers who are not officer s or em ployees of County , city, town, or village
governments. The County Board of Assessment Review shall hear and determine complaints in relation to
assessments and shall have all the powers and duti es now or hereaft er i mposed by law on Boards of
Review by § 512 of the Real Property Tax Law and by any other law. The County Board of Assessment
Review shall be the final assessing authority for a 11 property concerning whic h a written corn plaint has
been filed. Such County Board shall meet to hear complaints in Ithaca, New York, at a time and place to
be fixed by such Board as provided f or in § 525 of the Real Property Tax Law. Notice of ac tion shall be
sent to each complainant concerning which an application for review has been filed.
(b) Local Advisory Boards of Assessment Revi ew. There shall be a Loc al Advisory Board of
Assessment Review for each city and town in the County, consisting of at le ast three members, at least
two of which to be appointed annually by the respective local government legislative body and who shall
be qualified electors and owners of real propert y in such city or town and, a third to be a member of the
Tompkins Count y Legisl ature elected fro m a district with in which all or p art of such city or town i s
located. A member of the professional staff of the Department of Asses sment shall be present at ea cb
meeting in a consulting capacity.
Each Local Advisory Board of Asses sment Revie w shall consider each co mplaint and/or grievance
concerning assessments from property owners within the city or town for which it is appointe d, and shall
conduct hearings in each such city or town at le ast annually , at which ti me it shall consider each
complaint and/or grievance and the owners of prope rty initiating each complaint and/or grievance shal 1
have an opportunity to be heard thereon. Upon completion of its hearing, each Local Advisory Board of
Assessment Review shall forward each complaint and/or grievance and its reco mmendations concerning
each complaint and/or gri evance to th e County Board of Assessm ent Review, which shall proceed to
consider each complaint and/or grievance, and th a recommendation of each Local Advisory Board of
Assessment Review thereon as provided in Paragraph (a) of this section.
Nothing in this paragraph shall preclude the right t o be heard only by the County Board of Assessment
Review. Application for review to the Local Adviso ry Board of Assessment Review is optional, and
presentation of a written complaint to the Local Advisory Board of Assessment Review is not a condition
precedent for consideration of or hearing on a complaint by the County Board of Assessment Review.
§ C-4.02. Rules and regulations for Assessment Department.
§ C-4.02.1. Taxable status dates.
All real property shall be assessed in t he city, town, v illage, and school district in which i t is situated
according to its condition and ownership as of the following dates:
City of Ithaca First day of March
Towns First day of March
School Districts The taxable status date of the Cit y or Town, as the case may be, shall be
controlling for school district purposes, except as otherwise provided in § 1302 of
the Real Property Tax Law
§ C-4.02.2. Form of assessment roll.
Names and addresses of owners on ass essment roll. The Director of Assessment and the Director's staf f
shall make a reasonable effort to ascertain the name of the owner, last known owner, or reputed owner of
real property on the taxable status date applicable. If, in the preparation of the assessment roll, an error or
omission is made in the description of a parcel of real property or in entering or failing to en ter the name
and address of the owner, last known owner, or reputed owner, such error or omission shall not prevent
the levy, collection, and enforcement of the payment of the taxes thereon if the parcel can be identified
and located with reasonable certainty.
Reference to the section, block, and lot num ber as shown on the appropriate cer tified tax map shall be
deemed a sufficient description of such parcel. Any other description that may appear on the assessment
roll, such as name, address, location, acres, or linear dimensions, shall be considered general information
only. All asse ssments shall be against th e real property itself which shall be li able to sal e pursuant to law
for any unpaid taxes or special ad valorem levies.
§ C-4.02.3. Duty of officers to furnish information.
(a) Building permits. All persons authorized to issue b uilding permits in the Count y, city, town, or
village therein, shall, not less frequently than once a month, deliver to the Director of Assessment a copy
of such permits or a list thereof.
(b) County Clerk. There shall be designated in the office of County Clerk a person or persons who, in
addition to other assigned duties, shall receive all conveyances of title for recording. Said person or
persons shall have the primary responsibility for the determination that all additional form s required by
law have been completed.
(c) Planning Boards. Planning Boards will indicat a those maps th at have had a final approval,
whereupon the surveyor, engineer, or developer shall submit two paper prints of such subdivision to the
Tax Map Section. One paper print shall be retained by the Tax Map Section pursuant to § 334 of the Real
Property Tax Law. The second cop y shall be returned to t he developer with the or iginal tax map
number(s) of the tract(s) certified thereon.
