HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-09-08-RTB-minutes REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING Town of Ulysses September 8, 2015 Audio of the minutes are available on the website at ulysses.ny.us. The meeting was held at the Ulysses Town Hall at 10 Elm Street, Trumansburg. Notice of Town Board meetings are posted on the town’s website and clerk’s board. PRESENT: Supervisor- Liz Thomas 1st Deputy Supervisor- Nancy Zahler 2nd Deputy Supervisor- Michelle Wright Board members- John Hertzler, Rich Goldman, Dave Kerness Town Clerk- Carissa Parlato Highway Superintendent - Jim Meeker Attorney for the Town- Mariette Geldenhuys Planner/Zoning Officer- Darby Kiley (7:10pm) OTHERS PRESENT: Thom Mayo (Renovus), Phil Antweiler, Glynis Hart (Trumansburg Free Press) CALL TO ORDER: Ms. Thomas called the meeting to order at 7p.m. GENERAL BUSINESS: APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA RESOLUTION 2015-128: BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for Sept. 8, 2015 with the following additions- the resolution to appoint an alternate is actually a full seat appointment; solar local law discussion; minutes of 8/20 and software purchase for bookkeeping. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Kerness Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 9/8/15 PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR: Mr. Mayo wants to offer clarification on the solar law discussion. He will send the information to Darby to share with others. REPORTS FROM REPRESENTATIVES: (none) TOWN REPORTS: (see appendix) OLD BUSINESS: REVIEW OF TOWN FEES RESOLUTION 2015-129: Mr. Goldman moved to approve that the fee schedule of 9/8/15 be forwarded to General Code for inclusion in the codification process. Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Mr. Kerness Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye REGULAR TOWN BOARD September 8, 2015 2 Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 9/8/15 RESOLUTION 2015-130: APPOINTING NEW MEMBER TO THE PLANNING BOARD RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses appoint s Pete Angie for the Planning Board to fill out the term now vacant per the resignation of Sarah Adams for a term expiring 12/31/2015. Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 9/8/15 NEW BUSINESS: SOLAR REGULATIONS- Ms. Kiley discussed the proposed solar regulations that the Planning Board has spent many months developing. Currently, Ulysses zoning law allows solar panels as an accessory use, but not a principal use. The proposed regulations were reviewed by others from the state, Cornell, etc., with expertise in this area. HEALTH CARE CONSORTIUM – expanded insurance options for employees RESOLUTION 2015-131: APPROVE AVAILABILITY OF ADDITIONAL HEALTH CARE PLANS FOR 2016 Whereas, the Greater Tompkins County Municipal Health Insurance Consortium (Consortium) has approved the Standard Platinum Plan and a Medicare Supplemental Plan effective January 1, 2015; and Whereas, the Town Board will be reviewing the Standard Platinum Plan and the Medicare Supplemental Plan and comparing them to the Town’s current plans; and Whereas, the Town Board, after discussions with employees, may want to offer the Standard Platinum Plan as an additional health insurance plan option to employees ; and Whereas, the Town may elect to offer the Consortium’s Medicare Supplemental Plan, now, therefore, be it Resolved, the Town Board authorizes the Greater Tompkins County Municipal Health Insurance Consortium to include the Standard Platinum Plan and the Medicare Supplement Plan as additional health care options to be available, effective January 1, 2016 to the Town of Ulysses and its employees/retirees and further Resolved, adoption of this resolution to add additional options does not commit the To wn or its employees/retirees to the new plans at this time. Any changes to be made will follow thorough reviews and official enrollments later in 2015 for 2016 and further, Resolved, the Clerk is authorized and directed to send a certified copy of this re solution to the Consortium. REGULAR TOWN BOARD September 8, 2015 3 Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman Discussion: Mr. Kerness noted that the cost for the supplemental plan is very high. Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 9/8/15 RESOLUTION 2015-132: PROCLAIMING SEAL THE CRACKS – CLIMATE OFFSET WEEK Whereas, the City of Ithaca and Tompkins County are leaders in the clean energy transition and are working to achieve their shared Climate Goal of 80% emission reductions by 2050; and Whereas, energy conservation and efficiency are the most important steps we can take to reduce our consumption of fossil fuels, and local offsets are an easy and affordable step we can each take to compensate for carbon emissions we cannot eliminate; and Whereas, local carbon offsets through the Finger Lakes Climate Fund, a project of Sustainable Tompkins, a not -for-profit corporation based in Ithaca, NY, are an affordable means to fund energy efficiency projects that would not otherwise be possible in lower -income households, increasing their comfort and security, providing local jobs, and reducing fossil fuel emissions; and Whereas, safe, comfortable, energy efficient and affordable housing should be available to all residents of Ithaca and Tompkins County; and Whereas, the Climate Fund has awarded 13 grants totaling $27,769 and offset over 1400 tons of local emissions, and typically these matching grants leverage about five times more investment in energy improvements by filling the gap in financing; and Whereas, we believe it is essential to ensure everyone in our community is able to make the transition to a clean energy future, and Seal the Cracks is a community-wide campaign to promote the Sustainable Tompkins Finger Lakes Climate Fund to raise funds to help lower- income households reduce their fossil fuel dependency; Now, therefore, the Town of Ulysses Town Board does hereby proclaim Saturday, October 24th to Friday, October 30th, 2015 as Seal the Cracks Climate Offset Week in the Town of Ulysses. