HomeMy WebLinkAboutPWC Minutes 1998-10-27 Town of Ithaca Public Works Committee Meeting October 27, 1998, 8:00 a.m. Town of Ithaca Highway Facility 1. Approval of Minutes 2. Discussion regarding Intermunicipal Agreements. 3. Discussion regarding Coddington Road Community Center Parking Lot Improvements. 4. Discussion regarding Bridge Agreement. 5. Update on Northeast Storm Water Management Projects. ghk • pc: Mary Bryant, Administrative Assistant Joan Lent Noteboom,Town Clerk Andrew Frost, Director of Zoning/Building Jonathan Kanter, Director of Planning • asPosI `E PinitA TOWN OF 4 ITHACA Public Works Committee October 27, 1998 Present: David Klein, chairperson; Fred Noteboom,Gene Redman, Rich Schoch, and Cathy Valentino The meeting began at 8:10 a.m. 1.Telephone System Fred Noteboom talked about the Highway facility's need for a new phone system. Fred explained that the system we are looking at is the same as the system at Town Hall. The two systems can be linked for an additional cost. This would allow Town Hall to use extensions to reach the Highway facility. Fred explained that we can get the phone system now, and next year purchase the voice mail for the system. David suggested looking into pricing from places like AT&T,and then talk to Al Carvil about the policy on such purchases. Cathy Valentino said that,with Town Hall's system, the Town did not have to get quotes because of necessity, since the old system was not useable anymore. The Highway facility's system is old and we can no longer get phones if one breaks. We have several phones that are not working properly. Cathy said the Town should purchase the phone system,along with the extra phone and the power supply, this year. The voice mail can be purchased next year. There was a discussion regarding the fund balances. There is money in the Highway equipment accounts to purchase this. 2,Intermunicipal Agreement Cathy said that Tompkins County has published a report on their findings regarding intermunicipal agreements. Basically,the report indicated that the municipalities were happy with the present way of sharing equipment and services. She also indicated that the report said the municipalities are less happy with agreements with Tompkins County. Cathy asked Fred to summarize the report in his monthly Town Board Report. Fred indicated that in 1994,Tompkins County tried to put together a loose agreement for the Towns and County to sign. This never materialized, but Fred did receive from New York State a model of loose agreements to follow. Fred explained that at present, the Towns of Ithaca, Enfield, Ulysses, Newfield,Caroline, and Danby work together to put down shoulders on roads. They pool together the staff and trucks and use the Town of Ithaca's shoulder machine. Fred also indicated that there is legislation presently before the New York State legislature to allow Highway Superintendents to sign such agreements,and then inform their respective boards within 30 days. • 4 • ffr, - ‘°‘ 111N,41 . kV HI 1 '11.,)1.01W()T (""'••. )eiho'N 4"t -15f!'.:' • , • • _ . -Ii•)(••&)? 115.1)4 ..ni‘ r),rboodwolA b5.11 :41003(1-iiii0,; ;•)1>i Li /41 I itn:Al •/ ") 0 :8 !f DEIT .I .u.i,taxe• •ti7.v7E11-{ 21 fPjCj }) 1.4.1,1 ( R)ori,,t00 bi- d ')wi ser .11f11-I pioTr in.)1?y,?. dj ratie. 111.)lool 71R 37/ riy ii lvd.1 .{BwrignI Dril ri:)sf.ft 01 erothtiviliu `J;;I• 01 11;41 ftw,,,T •vor4: 1)11J(J•i, 1).»iint • 3•.-.)io.,/ 061 .tinyii1);!(.1 7/Oft Ji u Nil 1'11; Ak;') •),/! ty-wic!ciy.., b 1 •,.,±1 %ti.; Kit 111, d‘ ii!b! fi';1, hiii .T.:ZTA vtikg.); biw biVr(1 .. ?nrrM OT 9/A fOL1 .P140-1 f.711 ,/iMer ;1141 „J;;/-'1 biga blo ei cn,t?v? i i -10(ilyng !) 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Cathy said that she would initiate talks with Tompkins County regarding the current system of salting and plowing the County roads within the Town of Ithaca. She does not understand why the Town of Dryden receives more money for the service,when the Town of Ithaca does as many miles of road. Fred said that it is difficult to figure out the County's formulas for calculating costs for snow removal services and equipment uses. There was a discussion regarding the Tompkins County Board of Representatives not approving the Tompkins County Highway Department expansion. 