HomeMy WebLinkAbout1.16.25 CB Meeting packet TOWN OF ITHACA NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING 215 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca NY 14850 607-273-1747 www.townithacanygov TO: CONSERVATION BOARD MEMBERS FROM: MICHAEL SMITH, SENIOR PLANNER DATE: JANUARY 9, 2025 SUBJECT: UPCOMING CONSERVATION BOARD MEETING — JANUARY 16, 2025 This is to confirm that the next meeting of the Conservation Board (CB) is Thursday, January 16th at 5:30 p.m. The agenda for this meeting is enclosed (see the back of this memo). The draft minutes from the December 5th meeting are attached. Please email me any spelling, grammatical, or other minor edits you have prior to the meeting. At this meeting we will take some time to discuss the CB's activities and accomplishments from 2024, the 2025 work goals, and the 2025 committee assignments. Please review these attached draft documents for additions or modifications. At this meeting we will also continue the discussion of CB member recruitment ideas. As a reminder to everyone, please start thinking about nomination ideas for the next Richard B. Fischer Environmental Conservation Award. The deadline is February 28, 2025. The nomination information (eligibility details, nomination requirements, selection process, etc.) and the new nomination form can be found on the Town's website at https://townithacany.gov/richard-fischer-award/. James is signed up to take minutes at the January meeting. If you have any questions prior to the meeting or are not able to attend, please contact me at msmith(a)townithacany.gov or 607-273-1747. ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ TOWN OF ITHACA CONSERVATION BOARD 5:30 p.m., Thursday, January 16, 2025 ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ Aurora Conference Room 215 N. Tioga Street Ithaca,New York 14850 (The rear entrance is handicapped accessible) (607)273-1747 Members of the public are welcome to attend in-person at Town Hall or virtually via Zoom (httys://zoom.us/i/6750593272). AGENDA 1. Persons to be heard 2. Members comments/concerns 3. Environmental Review Committee Update (Lori) 4. Chair and Coordinator reports 5. Approval of minutes from December 5, 2024 6. Discussion of - Town of Ithaca Conservation Board Activities &Accomplishments for 2024 - Conservation Board 2025 Work Goals - Conservation Board Committees 2025 7. Discussion of Conservation Board member recruitment ideas 8. Regular reports and updates (6:30 pm) a. Scenic Resources Committee (Eva) b. Communications Committee (Ingrid) C. Tompkins County EMC (Ingrid) d. Six Mile Creek Volunteer Monitoring Program (James) e. Cornell Botanic Gardens Natural Areas Program (James) 9. Other Business(6:50 p.m.) 10. Review 2025 Work Goals (Frank)/Discuss February Agenda II. Adjourn (7:00 p.m.) Conservation Board Members and Associates(*) Lori Brewer(Chair),Frank Cantone(Vice-Chair),Lindsay Dombroskie*, James Hamilton,Eva Hoffmann,Ingrid Zabel Town of Ithaca Conservation Board Meeting December 5, 2024, 5:30 p.m. (In Person at Town Hall and via Zoom Video Conference) Draft Minutes Members present: Lori Brewer (Chair), Frank A. Cantone (Vice-Chair), James Hamilton, Eva Hoffmann, Ingrid Zabel Staff present: Michael Smith (Senior Planner) Guests: Andrew Molnar, Daniel Seib, and Caroline Ashurst (all via Zoom). 1. Persons to be heard: The above community members urged the Conservation Board (CB) to oppose construction of the 138-foot Verizon cell tower at Wiedmaier Court. The Town Zoning Board of Appeals is currently reviewing Verizon's application. The tower would present an eye sore, decrease property values, impact wildlife, affect survival of endangered species, and impose harmful health effects of people living at Wiedmaier Court. Alternative options exist (e.g., smaller cells on existing poles), but Verizon is focused on the proposed site and will not consider other options. The tower would create precedence for other such disruptive projects in the Town. Additionally, community members cited a low level of decorum at Planning Board meetings. 2. Members comments/concerns: a. The Town Planning Board has already approved the site plan for the Verizon cell tower. The Zoning Board has yet to approve the height variance, which allows a maximum of 30 feet. The CB will submit a letter to the Zoning Board asking it to reject any height variance. b. Related to the Field Hockey project, Eva asked if Cornell has provided any comprehensive plan for the eastern edge of campus, particularly east of East Hill Plaza toward Game Farm Road. — 3. Environmental Review Committee Update: a. The ERC reviewed the proposed generator project at Cayuga Medical Center and did not identify any concerns. b. The Planning Board is currently reviewing the sketch plan for the Cornell field hockey site along Game Farm Road. The Board has not determined what level of environmental review will be required for the project. Cornell indicated that the carpet proposed for the field hockey site will not contain any infill (e.g., shredded tires). However, shearing of the carpet fibers during use is still a concern. The Town's Planning Committee discussed the moratorium idea on the use of plastic carpets, based on the CB letter to the Town Board. C. Lori presented two research studies - Combined toxicity of perfouroalkyl substances and microplastics on the sentinel species Daphnia magna: Implications for freshwater ecosystems. Environmental Pollution 363 (part 1), 15 December 2024,125133; Making invisible chemicals used in plastic materials visible. eBioMedicine 2024 November, 109:105422. d. Ingrid contacted a lab at Cornell that measures PFAS and provided some locations for measurement. No word of any action. Page 1 of 2 4. Chair & Coordinator Reports: Coordinator report: a. Maplewood 2 site plan will be on the Planning Board's 12 December agenda. b. Safestreetstompkins.com - Tompkins County and ten municipalities have come together to prepare a comprehensive Safe Streets for All Joint Safety Action Plan and there are a couple of public meetings coming up. 5. Approval of minutes from November 2024 meeting: James moved and Lori seconded. All approved. 