HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB Packet 2023-11-07 TOWN OF ITHACA PLANNING BOARD Shirley A. Raffensperger Board Room, Town Hall 215 North Tioga Street Ithaca, New York 14850 Tuesday, November 7, 2023 7:00 P.M. Members of the public are welcome to attend in -person at Town Hall or virtually via Zoom. The public will have an opportunity to see and hear the meeting live and provide comments in -person or through Zoom at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83643764382. If the public would like to attend the meeting for viewing purposes only, it is recommended to watch the livestream video on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC9vycXkJ6klVIibjhCy7NQ/live). AGENDA 1. SEQR Determination: Hayts Chapel & School House – 1296-1298 Trumansburg Road – Special Permit for Short-Term Rental Use. 2. PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of a Special Permit for a Short-Term Rental Use, located at 1296-1298 Trumansburg Road. The Town Board recently rezoned this property by superimposing a Limited Historic Commercial Overlay District over the base Medium Density Residential Zone, which allows the Short-Term Rental Use following Special Permit approval by the Planning Board. Alexa Michel Schmitz, Owner/Applicant. 3. PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of Final Site Plan Approval for the proposed Carrowmoor Large-Scale Community Solar Photovoltaic System project, located at 1358 Mecklenburg Road (NYS Route 79). The project involves installing a 5MWac single-axis sun tracking solar array system on approximately 30-acres of land, along with two inverter/transformer equipment pads, battery energy storage system, new overhead utility (NYSEG) interconnects and poles, an eight- foot-tall perimeter fence, stormwater management facilities, access drive, and other site elements. This is a Type I Action under the State Environmental Quality Review Act, for which the Planning Board issued a negative declaration of environmental significance on September 5, 2023. Rancich Family Limited Partnership, Owner; Nexamp Solar, Applicant; Ryan McCune, Agent. 4. Persons to be heard. 5. Approval of Minutes. 6. Other Business. 7. Adjournment. C.J. Randall Director of Planning 607-273-1747 NOTE: IF ANY MEMBER OF THE PLANNING BOARD IS UNABLE TO ATTEND, PLEASE NOTIFY CHRIS BALESTRA AT 607-273-1747 or CBALESTRA@TOWN.ITHACA.NY.US. (A quorum of four (4) members is necessary to conduct Planning Board business.) Accessing Meeting Materials Online Site Plan and Subdivision applications and associated project materials are accessible electronically on the Town’s website at https://www.town.ithaca.ny.us/meeting-calendar-agendas/ under the calendar meeting date. TOWN OF ITHACA PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Planning Board will hold public hearings on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, starting at 7:00 P.M. on the following matters: Consideration of a Special Permit for a Short-Term Rental Use, located at 1296-1298 Trumansburg Road. The Town Board recently rezoned this property by superimposing a Limited Historic Commercial Overlay District over the base Medium Density Residential Zone, which allows the Short- Term Rental Use following Special Permit approval by the Planning Board. Alexa Michel Schmitz, Owner/Applicant. Consideration of Final Site Plan Approval for the proposed Carrowmoor Large-Scale Community Solar Photovoltaic System project, located at 1358 Mecklenburg Road (NYS Route 79). The project involves installing a 5MWac single-axis sun tracking solar array system on approximately 30-acres of land, along with two inverter/transformer equipment pads, battery energy storage system, new overhead utility (NYSEG) interconnects and poles, an eight-foot-tall perimeter fence, stormwater management facilities, access drive, and other site elements. This is a Type I Action under the State Environmental Quality Review Act, for which the Planning Board issued a negative declaration of environmental significance on September 5, 2023. Rancich Family Limited Partnership, Owner; Nexamp Solar, Applicant; Ryan McCune, Agent. Members of the public are welcome to attend in-person at Town Hall or virtually via Zoom. The public will have an opportunity to see and hear the meeting live and provide comments in-person or through Zoom at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83643764382. If the public would like to attend the meeting for viewing purposes only, it is recommended to watch the livestream video on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC9vycXkJ6klVIibjhCy7NQ/live). Any person wishing to address the board will be heard. In addition, comments can be sent via email to townclerk@town.ithaca.ny.us up to the end of business the day of the meeting and all comments will be forwarded to the board. Additional information is available at www.town.ithaca.ny.us. C.J. Randall, Director of Planning PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMO To: Planning Board Members From: Christine Balestra, Planner Date: October 31, 2023 RE: Hayt’s Chapel & Schoolhouse, 1296-1298 Trumansburg Road – Special Permit Please find attached materials related to the consideration of a Special Permit for a Short-Term Rental Use, located at the Hayt’s Chapel and Schoolhouse, 1296-1298 Trumansburg Road. The Town Board recently rezoned this property by superimposing a Limited Historic Commercial Overlay District (LHCOD) over the base Medium Density Residential Zone, which allows the Short-Term Rental Use following Special Permit by the Planning Board. The Planning Board made a favorable recommendation to the Town Board on October 3, 2023, to rezone the Hayt’s Chapel and Schoolhouse property to a LHCOD; the Town Board subsequently approved the rezoning on October 16, 2023. As noted in the previous staff memo for the rezoning recommendation, this request includes a use that is not listed as of right in the LHCOD. The owner of 1296-1298 Trumansburg Road wishes to use the property for year-round, unhosted Short-Term Rental Use, which requires Planning Board special permit approval under the LHCOD regulations and Town Code § 270-219.7 (excerpts from both regulations are attached). The Hayt’s Chapel and Schoolhouse buildings at 1296-1298 Trumansburg Road were built in the late 1800’s by a prominent local abolitionist. The property has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places since January 2006. The buildings on the property were converted to apartments and have been utilized as long-term residential rentals for many years. The current property owner has only recently been utilizing the buildings for Short-Term Rental Use. The owner plans to rehabilitate and maintain the historic elements of the buildings (as required by the LHCOD). As noted in the attached environmental assessment, the proposed Short-Term Rental Use could increase the intensity of the use of the property with more transient visitors, which could result in potential damage to the historic structures and/or the property. Continued compliance with the preservation plans required by the LHCOD will ensure that the historic integrity of the structures are maintained. However, impacts to the overall property related to the increase in traffic associated with the Short-Term Rental Use are addressed via the Planning Board “special permit” requirement. New York State Town Law § 274-b defines a Special Use Permit as “authorization of a particular land use which is permitted in a zoning ordinance or local law, subject to requirements imposed by such zoning ordinance or local law, to assure that the proposed use is in harmony with such laws and will not adversely affect the neighborhood if such requirements are met.” The Short-Term Rental Use is authorized by the LHCOD, and the Planning Board must assure that the use is in harmony with the law by making the Special Permit findings (Town Code § 270-200 Special Permit) that are listed on the attached draft resolution. Special permit criteria A, E, and F are particularly applicable to the proposed application. There are two dwelling units on the property, and Town Code § 270-227B(1)(a) Parking Facilities requires two garage (or off- street) parking spaces for each dwelling unit. Based on this code section, the Short-Term Rental Use requires a total of four parking spaces on the property. Town Code § 270-219.7E.(2)(a) Short-Term Rentals states that enough parking spaces need to be provided on the parcel so that all short-term renters would be parked on site. The applicant has submitted a site layout sketch that shows an excessive amount of parking on the property for the proposed use, along with parking shown within a driveway lane. With two units (the Schoolhouse has two beds/bedrooms; the Chapel has one bed/bedroom), it is reasonable to anticipate four cars maximum on site to accommodate the Short-Term Rental Use, whereas the applicant’s drawing shows eight parking spaces on the property. The Board may wish to consider setting a maximum limit on the number of parking spaces to alleviate concerns related to potential traffic and parking impacts. Planning staff recommends requiring the applicant to submit a revised drawing that: 1. Eliminates the “primary” and “secondary” parking designations (Town Code has no such requirement and are confusing) 2. Eliminates all parking shown in the gravel driveway lane 3. Shows only the maximum number of parking spaces approved by the Planning Board 4. Clearly marked parking spaces with boulders, rail ties, parking stops, signage, or some other delineation method that will be physically implemented on site. The above recommendations are reflected in the draft resolution, which is among the attached materials for the Planning Board to review and consider. Please contact me at (607) 273-1721, ext. 121, or email me at cbalestra@town.ithaca.ny.us if you have any questions. 1296-1298TrumansburgRoad(Hayt’sChapelandSchoolhouse)RequestforLimitedHistoricCommercialOverlayDistrictTownofIthaca,NewYorkAugust9,2023Section270-142.3C(fl:NarrativeDescriptionandJustificationforRequest(a)HistoricalSignificance:Persection270-142.3.B(l).thetwobuildingssituatedonTaxParcelNo.24.-4-2qualifyforaLHCOverlayDistrictbybeinglistedintheNewYorkStateandNationalRegistersof1-listoncPlaces.TheChapelandSchoolhousehavebeendeemedofculturalandarchitecturalsignificancetolocalhistoryandwerelistedintheStateRegisteronApril25,2005(USNs:10906.000292and10906.000293,respectively)andasasingleplace(“1-layt’sChapelandSchoolhouse”)intheNationalRegisteronDecember22,2005(NAID:75315064).(b)Proposedlimitedcommercialuseandfeasibilityofusingthebuildingsforthisuse:Proposed(Ice:Theowner(applicant)proposestousethebuildingsforyear-roundunhostedshort-tennrentaluse,subjecttospecialpermitreviewandapproval,whichisallowedinLHCOverlayDistrictsasper§270-142.4(2).Feasibitin:Thebuildingseasilyaccommodatetheproposedusewithoutalteration.TheChapelandSchoolhousebuildingseachconsistofasinglelargeopenlivingareawithseparatekitchen,fullbathroom,andlaundryfacilities.Aportionofeachofthelivingareasisseparatedbypartialwallstocreateasleepingarea.Thereisspacesufficientforparking2-3vehiclesneareachbuilding.TheSchoolhousehasforyearsbeenusedforlong-termrentalandtheChapelbuildingforshort-tennrentalwithoutincident.(c)CompatibilitywithneighboringandnearbypropertiesandusesTheproposeduseblendswellwiththecemeteries,medicaloffices,andapartmentbuildingsthatsurroundit.ThepropertyisborderedontwosidesbyFrearMemorialParkCemeteryacrossHaytsRoadtothenorthwestandHayt’sCemetery(nowWestHillCemetery)immediatelywestandsouthwest.TherearemedicalofficesacrossNYSRoute96(TrumansburgRoad)toitsnortheast.200+feetofwoodsseparateitfromanapartmentcomplextoitssouthandadditionalmedicaloffices(housedinwhatwastheHaytfamilyhome)toitssoutheast.1 (d)HowtheproposalwillfacilitatethepreservationandenhancementofthepropertyEstablishmentoftheLI-ICOverlayDistrictwillallowtheapplicanttoseekaspecialpermitfromtheTownofEUacaPlanningBoardforcertainlow-impactspecialuses,especiallyshort-tennrentaluse.Theregularaccessbetweenoccupanciesandadditionalincomeaffordedbythisandotherenableduseswillhelpensurepreservationofthehistoricintegrityofthebuildingsbyfacilitatingneededrestoration,repairs,andregularmaintenance.Itwillalsopermitmoremembersofthepubliceachyeartoappreciatethehistoricstructures.Pastvisitorshavecometoenjoyallthatthesurroundingareahastooffer,orforwork,ortovisittheirchildrenorattendagraduationatoneofthenearbycolleges,ortoundergotreatmentsorsupporthospitalizedfamilymembersatCayugaMedicalCenterjustacrosstheroad.Furtherniore,thehistoricalsignificanceoftheproperty(collectedinafolderforgueststoreadduringtheirvisit),especiallyitsofficially-recognizedlikelyroleintheUndergroundRailroad,hasinspiredgueststolookdeeperintoIthaca’srichhistoryofsupportingbasichumanrights,asevidencedbystatementstheapplicantshavereceivedfrompastguests,suchasthefollowing:IjustreadaboutthepossibilitythatthechurchwaspailoftheUndergroundRailroad.That’samazing’It’sgreatthatit’sinthehandsofsomeonex’hoappreciatesitshistory.”2 Section270-142.3C(2):ConditionsAssessmentNOTE:PleaseseetheattachedassessmentreportperformedbycertifiedpropertyinspectorLarsBurggrenofLBSpacesonJune11,2023.Thefollowingtexthasbeencompiledbytheapplicants,drawingfromthisreport(“Assessment”sections)aswellasinformationgatheredfromtheNationalRegisterlisting(“Description”sections).ChapelBuildingViewoforiginalbuilding,c.1900ViewofbuildingasofJuly20233 OverviewTheoriginalHayt’sChapelbuildingwasconstructedin1847asarectangularsingle-storymassmeasuring24feetby36feetandfrontingonTrumansburgRoad.Thefrontelevationisthreebayswidewithacenterentranceflankedbywindows.Thesideelevationshavetwosymmetricalpairsofwindows.Thereisasmallenhancevestibuleadditionatthefrontandashed-roofedadditionattherearofthebuilding.boththoughttohavebeenconstructedinthe1930sor1940swhenthebuildingwasconvertedtoschooluse.ATownofIthacahistoricalmarkerinfrontoftheChapelonTrumansburgRoadcallsattentiontothe“AbolitionChurch.”ThechapelwascompletelyrenovatedwithnewroofandinteriorrenovationmeritingaTompkinsCountyHistoricalRenovationAwardin2006.(a)Claddingmaterials,includingtrim,architecturaldetails,andattachments:Description:Thefrontelevationfeaturestwoprojectingsteeples(columnscappedwithpyramidalpinnacles)flankingacentralentranceandwallsegmentwhichistoppedwithacrenellatedparapet.ThisisconsistentwiththeGothicRevivalstylearchitecturethatwaspopularintheareaduringthemid—l9thcentury.Arectangularatticventrestsonacrownmoldingabovetheentrance.Withtheexceptionofthefrontvestibuleaddition,whichissheathedinclapboards,theentireexteriorofthebui[ding,includingtherearaddition,issheathedinrandom-widthverticalwoodplanksthatarelaidflushwithoneanother.Assessment:Paintischipping,missingand/orpeelingonfrontvestibulesidingandalongthediagonalsetbaseboard.Allsidingisshowingexcesswear(dampandpaintdamage)nearthebaseduetosplashbackfromroofdripedge.Paintischippingandpeelingthroughout.Thesteeples(columnsandpinnacles)arechipping,missingand/orpeelingpaint,pestintrusionobservedandseamsareshowingsignsofseparation.Oneofthepinnaclesiscrookedand/ordetached.Repairtothedamagedsteeplesisrecommended.Thoroughrefinishingandpaintingisrecommended.Duetotheheavywearfromsunandweather,regularmaintenanceHAYTSCHAPELOUILTIN1847ASFIRSTCON-CRECAflONALCHURCHOFWESTHILL.WASKNOWNASABOLITIONCHURCHFORTHEANTI-SLAVERYADVOCATESAMONGiTSLEADERS.TOWNOFITHACA________pA.4 isrecommendedtoensureasolidsurfacecoatingonthewoodsteeples.Woodfasciaboardsareshowingsignsofwaterdamage,pestdamageandpeeling/chippedpaint.Replacementoffasciaboardsisrecommendedbyacarpenterspecializinginexteriortrim.Fasciaboardsontherearshedroofareshowingsignsofwaterdamage.Itappearsthatthereisaleakbeneaththeroofcoveringcausingexcessivedamagetothefasciaboards.Problemsolvingthewaterleakfollowedbyrepairand/orreplacementofthedamagedfasciaboardsrecommendedbyacarpenterspecializinginexteriortrim.Itisrecommendedthatallwornexteriorsurfacecoveringsbescraped/sanded,primedandpaintedwithin0-3years.aLjI44%I:jjL‘11rfI141iNoilli5 (b)Windowsanddoors,includingpanesandtrim:Description:Windows:Thefrontelevationhassingledouble-hungnine-over-ninesashwindowsflankingthecenteredentrance.Thesideelevationshavetwopairsofdouble-hungnine-over-ninesashwindows.AllwindowsonthefrontandsideelevationsarecappedbyaprojectingTudormoldingandhaveretainedmostoftheiroriginalglasspanes.Therearerandomwindowopeningsintherearaddition.Doors:Metalscreendooronfrontvestibule.Wooddooronrearaddition.Assessment:Allnine-over-ninesashwindowswouldbenefitgreatlythroughnewwindowglazing,refinishing,andrepaintingwoodsurfaces.Woodwindowtrimisshowingsignsofchipping/peelingpaint,exposedbarewood,andLightwaterdamagethroughoutallsurfaces.Scraping/sanding,_priming,andpaintingisrecommendedwithin0-3years.Sr1Northwindo4andchimney:(c)Roof,includingguttersDescription:RoofThec.1900photoaboveshowsthattheoriginalroofwasshingled.Thepresentroofisstandingseammetalpanel.Thefrontvestibuleadditionhasagableroofwithshingles.Therearadditionhasashedroofofstandingseammetalpanel.Gutte,c:NotpresentChimney:Ablockchimneystackrisesoutoftherearadditionandabutsthesouthcornerofthesouthwestwallofthemainstructure.Itdoesnotappearinthec.1900photo.Therearesolarpanelsonthesoutheastslopeofthemainstructure’sroofL4—rNorthwindowtrimI6 Assessment:RoofAsectionofmetalroof(approximateage20+years)onthenorthendhasbecomedetachedfrompossibleicedamage.Repairtothisareaisrecommended.Theflashingnearthesteepleswasinstalledpoorlyandhasbecomedetachedwhichwillcausewaterintrusionbelowthesurface.Installationofnewand/orrepairtotheexistingflashingisrecommended.Plumbingventatthewestshedroofwasnotinstalledproperlywhichmaybecontributingtowaterleaks.Sealantandproperfasteningisrecommended.Gittteis:Notpresentbutarehighlyrecommendedtobeinstalled.Roofdripedgerunoffcancauseexcessivefoundationsettling,splashbackagainstsidingandfoundationandpossiblewaterintrusionintolowerhomelevels(basement/crawlspace).Chimney:Thebaseofthechimneystackandflashingisdeteriorating.Repairtobaseblockchimneysurfaceandnew’flashingdetailisrecommendedbyaqualifiedstonemason.L’OSS1’6:ReOJ4s’Mngjpew%1h_.<In(d)Decks,porches,and/orbalconies:NotpresentCe)Groundsspecifictoelementsthatarerelevanttothehistoricintegrity:Description:Achainlinkfenceenclosesthepropertyonthreesides,likelyoriginatingwhentheChapelfunctionedasaschoothouse(untilaslateas1964).Assessment:Treesandshmbsareovergrownandgrowingontothesidingandroof.Thiswillcauseunwantedsurfacedamageandpossiblepestand/orwaterintrusion.Treebranchesarereconunendedtobecutbackoffoftheroofandawayfromanyhousesurfaces.Shrubsarerecommendedtobecutbackatleast16inchesfromanyhomesurface.7 SchoolhouseBuildingrzr.rViewoforiginalbuilding,1908Viewofbuildingasof20048 OverviewHayt’sSchoolhousewasconstructedinthe1830sasaonestoryframe“VshapedbuildingintheGreekRevivalstyle.Theone-roomschoolremainedinuseuntil1964.Thereisashed-roofedadditionatthesouthendofthesouthwestelevation..(a)Claddingmaterials,includingtrim,architecturaldetails,andattachments:Description:Woodplankcladding.StyleisGreekRevivalwithcornicereturns.Assessment:Paintischipping,missingand/orpeelingthroughoutentiresurfacecovering.Rustisvisiblethroughpaintfromnails.ItisrecommendedthatallexteriorsurfacecoveringsWoodsoffitsareshowingsignsofcracking/peelingthroughoutentiresurface.Itisrecommendedthatallexteriorsurfacecoveringsbescraped/sanded,primed,andpaintedwithin0-3years.bescraped/sanded,primed,andpaintedwithin0-3years.9 Woodcorniceisshowingsignsofwaterdamage,rot,peeling/chippingpaint,andseparationdamage.Itisrecommendedtoreplacealldamagedwood,repairholesasneededwithfiller(ifapplicable),prime,andpaintsurface.Allrepairsarerecommendedtobedonebeforetheroofreplacementbyacarpenterspecializinginexteriortrimwork.Nearthechimney,thereisasectionofcornicethathasbeendamaged,rottedoutanddetached.Signsofpestintrusionareobserved.Innnediatecorrectionisrecommendedtopreventfurtherpestand/orwater10-------—West%It4intrusion. (b)Windowsanddoors,includingpanesandtrim:Description:Thefrontelevationwithtwowooddoorsandapediment-shapedlintelovertheentrancearepreservedaswellasasemi-circulargablelouver.Thebuildinghadbeenvandalizedwhileunoccupiedfrom1964to1971.Exceptfortwodouble-hungnine-over-ninesashwindows(oneachsideofsouthcorner)alloriginalwindowshadbeendestroyedandwerereplacedwiththermopanewindows.Thesouthwestadditionalsohasawooddoor.Assessment:Woodcornerandwindowtrimsareshowingsignsofchipping/peelingpaint,exposedbarewood,andlightwaterdamagethroughoutallsurfaces.Scraping/sanding,priming,andpaintingisrecommendedwithin0-3years.Nine-over-ninesashwindowswouldbenefitgreatlythroughnewwindowglazing,refinishing,andrepaintingwoodsurfaces.-_--—-—11 (c)RoofincludingguttersandchimneyDescnption:RoofGable.The1908photoshowsthattheoriginalroofwasshingled.Thepresentroofisstandingseammetalpanel.Thesouthwestadditionhasashedroofwithasphaltshingle.Gutters:NotpresentChimney:Ablockchimneystackrisesoutofthesouthwestadditionandabutsthesouthcornerofthesouthwestwall.Assessment:RoofMetalroofhasreachedtheendofitsusefullife.Seamsarerustedthrough,dripedgeisrustedoutanddamaged,rustandnaiL’screwholesarepresentthroughoutandrustandpeelingsurfacecoatingispresent.Apatchintheroofisobserved.Itappearsthismayhavebeenanoldchimneystackcutout.Replacementisrecommendedwithin0-1yearsbyaqualifiedroofingcontractor.,J--1—‘:..4j#e;:.C..412 Gutters:Notpresentbutarehighlyrecommendedtobeinstalled.Roofdripedgerunoffcancauseexcessivefoundationsettling,splashbackagainstsidingandfoundationandpossiblewaterintrusionintolowerhomelevels(basement/crawlspace).Chimney:Chimneystack,flashing,andfluecaparedeteriorating.Repairtochimneysurfaceandnewflashingandfluecaparerecommendedbyaqualifiedstonemason.(d)Decks,porches,and/orbalconies:Notpresent(e)Groundsspecifictoelementsthatalerelevanttothehistoricintegrity:Assessment:AlargetreebranchhasbrokenandisrestingontheroofRemovalisrecommendedtopreventfurtherdamage.TreesandshrubsareovergrownandgrowingintothesidingandroofThiswillcauseunwantedsurfacedamageandpossiblepestand/orwaterintrusion.Treebranchesarerecommendedtobecutbackoffoftheroofandawayfromanyhousesurfaces.Shrubsarerecommendedtobecutbackatleast16inchesfromanyhomesurface.4-..“..—13 Section270-142.3C(3fta1:PreservationPlanForParts[I]and[2]below,ownerswillconsultwithprofessionalsinhistoricalpreservationpriortomodifications.Anymodificationswouldbemadeinagoodfaithefforttomatchexistingorearlieritems/materialsastheyappearinthephotosabove.Ifsuchmaterialsarenotavailable,materialsthatareclosestinvisualappearance,takingintoaccounttexture,size,finish,colozandprofile,shouldbeused.111Restorationandlorrepairofidentifieddeficiencies:WithinIYear:•Cuttreebranchesandshrubsbackatlast16inchesfrombothstructures.•Removebrokentreebranch[Schoolhouse].•Repairnortheaveofmainstructuretopreventadditionalwaterdamage[Chapel].•Repaircaveofrearshedrooftopitventadditionalwaterdamage[Chapel].•Examinealleavesofbothmainstructuresand,ifneeded.makemodificationstoaccommodaterunoffwithoutaddinggutters,whichwerenothistoricallypresent.Within2Years:•Repairorremovechimneysonbothstructures(note:currentchimneyswerenotpartoftheonginalstructures):o[Schoolhouse]repairsurfaceofchimneystack,replaceflashingandfluecap.o[Chapel]repairsurfaceofchimneybaseblock,replaceflashing.o[Both]Alternatively,replacechimneyswithflueandfluecaptoventtherecentlyupdatedfurnace.•Replacedamagedsectionsofcornice[Schoolhouse].•Replaceroofsurface[Schoolhouse].Within3Years:•Repairorreplacedamagedsectionsofsteeples(columnsandpinnacles)[Chapel].•Realignandsecurecrookedpinnacle[Chapel].•Repairorreplacementofdamagedsectionoffasciaboards[Chapel].•Allexteriorwoodsurfaces[bothbuildings]tobescraped/sanded,pnmed,andpainted.•Replaceorrepairflashingabovefrontvestibuleaddition[Chapel].j2JLong-termpropertymaintenance,upkeep,changes,oradditions:•Regulartrimmingofbranchesandshrubstomaintainatleast16inchesbetweenvegetationandstructures.•Regularinspectionandmaintenancebyownersofallexteriorsurfaces.•BiennialinspectionbyTownofficialsperSection270-142.3C(3)(a)[3].•Exteriorinspectionevery5yearsbyadesignprofessional(architect,certifiedbuildinginspector,orcivil/structural/architecturalengineer)14 j3JLandownerconsenttoenterthegroundsforannualorbiennialexteriorinspections:I,AlexaSchrnitz,grantconsenttoTownofficialstoenterthegroundsat1296-1298TrurnansburgRoadforthepurposeofconductingbiennialinspectionsoftheexteriorconditionsofthestructureslocatedatthataddress,relatedtoitsrezoningtoaLimitedHistoricCommercialOverlayDistrictperSection210-142.3oftheTownofIthacaCode.PerScction270-142.3C(3)(a)[3]theTownshallprovideadvancewrittenorverbalnotificationtothepropertyowneroftheinspection.Signature:______________________________________dale:9August202315 G.MillerSatelliteimagecenteredonHaytsChapelandSchoolhouse(Imagedate:April5,2021)•41S.—cIlS,;flCL’StSSI1W.LtW*:rr--HAYTSSfloaL‘nSnfltfr\bt1,NTttLcT,a..ad•T•UMflSO*%-S.StTL—To,....or•fldaC*,TOCPKINSNTY.‘CW*aMM,t&SCALL16 TrumansburgRoadHaytsRoad Aerial Photo 2015 0 260 520130Feet ² Cemetery Cemetery Northeast Pediatrics CayugaProfessional Building OverlookApartments Pg. 1 PROPOSED RESOLUTION: SEQR Special Permit 1296-1298 Trumansburg Road – Short Term Rental Use Tax Parcel No. 24.