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Town of Ithaca Public Works Committee Meeting
April 28, 1998, 8:00 a.m.
Town of Ithaca Highway Facility
1. Approval of Minutes
2. Discussion on Caldwell Road
3. Discussion on Winston Court
4. Discussion on (1520) Slaterville Road
5. Discussion on Scheduling Ball Fields
6. Discussion on Meckenburg Road Water Main
7. Update on Eastwood Commons
8 Discussion on Equipment Rental
9. Review Confined Space Plan for Town Board Approval.
pc: Mary Bryant, Administrative Assistant
Joan LattNotebeeran,Town Clerk
Andrew Frost, Director of Zoning/Building
Jonathan Kanter, Director of Planning
NOTE: Special Public Works Committee Meeting, May 5, 1998,
8:30 a.m., with MRB Group
Town of Ithaca Public Works Committee Meeting
April 28, 1998, 8:00 a.m.
Town of Ithaca Highway Facility
Present: David Klein, Chairperson;Cathy Valentino; Ed Conley; Fred Noteboom;
Rich Schoch;and Dan Walker
The meeting began at 8:10 a.m.
The March meeting minutes were approved at the meeting.
Discussion of Scheduling Ball Fields
Rich Schoch explained that the Towri s ball fields are being used more and more. This
is creating some conflicts in scheduling the fields. Rich indicated that the although
fields are not regulation size, they are being used for Kiwanis baseball games, as well as
the team practices and youth soccer league practices.
Ed Conley feels that the Town should consider the needs of the immediate residents'
first, with the rest of the public getting second priority.
David Klein asked if Rich had any suggestions on handling the scheduling of fields.
Rich explained that Ann Morresette handles the scheduling of the field at the
Coddington Community Center. Rich said that he will contact the City of Ithaca to see
how they schedule ball fields. David asked Rich to investigate methods of scheduling
and present them to the Public Works Committee, then to the Town Board for their
approval. Bulletin boards could be installed at each ball field to post schedules.
Discussion of Caldwell Road
Dan Walker provided a preliminary design map for the reconstruction of Caldwell
Road. Starting at Route 366, Dan proposed having a three-lane section to Tower Road
(Campus Road Extension). The road would then go into a two-lane section with a
median in the middle. Dan suggested having a 6-foot paved shoulder or curbing. This
would allow for a bike lane in addition to the one from Cornell University campus to
the labs. It was agreed upon to ask Cornell University to fund this part of the project.
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Public Works Committee Minutes,April 28,1998 Page 2
Ed asked if there was going to be any construction on the bridge there. Fred said the
County will be reinforcing the bridge this year.
The Town of Ithaca/Cornell University Transportation Committee would like to see
this project tabled until the Northeast Subarea Transportation Study is completed. Fred
indicated that this project is being considered for the 1999 work year,and that we need
figures so that we can budget for them in the 1999 budget. The budget is started in July.
Dan indicated that he has not worked on the area by the Plantations. He did say,
though, the plan would include raising the road at the intersection and moving the road
over (so the middle of the road would actually be were the edge is now) to eliminate the
sharp curves in the road. Fred indicated that underground drainage would also be
used. There was a discussion regarding the steepness of the grade at the intersection.
Fred said the grade is 15 percent now, and he would like to make the grade 10 percent.
Cathy Valentino asked what problems Bruce Briattin sees with this project. Dan said
that Bruce was concerned about taking out the curves and the trees. There was a
discussion regarding taking down some trees, but Rich reassured the Committee that
new trees will be planted and any removals would be minimal.
There was a discussion regarding the method Cornell University uses for parking
throughout the campus. The Town feels that Cornell should look at the traffic patterns
their parking regulations create. Fred said that he will discuss this with Bill Wendt.
There was also a discussion of who uses Caldwell Road and if traffic will increase if the
road is reconstructed. It was felt that this would not happen.
David asked what is the schedule for presenting this plan to the Board. Dan indicated
that he will have a preliminary design for the May Town Board Meeting, and a Final
Design at the June Town Board Meeting.
Fred indicated that he would like to present figures to Bill Wendt (Cornell University)
as soon as possible for their input.
