HomeMy WebLinkAbout1 Parkway Zoning Officer'S Report.pdftsittsge of @spuq s Tbetgbts MARCHAM HALL 836 HANSHAW ROAD ITHACA, NEWYORK 14850 (607) 257-1238 fax (607) 257-4910 ZONING OFFICER'S REPORT September 25,2A16 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Brent A. Cross, Zoning Officer 1 Parkway Place A zoning permit application to constnuct a new garage at the above referenced property has been denied. The garage is proposed to be located within 2' of the side propert! line, which is less than the minimum of 15' allowed by the Village of Cayuga Heighti Zoning Ordinance Section 6: Yard Requirements. The owner is seeking a variance to allow the reduced setback. Therefore a public hearing has been scheduled for 7:15 pm on November 7th, 2016 at Marcham Hall, 836 Hanshaw Road. f t should be noted that a previous variance application for a garag e at 23' front and il ' side yards was denied in 1984. Also of note, the existing garage on the adjacent property is located at 1.5' from the same property line. lt appears that the neighbor'$ garage was built in 1940, which makes it a pre-existing non-conforming structure thEt does not need a variance to remain. The following is a list of property owrrers within 200' of the applicant's property that Will receive a copy of this report by mail: Tax Map Owner Address L2.-4-L Grainger, Bradley R & Mary M 42l Highland Rd L2.-4-2 Wilson, S & Wagner, G 105 lroquois Rd 12.-4-6 Samuels, Shirley 112 The parkway LT.- -LL.L Fields, Gary S & Vivian L L7 parkway pl L2.-4-7 Johnson, Michael & Jill 110 The parkway 12.-4-L0.4 Kim, Soo Yeon 4L3 Highland Rd L2.-4-1t.2 Rooth, Mats & Abusch, Dorit 5 Parkway pl 12.-4-9 Kerness, Nicole 1 parkway pl L2.-4-8 Powers, William tvl j.06 The parkway t2.-4-I0.2 O'Connor, Kevin & Joy 9 parkway pl t2.-5-t Warshawsky, Carol 104 The parkway L2.-6-I Nee, Victor & Brett D 2 Parkway pl 11.-6-5 Shull, Alison & Shu, Jonathan 111The parkway 1L.-6-6 Village of Cayuga Heights The parkway Police Dept. & Vilhge Administration OFFICE HOURS 9 AM -4:30 PM hftp : /hvww. cay u g a-h e i g hts. n y. u s Linda Woodafd, Mayor Joan Mangione, Clerk & Treasurer Angela M. Podufalski, Deputy Glerk Brent A. Cross, Engineer rl DATE: TO: FROM: RE: REPORT: It/8 \1t{ N /u/!/! /, at/n Y ; *.-ae'g= frrat h/,+Rs//at/s^y (e.o.) r{s/. t/d. t/ttza/-oat +/.)jt t/F,7€cf fa f rr#ry€E /t//r"/ f,/al fir€ v'44'*'"' S/\- - t//cza6€ aFtnt //rt. /44/€2 f*u"z €at€r.rc,vr/,+tzetneor ,(tl.//a. /6//E-ao, .p/* - pirrnf€ Fdap s./aa/r/6 ,gt/o ta//r€/ur!€€aaa€a&/F{/'/.ut,,</a. f6/&3?-aat - F/,sif E^/ (Esunvat FoR- , tU/ *z*r ff- il ff":ra" ,t/ar<.' leq ega4,4.. sr",Ere H af .ruts -/-at _. .: M4E A/ 6eazo€ c. sc,{z€ceaF€i.:2.3.,. DArrlp ///g/Ag t Easurrit>ar€? //919/. .F&4Ztz€tt€a 81t4a,r'2,*t ,a E€/r6/r,t/ /rs .gucccssoesr'a gc/2E4/1 2.s., ?/to//ttg, * VTLLA':!,E- OF eAtUGA lt€rGltf5 To\^fN OF iTr\\€\ c.ouNT\ oF "Tor{pr<!r\r5 . STA'TE. OF N€hI VoF\ Ferceg,vc€ ?€€a : //t1 ila gttsTa-aa/ -fAX +r r2.- t{' { REAGAN, LAT'ID SURVEYING P.O. BOX 1124, DRYDE,t, NBTTYORK 13053 (607) 844-8837 NOTE: ANY REVISIONS TO IHIS MAP MUST CCFTPLY Wml SECIOH 720S, SUBDLSICF{ 2 OF IHE NEr'\l YOR( STAIE EDUCAIION UW Atl CEFflHCAIIO{i|S HEREOI,I ARE vAtlD rcR rHlS MAP A}lD COPIES THEREOF ONLY lF SAlo tilAP OR COPIES BEAR THE EMBOSSEO S€At OF IHE UCEIISED l.AliD SURVEYOR WHOSE SIGMTURE APPEA8S HEREON. TT{IS MAP NOT VATID WHEN USED IN COruUNCTION WMI A SURVEY AFFIDAVT OB IEfiTIFICAIE OF NO4HANGE: ?{nXw*,.i?K,. z1//s ll}"* zt,. p t, *r" e. l rr*r. / "" /a' l rr*., /6 - 0/g surveys adopted by the New York Association of Professional Land Surveyors; and that I found no visible encroachments either way across property lines except as shown hereon. fnilr,wo, DNED: O//Z/ /Zolb I herebv certifu to i 4//l/SfaPr/€E c/ /t//DRld4. Keflteg,tt,+/ d ?o///ae,. ,fu#tdEs/rpD/oE Atil46, aJ U./t/f/P /t/rtE€JfS .Lr.tr/ 'PPFEE.. ,{/rr?E/S 6AqC,t/, PZZC.,dLq FqU6a/c /4tr/a"tat flrt€ /U.lFtrtc€ 4d/tfPepr4 .lii/Lrz /'trt€ /6eti)/;PAal €. PaoL ^ Fgo.,- that I am a licefised'lahd surveyor, New York State License No. A /? I72 and that lhis map correctly delineates an actual survey on the ground made by me or under my direct supervision, that it was prepared in accordance with the current code of practice for land title "e.apYrtgfi:?ot{t : All Rights Reserved, Roagan Land