-4-2 Town of Ithaca Planning Board, November 7, 2023 WHEREAS: 1. This action is the consideration of a Special Permit for a Short-Term Rental Use, located at 1296-1298 Trumansburg Road. The Town Board recently rezoned this property by superimposing a Limited Historic Commercial Overlay District over the base Medium Density Residential Zone, which allows the Short-Term Rental Use following Special Permit approval by the Planning Board. Alexa Michel Schmitz, Owner/Applicant; 2. This is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board is the lead agency in the environmental review with respect to Special Permit, and 3. The Planning Board, on November 7, 2023, has reviewed and accepted as adequate a Short Environmental Assessment Form (EAF) Part 1, submitted by the applicant, Parts 2 and 3 prepared by Town Planning staff, a report titled “1296-1298 Trumansburg Road (Hayts Chapel and Schoolhouse) Request for Limited Historic Commercial Overlay District, Town of Ithaca, New York,” dated August 9, 2023, prepared by Alexa Schmitz, and other application materials; and 4. The Town Planning staff has recommended a negative determination of environmental significance with respect to the proposed Special Permit; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby makes a negative determination of environmental significance in accordance with Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 617 New York State Environmental Quality Review for the above referenced action as proposed, based on the information in the EAF Part 1 and for the reasons set forth in the EAF Parts 2 and 3, and, therefore, a Draft Environmental Impact Statement will not be required. Page 1 of 3 Short Environmental Assessment Form Part 1 - Project Information Instructions for Completing Part 1 – Project Information. The applicant or project sponsor is responsible for the completion of Part 1. Responses become part of the application for approval or funding, are subject to public review, and may be subject to further verification. Complete Part 1 based on information currently available. If additional research or investigation would be needed to fully respond to any item, please answer as thoroughly as possible based on current information. Complete all items in Part 1. You may also provide any additional information which you believe will be needed by or useful to the lead agency; attach additional pages as necessary to supplement any item. Part 1 – Project and Sponsor Information Name of Action or Project: Project Location (describe, and attach a location map): Brief Description of Proposed Action: Name of Applicant or Sponsor: Telephone: E-Mail: Address: City/PO: State: Zip Code: 1.Does the proposed action only involve the legislative adoption of a plan, local law, ordinance, administrative rule, or regulation? If Yes, attach a narrative description of the intent of the proposed action and the environmental resources that may be affected in the municipality and proceed to Part 2. If no, continue to question 2. NO YES 2.Does the proposed action require a permit, approval or funding from any other government Agency? If Yes, list agency(s) name and permit or approval:NO YES 3.a. Total acreage of the site of the proposed action? __________ acres b. Total acreage to be physically disturbed? __________ acres c. Total acreage (project site and any contiguous properties) owned or controlled by the applicant or project sponsor? __________ acres 4.Check all land uses that occur on, are adjoining or near the proposed action: 5. Urban Rural (non-agriculture) Industrial Commercial Residential (suburban) Aquatic Other(Specify):□ Forest Agriculture □ Parkland SEAF 2019 Page 2 of 3 5.Is the proposed action, a.A permitted use under the zoning regulations? b.Consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan? NO YES N/A 6.Is the proposed action consistent with the predominant character of the existing built or natural landscape?NO YES 7.Is the site of the proposed action located in, or does it adjoin, a state listed Critical Environmental Area? If Yes, identify: ________________________________________________________________________________ NO YES 8.a. Will the proposed action result in a substantial increase in traffic above present levels? b.Are public transportation services available at or near the site of the proposed action? c.Are any pedestrian accommodations or bicycle routes available on or near the site of the proposed action? NO YES 9.Does the proposed action meet or exceed the state energy code requirements? If the proposed action will exceed requirements, describe design features and technologies: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ NO YES 10.Will the proposed action connect to an existing public/private water supply? If No, describe method for providing potable water: _________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ NO YES 11.Will the proposed action connect to existing wastewater utilities? If No, describe method for providing wastewater treatment: ______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ NO YES archaeological sites on the NY State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) archaeological site inventory? NO YES 13. a. Does any portion of the site of the proposed action, or lands adjoining the proposed action, contain wetlands or other waterbodies regulated by a federal, state or local agency? b.Would the proposed action physically alter, or encroach into, any existing wetland or waterbody? If Yes, identify the wetland or waterbody and extent of alterations in square feet or acres: _____________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ NO YES 12.a. Does the project site contain, or is it substantially contiguous to, a building, archaeological site, or district which is listed on the National or State Register of Historic Places, or that has been determined by the Commissioner of the NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation to be eligible for listing on the State Register of Historic Places? b.Is the project site, or any portion of it, located in or adjacent to an area designated as sensitive forPlease see Part 3 Please see Part 3 Please see Part 3 Area is served by TCAT Routes 14 and 21 Page 3 of 3 14.Identify the typical habitat types that occur on, or are likely to be found on the project site. Check all that apply: □Shoreline □ Forest Agricultural/grasslands Early mid-successional Wetland □ Urban Suburban NO YES 16.Is the project site located in the 100-year flood plan?NO YES 17.Will the proposed action create storm water discharge, either from point or non-point sources? If Yes, a.Will storm water discharges flow to adjacent properties? b.Will storm water discharges be directed to established conveyance systems (runoff and storm drains)? If Yes, briefly describe: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ NO YES 18.Does the proposed action include construction or other activities that would result in the impoundment of water or other liquids (e.g., retention pond, waste lagoon, dam)? If Yes, explain the purpose and size of the impoundment:______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _ NO YES 19.Has the site of the proposed action or an adjoining property been the location of an active or closed solid waste management facility? If Yes, describe: _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ NO YES 20.Has the site of the proposed action or an adjoining property been the subject of remediation (ongoing or completed) for hazardous waste? If Yes, describe: _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ NO YES I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE AND ACCURATE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Date: _____________________ Applicant/sponsor/name: ____________________________________________________ __________________________ Signature: _____________________________________________________Title:__________________________________ 15. Does the site of the proposed action contain any species of animal, or associated habitats, listed by the State or Federal government as threatened or endangered? EAF Mapper Summary Report Wednesday, September 13, 2023 4:24 PM Disclaimer: The EAF Mapper is a screening tool intended to assist project sponsors and reviewing agencies in preparing an environmental assessment form (EAF). Not all questions asked in the EAF are answered by the EAF Mapper. Additional information on any EAF question can be obtained by consulting the EAF Workbooks. Although the EAF Mapper provides the most up-to-date digital data available to DEC, you may also need to contact local or other data sources in order to obtain data not provided by the Mapper. Digital data is not a substitute for agency determinations. Part 1 / Question 7 [Critical Environmental Area] No Part 1 / Question 12a [National or State Register of Historic Places or State Eligible Sites] Yes Part 1 / Question 12b [Archeological Sites]Yes Part 1 / Question 13a [Wetlands or Other Regulated Waterbodies] Yes - Digital mapping information on local and federal wetlands and waterbodies is known to be incomplete. Refer to EAF Workbook. Part 1 / Question 15 [Threatened or Endangered Animal] No Part 1 / Question 16 [100 Year Flood Plain]Digital mapping data are not available or are incomplete. Refer to EAF Workbook. Part 1 / Question 20 [Remediation Site]No 1Short Environmental Assessment Form - EAF Mapper Summary Report Page 1 of 2 Agency Use Only [If applicable] Project: Date: Short Environmental Assessment Form Part 2 - Impact Assessment Part 2 is to be completed by the Lead Agency. Answer all of the following questions in Part 2 using the information contained in Part 1 and other materials submitted by the project sponsor or otherwise available to the reviewer. When answering the questions the reviewer should be guided by the concept “Have my responses been reasonable considering the scale and context of the proposed action?” No, or small impact may occur Moderate to large impact may occur 1. Will the proposed action create a material conflict with an adopted land use plan or zoning regulations? 2.Will the proposed action result in a change in the use or intensity of use of land? 3.Will the proposed action impair the character or quality of the existing community? 4.Will the proposed action have an impact on the environmental characteristics that caused the establishment of a Critical Environmental Area (CEA)? 5.Will the proposed action result in an adverse change in the existing level of traffic or affect existing infrastructure for mass transit, biking or walkway? 6.Will the proposed action cause an increase in the use of energy and it fails to incorporate reasonably available energy conservation or renewable energy opportunities? 7.Will the proposed action impact existing: a. public / private water supplies? b. public / private wastewater treatment utilities? 8.Will the proposed action impair the character or quality of important historic, archaeological, architectural or aesthetic resources? 9.Will the proposed action result in an adverse change to natural resources (e.g., wetlands, waterbodies, groundwater, air quality, flora and fauna)? 10.Will the proposed action result in an increase in the potential for erosion, flooding or drainage problems? 11.Will the proposed action create a hazard to environmental resources or human health? Page 2 of 2 For every question in Part 2 that was answered “moderate to large impact may occur”, or if there is a need to explain why a particular element of the proposed action may or will not result in a significant adverse environmental impact, please complete Part 3. Part 3 should, in sufficient detail, identify the impact, including any measures or design elements that have been included by the project sponsor to avoid or reduce impacts. Part 3 should also explain how the lead agency determined that the impact may or will not be significant. Each potential impact should be assessed considering its setting, probability of occurring, duration, irreversibility, geographic scope and magnitude. Also consider the potential for short- term, long-term and cumulative impacts. _________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Name of Lead Agency Date _________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer _________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer (if different from Responsible Officer) Short Environmental Assessment Form Part 3 Determination of Significance Agency Use Only [If applicable] Project: Date: Check this box if you have determined, based on the information and analysis above, and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action may result in one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts and an environmental impact statement is required. Check this box if you have determined, based on the information and analysis above, and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts. Pg 2 PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Special Permit 1296-1298 Trumansburg Road – Short Term Rental Use Tax Parcel No. 24.-4-2 Town of Ithaca Planning Board, November 7, 2023 WHEREAS: 1. This action is the consideration of a Special Permit for a Short-Term Rental Use, located at 1296-1298 Trumansburg Road. The Town Board recently rezoned this property by superimposing a Limited Historic Commercial Overlay District over the base Medium Density Residential Zone, which allows the Short-Term Rental Use following Special Permit approval by the Planning Board. Alexa Michel Schmitz, Owner/Applicant; 2. This is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board, acting as lead agency in the environmental review with respect to the project, has, on November 7, 2023, made a negative determination of environmental significance, after having reviewed and accepted as adequate a Short Environmental Assessment Form Part 1, submitted by the applicant, and Parts 2 and 3, prepared by Town Planning staff; 3. The Planning Board, at a Public Hearing held on November 7, 2023, has reviewed, and accepted as adequate a report titled “1296-1298 Trumansburg Road (Hayts Chapel and Schoolhouse) Request for Limited Historic Commercial Overlay District, Town of Ithaca, New York,” dated August 9, 2023, prepared by Alexa Schmitz, and other application materials; and 4. Project plans, and related information, were duly delivered to the Tompkins County Planning and Sustainability Department per New York State General Municipal Law §§239-l et seq., and such Department responded in a October 5, 2023, letter from Katherine Borgella, Tompkins County Commissioner of Planning, pursuant to §§239-l, -m, and -n of the New York State General Municipal Law, determining that the proposed action will have no significant county- wide or inter-community impact; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That the Planning Board hereby finds that the Special Permit standards of Article XXIV Section 270-200, Subsections A – H, of the Town of Ithaca Code, have been met, specifically that: A. The project will be suitable for the property on which it is proposed, considering the property’s size, location, and physical site characteristics.  The property has been used for long-term rentals for many years. There are no proposed expansions to the existing structures or modifications to existing accessways. There is space for the proposed short-term rental use but there are concerns about the parking shown on the submitted site layout drawing supplied by the applicant. The use itself is compatible with the property’s size, location, and physical characteristics. B. The proposed structure design and site layout are compatible with the surrounding area.  There are no proposed new structures and no changes to the site layout, other than physical improvements to the exterior of the historic building that are compatible with its historic designation and that of the surrounding area. Pg 2 C. Operations in connection with the proposed use do not create any more noise, fumes, vibration, illumination, or other potential nuisances than the operation of any permitted use in the particular zone.  The residential use of the property will not change and will not cause noise, fumes, vibration, illumination, or other nuisances. The property is surrounded by a road, a cemetery (on two sides), and a doctor’s office. Potential noise that could be associated with a short-term rental use will have minimal impacts on the surrounding properties. D. Community infrastructure and services, such as police, fire and other protective services, roadways, schools, and water and sewer facilities are currently, or will be, of adequate capacity to accommodate the proposed use.  There are no changes to existing infrastructure and services. All infrastructure to accommodate the use is in place and is of adequate capacity. E. The proposed use, structure design, and site layout will comply with all the provisions of the Town Code and with the Town of Ithaca Comprehensive Plan, except that the site drawing supplied by the applicant shows parking within a driveway lane, which is prohibited by Town Code. F. The site layout, with proposed vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian access, traffic circulation, and parking and loading facilities, is sufficient for the proposed use and is safely designed for emergency vehicles.  There are no proposed changes to the existing site layout. The submitted site drawing supplied by the applicant shows an excessive amount of parking for a short-term rental use. The drawing also shows parking within a driveway lane, which is not permitted and could pose a safety risk. The site drawing will be amended to limit parking and eliminate the parking in the driveway lane. G. The project includes sufficient landscaping and/or other forms of buffering to protect surrounding land uses. Existing vegetation is preserved to the extent possible.  The property is surrounded by vegetation that is expected to remain in place for the proposed use. Therefore, there is no need for additional buffering. Surrounding land uses include two cemeteries, a doctor’s office, a State Highway (NYS-96) and a County Road (CR-139). None of these uses require buffering from the proposed short-term rental use. H. To the extent deemed relevant by the Planning Board, the proposed use or structure complies with all the criteria applicable to site plan review set forth in Chapter 270, Zoning.  Site Plan approval is not required with Special Permit for the proposed use in the Limited Historic Commercial Overlay District. This criterion is not applicable to the project. 2. That the Planning Board hereby grants Special Permit for the proposed Short-Term Rental Use at 1296-1298 Trumansburg Road, with the following conditions: a. Revision of the applicant’s site layout drawing to: i. Delete the “primary” and “secondary” parking designations, ii. Delete the parking space within the gravel driveway lane iii. Clearly mark the parking spaces with boulders, rail ties, parking stops, signage, or some other delineation method that will be physically implemented on site. b. There shall be a maximum of ___ cars on the property associated with the Short-Term Rental use. LActyTOWNOFITHACALOCALLAWNO.18OFTHEYEAR2022ALOCALLAWREVISINGTOWNOFITHACACODECHAPTER270(ZONING)BYREPLACINGARTICLEXVIIIA(LIMITEDHISTORICCOMMERCIALZONES)WITHANEWARTICLEXVIIIA(LIMITEDHISTORICCOMMERCIALOVERLAYDISTRICT)BeitenactedbytheTownBoardoftheTownofIthacaasfollows;Section1.Chapter270oftheTownofIthacaCode,titled“Zoning,”isamendedbyreplacingArticleXVIIIA(LimitedHistoricCommercialZones)withanewArticleXVIIIA(LimitedHistoricCommercialOverlayDistrict)readingasfollows;“ARTICLEXVIIIALimitedHistoricCommercialOverlayDistrict§270-142.2.Purpose.§270-142.3Overlaydistrictcreationanddissolution.§270-142.4Permittedprincipaluses.§270-142.5Permittedaccessoryusesandstructures.§270-142.6Buildingsetbacksandheight.§270-142.7Additionalspecialrequirements.§270-142.8Hearinganddueprocess.§270-1422.Purpose.TheLimitedHistoricCommercial(LHC)OverlayDistrictpromotesthepreservation,protection,andenhancementofsignificanthistoricstructuresintheTownofIthacabyenablingmoreflexibilityoftheallowedusesofhistoricallysignificantstructures,andtheirassociatedproperty,thanwhattheunderlyingzonewouldnormallyallow.Inprovidingmorereuseoptions,theintentoftheLimitedHistoricCommercialOverlayDistrictistohelpmakepreservationeffortsmorefinanciallyfeasible.§270-142.3.Overlaydistrictcreationanddissolution.A.TheLHCOverlayDistrictworksbybeingsuperimposedonanunderlyingbasezoningdistrict.TheOverlayDistrictidentifiesrequirementsthatapplyinadditionto(orinsteadof)thoseinthebasezone.RegulationsfortheOverlayDistrictapplyifoverlayandbasezoneregulationsconflict.See Higlighted text, pages 5 & 6 B.TheTownBoardmaycreateaLimitedHistoricCommercialOverlayDistrictuponapplicationforaspecificproposal,followingtherezoningproceduresinArticleXXII,ProceduresforCreationofNewZones.SuchrezoningtocreateanOverlayDistrictwillbeconsideredonlyfor:(1)BuildingsorstructuresthatarelistedontheNewYorkStateand/orNationalRegistersofHistoricPlaces;or(2)BuildingsorstructuresthathavebeendeterminedtobeeligibleforlistingonsaidRegistersofHistoricPlaces;or(3)BuildingsorstructuresthathavebeenidentifiedaspotentiallysignificantintheTownofIthacaHistoricResourcesSurvey(FinalReportfortheIntensiveLevelSurvey,September2005,asitmayberevisedorupdatedfromtimetotime).ConsiderationorapprovaloftheLHCOverlayDistrictisnotarightevenifthestructureorpropertymeetsthequalificationsin(1),(2)and(3)above.C.AnapplicationforanLHCOverlayDistrictmustincludethefollowingelements:(1)Anarrativedescriptionandjustificationfortherequest,toincludethefollowing:(a)Historicalsignificanceoftheproperty.(b)Descriptionofproposedlimitedcommercialuse(s)andfeasibilityofusingthebuildingandsitefortheproposeduse.(c)Compatibilitywithneighboringandnearbypropertiesanduses.(d)Howtheproposalwillhelppromoteandfacilitatethepreservationandenhancementofthehistoricalproperty.(2)Conditionsassessmentperformedbyadesignprofessional(anarchitectcertifiedbuildinginspector,orcivil/structural/architecturalengineer)preferablyhavinghistoricpreservationexperience,toevaluateanddocumenttheexteriorofthebuilding(s)andsiteconditionsrelativetohistoricalandstructuralintegrity.Itistheowner’sresponsibilitytohireandpayforthedesignprofessional.Exteriorandsitecharacterdefiningfeaturestobeassessedinclude,butarenotlimitedto,thefollowing:(a)Claddingmaterials,includingtrim,architecturaldetails,andattachments.(b)Windowsanddoors,includingpanesandtrim.(c)Roof,includingguttersandchimney.(d)Decks,porches,and/orbalconies.2 (e)Groundsspecifictoelementsthatarerelevanttothehistoricintegrity,suchasfences.(3)PreservationPlan(a)AnapprovedpreservationplancommitsthepropertyownertogoalsandactionsintendedtoensurethatbenefitsderivedfromtheLimitedHistoricCommercialOverlayDistrictrezoningcontinuetofacilitatethepreservationandprotectionofthepropertyshistoricalandstructuralintegrity.ThepreservationplanmustbeapprovedbytheTownBoardanditsimplementationmustbeaconditionofanyOverlayDistrictapproval.Thepreservationplaniscomposedofthefollowingcomponents:[1]Aplanforaddressingandremedyinganydeficienciesidentifiedinthepropertysiteassessment,alongwithatimetableforcompletingtherepairs,restoration,and/orstabilizationthattheassessmentdeemednecessary.2]Aplanforaddressinglong-termmaintenanceandupkeepoftheproperty,andanychangesoradditionstobuildingsandotherhistoricalresources,toensurethehistoricalandstructuralintegrityofthegroundsandbuilding(s).[3]Landownerconsenttoenterthegroundsforannualorbiennialexteriorinspections.ThisconsentprovidestherightfortheTownofficialtoenterthepropertyfollowingnotification(writtenorverbal)toapropertyowneroftheinspection.(b)ProposedmodificationstothepreservationplanmaybeapprovedbytheDirectorofCodeEnforcementexceptthefollowingmodificationsmustbeapprovedbytheTownBoard:[1]Modificationforproposedalterations(including,forexample,materialsandarchitecturalelementstobeutilized)which,inthejudgmentoftheDirectorofCodeEnforcementordesignee,mayadverselychangethehistoriccharacterand/orappearanceofthebuildingand/orsite.[2]Arequesttoextendanymilestoneinthepreservationplantimetablebymorethanthree(3)years.[3]Modificationswhich,inthejudgmentoftheDirectorofCodeEnforcementwarrantTownBoardapprovaldue,forexample,totheuniquenature,size,orsignificanceofthemodification.D.OverlayDistrictenactmentandcompliancewithpreservationplanAftertheOverlayDistrictiscreated,itstaysineffectaslongasthepreservationplanconditionsaremet.(1)Complianceconfirmationletters:3 (a)Complianceconfirmationletterwillbesubmittedtothepropertyowner(s)followinganinspectionconfirmingsatisfactoryimplementationoftheplancomponentsaddressingdeficienciesidentifiedintheinitialsiteassessment.[1]CodesDepartmentstaffwillconductannualprogressinspectionswhiledeficienciesarebeingaddressedandwillhaveauthoritytoentergroundsforexteriorinspection.(b)Thereafter,complianceconfirmationletterswillbesubmittedtothepropertyownereverytwoyearsfollowingabiennialpropertyinspectionforpropertiesdeterminedtobesatisfactorilyimplementingtheirpreservationplans.(2)Non-compliance(a)ThepropertyownerwillbenotifiedinwritingiftheCodesDepartmentfindsafterinspectionthatthepreservationplanisnotbeingfollowedandbegiven60daysfromthedateofthelettertoinitiatecorrectiveaction.(b)FailuretocommenceandcompletecorrectiveactionintheallottedtimeframemayleadtoTownBoarddissolutionoftheLimitedHistoricCommercialOverlayDistrictzoningfollowingahearinganddueprocess(SeeSection§270-142.8)E.AutomaticOverlayDistrictDissolution(1)TheOverlayDistrictisautomaticallydissolvedif:(a)Thehistoricbuildingsorstructuresaredemolished,orthehistoricbuildingsorstructuresaredestroyedinwholeorpartbyanymeanssothatthedestructionexceeds50%oftheassessedvaluesofthebuildingsorstructuresineffectbeforethedestruction,or(b)Thehistoricbuildingsorstructuresinthezoneloseanyhistoricdesignationoreligibilityforlisting,ifapplicable.270-142.4.Permittedprincipaluses.Permittedprincipaluses,andrelatedperformancestandardsandspecialrequirementsinthebasezone,applyinanLHCOverlayDistrict.Theusesinthefollowingtablearealsoallowed.Theseprovisionsconsidereachoftheseprincipalusesasifitstandsalone,evenifthatuseisfunctionallyintegratedwithotherdefineduses.(Example:ifaprivateclubservesfoodordrinksonsite,theseprovisionsconsidertheclubandfood/drinkservice(restaurant/bar)asseparateuses,eachsubjecttoconditionsforthatuse.)4 UseConditions(allusesbelow)•Specialpermit:Specialpermitreviewandapproval(PlanningBoard)arerequiredforanyoftheseuses(exceptconversionofanonresidentialbuildingtoaresidentialuse)inC,AG,LR,LDR,MDR,HDR,andMRbasezones.Siteplanreview:Siteplanreviewandapproval(PlanningBoard)arerequiredwhenprovisionsincX-sCLC-aI-fl(1ArticleXXIIIrequirethem.\°-\aSize/floorarea:Ifthebasezonealsoallowsoneoftheusesinthistable,maximumfloorareainthe-basezonerequirementsapplies.Otherwise,maximumfloorareaislimitedtothegrossfloorareaoftheprincipalbuildingatthetimeofOverlayDistrictcreation.Usesthatmayexpandbeyondthisarea(subjecttositeplanreviewandapproval)arenoted.•Off-siteimpacts:Externalities(noise,vibration,odor,glare)fromnormalactivitymustnotbedetectiblepastthepropertylineinC,AG,LR,LDR,MDR,HDR,andMRbasezones.Thisdoesnotapplytonormaloutdooractivities(examples:peoplearrivingandleaving,playingoutdoors,maintenanceandgroundskeeping).AllotherrelatedperformancestandardsfortheuseintheTownCodealsoapply.1)ResidentialprincipalusesDwellingunit•Thisusedoesnotneedaspecialpermit.Separatelivingquartersforliving,sleeping,•Aprincipalbuildingmayhave1principaldwellingcooking,eating,bathing,andsanitationbyafamily.unitper600‘2grossfloorareathatmeetsthedefinitionof“habitablespace”intheInternationalResidentialCode).Thisdoesnotapplytobuildingsthat®arenew,or©donotmeetthecriteriain270-142.3B.S UseConditionsLive-workdwellingunitPrincipaldwellingunit,withconnectedpurpose-builtspaceonthegroundfloorforanallowednonresidentialuseDaycarecenterAnyoftheseservicestounrelatedchildrenoradultsinaprotectivesetting.•Childdaycare(18NYCRRSubpart418-1),smalldaycare(78NYCRRSubpart418-2),schoolagedchildcare(18NYCRRPart474).•Adultdayhealthcare(70NYCRRPart425),socialadultdaycare(9NYCRR§6654.20).•Area:500.2GFAforanonresidentialuse,onthe1ststory,withapublicentranceseparatefromlivingareas.•Occupancy:Thedwellingunitmustbetheproprietor’sprincipalresidence.•Time:Businesshours8:00AMto8:00PM.•Use:Anonresidentialuseinalive-workunitmayonlybeoneoftheusesbelowasdefinedelsewhereinthissection.•Daycarecenter•Personalservice•ProfessionalofficeMixedresidential/commercialResidentialandcommercialusessharingthesamebuildingorlot.•Aresidentialusemustmeetthedefinitionandconditionsofadwellingunitasaprincipaluse.(Seetablecategory1:Residentialprincipaluses).2)LodgingprincipalusesInn•GuestroomoccupancymayonlybeonadailyorFacilitywithguestroomsforovernightstaysbylongerbasis.payingguests.AninnhasanownerormanagerNumberofguestroomsmaybe1foreverythatlivesonsiteandisavailabletorespondonsite50012ofhabitablefloorarea(inthebuilding,withinsixtyminutesintheeventoftemporaeyroundeddown).absences.Short-termrentaluses•Provisionsin270-219.7thatdonotapplyintheSee270-5and270-219.7[ordefinitionandbaseLHCOverlayDistrictincludeD(2),E(2)(b),E(2)(e)andrequirements.SubsectionF.Aprincipalbuildingmayhave1dwellingunitusedforshorttermrentaluse.Forexample,inthecaseoftwoprincipalbuildings,eachmayhaveonedwellingunitusedforshort-termrentaluse.•Aunitmaybeusedforunhostedshorttermrentalusesyear-roundwithnomaximumtimelimitforoccupancy,subjecttospecialpermitreviewandapproval.3)Commercialprincipaluses6 §270-219.6ZONING§270-219.7[I]Thefacilitiesreferredtoabovehavebeenremoved;[2]SaidfacilitieswillnotbereinstalledwithoutabuildingpermitorotherapprovalfromtheCodeEnforcementDepartment;and[3]TheareafromwhichthefacilitieswereremovedwillnotbeusedasaseparatedwellingunituntiltheCodeEnforcementDepartmentisnotifiedandanyrequiredapprovals,pennitsorothercertificates,includingacertificateofoccupancy,areobtained.(c)Suchaffidavitshallberecorded,attheexpenseoftheproperlyowner,intheTompkinsCountyClerk’sofficeandindexedagainstthepropertyandthenameofthethen-owneroftheproperty.(d)ACodeEnforcementOfficermayinspectthepremisestoconfirmcompliancewiththissubsection.(e)TheCodeEnforcementOfficershallhavethediscretiontodeviate,inwholeorinpart,fromtheproceduresetforthaboveinthosecircumstanceswheretheofficerissatisfiedthatcompliancemaybeassuredinsomeothermanner.C.Additionalrequirementsapplicabletodetachedaccessorydwellingunits.(1)Nootheraccessorydwellingunitsmaybelocatedonthelot:(2)Ifthestreet-facingfacadeofthebuiLdingoccupiedbyadetachedaccessorydweLlingunitisvisiblefromthestreetline,atleast20%ofthestreet-facingfacademusthavewindowordooropenings;and(3)ForbuildingsconstructedaftertheeffectivedateofthisSubsectionC,theminimumrequiredroofpitchofthebuildingoccupiedbyadetachedaccessorydwellingunitis4:12.D.Traditionalneighborhooddevelopment.InanNT-3orNT-4zone,NewNeighborhoodCoderequirementsforaccessoryhousingunitsapply.