HomeMy WebLinkAboutMirabito sketch plan PB packet - 2-21-23 PB mtgTOWNOFITHACANEW YORKDEPARTMENTOFPLANNING215N.TiogaSt14850607.273.1747www.town.ithaca.ny.usMEMORANDUMTO:PlanningBoardMembersFROM:ChristineBalestra,PlannrDATE:February14,2023RE:ProposedSketchPlan—MirabitoRedevelopmentProjectatEastHillPlazaEnclosedpleasefindmaterialsrelatedtoasketchplanproposalfortheredevelopmentoftheMirabitogasstationandconveniencestoreinEastHillPlaza,301PineTreeRoad/CR120.TheprojectinvolvesdemolishingtheexistingMirabitobuildingandredevelopingthesitewithanew6,600+/-squarefootMirabitoconveniencestorewithfuelcanopyandcarwash,alongwithanattachedfast-foodrestaurantanddrive-thru.Tofacilitatetheredevelopment,theapplicantsplantoconsolidatetheparcelthatcontainstheexistingMirabitogasstationwiththeadjacentparcelthatcontainsthebuildingformerlyhousingBurgerKingandre-subdividethepropertytoobtainanadditional0.8÷!-acresforthenewdevelopment.Theresultwillbea1.6+/-acreparcelthatwillcontaintheredevelopedMirabitoandassociateduses,anda1.0+!-acreparcelthatwillcontaintheformerBurgerKingparkinglot.TheapplicanthasnotindicatedafutureintentfortheformerBurgerKingparkinglot.ThisprojectisscheduledforasketchplanreviewattheFebruary21,2023,PlanningBoardmeeting.ThereisnoofficialPlanningBoardactionfortheproject,asasketchplanreviewisintendedfortheBoardtocommunicatesuggestionsand/orconcernstotheapplicantregardingtheproject.Informationabouttheproperty’ssitecharacteristics,approvalprocess,andenvironmentalreviewelementsarenotedbelow.PropertySiteCharacteristicsThepropertyisboundonthenorthbytheEastHillPlazaparkinglot,ontheeastbytheTompkinsTrustCompanybankandaplazaentranceoffEllisHollowRoad/CR110,onthesouthbyEllisHollowRoad,andonthewestbyPineTreeRoad/CR120.TheprojectislocatedwithinthelargestcommercialareaintheTownofIthaca,withaportionintheVehicleFuelandRepairZoneandaportionintheCommunityCommercialZone.AcrossthePineTreeRoadisanopenparcelandtheexistingDunkin’Donuts;andacrossEllisHollowRoadareCornellUniversityhorsepastures.1 Thisareaofthetownhasbeenhighlydisturbedbycommercialdevelopment.Therearenosteepslopes,wetlands,orwaterbodies,historicorarchaeologicallysensitiveresources,endangeredorthreatenedspecies,forestedareas,orotherenvironmentallysensitivecharacteristicsontheprojectsite(theenvironmentalreviewprocessisdescribedbelow).TheTownofIthaca’s2014ComprehensivePlanhasidentifiedthisareaas“TNDHighDensity”(TraditionalNeighborhoodDesign),whichenvisionsaredevelopedLastHillPlazaintoadense,pedestrianfriendlyarea,withhumanscaledesign,aninterconnectedstreetnetwork,andotherfeaturesthatfosterasenseofcommunity.TheproposedsketchdesignembodiessomeofthespiritofapotentialfutureTNDfortheEastHillarea.However,theproposedsidewalksabuttheroad,withnotreelawntoseparatetheroadfromthewalks.ThereisalsoapatioseatingarearightnexttoEllisHollowRoad,whichisnotanappropriate(orenjoyable)placeforseating,andthefuelcanopyisquitelarge.TheBoardshoulddiscussthese,andanyotherlayoutanddesignconcerns,withtheapplicantatthemeeting.ApprovalProcess&EnvironmentalReview(SEQR)ThisprojectwillrequirepreliminaryandfinalsiteplanandsubdivisionapprovalsfromthePlanningBoard.Specialpermitapprovalmaynotbeneeded,asthePlanningBoardpreviouslyissuedspecialpermitsforthegasstation,conveniencestore,andfast-foodrestaurantwhenthoseprojectswereoriginallyapproved.Theenvironmentalreviewforthisprojectwilloccuratthenextstageofprojectreview(preliminarysiteplan,preliminarysubdivision).TheprojectisclassifiedasanUnlistedAction,pursuanttotheStateEnvironmentalQualityReviewActandtheTownofIthacaEnvironmentalReviewLaw.Assuch,theprojectwillrequirethecompletionofaShortEnvironmentalAssessmentForm.Theenvironmentalreviewwillevaluatepotentialimpactsonstormwatermanagementanddrainage,erosionandsedimentationcontrol,infrastructureandutilitycapacity/availability,traffic,noise,lighting,parkingandcirculation,energyusage,communitycharacter,aesthetics,andotheritems.TheapplicantshouldbepreparedtoprovideenoughdetailedplansandstudiesfortheBoardtomakeadeterminationofenvironmentalsignificanceatthenextstageofprojectreview.Theapplicantshouldsubmitelevationdrawings,plansthatshowbuildingmaterials,colors,andothersitedetails,moredetailedlandscapingandlightingplans,gradingplans,anyproposedsignage,erosionandsedimentationcontrolplans,andtripgeneration/trafficcountinformation.Additionally,theapplicantshouldconsultwiththeTownEngineeringDepartmentbeforesubmittingmaterials,astheremaybewaterandsewerissuesthatneedtoberesolved(perattachedmemofromtheTownEngineeringDepartment,datedJanuary23,2023).Pleasefeelfreetocontactmebyphoneat273-1721orbyemailatcbalestra@town.ithaca.ny.usifyouhaveanyquestions.Cc:BrettHughes,MirabitoEnergyProductsMatthewNapierala,NapieralaConsultingJeremyThomas,DirectorofRealEstate,CornellUniversityKristenGutenburger,AssociateDirectorofRealEstate,CornellUniversity2 DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING Stormwater, Sanitary Sewer, Potable Water, Roads, Parks, and Trails 114 Seven Mile Drive, Ithaca, N.Y. 14850 ENGINEERING@TOWN.ITHACA.NY.US PHONE: 607.273.1656 FAX: 607.272.6076 www.town.ithaca.ny.us ENGINEERING MEMORANDUM FROM: Daniel Thaete P.E., Director of Engineering David O’Shea P.E., Senior Civil Engineer TO: Matthew R. Napierala, P.E., Napierala Consulting Professional Engineer, P.C James Ballantyne, Napierala Consulting Professional Engineer, P.C Brett Hughes, Mirabito Energy Products CC: Town of Ithaca Planning Board DATE: January 23, 2023 RE: 301 Pine Tree Rd, Mirabito Energy Products Re-Development We have reviewed the provided sketch plan materials, plan sheet SK-19(dated November 3, 2022), sheet SD-1 (dated November 23, 2022) and the project narrative associated with the project. We offer the following comments: General • Please consult with the Tompkins County Highway Department on the planned improvements near, and within, the County right of way. • It is anticipated that the applicant will be required to meet the NYS DEC SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activities. The stormwater plans and materials will need to be approved prior to final project approval. As identified within the General Permit, Fueling Stations are considered “hotspots” requiring specific measures as identified within the regulations. • A phasing plan must be included in the SWPPP if construction and/or demolition is going to be completed in a phased manner. Water and Sewer • Please provide pre and post development water and sewer flows for review. There are numerous downstream sections with the sanitary sewer collection system that are at and/or near capacity (see attached sewer map entitled “Mitchell St. Sewer Shed Existing Conditions). Increases in flow will need to be approved by the Town of Ithaca Engineering Department and the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Facility. An External Plumbing Permit will be required. • The Town of Ithaca has a 10’ sewer easement centered on the main. Cover shall not be reduced to less than 4.5’ over the sanitary sewer main. Grading, vegetation, and other obstructions that would impede access and maintenance to the main shall not be placed within our easement (refer to attached, “Town of Ithaca Utilities” map). • A storm water basin can not be installed within our easement. This would impede access and maintenance capabilities (refer to attached, “Town of Ithaca Utilities” map). • A portion of the water main is located within an easement that is referenced in the parcels deed. We are unable to locate the easement. This will need to be rectified. Cover shall not be reduced to less than 5’. An additional easement may be required if modification to the water services is required. COMMISSIONER Katherine Borgella DEPUTY COMMISSIONER M. Megan McDonald 121 E. Court St, Ithaca, N.Y. 14850 | Phone: (607) 274-5560 | tompkinscountyny.gov/planning Creating and implementing plans that position Tompkins County communities to thrive. February 10, 2023 Christine Balestra, Planner Town of Ithaca 215 North Tioga St. Ithaca, NY 14850 Re: Review Pursuant to §239 -l, -m and -n of New York State General Municipal Law Proposed Action: Sketch plan for proposed Mirabito Redevelopment located at 301 Pine Tree Road, Tax Parcel #62.