HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 11 2016 minutes WFAC.pdfTown of Enfield Wind Farm Advisory Committee Meeting –
October 11, 2016 - Enfield Community Building
PRESENT: Martha Fischer, Marcus Gingerich, Jude Lemke, Mimi Mehaffey,
Councilperson Michael Miles, Julie Schroeder, Rob Tesori.
ABSENT: Councilperson Mike Carpenter
Michael Miles called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. and lead the assemblage in the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Old Business
There was discussion on the minutes of September 27.
Page 2, 3rd paragraph change distant recommendations to distance
Page 2, Public comments – change regarding the to regarding.
Enfield Wind Energy Law
There was discussion regarding the 1,000 foot setback. It was noted that it
seems like this is a standard setback. There does not seem to be a scientific study
regarding this setback. The reference refers to what other towns have recommended.
Reference was given to masterresource.org regarding scientific articles some of which
are on the https://trello.com/enfieldwindfarmadvisorycommittee site it was thought that
Ian Shapiro of Taitem Engineering from Ithaca traveled to Denmark for research on
wind turbines.
There was discussion regarding the Shirley Wind Farm, Brown County,
Wisconsin Report.
Denmark Calls Halts to More Windfarms from stopthesethings.com was shared
with the committee. Denmark research tied risk to a formula that came out to 4 times
height of the wind turbine for setback.
How wind turbines were affecting people because of the motion from wind
turbines and not the noise was discussed.
Some committee members wondered what BayWa Energy of Germany, who is
possibly investing in Black Oak Wind Farm, thought of the stoppage of wind power
program in Germany.
Jonathan Rogers, Engineer from Georgia Tech. was referenced for calculated
setbacks of wind turbines. What is the risk for residents with setbacks less than 2,000
feet? Will the 2,000 foot setback address a lot of the problems regarding any
complaints of illness concerning wind turbines? There is no money for a baseline study
regarding noise with wind turbines and health. It was pointed out that people are
abandoning homes around wind turbines; doesn’t this say there is a problem?
Not all committee members agreed on the recommended 2,000 foot setback and
feel more research is needed for scientific articles regarding the setback.
Town of Enfield Wind Farm Advisory Committee Meeting –
October 11, 2016 - Enfield Community Building
There was an article in the “Ithaca Times” regarding the Committee. The article
indicated that the Committee was not a “viable” Committee. The Committee members
were not happy with the article. Michael Miles was asked to check with the Town Board
regarding the Committee and their duties.
Changes and Concerns Enfield Wind Energy Law:
Sound levels should be changed now. Denmark recommended 40 dBA day and
35 dBA nights.
Residents are expecting property values to go down.
Property value guarantee.
Recommendations for property value/sale in the letter written by Marguerite
Wells, Black Oak Wind Farm to Town Board is not acceptable resolution.
Property Agreements – Mimi Mehaffey will send links for recommended
agreements already in use for various towns.
Are moving costs or should moving costs be included in property sale
agreements? Why residents would be moving needs to be addressed. Who is eligible
for any property sale agreements? Fair market value should be looked at.
Is the Committee making too many changes?
Setbacks, noise, property values, mitigation are changes that should be made.
Appendix A is good.
Standard of measure for setbacks.
Committee likes changes up to Section 17. After Section 17 are changes
necessary now?
If a developer comes into town does the law need to be looked over changes?
Key items: setbacks, sound issue (which should be fixed retroactive), notification
change from 500 feet to 1 or 2 miles, clarify who sends notification. Do you rely on
SEQR process and not change the law right now?
Noise Standard: 40 dBA day night 35 dBA.
Jude Lemke will make recommended changes in the wind law and e-mail to the
committee to review before the next meeting. Committee will review changes at next
meeting. Michael Miles will present suggested changes to the Town Board at their
November meeting.
Next Meeting November 1 at 7 pm.
Michael Miles adjourned the meeting at 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Sue Thompson, Recording Secretary