HomeMy WebLinkAboutShort Environmental Assessment form- proposed local Law J Discharge Firearms and Dangerous Weapons.PDF617,20 $ta te n "",r.,11l?il1jt1",,,, Review $HOITT HhIVIRONMENTAT ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLI$TfrD ACTTONS 0nty PART r " PBOJECT INFORMATT0N l"o be eted licant or P1, APPTICANTISPONSOR Village of Cayuga lleights 2. PROJECT NAMC Proposed l-ocal Law "J" Discharge Firear-rn.slDangeruus Weapons3. PROJECT LOCAT,ON: \ri llage of Clayu ga Ileights 4 'RECISE LocATroN ($trset address and r.ad intersections. prominent lardmarks, .,". "**t t-. ,"r)'l'he l,ocal Law would apply to the entire,VillaEe PROPOSED ACTION IS: 6- DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIf;FLY: Amendment to fhe village Afiicles to provide aclditional detail to the cun.ent Article l, section 2 and add an exception for actionstaken in connection with the Village,s rJeer mailagement program. AMOUNT OF LAND AFFECTED: l.1l .sq, mi]cs , acres W|tLpRoPoSEDAcTIoNcoM|trLYW|THEX|ST,NGzoN,NGoRoTHEREX|ST|NGm ffi ves [ *o tf No, describe briefly I Agriculture fl parr/ForesUOpen Space ffi Otner WHATIS PRESENT LAND USE fi{ vtctNtTy oF PROJEcT? fl Resioential f] lndustrial f, "orr*r",r,Descii6t: Multiple-housing district i'?E?$fI'3+;iy3h"rsff:$,|TAPPRoVAL'oRFUND|NG,NoWoRULTl|\,|ATE fJ v". H *o tf yes, ,ist agency(s) name and permiuapprovats: DOESANYASPECT OF THE I\CTION HAVE A CURRENTLYVALID PERMIT OR APfril; LJ Yes l{l No lf Yes, tist agency(s) name and permi{/approvats: AS A RISULT OF FROFOSE} ACTION V\{LL HXIS'TING PERMII]APPRCVAL Rr$UIRE r.!4ODJFiCATICN?I I yes l/l No TRUE TO THE BEST OF My KNO\r,/LEDGE Date:12-21-lI I CERTIFY-THA'T THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE ISApplicanusponsor nam;offiSe of Cayugfrl leights $$rd of Tru.stees lf tFre action Is in the coaslar Area,,and you are.a state qggncy, comprete;;. 9ge*"1fr1 +g'iep"mslt rorni Fdiore p'roceeuing ilir,]t rnrs asse$sm€nt ffi*ffi ssandusetheFullEAF [-]v". 171 uol_-l *- l:-l - wLLAcT|oNREcE|VEcqoT'?||.iA]F?.*::l5*f":R,PART617.6?|fN0.anegativelliitli.ii"lr"f;iupe rseueo bv a nothe r invc'lved as encv f tr*&]Y C5. Growth, subsequent developtnent' or related 4...",f t'i il sru c6-Longterm,shortterm,cumulative,orotheleltectsnotidentifiedinCltCS?Exp|ainb|iefly: . .,&t,f bd iltug CT.otheri|npacts(inc|udlngchangesinuseofeitherquantityortypeofenergy)?Exp|ainbrieflyl !":tf":# leted bY Lea{ A or cultural resources; or community 9r neighborhood character? Explain briefly: habitats, or threatened or endangererl species? Explain briefly a change in use or intensity of use of land or other natural resources? Explain briefly: activities likely to be induced by the proposed action? Explairr briefly: t;t:: _ E i;r. "^ _ ."" rs may be handwvitten, if lesibls) 66iGnFror'l REsuLr lN ANY ADvERSE EFFEcrs I c1. Existins air quaritv, surace or sro:rng:v,3lls::11ly* ilil**li:.*o*u' **o'*silnit putt*tn' solid waste production or disposal' il8il*,:,iiij,i*','dn. oiuin" ii, i,. nood ing: probte rns ? Hx pi ain briefl vi t.c**€. C2. Aesthetic, agricultulal' archaeological' historic' or other natural f.r n frltlla"' C3. vegetation oi fauna, tish' shellfish or rviljlife species' signilicant S*tr"6 C4. A commurrity's existing plans or goals as officially adopted' or ffi:fji:[5:?1}ffi,f'iJ.""''"il5:ff.$J#il.??'"i'l';:ffiHJlil:?'ff;JT["Ji:i:::ji:ila]'*,ilJj';""n.uu"n effectshou|dbeassessedinconnectionrpitnitstiiseiting(i.eurban.or.,*uri',inrp'"Linitityordccurring;(c)durationi(d)'irleversibi|ity;(e) ::$3ffilH:l[;,i#-ix[ii:LlX?,,IJ:ffiffiil;.ti#$:[u*"*#:"4;:'n*::ti'::::niT:?fini''*]'i::il:yes,thedetermnatonorseni'""'"=Tr*",:#T$trlWi"-ii'iili{ii:fi"=','i'l***'#::ffi::"#::'ffJi;*1Hff1 lvt''lo \/ wLL rHE pRoJEcr nnve nn rr,,rFncr oN rHE eruurnffiil'iliiliriln*ociERrsi[;mT cAUSED THE ESTABL'SHMENT oF A cRlrrLau rruvrnoltuerurnl AREA (cEA)? I t.* E *o lf Yes' exnlain brieflY: E. rs THERE, on ,s *,r*ufffiY ro Bi corurnovfriliEGreo ro porErr][ nwe RSE ENVIRONMENTAL lMPAcrS? I--l Yes l7l no lf Yes' explain br elly: tl ede-termtnaltonotstgttt"""':,::'.:"j":."'""*:.-'..,; ,- ..."- * lllililtfgAVoccur.Thenprc@eddirec.ytotheFU check this box if you nave ioeniin.d on* o, more potentiaily ;;r .ig",f".nt adverse impacts which MAY occur' Ther g,qF anOlorprepire a positivedeclalation -r-^...*^h*ari-n in*rfienrrrru:sedacticnw r:.ffiffi:*;J;;;;r*,**. based onlheinforffalion and 'narvsis ab6!e sndanvsupporr,ng d*:T::11r:":. jnartfte p'c'posed acticn ,,ror fesu,t rn any s;gnincanr acv*iue,lnoiron*u,riur in,pr.t*"atin Brouii*, on attachmenis uu'i"""rJury' the reasons cupporting this de:ermr' l2-21-i I Mayor Kristiu 8,. 0utenberger, Esq' ;*