-2-1.13, Cornell University, Owner; Brett Hughes, Applicant. Dear Ms. Balestra: This letter acknowledges your referral of the proposed action identified above for review by the Tompkins County Department of Planning and Sustainability pursuant to §239 -l, -m and -n of the New York State General Municipal Law. Thank you for the opportunity to review the plan early in the review process. If the proposal goes forward, we look forward to reviewing the preliminary and/or final site plans. In our review of the sketch plan we consulted the Tompkins County Highway Division and identified the following concerns: • The driveway on Pine Tree Road (County Road 120) is too close to the intersection and should be eliminated. The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials specifically states that “Driveways should not be situated within the functional boundary of at-grade intersections. This boundary would include the longitudinal limits of auxiliary lanes.” Drivers exiting and entering the gas station using the Pine Tree Road driveway may interfere with through traffic. • The two driveways on Ellis Hollow Road (County Road 110) lie within each other’s influence area. One should be removed. • The driveway proposed on Ellis Hollow Road should be relocated to align with the existing cross culvert. • The stormwater management area in the Northwest corner of the sketch plan is in close proximity to the fuel tanks and should be relocated. Possible contamination of the stormwater management area from an event associated with the fuel tanks could have broader water quality impacts downstream. • The sidewalk and accompanying crosswalk crossing the driveway on Ellis Hollow Road should be realigned to meet the existing pathway. • The sidewalk curb cut from the patio on to Ellis Hollow Road should be removed as there is not a crosswalk at this intersection. Sincerely, Katherine Borgella, AICP Commissioner of Planning and Sustainability 110 FAYETTE S TREET M ANLIUS, NEW Y ORK 13104 PH 315-682-5580 • FAX 315-682-5544 • EMAIL:MNAP@NAPCON.COM Project Narrative –Mirabito Energy Products Re-Development Location: 301 Pine Tree Road Ithaca, NY 14850 Parcel Size ±1.6 acres (Proposed, contingent on subdivision approval) Owner: Mirabito Energy Products PO Box 5306 The Metro Center – 49 Court Street Binghamton, NY 13902 Attn: Brett Hughes Contacts: Project Site Engineer Napierala Consulting, (315) 682-5580 Project Narrative: Mirabito Energy Products (Mirabito) is proposing to demolish their existing building and re-develop the site. This site will include a +/- 6,600 square foot building for a new Mirabito convenience store with fuel canopy and carwash, along with an adjoining fast-food restaurant with drive-thru. The existing site is within the Town of Ithaca’s Vehicle Fuel and Repair (VFR) zone and Community Commercial (CC) zone. Additionally, Mirabito is proposing a subdivision/consolidation into Parcel 1 and Parcel 2. The proposed Parcel 1 will be split-zoned with the western portion remaining VFR and the eastern portion retained as Community Commercial (CC). All aspects of the proposed convenience store, fueling station, and fuel storage area will be entirely kept within the VFR zoned portion of the parcel. Similarly, all aspects of the proposed fast-food restaurant with drive-thru will be entirely kept within the CC zoned portion of the parcel. The convenience store with gasoline sales will require a Special Permit. The fast-food restaurant with drive-thru will require a Special Permit. Parcel 2 will be owned by Cornell and be left undeveloped at this time. Along with the building construction, the