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Goldman Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 9/8/15 RESOLUTION 2015-133: Williamson Contract REGULAR TOWN BOARD September 8, 2015 4 RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves the Town Supervisor signing the Williamson Law Book Company Annual Software Support Contract for $998, contingent upon the Supervisor being satisfied with the terms of the software licensing agreement. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Ms. Zahler Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 9/8/15 PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR (no comments spoken nor submitted) MONTHLY BUSINESS APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 8/11 & 8/20 RESOLUTION 2015-134: BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the minutes of 8/11 and 8/20. Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness abstain Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 9/8/15 BUDGET MODIFICATIONS RESOLUTION 2015-135: RESOLVED that the budget be modified by increasing budget line A1220.4 (Supervisor CE) by $4932 and decreasing A1220.12 (Deputy Supervisor PS) by $4932. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Goldman Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 9/8/15 APPROVAL OF CLAIMS RESOLUTION 2015-136: BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve payment of claims 291-326 in the amount of $25,200.48. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Goldman REGULAR TOWN BOARD September 8, 2015 5 Discussion: Mr. Kerness noted that two vouchers did not have signatures. Ms. Wright noted that those were taken care of. Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Kerness aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 9/8/15 Mr. Kerness recommends reviewing operating statements at next meeting. ADJOURN: Mr. Goldman moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:41pm; seconded by Mr. Kerness and passed unanimously. APPENDIX: TOWN REPORTS: TOWN ENGINEER PLANNING BOARD / ZONING OFFICER HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT TOWN CLERK CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER SUPERVISOR DEPUTY SUPERVISOR / BOOKKEEPER TOWN BOARD MEMBERS AND COMMITTEES ATTORNEY FOR THE TOWN TOWN ENGINEER: (no report) PLANNING BOARD/ZONING OFFICER- Darby Kiley Planning Board On September 1st, the Planning Board approved the five-lot subdivision in Jacksonville (the property fronts on Cold Springs Rd and Trumansburg Rd). A public hearing was held on August 4, 2015. The Planning Board completed their review of solar regulations after discussions on 8/4, 8/18, and 9/1. Board of Zoning Appeals At the August 19th meeting, the BZA denied area variances for an accessory building along the lakeshore. Grants Residential Energy Score Project – The project manager for this project will be presenting at the September 22nd Town Board meeting. Zoning Amendments Grant – The consultant selection committee held interview and contacted references, and selected Randall + West and Stream Collaborative for implementing the project. We are finalizing the contractual agreement so that work can start immediately. Other Meetings/Issues Stormwater- Based on the feedback from the EPA audit, I continue to work on documentation for the Town’s stormwater program. Also conducted stormwater inspections for projects with open permits. On behalf of the Stormwater Coalition, TC Soil and Water submitted a grant application for sewershed mapping. A field crew from Cornell Cooperative Extension has been mapping REGULAR TOWN BOARD September 8, 2015 6 culverts and doing habitat assessments of those. This has been completed in Ulysses, and in parts of Caroline and Dryden. Cayuga Lake Watershed Intermunicipal Organization (IO) – The IO held an outreach meeting for municipal officials to generate support/ideas for updating the watershed management plan. HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT- Jim Meeker Mr. Meeker reported that the highway department performed the following tasks this month:  Helped the Town of Enfield on their stone and oil project  Mowed road sides  Read water meters  Helped the Town of Ithaca with their paving project  Repaired a road crossing pipe on Falls Road  Replaced a road crossing pipe on Garrett Road with help from the Town of Ithaca  Seeded, mulched he areas around the pipe project  Worked on procuring a loader before the state contract expires. Contacted a few other companies to get new quotes, which are currently $175– 200K. There will not be a state bid on loaders next year. Mr. Meeker also answered questions about plans to purchase a new truck and was excused at 8:40pm. TOWN CLERK- Carissa Parlato FINANCIAL REPORT for Aug.: $3588.00 TOTAL Collected for fees & licenses $986.31 stays in the town $2601.69 goes to the state Clerk’s office tasks:  Assisted youth