The items listed below, unless waived by the Planning Board, must be filed in the Office of the Town Planner or
Town Planner's designee, before an application for a final subdivision approval is deemed complete. These
materials shall be filed at least 30 calendar days prior to the Planning Board meeting at which preliminary
approval is requested.
1. Completed and signed Development Review Application.
2. Payment of review fees.
3. If required because not submitted with preliminary plat approval or substantial modifications
have occurred since preliminary plat approval, one fully completed and signed Short
Environmental Assessment Form, Part I(SEAF) or Long Environmental Assessment Form, Part
I(LEAF). (See Town Planner as to which to submit.)
4. Owner's Certificate: A certificate signed by the owner(s)to the effect that he/they own the land,
that he caused the land to be surveyed and divided, and that he makes the dedications indicated
on the plat.
5. Surveyor's Certificate: A certificate signed and sealed by a registered land surveyor to the effect
that (1) the plat represents a survey made by him, (2) the plat is a correct representation of all
exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the subdivision of it, (3) all monuments indicated
on the plat actually exist and their location, size and material are correctly shown, and (4) the
requirements of these regulations and New York State laws relating to subdividing and surveying
have been complied with.
6. Mortgagor's Certificate: A certificate signed and sealed by the mortgagor(s), if any, to the effect
that he consents to the plat and the dedications and restrictions shown on or referred to on the
7. Two copies of the County Health Department approval of the water supply and/or sewage
8. Four full size dark-line prints of the final plat and 25 reduced copies of all sheets of the final plat
(the reduced copies to be no larger than 11"by 17") with the following information:
Final Subdivision Plat Checklist 2
a. Highway and alley boundary or right-of-way lines, showing boundary, right-of-way
or easement width and any other information needed for locating such lines;purposes
of easements.
b. Highway center lines, showing angle of deflection, angles of intersection, radii,
lengths of tangents and arcs, and degree of curvature, with basis of curve data.
Lengths and distances shall be to the nearest one hundredth foot. Angles shall be to
the nearest half minute.
c. Highway names.
d. Location, name, and dimensions of each existing highway and alley and each utility,
drainage, or similar easement within, abutting, or in the immediate vicinity of the
proposed subdivision.
e. Exact boundary lines of the tract, indicated by a heavy line, giving the dimensions to
the nearest one hundredth foot, angles to the nearest one-half minute, and at least one
bearing; the traverse shall be balanced and closed with an error of closure not to
exceed one to two thousand; the type of closure shall be noted.
f. Location and description of all section line corners and government survey
monuments in or near the subdivision, to at least one of which the subdivision shall
be referenced by true courses and distances.
g. Location of property by legal description, including areas in acres or square feet.
Source of title, including deed record book and page numbers.
h. Name and address of all owners of the property and name and address of all persons
who have an interest in the property, such as easements or rights-of-way.
i. Name(s) and address (es) of the subdivider(s), if the subdivider(s) is (are)not the
j. Accurate locations and descriptions of all subdivision monuments.
k. Accurate outlines and descriptions of any areas to be dedicated or reserved for public
use ore acquisition, with the purposes indicated thereon; any areas to be reserved by
deed covenant for common uses of all property owners in the subdivision.
1. Building setback lines with dimensions.
M. Lot lines, fully dimensional, with lengths to the nearest one-hundredth foot and
angles or bearings to the nearest one-half minute.
Final Subdivision Plat Checklist 3
n. Width at building line of lots located on a curve or having non-parallel side lines,
when required by the Planning Board.
o. Names and addresses of owners of all parcels abutting the proposed subdivision.
p. Names of recorded subdivisions abutting the proposed subdivision.
q. The blocks are numbered consecutively throughout the subdivision and the lots are
numbered consecutively throughout each block.
r. Key map, when more than one sheet is required to present plat.
S. Vicinity map showing the general location of the property, l"=1000' or 1"=2000'.
t. Name of subdivision, which shall not duplicate the name of any other subdivision in
the county.
U. Name and seal of the registered land surveyor or engineer who prepared the
topographic information. Date of survey.
V. Name and seal of registered land surveyor who made the boundary survey. Date of
W. Name(s) and address (es) of the owner(s).
x. Map scale (1"=50' or 1"=100') in Bar Form and north point.
Y. Date of plat and any applicable revision dates.
Z. Name of town, county and state.
al. Border lines bounding the sheet, one inch from the left edge and one-half inch from
each of the other edges; all information, including all plat lines, lettering, signatures,
and seals, shall be within the border lines.
bl. Reference on the plat to any separate instruments, including restrictive covenants,
which directly affect the land in the subdivision.
c 1. One original or mylar copy of the plat to be recorded and three dark-line prints, on
one or more sheets.
9. Certification signed by the Chairman or other designated official or agent of the Planning Board
to the effect that the plat was given preliminary approval by the Planning Board.
Final Subdivision Plat Checklist 4
10. Where improvements are required for a proposed subdivision, the following documents shall be
submitted to the Planning Department.
Detailed construction plans and specifications for water lines, including locations an descriptions
of mains, valves, hydrants, appurtenances, etc.
Detailed construction plans, profiles, and specifications for sanitary sewers and storm drainage
facilities, including locations and descriptions of pipes, manholes, lift stations, and other
Highway paving plans and specifications.
The estimated cost of:
a. Grading and filling,
b. Culverts, swales and other storm drainage facilities,
C. Sanitary sewers,
d. Water lines, valves and fire hydrants,
e. Paving, curbs, gutters and sidewalks,
£ Any other improvements required by Town of Ithaca Subdivision Regulations.
The plan and profile of each proposed highway in the subdivision, with grade indicated, drawn to
a scale of 1"= 50' horizontal, and 1" = 5' vertical, on standard plan and profile sheets. Profiles
shall show accurately the profile of the highway or alley along the highway center line and
location of the sidewalks, if any.