(d) Highway officials. County, city, town, and village officials in charge of highway planning an d
appropriation of land ther efor, shall notify the Ta x Map Geographic Inform ation S ystems Unit of a ny
appropriation of lands for public ri ghts-of-way. An appropriation in ap shall be prepared showing th e
extent to which lots as shown on the tax map are affected. A copy of such map shall be filed with the Tax
Map Geographic Information System Unit at the time of appropriation.
(e) Town Supervisors, School Superintendents, Village Mayors, City Mayor. Any resolution that
affects the levy or collection of taxes (including any exemptions from real property taxes that were passed
by local option) shall be recorded with the Director of Assessment immediately, but no later than 30 days
after passage.
§ C-4.02.4. Tentative completion of assessment rolls.
The Director of Assessment shall annually com plete the tentative assessment roll, and c ause a copy
thereof to be prepared by the first day of May.
The Director shall forthwith cause a notice, the contents of which are hereinafter set forth, to be published
once in the official newspaper(s) of the County of Tompkins and/or if no newspaper has been designated
the official newspaper, in a newspaper having general circulation in such city or town, on or before the
eighth day of May.
The city, town, or village clerk shall cause a copy of the published notice to be posted on the signboard
maintained f or the posting of legal notices at the entrance of the clerk 's offi ce for the cit y, town, or
Such notice shall state: that the tentative assessment roll has been completed; that a copy thereof has been
left with the city, town, or village clerk at a specified place where it may be examined by any person until
the day specified for the meeting of the Count y B oard of Assessment Review; that a member of the
professional staff of the Depart ment of Assessment will be in attendance with such tentative assessment
roll at a specified place during a specified period of at least four hours be tween nine o 'clock in the
morning and ten o'clock in the evenin g on a specified da y or days after the first of Ma y; that the Local
Board of Assessment Review will meet to consider complaints in relation to assessments of real property;
the place, date, and hours of such meeting, including at least thr ee hours, not necessarily continuous,
between nine o'clock in the morning and ten o'clock in the evening. Publication of such notice must occur
at least one week before the day the Local Board of Asses sment Review is required to meet to hear
§ C-4.02.5. Notice of assessment changes.
Preliminary assessment -change notices may be in ailed no sooner than one hundred twent y (120) days
prior to the filing of the tentative assessment roll pursuant to Section 510 of the NYS Real Property Tax
Law. Additionally, following the filing of the tentative assessment roll between the first and fifth days of
May, the Director of the Department of Assessment shall mail to each owner of real property a notice of
any change in asses sment thereof that has changed in value since the preliminary assessment roll or who
filed an informal assessment review form, and whose assessment did not change as a result of the review.
Failure to mail such notice or failure of the own er to receive the same shall not prevent the levy ,
collection, and enforcement of the payment of the taxes on such real property.
§ C-4.02.6. Complaints with respect to assessments.
Complaints with respect to assess ments may be file d in accordance with § 524 Real Property Tax Law
with the Department of Assessment at any time prior to the meeting of the County Assessment Board of
Assessment Review or at the ti me of s uch meeting. The meetings of said Boa rd of Asses sment Review
shall be held on the 4t" Tuesday of May.
Complainants shall file th e prescribed form(s) a s s et forth by law specify ing the respe ct i n which the
assessment complained of is illegal, erroneous, or unequal, which statement must be made by the person
whose property is asses sed, or by some person authorized by the owner to make such statement who has
knowledge of the facts stated therein.
§ C-4.02.7. Correction of Assessment roll by County Board of Assessment Review.
Pursuant to § C -4.01(a) and (b) and in accordance with § 525 Real Property Tax Law, the County Board
of Asse ssment Review s hall thereafte r deter mine the final ass essment of t he real property of each
complainant. Such assessment may be the same as or 1 ess than the original asses sment, or, if determined
to be illegal, the same shall be stricken from the roll. All changes in the tentative assessment roll made by
the County Board of Assessment Review shall be entered on such roll on or prior to the twent y -first day
of June.
§ C-4.02.8. Final completion of assessment roll and verifications thereof.
The annual assessment rolls shall be finally completed and verified on or before the first day of July.
When the assessment roll has b een completed, the Director of Assess ment will appear before any officer
of the County authorized by law to administer oaths and shall make and subs cribe before such officer an
oath in the following form:
"I , Director of Assessment, do depose and swear that, to the
best of my knowledge and belief, the foregoing fi nal assessment roll conforms in all respect s to
the tentative asse ssment roll with the exception of changes made by the Board of Asses sment
Review and assessments made by the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance."
Such written or printed oath shall be a part of the assessment roll, signed by t he Directo r of
Assessment, and certified by the officer before whom this oath is sworn.