(DetachedhousebuiLdingtypeonly,usein§272-603.10;accessorybuildingsetbacksforadetachedhousein§272-403.3.)Floorarea,operatingpermit,owneroccupancy,andreversionrequirementsin§270-219.6Babovealsoapply.lAdded11-9-2020byL.L.No.6-2020]§270-219.7.Short-termrentaluses.jAdded12-29-2021byL.L.No.16-2021]A.Purposeandlegislativeintent.(I)Thepurposeofthissectionistoestablishappropriateregulationsforshort-termrentalusesintheTown.WhiletheTownrecognizesthatsomepropertyownerswishtorenttoothersonashort-tennbasisallorpartofdwellingunitstheyown,theTownalsorecognizesthatithasanobligationtoprotectthepublichealth,safetyandwelfareandminimizetheadverseeffectsofsuchshort-termrentaluses(2)Byenactingthissection,theTownintendsto:270:128.10.3Supp58.Mar2023Excerpt from Town Code Section 270-219.7 Short Term Rentals §270-219.7ITHACACODE270-219.7(a)Protectthehealth,safetyandwelfareofthecommunityandofpersonsQoccupyingshort-termrentals;(b)Preventtothegreatestextentpracticablepublicsafetyrisksandotherimpacts,including,butriotlimitedto,increasednoise,trash,traffic,andparkingimpactsassociatedwithshort-termrentaluses;(c)Protectneighborhoodcharacterandminimizetheimpactofshort-termrentalusesonneighborsandresidentialproperties;(d)Protectpropertyvaluesofthccommunity;(e)Protecthousingaffordabilitywithinthecommunityforlong-termrcsidents,whetherownersorrenters;(I)Assisthomeownerstostayintheirhomesbyallowingsomeshort-termrentaluseoftheirhomestogenerateincometodefraytheircostofhomeownership;(g)EnablepropertyownerstoprovidelodgingforvisitorstotheTownduringperiodsofpeakvisitorandtouristdemand,suchasuniversityandcollegegraduationweekendsandholidayweekends;and(h)Promotetheefficientuseofhousingstock.B.Applicability.Thissectionappliestoallshort-termrentalusesexcept:lAmended1-23-2023byLi.No.2-2023j(I)Rentalsofdwellingunitsthatmeetallofthefollowing:thedwellingunitisownedbyacooperativecorporationandissubjecttoaproprietaryleaseundertheCooperativeCorporationsLaw,andthedwellingututistheprincipalresidenceoftheproprietaryleaseholder.(2)Housesittingarrangementswhereahousesitteroccupiesaprincipalresidencewhiletheownerorproprietaryleaseholderisaway,thehousesitterprovidessecurity,maintenanceand/orpetcare,andthehousesitterpaysnomoneyorotherfinancialconsiderationtotheownerorproprietaryleaseholderinexchangefortheoccupancy.(3)Forshort-termrentalusesthatwerepreviouslyallowedbyorexemptfromthis§270-219.7andthataresubjecttoterminationonApril1,2023pursuanttoamendmentstothis§270-219.7thatbecomeeffectiveonApril1,2023,thissectionshallnotapplytoanyshort-termrentaluseforwhichawrittenrentalagreementexistsasofApril1,2023,providedthattherentalconcludesbySeptember30,2023.(4)Forthepurposesofthis§270-219.7,foradwellingunittobeconsideredanowner’sorproprietaryleaseholder’sprincipalresidence,theownerorproprietaryleaseholdermustresideinthedwellingunitforaminimumof185daysperyear.Fortrusts,principalresidencerequirementsaremetifallofthecriteriainSubsectionE(l)(b)[2]aremet.270:128.10.4Supp58,Mar2023 §270-219.7ZONING§270-219.7C.ExceptasprohibitedbytheNewYorkMultipleDwellingLaw,ashort-termrentaluseispermitted,subjecttothissection’sprovisions,inaprincipaldwellingunitoranaccessorydwellingunitinallzoningdistrictsthatallowashort-termrentaluseasapermittedaccessoryusc.D.(I)ExceptintheLakefrontResidentialZone,short-tennrentalusesmayoccuronlyinadwellingunitthatistheprincipalresidenceofatleastoneofthepropertyowners,inanotherdwellingunitonthesametaxparcelastheprincipalresidence,orinadwellingunitonnomorethanoneadjacenttaxparcelthatisownedbythesameowner(s).Nootherowner(s),collectivelyorindividually,shallownalargerpercentageofthetaxparcel(s)thantheowner-occupant(s)whoresideintheprincipalresidenceforaminimumof185daysperyear.lAmended1-23-2023byL.L.No.2-2023](2)AnownermayobtainuptotwooperatingpermitsatanyonetimefromtheTownfordwellingunitsusedforshort-tennrentaluses,withnomorethanoneofthetwopennitsbeingforanunhostedshort-tennrentaluse.E.ProvisionsappLicabletohostedandunhostedshort-termrentaluses.Thefollowingrequirementsapplytobothhostedandunhostcdshort-termrentaluses:lAmended1-23-2023byL.L.No.2-20231(1)Operatingpennitrequired.(a)EachdwellingunitusedorofferedforashorttermrentaluseshallrequireavalidoperatingpermitissuedpursuanttoTownofIthacaCodeChapter125(BuildingConstructionandFirePrevention),§125-8.Eachoperatingpennitshallspecifywhetheritisforahostedoranunhostcdshort-termrentaluse,onlyonesuchusebeingallowedperunit.Beforetheexpirationorrenewalofanexistingoperatingpennit,itshallbetheresponsibilityoftheownerofsuchunittoscheduleaninspectionwiththeTownofIthacaCodeEnforcementDepartmentinordertoobtainaneworrenewedpermit.(b)Ownerseligibletoreceiveshort-tennrentaloperatingpermitsmustbeeither:[I]Naturalpersons(definedforpurposesofthis§270-219.7aslivinghumanbeings),or[2]Truststhatmeetallofthefollowingcriteria:thedwellingunitistheprincipalresidenceofatleastonenaturalpersonwhoisatrustgrantor,atrustee,orabeneficial)’ofthetrustthatownsthedwellingunit,andsaidtrustgrantor,trusteeorbeneficiaryresidesinthedwellingunitforaminimumof185daysperyear.(c)Ownersofdwellingunitsusedorofferedforshort-termrentalusesasofApril1.2022.mustapplybyJulyI,2022,foroperatingpermits.Ownersofdwellingunitsthatarenotusedorofferedforshort-termrentalusesasofApril1,2022,butthataresubsequentlyusedorofferedforshort-termrentaluses,mustapplyforoperatingpermitspi-iortosuchuseorofferfora270:128.10.5Supp58,Mar2023 §270-219.7ITHACACODE§270-219.7short-termrentaluse.Afteranoperatingpermitisobtained,itmustbemaintainedthroughouttheperiodthatsuchunitisusedorofferedforashort-termrentaluse.(d)TheCodeEnforcementDepartmentshallissueanoperatingpermituponverificationbyinspectionthattheitemslistedinSubsectionE(1)(a)[I]through[13]belowtneettherequirementsoftheapplicableNewYorkStateUniformFirePrevcntionaridBuildingCodeandtheitemslistedinSubsectionE(])(c)[14]and115]belowmeettherequirementsoftheTownofIthacaCode:[1]911addressnumberproperlyposted(witheachunitposted);[2]Exteriorstructureingoodrepair;[3]Entrances,accessareas,parkingspacesandsimilarareasingoodrepair;[4]Receptaclesforproperstorageofgarbage;[5]Compliantpoolsariddecks(ifpresent);16]Workingsmokeandcarbonmonoxidedetectors;[7]Interiorstructureingoodrepair;[8]Fireseparation(whererequired);[9]Electrical,plumbingaridheatingingoodrepair;[10]Appliancesingoodrepair(ifsuppliedbylandlord);[11]Properlightandventilation;[12]Properroomsizes;[13]Properegressdoorsorwindows;[14]Compliantoff-streetparking,per§270-227andthissection;[15]ExteriorpropertyareasdonotviolateTownofIthacaCodeChapter205(PropertyMaintenance).(e)ACodeEnforcementOfficershallseekasearchwarrantfromacourtofcompetentjurisdictionwhenevertheowner,managingagentoroccupantfailstoaLlowinspectionsofanypremisesbeLievedtobesubjecttothissectionandwherethereisareasonablecausetobelievethatthereisaviolationofthissection,TownofIthacaCodeChapter205(PropertyMaintenance),ortheNewYorkStateUniformFirePreventionandBuildingCode.(I)Failureofanownerofanyunitthatisrequiredtohaveanoperatingpermittoapplyforanoperatingpennitinatimelymanner,toobtainanoperatingpennitafterinspection,ortomaintainavalidoperatingpermitafteritis270:128.10.6Snpp58,Mar2023 §270-219.7ZONING§270-219.7grantedthroughouttheperiodthatsuchunitisusedorofferedforshorttermrentaluse,shallbedeemedaviolationofthissection.(g)Over-occupancy.Verifiedover-occupancyshallconstituteaviolationoftheoperatingpermit.(2)Additionalhostedandunhostedshort-termrentaluserequirements.(a)ThefollowingprovisionsinthisSubsectionE(2)(a)applyinallzoneswhereshort-termrentalusesareallowed,exceptintheLakefrontResidentialZone.Theownerofanyunitusedforashort-termrentaluseshallprovideenoughdrivewayparkingspacesontheparcelcontainingsuchunitsothatallvehiclesbelongingtotheshort-temrentersareparkedon-site.Suchvehiclesmaynotparkonthestreet.(b)ThefollowingprovisionsinthisSubsectionE(2)(b)applyinallzoneswhereshort-termrentalusesareallowed,exceptintheLakefrontResidentialZone.Nounitexceptaprincipalresidencewithahostedshorttermrentalshallbesubjecttomorethanoneshort-termrentalagreementatanyonetime.Iftheowneroffersmorethanoneunitonaparceland/oradjacentparcel,onlyoneunitmayberentedasashort-termrentaluseatanyonetime.(c)Nounitusedforashort-termrentaluseshallberentedfortheaccommodationofmoreindividualsthantwotimesthenumberoflegalbedroomsinsuchunit.(d)Allunitsusedforshort-termrentalusesshallhaveprominentlypostedinallbedroomsinsuchunitacopyofthevalidoperatingpermitforsuchunitandanoticeinafonuapprovedbytheCodeEnforcementDepartmentcontainingsafetyandlegalcomplianceinformationincluding,butnotlimitedto,thefollowing:locationofthenearestexitincaseofafire;limitationscontainedintheTown’slawsregardingshort-termrentalusesandnoise;andcellphonenumbersoftheownerandanymanager,ifthereisone.(c)Collectionofrentalinformationandactionstoaddresscomplaints.[1]Everytimeanownerrentsaunitforanunhostedshort-termrentaluse,priortothebeginningoftherentalstay,theownershallnotifytheCodeEnforcementDepartmentofthedatesoftherentalagreementbyelectronicmethodsestablishedbysuchDepartment.[2]Localcontactperson.OwnersshallprovidetheCodeEnforcementDepartment,allshort-termrentersandalloccupantsofadjacentpropertieswiththenameandcontactinformationofalocalindividualwhoshallbeavailable24hoursperday,sevendaysperweek,duringthetermoftheunhostedstay.OncethisnotificationisgiventotheCodeEnforcementDepartmentandadjacentpropertyoccupants,itdoesnotneedtobegiventothemagainuntilthenameand/orcontactinformationchanges.Theownerordesignatedlocalcontactpersonshall:270:128.10.7Snpp58,Mar2023 §270-219.7ITHACACODE§270-219.7[a]Respondon-sitewithin60minutestocomplaintsregardingaconditionoroperationoftheshort-termrentaluseortheconductoftherenters;and[b]Takeremedialactiontoresolveanyandallcomplaints.F.Limitationsonnumberofdaysallowedforshort-termrentaluse.(1)Hostedshort-tennrentaluses.Thereisnolimitonthenumberofdaysperyearthatadwellingunitmaybeusedforahostedshort-termrentaluse.(2)Unhostedshort-termrentaluses.(a)Unlessallowedagreaternumberofdaysbelow,nounitshallbeusedforanunhostedshort-termrentaluseformorethan29daysinanycalendaryearintheConservation,Agricultural,LowDensityResidential,MediumDensityResidentialandHighDensityResidentialZones.Thislimitationof29daysshallnotapplytoanywrittenrentalagreementthatexistedasofJuly1,2022,providedthattherentalconcludesbySeptember30,2022.Forthepurposesofthis§270-219.7,eachofthefollowingshallcountasoneday:[1]Arentalof24hours.[2]Arentaloflessthan24hoursthatincludesanovernightstay.[3]Arentaloflessthan24hoursthatdoesnotincludeanovernightstay.(b)iownerofaunitthatsatisfiesatleastoneofthefollowingcriteriamayQrentsuchunitforunhostcdshort-termrentalusesforupto90daysintheaggregateinanycalendaryear:[1]Aunitthatis(a)locatedinaConservation,Agricultural,LowDensityResidentialorMediumDensityResidentialZoneonaparcelthatislargerthanthreeacres,and(b)locatedmorethan40feetfromthesidepropertylines.[2]AunitthatislocatedinaConservation,Agricultural,LowDensityResidentialorMediumDensityResidentialZoneonaparcelthatisnotadjacenttoanyparcelsthatcontainadwelling.(c)Nounitshallbeusedforanunhostedshort-tenurentaluseformorethan245daysinanycalendaryearintheLakefrontResidentialZone.Thislimitationof245daysshallnotapplytoanywrittenrentalagreementthatexistedasofJuly1,2022,providedthattherentalconcludesbySeptember30,2022.Forthepurposesofthis§270-219.7,eachofthefollowingshallcountasoneday:[1]Arentalof24hours.[2]Arentaloflessthan24hoursthatincludesanovernightstay.[3]Arentaloflessthan24hoursthatdoesnotincludeanovernightstay.270:128.10.8Supp58,Mar2023 PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMO To: Planning Board Members From: Christine Balestra, Planner Date: October 31, 2023 RE: Proposed Carrowmoor Solar – Final Site Plan Review Please find attached materials related to the proposed Carrowmoor large-scale community solar photovoltaic system project, located at 1358 Mecklenburg Road (NYS Route 79). The project is scheduled for the November 7, 2023, Planning Board meeting for consideration of final site plan review. The project involves installing a 5MWac single-axis sun tracking solar array system on approximately 30-acres of land, along with two inverter/transformer equipment pads, battery energy storage, new overhead utility (NYSEG) interconnects and poles, an eight-foot-tall perimeter fence, stormwater management facilities, access drive, and other site elements. The Planning Board granted preliminary site plan approval for this project, with conditions, on September 5, 2023. The applicant has satisfied all conditions required to be met prior to final site plan review that were indicated in the preliminary site plan resolution (Resolution No. 2023-025). The attached application materials include a narrative that lists the changes to the project that comply with the conditions listed in the resolution. The attached Final Site Plan Review packet of materials includes: 1. Town of Ithaca Engineering 10/10/23 revised comment letter 2. Applicant narrative, titled “Changes Following Preliminary Approval” 3. Draft final resolution for the board to consider, with draft conditions of approval 4. Revised civil drawing set that shows the following revisions since preliminary approval: a. Corrected project address on all sheets b. Corrected fence height (now consistent on all sheets and in all documents) c. Revised screening locations, planting plans on sheets C201 and C202, with details (detail #2) on Sheet C504 d. Notes on all relevant sheets that reference invasive species control methods e. Light pole specifications and details – one light pole at 20 feet tall, with LED color temperature of 4000K* – See Sheets C201 and C504 5. Revised Decommissioning Plan *The board should discuss reducing the color temperature of the proposed light pole to 3000K to be consistent with other LED lighting that has been approved by the board for other projects. Please call me at (607) 273-1721 ext. 121 or email me at cbalestra@town.ithaca.ny.us if you have any questions. Att. cc: Ryan McCune, Nexamp Lauren Rodriguez, LaBella Associates (emailed) Celia Flynn, LaBella Associates (emailed) Emily Lukasik, LaBella Associates (emailed) DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING Stormwater, Sanitary Sewer, Potable Water, Roads, Parks, and Trails 114 Seven Mile Drive, Ithaca, N.Y. 14850 ENGINEERING@TOWN.ITHACA.NY.US PHONE: 607.273.1656 FAX: 607.272.6076 www.town.ithaca.ny.us ENGINEERING MEMORANDUM FROM: Daniel Thaete P.E., Director of Engineering David O’Shea P.E., Senior Civil Engineer TO: Ryan McCune, Nexamp CC: Town of Ithaca Planning Board DATE: July 18, 2023; Preliminary Review September 12, 2023; Revised Material Submission Review October 10, 2023; Final Site Plan Review RE: Carrowmoor Solar We have reviewed the above referenced project’s Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) narrative dated May 2023, and last revised May 2023 August 2023 September 2023, and the associated plan set dated April 10, 2023, last revised August 9, 2023 September 15, 2023. We offer the following comments: Please do not submit responses, updated calculations, or plans until a fter the Preliminary Site Plan Planning Board meeting. If you would like to meet to discuss these items prior, we would be happy to schedule a meeting. General • If spoils from the project will be deposited within the Town of Ithaca, the spoils site must be included in the SWPPP and further approval of the site may be required. o 9/12/23: Satisfied • Please ensure all documents coincide. The Operations and Maintenance Plan (June 2023) references stormwater practices that are not proposed. This document should also be updated based on applicable comments contained within this document. The SWPPP narrative and plan notes reference/list sediment traps as a practice to be implemented but the plan set does not show these devices. The decommissioning plan references soil stockpiles but the SWPPP plan set states to spread evenly. Please update the appropriate document. If stockpiles are to be saved, please denotation their location on the plan set. o 9/12/23: Satisfied • Please review the local law requirements pertaining to the Environmental Monitor (EM) requirements and update the general notes page accordingly. o 9/12/23: Acknowledged by Applicant SWPPP • A stormwater maintenance and reporting agreement and access easement will need to be executed prior to issuance of a building permit. o 9/12/23: Acknowledged by Applicant • Prior to signing the MS4 acceptance letter, a “final SWPPP” must be provided for review and approval. These items need to be addressed prior to Final Site Plan Approval • Update the SWPPP plan set to identify temporary topsoil storage locations with appropriate erosion and sediment controls. o 9/27/2023: Prior to signing of the MS4 acceptance, update the plan set to accurately identify the location and size the stock piles. Over 1,000 CY of materials is being removed from the driveway and stored long term. • Please update C001 to correct number order typo. o 9/27/2023: Satisfied • Per Chapter 4, Section 4.5, Page 4-11 of the NYS Stormwater Management Design Manual: “When the predevelopment land use is agriculture, the curve number for the pre-development condition shall be “taken as meadow.” It appears that a “Row Crop” with a CN of 91 was utilized. Please revise the model accordingly and review the pre vs post analysis. In the post condition devices, it appears you will be utilizing gravel diaphragms to maintain sheet flow. The Time of Concentration in the post condition can be altered to utilize a sheet flow condition for a majority of the flow path. If water bars are utilized the path should be reviewed for impacts to the Tc. • Update the narrative to include annual inspections of all permanent stormwater practices and conveyance systems by a qualified professional prior to October. An inspection report shall be generated and provided to the Town in accordance with the reporting agreement. o 9/12/23: Satisfied • Update the narrative and plan set to identify the need for MS4 approval prior to NOI and NOT submissions to DEC. The Town of Ithaca is an “MS4 Additionally Designated Area.” o 9/12/23: Satisfied • A vast majority of the proposed panels do not generally follow the existing contours. We have consulted with the regional DEC office. To meet criteria 3 of scenario 1 of the NYSDEC Memorandum for solar panel construction , water bars and/or level spreaders must be installed in accordance with the NYS Standards and Specifications for Erosion and Sediment Control (aka “Blue Book”). If you do not wish to install these devices, you must comply with Table 2 of the Construction General Permit. o Revise the plan set to eliminate the water bar annotation and detail. If you wish to utilize water bars, the plans needs to be revised to be in conformance with the blue book. The water bars must be askew from the contours to a stabilized conveyance system. This may require attenuation. As drawn, water bars are not properly designed. o 9/27/2023: Satisfied • Please update detail 3, C502 to include the 1” gap between panels. Please also indicate panel size and width between rows. This does not appear to be called out on the plan set. o 9/12/23: Satisfied • Access Road o Please verify if the access road is pervious or impervious. The narrative lists the roads as pervious while the plan set indicates the roads to be impervious. ▪ 9/12/23: Satisfied o If pervious, provide additional information on detail 4, C502 of the intended aggregate. Additional information will need to be included in the narrative and plan set for decompaction of the roadway. ▪ 9/12/23: Satisfied o Please review the modeling for consistency between catchment curve numbers. ▪ 9/12/23: Satisfied • Update the narrative and calculation worksheets to identify the area of impervious per catchment. o 9/12/23: Satisfied • Update section 5.1 of the narrative to include temporary stabilization measures such as mulching. o 9/12/23: Satisfied • Update the plan set and narrative to include stabilization application rates. o 9/12/23: Satisfied • Update the plan set and narrative to include winter stabilization requirements. o Revisions are not sufficient. Identify when winter stabilization requirements are in effect, the rate of stabilization, and the required time frame of stabilization. o 9/27/2023: Satisfied • Update the plan set and narrative to include a construction sequence. o Update the plan set to include the construction sequence. o 9/27/2023: Satisfied • Please review the plan set for conformance with the NYS Stormwater Management Design Manual requirements pertaining to grass filter strips. The maximum slope is 8%. The plans do not appear to meet the maximum contributing length criteria. The average contributing slope shall be 3% unless a flow spreader is used. o 9/12/23: Satisfied • Update the plans to identify how the laydown area will be constructed. The area must be a stabilized surface. o 9/12/23: Satisfied • Update the plans to includes erosion control devices at the eastern entrance and where trenching will occur from the site to the NYSEG connection. o 9/12/23: Satisfied • Update the plans to include a level spreader to maintain sheet flow at the discharge of the 6” SICPP near the middle of the site. Provide calculations for this device. o The level spreader depicted on the plan set is not in conformance with the Blue Book or the SWPPP. Please update the plan set to be in conformance with the Figure 3.7 of the Blue Book. o 9/27/2023: Satisfied • Update the plans and narrative accordingly to call out areas that are to receive decompaction measures. Include this in the construction sequence. o 9/12/23: Satisfied • Additional silt fence and/or sediment logs need to be added to the plans. The plans greatly exceed the allowable slope length/fence length outlined in the Blue Book. o Revise the plan set to include devices spaced in accordance with page 5.54 of the Blue Book. o 9/27/2023: Satisfied Carrowmoor Solar – Project Narrative – Town of Ithaca Changes Following Preliminary Approval Per Town Law, Carrowmoor Solar has prepared a list of changes that have taken place within the plans to address concerns expressed during both the public hearing, and in subsequent comments by the Town engineer and Planning Staff. The changes that have taken place since the Preliminary Approval in accordance with the requests by the town board and staff comments, those changes include; - Change of Address from 1340 Mecklenburg Rd to 1358 Mecklenburg Rd. These changes have taken place on the following materials; o Application (online) o Project Narrative o Civil Design o Electrical Diagrams o Agricultural Data Statement o Full EAF – Part 1 o Emergency Response Plan o Operations and Maintenance Plan o Decommissioning Plan o Project SWPPP o Wetland Report - Civil Design o Inclusion of revised screening plan with schedule. o Inclusion of intended lighting and specs o Changes to the stormwater plan to reflect concerns raised by the Town Engineering staff. o Slight changes in racking orientation to account for revised tolerance numbers by the racking provider o Fence height has been clarified as 8’ throughout the project site. - SWPPP o Changes to the SWPPP to address engineering comments per the Town of Ithaca Letter dated 9/12/2023. - Project Narrative o Changes to address design changes, permitting process, and changes to the plan set since preliminary approvals had been issued. - Decommissioning Plan o Removal of all references to chain link fencing. - Electrical Diagrams o Inclusion of pad-mounted utility line diagrams to align with most recent approved civil sets. PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Final Site Plan Approval Carrowmoor Large-Scale Solar Energy System Tax Parcel No. 27.