Discussion of Winston Court
Fred informed the Committee that Winston Court will need to be surface treated soon.
This posses a problem, because in the past, the apartment building parking lots were
paved when of the road was. There have been discussions between Fred and the
owner, who feels since it was done before,we should do it again. Fred wants to look
into this more to see if the Town has any responsibility for the parking lots. Cathy feels
the Town is not responsible for the parking lots.
Public Works Committee Minutes,April 28,1998 Page 3
Dan indicated that the Town will be hiring four Cornell University students for summer
work. Three will be for Engineering work, and one will be for researching Rights-of-
Way within the Town. Two positions have been secured.
Fred also wanted to discuss this because there are some storm water management
issues that need to be addressed.
Discussion of 1520 Slaterville Road
Cathy received a letter regarding the erosion problem here. The stream is eroding the
ground at this location.
There is a definite need to repair this problem,although there is no room for equipment
to get in there. This is all private property, so the Town would need easements. To do
the project correctly, Dan estimated it would cost between$200,000 and $300,000.
Cathy indicated that there are other areas of concern within the Town. David indicated
that this is a major drainage area though.
Dan felt that it would be cheaper to pipe the area and access would be easier. Fred said
that we would have to work with the State on this project and that the project could be
done in phases. Dan indicted that we would like to work on stabilizing the area closest
to Slaterville Road first.
Dan indicated that he would like to apply for a grant from Tompkins County.
Tompkins County Soil and Water Conservation is offering a grant that we can apply
for. Money is available to cover up to 1/3 of the costs of a project. Fred indicated that
there are some other areas the Town would like to apply for this grant money.
David asked what is the next step. Dan said that he will design a plan and apply for the
grant money. Fred said that he will talk to the State regarding this project.
The Town forces would not be able to work on this project this year.
Dan informed the Committee that the County will be doing another "fly over." He has
asked them to do a higher fly over. Dan would like to ask for more money for better
mapping. This would be approximately$50,000 to$100,000.
Discussion of Mecklenburg Heights Water Main
David will not participate in this discussion because of his firm's involvement in this
Public Works Committee Minutes,April 28,1998 Page 4
��rr Dan informed the Committee that there would be many advantages to having the
0 contractor for this project relocate their water line. This would reinforce our system,
allowing us to tie into the current system and the City of Ithaca s water system. Dan
indicated that the developer is committed to$54,000 and for us to build the system on
the road Right-of-way, it would cost$133,000. The Town would then take dedication of
the 8" main and hydrants.
Dan will present a preliminary design, along'with costs,to the Town Board at their May
Update on Eastwood Commons Project
Fred informed the Committee that we have started working on locating underground
utilities and underground drainage. We are also working on Honness Lane., Fred
indicated that 16 percent of the Honness Lane project will be funded from Storm Water
Management money. The target date for completion is'June.
There was a discussion regarding the work being done on Burns Road. We are putting
in rip rap and the work should be done this week.
There was a discussion regarding the realignment of Burns Road at the Coddington
Road side. Fred would like to see this done when Tompkins County re-paves
Coddington Road. This project used to be on the TIPS schedule,but Fred has not seen it
there recently. Cathy would like to see the realignment of Burns Road pursued.
There was a discussion of building a parking lot on Silsbee's property for South Hill
Discussion on Rental Equipment
Fred is asking the Town Board's approval of renting equipment, such as excavators.
There was a discussion regarding if the Town Board needed to approve this. Fred
indicated that State Law requires Highway Superintendent's to enter into an agreement
with their Town Board to rent equipment.
This will be put on the Town Board's May agenda.
Discussion on Confined Space Entry Written Plan
Dan was concerned about Bolton Point's involvement with this plan. They seem very
unreceptive of it. Fred will look into this.
0 A copy of this plan needs to be sent to all Board Members.
Public Works Committee Minutes,April 28,1998 Page 5
f Update on MRB Feasibility Study
Fred informed the Committee that he went to MRB in Rochester and discussed designs.
They will be making a presentation on May 5,1998. Joan Noteboom may have to be at
that meeting, if there is a quorum.