employees with notarizing/ on-line app  Completed editing and finalizing of General Code draft  Continued to work on compiling the town’s fee list  Prepared 2016 budget info for clerk’s office and water districts  Prepared clerk office info for Sept. newsletter  Routine tasks:  retrieved, sorted, vouchered mail  Answered inquiries on various topics  Cross –reconciliation of town bank accounts with Michelle  Took and wrote up meeting minutes  Updated the website  Sent listserv mssgs. to keep residents updated. Water district tasks:  Worked through bugs due to water software update  Prepared and sent water bills for quarterly billing  Posted incoming bills  Updated reports for TTHM running averages and water usage LICENSES issued in Aug. 2014: 2015: Sporting licenses 12 22 Disabled parking permits 10 14 Dog licenses and renewals 70 56 Marriage licenses 4 6 Plumbing permits 1 0 REGULAR TOWN BOARD September 8, 2015 7 Committees:  Health Consortium- attended 8/6 meeting. Notes:  Discussion of developing a Silver Plan. This would entice other munis to join as it would be similar to plans already being offered by them.  Received info on flu clinics and shared the info with staff  Updates on wellness plan development. CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER- Alex Rachun (no report) Ms. Thomas noted that Mr. Rachun has been busy and gave her a heads up that he might need assistance if a potential big project comes to pass. Mr. Goldman said that he would like a report on code enforcement issues and expressed interest in reviewing how the Town budgets for code enforcement. He and Ms. Zahler agreed to meet to develop recommendations to discuss as part of the 2016 budget. SUPERVISOR- Liz Thomas: Grants: Sidewalks-  Read through contract with Fisher Associates and comment.  Meet with Mayor and Deputy Supervisor to go over all comments that will go into request for clarification with Fisher.  Give feedback on letter and questions going out to stakeholders. Trails-  Finalize RFP for website programmer/designer and send to partners for review. Edit per comments from partners.  Ask for final buy-in from partners, what search criteria they can provide, photos, etc.  Send out RFP to programming/design firms, post RFP on line  Respond to questions over RFP  Organize time for management team to review proposals and set up interviews. Planning-  Part of committee reviewing proposals for zoning update. Review all proposals, make recommendations on who to interview, interview firms, make final recommendation. Water Quality  Attend meeting of the Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Organization in Aurora with many other municipal officials from the watershed to plan strategies for protecting water quality. Speakers were from: NYS Department of State, NYS Regional Economic Development Councils, County Legislator from Cayuga County. Planning  Assist Planner in finding new Planning Board members. Budget  Continue budgeting process—review NYS Comptroller’s tax cap info.  Review new assessment numbers for 2016  Work on highway capital planning with Bookkeeper.  Review budget request mailing written by Bookkeeper. Respond to budget requests when submitted. Begin entering into tentative budget.  Edit budget request form go ing to Dept Heads.  Meet with WD Operator and Clerk to review WD costs and clarify spending in various budget lines.  Investigate unappropriated unallocated fund balance differences. Jacksonville Water District 3-  Write quarterly letter to WD3 customers; have reviewed by DoH, WD Operators, WD Clerk. Edit, sign and submit to WD Clerk to include with water bills.  Meet with engineers to further discuss modeling and cost estimates for aerator. Read through draft report to be submitted to EFC. REGULAR TOWN BOARD September 8, 2015 8  Set up meeting with Tompkins County Department of Health to review engineering. Exxon properties-  Read through and respond to Nancy’s research on Exxon properties. Town land  Work with Mariette’s office to finalize legal documents to procure land on Curry Road for bridge construction on Seneca Road in 2013  Organize meeting to sign/notarize papers  Organize tour of Habitat for Humanity land. Postponed due to rain and access problems. Other Meetings:  MRB Engineers (8/19),  Review Scope of Services for sidewalk (8/20)  Budget process (8/20),  Habitat for Humanity land (8/20)-met but need to reschedule.  Lifelong (8/21),  Planning firm interviews (8/24)  Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Organization (IO) (8/26) Records:  Work with Clerk on how long different documents should be kept.  Review final edits made by Town Clerk to be sent to General Code for final draft Local Laws. Newsletter:  begin Town land –  Create shared calendar of annual or semi-annual events. Town Hall –  what to do about furnace warrantee that installer will not honor. Fee/Penalty reviews –  refine fee schedule with Carissa, find a few more foundation documents; create draft of final fee schedule. Double check penalty document. Constituent communications –  Field and respond to questions and complaints about Lake Street/Dorsey Hill intersection Repeating daily/weekly/monthly tasks:  Respond to constant flow of questions from residents, volunteers and staff.  Weekly review of topics with attorney for the town.  Daily check-in with Town Hall staff.  Periodic discussions with Zoning Officer over a variety of topics.  Prepare agendas, resolutions, and background documents. Review topics with TB members, conduct meetings, and review minutes.  