3. Coddington Road Community Center Fred indicated that there is not enough parking at the Coddington Road Community Center when the ball field is in use. The cars end up parking on the roadside, which is dangerous. David asked about the Community Center's expansion. Fred indicated that is why we did not work on the parking lot this year. David asked if the Town owns the land or if we use it under a contract. Rich Schoch indicated that there is an agreement in place with the Coddington Road Community Center. David asked if there were any figures for the expansion of the parking lot. Fred does not see this project as very expensive to complete. He indicated that the materials would cost$10,000 or less. Rich indicated that better backstops,and even soccer goals, could be purchased. Rich showed the Committee a map indicating the changes proposed for the parking lot. Rich indicated that the easement starts at the hedgerow. The expansion would create more parking on the side of the ball field. David indicated that if the ball field could be moved,60' would then be available for double rows of parking. David asked if the Town is making the parking improvements for the Community Center? Rich indicated that we want to make the expansion for the ball field. Cathy asked when the ball games take place. Rich indicated that most games are during the evenings, and the Coddington Road Community Center uses it during the day,but are out of the lot by the time the games start. David asked if the Planning Board has reviewed this yet. Fred said no,he will discuss this with Jonathan Kanter. This project needs to be discussed with John Barney and Jonathan Kanter,then back to the Public Works Committee,then to the Town Board. Cathy suggested that Fred bring this up at the next staff meeting;that way it will get better attention. 4. Bridge Agreements Cathy indicated that the Tompkins County Board of Representatives passed a resolution regarding the maintenance of bridges within Tompkins County. She said that the bridge list is good, and they added a paragraph which allows for municipalities to negotiate the costs of repairs instead of being locked into a 80/20 split. , mU `,11;111',„Ed i•V4 tr.". 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She suggested that the Town do the engineering work and the County pay the Town 80 percent. Fred indicated that he has been monitoring the work at the W.King Road bridge. It seems to the workers(and Fred) that the project was over engineered. They are putting much more concrete in than needed. This seems to be a problem in other places too. Seems like a waste of money. This is another reason for having the Town do the engineering work for the bridges within the Town of Ithaca. 5. Update on the Northeast Storm Water Management Projects Fred indicated that the Dewitt Pond project is completed,with the exception of some plantings that will have to wait for spring. Rich Schoch indicated that only a few trees where taken down to complete the project. The Town will seed the area with a rye and put in a couple of plantings on the Briggs property in the spring. Cathy asked if Lexington Drive has been ditched yet. Fred said no,but we will get it done this year. Fred indicated that some of the delays this summer were due to underground facilities. Fred indicated that brush pick up took three days this fall. Leaves start on November 2. Fred said that 12,000 feet of pipe was laid this year(Honness Lane,Eastwood Commons,and Dewitt Pond). Cathy said that we have made good production this year. Fred indicated that we will start work on the Christopher Lane project November 2. Gene Redman indicated that we will be pulling in underground pipe on Christopher Lane to about 200 feet past Blackstone Avenue. David asked if this will help the Ruoffs on Texas Lane. Fred said it will not;it will not subtract any water going down. We will send a letter to the homeowners on this,since the road will be closed during the day. David asked if the driveways will be repaired this year. Gene said not until next year. With the exception of the driveways,this project will be completed this year. 6.Miscellaneous There was a discussion regarding the speed limit on West Haven Road. The residents wanted the speed limit changed from 40 MPH to 30 MPH. The state turned this request down. Fred will send Mr. Slated(106 West Haven)a copy of the States letter. Cathy suggested inviting them to the Town Board meeting since a NYS DOT representative will be there. There was a brief discussion regarding the Town-wide speed limit and we will wait to discuss this more after the Town Board Meeting. Fred informed the Committee that the boards on the Upstream Bridge on Forest Home Drive had to be replaced. When they were taking them up,they found problems with one of the stringers. It Y'i ��1`.'1 ':'l !..