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B.        Engage in habitual loud howling or barking. C.        Causes damage or destruction to property, or repeatedly defecates, urinates or otherwise commits a nuisance other than on the premises of the person owning or harboring such dog. D.        When not on the property of the owner, chases or otherwise harasses any person in such a manner as reasonable to cause intimidation or put such person in reasonable apprehension of bodily harm or injury. E.         When not on the property of the owner chases, barks at, leaps on or otherwise harasses any bicycle, motorcycle, motor wagon, carriage or any other vehicle or device used by persons for travel or as a conveyance, or any riders or occupants thereof, or any horses or animal including any rider thereon, or any cat, dog, or domestic animal. F.         If it is not wearing a valid and current New York State dog license while off the owners property, whether or not restrained by an adequate collar and leash. G.        Is unlicensed when six months of age or older or when a dog license has not been renewed pursuant to the Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 7.   SECTION 3.  ENFORCEMENT.   Any person or persons, who are or may be lawfully authorized by the Town shall, and all peace officers may, administer and enforce the provisions of this Law, and for such purpose shall have the authority to issue appearance tickets in accordance with Section 126 of the Agriculture and Markets Law.   SECTION 4.  FILING OF COMPLAINTS.   Any person who observes a dog in violation of any acts prohibited by this Law may file a signed complaint, under oath, with a Town Justice of the Town of Enfield specifying the objectionable conduct of the dog, the date thereof, the damage caused or the acts constituting violation of this Law and including the place or places where such conduct occurred and the name and residence, if known, of the owner or other person harboring such dog.   SECTION 5.  MINOR OWNER: RESPONSIBILITY OF HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD   If any dog in violation of this Law is owned by a person under 18 years of age, the head of household in which said person resides shall be deemed to be the owner or person harboring such dog and shall be responsible for the acts of said dog for the purpose of this Law.   SECTION 6. PRESUMPTION.   The fact that a dog is not restrained or controlled in the Town of Enfield elsewhere than on the premises of the owner or person harboring such dog shall be presumptive evidence that the dog has been permitted to be unrestrained or uncontrolled with the knowledge of the owner or person harboring the dog.   SECTION 7.  VIOLATIONS.   No person shall hinder, resist, or oppose the dog warden, peace officer, or other person authorized to administer or enforce the provision of this Law of the Town of Enfield in the performance of the officer’s duties under this Law.   SECTION 8.  PENALTIES. A violation of this Law shall constitute a violation as defined in the Penal Law of the State of New York, and shall be punishable by a penalty of not more than $25.00 for the first violation, not more than $50.00 for the second violation, and not more than $75.00 for the third and all subsequent violations, or by imprisonment for a term not to exceed five days, for each violation.  These penalties shall be in addition to any other penalty provided by law.   SECTION 9.  VALIDITY.   If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, or provision of this Law shall be judged invalid or held unconstitutional, it shall not affect the validity of this Law as a whole or any part of provision thereof other than the part so decided to be invalid or unconstitutional.   SECTION 10.  PRIOR DOG CONTROL LAW.   This law revokes Local Law #1 effective July 16, 1985.   SECTION 11.  EFFECTIVE DATE.   This Law became effective upon filing in the Office of the Secretary of State. !ABCDEF‰Š‹Œòóôõ n o p q     ë ì ! 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