HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune-21-2016-minutes-WFAC.pdfTown of Enfield Wind Farm Advisory Committee Meeting –
June 21, 2016 - Enfield Community Building
PRESENT: Councilperson Mike Carpenter, Marcus Gingerich, Jude Lemke,
Councilperson Michael Miles, Julie Schroeder
ABSENT: Martha Fischer, Mimi Mehaffey , Rob Tesori
Michael Miles called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. and lead the assemblage in the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Old Business
Michael Miles reminded everyone of the windadvisory@townofenfield.org e-mail to send
articles/research/comments/suggestions to and the
https://trello.com/enfieldwindfarmadvisorycommittee site for research articles, laws, and
minutes of the Committee.
A Motion was made to approve the June 7 minutes. Motion passed to approve minutes
There was a discussion on the wind law history added to the minutes of June 7.
Michael Miles asked if there were any nominations for a new member for the
Committee. There were no nominations.
Michael Miles stated the Committee would move forward with their suggestions and
additions to the current Enfield Wind Energy Law.
Discussion of the Enfield Wind Energy Law Articles I, II, and III compared to other laws:
Jude Lemke stated it was hard to review just the three Articles. She is working on a
comparison chart of other laws, starting with Freedom Maine. The three laws, Catlin,
Freedom, and Somerset, all have different sections and structure is different.
It was noted that some of the “important” items are embedded in the definitions.
There are some definitions to be added.
A suggestion that the table of contents from the Enfield Energy law could be
used as an outline for the comparison between laws.
The comparison laws should be Catlin, Freedom, Somerset, and Columbia.
Some laws have the types of Wind Turbines in different sections.
A definition of residents needs to be addressed.
Should “residents” be changed to “dwelling”?
What is the setback in reference to “back of property” or from the “main house”?
Freedom Maine law says occupied building.
Livestock is included in some laws.
Can problem areas in the law only be addressed instead of redoing the whole
Noise standards missing?
Town of Enfield Wind Farm Advisory Committee Meeting –
June 21, 2016 - Enfield Community Building
Enfield wind law has little detail.
Mike Carpenter asked the committee what exactly they were trying to do. Does the
town need a wind law or are state laws enough?
There was discussion:
Businesses come into town to see how much they can do in the town?
Will law give protection of the town?
Opportunity for residents to interact with the any of the laws?
Comprehensive Plan of the town does it address what the town wants? It is not
a law but envisions what the community wants.
Constitutional rights to conduct business – people’s rights.
A wind law is needed to work with developers.
Should this law be developed to address other issues that are in the town?
If there is no law the SEQRA can be more restrictive than town law. The SEQRA
looks at all the processes.
The town has the right to regulate the wind farm as lead agency – health and
safety issues?
The town can make laws in reference to Municipal Law – NY State.
Discussion on wind law:
Different categories
Specifications of how to maintain
Control standards, enforcement, penalty
Is this the best format of the committee to work on the law
After comparison of wind laws someone will have to draft the law
Should a section of the law be assigned to one person?
Whole law point by point for all committee?
How are the wind laws enforced?
The committee decided to have all members compare Article II and II of the Enfield wind
law to Catlin, Freedom, Somerset, and Columbia wind laws. Page numbers should be
included in each of the laws. Michael Miles will send out a template/form to use for the
The next meeting will be July 5.
Privilege of the Floor
During the meeting before Privilege of the Floor, there was a general discussion
between the audience and committee members regarding town board agendas and how
the public receives up to date information. Discussion also included road use agreement
and decommissioning.
The “official” Privilege of the Floor there was a discussion of increasing taxes and there
should be more “outreach” to the community with tax decisions. It was suggested more
Town of Enfield Wind Farm Advisory Committee Meeting –
June 21, 2016 - Enfield Community Building
communication is needed besides town webpage and e-mail. Possibly postcards could
be sent out for special events such as public hearings and a town message board
outside by the town hall or on Mecklenburg Road.
Michael Miles adjourned the meeting at 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Sue Thompson, Recording Secretary