�) i's!.il ,•�J•. ' ,, Ifflr u: ' grill, ,. n!' . 'i �� sal _t ,I ,..1 !Ila'. ) a);. iL'Jt.i'. 'iY . .. .i +: I.. ;t ! :r L , (1I'. 1'; if :f . , 'Cl , ,'_;,;rf; L!tI :d' Irr 1 _.. .I(I'I it;l )% I,'f ri ;r.' 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JnH i. / l I I L; !�' '>IJ I!, J 'JJ)ll .7'1•:f 'I (-1 . yl1 'ulii" :(I, .�.i "UI 'sla • 1 ) a,. 1 rfSJ' I , - II, if. ,l.,fsr mid 9r.I .V Il'Ji:afl' I)�`s.i'! , ,'1[(1 i ). • j ._i' .'tin • • ' 'i' /111;:-i ll's'r7 „) .'I!;I `1 1 . i�.•r i ;r:•'I rir) : ,.,:CI .• I ll.r'' h ,k• , . •_,n, .IY. • '(;') (.,'1 itIIi 1 I', 'f ') , tiles 1.1 , '1f IC1Ul I Public Works Committee Minutes, October 27, 1998 Page 4 will cost about$4,000 to fix the stringer. Cathy said that some people have complained that the guide rails obstruct the view. Fred indicated that the County and the Town of Dryden,along with the Town of Ithaca would like to purchase an excavator. The Town would have equal partnership in the machinery. The County estimates the cost at about$180,000,although we have talked to LB Smith and they say it is more likely to cost around$95,000. The Town would be able to work in bedrock better,along with water and sewer repairs. We have rented an excavator the whole summer. David asked who would have control,with three different entities? Fred said probably the County would deal with that. Cathy said that we need to think about this some more.It might be better to purchase an excavator alone. Possibly the costs could be spread between highway,water and sewer. There was a discussion regarding tracking in-kind services. E.King Road: Fred indicated that he met with NYS DOT and Ward Hungerford from Tompkins County. According to NYS DOT,that is a Town road. This dates back to the 1960s. The Town does not have any record of this. We have asked the State to provide us with documentation ( regarding this. DOT will refer this to Barry Stevens in Traffic Safety. Stone Quarry: Fred indicated that he has looked at the intersection and was not sure that we want to change it. Possibly we can change the lines there. We have received some positive feedback from the residents. Cathy suggested that Fred talk to John Barney before the deposition. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 a.m. ghk • iffr,11. .:11" 'el:.t(l ' iil O(J 1J DIP� ;'I11? . !f;i i'. " 11Cf' tl t' I' jJ)111. I; :'JC, .J'. !1 C I!J+, 111:1.. 11011 G.'. "1.(1(i: f a.'. n r1 ,1. .,(1,C1.11,' :. C:.1 r .1J3'. lll4 i {jP III ry',+ �J•, t. G(1 PC)1111:. hn<ILl ;rrq .:n cl•,': !'!'I .(r : 1 ;T:�I� Iglltr,1.4G'1 (tylf • it I ' • SIC 1.11E ?IL?._i(', .J!LI' ' '111 tf 17 1,r; .-Sd(`rp.;;t rJ 7 ' -i 1)i1 ' ' 1' ..r:,4C f1(Ir Jt 1 } Ir_r ):it!•!t quf.7 t . v7% tre4, t).r1 'ir ,ri:- tie: pat C ,:eyr;rt !t)r, ,tfU'C.. I..' hit tr1E. 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"7f f". ill,/1. n,I:.r1.7 !iv ff .' :p' iP) ::1111�') .'(1'r f''G,: r I"./( r..l f',' .'i lliv'r: .1 it . 14 .T!Jr 5.1;'ll' . r ...11 1 :'Sr.: .11!{. 111 411: !.kl S, :;11'r '.t' ' 11(, i ,!i Ili .iit, ii!H' ....Jr., 1 ,4( 1 1 1(1 (Pr 1 'Jr , j5-i1a'.11 "( 'u t• r1- "I! ! U1'n 1.114 I'1 .i r'l nlr jl1`r. ( ,t yrt, , .Ji'. (!)11iJ\1;JI; ' (4 i1!rl (U(, '1r, , , vt,Lug Ip,L •, •'Krr . !l,fjl ''(' ,:t i'.i 11')(1 j": 11f 1:14 .1'.iu ```-'� 11)1'r: , t IUt), Cr.' 1, a DISPOSITION DATE 9 Town of Ithaca Public Works Committee Meeting December 1, 1998,8:00 a.m. Town of Ithaca Highway Facility 1. Approval of Minutes 2. Discussion on Agreements with Tompkins County Bridges Other 3. Discussion on E. King Road by Big Al's. 4. Discussion on Speed Limits Town-wide. 5. Discussion on Holiday Tree Pickups. 6. Discussion on meeting dates for 1999. ghk pc: Mary Bryant, Administrative Assistant Joan Lent Noteboom,Tovl1111) Andrew Frost, Director of ZoningBuilding Jonathan Kanter, Director of Planning