-1-15.2 1358 Mecklenburg Road Town of Ithaca Planning Board, November 7, 2023 WHEREAS: 1. This action involves consideration of Final Site Plan Approval for the proposed Carrowmoor large-scale community solar photovoltaic system project, located at 1358 Mecklenburg Road. The project involves installing a 5MWac single-axis sun tracking solar array system on approximately 30-acres of land, along with two inverter/transformer equipment pads, solar energy battery storage, new overhead utility (NYSEG) interconnects and poles, an eight-foot- tall perimeter fence, stormwater management facilities, access drive, and other site elements. Rancich Family Limited Partnership, Owner; Nexamp Solar, Applicant; Ryan McCune, Agent; 2. This is a Type I Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board, acting as lead agency in coordinating the environmental review with respect to this project, on September 5, 2023, made a negative determination of environmental significance, after having reviewed and accepted as adequate a Full Environmental Assessment Form Part 1, submitted by the applicant, Parts 2 and 3, prepared by Town Planning staff, and other application materials; 3. The Planning Board, at a public hearing held on November 7, 2023, has reviewed and accepted as adequate an application narrative titled “Changes Following Preliminary Approval,” Carrowmoor Solar – Project Narrative - Town of Ithaca,” a set of drawings titled “Carrowmoor Solar, 1358 Mecklenburg Road, Ithaca, NY,” prepared by LaBella, dated 10/17/2023, including sheets C001, C002, C101, C201-C203, C301-302, C501-504, E601, a Decommissioning Plan, and other application materials; and 4. Project plans, and related information, were duly delivered to the Tompkins County Planning and Sustainability Department per New York State General Municipal Law §§239-l et seq., and such Department responded in a June 29, 2023, letter from Katherine Borgella, Tompkins County Commissioner of Planning, pursuant to §§239-l, -m, and -n of the New York State General Municipal Law, determining that the proposed action will have no significant county-wide or inter-community impact; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby grants Final Site Plan Approval for the proposed Carrowmoor Solar project, located at 1358 Mecklenburg Road, as described in the materials listed in Whereas #3 above, subject to the following conditions: a. Before issuance of a building permit, submission to the Planning Department of a Jurisdictional Determination letter issued by the Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) that confirms that the ACOE concurs that the project will not impact any wetlands, b. Before issuance of a building permit, submission to the Planning Department of a copy of NYSDOT Highway work permit(s), c. Before issuance of a building permit, scheduling of a coordination meeting with the Applicant’s Environmental Monitor, and the Town Engineering, Planning, and Codes Departments, d. Before issuance of a building permit, approval of the Decommissioning Plan and Bond by the Attorney for the Town and the Engineering Department, and e. Before issuance of any Certificates of Compliance, submission of a copy of the final Medium Voltage approval and signoff from NYSEG, following its final design review of the project. Decommissioning Plan – Carrowmoor Solar September 10th , 2023 Carrowmoor Solar, LLC (The Company), has prepared this Decommissioning Plan (Plan) for its proposed solar photovoltaic facility to be constructed on private property located at 1358 Mecklenburg Rd, Ithaca, NY, tax map number 27-1-15.2. The parcel is .36 miles west of Westhaven Rd and 1.2 mi East of Sheffield Rd. The Plan describes the process for decommissioning the Facility in accordance with state and local requirements. Facility Description The Facility will consist of a 5,000-kilowatt (or 5 megawatts, MW) alternating current (AC) capacity solar power-generating array secured within an NEC-compliant farm fence surrounding the solar panels and equipment, accessed through a locked gate located inside the property. Each Facility will include the following site features: • PV Modules, inverter(s), and transformer (filled with biodegradable mineral oil) • Combiner boxes and switchgear • Battery storage • Concrete pad(s) • Screw or driven piles and racking to support the PV modules • DC and AC wiring and conduit • A gravel access drive • Stormwater management features including swales • Landscaping • Exterior 8-foot agricultural fencing • A metal security gate at the entrance to the array area • Overhead utility lines and poles Stakeholders Role Contact Information Carrowmoor Solar, LLC System Owner Attn: Carrowmoor Solar 101 Summer St, Flr 2 Boston, MA 02110 Phone: 617.431.1440 Email: Legal@Nexamp.com Town of Ithaca – Codes Office Town Code Enforcement and Site Inspection Town of Ithaca Codes Office 215 N Tioga St Ithaca, NY 14850 Phone: 1 607 273 1721 Town of Ithaca – Planning Board Site Plan Jurisdiction Town of Ithaca Planning Board Chair 215 N Tioga St Ithaca, NY 14850 Phone: 1 607 273 1721 Town of Ithaca – Town Board Decommissioning Bond Holder Town Board 215 N Tioga St Ithaca, NY 14850 Phone: 1 607 273 1721 NYSEG Utility Operator Distributed Generation Office 18 Link Drive Binghamton, NY Rancich Family LTD Partnership Landowner PO BOX 547, Ithaca, NY 14851-0547 All listed stakeholders will receive a copy of the decommissioning plan when executed, and will receive revised copies when revisions are made. All subsequent changes to the Decommissioning Plan will need to be approved by the Town Board, and recorded with the County Clerk upon execution. Expected Lifetime Carrowmoor Solar, LLC has a land lease agreement with the owner of the parcel in question for upwards of 40 years, and has permission to operate the system during that time. Panels are warrantied for 25 years, and the Company anticipates the replacement of inverters with equivalent models as necessary. The project is expected to operate for a bare minimum of 25 years, but is expected to operate for the full term of its lease with the landowner. Triggers and Notices Decommissioning plan will be implemented if the following circumstances occur, per guidance in the Town of Ithaca Local Law §270-219.1-C(4)(i)(i) • lack of production for six continuous months (or for 12 of any 18 months); • lack of a current local permit; • failure to maintain any required decommissioning bond or other security; and • a violation of any site plan conditions or permit conditions that continues more than 90 days after the Town provides written notice of such violation. Every effort will be made to adhere to the decommissioning event criteria outlined above. However, the asset owner will have an opportunity for appeal for extension of the abandonment timeline with adequate proof that the delay can be attributed to supply chain, permitting, or labor issues outside of the owner’s complete control. Prior to the decommissioning plan execution, the asset owner will transmit an electronic notice followed by a hard copy letter to the Town Clerk and/or Code Enforcement Office in the event of any decommissioning, sale, transfer, or any event that may result in partial or complete decommissioning of the site. Notices will be delivered to the addresses below; Town of Ithaca Code Enforcement Office Email: codes@town.ithaca.ny.us 215 North Tioga St Ithaca, NY 14850 Decommissioning Plan The Facility will be decommissioned by completing the following major steps: Dismantlement, Demolition, and Disposal or Recycle; and Site Stabilization, as further described below. In addition to the tasks outlined below, Carrowmoor Solar agrees that all Decommissioning obligations will be done in accordance with the Town of Ithaca’s Zoning Law, Local Law 10, 2023, Section 6; Construction Standards, hereto attached at Exhibit A to this agreement, and NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets (NYSDAM) Guidelines, as set forth in the NYSDAM Guidelines for Agricultural Mitigation for Solar Energy Projects (Revised October 18th, 2019), Hereto attached as Exhibit B to this agreement. Carrowmoor Solar has the sole responsibility to remove the system per the terms of this agreement, and the terms of its lease agreement with the Rancich Family Limited Partnership. Should Carrowmoor Solar be sold or transferred, all Decommissioning responsibilities will transfer to the owning entity. Should Carrowmoor Solar fail to complete its decommissioning obligations, a surety will be provided to the Town to pay for the costs associated with Decommissioning the system. Decommissioning timeline is anticipated to be about six months (180 days) and will be weather dependent, with extensions resulting due to the time of year and overall weather conditions as to not adversely affect the land or provide unsafe working conditions for site employees. Soil Decompaction and stabilization may prolong the decommissioning process due to seasonality of these activities and the need to protect soil from erosion. Dismantlement, Demolition, and Disposal or Recycle A significant portion of the components that comprise each Facility will include recyclable or re-saleable components, including copper, aluminum, galvanized steel, and modules. Due to their re-sale monetary value, these components will be dismantled, disassembled, and recycled rather than being demolished and disposed of. Typically, salvage value is taken into account when estimating net decommissioning costs. Nexamp has proceeded to omit those costs to alleviate concerns about recycling availability and market instability. Following coordination with NYSEG (“Utility”) regarding timing and required procedures for disconnecting each Facility from the utility distribution network, all electrical connections to the system will be disconnected and all connections will be tested locally to confirm that no electric current is running through them before proceeding. All electrical connections to the PV modules will be severed at each module, and the modules will then be removed from their framework by cutting or dismantling the connections to the supports. Modules will be removed and sold to a purchaser or recycler. In the event of a total fracture of any modules, the interior materials are silicon-based and are not hazardous. Disposal of these materials at a landfill will be permissible. The PV mounting system framework will be dismantled and recycled. The metal piles will be removed and recycled. All other associated structures will be demolished and removed from the site for recycling or disposal. This will include the site fence and gates, which will likely be reclaimed or recycled. Grade slabs will be broken and removed to a depth of four feet below grade, and clean concrete will be crushed and disposed of off-site or recycled (reused either on- or off- site). The portion of the gravel access road created specifically for the project, will be removed as well. Aboveground utility poles owned by Carrowmoor Solar, LLC will be completely removed and disposed of off-site in accordance with utility best practices. Any overhead wires will be removed from each Facility and will terminate at the utility-owned connections inside the property. Underground wires buried less than 4’ deep will be removed per Town of Ithaca regulations(§270-219.1-C(4)(i)(v).Stock The access road will remain in place to the final utility-owned electrical poles and the Utility will be responsible for dismantling those overhead wires and poles under its ownership. Coordination with The Utility, personnel will be conducted to facilitate removal of any poles and overhead wires located on the site. A final site walkthrough will be conducted to remove debris and/or trash generated during the decommissioning process, and will include removal and proper disposal of any debris that may have been wind-blown to areas outside the immediate footprint of each Facility being removed. All solid and/or hazardous waste will be disposed of in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations. Should the Town have reason to suspect the contamination of soils on the property, following confirmation of said contamination by third party contractor, soils will be removed and disposed of in accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Road Removal All access road materials will be removed, and graded areas will be returned to grade using unless otherwise specified by the landowner. Re-graded area will be seeded and stabilized immediately upon completion. Stormwater Feature Removal All stormwater features will be removed and regraded. Where appropriate, vegetation will be removed and all stormwater features will be filled. Re-graded area will be seeded and stabilized immediately upon completion. Screening Removal Removal of screening will be conditional based on Town feedback at the time of Building Permit Review. Without explicit town approval, all vegetative screening features will remain on site following decommissioning. Should removal be mandated, screening will be disposed of offsite in an appropriate manner. Where appropriate and necessary, soil depressions will be filled. Re-graded area will be seeded and stabilized immediately upon completion. Soil Management and Site Stabilization It is anticipated that the removal of the facility will cause disturbance of rmore than 5 acres, and will thus be subect to a SPDES permit and SWPPP. Erosion control measures will be designed and established with the Town at the time of Building Permit issuance. Per Town regulations, all agricultural areas shall be decompacted to a depth of 18” following removal of materials from the site. Rocks and large aggregate will be removed from site and topsoil replaced. The areas of each Facility that are disturbed during decommissioning will be re-graded to establish a uniform slope and stabilized via hydroseeding with a ground treatment approved by the Building Inspector. Environmental Monitoring Given the Project’s limits of disturbance is anticipated to be less than 50 acres, an environmental monitor is not required according to NYSDAM guidelines. Per the Town of Ithaca’s local law, a monitor would be required if prime soils existed on site, but as this is not the case we do not anticipate a local requirement for this oversight during active decommissioning. Instead, the asset owner will coordinate with the Town to hire a qualified environmental monitor who will consult on the restoration, and post-construction monitoring for no less than two years. Inspections shall take place in spring, summer and fall per Town Regulations. Permitting Requirements Given the size and location of each Facility, several approvals will be obtained prior to initiation of the decommissioning process. Table 1 provides a summary of the expected approvals if the decommissioning were to take place in April 2023. Noting that the decommissioning is expected to occur at a much later date, the permitting requirements listed in the table below will be reviewed at that time and updated based on then current local, state, and federal regulations. Table 1. Current Permitting Requirements for Decommissioning Permit Agency Threshold/Trigger State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) General Permit for Discharges from Construction Activity New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) Ground disturbance of greater than 1 acre with discharge to wetlands or water bodies. Requires preparation of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, including erosion and sedimentation controls. Building Permit Town Building Department A building permit must be obtained for any construction, alteration, repair, demolition, or change to the use or occupancy of a building. Decommissioning Surety Proposal – Carrowmoor Solar August 3rd, 2023 Consistent with the approach it has taken in other communities, Carrowmoor Solar, LLC, offers to provide a decommissioning surety bond, to be posted prior at the commercial operation date, in the amount of $499,875.00, for decommissioning of the solar and BESS systems in the unlikely event that the company is unable to meet its contractual obligations for solar project removal and restoration. The decommissioning bond, of which Carrowmoor Solar will serve as the principal and the Town of Ithaca shall serve as the as the obligee, starting at the commercial operation date, shall remain in place for the life of the system and for 18 months following the removal of the system. The Town shall have the right to draw on this bond should it be made aware that the system has not produced energy and conveyed it to the electric grid for any 12 consecutive months. Upon drawing on the balance of the bond, the Town assumes responsibility for the decommissioning of the system. In developing the decommissioning surety bond, the company utilized recent decommissioning costs estimate from similar Community Solar and storage projects. The estimation leading to this rate is attached to this proposal as Exhibit B. These costs have been affirmed by our engineering partners at LaBella Associates. A memorandum documenting their diligence has been attached to this plan as Exhibit C. This bond will be reviewed every three years until which time the company’s decommissioning obligations have been fulfilled. Carrowmoor Solar agrees to submit revised removal cost estimates to the Town and the bond company on three-year intervals. Posted bonds will reflect this estimate for the next three years, until which time the costs of removal are reassessed. The bond’s start date shall be the first month following the commercial operation date of the facility. The bond has no set term, and will remain in place for until 18 months following system removal. Below is a summary of the analysis: Project Size (MWAC) 5 Decommissioning 25% Adder $399,900.00 $99,975.00 Total $499,875.00 [Signatures on the following page] Carrowmoor Solar, LLC agrees that if the surety is not renewed or cancelled it will forfeit its Certificate of Occupancy and right to continue to operate until a replacement surety has been posted. TOWN OF ITHACA, NY Authorized Signature: _________________________ Name: Title: Supervisor Rancich Family Limited Partnership Authorized Signature: _________________________ Name: Title: Landowner CARROWMOOR SOLAR, LLC Authorized Signature: _________________________ Name: Title: EXHIBIT C – Decommissioning Estimate Category Deco Total MODULES $37,500.00 BESS $37,500.00 MODULE MOUNTING $28,000.00 BOS EQUIPMENT $12,500.00 INVERTERS $12,000.00 DAS $2,000.00 ELECTRICAL - MATERIAL Array Wiring $12,500.00 MV overhead conductor & equipment $3,400.00 DC equipment $40,000.00 $25,500.00 LABOR Racking Removal $55,000.00 Module Removal $10,000.00 CIVIL FEATURE REMOVAL Access Roads & Laydown areas $55,000.00 Stormwater management features removal $17,500.00 Trenching & directional boring $10,000.00 Seeding / Hydroseeding $12,500.00 Equipment & Storage Pads $5,000.00 FENCING & GATE $14,000.00 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Permits $2,000.00 Environmental Monitor $4,500.00 General Conditions $3,500.00 TOTAL $399,900.00 Bond No. ______________________ Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company Solar Facility Decommissioning Bond KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Carrowmoor Solar, LLC (hereinafter called the Principal), and Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company (hereinafter called the Surety), a corporation duly organized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are held and firmly bound unto The Town of Ithaca(hereinafter called the Obligee), in the full and just sum of Four Hundred Ninety Nine Thousand Eieght Hundred Seventy Five and 00/100 Dollars ($499,875.00), the payment of which sum, well and truly to be made, the said Principal and Surety bind themselves, and each of their heirs, administrators, executors, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Obligee has issued the Principal a special use permit related to the construction of a solar facility at 1358 Mecklenburg Rd, issued on__________, and as a requirement of such permit the Principal is obligated to remove the Solar Facility equipment from property upon discontinuance of service. WHEREAS, the Obligee has agreed to accept this bond as security for performance of Principal's obligations under said permit during the time period this bond remains in effect. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH that if the Principal shall perform its obligations under said permit as stipulated above, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect, unless otherwise cancelled as hereinafter provided. PROVIDED HOWEVER, that this bond is executed subject to the following express provisions and conditions: 1. In the event of default by the Principal, Obligee shall deliver to Surety a written statement of the details of such default within 30 days after the Obligee shall learn of the same, such notice to be delivered by certified mail to address of said Surety as stated herein. 2. This bond may be terminated or canceled by surety by giving not less than sixty (60) days written notice to the Obligee, stating therein the effective date of such termination or cancellation. Such notice shall not limit or terminate any obligations resulting from default by the Principal that may have accrued under this bond as a result of default by Principal prior to the effective date of such termination. No claim, action, suit or proceeding shall be instituted against this bond unless same be brought or instituted and process served one year after termination or cancellation of this bond. 4. No right of action shall accrue on this bond for the use of any person, corporation or entity other than the Obligee named herein or the heirs, executors, administrators or successors of the Obligee. 5. The aggregate liability of the surety is limited to the penal sum stated herein regardless of the number of years this bond remains in force or the amount or number of claims brought against this bond. 6. If any conflict or inconsistency exists between the Surety's obligations as described in this bond and as may be described in any underlying agreement, permit, document or contract to which this bond is related, then the terms of this bond shall prevail in all respects. 7. It is expressly understood and agreed that this bond does not cover or guarantee rent or lease payments of any kind. 8. Sixty (60) days prior to the date that the annual premium for the bond is due, the Principal shall provide to the Obligee proof that such payment has been made. In the event the Principal fails to provide proof of payment 60 days in advance, the Obligee must provide written notice to the Principal allowing 30 days to cure. Should the Principal fail to provide such proof of payment and pay the annual premium for the bond in full thirty (30) days prior to the payment date, the Obligee may call on the full bond amount. 9. This bond shall not bind the Surety unless the bond is accepted by the Obligee. If the Obligee objects to any language contained herein, within 30 days of the date this bond is signed and sealed by the Surety, Obligee shall return this bond, certified mail or express courier, to the Surety at its address at: Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company One Bala Plaza East, Suite 100 Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004-1403 Failure to return the bond as described above shall constitute Obligee's acceptance of the terms and conditions herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above bounded Principal and Surety have hereunto signed and sealed this bond effective this day of , 20 . Principal Surety Carrowmoor Solar, LLC Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company By: _______________________________ By: ____________________________________ One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 1-800-705-SERV (7378) • www.acuitybrands.com © 2018-2023 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. Lithonia RSX1 Area LED Rev. 06/27/23 Page 1 of 9 COMMERCIAL OUTDOOR RSX1 LEDArea Luminaire Specifications Catalog Number Notes Type Introduction The new RSX LED Area family delivers maximum value by providing significant energy savings, long life and outstanding photometric performance at an affordable price. The RSX1 delivers 7,000 to 17,000 lumens allowing it to replace 70W to 400W HID luminaires. The RSX features an integral universal mounting mechanism that allows the luminaire to be mounted on most existing drill hole patterns. This “no-drill” solution provides significant labor savings. An easy-access door on the bottom of mounting arm allows for wiring without opening the electrical compartment. A mast arm adaptor, adjustable integral slipfitter and other mounting configurations are available. EPA (ft2@0°):0.57 ft2 (0.05 m2) Length:21.8” (55.4 cm) (SPA mount) Width:13.3” (33.8 cm) Height:3.0" (7.6 cm) Main Body 7.2” (18.4 cm) Arm Weight: (SPA mount):22.0 lbs (10.0 kg) Hit the Tab key or mouse over the page to see all interactive elements. L W H Options Finish Shipped Installed HS House-side shield 7 PE Photocontrol, button style 8,9 PER7 Seven-wire twist-lock receptacle only (no controls) 9,10,11 SF Single fuse (120, 277, 347) 5 DF Double fuse (208, 240, 480) 5 SPD20KV 20KV Surge pack (10KV standard) FAO Field adjustable output 9 DMG 0-10V dimming extend out back of housing for external control (control ordered separate) 9 Shipped Installed *Standalone and Networked Sensors/Controls (factory default settings, see table page 9) NLTAIR2 PIRHN nLight AIR generation 2, with Networked, Bi-Level motion/ambient sensor 9, 12, 13, 14 BAA Buy America(n) Act Compliant CCE Coastal Construction15 *Note: NLTAIR2 PIRHN with nLight Air can be used as a standalone or networked solution. Sensor coverage pattern is affected when luminaire is tilted. Shipped Separately (requires some field assembly) EGS External glare shield 7 EGFV External glare full visor (360° around light aperture) 7 BS Bird spikes 16 DDBXD Dark Bronze DBLXD Black DNAXD Natural Aluminum DWHXD White DDBTXD Textured Dark Bronze DBLBXD Textured Black DNATXD Textured Natural Aluminum DWHGXD Textured White WW Ordering Information EXAMPLE: RSX1 LED P4 40K R3 MVOLT SPA DDBXD RSX1 LED Series Performance Package Color Temperature Distribution Voltage Mounting RSX1 LED P1 P2 P3 P4 30K 3000K 40K 4000K 50K 5000K R2 Type 2 Wide R3 Type 3 Wide R3S Type 3 Short R4 Type 4 Wide R4S Type 4 Short R5 Type 5 Wide 1 R5S Type 5 Short 1 AFR Automotive Front Row AFRR90 Automotive Front Row Right Rotated AFRL90 Automotive Front Row Left Rotated MVOLT (120V-277V) 2 HVOLT (347V-480V) 3 XVOLT (277V-480V) 4 (use specific voltage for options as noted) 120 3 277 5 208 3 347 5 240 3 480 5 SPA Square pole mounting (3.0" min. SQ pole for 1 at 90°, 3.5" min. SQ pole for 2, 3, 4 at 90°) RPA Round pole mounting (3.2" min. dia. RND pole for 2, 3, 4 at 90°, 3.0" min. dia. RND pole for 1 at 90°, 2 at 180°, 3 at 120°) MA Mast arm adaptor (fits 2-3/8" OD horizontal tenon) IS Adjustable slipfitter (fits 2-3/8" OD tenon) 6 WBA Wall bracket 1 WBASC Wall bracket with surface conduit box AASP Adjustable tilt arm square pole mounting 6 AARP Adjustable tilt arm round pole mounting 6 AAWB Adjustable tilt arm with wall bracket 6 AAWSC Adjustable tilt arm wall bracket and surface conduit box 6 Items marked by a shaded background qualify for the Design Select program and ship in 15 days or less. To learn more about Design Select, visit www.acuitybrands.com/designselect. *See ordering tree for detailsDesign Select options indicated by this color background. One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 1-800-705-SERV (7378) • www.acuitybrands.com © 2018-2023 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. Lithonia RSX1 Area LED Rev. 06/27/23 Page 2 of 9 COMMERCIAL OUTDOOR Ordering Information NOTES 1 Any Type 5 distribution, is not available with WBA. 2 MVOLT driver operates on any line voltage from 120-277V (50/60 Hz). 3 HVOLT driver operates on any line voltage from 347-480V (50/60 Hz). 4 XVOLT driver not available with P1 or P2. XVOLT driver operates on any line voltage from 277V-480V (50/60 Hz). XVOLT not available with fusing (SF or DF) and not available with PE. 5 Single fuse (SF) requires 120V, 277V or 347V. Double fuse (DF) requires 208V, 240V or 480V. 6 Maximum tilt is 90° above horizontal. 7 It may be ordered as an accessory. 8 Requires MVOLT or 347V. 9 Two or more of the following options cannot be combined including PE, DMG, PER7, FAO and NLTAIR2 PIRHN. (Exception: PE and FAO can be combined; also PE and DMG can be combined.) 10 Compatible with standard twist-lock photocells for dusk to dawn operation or advanced control nodes that provide 0-10V dimming signals. Wire 4/Wire 5 wired to dimming leads on driver. Wire6/Wire7 capped inside luminaire. Twistlock photocell ordered and shipped as a separate line item from Acuity Brands Controls. See accessories. Shorting Cap included. 11 For units with option PER7, the mounting must be restricted to +/- 45° from horizontal aim per ANSI C136.10-2010. 12 Must be ordered with PIRHN. 13 Requires MVOLT or HVOLT. 14 Must be ordered with NLTAIR2. For additional information on PIRHN visit here. 15 CCE option not available with WBA, WBASC, AASP, AARP, AAWB, AAWBSC, EGS, EGFV and BS. 16 Must be ordered with fixture for factory pre-drilling. 17 Requires luminaire to be specified with PER7 option. Ordered and shipped as a separate line item from Acuity Brands Controls. Accessories Ordered and shipped separately. House Side Shield External Glare Shield External 360 Full Visor RSX1HS RSX1 House side shield (includes 1 shield) RSX1HSAFRR U RSX1 House side shield for AFR rotated optics (includes 1 shield) RSX1EGS (FINISH) U External glares hield (specify finish) RSX1EGFV (FINISH) U External glare full visor (specify finish) RSXRPA (FINISH) U RSX Universal round pole adaptor plate (specify finish) RSXWBA (FINISH) U RSX WBA wall bracket (specify finish) 1 RSXSCB (FINISH) U RSX Surface conduit box (specify finish, for use with WBA, WBA not included) DLL127F 1.5 JU Photocell -SSL twist-lock (120-277V) 17 DLL347F 1.5 CUL JU Photocell -SSL twist-lock (347V) 17 DLL480F 1.5 CUL JU Photocell -SSL twist-lock (480V) 17 DSHORT SBK U Shorting cap 17 External Shields Pole/Mounting Informatiion HANDHOLE ORIENTATION A Handhole B C D Accessories including bullhorns, cross arms and other adpaters are available under the accessories tab at Lithonia's Outdoor Poles and Arms product page. Click here to visit Accessories. RSX1 - Luminaire EPA Fixture Quantity & Mounting Configuration Single 2 @ 90 2 @ 180 3 @ 90 3 @ 120 4 @ 90 2 Side by Side 3 Side by Side 4 Side by Side Mounting Type Tilt SPA - Square Pole Adaptor 0 ° 0.57 1.03 1.05 1.52 1.36 2.03 1.31 1.7 2.26 RPA - Round Pole Adaptor 0.62 1.08 1.15 1.62 1.46 2.13 1.36 1.8 2.36 MA - Mast Arm Adaptor 0.49 0.95 0.89 1.36 1.2 1.87 1.23 1.54 2.1 IS - Integral Slipfitter AASP/AARP - Adjustable Arm Square/Round Pole 0 °0.57 1.03 1.05 1.52 1.36 2.03 1.31 1.7 2.26 10°0.68 1.34 1.33 2 1.74 2.64 1.35 2.03 2.71 20°0.87 1.71 1.73 2.56 2.26 3.42 1.75 2.62 3.49 30°1.24 2.19 2.3 3.21 2.87 4.36 2.49 3.73 4.97 40°1.81 2.68 2.98 3.85 3.68 5.30 3.62 5.43 7.24 45°2.11 2.92 3.44 4.2 4.08 5.77 4.22 6.33 8.44 50°2.31 3.17 3.72 4.52 4.44 6.26 4.62 6.94 9.25 60°2.71 3.66 4.38 5.21 5.15 7.24 5.43 8.14 10.86 70°2.78 3.98 4.54 5.67 5.47 7.91 5.52 8.27 11.03 80°2.76 4.18 4.62 5.97 5.76 8.31 5.51 8.27 11.03 90°2.73 4.25 4.64 6.11 5.91 8.47 5.45 8.18 10.97 *Includes luminaire and integral mounting arm. Other tenons, arms, brackets or other accessories are not included in this EPA data.Top of Pole 0.563” 2.650” 1.325”0.400”(2 PLCS) Template #8 RSX POLE DRILLING RSX STANDARD ARM & ADJUSTABLE ARM 5.25” 2.65” Drilling Template Mounting Option Single 2 @ 180 2 @ 90 3 @ 120 3 @ 90 4 @ 90 Head Location Side B Side B & D Side B & C Round Pole Only Side B, C & D Side A, B, C & D #8 Drill Nomenclature DM19AS DM28AS DM29AS DM32AS DM39AS DM49AS Tenon O.D.RSX Mounting Single 2 at 180°2 at 90°3 at 120°3 at 90°4 at 90° 2 - 3/8"RPA, AARP AS3-5 190 AS3-5 280 AS3-5 290 AS3-5 320 AS3-5 390 AS3-5 490 2 - 7/8"RPA, AARP AST25-190 AST25-280 AST25-290 AST25-320 AST25-390 AST25-490 4" RPA, AARP AST35-190 AST35-280 AST35-290 AST35-320 AST35-390 AST35-490 Round Tenon Mount - Pole Top Slipfitters Drill/Side Location by Configuration Type One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 1-800-705-SERV (7378) • www.acuitybrands.com © 2018-2023 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. Lithonia RSX1 Area LED Rev. 06/27/23 Page 3 of 9 COMMERCIAL OUTDOOR Performance Data Lumen Ambient Temperature (LAT) Multipliers Use these factors to determine relative lumen output for average ambient temperatures from 0-50°C (32-122°F). Ambient Ambient Lumen Multiplier 0°C 32°F 1.05 5°C 41°F 1.04 10°C 50°F 1.03 15°C 59°F 1.02 20°C 68°F 1.01 25°C 77°F 1.00 30°C 86°F 0.99 35°C 95°F 0.98 40°C 104°F 0.97 45°C 113°F 0.96 50°C 122°F 0.95 Current (A) Performance Package System Watts (W)120V 208V 240V 277V 347V 480V P1 51W 0.42 0.25 0.21 0.19 0.14 0.11 P2 72W 0.60 0.35 0.30 0.26 0.21 0.15 P3 109W 0.91 0.52 0.45 0.39 0.31 0.23 P4 133W 1.11 0.64 0.55 0.48 0.38 0.27 Electrical Load Values calculated according to IESNA TM-21-11 methodology and valid up to 40°C. Operating Hours 50,000 75,000 100,000 Lumen Maintenance Factor >0.97 >0.95 >0.92 Projected LED Lumen Maintenance To see complete photometric reports or download .ies files for this product, visit Lithonia Lighting’s RSX Area homepage. Photometric Diagrams Isofootcandle plots for the RSX1 LED P4 40K. Distances are in units of mounting height (20’). 