Review claims and budget, make suggested budget modifications to be approved by TB, review payroll, sign checks,  Periodic check in with Town Clerk and Deputy Supervisor re work load and coordination. 2nd DEPUTY SUPERVISOR- Michelle Wright:  TAP Sidewalk project o Reimbursement meeting in Seneca Falls with Vicki o 1st reimbursement submission (all Village expenses) o Review of scope of services agreement with Fisher o Meeting with Liz and Marty re: services agreement with Fisher o Compilation of relevant notes from engineer interview process for posterity’s sake  Staying in the loop with WD3 TTHM issues BOOKKEEPER  2016 budget work o Meeting with Liz re: budget timeline and preparation, process planning REGULAR TOWN BOARD September 8, 2015 9 o Development and distribution of worksheets to department heads to gather end of year (EOY) projections and 2016 budget requests by account line o Assistance with community organization communications o Calendar development o Continued work with fund balance clarifications  New software o Communications with Williamson o Communications with Duane from CPA consulting firm o Full implementation set for October  Summer Youth Employment Program o Continued work with enrollment and retirement paperwork  Continued work with highway equipment inventory with Liz and Jim  Assistance with communications with NYSOSC and tax cap online forms/required reporting  Work with NYSLRS regarding historically incorrectly reported ROA from as far back as 1996 - 2013  Regular duties o Banking o NYSLRS (retirement system) monthly reporting o Payments: regular appropriations & vouchers  Vouchered expenses  Health Insurance  Other regular payments TOWN BOARD MEMBERS AND COMMITTEES- 1ST DEPUTY SUPERVISOR- MS. ZAHLER: Jacksonville: Followed up on action steps recommended in August.  Spoke with ExxonMobil representative re: status of confidentiality agreement and properties to be considered.  Sent update to Town Board members.  Requested and received estimate on repairs needed to stabilize old Church from Town Hall contractor.  Requested estimate from Woodford Brothers re: stabilization. Processing paperwork and payment to get estimate.  Met with County Planning Commissioner Ed Marx re: ideas and resources for Jacksonville redevelopment and Park and Ride lot.  Requested and received and acknowledged two competitive bids for preparing Phase I EPA Assessment on brownfield properties to protect the Town if we choose to accept properties from ExxonMobil. No action taken yet to contract a firm, pending confirmation from ExxonMobil that they are still planning to donate parcels.  August 20th requested an update from EM re: status of confidentiality agreement and intention to continue. No reply as of September 8, 2015.  Sent additional ideas to Town Board to consider. Planning Grant:  Participated in team to review planning proposals, interviewed and recommended planners to implement planning grant. Youth Commission:  Participated in screening, interviewing and selecting applicant for new, full-time Program Manager position. The Commission enthus iastically selected Ethan Crampton, who started in late August.  On September 8 the Commission is reviewing program proposals and recommending funding for 2015 services and its funding requests to the Town and Village. Habitat Walk:  Joined Supervisor Thomas, Councilman Hertzler, and Clerk Parlato in an effort to walk the land owned by Habitat for Humanity off of Salo Drive that they would like to consider selling/donating to the Town of Ulysses as possible open space. The weather and dense REGULAR TOWN BOARD September 8, 2015 10 growth prevented us walking the property but we got an overview from Habitat staff and board member. Health Consortium:  Met with Consortium Executive Director Don Barber to review comparison of Platinum plan vs current PPO plan and to make plans fo r an Excellus representative to meet with Town Board and employees to review and discuss pros and cons of each plan.  Drafted a resolution for September 8, 2015 Town Board meeting to request that both the Platinum and Supplemental plans be added to the list of options for the Town to consider in 2016, pending review of covered services and costs prior to November.  Participated in Consortium’s planning effort to develop/update its Vision and Mission statements. Based on feedback from Consortium members (I sent my draft to TB in August) the following draft was crafted for full review by Consortium. I will convey any feedback at the September 24th meeting of the Consortium’s board. In response to Ms. Zahler’s report, she was asked and agreed to request access to the Grange Hall/Church owned by Exxon Mobil for Town Board members and the town’s contractor to inspect the building. MR. GOLDMAN: Planning Board-  Mr. Goldman reported on a conversation with P lanning Board members: some would be interested in receiving a stipend for their service while others adamantly want to serve without one.  Mr. Goldman inquired about the Dodge property zoning violation and strategies for moving forward. The board discussed this topic with regards to recent legislation: Local Law #5 of 2014. MR. HERTZLER: Mr. Hertzler reported that he would like to look into school district reformation and the history of old water wells in Trumansburg. ATTORNEY FOR THE TOWN: Ms. Geldenhuys reported on the outcome of the legal action taken on the Dodge property. Respectfully submitted by Carissa Parlato on 9/18/15.