6. Discussion of Conservation Board member recruitment ideas: a. Mike suggested that the CB place an information table in Town Hall lobby as a recruitment tool for when people come to pay taxes in person for the month of January. b. The Town considers the CB as a full board at nine members, of which five is needed for a quorum. With the resignation of Mike R. we only have five members. Do we wish to change the number of CB members to seven, for example, to reduce pressure for quorum? If we get a lot of interest in the future, it could always be changed back to nine members for a full board, and there is always the option of having more associate members. Mike S. will consult with the Town attorney and work with the Town Board to make the change. 7. Regular reports and updates: a. Scenic Resources: No updates. b. Communications Committee: Facebook statistics (e.g., post engagements, likes) trended downward over the last month. C. Tompkins County EMC: No regular EMC meeting this month, but there was a special public meeting on UNA's. Ingrid forwarded an email regarding Cargill d. Six Mile Creek Volunteer Monitoring Program: Volunteers did water sampling on November 19t". Beaver pond has been created at a site James usually uses. Samples are being analyzed. e. Cornell Botanic Gardens Natural Areas Program: Volunteers have been visiting South Hill Swamp on South Hill to remove invasive plants that have been moving in. On the south bank of Beebe Lake at the toboggan slope, volunteers were planting native trees where they previously killed all the invasives. 8. Other business: a. Members approved the 2025 meeting schedule (James moved and Ingrid seconded). January's meeting is scheduled for 16 January instead of 2 January. b. Chair and vice-chair for 2025: Lori Brewer was recommended as chair (James moved and Frank seconded), and Frank Cantone was voted as vice-chair (Ingrid moved and Lori seconded). 9. Review 2024 Work Goals: a. Postponed until January 2025 meeting. 10. Adjourn: at 7:00 pm Minutes drafted by Frank A. Cantone. Page 2 of 2 Conservation Board Committees - 2025 Environmental Review Committee (review of applications for site plan approval, subdivision approval, rezoning, special permits and zoning variances for the PB, ZBA, TB) Lori Brewer— Chair Lindsay Dombroskie Eva Hoffmann Scenic Resources Committee (interpretative view signs, scenic views map.,and guide) Eva Hoffmann— Chair James Hamilton Communications Committee (Richard B. Fischer Environntal Conservation Award, Town newsletter, CB website & Facebook pages, recruitment, education & outreach) Ingrid Zabel— Chair James Hamilton Lindsay Dombroskie Other Appointments: Tompkins County Environmental Management Council—Ingrid Zabel Six Mile Creek Volunteer Monitoring Program—James Hamilton Cornell Botanic Gardens Natural Areas Program—James Hamilton January 9,2025 Town of Ithaca Conservation Board 2025 Work Goals Goal and Supporting Actions Goal Steward Conduct and improve environmental review process to better promote environmental conservation. Make field trips to application sites. Promote awareness of the importance of scenic resources. • Get permission to place the third view sign on Cornell land at the intersection of Snyder Hill and Pine Tree Roads. Refine and finish earlier draft language and design for this sign and get approval of the draft from the whole CB. Send the design to our local design firm for final layout before sending it to the manufacturer of the earlier signs. Work with the Town Highway Department to get the sign located the optimal way at the site. • Update the Scenic Viewmap and guide brochure. �- Continue outreach through both traditional and new social media methods, including Facebook and Instagram pages and newsletter articles to encourage and foster more public participation in conservation of our resources and environment. Ingrid • Post 4-5 times per month articles and events of interest. • Generate novel text periodically. • Solicit input at outreach events and on Facebook from residents on environmental issues that are important to them. • Outreach can focus on topics like land & water conservation, bluebird boxes, invasive species & other pest management, promoting biodiversity, and converting lawns to pollinator gardens. Continue ongoing activities such as Fischer Award, Earth Day (April 22"d), Invasive Species Week. • Nominate and select Fischer James awardee! • Plant a tree and host a rollicking party! Conduct quarterly and a year-end review of goals and accomplishments. • Track progress on goals. Frank • Communicate accomplishments to the public and the Town Board. Conservation Board recruitment and public engagement Lori • Host 1-2 public events per year Assist IAMh iMnrwerv.entc at M'telA Park l..l-ve 20 plant labels printed I►A and inetalled • Device tevt in entry kiAQL Revised 01/06/2025 2 Town of Ithaca Conservation Board Activities & Accomplishments for 2024 Awarded its 2ISt annual Richard B. Fischer Environmental Conservation Award to Adrianna Hirtler and held a tree planting ceremony in Tudor Park where an American Basswood trees was planted; Environmental Review Committee continued to provide comments on 6 site plan and subdivision projects; Provided support to the Town's Deer Management Program, including research and discussions regarding browse monitoring methods; Continued to update and monitor the Conservation Board Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/IthacaConservationBoard) and the new Instagram account (hops://www.instagram.com/townofithacaconservationboard/); 41 Hosted a public invasive species education event (Ten Nasty Invaders) at the Town's East Ithaca Nature Preserve in June as part of NYS's Invasive Species Awareness Week; 4' Discussed several topics related to Indigenous Environmental Justice throughout 2024, including work being done to create an ethnobotanic trail, highlighting I I plants at Tutelo Park (hops://townithacany.,,�ov/tutelo-park-plant-walk/); 4' Discussed several NYS regulations or programs including the new NYS Freshwater Wetland regulations, the NYS Open Space Conservation Plan update, and the NYS 30 x 30 Conservation Strategies and Plan. LM January 9,2025