HomeMy WebLinkAboutFire Department Annual Report 2004.PDFTAYq-$ffiA F€ffigGFgT=S FgKffi ffiffiFARKMH,T{T ANNUALREPORT 2004 C AYUGA f{ EI Gr{TS F {RE DE,PARTfu{ EIVT i94 Ftreasant Grove Road Xthaca, hlY 14850 (607) 2s7 -2377 The following is the Annual Report of the Cayuga Heights Fire Department for 2004. The members of the Cayuga Heights Fire Department had a greatyear in 2aa4. we ran442 calls for the year. There *"nZql calls in the village, 155 calls in the Town of Ithacaand we responded mutual ard 37 times. There *"r"107 emergency medical calls, l0motor vehicle crashes and 225 fire calls. We were busy all y.*-totr! and our memberswere there for every call. The national standard for volunte"i nt"nghl"rs to respond to acall is 6 minutes; n2004 we had a2S mtnute response average. WJ average 3.3 minutesfrom response to on scene and we averaged I2.4 members per call. The niembers of thecayuga Heights Fire_ Department spent 2700 man hours on calls n 2004. These are*ytg averages. No other volunteer fire deparhnent comes close to our response time T{ -"*uers per call. our neighbors count on the Cayuga Heights Fire Deparnrnent astheir primary mutual aid department. Last year the Dryd-en FirJ Depanmeni asked ourdepartment to be the FAST team for the Town of Dryden Departments west of the villageof Dryden' We were also placed on first alarm for structure fres in tne viffage of Varna.w1 are very proud that our neighbors have recognized the dedication *a froi"rrionalismof our firefighters. There were several.calls of note this past year. In March we responded for a call with aman happed in the ice at Bebe Lake. we responded and found a man with his leg trapped lnder sev-eral large blocks of broken ice. our firefighters d"d;y;Jil;b"g, and freedthe man from the ice. on March 12th we respondedio the fire uith. Rose Inn? Lansing.our members responded with our Ladder zit arta-*fo*, to help fight the fire and acrew responded with Engine 2a3 to alsist with water supply. w" *eie atlthe flue forseven hours working constantly. In mid May we *"r" r"qi.sted to provide a FAST teamto respond to a fire in Varna. Route 13 provid to be a busy stretch of road for us in2004.We responded to several motor vehicle crashes on our stietch of road. Thankfully noneof the accidents were too serious. lrainiry has again dominated our focus for the year. We had two recruit classes n2004.one class in the spring and one class in the fali. we started the classes with 2g recruits March 17,2005 Mayor Walter Lynn and the Board of Trustees for the Village of Cayuga Heights ,, f{ E[,F P REVE]VT F IRES" for the year and ended up with 22 active members' These 22 mentbers attended all the recruit classes as well as the required state trainings in the past year' These firefighters are dedicated to the mission of the fire deparment and are very active in responses and bainings. Three of the spring 2004 recmits are now bunkers and have become interior firefighters, EMTs and apparatus operators. Our training officers have put together some ""tV iy"*ic training this past year. The goal of our training officers *-T !o have one live burn at the taining center per month *d ttt"y have met that goal' We had at least one live fire evolution-and two in house trainings every month and reported no fraining injuries for the entire year of 2004. our list of training topics covered all aspects of the fire service from struciural firefighting, EMS, extrication, fire station and fesponse safety' as well as a multitude of other subjects. our frefighters and EMTs not only train at the station but take classes at the Fire Academy *O io other counties to increase their knowledge in the "hobby" they have chosen. Not only do we train as a department but we also train with our neighbors. We have done joint trainings this past year with the Lansing Fire DeParhnent. we have had many improvements e* the fre station. Last summer we had the Plymovent Exhaust system installed in the truck bays to remove the diesel exhaust from the station when the trucks are running. This system works very well' Les Goehner and his crew volunteered to paint the kiichen and radio room for us last summer and the project just continued through the year. This rnonth we will have the entire station repainted for the cost of the paint and some brushes. we had some problems with the furnace leaking last spring and resolveJtfr* p-Ut"- !l