site changes include additional parking and circulation patterns while retaining the existing full access driveways on Pine Tree Road and Ellis Hollow Road and cross access to the shopping plaza to the north. Additional improvements include a new sidewalk along the property frontage, a patio seating area, improved landscaping, and site lighting. Given that Mirabito and a fast-food restaurant are currently operating on this site, the proposed project will have negligible impact on traffic and trip generation. Stormwater management will be designed to meet the current standards by NYSDEC and discharge from the site similar to existing conditions. Public utilities including sewer, water, electric, natural gas currently serve the parcel and no new services are being proposed. The chart on the following page outlines the preliminary construction schedule. Mirabito Energy Products Re-Development 301 Pine Tree Road, Ithaca, NY 14850 Preliminary Project Schedule ID Task Name Duration Start Finish 1 Town Approvals 180 days 01/2023 06/2023 2 Construction Documents 90 days 06/2023 09/2023 3 Bid/Contract Award 20 days 09/2023 10/2023 4 Mobilization 1 day 10/2023 10/2023 5 Site Work 30 days 10/2023 11/2023 6 Foundation/Utilities 30 days 11/2023 12/2023 7 Bldg Shell/Exterior Finishes 90 days 01/2024 04/2024 8 Fine Grading/Paving 5 days 05/2024 05/2024 9 Landscaping/Site Amenities 5 days 05/2024 05/2024 10 Substantial Completion 1 day 05/2024 05/2024 11 Certificate of Occupancy/Inspection 1 day 05/2024 05/2024 12 Final Completion 1 day 06/2024 06/2024 EVEVEVEVPROJECT NO. DATE SCALE SHEET MATTHEW R. NAPIERALA, P.E. NYS REGISTRATION # 068733 PLAN SEAL BY: PREPARED BY: COPYRIGHT C 2022 NO.REVISION/ISSUE SHEET TITLE: DATE PREPARED FOR: PROJECT TITLE: 110 FAYETTE STREET MANLIUS, NEW YORK 13104 email: MNAP@NAPCON.COM PH: (315) 682-5580 FAX: (315) 682-5544 N A P I E R A L A C O N S U L T I N G PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER, P.C. SITE DESIGN ENGINEERING IT IS A VIOLATION OF LAW FOR ANY PERSON, UNLESS ACTING UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A LICENSED ARCHITECT, PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, OR LAND SURVEYOR TO ALTER ANY ITEM ON THIS DOCUMENT IN ANY WAY. ANY LICENSEE WHO ALTERS THIS DOCUMENT IS REQUIRED BY LAW TO AFFIX HIS OR HER SEAL AND THE NOTATION "ALTERED BY" FOLLOWED BY HIS OR HER SIGNATURE AND SPECIFIC DESCRIPTION OF THE ALTERATIONS. NAPIERALA CONSULTING PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER, PC MIRABITO ENERGY TOWN OF ITHACA TOMPKINS COUNTY, NY MIRABITO ENERGY PRODUCTS THE METRO CENTER - 49 COURT STREET P.O. BOX 5306 BINGHAMTON, NY 13902 CONCEPTUAL LAYOUT PLAN 20-1890 3 NOV 2022 1" = 30' SK-19 PRELIM INARYFOR CONCEPT REV IEW ONLY PROJECT NO. DATE SCALE SHEET MATTHEW R. NAPIERALA, P.E. NYS REGISTRATION # 068733 PLAN SEAL BY: PREPARED BY: COPYRIGHT C 2022 NO.REVISION/ISSUE SHEET TITLE: DATE PREPARED FOR: PROJECT TITLE: 110 FAYETTE STREET MANLIUS, NEW YORK 13104 email: MNAP@NAPCON.COM PH: (315) 682-5580 FAX: (315) 682-5544 N A P I E R A L A C O N S U L T I N G PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER, P.C. SITE DESIGN ENGINEERING IT IS A VIOLATION OF LAW FOR ANY PERSON, UNLESS ACTING UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A LICENSED ARCHITECT, PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, OR LAND SURVEYOR TO ALTER ANY ITEM ON THIS DOCUMENT IN ANY WAY. ANY LICENSEE WHO ALTERS THIS DOCUMENT IS REQUIRED BY LAW TO AFFIX HIS OR HER SEAL AND THE NOTATION "ALTERED BY" FOLLOWED BY HIS OR HER SIGNATURE AND SPECIFIC DESCRIPTION OF THE ALTERATIONS. NAPIERALA CONSULTING PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER, PC MIRABITO ENERGY TOWN OF ITHACA TOMPKINS COUNTY, NY MIRABITO ENERGY PRODUCTS THE METRO CENTER - 49 COURT STREET P.O. BOX 5306 BINGHAMTON, NY 13902 SUBDIVISION SKETCH PLAN 20-1890 23 NOV 2022 1" = 30' SD-1 PRELIM INARYFOR CONCEPT REV IEW ONLY