HomeMy WebLinkAboutConservation Board Accomplishments 2022 Conserva?on Board Accomplishments for 2022 The Conserva?on Board is Town of Ithaca resident volunteer efforts towards the preserva?on and protec?on of the Town’s natural and scenic resources. The Board acts in an advisory capacity to the other Town Boards on environmental ma?ers. In fulfilling the purpose of the Conserva?on Board, the members have accomplished the following during 2022. th The 19 annual Richard B. Fischer Environmental Conserva?on Award was presented to Finger Lakes ReUse. A tree plan?ng ceremony in Tareyton Park was held where 4 Bur Oaks were planted in their honor. The Environmental Review Commi?ee reviewed 15 applica?ons for site plan or subdivision approval to determine possible adverse environmental impacts and provided comments on the proposed projects. The board provided support to the Town’s Deer Management Program. You can find more informa?on about the Deer Management Recommenda?ons here. The Conserva?on Board has a Facebook page which is updated and monitored on a regular basis with informa?on about events of interest along with topics of environmental interest. Conserva?on Board Facebook page A public invasive species educa?on event at East Shore Park was held in June, along with partners Community Science Ins?tute (CSI) and the Cayuga Lake Watershed Network to raise public awareness about invasive species threatening the region. The event was part of NY state’s Invasive Species Awareness Week. The board con?nues to monitor and clean the bluebird boxes along Town trails, including hos?ng a public bluebird housewarming walk in March in the East Ithaca Nature Preserve. The Conserva?on Board brochure and the Scenic Views map and guide were updated and an online version of the top 10 scenic views tour was created providing a guide to visi?ng the sites. h?ps://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1Pq7NDSHmVl2TIUqBn qof260rZ8oKf1U&usp=sharing A review of the proposed changes to the Town’s solar energy system law was done and feedback provided for poten?al addi?ons and changes. A public tree plan?ng event was held at the East Ithaca Nature Preserve in October where 75 na?ve trees were planted. The Conserva?on Board members helped in plan?ng and provided a table with educa?onal materials on invasive and na?ve plants. Several members attended the East Hill Farmers Market twice over the summer to recruit new board members and to distribute educational material. One full member and one associate member were recruited to the board in 2022. st The Conservation Board meets the 1 Thursday of the month at 5:30p.m. Meetings are held in the Aurora Conference Room of Town Hall. Please see the Town Meeting Calendar Meeting calendar for the most up to date meeting dates and documents. The public is invited to attend. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Conservation Board, please contact the Planning Department at planning@town.ithaca.ny.us or (607) 273- 1747.