4 3 2 1 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 4 3 2 1 0 4321 4 3 2 1 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 4 3 2 1 0 4321 4 3 2 1 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 4 3 2 1 0 4321 4 3 2 1 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 4 3 2 1 0 4321 R3R3 R4R4 R5R5R2R2 LEGEND 0.1 fc 0.5 fc 1.0 fc 1.0 fc 4 3 2 1 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 4 3 2 1 0 4321 AFRAFR 4 3 2 1 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 4 3 2 1 0 4321 Visual - Template Tool These lighting calculation results are for general informational purposes only and are provided without warranty as to accuracy, completeness, reliability or otherwise. Results are based on user provided data and data provided from publicly available sources; actual field conditions may affect calculated output. Visit www.Visual-3D.com . Design Information Project Description Monday, July 29, 2019 Name Company Phone Email [ B ] - RSX2 LED P6 40K AFRL90 Manufacturer Lithonia Lighting Configuration Single Lamp Lumens 30752 Orientation Single Lamp Quantity 1 Mounting Height 30 Light Loss Factor 1 Arm Length 1 Input Power 246.6 Tilt 0 Max Illuminance 15 Area > 0.5fc 8044 Page 1 of 1Template Print 7/29/2019http://www.visual-3d.com/tools/template/Print.aspx?SessionID=3885952 AFRL90AFRL90 4 3 2 1 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 4 3 2 1 0 4321 Visual - Template Tool These lighting calculation results are for general informational purposes only and are provided without warranty as to accuracy, completeness, reliability or otherwise. Results are based on user provided data and data provided from publicly available sources; actual field conditions may affect calculated output. Visit www.Visual-3D.com . Design Information Project Description Monday, July 29, 2019 Name Company Phone Email [ A ] - RSX2 LED P6 40K AFRR90 Manufacturer Lithonia Lighting Configuration Single Lamp Lumens 30623 Orientation Single Lamp Quantity 1 Mounting Height 30 Light Loss Factor 1 Arm Length 1 Input Power 246.6 Tilt 0 Max Illuminance 14 Area > 0.5fc 8325 Page 1 of 1Template Print 7/29/2019http://www.visual-3d.com/tools/template/Print.aspx?SessionID=3885952 AFRR90AFRR90 One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 1-800-705-SERV (7378) • www.acuitybrands.com © 2018-2023 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. Lithonia RSX1 Area LED Rev. 06/27/23 Page 4 of 9 COMMERCIAL OUTDOOR Performance Data Performance Package System Watts Distribution. Type 30K (3000K, 70 CRI) 40K (4000K, 70 CRI) 50K (5000K, 70 CRI) Lumens B U G LPW Lumens B U G LPW Lumens B U G LPW P1 51W R2 6,482 1 0 1 126 7,121 1 0 1 139 7,121 1 0 1 139 R3 6,459 1 0 2 127 7,096 1 0 2 139 7,096 1 0 2 139 R3S 6,631 1 0 1 129 7,286 1 0 2 142 7,286 1 0 2 142 R4 6,543 1 0 2 128 7,189 1 0 2 141 7,189 1 0 2 141 R4S 6,313 1 0 1 124 6,936 1 0 1 136 6,936 1 0 1 136 R5 6,631 3 0 2 130 7,286 3 0 2 143 7,286 3 0 2 143 R5S 6,807 3 0 1 133 7,479 3 0 1 147 7,479 3 0 1 147 AFR 6,473 1 0 1 127 7,112 1 0 1 139 7,112 1 0 1 139 AFRR90 6,535 2 0 2 127 7,179 2 0 2 140 7,179 2 0 2 140 AFRL90 6,562 2 0 1 128 7,210 2 0 2 140 7,210 2 0 2 140 P2 72W R2 8,991 2 0 1 123 9,878 2 0 1 135 9,878 2 0 1 135 R3 8,959 2 0 2 124 9,843 2 0 2 137 9,843 2 0 2 137 R3S 9,198 2 0 2 126 10,106 2 0 2 139 10,106 2 0 2 139 R4 9,077 2 0 2 126 9,972 2 0 2 139 9,972 2 0 2 139 R4S 8,757 1 0 2 122 9,622 2 0 2 134 9,622 2 0 2 134 R5 9,198 4 0 2 128 10,106 4 0 2 140 10,106 4 0 2 140 R5S 9,443 3 0 1 131 10,374 3 0 1 144 10,374 3 0 1 144 AFR 8,979 2 0 1 125 9,865 2 0 1 137 9,865 2 0 1 137 AFRR90 9,064 3 0 2 124 9,959 3 0 2 137 9,959 3 0 2 137 AFRL90 9,102 3 0 2 125 10,001 3 0 2 137 10,001 3 0 2 137 P3 109W R2 12,808 2 0 1 117 14,072 2 0 2 129 14,072 2 0 2 129 R3 12,763 2 0 2 117 14,023 2 0 2 129 14,023 2 0 2 129 R3S 13,104 2 0 2 120 14,397 2 0 2 132 14,397 2 0 2 132 R4 12,930 2 0 2 119 14,206 2 0 2 130 14,206 2 0 2 130 R4S 12,475 2 0 2 114 13,707 2 0 2 126 13,707 2 0 2 126 R5 13,104 4 0 2 120 14,397 4 0 2 132 14,397 4 0 2 132 R5S 13,452 3 0 2 123 14,779 3 0 2 136 14,779 3 0 2 136 AFR 12,791 2 0 1 117 14,053 2 0 2 129 14,053 2 0 2 129 AFRR90 12,913 3 0 3 118 14,187 3 0 3 130 14,187 3 0 3 130 AFRL90 12,967 3 0 2 118 14,247 3 0 3 130 14,247 3 0 3 130 P4 133W R2 14,943 2 0 2 112 16,417 2 0 2 123 16,417 2 0 2 123 R3 14,890 2 0 3 112 16,360 2 0 3 123 16,360 2 0 3 123 R3S 15,287 2 0 2 115 16,796 2 0 2 126 16,796 2 0 2 126 R4 15,085 2 0 3 113 16,574 2 0 3 125 16,574 2 0 3 125 R4S 14,554 2 0 2 109 15,991 2 0 2 120 15,991 2 0 2 120 R5 15,287 4 0 2 115 16,796 4 0 2 126 16,796 4 0 2 126 R5S 15,693 4 0 2 118 17,242 4 0 2 130 17,242 4 0 2 130 AFR 14,923 2 0 2 112 16,395 2 0 2 123 16,395 2 0 2 123 AFRR90 15,065 3 0 3 113 16,551 3 0 3 124 16,551 3 0 3 124 AFRL90 15,128 3 0 3 114 16,621 3 0 3 125 16,621 3 0 3 125 Lumen Output Lumen values are from photometric tests performed in accordance with IESNA LM-79-08. Data is considered to be representative of the configurations shown, within the tolerances allowed by Lighting Facts. Contact factory for performance data on any configurations not shown here. One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 1-800-705-SERV (7378) • www.acuitybrands.com © 2018-2023 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. Lithonia RSX1 Area LED Rev. 06/27/23 Page 5 of 9 COMMERCIAL OUTDOOR Dimensions & Weights L W H Length: 22.8” (57.9 cm) Width: 13.3” (33.8 cm) Height: 3.0” (7.6 cm) Main Body 7.2” (18.4 cm) Arm RSX1 with Round Pole Adapter (RPA) Note: RPA — Round Pole mount can also be used to mount on square poles by omitting the round pole adapter plate shown here. L W H Length: 23.2” (59.1 cm) Width: 13.3” (33.8 cm) Height: 3.0” (7.6 cm) Main Body 3.5” (8.9 cm) Arm RSX1 with Mast Arm Adapter (MA) 7/16" locking thru bolt/nut provided L W H Length: 20.7” (52.7 cm) Width: 13.3” (33.8 cm) Height: 3.0” (7.6 cm) Main Body 7.6” (19.3 cm) Arm RSX1 with Adjustable Slipfitter (IS) 7/8" KO - fits 1/2" NPT water- tight fitting Luminaire Weight by Mounting Type Mounting Configuration Total Luminaire Weight SPA 22 lbs RPA 24 lbs MA 22 lbs WBA 25 lbs WBASC 28 lbs IS 25 lbs AASP 25 lbs AARP 27 lbs AAWB 28 lbs AAWSC 31 lbs One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 1-800-705-SERV (7378) • www.acuitybrands.com © 2018-2023 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. Lithonia RSX1 Area LED Rev. 06/27/23 Page 6 of 9 COMMERCIAL OUTDOOR Dimensions L W H Length: 23.6" (59.9 cm) Width: 13.3” (33.8 cm) Height: 3.0” (7.6 cm) Main Body 8.9” (22.6 cm) Arm RSX1 with Wall Bracket (WBA) Wall Bracket (WBA) Mounting Detail 4.5 7.0 L W H Length: 25.3” (64.3 cm) Width: 13.3” (33.8 cm) Height: 3.0” (7.6 cm) Main Body 9.2” (23.4 cm) Arm RSX1 with Wall Bracket with Surface Conduit Box (WBASC) 3/4" NPT taps with plugs - Qty (4) provided Surface Conduit Box (SCB) Mounting Detail 4.4 7.0 One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 1-800-705-SERV (7378) • www.acuitybrands.com © 2018-2023 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. Lithonia RSX1 Area LED Rev. 06/27/23 Page 7 of 9 COMMERCIAL OUTDOOR Dimensions L W H Length: 25.3” (65.3 cm) AASP 26.3” (66.8 cm) AARP Width: 13.3” (33.8 cm) Height: 3.0” (7.6 cm) Main Body 7.2” (18.2 cm) Arm RSX1 with Adjustable Tilt Arm - Square or Round Pole (AASP or AARP) NOTE: RPA - Round Pole mount can also be used to mount on square poles by omitting the round pole adapter plate shown here. 7/8" KO - fits 1/2" NPT water- tight fitting Notes AASP: Requires 3.0" min. square pole for 1 at 90°. Requires 3.5" min. square pole for mounting 2, 3, 4 at 90°. AARP: Requires 3.2" min. dia. round pole for 2, 3, 4 at 90°. Requires 3.0" min. dia. round pole for mounting 1 at 90°, 2 at 180°, 3 at 120°. L W H Length: 27.1” (68.8 cm) Width: 13.3” (33.8 cm) Height: 3.0” (7.6 cm) Main Body 8.9” (22.6 cm) Arm RSX1 with Adjustable Tilt Arm with Wall Bracket (AAWB) Wall Bracket (WBA) Mounting Detail 4.5 7.0 7/8" KO - fits 1/2" NPT water- tight fitting One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 1-800-705-SERV (7378) • www.acuitybrands.com © 2018-2023 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. Lithonia RSX1 Area LED Rev. 06/27/23 Page 8 of 9 COMMERCIAL OUTDOOR Dimensions L W H Length: 28.8” (73.2 cm) Width: 13.3” (33.8 cm) Height: 3.0” (7.6 cm) Main Body 9.2” (23.4 cm) Arm RSX1 with Adjustable Tilt Arm with Wall Bracket and Surface Conduit Box (AAWSC) Surface Conduit Box (SCB) Mounting Detail 4.4 7.0 3/4" NPT taps with plugs - Qty (4) provided 7/8" KO - fits 1/2" NPT water- tight fitting Automotive Front Row - Rotated Optics (AFRL90/R90) AFRR90 AFRL90 (Example: 2@180 - arrows indicate direction of light exiting the luminaire) One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 1-800-705-SERV (7378) • www.acuitybrands.com © 2018-2023 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. Lithonia RSX1 Area LED Rev. 06/27/23 Page 9 of 9 COMMERCIAL OUTDOOR FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE The RSX LED area family is designed to provide a long-lasting, energy-efficient solution for the one- for-one replacement of existing metal halide or high pressure sodium lighting. The RSX1 delivers 7,000 to 17,000 lumens and is ideal for replacing 70W to 400W HID pole-mounted luminaires in parking lots and other area lighting applications. CONSTRUCTION The RSX LED area luminaire features a rugged die-cast aluminum main body that uses heat- dissipating fins and flow-through venting to provide optimal thermal management that both enhances LED performance and extends component life. Integral “no drill” mounting arm allows the luminaire to be mounted on existing pole drillings, greatly reducing installation labor. The light engines and housing are sealed against moisture and environmental contaminants to IP66. The low-profile design results in a low EPA, allowing pole optimization. All mountings are rated for minimum 1.5 G vibration load per ANSI C136.31. 3G Mountings: Include SPA, RPA, MA, IS, AASP, and AARP rated for 3G vibration. 1.5G Mountings: Include WBA, WBASC, AAWB and AAWSC rated for 1.5G vibration. FINISH Exterior parts are protected by a zinc-infused Super Durable TGIC thermoset powder coat finish that provides superior resistance to corrosion and weathering. A tightly controlled multi-stage process ensures superior adhesion as well as a minimum finish thickness of 3 mils. The result is a high-quality finish that is warrantied not to crack or peel. COASTAL CONSTRUCTION (CCE) ptional corrosion resistant construction is engineered with added corrosion rotection in materials and/or pre-treatment of base material under superÝurable paint. Provides additional corrosion protection for applications nearÜoastal areas. Finish is salt spray tested to over 5,000 hours per ASTM B117 with cribe rating of 10. Additional lead-times apply. OPTICS Precision acrylic refractive lenses are engineered for superior application efficiency, distributing the light to where it is needed most. Available in short and wide pattern distributions including Type 2, Type 3, Type 3S, Type 4, Type 4S, Type 5, Type 5S, AFR (Automotive Front Row), and AFR rotated AFRR90 and ARFL90. ELECTRICAL Light engine(s) configurations consist of high-efficacy LEDs mounted on metal-core circuit boards and aluminum heat sinks to maximize heat dissipation. Light engines are IP66 rated. LED lumen maintenance is >L92/100,000 hours. CCT’s of 3000K, 4000K and 5000K (minimum 70 CRI) are available. Fixtures ship standard with 0-10v dimming driver. Class 1 electronic drivers ensure system power factor >90% and THD <20%. Easily serviceable 10kV surge protection device meets a minimum Category C Low operation (per ANSI/IEEE C62.41.2). STANDARD CONTROLS The RSX LED area luminaire has a wide assortment of control options. Dusk to dawn controls include MVOLT and 347V button-type photocells and NEMA twist-lock photocell receptacles. nLIGHT AIR CONTROLS The RSX LED area luminaire is also available with nLight® AIR for the ultimate in wireless control. This powerful controls platform provides out-of-the-box basic motion sensing with photocontrol functionality and is suitable for mounting heights up to 40 feet. No commissioning is required when using factory default settings that provide basic stand-alone motion occupancy dimming that is switched on and off with a built-in photocell. See chart above for motion sensor default out-of-box settings. For more advanced wireless functionality, such as group dimming, nLight AIR can be commissioned using a smartphone and the easy-to- use CLAIRITY app. nLight AIR equipped luminaries can be grouped, resulting in motion sensor and photocell group response without the need for additional equipment. Scheduled dimming with motion sensor over-ride can be achieved when used with the nLight Eclypse. Additional information about nLight Air can be found here. INSTALLATION Integral “no-drill” mounting arm allows for fast, easy mounting using existing pole drillings. Select the “SPA” option for square poles and the “RPA” option to mount to round poles. Note, the RPA mount can also be used for mounting to square poles by omitting the RPA adapter plate. Select the “MA” option to attach the luminaire to a 2 3/8” horizontal mast arm or the “IS” option for an adjustable slipfitter that mounts on a 2 3/8” OD tenon. The adjustable slipfitter has an integral junction box and offers easy installation. Can be tilted up to 90° above horizontal. Additional mountings are available including a wall bracket, adjustable tilt arm for direct-to-pole and wall and a surface conduit box for wall mount applications. LISTINGS CSA Certified to meet U.S. and Canadian standards. Suitable for wet locations. Rated for -40°C minimum ambient. DesignLights Consortium® (DLC) Premium qualified product and DLC qualified product. Not all versions of this product may be DLC Premium qualified or DLC qualified. Please check the DLC Qualified Products List at www.designlights.org/QPL to confirm which versions are qualified. International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) Fixture Seal of Approval (FSA) is available for all products on this page utilizing 3000K color temperature only. U.S. Patent No. D882, 146S BUY AMERICAN ACT Product with the BAA option is assembled in the USA and meets the Buy America(n) government procurement requirements under FAR, DFARS and DOT regulations. Please refer to www.acuitybrands.com/buy-american for additional information. WARRANTY 5-year limited warranty. This is the only warranty provided and no other statements in this specification sheet create any warranty of any kind. All other express and implied warranties are disclaimed. Complete warranty terms located at: www.acuitybrands.com/support/warranty/terms-and-conditions Note: Actual performance may differ as a result of end-user environment and application. All values are design or typical values, measured under laboratory conditions at 25 °C. Specifications subject to change without notice. nLight Control - Sensor Coverage and Settings Motion Sensor Default Settings - Option PIRHN Option Dimmed State (unoccupied) High Level (when occupied) Photocell Operation Dwell Time (occupancy time delay) Ramp-up Time (from unoccupied to occupied) Ramp-down Time (from occupied to unoccupied) NLTAIR2 PIRHN Approx. 30% Output 100% Output Enabled @ 1.5FC 7.5 minutes 3 seconds 5 minutes nLight Sensor Coverage Pattern NLTAIR2 PIRHN Top Side *Note: NLTAIR2 PIRHN default settings including photocell set-point, high/low dim rates, and occupancy sensor time delay are all configurable using the Clairity Pro App. Sensor coverage pattern shown with luminaire at 0°. Sensor coverage pattern is affected when luminaire is titled. CARROWMOOR SOLAR 1358 MECKLENBURG ROAD ITHACA, NY 14850 NEXAMP PROJECT NO: 2230713 ISSUED FOR REVIEW 10/17/2023101 SUMMER STREET, 2ND FLOORBOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02110PROJECT NO: 2230713APRIL 2023REVISED JUNE 27, 2023REVISED JULY 12, 2023REVISED AUGUST 9, 2023REVISED SEPTEMBER 15, 2023REVISED OCTOBER 17, 2023CARROWMOOR SOLAR1358 MECKLENBURG ROADITHACA, NY 14850LOCATION MAPN.T.S.NEXAMP105 N. Tioga Street, Suite 200Ithaca, NY 14850607-319-4136labellapc.comPROJECT LOCATION RevisionsNO:DATE:DESCRIPTION:106/27/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS207/12/23REVISED PER FIELD MEETING308/09/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS409/15/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS510/17/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DRAWING NAME:6/3/2010 8:47:56 AM DRAWING NUMBER:DATE:ISSUED FOR:DRAWN BY:REVIEWED BY:PROJECT NUMBER:© 2023 LaBella AssociatesVERSION 23.1 NEXAMP101 SUMMER STREET, 2ND FLOORBOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02110CARROWMOOR SOLAR1358 MECKLENBURG ROAD ITHACA, NY 148502230713PLANNING BOARD REVIEW10/17/2023It is a violation of New York Education Law Art. 145 Sec. 7209 & Art. 147Sec. 7307, for any person, unless acting under the direction of a licensedarchitect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in anyway. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyoris altered; the altering architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix tothe item their seal and notation "altered by" followed by their signature anddate of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration.300 State Street, Suite 201Rochester, NY 14614585-454-6110labellapc.comCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER:PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING: 018281LAND SURVEYING: 017976GEOLOGICAL: 018750EXP:EXP:JLEMWM3/31/2024C001GENERAL NOTES, LEGEND,AND DRAWING INDEXLEGENDDRAWING INDEX1.THE CONTRACTOR ALONE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO LOCATE UTILITIES OUTSIDE THERIGHT-OF-WAY INCLUDING PRIVATE ROADS.2.SITE DRAINAGE, INCLUDING THE PROJECT SITE AND ADJACENT PRIVATE AND PUBLICROADWAYS, DRIVES, PARKING AREAS OR PROPERTIES SHALL BE MAINTAINEDTHROUGHOUT THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD.3.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SUPPLYING ALL MATERIALS, TOOLS ANDEQUIPMENT, INCLUDING SPECIAL CUTTING DEVICES, NECESSARY TO PERFORM THEWORK CONTAINED IN THIS CONTRACT.4.THE SIZES AND MATERIAL OF CONSTRUCTION OF WATER MAINS, SANITARY SEWERS ANDSTORM SEWERS TO REMAIN ARE REPUTED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY SIZES OFALL UTILITIES WHERE CONNECTIONS TO SAID EXISTING UTILITIES ARE REQUIRED.EXCAVATION TO VERIFY THESE UTILITIES SHALL BE MADE AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TOTHE OWNER.5.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT ALL EXISTING SITE AMENITIES NOT DESIGNATED FORREMOVAL.6.UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ON THE PLANS OR DIRECTED BY THEARCHITECT/ENGINEER, THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PRESERVING ANDPROTECTING FROM DAMAGE ALL TREES, SHRUBS AND PLANTS IN THE VICINITY OF THEPROPOSED WORK.7.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT AND SUPPORT ALL EXISTING UTILITIES DESIGNATEDTO REMAIN FOR THE DURATION OF THE CONTRACT.8.ANY SITE AMENITY, UTILITY, STREET APPURTENANCE, OR OTHER ITEM WHICH BECOMESDAMAGED AS A RESULT OF THE CONTRACTOR'S OPERATIONS SHALL BE REPAIRED ORREPLACED IN-KIND BY THE CONTRACTOR AS DETERMINED BY THE PROJECT MANAGEROR ARCHITECT/ENGINEER AND AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER.9.APPROVAL BY THE MS4 (TOWN OF ITHACA) IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO NOI AND NOTSUBMISSIONS TO THE DEC. THE TOWN OF ITHACA IS AN "MS4 ADDITIONALLYDESIGNATED AREA".10.AN ENVIRONMENTAL MONITOR (EM) MUST BE HIRED BY APPLICANT AT THE DISCRETIONOF THE TOWN TO OVERSEE ALL CONSTRUCTION, RESTORATION, AND FOLLOW-UPMONITORING.1.CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO BID. NOALLOWANCE WILL BE MADE FOR ADDITIONAL COSTS DUE TO CONTRACTOR'S FAILURE TOVERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS AND DIMENSIONS.2.PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY DIG SAFENEW YORK AT 811 TO REQUEST UTILITY STAKEOUT OF ALL PUBLIC UTILITIES.3.WORK ASSOCIATED WITH THIS CONTRACT WILL OCCUR AT AN ACTIVE AND FUNCTIONALFACILITY. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH THE OWNER TO MINIMIZE DISRUPTIONTO THE OPERATIONS OF THE FACILITY. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE TOPROVIDE A SAFE WORK SITE AND TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC, VISITORS AND EMPLOYEESFROM HARM AS A RESULT OF HIS CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES.4.THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING ABOVE GROUND ANDBELOW GROUND UTILITIES, STRUCTURES, AND APPURTENANCES SHOWN ON THE PLANSARE APPROXIMATE AND ARE NOT GUARANTEED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BERESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING THE EXACT HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OFALL UTILITIES, STRUCTURES, AND APPURTENANCES IN THE PATH OF AND ADJACENT TOTHE PROPOSED WORK.5.SITE DRAINAGE, INCLUDING THE PROJECT SITE AND ADJACENT PRIVATE AND PUBLICROADWAYS, DRIVES, PARKING AREAS OR PROPERTIES SHALL BE MAINTAINEDTHROUGHOUT THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD.6.CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT AND SUPPORT ALL EXISTING UTILITIES DESIGNATED TOREMAIN FOR THE DURATION OF THE CONTRACT.7.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT, LOCAL FIRE DEPARTMENTAND THE NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION (NYSDEC)AS NECESSARY AND SHALL OBTAIN ANY REQUIRED PERMITS PRIOR TO BEGINNINGWORK. COPIES OF ANY REQUIRED PERMITS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE OWNER PRIORTO BEGINNING THE WORK.8.CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE FROM SITE, MATERIALS NOT INDICATED TO BE SALVAGEDINCLUDING ALL DEBRIS. ALL REMOVED MATERIALS SHALL BECOME THE PROPERTY OFCONTRACTOR WHO SHALL LEGALLY DISPOSE OF SAME.9.ALL TREES, SHRUBS AND PLANTS DESIGNATED TO REMAIN AND DISTURBED BYCONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS, SHALL BE REPLACED IN-KIND AS DIRECTED BY THEARCHITECT/ENGINEER AND/OR OWNER'S DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE AT NOADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER.10.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN SAFE VEHICULAR AND PEDESTRIAN ACCESS TO THEEXISTING BUILDINGS FOR THE DURATION OF THE CONTRACT.11.WHEN EXISTING CONSTRUCTION WHICH IS TO REMAIN IS DAMAGED DURING THECOURSE OF CONSTRUCTION AS A RESULT OF CONTRACTORS WORK, IT SHALL BEREPAIRED AND/OR REPLACED WITH SIMILAR OR LIKE MATERIALS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE,AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. ALL REPAIRS AND/OR REPLACEMENTS WILL BE SUBJECT TOOWNERS APPROVAL.12.COORDINATE LOCATION OF TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION FENCE AND TEMPORARY STONESTAGING AREA WITH OWNER1.CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO BID. NOALLOWANCE WILL BE MADE FOR ADDITIONAL COSTS DUE TO CONTRACTOR'S FAILURE TOVERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS.2.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE, MARK, SAFEGUARD AND PRESERVE ALL SURVEYMARKERS AND RIGHT-OF-WAY MARKERS IN THE AREA OF CONSTRUCTION.3.ANY IRON PINS, MONUMENTS OR OTHER ITEMS DEFINING PROPERTY LINES WHICH AREDISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS SHALL BE PROPERLY TIED ANDACCURATELY RESET BY A NYS LICENSED SURVEYOR UPON COMPLETION OF THE WORK.4.HORIZONTAL DATUM BASED OFF NAD83.5.VERTICAL BASED OFF OF NAVD88.6.TOPOGRAPHY AS SURVEYED BY LABELLA ASSOCIATES IN FEBRUARY 2023.1.CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ANY STORM SEWER REPLACEMENT WITH THENYSDOT AND THE TOWN OF ITHACA.2.CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE INSTALLATION OF ELECTRIC SERVICE LINES WITHNYSEG.1.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF OSHA, AND ANY OTHERAGENCY HAVING JURISDICTION WITH REGARD TO SAFETY PRECAUTIONS WITHTRENCHING OPERATIONS. THE REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH HEREIN ARE INTENDED TOSUPPLEMENT REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY THESE AGENCIES. IN THE CASE OF ACONFLICT BETWEEN REQUIREMENTS OF OTHER JURISDICTIONAL AGENCIES AND THESEDOCUMENTS, THE MORE STRINGENT REQUIREMENT ON THE CONTRACTOR SHALL APPLY.2.SHEETING, IF REQUIRED DURING CONSTRUCTION, IS CONSIDERED TO BE PART OF THISCONTRACT AND SHALL BE PROVIDED AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER.3.ALL TRENCHES THROUGH PAVEMENT SHALL BE SAW CUT PRIOR TO EXCAVATION ANDAGAIN PRIOR TO PAVEMENT RESTORATION.4.CONTRACTOR SHALL ADJUST THE RIMS OF ALL MANHOLES, CATCH BASINS, VALVEBOXES AND OTHER UTILITY SITE STRUCTURES TO MEET FINISHED GRADE IN AREASREQUIRING REPAVING OR REGRADING AS PART OF THE WORK, INCLUDING THOSE THATMAY NOT BE SHOWN ON THE PLANS.5.VOIDS LEFT BY UTILITY OR STRUCTURE REMOVAL OR GRUBBING OPERATIONS SHALL BEBACKFILLED AND PROPERLY COMPACTED WITH STRUCTURAL FILL (NYSDOT ITEM 304.12)IN AREAS UNDER AND WITHIN 5 FEET HORIZONTALLY OF ALL STRUCTURES, BUILDINGSAND PAVEMENTS. IN GRASSED AREAS, VOIDS LEFT SHALL BE FILLED AND PROPERLYCOMPACTED WITH SUITABLE ON-SITE OR IMPORTED EARTHEN BACKFILL. ALLDISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE RESTORED.6.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEWATER ALL EXCAVATIONS TO PREVENT THE INTRODUCTIONOF GROUNDWATER INTO THE TRENCHES/EXCAVATIONS. PROVIDE ALL EQUIPMENTNECESSARY TO MAINTAIN THE GROUNDWATER LEVEL AS NECESSARY.7.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PLACE AT MINIMUM 6 INCHES OF CLEANED SCREENEDTOPSOIL IN ALL DISTURBED AREAS PRIOR TO SEEDING.1.ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEW YORKSTANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL, AND LOCALGOVERNING SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION AGENCY RECOMMENDATIONS ANDSTANDARDS. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT PROPOSED EROSION CONTROL PLANINCLUDING SEQUENCING OF WORK TO THE ENGINEER FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO START OFWORK.2.UTILIZE CONSTRUCTION METHODS/TECHNIQUES, WHICH WILL LIMIT THE EXPOSEDEARTHEN AREAS AND MINIMIZE THE EFFECT OF EARTH DISTURBANCE ACTIVITIES ON SOILEROSION. THE AREA OF DISTURBANCE SHALL BE LIMITED TO A MAXIMUM OF 5 ACRESUNLESS A 5 ACRE WAIVER IS APPROVED BY THE NYSDEC.3.ALL SEDIMENTATION BARRIERS AND OTHER TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT MEASURESSHALL BE IN PLACE PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. PLANS SHOW THESUGGESTED MINIMUM MEASURES REQUIRED.4.REMOVAL OF ALL TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURESSHALL BE COMPLETED AT THE APPROVAL OF THE OWNER AND ENGINEER. THE COST OFREMOVING THESE MEASURES SHALL ALSO BE INCLUDED IN THE BID PRICE.5.FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT ALL ON-SITE,ADJACENT AND/OR DOWNSTREAM STORM/SANITARY SEWERS, AND/OR OTHER WATERCOURSES FROM CONTAMINATION BY WATER BORNE SILTS, SEDIMENTS, FUELS,SOLVENTS, LUBRICANTS OR OTHER POLLUTANTS ORIGINATING FROM ANY WORK DONEON, OR IN SUPPORT OF THIS PROJECT.6.DURING CONSTRUCTION NO WET OR FRESH CONCRETE OR LEACHATE SHALL BEALLOWED TO ESCAPE INTO STORM/SANITARY SEWERS, DITCHES OR OTHER WATERS OFNEW YORK STATE, NOR SHALL WASHINGS FROM CONCRETE TRUCKS, MIXERS OR OTHERDEVICES BE ALLOWED TO ENTER ANY STORM/SANITARY SEWERS, DITCHES, RIVERS, ORWATER COURSES.7.ALL EXCAVATED OR IMPORTED EARTHEN STOCKPILES SHALL BE SUITABLY STABILIZEDAND PROTECTED BY SILT FENCE SO THAT IT CANNOT REASONABLY ENTER ANY WATERBODY, OR STORM OR SANITARY SEWER.8.ALL METHODS AND EQUIPMENT PROPOSED BY THE CONTRACTOR TO ACCOMPLISH THEWORK FOR EROSION AND POLLUTION CONTROL SHALL BE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OFTHE ENGINEER.9.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REQUIRED TO TREAT TRAVELED AREAS TO CONTROL DUST.WATER SHALL BE APPLIED TO SUCH TRAVELED AREAS AS THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER OROWNER'S DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE MAY DESIGNATE. THE NUMBER OFAPPLICATIONS AND THE AMOUNT OF WATER SHALL BE BASED UPON FIELD ANDWEATHER CONDITIONS.10.ALL AREAS OF SOIL DISTURBANCE RESULTING FROM THIS PROJECT WHICH WILL NOT BESUBJECT TO FURTHER EARTHWORK OR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SHALL BEPERMANENTLY SEEDED TO ESTABLISH GRASS, AND MULCHED WITH HAY OR STRAWWITHIN ONE WEEK OF FINAL DISTURBANCE. MULCH SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL ASUITABLE VEGETATIVE COVER IS ESTABLISHED.11.CONTRACTOR STAGING AREAS AND CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE LOCATIONS SHALL BECOORDINATED WITH THE OWNER PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. STABILIZEDCONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE(S), AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS SHALL BE PROVIDED. ALLDISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE RESTORED.12.ALL CATCH BASINS/DRAINAGE INLETS SHALL HAVE STONED INLET PROTECTION AROUNDTHEM AND GEOTEXTILE FABRIC OVER THE GRATE TO PREVENT SEDIMENTATION FROMENTERING THE STORM SYSTEM.13.TILL ALL COMPACTED SOILS LOCATED IN LAWN AREAS TO RESTORE THE ORIGINALPROPERTIES OF THE SOIL PRIOR TO SEEDING.14.THE NYS DEC BLUE BOOK REQUIRES A MULCH APPLICATION RATE OF 2 TONS/ACRE ANDA SEED APPLICATION RATE OF 200 LBS/ACRE.15.IF STRAW MULCH ALONE IS USED FOR WINTER STABILIZATION, THE APPLICATION RATESHALL BE 4 TONS PER ACRE. OTHER MANUFACTURED MULCHES SHALL BE APPLIED ATDOUBLE THE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDED RATE.16.WINTER STABILIZATION APPLIES TO ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES INVOLVED WITHONGOING LAND DISTURBANCE AND EXPOSURE BETWEEN NOVEMBER 15TH TO THEFOLLOWING APRIL 1ST. IN AREAS WHERE SOIL DISTURBANCE ACTIVITY HASTEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY CEASED, THE APPLICATION OF SOIL STABILIZATIONMEASURES SHOULD BE INITIATED BY THE END OF THE NEXT BUSINESS DAY ANDCOMPLETED WITHIN THREE BUSINESS DAYS.UTILITY NOTESGRADING NOTESEROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTESGENERAL NOTESSURVEY NOTESDEMOLITION NOTESC001 GENERAL NOTES, LEGEND, AND DRAWING INDEXC002 OVERALL SITE PLANC101 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND DEMOLITION PLANC102 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND DEMOLITION PLANC201 SITE AND UTILITY PLANC202 SITE AND UTILITY PLANC203 TURNING MOVEMENTSC301 GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLANC302 GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN AND ROAD PROFILEC501 CONSTRUCTION DETAILSC502 CONSTRUCTION DETAILSC503 CONSTRUCTION DETAILSC504 CONSTRUCTION DETAILSEXISTINGPROPOSEDDESCRIPTIONPROJECT BENCHMARK / CONTROLPOINTSTREE PROTECTIONWETLANDWETLAND BUFFERTREE/VEGETATION LIMITFENCEBUILDING/STRUCTUREPROPERTY LINESETBACK LINEEASEMENTSRIGHT-OF-WAYPEBLDG⅊⅊SIGNDECIDUOUS TREECONIFEROUS TREEUTILITY POLE WITH LIGHTEND SECTIONUTILITY POLESTSTORM LINEOVERHEAD ELECTRICUEUEUNDERGROUND ELECTRICCOMMUNICATIONSMAJOR CONTOUR510MINOR CONTOUREROSION FENCE509STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCEOUTLET PROTECTIONTREE STUMP1.WELL COMPACTED SUBGRADE SHALL BE UTILIZED UNDERNEATH CONSTRUCTION OFPAVEMENT AND CONCRETE BASES.2.ALL STAKEOUT FOR THE PROPOSED SITE IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE COMPLETED BY ANEW YORK STATE LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR.3.IF ANY DISCREPANCIES ARE NOTED BETWEEN THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS ANDINFORMATION PROVIDED OR AN ERROR IS SUSPECT, IT SHALL BE IMMEDIATELYREPORTED TO THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER AND LABELLA ASSOCIATES PROJECTMANAGER IN WRITING.4.ANY PROOF-ROLLING OF EXPOSED SUBBASE BY A MINIMUM 10 TON SMOOTH DRUMROLLER SHALL BE DONE UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF, AND OBSERVED BY, QUALIFIEDENGINEERING PERSONNEL PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF SUBBASE MATERIAL. THE ROLLERSHOULD BE OPERATED IN THE STATIC MODE AND COMPLETE AT LEAST TWO (2) PASSESOVER THE EXPOSED SUBGRADES.5.THE PRELIMINARY WETLANDS DELINEATION WERE COMPLETED BY LABELLA ASSOCIATESIN JANUARY 2023. FURTHER INVESTIGATION IS NEED TO DEFINE THESE AREAS.6.PARCEL LINES AS SHOWN BYA.TOMPKINS COUNTY TAX MAP, FOR THE TOWN OF ITHACA.B.MAP TITLED, "AS-BUILT SURVEY FOR CROWN CASTLE-WESTHAVEN/MECKLENBURGROAD SITE SURVEY," PREPARED BY JONATHAN MURPHY PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEY,DATED JANUARY 27, 2017.C.MAP TITLED, "MAP OF SURVEY FOR PARCEL OF LAND CONVEYED TO ROBERT DRAKE,"PREPARED BY ROBERT S. RUSSLER JR., DATED MARCH 2003.D.MAP TITLED," MAP SHOWING LANDS OF ROBERT J. WELLS & GEORGE W. IDEMAN,"PREPARED BY MILTON GREENE, DATED NOVEMBER 20, 1973.E.MAP TITLED, "SURVEY MAP SHOWING THE LANDS OF JAN H. & SUSAN J. SUWINKSI,"PREPARED BY T.G. MILLER P.C., DATED DECEMBER 27, 2016.F.DEED BETWEEN JOHN E. RANCICH AND RANCICH FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP DATEDSEPTEMBER 21, 2012 AND FILED IN THE TOMPKINS COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE ASINSTRUMENT NO. 597581-003.7.PERVIOUS GRAVEL SECTIONS SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM VEHICLE AND MACHINERYTRAFFIC THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. PRIOR TO PERVIOUS ROADINSTALLATION, THE AREA MUST BE DECOMPACTED AS PER THE NYSDEC DEEP RIPPINGAND DECOMPACTION GUIDANCE DOCUMENT PROVIDED IN APPENDIX H OF THE SWPPP.8.TO MINIMIZE THE SPREAD OF INVASIVE SPECIES DURING CONSTRUCTION, CONSIDER THEFOLLOWING BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPs)A.CLEAN ALL CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT OF MUD, SEEDS, VEGETATION, AND OTHERDEBRIS AS YOU MOVE FROM ONE AREA TO ANOTHER.B.EXCAVATE TOPSOIL SEPARATELY FROM SUBSOIL FOR APPROPRIATE BACKFILLING.C.RETURN ALL GROUND DISTURBANCE TO PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS ANDSTABILIZE DISTURBED AREAS WITH SEEDING AND MULCH AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.SITE NOTES1.CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ON THIS SITE MUST COMPLY WITH THE NYS DEPARTMENT OFAGRICULTURE AND MARKETS (NYDAM) PUBLISHED GUIDELINES FOR CONSTRUCTIONMITIGATION FOR AGRICULTURAL LANDS LAST REVISED OCTOBER 18, 2019. THE FOLLOWINGREPRESENTS ONLY A CONSOLIDATED SUMMARY OF THE GUIDELINES. IT IS THERESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO BE FAMILIAR WITH THE COMPLETE GUIDELINES ANDCOMPLY WITH THE APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION.2.NEXAMP WILL HIRE OR DESIGNATE AN ENVIRONMENTAL MONITOR (EM) TO OVERSEECONSTRUCTION, RESTORATION, AND FOLLOW-UP MONITORING IN AGRICULTURAL LANDS. THEEM SHALL BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION AND/OR ON-SITE WHENEVER CONSTRUCTIONOR RESTORATION WORK THAT CAUSES GROUND DISTURBANCE IS OCCURRING ON LESS THAN50 ACRES OF AGRICULTURAL LAND.3.STRIPPED TOPSOIL SHALL BE STOCKPILED FROM WORK AREAS AND KEPT SEPARATE FROMOTHER EXCAVATED MATERIAL UNTIL THE COMPLETION OF THE FACILITY FOR FINALRESTORATION. TOPSOIL SHALL BE STRIPPED TO MATERIALS STORAGE AND LAYDOWN AREAAND STABILIZED ACCORDING TO PLANS. EXCESS TOPSOIL SHALL BE SPREAD EVENLY INAGRICULTURAL AREAS WITHIN THE LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE OR AS NOTED ON THE PLANS. INNO CASE SHALL THE SPREADING OF EXCESS TOPSOIL ALTER THE HYDROLOGY OF THE AREA.4.FOR ALL OPEN-CUT EXCAVATIONS, TOPSOIL AND SUBSOIL SHALL BE SEGREGATED. WHENOPEN-CUT TRENCHING IS PROPOSED, TOPSOIL STRIPPING IS REQUIRED FROM THE WORKAREA ADJACENT TO THE TRENCH (INCLUDING SEGREGATED STOCKPILE AREAS ANDEQUIPMENT ACCESS).5.TOPSOIL STOCKPILE AREAS AND TOPSOIL DISPOSAL AREAS SHALL BE CLEARLY INDICATED INTHE FIELD AND ON THE PLANS.6.TOPSOIL STOCKPILES ON AGRICULTURAL AREAS LEFT IN PLACE PRIOR TO OCTOBER 31 SHALLBE SEEDED WITH AROOSTOOK WINTER RYE OR EQUIVALENT AT AN APPLICATION RATE OFTHREE BUSHELS (168 LB) PER ACRE AND MULCHED WITH STRAW AT A RATE OF TWO TOTHREE BALES PER 1000 SF.7.TOPSOIL STOCKPILES ON AGRICULTURAL AREAS LEFT IN PLACE BETWEEN OCTOBER 31 ANDMAY 31 SHALL BE MULCHED WITH STRAW AT A RATE OF TWO TO THREE BALES PER 1000 SFTO PREVENT SOIL LOSS.8.THE SURFACE OF THE ACCESS ROADS LOCATED OUTSIDE OF THE FENCED AREA ANDCONSTRUCTED THROUGH AGRICULTURAL FIELDS SHALL BE LEVEL WITH THE ADJACENT FIELDSURFACE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.9.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THAT NO VEHICLES OR EQUIPMENT ARE ALLOWED OUTSIDETHE DESIGNED LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE. VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT TRAFFIC, PARKING ANDMATERIAL STORAGE SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE ACCESS ROADS AND/OR DESIGNATED WORKAREAS WITH THE EXCEPTION OF LOW GROUND PRESSURE EQUIPMENT.10.ALL BURIED UTILITIES LOCATED WITHIN THE FENCED AREA MUST HAVE A MINIMUM COVERDEPTH OF 18 INCHES IF LOCATED WITHIN CONDUIT AND 24 INCHES IF DIRECT BURIED.11.ALL BURIED UTILITIES LOCATED OUTSIDE OF THE FENCED AREA SHALL HAVE A MINIMUMCOVER DEPTH OF 48 INCHES IF LOCATED WITHIN CROPLAND, HAYLAND OR IMPROVEDPASTURE AREAS. IN AREAS WHERE THE DEPTH OF SOIL OVER BEDROCK IS LESS THAN 48INCHES THE ELECTRICAL CONDUCTORS MUST BE BURIED BELOW THE SURFACE OF THEBEDROCK IF FRIABLE/RIPPABLE OR AS NEAR AS POSSIBLE TO THE SURFACE OF THE BEDROCK.ALL BURIED UTILITIES LOCATED IN UNIMPROVED GRAZING AREAS OR ON LAND PERMANENTLYDEVOTED TO PASTURE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COVER DEPTH OF 36 INCHES. WHEREELECTRICAL CONDUCTORS ARE BURIED DIRECTLY BELOW THE GENERATION FACILITY'SACCESS ROAD OR IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO THE ACCESS ROAD THE MINIMUM DEPTH OFCOVER MUST BE 24 INCHES.12.EXCESS STRIPPED TOPSOIL SHALL NOT BE UTILIZED FOR FILL WITHIN THE PROJECT AREAS.13.EXCESS CONCRETE WILL NOT BE BURIED OR LEFT ON THE SURFACE IN ACTIVE AGRICULTURALAREAS. CONCRETE TRUCKS WILL BE WASHED OUTSIDE OF ACTIVE AGRICULTURAL AREAS.ON-SITE DISPOSAL OF SUBSOIL AND ROCK UNEARTHED FROM CONSTRUCTION RELATEDACTIVITIES IS NOT PERMISSIBLE IN ACTIVE AGRICULTURAL LANDS.14.CONTRACTOR TO REPAIR ALL SURFACE OR SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE STRUCTURES DAMAGEDDURING CONSTRUCTION.15.RESTORATION WORK ON AGRICULTURAL LAND SHALL BE COMPLETED DURING FAVORABLE(WORKABLE, RELATIVELY DRY) CONDITIONS AND NOT WHILE SOILS ARE IN A WET OR PLASTICSTATE OF CONSISTENCY.16.IN ALL CONTINUED USE AGRICULTURAL LAND WHERE THE TOPSOIL WAS STRIPPED, SUBSOILDECOMPACTION SHALL BE CONDUCTED PRIOR TO TOPSOIL REPLACEMENT TO A DEPTH OF 18INCHES WITH A TRACTOR MOUNTED DEEP RIPPER OR HEAVY-DUTY CHISEL PLOW.17.CONTRACTOR SHALL SEED ALL AREAS FROM WHICH VEGETATION WAS REMOVED ORDESTROYED WITH THE SEED MIX SPECIFIED BY OWNER.NYS DEPT OF AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS NOTESCOMPOST FILTER SOCKCONSTRUCTION FENCE FOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOX X XXXEEEEEEX X X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX8.08403.720091.1959 8.084 03.7200 91.195 9 8.084 0 3.720 0 91.1959 8.0840 3.720 0 91.19 59 8.0840 3.720 0 91.19 5 9 8.0840 3.720 0 91.19 59 8.0840 3.720 0 91.1959 8.084 03.7200 91.1959 8.084 03.7200 91.195 9 8.0840 3.720 0 91.19 59 8.084 03.7200 91.1959 8.084 03.7200 91.195 9 8.084 03.7200 91.195 9 8.08403.7200 91.19 5 9 8.0840 3.720 0 91.19 59 8.084 03.7200 91.1959 8.0840 3.720 0 91.19 59 8.0840 3.720 0 91.19 59 8.084 03.7200 91.1959 8.084 03.7200 91.195 9 8.084 03.7200 91.195 9 8.08403.7200 91.19 5 9 8.0840 3.720 0 91.19 5 9 8.0840 3.720 0 91.19 59 8.0840 3.720 0 91.19 59 8.084 03.7200 91.1959 8.084 03.7200 91.195 9 8.084 03.7200 91.195 9 8.08403.7200 91.19 5 9 8.0840 3.720 0 91.19 5 9 8.084 03.7200 91.195 9 8.08403.7200 91.19 5 9 8.084 03.7200 91.1959 8.084 03.7200 91.195 9 8.084 03.7200 91.195 9 8.08403.7200 91.19 5 9 8.0840 3.720 0 91.19 5 9 8.0840 3.720 0 91.19 59 8.0840 3.720 0 91.19 59 8.084 03.7200 91.1959 8.084 03.7200 91.195 9 8.084 03.7200 91.195 9 8.084 03.7200 91.195 9 8.084 03.7200 91.1959 8.084 03.7200 91.195 9 8.084 03.7200 91.195 9 8.084 03.7200 91.195 98.08403.7200 91.19 5 9 8.08403.7200 91.19 5 9 8.08403.7200 91.19 5 98.0840 3.720 0 91.19 5 9 8.0840 3.720 0 91.19 5 9 8.0840 3.720 0 91.19 5 9 8.0840 3.720 0 91.19 5 9 8.0840 3.720 0 91.19 5 98.0840 3.720 0 91.19 59 8.0840 3.720 0 91.19 59 8.08403.7200 91.19 5 9 8.0840 3.720 0 91.19 59 8.0840 3.720 0 91.1959 8.0840 3.720 0 91.19 59 8.084 03.7200 91.195 9 8.0840 3.720 0 91.1959 8.08403.720091.1959 8.0840 3.720 0 91.1959 8.0840 3.720 0 91.1959 8.0840 3.720 0 91.1959 8.084 03.7200 91.1959 8.084 03.7200 91.1959 8.084 03.7200 91.1959 8.084 03.7200 91.1959 8.084 03.7200 91.195 9 8.084 03.7200 91.195 9 8.084 03.7200 91.195 9 8.084 03.7200 91.195 9 8.084 03.7200 91.195 9 8.084 03.7200 91.195 9 8.084 03.7200 91.195 9 8.084 03.7200 91.195 98.08403.7200 91.19 5 9 8.08403.7200 91.19 5 9 8.08403.7200 91.19 5 9 8.0840 3.720 0 91.19 5 98.08403.720091.1959 8.084 03.7200 91.195 9 8.0840 3.720 0 91.19 59 8.08403.7200 91.19 5 9 8.084 0 3.720 0 91.1959 8.084 03.7200 91.19598.08403.720091.1959 8.084 03.7200 91.195 9 8.084 03.7200 91.195 9 8.084 03.7200 91.195 9 8.084 03.7200 91.195 9 8.0840 3.720 0 91.19 59 8.08403.720091.19598.08403.720091.1959 8.084 03.7200 91.19 5 9 8.084 03.7200 91.19 5 98.08403.7200 91.19 5 9 8.0840 3.720 0 91.19 598.0840 3.720 0 91.19 59 8.08403.7200 91.19 5 9 8.08403.720091.19598.08403.720091.1959 8.08403.720091.1959 8.084 03.7200 91.1959 8.084 03.7200 91.1959 8.084 03.7200 91.195 9 8.0840 3.720 0 91.19 59 8.0840 3.720 0 91.19 59 8.084 03.7200 91.195 9 8.084 03.7200 91.195 9 8.08403.7200 91.19 5 9 8.0840 3.720 0 91.19 5 9 UEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUE UEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUE UEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEOEOEOERevisionsNO:DATE:DESCRIPTION:106/27/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS207/12/23REVISED PER FIELD MEETING308/09/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS409/15/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS510/17/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DRAWING NAME:6/3/2010 8:47:56 AM DRAWING NUMBER:DATE:ISSUED FOR:DRAWN BY:REVIEWED BY:PROJECT NUMBER:© 2023 LaBella AssociatesVERSION 23.1 NEXAMP101 SUMMER STREET, 2ND FLOORBOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02110CARROWMOOR SOLAR1358 MECKLENBURG ROAD ITHACA, NY 148502230713PLANNING BOARD REVIEW10/17/2023It is a violation of New York Education Law Art. 145 Sec. 7209 & Art. 147Sec. 7307, for any person, unless acting under the direction of a licensedarchitect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in anyway. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyoris altered; the altering architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix tothe item their seal and notation "altered by" followed by their signature anddate of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration.300 State Street, Suite 201Rochester, NY 14614585-454-6110labellapc.comCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER:PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING: 018281LAND SURVEYING: 017976GEOLOGICAL: 018750EXP:EXP:JLEMWM3/31/2024C002OVERALL SITE PLANC0021OVERALL SITE PLANSCALE: 1"=120'0'120'240'360'C101C201C301C102C202C302N XX X XXXXXEEEEEEX X X X X X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXRevisionsNO:DATE:DESCRIPTION:106/27/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS207/12/23REVISED PER FIELD MEETING308/09/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS409/15/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS510/17/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DRAWING NAME:6/3/2010 8:47:56 AM DRAWING NUMBER:DATE:ISSUED FOR:DRAWN BY:REVIEWED BY:PROJECT NUMBER:© 2023 LaBella AssociatesVERSION 23.1 NEXAMP101 SUMMER STREET, 2ND FLOORBOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02110CARROWMOOR SOLAR1358 MECKLENBURG ROAD ITHACA, NY 148502230713PLANNING BOARD REVIEW10/17/2023It is a violation of New York Education Law Art. 145 Sec. 7209 & Art. 147Sec. 7307, for any person, unless acting under the direction of a licensedarchitect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in anyway. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyoris altered; the altering architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix tothe item their seal and notation "altered by" followed by their signature anddate of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration.300 State Street, Suite 201Rochester, NY 14614585-454-6110labellapc.comCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER:PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING: 018281LAND SURVEYING: 017976GEOLOGICAL: 018750EXP:EXP:JLEMWM3/31/2024C101EXISTING CONDITIONS ANDDEMOLITION PLANC1011EXISTING CONDITIONS AND DEMOLITION PLANSCALE: 1"=80'0'80'160'240'MATCH TO SHEET C102N REMOVE AND RELOCATEEXISTING STEEL GATE.REPLACE STEEL GATE IFDAMAGED.REMOVE EXISTING 15" CMPCULVERT AND END SECTIONS.FOFOFOFOFOFOMECKLENBURG RD. / N.Y.S. ROUTE 79(66' WIDE R.O.W.)0'80'160'240'RevisionsNO:DATE:DESCRIPTION:106/27/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS207/12/23REVISED PER FIELD MEETING308/09/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS409/15/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS510/17/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DRAWING NAME:6/3/2010 8:47:56 AM DRAWING NUMBER:DATE:ISSUED FOR:DRAWN BY:REVIEWED BY:PROJECT NUMBER:© 2023 LaBella AssociatesVERSION 23.1 NEXAMP101 SUMMER STREET, 2ND FLOORBOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02110CARROWMOOR SOLAR1358 MECKLENBURG ROAD ITHACA, NY 148502230713PLANNING BOARD REVIEW10/17/2023It is a violation of New York Education Law Art. 145 Sec. 7209 & Art. 147Sec. 7307, for any person, unless acting under the direction of a licensedarchitect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in anyway. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyoris altered; the altering architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix tothe item their seal and notation "altered by" followed by their signature anddate of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration.300 State Street, Suite 201Rochester, NY 14614585-454-6110labellapc.comCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER:PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING: 018281LAND SURVEYING: 017976GEOLOGICAL: 018750EXP:EXP:JLEMWM3/31/2024C102EXISTING CONDITIONS ANDDEMOLITION PLANC1021EXISTING CONDITIONS AND DEMOLITION PLANSCALE: 1"=80'MATCH TO SHEET C101N XX X XXXXXEEEEEEX X X X X X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUE UEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUE UEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUE7.62'16.29'16.29'16.29'16.29'16.29'10'10'16.29'16.29'102'20'20'75'75'75'20'57.5'86.25'706.77' SIDE SETBACK89.96' REARSETBACK65'16.29'16.29'191.38' SIDE SETBACK57.5'86.25'86.25'76'R30' (TYP.)R55'R55'R30'R30'20'16.29'16.29'24.43'28.03'24.44'24.44'24.41'24.84'25.56'24.84'25.56'27.79' 18.62'17.28'18.4'24.94'16.29'LAYDOWN AREANEW 8' TALLAGRICULTURAL FENCENEW SOLAR PV ARRAYNEW SOLAR PV ARRAYNEW SOLAR PV ARRAYNEW SOLAR PV ARRAYPROPERTYSETBACK LINENEW 24' VEHICLE GATENEW CONCRETEEQUIPMENT PADUNDERGROUNDELECTRICAL LINES (TYP.)NEW 4' PERSONNEL GATENEW 24' SNOW REMOVAL GATENEW 4' PERSONNEL GATENEW 20' IMPERVIOUS GRAVELACCESS ROADNEW 20' IMPERVIOUS GRAVELACCESS ROADNEW 4' PERSONNEL GATENEW 4' PERSONNEL GATEVEGETATEDFILTER STRIPVEGETATEDFILTER STRIPDEER RESISTANT TREE VEGETATIVE SCREEN.TREES SHOWN ARE FOR LOCATION ANDSCHEMATIC PURPOSES ONLY. REFER TO THEPLANTING DETAILS AND PLANTING SCHEDULEFOR QUANTITY, SPACING, SPECIES, ANDPLANTING HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS.NEW PERVIOUSTURNAROUND.NEW CONCRETE EQUIPMENT PAD(INVERTER AND TRANSFORMER)AREA TO BE PROTECTED FROMVEHICLE AND MACHINERY TRAFFICDURING CONSTRUCTION. AREAMUST BE DECOMPACTED PRIOR TOPERVIOUS GRAVEL GRAVELINSTALLATION.NEW SOLAR PV ARRAYENERGY STORAGEPROVIDE TEMPORARYCONSTRUCTION ACCESSGRAVEL (±4,800 SF)AUXILIARYPADDISTURBED AREAS TO RECEIVESOLAR SEED MIX: ERNMX-147"FUZZ AND BUZZ MIX - PREMIUM"DISTURBED AREAS TO RECEIVESOLAR SEED MIX: ERNMX-147"FUZZ AND BUZZ MIX - PREMIUM"DISTURBED AREAS TO RECEIVESOLAR SEED MIX: ERNMX-147"FUZZ AND BUZZ MIX - PREMIUM"DISTURBED AREAS TO RECEIVESOLAR SEED MIX: ERNMX-147"FUZZ AND BUZZ MIX - PREMIUM"DISTURBED AREAS TO RECEIVESOLAR SEED MIX: ERNMX-147"FUZZ AND BUZZ MIX - PREMIUM"AREA TO BE PROTECTED FROMVEHICLE AND MACHINERYTRAFFIC DURINGCONSTRUCTION. AREA MUST BEDECOMPACTED PRIOR TO LEVELSPREADER INSTALLATION.NEW DOWNWARD FACING DARKSKY COMPLIANT LIGHTSTSTYSTSTSTST± 39LF 18" SICPP @ 1.75%± 146LF 6" SICPP @ 4.73%END SECTIONINV= 1114.65END SECTIONDRAIN BASIN 12" DIA.RIM=1116.62E INV=1114.25END SECTIONINV= 1114.65END SECTIONINV= 1113.96END SECTIONINV= 1107.33FLOW SPREADERENTRANCE WIDTH 10'LENGTH 10'SLOPE 0%SEE DETAILS SHEETMAINTAIN SLOPE OF10% OR LESS20' TRANSITIONSCALE: 1"=80'N0'80'160'240'MATCH TO SHEET C202C201SITE AND UTILITY PLANC2011SITE AND UTILITY PLANPROJECT DATAPARCEL INFORMATIONAPPLICANTCARROWMOOR SOLAR LLCOWNERRANCICH FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIPPARCEL ADDRESS1358 MECKLENBERG ROAD, ITHACA, NY 14850TAX NUMBER027.-1-15.2PARCEL AREA (TOTAL)93.65 ACRESTOTAL PROJECT AREA29.3 ACRESEXISTING IMPERVIOUSWITHIN PROJECT AREA0.00 ACRESPROPOSED IMPERVIOUSWITHIN PROJECT AREA0.99 ACRESSYSTEM SIZE5.0 MW ACUTILITY POLE COUNT3PANEL COVERAGE8.85 ACRESTOTAL DISTURBANCE AREA±28.22 ACRESZONING INFORMATIONREQUIREDPROPOSEDCLASSIFICATIONAGRICULTURALAGRICULTURALFRONT SETBACK50 FT±859 FTSIDE SETBACK75 FT±192 FTREAR SETBACK75 FT±90 FTLOT COVERAGE12% MAX±10.6%RevisionsNO:DATE:DESCRIPTION:106/27/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS207/12/23REVISED PER FIELD MEETING308/09/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS409/15/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS510/17/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DRAWING NAME:6/3/2010 8:47:56 AM DRAWING NUMBER:DATE:ISSUED FOR:DRAWN BY:REVIEWED BY:PROJECT NUMBER:© 2023 LaBella AssociatesVERSION 23.1 NEXAMP101 SUMMER STREET, 2ND FLOORBOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02110CARROWMOOR SOLAR1358 MECKLENBURG ROAD ITHACA, NY 148502230713PLANNING BOARD REVIEW10/17/2023It is a violation of New York Education Law Art. 145 Sec. 7209 & Art. 147Sec. 7307, for any person, unless acting under the direction of a licensedarchitect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in anyway. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyoris altered; the altering architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix tothe item their seal and notation "altered by" followed by their signature anddate of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration.300 State Street, Suite 201Rochester, NY 14614585-454-6110labellapc.comCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER:PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING: 018281LAND SURVEYING: 017976GEOLOGICAL: 018750EXP:EXP:JLEMWM3/31/2024INVASIVE SPECIES NOTES:1.TO PREVENT THE ACCIDENTAL INTRODUCTION OF INVASIVE PLANTS DURING CONSTRUCTION ORMAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES, ALL TRACKED EQUIPMENT INVOLVED IN EARTHWORK SHALL BECLEANED TO REMOVE PLANTS, SEEDS AND PROPAGULES THAT MAY BE HITCH HIKING, PRIOR TOARRIVAL ON-SITE.2.IF TRACKED EQUIPMENT IS USED IN EARTH WORK ON A PORTION OF A PROJECT WHERE INVASIVESPECIES ARE KNOWN TO EXIST, THIS PORTION OF THE EARTHWORK SHALL BE CONDUCTED LAST,OR THE EQUIPMENT SHALL BE CLEANED PRIOR TO USE ON ANY PORTION OF THE SITE THAT ISKNOWN TO BE FREE OF INVASIVE PLANTS.3.IF EQUIPMENT INVOLVED IN EARTHWORK IS CONTAMINATED WITH INVASIVE SPECIES, THEEQUIPMENT SHALL BE CLEANED PRIOR TO MOVING INTO UNCONTAMINATED AREAS. CLEANINGSHALL CONSIST OF USING PHYSICAL MEANS AND HAND TOOLS, SUCH AS BRUSHES, BROOMS,RAKES OR SHOVELS, ON ALL TRACK AND BUCKET/BLADE COMPONENTS TO ADEQUATELY REMOVEALL VISIBLE DIRT AND PLANT DEBRIS.4.IF WATER IS USED, THE WATER/SLURRY SHALL BE CONTAINED SO AS TO RESTRICT INTRODUCTIONOF INVASIVE PLANTS, SEEDS AND PROPAGULES INTO THE PROJECT OR OFF-SITE THROUGH FUTURESURPLUS MATERIAL DISPOSAL.PLANT SCHEDULEQTY.ABRVSCIENTIFIC NAMECOMMON NAMEINSTALLED SIZECONDITIONSPACING15152525AACCJSJCAMELANCHIER ARBOREA 'SNOWCLOUD'CERCIS CANADENSISJUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA 'EMERALD SENTINEL'JUNIPERUS COMMUNISSNOWCLOUD AMELANCHIEREASTERN REDBUDEMERALD SENTINEL EASTERN RED CEDARCOMMON JUNIPER8' HT.8' HT.8' HT.8' HT.B&BB&BB&BB&B8' O.C.6' O.C. FOFOFOFOFOFOMECKLENBURG RD. / N.Y.S. ROUTE 79(66' WIDE R.O.W.)UEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEUEOEOEOEOEPROPERTYSETBACK LINEPROPERTYSETBACK LINEUNDERGROUNDELECTRICAL LINES (TYP.)NEW IMPERVIOUSACCESS ROADCUSTOMER PAD EQUIPMENTUTILITY PAD MOUNTRECLOSERUTILITY RISER POLE (URP)UNDERGROUND ELECTRICALTO BE ROUTED THROUGHEXISTING GAP IN TREELINETO AVOID TREE CLEARING.RELOCATED STEEL GATE. REPLACESTEEL GATE IF DAMAGED.VEGETATEDFILTER STRIPVEGETATEDFILTER STRIPPERMANENTSTORMWATERMANAGEMENTEASEMENTNEWPERVIOUSTURNAROUNDEXISTING POLE GATEPROPOSED POLEGATEUTILITY PAD EQUIPMENTNEW UTILITY POLE (POI)AREA TO BE PROTECTEDFROM VEHICLE ANDMACHINERY TRAFFIC DURINGCONSTRUCTION. AREA MUSTBE DECOMPACTED PRIOR TOPERVIOUS GRAVEL GRAVELINSTALLATION.NEW 20' IMPERVIOUS GRAVELACCESS ROADVEGETATED FILTER STRIPDISTURBED AREAS TO RECEIVESOLAR SEED MIX: ERNMX-147"FUZZ AND BUZZ MIX - PREMIUM"75'75'60'859.21' FRONT SETBACK25'75'75'119'-10.5"30'60'86.25'57.5'86.25'57.5'20'20'R95'R75'R55'R33'R33'DEER RESISTANT TREE VEGETATIVE SCREEN.TREES SHOWN ARE FOR LOCATION ANDSCHEMATIC PURPOSES ONLY. REFER TO THEPLANTING DETAILS AND PLANTING SCHEDULEFOR QUANTITY, SPACING, SPECIES, ANDPLANTING HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS.DEER RESISTANT TREE VEGETATIVE SCREEN.TREES SHOWN ARE FOR LOCATION ANDSCHEMATIC PURPOSES ONLY. REFER TO THEPLANTING DETAILS AND PLANTING SCHEDULEFOR QUANTITY, SPACING, SPECIES, ANDPLANTING HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS.STSTST± 45LF 18" SICPP @ 2.67%± 81LF 15" CMP @ 2.40%END SECTIONINV= 1119.40END SECTIONINV= 1118.20END SECTIONINV= 1129.59END SECTIONINV= 1131.540'80'160'240'SCALE: 1"=80'NMATCH TO SHEET C201C202SITE AND UTILITY PLANC2021SITE AND UTILITY PLAN12/31/2024RevisionsNO:DATE:DESCRIPTION:106/27/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS207/12/23REVISED PER FIELD MEETING308/09/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS409/15/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS510/17/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DRAWING NAME:6/3/2010 8:47:56 AM DRAWING NUMBER:DATE:ISSUED FOR:DRAWN BY:REVIEWED BY:PROJECT NUMBER:© 2023 LaBella AssociatesVERSION 23.1 NEXAMP101 SUMMER STREET, 2ND FLOORBOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02110CARROWMOOR SOLAR1358 MECKLENBURG ROAD ITHACA, NY 148502230713PLANNING BOARD REVIEW10/17/2023It is a violation of New York Education Law Art. 145 Sec. 7209 & Art. 147Sec. 7307, for any person, unless acting under the direction of a licensedarchitect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in anyway. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyoris altered; the altering architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix tothe item their seal and notation "altered by" followed by their signature anddate of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration.300 State Street, Suite 201Rochester, NY 14614585-454-6110labellapc.comCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER:PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING: 018281LAND SURVEYING: 017976GEOLOGICAL: 018750EXP:EXP:JLEMWM3/31/2024PLANT SCHEDULEQTY.ABRVSCIENTIFIC NAMECOMMON NAMEINSTALLED SIZECONDITIONSPACING15152525AACCJSJCAMELANCHIER ARBOREA 'SNOWCLOUD'CERCIS CANADENSISJUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA 'EMERALD SENTINEL'JUNIPERUS COMMUNISSNOWCLOUD AMELANCHIEREASTERN REDBUDEMERALD SENTINEL EASTERN RED CEDARCOMMON JUNIPER8' HT.8' HT.8' HT.8' HT.B&BB&BB&BB&B8' O.C.6' O.C.INVASIVE SPECIES NOTES:1.TO PREVENT THE ACCIDENTAL INTRODUCTION OF INVASIVE PLANTS DURING CONSTRUCTION ORMAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES, ALL TRACKED EQUIPMENT INVOLVED IN EARTHWORK SHALL BECLEANED TO REMOVE PLANTS, SEEDS AND PROPAGULES THAT MAY BE HITCH HIKING, PRIOR TOARRIVAL ON-SITE.2.IF TRACKED EQUIPMENT IS USED IN EARTH WORK ON A PORTION OF A PROJECT WHERE INVASIVESPECIES ARE KNOWN TO EXIST, THIS PORTION OF THE EARTHWORK SHALL BE CONDUCTED LAST,OR THE EQUIPMENT SHALL BE CLEANED PRIOR TO USE ON ANY PORTION OF THE SITE THAT ISKNOWN TO BE FREE OF INVASIVE PLANTS.3.IF EQUIPMENT INVOLVED IN EARTHWORK IS CONTAMINATED WITH INVASIVE SPECIES, THEEQUIPMENT SHALL BE CLEANED PRIOR TO MOVING INTO UNCONTAMINATED AREAS. CLEANINGSHALL CONSIST OF USING PHYSICAL MEANS AND HAND TOOLS, SUCH AS BRUSHES, BROOMS,RAKES OR SHOVELS, ON ALL TRACK AND BUCKET/BLADE COMPONENTS TO ADEQUATELY REMOVEALL VISIBLE DIRT AND PLANT DEBRIS.4.IF WATER IS USED, THE WATER/SLURRY SHALL BE CONTAINED SO AS TO RESTRICT INTRODUCTIONOF INVASIVE PLANTS, SEEDS AND PROPAGULES INTO THE PROJECT OR OFF-SITE THROUGH FUTURESURPLUS MATERIAL DISPOSAL. FOFOFOFOFOFOMECKLENBURG RD. / N.Y.S. ROUTE 79(66' WIDE R.O.W.)STSTSTUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEWB-67 - Interstate Semi-TrailerUEOEOEOEOEWB-67 - Interstate Semi-Trailer WB-67 - Interstate Semi-Trailer WB-67WB-67XX X XXXXXEEEEX X X X X X X X XYSTSTSTSTFLOW SPREADERENTRANCE WIDTH 10'LENGTH 10'SLOPE 0%SEE DETAILS SHEETMAINTAIN SLOPE OF10% OR LESS20' TRANSITIONUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUE UEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUE UEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUESU-40 - Single Unit TruckWB-67 - Interstate Semi-Trailer WB-67SU-400'80'160'240'RevisionsNO:DATE:DESCRIPTION:106/27/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS207/12/23REVISED PER FIELD MEETING308/09/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS409/15/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS510/17/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DRAWING NAME:6/3/2010 8:47:56 AM DRAWING NUMBER:DATE:ISSUED FOR:DRAWN BY:REVIEWED BY:PROJECT NUMBER:© 2023 LaBella AssociatesVERSION 23.1 NEXAMP101 SUMMER STREET, 2ND FLOORBOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02110CARROWMOOR SOLAR1358 MECKLENBURG ROAD ITHACA, NY 148502230713PLANNING BOARD REVIEW10/17/2023It is a violation of New York Education Law Art. 145 Sec. 7209 & Art. 147Sec. 7307, for any person, unless acting under the direction of a licensedarchitect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in anyway. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyoris altered; the altering architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix tothe item their seal and notation "altered by" followed by their signature anddate of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration.300 State Street, Suite 201Rochester, NY 14614585-454-6110labellapc.comCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER:PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING: 018281LAND SURVEYING: 017976GEOLOGICAL: 018750EXP:EXP:JLEMWM3/31/2024SCALE: 1"=80'NC203TURNING MOVEMENTSC2032TURNING MOVEMENTS0'80'160'240'SCALE: 1"=80'NC2031TURNING MOVEMENTSSU-40 AERIAL SINGLE UNIT TRUCKAERIAL (FORWARD MOVEMENT)SU-40 AERIAL SINGLE UNIT TRUCK(BACKWARDS MOVEMENT)VEHICLE BODY PATH(FORWARD MOVEMENT)VEHICLE BODY ENVELOPE(FORWARD MOVEMENT)VEHICLE BODY PATH(BACKWARDS MOVEMENT)VEHICLE BODY ENVELOPE(BACKWARDS MOVEMENT)VEHICLE TRACKING LEGENDWB-67 AERIAL INTERSTATE SEMI-TRAILER(FORWARD MOVEMENT)WB-67 AERIAL INTERSTATE SEMI-TRAILER(BACKWARDS MOVEMENT) XX X XXXXXEEEEEEX X X X X X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXSTST111511171119 10931094109510961097109810991100110111021103110411051106110711081109111011111112111311141116112111201119111611151115 1110 1110 11051096YSTSTSTST7+00 8+00 9+00 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 18+00 19+00 20+00 21+0021+06109211151116 1105 INSTALL AND MAINTAIN2 ROWS OF SILT FENCEINSTALL AND MAINTAINCONSTRUCTION FENCEINSTALL AND MAINTAINCONSTRUCTION FENCEINSTALL AND MAINTAIN 2ROWS OF SILT FENCEINSTALL AND MAINTAINCONSTRUCTION FENCEINSTALL AND MAINTAIN2 ROWS OF SILT FENCEINSTALL AND MAINTAIN2 ROWS OF SILT FENCEINSTALL AND MAINTAINCONSTRUCTION FENCEINSTALL AND MAINTAINCONCRETE WASHOUTDRAINAGE SWALEFIRST 10 LF OF FILTERSTRIP SHALL NOT EXCEED2% GRADE. GRADE OFREMAINING WIDTH VARIESRESTORE LAYDOWN AREA TOVEGETATED CONDITIONS AFTERCOMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTIONCONSTRUCTION FENCE TO BEINSTALLED AND MAINTAINEDTHROUGH THE DURATION OFPROJECTFIRST 10 LF OF FILTERSTRIP SHALL NOT EXCEED2% GRADE. GRADE OFREMAINING WIDTH VARIESOUTLETPROTECTION (TYP.)RESTORE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTIONACCESS AREAS TO VEGETATED CONDITIONSAFTER COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTIONINSTALL AND MAINTAIN NEW PEAGRAVEL DIAPHRAGM. DEVICE TO BEPROTECTED FROM VEHICLE ANDMACHINERY TRAFFIC DURINGCONSTRUCTION. (TYP.)INSTALL AND MAINTAIN NEW PEA GRAVELDIAPHRAGM. DEVICE TO BE PROTECTEDFROM VEHICLE AND MACHINERY TRAFFICDURING CONSTRUCTION. (TYP.)INSTALL AND MAINTAINCOMPOST FILTER SOCKUNTIL FINAL STABILIZATIONHAS BEEN REACHED (TYP.)INSTALL AND MAINTAINCOMPOST FILTER SOCKUNTIL FINAL STABILIZATIONHAS BEEN REACHED (TYP.)± 39LF 18" SICPP @ 1.75%± 146LF 6" SICPP @ 4.73%END SECTIONINV= 1114.65END SECTIONDRAIN BASIN 12" DIA.RIM=1116.62E INV=1114.25END SECTIONINV= 1114.65END SECTIONINV= 1113.96END SECTIONINV= 1107.331117.701118.501118.501118.501118.501117.701117.701117.701118.201118.201118.201118.20FLOW SPREADERENTRANCE WIDTH 10'LENGTH 10'SLOPE 0%SEE DETAILS SHEETMAINTAIN SLOPE OF10% OR LESS20' TRANSITIONTEMPORARY TOPSOILSTOCKPILE AREA (TYP.)RevisionsNO:DATE:DESCRIPTION:106/27/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS207/12/23REVISED PER FIELD MEETING308/09/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS409/15/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS510/17/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DRAWING NAME:6/3/2010 8:47:56 AM DRAWING NUMBER:DATE:ISSUED FOR:DRAWN BY:REVIEWED BY:PROJECT NUMBER:© 2023 LaBella AssociatesVERSION 23.1 NEXAMP101 SUMMER STREET, 2ND FLOORBOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02110CARROWMOOR SOLAR1358 MECKLENBURG ROAD ITHACA, NY 148502230713PLANNING BOARD REVIEW10/17/2023It is a violation of New York Education Law Art. 145 Sec. 7209 & Art. 147Sec. 7307, for any person, unless acting under the direction of a licensedarchitect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in anyway. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyoris altered; the altering architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix tothe item their seal and notation "altered by" followed by their signature anddate of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration.300 State Street, Suite 201Rochester, NY 14614585-454-6110labellapc.comCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER:PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING: 018281LAND SURVEYING: 017976GEOLOGICAL: 018750EXP:EXP:JLEMWM3/31/2024SCALE: 1"=80'0'80'160'240'MATCH TO SHEET C302C301GRADING AND EROSIONCONTROL PLANC3011GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLANNCONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING1.PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING.2.DELINEATE DISTURBED AREAS AND INSTALL ORANGE CONSTRUCTION FENCE FOR PROTECTEDAREAS.3.INSTALL SILT FENCE & STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE.4.SETUP PERIMETER CONTROLS.5.REMOVE, STOCKPILE AND STABILIZE TOPSOIL.6.PERFORM ROUGH GRADING AND INSTALL CULVERTS AND LEVEL SPREADERS.7.INSTALL SOLAR ARRAY AND APPURTENANCES. MAINTAIN DISTURBANCE UNDER 5 ACRES ATANY ONE TIME UNLESS A 5 ACRE WAIVER IS GRANTED BY THE NYSDEC AND THE TOWN OFITHACA.8.DECOMPACT PERVIOUS ACCESS ROAD AREAS AND INSTALL PERVIOUS ACCESS ROAD SECTIONS.9.TEMPORARILY STABILIZE ALL DISTURBED AREAS.10.PERFORM FINAL STABILIZATION.11.THE EXISTING GRAVEL ACCESS ROAD THROUGH TAX PARCEL 72-1.25.123 SERVES AN ACTIVEAND OPERATIONAL SOLAR ARRAY. THE ACCESS ROAD MUST BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT THEDURATION OF CONSTRUCTION SUCH THAT EMERGENCY VEHICLES CAN SAFELY ACCESS THEARRAY. ANY DAMAGE TO THE EXISTING ROAD THAT WOULD PREVENT EMERGENCY VEHICLEACCESS MUST BE REPAIRED IMMEDIATELY. THE EXISTING ACCESS ROAD SHALL BE RETURNEDTO ITS EXISTING CONDITION AT THE SUBSTATIONAL COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION.12.REMOVE ALL TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS ONCE 80% STABILIZATION HASBEEN ACHIEVED.INVASIVE SPECIES NOTES:1.TO PREVENT THE ACCIDENTAL INTRODUCTION OF INVASIVE PLANTS DURING CONSTRUCTION ORMAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES, ALL TRACKED EQUIPMENT INVOLVED IN EARTHWORK SHALL BECLEANED TO REMOVE PLANTS, SEEDS AND PROPAGULES THAT MAY BE HITCH HIKING, PRIOR TOARRIVAL ON-SITE.2.IF TRACKED EQUIPMENT IS USED IN EARTH WORK ON A PORTION OF A PROJECT WHERE INVASIVESPECIES ARE KNOWN TO EXIST, THIS PORTION OF THE EARTHWORK SHALL BE CONDUCTED LAST,OR THE EQUIPMENT SHALL BE CLEANED PRIOR TO USE ON ANY PORTION OF THE SITE THAT ISKNOWN TO BE FREE OF INVASIVE PLANTS.3.IF EQUIPMENT INVOLVED IN EARTHWORK IS CONTAMINATED WITH INVASIVE SPECIES, THEEQUIPMENT SHALL BE CLEANED PRIOR TO MOVING INTO UNCONTAMINATED AREAS. CLEANINGSHALL CONSIST OF USING PHYSICAL MEANS AND HAND TOOLS, SUCH AS BRUSHES, BROOMS,RAKES OR SHOVELS, ON ALL TRACK AND BUCKET/BLADE COMPONENTS TO ADEQUATELY REMOVEALL VISIBLE DIRT AND PLANT DEBRIS.4.IF WATER IS USED, THE WATER/SLURRY SHALL BE CONTAINED SO AS TO RESTRICT INTRODUCTIONOF INVASIVE PLANTS, SEEDS AND PROPAGULES INTO THE PROJECT OR OFF-SITE THROUGH FUTURESURPLUS MATERIAL DISPOSAL. FOFOFOFOFOFOMECKLENBURG RD. / N.Y.S. ROUTE 79(66' WIDE R.O.W.)PEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPESTSTST112411231124112511261127112811291130113111321133112111200+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 1074 1075INSTALL AND MAINTAINCONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE ATFIRST 50 LF OF ACCESS ROADOUTLET PROTECTION (TYP.)INSTALL AND MAINTAINSILT FENCE (TYP.)MATCH TO EXISTING GRADEMATCH TO EXISTING GRADEMATCH TO EXISTING GRADEFIRST 10 LF OF FILTERSTRIP SHALL NOT EXCEED2% GRADE. GRADE OFREMAINING WIDTH VARIESCONSTRUCTION FENCE TO BEINSTALLED AND MAINTAINEDTHROUGH THE DURATION OFPROJECT± 45LF 18" SICPP @ 2.67%± 81LF 15" CMP @ 2.40%END SECTIONINV= 1119.40END SECTIONINV= 1118.20END SECTIONINV= 1129.59END SECTIONINV= 1131.5410801090110011101120113011401150108010901100111011201130114011500+001133.261133.290.031130.061130.940.880+501+001129.421129.820.391128.501128.530.041+502+001126.391126.07-0.321123.391123.470.082+503+001119.821122.462.631118.871121.993.123+504+001119.671122.212.541121.821122.590.784+505+001123.581123.42-0.161124.271124.300.035+506+001124.081123.97-0.111123.331122.33-1.006+507+001120.94 1119.61 -1.32 1115.81 1117.45 1.647+508+001114.76 1117.84 3.08 1118.13 1120.26 2.138+509+001121.08 1120.45 -0.63 1120.51 1119.95 -0.569+5010+001119.58 1119.45 -0.13 1119.16 1118.74 -0.4210+5011+001118.33 1117.77 -0.56 1116.90 1116.77 -0.1311+5012+001115.35 1116.13 0.78 1114.80 1115.96 1.1612+5013+001115.19 1115.80 0.60 1113.85 1114.93 1.0813+5014+001113.04 1113.30 0.26 1111.83 1111.65 -0.1814+5015+001110.02 1110.03 0.02 1108.40 1108.43 0.0315+5016+001106.81 1106.62 -0.18 1104.70 1104.36 -0.3416+5017+001101.87 1101.90 0.03 1100.02 1100.16 0.1417+5018+001099.63 1099.40 -0.23 1098.97 1098.90 -0.0718+5019+001098.02 1098.13 0.11 1097.01 1096.81 -0.2019+5020+001095.50 1095.18 -0.32 1093.61 1093.56 -0.0520+5021+001091.92 1091.94 0.02 21+10GRADE BREAK STA= 0+00.00ELEV= 1133.29GRADE BREAK STA= 8+61.30 ELEV= 1120.84 GRADE BREAK STA= 21+06.38 ELEV= 1091.73 PVI STA:0+50.00PVI ELEV:1130.57K:14.99LVC:66.88BVCS:0+16.56BVCE:1132.56EVCS:0+83.44EVCE:1130.07 PVCPVTPVI STA:2+44.72PVI ELEV:1123.28K:13.62LVC:64.87BVCS:2+12.28BVCE:1125.30EVCS:2+77.15EVCE:1122.80 PVCPVTPVI STA:3+44.72PVI ELEV:1121.80K:33.65LVC:75.00BVCS:3+07.22BVCE:1122.35EVCS:3+82.22EVCE:1122.08 LOW PT. STA:3+56.98LOW PT ELEV:1121.98PVCPVTPVI STA:4+69.72PVI ELEV:1122.74K:33.33LVC:50.00BVCS:4+44.72BVCE:1122.55EVCS:4+94.72EVCE:1123.30 PVCPVTPVI STA:7+65.17PVI ELEV:1115.94K:9.32LVC:100.00BVCS:7+15.17 BVCE:1118.76 EVCS:8+15.17 EVCE:1118.49 LOW PT. STA:7+67.70LOW PT ELEV:1117.28PVCPVTPVI STA:11+81.30PVI ELEV:1116.14K:43.31LVC:75.00BVCS:11+43.80 BVCE:1116.89 EVCS:12+18.80 EVCE:1116.04 PVCPVTPVI STA:14+51.60PVI ELEV:1111.58K:772.34LVC:100.00BVCS:14+01.60 BVCE:1113.25 EVCS:15+01.60 EVCE:1109.98 PVCPVTPVI STA:17+36.60PVI ELEV:1100.03K:25.00LVC:100.00BVCS:16+86.60 BVCE:1102.53 EVCS:17+86.60 EVCE:1099.53 PVCPVTPVI STA:0+07.50PVI ELEV:1133.10K:4.16LVC:14.42BVCS:0+00.29BVCE:1133.28EVCS:0+14.71EVCE:1132.67LOW PT. STA:???LOW PT ELEV:???HIGH PT. STA:0+00.29HIGH PT ELEV:1133.28PVCPVTPVI STA:1+52.60PVI ELEV:1129.03K:21.10LVC:100.00BVCS:1+02.60BVCE:1129.78EVCS:2+02.60EVCE:1125.91 PVCPVTPVI STA:5+94.72PVI ELEV:1125.55K:19.02LVC:150.00BVCS:5+19.72BVCE:1123.86EVCS:6+69.72EVCE:1121.32 HIGH PT. STA:5+62.51HIGH PT ELEV:1124.34PVCPVTPVI STA:10+31.51PVI ELEV:1119.14K:75.00LVC:75.00BVCS:9+94.01 BVCE:1119.51 EVCS:10+69.01 EVCE:1118.39 PVCPVTPVI STA:13+26.60PVI ELEV:1115.75K:24.48LVC:75.00BVCS:12+89.10 BVCE:1115.85 EVCS:13+64.10 EVCE:1114.50 PVCPVTPVI STA:16+01.60PVI ELEV:1106.78K:55.65LVC:100.00BVCS:15+51.60 BVCE:1108.38 EVCS:16+51.60 EVCE:1104.28 PVCPVTPVI STA:19+01.60PVI ELEV:1098.38K:44.50LVC:100.00BVCS:18+51.60 BVCE:1098.88 EVCS:19+51.60 EVCE:1096.76 PVCPVT-1.00%-3.25%-1.00%-3.25%15" STORMSEWER CROSSINGINV:1130.6518" STORMSEWER CROSSINGINV:1118.8418" STORMSEWER CROSSINGINV:1114.22TWO (2) 18" STORMSEWER CROSSINGINV:1114.226" STORMSEWER CROSSINGINV:1112.24-2.50%-5.97%-1.50%-6.24%-1.48%0.75%2.25%5.09%-1.00%-2.00%-0.27%-3.33%-3.20%-5.00%-1.00%-3.25%-5.64%0'80'160'240'RevisionsNO:DATE:DESCRIPTION:106/27/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS207/12/23REVISED PER FIELD MEETING308/09/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS409/15/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS510/17/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DRAWING NAME:6/3/2010 8:47:56 AM DRAWING NUMBER:DATE:ISSUED FOR:DRAWN BY:REVIEWED BY:PROJECT NUMBER:© 2023 LaBella AssociatesVERSION 23.1 NEXAMP101 SUMMER STREET, 2ND FLOORBOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02110CARROWMOOR SOLAR1358 MECKLENBURG ROAD ITHACA, NY 148502230713PLANNING BOARD REVIEW10/17/2023It is a violation of New York Education Law Art. 145 Sec. 7209 & Art. 147Sec. 7307, for any person, unless acting under the direction of a licensedarchitect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in anyway. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyoris altered; the altering architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix tothe item their seal and notation "altered by" followed by their signature anddate of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration.300 State Street, Suite 201Rochester, NY 14614585-454-6110labellapc.comCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER:PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING: 018281LAND SURVEYING: 017976GEOLOGICAL: 018750EXP:EXP:JLEMWM3/31/2024SCALE: 1"=80'MATCH TO SHEET C301C302GRADING AND EROSIONCONTROL PLAN AND ROADPROFILEC3022GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLANN0'80'160'240'HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1"=80'VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 16'C3021ACCESS ROAD PROFILEINVASIVE SPECIES NOTES:1.TO PREVENT THE ACCIDENTAL INTRODUCTION OF INVASIVE PLANTS DURING CONSTRUCTION ORMAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES, ALL TRACKED EQUIPMENT INVOLVED IN EARTHWORK SHALL BECLEANED TO REMOVE PLANTS, SEEDS AND PROPAGULES THAT MAY BE HITCH HIKING, PRIOR TOARRIVAL ON-SITE.2.IF TRACKED EQUIPMENT IS USED IN EARTH WORK ON A PORTION OF A PROJECT WHERE INVASIVESPECIES ARE KNOWN TO EXIST, THIS PORTION OF THE EARTHWORK SHALL BE CONDUCTED LAST,OR THE EQUIPMENT SHALL BE CLEANED PRIOR TO USE ON ANY PORTION OF THE SITE THAT ISKNOWN TO BE FREE OF INVASIVE PLANTS.3.IF EQUIPMENT INVOLVED IN EARTHWORK IS CONTAMINATED WITH INVASIVE SPECIES, THEEQUIPMENT SHALL BE CLEANED PRIOR TO MOVING INTO UNCONTAMINATED AREAS. CLEANINGSHALL CONSIST OF USING PHYSICAL MEANS AND HAND TOOLS, SUCH AS BRUSHES, BROOMS,RAKES OR SHOVELS, ON ALL TRACK AND BUCKET/BLADE COMPONENTS TO ADEQUATELY REMOVEALL VISIBLE DIRT AND PLANT DEBRIS.4.IF WATER IS USED, THE WATER/SLURRY SHALL BE CONTAINED SO AS TO RESTRICT INTRODUCTIONOF INVASIVE PLANTS, SEEDS AND PROPAGULES INTO THE PROJECT OR OFF-SITE THROUGH FUTURESURPLUS MATERIAL DISPOSAL. PLANSECTION B-BBBSTAPLE DETAILNOTE:CAN BE TWO STACKED BALES OR PARTIALLY EXCAVATED TO REACH 3 FT DEPTHCONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS1.LOCATE WASHOUT STRUCTURE A MINIMUM OF 50 FEET AWAY FROM OPEN CHANNELS, STORM DRAIN INLETS, SENSITIVE AREAS,WETLANDS, BUFFERS AND WATER COURSES AND AWAY FROM CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC.2.SIZE WASHOUT STRUCTURE FOR VOLUME NECESSARY TO CONTAIN WASH WATER AND SOLIDS AND MAINTAIN AT LEAST 4 INCHES OFFREEBOARD. TYPICAL DIMENSIONS ARE 10 FEET X 10 FEET X 3 FEET DEEP.3.PREPARE SOIL BASE FREE OF ROCKS OR OTHER DEBRIS THAT MAY CAUSE TEARS OR HOLES IN THE LINER. FOR LINER, USE 10 MIL ORTHICKER UV RESISTANT, IMPERMEABLE SHEETING, FREE OF HOLES AND TEARS OR OTHER DEFECTS THAT COMPROMISEIMPERMEABILITY OF THE MATERIAL.4.PROVIDE A SIGN FOR THE WASHOUT IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO THE FACILITY.5.KEEP CONCRETE WASHOUT STRUCTURE WATER TIGHT. REPLACE IMPERMEABLE LINER IF DAMAGED (E.G., RIPPED OR PUNCTURED).EMPTY OR REPLACE WASHOUT STRUCTURE THAT IS 75 PERCENT FULL, AND DISPOSE OF ACCUMULATED MATERIAL PROPERLY. DO NOTREUSE PLASTIC LINER. WET-VACUUM STORED LIQUIDS THAT HAVE NOT EVAPORATED AND DISPOSE OF IN AN APPROVED MANNER. PRIORTO FORECASTED RAINSTORMS, REMOVE LIQUIDS OR COVER STRUCTURE TO PREVENT OVERFLOWS. REMOVE HARDENED SOLIDS, WHOLEOR BROKEN UP, FOR DISPOSAL OR RECYCLING. MAINTAIN RUNOFF DIVERSION AROUND EXCAVATED WASHOUT STRUCTURE UNTILSTRUCTURE IS REMOVED.3' TYP. 4"2"10' TYP.10' TYP.18" DIA. STEEL WIRECONCRETE WASHOUT AREA WITH STRAW BALESN.T.S.C5016STAPLES(2 PER BALE)IMPERMEABLESHEETINGSTRAWBALE (TYP.)WOOD ORMETAL STAKES(2 PER BALE)BINDING WIRESTRAW BALE(TYP.)IMPERMEABLESHEETINGSTAKE (TYP.)GROUND CABLE4" MIN.2'-6"3" MIN (TYP.)3" MIN (TYP.)6" MIN. (TYP.)UNTREATED NATIVE SOILCLEAN, DRY BACKFILL CUSHIONEARTH UNDISTURBEDTRENCH NOTES:1.ADDITIONAL MISCELLANEOUS CABLES FROMFIELD DEVICES SUCH AS TEMPERATURETRANSMITTERS, METEOROLOGICALSTATIONS, REFERENCE MODULES, SIGNAL,GROUND SHALL UTILIZE THE UNDERGROUNDTRENCH SYSTEM WHERE IT IS APPLICABLE.CABLES SHALL BE INSTALLED AT LAYERSAS INDICATED.2.THE TRENCH DETAIL BELOW SHOWS ASAMPLE NUMBER OF DC FEEDER CABLESFROM DC COMBINER BOXES. SPECIFICCABLE QUANTITIES ARE SHOWN INRESPECTIVE DETAIL SECTION.3.TRENCHING MUST COMPLY WITH THELATEST STANDARDS.4.CLEAN FILL REQUIREMENTS: TRENCHINGBEDDING SHALL BE SAND OR ROCK-FEE FILLSCREENED TO A MAXIMUM 1/4" SIZE AS ACUSHING (FREE OF SHARP EDGE MATERIAL,ROTTING WOOD OR ORGANIC MATTER THATMIGHT ATTRACT INSECTS).THE CABLES SHALL BE COVERED WITH"CLEAN FILL" SAND OR SOFT EARTH, FREEFROM STONES, ROCKS OR OTHER MATERIALTHAT MAY DAMAGE THE CABLE DURINGBACKFILL.5.THE CABLES CROSS-SECTION AND THENUMBER SHOWN IS ONLY AN EXAMPLE. ALLCABLES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITHSTANDARDS AND SHALL BE SIZEDACCORDING TO USE AND TYPE OFINSTALLATION.4" MIN.2'-6"3" MIN (TYP.)3" MIN (TYP.)6" MIN. (TYP.)DETECTABLE MARKER TAPEGROUND CABLEDC CABLES FROM COMBINERBOXES TO INVERTERDC CABLES FROM STRINGSTO COMBINER BOXES3' MAX.TYPICAL TRENCH DETAILSN.T.S.C5014DETECTABLE MARKER TAPEDC CABLES FROM COMBINERBOXES TO INVERTERDC CABLES FROM STRINGS TOCOMBINER BOXES IN 2" PVC CONDUIT.3' MAX.PIPEO.D.NOTE:BEDDING AND BACKFILL MATERIALINSTALLED & COMPACTED INMAXIMUM 6" LIFTS.DIM. APIPE DIA.UP TO 18"19" TO 36"OVER 36"1'-0" (MIN.)1'-6" (MIN.)2'-0" (MIN.)6"9"12"DIM. BSTORM SEWER TRENCH AND PIPE BEDDINGN.T.S.C5017AT EXISTING PAVEMENT: INITIAL SAWCUTTYPICAL EACH SIDE OF TRENCH. (SEE PAVEMENTJOINT DETAIL FOR PAVEMENT RESTORATION)EXISTING ORPROPOSED SURFACESAFE OPERATIONSHEET PILING(AS REQUIRED)PIPE ZONEB AA6" MIN.IN ROCKPIPEO.D.A6" MIN.IN ROCKFOR SURFACE RESTORATIONREFER TO ADDITIONAL DETAILSTRENCH BACKFILL MATERIAL-ROADWAY SIDEWALK AND ALL DRIVEWAYAREAS: SELECT GRANULAR FILL.-NON PAVED AREAS:SHALL BE COMMON EARTH BACKFILLWARNINGTAPEPIPE BEDDING MATERIAL:NYSDOT 703-0201 50-50MIXTURE OF PRIMARYSIZE 1 & 2IN ROCK, BACKFILL PIPEZONE WITH SANDC5019GEOTEXTILE SEPARATION FABRIC(MIRAFI 160N OR APPROVED EQUAL)NOTES:1.CONDUCTORS TO BE 1000V RATED FOR DIRECT BURIIAL. MEDIUM VOLTAGE CONDUCTORS FROM PS1 TO BE RATED FOR CLASS 35KV, ANDMEDIUM VOLTAGE CONDUCTORS FROM PS2 TO BE RATED FOR CLASS 15KV.2.CONDUCTORS OF THE SAME CIRCUIT TO BE NEXT TO EACH OTHER; COMBINER CIRCUITS TO BE SPACED 4.5" FROM EACH OTHER UNLESSPOSTED OTHERWISE (HORIZONTAL/VERTICAL DIRECTIONS).3.COMMUNICATIONS TO BE BURIED 1' AWAY FROM ALL POWER CONDUCTORS. USE DIRECT BURY RATED FIBER CABLE.4.3" OR 4" PVC SCH80 JUMP-CONDUIT SHALL BE UTILIZED FOR ROW-TO-ROW STRING CIRCUITS WIRING.5.POWER SUPPLY CABLES TO ARC FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTION CIRCUITS SHALL BE LOCATED AT A MINIMUM 1' FROM DC CIRCUITS.6.CONTRACTOR SHALL SIZE THE ROW-TO-ROW JUMPER CONDUIT FOR THE CONDUCTORS USED, WITH PVC SCHEDULE 80. A TOTAL OF 60 #10HOMERUN CABLES CAN FIT INTO A STANDARD 4" PVC CONDUIT. CONTACT THE ENGINEER IF ADDITIONAL GUIDANCE IS REQUIRED.SILT FENCENYS DEC DETAIL: SILT FENCENOTES:1.WOVEN WIRE FENCE TO BE FASTENED SECURELY TO FENCE POSTS WITH WIRE TIES OR STAPLES. POSTS SHALL BE STEELEITHER "T" OR "U" TYPE OR HARDWOOD.2.FILTER CLOTH TO BE FASTENED SECURELY TO WOVEN WIRE FENCE WITH TIES SPACED EVERY 24" AT TOP AND MID SECTION.FENCE SHALL BE WOVEN WIRE, 6" MAXIMUM MESH OPENING.3.WHEN TWO SECTIONS OF FILTER CLOTH ADJOIN EACH OTHER THEY SHALL BE OVER-LAPPED BY SIX INCHES AND FOLDED.FILTER CLOTH SHALL BE EITHER FILTER X, MIRAFI 100X, STABLINKA 140N, OR APPROVED EQUAL.4.PREFABRICATED UNITS SHALL BE GEOFAB, ENVIROFENCE, OR APPROVED EQUAL.5.MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PERFORMED AS NEEDED AND MATERIAL REMOVED WHEN "BULGES" DEVELOP IN THE SILT FENCE.FLOW1 14" SQUARE HARDWOOD36" MIN. FENCEPOSTS, DRIVEN MIN.16" INTO GROUND10' MAX. C. TO C.16" MIN.20" MIN.36" MIN. FENCE POSTWOVEN WIRE FENCE (MIN. 14 1/2 GAUGE W/MAX. 6" MESH SPACING WITH FILTER CLOTHUNDISTURBEDGROUNDPERSPECTIVE VIEWSECTION VIEWCOMPACTED SOILFLOWEMBED FILTER CLOTH A MIN. OF 6" IN GROUNDFLOWWOVEN WIRE FENCE (MIN. 14 1/2 GAUGE W/MAX. 6" MESH SPACING WITH FILTER CLOTH6" MIN. HEIGHT OF FILTER = 16" MIN.SYMBOLN.T.S.C5018FIXED KNOT FARM FENCE24' WIDE FIXED KNOT FARM FENCE DOUBLE SWING GATEN.T.S.C5011ALL JOINTS AREWELDED TO MAKE ARIGID FRAMEBRACE RAILCENTER GATE STOPOR APPROVEDEQUALDROP BAR ORAPPROVED EQUALPROVISIONPROVISION FORPADLOCK ANDKNOX BOXSIGN IDENTIFYING OWNERAND EMERGENCY CONTACTFIXED KNOT WIREMESH ORAPPROVED EQUAL8' (TYP.)MATCH FENCE HEIGHT6" MIN.12" MIN. DIA. (TYP.)4' MIN. ADJUST TO FROST DEPTHPER GEOTECH REPORT (TYP.)24' WIDE OPENING MIN.HINGEPOST(TYP.)3" CLEARNOTES1.INSTALL ALL FENCING COMPONENTS PER MANUFACTURESSPECIFICATIONS.2.ALL FENCING AND HARDWARE SHALL BE GALVANIZED, UNLESSOTHERWISE NOTED.3.HINGE POSTS MAY BE TIMBER IF CONTRACTOR DESIRES, TIMBER HINGEPOSTS DO NOT NEED TO BE SET IN CONCRETE. UTILIZE HINGE THRUBOLTS TO CONNECT TO TIMBER HINGE POSTS OR LAG SCREWS, PERMANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS.4.IF CONTRACTOR UTILIZES METAL HINGE POST THAN POSTS SHALL BE SETIN CONCRETE AS SHOWN ON DETAIL.5.BRACING REQUIRED AT FOR ALL GATES. SEE FIXED KNOT FARM FENCEDETAIL.6.FIXED KNOT WIRE MESH TO BE BEKAERT SOLIDLOCK® PRO, 12.5 GAUGE,CLASS 3 GALVANIZED, 6" VERTICAL SPACING OR APPROVED EQUAL7.BRACE RAIL SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ADDITIONAL BRACE RAILS MAY BEREQUIRED (NOT SHOWN) OR TRUSS RODS MAY BE REQUIRED PERMANUFACTURES RECOMMENDATIONSCORNER OR END POSTWIRE STRAINER12.5 GAUGE TENSILE WIREBRACE PINBRACE PINTOP POST / BRACE RAILBRACE POSTLINE POSTALL FENCE WIRE TO BE MIN. 2" ABOVEGROUNDNOTES1.INSTALL ALL FENCING COMPONENTS PERMANUFACTURES SPECIFICATIONS.2.ALL FENCING AND HARDWARE SHALL BE GALVANIZED,UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.3.ALL SQUARE POSTS TO BE MIN. 5"X5" NOMINAL SIZE ORROUND POST WITH MIN. 5" OR 6" DIAMETER PRESSURETREATED WOOD OR APPROVED EQUAL. PREFER POSTS TOHAVE A CHAMFERED TOP.4.ALL LINE POST TO BE SET TO A MIN. DEPTH OF 4' BELOWGRADE, ALL CORNER, END OR GATE POSTS SHALL BE SETTO A MIN. DEPTH OF 6' BELOW GRADE, UNLESSOTHERWISE NOTED.5.FIXED KNOT WIRE MESH TO BE BEKAERT SOLIDLOCK®PRO, 12.5 GAUGE, CLASS 3 GALVANIZED, 6" VERTICALSPACING OR APPROVED EQUAL.6.BRACING IS REQUIRED AT ALL CORNER, END, AND GATEPOSTS. DOUBLE BRACING (TWO BRACE ASSEMBLIES IN AROW) SHOULD BE USED FOR STRAIGHT RUNS OF FENCETHAT EXCEED 1,000 LF. AN ADDITIONAL BRACEASSEMBLY SHOULD BE INSTALLED MID SPAN FORSTRAIGHT RUNS OF FENCE THAT EXCEED 1,320 LF.ADDITIONAL BRACING MAY BE STILL BE REQUIRED OVERUNEVEN TERRAIN, CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALLADDITIONAL BRACING AS NEEDED IF DEFLECTION ISNOTICED DURING TENSIONING.FIXED KNOT WIREMESH TYP. SEE NOTE 5.2 X H MIN. 2.5 X H PREFERREDH = 8'10' O.C.INCREASING SPACING MUST BE PRE-APPROVED BY OWNERBURY DEPTHSEE NOTE 4FIXED KNOT WIREMESH ORAPPROVED EQUALALL JOINTS ARE WELDEDTO MAKE A RIGID FRAMEPROVISION FORPAD LOCKLATCH POSTPOST TOP3" CLEAR4' WIDE OPENING MIN.HINGEPOST8' (TYP.)MATCH FENCE HEIGHTROUND POSTHINGE (TYP.)6" MIN.12" MIN. DIA. (TYP.)4' MIN. ADJUST TO FROSTDEPTH PER GEOTECHREPORT (TYP.)NOTES1.INSTALL ALL FENCING COMPONENTS PER MANUFACTURESSPECIFICATIONS.2.ALL FENCING AND HARDWARE SHALL BE GALVANIZED,UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.3.HINGE POSTS MAY BE TIMBER IF CONTRACTOR DESIRES,TIMBER HINGE POSTS DO NOT NEED TO BE SET IN CONCRETE.UTILIZE HINGE THRU BOLTS TO CONNECT TO TIMBER HINGEPOSTS OR LAG SCREWS, PER MANUFACTURERSRECOMMENDATIONS.4.IF CONTRACTOR UTILIZES METAL HINGE POST THAN POSTSSHALL BE SET IN CONCRETE AS SHOWN ON DETAIL.5.BRACING REQUIRED AT FOR ALL GATES. SEE FIXED KNOTFARM FENCE DETAIL.6.FIXED KNOT WIRE MESH TO BE BEKAERT SOLIDLOCK® PRO,12.5 GAUGE, CLASS 3 GALVANIZED, 6" VERTICAL SPACING ORAPPROVED EQUAL7.BRACE RAILS AND/ OR TRUSS RODS ARE NOT SHOWN, MAYBE REQUIRED PER MANUFACTURES RECOMMENDATIONSFIXED KNOT FARM PERSONNEL GATEN.T.S.C5012GEOTEXTILE FABRIC(MIRAFI 180N ORAPPROVED EQUAL)MIN. 6", 3/4"STONE6", 3/4"CRUSHED STONEMIN.12" STRUCTURAL FILLMIN.6" (TYP.)MIN.36" (TYP.)FINISH GRADECOMPACTED SUBGRADE(SUITABLE SOIL MATERIAL)BEDDING SANDMIN. 