§ C-4.02.9. Filing of completed assessment roll; notice thereof.
On or before the dates provided for i n § C-4.02. 8, the Director of Assessment shall file a nd thereafter
keep on file in the Department of Assessment a ce rtified cop y of the com pleted and verified Count y
assessment roll. At the same ti me a certified copy of the completed and verified portion of the Count y
assessment roll shall be filed in the appropriate offices of the city, town, and village clerks.
When the com pleted County assessment roll assessment roll shall have been filed as provi ded in § C-
4.02.8, the Director of Assessment shall forthwith cause a notice, the contents of which are hereinafter set
forth, to be published once in the official newspaper(s) of the County of Tompkins,or if no newspaper has
been designated the officia 1 newspaper, in a newspap er having general circulation i n such city or town.
The clerks of the cit y, towns, and villages shall cause a copy of t he published no tice to be posted on the
signboard maintained for the posting of legal notices at the entrance of the clerk's office for the city, town,
or village.
Such notice shall state that the assess ment roll has be en finalized and a certified copy thereof has been
filed in the office of the Director of Assessment and in the office o f the city, town, or village clerk, and
will be open for public inspection.
§ C-4.02.10. Proceedings for further review of assessments rendered by the Board of Asses sment
An assessment on the com pleted and verified County assessment roll shall be reviewed in the manner
provided by the Real Property Tax Law of the State of New York.
§ C-4.02.11. School district assessment roll.
The assessment annuall y made and co mpleted in and fo r the cit y and the towns by the Department of
Assessment shall be the assessment for school -district tax purposes. The Director of Assessment shall, on
or before the first day of July, prepare a separat a assessment r oll of proper ty situated within school
districts, which separate assessment roll shall be a d uplicate of that part of the County assessment roll
wholly or partly within each school district.
§ C-4.02.12. Village assessment roll.
The assessment annually made and completed for the Towns by the Depart ment of Assessment shall be
the assessment for village to xes to be 1 evied in the following cale ndar year. The Director of Assessment
shall, on or before the first day of July, prepare a separate assessment roll of property situated within such
village, which separate assessment roll shall be a duplicate of that part of the Count y assessment roll
wholly within each village.
§ C-4.02.13. Apportionment of assessment and taxes.
Apportionments of assessment and taxes shall be done in conformance with § 932 of the R eal Property
Tax Law.
§ C-4.02.14. Correction of errors in assessment roll.
(a) The Director of Asses sment shall exercise and cause the provision of the appr opriate sections of
the Real Property Tax Law to be carried out re garding the petition of assessors for correction of
assessment roll.
(b) The Tompkins County Legislature likewise shall act in accordance with the provision of the Real
Property Tax Law upon the petition of the Director of Assessment.
§ C-4.02.15. Validity of assessment roll.
Any incorrect statement of the nam e of the owner or owners of any property described on the Count y
assessment roll shall in no way affect the validity of such assessment roll.
§ C-4.02.16. When lands imperfectly described.
The Director of Assessment may correct any imperfect description in the city, town, and village or school
district assessment rolls at any time before the lands are advertised for sale for the nonpayment of taxes or
easements, and not thereafter.
§ C-4.02.17. Assessments for benefit districts.
(a) Annually on or before the fifteenth day of August, the Director of Assessment shall cause to be
prepared assessment rolls for each and every special district that levies charges on a benefit basis.
(b) As each special district is initially approved by a municipality, a map or list showing the tax -map
number of each parcel included in the special district shall be filed with the Tax -Map section.
(c) There upon the parcels so designated on the tax ma p shall be so coded to enable the preparation
of special -district assessment rolls.
(d) When the special -district assessment rolls are finally completed as provided in Subdivision (a) of
this section, they shall be delivered to the Town Clerk or other lawfully designated person who shall open
them to public review pursuant to § 239 of the Town Law.
(e) On or before the fifteenth day of November, all special -district assessment rolls shall be returned
to the Director of Assessment to be included in and levied upon the town tax roll.
(f) The Tompkins County Legislature by resolution may authorize the Directo r of Assessment to
perform and render any additional service on a time and materials basis, pertaining to the preparation and
extension of assessment rolls for towns or special -district purposes levied on a benefit basis.
§ C-4.02.18. Assessment staff. prohibited activities; training.
A member of the professional or clerical staff shall not engage directly or indirectly in the business of
real-estate broker, or as an insurance agent or broker , nor shall he/she speculate or deal in real estate
where prohibited by law, nor engage in the collection of data or appraise real estate within the boundaries
of Tompkins County for a fee or any other form of payment. These restrictions shall not be c onstrued to
prevent the ar ms -length purchase or sale of real estate on the open m arket within the boundaries of
Tompkins County.
