HomeMy WebLinkAbout520 Wyckoff Short Environmental Assessment Form Part 1.pdff.|''.'.zn|'ritFr 6eo Wyckotf EAFttaFper.pdt S hsrt Envi.r*n*tent€rl Ass essmsnt Form Fsrt I - Prnject lrcformation I$sttFbtio"ns fg#Com nletin s Part 1 - FroJeat Informafion. The applicant or proJecf spottsor is responsitrle fqr the complefion of Part 1, Responses become part of tlie application for approval or fundi*g, are sulrject to public review, and may be subject to firther verificatiorr- Complete Pe* I based an inform*tion cuu'ently availabie, lf additisnai research or invesiigation would be needed to firlty respond to any itern, please answer as tllotoughly as possibie based on ci.rrrent informatian. Corirplete all items in Part l. You rnay also praride any additional jnfo*uation whjeh you believe will be needed by or tseful to the lead agsnsy; attach additional pages as nece$saly to supplement any iteer. m8grg'tr Part I - Project and $ponsor Informatian Narne of Action orPrcject:ies L/uJ. rlrojecrlocarion (deseribe, iHH -'#; #?* f,L Name of ApBiidant or S l , Doe$ tho prrposad action only involve the legislative adoption of a plan, local law, ae*ninisadive nlle, ol regulaiion? IfYes, altach a larative dercriptio:r of the inte# of the proposed action qnd the enviroruuenial resorrces that may be affected in the municipality and pnceed to Part 2. If n+, contiaue to questian 2. 2. Does the proposed action lequire a permif, approval or firnding from any oth+r goveramental Agency? IfYe$, list agency{s} name and pernit or approval: 3,a. Totai flcrgage of the sits of the proposed actiorr? t 57 actes b. Total acreage to be physically disturbed? - /--)_ acres c. Tolal aereage (project sitc and any contiguous properties) owned or contrnlled l:y the applicant or prolect sponsor? E 7 u*r"r Check all land uses that occur on, adjohring eud near the proposed action.' CtJa" r-'rn *i (non-agriaultui) fllrdus*ial' fiCammercial ,Fnesia*nriat (suburban] ilAqnatie fl(}ther{sp*oi$)r BriefDescription ofPrpposed Actioy: Chaa,r +Vlv-<- Teiephone 7?Y{* Page I cf3 {trs the proposed actio4 a. A permitfed use undsr the zoRing regulations? b. Crnsistem with the adopted comprehensive plan? NO YES IN/AfElE\tz I6' Is the proposed astlon coasistent with &e predominant oharacler of the exietiug b'uilt or nalr:ral latrdscape? NO l,,.YEstliD( 7. Is the sits of the ptoposed action looated in, or does it adjoin, a state listed Cri*cat nnvirnffi#aiareaf If Yeq idanfify: NO vEs m u R a, Will the propasrd action result in a srbstantial increase in traffic above present levelsf-----*_l- b' Are putriic hansportation ssrvice(s) available at or nssr the site ofthe proposed acfion? c. Ale any pedestrian a*ecmmodations or bicycle routes available an qr near site ofthe proposed action? NG YES M fnflV 9. Does the proposed action meot sr exceed ihe state energy code requirernents? If the propos*d exsecd r, {esclibe depign features.#- iYf Ucf t"e c^t t'{ . NCI YES tl il 10.Will the proposed action conneot to an existing public/private rvatet supply? If Ns" describe method for prnviding potable water: NO YES n F 1 i. 14/ill tle propored actio{ csfinest to existing wastewater utiiitiee? If Na, describe methcd forproviding waslewater keafnrent: Nt)YES u K tz.a. Does the sitg coptaip a gfluryre that is lipted on eitllgr the Statepl National Register ofHisrotic Praces? n,rf {, ttr- ltrrts^rk ni { iutn.f tu;ne, \ tr. Is the proposed astiaq loc*ted in an archeologieal ierlsitive area? NO YSSlm IA L] 13. a. fioes any portion ofthe siteefthe proposed action, or larrds adjoining the praposed action, rontain wetlands or other raterbodies leguleted by a federai, state or Iocal agency? b' trYcrtld the proposed action physic*Uy nlter, or ensroach into, any existing l'veiland or wetertody? If Yes, identi$ the wetland or waterbody aud exte*t of altemtions in square feet or arres: NO YTS Vf r ffi il l+.I4entify the typical habitat types that occur on, or arc likely to be found on ifte projeci site. Checg aU t1at ffill Shoreline flForest fl Agriculturatlgmsslands . ilfa*y mia-successional flvtrettand ffUrban 'K$uburbau 15. Does the site of the pmpssed action coatain any epecies of animal, or asssciated habitats, ii*ted lry ihe State or Federel golemment as tbroatened or ondaugered? NO YES n u I 6" Is the project s.ito located in the I00 year llood plaiu?NOI Yns $11 i 7, Wili the proposed action ereate storrn water discharge, either *om pcint or non*perint sourcss? If Yes, a. Will storm water discharges flow to a{iacent properties? [ NO f]ynS b, Tfill stonn water discharges be dircsted to established $onveyance sysiems (lgoff and storm drains)? If Yes, briofly describe: 'flrqa f]yES -N0 YES tr r Page 2 of3 18. Does the propa*eit a*tion inelude csnslruction cr other activities that tes*lt in &e iinpaundmerif of water sr othef liquids (e.g. retention pond, wa*to lagoon. denrp lfYes, explain purposeand sizer NO gE$ g u d9. Has lhe sife oftke proposed *ction cr an adjoining property bee$ the lecatior af*n active or closed solid rryaste management faeility? IfYas, descdbe: NO YES X il 20. Has the site oftho proposed action or aa adjoining properly been tbe subject ofremediation dongoing or canapleted) for IfYes, describe: NO ,YES u m PRINT FORM Fage 3 af3