HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 2023-07-20 Town of Ithaca Planning Committee
Thursday, July 20, 2023
(3:00 PM Aurora Conference Room and on Zoom)
Committee members: Rich DePaolo, Chair; Rod Howe; Margaret Johnson.
Board/Staff members: Director of Planning C.J. Randall; Town Civil Engineer Sam Jilson; Director of
Codes Marty Moseley (3:15).
Guests: Sandra Schmitz via Zoom.
1. Persons to be heard: None
2. Committee announcements and concerns: Rod asked to add proposed RaNic Planned Development
Zone to the end of the meeting for an update.
3. Approval of May meeting minutes: Rod moved; Margaret seconded. The May 18, 2023, minutes
were approved with two minor changes.
4. Consider request for a Limited Historic Commercial Overlay District for Hayt's Chapel and
Schoolhouse 1296-1298 Trumansburg Road. Property owner Alexa Schmitz submitted a Narrative
Description and Justification for the request along with a proposed Preservation Plan and Inspection
Report with photos.Alexa and her husband were unable to attend the meeting; Sandra Schmitz joined
via Zoom videoconference on the applicant's behalf. It was noted that this historic property has been
used as a long-term and short-term rental property without permit or restrictions.Applying for
enactment of Limited Historic Commercial Overlay District would permit and formalize milestones and
deliverables to preserve the historic nature of the property.
Upon review of the documents provided, the committee asked for a revised draft Narrative and
Preservation plan with the addition or clarification of the following:
Add the text"number of days" after"unlimited" on page 1. Proposed Use.
Under Feasibility, the committee wanted clarity on the number of sleeping units and
total proposed occupancy (set up for 2 adults, 2 children currently per Sandra). Note
was made that this will be determined ultimately by the Codes department.
Page 2, the statement that "It will also permit more members of the public each year to
appreciate the historic structures"was asked to be clarified as the use of the buildings is
not proposed to be changed from its previous use, possibly this means compared to the
base zoning restrictions.
There should be consistency between the items noted for immediate correction and the
Preservation Plan(some are under the within 2-year timeline but noted elsewhere in the
inspection report as immediate) as well as the specific materials proposed to be used in
the repairs.
Clarify timeline under 121 Long Term property maintenance "regular inspection and
maintenance". Who classifies the "professional" to inspect the exterior every 5 years.
Next steps for the applicants: Director of Codes Marty Moseley will set up a meeting with the applicant
and C.J, Director of Planning to go over the comments and anticipated revisions. The application will
come back to the Planning Committee in August for a potential recommendation to the Town Board for
re-zoning. The Applicant would then apply to the Planning Board for a Special Permit before operating
permits could be issued.
5. Update: Tompkins Green Energy Network(TGEN) Master Implementation Plan. Rod reported
that a DER(distributed energy resources)plan was received and will go to the Town Board in August.
Initially it was anticipated that the Master Implementation Plan would come back to the Planning
Committee for review,however at this time it is solely the DER Plan that will go to the Town Board
with a memo from the Sustainability Planner to explain. The DER plan may need an additional meeting
for attorney review prior to town board adoption.
6. Update: City of Ithaca Draft Encampment Policy. A draft document and map were emailed to the
committee members prior to the meeting. The map was briefly shown on screen by a committee member
and appears to cover a city owned property within the town. It was suggested that Rod contact the city
and request a representative to briefly present and explain the draft policy to the town board.
7. Update: East Shore Drive Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety Corridor Project. C.J. updated the
committee that the proposals for the R.O.W. survey/mapping (Erdman Anthony&Associates) and the
Feasibility Study (Barton & Loguidice) have been approved by the Town Board and a kickoff meeting
will be scheduled soon, noting multi agency and interdepartmental coordination needed as well. Funding
for the project was awarded by NYS Assemblymember Anna Kelles, who recently visited Town Hall in
person. It was mentioned that the project could be put on the town website for public awareness.
8. Update: Financial Feasibility Analysis of Residential Development or South Hill Traditional
Neighborhood Development(TND). C.J. updated that the (up to IOK) grant fund assistance application
from the County to offset the cost of this analysis was approved recently. There is a new affordable
housing scenario needed (if the County funding is accepted) which was not specifically written into the
Camoin Associates proposal/scope of work that was previously approved. C.J. asked the committee their
thoughts on requesting a revision to the Camoin Scope of work. The other option could be to decline the
funding from the County. Rich noted the desire for an effective outcome for the project if an additional
large piece or deliverable is added. The total cost of the study as previously approved was $19,500. C.J.
will reach out to Camoin to clarify if they will add the affordable housing piece to the current proposal
and report back to the committee as well as get more clarification with the county as to the desired
outcome of the additional piece and proposed draft language for the amendment to the scope.
9. Staff updates and reports.
Rod noted there has been some concern in the Village of Cayuga Heights over the marketing material for
the proposed sale of the RaNic Golf course. He asked if there were any Town concerns about the
wording or description of the proposed PDZ. Staff and committee members read the listing and although
approval of the PDZ and future plans are implied, the language describing where the project is in the
process is generally accurate and did not cause significant concern at this time. The existing zoning
possibilities and Town Comprehensive Plan language was briefly discussed.
C.J. updated that the Longview facility has been in contact for possible upgrades to their facility. Sewer
capacity in the area was mentioned and the owners will apply to the Planning Board once the details are
formalized. Tareyton Drive property-still awaiting information, water and sewer issues as well as park
land conveyance. Maplewood II is still being discussed, water connection with city or town and
upgrades needed to the water main to be determined. Southworks is hiring for a Development Services
Manager and an RFP is out for architectural services for the residential area in the town ("The Woods")
as the first development focus-this will be a project that needs close coordination with the City of Ithaca
for infrastructure and other concerns. Potentially, the GEIS would need to re-opened if the new
development exceeds any previously approved thresholds.
11. Next meeting date and upcoming agenda items: August 17th, 2023 3:00 p.m. possible revised
LHCOD application for Hayt's Chapel and Schoolhouse.
The Town of Ithaca Planning Committee meeting concluded at 4:10 pm.