simply placinq a pipe from the furnace to the drain in the floor of the nrmace room. Utfo.tir"ui"t' when the_t*nace leaked it caused some damage to the tiles in the main hallway of the slatrgn^. we decided to replace these tiles and after a search of the station found some tiles left over from the construction of the station. These tiles were luckily replaced for the cost of the labor' It was decided last fall that after being in the station ior fbur years it wa9 time to do some decorating' Norma Manning and whitney Bernstein started our station beautification project last fall and come up with ,ornu u--ing concepts for the station with the help of Julie Ferris, a patt time village employee and local designer. The project for the station will be completed in eariy April 2005 in time for our 50 year anniversary' After much contemplation and long range planning last year we decided that it would be better to replace labder 237 rathet then continue to spend money repairing it every time it experienced mechanical difficulty, which seemed to be happening mo19-often then not' We put the truck out to bid and Emergency One came in with the low bid as well as the best trade in price for the c*rrent truclf We were very pleased with this because this was the truck that we l'elt most closely fit our needs. The truck is being built in Ocala Florida and will be delivered in mid April of 2005. If all things go as planned the new truck will be in service the second week of April. In 2004 we purchased and placed into service our thenftalimaging camera. This T'IC device allows us to efficiently and quickly search lage areas for victims lost in a f[re. It also a]tr+ws us to find the seat of a fire and hot areas and allows us to put f1res out faster and with less damage to property' we have trained extensively with this tool and it has proved valuable in training and actual fire ground oPerations. The fire council set the goal at the start of last year to rewrite the fue departmentStandard Operating Procedures. Some of or SOPs were unchanged since the 1970s. Inthe past year with many hard hours of work by Lt. Lisi and tt. putnam we rewrore someof our SoPs and drafted many others to update the way that we operate in the cayugaHeights Fire Department. These SoPs now make *,r"h more sense and give us a verypositive direction for our members. We now operate inside of a good set of proceduresthat every member has pad and is expected to follow. rn" om""ri;id;;;;arhnent seta list of goals for ourselves this year and worked hard to accomplish these projects. weupdated our medical records and have ensured all memberr rtu" "*"rrt prrv'ri""r, and alltheir shots are up do date. we have been-working very hard on member a"rr.top*"nt andare happy with the 1-tdtl: our aggressive trainlng progtu- has been working well fornew recruits but we identified that we were missinfsomE of the mid level training so wesuspended our recruitment this spring to develop tie members who have been in for lessthen two years. It has been working *.tt for us and morare is very high. We at the fire deparhent are dedicated to our mission of providit g u very high level offire and EMS protection to our community. The officer" *a firefighters of the cayugaHeights Fire Department are proud of our accomplishments over the past year and looktlt*a to improving our services in the coming year. we agunwould like to thank thevillage board for the slpport that you nave giv1us this past year. without the support ofthe village of cayuga Heights uod ttt Town of Ithaca o,n misrion *o.,l;l;;possible. Thaxft You. Geo Fire ComPanies: All Date Range: From 01/01/2004 to 1213112004 BoxlZone/ Code: All District: All Situation Found: All Exclude Mutual Aids: No Exclude ExPosures: No Cayuga Ileights Fire DePartment Incident Totals bY Time of DaY te: 01/09/2005 Time: 1:28 PM N N d =tr===o<rr<<<zuuui.r;.tt.: s€.: E EE5oi6< =E >;i t* ?FeE-ci.Y 6 o c= "AN E5 Fe 6E x ld lnrl z N F m 6t c) L o -()tr a oo 0)F oo h r\ q)o! e1.1 a) Fr €) q) li lf) (tI ra l- <<<zz ; e:€ !,.qEi'{iYXr;aEE EE,5T E>E,3 EE4"'2' ;H cr N ol <lr .9El EO Oa d hm L tr 0) *r >, q) 2L q) (, o L q)L rt) b0 0)tsF bo >. r\ Cayuga Heights Fire Department Companies: All Date Range: From 0l/01/2004 to 12/31/2004 Box/Zonel Code: AII District: All Situation Found: All Exclude Mutual Aids: No Exclude Exposures: No Incident Reponse performance Analysis Time: 1:30 PM