6" COVERELEC. CONDUITSIZE VARIES3" COMPACTEDSANDSEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGSFOR CONCRETE PAD DETAILSMIN. 4"SLAB ABOVEGRADEMIN. 4", 1-1/2"STONE, FLUSH WITH PADSUBSOIL EQUIPMENT FOUNDATIONN.T.S.C5015PEA GRAVEL DIAPHRAGMN.T.S.C50132'-0"1'-6"CLEAN WASHED PEA GRAVELGEOTEXTILE FABRIC (MIRAFI140N OR APPROVED EQUAL)SLOPE (SEE PLANS)2"-4" DROP 1'-0"MAINTENANCE NOTES1.PEA GRAVEL DIAPHRAGMS SHOULD BE INSPECTED EVERY 2 TO 3 YEARS FOR EXCESSSEDIMENTATION AND CLOGGING. REPLACE PEA GRAVEL IF NECESSARY.2.CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE AS-BUILTS TO THE TOWN OF THE SIZE AND LOCATIONS OF THEDIAPHRAGMSRevisionsNO:DATE:DESCRIPTION:106/27/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS207/12/23REVISED PER FIELD MEETING308/09/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS409/15/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS510/17/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DRAWING NAME:6/3/2010 8:47:56 AM DRAWING NUMBER:DATE:ISSUED FOR:DRAWN BY:REVIEWED BY:PROJECT NUMBER:© 2023 LaBella AssociatesVERSION 23.1 NEXAMP101 SUMMER STREET, 2ND FLOORBOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02110CARROWMOOR SOLAR1358 MECKLENBURG ROAD ITHACA, NY 148502230713PLANNING BOARD REVIEW10/17/2023It is a violation of New York Education Law Art. 145 Sec. 7209 & Art. 147Sec. 7307, for any person, unless acting under the direction of a licensedarchitect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in anyway. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyoris altered; the altering architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix tothe item their seal and notation "altered by" followed by their signature anddate of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration.300 State Street, Suite 201Rochester, NY 14614585-454-6110labellapc.comCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER:PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING: 018281LAND SURVEYING: 017976GEOLOGICAL: 018750EXP:EXP:JLEMWM3/31/2024C501CONSTRUCTION DETAILS TYPICAL SITE LAYOUTN.T.S.C5023SOLAR MODULEVARIES (REFER TO PLANS)VARIES (REFER TO PLAN)PROPOSED FENCE LINEPROPOSED FENCE LINETABLE LENGTH VARIES (REFER TO PLAN)SEE PLANSOLAR MODULEEXISTING GROUNDMOTOR POST (TYP.)0-6" MIN.STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCEN.YS DEC DETAIL: STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ACCESSCONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS:1.STONE SIZE - USE 1-4 INCH STONE, OR RECLAIMED OR RECYCLED CONCRETE EQUIVALENT.2.LENGTH - NOT LESS THAN 50 FEET (EXCEPT ON A SINGLE RESIDENCE LOT WHERE A 30 FOOT MINIMUM LENGTHWOULD APPLY).3.THICKNESS - NOT LESS THAN SIX (6) INCHES.4.WIDTH - TWELVE (12) FOOT MINIMUM, BUT NOT LESS THAN THE FULL WIDTH AT POINTS WHERE INGRESS OR EGRESSOCCURS. TWENTY-FOUR (24) FOOT IF SINGLE ENTRANCE TO SITE.5.GEOTEXTILE - WILL BE PLACED OVER THE ENTIRE AREA PRIOR TO PLACING OF STONE.6.SURFACE WATER - ALL SURFACE WATER FLOWING OR DIVERTED TOWARD CONSTRUCTION ACCESS SHALL BE PIPEDBENEATH THE ENTRANCE. IF PIPING IS IMPRACTICAL, A MOUNTABLE BERM WITH 5:1 SLOPES WILL BE PERMITTED.7.MAINTENANCE - THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WHICH WILL PREVENT TRACKING ORFLOWING OF SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY, ALL SEDIMENT SPILLED, DROPPED, WASHED, OR TRACKEDONTO PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY MUST BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY.8.WHEN WASHING IS REQUIRED, IT SHALL BE DONE ON AN AREA STABILIZED WITH STONE AND WHICH DRAINS INTO ANAPPROVED SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE.9.PERIODIC INSPECTION AND NEEDED MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PROVIDED AFTER EACH RAIN EVENT.C50223'5:110' MIN.12' MIN.50' MIN.6"MIN.50' MIN.12' MIN.PLAN VIEWEXISTINGPAVEMENTMOUNTABLEBERM (OPTIONAL)EXISTINGPAVEMENTFILTER CLOTHEXISTING GROUNDEXISTING GROUNDPROFILE VIEWSYMBOLSTONE ACCESS ROAD DETAILC502412' OR AS SHOWN ON PLANS12" CRUSHED STONEGEOTEXTILE FABRICSUBGRADE1EXISTING GRADE2%6GRASS FILTER STRIP (TYP.)(SEE PLANS FOR LOCATIONS)ORANGE CONSTRUCTION FENCEN.T.S.C502610' MAX.2' MIN.5' MIN.2" x 2" WOODEN ORSTEEL STAKESGEOTEXTILE ORANGE HIGHLYVISIBLE FENCING2" GALVANIZEDWIRE STAPLETEMPORARY SOIL STOCKPILEN.T.S.C5025MIN. SLOPEMIN. SLOPESLOPE OR LESS12NOTES:1.AREA CHOSEN FOR STOCKPILING OPERATIONS SHALL BE DRY AND STABLE.2.MAXIMUM SLOPE OF STOCKPILE SHALL BE 1V:2H.3.UPON COMPLETION OF SOIL STOCKPILING, EACH PILE SHALL BE SURROUNDED WITHSILT FENCING, THEN STABILIZED WITH VEGETATION OR COVERED.4.SEE SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAIL FOR INSTALLATION OF SILT FENCE.SILT FENCEVEGETATIVE FILTER STRIPN.T.S.C502110' LONG GRADED AREAMAX SLOPE OF 2%LENGTH VARIES, SEE PLANS. THEENTIRE FILTER STRIP AREA MUSTRESULT IN A COMBINED MAX SLOPEOF 12% WITH THE UPSLOPE AREANOTES:1.NO DEVELOPMENT IS ALLOWED ONFILTER STRIP AREA.IMPERVIOUS SURFACETREE PLANTINGN.T.S.C502724"60°3"AS PERA.A.N.STANDARDSSET TRUNK PLUM, LEANSLIGHTLY INTO PREVAILING3" POLYPROPYLENE STRAP ORGARDEN HOSENO. 12 GALV. PLIABLE STEELWIRE (TWIST TO TIGHTEN)(ALLOW FORSOME SWAY) - 2 STRANDS2"X2" STAKE (THREE SIDED)3" MULCHOPTION FOR AREAS WITHGOOD DRAINAGEUNDISTURBED EARTHGUYING: FOR ALL TREESLARGER THAN 4" CALIPERRODENT GUARDFLAGGINGWEED BARRIEREARTH SAUCERFINISHGRADE2"X4"X48" WOODSTAKES: NOTCHEDLOAMY TOPSOIL MIXTURE:4 PARTS TOPSOIL, 1 PARTALL-GRO COMPOST MIXNOTE:1.STAKING: FOR ALL TREES 4" CALIPER OR LESS. REMOVE STAKES ONE YEAR AFTER PLANTING.2.USE 8' STAKES DRIVE 4' BELOW GROUND SURFACE.3.GUYING: FOR ALL EVERGREEN TREES AND ALL TREES TALLER THAN 12'. USE SAME WIRE AS FOR STAKING. USETHREE PER TREE, EQUALLY SPACED. DO NOT TWIST WIRE TO TIGHTEN: USE 1/2"X6" TURNBUCKLE.4.ROOT COLLAR TO BE SLIGHLY ABOVE SURROUNDING GRADE.5.MULCH CAN NOT BE MORE THAN 1" THICK AT ROOT COLLAR EXTENDING OUT AT LEAST 6" FROM THE BARK, THEN ITCAN BE THICKENED.6.MULCH IS TO BE PLACED 3 TO 6 INCHES AWAY FROM THE TRUNK.7.KRAFT WRAP PAPER SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED FOR RODENT GUARD.3.72'8.08'1"RevisionsNO:DATE:DESCRIPTION:106/27/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS207/12/23REVISED PER FIELD MEETING308/09/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS409/15/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS510/17/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DRAWING NAME:6/3/2010 8:47:56 AM DRAWING NUMBER:DATE:ISSUED FOR:DRAWN BY:REVIEWED BY:PROJECT NUMBER:© 2023 LaBella AssociatesVERSION 23.1 NEXAMP101 SUMMER STREET, 2ND FLOORBOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02110CARROWMOOR SOLAR1358 MECKLENBURG ROAD ITHACA, NY 148502230713PLANNING BOARD REVIEW10/17/2023It is a violation of New York Education Law Art. 145 Sec. 7209 & Art. 147Sec. 7307, for any person, unless acting under the direction of a licensedarchitect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in anyway. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyoris altered; the altering architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix tothe item their seal and notation "altered by" followed by their signature anddate of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration.300 State Street, Suite 201Rochester, NY 14614585-454-6110labellapc.comCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER:PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING: 018281LAND SURVEYING: 017976GEOLOGICAL: 018750EXP:EXP:JLEMWM3/31/2024C502CONSTRUCTION DETAILS VARIES (24' MAX.)VARIES (24' MAX.)8" MIN.PLANTYPICAL CUT SECTIONGENERAL NOTES:1.PROVIDE A 4800 LB/FT ENCHANCED WOVEN GEOTEXTILE SEPERATION LAYER AND INSTALL PERMANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATIONSINCLUDING OVERLAPS BASED ON SUB GRADE CBR.2.THE GEOWEB PANELS SHALL BE CONNECTED WITH ATRA KEYS OF EACH INTERLEAF AND END TO END CONNECTION.3.PROVIDE ATRA ANCHORS TO KEEP PANELS OPEN FOR INFILL AS REQUIRED.4.GEOWEB INFILL SHALL BE 3/4" TO 1.5" CRUSHED AGGREGATE WITH FINES LIMITED TO LESS THAN 10% TO ALLOW FREE DRAINAGE.5.LIMIT THE DROP OF INFILL TO PREVENT PANEL DISTORTION.6.ASSUME HS-20 LOADING.PERMEABLE ACCESS ROAD GENERAL NOTES:1.USE OF THIS DETAIL/CRITERION IS LIMITED TO ACCESS ROADS USED ON AN OCCASIONAL BASIS ONLY (I.E. PROVIDE ACCESS FOR MOWINGEQUIPMENT REPAIR OR MAINTENANCE, ETC.)2.LIMITED USE PERVIOUS ACCESS ROAD IS LIMITED TO LOW IMPACT IRREGULAR MAINTENANCE ACCESS ASSOCIATED WITH RENEWABLEENERGY PROJECTS IN NEW YORK STATE.3.REMOVE STUMPS, ROCKS AND DEBRIS AS NECESSARY, FILL VOIDS TO MATCH EXISTING NATIVE SOILS AND COMPACTION LEVEL.4.REMOVED TOPSOIL MAY BE SPREAD IN ADJACENT AREAS AS DIRECTED BY THE PROJECT ENGINEER. COMPACT TO THE DEGREE OF THE NATIVEINSITU SOIL. DO NOT PLACE IN AN AREA THAT IMPEDES STORMWATER DRAINAGE.5.GRADE ROADWAY, WHERE NECESSARY, TO NATIVE SOIL AND DESIRED ELEVATION. MINOR GRADING FOR CROSS SLOPE CUT AND FILL MAY BEREQUIRED.6.REMOVE REFUSE SOILS AS DIRECTED BY THE PROJECT ENGINEER. DO NOT PLACE IN AN AREA THAT IMPEDES STORMWATER DRAINAGE.7.ROADWAY WIDTH TO BE DETERMINED BY CLIENT.8.THE LIMITED USE PERVIOUS ACCESS ROAD CROSS SLOPE SHALL BE 2% IN MOST CASES AND SHOULD NOT EXCEED 5%. THE LONGITUDINALSLOPE OF THE ACCESS DRIVE SHOULD NOT EXCEED 15%.9.LIMITED USE PERVIOUS ACCESS ROAD IS NOT INTENDED TO BE UTILIZED FOR CONSTRUCTION WHICH MAY SUBJECT THE ACCESS TOSEDIMENT TRACKING. THIS SPECIFICATION IS TO BE DEVELOPED FOR POST-CONSTRUCTION USE, SOIL RESTORATION PRACTICES MAY BEAPPLICABLE TO RESTORE CONSTRUCTION RELATED COMPACTION TO PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS AND SHOULD BE VERIFIED BY SOILPENETROMETER READINGS. THE PENETROMETER READINGS SHALL BE COMPARED TO THE RESPECTIVE RECORDED READINGS TAKEN PRIORTO CONSTRUCTION, EVERY 100 LINEAR FEET ALONG THE PROPOSED ROADWAY.10.TO ENSURE THAT SOIL IS NOT TRACKED ONTO THE LIMITED USE PERVIOUS ACCESS ROAD, IT SHALL NOT BE USED BY CONSTRUCTIONVEHICLES TRANSPORTING SOIL, FILL MATERIAL, ETC. IF THE LIMITED USE PERVIOUS ACCESS IS COMPLETED DURING INITIAL PHASES OFCONSTRUCTION, A STANDARD NEW YOK STATE STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ACCESS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND UTILIZED TO REMOVESEDIMENT FROM CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT PRIOR TO ENTERING THE LIMITED USE PERVIOUS ACCESS ROAD FROM ANYLOCATION ON, OR OFF SITE. MAINTENANCE OF THE PERVIOUS ACCESS ROAD WILL BE REQUIRED IF SEDIMENT IS OBSERVED WITHIN THE CLEANSTONE.11.THE LIMITED USE PERVIOUS ACCESS ROAD SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUCTED OR USED UNTIL ALL AREAS SUBJECT TO RUNOFF ONTO THEPERVIOUS ACCESS HAVE ACHIEVED FINAL STABILIZATION.12.PROJECTS SHOULD AVOID INSTALLATION OF THE LIMITED USE PERVIOUS ACCESS ROAD IN POORLY DRAINED AREAS, HOWEVER IF NOALTERNATIVE LOCATION IS AVAILABLE, THE PROJECT SHALL UTILIZE WOVEN GEOTEXTILE MATERIAL AS DETAILED IN FOLLOWING NOTES.13.THE DRAINAGE DITCH IS OFFERED IN THE DETAIL FOR CIRCUMSTANCES WHEN CONCENTRATED FLOW COULD NOT BE AVOIDED. THEINTENTION OF THIS DESIGN IS TO MINIMIZE ALTERATIONS TO HYDROLOGY, HOWEVER WHEN DEALING WITH 5%-15% GRADES NOT PARALLELTO THE CONTOUR, A ROADSIDE DITCH MAY BE REQUIRED. THE NYS STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENTCONTROLS FOR GRASSED WATERWAYS AND VEGETATED WATERWAYS ARE APPLICABLE FOR SIZING AND STABILIZATION. DIMENSIONS FORTHE GRASSED WATERWAY SPECIFICATION WOULD BE DESIGNED FOR PROJECT SPECIFIC HYDROLOGIC RUNOFF CALCULATIONS, AND ASEPARATE DETAIL FOR THE SPECIFIC GRASSED WATERWAY WOULD BE INCLUDED IN THIS PRACTICE. RUNOFF DISCHARGES WILL BE SUBJECTTO THE OUTLET REQUIREMENTS OF THE REFERENCED STANDARD. INCREASED POST-DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF FROM THE ASSOCIATEDROADSIDE DITCH MAY REQUIRE ADDITIONAL PRACTICES TO ATTENUATE RUNOFF TO PRE-DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS.14.IF A ROADSIDE DITCH IS NOT UTILIZED TO CAPTURE RUNOFF FROM THE ACCESS ROAD, THE PERVIOUS ACCESS ROAD WILL HAVE AWELL-ESTABLISHED PERENNIAL VEGETATIVE COVER, WHICH SHALL CONSIST OF UNIFORM VEGETATION (I.E. BUFFER), 20 FEET WIDE ANDPARALLEL TO THE DOWN GRADIENT SIDE OF THE ACCESS ROAD. POST-CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PRACTICES WILLMAINTAIN THIS VEGETATIVE COVER TO ENSURE FINAL STABILIZATION FOR THE LIFE OF THE ACCESS ROAD.15.THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL MUST ACCOUNT FOR THE LIMITED USE PERVIOUS ACCESS ROAD IN THEIR SITE ASSESSMENT/HYDROLOGYANALYSIS. IF THE HYDROLOGY ANALYSIS SHOWS THAT THE HYDROLOGY HAS BEEN ALTERED FROM PRE- TO POST-DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS(SEE APPENDIX A OF GP-0-20-001 FOR THE DEFINITION OF “ALTER THE HYDROLOGY…”), THE DESIGN MUST INCLUDE THE NECESSARYDETENTION/RETENTION PRACTICES TO ATTENUATE THE RATES (10 AND 100 YEAR EVENTS) TO PRE-DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS.VARIES (24' MAX.)8" MIN.TYPICAL FILL SECTIONGRAVEL MATERIALGEOGRID MATERIAL,PRESTO GEOSYSTEMS GEOWEBLOAD SUPPORT SYSTEM(OR APPROVED EQUAL)LIMITED USE ACCESS ROAD TOBE FLUSH WITH ENTRANCE ANDMATCH EXISTING ELEVATIONEXISTINGGRADEGEOTEXTILE FABRIC TOBE USED IN PLACIDSOIL AREAS ONLYEXISTING SUBGRADEEXISTING GRADE CUT LINEFILL CUT AREA WITHGRAVEL MATERIALGEOWEB SYSTEM (TYP.)GEOTEXTILE FABRICEXISTINGGRADEGEOTEXTILE FABRICCOMPACTED EXISTINGSUBGRADE, PREPAREDSUBGRADE CBR=2.0%FILL AREA WITHGRAVEL MATERIAL6" THICK GEOWEBSYSTEM (TYP.)COMPACTED EXISTINGSUBGRADE, PREPAREDSUBGRADE CBR=2.0%1:4 SLOPE TOEXISTING GRADE12" MIN.GRAVEL MATERIAL2" WEAR SURFACE ATRA ANCHOR24"NO. 4 (1/2") BARATRA STAKECLIPLIMITED USE PERVIOUS ACCESS ROAD - 0% TO 10% SLOPESN.T.S.C5031GEOWEB MATERIAL NOTES:1.THE GEOWEB, OR COMPARABLE PRODUCT, IS SUGGESTED FOR USE ON ROAD PROFILES EXCEEDING 10%. THE GEOWEB PRODUCT IS INTENDEDTO LIMIT SHIFTING STONE MATERIAL DURING USE.2.INSTALLATION TO BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS.3.WHERE REQUIRED, A NATIVE SOIL WEDGE SHALL BE PLACED TO ACCOMMODATE ROAD CROSS SLOPE OF 2%. NATIVE SOIL SHALL BECOMPACTED TO MATCH EXISTING SOIL CONDITIONS.4.GRAVEL FILL MATERIAL SHALL CONSIST OF 1-4” CLEAN, DURABLE, SHARP-ANGLED CRUSHED STONE OF UNIFORM QUALITY, MEETING THESPECIFICATIONS OF NYSDOT ITEM 703-02, SIZE DESIGNATION 3-5 OF TABLE 703-4. STONE MAY BE PLACED IN FRONT OF, AND SPREAD WITH, ATRACKED VEHICLE. GRAVEL SHALL NOT BE COMPACTED.5.GEOWEB SYSTEM SHALL BE PRESTO GEOSYSTEM GEOWEB OR APPROVED EQUAL. GEOWEB SHALL BE DESIGNED BASED ON EXISTING SOILCONDITIONS AND PROPOSED HAUL ROAD SLOPES.6.LIMITED USE PERVIOUS ACCESS ROAD SHALL BE TOP DRESSED AS REQUIRED WITH ONLY 1-4” CRUSHED STONE, SIZE 3A, MEETING NYSDOTITEM 703-02 SPECIFICATIONS.7.THE TOP EDGES OF ADJACENT CELL WALLS SHALL BE FLUSH WHEN CONNECTING. ALIGN THE I-SLOTS FOR INTERLEAF AND END TO ENDCONNECTIONS. THE GEOWEB PANELS SHALL BE CONNECTED WITH ATRA KEYS AT EACH INTERLEAD AND END TO END CONNECTIONS. REFERTO MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATION FOR PROPER INSTALLATION, TYING AND CONNECTIONS.8.PREPARE THE SUBGRADE AS SHOWN ON THE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS.9.COMPACT THE SOIL TO A MINIMUM 95% STANDARD PROCTOR.10.VERIFY THAT THE SUBGRADE STRENGTH. IF UNACCEPTABLE, THE SOILS SHALL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED AS DIRECTED BY THEENGINEER.11.WHERE REQUIRED, PROVIDE GEOTEXTILE SEPARATION LAYER.12.WHERE REQUIRED, PLACE AND COMPACT SUBBASE MATERIAL TO A MINIMUM 95% STANDARD PROCTOR.13.EXPAND THE GEOWEB SECTIONS INTO POSITION AND CONNECT THE END TO END INTERLEAF CONNECTIONS WITH ATRA KEYS.14.PLACE THE SPECIFIED INFILL MATERIAL TO 2 INCHES ABOVE CELL WALLS AND COMPACT TO A MINIMUM 95% STANDARD PROCTOR.15.PROVIDE ADDITIONAL SURFACE MATERIAL, AS SPECIFIED.BASIS OF DESIGN: PRESTO GEOSYSTEMS GEOWEB; 670 NORTH PERKINS STREET, APPLETON, WI; 800-548-3424 OR 920-738-1222;INFOR@PRESTOGEO.COM; WWW.PRESTOGEO.COMWOVEN GEOTEXTILE MATERIAL NOTES:1.SPECIFIED GEOTEXTILE WILL ONLY BE UTILIZED IN PLACID SOILS. PLACID SOILS CONSIST OF POORLY DRAINED SOILS COMPOSED OF FINELYTEXTURED PARTICLES AND ARE PRONE TO RUTTING. PLACID SOILS ARE TYPICALLY PRESENT IN LOW-LYING AREAS WITH HYDROLOGIC SOILSGROUP (HSG) OF C OR D, OR AS SPECIFIED FROM AN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST, SOIL SCIENTIST, OR GEOTECHNICAL DATA.2.THE CONCERN FOR POTENTIAL REDUCTION OF NATIVE INFILTRATION RATES DUE TO THE GEOTEXTILE MATERIAL WOULD NOT BE A SIGNIFICANTCONCERN IN POORLY DRAINED SOILS WHERE SEGREGATION OF PERVIOUS STONE AND NATIVE MATERIALS IS CRUCIAL FOR LONG TERMOPERATION AND MAINTENANCE.BASIS OF DESIGN: TENCATE MIRAFI RSI-SERIES WOVEN GEOSYNTHETICS; 365 SOUTH HOLLAND DRIVE, PENDERGRASS, GA; 800-685-9990 OR706-693-2226; WWW.MIRAFI.COMRevisionsNO:DATE:DESCRIPTION:106/27/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS207/12/23REVISED PER FIELD MEETING308/09/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS409/15/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS510/17/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DRAWING NAME:6/3/2010 8:47:56 AM DRAWING NUMBER:DATE:ISSUED FOR:DRAWN BY:REVIEWED BY:PROJECT NUMBER:© 2023 LaBella AssociatesVERSION 23.1 NEXAMP101 SUMMER STREET, 2ND FLOORBOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02110CARROWMOOR SOLAR1358 MECKLENBURG ROAD ITHACA, NY 148502230713PLANNING BOARD REVIEW10/17/2023It is a violation of New York Education Law Art. 145 Sec. 7209 & Art. 147Sec. 7307, for any person, unless acting under the direction of a licensedarchitect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in anyway. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyoris altered; the altering architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix tothe item their seal and notation "altered by" followed by their signature anddate of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration.300 State Street, Suite 201Rochester, NY 14614585-454-6110labellapc.comCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER:PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING: 018281LAND SURVEYING: 017976GEOLOGICAL: 018750EXP:EXP:JLEMWM3/31/2024C503CONSTRUCTION DETAILS TEMPORARY LAYDOWN YARD SECTIONNOT TO SCALECONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS:1.STONE SIZE - USE 6 INCHES OF SUBBASE COURSE, NYSDOT CRUSHER RUN, TYPE 2 STONE OR APPROVED EQUAL.2.THICKNESS - NOT LESS THAN SIX (6) INCHES.3.GEOTEXTILE - WILL BE PLACED OVER THE ENTIRE AREA PRIOR TO PLACING OF STONE.4.A MOUNTABLE BERM SHALL BE PROVIDED ON THE UPHILL SIDE OF THE TEMPORARY STAGING AREA WITH 5:1 SLOPES.5.MAINTENANCE - THE TEMPORARY LAYDOWN AREA SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WHICH WILL PREVENTTRACKING OR FLOWING OF SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY, ALL SEDIMENT SPILLED, DROPPED, WASHED, ORTRACKED ONTO PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY MUST BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY.6.WHEN WASHING OF MATERIAL/EQUIPMENT IS REQUIRED, IT SHALL BE DONE ON AN AREA STABILIZED WITH STONEAND WHICH DRAINS INTO AN APPROVED SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE.7.PERIODIC INSPECTION AND NEEDED MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PROVIDED AFTER EACH RAIN EVENT.8.WHEN CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE, REMOVE STONE AND GEOTEXTILE. TILL A MINIMUM OF 12" IN ORDER TORESTORE THE ORIGINAL PROPERTIES OF THE SOIL. INSTALL 6" OF TOPSOIL AND SEED AND MULCH WITH PERMANENTSEED MIXTURE. SEE SHEET C002 FOR ADDITIONAL RESTORATION INFORMATION.C50443'5:16"MIN.EXISTINGPAVEMENTMOUNTABLEBERM ON UPHILLSIDE (OPTIONAL)MIRAFI 500X FILTER CLOTHOR APPROVED EQUALEXISTING GROUNDPROFILE VIEWUNDISTURBED AREAPLACED FILTER MEDIA2" X 2" WOODEN SPIKESPLACED 10' O.C.COMPOST FILTER SOCK12"MIN.AASLOPESAME ELEVATION11111221H (Ft)SLOPE (FT/FT)X =BBPROFILESECTION A-ASECTION B-BSYMBOLSTONE CHECK DAMN.T.S.C5041NOTES:1.STONE WILL BE PLACED ON A FILTER FABRIC FOUNDATION TO THE LINES, GRADES AND LOCATIONS SHOWN IN THE PLAN.2.SET SPACING OF CHECK DAMS TO ASSUME THAT THE ELEVATION OF THE CREST OF THE DOWNSTREAM DAM IS THE SAMEELEVATION OF THE TOE OF THE UPSTREAM DAM.3.EXTEND THE STONE A MINIMUM OF 1.5 FEET BEYOND THE DITCH BANKS TO PREVENT OUTING AROUND THE DAM.4.PROTECT THE CHANNEL DOWNSTREAM OF THE LOWEST CHECK DAM FROM SCOUR AND EROSION WITH STONE OR LINERAS APPROPRIATE.5.ENSURE THAT CHANNEL APPURTENANCES SUCH AS CULVERT ENTRANCES BELOW CHECK DAMS ARE NOT SUBJECT TODAMAGE OR BLOCKAGE FROM DISPLACED STONE.MAXIMUM DRAINAGE AREA 2 ACRES.CUTOFF TRENCHDESIGN BOTTOMPERMEABLE GEOTEXTILEFILTER FABRICCUTOFF TRENCH 18" WIDE, 6" DEEPTOE1.5'MIN.18"(x) SPACING VARIES DEPENDING ON CHANNEL SLOPE(H) CREST24" MAX AT CENTER6"24" MAXAT CENTER 9"MIN.VEGETATIVE BARRIER DETAILVARIES, SEE PLANT SCHEDULEVARIES, SEE PLANT SCHEDULE N.T.S.NOTES:ϭ.ALL TREES tILL E ALLE AN hRLAPPE͕ t,IC, ALLOtS T,E TREES TO E REPLANTE tIT, T,E ORIGINAL SOILSTILL CLINGING TO T,E PLANTΖS ROOTS AN REhCE T,E AMOhNT OF PLANT S,OC< hRING TRANSPLANTING.FhRT,ER͕ ASE ON CONsERSATIONS tIT, LOCAL NhRSERIES͕ ALL OF T,ESE SPECIES CAN E SAFELY PRhNE ANTRIMME tIT,OhT T,E RIS< OF AMAGING T,E TREES.2.INITIAL PLANTING:·T,E TREES AN hS,ES tILL E PLANTE EIT,ER EARLY TO MILE OF SPRING OR EARLY TO MILE OF FALL ECAhSE T,ESESEASONAL TIMEFRAMES PROsIE MOERATE TEMPERAThRES AN NAThRAL RAIN.·FOR T,E FIRST TtO tEE<S͕ T,E PLANTS tILL E tATERE EsERY AY͕ EIT,ER Y T,E APPLICANT OR Y NAThRE.·T,E INITIAL PLANTINGS tILL E MhLC,E TO ,OL MOISThRE AROhN T,E ASE͕ NEhTRALIE T,E TEMPERAThRE͕ ANCONTRIhTE ORGANIC MATTER T,ROhG, COMPOSTING.·FOR T,E REMAINER OF T,E FIRST MONT,͕ T,E PLANTS CAN E tATERE ONE TO TtO TIMES PER tEE<.3.FIRST YEAR:· TREES tILL E PRhNE AN TRIMME ANNhALLY AS NEEE TO MAINTAIN ,EIG,T.4.LONG-TERM MAINTENANCE:·SEMI-ANNhAL sIShAL INSPECTIONS OF T,E TREES. TREES tILL E PRhNE AN TRIMME ANNhALLY TO MAINTAIN A ,EIG,T OFMAyIMhM 2ϲ FT͕ t,IC, tILL PROsIE AEYhATE SCREENING AN PREsENT S,AING ON T,E SOLAR PANELS. AITIONALPRhNING tILL E PERFORME AS NEEE TO MAINTAIN ,EIG,T. PRhNING AN TRIMMING tILL E PLANNE FOR EARLY TOMILE OF ShMMER FOLLOtING T,E SPRING TREE GROtT,.·NAThRAL sEGETATIsE SCREENING AS S,OtN ON T,E SITE PLAN tILL E MAINTAINE SIMILARLY AN REPLACE IN T,E CASE OFFAILhRE͕ IF FAILhRE IS A REShLT OF TRIMMING AN REShLTS IN AsERSE sIShAL IMPACTS.C5042FLOW SPREADERN.Y.S. DEC DETAIL: FLOW SPREADERCONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS:1.THE MATTING SHOULD BE A MINIMUM OF 4FT WIDE EXTENDED 6 INCHES OVER THE WEIR AND BURIED 6INCHES DEEP IN A VERTICAL TRENCH ON THE LOWER EDGE. THE UPPER EDGE SHOULD BUTT AGAINSTSMOOTHLY CUT SOD AND BE SECURELY HELD IN PLACE WITH CLOSELY SPACED HEAVY DUTY WIRESTAPLES AT LEAST 12 INCHES IN LENGTH.2.ENSURE THAT THE WEIR IS LEVEL TO UNIFORMLY SPREAD DISCHARGE.3.THE WIER SHALL BE PLACED IN UNDISTURBED SOIL NOT FILL.4.A 20 FOOT TRANSITION SECTION WILL BE CONSTRUCTED FROM THE DIVERSION CHANNEL TO THESPREADER TO SMOOTHLY BLEND THE DIFFERENT DIMENSION AND GRADES.5.THE RUNOFF DISCHARGE WILL BE OUTLETED ONTO A STABILIZED VEGETATED SLOPE NOT EXCEEDING 10%.6.SEED AND MULCH THE DISTURBED AREA IMMEDIATELY AFTER CONSTRUCTION.C5045D = 6" MIN. DEPTH3.5'.5'WIDTH VARIES 2' - 3'3'20' TRANSITIONLENGTH OFSTABIL IZEDOUTLET 10-15 5-10 0-5 Q(cfs) E.W.(ft) D(ft) LENGTH(ft)FLOW2416100.70.60.5302010E.W. - ENTRANCE WIDTHD - DEPTHPLAN VIEWCROSS SECTION2"x12" WEIR -PRESSURE TREATEDSTAPLE IN PLACEMATTINGBURIED EDGEENTRANCEWIDTHSLOPES S=0.0%COMPOST FILTER SOCKNYS DEC DETAIL: COMPOST FILTER SOCKC5043UNDISTURBED AREADISTURBED AREABLOWN/PLACED FILTER MEDIA2" X 2" WOODEN SPIKESPLACED 10' O.C.COMPOST FILTER SOCK12" MIN.EXISTING CONTOURSDISTURBED AREAUNDISTURBED AREA8'2" X 2" WOODEN STAKESPLACED 10' O.C.12" DIA. COMPOST FILTER SOCKFLO W FLOWPLAN VIEWSECTION VIEWINVASIVE SPECIES NOTES:1.TO PREVENT THE ACCIDENTAL INTRODUCTION OF INVASIVE PLANTS DURING CONSTRUCTION ORMAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES, ALL TRACKED EQUIPMENT INVOLVED IN EARTHWORK SHALL BECLEANED TO REMOVE PLANTS, SEEDS AND PROPAGULES THAT MAY BE HITCH HIKING, PRIOR TOARRIVAL ON-SITE.2.IF TRACKED EQUIPMENT IS USED IN EARTH WORK ON A PORTION OF A PROJECT WHERE INVASIVESPECIES ARE KNOWN TO EXIST, THIS PORTION OF THE EARTHWORK SHALL BE CONDUCTED LAST,OR THE EQUIPMENT SHALL BE CLEANED PRIOR TO USE ON ANY PORTION OF THE SITE THAT ISKNOWN TO BE FREE OF INVASIVE PLANTS.3.IF EQUIPMENT INVOLVED IN EARTHWORK IS CONTAMINATED WITH INVASIVE SPECIES, THEEQUIPMENT SHALL BE CLEANED PRIOR TO MOVING INTO UNCONTAMINATED AREAS. CLEANINGSHALL CONSIST OF USING PHYSICAL MEANS AND HAND TOOLS, SUCH AS BRUSHES, BROOMS,RAKES OR SHOVELS, ON ALL TRACK AND BUCKET/BLADE COMPONENTS TO ADEQUATELY REMOVEALL VISIBLE DIRT AND PLANT DEBRIS.4.IF WATER IS USED, THE WATER/SLURRY SHALL BE CONTAINED SO AS TO RESTRICT INTRODUCTIONOF INVASIVE PLANTS, SEEDS AND PROPAGULES INTO THE PROJECT OR OFF-SITE THROUGH FUTURESURPLUS MATERIAL DISPOSAL.SITE LIGHTING FIXTURE AND POLE SCHEDULETYPELIGHTING FIXTUREPOLEREMARKSDESCRIPTIONMFG/CATALOG NUMBERLUMENSVOLTAGEDISTRIBUTIONFINISHDESCRIPTIONHEIGHTMFG/CATALOG NUMBERLP-1LED AREA LIGHTLITHONIA#RSX1 LED P4 40K R4 MVOLTSPA SF BS DBLXD SPA25,000120-277VTYPE 4BLACKSQUARE, STRAIGHT,ALUMINUM20 FTLITHONIASSA 20 5G DM19AS DBLXDBLACK FINISH ON POLE AND FIXTURE; PROVIDEPHOTOCELL (#DLL127F1.5JU) COORDINATEDIMENSIONS PRIOR TO INSTALL20'18"48" 18" MIN.POLE LIGHT LP-1POLEPOLE BASE - SEE DETAILGRADEGROUND LUG WITH #8 AWGCU TO REBAR IN FOOTINGBASE PLATE AND ANCHORBOLTS BY MANUFACTURER(3)#3 OR (2) #4 TIES WITHIN TOP 5" OF THE PIERGROUND LUG - CONNECTOR TO BELISTED FOR CONCRETE EMBEDMENT1" PVC CONDUITS#3 TIES @ 12" O.C.CONCRETE f'c = 3500 PSI(4)#4 VERTICAL3" MINIMUM3" MINIMUM 2" X 4" HANDHOLEFINISHED GRADE.LIGHT POLE BASE DETAILNOT TO SCALEC5047POLE LIGHT FIXTURE DETAILNOT TO SCALEC5046RevisionsNO:DATE:DESCRIPTION:106/27/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS207/12/23REVISED PER FIELD MEETING308/09/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS409/15/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTS510/17/23REVISED PER TOWN COMMENTSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DRAWING NAME:6/3/2010 8:47:56 AM DRAWING NUMBER:DATE:ISSUED FOR:DRAWN BY:REVIEWED BY:PROJECT NUMBER:© 2023 LaBella AssociatesVERSION 23.1 NEXAMP101 SUMMER STREET, 2ND FLOORBOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02110CARROWMOOR SOLAR1358 MECKLENBURG ROAD ITHACA, NY 148502230713PLANNING BOARD REVIEW10/17/2023It is a violation of New York Education Law Art. 145 Sec. 7209 & Art. 147Sec. 7307, for any person, unless acting under the direction of a licensedarchitect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in anyway. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyoris altered; the altering architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix tothe item their seal and notation "altered by" followed by their signature anddate of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration.300 State Street, Suite 201Rochester, NY 14614585-454-6110labellapc.comCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER:PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING: 018281LAND SURVEYING: 017976GEOLOGICAL: 018750EXP:EXP:JLEMWM3/31/2024C504CONSTRUCTION DETAILS