No person shall be employed and/or assigned duties that directly relate to the appraisal of real property
for purposes of taxation unless he/she meets the minimum qualification standards established by the New
York State Department of Taxation and Finance.
Such appraisal personnel shall attend courses of training and education prescribed by the New York State
Department of Taxation and Finance within the limits of the appropriation provided therefor.
§ C-4.02.19. Review and revaluation.
All real property in the County of Tompkins shall be valued at a uniform percentage of fair market value
and reviewed by the professional appraisal staff of the Department of Assessment under the guidance of
the Director and the Assistant Director(s) of Asses sment at time periods determined by resolution of the
County Legislature.
Article 5. Budgeting Procedures and Controls
§ C-5.00. Fiscal year.
The fiscal y ear of the County shall begin with the fi rst day of January and end with the last day of
December of each year.
§ C-5.01. Operating budget; requests.
(a) Notification of dates and data. The County Administrator, or a designee, annually shall notify, in
writing, the head of each administrative department and authorized agency receiving County funds during
the fiscal year, of the following: (1) the date fixed to receive estimates of revenues and appropriations for
the ensuing fiscal year; (2) the forms and information to be contained in such estimates and requests; and
(3) such pol icy guidelines as may be provided b y the Tom pkins Count y Le gislature for determining
appropriation lim its and priorities. This notification shall be sent to the head of each administrative
department and authorized agency not less than 30 days prior to the date fixed for submission of requests.
(b) Submission of revenue estimates and appropriation requests. On or before the date established by
the County Administrator each year, the head of each administrative department of County government or
authorized agency shall furnish to the County Administrator an estimate of revenues and appropriations of
the respective department or authorized agency for the ensuing fiscal y ear, exclusive of capital projects.
Each estimate shall show the sources o f revenues and character and object of appropriations, which may
be subclassif ied by functi on and shall be subdi vided according to the i nternal organization of such
department. Estimates shall be submitted in such fo rm and shall contain such additional inf ormation as
the County Administrator shall prescribe, provided that the estimate of expenditures shall constitute or be
accompanied by a request for an appr opriation. A proposed work program detailing the utilization of
requested appropriations shall be furnished by each department or authorized agency upon request.
(c) Failure to submit. In the event that the head of any department fails to submit an estimate by the
date specified, the County Administrator shall forthwith prepare such estimate.
(d) Review of request. The C ounty Administrator, upon receipt of t he estimates and requests fo r
appropriations, shall proceed to make such review and investigation thereon as may be deemed necessary,
including the procurement of additional data from the head of any department of County government. The
head of each department or any officer or employee thereof and any authorized agency requesting County
funds may be required to f urnish data and information and answer inquiries per tinent to such review or
§ C-5.02. Capital program; requests.
(a) Submission of capital proj ect requests. For the purpose of this section "capital project" is defined
in the County's Fiscal Policy and as it may be amended. On or before the date established by the County
Administrator each y ear, the head of each a dministrative depart ment and authorized agency
contemplating a capital project within the next fiv e y ears shall furnish to t he County A dministrator a
description, justification, and esti mate for each cap ital project that is proposed for development during
one or more of the ensuing five fisc al years. Each such capital p roject request shall show: development
time s chedule; esti mated costs for pla nning; site or right-of-way, constructi on, equipm ent and other
features; status of plans and land acquisition; anticip ated effect of project on annual operating bud get for
each of the ensuing three y ears following com pletion of the project; proposed method of paying for
project, indicating the amount pro posed to be fi nanced by dire ct budgetary appropriatio n or dul y
established reserve funds, the amount to be financed by the issuance of obligations, showing the proposed
type or types of obligations together with the period of probable usefulness for which they are proposed to
be issued; pr oposed sources of financi al aid; r ecommended appropriations by y ears, including total
appropriations remaining beyond t he five -y ear period of the capital progra in, if any ; pr evious years'
appropriation, if an y, and actual expenditures in prior years and such other information as the County
Administrator may prescribe. Such capital program requests shall be submitted on such forms and in such
manner as the County Administrator may prescribe.
(b) Review of request. The C ounty Administrator, upon receipt of t he esti mates and requests fo r
capital proje cts shall proceed to make such r eview and inves tigation thereon that may be dee med
necessary, including the procurement of additional da to from the head of any department of County
government and including the review and comment of the appro priate Commissioners and Department
Heads. The head of each department or any officer or em ployee thereof a